My Birthday Present

By Evan Parks

Published on Nov 7, 2023


It had been about a few hours since Andy and Dustin had thrown me in metal dog cage with some slop that looked like dog food after being invited to eat with them. I was their bitch and that how they treated me. It smelt like stew of some nature, but was plopped in a metal dog bowl with a similar water bowl and put in the cage situated in the corner of the next room from where we had left Ken tied to the ceiling and re-gagged. I ate and drank as I was famished and then drifted off to sleep since I was exhausted from being abused. I awoke when Andy rattled the cage and ordered me to crawl out and get into the next room.

I did as I was told and crawled into the room where Ken had been left. I was made to wear a dog collar that was attached to the top of the metal stand by a short clip as I knelt within this stand made of metal rods. My wrists and ankles were attached to the other rods so I was kneeling and spread eagled a bit by this metal stand thing. A ball stretcher was placed on my nuts and clipped to the bottom rod as my waist was roped and pulled up tight to the top rod of the stand. This was effectively spread eagling me inside the metal stand and holding me in place with little room to move. Andy then brought a 7" cock shaped dildo attached to a wooden stick and put it up to my asshole. I felt lube being spread on my closed hole and then the dildo shoved in and forcing me to move forward as it hurt from being inserted with no tenderness. I gasped, but held any sounds back as best I could to show I was still a good bitch and just let out an "Uhmmm" as the large dildo invaded my guts. I felt the dildo stop but continued to feel pressure from it pushing me forward which stretched my balls. Andy walked ahead of me so he must have attached this dildo on a stick to my metal harness in some fashion to hold it in place and create a subservient humiliating position for me to be in. I was trussed in this metal harness stand contraption and now looking up and straight at Ken now splayed in the center of the room

As I was being trussed, I saw Ken kneeling in the middle of the room on a small raised platform about 2 ft by 2 ft square sitting on a metal pedestal with large metal feet to hold it stable around 2 feet off the floor. His ankles were bound with black straps to the ends of a metal rod about 21/2 to 3 feet in length which was chained to the wall stud a ways behind Ken so his legs were spread open and yet held slightly back attached to the wall. . His wrists were bound in the same way to a similar metal rod about 41/2 feet wide, but it was attached to a ring in the ceiling/floor joists above him. It was on an angle causing him to slightly have his arms and upper body pulled forward. A black leather harness was strapped around his head and under his chin with other straps holding it in place from behind his head and around down across his face. Another strap came across from behind his head and over his mouth. This strap had a rubber coated ring inserted into his mouth, behind his teeth stretching and holding it open. That would allow a thick cock to slide right in and guard it against Ken's teeth. He was rendered helpless and vulnerable.

Andy gave Ken's ass a few sharp quick slaps which made him try to utter some words and lurch in his bindings. "Fucking shut up bitch", Andy barked out while landing another hard slap on Ken's ass cheek, "You'll quickly learn as your pissy little caged friend here did to shut up and just accept being a bitch. You'll soon like what you're given or you'll regret it. He then came over to me and then said, "Enjoy the show fuck face!" as he nudged the cage and then left the room.

A few minutes later, in walked Dustin with three young guys; two in their later twenties or real early thirties and the other maybe 24 or so. Dustin said, these guys were associates of his and Andy's and thought they'd enjoy breaking in a sorry little worthless piece of shit who sold out his friend to be his bitch. He went over to Ken and got down right in his face and said, "They paid me to be able to do you man! Ain't that ironic!" "Rory, he's all yours. Use any of the toys and equipment you want. It's all on the shelves there", Dustin said as he walked over and started out of the room. He turned and quipped, "The camera will record this all so take your time and break this pitiful excuse of a man down and make him a real obedient slutty bitch for us all to use later." He then closed the door behind him.

