My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Dec 27, 2012


Happy reading!

My boyfriend the sex demon

Chapter 5


I WAS BACK on the day side of the world. I meant to shimmer into Zack's apartment but I ended up in the park instead. That happens whenever I get distracted. In this particular case, food was the culprit.

This morning when I woke up I was feeling fine, just a little hungry. But now five hours later, I was already feeling the early stage of starvation. Overstating perhaps, but in reality I was getting scared. The fact was I know what starvation felt like. Yeah, I should know because Baines kept me under lock and key for three days once. He was out visiting a friend and left me with no one to feed from. It was pure torture. I didn't know back then because nobody told me but without my kind of food I digressed into something else; more specifically a zombie-like creature Baines called the "Devourer". In this zombie state I become a real monster. I can't remember anything I did back then apart from what I'd been told. It seemed the Devourer in me, unlike the Incubus in me, no longer craved sex. It craved life.

When Baines entered the dungeon where I was kept on the fourth day, he found all of his captives, which were in other cells, dead or barely clinging to life. I'd sucked them all dry of their energies, emotions and will to live. Even for a demon I found that disturbing. I was disgusted with myself and promised that I'll never let it happen again. The bastard Baines laughed his ass off that day. He swore he would leave me unfed more often so I could get rid of his rivals for him. He never got the chance because three nights later I ran away when I regained consciousness. That was merely one human year ago.

Exhausted, I sat on one of the park benches. The scorching sun above was not helping, although, I lived in Hell where the temperature can reach up to a near eighty degrees.

I barely blinked when I was interrupted by a familiar grave voice.

Hello P.' I didn't turned to see because I knew it was Kai, a fellow demon that roamed the Overworld. Once again you're in a spot of trouble I see.'

Kai was a Timidus, an average level demon in disguise, which feeds on others fear. His kind had been exile from the Underworld for millennia. No other demons wanted them around because they have the unique ability to detect others' weaknesses. In the Overworld, Kai and his kin rarely attack humans because of their abandon food source. As it turns out human are fearful creatures by nature and there were plenty of lingering fear around. Although he was behaving himself in this realm, Kai was one of the most malignant creatures one could possibly meet.

`How did you find me?'

He laughed.

`Do you really have to ask? You know me P, and of my nature. But the question you should be asking yourself is, is he here to feed me or to feed off me?' He said the last part with a hint of wickedness.


`HERE YOU ARE?' Seth said after he'd flashed me to my car where I'd park outside the Crossing-Swords. Once again, the people on the pavement didn't seem to mind us as they go about their business. And I found that strange.

`Are we invisible?' I asked Seth.

He sniggered. No.' He figured out why I asked that because he added, people do see us but they don't pay us any mind because of this.' he showed me a shiny silver ring gripping his right index finger. `The ring is enchanted. Like I said, people can see us but the moment they blink they forget what they saw and believe we were there the whole time.'

`Wicked,' I said contemplating of what I could do with such a powerful accessory.

`Don't get any ideas. You're not one of us yet.' He said smiling as if he heard my thoughts.

`So what do I do now?'

`Easy. Find your counterpart.'

`How exactly do I do that?'

`Don't worry we're going to help you. As we speak Nate is already in the archives searching for your Nephilim parents and that of your counterpart's. What's more, either of your pending births would have had forced both mothers to be to in one place for the birthing. The bonds between counterparts are that strong. He'll be checking that lead too.

`As for me I will be your guardian angel. I will be following you around and try to locate signs of your counterpart that way because the chances are you'll meet again in the near future. The only thing is that you won't see me nor would you remember that I'm there.'

`What about Gabriel? Won't you guys get into trouble?'

`Probably but I don't care. And Gabriel, he's too busy all the time and he rarely ventures out of Haven.'

That was good to know but I wasn't so sure that was what I want; the Nephilim/Slayer life I meant. I enjoy living the easy lifestyle, no complications. I have a job that I like, a best friend who has my back and would never fail me and enough ladies to satisfy my desire. What more could a guy want? I didn't tell Seth that though. I knew he would be so disappointed.

Taking out my keys, I open the car door and stepped inside. I put my head out the window to thank Seth but he was no longer there. Where had he gone?


HUNCHED OVER the rinsing basin outside of the outdoor storage area, cleaning the snorkeling gears that the kids used in my class a while ago, I heard someone shouting for me.

`Just a minute, I'll be right there.' I didn't know who was calling, but it was a female voice. I figured it could be June because Rebecca hated my guts.

As I was hanging the gears to dry, I heard a lot of tiny footsteps behind me along with some prattling. The children, what are they doing here? Shouldn't they be on the bus back to school?'

