My Best Friend Turns on Me

By faggot

Published on Mar 3, 2005


Intro and Background:

Charlie has been my best bud for a few years. He also happens to be my connection for weed. No matter what day or time of day, he comes thru with the best and cheapest maryJ around. I have had a 'Lover' for several years (not my first by a long shot) and he's in his first relationship with a guy. They've been together a couple years, We party together a lot....sharing our frustrations, mostly, with our respective lovers. We're both involved with very effeminate being a long-haired, bandanna wearing dude that hadn't been with a queen before and him being a 'str8' guy in his first same sex relationship, also with a drag queen. I've lusted after Charlie from the very start of our friendship, but never dared say anything for fear of the reprisals from either him, his lover, or my lover. We party together alone most lusting, him just enjoying a party bud....but like I said....nothing was ever said.

OK, lemme give a few physical, I'm in my late thirties, tall (6'2"), slender (165lbs), long brown hair, mustache, bedroom brown eyes, thick lips, some hair across my chest with a trail to a lightly haired stomach with another trail of hair pointing toward one of those 'creeper' know..small when soft, but mine creeps to 8 1/2" when hard, little hairy butt...............Charlie is average height (about 5'9"), also somewhat slim, tho proportionate (about 145lbs), short, very dark brown (almost black) hair.., bright, big brown eyes, full lipped, stash and goatee, slight chest hair, no stomach hair, a trail starting at his beautiful navel pointing to, what I had heard rumored to be, a big piece of manmeat. He is a mix between a redneck type (jack-of-all-trades, mechanic oriented, fuck y'all attitude) and a sagger type (always wearing long, button-down shirts,.. unbuttoned halfway (showing that hot, most of time sweaty chest) and when he lifted his shirt, all you see is boxers, and jeans just above his crotch). His whole look drove me CRAZY. But I never said anything, or let on......or so I thought.

What Happened:

Charlie and I are hanging out at his place, playing a video game (one of those NASCAR games). Our respective lovers are not there. Mine's working a double shift, his is visiting his family. So, as usual, we're hanging out together......gettin' stoned on some killer pot..drinkin' shots (Jack Daniels) and beer. In the middle of a race, Charlie says he needs to catch up on his laundry and tells me he'll be right back. As I'm sittin' back, takin' another hit of his water-bong, he comes back into the room wearin' nothing but his boxers. I try not to stare and just say kiddingly "Dude, c'mon, you're just trying to distract me.. comin' in here like that"....he says, laughing " Well, go ahead, man....strip down like I am....who knows, maybe we'll be even". Well, I can't be outplayed like that, so I start undressing....only problem is.. I'm starting to get a half-hard-on....Charlie just casually says to me " Dude, you always thinking about sex, ain't ya?"....I just try to casually try to laugh it off and we go back to racing.

Here we are, Charlie on a chair, legs spread enough for me to notice his cock hanging inside one side of his boxers as I'm sittin' on the floor about 6 inches away from him....crotch level... During 'crashes' and 'pit stops' in the game, Charlie keeps adjusting his crotch...a fact I can't help but notice out of the corner of my eye......but I keep trying to ignore it, continuing in my belief that I need to keep my lust for this Stud to myself, not wanting to piss him off or ruin the truly good friendship we have, not to mention the wrath of our "lovers".

After about twenty minutes of this, there's a knock at Charlie's door. He just hollers "come on in" since we are in the middle of racing. It's Mark....a friend of Charlie's for years.....a straight dude friend of Charlie's whom I've met before, partied with Charlie with, and who "knows" about us being gay. He's dressed in just a pair of too loose, too short pair of shorts, his long, lanky bod strutting like he always does. He's an OK guy, but he's a guy I hung with only because he's a friend of Charlie's. I glance up and see his cock head is hanging out of his cutoffs. He's not a bad lookin dude....similar bod to mine (about 6'1or2", 160lbs maybe)....slightly hairy chest and stomach.....thinner tho....never thought much about him other than him being Charlie's friend.......................Charlie pauses the game, saying, "'bout fukkin time, bring yer shit?"........Mark "Of course. man...don't I always"