Rory was a 5'11" jet black haired guy maybe 30 at the most with a defined build of being physically fit but not muscle bound. His arms were coated in a black fur and his white T showed off his hot looking build. I noticed a wide silver ring on his middle finger of his left hand. He had a dark shadow on his masculine face revealing dark facial hair and smaller sideburns. His was unshaved for the day with stubble heavily covering his face. He walked around Ken slowly eying him and said, "Nice" which immediately uncovered his Aussie accent. Rory asked Ken, "You a married mate who is eager to be trained to be my whore?" Ken said nothing so Rory grabbed Ken's hair and yanked his head back with sufficient force to move Ken's whole body and yelled, "Well?" Ken tried to nod yes but, Rory jerked his head a few times and yelled at Ken putting his face right to Ken's, "Fucking worthless whore, now you are going to learn your place" spitting as he screamed at Ken.

Rory turned to the older of the other two men, "Derek, grab an anal hook and some rope." Then he said to the youngest guy, "Brent, grab something to get this fucker's attention. Something for his cock." as Rory pulled off his T revealing a sculptured chest coated in black fur that formed a heavy treasure trail despite most of him being hairy. Rory's low riding jeans were basically just covering where his pubes would begin and below. To me, Rory was a hot specimen of masculinity and I thought how I'd love to perform for him sometime.

Derek was a 6'1" light brown haired 200 plus pounder. He sported a nice build: not overly athletic or muscled – just nicely proportioned. No facial hair was noticeable and he had cropped hair. Both upper ear lobes had gold ring piercings in them. He had larger arms and big hands with a bit of light hair on them. He picked up a large metal silver hook that had a loop formed into its opposite end. Next he grabbed a shorter length of white corded rope and headed over to where Rory was again right in Ken's face telling Ken to say that he wanted to be shown how to be a real bitch for Rory and yanking on Ken's hair. Ken was trying to get that out that he wanted to be Rory's bitch, but his words were muttered since he had a stretcher holding his mouth open. "Yeah, that's right you fucking whore. You're maybe a married mate, but you are now my bitch alright."

By this time, the 6' darker haired Brent was back carrying metal mesh rolled up into what looked like a condom and a small device that looked like a TV remote. Brent was maybe 24 and was quite muscularly defined which I noticed as he ripped off his black band T-shirt. He was dark haired but his body and arms were so smooth: unusual as I thought he'd have been hairy due to his complexion. Brent's six pack and pecs were delicious looking and so exemplified by his smoothness and unblemished skin. He had lovely medium sized, darker nipples that were quite perky. Brent then unbuttoned his fly and pulled his jeans down, letting them slide to the floor and then kicking them off his feet after stepping out of them. The jeans flew over to the wall and landing in a heap. Brent's legs were muscular and coated in dark hair that curled and covered every inch of his lower limbs. He wore white jock briefs with a wide white band embroidered with CK. His black leg hair stood out next to his briefs which outlined a nice package of cock and balls that were held in a nice ball shape.

"This ought to get this bitch moving" Brent said as he knelt down and rolled what was a metal mesh condom onto Ken's uncut cock. The condom had two metal small linked chains which Brent wrapped around Ken's ball sack several times to hold the condom in place and stretch his balls. At the same time, Rory had taken the larger metal anal hook from Derek and was now sliding it into Ken's asshole. Ken reacted and moved as Rory just quickly hooked it into his vulnerable manhole. Once in, Derek tied the rope through the hook's loop and back up to a D-ring in the head harness already on Ken. Derek pulled the rope tight so that any head or ass movement by Ken would pull that anal hook further into his butt. Ken was forced to keep his head up and a bit back to ease having that hook pulled deeper into his ass.

Just as Derek was finishing off tying the rope, Brent held the remote up to Ken's metal condom coated cock and pressed a button. Ken cried out, "Arrrhhhhhh" loudly and jolted his whole body and head which then reefed that anal hook into his ass again causing him to jolt. By the time Ken stopped moving to stop reefing his anal hook, Brent again pressed the switch and Ken jolted again. Brent had an electric shocker, like a mini taser, and was delivering electric jolts to Ken's cock and balls through that metal condom and chain restraint. Ken was screaming through his mouth stretcher and jolting about trying to cope with this treatment. Each time he moved, his anal hook sent pain to his ass as it dug a bit into his rectal wall and tugged at his sphincter muscle ring.

