My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Feb 10, 2018



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As we made our way back to the house, I was trying to figure out how to get my brother alone to have a talk. There was stuff in my head now, and I just needed to get some of it out. Gregg wasn't a little kid anymore, and since it couldn't be my best friend I talked to this time, I wanted it to be my brother.

TJ was thinking other things. When we got closer to the house, he told us to be quiet. He wanted to sneak around and see what the boys were doing. Gregg commented on who the voyeur was now.

We agreed to do some spying, although there wasn't much of an argument, Gregg and I wanted to spy too. I guess we all have a little voyeur in us. We snuck up onto the deck, my brother and I close behind TJ. When we were at the glass doors, we all looked into the room where we left them with the Xbox. They weren't there.

TJ slowly opened the door and made his way quietly to the hall. "They're not here," T told us, looking through the open doorway to the bedroom.

"They're on the beach," I told him. "Here's a note." I saw it when we came in lying on the counter.

"Well damn," came out of TJ's mouth.

"I'm sure if you want to watch, they'll let you," Gregg smarted off to T.

"Like you don't want to," he snapped back. "Or do you just want to listen," he smirked.

We all laughed.

"Hey, when is Nate coming?" I asked my brother.

"He said he would be here around three," was the answer.

"What you guys want to do until then?" T asked us.

I think to myself, "Do I just say that I need to talk with Gregg, alone?" Then I think, "No, that wouldn't be good. T would know something is on my mind then, and I always talk to him about everything."

Then it hit me. Gregg and I can run home for clothes and some stuff to stay here longer. Gregg doesn't have anything here anyway. He's wearing JT's clothes. T should stay since his brother and Marc are out on the beach.

"Gregg, let's run home, check in with the parents, and grab some clothes and whatever else we need to stay here a few more days," I told them both.

"Yeah, I need a few things," my brother agreed.

"We'll be back in a bit," I said to T. "You can find out what JT and Marc want to do this afternoon too."

I went to the bedroom and grabbed my keys. "Back in a few. Anything you want us to pick up?" I asked T as Gregg and I headed for the door.

"Nothing I can think of right now. Maybe we make a run later if we need something," he said.

We were out the door.

In the car, I opened up to my brother. I said all the things that were on my mind. He asked questions. I asked questions. By the time we were pulling in our driveway, some things were clearer to me. I knew that there are feelings I have for T, I've always known that, you just wouldn't put a label on them and call them feelings. That's where a lot of my confusion was. Would you tell yourself, let alone anyone else, "I have feelings for," and your best friend's name? No, we don't think of it like that. It was clear to me that these feelings had changed in a couple of days. Gregg told me that maybe the feelings didn't really change at all. Maybe I was just now thinking about what T and I have as "feelings" and my mind was trying to process all of it.

He told me that he and Nate have talked about how they feel. Gregg said, "Nate flat out knows that I love him like a brother. He knows I'm always here for him." Gregg went on to tell me that Nate knows he's not gay. They both know they are just having fun. Nate told him that he isn't gay either.

I had to ask, "Are you guys bi then?"

My brother, sounding like he has his doctorate or something, says to me, "Well, if you have to put a label on it, and I don't know why we do, sure. I guess we are bi. I don't mind being with my best friend sexually. It feels great what we do, but I'm not going to marry him. If the sex stopped today, it wouldn't hurt me emotionally or anything. That's how I know I'm not gay. You wouldn't tell some guy in prison that is getting off with other guys, even fucking them, that he is gay. There isn't some crazy sexual attraction I have for him."

I thought about that one. It's just that society has to label everything. I mean, things are what they are, right? Two guys having sex is gay. Gregg told me that he had some confusing thoughts around it too, so he did some Googling. There is so much out there that will tell you different. His prison example was only one of a few he gave me where guys use each other to get off. What all of this made me realize is that there are feelings between TJ and me that go beyond best friends. It's a stronger love.

"Are you guys `in love?" Gregg asked. I just looked at him, now sitting in our driveway. "That's something you guys have to figure out."

We went in the house after a hug, chatted with our parents for a bit, and grabbed what we needed. Dad handed me a hundred dollar bill and mom had a big cooler packed with stuff. There were a couple of bags of food too.

"Thanks," I said as we were hugging. Gregg and I grabbed what we came home for, dad lugged the cooler out, and mom grabbed the bags.

"Let us know if you guys take off anywhere else," she said to us. The car was loaded and we headed out.

It was about noon when we got back to the beach house. T saw us unloading the car and yelled for some help. T grabbed one handle of the cooler with me. We didn't really need any more help, but JT and Marc were there too, grabbing bags out of Gregg and my hands.

In the kitchen, we went through everything mom had thrown together for us. There was plenty of stuff to make sandwiches, so that's what we did for some lunch. We had some of the leftover potato salad too. She made enough for a whole army. We would be eating that for days, and we could, it was so good.

After we ate, no one really wanted to do anything. We all plopped down in front of the TV and picked something on Netflix. I don't remember what it was. We all fell asleep anyway.

"What time is it?" a groggy T said.

"Must be about three," I answered. "I think Nate just pulled in."

It was only two o'clock, but it was Nate. Gregg got up off the floor, surveyed the room, probably to make sure everyone still had clothes on, and went to the door.

"I think you kinda know everyone," he said to him. They looked over and Gregg pointed everyone out by name.

We all said a, "hey," to him. I asked him how the trip was. It was boring, and he was glad to be here now, he told the room.

