My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

By Nell Bas

Published on Dec 28, 2013


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My Boyfriend the Sex Demon

Chapter 11


WHAT THE hell Kai!' I exclaimed. What're you doing in here?'

Sitting cross-legged on my brand new leather sofa was my Timidus sidekick smirking at me.

Urgh! I sighed loudly. I wasn't angry, only annoyed because I hated being interrupted in the middle of my fun.

I wondered how the hell he found me here. Suddenly I recalled our little indecent behavior in the alley last night. That asswipe fed from me. Conveniently that gave him the ability to track me down. Yet again I've been pretty sloppy. Who cares though? This was Kai after all. He was harmless. Besides, the trace will wear off by the same time tomorrow. Well... provided that he doesn't feed off me again.

Hands on hips, I turned to face him. `You're ruining my fun Kai. That's not very nice. What d' you want?'

He leaned sideways to take a peek at Curtis. I slid right in front of my pet, blocking him. HE'S MINE, I said without words.

Kai grinned, if not became more curious. `I gather the hunt was successful.'

I didn't reply. Demon senses were ten times more heightened than humans, so that fact was pretty obvious.

Looks like I've interrupted something,' Kai said straining his neck. Once more he tried to take a peek at my captive. A side stepped to block him again. What're you hiding?' But then he saw the obedient ring he traded me on my finger. You're on your honeymoon,' he grinned. And you didn't care to invite me. Oh, here I thought we were the best of pals.'

Urgh! This guy is really starting to bug me. He was everywhere nowadays –– left, right and center. Why haven't I kill the bastard already? Probably because he was my only ally and had proved to be very useful. Useful yes, however he has no notion of the words "personal space". That was pretty much why I tried to avoid him as much as I could.

I gave him a dead stare. He laughed. Curtis grunted.

`Relax P. I come bearing news.'

`Speak now or leave?' I said impatiently.

Damn, he must be delicious if you want him only for yourself,' he smirked. When he saw my stern face he added, Okay, I'll be serious. It's a long story but Kaien, one of my kin, was interrogated by a Nim this morning.'

I frowned. `What's a Nim?' That was the first time I heard this term.

`Huh! You've been here a year and you don't know what Nims are. Incredible!'

`You're wasting my time Kai.'

`Okay, Nim is short for Nephilim, earth bound angels, guardians of the veil and slayers of demon.' Put it that way, I've heard of them, alright. Baine called them psychopathic maniacs because they cause him a lot of grief seventy decades ago. They expedited thirty-three of his best demons who were chasing a human back to the Underworld.

`Never met one but I've heard of them.'

`You should be wary because you're on their radar now. Apparently, you stung a human and he was dying. Not that they know who you really look like but the description of the poison composition bear your signature. Of course, Kaien didn't know that so for now you're safe. However, it's a matter of when before someone squeal.'

It must be The Jimmy. He was the only human I stung lately.

So,' I asked more irritated than concerned. I'm not afraid of those do-gooders.'

He frowned. `You should be. The Nephilim is not a force to reckon with. They are persistent, powerful and very protective of their humans. You don't want to mess with them.'

I folded my arms across my chest. I wasn't impressed.

Kai got up from the leather sofa. Fine,' he said, don't say I didn't warn you.'

Then he grinned mischievously. And next he shimmered out only to materialize behind me where Curtis was.

Hmm!' He said bending down looking over Curtis. A Venator. No wonder you needed an inhibitor.' He straightened and met my gaze. `If you're doing what I think you're doing then your plan is doomed to fail. Venators can't be tamed. But of course I can help you try.' he wiggled his eyebrows when he said the last part.

I glanced at Curtis. He pinned Kai with a dead stare. His eyes have turned blood red and he was showing teeth. He was angry.

An idea crossed my mind. And I grinned.


I STOOD ON the balcony outside of my apartment, smoking. It was my third cigarette since I came out here. Halfway through the morning sky, the suns glared at me. But my mind was a thousand miles away to really care. I was still a bit confused at what happened earlier with my best friend.

What really happened in there? How did it happen? And perhaps the most puzzling question was why I let it happen?

Ah! I pressed the bud into the ashtray I held in my other hand. What was I thinking?

`Are you okay there buddy?' I heard Seth voice next to me.

I didn't react for I was getting use to his coming and going.

`Hey! What's up?' I said trying to act normal.