Rory had now dropped his jeans and stood in front of Ken totally naked. What a fucking hot body Rory had and what a fine picture of a real man's man he presented. I could feel my cock hardening and almost wished I was Ken cause I just knew Ken would be feed and fucked by Rory. As Brent continued to deliver electric shocks to Ken's genitals, Derek had gotten a whip and started to strap Ken's ass cheeks, back and legs enough to cause Ken to react. Rory was stroking his cock which was about Ken's mouth level and it began to grow. What developed was a real thick uncut 71/2" dick with foreskin covering more than half of Rory's cockhead after being fully erect. Rory slid that skin slowly back and forth over his dick head and back off his bulbous head with his cock pulsing erectly out from his gorgeous body and from a thick black forest of hair.

"You want my cock boy?" Rory asked Ken. Ken blurted out something unintelligible and then Brent held the taser device on Ken's dick and held the button so electric current continually shot through his cock and balls for about ten seconds. Ken jolted and writhed trying to minimize movement as best he could in his restrained position and after feeling the anal hook pull at his ass he tried to compensate and not move. But the electric current pulsing and frying his dick and balls were too much for him. He cried out again and tears rolled down his face. "Ah, look guys, this bitch is so happy that he's crying and wants us to continue. Isn't that right bitch?" Rory said. Ken muttered "uhmm huhhh" and nodded yes. "Want to suck my dick bitch? Rory asked. Ken again shook his head yes as tears slowly ran down his face.

"I think he's learning" Rory piped up as he stood right in front of Ken's mouth and then started shoving his rigid thick into Ken's mouth through the mouth stretcher. Rory slowly pushed his cock further and further into Ken's face until most of his member was in. ""Make him bob on it mates", Rory ordered and then Derek began lashing the whip over Ken's ass, legs, thighs and back with increasing force at which Ken started to move about. Rory yelled out, "Fucking suck me bitch. Make my cock feel good boy! I know you know how to suck cock, so suck me!" Derek delivered a few more blows and Ken began bobbing on the hot Aussie fuck muscle albeit he caused his ass to hurt if he moved his head without getting his as to move in unison. Right then Brent hit the shock button repeatedly and Ken jolted and basically impaled his face onto Rory's dick. Ken was being whipped and his dick shocked making him bounce on Rory's dick.

After a few minutes of this torture, Rory grabbed the head straps and began holding Ken's head in place and then started fucking motions into Ken forcing his cock into Ken's throat. Ken gagged and muttered sounds of pain and pleading as the electrocution of his cock continued and as Rory fucked his throat raw. Then Brent began making random shocks on Ken in different spots to get him to jolt as new areas of electric pain hit him. Brent zapped Ken's nipples, armpits, belly side, thighs and basically anywhere along Ken's body.

The face fucking continued relentlessly, but Brent stopped as Derek loosed the anal hook and let it slip out. Ken was not coping with being face fucked with such vigour. He sputtered, gagged, blew liquid out of his nose, gasped for air and struggled with it. Rory was raping Ken's face with no mercy. Ken was going to have such a raw throat.

Derek said to Rory, "Just plant it deep in the bitch's throat and wait for a great ride!" So Rory thrust his hard pulsing cock right deep into Ken's face and lodged himself into Ken's throat and held Ken's nose and ground it into his pubes. With that Derek spread open Ken's ass cheeks and held them so Ken's puckered rosebud hole was exposed. Brent placed the prongs of the taser device on Ken's hole and shot a current on his asshole. Ken lurched forward and again muttered guttural sounds from his throat as he tried to cry out and breathe with a large dick from Downunder in his throat and his own downunder being shocked.

