My Black Dilf Neighbor

By Story Teller

Published on Aug 25, 2023


Story Title -- My Black DILF Neighbor

Category -- Adult-Friends, Authoritarian, Interracial

Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, and alcohol use that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behavior, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is an erotica that is based on some real-life experiences. It is intended to arouse and stimulate you. The first two chapters will have a lot of backstories and minimal sexual encounters. If Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to it! Enjoy.

Lastly, I love to hear readers' feedback and reactions to my writing. Please email me at if you have any reactions or comments

Chapter 10

I didn't know how long I had been sleeping in his bed, completely naked (except for my mini string jockstrap) in a buzzed state spooning with him, his body and arms wrapped around me from behind. My trance was broken with the pitter-patter of the shower. I felt strangely cold. I pulled the navy blue silk sheet over my body up to my neck and pretended to sleep, wondering what I should do next. A sense of embarrassment dawned on me after what we had done just a while ago.

A few minutes later, I heard his footsteps entering the room. I partially opened my eyes and saw him in the reflection of the mirror move completely naked towards the closet, with a big smile on his face saying "I just fucked the cum out of this white boy." The smell of his freshly-showered, freshly-cologne-ed body hit my nostrils. Next, I saw him enter the closet, so proudly flaunting his big tool hanging between his legs, his olive-caramel body shining in the dim bedroom lights, his hard abs, pecs and biceps mesmerizing my senses.

Next, I saw him putting on his clothes in the closet, first his briefs, his shorts followed by a white Polo.

As he came out of the closet, I closed my eyes, unable to comprehend how to proceed next. He sat by my side on the bed and whispered, "I will be back in an hour. Don't leave. There are cookies and drinks on the table, eat them." I just nodded with my eyes still closed, suddenly even more embarrassed about the situation. Seconds later I heard the front door closed and he was gone.

After he was gone, I tried to wake up to reality. I could feel a wet spot under my crotch, almost touching my tummy and thighs. The wetness of cum seeping through the pouch of my string jockstrap had created a spot approximately one feet in diameter at the center of the bed. Gosh! I shot like a bucket full of cum. I sat up, my head spinning. My body smelt like sweat and cum. And while I was checking myself out, I turned around and saw my reflection in the mirrored doors of the wardrobe, I looked like a fucked up slut. I felt a tingle in my tummy. I looked up. There was not a single light turned on in the room, except the only recessed light focused on the bed. I looked around and saw another wall-sized mirror in front of the king-post bed. I realized he had been watching me in the mirror from various angles as he fucked me silly.

The clock on the wall said it was almost midnight. I got off the bed and tried to stand on my feet but my feet failed to bear my weight. I walked bow-legged to the restroom to pee. There I checked myself in the mirror again and realized I needed to clean up before I left.

Still slightly buzzed, I washed myself thoroughly, especially my aching asshole, in the shower. The warm water felt good on my body and hole. While I was showering, I started grasping the magnitude of that night of having finally succeeded in seducing him for this marathon fuck. I started revisiting the entire episode and I got hard. My fingers can't help but go back down and feel my now swollen ass lips. It felt puffy and sensitive in a good way. A pain that was pleasing in a way! I could easily slide my fingers inside in my gaping hole. My asshole twitched at the thought of what had happened. I could still feel the dampness and slipperiness of it. The thought of his cock in me, his powerful pounding, and his stamina made me rock hard again.

I recalled how Mr. Woods wanted to go for a second round with Susan and how much he hated it when Susan snubbed him. (I had overheard their after-sex conservation.) I thought `What if I give him a second round and beat Susan or even better give him 3 rounds and set a benchmark for Mr. Woods" knocked my head. No matter what, I wanted him to come back to me again and again.

Determined to set a record, I came out of the shower and got myself ready for an incredible second round with him. I moisturized my body, sprayed a good cologne, and got ready for the next round. I rinsed my jockstrap under the sink and used the iron to dry it before wearing it.

I was starving when I stepped out. I found the cookies and the drink and devoured them. A while later, when I checked the clock, I knew he must be back any minute.

I laid on my tummy at the center of the bed and closed my eyes. I felt cold, so I covered my body with the blue satin sheet and waited for him to be back.

Soon after, I heard the front door unlock, and then his footsteps coming to the bedroom, I got a naughty idea and uncovered my white round globes (butts) lit by the ceiling light such that my whole body was covered with the sheet except my white round butts.

From the split of the sheet, I saw him placing a small shopper bag on the nightstand and then entering the closet to take off his clothes. Next, I saw him coming to the bed in his WildManT briefs. He threw his briefs before he sat on the bed with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out, his legs touching my body. He pulled the blue sheet and covered his crotch and his legs. His feet were near my face.

