My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Feb 9, 2013


Happy reading!

My boyfriend the sex demon

Chapter 6


AT GUN POINT, we slowly raised our hands. These men were strange in a way that made me feel they were more than human. They were so focus, calm, and—


Something was amiss here. Now that I was paying more attention, they were indeed odd. More in demeanor than in appearance. They'd taken the same stance, the same hold on their guns, and the same bad-cop expression showing on their faces.

`Kai, you're hearing this,' I whispered to him. It was a low frequency sound that I doubt the humans could hear.

`Yeah, I hear you loud and clear buddy. What is it?'

`We can't reveal our nature to these guys, right?'

`Right,' he responded.

Do you have any suggestions of how we're getting out of this?' I'm working on it. I may have something.'

While Kai was finding a solution I fixated my gaze on the closest guy, trying to pick up on an emotion I can exploit but zilch. Stoic and dreary, he wasn't showing any emotions whatsoever. It was true what they say about the eyes being windows to the soul, but in his case I couldn't see his eyes, because they were hiding behind a pair of dark shades.

`Something strange is happening. These guys don't have any fears,' Kai whispered back after some time.

I wasn't surprise. I knew something was not right. `It's not just that. They aren't showing any emotion at all. How is that possible?' He turned to look at me.

`Don't move!' The same human that had spoken before said.

`Try again,' I told Kai.

I'm getting nothing.' But then he said a bit hastily. P, look at their eyes.' I looked and saw what he was seeing. The other three men didn't have shades. I could see their eyes properly. They were completely clouded, even the colored parts. It was both familiar and freaky. Sadly I knew what this meant.

`They'd been glamorized.'

Glamorizing is an art. Normally when we do it, the victims act like what we call sleepers. They act like everyone, do what everyone does and their eyes stays normal. To control them we merely use our power of persuasion to push them into doing what we want them to do. In that case whatever we ordered them to do would appear to be voluntary choices to them. However, these men before me have lost total control of their persons to the one controlling them.

`That explained the clouded eyes. Have any ideas who did this?'

`Actually, I do have a hunch of who it might be.'


`You've never met my sister Phoebe, have you Kai?' He nodded no.

`You won't have to wait long to make her acquaintance then, because if this is her work she would want a front row seat.'

As if on cue, Phoebe shimmered next to one of the police officers. `Very good brother, I'm impressed. However, you come with me now. There's no escaping for you this time. I've got everything covered. If you try to shimmer, I'll make sure they remember what they saw and the keeper would be on your ass in seconds. If you try to attack, I'll just have them shoot you. And if you try to seduce them, well, good luck with that one.'

She laughed while leaning against the policeman and laid her head on his shoulder. She dragged a finger down his neck to his collarbone. The guy never faltered. His gun was still aiming at us. `I'm so bad, aren't I brother?'

Phoebe, that conniving little bitch! Oh, how I want to ring her little neck like a chicken right now. If she thinks she's got me trapped, she's got it all wrong. I have a few tricks of my own too. I haven't survived this long to be outsmarted by the likes of her. Hell trash!!

`You're trapped brother. Give yourself up. I'll hate if something were to happen to your little friend there.' She said pointing at Kai.

I was thinking of high jacking her control of the sleepers, which could be done but it would require the use of my reserved energy. Although, save for an obvious reason, she was underestimating Kai's abilities. I guessed she never met a Timidus before. Right then I got a better idea.

`Kai, aren't you feeling a little hungry?' I felt Kai followed my line of vision before he grinned in understanding.

`Go on buddy. Do what you do best?'

Phoebe laughed. Your little friend can do nothing to me brother. I know he's a demon—' she suddenly stopped. She looked frantically around her as if she was blind or something. I couldn't help but laughed. What's going on? What's happening to me? I can't see a think.' She shouted.

Like I said she underestimated Kai's abilities. While the men were glamorized she wasn't. Meaning she must be showing some kind of emotion. Even if she didn't, I was confident Kai would find her fears and turn them against her.

She seemed to understand what was going on and she immediately yelled, `shoot them! Shoot them!'

