My Boyfriends Back

By Cub Flash

Published on Sep 11, 2023


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"Luis?" said an unfamiliar voice.

"In here, babe," said Luis, without skipping a beat in his brutal assault on my throat. I did really start to gag then, I was in a panic not knowing what was going on. I was kneeling in front of Luis, who had his back to the entrance way, who the hell was in the hotel room?

"That bar sucked," said the newcomer.

"Sorry," said Luis, "it's the only one I knew of around here. Drink a lot?"

"Ready to burst."

"Come on over." I head the stranger approach, the sound of a zipper, and then in one smooth movement Luis pulled his dick from my mouth, inserted this new guy's dick in my mouth, and then swung himself around behind me so he was kneeling and holding me tightly from behind. He massaged my shoulders for a moment and then whispered in my ear, "Bry, this is Sven. He's the love of my life. He's going to fill you up with piss now." And then Luis held my throat and the back of my head gently but firmly on Sven's cock while it let forth a fast and very warm stream of piss down my throat.

I should say that I'd never swallowed anyone's piss before, or ever done anything watersports-related. Luis had dropped some hints that he was interested in it while we were together, but I could never decide how I felt about it so I always changed the subject. Now, I had plenty of time to think about it since Sven had apparently had very much indeed to drink and was taking his sweet time emptying his bladder into my helpless throat. The first thing I realized was that Luis's hand on my throat felt strong and comforting. He knew exactly how to handle me so that I felt safe and completely sure of what he wanted from me. I also liked feeling his chest pressed into my back, it was like he was spooning me. Then I turned my attention to the dick that was emptying itself into me, for what felt like minutes on end. I focused on the pubes that were inches from my nose, which were blond and thick. I let my eyes travel up the strong torso, which was toned but not chiseled. The happy trail spread into a fan of chest hair that highlighted the man's very large nipples. The face was handsome. Even from below, I recognized him from his photos. As I looked up at him, his stream finally began to subside and he started to laugh, a relaxed, happy, full sound that gathered momentum as he emptied the last drops into my mouth. "Damn, babe," said, "you were right! Total fucking faggot."

Luis laughed too, gave me a big kiss on the cheek, and helped me stand up. At this point I was feeling perhaps the deepest confusion of a very, very confusing night, but realized I had absolutely no opportunities left to leave this situation with dignity. I was at a loss. With nothing to go on but instinct, I turned and put my arms around Luis like a lost child.

He laughed again, but without malice. "Oh, Bryan," he said, "come here. Come to papa." He enveloped me in his arms and held me there. "Hey Sven," I heard him say, "why don't you hang out by the bed and get yourself hard again?" Then, to me, he said, "Hey, I know this is weird for you." He kissed me. "But you're doing so good. Really, Bryan, you're doing such a good job." Against all logic, his words pleased me. I hugged him tighter and felt him caress me. "Hey, tell you what," he said. "I was gonna fuck you first, but let's have Sven fuck you while you lay in my arms. Wouldn't you like that? I'll take such good care of you. You can look at me the whole time and I'll give you lots of kisses."

What the hell had become of my life? Who was I? I had no idea, all I knew was that I wanted to be with Luis. So I nodded my head. "Good faggot!" he said. I knew you could do it. Here, let's get you ready."

Luis led me over to the bed, and Sven was decent enough to stay back in the shadows, probably sensing how freaked out I was. Luis lay down on the bed on his back. "Get on all fours and show Sven that pretty hole of yours," he said. I involuntarily moaned, the moan that Luis used to call my "purr." "Good boy," he said as he spread his arms wide and pulled me into him. "Such a good boy." He began to make out with me, tenderly, then stopped briefly to say, "put your ass out like a good fag," and then went back to kissing me. I moaned, loud, into his mouth as I felt Sven's tongue on my hole. No doubt about it, Sven ate a good ass. His tongue felt like it must have been about 5 inches long as he swirled it around my hairy hole and then began fucking me with it. In case you couldn't tell, I'm a total bottom, and his attentions were driving me crazy. I could feel Luis smiling as we made out. As good as Sven was making me feel, I still wanted Luis to know that I was focused on him and making him happy. I couldn't think of how to communicate this with my body, especially since my senseless moans were coming from his boyfriend tongue-fucking me and I worried that might send the wrong message. So I broke the kiss for a moment and brought my mouth to Luis's ear. "You're my favorite person," I whispered. Then, more quietly, stupidly hoping that Sven wouldn't hear, I whispered, "I love you so much." Sven spanked me hard, Luis laughed, and then he started kissing me again. After a moment he said, "You're such a sweet boy, Bry. Sven's going to fuck you now, so just hold on to dad, ok?"

