My Birthday Surprise

By ten.enilnotpo@ndm111bfk

Published on Mar 20, 2015


The Next Day

Mark could see that he had me in a state of shock. All of a sudden, he seemed like he was in a rush for us to leave and begin our long drive home back to New Jersey. He had already cleaned the house and packed-up everything. He apologized that everything was already in the truck and pushed a bottle of orange juice at me. He said that I looked thirsty. Before I realized it, he was standing in front of me, holding the bottle up to my lips, and saying that I really should drink it before we left. I grabbed the bottle from him and drank it all down. He smiled, took the empty bottle, and threw it away. He told me to relax, that everything would be fine, and that I would be feeling much better very soon. He started to massage my shoulders and slowly rubbed his hands all over my smooth hairless body. Then he sensuously caressed my ass and told me how fantastic my body looked and felt. He began to nuzzle and kiss my neck. Then he told me that all of the intense exercises and weightlifting that he had been making me do at the gym, and the muscle-building diet, and the "special supplements", were really paying-off. He told me that I looked unbelievable. He was rubbing my 6-pack abs, squeezing my large pecs and arms, telling me how much he loved my bubble-butt and powerful thighs, and that I looked "HOT". He told me that he was very proud of me, and that even though my body needed some more "work", he thought it was time to start showing it off. He told me not to worry about anything and that he was going to help me look even better. I really wasn't paying any attention and just wanted to go home. He started guiding and ushering me towards the front door. He looked at his wristwatch and told me to hurry up and that we were running late (for what I had no idea). As we reached the door, I realized that I was still naked and was carrying my shorts and crumpled-up shirt in my hand... Just as Mark was about to push me out the door, I grabbed the doorframe and stopped abruptly before he got me outside. I gave him a dirty look... I was still so upset that I was not thinking clearly yet... I was standing just inside the house and began to put on my shirt & shorts. That's when I realized what condition they were in. The sleeves were all but ripped off the shirt and the entire bottom half was just hanging on by a few threads. The only intact part of my shorts was the waistband. However, the elastic was totally stretched-out and the draw-strings were missing, so they just kept sliding down. Both leg openings were completely torn along the sides and the back, so my ass-cheeks were clearly visible. The zipper was broken and couldn't be closed. I needed both hands to hold the shorts up, and at the same time, try and cover my ass and prevent my PA Ring from hanging out through the broken zipper. I looked directly at Mark and yelled: "Are you crazy ???"; "I can't go outside like this !!!"; "What if someone sees me ???"...

He smirked and told me: "Suit yourself"; "All of your other clothes are already packed-up and are in the truck"; "C'mon, Just deal with it for now"; "Don't be a baby"; "We need to get going !!!"...

I peeked out the front door, didn't see anyone, and made a quick dash to where our pick-up truck was usually parked alongside the house. When I turned the corner, to my surprise, the truck wasn't there... He had moved it and parked it on the street !!! Mark was already out of the house and had locked the front door. He quickly came up behind me, said that the shirt looked ridiculous on me, and that it would only draw people's attention... In the blink of an eye, he yanked the entire bottom piece that was just hanging on by a few strings, and tried to tear it off from the top half of the shirt... That caused the entire shirt to disintegrate and fall off... He chuckled to himself, picked up the remaining pieces, rolled them up into a ball, and tossed them into the garbage can that we kept alongside the house. I was left standing there, locked out of the house, and the truck was parked 50 yards away on the street. I was completely hairless and barefoot. Now I was also shirtless and my stainless steel nipple rings were shining in the bright sunlight. I was trying to hold up my stretched-out & torn shorts, cover my exposed ass-cheeks, and keep my pierced cock from hanging out through the broken zipper, all at the same time. Thank God there was no one in sight... I started pleading and begging Mark to let me back into the house or to bring the truck back down the driveway... He now had a serious look on his face and kept looking at his wristwatch. He told me: "enough is enough"; and that if I didn't stop fooling around, he would go home without me. He turned around and started walking up the driveway toward the street. I quickly peeked around the corner, didn't see or hear anyone, and thought the coast was clear. However, as soon as I rounded the corner, I immediately noticed that the normally empty street had dozens of cars parked on it. I also heard music and laughter somewhere off in the distance, but still didn't see anyone. My plan was that once Mark reached the truck, and hopefully opened the doors, I would run to it as fast as I could, and jump in. Since I was barefoot, I quickly realized that the driveway was covered in sharp pebbles and pine needles. I could barely walk. After every step I had to stop and brush off the soles of my feet while still holding up my shorts and covering-up. I was making my way up the driveway towards the truck at a snail's pace.