Next, he lit the joint again, took a couple of hits, and said, "Want some?" I lifted my upper body up and took the cigarette from him and took a few hits before giving it back to him.

It hit me hard in a second and immediately I laid back on the bed.

A few minutes later, eventually, he spoke with a big grin on his face.

"So congratulations kid. You're not a virgin anymore." He spanked my butt.

With my eyes closed, I mumbled, filled with shame and pride both at the same time, "No way, not after that pounding!"

He laughed. I grinned

"Yeah, you got me going, your ass is amazing -- so fucking tight. Hope I wasn't too rough on you." He was so cute, all concerned now but an hour ago he was fucking me like a beast and would have split me in two without a second thought.

"No, I loved it." I stammered again. I was proud of myself that he liked it.

He chuckled, that deep sexy chuckle of his, "Well, I loved it too. That was pretty fucking hot. You got a great ass, kid. You're going to make a lot of men happy with that tight little butt. Definitely plan on fucking your sweet ass some more, boy. I haven't felt so sexually charged and dominating since my days as the football captain, fucking nearly the whole cheerleading squad, holding them down, and making them feel my every movement. Today I felt young and virile making this tight hole spasm around my shaft, fucking the cum out from deep down your chute, controlling every breath of this beautiful smooth white body." He said as he squeezed my butt.

I stroked his thigh, caressing and feeling it and its strength. I traced my fingertips down his crotch and back. His cock lay thick across his belly, but I skipped over it and caressed his balls, running my fingers lightly around them. I cupped one in my hand and then the other, feeling those big eggs. Then I slid my fist back up to his thick cock, grasping it tightly and circling my fingers around the base. He moaned again. His cock twitched. "And your cock is so beautiful, you're so huge and thick." I said as I caressed it, it twitched again and began to lengthen. My inhibitions were gone. The weed had freed me from the prison of shame.

"Mmmmm, "Keep that up and wake the beast again," he said again. I could still feel his fingertips brushing my butt cheeks, tickling them. He circled one cheek, then the other, sending tremors up my spine. He rubbed one finger through my crease, lightly at first, then deeper. His thick finger brushed against my butthole, and it twitched. "Ohhhhh," we both moaned. It felt so good!

He pulled me towards him, such that my ass was on his crotch, my knees on the bed on either side of him, my legs in the air, my face between his knees. I pulled the pillow and placed it under my face for support and let him admire my bottom, as my hand continued to play with his cock.

"You have a beautiful butt, kid. Nothing comes close. Most women would die to have a perfect ass like this. The kind of butt that they call "Bubble Butt". Two large white globes that stood up high and perky, separated by this perfect ridge and these bikini lines around your waist and as crack, forming a perfect V at the top of your ridge. Part these globes lightly and there you get a peek of that perfect pink inviting rosebud. This is the finest pussy I've ever had, boy. Your boypussy is so tight, so deep, so warm. The most fuckable ass, there is. The kind of ass that brings out the beast in men. This ass demands to be fucked. This ass deserved to be fucked. This ass needs to be fucked." He squeezed my butt cheeks with hands and then kissed them, his stubble brushing against my soft skin sending electric currents. I moaned in arousal.

"That's why I had to go out at this hour to get these condoms. I had to drive half an hour to get my brand and size."

"You can do me raw, Mr. Woods. I am clean. I have never done this with anybody else."

"Well, I am old fashioned, bud, when it comes to sex. I don't fuck raw, and neither should you."

I just nodded and added with my eyes closed feeling sensual and sexy from the effects of wee, "You have introduced me to a pleasure unknown to me till now. I loved it, Mr. Woods. You can fuck me as much as you want, whenever you want."

"Don't worry kid. I am not going to let go of this opportunity. You can have plenty of this cock. We can fuck like rabbits, whenever we can. But we have to be careful. Don't let anybody ever come to know about any of this."

"Sure, Mr. Woods."

I ran my hand up and down the length of his shaft. It felt hot and sticky. I put my finger into my mouth, slicking it with spit, and traced my fingertip around his ridge, down the fat cumtube to the root. It twitched again, thickening. I grasped it in my fist and stroked it gently, feeling it grow in my grasp.

His cock was fully rock hard in my fist now, and I was aroused by the feeling of it in my hand. His cock throbbing and dripping in my hand as his fingers teased my tight twitching hole.

A while later, I turned around and lied on my tummy between his legs and started sucking his cock. I knew he could see my white ass in the reflection of the mirror. I leaned my head down to lick up his juices, lapping around his plum before slurping it into my lips. My tongue danced around it as I nursed on him.