What else could I do? I wrapped my arms around the man I loved while I prepared to let a man I'd barely seen fuck me with a cock that had recently flooded me with piss. I had no idea how big he'd be fully hard. While I loved Luis's cock, it was fairly average in length, just a bit on the thick side. He'd been the last person to fuck me, and that had been over a year ago. Now what had I gotten myself into?

Sven put some lube on my hole, and I felt his cockhead press against me. Of course I couldn't tell the size just by feel, but it certainly seemed to be on the larger size. In any case I didn't have much time to think about it because soon it was inside me and then I was sure it was big. Mushroom-level big. I heard Sven say "one," and I looked at Luis inquisitively. He just winked at me and kissed me. "Two," said Sven, as more of his cock entered me. Sven put a hand on each of my hips, which felt oddly comforting. He pushed more inside me. "Three." "Four, five, six, seven," he said rather quickly, as I felt my ass become impaled deeper and deeper and Luis began to laugh as we kissed. Finally he broke the kiss and said, "He likes to count the inches."

"Eight," Sven said, and I paled at the realization that he was still pushing into me. "Nine."

Luis reached back and spread my cheeks apart. "Go for it, babe!" he said, as Sven gave one last push and exclaimed, "Ten!" I had not been a virgin for a long time, but Sven had now reached parts of my body that had never been fucked, and I never thought would be fucked. He gave me about two seconds to adjust, and then began to pull out, while Luis (still spreading my ass for his boyfriend) whispered, "Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, twoÉ." And then Sven thrust inside me again. I had lost all capacity to speak and began moaning like a bitch.

Apparently satisfied that his boyfriend's dick was firmly planted in my hole, Luis leaned back and tucked an arm behind his head. He looked at me lovingly as I moaned, clearly relishing the way I was being used. After enjoying the show for a bit, he pulled my face into his armpit and began rubbing my back as Sven continued to fuck me. Luis turned his face to my ear as I took deep breaths of his pits once again.

"I want to tell you more about the night I met Sven," he said. "Isn't he hot? I fell for him as soon as I saw him." The pleasure in Luis's voice was evident. Vaguely, I wondered how much of this was true, and realized that the likeliest explanation was that he was accurately relating the night he'd met Sven, and had simply lied when he said it had happened a few months ago. He'd always been creative with time in that way. "We talked for hours that night. Then we sucked each other's cocks. We were having a great time, but it got kind of awkward because we both wanted to fuck each other, but it turns out we're both tops. We didn't think it would work, but we really liked each other, so we kept hanging out. I fell in love with him, Bryan. He's the most amazing guy I've ever met. But the sex was hard Ð we stuck to oral, which was fun, but it started to get old. I suggested opening the relationship, but he said he's the jealous kind and he didn't want me with other guys. So then I told him about you. I showed him pictures and told him how much you love getting fucked. I played those recordings I made of you moaning for me. And suddenly everything changed. We still just did oral, but we'd talk about you while we did it and it made everything so much hotter. He's been so excited to meet you and fuck you. Do you like his cock, Bryan?"

All I could do was moan in response.

"He's stretching you out for me, isn't he? Tell me you like it, Bryan. Tell me how good his cock is."

I looked into his eyes and found the strength to say. "I love Sven's cock, Luis." And that did it for Sven, who plunged into me one more time and exploded, filling me with wave after wave of cum.

