My Best Friend Lee

By joe dwyer

Published on Dec 27, 2001


The following story is based on a true story. All the names have been changed to protect the people involved. Do not read if you are underage according to the laws in the country, state/province, county, city/town/village or township where you live. There is sex between males. You have been warned!

My Best Friend Lee

I met Lee while we were in high school. I never really paid much attention to him. We both have the same group of friends. We didn't become close until our senior year. We started talking more and we found more things in common. Lee was average looking. He was Italian-American with dark features. He had a medium build with natural muscle tone. He was the type of guy I wouldn't even consider glancing if I see him walking on the street.

There was something about his personality that I became attracted to.

It was a hot and humid summer night. It was the summer before I went to college. Lee and I were playing basketball but it was too hot to keep going. Lee thought it would be great to sneak in the neighborhood pool for a quick swim even though it was closed. Since it was late and nobody was around, I agreed. It was just a six foot chain link fence that separated us from the pool. We climbed over the fence and started taking off our clothes. Lee decided to take off everything. I was excited because I had never seen him naked. At the time, I already knew I was attracted to guys but never acted on it because I was dating girls and all of my friends were straight. I know Lee was straight too. Anyway, he shed his white underwear and dove in the deep end of the pool. I pulled off my underwear and followed him. It happened so fast I never got a chance to see his penis. I figured I'd see it once we were out of the water. We swam a few laps and Lee decided to get out. When he got out he had his back towards me so I just caught a glimpse of his nice ass. It was hairy. We noticed there were some girls walking towards the pool. I quickly got out of the pool and we got dressed as quickly as we can. By the time the girls approached the fence, we were already dressed and were already on the other side of the fence. We thought that they may have seen what we did so we ran the other direction.

We got to Lee's house in no time. Lee thought it would be good idea for me to sleep over since it was late and we were tired. I agreed. We sneaked into his house so Lee's parents wouldn't hear us. We made it to his room without waking them. Lee decided to keep the lights off so nobody would think we just got home. Lee took out his sleeping bag and laid it on the floor next to his bed for me to sleep in. Then we took off our clothes which were a little wet because we didn't have time to dry off after the swim. Lee got into his bed with his underwear on and I kept mine on and just laid on top of the sleeping bag. It was still warm in his room. The air condition was not blowing enough cold air. The room was not totally dark because there was a stream of light from the outside coming through the windows. I could see the outline of Lee's lean body and it looked great because I could see the ripple of his muscles. He was seventeen but he was quickly developing. His body was well-toned. Lee was asleep at this point and I was slowly dozing off.

I was already half asleep when I felt a hand grab my arm. I opened my eyes and it was Lee reaching over from his bed. He led my hand towards him and rested it on his chest. He told me to just rub my hand back and forth on his chest. I was really surprised and nervous because I didn't want him to think that I liked touching him. I rubbed his chest and then Lee did something that I never expected. He pushed my hand on top of his covered bulge. I could feel the outline of his cock beneath his underwear. He told me to rub it slowly. As I did that, his cock started getting hard. Then Lee pulled off his underwear. By this time I got up and knelt beside his bed so I can see his cock. It was uncut. It was beautiful. His foreskin covered half of the head. I remember it having so many veins. It was a nice size. I would think it was around seven and half or eight inches. Lee was breathing hard and I was getting excited. I didn't know what to do. This was my first time with a guy. At seventeen, I really didn't have a lot of experience especially with a guy except watching porn.

I began to touch his cock. It was a nice feeling. I pulled down his foreskin to reveal the head. It was a novelty because I was circumcised. I was fascinated because I never seen a cock head being covered with skin. Lee started groaning with delight by this time. I began to move my hand up and down on his shaft. He also showed me that I only have to move the foreskin back and forth. I was really getting hard that I used my left hand on my own cock and my right on his. My cock was not as big as his. It was close to six inches but compared to his, my cock didn't stand a chance. It was like a boy with a man cock. It was massive looking. I felt Lee's hand on the back of my head and with a gentle push, he guided my head towards his hard cock. I was trembling with excitement because I only see this in magazine and movies and now I was actually going to do it in real life. I was hoping I would do it the right way. I opened my mouth and engulfed Lee's massive tool.

I can only get half of it in my mouth. My gag reflex went into action. Lee kept pushing his cock in my mouth. I was trying not to gag but I had to push myself to get all his cock in. I had to move my tongue down and pushed his organ towards the back of my throat. I had to take a few breaths to accomplish this feat. At the same time I was jacking my hard meat. Lee was moaning with pleasure as I kept working on his cock. He moved his pelvis rapidly and I kept allowing him to push his cock to the back of my throat. Before I knew it, Lee let out a loud moan and I could feel a succession stream of ejaculate filling the back of my throat. I had to swallow the fluid. It was so much that some of his juices started flowing the side of my mouth. I was overcome with pleasure that I started shooting my juice towards the side of his bed. Lee never once attempted to touch my cock. I didn't mind because I wanted to take his cock. I wanted to please him. I fell back on the floor exhausted. Lee rolled on his side. He never said anything. I was just happy that it happened to me. I wanted to remember this experience for the rest of my life. I think Lee had some guilt but I didn't. I enjoyed every minute of it. We then just fell asleep and we never talked about it the next day. It was the start of a secret sexual relationship between me and Lee.

I hope you like reading my true homosexual experience, let me know. You can email at I look forward to your responses.

Next: Chapter 2

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