My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 13, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Chapter Three

I woke up quite early on the Saturday morning. Jack was still fast asleep next to me and I lay and listened to his steady breathing, and thought about what we were going to do that day. He'd video-called me while he was sitting on the toilet the morning before, and after he'd done his big, ploppy dump we'd wanked together as we made our plans. Both of us had eaten a lot, and then in the evening while he was at work I'd got everything ready. In the bathroom I'd put a load of plastic bags and bin liners on the floor, and cleared away the shower gels and shampoos from the shower and replaced them with disinfectant and antibacterial soap. On the chair across my room were two pairs of tight, white boxer briefs; cheap ones that I'd bought specially. He'd been very horny when he arrived after work, and even before he'd gone up to change out of his uniform we'd ended up naked in the living room, 69ing until we came in each others' mouths. Now my dick got hard as I thought back on it, and on the prospect of the kinky, dirty sex to come. Then Jack stirred in his sleep, turned over and wriggled a bit closer. His lips sought out mine, all soft and warm, and his morning hard-on started to press into my tummy.

Two hours later, after we'd had breakfast, I started to need a shit. It came on slowly, like it does when I'm going to do a big solid one, and the feeling as my chute slowly filled up made my dick tingle. I farted a couple of times, and when I did he knelt down behind me with his face in my arse and pawed at his crotch as he sniffed.

'Ooh, you're smelly today,' he breathed. 'So nice. Do you really need a poo?'

'Yeah I'm starting to. How about you?'

'Yes ... I do. It's not too bad yet but it's really starting to come on. Feels like a big one too!'

He stood up and turned me round, and for a few moments we stood and looked each other up and down, hardly daring to believe what we were about to do together. He reached out and took my hands.

'Let's hold it,' he said. 'Let's wait until we're really desperate before we do it.'

'Okay, yeah. Mine feels like ... well, like the kind of dump I can hold in for a bit. What about yours?'

'Yes, me too. Feels like it's going to be such a big one though. All those vegetables we had yesterday ... ooh, I think I'm gonna fart.'

His face stiffened, like it did when he was pushing, and he let out a sharp little rasp. Then as his smell rose up around us he pulled me in closer and kissed me, and massaged my cock through my jeans. We settled back down on the sofa, kissing and touching and undressing each other slowly until we were naked apart from those tight white pants, crotches bulging out from our hard-ons. As the urge to shit grew stronger we got more and more excited, and we had to leave off wanking each other to stop ourselves cumming even before we'd done anything. My chute was full and painful, I was nearly turtle's-heading, my head was spinning and my heart felt as if it was going to burst through my chest as I realised that the moment had finally arrived.

'Oh Jack, I'm fucking desperate now,' I moaned. 'I really need a shit!'

He kissed me one more time, then drew back and watched as I stood up right in front of him, bent slightly forward with my hands on my knees and my arse sticking out. I was torn between the desperate, primal urge to take a dump and the learned instinct to run to the toilet and pull my pants down, and I squirmed and bobbed up and down in agony. My knees were shaking and my head spun, and in a brief lucid moment as I stood there in front of him I heard myself whimpering. Behind me Jack was panting and pawing at himself. Then the pressure inside me became unbearable. My shit was forcing my hole open, and there was nothing I could do about it.

'Oh!' I gasped as I passed the point of no return. 'Oh no! Oh it's coming out...'

I had shit in my crack, a big sticky lump between my cheeks, and then I lost control of it completely. My chute pushed hard, and I moaned in relief and ecstasy as I filled the seat of my pants. Hot shit packed my crack and slid out across my cheeks and down between my legs, all slimy and lumpy and amazingly nasty, and then the smell hit me. Pre-cum began to soak through from my throbbing cock as the flow slowed down and stopped. I still had more in me, but I could wait, and in the meantime Jack was panting and moaning behind me. Twisting round I saw his shocked expression as he took in what I'd just done, and then our eyes met and my heart started to thump again as he held my gaze for a second, and then stood up. Without a word he turned around and knelt back down on the sofa with his bottom well back. He knelt there for a few seconds, panting and wriggling his bum, the tight pants hugging his pert cheeks tightly. On impulse I reached out and touched him, ran my hand across his cheeks and up onto his back, and he looked around again.

'I'm gonna do it,' he whispered. 'I need a poo so bad!'

