My Birthday Surprise

By ten.enilnotpo@ndm111bfk

Published on Feb 16, 2015


What Happened Next

I was standing in the driveway on the verge of tears, imagining what everyone was going to say and think when they saw me at the office on Monday. I was praying that all of my hair would grow back like magic. I was promising myself that I would never get shaved again. My brain was in overdrive, and was just now grasping the potential implications of "huge international star".

Once the truck was out of site, Mark slowly turned around and looked at me up and down. He had the most loving, tender look on his face. He told me that I looked beautiful over and over again. He came up to me, held me face in his hands, and gently and lovingly started kissing me. He started whispering that I was fantastic and the hottest, sexiest man alive. He kept repeating all kinds of wonderful supportive things over and over, how great that I looked all smooth, and how much that he loved me. I started to melt like putty in his hands. He surprised me by picking me up and carrying me into the house. He saw that I was still anxious about all the possible consequences of what went on tonight. He laid me down on the couch, put on some soft soothing music, and lit some candles. He made me drink a mug of some kind of warm "special" tea to calm my nerves and gave me a couple of pills that he said would help me, and make everything better. He told me not to worry about a thing. Within a few minutes, everything did seem better. I started to feel all warm inside. I didn't have a care in the world anymore. He said not to worry about my new appearance. He sat down next to me, and kept whispering how great I looked, and how everyone was going to love my new look and that they would even be jealous of me. He kept telling me that being totally hairless and smooth made me look sexier and hotter than ever, and that he wished I could look just like this forever. He kept caressing me and was whispering: "I love you; trust me; I'll help you", over and over again. He then told me that he had to go and "get something ready" and went into the kitchen. I heard him rummaging around and pouring and mixing things, but I was so relaxed and comfortable, I didn't care. I was dosing off when he came back a few minutes later. Again, he kept telling me how great that I looked, and that "being smooth was the (in thing) now". He kept asking me, and telling me to trust him, and that he knew what's best, and that he would take good care of me, and that everything would be fine. After a few minutes of hearing Mark's soothing, supportive voice, complimenting me on how fantastic I looked, I started to believe it myself. I even started telling Mark that I wished that I could look this way for him forever too. By that point, I was like putty in his hands again; almost like I was hypnotized.

He looked at me with a concerned expression and said: "we better get some lotion on you to prevent any razor burns or ingrown hairs". He told me that he didn't want me to get any blemishes or rashes. He was being so nice to me, and told me that if I really liked being totally smooth, that he would "help" me. The room was spinning and I just kept thanking him, and started repeating that I wished I could look like this forever for him. A soon as I said that, he gently stood me up and guided me to the bathroom. I was so relaxed, and feeling so warm inside, I just let Mark lead the way. He helped me get into the shower (which I thought was odd). He told me to just stand there for a second. He ran out to the kitchen and came back with a half-gallon plastic bottle full of some kind of thick white lotion. I never saw it before and asked what it was. He calmly told me that it was a brand new, total body wash and specially medicated lotion that he got on the internet from a medical specialty website. He told me that he actually had to have a pharmacist friend "pull some strings" and "call in a lot of favors" to get it for me. He told me that it was the best thing available to help me, and that it was very, very, expensive. I was in no condition to ask questions; really didn't care at that point; and was just so thankful that Mark loved me so much to worry about me this way. Again, he started telling me how sexy that I looked, and that since I loved my new look so much too, and that I wanted to be totally smooth and look this way forever, he would "help" me with "my" wish. He told me to just relax and to stand still with my hands over my head. He would take good care of me, and help me be smooth forever; just the way that I wanted. He told me that I should just do exactly as he said, and that he would "help" me look exactly the way that I wanted. He told me again that the lotion was very expensive and that it would do exactly what "we" wanted it to do. He told me to just close my eyes and relax. Just before I closed my eyes, I glimpsed Mark putting on a pair of large rubber gloves that went all the way up to his elbows. I just chuckled and told him that he looked silly. He poured some of the white lotion onto his gloved hands, and started to rub me down. It actually smelled pretty good and felt pretty good too !!! Mark just kept rubbing and massaging it all over my body. He was getting me turned on as he rubbed it on my ass, all through my ass crack, around my hole and even my taint. He messaged it into my entire crotch, cock, balls, and even jerked me off for a second or two with it. In a few minutes, every inch of my entire body, from the neck down, even under my arms, was being covered and massaged with this wonderful soothing lotion. He kept me like this for almost half an hour, just constantly rubbing on more of the lotion, and messaging it deeply into every single inch of my body from my neck down. He kept whispering lovingly in my ear... It felt so wonderful that I just closed my eyes and enjoyed Mark's loving attention !!!

