My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Jan 12, 2018



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ANOTHER NIGHT It was almost strange to me that nothing was said about what had just happened out in the hot tub, not one word about it, as we snacked on leftovers in the kitchen. Our conversation was normal guy stuff. Stanford, where T and I would be taking off to soon, was a big part of the conversation. Our brothers both were glad that we would be close, less than a two-hour drive away. That was a surprise too. We were close with our brothers, yeah, but we had grown apart a little over the past few years too. Now it seemed they didn't want us taking off for college without them. Gregg talked about the hot girls there he had seen on a couple of visits we've taken. He was ready to come up for a weekend. We all laughed. I'm sure he could give the college guys a run for their money though. He's starting to work out more to gain a little muscle and in a few months he'll be seventeen. A guy's body changes quite a bit, and quickly too, at that age. Gregg, JT, and Marc really didn't have a clue where they wanted to go to college. Of course, they said they would love to go to Stanford with us.

The subjects of girlfriends and boyfriends were covered. That led into some talk about sex and experiences. Then that led to Marc wanting to know about any sex stuff between us brothers in the room. Things like talks we've had, if T or I had showed our brothers anything, or talked to them about jerking off. He asked if we had ever caught each other or even done it together. Marc admitted that he has always had these fantasies about brothers. In all of that, not once what happened in the hot tub between us, between brothers, was mentioned. I'm sure we were all thinking about it. I know Marc was. That was his fantasy, and less than an hour ago, he had two sets of brothers helping each other right in front of him. JT and Gregg both admitted to listening and spying. I already knew T and JT's story. T allowed his brother to watch, showed him different ways to pleasure himself, and they even jerked off together quite a bit for a while. All of that was before we had even met. JT caught me a couple of times. It was on purpose, I was sure. I had talks with him too about how to do it. I just never gave him a live demonstration and I never thought of doing it together.

The conversation moved away from sex and jerking off, finally. I was glad. At some points through it all, I know we were getting turned on by it. I didn't want a repeat of what happened in the hot tub. We talked about what to do with what was left of our summer break as we were getting full and eventually stopped eating to put everything away. All of us agreed that we would really like to spend it together, and spend as much time as we could here at the beach. We could invite some friends to come by sometimes too, but just to have time with us. Nate was welcome too, of course.

Marc called his mom, and his parents were cool with him staying here, "as long as we know where you are and who you are with," he was told. The boys decided they wanted to play Dance Central on the Xbox. T and I watched and did commentary. We all had fun, actually.

After they had their fill of that, we all went for a walk on the beach. Then it was hot tub time again. It was a nice relaxing time. We talked more and joked with each other, just enjoying the evening together. Marc sure learned a lot about us.

Around eight o'clock we were ready for some pizza. T hopped out of the hot tub to place the order and quickly got back in. It was getting pretty chilly out. When the doorbell rang, we all got out, and started drying off. T rubbed the towel over his body quickly and wrapped the towel around his waist as he headed inside to answer the door. He came down the hall into the kitchen carrying two pizzas making the announcement it was here. I grabbed plates, JT grabbed glasses, and Marc opened up the fridge asking what we all wanted to drink. With plates full of pizza and our drinks in hand, we headed to the living room to watch a movie.

When the movie ended, we cleaned up our mess and the boys headed into JT's room to the PlayStation. T and I went back out to the hot tub.

"It's been a fun day," T said to me.

"Yeah, I had a really fun time today," I admitted.

T looked at me and laughed, "After you calmed down, you mean. You were a mess this morning. And see, it was all for nothing."

"Nothing?" I asked him. "It was something," I said to him. "It is something," and I stressed the `is' as I leaned my head back, relaxing in the hot water and bubbles.

T moved across the hot tub and sat beside me leaning back too. "Something you want, I hope?" he asked.

I let there be some silence first. "Yeah, something I want," I finally answered him.

I let my hand find his leg under the water and he put his hand on mine. We sat like that for a minute.

"I don't know about what happened in here though, with Gregg," I told him. "That was a too much."

"Both of you really got into it though," he said, almost laughing.

"I just don't want it to happen again," I told him.

I felt him move a little saying, "It brought you two closer together."

I opened my eyes and rolled my head towards T, "Yeah, it did do that," I laughed. T was sitting up a bit now, looking at me. "We were close before, but never that close."

TJ's hand moved off mine and then I felt it on my leg. It was moving, rubbing, and squeezing. I copied what he was doing with my hand on his thigh. His massaging was getting higher up on the inside of my thigh each time it moved back up my leg. I was getting hard. His touch felt so good. Our hands were now moving deeper to the inside. I grabbed the inside of his thigh to give it a light squeeze and my little finger rubbed against his sack, loose and floating in the hot water. His fingers went to my balls and he took them. He leaned over, his face coming closer to mine. I moved in too, and our lips met.