'Yeah!' I breathed back. 'Come on, take your shit now...'

He gulped and wriggled again, pursed his lips and made his cute pushy face and I felt him tense up. A little soft fart escaped him, and for a moment I could smell it until it was lost in my thick stink. Then he looked away and made his manly grunt, and the softest little sound came from his pants. A lump like a nipple appeared between his cheeks, grew slowly, paused, and then he gasped and grunted and his arse crackled loudly. A thick turd shot out of him and pushed the back of his pants into a tent, then bent downwards and collapsed into a swelling lump. The smell rolled out from him, thick and warm and madly horny, and another turd forced its way out and pushed his bulge down and out to the right across his bottom, and then to the left as well.

'Oh!' he gasped over the squelching sound. 'Oh my God!'

He looked around again, made his pushy face and farted into his shit. It was muffled and wet, and it gave way to another loud squelching sound as he did a lot more. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of me; my beautiful, clean-cut boyfriend was taking a big smelly dump in his pants! He was panting again, trembling all over with the adrenaline rush, whimpering as he pushed out the last of his load. Then as I held out my hand he took it and stood up unsteadily, and gave a little whimper as his brown pressed against his skin. I love that moment when I've just shat myself and I'm all shocked and excited and nearly cumming, and his face and his massive hard-on told me he was feeling the same. At that moment the turd I still had inside me slid down the chute and pressed hard against my hole.

'I've not finished,' I hissed. 'Another one's coming!'

'What?! Oh God Lew you've done loads already. Turn around...'

His hand brushed my side as I did so, and then he touched my arse, stroked it and fingered my bulge while my shit burst out and exploded across my arse. It was hot and mushy and I couldn't believe how much I did, and the sensation was so good it almost made me cum. When I was done I stood there, wriggling my hips slowly and moaning as the heavy mass pushed about on my bottom. He ran his hand up to my waistband and drew it out a little way. My pants were sticky as they pulled away from my skin, and he whistled admiringly as he saw the size of my pile. When he let go and my pants sprang back into place I straightened and turned him round, got him to bend over and did the same to him. He'd done a great block of lumpy, golden-brown shit, pressed to a peak where it had squashed between his cheeks, which were well covered in it. His smell came up at me like thick smoke.

I let his waistband go, ran my hand back down again and cupped his load in my hand. I began to push it lightly to and fro, side to side and up and down, and he first whimpered in his throat and then began to moan loudly.

'Oh ... ooh ... oh God...'

'Yeah!' I breathed. 'Such a big shit. Now, wiggle your arse for me ... yeah, like that. Feels good, doesn't it! Gonna sit in it for me? I wanna see you sit in it!'

'Ugh ... oh yes. But I feel like I could cum any second!'

'Aw no, don't do that. Not yet. Come on. Let's get upstairs.'

I love walking when I've shit myself, wiggling my hips and making it push about on my bottom. He followed close behind, sniffing eagerly at my vapour trail. We'd need to open some windows when we were done, I thought for a moment, because the smell in the house was really potent. But then I got to the stairs and the sensation of climbing them with a huge dump in my pants pushed everything else out of my mind. It smeared my bottom and pressed against the back of my balls and the sensitive area behind and made me gasp and moan, and I could hear that he was feeling the same. At the top I turned round to him. He was still rock hard and edging, the front of his pants was soaked in cum, and he let out a little moan as I took his hand and led him into the bathroom. The toilet lid was down, and next to it I'd put a stool I used to have in my room, both with plastic bags taped over them. He looked at them and gulped.

'You first,' he said. 'Show me how you do it.'

I caught sight of myself in the mirror as I stepped forwards, and twisted round to inspect my own arse. The bulge I'd made was huge and lumpy, with big splashes of brown moisture soaking through it. My heart raced and my throat tightened at the prospect of squashing this mess everywhere. I stood for a moment and wriggled my hips again to feel it pushing about. Then I stepped over to the toilet, stood over it and lowered myself down. As I bent my shit did wonderful things to my bottom and balls, and when it touched down on the hard plastic seat my dick jerked and let out a spurt. I held it there for a second and bounced gently up and down. I was rushing madly and suddenly very aware of the stink again. Next to me he was moving slowly, wriggling his hips and sighing in his throat, stroking tentatively at his cock and watching intently. He nodded again, as if to say 'go on, do it.' I took a deep breath and sat right down.

