My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Jan 5, 2018



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HEATING UP IN THE HOT TUB The six of us had a lot of fun in the Sun. I did send my brother a text to come over with mom and dad, but he sent a text back saying he was out with a friend. He said he would come over later though. I figured he was with Nate.

It would be nice to hang with Gregg. We used to do quite a bit together, but then he found his circle of friends when he got to high school, and I had mine. Last summer Nathan and his family moved up here from San Diego. They live two streets over from us. Gregg had a new best friend and they are always together now. I was surprised he didn't ask if Nate could come too, but maybe he would be with him anyway.

Mom and Dad showed up and it wasn't long before the dads were out on the deck with a beer. The moms were in the kitchen. JT and Marc had gone back to the Xbox, and T and I were left just looking at each other. We decided to walk the beach. Thom said not to be gone long. He was going to start up the grill soon.

"So..." T said when we got out to the water.

"So..." I answered back.

"So, are we okay?" he asked.

I looked over at him, "Yeah, man. Of course we are okay."

"Well, a lot of shit has happened in two days," he was still looking at me. "I just need to know you are okay."

I looked down at the sand and water, then back up to T, "It's all fine. I mean, we are good." I paused. "How do you feel about it all?"

Now T looked down. "Honestly? I really don't know yet. I mean, we are good, nothing weird, or anything. I'm just trying to figure out some things."

"Well, talk to me," I told TJ. He was still looking down. I stopped walking and grabbed his arm. "Come on. Talk to me about it. I've got a lot I'm thinking about too."

I turned and pulled his arm to turn him. We were facing each other now. I leaned down a bit to look up at his face, still nose to the beach. He looked up.

TJ tried a smile, but just one corner of his mouth came up. "I'm afraid of losing my best friend," he finally said.

"What?" There was a little sharpness to my tone. "Why would you think that even? Yeah, I think we've done a few things that are making us think about a lot of shit, but I told you, we are good. I love you man, you know that."

"Yeah, and I love you too," he interrupted. "And that is what has got me worried. I don't know, but I think that love has changed a little." He looked back down again. "I know you kissed me first, but that was like this test or something, yeah? And then I wanted more. I liked it. And..."

I interrupted him, "Yeah, I kissed you first. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I'm not sorry I did. Then when you took over in the bedroom, it was what I was kind of afraid of. It was... well, it did something. I felt something."

He looked back up and asked, "Serious?"

"Yeah," I answered him and my hand went from his arm up to his shoulder. "Yeah, something. Hey, jerking off with my best bud was fun. Then it went from fun to something hot and exciting. It was new to me, different, really exciting. The kissing, hell, that was just what we had to do next, yeah? And I want it to happen again."

"Kissing?" T asked.

"Yeah, kissing," I answered him. "I think we already covered that it was nice. So, if you are cool with all of this, let's just see where it goes."

"Yeah, let's," he said, smiling. We started walking again. "We gotta talk to each other though. If it gets too much, we have to work it out. I'm most worried about losing you as a friend."

"I don't ever want that to happen," I said. "You have too much shit on me to let that happen," I laughed. "But hey, seriously. I know we are both feeling things, different things now, and that's okay with me. We always talk, we always say what we need to.Tthat doesn't change." T looked at me and nodded. "We better head back before your dad starts yelling for us."

It was around three o'clock when we all finished shoveling all the food into our mouths. Hamburgers, hotdogs, beans, potato salad, and then cake and ice cream completed the menu for a nice birthday barbecue. The parents went to the hot tub with a bottle of wine, JT and Marc went back to the Xbox, and once again, we were looking at each other.

"This seems to keep happening," T said.

I laughed, "Yeah, what do we do?"

"I kinda wanna talk to our parents," TJ said, looking at me for a reaction.

"Maybe it's not a bad idea," was my response. "So there aren't any more surprises."

"Yeah. You ready to do this now?" T asked me.

"I don't know how to answer that, but if we are going to be something more than friends, or see if it goes that way, then we need to talk to them," I said.

I was panicking a bit on the inside. My heart was racing and I could hear it pounding in my ears. We made our way outside to the hot tub and our naked parents.

"Hey guys," my mom shouted above the laughing and noise of the water bubbling in the tub. "Are you going to join us?"

They were all making room, coupling up across from each other, as we dropped our shorts and climbed in.

TJ spoke up as we sat down on one side together. "We wanted to talk to you guys about something." He looked at me.