I heard the buzzer from the clock in the kitchen go off which broke me from my trance. All of a sudden, Mark stopped massaging me and asked me how I felt. I told him that I felt fantastic. My entire body felt wonderfully tingly from all of his messaging and the lotion. Mark then told me to step back and away from him so he could turn the shower on and get the water warm for me. After a minute, he let me step under the warm shower spray and told me thoroughly rinse all of the lotion off. I immediately noticed how wonderfully smooth my skin felt; no stubble at all, anywhere... I liked it... As soon as all of the lotion was thoroughly washed off me, and completely down the drain, Mark seductively did a little striptease, took off his clothes and joined me in the shower. The sex was mind-blowing !!! We went to bed and I slept like a baby until early Sunday afternoon.

When I woke up, I felt great. Mark was already awake and was downstairs. I had the wildest sex dream that I ever had in my life !!! THEN I SAW MYSELF IN THE BEDROOM MIRROR... I LOOKED LIKE AN ALIEN FROM ANOTHER PLANET, AND THEN I FEINTED...

When I opened my eyes, Mark was standing over me, just smiling and eating a bagel. He told me to come on downstairs. He said that he wanted to show me something, that he would explain everything, and that everything would be fine. He seemed like nothing had happened and was totally nonchalant. I was in shock... I just kept babbling... I was trying to figure out how I was going to explain my freakish appearance at work tomorrow... What was I going to do ??? Maybe I could call out sick for a month until all of my hair grew back... I was coming up with all kinds of potential wild explanations...

I staggered downstairs stairs, still naked, and just kept asking: "How could you let them do this to me ??? What am I going to do until my hair grows back ???" I immediately noticed that the house was all cleaned-up, there was no trace of anything that happened the previous night, and the house was all "closed-up" and ready for us to return to our house in northern New Jersey. Mark was sitting at the table, fully dressed, and still casually finishing his bagel. He gave me a "serious" smile and told me to just sit down and promised me that I would never have to worry about getting shaved like that again... He said that he took care of that for me last night, just the way that I was begging him to, and everything will be fine... Now he had a broad grin on his face... He picked up a box that was on the floor next to him and slid it over to me... I asked: "what the hell is this???" He just smiled and told me that he only did exactly what I asked him to do !!! I looked inside the box and saw several empty bottles with different labels on them, and instruction sheets, and warning labels. The more I read, the paler and paler, and sicker and sicker I felt... Mark just sat back smiling...

PERMA-SMOOTH: (Permanent and irreversible TOPICAL depilatory lotion)


WARNING: This product is only and specifically intended for permanent and irreversible hair removal. Clinical studies have demonstrated that this product dissolves any and all hair, regardless of hair type or body location. The product then permeates the skin and destroys 100% of any/all hair follicles, regardless of body location. The product has been clinically proven to be 100% effective in preventing any hair re-growth and is intended for single use only. No reapplication is ever necessary. Use extreme caution when applying this product. THE RESULTS ARE NOT REVERSIBLE. For best results, apply after shaving the specific area to be treated. Apply the lotion sparingly. Rubbing the lotion into the skin is not necessary. The lotion is 100% effective after only 3 minutes of contact with the skin. After 3 minutes, wash the lotion off the treated area with warm water immediately. The treated location will be permanently incapable of any subsequent hair growth.