I turned.

I was surprised to see June standing there surrounded by the children. She was holding something. I moved in closer and saw that she had a cat wrapped in a beach towel.

`What have you got there?'

`It's a cat sir. She's sick,' a boy said.

She's hurt,' June said. The school bus ran over her back leg.'

I took the cat from her to have a look. The cat was very docile and she allowed me to examine her leg. Sure one of its back legs was a little crooked and red. She must be in a lot of pain.

`Please save her mister,' the smallest girl of the group said in tears. I rewrapped the cat in the towel and squatted down next to the little girl.

`What's your name sweetie?'

`Sarah,' she sobbed.

`Well Sarah, don't you worry about her okay. I'll take good care of her. And when you come back in two weeks she'll be all better and you'll get to see her. Would you like that?'

She stopped crying, smiled and nodded yes. She was so cute. Right then I wished I had a child of my own.

`Okay children. It's time to go. The cat is in good hands. Now, Say thank you to Mr. Young and let's be on our way.'

The children said thank you to me and patted the cat on the head before their teacher dragged them all to the waiting bus.

`Damned! You'll make a good father someday. Ever thought of having children?' June asked with a smile. That was exactly what I was thinking, but if she only knew.

`So why did you bring the cat to me?' I said to change the subject.

`Well the children didn't want to leave until they were sure the cat would be okay. I told them that, their teacher said that but they wouldn't believe us. Since I know you're an animal lover and had a reputation for healing strays before, I figured you'll know what to say to assure them.'

Sure I took care of a few stray pets before but I was no Bondi Vet. I don't think I was skillful enough to save this one though. That cat's leg was crushed. It needed a real vet.

`Don't worry June. I'll have her checked by a friend of mine who works at the animal shelter.'

`Thanks sweety.' I watched her sauntered away. I pulled the cat closer to my chest and kiss it on the head.

When I turned to go to the staff locker room, I saw Rick staring at me. He stood in front of a worktable where he was fixing the coffee maker. He had a puzzled expression on his face that really irritated me.

Swiftly, I rushed inside.

`Hey Dr. Young,' Jimmy teased as he strolled in the locker room ten minutes later. I had my t shirt on ready to take the cat to the vet but I couldn't find my car keys. I've searched my locker, the pantry, the staff lounge and even went outside to check if I hadn't left it in the car and it wasn't there either. Where could I have left them?

`What are you looking for?'

`My keys, I lost them again.'

Jimmy sat down, straddling the bench next to the cat and scratched it behind the ears.

`Don't worry they'll turn up. You've always remember where you put them once you calmed down.'

He was right. `I do don't I.' He nodded yes.

Giving up, I sat on the bench too and watched Jimmy as he picked the cat and nestled it tenderly in his big arms. I knew he was caring but not that compassionate. Then I thought of something.

`Could you drop me at the vet? She needs to be checked.'

`Sure. Markus is not in today and I have practically nothing to do.' We were both experience scuba divers but while I work mostly in the training pool, Jimmy's job takes him out on adventures; explore the reef and deep with Markus, George and a bunch of customers.

`Markus isn't in today?' Strange, whether we have costumers or not he's usually here helping in the training pool.

`He's in a marine conservation workshop with a bunch of environmentalists and the coastguards. I wasn't there early so he took George with him.'

Apart Rick who just arrived, George complete the crew of eight staff working at the dive centre. All we need now was a cleaner, because for the six years I'd been working there, we've had to add cleaning duties to our roaster.

With the cat secured in the back seat of Jimmy's car on the way to the vet, something else occurred to me.

`Hey, where were you this morning?'

`Oh that! I would tell you but I'm not allowed to.'

That was weird, because I thought Jimmy had no secrets. I intently watched him as he drove. He caught me staring and gave me one of those ice-melting smiles of his. God, how I love those dimples! Shit! What am I saying? I have a boyfriend.

Anyhow, I had a crush on Jimmy once. Well, frankly speaking I still do, but not so much now because I know a hopeless cause when I see one. Jimmy was oblivious to my feelings back then, even now he doesn't know because I never told him. I remembered when I began liking him in that way. It was long before I came out. We were twelve years old and so innocent.

We were in his room playing video games. My parents had dropped me at his house so that his mother could keep an eye on me while they went shopping. We played for an hour straight and we got tired at one point and stopped. Without anything to do Jimmy suggested that we do something he'd heard some older boys talked about in the locker room at school.

`They said if we play with our stiffies some white stuff will come out,' he said. I wasn't convinced so I asked him to show me. He bravely pulled out his cock and it was hard. Immediately I got hard too. I watched in awe as he jerked it a little.

