My Boss and I

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 28, 2008


Usual Disclaimers

My Boss and I

Chapter 1

The two men, both in their forties, had just finished making love. They had been doing just that for the past twenty years. Both rolled onto their backs, sweaty and spent, trying to catch their breaths. Jim Lester was slightly shorter than his partner, Jeff Simmons. Jim laid his head on Jeff's chest and let his hand wander down to Jeff's now limp love machine. Jeff did the same with his left hand and put his right hand around Jim's shoulder. Soon both men were lost in peaceful reverie. They didn't know, of course, but both of them were sharing the same memory. They were remembering back to that day exactly twenty years ago, when they met for the first time.

Jim had just graduated college and taken the CPA exams. He aced the grueling tests with flying colors, but the State he lived in required that he apprentice himself to another CPA for two years before he could be fully certified and receive his credentials. He had received very lucrative offers from several large firms, all of which he had refused. He wanted to work for a small but growing firm where he could get down and dirty in the trenches. He wanted to experience the full range of accounting, including auditing, taxation and financial consulting. He knew that in a big firm he would be compartmentalized, and perhaps miss out on some aspects of his chosen profession.

When Francie, his fiancée heard about the offers he was turning down, she really objected to his casual attitude about their future. Poor Jim could not explain to her all the reasons for the choice he was making, but he finally got her to stop badgering him. She was not a happy camper.

One Sunday shortly after graduation, Jim was searching the want ads. He didn't see anything he thought he should pursue. He then went to the business section. He had noticed that higher end jobs were often advertised there. Bingo! He saw a black bordered ad which read:

"Overburdened, single practitioner seeks an associate for a fast growing practice. Unique opportunity for an ambitious young person. Partnership potential a definite possibility if you are the right one. Fax resume and salary requirement to 802-555-9988"

Jim was really excited. He thought, `My God. This ad was written to me." Within minutes, he had faxed the necessary documents to the number in the ad. His first impulse was to call Francie, but he decided to wait until after his interview, if he got one.

About 10 AM on Monday morning, Jim's phone rang. Francie was out of town and she said she would call mid morning. Thinking it was she, he answered, "Hi gorgeous, what's cooking?" There was a slight hesitation and then a cheery voice said, "Thanks for the compliment. Do you have a viewing screen on your phone?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else"

"Anyone who calls me gorgeous doesn't have to apologize. I'm Jeanine, Mr. Simmons' secretary. We received your fax this morning, and Mr. Simmons asked me to set up an interview if you are still interested." Without waiting for an answer she asked, "Would tomorrow at 9 AM be all right?" Jim's heart gave an extra leap. Trying not to sound too anxious, he said that would be fine. Jeanine then gave him the address, suite number, the name of the practice and finally the telephone number in case there was a problem. Jim in turn gave her his cell number for the same reason.

Francie called almost immediately after Jeanine's call. As he had promised himself, he refrained from telling her about his interview. Francie was a buyer for Bloomingdale's and was currently in Los Angeles on a buying spree. She told him that she would be gone for at least another three weeks, but would be home for two weeks upon her return. During the conversation, he thought about having sex with Francie and by the time she hung up he was as hard as a nail. I'll have to do something about this, he thought, and undressed quickly, got into bed and masterbated slowly and sensuously until his chest was covered with his cum.

Tuesday morning Jim dressed in his only good navy blue suit, white shirt, sensible tie, black knee length socks, and dress black shoes. He checked himself out in the mirror, admired how business like he looked and headed out the door to meet Jeff Simmons, CPA.

When he arrived at the office, he couldn't help but tell Jeanine that she was indeed gorgeous and his greeting yesterday would hold. As far as she was concerned he was hired. She knocked on Jeff's door and he said to come in. She ushered Jim in to Jeff's office and introduced the two men. They shook hands warmly, each admiring the other's firm grip.

Lying in bed twenty years later, and remembering the moment he laid eyes on Jeff, Jim began to feel a stirring in his groin and he turned a little to Jeff so that he could rub his erection against Jeff's outer thigh.

The moment Jim saw Jeff, he was thunderstruck. Here was the handsomest man Jim had ever seen. Jeff was about six years older and an inch taller than Jim at about 6'1". He was built like a football player, and obviously worked out. He was wearing a sport shirt and Jim could clearly see soft, furry hair on a well developed chest. He felt an engorgement in his penis and sat down as quickly as possible in order to hide it. This had never happened to him before, at least not with a man. He realized that he was turned on by Jeff Simmons and now he was so confused, he wondered how he could get through the interview. He also could see why Jeff was so successful.

Jeff too was shocked at his reaction to meeting Jim. Grasping Jim's hand, he felt his boxer shorts being stretched, and he sat down quickly. This was just not right. He was a heterosexual man. He had never been aroused by a man before. But what a man! Jeff thought that Jim was the handsomest man he had ever seen. He wasn't really muscular, but he was lean and hard. Jeff guessed that Jim's sport in college had been track. He tried to knock the sexual thoughts he was having right out of his head, and get on with the interview, but he felt the room spinning. This was going to be hard, he thought, and I can't understand any of what is going on.