I was almost half-way up the driveway, when out of nowhere, Vinnie and Tony appeared on the street next to Mark. I froze in my tracks. For a few minutes, the three of them were on the far side of our truck and out of my sight. I could not see or hear what they were doing. Then the two brothers slowly started walking towards me while Mark just remained standing up on the street, smiling and looking at his iPhone. Since Mark, Vinnie, and Tony were all completely clothed, and I was practically naked, I immediately started feeling very uncomfortable and self-conscious. The brothers were each carrying a six-pack of Coors-Lite, and it became evident that they had already been drinking... I tried to maintain some semblance of dignity and just continued to slowly walk towards Mark and our truck while Vinnie and Tony slowly walked towards me. They both started taunting me: "Hey Karl; Looking Good !!!"; "Where ya goin ???"; "You weren't gonna leave without saying goodbye were ya ???"; "Looks like you've been working out !!!"; "Nice shorts !!!"...

Vinnie shoved an already opened can of beer into my hand and all but forced me to chug the whole thing. The beer was warm and had an odd flavor, but I forced it down anyway in the hopes that it would placate these two rednecks and that they would let me continue on my way to the street and get into our truck. No Such Luck !!! All of a sudden, Tony jokingly put me in a head-lock and started to rub my bald head and face like I was a little kid. Vinnie started to tickle me and play with my pierced nipples. Then, Tony let me out of the head-lock, wrapped his arms around my chest, and pinned my arms to my sides. In a flash, Vinnie moved behind me, grabbed the waistband of my shorts, yanked them up as hard as he could, and started giving me a "wedgie". He actually lifted me off the ground before the waistband finally gave way and the shorts completely ripped apart in his hands. They both busted out laughing so hard that they fell to the ground in hysterics. I started turning red from embarrassment, humiliation, and from being naked in front of them again.

Vinnie then said: "What the fuck dude"; "Look how fuckin pale and white you are"; "You really need to get out in the sun more"... At that moment, it dawned on me: A few months ago, Mark had convinced me that fair, pale-white, smooth skin was really sexy and he started giving me some kind of special "dietary supplements" to "lighten my skin". He also had been insisting that I never go outside without being covered. He told me that he wanted to protect my skin because he loved me. He also bought me some kind of prescription "skin protector lotion" that he insisted I apply to my entire body every time I took a shower (which evidently, in reality, turned out to be a powerful permanent de-pigmenting drug). My skin was noticeably pale and milky white (now even more obvious since I was totally hairless). Compared to Tony and Vinnie, with their dark hair and dark Italian skin, and Mark with his usual tan, I was as white as a ghost and almost looked like an albino.

Next, the brothers started to spin me round and round, intentionally trying to get me dizzy. I tried to keep my balance and not fall down, and to cover my pierced nipples, ass, and crotch all at the same time. All of a sudden, I started to feel very warm and flushed. I was getting all woozy and unstable... I never felt like that before in my life... I spun around and tried and make my way to the street when the two brothers started pointing at me and began laughing even more uncontrollably. OH NO !!! Even though I was in a state of panic, I was starting to get a boner !!! My dick was slowly getting bigger and bigger before their eyes... Within 30 seconds my cock was hard !!! I heard one of them yell: "I can't fuckin believe it !!!"; "Mark wasn't joking !!!"; "This dude really does like being stripped and naked in public !!!"; "This is really turning the fucker on !!!"; "He's getting hard again, just like last night when we spanked, shaved, and pissed on him !!!"; "If he liked last night's fun, he's really gonna love what we have planned for today !!!"...

