My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Jan 31, 2018



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TJ didn't have to wake me this morning, perving out, listening to his brother having sex in the next room as he did yesterday. Their sounds made it just fine to my ears, registering in my sleeping brain. I almost thought I was having a sex dream that was so loud it woke me up. It wasn't a dream. It was indeed JT and Marc going at it.

There was light entering the room around the curtains, and checking my cell, I found out it was only seven o'clock. T was breathing heavily, still sleeping peacefully. He looked sexy laying there half- covered by the sheet. Besides sex in the next room and a sexy guy beside me sleeping, there were only two other things that were obvious to me at this point. One, I was rock hard, and two, I had to piss really bad.

I slid out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty, to make my way to the bathroom. The bedroom door wasn't closed completely. Oh, that's right; I was attacked by my best friend as soon as we got in the room last night. As I slowly pulled the door open to exit the room as quietly as I could, even over the sounds of JT and Marc in the next room, I heard a very familiar sound out in the hall. Taking a peek, I see my brother, naked, leaning in with one hand on the doorframe of JT's room, and his other hand going a mile a minute on his dick. He was getting off listening to them. I had to wonder if he did the same last night with us. Two thoughts were quick to enter my mind. One, I leave him at it, close the door and wait, or two, scare the shit out of him. A third thought, although it was more of a reminder, came into play. I really have to take a piss! I'll be subtle.

"Morning bro," I whispered, making my way into the hall and towards my brother and the bathroom door almost directly behind him.

"Oh shit," escaped his mouth, not too loud, as he jumped a bit and didn't know what to do now. "I was just heading to the bathroom..."

"When you tripped, fell against JT's door, and started beating off?" I interrupted him laughing.

"No, I just... Well, I," he stammered.

"It's okay bro. You seriously don't have to be embarrassed." I tried to make him feel better. "Pretty hot listening to that, huh?"

"Yeah it is," he lightened up, grinning at me now.

"I've got to go try to take a piss with this thing," I told him, grabbing my hard-on and giving it a few shakes.

"Easier if you take care of it first, yeah?" he asked me.

"Sometimes I can, but this morning I gotta go first," and I ducked into the bathroom. "You can finish taking care of yours," I told him as I was trying to aim my stream into the bowl. "Don't have to stop because of me."

He didn't. Stop, that is. I heard him resume as soon as the words came out of my mouth. With the sounds of JT moaning, Marc grunting, Gregg fapping, and me standing here with my hard cock in my hand, what was going to happen? Involuntary actions, I swear. My hand holding my dick started tugging away. I didn't do it. It was my brain and my hand conniving with my dick, all against me. I could hear my brother, and I had just seen him doing it. It was playing in my mind. Listening to him, picturing him naked in the hall with his hand tight around his big cock, stroking it like there was no tomorrow was pushing my horny level up even more, if that was possible. I was making noise now. Gregg had to hear it and know I was in here beating off too. I heard him making noises now with his mouth. He started moaning some. He was trying to be quiet.

"Oh, yeah," I moaned. More noise from my mouth came out. "Mmmm, fuck yeah."

"Yeah, beat it," I heard clearly, and closer than the noises before.

I turned my head and my brother was leaning in the doorway to the bathroom now. He was watching me. I didn't look away. I watched my brother beating his dick. I watched his face as it changed and shifted with his moaning. His expressions of agony from pure pleasure made me moan even more.

"Yeah bro, beat your cock," I encouraged him. "Shit, it feels so good."

"Oh man, it feels so good," he responded. "I'm gonna cum."

"Bro, I'm cumming too," and we did.

My brother had his left hand out to try to catch his cum. He wasn't successful. The first three shots damn near hit me. I didn't know where I was shooting. I was too busy watching Gregg. A nice pool was in his hand by the end of it.

"You made a mess," he told me.

I looked down, then up. "Shit, I got it on the wall and all over the damn toilet."

"Yup," he laughed.

"You made a mess too," I said, "all over the floor."

"And in my hand," he added. "That was hot. Thanks man."

"Yeah, bro. It was alright." I didn't know what else to say.

"Jesus, JT and Marc," he said, shaking his head.

"Damn, they're still at it?" I asked, hearing it now.

"I know, right? How do they keep going like that?" Gregg looked out in the hall, then back at me.

