My Birthday Surprise

By ten.enilnotpo@ndm111bfk

Published on Feb 9, 2015


My Birthday Surprise

I've tried to remember the events as best as I could, but I was "under the influence" when this actually took place. Fortunately, my partner Mark, helped jar my memory and to remember how I wound up in the condition I was in and why I looked the way I did. It became clear to me, after the fact, that Mark meticulously planned this well in advance for both my and his "amusement". I even think that he might have paid some of the attendees to come to my "birthday party" and encouraged "active" participation as he directed. But I think things went a bit further than he had planned for the evening...

First for some background: My name is Karl, and at the time this happened, I was just turning 35. I am about 5' 11" and 180 lbs. I've been told that I sort of look like Jake Gyllenhaal. I have an 8 inch long, thick, straight, circumcised cock with a huge PA piercing. Mark was also 35. We had been partners for about 8 years by then. He is about 5' 9" and 190 lbs. of gorgeous well defined muscle. He sort of looks like a more handsome, blond, muscular version of Brad Pitt. His cock looks virtually identical to mine but he has no piercings.

Some more background... At the time of my "party", I already had both of my nipples pierced with 6 gauge straight barbells and had a huge 0000 gauge MonsterBall PA piercing dangling from the head of my cock. Only Mark knew about my piercings. Actually, it was Mark who originally talked me into getting piercings in the first place years prior. Recently, he was really trying hard to convince me that I should get my ears, tongue, and nasal septum pierced too. He told me that if I was "really serious" about being a true "pig bottom" for him, that I really should get those more obvious piercings, that they would really "help" me, and that I would really look great with them. Also, around the time of the "party", Mark had just recently started getting into shaving me (he had cunningly convinced me that I really looked cool when my body was completely smooth and it would "help" me somehow). He also was able to convince me, that if I really loved him, and wanted to play the true "pig bottom" for him, it would good if we started to regularly vacuum pump my nipples to see how large they could become and protrude. He wanted them to really stick out so that between that, and my big nipple piercings, they could easily be seen by anyone, and that it would "help" me. He told me that would really make me look super sexy. By that time, I was becoming more and more self-conscious about my body and only let Mark ever got to see me naked (due to my piercings, shavings, and nipples beginning to protrude). However, at the time of the "party" my body was in its normally hairy state. After years of living together, we had already figured out what our fetishes and fantasies were. We had a very active sex life. Deep down inside, I was a "sub", pig bottom, and got off on public nudity & humiliation scenes (only in my fantasies). Serendipitously, Mark was a top who was more than willing to accommodate my desires (hence the piercings, shaving, nipple enlarging & occasional spankings). He was even trying very hard to convince me to get some very "questionable" large body tattoos in order to really help me develop my submissive tendencies more, and that they would really make me look out of this world. He thought it would "be good for me". He also recently told me that he finally decided, that from now on, we would only be going to the "clothing-optional" beach at Sandy Hook, NJ, because he thought it would be "for the best"... Perversely, we were both turned on by seeing what kind of kinky things people might be "persuaded" to do to me. We fantasized about getting strangers turned on by doing humiliating things to me. Mark was especially turned on by fantasizing about how far he could get people to go in that regard. He started to really get turned on by fantasies of me being naked in public and totally humiliated because he also knew that it would be "good for me".