"Fucking hot, yeah" Rory exclaimed prompting Derek and Brent to deliver more painful zaps of electric juice on Ken's exposed sensitive manhole which they did in about 10 second intervals or so making Ken jolt and writhe and move on Rory's dick. Then Brent repeatedly held the shock button down off and on for about a 15-20 second period and Ken went wild in reaction to the pain shooting into his ass. Sounds were emitted from his throat when he could muster breath and get control of his vocal cords to do so. Ken shook his body and convulsed. This also prompted Rory to wildly face fuck Ken's throat for about a minute or two of rapid quick deep thrusts. Rory then pulled his dick totally out of Ken's mouth and it throbbed and glistened with Ken's spit touching Ken's nose and face as he tried to desperately to gain his breath and control. Ken sputtered and coughed from being gagged and having hard cock violate his throat.

Rory leaned down to Ken and ask, "Like being my bitch?" Ken was coughing and tried to answer but wasn't capable and he got another jolt of electric shock on his asshole. Ken then nodded yes quickly and muttered "Uhmm Humm! Uhmm Humm! Uhmm Humm!" repeatedly as he nodded yes. "Good boy" Rory answered.

Rory turned to the other guys, "Anyone wanna try out this new bitch throat?" He's quite tight and a great face fuck. This boy will soon be a pro whore for us with some practice."

Brent spoke right up and said, "Yeah. I'd like a go at this whore throat with my wang. Bet he's never had one like me and I wanna feed it all to him." Why don't you two play with his holes while I add some more sensation to his experience", Rory replied. With that, Derek pulled off his sweat pants and was soon naked standing behind Ken. Derek's dick was similar to Rory's – but maybe a bit more than 71/2" and a wee bit less thick, but two huge balls in a large sac hung way low between his legs. Derek pulled open Ken's ass cheeks and spit on his hole and then rubbed that in with his one hand. He did this again and then began inserting fingers in and out of Ken's ass as he let gobs of spit gob down on his fingers and Ken's hole. Brent was peeling down his tight white briefs and when they slid off his cock, it hung low. Brent was also uncut but he had a huge dick. It hung a good 7' in its flaccid state and foreskin covered his cock head totally and ended with about an inch of folded skin beyond his dick head. Brent held his cock up to Ken's stretched mouth and let it lie on it and he ordered Ken to start sucking it into his mouth. That was impossible as Ken couldn't suck with his mouth held open.

As Derek and Brent were preparing to rape fuck Ken at both ends. Rory had garbed a few items from the shelves along the wall. He had two rubber tipped clamps which he the clipped onto Ken's foreskin at both sides of the cockhead after slipping off the metal condom. Rory then pulled and attached the strings on the clamps to Ken's leg tying them onto Ken's legs just below the knees making sure that the strings pulled on the clamps and spread open Ken's foreskin to expose his cock head while the foreskin was clamped and pulled open. Ken let out grunts and sighs as the pain hit his dick from the clamps and stretching.

Rory then grabbed a 7-8 inch long stainless steel rod that was thin like a small knitting needle. "Ever been sounded boy? he asked Ken. Ken just looked at Rory and shook his head back and forth to indicate no, but Brent gabbed Ken's hair and yanked his head hard saying, "Look fuck face, you serve my cock when its at your mouth and stuck back into the mouth stretcher just a bit so his cock head was feeling the warmth and moistness of Ken's oral cavity. Rory piped up, "You are one fucking asshole man! Paying to have your buddy raped and used. We are going to teach you one big fucking lesson to show you that you are nothing more than a mancunt made to serve top cock! I want you so humble and subordinate that you'll beg us to fuck and abuse you and you'll wait to be raped." Rory then knelt down and stuck this rod in a lube bottle. Rory then attached clamps with small metal chains on them to Ken's nipples and then tautly pulled the chains down. He then weighted the chains so the tautness stayed and Ken's nipples were pinched.

By now, Brent was inserting his flaccid dick into Ken's stretched open mouth and sliding it in as if fucking with a soft cock. Derek was continuing to finger fuck Ken's manhole and lube it with his fingers. He was inserting about three at a time now as he stroked his dick with his spit as lube making it grow hard. Ken was making moaning sigh from Derek's fingering his asshole. I think those three tick fingers stretched Ken's hole open and it hurt a bit. Ken stayed relatively calm – like an animal about to be slaughtered. Ken didn't know what to expect and was fearful of irritating his masters.

