My Boss and I

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 1, 2008


My Boss and I Chapter 2

Usual Disclaimers:

During the night of the day that Jim and Jeff met each other, Jim awoke at about 3 AM. He could hear Jeff breathing very lightly at the other end of the bed. Their bodies were at least a foot apart. Jim reflected on the events of the evening and marveled that he had had sex with a man. He believed that he should feel disgusted. He believed that he should want to slug Jeff in the eye, and tell Jeff what an asshole he was for having lured him into this predicament. Strangely, he felt none of those things. He wanted rather to scoot over and pull Jeff into his arms, and make endless love to him. He still could not accept the fact that he might be gay. He only knew that he had fallen hopelessly in love with a dude, AND HE DIDN'T CARE.

He had to pee badly, so he got out of bed as quietly as he could and headed for the bathroom. He had familiarized himself with the layout of the bedroom and bathroom that evening and so he went to do his business in the near darkness.

Jeff had not been able to sleep at all and was only pretending so as not to disturb Jim. When Jim got out of the bed, Jeff panicked. He was sure Jim would quietly slip on his clothes and leave. Jeff shivered thinking Jim might be out of his life forever. The mere fact that he didn't use a light in the bathroom surely meant he was going to leave on the sly and Jeff couldn't blame him. Tears began to roll down Jeff's cheek. He chided himself on having been too aggressive. He should have let their friendship mature and then grow into love. But he himself had fallen in love instantly and he couldn't help luring Jim into sex. Fool! Fool! Fool! And worse yet, sex with a guy, a dude. What madness. `I must be out of my mind,' he thought.

And then a miracle occurred. Or at least, it was a miracle to Jeff. Jim climbed back into bed. Not only did he climb back into bed but he hunkered up to Jeff, who was facing away from him, and nested against him like 2 spoons in a drawer. Jim's erect cock did some nesting also, right up against Jeff's crack. That did it. Jeff lost it. He began to sob uncontrollably. Now it was Jim's turn to panic. He was sure that it was straight Jeff who was disgusted and wanted him out as soon as possible. It took all his strength to ask Jeff if he wanted him to leave.

Jeff's sobs changed to gales of laughter. "I'll fire you if you do." he giggled. "Oh Jim, I can't explain it any more than you can, but don't you see how helplessly in love with you I am?" Now it was Jim's turn to giggle.

"Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Jim said. "You love a dude. I love a dude. How can it be?"

"I told you. Don't try to make sense of it." Jeff replied. "I'll tell you one better." he added. I wouldn't be embarrassed to advertise it in the newspaper."

"Well that might be a good idea because I can't think of a better way to tell Francie and my folks than through an ad in the paper. And you've got Marie and your folks to think about. Do you perchance have any thoughts on how you're going to explain me, and how I'm going to explain you?"

Jeff rolled over, pulling Jim fully against him. "Tell you what," he said, "I'll worry about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day." That having been said, he scooted down and took Jim's very hard cock into his eager mouth. Jim was finished being cute and coy. He placed his hands on the back of Jeff's head and pushed himself deeper inside Jeff's mouth. Jeff resisted gagging as he swallowed Jim's engorged head. All he could think about was that he was deep throating the love of his life, and nothing else mattered. His tongue ran sensuously up and down Jim's shaft. Jim was moaning and squirming and pushing harder and harder into Jeff's mouth. It didn't take Jim long to cum. With one glorious scream he shot streams and streams of his precious fluid into Jeff's eager mouth. Jeff withdrew somewhat so that he could taste and capture Jim's love juice. After they caught their breaths, Jeff was kind enough to share Jim's cum with him via some serious kissing. Then they dozed off at last.

Needless to say they overslept. Jeff called the office and informed Jeanine that he would be a little late. He didn't mention Jim because technically Jeanine didn't expect him to start until the following Monday. That thought gave Jeff an idea. "Would you like to take the rest of the week off so we don't have to explain why we are both late together."

Jim considered the offer for an instant and then replied, "Absolutely not! First of all, I am so ready to get going at work, and you could really use my help. Secondly, since you are ready to place an ad in the paper, why not be open with Jeanine and see what kind of reaction we get."

"Hey babe, what a great idea."

The word, babe, did not escape Jim's computer brain. Yesterday, if some guy had called him "babe," he would have socked him in the eye. Today, coming from Jeff, it was a chorus of angels.

"You'll be happy to learn, BABE, that your lowly employee is always full of good ideas." Jeff caught the irony in Jim's tone and grinned so disarmingly that Jim added, "Like right now, I think we should get back to bed and start where we left off."

"No way, HON," Jeff replied giggling. "We'll never get to the office. You shower while I fix us breakfast. Wear the clothes I laid out last night. It'll be fine for the office. Yell when you are done and I'll shower, shave etc. Wow, I forgot." He went into the bathroom, and somehow found a new toothbrush and razor and gave it to Jim.