'Oh! Oh fuck! Oh!'

I actually cried out as my shit went everywhere, all over my bottom and up towards my waistband at the back, and a big lump shot forward and enveloped my balls and nearly made me cum. For a moment or two I lost control completely and squirmed about, squashing it everywhere and edging madly, and when another big lump of it tickled my balls it almost made me cum again. I forced myself to calm down and looked round at him.

'Oh Lew!' His voice was hoarse and breathy and his face more intense than I'd ever seen it. 'God, I've never seen you like ... did it feel good?'

'Oh fucking hell yes! Now .. your turn?'

He gulped again and nodded. I stood up, showing off the state of my bottom and the big brown stain on the seat, and moved aside for him to take my place. He reached out and took my hand, and I could feel him shaking and tense.

'Try not to cum,' I whispered to him. 'Now, sit down slowly...'

He hesitated, breathing hard, and then started to bend. His pants tightened and showed off his hefty, lumpy bulge, and the sensation as it pressed on him harder drew another little whimper from him. Just above the seat he stopped and hesitated again. Then he took a deep breath and sat down firmly.

'Ow! Oh fuck! Fuck!'

He let out a cry as he sat, wriggled for a moment and then tensed up hard and screwed his face up. He was right on the edge of cumming, and for a moment he had to sit still and compose himself, while his dick jerked and edged and soaked the front of his pants with cum. Finally he relaxed, let his breath out in a long sigh, and looked round.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Oh that feels so nice! Oh I'm such a mess. Ugh...'

'It's okay. We'll clean up afterwards. Just go with it. Now, slide back and forward a bit ... yeah, like that ... mmm!'

His shit squelched loudly as he began to move, and the sensations in his pants made him pant and edge again. I pulled the stool in a little closer and sat down on it facing him, and edged as my shit squished again. For a space we sat and writhed together, and then he reached out and took my hands, and his face broke into a sweet smile.

'Ooh ... fuck, I can't believe I'm sitting in my own poo!' he chuckled. 'You were right. It's ... oh it feels so fucking nice!'

'It's properly amazing, innit? Feels so naughty, but so fucking nice. Now, rock back and forwards a little ... yeah, like that...'

I began to slide gently back and forth with him and grunted and gasped as my hot, tacky pile massaged the back of my balls. He moved a bit harder and then stopped suddenly, screwing his face up and gasping. Once again he had to stop and draw back from the brink of cumming. I squeezed his hand tight, until he relaxed and smiled again.

'Mm, you stink!' I grinned at him. 'Gonna show me the damage?'

He nodded and stood up, and turned around to show me the crumpled, sticky brown ruins of his pants. His shit was all across his bottom and nearly up to his waistband at the back, and then when he sat back down he gasped and edged again. He got me to do the same, leaned forward and sniffed deeply at my smell, and then as I sat down again he fumbled his cock out of his pants with another load of pre-cum oozing from its end.

'Oh I'm gonna cum soon,' he sighed. 'You? Cum all over me while I'm sitting in my poo?'

We began to move again, sliding back and forth and from side to side. It was madly intense, squishing together in our own shit, edging and moaning out loud at the sensations it was giving us. We did it slowly at first, but then harder and harder, wanking frantically, and our moans turned into actual cries of ecstasy.

'Oh Lew ... oh I'm cumming! I'm cumming!'

'So I am ... oh ... oh fuck!'

His face contorted and his mouth fell open in a great gasp, and he came as hard as I'd ever seen him. And even as his spunk was still spurting from him I jumped up, leaned forward and shot all over him.

'Oh wow!' he sighed. 'That was fucking mad!'

'Phew, yeah!'

My spunk was spattered all across his chest and his tummy, trickling down towards his crotch. He looked down and took in his ruined pants and the big brown patch he was sitting in, and his beatific expression turned to one of faint disgust.

'Ugh ... such a mess.'

'It's okay. We'll clean up. I've got everything ready.'

He went and stood on one of the bin liners, facing away from me as he pulled down his pants. His bottom was brown all over, and he left big smears of it down his thighs.

'Mmm! Love your messy bottom! Wish I'd cum all over it!'

