My Black Dilf Neighbor

By Story Teller

Published on Aug 13, 2023


Story Title -- My Black DILF Neighbor

Category -- Adult-Friends, Authoritarian, Interracial

Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, and alcohol use that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behavior, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is an erotica that is based on some real-life experiences. It is intended to arouse and stimulate you. The first two chapters will have a lot of backstories and minimal sexual encounters. If Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to it! Enjoy.

Lastly, I love to hear readers' feedback and reactions to my writing. Please email me at if you have any reactions or comments

Chapter 4

From that moment on, Mr. Woods became my absolute dream. I never felt more fascinated, more attracted towards any man before. His masculinity, his alpha personality and his addictive aura was like a drug to me. Ever since I saw him naked jacking off and fucking Susan with his big cock, I wanted to see more of him. The images of him banging Susan were replaced by my fantasy of him fucking me, squeezing me under his muscular body. I wanted to be seen by him naked and find out, "Does he get the same rush of blood into his groin when he sees me naked, as I get?" I wanted to get close to him, touch him and be touched by him. Seeing him made my body all tingly and strangely warm.

On one hand, my shyness prevented me from taking any more steps, on the other hand, the uncontrollable lust burning inside me was making me hatch plans to lure him, a straight man, to me. I was unable to comprehend how I could feel this way about this man, when 99% of the men I saw or met couldn't make me blink an eye.

One weekend, I went to Church with my entire family. Sitting there listening to the priest's sermons made me feel extremely guilty about the thoughts going on in my mind. I swore in my head to stop masturbating and change the direction of my life. When I came back home, I threw my vibrators in the dustbin never to use them again. For the whole week I didn't jerk off, didn't even look at him.

Following Wednesday my cousin visited me. We sat out on the patio while Mr. Woods and his friends had their cigar party with music playing loud enough to be heard by us. I accidentally sat in a direction facing the party happening on the other terrace. There I saw him again sitting facing me. The butterflies in my belly started fluttering. His masculine olive body, his manly face, his biceps, and his chest looked incredibly tantalizing in the yellow terrace light. I looked at all the men and felt nothing. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I thought.

"What's wrong with you? You look pale.' My cousin asked concernedly.

"Nothing! Just something at work." I lied looking at him with a fake smile.

"Well, here is something to get you de-stressed. Don't take too many." He handed me a small packet.

"Gummies?" I looked at him inquisitively.

"No ordinary gummies. Eat them and they will help you sleep better."

"What's in them?"

"Keep it to yourself. They help dad with his back pain. I keep some for me when I have to unwind."

After he was gone, my mind was hugely unsettled. I was committed to my `no jerk off' pledge. I took a couple of gummies and an hour later, I felt light and foggy. I smoked weed in college many times. I knew what those gummies were. I felt relaxed and euphoric.

At night I woke from another wet dream. In the dream, I saw that I was confessing in the church to the priest. The priest comes out from somewhere and I see him smiling at me. It is Mr. Woods. He comes close to me, places his hands on my shoulders and pushes me down on knees. Then he takes his thick cock out and places it into my mouth. The priest runs his hand on my hair, forehead and face feeling his own cock in my cheek and says, "You need this to calm you down, Son." I start sucking him.

"HUH!! You..." Mr. Woods grunted with a strange mix of lust and disgust. "Oh yeah, you are an evil kid. Any boy that does this with such desperate vigor has to be possessed with a spirit. This is unnatural... a boy swallowing a man's penis! Desiring a man's seed. Any boy that takes it in the mouth is possessed by a demon. Any boy that... ooooooooooooooh." He grabbed my head and began to thrust in righteous anger. "Don't act like this isn't what you asked for, boy! Don't you need this?" "Yes, sir, this is what I asked for! What I need!"

Again I woke up unfinished in heat in the middle of night. Still foggy and high, I found the vibrator lying at the bottom of the bin. Seconds later, I pushed the toy into my chute, closed my eyes and relived the dream in my head as I slow-fucked myself to an explosive orgasm, spraying juices all over my upper body, while chanting his name again and again and again. I had no idea when I went back to sleep after the volcano erupted.

The next morning I was done with the guilt. Finally, the sanity left my thinking mind and the lust took over. I gave it a lot of thought what I could to do to seduce Mr. Woods. The compliment, "your ass gloves can make any man feel stirring in his pants" that I received many years ago came to my mind. I decided to put my best assets to use to see how Mr. Woods reacted to my ass.

I surveyed the swimming pool from Mr. Woods terrace/his bedroom window (in his absence of course) and marked the areas in my head from where I would clearly be visible to him if he stood there to ogle on me, when I was swimming.

I changed the angles of two security cameras in my apartment. One focusing on Mr. Woods' little gym and the patio furniture on the terrace, second covering Mr. Woods' front patio and his side bedroom window.

Next morning, when I went swimming, I switched from wearing swimming trunks to snug short red speedos that put my body, especially my butts, to full display, clearly showing a very small pouch in the front and accentuating my butts. I swam along the width of the pool, to ensure he gets a clear and longer look at my plump ass (if he sees me.) I would stand in the shallow water with my ass towards him in the early morning light.