There was a mini explosion inside me. It was in my mind and in my stomach too. I couldn't explain it if I had to. I even felt something in my toes. My hands were tingling when they moved up further and found his swollen cock. I wrapped my fingers around it and started pumping him. He did the same to me. Our kissing became more intense, more of a need. It was deeper and stronger, and almost a fight between our lips and our tongues was happening.

Our fists were pumping and pulling on the others cocks now as fast as we could, and I broke away from his face just a second to say I was cumming.

"Me too," he said before his mouth covered mine again.

We were grunting into each other's mouths. My sperm was pumping out into the water. I could feel each throb of T's cock as he was shooting his. The throbbing ended and our lips were still touching. We didn't move. We were breathing heavy.

"Let's go inside," T finally said, barely moving.

I let go of his dick, it was still rock hard. He gave mine a little light squeezing a couple of times before letting go. I was still hard too. I kissed him and we got out of the hot tub. He grabbed our towels and threw one to me and wiped his body down as I did the same. He threw his towel on a bench and I laid mine over the deck wall.

We weren't being quiet coming back inside, but we did surprise my brother. Gregg was on the couch jerking off.

"You have a big dick," T said to him, staring over the back of the couch.

A startled Gregg jumped and pulled a blanket up a bit to hide himself.

"Oh! Sorry," my brother said. "I was just going to crash on the couch."

Then we heard it. JT and Marc were going at in the bedroom.

"Did they run you out of the room?" T asked him grinning.

"When they started playing more with each other than the game," Gregg said.

"Well, you don't have to sleep on the couch," T interrupted him, "there are three other bedrooms, you know. " T paused, a second. "Unless you can hear them better out here." He laughed a little. "Sorry for interrupting."

I spoke up, "Yeah bro, didn't mean to scare you like that. We were just out in the hot tub, heading to bed now too."

"You didn't have to stop," T said. "Finish here if you want, or head to one of the rooms. Up to you," he grinned at my brother.

"Everyone else was having fun," Gregg said. "I was going to go out and join you two in the hot tub, but I didn't want to interrupt that."

I thanked him.

"Well, we're heading to the bedroom now. See ya in the morning," and T grabbed my wrist.

I said good night to my brother and we left him.

Our hard-ons had gone down, but that didn't last. When the bedroom door had swung nearly shut, T attacked me. His hands were all over me and his mouth covered mine. Soon his mouth was taking lessons from his hands, and it was all over me too. All of it was all happening a little too fast. I just stood there. The head holding my brain had me frozen. The head further down my body had my dick solid though.

In a few seconds, one of T's hands found it and gave it a tug and a squeeze. Now that head took over and the rest of my body reacted. My hands found his hips and my mouth found his shoulder, then his neck. We came in for some kissing and he pulled me over to the bed. In one move, he had me on my back on the bed with my feet on the floor. T hovered over me. He was arching his back and leaning forward on his arms then pushing back making his cock rub against mine. Our eyes were locked for a moment and we both grinned. Then his mouth was on mine again and our tongues were in battle.

That didn't last long. He started moving down my body, his lips and tongue dragging along the way. They stopped over my stomach. Some soft kisses fell all over my stomach and around my navel. A few times, he got so close to the head of my cock, I thought he would take it. Soon I felt his tongue on my skin again. It was tracing down alongside my thin trail of hair, so close to my hard cock. I felt his skin brush against it and it throbbed, twitching up and falling back down. I looked to see a thin strand of my precum connecting my swollen head to a pool of it that formed in my partial innnie of a belly button. When he got to the patch of hair at the base of my dick, he pushed his chin into it. My hardness throbbed again. His tongue traced along the defined edge of hair, across the top, to the top of my leg. By now, he was on his knees on the floor between my legs. His nose touched my sack and a shiver went through my body and caused another pulse to hit my cock.

He was there. His head was down between my legs. He was going to do it. I wanted him to do it. T's tongue went back to work, now on my balls. They rolled around as his talented tongue poked and lapped at my hanging sack. He lifted his head up a little and his tongue started little laps, getting closer and closer to my shaft. My fists that were gripping the sheet under me came off the bed and my hands found his head. I ran my fingers through his hair. His tongue was on my dick. It felt almost hot. I moaned. He was lifting my hard-on now, slowly raising it until it was pointing straight up. I wanted him to take it now, take it in his mouth. He was just teasing me with his tongue, licking up my shaft like it was something sweet to lick all over.

My fingers were running through his hair and rubbing back and forth on his head when I moaned out, "Suck it. Please suck on it."

He did. I finally felt his lips around the head of my cock. It jerked and throbbed as I moaned, "Yes, oh damn. Yes, TJ. Suck my dick."