He looked round as if he was going to say something, but he was looking freaked out again and he just got on with cleaning himself up with the kitchen roll I'd put out. Quickly I opened the window to start dispersing the smell, turned on the shower and then pulled down my own pants. I'd made a terrible mess, and I had to use a lot of paper to get the worst of it off before I could join him in the shower, where he was busily washing himself down with disinfectant. I took the bottle from him, and got him to turn around and let me clean his bottom for him.

'You okay?' I asked.

'Yeah. Was a bit messy, but ... that was so hot! Can I clean you up now?'

He turned around and took the bottle back. His freaked-out look had gone and he was smiling happily again, and he massaged my bum with his lovely tender fingers as he soaped me down. When we'd done cleaning up we dressed again, made a pot off coffee and settled back in the living room.

'It still smells in here,' he grinned, wrinkling his nose up cutely. 'Oh well, at least you've opened the window. God, I can't believe we just did that!'

'Good, wasn't it?! But ... are you cool with it? You looked a bit freaked out afterwards.'

'Yeah I was, just for a moment after I'd cum, but you know I always lose the buzz when I've cum and yes I did like it. It was ... so intense sitting in it like that! I wanna do it again, and this time you can cum all over my pooey bottom! Shall we do it again tomorrow?!'

'Can do, yeah. But let's see what we feel like doing then, and let's eat plenty today too! I'm gonna do a chilli for dinner tonight, so shall we go into town and get some lunch?'

'Good idea! Yes, let's do that. But let's have another shower first. I love what we do, getting messy and that, but I like to feel properly clean afterwards!'

We lay in bed for a long time on the Sunday morning. We'd ended up having quite a bit to drink the night before and I had a slight hangover, and in any case we had nothing we needed to do that day. After an hour or so I went downstairs and made a cup of tea for both of us. He smiled his thanks as I put his on the bedside table and slid back into bed next to him, rolled over and snuggled up to me with his morning semi pressing into my tummy. I reached down and fondled it as it grew fully hard, as I did I felt a little pressure in my chute.

'Jack ... I'm gonna fart.'


He dived down under the covers, pushed my legs back and got his face into my arse for me to do a big trumpeting fart right into it. He breathed in deeply, then wriggled back up alongside me, running his tongue over my cock and all up my body as he did so.

'Phew that smells!' he said enthusiastically. 'Do you need a poo?'

'Nah, not yet. I probably will quite soon though, when we get up and have some breakfast. What about you?'

'Same, I expect. So what are we gonna do then? I'll poo my pants for you again if you wanna cum all over my bottom, like you said yesterday.'

'Can do. But ... well, the other thing is, I really wanna be your toilet.'

'What, you want me to do it on you, like you did to me that time?'

'Yup. I wanna lie on the floor and have you squat over me and give me one of your big smelly dumps, right on my chest.'

'Mmm, nice! Yes I'll do that, but what would you do? Hang on, how about if you poo your pants and sit in it on the floor, and then lie back and I'll come and squat across you...'

'Phwoar! Fucking hell Jack, that's ... mmm, yes, let's do that!'

It didn't happen like that in the end. We got up and made a pot of coffee and some toast, and only a few minutes later I started to need a shit. It came on really quickly, and soon I was clenched up tight and squirming as I held it in.

'Can't you hold it?' asked Jack, looking a bit disappointed. 'It'll be best if we go together. If we do something ... erm ... messy now I probably won't be in the mood when I need to go.'

'No, I can't. I'm pretty much turtle's-heading . Do you just wanna watch, then, and then shit on me later?'

'Ooh, yes! Okay then. Shall we...?'

'Yes. We'll have to, 'cos I'll shit myself if we don't!'

I led the way up to the bathroom, pulling my T-shirt off as we went. Whilst he stripped I spread a bag on the floor in front of the toilet, and then pulled down my pants. Maybe it was the psychological thing of being near the toilet, but I was starting to lose control and my shit was already starting to push its way through my clenched and aching arsehole. My cock was more than half hard, and as I turned around to him I saw he was the same. He was stroking it rhythmically.

'Hang on,' he said as I went to straddle the toilet. Do it kneeling for me? I'd love to see you do it on all fours.'

That sounded good to me. Quickly I nudged the bag into the middle of the room with my foot and knelt down over it. Behind me he dropped to his knees, with his face only a foot from my arse as I lifted it up a little, and fumbled frantically between my legs to position the bag right under my hole. I was losing control completely now and my load was coming out no matter how hard I tried to hold it.