It was a hot, humid July weekend. Mark was especially nice to me the week before the party, saying that we would have a nice quiet romantic weekend for my birthday. Absolutely no hint of what was to come. As usual, we drove to our vacation lake-house in the Pocono Mountains after work on Friday evening. We went out to our favorite restaurant for a nice dinner and went to bed as usual. Again, not unusual, the community was rather quiet and the other "vacation" houses on the lake near ours were empty. We woke up Saturday morning and had breakfast as usual. We went to the community pool and had a nice relaxing afternoon. We returned to the house, showered, and Mark said he would fire up the grill and barbecue steaks for dinner. He brought a couple of bottles of my favorite wine for me to have with dinner and even served me like I was royalty... He even somehow snuck a birthday cake along too. I still had no clue of his plans. I think it was now about 7 or 8 p.m. and I was feeling really, really relaxed and Mark was "suggestively" getting me more and more turned on (he quite deviously had slipped a Valium and a few Cialis pills into my drinks) and kept telling me what he was going to do to me in bed later. Then, totally out of the blue, the Italian stallions (Tony & Vinnie, the 25 & 27 year old brothers from up the street that own the local pizza shop) pulled into our driveway, came into the house and started singing "Happy Birthday" & "Surprise" !!! I was sort of taken aback, and Mark appeared just as surprised as I was. They were clearly in a PARTY mood and said we really needed to have a special celebration for my special day. So, we offered them some cake & wine, and invited them to stay awhile. Then low and behold, one of them went out to their truck and carried in a couple cases of ice cold beer, several pizzas from their pizza restaurant, and a couple of big bottles of vodka. I remember Mark and I looked at each other and figured it's not going to be a quiet romantic night. So, the brothers started with the beer & pizza, and Mark made me a drink with the vodka. This went on for a while, and I kept getting more & more "birthday drinks" to help me celebrate. Then, all of a sudden, some more people appeared at the front door (I think 3 or 4 more guys). I never saw them before, but apparently they were friends with Tony & Vinnie, and I thought, also seemed to know Mark somehow. Mark & the brothers invited them into the house to join the party. I think they brought even more vodka. I remember Mark turned on our CD player and started playing "party music". We were all having a great time and everyone was being really super nice to me. Then one of the guys must have had some pot, because he next thing I know, huge joints were being passed around. That's when I think Mark must have given some kind of signal to start the proceedings. We had a very large, long dining room table in the house. The next thing that I remember is someone saying we needed to play "birthday beer pong" to celebrate my special day... I don't know how or by whom, but the table was set up, and the next thing I remember is playing beer pong (it seemed like me vs. everybody else) and every time that I missed, I had to drink another birthday brew that Mark prepared. By this time, I must have been pretty messed up... Then, somehow, the game turned into "strip beer pong".

FYI: It was hot and humid. I had not planned for guests. I was only wearing old cut-off shorts, an old t-shirt, and flip-flops. Everyone else, including Mark, was fully clothed. A fact that I failed to appreciate at the time.

It wasn't very long at all before everyone is chanting "take it off, take it off" "birthday boy, birthday boy"... I think only one person, other than me, wound up losing and had to take off a shoe. It probably took only 2 minutes before I lost my flip-flops and was barefoot. A few minutes later, I lost again, and the chanting started again... However, evidently I did not want to take off my shirt, and was hemming and hawing (I remembered my piercings and nipple size issues and did not want these strangers to see them). In the blink of any eye, I think it was Vinnie, someone grabbed my arms and my shirt was basically ripped off me by someone else... Then the hoots, hollers, and fun really began. Everyone saw my pierced nipples sticking out and started laughing, touching, grabbing and pinching them. I turned bright red, tried to get my shirt back, and tried to get away. Just then, Mark blurted out, to my horror, "guess what everyone, his dick is pierced too". That turned this group of drunk & high, guys wild !!! They all started yelling "strip him". Someone else yelled "get his shorts" (it could very well have been Mark). In an instant, I was pounced upon and my shorts were ripped off and torn apart. I tried to cover up but there were too many of them and the brothers pinned my hands behind my back. I was getting manhandled, stared at, laughed at, and "HUMILIATED" by a room full of fully dressed, young, good looking guys !!! They were all absolutely mesmerized when the saw my cock with this huge hunk of metal stuck through it and swinging all around !!! I was getting totally embarrassed, yet turned on at the same time.

FYI: Mark made sure that all of the lights were on in the house, all the shades and doors were open, the music was nice and loud, so that anyone outside could easily see into the house if they wanted to join the "party".