`Come on. Take yours out too. This is fun.'

I did and I mimicked his movements. It was surely fun, exhilarating and I loved the feeling. Jimmy was enjoying himself too and he couldn't take his eyes off his own stiffy. I, on the other hand couldn't take my eyes of his. Even at that age, his cock was bigger than mine. It had an upward curve and fat while mine was straight and narrow. I had a small patch of pubs above mine but he had a bush all around his. Yes. He was more developed than I was at that age.

For the five minutes we were jerking off I never thought of anything but how cute he looked. Then something peculiar began to happen to Jimmy. He went stiff and started to spasm. I swore to God I thought he was having a seizure. Mom warned me that this could happen if I played it my stiffy when I was younger. But when the white stuff came out and he was grinning I knew that he was okay.

I'd stopped jerking by then and was astonishingly watching him.

Dude, that was awesome!' He shouted. But when he saw that I'd stopped he said, What happened? Didn't you shoot out the white stuff?'

I shook my head no. Then he said something, which I will cherish throughout my whole teenage years.

`You must have been doing it wrong. Here let me.' Jimmy grabbed my stiffy and started jerking me off. I felt elated and I came hard all over his hands. He wasn't disgusted. On the contrary he laughed. Then I laughed.

Arh! The good old times.

`What are you smiling at?' Jimmy said bringing me back from my reverie.

I glanced out the window after stealing a glimpse at him and smile again. `Nothing,' I replied. Nothing.


`WHAT DO you want Kai?'

Despite knowing his nature, I wasn't afraid of Kai. In fact, I think he was a coward inside. I should know because I fed from him a few times. In a way Incubi also have the power to sense others' emotions, thus their weaknesses. But we don't share that knowledge with anyone. We don't want to end up like the Timidi.

I stood up and face him. Humm! You're looking delicious Kai.' I don't know why I didn't pick that up before but he had pheromones coming out of every pours of his body. You've come to feed me, haven't you?'

All of a suddenly his whole demeanor changed, somehow becoming more complaisant. He was good looking, I had to hand him that. Slightly taller than I, he had his slick dark hair pulled back in a tight pony tail.

I moved closer and pressed myself to him. He went stiff like he was holding his breath. I kissed his lips and he exhaled while shuddering all over. Yeah, he wanted me. I felt movement in my pants too. My cock was growing. Not just growing hard but changing. It grew longer and heavier. This could only mean one thing. Kai wants me to fuck him. Great Uncle!

`Come. Let's get out of here.' He followed me to a wooded area where I unzipped my pants and let loose my now fat cock. Right away he dropped to his knees and started suckling it like a child on it mother's tit. I raised my head up and marveled at the sensation and the taste of his energy. Humm! I haven't taste demon for a while.

Feeling hungry for something more I grabbed him by his armpits. I hauled him up and shoved him against a nearby tree. I roughly pulled down his pants and pried his cheeks apart. I took a long whiff and I like it. I licked his tight hole a few times before I pushing my tongue inside breaching his opening. He moaned. He liked it. I tongue fucked him a two minutes and it was exciting.

Standing up I shook my shlong before driving it in his butt with one hard trust. He cried. That's it feed the demon.

`Are you ready?' I said. Even for a demon I had to give him a heads up of what was coming.

He nodded yes. I grinned.

I wrapped his pony tail in one hand and started fucking him roughly and hard. He cried, moaned and granted. The sexual energy rose from our coupling and lingered around us. It was a feeding frenzy for me; so much energy, so much food.

We went at it for longer than I expected. Kai I might say was a true demon. While I was feeding on him he was doing the same too. Every now and then, I got blurred images of the Devourer, the thing I fear the most. I wasn't angry at Kai; on the contrary, it was the lease I can do for him since he came all the way here to help me. Yes, I caught on that fact as well through his emotions.

`Oh I'm coming...' he shouted after a time. Quickly, I turned him around and with my month I caught his jism that come flying through his cock. It had an acrid taste but notably delicious.

I came to, not as much as Kai but I came. I would have feed Kai my jism too but it wasn't a good idea. My essence is an aphrodisiac. Its equivalent to heroin and it's highly addictive. Most people will go crazy on that stuff and demons even worst because most of them are allergic to it.

`Thanks Kai. I really appreciate what you've done for me.'

`Anytime P,' he said with a smile. We both pulled up our pants and were about to get back to civilization when suddenly four uniformed men aiming their guns at us barred our way.

`Freeze! Put your hands up where I could see them,' one of them yelled.


End of chapter 5

Next: Chapter 6

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