After about another hour or so of smokin', drinkin', and gettin' caught up in the video game, we quit playing. I don't feel right. I've smoked a lot of weed and done a lot of different drugs in my time, but something feels 'off'. Charlie, knowing how fucked up I get, and that I start running my mouth and being honest once I'm fukked up, says, looking at me, " Dude, be honest, you really want me, dontcha? wanna suck me or more".....I turn beet red...I know I'm busted because I can feel my embarrassment....."Yeah....for a long time, man"'s at this point that I realize that there's something about this weed that Mark has brought.....I'm not feeling in control of my mind and what I'm saying.....I'm feeling like, 'fukkit, what the hell'.................Charlie says "yeah, i know.... you can suck me if you want, man...but you gotta prove how much you want me".............At this point, between being horny and half-hard from Charlie being in his boxers and now being stoned as fukkin hell....not even paying attention to Mark or remembering he is there.........I look Charlie in his gorgeous, mesmerizing eyes and say " ANYTHING, Charlie....I'd do ANYTHING to be able to do ANYTHING with you".

With that, Charlie tells me to "get on your knees, fag, face me"...since I'm already on the floor, I get up on my knees, facing Charlie, he's my dream MAN, right?..., his crotch at my face...forgetting Mark's even there, my back now to him as I stare at what I look at as being my Master. Suddenly, my arms are,click...........Mark has tightly put handcuffs on my wrists behind my back.

"What the fuck???" I say..........."Bitch, I fukkin' knew you were hot for me, now I'm gonna see how much" Charlie says, as he kicks me square in my chest with the bottom of his foot, knocking me to my back. Mark grabs me by my hair and jerks my face to his crotch as he pulls his shorts off, exposing his massive 9 inch,3 inch around uncut hardon in my face......Mark tosses me back down on the floor, saying to Charlie "Fuck man, I gotta piss first"..........Charlie grabs me back up by my hair (by know tears are forming in my eyes) telling Mark "Dude, aint gotta use the pisser, you got one right here"....with that Charlie pulls my head back to face Mark's hard cock, and says "bitch, open up so he can piss" and clicks open an 8 inch switchblade.

Mark grabs me back and shoves his pole down my throat......gagging, choking me.....Mark laughs as he unloads hthe full force of his hot, heavy piss down my throat.........I swallow as fast as I can...I spill some out of the corner of my mouth... Charlie kicks me from behind in my balls and ass hole...."FUKKIN' FAGGOT!!!!....DRINK IT!!!" Mark finishes, Charlie SLAMS my face to the floor......"Lick it up, Bitch!!"........shaking with fear, with the blade in my face, I lick up every drop that spilled.

Once I'm done getting the last drop of Mark's piss off the floor, Charlie kicks me HARD in the ribs, knocking me to my back. Charlie immediately pounces on my chest, sitting, with what I now see is his enormous cock.....10 inches of throbbing, veiny, 5 inch diameter meat....more than I ever dreamed eyes wide in shock, awe, horror and, admittedly, lust .......Charlie grabs my head, pries my mouth open with his rough, calloused, fingered and SLAMS his Manmeat ALL THE W WAY down my throat...the more I gag and struggle, the rougher, deeper, and meaner Charlie gets with his throat raping....laughing as I choke, cry and mind racing....I've wanted Charlie, dreamed of having sex with him...but this wasnt how it was supposed to happen.....relentlessly, he keeps fukking my throat til I pass out from him holding me too long down on his massive pole.

I slowly start to come to...I realize I'm laying down on my stomach...I try to roll over....I can' arms are bound and I can only half roll over, the cords on my wrists are tight by ther's slack to whatever they're tied to...., my ankles are bound securely and tightly to, what I now realize, is the bedposts.....the shiny blade suddenly is in my face with Charlie's face behind it...."turn back around, bitch,... face the bed and get up on yer knees faggot"...the rush of what happened earlier flashes in my mind....I try to protest "NO...what the fuk, man?? know I woulda done you another hot and nice...c'mon man" head is pulled back with Charlie's face directly in mine as an incredible pain goes thru my right chest, just below my's a slice from the knife....Charlie's other hand appears in front of my blood..."I want it the way I say, bitch....what you want dont fukkin up on your knees"

The cords are tied in a fashion that I am able to draw back and get on my knees with my arms now extended upwards and my feet still secured to the bottom bedposts. Charlie kneels behind me, massaging my ass cheeks..."nice flat, little bone will be able to fit deep in this pussyass" the same time, Mark's feet appear in my face, as he stands at the head of the bed.....the stench is awful...Mark is well known for his lack of hygiene...he waves his stinking toes under my nose..."clean 'em fag" he says........I turn my head in disgust...I feel a sharp pointed pain in my right ass cheek......."clean his nasty feet queerboy, or I'll give you a second asshole back here" Charlie says.....I stick my tongue out and begin to lick at Mark funky feet..........."lick my toe-jam out" Mark orders....gagging, but obeying, I clean this redneck's sweaty, nasty, almost moldy feet and toes.