"Yeah," I said, looking at him then to my parents. "I don't know if information was shared to you about what happened this morning," and I looked over to Thom.

"We didn't say anything guys," Thom interrupted.

Then it was mom's turn to interrupt, "What, what happened?" She asked all worried now.

Jan looked at her, "Ange, it's nothing really. We heard things going on when we got here this morning. Thom asked them about it later, and it was nothing, just the normal morning routine for the guys."

"Oh," my mom sighed. "I thought it was something serious. I don't think we need to talk to you again about that stuff, do we?" she laughed.

"No, but Thom," I said, looking at him, then back to my parents, "something else happened when we got back to the house." Our parents were just looking at me, silence.

"I kissed him," T blurted out.

I looked at him, "Well, I kissed him," I said.

"That wasn't a kiss," TJ said and laughed. "You were scared as hell. It was less than a second of anything." I looked down as he went on. "Okay, I don't know how much detail you guys want to hear, not sure how much we want to tell you, but here's some of it." I looked at my parents but couldn't read them at all. Glancing over at T's, they were just listening and looking at their son. "So, there was this morning's thing, yeah. Then there was actually two more times later." My dad commented something to my mom, but I couldn't hear. They were grinning, but mom slapped him. "We kinda helped each other a bit then." T stopped talking and looked down.

My mom spoke up, "Guys, TJ, it is okay."

Then my dad, "Yes TJ, Shane, there's nothing wrong with it if it's something you both wanted to happen."

"Phil is right," Thom said. "I told you both, it doesn't matter to us."

"Honey," my mom said, "we really thought this was already happening." She smiled at me.

"This is the first anything like this has happened," I said looking at both my parents. "It just started happening, and, well, one thing has led to another, I guess."

"Well, it's all good with us," Jan spoke up looking at us, then around the hot tub. Thom, mom, and dad all said a yes. "It's between you two. And we are happy that you wanted to share it with us."

"We're just going to see where all this goes," T spoke up.

"Yeah," I said, "we don't even know what is happening yet."

"But there was a kiss, we heard?" my mom asked smiling.

I laughed at her, "Yeah mom, there was."

"And?" my dad butted in.

"And," T spoke, "we both agreed that it was nice. We've talked about it, we are going to keep talking, try to figure out what all this means, and just see."

"Sounds like the perfect way to handle it," T's dad said.

"Well, I'm happy for you boys," Jan said. "As long as my boys are happy, I'm happy."

"Okay, that's done," I sighed a big relief.

"If you guys need to talk, you know we are always here," my dad said to us both.

Then the conversation moved right on to other things. It was good. It was a big relief and it felt like a huge wall was busted down. I felt good.

It wasn't long before JT and Marc came out with my brother following.

"Hey Gregg," Thom said.

My brother said hi to everyone, wished T a happy birthday and gave his shoulders a squeeze, and then gave my hair a tousle.

"You guys want to hop in?" my dad asked. "I think we can get out now."

"There's plenty of food too, Gregg, if you are hungry," Thom said.

He said he was good for now and our parents were out and toweling off as they made their way into the house. Jan asked if we needed anything before closing the door.

"So where's Nate?" I asked my brother. "Thought you were with him."

"No, he's at his grandparents', some family thing this weekend. They drove down Friday," he answered. "Kate and I went to the boardwalk."

"Ah, a date," T said to him, grinning.

"No, I don't think so," he said real quick, "So what's going on? Was it a boring party without me, or what?"

"Nah, man," T said. "I just asked your brother to see if you wanted to come over and hang. You haven't been here in forever."

"That's cool," Gregg said. "And what's going on with you guys?" he asked looking at JT and Marc. "Good summer fun?"

Gregg and TJ were friends, maybe because they had to be a couple of years ago, since our families were always together. They always had a good time though, getting into who knows what.

"Yeah," JT said. "Been a good summer. Too short though."

Marc added, "Way too short!" Then, "Are we getting in?"

"Sure!" came from both my brother and T's. JT said he would run in and get some towels.

"Grab two for us," T said.

T and I moved over to the other side of the hot tub. Marc dropped his shorts, and yes, we looked.

"Damn," my brother let out. "When did you get that thing?" he laughed as he nodded his head towards Marc's crotch.

Marc just laughed and climbed into the tub.

Now it was my brother's turn to strip down. He took a couple of steps over to the built-in bench of the deck and pulled off the tank he was wearing. He folded it and put it on the bench. We were all watching him.