I didn't anticipate that things would get interesting in a few days. What started out as a tease or a verification, soon turned into a confirmation. Our eyes caught more often than before and our glances locked for far longer than usual. At times when he saw me around, he started speaking loudly on the phone as if to seek my attention. At other times When he saw me on the terrace, while he was with his friends, he would man-spreading his knees, wider than normal, opening his crotch for full display and adjusting his shorts.

His gestures drove me crazy and I wondered where that was going. A week after, I started my seductive activities that I got the chance to review security camera recordings. In the first video I saw him working out in the outdoor gym, sitting on the patio furniture talking on his phone. Nothing unusual.

I started catching him checking out my apartment from the terrace. He would walk from the back of the terrace to the front along the 3 feet tall wall between the two terraces, while glancing towards my apartment more often than usual.

In one of the captures from the camera pointed at his bedroom windows, he was standing in his tartan boxers, sipping his coffee looking out the window towards the pool. He didn't move from there for almost 15 minutes and while standing, I saw him running his hand on his crotch. Sharp at 7:30 AM (when I left the pool), he moved away from the window.

I fast-forwarded the video to the next day at 7:00 AM. He came to the window around 7:10 AM and stood there again looking towards the pool, while often running his hand on his crotch.

Following Friday evening when I reached home, it was dark. There was a party going on Mr. Woods' terrace. Soon I learnt that it was his 44th birthday. Susan was there along with his friends and their spouses.

Through the slit of the curtains I peeked in the party to check on Mr. Woods, who was sitting on the sofa with facing me, wearing a yellow polo and jeans showing off the outlines of his lean muscular body with flat tummy, broad shoulders, big pecs and arms looking tantalizingly good. Now and then, he looked towards my windows as if to see if I was there.

Out of curiosity, I turned on the lights in the kitchen and glanced at Mr. Woods from the window facing the terrace. As if he was waiting for this movement. Our eyes caught and got locked for a few seconds before I turned my gaze away. Seconds later when I looked at him again, our eyes met again. This time he man-spread his legs wider and ran his hands on his face and chin looking at me. There were so many guests at the party, but his gaze was stuck on me.

The guy was pushing me on to the point where I wanted to walk up to him and ask him to take me right there in the middle of the party. Better sense prevailed and I controlled my urges.

That night when the party was over, I heard the creaking, and -- moaning sounds coming from the apartment. That perked me right up! I tuned in closer to find out.

"Ohhhhhhh, Bill. . . Yessssss . . . "

The creaking sound was getting louder and louder. That was their bedroom across from mine, and he left the windows open while he's fucking her! I crouched down at my window, practically sticking my head out, to hear them better. The urge to crawl up to see them fuck entered my mind but I fought it out. I tried to distract myself but I couldn't. I could hear him growling once in a while, low throaty grunts of pleasure. But her moaning was unrelenting! I guess with that huge cock on such a gorgeous stud drilling me, I'd be moaning relentlessly, too! Oh my God, what am I saying! I'm thinking about him fucking me again! Do I really think I could handle it? How could one thing scare me and turn me on so much at the same time?!?

My asshole was twitching now, and I heard Mr. Woods kick it into high gear. The bed was complaining loudly, and they both were making lots of noise of their own. From the sound of it, he was pounding her hard, and they were both loving it. His rough and gravelly voice growled out "Fuck, yeah!" and "Oh, take it, baby!" as she just moaned out his name and howled with pleasure. I stroked my hard cock along with them, but stayed as silent as I could so I could hear everything. They must have been at it for some time now, and he was starting to fuck her faster and harder. Her wailing turned into a real scream as he fucked her right into an orgasm! She came for all to hear! Just after she hit her peak, he hit his -- bellowing out a groan that grew and grew until he exploded, pumping out I knew a huge load of cream. I pictured him on top of her, plowing deep into her as he blew, both of them screaming out with ecstasy. He collapsed on top of her, panting and sweating. She reaches around and caresses his broad, strong back. As they experienced their orgasm, I went through mine.

Next morning I woke up late. When I was making my coffee, I saw him from the kitchen window sitting in his patio chair facing me, reading the weekend newspaper. He was wearing white microfiber bathrobe, looking sexy as always. Susan was not around. He probably noticed me. He looked around to check on Susan. A couple of minutes later, he covered his face with the newspaper, fiddled with his robe and then man-spread his knees, wide, really wide. He wasn't wearing any underwear. No t-shirt, no shorts. His semi-hard cock, literally pointing at me, inviting my eyes and forcing my mouth to open up wide and drool. The long thick shaft with foreskin pulled back, big pink head were glistening in the morning sunlight. I was lost at the sight of this beautiful monster, when I saw him flexing his cock (without touching it) repeatedly. His cock rose to life, at full mast, its eye proudly looking at the sky, its big pink head reflecting the morning sunlight. The sight left me awed.

My haze was broken when Susan said something to him from behind him while entering the patio. He quickly closed his legs, adjusted his robe and went replying to her, occasionally looking towards my kitchen window.

Out of their sight, I sat close to the window to overhear their conversation. When I heard Susan would be gone for the next 10 days, a wicked smile spurted on my face. I knew I needed to step up the game.

-----To be continued ---

Next: Chapter 5

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