As I clean Charlie's str8 buddies' feet, I feel Charlie spit on my asscrack ....he starts pushing a finger in my hole....." are a tight fukkin fag, aint ya?....I thought you was lying when you told me you don't get it up your ass".......(I wasnt lying....once, a guy single fingered me when I was 18 and never again since then)...."Damn Mark....this is gonna be better than we thought".....with that, Mark shoves his right foot into my mouth, disgusting and gagging me as Charlie mercilessly shoves four thick fingers into my virgin hole.........I try pulling away from the onslaught on my hole by Charlie only to be inundated by more of Mark's nasty, sweaty foot in my mouth.

Mark pulls his funky foot from my mouth, kicking my jaw, "Charlie...lemme at that ass"......"no way Dude, I been wantin to take this fukkin asshole's hole for a loooong time..........I'm the one gonna ruin it".....with that, without warning, Charlie SLAMS the FULL force of HIS 10x5 Manhood DEEEEEEP into my tight hole.......I scream and cry in incredible pain...........Charlie tells Mark "shut the ferry up!!!!...............shove sumthin' in his mouth!!!'..............Mark flies in front of me and shoves his pole into my open screaming mouth........both MEN start a rhythm of plowing me at both ends..............Mark grabbing my ears choking my raw throat....Charlie mercilessly, ruffly, PLOWING my hole with NO mercy or abandon.....I thrash and try to get away from the onslaughts, but each time I try to pull from one, the other inflicts more intense and deliberate cries and painful moans only intensifying these MEN's poundings.....Mark screams "no chick ever blew my like this!!!!"........Charlie, my dream Man, bends down to my ear as he deeeeeeep fuck/rapes my hole saying "you are MY fukkin bitch now....MINE....anywhere, anytime, anyhow I want.............i OWN you, you fukkin cunt!!!"...............and i knew it was true.........tears streaming.............trying to beg but unable with my mouth and ass mind screaming "NOOOOOOO"...........but my soul LOVING my dream man (Charlie) taking me.... on HIS terms.... and my body betraying own dick hard as a rock and cumming long before these MEN did.

As if on cue, like they had planned it all, Charlie yells to Mark "You ready?"...Mark "When you are, man!"...........WHOOOOOOOSSHHHH!!!! throat and ass are SHOT!!!!!!!.........Mark shoots what he has in his bullballs down my throat as Charlie hollers LOUD and I can feel his seed fill my hole and leak outside it........Mark pulls out of my mouth, finished, but Charlie keeps on pounding my ass, pumping more of his load in me, hollering, cumming, yelling, cumming, cussing, and cumming more!!!!...

Finally, Charlie collapses on my back, his cock still hard deeeeep inside me....Mark wiping his pole in my cheeks and lips....sweat dripping from both MEN.

Charlie, still in and on me, looks up at Mark. "You done, man?:" Mark " Yeah, man...gotta piss again tho......u mind?" Charlie, in my ear, whispers " let him" Something inside me felt I HAD to obey....I open my mouth....Mark immediately shoves his softening cock (altho still 6 inches soft) back in my mouth and I begin to drink his piss again...Charlie in my ear, silently whispering "drink it, it for me".....I do............every drop.

Mark gets off the bed....Charlie still lays on top of and inside me.....Mark says "Damn...gonna get more of that fag when i'm horned up and cant get my girl over"......Charlie gets up from the ass feeling empty and desiring him...."You dont come near MY fagbitch unless I say it?"..........."Got it, man "...........Mark leaves

Charlie comes back over to the bed............he unties me..............holding the knife where I can see it........"you got your shit all over my cock.....clean it, bitch"

I open my mouth and suck my own ass off my STUD........both out of fear of him hurting me and truly wanting to please him.

Again showing me the blade, Charlie asks " am I gonna need this next time?".....lovingly, I tell him "no"....HE says..."I'm gonna keep it....cause I got a lot more twisted shit in mind for you...cause I OWN you now, BITCH!!!!!

and He does....

........want more?....have any suggestions? me if you do, PLEEEEASE!!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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