Rory now took Ken's cock in his hand so that the exposed cockhead was tauntly pulled. The clips and restraints pulled on Ken's cock and added to the pain being sent through his dick. Rory then said, "I'm going to sound you bitch! You need to learn all about mansex and the joys and sensations that men can give to another man. You'll learn to appreciate these things in time or will have one hellish day. Either way, I am going to enjoy myself. The more sound you make the more sounding I'll give you till you become a real bitch and obey us! Rory then took the silver rod and began inserting it into Ken's piss slit very slowly. Ken jolted a bit and let out a "Ahhhhh!" from the feeling of the metal sounding rod. It was not real pain but was not pleasant. It was a different feeling unknown to Ken previous to this. Somewhere between pain, discomfort and just unknown and neutral.

Rory then began sliding the rod in and out slowly, but increasingly deeper into Ken's cock's uretha. Ken began to feel the sensation and it must have been somewhat uncomfortable as he moved like he was trying to pull his cock away from this treatment and moaned more and more. "Like being sounded boy?" Rory quipped. Ken did not answer so Rory increased the motion and twirled the rod back forth in a circular movement between his fingers as it was now inserted about 2-3 inches deep and slowly being inserted more. The circular motion made Ken jump and make louder "Ahhhhhh" cries as he treid to contain his reaction to stop from being abused more yet couldn't hold back.

With Ken's sounding ordeal ongoing, Brent pushed his whole dick into Ken's mouth and made small thrusts in and out. He pulled it out all wet with Ken's saliva and wiped it on Ken's face and slapped his face back and forth with his hardening dick as Ken's verbal noises continued from having a metal rod pushed into his cock as his foreskin was tautly stretched . Brent continued to grow harder and longer as Derek was now putting his dick head up against Ken's asshole. Derek then let one large gob of spit drool onto his dick and Ken's hole and used his hard 71/2+" bulbous head to smear his spit all over Ken's vulnerable electrocuted hole. Derek then started to push in harder and harder as Ken made noises and lurched forward from the pain of this hard intruder just forcing its way into his ass. I think that exhilarated Brent as he sprang to full erectness. Brent seemed the type to relish in raping and forcefully fucking another man and Derek's ass assault inspired Brent's sexual libido. Brent's cock was a good 9 inches of swollen maleness as it throbbed at Ken's helpless mouth.

Brent began to push his cock into Ken's mouth and continued to insert it at a steady pace of about a half inch every 3-4 seconds saying, "You want my whole dick bitch? You wanna learn to gobble this mutha down all the way and enjoy its load?" Derek then pushed his cock hard and entered Ken's tight hole stretching it open suddenly and Ken groaned loudly and lurched which made him self-impale his face onto Brent's mammoth fuck pole. Ken gagged and sputtered and cried screaming by the sounds he emitted from his filled throat. He struggled helplessly against his restraints as Derek then made a final full push and fully inserted his manhood into Ken's defenceless manhole. Ken was able to move sideways a bit but was basically strung up in a position of helplessness. Rory had now inserted at least 6-7 inches of the sounding rod into Ken's cock and was holding it in place and stroking his cock with the rod firmly in place.

With Ken's struggling due to his discomfort, Derek and Brent then brutally fucked him at both ends together. They set up a rhythm and relished that he was resisting. Both push into Ken at the same time and together so he was filled with big cock at both his ends at once. Ken was fed about 17 inches of hard man muscle with each stroke and Derek and especially Brent really got into ramming with force. Ken was really being raped and punished by these guys. He was crying with tears flowing on his cheeks and whimpering trying to cope with this hard fucking and with his cock being pinched and pulled by clips and also with Rory holding a sounding rod deep in into his cock. Brent loved to occasionally pull his cock all the way of Ken's mouth and let him gasp, cough, choke and gag trying to gain his breath and survive, but would then thrust his massive meat right back in to use Ken. Derek just continued to fuck Ken's ass deep and hard. Eventually I think Ken went numb and just took it as his resistance abated and his body just took the cocks.

