My Black Dilf Neighbor

By Story Teller

Published on Aug 18, 2023


Story Title -- My Black DILF Neighbor

Category -- Adult-Friends, Authoritarian, Interracial

Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, and alcohol use that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behavior, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is an erotica that is based on some real-life experiences. It is intended to arouse and stimulate you. The first two chapters will have a lot of backstories and minimal sexual encounters. If Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to it! Enjoy.

Lastly, I love to hear readers' feedback and reactions to my writing. Please email me at if you have any reactions or comments

Chapter 6

Minutes later, when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the chaise with my head resting on the pillow and my navy blue robe opened to the sides with my smooth white body in the tiniest red mini briefs resting exposed to him. I saw him drawing the window curtains in the dimly lit room. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to recollect how I passed out and how he picked me up and carried me on his shoulder to his apartment. I opened my eyes and tried to gather my thoughts as to what I was going to say to him. Shame, embarrassment, and awkwardness started knocking on my head. Next, I saw him in his blue plaid boxers walking towards me. His body was solid and hard, his legs were thick and muscular. I found myself staring at him, taking in the sight of his nakedness as he approached me.

"How do you feel?" He asked, sitting next to me on the ottoman, with his knees wide open.

"All right!" I mumbled.

Embarrassed, I tried to cover my middle and crotch with the robe. Looking at me, he grinned rolling his tongue in his mouth.

He came close, lifted me in the sitting position with his arm around my back, his naked, muscular body touching mine, his heat passing into me, melting me, and gave me a glass of water.

"Have some. I checked your vitals. Nothing to worry about. A sudden rush of blood does this. Did you drink alcohol or do drugs or marijuana?"

"No." I stammered as I took a few sips of water. I lied. Now feeling a lot better.

"Well then this was just a rush of blood. You got too excited to see me." He almost laughed.

He stood up and paced back and forth in the room a couple of times in front of me. I stared at his towering personality, alpha demeanor in its raw form. Almost naked in his plaid boxers with a semi-hard cock lined up on the left leg. I was aroused and my cock started coming out from the top of my mini briefs. Embarrassed, I started trying to pull the sides of my robe and tie the knot of the belt. He saw that. He looked lasciviously.

He stepped up closer and sat in front of me on the ottoman. Next, he moved it close to me, so that there was hardly any space left between us. At this point, his bare muscular thighs and knees were spread, locking mine. His torso was less

than a foot away from me. He held my chin with his left hand and locked his gaze with mine. His eyes still held mine in an unwavering gaze, hard and filled with power. I could not look away from his gaze, no matter how much I tried. Then he took my robe belt, untied it, and pulled the robe off my shoulders, exposing my body. His eyes locked with mine in an unwavering gaze filled with power and his hands removing my robe. Then he said with a leer on his face, "Brady, you have been slut-showing this body from a distance to entice me and now that we are so close, you are covering it. Hun? Let's see up close what you got."

The robe fell from my shoulders and I was sitting there with my hard-on in my tiny briefs. He ran his hands all over my chest. Then, he slowly moved his hands and held my boy boobs. Next, he was cupping them and squeezing them with his big rough hands so much that it partly pained me, but partly pleasured me such that my nipples were standing erect and inviting him to do more to them. I shivered and my dick twitched from the contact.

"Sensitive nips, huh? I can see that turns you on, doesn't it?" He took my nipple between his fingers and squeezed it. I moaned and a big drop of precum spurted at the end of my dick. He continued manipulating it, reached over, and started squeezing the right one as well. He pinched my nipple with his fingers while his other hand was squeezing my other breast. I don't know how to describe that feeling. It was simply great!! His rough touch was doing wonders on my virgin body. My dick ached with hardness. After pinching and twisting my nipples for a few more minutes, he released them and sat back watching my reaction. I sat shivering slightly, a string of goo hanging from my dick.

"You have been putting up quite a slut show lately. In the pool flashing your butts and then fucking in the evening, loudly moaning my name. Do you think I didn't see that or hear that? Oh, I have been watching you since the beginning. I have been watching all your shows trying to resist the temptation, thinking I am a straight man. I don't dig men. But now we are here. Congratulations!! You have pushed me over the line and successfully seduced a straight man into having thoughts he never had. Now what? Tell what do you want?"

He placed my hands on his firm muscular thighs. My hands were shaking a little as I reached down and felt the hardness of his smooth thighs.

"What do you want, Brady?" He asked me firmly with eyes locked with mine, his one hand cupping my thigh and the other pinching my nip.