Jim spotted the picture of a beautiful young woman on Jeff's desk. When Jeff caught Jim looking at the picture, he was roused from his reveries. He explained that the picture was that of his wife, Marie. Jim's stomach sank and he felt disappointment. Why, he wondered. This is crazy. Why should I care that he's married? After all, I'm engaged and I AM STRAIGHT. In spite of that, Jim kept shifting in his seat to undo the discomfort he felt from his ever bulging package. He couldn't help notice that Jeff was doing the same thing.

The interview was a non interview to say the least. The two men felt so comfortable with each other. They had gone to the same college and compared notes on their college days, especially, sports, booze and women. They talked about the local sports teams, the social life their city afforded, about their families and dozens of other things. The time passed so quickly that they felt like two old friends who hadn't seen each other in ages. Finally, they discussed salary and Jeff said he'd like Jim to start the following Monday. They shook hands on it. Jeff buzzed Jeanine and told her to cancel all the other interviews. The job was filled. Jeanine was ecstatic. Suddenly Jim caught Jeff checking out his watch and thought it was time for him to leave. Instead Jeff asked if he would like to have lunch with him. Jim said that would be great. Neither had realized that they had been talking for more than three hours.

They went to a little café just up the street from the office. Now indeed they could talk like old friends. Jim volunteered that his fiancé was away more than she was home and how frustrating it was. To which Jeff grinned and said, "I bet you use your hand a lot."

"You know it." Jim replied.

Now it was Jeff's turn. My wife is a correspondent for UPI and she's overseas at least 80% of the time. Now you know why I asked about hand action. Then he said something only two old friends would talk about. "I think she's having an affair with her photographer. She's asked for a divorce."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jim replied.

"No need to be sorry. It's for the best.

"What's he look like? The photographer, I mean." Jim asked curiously. Jeff was so handsome he just couldn't imagine what she could see in anther man. Jeff had been sitting across the table from Jim. Now he got up and scooted to the chair next to Jim so that they were sitting at right angles. Jeff's knee touched Jim's. Electricity shot up Jim's spine, but he didn't move.

"He" Jim began in a whisper, "looks more like a Lynne. Marie's photographer is a woman.

Jim was speechless. All he could manage was a "WOW!"

"It explains why she was so frigid with me. As for me, I'm working on moving on. Thank God there are no children. Hey," Jeff said. "Our women are both away so why not have dinner with me tonight. Don't take this wrong but I feel so connected with you. I enjoy your company so much. Please say yes."

"OK. Sure." Jim hoped he didn't sound too anxious.

"That's great. Look, after work, I want to go home, shower and change. Wear something casual tonight and why don't you come by about 6:30. I live in that high rise just one block up." Jeff pointed to the building, and gave Jim his apartment number, telephone number and cell number. He was making sure that they would have dinner together that evening. He just couldn't bear to say goodbye to this handsome hunk. He was definitely ashamed of his feelings, but he was determined to pursue them and see where they led.

Then, as if a light went on in his brain, he said to Jim. "I've got a better idea. Why don't you come back with me? I'll show you to your office, give you a couple of files I want you to take over, and you can start orienting yourself to our routines. Jeanine will give you some guidance. Then you can come home with me and shower there. You're only slightly shorter than I am and I can lend you some casual clothes to hang out in. Then he added quickly. I'll put you on the payroll immediately, of course."

"Of course," Jim replied. Then the two laughed heartily.

Jeff showed Jim to his office and Jeanine got him some vital supplies which she placed in a storage closet in the room. The desk already had a calculator and a computer which she said was networked with all the other computers in the office. Jim booted up, and she told him that everyone in the office had the same password, "Simmons." As the computer was booting up, Jeanine explained that Jeff wore a shirt and tie when he went to a client, but in the office a sport shirt and slacks would be fine. When clients came to the office they knew what the dress code was and it was fine with them. Then she brought him the files Jeff wanted him to start on, and left him to review them and write down any questions he might have. All the while Jeff was in his office answering the messages he had received during the morning he spent with Jim. Both their doors were open and Jim could here Jeff laughing, but at the same time giving some sound business advice, and saying things like yes, I'll be there on Thursday. It was plain to Jim that Jeff enjoyed a terrific relationship with his clients and much respect.

Jim was struck immediately by how well organized and professional the files were. All the work papers were well documented and there were ample audit trails. Jim could see that both clients were due for quarterly reviews. Based on the previous work papers, he made notes on which areas he particularly wanted to look into at the next review.

"How's it going?" Jim looked up to see Jeff at his door.

"Great. I see I need to make some appointments. Do I do it or does Jeanine?"

"You'll do it in the future, but for now, Jeanine has scheduled you next Monday and Tuesday at Badger Manufacturing and Wednesday and Thursday at Royal Emporium. You can work in the office on Friday preparing interim financial statements and organizing their files. I'll go with you the first morning at each job and introduce you. Then I'll leave, but if you have questions call on my cell phone. If you know I'm at the office, you can call me here. Now, have you any idea what time it is? Jeanine has been gone almost an hour."