I shook my head, "As much as they have been fucking this weekend, I'm sure it takes longer than usual to get there. Then, they start up again. Heard it yesterday morning too. Several rounds in there."

"I don't last that long," Gregg admitted.

"Neither do I, bro. They have more practice than I do," I told my brother. "I said to myself yesterday standing right here, I should have been gay if I could have been getting it that much at sixteen."

Gregg laughed at me, "You don't have to be gay, man. Just have the right friend. Oh, I guess you are figuring that one out now."

"Smartass," I said to him.

We were cleaning up the bathroom and ourselves now.

"So what exactly is going on now, Shane?" he asked me. "I mean, I saw you guys outside in the hot tub last night, then, heard you in the bedroom."

"So you were listening to us too," I grinned. "Did you stand there jerking it listening to us too?

"Maybe," he grinned. "So, what is it? You can talk to me, you know. I'm not a little kid."

"No, I know you're not a little kid, Gregg. Definitely not a little anything," I laughed.

"Seriously," he pleaded, "you can talk to me about it."

"Okay bro, let's talk, but after breakfast. We can go for a walk," I said. "Deal?"

"Sounds good," he smiled. "I could use a little more sleep anyway."

I hugged him. Just felt the right thing to do. He hugged back.

"Love you bro," I said in his ear.

"Love you too," and he tightened his squeeze around my back.

Back in the bedroom, T looked up at me.

"You were gone for a bit," he said. "Thought maybe you were out for a jog." He was stroking. "I was going to take care of this and find you."

"Went to the bathroom," I told him, hopping back in the bed beside him. "Gregg was up, actually, he was listening the them," and I thumbed towards the wall. "Kinda funny. I scared the hell out of him. He was just standing in the hall jerking off."

My hand moved to T's cock and took the place of his hand. He moaned.

"Feel good?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he sighed out. "Suck on it."

I moved down and got it in my mouth, sucking the head of his cock, my hand stroking him at a good pace now.

"Oh yeah. Shit, that feels so good," T told me in between his moans and groans.

I moved so I could get to my own dick, now hard again, with my other hand. Stroking both of us now as fast as I could, I started moaning with a dick in my mouth.

"I'm cumming," he said, only seconds before I felt him pumping his juice out into my mouth.

I came too. I ran for a towel, came back in, and wiped up the mess I made on the bed.

"I wanted to swallow that," he said to me, pouting.

"There's plenty more," I laughed. "You can have it whenever you want."

"You can go again?" he asked.

"Yeah, probably." Even after cumming twice now, I was sure I could. "But we can have some fun later."

He moved to hold me and came in for a kiss.

"We need to brush our teeth," I laughed. He laughed too.

It was seven-thirty now and the noises from the next room had finally stopped.

"Guess they're done," T said. "Finally."

"They woke me up and it was seven," I told him. "So, about thirty minutes or so going at it this morning."

We got up and brushed our teeth. We stayed naked too.

"Your parents aren't coming to fix breakfast for us again, are they?" I asked him.

"Doubt it," T answered.

So we didn't bother getting dressed. We got breakfast going and called out to the rest of the house.

"Are we naturists now?" JT asked when he saw us in the kitchen.

"If we wanna be," T answered.

"Fine by me," Marc spoke up. He dropped his boxers.

I looked at him then at T and shook my head.

"Yeah, he's big," T said, grinning.

JT had lost his boxers too. My brother must have heard us. When he came out, he wasn't wearing anything.

"We should probably put something on before Nate gets here," my brother said to us all.

"Just us guys here," Marc said.

Gregg looked at all of us, "Yeah, but let's not scare him away first thing."

JT grabbed his boyfriend's dick, "Yeah, this thing of Marc's would scare anyone." We all laughed.

"Yeah, we'll be decent when he gets here," I said, assuring my brother.

"At least for a few minutes," T smarted off.

"I'm sure he'll be cool with it, but let me talk to him first," Gregg smiled.

We ate, cleaned up, and Gregg, T, and I put on board shorts to head out for a jog. JT and Marc went for the Xbox.

T and I talked to Gregg about us while we were jogging, what was happening at this point.

"It's pretty much like we said before," I said to him. "We don't know exactly where all this will end up, but with what's happening with us now, I would pretty much say something is happening."