The policemen fired. The deafening noise rang in my ears.


JIMMY and I were sitting outside on the terrace of Enzo's pizzeria. The cat was in surgery across the street at the animal clinic. She was in good hands. My friend Bryan was a brilliant veterinary surgeon. He was more that capable of saving poor Sherry's leg. That's right; I've named her Sherry after my late grandmother. Only fitting for she loved cats. She had twenty-three of them before she passed away. `Hey, what happened last night? I thought we had a guys-night out,' Jimmy said with a mouthful of pizza.

Shit! With Phoenix turning up when he did I completely forgot about Jimmy's invitation to the bar.

Plucking the tiny meat pieces of my slice of pizza, I pause only to look at Jimmy. Sorry man. I meant to call and ask for a rain check but I lost track of time.' Jimmy watched me intently. I knew exactly what he was thinking. Jimmy was the only person in the world who knew my habits. And judging by the look he was giving me I knew that he knew there were more to what I was telling. Just like that, you forgot,' he more stated than asked.

I couldn't lie to him. He would know. I decided to come out with the truth. Anyway, he'll find out eventually, so why not now.

`Phoenix dropped by last night.'

`Wait! Are you talking about the same guy from the other day?'

`The same guy, yeah. He surprised me and we ... urh ... I lost track of time.'

Jimmy swallowed. He wiped his mouth with the paper napkin and grinned. `So basically what you're saying is that you stood me up for another guy.'

God! I wished he could hear himself right now. He sounded more like my boyfriend than my best friend. How ironic? I've lost count of how many dates we've planned that he hadn't turn up because of a piece of ass.

I wanted to retort but I didn't feel like quarrelling. `I said I was sorry.' He chuckled. Not the response I expected.

Chill out dude! I'm just messing with you.' He said taking a sip at his coke. So, was he good?'

Okay! What the hell was up with him today? The Jimmy I know would never ask such a thing. He wasn't a bigot but still he never wanted to know intimate details before. What changed?

I looked at him oddly.


Heather the waitress chose that moment to walk by us. Jimmy's eyes strayed to her boobs. I inwardly laughed. That guy was a menace to women in general.

`Excused me miss,' I called for her attention. She turned on her heels and stood before us.

`We'll have the bill now, if you please,' I said.

She bent down to pick our plates, giving Jimmy a profound view of her bosom.

`The pizza was not to your liking sir?' She asked me because she noticed that I've only eaten a slice.

I opened my mouth to give her an answer but Jimmy spoke first.

`My friend here is a vegan. You brought him the wrong order.'

It wasn't entirely true. Although, I was brought up to be a vegetarian, my mom who was an activist against animal cruelty, didn't allow any meat product in her house. But Grandma Shelly didn't approve of all that nonsense. So, she introduced me to beacon when I was five saying that it was vegetarian meat. Gullible at that age I believed her, until high school that was when I learnt that beacon was actually real meat. But by then I started to like it and once in a while I indulged in its consumption.

Regrettably, today I wasn't feeling it, so I ordered a tomato and cheese pizza instead. However, Heather mixed up my order from that of the last time I was in here. I don't know how, although, I wasn't going to say anything to her. The poor girl just started working here. I didn't want her to get in to trouble. She was kind of nice.

`Oh, I'm so sorry,' she said.

`You should be. It's against his religion. What do you have to say for yourself young lady?' Jimmy was yanking her chain. I realized that now.

I ... I ... don't know how that happened. I'm so sorry,' she stammered. She was clearly upset. Let me go get you the right ...'

That's okay miss,' I cut in. it isn't necessary. Just bring us the bill.'

`No sir. It's not right. Tell me, what can I do to make up for the mistake?'

Once again Jimmy spoke before I did.

`We'll forget about the mishap if you agree to go on a date with me.'


AS THE bullet sped towards me I shimmered and it passed through me as if it was going through smoke. At the corner of my eye, I saw Kai shimmered only to materialize behind two of these officers. He quickly, dispatched the first guy with a blow to the nape and went jujitsu on the other, sending him flying backwards with a powerful kick.