Then, Mark stopped laughing hysterically just long enough to yell out that I really liked being spanked and that I usually shave my whole body smooth !!! I could not believe that he told everyone that... I then heard someone yell (I think one of the brothers) "Let's give him his birthday spanking" "35 whacks" "35 whacks" "He'll love it"... Everyone grabbed me and lifted me across the back of the sofa. I was completely naked; my bare ass was positioned up and towards the picture window and the wide open front door facing the street. I was being held down by all these guys (including Mark who was constantly egging them on more & more and still laughing the whole time). My ass cheeks are being pinched, groped, pulled apart, and spanked by the two brothers, one on each cheek turning them bright red !!! Mark casually worked his way around the sofa to my head, whispered happy birthday in my ear, and secretly pushed a concealed bottle of poppers tightly under my nose and held it there... NOW IT GETS MUCH WORSE !!! I GOT HARD AND STARTED LEAKING GALLONS OF PRE-CUM !!! That was just what Mark was hoping for. Everyone was laughing, chanting, pinching my nipples and spanking my ass, and getting really turned on by embarrassing me. That's when Mark chose to yell out to everyone: "Oh My God, look as his cock, he must really be loving this, he's got a boner and is leaking up a storm". I WAS MORTIFIED... More hoots, hollers, gasps, and laughs... and then someone started tugging at my boner from behind (I think Mark)... Everyone was so drunk & high, that they started to do just about anything that "someone" (Mark) yelled out... Then I heard it, "If he likes this so much, maybe he'd really like a birthday SHAVE" !!! More chants, "Shave Him", "Shave Him", "Shave Him"... (Miraculously), one of the brothers went out to their truck and came back with a big box full of professional looking, battery operated, surgical hair clippers (the kind used to shave patients smooth for surgery) and everyone started grabbing for them. I think it must have been around then that I went into a stupor because everything got hazy. The last thing that I remember was everyone laughing hysterically, and clippers being clicked on & off & buzzing sounds, coming closer and closer. I remember lots of flashing lights going off, voices yelling "yea, yea, you gotta get pics and vids of this; wait till all the guys at work see what we're doing to this dude !!!" In my haze, I remember voices yelling, "fuck yeah, fuck yeah, do it, do it, more, more, keep going, keep going, do everything, don't stop, roll him over." I seem to remember being moved around, repositioned in all kinds of ways, and being carried. Mark whispered into my ear to relax, relax, it's your birthday, and that I should let my new friends enjoy themselves and have fun. I heard him telling everyone, "don't worry, go for it, he's loving it", then someone started playing with my boner... Buzzing, vibrating things were being rubbed over every single inch of my entire body; all over my head and face, arms & armpits, legs, ass & ass-crack, cock, balls, everywhere... In my haze, I thought I was just being lightly tickled by everyone, so I just relaxed and faded in and out. I sort of remember people holding me up in front of the full length mirror on the bathroom door; someone bent my boner down and letting it fly up and bounce and laughed hysterically at something... Then I think that even I started laughing at something...

At this point I couldn't even stand up by myself. I remember people whispering and laughing and someone repeating "go on, I dare you, I dare you". Then there was more chanting. "Shower!, Shower!, Shower!," I was manhandled into the bathtub and remember all the guys laughing and looking down at me. I thought someone was going to turn on the warm water from the shower to get me all wet for some reason. With huge grins on their faces, the 2 brothers helped sit me up in the tub and told me to "open wide". I heard lots of clicking, and lights flashing again. Mark was sitting on the edge of the tube and slowly & gently began to push his fingers in my mouth. He was fucking my mouth with his fingers in front of all these guys and they were all loving it. I really started to get into it too and began sucking his fingers deeper and deeper; like my life depended on it. He let me suck on his fingers as he kept watching the reactions of the crazed guys. Then I heard it again, "I dare you, I dare you"... This lasted for a couple of minutes before Mark stood up, unzipped his pants, smiled at me, looked into my eyes, and started to piss on me in the tub (he never did that before). He peed all over my cock and balls. It felt great and I started to slowly rub my piss covered, rock-hard cock, in front of all them. Within a minute, I was uncontrollably leaking gallons of pre-cum again. The guys went wild !!! I don't know why, but this really seemed to turn them on, which was causing me to get even harder. I guess between the Cialis that Mark had secretly been putting in my drinks earlier, the booze & pot, and the way the guys were having fun with me, my cock felt like a steel pipe and was turning purple. My cockhead looked like a huge purple plum ready to burst with a ½ inch wide Prince Albert Ring sticking out the end. They literally where staring at it with their mouths hanging open. The next thing I know, everyone starts unzipping and/or pulling their pants down. They had all been drinking gallons of beer, so I guess they all just followed Mark's lead. They started pissing all over me. Then I thought I heard someone say, "let's aim for his mouth" and "I dare you" again... I was in heaven. They started aiming for my head and face. I just looked up at them with a big smile, looked into their faces, and opened my mouth as wide as I could. Clearly, they got the signal because they all started aiming for my mouth. I don't know what possessed me... I was sex crazed... I started swallowing as much of their watered down beer piss as I possibly could. More clicking and flashes... The guys were still laughing hysterically. They were literally drenching me and drowning me in their piss and I was loving every minute of it. I drank so much I thought I was going to burst. When they all had finished emptying their bladders of used beer, Mark and the 2 brothers, stood me up and turned the shower on and rinsed me off. I had never been so humiliated and turned on at the same time.