"What is this, a show?" he asked, grinning.

"Maybe," Marc answered. "But you don't look like the one we ordered for the birthday boy." He laughed.

Gregg laughed, "Sorry to disappoint you."

Then off came his shorts. He folded those. He was showing a very nice package in his CK's.

"It isn't disappointing me," Marc said. We were all still looking.

"Towels," JT said and set the pile down on the bench beside Gregg's clothes. "What are we doing?" he asked, as we were all pretty quiet and watching Gregg.

"I guess I'm their entertainment," my brother said.

"You could make some money," JT said. Marc agreed out loud.

"Sorry we don't have music," T said.

"We can make do," JT said, laughing at us.

Now JT and my brother were starting their stripper moves. Gyrating their hips and Gregg had his thumbs under the waistbands of his boxer-briefs. JT was now slowly untying his board shorts. He started to push them down slowly, a little one side, the other. My brother was doing the same, and I think he was getting a little excited.

In a quick move, JT pushed his shorts down enough that they fell around his ankles. He hopped in the tub. Now it was my brother's turn. He had to pull the front of the waistband out a bit to get it over and down the hump of his big dick. And yes, he was excited.

"And you," Marc spoke up, "what about you? Yeah, you could make bank with that."

"Guess we both grew a bit," my brother laughed.

I looked over at T. He looked at me and just grinned. He commented I was right about Gregg under his breath.

"Okay, shows over guys," my brother laughed tossing his undies on the bench and climbing in the hot tub.

"I feel so insecure," JT smarted off.

"No reason for that," Marc told him and put his arm around him.

"No, looks like plenty to me," my brother said. "Nothing to be insecure about, that's for damned sure."

"So Kate, what's up with that?" Marc asked. "She was going out with Todd, right?"

"Yeah, but that's no more," my brother answered. "He's kind of a dick," he added.

"Yeah he is," JT said. "It's everything about Todd no matter what."

"Well, Kate finally saw that," Gregg said.

"So are you going after her now?" I asked.

"No, nothing like that," he answered. "We just talk about a lot of stuff. She has talked to me about Todd before. Now she just needs to vent a lot of shit out."

"Sounds like she may want more than a friend with you, though," T said.

"No, she knows we're just friends," my brother said. "I tell her a lot of stuff too."

"That's cool," JT said. "So why don't you come around more often?"

"Guess I need to," he said. "Just thought you had Marc now, and Nate and I hang out all the time."

"You guys can come hang out with us anytime," JT said. "We have this place too. Always nice to be at the beach."

"Cool," my little brother said. I was realizing he wasn't my little brother anymore though. "So what have I missed today?" We all laughed.

"Really?" he asked.

"It's been a fun day," JT said. "Marc and I have been on the Xbox, Your mom and dad got here and we ate a ton of food. And I'll let our brothers tell you about their day."

I looked at T, shrugged my shoulders, and thought, fuck it. I'll tell him. "Well, it's been a day," I said. "I'll give you the quick version." I took a breath and everyone was looking at me. "The whole freakin' house heard us jerking off in the bedroom this morning. Yeah, we were both in there. That was freaking me out all through breakfast. We went for a jog with Thom after breakfast and he wanted to tell us that whatever was happening was okay. And, we told him there was nothing happening."

"Okay," Gregg said with a smirk.

"Then more happened after the jog," I continued.

Gregg interrupted me, "Like what, more?"

"We gave each other a hand," I said, looking at him.

"Okay, two buds lending a hand. Like that never happens," my brother smirked.

"Go on," JT said.

"Well, then we had a talk when we were showering off after the jog. We were cool with what happened. Then, somehow it all happened again when we were drying off," I said.

"Damn, bro. Three times this morning? And I thought I was the horny one," my brother laughed.

"Yeah, well," I continued. "Then, I kissed him."

"No shit? Really?" Gregg asked.

"It wasn't even a kiss," T spoke up.

"It would have been if I didn't interrupt," JT said.

"I just wanted to know what was going on in my head," I said. "I was thinking all kinds of shit by then."

"JT did interrupt things when we got back to the bedroom," T said.

"Damn," came out of my brother's mouth.

"Yeah, I walked in on their real-first-kiss," JT said.

"Shit," again, from Gregg.

"Quite a morning around here, huh?" Marc asked.

"So we are going to just see what all this means, just see what happens," I said.