We were a moaning, sweating, heaving mess as I collapsed against Luis and Sven held my hips, waiting for the aftershocks of his orgasm to subside. Luis rubbed my back while he grinned at Sven. Finally Sven finished cumming in me and pulled out with a satisfied groan. He stepped away from the bed and opened the mini fridge to get some water. I looked at Luis and mouthed, "what now?"

"Now it's my turn, faggot," he said happily. "Didn't think you were getting off that easy, did you?" He kissed me and said, "lay on your back with your legs hanging over this side and your head hanging over the other side. Close your eyes." I did as he said, obviously. For maybe 30 seconds I lay there, listening to the sounds of them moving around the room, not knowing exactly what was going on since neither of them said anything. Then, at the same moment I felt Sven's cock enter my mouth as Luis's entered my ass.

Even with my eyes closed, I knew without a doubt that it was Luis who was fucking me. I told you I've always loved his cock, and I meant it. Sven's cock had hit exciting spots for me, but Luis's was the perfect fit, and I loved the familiar feeling of his foreskin cushioning his dick as it pumped inside me. This was heaven.

Then I started to come to terms with the fact that Sven's cock was in my mouth for the second time that evening, semi-hard this time. I'd always wanted to be spitroasted like this but had never had the chance. I could see why it was so popular. The feeling of objectification was intense as I focused on the rhythm that Luis and Sven were building together, wordlessly figuring out how to make my body work best for them. I felt them try thrusting inside me at the same time, but that didn't seem to do it for them. For a minute or two they each just found their own rhythm, Sven fucking my throat with quick, short strokes while Luis used deeper, slower ones. I sensed a frustration between them and worried that this wasn't going as they'd planned. Finally Luis said, "pinch his nipples, babe, he likes that," which Sven immediately did, and I indeed did like very much, as evidenced by my renewed moaning. "Fuck yeah," said Luis. "You can pinch the right one harder than the left one." This was true, and soon I was in hog heaven once again. Somehow our bodies seemed to sync with each other, and soon Luis and Sven were alternating their strokes so that as Luis plunged into my ass, Sven pulled out of my throat, and vice versa. They both felt incredibly powerful, and I let myself settle into the echoed rocking of their bodies in and out of mine. I couldn't see their faces at this point, but they seemed to be communicating just by staring at each other, as soon they both increased their pace in perfect harmony. Soon, Sven dumped a second, slightly smaller load inside me as Luis repeated, "Fuck yeah, babe, fill that bitch up!"

Sven pulled out, but Luis obviously hadn't cum yet and was still fucking me. Sven seemed at a loss for what to do until Luis said, "I want to try a different angle. Hold him up for me, babe." It's hard to describe how Sven did this, but I felt him put one knee on each side of my body as he slid into a kneeling position on the bed. He pulled me up by my armpits so that my back was resting against his chest, then managed to rotate all three of us so that he was leaning against the headboard, I was leaning back against him, and Luis was pinning my legs back and fucking my ass mercilessly. Sven's body felt good, but I was really in awe of Luis. I looked up at him, his handsome face contorted and sweating as he fucked in and out of my hole, realizing this must have been his first fuck in months. I thought again about how lucky I was that it was me he was fucking. I reached up and caressed his chest, trying to show him with my touch how much I still worshipped him. Sven was holding me firmly in place so that my body was positioned for Luis's maximum pleasure, and I could see that he was getting close to cumming. His facial expressions gave it away Ð he was just seconds away now, and I wrapped my hands around his back to show him how much I loved him. He leaned down, and I reached my face up for his kiss, as he leaned right past me and began to kiss Sven passionately. In shock, I watched the love of my life kiss his new boyfriend just inches from my face. They were both great kissers. Luis's beard looked sexy against Sven's paler face, especially since he was clean shaven. I could even see their tongues mingling between their lips. Luis's fucking got even harder, and I felt his tell-tale one-two-three final thrusts before he sank into me and started to cum. He didn't break his kiss with Sven the whole time.

