My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 7, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

Chapter Two

For a while after that we went off scat for a bit. It wasn't that we were disgusted with what we'd done together, but both of us seemed to feel somehow sated; as if we'd done it once and didn't need to do it again. Because we both lived with our families chances didn't come up all that often, and we didn't try to create them. It was only a few weeks later, when we were out in town together one afternoon, that we even started talking about it again. Jack had gone for a piss, leaving me alone with our coffees. I glanced up as the toilet door opened and some tall, athletic straight lad came out. Jack rejoined me a couple of minutes later, with the edges of a grin playing across his face.

'See that guy?' he said quietly as he sat back down, looking all furtive. 'He's just been for a poo. It really smells in there!'

'Yeah?' I said, suddenly faintly excited. 'Is it nice?!'

'Yes! It's got me thinking. We ought to ... you know, sometime again.'

'Oh, do you want to? I'd kind of thought you'd gone off it a bit. You've not seemed like you wanna talk about it since ... it happened.'

'I did, kind of. It felt a bit ... too dirty, too nasty for me. But then ... well, it comes back doesn't it. I go off it for a few weeks sometimes but then I start thinking about it and well, I really wanna do it again now.'

'Cool! But ... erm, well that last time you said something about doing more another time, but we never got to talking about it. I mean, you know what I like ... what I've done and all that, but how about you? Have you ever ... you know ... on your own?'

His face flushed a bit and he looked down and fiddled with his cup, and nodded.

'Yeah. I have.'

He glanced round and as the barista came by clearing up cups, waited until she was out of earshot and then took a deep breath.

'Well, my horniest fantasy is that I've always wanted to be some fit guy's toilet.'

'Seriously?! What, actually eating?!'

'No. well, not ... I do kind of get off thinking about that but I don't reckon I could ever really do it. But ... I wanna get pooed on. It always gets me hard, thinking about lying there with some guy squatting over me. And I ... um, I sometimes poo in my hand. Like, when I suggested I sit backwards that time, I do that on my own sometimes, and then do it in my hand, hold it up and sniff at it and cum all over it.'

'Cor! Fuck, I'd love to see you do that, or...'

'Do it for me? Squat over me and give me it? Mmm, that'd be so hot! And ... I've pooed my pants a couple of times. So messy, but it's such a buzz.'

'Ha ha, have you done that too?! Yeah, it really is, isn't it. You ever sat in it?'

'No. I mean ... I want to, but every time I get so horny I cum before I do it. Some day I'll do it...'

He looked around suddenly as a couple came and sat at a nearby table, turned back to me and lowered his voice.

'So, are we going to? Maybe if you come over one day on your way into uni, or even better if you don't have any classes... if it's a day when my mum's working we'll have all day, and even if she's just out for the morning we can watch, at least...'

'Ooh, yes, let's do that! Anyway, I'd better go. Got a lecture in half an hour.'

One day a few weeks later Jack stood over me as I sat on the toilet. It was the fourth or fifth time that we'd done it. Up to now we'd only had time for one of us to sit on the toilet whilst the other wanked, getting it done quickly before his mum came home, but on that day his parents were both working and the house was ours until Ashley, his brother, finished college, and I had no classes at uni. He was horny and thought he was going to need a shit soon, and mine was already pushing hard at my back door when I arrived, so we hastened straight to the bathroom. Now I was sitting well forward to show off the action as I took a huge dump. I 'd been holding it in for an hour and the relief and pleasure as I let go made me gasp. Water splashed up on my bottom as my thick log broke off and dropped.

'Plop! ... ploop, ploop ... plump ...plop!'

'Ooh!' breathed Jack. 'That's a big one!

He was frowning intently, looking down into the bowl and wanking as he watched. He sniffed deeply at the smell rising up from me and milked his cock harder, and I twisted round and grinned up at him as another turd slid ecstatically down the chute.


'Ooh!' He wanked a bit harder. 'Oh that smells so good Lew!'

'Yeah! Feels so nice too. You gonna wipe my arse for me when I'm done as well? Ooh ... oh another one's coming...'