I started to stagger and stumble towards the street. I wanted to get to our truck and safely inside before anyone else saw me; but I couldn't get my arms and legs to move. I couldn't think clearly anymore. I started to lose all my coordination and toppled over onto the grass. Everything was spinning. The brothers, still laughing, walked over to me and made me guzzle another can of that funny tasting beer. Within five minutes I couldn't even sit up and was rolling around on the front lawn. I was just lying on my back, looking up at the sky, and started to feel really happy. For some unknown reason, I started to laugh uncontrollably too. Vinnie and Tony knelt down on either side of me and started to rub their hands all over my body and head. They yelled to Mark: "You weren't kidding !!!"; "Whatever that stuff was that you put in these beers is sure working fast !!!"... They began to mockingly "compliment" my new look and how smooth and pale my body was. The started calling me "Smoothy" and "Whitey"... One of them must have noticed, that from the neck down, my body felt completely smooth, but that my head and face already had some slight stubble and five o'clock shadow. He must not have liked that because I heard him yell to Mark: "Hey !!!"; "The bet was for his head and face too !!!"; "We'll have to take care of that right now!!!"... Somehow I didn't like the sound of that, but forgot about it fairly quickly and just kept feeling better and better and laughing... It wasn't long before their rubbing and teasing became more and more focused on my ass, cock, and nipples. While they were manhandling me, they eventually got my arms behind my back and all of a sudden I heard a ratcheting sound... I never saw it coming... One of them must have had a pair of handcuffs in their pocket; and in an instant, my wrists were tightly handcuffed behind my back... Strangely, I really did not seem to care and just kept on laughing along with them. One of them said: "This is going way too easy !!!"; "Let's get this show on the road !!!"...

We were all laughing at this point. Tony moved me into a sitting position on the ground with my hands still handcuffed, stood behind me, and held my bald head. Vinnie then stood in front of me and just kept pouring more and more of that funny tasting beer over my head and into my mouth. They kept encouraging me to chug it and telling me that I was doing a great job... At this point, I was actually feeling very thirsty anyway, and just kept trying to chug whatever they gave me. I think it was Vinnie that yelled out: "Hey Mark !!!"; "We're all set !!!"... Mark had been standing on the street next to our pick-up truck this entire time; just watching, smiling, and pointing his iPhone at me. He slowly started walking toward us and was carrying a backpack. When he reached us and was standing next to me, he told me that I was doing a great job and that I should just relax... Mark unzipped the backpack and dumped all the contents on the ground behind me. I couldn't see what fell out.

The three guys started to put thick, black, leather cuffs around each of my ankles and each of my wrists. I never saw these cuffs before. They were rather tight, but well padded, so they were surprisingly comfortable. Each one was secured with a thick leather strap, a buckle, and a big padlock. They all had heavy metal rings attached to them. Mark kept telling me to relax and discretely kept giving me an occasional caress. I was still laughing for some reason. Someone blurted out: "These fit him perfectly !!!"; "We'll be able to restrain him in any position we want !!!"; "This is gonna be fuckin wild !!!"... I didn't understand what that meant, but was feeling so high, confused, and happy, that I didn't really care. I felt disconnected from my body... While all this was going on, Mark kept casually stroking my cock every so often to get me horny and to make sure that I stayed nice and hard.

I saw Mark quietly talking to the brothers but couldn't really hear or understand what he was saying...

"My pharmacist friend promised me that this mixture will make him lose all muscle control and feel numb for about 30 minutes"; "It's a very special combination of ketamine, rohypnol, and ecstasy"; "It will also make him very psychologically pliable for about an hour, so let me do all of the talking to him"; "I need to plant the hypnotic suggestions and start his behavior modification"; "I also gave him some more Cialis just for fun"...