He moaned. My hands went around his head. I wanted to push up into his mouth, but I left the control to him.

"Suck it. Please suck it hard," I was almost begging now.

TJ twirled his tongue around the head of cock and made it feel so good. Then he started sucking it.

"Oh yeah. Shit, that feels so good," I moaned as my hands started pushing down a little on his head.

I felt him swallow a couple of times and then he took more of me in his mouth. He was taking it slow. As far as I knew, this was the first time he had ever had a dick in his mouth, but damn, a guy sure knows what to do with one. He swallowed again and took more in his mouth.

"Mmmm, oh yeah. Shit T," escaped my mouth. Then he did it. I felt his face on my skin, his nose pressing into me. He swallowed, or tried. It was a little too much yet and he came up off my cock.

That didn't stop him. He caught his breath and I watched as he took me back into his mouth. He had his fist under his mouth now, wrapped around my cock. He stroked me as his mouth bobbed up and down.

It felt so good, his mouth sucking and moving, his fist pumping, and his tongue dancing on my cock. Too good, it was too much.

"I can't... I'm not... I'm gonna cum," I stuttered as I was panting and moaning. I let my hands fall off his head and warned him again, "I'm gonna cum."

He didn't stop. His mouth never stopped. He kept sucking as I erupted and moaned. My moan turned into groans as I fired shot after shot into TJ's mouth. He took more of me into his mouth and I felt him swallowing.

When he came up beside me, my head was spinning.

I rolled my head to the side to look at him. "I've never felt anything like that before." I was out of breath.

"Good," he said, and laid his arm over me coming in for a kiss.

"I don't know if I can do to you what you just did to me," I whispered to him, breaking our kiss, "but I want to try." I grinned and he laughed a little. "That was crazy good. How... where did you..."

"Guess I'm a natural?" he asked.

"Well, if I didn't know you like I do, I would swear that you've had years of practice," I laughed.

Feeling his cock against my thigh, I moved my hand to grab it. It was wet with precum. I moved off the bed as he rolled onto his back. It was his turn now, or mine, however you want to look at it. I felt ready for this and wanted him. I was going to do this and hoped I could give him the pleasure he just gave me. I tried to play back in my mind everything that he did, how he did it, when he did it.

I was holding his cock up with one hand while my tongue started on his nut sack. He liked that. He liked that a lot. My free hand joined in with my fingers feeling and tugging at skin a bit. I gave his pole a squeeze. I could feel it's response as it throbbed in my hand. Every squeeze caused it to throb and I could feel more of his precum leaking with each pulse. I wanted to taste it. I like the taste of my own. My cum, not my favorite, but my precum has a different taste I like.

I started licking his shaft now, moving my fingers that had a nice grip on him out of the way. When I got up to the head of his dick, I flicked my tongue and licked just below it. That got him going. Me too, tasting a little of his pre that had started to run down. I started lapping it up now, my tongue moving all around the head of his cock. I wanted to suck it now. I can't describe the taste. It was the taste of sex. The smells and sounds and feelings all engulfing now, and I wanted him in my mouth.

Tilting my head forward as I lifted up higher, I took it in. As I wrapped my wet lips around his cock, sucking on the head, he moaned. I sucked a little harder. I tried to move my tongue around like he had done to me. I was doing just fine pleasing him, I could tell. The noises, his movement, and then his hands on the back of my head told me so.

I went down on him now. It wasn't difficult, really. I just went slow and kept breathing. I used my tongue too. Lower, then lower. I swallowed hard and pushed harder. I could feel the head of his cock throb every time I swallowed. I stayed down on him as long as I could. Then I needed air.

"Holy shit, Shane," was all he said between his moans.

He was moving his hips, thrusting up into my mouth now. I decided to take him all the way there. One hand went around his cock, the other hand to his balls, and my mouth going at it too, sucking all I could, and moving up and down.

"Yeah, suck it. Oh yeah, that feels so fucking good," T moaned out.

TJ started grunting and making sounds I'd only heard watching porn.

"Oh yeah. Yeah, like that. Fuck that feels good." Then some more moans and grunts. "I'm gonna cum, Shane. I'm gonna cum."

And he did. Not a second after he said it, he did it. He was pumping quite a bit in my mouth too. I started swallowing it. I could feel his dick pulsing in my hand. He was grunting and just holding my head still as I sucked all of it out and swallowed.

"Holy shit."

I looked up at him. He was lying back with his eyes closed. I gave him a few squeezes to get more of his cum and licked it up. It didn't taste bad at all.

"How was that?" I asked, moving up beside him.

All he said was, "Yeah, holy shit," and we kissed.

__ Sorry for the delay in writing this chapter. I decided I was feeling left out with everyone around me getting sick. Down for the count for a few days, but feeling much better now.

Thank you to all who sent emails of well-wishes!

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-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 8

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