Brent then pulled his cock out of Ken's face and bent down and asked Ken, "You know you wanna feel this big mutha in your ass don't you bitch! Tell me you want my big dick fuckin ya! Come come bitch, let me know you want this cock in your ass raping that new bitch mancunt." Ken didn't respond as he was coughing and now gaining his breath back although still grunting from having Derek's hard prick driving in and out at a good pace. Rory pulled the sounding rod out at a steady pace and Ken cried out. Brent grabbed Ken's head and shook it in a yes motion and said, "Thought you wanted it you whoring worthless bitch". Brent then walked around and touched Derek on the shoulder and motioned for him to go to Ken's face. Derek made a couple big slams hard into Ken's ass and then whipped his cock out and paraded around to Ken's head. Derek let his cock throb right at Ken's face and told him to take in that ass smell cause he was soon going to taste his own juices and swallow a nice big cum load. As Derek's cock was slowly sliding in through the mouth piece holding Ken's mouth vulnerably open, Brent had positioned his cock head at Ken's stretched pucker hole and just pushed it in. Ken reacted from the size of Brent and from Brent just pushing his monster all the way deep into Ken. Ken struggled and started to scream but Derek filled his mouth and throat with his hard ass slick dick only then allowing Ken to gurgle muffled sounds. Brent then savagely fucked Ken's ass as Derek just enjoyed letting Brent's fucking power move Ken onto his dick from being pushed forward from Brent's powerful thrusts.

As this was happening, Rory was back under Ken now attaching the clip chains on Ken's foreskin to a ring fastened to the floor. It was stretching his foreskin down over his cock head but pulled and caused pain to his cock now trying to adjust fro being sounded. Then Rory put on a ball stretcher roughly and attached a huge weight so Ken's balls got pulled down and then began swinging back and forth from Brent's fuck action. Rory got up and pulled Derek back and out of Ken's mouth. Ken immediately gasped for air yet also cried out from the pain of Brent's gigantic long cock molesting his ass raw.

"Let the bitch express himself!", Rory ordered. He got down to Ken's face and said, "What do you want boy?" Ken didn't answer so Brent delivered some forceful forward fucking thrusts which caused Ken to move and strain against his restraints to the maximum. I can't hear you bitch" said Rory again more loudly and demanding. "What do you want bitch?" Ken yelled out, "Fuck you all!" Rory then motioned to Brent who opened up a violent assault on Ken's ass and stroked him hard and deep and literally rammed his 9 inches of hard cock into Ken's guts. After several strokes, Brent let out a yell and shoved his hips up against Ken and began to shutter. "Oh fuck, holy fuck, I love getting off by raping a new bitch's mancunt! Aaaahhh! FUCKKKKK!, Brent screamed out and wiggled his cock deep in Ken's ass chute as his cock spurted thick gobs of cum deep into Ken. He stroked in and out with shallow but deep and strong thrusts with each pulse of his cock that sent his jizz into Ken's virgin ass. After a minute or so, Brent shuttered and moved in and out a bit and jolted as his climax started to subside.

When Brent pulled his still hard massive cock out of Ken, a trail of white and clear liquid mixture followed it out and ran down Ken's ass and balls and dripped to the floor. Brent walked to the front of Ken as Derek hurried back and took up his old fuck spot. Derek then just stepped right into a now gapping cum lubed hole and began to fuck Ken. Brent undid Ken's head restraint and ordered, "Clean off my cock like the worthless bitch you are. Show me you appreciate me raping your cunt boy!" Rory grabbed Ken's head by his hair and yanked it back as Brent approached him and Ken reluctantly opened his mouth a bit. "Fucking suck his cock clean, asswipe and taste his cum and your ass juice and know that you are a worthless bitch to us. Show us you like our use of you or I'll fucking well show you how to obey!" screamed Rory. Ken opened his mouth and Brent slid in his cock as it softened. "Fucking suck off those delicious fuck juices like you are so hungry for it! Rory again screamed so Ken then sucked on Brent's cock until he was soft and pulled back from Ken's face. Derek's pumping of Ken's ass had kept him moving forward and enveloping big cock as he sucked it clean.

