My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Nov 4, 2012


Before anything, if you're under age and reading about sex between men isn't your thing please forgo this page and don't come back. And to all fans of nifty, please they need our contributions to keep this site going so that people like you and me could post and enjoy a good story.

Hey guys! This is the second installment of what I hope to be a fruitful and successful story. However, I need your feedbacks for me to know whether or not I'm on the right path because after all I'm writing more for your pleasure than anything.

If you like my writing style, check out my other story also under sci-fi and fantasy.

Happy reading!

My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

Chapter 2


AFTER A LONG DAY of work, I unlocked the door to my apartment and entered. Dawn was practically over and I was in great need of a shower.

Switching on the lights in the living room, I threw the front door keys into a bowl on a shelf and headed for the kitchen. I popped a microwave-lasagna into the machine and grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge.

I unscrewed the cap and took a swing. As the beer washed over my tongue I thought of Jimmy. He wanted to cheer me out earlier because according to him I was in a depressing mood.

Was I? Maybe yes, maybe no ... I don't know.

Anyway he proposed that we go out for a drink tonight. He was so persistent that I couldn't help but said yes. Though, he and I both know that I wouldn't be good company this evening and probably still wouldn't be in the next and the next after that.

I discarded my clothes on the way to the bathroom while still holding on to the beer. Naked I twisted on the tap and got under the raining water. I stood there leaning a hand on the tiled wall below the shower head and took another swing at the bottle. Sweet it wasn't but I wasn't drinking it because of the taste, more for comfort than anything else.

A few more swings later, I placed the empty bottle on the sink while I toweled off. My action seemed too laborious because I found myself more tired than before. What's got into me? Depress or not, I'm not normally like this.

Seriously something was wrong with me. If I was suspicious enough I'll say I'd been poison. Just as well my veins were on fire. But then who will want to poison me and why? Nah! Stop thinking such foolishness, I told myself. I need another beer.

Without bothering to get some clothes on I went for another beer. I brought it to the living room where I grabbed the remote and pressed on any channel. The minute the screen flashed on all the lights I switched on earlier blinked. And before I knew it a man appeared in the middle of the living room covered in blood.

`What the f ...?' before I could finish my sentence I saw a familiar face. Without thinking, I rushed by his side and caught him before he hits the floor.

I placed him gently on the carpeted floor because I didn't want to get blood all over my new couch. I tapped his cheeks and said rather urgently: `Phoenix wake up, wake up ...'

In what seemed like forever, he finally opened his eyes. He was looking at me but I didn't think he was really seeing me because the pupils of his eyes were dilated. It was as if he had been drugged or something.

`Where am I?' He mumbled.

`It's me, Zack. You're here in my home. Hold on a sec.' I was about to go get a damp cloth to clean his face when he caught my arm. His got a powerful grip for someone so small and fragile-looking.

He mumbled something incoherent and I could tell what he was asking me. But then he forcefully pushed me down, crawled to my lap and took my soft cock into his mouth. I incredulously watched as he sucked me hard.

Hastily, he began bopping his head and to what seem like the quickest blowjob in history, I spewed a couple of ropes into his awaiting mouth. Just as quickly he released me and let my cock slipped past his lips.

Sated, he fell asleep with a grin on his angelic face.

That was weird. I can't wait to get some answers when he wakes up. Taking him into my arms again I brought him to the bathroom. I placed him on the floor and stripped him naked. Since I didn't have a bathtub, I gave him a sponge bath. After that I took him to the bedroom and lay him on the bed where he crawled into a fetal position and slept like a baby.

Unable to stop myself from staring, I stood at the foot of the bed in wonder. Where did he come from? How did he get in without a key? And why come here of all places?


I QUIETLY SAT AT the bar nursing the beaker of beer I ordered nearly thirty minutes ago. I've been waiting for Zack for almost three hours now and the guy was yet to turn up. Zack was many things but over the years he never stood me up for anything. He may have fallen asleep because he'd been working harder than the rest of us ever since that guy Phoenix didn't call him like he was supposed to. Zack was a special guy. He was hard working, punctual, rarely gets angry and quite devoted to any cause. No, something was wrong. Something must have happened to him.