I lost all muscle control at this point and could not put up any resistance as they all continued to manhandle me. While they held me in a wobbly sitting position on the front lawn, Vinnie grabbed my wrists, unlocked and removed the handcuffs, and gave them to his brother. Before I could even attempt to move my arms, Tony and Mark each took hold of a wrist, and attached the leather restraints to each other behind my back with another big padlock.

Both brothers were fascinated by my 6 gauge nipple rings and kept playing with them and pulling on them. Vinnie then picked up two clear plastic tubes that had fallen out of the backpack, tossed them to Mark, and asked: "Hey Mark, What the fuck are these things ???"... Mark casually held up a pair of screw-type nipple vacuum pumps... My eyes must have bugged out... Mark just smiled, knelt in front of me, and told me to relax. He pressed one of the pumps tightly over my right nipple and started to twist the screw. My pierced nipple was sucked further and further into the clear plastic tube. He kept turning the screw until it reached its maximum vacuum and my nipple was sucked completely into the clear plastic tube. My nipple quickly became massively engorged, turned purple, and protruded up into the cylinder. Strangely, I didn't feel any pain... As soon as he was done putting the vacuum pump on me, Mark stood up, walked around me, sat down on the ground behind me, and gently wrapped his arms around me...

He lovingly told me to relax, trust him, and to listen very carefully to everything he said. He kept soothingly whispering in my ear, over and over again: "You're doing great !!!"; "You love big nipples"; "You want big nipples"; "You need to have bigger nipples"; "You want bigger nipple rings"; "You need bigger nipple rings"; "Huge pierced nipples are hot"...

Tony was just staring at me this entire time and kept saying: "Oh My Fuckin God"; "He's still got a boner"; "He fuckin likes it !!!". Vinnie had a lustful smile, was slowly rubbing his crotch, and was licking his lips. Mark nonchalantly tossed the other vacuum pump back to Tony and asked him if he'd like to put it on me and see how big he could get my other nipple... Tony instantly grabbed the pump and said: "Fuck yea !!!". He knelt right in front of me and pushed the cylinder tightly over my left nipple... He looked directly in my eyes with a big grin on his face and started to slowly turn the screw and increased the suction on my nipple. He just kept slowly turning the screw until it wouldn't go any further. This nipple started to become just as engorged and purple, and was protruding into the cylinder exactly like my right one was. The entire time, Tony seemed to be getting turned on more and more; just like his brother was. Again, I didn't feel any pain. In fact, I strangely wanted to see how big my nipples would get too. I just kept watching what was happening with a detached amused feeling. It felt like this wasn't happening to my body but happening to someone else's. I felt like I was a bystander getting turned-on by watching it too. I was getting turned-on by watching Vinnie and Tony getting turned on by what they were doing to me... Tony just kept smiling at me... Mark kept gently whispering: "Shhh, Shhh"; "You're so damn hot and we're gonna make you even hotter"; "I told you this would get better and better"; "It'll all be over soon"; "Just a few more things to do, and you'll be ready for the party"; "You're doing great"; "Just trust me"; "It's all for the best"...

I was completely relaxed, yet turned on at the same time. I started to feel compelled to do whatever Mark wanted me to do. "It was for the best"...