He stared at me for a second before gazing at the sky. I got the feeling he knew what was bothering me. Fortunately he didn't offer any side comment like he usually does.

`So, you found him huh.'

He was referring to Zack. If I remembered our conversation last night the only reason I should be alive right now is because of my counterpart. I had a few questions about that but I wasn't ready to ask it yet.

`Nate and you were there last night. Zack even heard you. Why doesn't he remember?'

`He remembers but he's thinking like a human right now. To him hearing voices is crazy thought.'

We were silent for a while.

`How do I tell him?'

`That's up to you bud. Best use caution though. Redeemers are much more sensitive than us. They don't perceive the world like we do.'

`I don't understand?'

`Of course you don't but you'll find out. Now let's speak of something else shall we.'

`What is it?' I said placing the ashtray down.

`I've been searching for the demon which stung you last night.'

`And,' I said intrigued.

`No leads yet but Nate is comparing the samples he took from you to our demon log. He'd been unsuccessful so far but the volume is huge. It will take him a couple of days.'

`You took samples. I don't recall that.'

He smirked. `You were in a delirious stupor. There are a lot of things you don't remember.'

He patted me on the back and laughed. I chuckled.

But then we went quiet again.

`What do I do now Seth?' I knew I was repeating myself but I couldn't help it.

Seth sighed. `Look bud, I know you're confused. If anything you're in denial as well. As much as I can I will help but at this stage you need to figure things out for yourself first. My advice is that you take some times to really think it over.'

He pulled me into a hug. `Be brave bud,' he said before vanishing out of thin air.

I sat at the kitchen table across from Zack. He had cooked us breakfast.

There was an awkward silence and he was avoiding my gaze. I felt his embarrassment and his trepidation of bringing up the subject. I concurred. I too wasn't ready to discuss what happened earlier, although, it was quite hard not to think of anything else. I kept seeing his face buried in my crotch with my cock in his mouth. I never thought of my best friend in a sexual way before but now I do apparently.

June called when you were outside,' he told me. It appears that the dive centre would be closed today.'

I put down my coffee. `How come?'

Mark is having a party at his house this afternoon. It's Griffin's birthday. And it's a surprise party.' Zack put down his fork and wiped his mouth. And get this. Mark wants us to distract Griffin while they prepare for the pool party.'

`Not again,' I said chuckling. Every year since Zack and I started working at the Dive Centre, Mark had been trying to surprise his brother with a party. And every year, Griffin had to lie about being surprise. I wonder why Griffin never told his brother he knew.

I huffed. `Where are we taking him?'

`To Ferguson's.'

Ferguson's was one of the most popular bars in town. Although its doors are open to everyone, it has a reputation of being a gay bar. I've no problem going in because I'd actually been there a couple of times with Zack. I not too sure about Griffin, though. The guy is as straight as a doornail. I just hope he doesn't freak out when he walks in there.

Another awkward silence passed.

I watched Zack cut a piece of sausage and put it in his mouth.

`Thank you for being there for me last night.'

`No probs. You would have done the same if it was me who were sick,' he replied.

And he was right.

`I probably would have. I'm only sorry for the whole Heather thing that came after,' I said.

`Don't be, it perfectly understandable for her to be acting like that.'

`I had no idea she had a jealous streak,' I said with a frown.

You should know. You're the one who'd been dating her.' Zack was being cynical. I wondered why. Look, I'm not judging or anything but you're not very observant are you?' Zack continued.

`What do you mean?' I asked a bit lost.

`Heather has been acting weird for weeks now ––working overtime often, showing up late for your dates, spending long hours on the phone and getting angry at you when you questioned her about it. Those are classic signs of a cheater.'

I suddenly grew angry. Was Zack the reason why Heather left me? Did he stage what happened this morning to get rid of her? This is unbelievable.

`For all I know you were the one trying to break us up,' I spat.

I can't believe you just said that,' he said looking hurt, particularly you who know me my entire life.' Angry himself he stormed out of the kitchen.

I can't believe I just said that either. Neither to believe that Zack had anything to do with Heather and me breaking up. The signs were there. He was merely pointing out the obvious truth that I'd been afraid to admit. He didn't deserve this.

Quickly I ran to catch up with him. When I reached him, I grabbed his hand pulling him into my arms.

`Sorry, I didn't mean what I said. I was just frustrated with myself for being so blithely dense.'

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me.

I pulled him closer and put my head against his. `Please forgive me.'


End of chapter 11

Next: Chapter 12

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