'Ooh! You're desperate aren't you,' he breathed. 'I can see it! Do it now...'

'Yeah ... oh! Oh fuck!'

My shit came out in a rush and the relief made me gasp. I watched between my legs as a lump dropped onto the bag, and another, and then a big log. He began to sniff and pant, and then the smell hit me too. It was really strong and rank, and it got thicker as my shit got looser. Three more slimy turds fell onto my pile, and as the last one slid out of me I let out a big wet fart.

'Ooh! Oh Lew that stinks!'

Through my legs I saw him lean in closer, until his face was right near my shit. He was wanking hard, really getting off on my nasty hangover dump. Then I felt more sliding down the chute.

'I've not finished,' I gabbled. 'It's coming!'

He leaned back a bit and watched with wide eyes as I let out another bubbly fart and then a stream of mushy turds, like cow-shit. They built up into a big, slimy pile underneath me, settling down and spreading out as more landed on top of it. When I was finally empty my hole felt all sticky as I pushed it in and out. He leaned in again. He'd always said he liked my shit, but this was the first time he'd got his face right into it like this, and I could see and hear from his wanking and sniffing and moaning that it was driving him wild, just as it had done for me so many times when I was wanking alone, and just as his own did when he'd done it in his hand those times he'd told me about. The sight of him getting off on it like this gave me a tremendous buzz too, and quickly I turned around and knelt over him, giving my own hard-on some attention. He bent down even further, so that his nose was almost touching it and the hotness and stink were right in his face, and his moans turned to little high-pitched gasps as he wanked frantically. Then suddenly he jerked upright with his face contorting, and howled as he came all over it.

'Oh! Oh fuck I'm gonna cum too!' I yelped.

Quickly he leaned forward again with his mouth wide open, and swallowed all my cum as I fired it down his throat.

It wasn't until that afternoon that he made my dream come true. By then we'd had some lunch and been into town, and sat talking quietly in the corner of a coffee shop. He wanted more, he said. That morning's session had blown his mind, and his head was full of ideas about what we might do together in future. We started trading fantasies, turning one another on again as he told me how he wanked over the thought of shitting in a guy's mouth, and I related the fantasy I'd often had of being made to hold my load until I lost control and dirtied my pants in front of other people. I was just starting to relate how I'd played with my own dirty arsehole a few times, and how I liked the thought of being fucked straight after I'd taken a shit, when I saw his expression stiffen a bit and my tummy did a backflip. He leaned a little closer.

'Shall we go back?' he said softly. 'I need the loo.'

The journey home seemed to happen in slow motion. The bus was busy again and we couldn't really talk, and instead we sat and exchanged knowing looks, holding hands discreetly. I heard someone nearby say something about 'those gay lads there,' and it probably looked to them and everyone else as if we were going home for a shag. Little did they know! As the bus pulled away from a stop I glanced at Jack, who was starting to look uncomfortable. My heart pounded again, and I felt myself growing a semi. I was going to be his toilet, and the prospect of it was just awesome. Finally we reached our stop, and we got off quickly and scuttled up the street. Back at my house he pushed me back against the hallway wall and kissed me hard.

'I need a poo,' he breathed. 'You still want it? Want me to do it on you?'

'Yes! I wanna be your toilet Jack. Make me your toilet. I want your shit!'

'Okay. Feels like it's going to be pretty big.'

'Are you desperate?'

'No, not yet. I can wait.'

So we took our coats and shoes off and went up to my room. In there we lay on my bed, and kissed and touched and undressed one another slowly, just like before we were going to have sex. But this was so much more intense. The anticipation was like nothing I'd ever felt! My body felt as if it was tingling all over and whenever he touched my rock-hard cock it bobbed up and down and made me moan, and then I rolled him on his front and kissed all down his back and his arse, and got my nose right into his crack. I even licked his tight little hole, although I knew that right behind it his chute was full and soon he'd be squatting across me and giving me its filthy, wonderful contents. Then he pulled me back up to kiss his neck, rolled on top of me, and started kissing me, all wet and tonguey like when we were about to fuck, with his cock thrusting into my tummy.

'Are you ready? I really need a poo now.'

