My Boy Jon

By Alexander Johanson

Published on May 29, 2011


This story is fictional. All events and characters are imaginary and bare no resemblance to actual people or incidents. This story is copyrighted by the Author. I specify that I am over the age of 18.

My Boy Jon

Chapter 1:

It's so hard for me to sit here and not think about him. It's all I ever do, and it's obvious. I'm sure it shows. I probably get this lazy look like I'm daydreaming, because I totally am. I don't really know what to call it, because it's not like I'm picturing him naked in my bedroom, with his six-pack and bulging pecs. It's mostly me just remembering how he feels, how he smells like freshly scented deodorant and the faint hint of chlorine, and his laugh. His laugh. It's kinda dorky, but in a loveable, endearing way, and I smile when he laughs. His name is Jon.

Jon and I have only been friends for a little while, maybe a year and a half. We both go to this small, artsy kind of school. We're both sophomores, approaching the summer before junior year. I can tell he's so ready for summer. You can just see the nervous energy and hear the excitement in his voice. He can't sit still, and he's got too much energy for his own good. I think it's sweet.

Maybe I should tell you a little more about myself. My name's Brent. I stand at about 6 feet with short blond hair and green eyes. I'll turn 17 next fall. I like to run, and run for my school's track team. I'm not the greatest, but I am only a sophomore. I'm nice and lanky, and I feel totally fine with the way I look. I like to read and play games online. I love animals, and spend a lot of my time outdoors in the woods just behind my house. I have no sense of direction and get lost frequently. But through getting lost all these times I have stumbled across a few amazing places in the woods that I've never shown to anyone. They're my special places.

I have an older sister Jessie and I live with her and her boyfriend/fiancŽ. We live in a small, rinky-dink town just outside of Portland, Oregon. My sister means the world to me. She took me in after my mom died and her boyfriend left me. For some reason that man just couldn't stand the sight of me. It was weird, because he wouldn't yell at me or beat me. He just always would look at me and when I'd glance at him and catch his eye he'd immediately turn away. There was just something about me he really didn't like. But I guess that's another story.

I was sitting in my bed, day dreaming about Jon when Jessie called me down for dinner. That's one of the things I love about living with my big sis. She doesn't come up to my room and knock, trying to "talk to me" like a parent would. She understands that I really don't need a parent figure, and that I'm totally independent. She respects that, and in turn I respect her. So I got off of my bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey bud, how was the first day of your second to last week of school?" Jessie said with a little giggle.

"Fine," I said, smiling. That's probably my favorite facial feature: my smile. Unlike pretty much all of my friends, I never had braces. My teeth just grew in perfectly from the get go. I am the envy of all my metal-mouthed friends.

"Anything out of the ordinary happen today?" asked Matt, Jessie's almost husband.

"Well, Jon was showing off again in the caf and ended up breaking a plate," I said, smiling again.

"It's funny how that boy never learns. He just is so clumsy. No wonder he's so damn fast in the water. He's basically a fish," Jessie said. She was pulling some meat thing out of the oven.

"He's got no right being on land, that's for sure," I said.

"So, what exactly was he doing?" Matt asked.

"The usual. He was trying to balance some cups and plates and silverware on the table. But he didn't see that one of the cups still had water in it. It spilled all over the floor, and when he went to wipe it up, he slipped in the water and knocked all the plates down. And then, Lisa the crazy witch of a lunch lady came and tossed us all out of the cafeteria. I swear, I didn't stop laughing for the rest of the day. Jon was totally embarrassed. He was so adorable."

Crap. I can't believe I let that slip. I looked at Jessie, and she was smiling at Matt. It wasn't a "hahaha it's so funny how much he loves him" kind of smile but more of a "ha-ha Matt what do we do now" kind of smile. Matt just looked out the window. I'm super embarrassed now.

It's not that they have a problem with me being gay; it's just that they aren't really sure what to say about it. I'm sure they were never really surprised when I told them last a few moths ago, what with me going to a liberal arts school and not wanting to play football and basketball like all my other friends. It's the contact I don't like. The rubbing and pushing and bruises just don't sit well with me. And like I said earlier, I'm independent. That's why I like running. You don't have to rely on anyone but yourself.

"Do you want me to set the table?" I asked, hoping a quick change in subject will let that little outburst be quickly forgotten.

"Sure. Can you put out the silverware and napkins, and Matt, can you put out three plates? I want to let the chicken cool a little first before cutting it. Do you guys want salad?

"Sure. We could all use a few more vegetables in our diets. I think Matt here's getting fat off your filling dishes!" I laughed as Matt wadded up a napkin and tried to hit me with it.

"You're one to talk! Ever since you decided to start lifting with Jon you've been packin' on the pounds there, lardass!"

"Boys, boys, shut up!" Jessie said, ever so eloquently. "We all know I'm the fittest one in here!"

At that, we all had a good laugh. It's good that we can joke about stuff like this. We're all in really good shape, even thought Jessie is 26 and Matt is pushing 30. And we're not super anal about our health either. We all enjoy different things. I like running, whether it be at the track, in the woods behind the house, or just down to the minimart and back. Matt plays pick up games of basketball and sometimes football down at the park, and Jessie is just Jessie. She just is flawless like that.

"Okay, okay, we'll calm down," I said. "What's on the menu tonight Jess?"

"Imperial chicken and a nice salad with cherry tomatoes, carrots, feta cheese, and assorted greens. Nice and healthy."

Once we sat down and finished eating, I got up to put my dishes in the sink and start washing. Jessie got up and went into the dining room. It was a rule of the house that whoever cooks doesn't have to clean. And for the meals Jessie puts out, I'm happy she never has to pick up a dirty dish. If she wasn't such a good artist, she could definitely have made it as a restaurant owner.

As I was washing the dishes, Matt came over to me and sat on the counter. I could tell he wanted to talk to me about something. He always did that when he wanted to talk about something important.

"If you want to talk about my comment about Jon, just drop it. I don't want to talk about it."

"Brent, it's ok. You know me and your sister have no problem with you liking other guys. It's just that we really don't know what to say when you make comments like that. It's plain as day how you feel about that boy."

"Then why do we need to talk about it? It's not like I'm going to be doing anything about it anytime soon. I don't need that right now," I said, kind of downcast.

"Hey, bud, it's ok. I can kind of image how you feel."

"Dude, I know you're trying, but saying that really doesn't help. I'd really rather you just leave and let me finish the dishes."

"Are you sure? I can stay and help."

"Matt, just go."

And with that, he left me to go sit with Jess on the couch. I stood there at the sink with my hands covered in suds, letting the harsh reality wash over me that Jon would never be mine. I kept telling myself that that was ok, but soon I gave up. I finished the dishes and loaded them back into the cupboards. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 9:00. I trudged upstairs and started getting ready for bed. I knew it was early, but I was tired. All this stress about finals was getting to me. After taking my shower, doing my sit ups, brushing my teeth, and the works, I got into bed and put my head down on the pillow. My iHome was playing in the background. It was playing "Someday You Will Be Loved" by Death Cab for Cutie. How fitting. As I drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Jon started flashing through my head. My Jon. My perfect Jon. My boy.

Next: Chapter 2

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