"And we talked to both parental units about it all too," T told them.

"Okay, so..." my brother paused. "I mean, what..."

I interrupted, "We don't know Gregg. Sure, we know something is going on, but we gotta find out what yet. Are you okay with all of this?"

My brother looked at me with serious eyes now, "You know I'm cool with this, bro. Whatever makes us happy man, whatever."

We just smiled at each other.

"Just so you guys know, Nate and I have some fun sometimes too," Gregg said.

"That's no surprise," T said, laughing. "You need a hand with that thing, I'm sure. More than a one probably."

My brother laughed too. "Hey, we're guys. Teenage hormones too. I think guys are better with their hands anyway. We know what to do with it."

"Yeah, and we're better with other things too," JT smirked.

"Hell yeah," came from Marc.

"I think most guys have some experience with a buddy at some point, yeah?" I asked.

"Just try to get them to admit it," my brother said. "I'm not gay," Gregg said, mimicking a thug voice. "I've never even thought about another guy like that." Then back to his voice, "yeah, right! Is that why you are staring at my dick?"

"Bro, with a dick like yours, everyone will stare," I said.

"We have the same one, man," he said. "Just looks bigger on me. I'm only sixteen. Shit, yours was this big when you were sixteen."

"I don't think it was," I said.

"Uh, yeah, it was," he said.

T agreed with my brother, "Dude, the first time I saw the thing I about shit."

"Look at dad's, then thank him," Gregg laughed. We all laughed.

"We all have something to show," Marc said.

"Well," JT spoke up. "I'm the one that got the short end of the stick."

"The hell you do," Marc said. "It's not short, believe me!"

Then the three sixteen-year-olds decided to stand up and show their stuff. Not one of them was soft, nor were they small. T and I just looked at each other shaking our heads.

"Come on," my brother said to us. "Let's see the big dicks on a couple of eighteen-year-olds." The boys were laughing.

After a shrug, we stood up too. We weren't soft either. My brother made his way next to me to compare.

Gregg looked down at my dick, holding his in one hand, "I was going to tell you to get it hard so we can compare," he said, grabbing mine with his other hand. "Looks like I don't have to."

It took me a little by surprise, my brother grabbing and holding on to my growing pole, and no, he didn't have to tell me. Like I said, it wasn't soft just from all the talking, and maybe the showing. Now it was getting even harder with my brother holding it. He gripped onto it as he moved in closer to get his right beside mine. His moving in the hot tub was causing him to pull a bit on mine. That resulted in a moan that escaped from my open mouth. A pulse ran through me ending in my dick and it throbbed.

"Damn. A moan and a cock-throb bro," Gregg commented. "Feeling good, is it?"

"Well, you try to contain yourself with a hand wrapped around yours, even if it is your brother's," I quipped.

T looked down to the site of my brother holding our dicks together in his hands. "That's hot," he commented. I gave him a glare, but yeah, it kinda was.

JT was moving in front of Marc now to get closer to T. He wanted to compare his with his brother's too. "Let's see what we got," he said to T.

T was right about watching Gregg and me. It was hot watching JT take his brother's dick and then hold both of theirs together. T moaned when his brother gave him a tug and then squeezed them together. They were pretty well an even match, just like Gregg and me.

What happened next was a big surprise. T grabbed hold too, his hand over his brother's, and started squeezing their dicks together. He moved his hand a little back and forth moving his brother's hand in a stroking motion.

It was JT's turn to moan, "Oh fuck," escaped his mouth in almost a whisper.

TJ's brother started panting, and you could see his chest expanding and collapsing quickly with each breath. JT's body shook. I watched his cum erupt and we all heard him, "Mmmm." It was a deep noise, not loud, and subsided as his shots firing out onto his brother were ending.

"Holy fuck. Did you just," Marc started to ask.

"Yeah, he sure as hell did," I butted in. "That was... damn."

"With your brother, man?" Marc continued. "I..."

JT interrupted this time, "Shit, I'm sorry. Marc, I'm sorry. TJ, fuck man. I'm sorry. I just, I couldn't stop it.

"Wow bro," T spoke finally. "That was a load." Then he looked at Marc, "Sorry man, I didn't think, I mean, I just..."

"That was fucking hot," Marc broke T's thoughts. He was stroking his, what had to be almost eight inches of cock. Damn, that kid is big.