He took my hand and led me through to the bathroom. I felt dazed and weak, and my head was whirling. The floor felt cold and hard as I lay down on it, spread-eagled with my head resting on a towel. I lay there and looked up at him, pretty much worshipping him as he stood over me with his big cock sticking out. Then he stepped over me, turning to face my feet, and I stared amazed at his perfect arse as he squatted down and his cheeks parted, and his tight hole hung about eight or nine inches over my chest. I reached up and touched him again.

'Do it slowly...' I whispered. 'I wanna feel every moment of this.'

'Okay. I'll try.'

I stroked his arse for a moment longer. The silence was total apart from our breathing. He shuffled position a couple of times, getting comfortable, and then I lay there pinned between his legs with my dick bobbing up and down as I waited for his shit.

'Lew ... I'm gonna do it now.'

I drew my hand away from him and lay still, and then he grunted. That sound was so soft, but so deep and masculine. Above me his arse relaxed, and his hole started to pucker out. Slowly the pink ring opened up, and through it poked the tip of his turd. It paused, and then he grunted and it came out a little further. It was that beautiful golden brown colour again, jutting from him like a little plug. The smell started to tickle my nose, just faint yet but crazily erotic. Then he pushed again, and it started to come out. It was thick and cracked, with a few little dark flecks embedded in it, and his hole stretched and squeezed around its lumps as it slid steadily through with the faintest of slimy crackling noises. Slowly the thick tube extended down from him, until it paused with its end hanging just above my skin. I could feel its hotness and the smell blasted into my face with full force. I felt myself tensing up in anticipation as a crack started to open up across it just below his flaring hole. Then it snapped off and dropped.

'Oh!' I yelped.

The sensation as his turd landed, stood for a split second and then fell backwards with its broken end on my neck was the most intense thing I'd ever felt. It was heavy and tacky and hot, and wonderfully disgusting. He reached his hand down and stroked my thigh and balls, and above me the broken end curled slightly back towards my face as more came out. I edged madly as he grew another brown tail. This one started to grow thinner and smoother and his hole slowly narrowed as it came, until it suddenly speeded up and the end of it slid cleanly out. It dropped heavily next to the first, toppled the other way and fell across my nipple.

'Oh God...' I groaned.


'Yes! Yes! Gimme your shit, Jack. I want your shit! Ooh! Oh no don't or I'll cum!'

I batted his hand frantically away from my dick. Instead he shuffled slightly and grunted again, and then his hole flared out as he pushed. He did another thick, smooth turd that nearly touched down before it dropped from him and added to the pile on my chest. By now I'd almost lost control. Beautiful Jack was shitting on me, making me his toilet, and I'd submitted to him utterly. The feel of his shit and his awesome smell were driving me crazy, and I knew I was going to cum as hard as I ever had before. My eyes darted between the logs he'd done and his arse, his hole now just a little dirty as it puckered out and squeezed in again. He was panting again, nearly as hard as I was, and a little bit of hot sticky pre-cum dripped onto me as we edged together.

'Uh ... uh.'

His hole flared, pinched up and puckered out, and he let out a couple of little hissing farts. Then it flared again and another turd nosed its way through and started to descend on me. It was sinuous but still firm, like a brown snake that curled fluidly out of his bottom with a glorious slimy sound. A few inches pulled away from it and dropped, and then another that curled to the right and left a little smear on the inside of his cheek.

'Oh...' I moaned. 'Oh that feels so nice ... smells so fucking good!'

The end of it curled out of him and dropped. His hole was a bit dirtier now.

'Nearly finished,' he breathed. 'Ooh ... uh!'

The end of his shit went on for ages. Four or five times he strained and pushed out a little curl or lump. I just lay and took it, lost in the sensation of being his toilet and amazed by how much he'd done and how good it felt. When he was finally done he levered himself upright, turned around and knelt back down over me, eyes widening as he took in what he'd done to me.

'Cum all over me Jack ... cum all over your shit...'

He began to wank. As he did so he reached down with his other hand and began to stroke my dick as well, and straight away I began to cum. He wanked me harder, looking straight into my eyes as he did it. And then his panting grew louder and harsher, and I began to moan and writhe uncontrollably, and then we both came together. At the last moment he pulled my dick up so I fired all over his unwiped bottom, and his own face contorted and his mouth fell open in a great howl as he spunked all over me.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 4

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