My Boss and I

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 3, 2008


My Boss and I Chapter 3

Usual Disclaimers:

Jim directed Jeff into the parking area of his condominium complex. Then he directed him to the guest parking area. Jeff was surprised at how high end the complex was. It consisted of three, ten story buildings and Jeff figured there must be twelve apartments on each floor. He wondered how a young, recent graduate could afford such luxury, but remembering the incident with his car, he decided not to say anything. By this time, however, the soul mates were reading each other's minds.

"The apartment belongs to Francie." Jim explained. "Her parents are well off and gave it to her as a graduation present two years ago. If you are doing the math, she's not older than I am. She's just a genius who graduated two years before me.

Jeff found a free guest space and parked. He removed his overnight bag and his clothes for tomorrow, which were hung neatly on a hangar. Jim led him to the middle building. Each building had a telephone security system. Visitors had to be buzzed in. Jim had a key, of course. They entered a beautiful lobby, full of artificial plants, easy chairs, sofas, and marble tables. Jeff wondered if anyone ever used it. Then his question was answered. On the way to the elevator he saw a diminutive, elderly lady sitting in a winged back chair which seemed to absorb her total body.

"Good evening, Mrs. Crane," Jim said cordially to the old lady.

"Hello, Jimmie," she replied. "I'm waiting for my son to pick me up. He's taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday."

"Happy birthday." both men said in unison, and Mrs. Crane smiled back at them.

Jim rang for the elevator and the door opened immediately. "Have a good time." he said to Mrs. Crane as the door closed behind them. Oblivious to the security camera, as soon as the door closed, Jim threw his arms around Jeff and began to kiss him with insatiable yearning. Jeff dropped his bag, and with his free hand returned Jim's hugs. This is going to be a good evening, both men thought.

The elevator took them to the top floor and still Jeff made no comment. He knew that the cost of a condominium increased with elevation. Jim led them to his apartment, fumbled for his key and let them in. They stood in a narrow hallway, and kissed again. Jim took Jeff's bag, led him to the bedroom and laid the bag at the foot of the bed. Then he took the hangar and hung Jeff's clothes in his closet. "Look." he said to Jeff, "Our clothes are hanging side by side."

"You're a fucking romantic." Jeff said. With both their hands now free they hugged each other and kissed. Their tongues found each other and dueled madly. Their cocks ground fiercely against each other. Jim finally broke away.

"Later, my love," Jim said. We need to have a bite to eat and we have lots to talk about. He started for the kitchen and Jeff followed, taking in the whole apartment. The bedroom was adequate, about 12 x 12 with a bathroom. There were two doors in the entrance hallway, one to the right and one straight ahead. The one straight ahead led to a small bedroom about 8 x8. It was nicely furnished as an office, with a writing desk and a computer desk. Each desk had a chair of its own. There was a fax/answering machine on the writing desk. Wherever there was available wall space, there were well filled book cases. The door to the right led to a small powder room. The living room and dining room were one great room. Even though the kitchen was a small working kitchen, the great room made the apartment look huge. There was a balcony about 12 x 6 off the living room behind sliding glass doors. The balcony afforded a lovely view of the city.

Jim investigated the contents of the refrigerator and announced that he had the fixings for onion omelets, and he could defrost a couple of bagels, if that was OK with Jeff.

"That's perfect." Jeff said. Instinctively, he went to a cabinet where he found everything necessary to set the dining room table as Jim began work on the omelets. It was amazing how well they worked together, in the office, in the house and certainly in the bedroom.

"One more thing," Jim said. "Put out two wine glasses, and you'll find some Chardonnay in the fridge. Jeff did as he was told, and then turned toward Jim. Jim was facing the stove and was almost done with the cooking. The omelet was browning and the bagels were in the toaster. Just as Jim pushed down the lever on the toaster, Jeff came up behind him. He kissed Jim on the back of his neck. Then he enveloped Jim's waist and let his hands wander down to Jim's ever bulging package.

"You've got a one track mind," Jim complained, "and how I love it. Sit down now." he commanded. He ladled half the omelet on one dinner plate and the other half on another. He brought both plates to the table and then got a ketchup bottle out of a cabinet. The toaster popped, and he put all four bagel slices on a dish. He took the butter from the fridge and placed it on the table as well. When everything was out, he finally sat down, lifted the wine glass Jeff had filled and said, "Here's to us, now and forever." They each took a sip and Jeff started to cry.

"What's the matter, baby?" Jim wanted to know.