As the door chimed, I turned to see who had entered hoping it would be him. But it was just a rowdy group of college kids that had just turn eighteen and ready to party. That wasn't my scene so I downed the rest of the beer, wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and headed out to my car.

Along the way I bumped into a handsome guy. I was slightly drunk, so he grabbed my arm to steady me. The moment he touch me I felt a jolt of electricity coursed through me, raising the hairs on my nape. That sobered me up a little because I suddenly was able to see more clearly.

`Thanks,' I said.

`No problem.' His voice was soft yet commanding.

I nodded and went through the door.

I've left my car in the lot two blocks over because there was a nightclub and several bars along the same street, and at this hour the clubbers would have jammed the whole street.

As I walked, I reached for my pack of cigarette and lit one up. It was a nasty habit I picked up in college that I was yet to give up.

The street as I predicted was packed with people. Thanks god I sobered up some because it took some focus to maneuver myself throw the crowd. The noised of the crowd followed me until I reach the end of the block.

Some hookers whistled and hooted at me but I didn't pay them any mind. I crossed the street but have to quickly step back before I was ran over by a speeding car.

`Watch it asshole!' Shouted the driver but I didn't reply.

When I reached the other side of the street I had a hunch I was being followed. I had no idea who it was but I could feel whoever it was picking up pace as I took longer strides.

I practiced martial arts throughout my school years but I didn't know whether my experience would be enough over the three hours of beers drinking I partook in this evening. Nonetheless, I prepared myself for a confrontation.

My car was a few feet from me when I threw down the bud and drew out my key. I stopped right in front of the door and inserted it when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned but found no one. To make sure I scoured the lamped lit parking lot and came with nothing.

As I unlocked the car however, someone grabbed me from behind and threw me a feet away with such strength that I doubt the humanity behind the force. `Who are you?' I said when I saw a shadow next to the car. My head was hurting, so I stared at the blood on my fingers after reaching back to check for any injuries. However, when I glanced back to the car, I saw no one there. Weird!

If I wasn't sprawling on the asphalt from the throw I'll say I was imagining things. Or even I was in a drunken stupor that was confusing my judgment but no, I really saw what I saw.

Confused I tried to get up. When I was on my feet I heard a raspy voice behind me.

`Tonight you die human.'

Before I had a chance to see who said it, that fucker bit me on the neck. What the fuck! As tried to dislodge him but he was tightly holding on.

Then as quickly as he grabbed me he released me.

Ptooey ... puh discusting!' He said spat on the ground. You're not human. What are you?'

Was he talking to me? What does he mean I'm not human?

I was about to asked when a second voice pierced through my confusion.

`Of course he isn't? You should have check before sinking your teeth in him.' This voice I recognized. It was the guy I bumped into in the bar. Why was he here? Was he with the biter?

The handsome dude drew a long sword from his side and it glowed slightly in the dark. Now I could also see the other guy clearly.

He was taller than handsome, with awkwardly long limbs. He wore only a rag for a loincloth and his paled skin was marred with scars. Whipping behind him was a long narrow tail.

What is that thing?!

`I'm afraid your journey ends here demon,' Handsome said before charging at the demon. Quick on his legs the demon dodged the slashing blade and appeared behind handsome. Needless to say handsome was as fast as him because he was quick to parry the demon's claw with the blade. The demon loosed three long clawed fingers, and bellowed in pain.

As the demon licked the oozing liquid coming out of his wounds, Handsome saw an opening and delivered a deadly blow which sliced the creature in half from shoulder to groin. The demon imploded and all that was left of him was a spatter of green slime.

The demon slayer wiped the blade with a piece of cloth from his pocket and threw it on the slime. Then he sheathed his sword and walked towards me. Shocked, confusion and drunkenness had landed me on my ass as I'd watched the whole fight. So the demon slayer squatted by my side and looked at me straight in the eyes.

`Dude, are you going to be okay?'

I was speechless. But at least I was able to nod.

`Good because I'll hate saving your ass for a second time this night.'


I WOKE UP WITH a start.

`Where am I?' I looked around and nothing seemed familiar. Can't say I was at my place because I didn't own a place to begin with.