"You guys are pretty much a couple now, by the looks of it," Gregg said, almost asking us.

"Yeah, seems that way," T answered him, then looking at me, "maybe?"

"Yeah, we probably are," I grinned at T. "But we haven't talked about it. I don't know what that means even."

"Well, you guys are good together. Always have been," my brother said, smiling at both of us. "I mean, hell, you are always together, even on dates. When you aren't together, you are texting. So what's left? Kissing, check; sex, check, and boom, my brother has a boyfriend."

"So you got this all figured out, huh?" I asked him.

"Sounds like he does," T said.

"It isn't that easy," I started to say.

Gregg interrupted, "Why isn't it?"

"Well, I mean," I started again.

"You guys love each other. That's really obvious. You guys are having sex and sure seem to be liking that. So, what more is there?"

I didn't know how to answer that one. I looked up at T.

"I think we just need to figure out what this love means," T said. "We haven't really had sex, well, except for helping each other out a bit."

"You were making out in the hot tub, then sucking each other off in the bedroom," Gregg grinned.

"And you know this how?" I asked.

"I saw. You left the bedroom door open," he answered.

"You little voyeur," T laughed. "Us last night, my brother this morning."

Gregg looked at me. I grinned.

"Yeah, last night was the first time that happened," I said.

"And?" my brother looked at us both.

"And, what?" I asked.

"I know you both enjoyed it. I could hear that," he said.

"Yeah, it was good." I said. "But jerking each other off and blowjobs isn't sex."

"Tonight will be the sex," Gregg said, with an evil grin on his face.

"I don't know about any of that," I said, looking at him. I looked at T.

"We are just letting things happen, like, as it happens," T said to Gregg. "We aren't planning out anything. We told each other the same thing we've told you, just letting things happen and see where this all goes."

"So you and Nate have had sex?" I asked him.

"We, uh, well, yeah," he said. We stopped in the sand.

"Really?" T asked, very interested. "So how did all that happen? You know all about us, I want details."

I was shaking my head, but yeah, I was interested too. Gregg looked at me then T.

"Well? Spill it," I said. "How did all of it start?"

We all sat down near the water.

"It started just jerking off," my brother began. "You know I was over there a lot, or he was at our house."

"Yeah," I said.

He went on. "So, we caught each other a few nights when we thought the other was asleep already. It was like, this is stupid, we both need to jerk off. Why hide it. So, that was that after we talked about it. I guess it was a few weeks later. We were pretty comfortable doing that laying together in bed. We were always just watching each other,"

Gregg continued, "One night, Nate asked if it would be too weird if we helped each other. I was like, what do you mean?' and he said, like, we jerk each other off.' I didn't really know what to say, but I kinda wanted to. At least, I wanted him to jerk me off. I mean, it feels better when someone else is doing it."

"Yeah it does," TJ said.

"So, we did it," Gregg went on. "And we just kept doing that then cause, yeah, it felt good."

T was grinning, "That's hot."

I smiled at my brother and nodded for him to go on. "Quite a few times of that, then Nate asked if I ever had a blowjob."

"Of course he did," T laughed. "He wanted to suck your big dick."

"Yeah, he did," Gregg said, smiling. "And he went for it."

"Damn, man," came out of T's mouth. "You had to return the favor then, yeah?"

"Eventually I did," my brother admitted. "I didn't know if I could the first few times he did me. I just jerked him off, usually while he was, uh, doing me." Gregg looked down then up at me. "We talked about it. I told him I didn't know if I could. He was okay with that for a while, but then he started asking me to try it. Just do him a little. I eventually did. It wasn't, well, I don't know what was in my head really, but it wasn't like I thought it would be, I guess."

"You liked it?" T asked him.

"I didn't hate it," Gregg answered. "It was okay, and it was fair."

"Yeah," I said. "That's fair."

My brother looked over at T and went on, "And it got easier, I guess. Well, I mean, it was just what it was. We were getting off, it felt damn good. We were in his room after school one day, laying on our sides doing it,"

"Oooh, some sixty-nine action," T smirked.

"Yeah," Gregg laughed at him. "I told him I was going to cum. We always roll over then and just jerk each other off. I tried, but he held me there. I told him again I was cumming. He just kept sucking me. I came in his mouth."

