My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Apr 19, 2013


Happy Reading!

My boyfriend the sex demon

Chapter 8


PHOENIX AND I were on our way home after the movie. As usual my boyfriend was prattling and for the first time since we began dating I wasn't listening. My mind was elsewhere. And Jimmy was the subject of my distraction. I was worried about the guy because he didn't look so good when he left.

Also because all through our schooling years and a long time after that, Jimmy and I had been looking out for each other. Whenever one of us got sick, the other would be close by doing something to help. Now that he was sick, I was compelled to be there for him. At least for old time sake but I wasn't sure I could this time. He has a girlfriend now and I'm sure she's taking good care of him.

`Hon, are you listening to me?' Phoenix said shaking my thigh. Shit! I completely fazed him out.

`Huh! Yeah, I'm listening.'

`No you were not. Don't you lie to me,' he said scornfully.

`Sorry hon, my mind was elsewhere,' I apologized.

We remained quiet before Phoenix said. `You were thinking of your friend, weren't you?'

I took my gaze from the road for a second and glanced at him. He was a bit flustered. Knowing Phoenix well, I'll say he was a little bit jealous of Jimmy. I've got eyes. I saw the way he reacted to Jimmy in the restaurant. What I don't get was why. They were getting along fine before we arrived there.

`Yes. I can't help it. Jimmy is my best friend and I'm the only family he has in this place. His parents moved to Africa five years ago and they aren't coming back anytime soon.'

Phoenix seemed to think about it for a while. Then I saw him frown.

`I understand you're close to Jimmy and I respect that. But don't you think it's time for you to ride your bike without the training wheel. What kind of friend is he if he kept tearing you from your boyfriend?'

Are we having our first fight? God, I hope not because I'm so bad at this. But then again, did he just call Jimmy the third wheel of our relationship?'

`Phoenix, I love you more than I've ever loved any guy. But when it comes to my friends, you've got no say in it.'

Upon saying that, I felt a jolt of pain mauling away the inside of my chest. I absently rubbed at it.

`I can't believe you just said that. As your boyfriend, don't I have the right to question this strange relationship you have with your supposedly best friend?'

I wasn't doing this. I thought I made myself clear on that regard. So I decided to give him the silent treatment.

Great! Give me the silent treatment. Like I care,' he fumed. Pull up at the curb, I'm getting out.'

When I didn't he shouted. `Let me out now!'

In anger, I stepped on the break, reached over and pushed open the passage door. Phoenix got out and slammed the door behind him. Without a word he walked away. I watched him in the rearview mirror. I wanted to go after him but a force within me was battling against that decision.

He was a stubborn little man, so no use going after him now. Let him vent out some of his frustrations, I resolved.

Two minutes later I put the car in drive and drove off towards Jimmy's apartment.


MY PET was angry. Also, I left him thinking that I was too, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

True, I hated the Jimmy with a vengeance. If I get my hands on him, he'll be dead meat, although I probably wouldn't kill the bastard because I'm starting to like Zack, a lot. Oops. I almost forgot. I've kill the Jimmy already. Too bad Zack, he was such a good friend. Oh! Should I write something for his eulogy?

Aaaargh! What a wonderful night!

Now, with Zack out of my hair, I could focus my attention on Curtis. The sucker had been tailing us since we got out of the movie theatre. And right now he was at the corner of Uncle Sam's Barber Shop two blocks behind me.

He's so dead. Well, after I've had some fun with him first. That's right. I haven't have demon food for almost a month now. I'm going to have so much fun. My mouth watered with excitement.


HEATHER HELPED me to get undress before I fell unceremoniously on my bed. And as quickly as I could, I crawled under the covers because I felt cold. That's the worst part of having fevers because it involves shivering.

`Hon, get me some water please?'

At the corner of my eye, I saw her rolled her eyes and I thought I heard her sigh. I could be mistaken. I mean I read it somewhere that fevers can fuck with your mind and all.

Without a word she left the bedroom.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. The bed on either side of me was cold. I tried not to move.

`Why, aren't you a sight for sore eyes,' a familiar voice cheerfully said by my side.

My eyes flew open and I turned my head to see who it was.

`Seth! Wwwhat're doing here?'

He grinned. `Where do you think I should be? I'm your guardian angel, remember.'

`Some guardian angel you are. Letting your charge get sick,' I replied.

He chuckled. `I can't do anything about that I'm afraid. I'm a slayer not a redeemer. I fight demons not saving kitty cats. But don't worry. I sent a message to Nate. He'll be here shortly.'

At that point Heather came in with a glass of water. She walked up to the bed and sat by the pillows. She didn't see Seth, which means he was visible only to me.

`Here you go hon. Drink.' I raised my head as she brought the glass to my lips. I had two sips before shaking my head to say no more. She understood. Quietly, she placed the glass on the nightstand.

`Hon, would you be okay without me? My boss called just now asking me to come to work. Apparently, Tasha broke her arm this morning.'

`Men, she's such a bad liar. A baby could tell a lie better than that,' Seth said.

I ignored him. `Go, I'll be fine.'

Heather smiled and kissed me on the forehead. Then she sprang to her feet and walked away. She stopped at the door only to give me a blow-kiss. `I'll be back tomorrow morning to check in on you.'


When we heard the front door slammed shut I knew what Seth knew. Heather was no girlfriend material. She cared only for the good in our relationship not the bad. Right now I didn't care though. God! Being sick really does numb the rational thinking.

You know what that mean, don't you?' Seth said. She is not your better half.'

`Why's tthat?'

Seth pulled up an armchair and parked himself.