Then someone started saying (I think Mark), we need more pizza... I had no idea what time it was... I think I started to regain some of my faculties, because I remember yelling "NO", "NO", and being dragged outside with a rock hard, leaking boner. Everyone was now laughing harder than ever as I was pushed into the backseat of the pick-up truck... More flashing lights... I was lodged between Mark and I think Tony... I really started to come to and thought that I realized my predicament... Totally naked, woozy, in a truck with a bunch of fully clothed "drunk" guys, going somewhere to get pizza. Mark whispered in my ear, "I know what you want, just go with it and follow my lead." "This could get interesting for you if you don't !!!" As he slyly kept rubbing me to keep me hard... This area was very rural, and it was the middle of the night... The pizza restaurant was long closed, but I did not think of that due to the condition I was in and the brothers owned the place anyway. It wasn't even a 5 minute drive from the house to the restaurant but it was quite isolated. We pulled into the small parking lot and the guys "jokingly" said it was my fault the place was closed... They started whispering something, busted out laughing, and told me to get out of the truck and walk home... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hoped you liked your party"... I was forced out of the truck, and Mark played along with them... They pushed me out laughing hysterically, and slowly pulled away... I was so humiliated and uncontrollably excited all at the same time... I was completely naked, in a well-lit parking lot, with ass cheeks that were still bright red, piercings, boner, and still not realizing it quite yet, shaved totally smooth from head to toe. Since I was barefoot, I could not run, and could only walk very slowly. I staggered my way out of the bright lights and hid along the side of the road... I was now getting really nervous, mad, and started making my way back towards the house. About 2 minutes later, the truck returns, everyone still laughing, and one of the strangers starts taking pictures. I am trying to cover up as best as possible, begging them to let me in... More laughing as they tell me that if I want them to let me in the truck and take me home, I'll have to earn it !!! ??? Mark says that maybe they should make me jerk-off for them back in the middle of the parking lot. One of the brothers agreed immediately, but added that only if I cum for them !!! The guy with the camera starts yelling directions and what poses that he wants... NOW THIS STARTS TURNING ME ON AGAIN AND I AM HARD AS A ROCK IN SECONDS !!! (Mark winked at me)... Then Mark blurts out that if I want to get in the truck, I'll have to cum in my hand and then eat it... The other guys go wild and start chanting and rooting me on as I go at it !!! Flashes going off as fast as the camera would allow. I only gave my cock a few quick strokes, before I had the biggest orgasm of my life. An unbelievable load of thick white hot cum started oozing up and out of my massively over-engorged cockhead and around my PA. I started screaming out "Oh Fuck", "Oh Fuck", and moaning. I just kept cumming and cumming into my cupped hand... It wouldn't stop and just continuously kept oozing up and out from around my PA for almost a minute. The guys were just staring, wide-eyed, and mouths hanging open in disbelief. I couldn't believe that I just jerked-off, in the middle of a bright parking lot, in the middle of the night, naked, in front of strangers and for the camera. Then the chanting started again, EAT IT, EAT IT, EAT IT... I slowly and sleazily slurped up my huge load of hot fresh jizz and held it in my mouth while I licked my fingers and hand clean. I look directly at the camera & smiled as some stranger took close-up pictures of me with my mouth full of my own cum !!! I then slowly swallowed it all, and licked my lips when I was done. I must have been out of my mind !!! Everyone started applauding and yelling "Fuckin A" as they were still staring at my cock and cum covered PA. They let me into the truck. Mark looked at me in total disbelief and casually rubbed my still hard cock... Then the guy with the camera-phone, started telling me that I was going to be a "star" real soon and showed me some of the pictures... I could not believe it !!! It finally clicked when I saw the first picture... I WAS TOTALLY HAIRLESS, SMOOTH, AND BALD AS A BOWLING BALL !!! THEY EVEN SHAVED OFF MY EYEBROWS !!! Oh my god !!! How was I going to explain this at work on Monday ??? We got back to the house and Mark helped me out of the truck since I was still a bit wobbly. I was still completely naked and still had a boner !!! Mark was intentionally holding me tightly alongside the truck so I could not get away and into the house. It would have made no difference; I certainly didn't have the key on me. To prolong my exposure to everyone and extend my humiliation, he casually chatted with the guys about their friends, life in general, and made small-talk around the truck as they smoked cigarettes. The guys were just standing around, staring in disbelief at what I looked like after their handiwork, with an almost benign indifference on their faces... They occasionally chuckled, casually smirked at smiled at me, and shook their heads as they recalled the events of the evening. As my faculties continued to return, I became more and more self-conscience and uncomfortable about being naked outside, and my embarrassing appearance. It was not until my cock finally started going down, that they all seemed to lose interest and called it a night... That was the wildest, best, and most humiliating sexual "situation" I ever had... All thanks to Mark !!! I don't know how he convinced them and arranged all of it, but needless to say, the brothers were in on it from the beginning... By the way... This is all true.

Next: Chapter 2

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