"Nothing. I'm just so fucking happy, is all." They ate in relative silence, occasionally smiling at each other. Then, when they were finished and the apartment was cleaned up, they sat down in the living room. They sat in separate chairs facing each other. Looking at Jim, Jeff asked. "Do you want to talk first or shall I?"

"I brought up the subject and I'll start." Jim got quiet for a while, collecting his thoughts and finally began. "Most of what I'm going to tell you, I had forgotten about. It certainly had no meaning to me until I began to think of why I never had a clue that I might be gay. So here goes.

"My brother Tom is five years older than I. My folks both worked so during the hours between 2 PM and 6 PM we were pretty much alone at home. Two or three afternoons a week, Tom's friend, Mike, came over and the two boys went up to Tom's room and closed the door. One day I came home from school and headed for my room. I had to pass Tom's room on the way and saw that the door was partially open. I clearly heard moaning and groaning and peeked in cautiously. Tom and Mike were sitting side by side on Tom's bed and mutually masturbating each other. I was old enough to know what they were doing but hadn't yet tried it myself. Suddenly Tom screamed, "I'm cuuuumiiiing!" I saw this white stuff squirt from his cock on to his pubic hair, up to his stomach and his chest. Mike followed Tom and shot his load a few seconds later. I was fascinated by what I had seen, but feared being caught, so I silently crept to my room and stayed there until I heard them go downstairs.

"For the next several days I tried doing what they had done, but I couldn't get hard and nothing really happened. Then one day I fantasized that Mike was doing it to me and I began to swell and harden as much as an eleven year old can. I felt the orgasm building in my groin. It was my first time and it was heavenly. My cum was thin and translucent, not like Tom's, and I worried about that. Jeff, my love, today for the first time, I realize that all my masturbation fantasies are about men."

Jeff wanted to say something, but sensed that Jim was not finished so he remained silent. He was right, and Jim continued.

"In college my room mate was a life long friend, Jerry Rubin. I never thought about it until now, but while there were girls coming and going in all the other dorm rooms, neither of us seemed sexually active. As for me, it was because Francie and I already had an understanding, and I just didn't think about whether Jerry screwed around or not.

"One night, I heard Jerry making strange noises from his bed. I quietly got up and went to investigate. As my eyes got used to the dark I could see that he was jacking off. Not being one to interrupt so intimate an act, I crept stealthily back in bed and started to jack off too. Jeff, you know by now, I'm a screamer, and when I came, I let loose. Jerry realized what I was doing, and he started to laugh. Then I started to laugh too, and we both agreed to do `it' whenever we felt the need without worrying about what the other guy thought. We jerked off as much as we wanted from then on. We did it when the other was present, but we never did it mutually like Tom and Mike. I must admit, I thought about asking Jerry how he would feel about doing it to each other, but I remained silent."

"I don't see how..." Jeff began, but Jim interrupted.

"I'm not quite through. On the evening before graduation day, which was to be our last day in the dorm, Jerry and I joined a bunch of other guys at a local pub. We really tore one on. Honey, I was so drunk I don't remember leaving the bar or going to the dorm. When I woke the next morning, Jerry and I were in his bed in our birthday suits, wrapped up in each other's arms. I unraveled myself and found dried, crusty cum all over both of us. I have no idea if we just did our usual hand waving or something more happened. Whatever had occurred, I had no guilt feelings. The only emotion I had was anger that I couldn't remember anything about the night before. Here's the kicker. Jerry came out to me before we left the room for the last time. He begged me not to judge him because he was gay, and to please still be his friend. He told me how hard it was to keep his hands off me all these years, and how often he wanted to do the masturbating for me. I was dumbfounded, but didn't have the nerve to tell him that it would have been fine with me if he had, and that I had experienced the same thoughts about mutual masturbation.

"Now, don't you think I should have suspected myself of being gay from these incidents?"

Jeff hesitated, and before he could answer, the phone rang sharply. Jim looked at the caller ID. "It's Francie," he said, "I'd better answer it."

"Hi honey" he said, and then he grew silent. As Francie began to talk, Jim motioned Jeff to put his ear near the phone so he could hear too. This is what Francie said.

"Jim, just listen and don't interrupt me. What I am going to say is going to hurt you. I need to say it fast and then hang up on you. I don't want you to answer me back. Jim, honey, I met an Aussie out here who's rich as Croesus. He wants to marry me and take me back to Australia. Jim, when he made love to me the first time, there were real fireworks, and I knew that there really was never anything between you and me. We've been friends since kindergarten. For God sakes we're more like brother and sister, and I hope it can remain like that.