Jim looked at his watch. He couldn't believe that it was 6:30. He was about to go home with Jeff. His heart started to beat wildly and he felt throbbing in his groin. This is crazy, he thought. Stop this. You are engaged to be married. You are not supposed to feel this way.

Since Jim had come down town by bus and Jeff had walked to work, there were no vehicles to worry about and they started their short walk to Jeff's apartment.

When they entered the apartment it was obvious that a woman had decorated. It was very frilly and did not reflect Jeff at all. "Let's see what I can give you to wear tonight. I have a restaurant in mind and a nice cocktail lounge afterwards where we can really get to know each other well." Jeff went to his closet, and got out a casual pair of slacks that he knew were slightly short on him and then chose a complementary sport shirt and laid them neatly on his bed. Next he went to his dresser and took out a pair of boxer shorts and a pair of socks. Jim's own shoes would continue to do nicely. "That should work well," he said.

With Jim still in the bedroom, Jeff started to undress. He folded his slacks neatly and hung them in the closet. Then before Jim knew what happened, Jeff had stripped completely and thrown everything into a hamper in the bathroom. "What are you waiting for? He asked. Let's shower together and we can do each other's backs." Jim stood stunned. His tool was standing too, and he knew he couldn't get undressed this way. "You shower with men at the gym, don't you?" Jeff added with a leer.

Too shocked to move, but not turned off, Jim finally looked at Jeff. Up until now he had avoided looking at him. Jeff looked like a Greek statue. He had short, curly black hair. His chest was rippled with muscles. His nipples were tan and rather large. He had soft furry black hair on his chest. His biceps were enormous. His pubic hair was definitely trimmed. Jeff's penis was erect and Jim was sure he could see precum on the tip. It was at least eight inches, cut, and wider than Jim's, but Jim was sure his was longer.

Jim realized he had two choices. He could bolt and run and say sayonara to the job, or he could soap his boss's back. In a second his choice was made, and he was naked. Jeff was adjusting the water temperature in the shower, still sporting a boner. Jim noted that the shower was wide enough that they could avoid touching each other, but Jeff had other ideas. Once in the shower, he found reasons to reach across Jim's body to get the soap and replace it on the tray, to adjust the water temperature over and over, etc. More than once their penises brushed each other lightly. Jim was heady. He thought he was going to faint. He had never in his life thought about another man, and now all he could think about was taking Jeff's tool into every opening in his body. He wanted Jeff's juice down his throat and up his ass. This was insanity. He had never, ever had thoughts like this. If anything, he had nothing against gays, but he had often made fun of them. Jim was going crazy. His head was spinning. He was simply spaced out, and without realizing it, he slumped against Jeff, who grabbed him and held him up.

"I know." Jeff said. I feel the same way. The moment you walked into the office, I wanted you. I have never wanted another man in my life. What's happening here?" I'm going crazy and you're making me that way. As the older of the two, Jeff felt he needed to take the lead and do something very quickly. With that he embraced Jim strongly and pressed his lips to the younger man. Instinctively, Jim's lips parted and their tongues began a dueling match. Their hands wrapped around their throbbing tools and they began massaging each other with their precum. "Please stop," Jim pleaded. "I don't want to cum yet. Let's get good and clean and take this to the bedroom."

Jeff released his new lover. They washed each other's backs and paid particular attention to the love holes they knew would be filled that night. Eventually they exited the shower, reluctant to let go of each other. As neat as they had been before, they unceremoniously tossed the formerly neatly laid clothes off the bed and made love to each other.

How they knew, neither could tell you, but instinctively they both knew what to do and how to please each other. They got into a 69 position and for the first time took a penis into their mouths. There was no hesitation. This was thrilling and each marveled at how good the other tasted. Then before they could cum, Jeff released himself. He took some condoms and some lube from his night stand. Patiently, he got Jim ready with his well lubed fingers. First he inserted one finger into Jim's love hole, then two and even three. Then with Jim on his back, so they could kiss while they fucked, Jeff drove home. Initially it hurt, but Jim didn't care. Once past the sphincter Jeff's cock began to massage Jim's prostate, and it was heaven for both of them. They were both moaning softly at first, but then their breaths shortened, the moaning increased. Jim gyrated and thrust to meet Jeff's incessant rhythm. They came almost simultaneously, Jeff in the condom and Jim all over his chest. Jeff collapsed on Jim's body, spreading Jim's cum all over both of them.

Out of curiosity, Jeff put some of Jim's cum on his finger and tasted it. He liked how it warmed his mouth and the salty taste, so Jim did the same. With cum in both their mouths, they kissed passionately. They lay still for a while until Jim said, "I'm hard again. It's my turn."

There was no dinner that night and in the morning Jeff called Jeanine and said they would be late to the office.

For twenty years they had been life partners and business partners. Their love was forever. Jim caressed his sleeping partner's cheek as he gently kissed his chest and sucked on his nipples.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note: I had intended for this to be a single short story, but friends who have read this have begged for more. So there will be at least one more chapter (if this even gets published) and we'll see from there. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 2

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