After Tony had the second nipple pump at its maximum vacuum, Mark and Vinnie went back inside the house. It sounded like they were arguing about something. They returned a few minutes later with a clear plastic bottle filled with the permanent hair remover that Mark had massaged all over my body the night before. I remembered how much I liked the way it smelled and felt on my skin. Mark put on a pair of plastic gloves, came over to where I was still sitting on the ground, and told me to lean my head back as far as I could. Vinnie also put on a pair of plastic gloves and changed places with his brother. He knelt in front of me, put his hands around the base of my neck and squeezed just hard enough to keep my head perfectly still. He just kept leering and smiling at me... He told me to close my eyes as tightly as I could, and not to open them until he said so. He hissed at Mark: "Just do it before I start getting pissed-off !!!"... Mark poured the lotion all over my head and let it run down over me. He started to rub it all over my scalp and face. He rubbed it on my eyebrows, eyelids, and every inch of my head and face from the lower part of my neck to the top of my skull. He kept pouring more and more of the lotion over my head and thoroughly and deeply massaged it in for almost 15 minutes. The entire time, I could hear Tony telling Mark to: "Rub it in !!!"; "Make sure to get his whole fuckin head, face, eyebrows and eyelashes too !!!"; "Our deal was that not a single fuckin hair on his body would ever grow back !!!"; " I want him to be fuckin smooth !!!" ... I was so messed up by this point that I had no clue what was happening. I was actually enjoying all this attention. Finally, someone turned the garden hose on, and started rinsing all of the lotion off me. After five minutes of having my head and face hosed off, Mark said I could open my eyes. He took off his gloves and dried me off with one of our old bath towels from the house. Vinnie took off his gloves and started to rub his hands all over my head and face. He had a huge grin and told me: "Now that's much, much, better !!!"; "COMPLETELY SMOOTH, HEAD TO TOE !!!"; "No more stubble, 5 o'clock shadow, eyebrows or eyelashes ever again !!!"...

Next, Tony started to put some kind of very thick, black, neoprene collar around my neck. It was rather stiff and almost 6 inches wide. I innocently (stupidly) thought it looked really nice because it had a pretty, bright yellow, wide stripe, running along the middle of it. The guys then held my head up and secured this thing in place with rubberized straps, buckles, and another big padlock behind my neck. It was just pliable enough that it wasn't uncomfortable. As soon as they had finished securing the last of the buckles, and had it locked it in-place, I realized that it forced me to keep my head facing forward and looking slightly upwards. Vinnie made a comment and they all busted out laughing... Something about "yellow going to be my new favorite color"...

I was in a trance. I was getting very turned-on, and hornier and hornier from what they were doing to me... My cock was even starting to leak pre-cum again. Next, Mark reached into the backpack and took out a strange looking metal thing with black straps on it and tossed it to Vinnie. Vinnie knelt down in front of me, looked directly in my eyes, smiled, and held it up in front of my face... He started telling me: "We're almost done"; "Open your mouth as wide as you can and relax your jaw !!!"... Mark was kneeling behind me and was gently holding me and caressing me. He was also whispering in my ear: "Shhh, Shhh"; "You know that I love and won't let them hurt you"; "Just relax"; "You're doing great"; "You can do it"; "Open as wide as you can"; "You're my good little piggy"... I immediately opened my mouth as wide as I possibly could, and inexplicably started nodding my head up and down; almost encouraging everyone to keep doing more and more things to me... I felt compelled to do whatever Mark's soothing voice told me to do... Vinnie started putting some kind of huge metal O-ring that had a bunch of black rubber straps with buckles attached to them into my mouth. It was so big that Tony had to help force my mouth open even wider before it finally snapped in place. He then very carefully positioned this metal O-ring behind my teeth with his fingers, so that my mouth and jaw were held WIDE OPEN... He then placed the straps around the back of my head and Mark tightened and buckled them very securely to the neck collar and locked them in place with another big padlock. My head was still held in place by the big neoprene collar, so I could only look forward with my head still slightly tilted upward. My mouth was stretched and held wide open by this device. My nipples were protruding more than half-way up the vacuum cylinders from the powerful suction. I still felt no pain whatsoever and was still oddly turned on by all of this... I even thought it was funny when I realized that I couldn't talk anymore and was starting to drool all over myself. I could only make unintelligible noises and had a silly smile on my face...

This entire time, Mark was lovingly whispering in my ear over and over and over again: "You love drinking piss..."; "You love piss..."; "You need to drink piss..."; "Drinking piss is so hot..."; "You love guys to piss on you..."; "You love urine..."; "You need to be covered in urine..."; "Piss tastes so good..."; "Mmm..."; "You love piss..."; "Mmm"...

My head was spinning and I started getting very thirsty...