"I'm going to fax you my power of attorney for sale of the apartment and my car. Please sell the apartment furnished and tell Ron that I don't care what he lists it for, or how much he has to adjust his commission, as long as I clear $200,000. Just please do it for me. As for the car, you'll need wheels now, so sell it to yourself for $1.00. That will be my farewell gift to you. I'll contact you from Sidney and I really do love you as a brother. Please visit us first chance you get." Before Jim could answer, she hung up.

Jim looked at Jeff to answer his question before he asked it. "Ron Richardson is a mutual friend and a realtor," he explained. Then he added, "Can you believe this shit? Wow this is quite a surprise. Well that's one hurdle less for us, and since you're getting a divorce, I guess we're legal." He grabbed Jeff and they started to kiss wildly. Jeff started to push Jim toward the bedroom, but Jim pulled away and said there would be no sex until he heard Jeff's story.

"Mine is quick" Jeff said. "I was about 15 when this happened. It was about 10 AM one morning and I got a bad case of the runs in Math class, so I grabbed my stuff and went home. Both my folks worked so I didn't expect to find anyone at home. In addition to the garage overhead door, there was a regular door on the side of the house leading in to the garage. That's the one I always used. As soon as I entered the garage through the side door, I got a shock. There was a car parked in the garage and I recognized it immediately. It belonged to my parents' best friends, Brian and Colleen O'Toole. To say that I was surprised would be an understatemet. We lived in a one story ranch so I didn't have to worry about creaky stairs when I went to investigate what was going on. The house was really quiet, but as I crept toward my parents' bedroom, I heard soft moans. The door was wide open. Standing where I couldn't be seen, I peeked in. Brian and my dad were naked in bed doing a great game of 69 on each other. Before I could recover from the shock, they disengaged from each other. My dad reached into his night stand and took out some lube. He lubed Brian's ass and then his cock, which was magnificent by the way. Brian lay on his back and placed his legs on my dad's shoulders. Then my dad entered Brian so effortlessly you knew it was something they were used to doing.

"Here's the thing. If I was straight, I would have screamed and yelled and bopped them both in the eye. Instead I was so horny I nearly split my pants. Worse yet, I had incestuous feeling for my hunky dad. Needless to say, I got out of the house as quietly as I could. For all I know Brian and dad are still going at it. I don't want to know. After that, my masturbation fantasies revolved around that scene. Every time I jerk off, I picture my dad fucking Brian. Looking back now, my reaction to my dad's fucking another man, should have clued me in to the possibility that I was gay. What do you think?"

"I think" Jim said "that we should give up the analysis and climb into bed. All these stories have made me pretty horny. We still have lots to talk about and lots to plan, but like you say, `tomorrow is another day.' "

"Now it's my turn to delay. I want to run something by you." Jeff said very seriously. "We are both going to need a place to move to, because in a way we are both being forced to vacate. What would you say to us buying this place? We can offer Francie $200,000 clear without any additional costs to her. We'll pay any incidental closing costs. This place is worth at least $50,000 more than she wants, so everyone wins, and I get to start the rest of my life loving you, and being your partner forever. Please, please say yes, and I'll start moving in this weekend"

"Wow! That's an overwhelming thought." Jim responded. "I'd say yes if I could afford to pay half, but I don't want to share something with you unless it's 50/50, and God knows I can't afford to pay for what you are proposing."

"OK. I understand." Jeff said. "How about this? I come up with the down payment and we mortgage the rest. We'll pay the mortgage and all household expenses, maintenance fees, etc., 50/50. You can give me a note for half the down payment. We'll arrange an easy pay plan." Then with a smile, Jeff added, "I assure you, you'll be able to afford it."

"Man that is so fantastic. OK. You win. God, this is so exciting. I'll call Francie on her cell tomorrow morning. I need to know how to reach her, her husband's name and address, a million things. Now can we please get each other laid?"

To be Continued...

Author's Note:

I have had several comments from readers regarding cell phones and Saturn Ions not being around twenty years ago. Let me clarify. The entire story takes place today. Today is a flash back from 20 years into the future where the story actually began. I have trouble remembering what I did this morning. I certainly could not recall what life was like 20 years ago before 9/11 and homeland security, and so I wouldn't attempt to write about it. I hope that clears up the time frame of the story.

Next: Chapter 4

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