When I was done I stood up and shuffled forward a bit, bent well over with my arse out and cheeks parted. I fucking loved having him wipe my bum for me. It just left so intimate, and usually afterwards we'd tumble into his bedroom and suck and wank each other until we cried out and came. This time we didn't, though. He was just starting to need a shit too, and instead we snogged our way out of the bathroom and into his room together, and lay down on his bed together, teasing and touching one another, and tension rose as the pressure mounted inside him. When he whispered that he thought he was going to fart I rolled him on his front and pulled his pants down, and held my face close to his slightly parted cheeks.

He didn't fart very often and he used to wear such a coy, naughty look as he did it. When he needed a shit like this his farts really smelled, and I whimpered with desire as he puffed his hot gas in my face. All of a sudden I was so horny I couldn't stop myself. I didn't just want to watch my beautiful boyfriend take a shit: I wanted to feel it, take it straight from his gorgeous bottom. I reached in and stroked his arse, and he lifted up his hips so that his cheeks parted. He let out a long moan as I slipped my fingers into his crack and began to finger his tight little hole, until he farted again, right onto my fingers. His face was flushed and his eyes were half-closed and he was rock hard. I pressed lightly on his hole and made him whimper softly, and sniffed appreciatively at his smell.

'Oh Lew ...oh I really need a poo now.' he breathed.

'Mmm, good. So ... will you do it in my hands?'

He levered himself upright and knelt over me. I'd never seen him look so intense, and he leaned down and kissed me hard. Then he pulled me upright and off the bed, and we tumbled across to the bathroom. At the door he stopped and snogged me hard again, and then all at once we were kneeling down together, him facing away from me with his arse sticking out. I reached in and lifted him up a bit higher, fingered his hole again and made him moan. For a moment I couldn't believe what was about to happen, but then he moaned again that he needed to let go, I drew my hands reluctantly away from him and cupped them under his bottom. From deep in his throat came his grunt, and then a long low sigh as he eased himself. His arse relaxed and his pink hole flared out a little, and then wider as a turtle's head peeped from it. It paused for a second or two, and then came forward again with a soft slimy hiss.

He gave me his shit slowly, grunting and sighing as he curled out a thick, smooth snake. My heart raced and my hands shook as it bent downwards. Then it touched down on my skin, and curled slowly around on my palms, and for the first time I felt his shit. It was hot and heavy and slimy, so nasty but so crazily sexy, and glancing down I saw my dick throbbing as beautiful Jack emptied his bowels into my hands. Suddenly his log snapped and the end dropped onto my fingers, and another one came out on top of it. His smell rose up and blasted into my head like a hit of poppers, and another end fell into my hands as he pinched his hole shut. His cock twitched as he pushed out another one, and a sticky white drip fell from its end.

'Oh...' he moaned. 'Feels so good...'

'Yeah! Oh it's awesome Jack! Have you got more? Yeah? Come on, finish your shit now ... gimme your shit!'

He grunted and strained in reply, farted sharply, and then more came out of him, and still more. The sense of intimacy as he did this to me was unbelievable, and he put his head down and moaned as he finished his big smelly shit into my hands. Finally he was done, and he shuffled forward and turned round, his eyes wide and his dick bobbing up and down. So was mine. I had to cum but my hands were full and there was nothing I could do about it, until he reached in and closed his soft fingers around my shaft.

'Make me cum Jack ... cum all over your shit...'

He began to wank me harder, fumbling as he tried to keep his arm clear of his shit. But it didn't matter. I was moaning out loud, and then all of a sudden I was cumming. I just couldn't stop myself. It burst through my body like a tidal wave, and then I screamed out loud as I came harder than I ever had in my life, all over the floor and all over him, and the heavy, cooling pile he'd given me. My vision went blurry and my head swam, and I could barely take in what was happening as he drew back and grabbed his own cock, from which spunk was already oozing. He tugged frantically at it, and then his head went back and his mouth fell open, and he cried out loud as he shot all over me.