The sun was up and the sound of music was coming from somewhere. I looked on the night stand and I saw a picture of a two guys in scuba gears without the hood thing on. I recalled meeting one of them but I can't place a name to the face. We must have had sex because I could think of nothing that would link me with the guy.

I threw out the bed cover and found I didn't have any clothes on. Still naked I followed the music to the small kitchen. There stood the guy in the picture cooking breakfast while humming to the music.


`Ouch!' He shouted. I startled him and now he was hurting.

`Sorry,' I said shocking myself. Where did that come from? I wondered, because it wasn't in my nature to be so apologetic.

`Hey! You're up,' he said ignoring his burnt hand. I smiled.

`Where's your fridge?' He pointed to the other side of the kitchen that I barely noticed when I entered. I sauntered over there. I opened the small freezer and grabbed a piece of raw steak. Slowly I walked up to him and put it on his burnt hand.

Ow!' He sighed. Thank you.' he then said. He looked into my eyes and I saw ... nothing.


How is that possible? If we'd have sex before, he should be swooning over me like a sick puppy by now. Again how is that possible?

No human had ever resisted my venom before. Well this one did apparently. Okay let me explain. When I feed during sex, I usually inject venom into my bed partner making him susceptible to my charmed and wiles. Thereafter he is forever mine. Completely glamorized he would treat me as a queen and would jealously guard me from other men and would do anything to protect and defend me with his life.

Except, this guy wasn't glamorized. He didn't have the glee in his eyes. Could he be a half demon? Because some demon like Curtis and Baines were immune to my venom. Or could he be something else. But what I can't make out right now.

`Feeling better?' I asked shyly. I don't know how this guy does it but he might be useful in the future, especially against my sister. Besides I wouldn't dream of glamorizing him now since he was already in love with me anyway.

Dropping the steak on the counter I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled us closer. He responded by grabbing my waist. I skillfully rubbed my body against his and as I expected he was aroused -- two indicators of that fact; first the waking of the one eye snake in his boxers, and then the smell of pheromones in the air. That's right my nose is sensitive to such things. Otherwise I wouldn't call myself an Incubus if I couldn't pick up the slightest signal at the prospect of food.

`Fuck me Zack,' I said. There was a birthday card stuck to the freezer door when I took the steak. That was how I got his name (got to be resourceful without glamour).

He grinned. That's it. Let's go feed the demon.

I unbuttoned his flyer and pulled out his cock. It was long, slender and straight. I'll say eight inches. I preferred longer, fatter and heavier but beggars can't be choosers. I rubbed his pre-come onto his cock and almost swooned at the smell. Thanks Uncle I was already naked and sporting a boner too. Mine wasn't that impressive because it changes shape, volume and size according to what my partners yearn for. Right now it was a slim size five.

More pre-come! That guy was a faucet. My ass quivered with anticipation.

I turned my ass to him and bent backward so we could share a kiss. With my elbow pointing to the ceiling I grabbed his head with the hand of the same arm. I French kissed him. Well, I never was one to stick my tongue everywhere but then again Zack provoked a side of me that I didn't understand or even knew I had. His cock seemed to have found my ass-crack on its own because it was knocking at my entrance begging to be let in.

Unable to wait for the slowcoach I pushed back, impaling myself on his stick. He hissed. I grinned. That's more like it.

Grabbing the counter in front of me I started riding his cock. Zack just stood there and watched as my ass swallowed and released his cock. Huh! If he doesn't take charge soon I wouldn't get fed. So I thought of another tactic.

`Come on baby. Grabbed my hips and really pound that ass,' I beguiled him. And he took the bait.

He did as I said and began meeting me half way. Works every time! Ooh Uncle! I was on the sixth level of hell right there. Wonderful! But I'm a glutton. I wanted more.

`Yeah baby. Pound that ass, come on pound that ass. Pound me good.' He thrust faster and harder and I could feel his effort behind each entry. That guy is an athlete. And athletes are great lovers, endurance wise I mean.

`That's it baby. Work it, work it ... work it good ...'

I lost count how long he'd been fucking me but it was more than thirty minutes. And when he finally stiffened I knew I was going to get some desert to go with the main course.

`Agh!' He cried and uploaded five ropes in me.

Yeah man! That was a feast!


End of chapter 2

Next: Chapter 3

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