I began a nice slow bob up and down on the end of his cock. He dropped his head back down on the headboard. He reached my buttocks, spanked them, and squeezed them.His big hands cupped my ass and his thick fingers wormed their way to my sore hole. He was gentle and it felt really good. Seconds later, his fingers were on my hole, rubbing it gently. The doctor knew how to maneuver his fingers to make me moan and whimper within seconds.

"Mmmm..." I moaned loudly, feeling the sensations his fingers were causing inside me. My whole body felt it.

"Ohhh, yeah. That is what you need," He grinned. I continued to suck him.

"Suck it, boy." He groaned. "Get it nice and wet for your pretty little cunt."

Soon he was dripping like a fountain. I loved the taste of his pre-cum. It was like a drug to me. I knew he was ready. I held his big cock at its base, took his cockhead in my mouth, and started twirling my tongue around the ridge, making him moan and tremble. I locked my eyes with him as I used my tongue to make me lose it.

"You are killing me, kid." "mmmmmm." "You are going to give that tight little boypussy to Daddy?"

"Yes, daddy."

He spread my buttocks to get a peek at my boyhole. "You have such a pretty little boypussy bud, it's so smooth and pink!"

"I want to feel you inside me Daddy. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me good."

He ran his hand on my head, his fingers playing with my hair, as I twirled and swirled my tongue on his cockhead. My eyes locked with his.

"You look so beautiful with my cock in your mouth. Your pink lips circling this fat cockhead. Your greenish blue eyes looking at me. "

He reached out for the shopper bag and pulled out a box of Durex Thin Feel XL condoms. He opened the box, picked up the condom, peeled it, and handed it over to me. I rolled the condom on his thick monster, looking at its power up close.

He generously squeezed CBD lubricant on his cock and I applied it on it.

Next, I laid on my tummy facing the footboard, my legs bent on my knees spread wide apart. I elevated my ass with the support of a pillow under my crotch, my back arched to create a curve, inviting him to take what was his.

He laid on the top of me, nuzzling on my neck. I felt his heat and his weight. I reached back and pointed his swollen cock with my hand at my quivering, waiting boypussy, his cockhead kissing my puffy red lips. He pushed his cock in and I felt a strange sensation as his cockhead slipped inside me. No pain now, just pleasure.

"Oh man, you are so warm and tight," he groaned. "I've never felt anything like this. You want more of this. Don't you?"

"Yes, Daddy!" I moaned.

He penetrated further without any resistance from my boypussy. My newly opened chute, still wet from the last fuck invited him to go further.

"You want me to go deeper?" He whispered as he inhaled my perfume deeply and nuzzled my ear.

"Yes, Daddy, -" I whined in heat, impatient to be filled with the older man's penile power.

"You have such a nice tight boypussy?" He groaned and suddenly rammed it deep into me with a sudden inward jerk. I moaned loudly, feeling full and stuffed. My hole tightly grabbed onto this speared missile launched into me with this virile hunk.

"Ugh, fuck boy! Your sweet boypussy feels so good wrapped around my hard cock."

"Uuuuuuuh! Daddy!" I moaned, feeling strange humming inside my anal cavity, stretched to the fullest. I whimpered as the object of my seduction made another plunge into my sexy anal canal. Mr. Woods completely stopped as he went up and he marveled at my smooth white body: "You are made to be used sexually by a strong, virile horny man like me."

Mr. Woods was laying on top of me with his cock deep inside me, my crotch over a pillow, my back arched, my legs bent on knees, my arms stretched out upwards, my hands holding the metal foot bar. His body covering mine, his head above mine, his hands holding my wrist and him going in and out of me at a leisurely pace, tickling my insides.

"This is what you need, isn't it? " Mr. Woods growled and he rammed my pussy hole with his large tube of masculinity. I moaned and whimpered in pleasure.

"Look in the mirror. How beautiful you look under me."

I turned my head left and looked at the reflection of us in the mirror. There I was with him. My 22-year-old, 5'4", 135 lbs., tiny soft, smooth, white body was covered by a 44-year-old, 6'2", 185lbs. olive caramel-skinned lean, muscular fully grown man, synchronously moving in pleasure unknown to me till that night. He slow-fucked me like that for a while, enjoying every inward and outward movement.

