My Best Friend Turns on Me

By faggot

Published on Mar 24, 2005


An hour or so goes by.....i start to fall asleep...the drugs

kicking in and finally getting somewhat comfortable tied to

the toilet...suddenly i feel a Sharp pain in my

eyes fly open to see Charlie's little brother, Josh...

...Josh ..16y.o. wrestling captain in the local high

school....too hot and developed for his age.. 6'2", 215# of

PURE muscle....cropped marine-style haircut, minimum 50"

chest,,,perfect V-shape....hairy check, but not

longhairs,,,,cropped, perfect hair...amazing trail down his

8-pack abs....biggest, most solid arms i've evr seen on a

real guy.....burly, lightly haired legs,,, as big as my damn

skinny-ass waist...

..."Wake up, faggot!!"....Josh tells me as he NAILS my ribs

again with his size 14 workboots.. "I gotta piss, and bro

told me there was a live fagtoilet here...didnt know it was

the dude who paid for the teams to go to the tournaments and

shit"..(yeah, me, but more on that later).... "guess this is

how i can pay u back"...with that, Josh STOMPED his huge foot

into my groin....the shock and the pain made my eyes tear up

and i opened my mouth wide to scream....all He needed to whip

out His monstrous 10" veiny dick out of His baggy, sagger

jeans and RAM it down my throat....choking

me....laughing...... He grabs the back of my head by my long

hair, shoves me into His sweaty crotch, CHOKING me

more....his smooth, sweaty, low-hanging balls slapping my

chin..... my head trying half-heartedly trying to pull back,

but at the same time, my mind and soul completely hypnotized

by this young stud's scent and power over me..

"Take It, Bitch!!!..............drink every fukkin' drop"

Josh roughly orders me as he fiercely lets go a Huge, Hot

stream of piss down my throat..... I try to swallow as fast

as I mind racing....alternately ashamed, desperate,

angry, and lustful....drinking most of His bittersweet Hot

piss, but spilling some..

Josh pulls his MANmeat out of my pussythroat as He finishes

pissin'...still holding my head by my hair pulling me away,

seeing how lustful and desiring i am of Him

WHAM!!!!!!!!!!! face is SLAMMED into Josh's

Big boots... "you fukkin pussyass faggot....u got My boots

wet....clean it up, Bitch!!!".... my tongue immediately darts

out, cleaning my own piss and Josh's day's worth of walking,

off his well-worn will only

thoughts being that i need to please this Superioir

MAN...even tho he's only 16 y.o..........when He is

apparently pleased with the shininess of his boots and the

floor, Josh STOMPS once more on my nuts...making me scream

and cry again....He laughs and nonchalantlely takes his boots

and filthy, swaety socks off... as i am squirming in pian

from His abuse on my crotch, Josh squats in front of

me,,,,His knees squarely impaled in my balls so my mouth is

wide open in pain and terror,,,,and shoves his 3 day old

socks in my mouth....leans in my ear and whispers "look in

the corner, behind the door.....yeah...u see that

hole?....there's a cam there fag.... my bro told me to tell

u, he dont need the digitizing now with u doin' an underage

boy......u just did me, bitch....I'm underage.....editting

will be Awesome!!!....yer FUKKED pussyboi!!!!!!!!!!"

As i lay there sobbing, Josh standas and goes to the bathroom

door....He yells down the hallway " YO, Bro!!!.....these

Dudes gonna LUV this whore!!!....hope u gettin paid!!"

Josh turns his head back to me, a pitiful fagslave in His

eyes, and smirks, "yer a piece of shit to us fag...get ready

for the worst, or best for u, night of yer pathetic fag



Next: Chapter 4

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