"You know what would be real nice, babe? When you're through, put the razor and toothbrush next to mine." Jim smiled very broadly and Jeff's heart melted into mush.

They finally arrived at the office at about 10 AM. On the way over, they made a pact that they would never let their love and private lives interfere with business again. They never did break that rule.

Jeanine was very surprised that Jim arrived with Jeff, but for the moment decided not to say anything. She handed Jeff several phone messages and went back to her typing.

"Before I answer these calls, let me give you some stuff to work on." Jeff beckoned Jim to follow him into his office. When he opened the door, Jeff motioned to Jim to enter first. Then making sure that Jeanine could see, he gave Jim a whack on the rump as Jim passed in front of him. When they were both inside, Jeff left the door open and whispered to Jim, "That should start her thinking." He then went over some files with Jim. In every case some adjusting entries were required and then financial statements needed to be prepared. One account was on a year end extension. In addition to completing the work and financial statements, Jim would need to prepare tax returns as well. Given his inexperience, he reckoned he would need until close of business on Friday to complete the work. He also figured that Jeff had figured that out himself.

Jim took the files into his office and put them in neat piles on a cabinet in his office, deciding to do the year end client last. No sooner was he inside than Jeanine came in and closed the door. "Jeff will be on the phone for a while. Now I'm not exactly blind and I wasn't born yesterday. What the hell is going on with you two? And if it's what I think, I want you to know I totally approve. Jeff needs something better than that bitch he's soon to be divorced from. There I said it."

Jim was learning that Jeanine often ran on before anyone could respond to her, but she was never offensive. Jim decided to be light hearted and in his best southern belle accent he said, "Why dahlin'. Whatever do you mean?"

"Look Jeanine," he then got serious. "Jeff said that if you asked any questions or noticed anything different, you should ask him. OK?"

"Deal!" She responded, and left Jim's office so he could get to work.

Jim was so enjoying his work and got so immersed in it, that he actually forgot about the sex of last night and the sex yet to come. But occasionally his mind wandered to thoughts of Jeff and his magnificent body. In those brief moments it became necessary for him to adjust his own briefs.

"A good accountant is always at a good stopping point." Jim heard Jeff announce from Jim's door. "It's time for lunch. Let's go."

"Okay" Jim answered "but today's lunch is on me. I don't want to feel `kept.' Jeff understood and nodded in agreement. On the way to the restaurant Jim said that he needed to go home that evening. He wanted to check his mail, phone messages and pick up some clean clothes for work. Then, with a smile on his face, he said to Jeff, "It sure would be nice if you were to go home with me."

"The pleasure will be mine." Jeff really wanted to see what Jim's place looked like.

As soon as Jeanine left for the day, Jeff and Jim reverted to two high school kids. They romped around the office trying to grab ass each other. Then they literally ran over to Jeff's apartment. They went up to the apartment and Jeff packed an overnight bag and clothes for work the next day.

"Are you thinking you might get lucky?" Jim quipped, and they both laughed. Then they went down to the underground parking garage to get Jeff's car. When they reached the car, Jim said, "I'm shocked. I was expecting a Benz or a Beemer at the least, certainly not a Saturn Ion"

A little chagrined, Jeff retorted. "It's a great car, it's economical, and it gets me where I need to go."

This really upset Jim and he quickly apologized. Then with a grin he asked, "Does that represent our first lover's quarrel?" Jeff smiled, and grabbed Jim in a hug. Reluctantly they released each other and they started out to Jim's apartment.

In the car they drove in relative silence, both lost in their own thoughts. They did briefly discuss where to have dinner. Jim said that he had plenty of food and he would throw something together. The only other interruption to the quiet was Jim's voice occasionally giving Jeff directions to his apartment.

Suddenly Jim dropped a bombshell. "Jeff, I've been thinking," he began. "How can two guys who have been straight all their lives, who never touched another guy, especially not `there,' how can they both become gay in an instant? It makes me wonder a couple of things. Am I just queer for you and maybe no other man could arouse me? Were there ever events in my life which should have given me some warning that I might be gay?" Jim turned to Jeff, who was staring straight ahead at the road. "Jeff," he said, "I've thought about a couple of times when maybe I should have been alerted."

Still concentrating on the driving and without turning his head, Jeff reached over and put his palm on Jim's crotch. Jim sighed and slumped in his seat a little to help Jeff out.

Jeff turned to Jim for a moment and said, "Honey, there is no doubt in my mind that we are soul mates. I have been dwelling on the same two questions, and I have some answers too. Let's share the info when we get to your place.

To be Continued

Author's Note; Comments always welcome at

Next: Chapter 3

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