Thereafter, Mr. Woods pulled himself up, assuming the push-up position, dragging his dick out from my ass. Just as it was about to pull free, he slammed back down, every last inch now driven into my ass. Then he started pounding me. His body became a machine as he, on his toes, pounded me with ferocity, making me moan like a bitch whilst, above me, he was grunting and growling like a feral animal. All the while, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin as his balls slammed down with each thrust and his crotch struck against my buttocks filled the room. His thick caramel shaft like a giant piston kept frantically plunging into my ass to the very depths, thrusting me into the soft mattress again and again. His darker skin shone all over with sweat and I felt the first of many drops fall onto my back as he slammed into me relentlessly.

He began to slow down, but only a little, still maintaining a vigorous pace, but now I was also able to enjoy our fucking and take a more active role in it, thrusting upwards and clenching to meet his downward strokes. But as I clenched my ass, I could feel that something has indeed changed, my ass no longer felt like a taut ring of muscle, but rather turned something softer and supler, still able to squeeze Mr. Woods's member, embracing it tightly, but the sensations were deeper, more intense, and somehow more profound. I could feel the friction of his skin and the thick veins that wrap around his meaty shaft as they slide into me, my ass hypersensitive, making me moan low and long as I pressed my face into the mattress and allowed the feelings to wash over me, squeezing my ass over and over, caressing Mr. Woods' cock as it continued to pummel me. Mr. Woods leaned down, kissing the back of my neck and whispering into my ear, telling me how good I was making him feel.

Then Mr. Woods changed his position. He was on his knees. He grabbed me by the hips and repeatedly plunged in a forceful manner he could no longer control. This allowed him to make even deeper thrusts as my whimpering and moans aroused him even more. He was completely overcome by lust and had fallen under my spell. He varied his thrusts, sometimes plunging all the way in before pulling back, leaving just the head in. I looked pleadingly back over his shoulder to see the once friendly man become a dominating, lust-filled towering figure. Mr. Woods would do short jabbing attacks against my prostate, causing me to lose control of my body and lay completely flat, face in the mattress. He marveled at his ability to command my body and grinned to himself. The more I moaned, the harder he fucked.

I started to make new sounds as Mr. Woods' cock seemed to reach deeper inside me and the slapping sound got louder. With each thrust, my body was shoved forward and I slowly moved up the bed getting pounded like that until my face was practically pressed up against the metal footboard. Mr. Woods just stopped for a moment, grabbed hold firmly around my hips and yanked my whole body back a couple of feet up the bed, and then resumed slam-fucking my ass until we ended up back in the same position, my face pressed up against the footboard again with me grunting and moaning like a cheap whore all the way. We did that three or four times.

Next, he started power-fucking me in jackhammer fashion that made me go wild in my approaching orgasm. My moaning, whimpering, and grunting sounds gave way to a short series of breathless words, "Oh Gawd", "fuck me" and "oh Daddy" "don't stop, Mr. Woods" pouring out of my mouth repeatedly as I squirmed, and thrashed. I couldn't shut up about it. I begged Mr. Wood not to stop, saying it over and over again. It was all I could think about. My whole body and mind were into it. And then I started squirting. First, a thick stream of boy juices gushed from deep down. Then I was spurting stream after stream of cum at a pace perfectly synchronized with Mr. Woods's humping, just as if a huge piston was pulsing from inside my chute.

And then he stopped. As I regained my senses, I realized if I wanted Mr. Woods to come back to me for these fucking sessions, I would have to give him the best sexual experience of his life, pleasing this strong, virile man better than he has ever had. I began to work my anal muscles on the now sweaty man's sextube. The older man stopped his constant thrusts and enjoyed my chute working around on his dick. Mr. Woods grunted in absolute pleasure as I gained control of his body back enough to push myself back and forth on his hard cock in an attempt to suck the load out of him.

We were both covered in sweat. With his hands tightly holding my hips in place, he started pounding me with the full force of his groin, hard and fast, groaning loudly.

I knew the exact moment his climax came crashing over him like a tsunami. He forcefully pushed his crotch into me at a feverish pace. His hands clamped onto my hips and he slammed into me again and again, our bodies crashing together and impaling me fully onto his throbbing member as his cry turned into a bellowing roar of triumph. "Oh yeah, oh yeah! Awwwww, yea...Awwww oh man, fuck." I felt his hose fire off inside me. Throbbing, pulsating! With his cock plunged deep inside me, he came and came. He shuddered with each release of cum.

His huge caramel cock bucked like a wild beast. He rammed one last time and collapsed on me. His cock was still impaled deep inside me. He was panting and heaving. He stayed there, locking me with his arms and legs, with his softening cock still inside me, I was euphoric, feeling him, his weight, his sweat, and his heat. Deep in a trance and totally buzzed, I felt great and happy. Slowly, I fell asleep again with him spooning me.

---To be continued---

Next: Chapter 11

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