Mark, still smiling, and with a firm but loving, almost fatherly tone, started talking to me:

"See; now you don't have to worry anymore... It's all over with... Once and done... You'll go to work tomorrow morning; and once everyone's initial shock and stares subside, and you get over your initial embarrassment, shame, and humiliation, you will simply tell everyone that you shaved your head for charity to help raise lots of money for some good cause... If someone asks about your eyebrows and eyelashes, you can tell them the same thing... You see; it's all under control now... Calm down... You can use that explanation wherever and whenever you want... As time goes by, all of your colleagues, friends, and family will get accustomed to your new look. Eventually, most of them will probably stop staring and gossiping about you too... It'll become old news... After a couple of months, the hair on your head and face will grow back, this time anyway... As for the rest of your body, I'm the only one that gets to see it, so you don't have to worry about that; for now... See... I did this because I love you... I love you Karl, and I know what's best for you and what you really need and want deep down inside... Believe me, this will all be for the best !!! Soon I will help you even more... YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS THAT I'M PLANNING FOR YOU TOO !!! I think that you look fantastic !!! I want you to stand out !!! I want to show you off !!! We've watched enough porn together that I know exactly what really turns you on !!! You've shared all of your fetishes, fantasies, and deep down kinkiest desires with me... It's time for us to live them out, while we're still young... Karl; I love you with all of my heart and soul !!! Trust me... I know what's best !!! We're in this together... I know how pathologically self-conscious you are, and always have been since you were in grade-school. I know all about your fears of being seen naked by anyone other than me. I also know that it secretly turns you on at the same time. Last night definitely proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. You were hard as a rock all night long. The more that the guys got into it, and humiliated you more and more, the harder you got !!! I've never seen your cock so big, hard, and purple. You were leaking pre-cum the whole time !!! Just watching the looks on all of the guys' faces, as they got more and more crazed and into what they were doing to you, made me so hot that I almost shot a load in my pants !!! I know all about your public nudity and humiliation fetishes. We'll have lots more fun together from now on... You'll see... Trust me... I've been thinking about, planning, and working on this, for a long time. Whether you know it or not, that's why I've been: going to the gym with you for the past few years to get your hot body in even greater shape; cultivating your fear of public nudity and humiliation; persuading you to have your nipples and cock pierced and to wear bigger and bigger jewelry, and getting your nipples to enlarge & protrude... Well, last night was your first taste of my labors, and also the point of no return for you... It was fantastic !!! We both know that you loved it, I loved it, and last night's audience definitely loved it; and they were all a bunch of straight rednecks to boot !!! In fact, they loved it so much that they already posted hundreds of the pictures, and even some stunning videos of you on the web this morning... My favorite is a picture of you in the bathtub. It's perfect !!! It's so clear and in focus too !!! You're so fuckin hot !!! You're totally shaved and you can clearly see your huge boner with all that pre-cum leaking out from around your giant PA Ring. I love the streams of piss hitting you all over and going right into your thirsty mouth. The expression on your face is priceless with that big grin and wide open mouth. It's clear that you were just about to gulp down another big mouthful of pee. You can even see the desperation in your eyes as you strained to get your lips around the head of Tony's pissing dick !!! It's so good that I'd swear it was staged from a high quality porn video. Whoever that guy was in the truck last night, who said that you'd be a "huge international star", wasn't kidding. That single picture alone has been re-blogged over 200 times on just this one tumblr page since it was originally posted just 30 minutes ago. I told Vinnie & Tony that I'd give them both, and each of the other guys, a hundred bucks a piece if they got all of their pics and vids posted to the websites that I wrote down for them, and to anywhere else the wanted, if they posted them all within 24 hours. Once the guys finish posting all of the pics and vids, I'm sure that they'll be re-posted over and over again; especially on the most popular porn and fetish sites. I can't believe it !!! This is turning out better than I ever imagined !!! I bet that you're starting to go viral this very minute !!! I even bet that some creative guy will eventually figure out how to censor the vids just enough to get them all posted on YouTube !!!".

I guess that I was in a state of shock and was just standing there speechless... Mark got up, walked around the table and gave me a big bear-hug... He then handed me the remains of my ripped and tattered cut-off shorts and the t-shirt that the guys tore off me the previous nights. He told me that he couldn't find my flip-flops; but that I would not need them for the drive home. He told me that he had already cleaned the house, packed-up, and that everything was already loaded in the truck. He said that it was time to head home... He would drive...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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