My Best Friend Cory

By Matt

Published on Dec 12, 2006



Disclaimer: All the usual stuff applies here, don't read if you're offended by two men having sex and certainly don't read if you're underage, it's illegal. Everyone in this story was at least 18 at the time and while this story isn't 100% true, it's very accurate of my actual experience. Always practice safe sex, even though the characters do not.

I first met Cory and Tabetha when I moved into town back in 5th grade. Riding the bus together and going to the same school had helped us become decent friends and as we also went to the same middle and high schools, we became inseparable. There wasn't a weekend throughout much of highschool that we couldn't be seen together hanging around town and having a great time together. All being in the marching band let us spend a lot of time together and we had a blast.

That all changed our senior year. My father had decided to accept a better job in a city 500 miles away and that meant I was leaving right away. It killed me to think of leaving my two best friends, but I knew we would keep in touch and that we could visit each other. However, before I left town there was one thing that I had been wanting to tell them both for a few years. I told Tabetha the day before I had to leave town. We went for a walk and she could tell I was upset, but I finally came out to her. She already knew of course, but had just been waiting for me to realize it, so everything was okay there. Things were a little bit harder with Cory. We were best buds. We talked about everything. His girlfriends, his sex life, heck we'd even looked at porn together, althought looking at it for a few minutes was all we did. He trusted me so much and I had went along with that. When the time came to tell him I was gay, I knew it would be hard because he would feel betrayed after all of that. I was right.

I told him I was gay that afternoon before I left because I needed to get it out of me and I didn't want to do it on the phone or something later on, I wanted to tell him in person. He laughed and thought I was kidding and then about cried when he realized I wasn't. It was very uncomfortable position, but he ended up coming over to my house late that night to just sit down and talk with me and gave me a hug letting me know he was there. That made me cry and it felt so good to be held in his arms. My two best friends.

After I moved away and got settled into my "new" life, it just really felt like something was missing. I love Tabetha for all she's worth and I missed her a lot, but that something that was hurting so bad turned out to be Cory. I hadn't really thought too much about it before, but I was terribly lovesick over him. We ended up talking on the phone one night and I could tell he was horny by the way he was talking because he wanted to talk about what his new girlfriend could do with her tongue and how great it was. That didn't help me keep my calm and somehow I told him how much I loved him. I went on to say some things I shouldn't have, including bringing up the time he had come over to my house on his bike and when he'd gotten off he was boning a major tent in his board shorts. At that time I'd asked if he was happy to see me and we'd ended up going inside the house, him in the bathroom in my room jerking off, not too quietly, and me on my bed jerking off.

Anyway, that conversation kinda put us apart for the next year. The three of us would go camping together and other stuff, but it was still hard between us and it killed me. Finally that all came to this last summer when we took a week-long trip to DC. Tabetha was home from college and was back in our old town, so I drove the 500 miles to meet them both there. Tabetha brought along a friend from college and the four of us made our way up to DC, just going where we felt like it and having a great time. The best part of the trip was on our 3rd day of driving.

Tabetha and her friend Jenny, had decided that this morning they didn't want to drive right off and just wanted to go shopping at the really big shopping complex advertised about 20 minutes from our hotel. I kinda wanted to go, but knew Cory wouldn't want to, so the `guys' decided to stay in the room and just hang out, which was fine with me. This time back into town, Cory had been real cool with me. Cracking jokes, asking me if I thought that guy was hot or another one when we'd be out somewhere, he just seemed real comfortable with everything now and I was in heaven.

So Cory and I are lying on the beds watching some TV and decide to go take a dip in the pool since it's already pretty hot outside, even though it was early that morning and there was no one out there. We get in and swim around for awhile, talking when we need to rest. It just so happens that we see a flash go off in a room by the pool side, because the curtains were open. We didn't think much of it until it happened again. Cory got out of the water and went over to grab his towel (such a nice ass) to see what was going on and about flipped. There was a couple fucking in that room with another guy taking pictures of them. He stood there for a bit and when he turned around to get back in the water, he was obviously hard. He swam around for a bit and I did the same, presumably him to get his cock to go down after that scene and me trying to do the same since it'd been a few days since I'd jerked off and having him hard had about made me faint.

There were a couple more flashes in the room and Cory couldn't resist getting out again and staring for a bit. This time the photographer saw him and smiled back, but closed the curtains shortly thereafter. Right after that, he came and sat down on the edge of the pool and I swam over to him, enjoying the sight of his cock pressed against his wet board shorts and being able to see him like that. He noticed my looks and gave me a big grin, asking if I liked. Before I could think, I just blurted out, "Hell yeah. What I would give to suck that!". He smiled even more and grabbed his towel and asked if I was ready to go in since there was a family coming outside to get in now and we'd been in for awhile already. I swear he was enjoying watching me get out of the pool, as I was rock hard too.

We made it back to the room quickly and I got out of my trunks and threw on some shorts, then he did the same. I jumped on the bed and buried my still hard cock in the covers, watching tv, when he came out after changing and plopped down on the bed next to me. I couldn't tell if he was still hard or not, but I had a feeling he was. We just lay there next to each other for awhile talking with the tv turned down, and the talk led back to his girlfriend. This time though, he asked me about my boyfriends. I told him I hadn't really dated yet and he looked at me and just gave me a smile. We went back to talking about his girlfriend and of course the talk led to sex. He went through his speech of trying to "convert" me by telling me all the awesome stuff a girl could do to a guy.

"You know Cory, a man supposedly gives way better head than a girl," I said grinning.

"I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't mind judging for myself. I mean, it's been like five days since I got anything from Laura."

"You're a grown man, you can take care of yourself!"