Someone then said: "OK; Get that thing on him and we'll be ready to go". Mark looked at me, smiled, and calmly told me: "This will be very tight at first, but it's really gonna help you"; "Just relax, take some deep breaths, and it will all be over soon". Tony and Vinnie seemed anxious and excited and were telling Mark to hurry up... Then Vinnie started saying: "He's gonna look fuckin wild !!!"; "Put that thing on him already !!!"... Vinnie and Tony were just staring at it wide-eyed and were telling Mark to quit stalling and to put the fuckin thing on me...

It was a clear, heavy-duty, elastic, combination cock-ring / ball-stretcher. I had seen them on the internet before, but this one looked more like some type of medical device. I was incoherent at that point. I was just laughing, babbling and drooling. I even started moaning in lustful pleasure...

Tony held me from behind and Vinnie held my ankles to keep me still and steady. Mark coated the elastic rings with lube, and used both hands to stretch the thick elastic apart. He then slid the upper part over both my cock and balls and then the lower part only around my balls. He pulled and tugged at it, and my cock, and my balls, to get everything perfectly positioned... When he was done, Vinnie and Tony stared and gasped: "Holy shit !!!"; "Look at that thing !!!"; "His cock is gonna fuckin explode !!!"; "It looks like a damn donkey dick"; "Look at his balls !!!"; "That stretcher thing is yanking them down so far in his nut-sack they're gonna pop !!!"...

I should have been in absolute agony, but surprisingly, I only had a dull ache throughout my cock and balls. I actually felt so horny that I thought I was going to start cumming. Since the elastic was completely clear, once Mark had it in position, it was virtually invisible on my body. My already hard cock was now so engorged and bloated that it actually began to pulsate. The entire shaft had turned purple and was at least 9 inches long and as thick as a beer-can. The head looked like a giant crimson plum. My egg-sized balls were pulled and squeezed so far down and forward in my nut-sack that they looked like they were going to burst. The heavy weight of my huge, stainless steel PA Ring, hanging down from the head of my cock, prevented my boner from pointing straight up against my belly; so it was sticking straight out from my body with pre-cum slowly oozing and dripping out from around the massive PA Ring.

Mark then hugged me and said: "We're almost done, baby"; "You look so hot, baby"; "You're gonna be the center of attention from now on !!!". He took a tiny, clear elastic band from his pocket, and stretched it apart with some type of tool. He slid the elastic band over the vacuum cylinder and pushed it tightly down onto the base of my right nipple, against my chest, and let it go. Then unscrewed the nipple pump and released the vacuum and slowly pulled the cylinder off my nipple. As soon as he was done, he did the exact same thing to the other nipple. The neoprene collar that they had put on me, prevented me from looking down and seeing my nipples... But the looks on the guys' faces said it all... My nipples now looked like little purple thimbles protruding out from my chest with big 6 gauge rings hanging from them. The tiny elastic bands squeezed my nipples so tightly that they couldn't shrink down. Because the bands were clear, and all but invisible, it appeared that my nipples just naturally looked that way.

Since the entire rest of my body was completely hairless, smooth, and pale-white; my huge purple pierced cock, distended balls, and pierced protruding nipples all looked unbelievable. I looked like an alien from another planet...

Once the cock and ball stretcher was in position, and Mark finished "banding" my nipples, they all subtly began to treat me differently... I didn't quite understand it... All three of them gently lifted me up and held me in a standing position. They began patting me on the head, rubbing and patting my ass, rubbing my belly, and playfully toying with my enormous cock, balls, and nipples. They almost seemed to be treating me like a little boy... They were all saying: "See; That wasn't so bad"; "You're a good boy"; "You just relax now and let us help you"; "Good boy"; "See how much better you look and feel now"; "Everyone is going to love how you look !!!"; "You look like you could really use a shower though, and you look really thirsty too"; "You'll be hosed down and have plenty to drink real soon, just like last night"; "It's time to go and have some real fun"...

I couldn't stop myself from smiling... I was drooling uncontrollably... I was making bizarre laughing and grunting sounds... I was horny as hell... I was also getting very thirsty.

Tony took out his iPhone and began taking pictures of me. Then he started texting, and making phone calls...


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