Our interest in scat cooled again for a bit after that. Once again we seemed both to have the feeling that we'd done enough, maybe even gone a bit too far, and per and for a week or two we didn't talk about it. He seemed to feel it more than I did, and the one time I made some passing comment about what we'd done he looked all awkward and changed the subject quickly. He didn't go for a shit when I was around either. As for me, I went off it a bit too and for a few days I didn't think about it, but then one afternoon at uni when I really needed a shit I ended up going into the toilets right behind this cocky young stoner lad called Danny who I'd always fancied. There were only three cubicles and the far one was out of order, but I got that tight feeling in my throat when I saw Danny going into the nearest. He didn't look round as he shut the door, so he didn't see who it was who went into the middle one. Quickly I pulled down my pants, listening to the jingle of Danny's belt as he undid it, and then he lowered his jeans and we both sat down together. My shit pushed hard at my back door, but I clenched up to hold it and leaned towards the partition. Danny was pissing, long and splashy. I thought he was maybe just having a sit-down wee, especially when he went quiet afterwards. Still listening intently I relaxed, and stifled an ecstatic grunt as I let my shit out. My log was quite solid that day and it felt awesome as it slid through my hole. The plops were pretty loud and I got a splashed bottom again. I was already starting to get hard, and the sensation and then the smell gave me a proper semi. And then Danny farted next to me, and grunted softly. His plops were loud and slow and regular, as if he was letting out a big log. Then I felt another turd coming, and for a few seconds the two of us were dumping our loads together. Afterwards I sat and waited for him to wipe, but he seemed to be playing something on his phone and he sat for ages, and I had another class to get to. As I wiped my bum I heard him doing some more, and tried to think of something else to stop myself getting hard again, really wishing that he'd wipe his bum and leave me in peace so that I could go into the cubicle after him and probably have a wank sitting on his warm toilet seat and inhaling his smell. I'd have loved to smell handsome Danny's shit, I thought regretfully; but then as I washed my hands in the basin right next to his cubicle I found that I could. In my own cubicle my own smell had masked it, but out here his thick, dirty reek was very noticeable. It must have absolutely stank in the cubicle, I thought as I washed my hands. Late that night I had a wank over the image of fit Danny on the toilet. I always felt guilty when I wanked thinking of a guy other than Jack, and that got me back to thinking about him. Some day, I hoped that his interest would return.

The following Saturday morning we went shopping together in town. I've always hated shopping for clothes but Jack loved it, and he made me wait for ages in Topman as he tried on one shirt after another. The blue one he eventually chose showed off his lithe body perfectly though, so it wasn't all bad. Then, when we were in the next shop and he was trying on shoes, I started to need a shit. It came on quite slowly, like it always does when I'm going to do a firm one, and I was enjoying the dull pressure in my chute when he made up his mind and went to the counter to pay. I hadn't been for more than 24 hours, I mused, and I'd had a big dinner the night before. I clenched up a little to stop myself farting. He came back over, clutching his shopping bag and smiling cheerfully.

'Sorry, that took a bit longer than I thought,' he said as we got outside. 'What shall we do now? It's ... what, eleven o'clock. Fancy a coffee?'

'Erm ... yeah, can do. Somewhere with a decent toilet though, cos I'm starting to need a shit!'

'Oh.' He looked round at me, with an odd, slightly quizzical expression. 'Do you need to go now?'

'Erm ... no, I'm not desperate,' I said, sensing interest and hoping it meant what I thought it might. 'I can hang on a bit.'

'Could you wait til we get home?'

'Yeah probably. But does this mean...? Um, you mean you wanna...?'

'Yeah I do. It's ... like I said last time, it comes back, doesn't it. I really wanna see you poo again!'

Oh wow! Cool! Yes, I wanna do that. Can we go back to yours?'

'Yup. Mum and Dad won't be back from London until late and Ashley's staying at his girlfriend's. Come on, let's go!'

The bus out of town was busy and we couldn't talk. Instead we sat together with our legs touching, exchanging excited glances, both wondering what we were going to end up doing in the next few minutes. He was frowning again; that cutely intense look he made when he was turned on. I was starting to nurse a semi, and the bumping and jerking of the bus made the pressure in my arse stronger. I wriggled uncomfortably and tried not to fart until we got to our stop. He glanced down at his crotch as he stood up, as if worried he might have an obvious hard-on, and then we were off the bus and hurrying up the street to his place. My shit pushed hard at my arsehole and for a moment I winced as I clenched up.

'Ooh, you really need a poo, don't you?' he mouthed. 'Mmm!'