With Phoebe temporarily debilitated, we destroyed her four men army with ease.

As the last man fell from my grasp, I walked up to her and squatted next to her on the ground.

`I could easily kill you now sister dear. I won't though. But considered my debt repaid for not taking your life.'

Rising to my feet, I thanked Kai and we both shimmered out, each of us in to our own particular destination.


`I CAN'T believe you just use me as an excuse to get a date,' Zack said. I couldn't believe it either. It just happened.

Actually it did not.

When Heather came to our table, I got a flashback on the conversation I had with Seth's boss this morning. He said my counterpart and I would cross path again and I realized that it was the third time I've seen Heather in two days.

The first time was with Zack in this very same place yesterday. And the second was again yesterday just after work when I went home for a change of clothes before I was to meet Zack at the bar. I saw her entering an apartment in my apartment building which I knew was vacant only recently.

Could she be my counterpart? I don't really know but I intend to find out.

`Sorry dude. I couldn't resist.'

`Yeah, right. I saw the way you were ogling her boobs. You couldn't wait to get in her panties.'

I must admit, Heather's boobs were pretty amazing. They were quite perky and just the right size to fit in my hands. Although, if I didn't know any better, I would say Zack was acting like he was jealous. Was he in love with me?

I looked at him then. His eyes were on me but it had a distant look. He probably was thinking of the Phoenix dude.

Nahhh! I must be imagining things. He was just annoyed because I used him to get close to Heather.

As we were leaving the Pizzeria, Heather slipped a piece of paper in my hand. I clutched it tight and watched her swayed back to work before I joined Zack outside. God! She's such a cock tease.

With Zackary in the animal shelter, I stayed leaning against my car outside smoking. Remembering the piece of paper Heather gave me; I pulled out and read it.

"Meet me in the alley besides the pizzeria in fifteen minutes."

I glanced at the digital clock on the dashboard of the car. Shit! That's in four minutes.

Looking towards the animal clinic, I saw Zack talking to woman who works there. I figured he would be a while. So I got some time to kill. Dropping the cigarette on the ground, I stepped on it and evaded traffic as I jogged across the street. Heather walked out of a side door carrying a garbage bag. She smiled at me approaching when she saw me but she kept walking further up the alley to the garbage cans.

Getting rid of her burden she waited.

`I didn't know you would come,' she said.

`I almost didn't but then again you're so cute to say no to.'

I closed the distance between us, reached for her tiny waist and pulled her to me. She didn't protest as my obvious erection rubbed against her. She laid her hands on my forearms. Her touch sent tingles down my spine. I smiled.

I sought her mouth and crushed my lips against hers. She moaned. She was a great kisser. I could get use to this, I though.

`You taste like cherry,' I said when we broke the kiss.

`And you taste like smoked pizza.'

I chuckled. She giggled.

`What now?' I said.

She glanced at the entrance of the alley then pulled at my arm. `Come this way.' She dragged me to a secluded part so we could be in private. We kissed again. This time I was distracted because she was fumbling to get my flyers open. She succeeded. With my hard cock in her hand she slipped down and took me in her mouth. She teased the head with her tongue. I went weak at the knees and my legs just about collapse on me.

She wasn't the best I had but nonetheless good enough to get me excited. I moaned and grabbed her head. I tried to get more of my cock in her mouth and maybe her throat. That didn't turn out as I planned because her gag reflex kicked in and she pulled off. I wasn't disappointed or anything but I was kind of hoping she could have. Take all of me that was.

I was aware that I was a bit on the large side, hence why I usually get a lot of action. However, I've never met anyone who could deep-throat me. The non- gratifying feeling often left me with an after taste of nostalgia.

`Sweetheart, you should pull out now if you don't want a mouthful,' I hissed. But she didn't listen.

Crying, I came into her hungry mouth. She moaned and sucked me dry.

When it was all over, she let my cock slipped out of her mouth. She looked up at me and grinned. She was so cute.

`That was incredible. We should do this again sometime.'

`We shall see.'


End of chapter 6

Next: Chapter 7

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