They took their stuff into the bedroom Gregg had claimed last night. He grabbed my stuff too and told me he put it in the room for me when they came back out to join us. Nate said that they had stopped on the drive back up to eat, so he said he was good when T asked if he was hungry. He wanted to go out to the beach. We all decided that some air and sunshine would be good. After a few hours playing in the sand, we were hungry and made our way back to the house. Time to fire up the grill.

After some hamburgers and a salad, we hit the hot tub, naked, of course. Nate learned the no clothes rule and that we had no problems being naked around the house, as long as it was just us guys here. His response to that was just an, "okay," almost like a question. I only got a quick glance as he climbed in. He was definitely the smallest one here. Gregg and Marc had us all beat. Theirs just hung down soft, long and heavy. Marc had some big low hangers too. My brother's though, his were good sized, but tighter. That made his soft schlong curve out a bit as it hung over them. I was the next in line when it came to size, not bad at all hanging down a ways when soft. TJ's is a little smaller than mine is, until he gets hard. When we are both hard, mine is just a bit longer, but his is a lot thicker. His brother's, JT's, I thought was little on the stubby side when he's not boned up. When he's hard, he's got what most sixteen-year-olds have, I guessed. It's just a little smaller than mine was a couple of years ago. Yeah, Nate was on the small end. You could tell he was self-conscious about it too. While we took our time getting in after dropping our shorts and arranging towels, he climbed in, hiding as best he could. I couldn't help to wonder how big it got hard though, and part of me hoped I would get to see.

In the relaxing bubbling warm water, we talked about a lot of the same stuff we already had. It was all new to Nate though, and it was answering a lot of his questions and filling him in. He asked about the beach house and wondered why they hadn't been here all summer. He asked about T and I taking off to Stanford and what we were doing there. He wanted to know how everything was going with JT and Marc and what they had been up to all summer. Then it turned to T and me. He asked about our girlfriends and where they were. So now we had to talk about all of what was going on with us. He was going to find out anyway.

After way too much time in the hot tub, we all decided to take a walk on the beach. The sun was gone, but the moon was bright tonight. It was funny how we pretty much coupled up for walking. We had some fun kicking stuff around at each other. JT got buried in the sand too. JT decided to get us back by kicking water on us. We were all wet and cold soon. I know my wet board shorts weren't comfortable anymore, cold and clinging to every part of my body it was covering.

"Let's go hop in the hot tub for a minute to warm up," JT suggested.

That was a great idea.

Our wet cold suits were off and hanging over the backs of the benches built into the deck and we were warming up in the water. We didn't stay in long, just long enough to warm us up. As we were grabbing towels and wiping some of the water off our bodies, T closed up the hot tub, then grabbed a towel and dried off a bit too. Then, with towels around our waists, we headed inside.

It was movie time, and we decided some pizza sounded good too. The pizza came and went. The movie was over. JT and Marc said they were heading for bed, and they were gone. Nate said that he was a bit tired; it had been a long day for him. He asked if he should sleep on the couch or if there was a bed for him.

"Well, there's a fourth bedroom, yeah," T said. "Just figured you were sleeping with Gregg."

Nate snapped his neck around and gave my brother a look.

"Yeah, they know," Gregg said. "Don't worry, nobody is gonna say anything."

"Yeah," T said to him. "There's three couples in the house now," he grinned.

"We're not a couple," Nate insisted. He looked down at the floor.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "We know you guys aren't a couple or anything like that," I said. "TJ is just giving you shit. We just know you and my brother have some fun now and then, just a guy thing." He looked at me. "It's cool," I said. "Now go get some rest."

"Shit, I'm sorry," he said, looking between T and me.

"No worries, man," T said. "I won't say another word about it."

Nate and my brother took off to the bedroom.

"You think they will?" T said with this grin on his face.

"Uh, I'm sure. Two sixteen-year-olds. Need I say more?" I said, grinning back at him. "I'm sure you want to watch."

"Maybe," he said.

"Leave my brother and poor Nate alone," I said to T, and gave him the evil eye.

"Okay," T said, and then, "tonight," he snapped.

"Let's go to bed," I said. "Maybe I can take care of some of that horniness."

T was grinning again, and he started towards the hall to the bedroom. Passing JT's room, of course you know what we heard. T looked back and grinned again. The door to the room Gregg and Nate were in was directly across the hall from our room. T had to get close and listen.

"I can't hear anything but the TV," he whispered to me.

"Awe, too bad," I mocked. "Maybe they are just going to go to sleep."

"We aren't," he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into our bedroom.

Our towels hit the floor as soon as we were in the room. I closed the door, turned around, and was attacked. T had his hands pulling me in quick and his lips went to mine. I wasn't really in a mood for too much kissing. After my lips had had enough of his, I pushed him back on the bed and went for his cock. With one hand holding me up above him and the other hand wrapped around his thick hard-on, my tongue went licking and twirling around the head of his dick, and he was moaning. Time to take it. I went down, swallowed, went down some more, swallowed, and then my nose hit hair. All of his hard cock was in my mouth, the head in my throat. I kept swallowing. I had to remember to breath. I twirled my tongue around and did what I could with his thickness in my mouth.

It didn't seem like I was at it very long, but T's moans and groans had grown, gotten louder. He was grabbing at the down comforter. He started to jerk his body around.

"Oh yes babe, suck it," he said, panting now. "Oh shit that feels so good." More moaning. "Fuck Shane, I'm cumming."

His whole body was shaking as he let it fly. I didn't even taste that much of it as it was pumping out deep in the back of my mouth and right down my throat.

I crawled up into the bed. We cuddled and kissed a bit. That had taken some out of him. I was happy that I could do that to him. After a minute or two of recovery time for T, he returned the favor. He gave me one hell of a blowjob.

We cuddled together and passed out.

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 10

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