Back at his house we scurried up to his bedroom. My need to shit had subsided a bit, and we lay down on his bed, touching and teasing one another. Slowly he stripped me naked and ran his soft hands all over my body, wanked my stiff cock for a space, then turned me on my front and massaged my arse, whispering as he did how horny it was to be playing with me like this when I was full and desperate to poo. A couple of little, squeaky, need-a-shit farts escaped me, and he leaned down and sniffed. Then he pulled me upright, thrust his tongue in my mouth, drew back and looked at me with wide eyes.

'I want you to do it on me Lew. Will you?'

'If that's what you want,' I whispered back. 'Yes, I'll do that ... but are you sure? You really want me to? Actually shit on you?'

'Yes.' He nodded and squeezed my hand hard in his. 'You know I get off on it. I wanna lie under you while you go, and you do it on my chest. Please...'

I looked him up and down. All of a sudden I wasn't sure about it either. He was so beautiful; so clean-cut and handsome, and defiling his pert body with my shit felt somehow wrong. Yet his cock was standing up straight and he was practically begging me to do it to him, and I realised that even though I'd feel guilty I wanted to do it all the same. My heart was racing and my mouth was dry, and my full chute was sending me the 'time to go to the toilet' signal. He leaned in and kissed me again.

'Please Lew,' he whispered. 'I know I get a bit freaked out after we do things, but it comes back. It always does. I get so hard imagining you shitting on me and I want it so badly now.'

'Okay ... I really need the toilet though.'

He scrambled off me and pulled me upright, and half-dragged me through to the bathroom. My legs felt soft and my head was spinning, and I could hardly take in what was happening as he kissed me passionately, drew away and lay down on the floor.

'Come on,' he whispered. 'Squat over me.'

I stepped forward and straddled him, and then slowly squatted down. In front and below me his long, shapely legs extended out, when I looked down I could see his cock twitching and throbbing, and behind me he was breathing hard. He reached up and fondled my bottom with his soft fingers. The moment seemed to go on forever as I squatted with my chute full and my dick so hard it hurt, and underneath me he moaned and stroked his cock and begged me for my shit. It started to move inside me, sliding down the chute and pushing at the back door so hard that the pressure became unbearable. He gave a little squeak and a whimper as it forced my hole open and my turtle's head peeped out.

'Oh...' I sighed. 'Oh Jack I've gotta let it go. Here it comes!'

My head blew apart as I started to shit. It was thick and lumpy, the relief and the sensation as it slid out was unbelievable, and the crackle and squelching and little gassy farts seemed deafeningly loud. Jack's body convulsed and he cried out loud as the first lump landed, and then he let out a long moan. Looking down between my legs I saw two chunky lumps between his nipples and a thick, dark-brown column extending down towards them. Jack's eyes were wide as he watched it. Then it broke off suddenly and fell, landed on his chest and toppled backwards with the snapped end pointing at his chin. I was still shitting, grunting with pleasure as my turd tapered off and a long, curved cone dropped onto him.

'Oh...' he moaned. 'Oh God...'

His dick was going crazy, jerking around and dribbling pre-cum all over his tummy even though he wasn't touching it, and his whole body was writhing slowly. All of a sudden I was conscious of my own smell, thick and nasty and hanging around us like fog. He took a long, deep sniff and moaned again.

'Okay?' I asked huskily. 'I've not finished. More...?'

'Oh yes! It's so good ... gimme your shit Lew ... oh God ... Ugh...'

He groaned as I farted on him, and then the big sludgy turd I was holding in started to curl from me, all gassy and squelching and really smelly. One lump after another fell away from me and dropped, and a big pile built up between his nipples. Underneath me he was writhing and moaning uncontrollably, and then as I finished his hand went to his throbbing cock.

'Oh!' he cried suddenly. 'Oh God I'm gonna cum ... gonna cum! Ooh!'

His back arched and his whole body jerked convulsively, and then his dick exploded and he screamed. Spunk shot out from underneath me and spattered all over the floor behind him, and all over his face and chest. Slowly I stood up and turned around and looked down on him. He was staring intently at the spunk-splattered pile on his chest, and then he looked up at me with a beatific smile spreading across his face.

'Cum all over me Lew,' he whispered.

Quickly I knelt down again and started to wank, looking down on the wonderful, horrible sight of my boyfriend lying there with his chest covered in my shit. My own stink gassed me. Then my own orgasm burst through me, and my vision went blurry as I cried out and shot all over him. As my eyes refocused I looked back down at him, now looking with a faint sense of disgust at the reeking pile on his chest.