I went speechless. The moment I was waiting for was here. His masculinity, his manly scent was sending butterflies in my belly. I was shaking in excitement and fear.

"Just go ahead and tell me what you want, what you need." He whispered again in my ears.

I was speechless. Words failed me. I was inhaling his scent, woody, spicy musky manly scent. My knees went even weaker as he pulled me closer to him.

He placed my hand over his semi-hard cock in the boxers. Then he moved his thumb on my lips, circling them again and again. I opened my mouth and he shoved his thumb in my mouth. I involuntarily started licking and sucking it. His gaze didn't waver. He came even closer, with both his knees around my legs pressing them, and covered my neck with his mouth. His stubble brushing against my smooth white neck, sending sensations I had never had before, arousing me, evoking butterflies in my stomach.

He fisted my hand on his cock and whispered. "Is this what you want?" I was speechless. I closed my eyes and squeezed his cock in my hand, feeling the hardness and warmth of it, sucking his thumb even more vigorously. He waited

Seconds later, he pulled his thumb out and gestured for me to answer him.

I blubbered out my response in a restrained, choked cry. "Mr. Woods.....I ...want this." I squeezed his now rock-hard cock. "I want to suck it. I want you to fuck me."

That cocksure smirk spread across his face once more, as he listened intently to my sniveling cries.

"I don't dig men. So forget about me fucking you. But who knows what we will do later? For the time being, there is no harm in having a willing cute little cocksucker on the side. But remember one thing. What happens between the two of us remains a secret. No drama, no bull. Got it?" He commanded, his gaze still unwavering.

He leaned forward and easily lifted me off the chaise with a single hand. He turned and sat down on the chaise, dropping me across his lap. The heat from his legs burned into my chest and thighs. The heat from the mound in his boxers burned into my belly. One strong hand spread across my back, holding me down in place. His other hand effortlessly slid across my butt, pulling briefs below the curve of my round white ass. Before I had any idea what was going on, he was spanking me. Suddenly indignant, I tried to stand up, to get free. A single push from the hand on my back, and an extra hard slap across my bare ass was enough to convince me that I was not in charge of what was about to happen. He spanked me hard, and then softly. He spanked me fast, and then slow. His spanking got intense, and then he would pause, caressing my ass and feeling the heat he was generating. My dick was drooling all over his boxers. He was taking me through emotions and feelings I had barely been aware of. I quickly went from outrage and anger to curiosity -- and then submission to his total dominance. I wanted to know what he was trying to teach me. I could feel, not anger and brutality, but concern and interest in my developing awareness. I didn't know what else he was, but I was quickly learning that he was a master at teaching an awkward boy what he needed to know.

"So you like to play with your ass, huh? How long have you been playing with your ass, boy?"

I knew I had to answer. "Uh, well, not much."

"When did you start doing that?"

"I don't know, Mr. Woods, A few years ago."

"From now on, you will call me Daddy. Where were you the first time you did that?"

"Um, in the shower, I guess."

"And what happened?"

"I soaped up my finger and tried sticking it in my hole."

"And how did it feel?"

"Well, OK I guess."

"Did you shoot while you were doing that?"


"How often have you done it since?"

"Well, a few times."

"Always in the shower?"

"No, sometimes in bed."

"Show me."

"Aw, Mr. Woods, I can't do that," I mumbled. He bent down and spanked me hard on my butt.

"Call me Daddy. Play with your ass as you do it during your nightly show."

"I don't want to," I whimpered, "Please, don't"

Another hard slap on my butt. "Just show me what you've done. I'm not asking you to do anything you haven't done before. I already saw you doing it in your bedroom. Your dick is obviously excited about the idea. Now do it. Here's a little something to make it easier." He held out a tube of lube and my vibrator that I had left on the table by the window. He squeezed some lube onto the vibrator and handed it to me.

"Move it around a deeper inside you. That's right."

"That's good. Now what did you do once you had your dildo in your hole?"

"I jacked off."

"You are not doing it. I want you to cum without touching your pucker."

" won't happen, Daddy" I sighed in pain.

"I would happen Kid. I will make sure of it. I am a doctor. I know much about human anatomy. I know just how to screw the cum out of the globe-assed boy by applying constant pressure to that sweet spot, causing him to yell out in moans, groans, and yelps of ecstasy"

"Now you put on a show for me. Keep those legs spread. Show me how you fuck your boycunt."

He pushed me onto the rug on the floor, while he sat on the sofa chair with his knees wide spread with me on my knees between his feet.