`Well, for starters, if she was you counter she would have chosen you instead of the job. And then she wouldn't stop fussing over you. The latter is because your counterpart's life is intertwined with yours. In other words, if you die, she dies. Capiche.'

I understood it loud and clear.

There was a knock at the front door.

`Don't get up. I'll get it. It must be Nate. I told him to come through the door because Heather could have had been here.'

I closed my eyes once more and thought of nothing in particular.

Shortly, I heard talking and the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway.

`Look who's here to see you dude,' Seth said.

`Hey Nate.'

`Hey to you too,' Nate said. He sat on the bed by my side and touched my forehead.

`How you're feeling?'

`Horrible. I feel like my insides are dissolving in acid or something.'

`Let's take a look at you shall we.'

He pulled out the cover and start probing every part of my person with his hands and eyes. Upon reaching my left calf he paused and frowned.

`That's interesting.'

I was about to question that but Seth beat me to it. `What is it?'

There's a puncture wound right here,' he said indicating the place with a finger. It's so tiny that I almost missed it.'

`What's so weird about it?' I asked.

Nate pulled the covers back on and sighed. He then looked at Seth and gave him a headshake. Whatever that means?

`I'm not going to lie to you Jimmy. You've been stung by a demon, a poisonous one at that, and you don't have much time to live.' Seth moved closer to Nate and placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. Nate reached up and stroked it.

I'm going to die!

From the moment I thought of those words I shuddered and paled. After that, I heard nothing but the steady flatline beep of an ECG machine, telling the world that I'd died.


FINALLY I WAS at Jimmy's apartment. Something was wrong and I could literally feel it. My heart was racing and the mauling feeling within my chest was getting stronger. I knew now that the pain wasn't mine.

I don't know how I knew but ever since we were little, I would always mimicked Jimmy's symptoms every time he got sick. Concerned, my mom brought me to see a physician once and he told her that I had the worst case of empathy. The nurses laughed but my mom didn't, more so she looked frighten. I wonder why?

I was at the door now. I was about to knock but then I didn't. I had a key and I decided to use it. Fuck Heather if she didn't approve. Jimmy was my friend and he needed me.

As I stepped in I heard voices coming from the bedroom. I figured there were at least three people in there, including Jimmy. As I was about to enter I heard one of them say something odd; something about a demon, stung, and die. He told Jimmy he hasn't much time to live.

Who were these people? Why were they filling Jimmy's head with such absurd lies? I wanted to go in there and face them. However, my guts told me that it wasn't such a good idea.

`Okay how do I get cured?' Jimmy asked.

`We have two options. One: we track down the demon that stung you and milked some venom to make anti-venom, which could take days to track and make. That is if you would last this long. Or two: we pray that your counterpart turns up to save you because amongst us Nephilims, her healing powers are the only one attuned to your person.'

So, either way I'm fucked, since I have no clue of what demon stung me and who is my counterpart because according to Seth Heather is not her,' Jimmy all but yelled. Am I right Seth?'

`True.' The one called Seth confirmed.

Not entirely,' the one who was not Seth replied. I'm one step closer to find your counterpart. I've searched the records last night and came across an interesting find. It turns out that your parents Dane and Anna were nephilims too. They went rogue after Dane failed to acquire the leader position of our institute. They didn't go alone however. They dragged a few supporters with them; a male name Ash, two females called Ruth and Lily and a couple.'

`What's your point?' Jimmy asked.

`The couple names were Wes and Daisy Young. If we could find them we'll find your redeemer.'

My knees went weak and I almost felt flat on my face. That was my parents' names. How do they know my parents?

That was it. I got to find out who those people were and what Jimmy involvement with them is?'

I placed myself in the doorway and placed my hands on my hips.

`Who the fucks are you people? What are you doing to My Jimmy? And what do you want with Wes and Daisy Young?


I WAS SHOCKED to find Zack standing there. At the look of things, every one of us was. The expression on Zack's face was outrageous. Utterly priceless! A peace loving man as he was, I never thought him capable.

Then something occurred to me. "What are you doing to My Jimmy?" He has said. I never knew I was HIS Jimmy.

WOW! Simply, Wow!

`Who are these people, Jimmy?'

His voice was commendable. I felt so proud to have him as a friend then.

In response to his outburst, I chuckled loudly to which he frown.

`Relax Zack. They're my friends. The one with the scare is called Seth and the other one is his life partner Nathaniel.'

The moment I said "life partner" his demeanor changed completely.

`Friends! How come I never met them before?' He said with a puzzled expression.

`You won't know them. We just met a few weeks ago at the bar when you didn't show up.'

His face slumped a little as if he regretted not showing up on that day.

All during the exchange between Zack and me, the other two were having a hushed debate. I wonder what it was about.

`Are you going to stand there or come in?' I asked Zack.

He moved forward and stood next to me far away from the other two. I could tell he wasn't comfortable around my other guests.

Hi!' Nate said to Zack. Pardon me for asking but did you say Wes and Daisy young? Do you know them?'

Zack gave him a once over look. `What's it to you if I do?'

Talk about a sharp tongue. Why is Zack so guarded? It's not as if Wes and Daisy Young were his parents.


Zachary Young. How could I've missed the connections? Perhaps it was that I have no idea who Zack's father was since the guy vanished when he was two years old and Zack never talked about him, but his mom. Everyone called her Dee, that's why I placed her real name which is Daisy.

`How do you know them?' Nate persisted.

Zack remained quiet. I know him like the back of my hand. He doesn't take kindly to strangers, especially when they were being nosy. Except I was curious too this time, but secretive was his middle name.



End of chapter 8

Next: Chapter 9

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