'Okay?' I asked again. 'Let me clean you up...'

I scooped the shit off him quickly with some toilet paper and dropped it into the toilet, and then we got into the shower to wash each other down. Every time we'd cleaned up after a session before it had felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable, as if we were both trying to deal with what we'd just done. Not this time: instead it felt fantastically intimate as I washed his beautiful body down with disinfectant and then soap, and he pushed me back against the wall and kissed me with water seeping in through the join of our lips.

'That was amazing,' he said softly as I towelled him down. 'I thought it would feel good, but having you actually do it on me was something else!'

'Really? I kind of thought it'd be ... too much.'

'Yes, I thought it might too. I thought I'd feel dirty afterwards, but ... I dunno, I just feel kind of contented. Don't think I've ever cum that hard in my life! I wanna do more!'

Three days later we waited for my sister to go out, and then as soon as we'd heard her start her car and drive off down the street we scuttled through to the bathroom. It was mid-afternoon and we only had an hour before my parents got home, but we were so horny there was no way we were going to let the opportunity pass us by. Jack hadn't been for a dump since the previous morning, and for the last couple of hours he'd been looking more and more uncomfortable as we sat in my room watching a film. Now he stood in front of the toilet and undid his belt quickly, and flashed his pale, slender arse at me as he let his jeans and pants fall. As I did the same he sat down. I loved the sight of him on the toilet, with his pants round his ankles and his top riding up his back as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, in the classic position of a lad having a shit. He shuffled forward a little on the seat so I could look down into the bowl behind him. Then he gave his little grunt and made his stiff little pushing face, and from underneath him came a little squeaky fart and then a soft slimy crackle. Slowly a thick brown column extended from him, with deep cracks opening up across it as it curled downwards. Then it broke and dropped into the bowl with a deep, resonant 'plomp,' and then another, and a weighty 'ploop-plop.' Water splashed up in bright droplets on his bottom, and the air grew thick with his smell.

'Ooh Jack, that's a big one! Can I see it?'

He twisted round, nodded and grinned at me, and then half-stood so I could look down into the toilet. He'd done two long, cracked logs, which floated side by side in the bowl with another couple of chunky lumps. Then he sat down hastily, hole flaring, farted and curled out another one.

'Ploop .. plop, plop ... plop.'

I stood and stared in awe at my boyfriend doing his most private business, sitting bare-bottomed with the beautiful curves of his back and legs and arse on display, and his sultry, madly horny smell hanging around us. My dick was going crazy and I had to leave off wanking so I didn't cum too soon. He looked around at me again, with a smile playing across his lips, and his hand went to his cock.

'So...' he said quietly. 'What are we gonna do next weekend, then? It's Friday evening your mum and dad and sister go away, isn't it?'

'Yup, a week on Friday, and they're not back til the Monday morning. Two whole days...'

'Mmm, yes, and let's eat loads so we both need to poo a lot! Ooh... uh...'

He broke off, made his pushing face and plop-plopped lightly again, and then grinned sexily.

'I know what I wanna do,' he said. 'Shall we both poo our pants?'

'Cor! You wanna do that?'

'Ooh, yes! We can wait til we're both desperate, and ... such a hot thought, doing it together. Shall we...?'

'Yeah, definitely. You gonna sit in it, y'know, like I do? Such a feeling as you sit down in it!'

'God yes, I wanna do that so badly. I'll try not to cum too soon!' He smiled coyly. 'Anyway, I've finished. Do you wanna wipe my bottom for me...?'

He handed me the toilet roll, and then as I tore off a few sheets and folded them he lifted himself off the seat and bent over to part his cheeks and show off his bumhole, with just little traces of shit visible around it. He flared it out as I drew the paper across it, saying softly as I did it how much he loved having his bum wiped for him. He was quite clean again, and even the first sheets came away with just a lightish brown streak. I folded it and wiped him again and again, and he began to grunt excitedly. When I was finally done he straightened up with his dick like a ramrod, and we both turned and wanked, until we both yelped out together and spunked all over his shit in the toilet.

Twenty minutes later my parents got home. All that evening, until he went home after dinner, we kept exchanging little furtive grins, remembering happily what we'd done together that afternoon and looking forward to two days together to make some of our kinkiest fantasies come true!

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 3

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