I laid on the rug and lifted my legs and slowly I reached down and pushed the vibrator between my legs. The lube on dildo slicked up the entry into my already lubed chute. I grunted from the discomfort.

He placed a pillow under my ass lifting it up, my feet on either side of him resting on the sofa chair. He pulled his boxers down and threw them on the bed. His cock was now at full mast. I had never seen anything like that before.

I felt I could pee at any moment from the stimulation I was giving myself. I moaned from the sensations going through me.

"That's it, boy. Work your hole. Let me see that dildo going in and out of there. All the way. Have you ever sucked a man? Been fucked?"

"No...NO Daddy!"

"Not yet!! Good!! Virgin boy! Ha Ha!"

My face burned with shame but I somehow felt compelled to tell him.

"And what do you think about when you work that dildo into your ass?"

"I don't . . . know, Daddy, just . . . getting off . . . I guess." My breathing was getting harder as I continued to work my hole.

"Do you think of me sticking this dick in you? Of fucking your tight hole?"

"No . . . maybe . . . I don't know."

"You were thinking of this cock, Brady? You were dreaming about me fucking your ass?"

"I . . . don't . . . don't remember," I lied. I gasped, my breathing getting more ragged by the second. I was envisioning myself lying naked in bed, the greased-up vibrator in my ass, working it in and out. I was remembering thinking of . . .

"Come on, now. You remember. I can see it on your face. You're remembering it right now and thinking of how you want this dick inside you. This cock turns you on. . ."

"Yes," I blurted out. "I was thinking of you, Daddy." My balls began to pull up under my cock. I couldn't last too much longer.

"Well that's quite a compliment," he asked. I nodded. "So you were thinking of me fucking your perky round bubble butt, huh? Pushing this big post into you. And how often do you fuck yourself and fantasize about me fucking you?" He was stroking his big cock as it spewed pre-cum profusely.

Embarrassment filled my face as I gasped and moaned.

"I, oooh, don't . . . uh know, aaaah!"

"Work this dildo in and out, boy. Show me how hot it makes you." I started to pump the vibrators in my hole. As ashamed as I was of what I was doing, it did turn me on. The sensation in my ass seemed to transmit directly to my dick. I moaned in excitement. I watched him stroking his dick as he watched me. It was hard and juicy again, its pink thick head glistening in the yellow light.

"Yeah, kid, do it. You should see how hot you look, lying there naked fucking yourself."

He pulled me up and commanded, "On your knees."

With the vibrator buried in my ass, I sat on my knees between his legs, his big thick caramel monster pointing at me, its pink head shining in the dim yellow light, its eye looking in my eyes, drooling with cum.

"Yeah, I'll bet you've thought about running your tongue along the shaft of this big dick. Licking all around the ridge of the head. Tasting a little precum dripping off of it. Holding these big balls in your hands. You've wondered about that, haven't you?"

"Hey, umm. . . I've thought of it ... maybe."

He turned on the vibrators with the remote.

"You've wanted to know what it tastes like to have this big dick slide into your mouth, to taste the head rubbing your tongue, to feel that shaft stretching your lips open. Right?"

"Uh, yes, daddy" I mumbled, as the vibration and thrusts started sending sensations in my anal cavity.

"Well then here it is. Play with my dick, Brady. Reach out and touch it. You're not the only one all fired up. You've gotten me feeling horny too as you can see." His dick was hard as a rock and the tip glistened with his juice.

"I-I-I've never, uh, done that." Suddenly the shame and embarrassment overpowered me.

"Take it, Brady," he ordered. "Take it in your hand. You have been curious. You know you want to."

I reached down and took hold of his dick. It was hot and hard as a rock, pointing towards the ceiling. I couldn't get my hand all the way around it. He took my other hand and placed it on his cock.

"Use both hands" He commanded. I created a fist around the shaft with one hand and circled the base with the other. The one-eyed monster looked at me from the cover of the foreskin.

"That feels so good. Pull the skin back, let the head free."

I pulled the skin back below the ridge with the fist of my hand and the big pink head came out proudly glistening in the yellow light.

"Stroke it, Brady. You like the way it feels in your hand don't you?"

I stroked up and down his big fat dick. "Yes, Daddy," I said, his dick feeling hot in my hand. That fact alone made me aroused and shivering in excitement. I was starting to get scared now. I doubted if it could fit in my mouth. But my dick stayed hard. He placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me toward him, there was something that excited me through my fear.