As Brent pulled out, Derek made a few thrusts and rammed deep into Ken and held himself there. Derek said, "Fuck I can't hold off much more. Although Brent stretched him big time, he's still a hot fucking tight whore!" Derek remained motionless and then Rory took Ken's head and guided it onto his own stiffening pole saying, let's feed him cum at both ends together. With that Rory then face fucked Ken and told Derek to blow his load. He slapped Ken's face ordering him to suck cock like he meant it and wanted to do to get a nice cum feast. Ken obeyed and sucked on Rory as Derek resumed his fucking. Derek made a few strokes and then threw his head back and thrust forward and moaned as he held Ken's hips and pulled back to bury his cock deep into Ken and deliver his nut load.. Derek moaned which made Rory stroke a bit and then stop and let Ken suck on his rod. Rory then pushed into Ken's throat and let out moans of ecstacy as he began to shoot his fuck liquid into Ken's face. Rory pulled out quickly and let fly a three thick copious streams of cum as it shot out of his piss slit and coated Ken's eyes, nose and face. Rory must have absolutely huge cum loads as Ken's face was literally covered with thick white globs of cum from those three shots. Rory then inserted his erupting cock back into Ken to deliver more man juice into his mouth and throat.

Derek's climax was now easing off and he pulled his slick cock out as a couple final spurts of cum shot up onto Ken's back and asshole area. He rubbed his cum over Ken's ass cheeks and smeared it on him as his cock softened. Rory was also now easing off and he pulled his cum covered cock out and wiped it on Ken's face smearing his cum all over. He stepped back and Brent slid the head straps back onto Ken and re-inserted the mouth stretcher and fastened it up. He then held his still massive soft cock up to Ken's face and fed his soft cock about half way into Ken's mouth. With that, Ken then started to react and tried to move his head away but Brent held his head firmly in place. I saw yellow liquid pouring out of Ken's mouth as Brent pissed in his mouth. "Taste my hot piss you ungrateful asshole!" Brent ordered and then pulled out after about a solid minute of pissing into Ken's face. Brent finished his pissing stream all over Ken's face and head.

After a couple minutes Rory then still a bit hard, walked to Ken's ass and inserted his dick a bit into the gapping hole and also let go with his hot piss into Ken's ass. Derek got off on this and then coaxed his piss out and let it spurt all over Ken drenching him with piss as he walked slowly around Ken and aimed his weapon at him. Rory finish his pissing and pulled back as Derek let the last bit of piss stream find its way to Ken's face and stretched open mouth.

Ken remained motionless I am sure in total shock and disgust. He had just been forcibly abused, basically raped by these three guys. They were merciless and Ken must be in pain from being fucked so hard. Ken had been bred at both ends and he now had cum swimming in his ass and deep in his guts as well down his throat and coating his face. So much for not wanting to taste mine etc or be barebacked! He was broken in alright.

Rory, Brent and Derek stood and insulted Ken, calling him a real bitch and slut now that he had been raped. They asked how he liked being a mancunt and receiving their piss and hoped he was grateful and would be a good slave and bitch like he had paid to have his friend become. Rory undid the clips and ball stretcher from Ken and he let out sighs of pain as they were released. I thought that his cock was so abused that he would never want to use it again? Then the three men then turned and walked out with Rory saying, "we'll be back to finish raping you asshole! Think maybe we'll bring some friends and gang bang the both of you bi whores." They left and the door closed as the light went out.

"You okay Ken I asked? I heard nothing but Ken softly sobbing in his moans and groans. He did not answer and I let it rest.

Next: Chapter 5

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