My Best Friends Brother

By Brian Johnson

Published on Nov 19, 2016


My Best Friends Brother

Chapter 3

In the bedroom he said "I have a surprise for you." He told me to lay in the middle of the bed with my arms above my head and my legs spread. I did so and soon I was held in place by some restraints. He then put a blindfold over my eyes and said that some of the fantasies that we had talked about on the fishing trip had given him an idea and he arranged this surprise for me. He added that he had invited someone who specialized if fulfilling fantasies and he should be arriving about now. He left and when he came back he said, "There is the person I told you about. He is naked and tied as you requested." I felt someone sit on the bed, but nothing was said. I felt a hand moving slowly up my leg. I said, "Ron, what are you dong?" A different voice said, "I am not Ron. I am your worst fantasy come true?

Suddenly the hand was gone and I could tell that I was alone on the bed. I then felt something soft touch the sole of my right foot and I jumped as best as I could because I am very ticklish but since I was tied down I could not do much moving around. What ever was touching my foot, slowly moved up my leg to my ankle and up even further. I was being tickled and the more I laughed, the more I bucked trying to get away.

It did not stop, it continued up my right side, touching every part of my body. The higher it moved, the more I laughed and the more I bucked. It got to the inside of my thigh. I am trying to get away and laughing so hard that I am having trouble getting my breadth. What ever it was, it did not touch my balls or cock. It moved up my side, onto my chest, I drew a circle around my nipple and then continued to my pit and them on to my neck and face. By the time it reached my head I was laughing uncontrollably, and my cock was half-hard.

It continued down the left side of my face to my armpit; around my other nipple and down to my side. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. No matter how hard I bucked, the restraints held me fast. What ever the thing was, it continued down my left side then it circled my navel and my stomach. It passed my cock, but went to the inside of my thigh. I was laughing so hard that I was having trouble breathing. Who would ever think that your knee was ticklish? It moved down my calf to my foot. It then moved between my toes and on to the sole of my foot. Even though I was laughing so hared, I realized that my cock was hard, harder than I could ever remember. Even what ever it was, it was no longer touching me, I was still laughing.

I then felt something move on to the bed and felt a body get on top of me. Who ever it was, his hard cock was touching mine and he was lying on top of me. He began to move in what felt like a circular motion, moving our cocks against each other and our bodies. This went on for a while, when all of a sudden I began to shot my cum between our bodies, and it kept coming. I could only guess that who ever it was, he was also cuming. He then got off me and I felt the restraints being loosened and I could move. When the blindfold was removed, it took me a few seconds for me to get a clear vision of who was standing at the foot of the bed. It was Dave, my friend and Ron's brother. He and Ron were laughing.

"How did you like being tickled?" "Well at first I didn't, but as it continued I was enjoying it and I have to say that it was the best organism that I have ever experienced. It felt as if my whole body was cuming." "I thought you would enjoy it," Ron added, "but I think both of you should take a shower and clean up." Dave and I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. The warm water felt nice as we washed. We even washed each other in those places that are difficult to reach. After we dried off, we joined Ron who suggested that we go downstairs and have a drink.

"After your fishing trip with Ron, he called me and we decided to arrange this." "Well I guess that I am glad that you did. This was fun, how did you ever think of it", I asked. Well a few years ago I had a friend that was into tickling and he said that if he tickled me I would get a great hard-on. I did not believe him so he tied me up and did it to me and I experienced the best hard-on that I ever had." Well what did you tickle m with? It was just a feather, but I have done it with the points of a dinner fork. Just about anything will work. I added that I would like to experience it again. Dave said, "Oh you will but tomorrow you and I will do it to Ron."

It was getting late and Ron suggested that we go to bed. He also said that the two of us should use his bed, as it would be large enough for what ever we decided to do before sleeping. So we went upstairs Ron to one of the gust rooms and us to the tickle chamber.

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