In fact, even after I felt his orgasm slow and finish, they kept on kissing. When they started, my primary emotion was raging jealousy, which was quickly replaced by intense horniness as I watched them. As the minutes went by, even though I hadn't cum yet, I started to lose concentration on their kissing and began to wonder what I was doing there. They'd been kissing now for quite some time, and were still completely engrossed in each other. Sure, it was hot seeing how into each other they were, but at some point I felt likeÉyou realize your dick is still in my ass, right? Like, I'm still here, pinned between you and your boyfriend in your postcoital bliss and it would be kind of nice if I could at least get an orgasm out of this completely bonkers evening you've just subjected me to? No? You're just gonna keep making out with each otherÉokÉ.

Just as the feeling of being ignored started to get truly weird, to the point where I was about to try and extricate myself and just leave them on the bed so I could get out of there and pretend none of this had ever happened, Luis and Sven started to shift positions. They didn't say anything or even stop kissing, they just each took hold of my body and somehow, expertly repositioned the three of us so that I was laying on my back and they were on either side of me, their lips joined above my head. Luis's dick did slip out of my ass, which made me sad, but I focused on the fact that I was still pinned between their bodies. In fact, a new, strange sense of comfort started to envelop me as I felt their hands begin to explore my body while they kissed. They both had large hands and I'm a fairly slim guy, so having them both stroking my chest and torso as I lay there felt wonderfully relaxing.

When Luis and I were together, he almost always came before I did when we had sex. But I never minded, largely because afterwards he would lay next to me and stroke me just like this, kissing me tenderly while I jacked myself off. I loved feeling the warmth radiate from his body, the way his breathing slowed as he relaxed after his orgasm. He was always so soothing in those moments, I felt completely protected by the strength and heat of his body. I always shot a huge load, and we'd continue to make out for minutes afterwards.

So now in this moment, it was like I had that on both sides of me, except that the experience was flipped because Luis was kissing someone else, yet I had two sets of hands on me. Just like before, I felt the warmth and satisfaction coming from their bodies in their post-nut bliss. But the safety I'd felt before when it was just Luis and I Ð that was different. I could feel that the safety was there, but it was about Luis and Sven. It was like by kissing, they were reassuring each other that they loved each other and would always be there for each other. It was beautiful, but it was just something I was watching and was not included in.

At some point each of them grabbed one of my nipples and pinched. I was stroking myself vigorously now and just basking in the feeling of their joy in each other. As I looked up at them, finally Luis broke the kiss and looked into Sven's eyes. "I love you, babe," he said. "I love you more than anything in the world." Then he looked down at me and said, "You look like such a faggot right now, Bryan." At which point I involuntarily moaned and then immediately shot my biggest load in weeks. They were kissing again as I came, and never gave any sign that they noticed me.

I lay there with the cum on my chest and just let the endorphins wash over me. Luis and Sven kissed for a while longer, then eventually settled down on either side of me, their arms wrapped around me. We all drifted off to sleep.

I must have woken up a few hours later because it was still dark. As my body regained consciousness I felt the memories of the evening flood back to me and I tried to remain calm. On the one hand, there was my handsome Luis laying next to me, just as I'd dreamed about, but on the other hand, his boyfriend was laying on my other side. I was able to convince myself not to panic, but as I lay there and listened to their breathing I realized I really did need to leave. As sexy and confusing as the night had been, I knew that when the sun rose it was just going to be confusing and awkward to be laying there in a heap with them. As gently as I could I untangled myself from them, got dressed, and headed for the door. On my way out I heard someone moving from the bed, and just before I reached the door I felt someone slip their hand into mine. I knew before I turned around that it was Luis.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked?.

"I-" I couldn't begin to think of how to answer him.

"It's ok," he said. "You don't have to say anything." A streetlight cast just enough light through the window that I could see the outlines and contours of his body and face. It struck me again how perfect he was in my eyes, how he'd always be my favorite man in the world.

"You made us both feel really good tonight, Bryan." He kissed my forehead. "And Sven wants to get to know you more. Can we talk tomorrow?" I was at a loss for words.

"Don't say anything now," he said. "Don't worry. I'll call you. We'll talk soon." He squeezed my hand. I think I nodded slightly. "Get home safe," he said.

I turned around and walked out the door, feeling his eyes on me the whole time.

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