"Nah, why would I do that when I have a girlfriend and a best friend that wants to suck my cock?"

And there it was. He wasn't teasing me at all, he was seriously horny and was thinking about letting me at his most precious item. My mouth watered.

"I don't know. I mean, I--I really want to, but aren't you afraid this could mess with our friendship?" I asked. I was really scared. I didn't want to lose him again, plus I'd never done anything sexual at all, I'd only kissed a guy a few times, and I was nervous that he'd be disappointed.

"Matt, you'll always be my best friend. I love you like a brother. Hell, I love you more than that. You are super special to me and I'd just like to make you happy. Since you want to give me a blow job so much, it's the least I could do to let you have it." That last sentence was just barely audible since he'd broken out in laughter.

"I love you," I whispered.

He then closed the little space between our bodies on the bed and gave me a hug, that turned into an embrace. The smell of chlorine from the pool was very strong on his chest, but I put my head there anyway and he just held me for a bit until we had to move since it was so uncomfortable. We both sat up.

"I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do, but I've been wanting to do this for years. I don't get excited over any other guys, but you drive me crazy for some reason. I had a lot of trouble with that a little while back, but I'm over that now and I just want to be with you." As he said that he laid back on the bed and stretched out, pulling me down on top of him.

After that little speech, seeing him half naked (we both hadn't put shirts back on) and then feeling his hardness through his shorts as I was pulled onto him, I lost all control. Years of built-up desire flooded through me and I came alive. Our lips met and I was in heaven. His soft lips against mine and then I thrust my tongue between his lips. He grunted an approval of that and eagerly thrust back, our tongues fighting and the two of us writhing on the bed.

His hands were exploring my back, feeling every inch of me, paying especially close attention to my ass, slowly massaging it and trying to get his hands under the waistband of my shorts. My hands were all over his chest and I was amazed at how great it felt to have a man so excited because of me and to feel the heat of his body against mine. I moved my lips from his and started kissing his neck, and ears, slowly licking my way down onto his chest as he just laid against the pillows on the bed and smiled at me. I licked my way down to his belly button when he pulled me back up to kiss me passionately again. I didn't feel like I could last much longer because this was so new to me and by this time we'd both been hard almost constantly for almost a good 2 hours.

When he let me go from our last kiss, I backed down the bed and put my face right at his waistband. I could peek under the gap there because his cock was straining so hard to get out and his shorts weren't up against his tight stomach anymore. I could also see the large wet spot that was on the front of his shorts where his cock head was clearly visible. His voice awoke me from my staring, "Suck me please". I untied his board shorts as I tried to keep kissing his stomach at the same time. Once the shorts were open and his cock sprang free, I sat up in awe.

"God, you're so beautiful."

"Thanks, but you're the true beauty here. You think any girl has got me this going before? I'm dying here!" he laughed.

"You've grown a bit since the last time I saw you too," I said, remembering seeing him hard that one day when we'd been looking at porn together, he had just turned 16 at the time I believe.

"Yeah, I bet you have too!" He said grinning. With that he flipped me over onto my back and started kissing my neck, driving me insane with the way his tongue felt on my skin. As he was doing that his hands worked to free my cock from my shorts and pulled them off. Then he took his off as well and sat back on his heels.

I was panting like a dog, but I was loving this so much. I pushed him back on the bed, but swung his legs over the side and got down on the floor in between those beautiful legs and was faced with his beautiful, shiny cock, still oozing precum down the front of his shaft.

He broke my gaze by handing me a pillow, "Here, put this on the floor or your knees will hurt after awhile. That's what my girlfriend says anyway."

I did that and then kissed the inside of his thighs and he spread his legs farther apart and leaned all the way back on the bed. I had him completely now. I touched his shaft and gripped it with my hand, amazed at how hot it felt and how it didn't feel anything like mine. I gave his cock two long strokes from the base and watched as even more precum appeared at his tip. Seeing that made me want him in my mouth all of a sudden and I opened my mouth and tasted cock for the first time. I was hooked.

Just mimicking what I'd seen in some porn, with a few occasional tips from Cory and lots of moans when I found something he liked, I worked on him for a few seconds before he put his hands on my head and pushed me off.

"Damn Matt, that's fucking amazing, but stop for a sec or I won't last another minute".

He pulled me back up onto the bed and started kissing me, his hands finding my wet and hard cock and stroking me. I was putty in his hands and just moaned into his mouth as he kissed me deeply. He let me lie back onto the bed and lay down beside me, both our hard cocks straight up in the air. He reached over and started stroking me again telling me to do the same to him. We did that for just a few seconds before his hand dropped off of me and he started bucking his hips on the bed. Without thinking I moved quickly to place my head on his stomach and started kissing his belly button, grabbing his cock in my hand to finish him off. The first shot went way over my head and he was moving his hips up and down so I had trouble lying on the bed. The next few shots were still over my head and the last couple ones landed on my face. He brought his hand down to pull mine off his meat and caressed my hair.

I lay back on the bed, noticing that his first couple shots had went over his head as well and had actually hit the fucking wall behind us, and started stroking my cock again. He reached a hand over to play with one of my nipples and I shot a huge load all over my face and chest. We just lay there in silence regaining our breaths for awhile after that, both of us evidently really sleepy because when we woke up, Tabetha and her friend were standing at the edge of the room laughing.

"Well, looks like the boys know how to have a good time and keep themselves entertained. Don't worry, we'll go grab ourselves another room for the night here, but you two need to shower and probably eat from the looks of this place" and with that the two of them left the room, still laughing.

Cory rolled over some and kissed me again. "I think I love you".

With that we got out of bed, took showers and got dressed. We put the sheets by the door because we could sleep in the other bed later, and then we met the girls for dinner. What a day.

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