"Shit," came out of my mouth, looking at my brother in surprise.

"I know, right?" he said, looking at me. "I didn't really know what to think about that, and I knew I didn't want him cumming in my mouth. I was like, `dude, what the hell?' and he was just smiling. He said mine tasted better than his."

"Nice," T said.

Gregg looked at him, "But I felt a little weird about it."

"Why?" T asked him. "Come on, you guys had been sucking each other off for how long. I'm sure you tasted yours."

"Well, yeah, but. I mean, I didn't want another guys cum," he snapped back at T.

"So when did you finally get some?" T asked with a big grin.

"Yeah, I finally let him," he said.

T interrupted, "and you liked it."

"It wasn't bad. It was like mine, I guess," my brother admitted.

"So who fucked who first?" TJ blurted out.

"Damn, I'm getting there," Gregg said.

"Too slow," T shot back.

"So Nate had started touching there. It felt good," Gregg said. "He started doing that and then even pushing in a little. I really didn't know it would feel like that. I mean, like, the first time he pushed in me, I, like, came right then. It was crazy."

"So he fucked you first?" T asked my brother.

"Nope. He started asking me to do the same to him. I had to think about it. I mean, putting my finger there. It just seemed gross to me. I did it finally," my brother told us. "He told me that he really likes that. He told me he got this thing online to play there. It even vibrates. It feels really good. Anyway, he eventually asked if I would put it in him."

"The vibrating thing?" T asked.

"No, me," Gregg answered. "We were just lying in bed. It was a while after we had, well, you know. He did the whole, `dude, are you awake?' thing. Like he didn't know."

My brother is a good storyteller.

Gregg went on, "He asked me to stick it in him, my dick."

"He just asked you?" T asked, surprised.

"We were talking about the whole," Gregg paused. "Hole-thing. It just kinda led to him asking, `would you put yours in me?' I was like, whoa, where did that come from."

"What did you say?" I had to ask.

Gregg looked at me, "I really don't remember. I mean, I know I didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted to fuck, anything really. You know. But part of me was like, `what the hell are you doing?' I knew I wasn't gay, I mean. I knew, I know I'm not turned on by guys. What we had been doing wasn't anything other than feeling really good and getting off. I'm not, like, sexually attracted to Nate or any guy. There's a connection with Nathan and I. Not a sexual one, but one that was, is, strong enough for sex to be okay."

"Damn," I heard coming from my own mouth. "I. well, that's, I've never even thought that way. I mean, wow." I don't know where my head was. A friendship between two guys, two straight guys. Well, at least one straight guy, I don't know about Nate. But they have a friendship that is strong between them, feelings that make sex okay.

My mind went to what T and I are doing. Are we just such good friends; am I just so comfortable with him that what we are doing is okay? Or, are there real feelings there? I was confused now. I wanted to talk to my brother, but I couldn't with T there. My mind was full of thought now.

"What?" my brother said, interrupting my brain working overtime.

"Nothing. I mean, well, that's really cool. I never thought about a friendship like that. I mean, TJ is my best friend," I said, looking over at him. "I really feel close to him, and yeah, like, anything is okay with us. But sex? Well, sex with him I never thought about."

"And now?" T asked me.

I looked at my brother, then at T and answered, "Well, I don't know that I even think about it really. It's just been happening."

T said, looking right at me, "It's what you want too, right?"

"Yeah," I answered, assuring him. "Of course it's what I want. It wouldn't be happening if it wasn't."

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well," my brother spoke up, "I just decided this sex was okay with Nate. I mean, we're best friends too, and it isn't anything other than sex."

"Is that all it is with him?" I asked. "I mean, is he straight?"

"He thinks he is straight," Gregg said.

TJ interrupted, "He thinks?" We looked at my brother.

"Yeah, well, we both are straight. We both like girls," Gregg shot back. "I even asked him before. He says he's straight too. This is just sex. Better than jerking off and dreaming about doing,"

T stood up, "Let's start walking back," he said.

Our conversation around sex with guys went on as we walked back to the house. Gregg told us that neither he nor Nate would ever do anything with another guy. They had talked about that too. I was pretty sure that I didn't want to go any further with any other guy than T too. I have never thought about any guy like that.

There was so much going on in my mind now. I needed to talk to someone. ---

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 9

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