"I think you should show me just what you've been fantasizing about," he growled in my ear. He grabbed my head and pushed me down. My face came closer and closer to his fat dick.

"There it is Brady. This is your chance to show this cock how much you have wanted it. You've been dreaming of it ever since you saw me, haven't you? Well, taste it. See what you think. You know you want to. Look at how excited you are. You've been getting a boner from watching my cock for a while now. So lick it."

He pushed my face against his hard cock. I could taste his precum smearing across my lips. "Lick it, kid. Get a taste of the cock you've been wanting. You have wanted to taste it, haven't you? Answer me. It's OK. Just lick on it. You'll see what you've been wondering about."

I slowly stuck my tongue out and ran it along the head of his dick. His precum tasted salty yet sweet, an indescribable combination of tastes. I let my tongue wander down the shaft of his freshly-showered cock. I found myself fascinated by the salty taste of his skin, by the silky texture of the skin on his cock. I continued to let my tongue run up and down.

"Yeah, now you're getting into it. See, just go with your feelings, kid. Let yourself explore that dick. Rub your tongue all over it. Get it all nice and wet. Oh, yeah that's good."

He spoke softly but firmly, and I found myself licking him. He spread his legs further and my tongue slid down to his smooth ball sack. I licked all around the crinkly skin, feeling his big nuts under my tongue. My saliva dripped down his balls. I moved back up the wide shaft of his meat.

"Take it in your mouth, Brady," he softly instructed me. "Suck my dick."

I hesitated a moment and then opened my mouth wide. I began to take in the huge head of his cock. I opened my mouth as far as I could and could just manage to get the whole head in. It popped past my lips and his shaft started to slide in. The head of his dick glided over my tongue, toward the back of my mouth. I started to gag. I tried to pull off of his dick.

"Take it easy, kid," he said, placing his hand on the back of my head. "Just let yourself get used to it. Create a lot of suction. Use your hands. You're doing fine. Try to relax."

His words calmed me down a bit and I tried to adjust to the big cockhead in my mouth. Slowly he started working my head up and down on his dick. I could barely take 2 to 3 inches of it in my mouth before feeling a gagging reflex. I could feel his cock head hitting the room of my mouth. My dick throbbed in excitement.

"Now you're getting into it. Suck that dick kid. You're doing it good"

He began to move his pelvis back and forth, pushing his dick deeper into my mouth. With his hands on my head, he started to bob my mouth up and down on his dick in and out of my mouth.

"Yeah, kid, you're one hell of a cocksucker. I knew you would be. I could tell out by the pool that you had a lot of potential. Just keep sucking that cock, boy." I kept sucking him like that for a long time, bobbing my mouth up and down and stroking his shaft with the tunnel of both of my saliva-laden hands.

A while later he increased the speed of the vibrator. Increased vibrations and thrusts in my chute sent electric sensations throughout my body. I was so aroused, I could feel my balls tightening up and that load of cum in me getting ready. I also felt him begin to speed up the pace of his pumping my mouth. I knew we were both getting ready to cum. I moaned loudly and shook violently as suddenly my dick shot a huge load of cum.

"Oh yeah, kid, shoot that load. I'm about to join you," he panted as he pounded my mouth faster and faster. "Oh, yeah, here it comes." With a yelp of triumph, he held my head in place, and sprays of cum started attacking the back of my throat.

All of a sudden, my mouth was filled with his cum. I could feel his cock shoot against my throat. I panicked, trying to pull away but he held my head as he continued to shoot load after load of cum into my mouth. I tried to swallow but couldn't keep up. It dribbled out of my lips and down my chin. Finally, he stopped and slowly pulled his dick out of my mouth. My jaws ached from the stretching they'd had. He ran his cockhead all over my face and dropped back and commanded, "Keep nursing on it, Keep it warm." I felt good having achieved my goal.

A while later, he said as I nursed on his cock "I know you'll get better with practice. I am going to train you. This is your first cock-sucking experience and I hope you enjoyed it to the fullest. Pretty good for your first blow job, Kid. Remember one thing. It is as much about your pleasure as it is about mine. You, your hands, your mouth, and your throat should enjoy the whole process while doing it. Savor the reward. Relish it afterward. And you should crave to do it again and again.

The road to a man's happiness goes through his cock. Don't you want to give me that happiness and become my favorite cock-sucker, the best this cock has ever had?"

"Yes, Daddy!" I replied.

"Now, get the hell out of here. I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow morning my folks are coming."

---- To be continued ----

Next: Chapter 7

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