Marc moved closer to T as JT stepped back away from his brother. JT took a seat, looking like he might fall over if he didn't. Marc reached towards his boyfriend's brother and grabbed his cock. Still stroking his, he started matching strokes on T. They both were moaning now. Gregg and I had separated a bit watching all of this. I felt his hand grab my cock again. Without any thought, I reached over and grabbed his. I was stroking my brother's cock and he was stroking mine. I wasn't watching that, but just the thought ran through my mind and then it was gone. I was watching T and Marc. They were lost in their hormones, horny lust had taken over. Moans from my brother joined theirs. I started moaning too.

"Oh, shit," and moans came from JT now too, sitting there watching us.

I looked over to see JT watching. His eyes were darting back and forth, between my brother and me, and his brother and his boyfriend. I could see his hand stroking his cock just below the bubbling waters of the hot tub. He was going at a fast pace moaning with us.

I turned back to Marc after I heard, "Oh shit," coming from his panting mouth. He let loose firing his cum across the top of the water. Two shots hit my brother's hip. The rest fell to the water, each shot falling closer and closer to him. I counted seven good shots, then, three or four throbs of his cock pushing more of his pent up load out the tip and down T's fist. T was letting loose now too, his cum pumping out and into the bubbles of the hot tub.

"Fuck bro, I'm cumming," was the next thing I heard. I turned my brother around and stepped in front of him just in time to catch the first volley of his cum on my abs.

"Me too," I moaned. My first shot hit his left nipple, clinging a few seconds before it began to slide down his skinny frame towards his stomach.

I fired shot after shot of my cum, all landing on my brother's stomach. A second, third, and fourth fired rapidly from Gregg's cock, covering my front, dripping down my stomach. We moaned and we both took our free hand and grabbed each other to steady ourselves.

"Holy hell," came from JT and I looked over to see him lifting up a bit and his load erupting from his cock and arching over the water. Four shots total from him launching up and plopping back into the water.

Gregg and I were still milking each other, squeezing out what was left, letting it run down our fists.

T broke the moment of silence we were all stuck in, "Shit, that was intense."

We were all looking at each other and trying to catch our breath.

"What are you boys up to," we heard in my mom's voice. She was walking out on to the deck with dad, Thom, and Jan following.

"Not much," I answered quickly, splashing my brother.

Marc and T picked up the que and started splashing each other. They sat down, Marc beside JT again. I took a seat quickly then too, beside T. Gregg sunk down in the water and got on his knees.

"We're just playing around," T said to our group of parents.

"Well, don't make a mess," my dad said. I was thinking, yeah, sure, we already did that. "You are getting water all over the deck."

"It's okay," Thom said. "Baqua Spa doesn't have chlorine or bromine in it, won't hurt the deck a bit."

"Yeah," Jan spoke up. "Let them have their fun." Oh, we have, I thought. "It's good to see our boys all playing around together again," if she only knew, "and you too Marc. Now you are part of the foursome that used to play here all summer." Ha, I'm losing it.

"It's good, all of us here together again," T said. "I missed your brother, Shane. I missed all this."

Looks like we've missed a lot. I kept that thought to myself too. "Yeah, but my little brother grew up and left us." My not-so-little brother I thought, and I laughed.

We were all laughing and splashing again when dad spoke up, "Ange and I are going to head home. What are your plans?"

We all looked at each other. "No plans," I answered.

"No, I figured Shane and I would just hang out here, stay here another night," T said. "Up to these guys what they do." He pointed to the other three in the tub.

"Yeah, we'll just stay here tonight, if it's okay," JT said, looking at his brother then to Jan and Thom.

"That's cool," T said.

"Fine with us," came from their dad.

JT looked at my brother, "You wanna stay too?"

"Sure," was his answer, "if it's okay with everyone."

"Yeah," I said. "Fine by me."

"Okay guys," mom said, "have fun. Gregg, do you have clothes with you?"

"He can borrow whatever he needs from me," JT offered.

"Cool," my brother said. "I'm good mom."

"We'll order some pizza later," T said.

"I'll leave some money on the counter," Thom told T.

"Thanks dad."

"Happy birthday, TJ," mom said.

"Yeah, a legal adult now. That's scary," my dad laughed. "Happy birthday. You guys have a fun time."

"If you take off somewhere, please let us know," my mom added.

"Yes, please," Jan followed. "Marc, are you staying too? Better call and ask."

"Yeah, I'll call in a bit," Marc told her.

"If you guys need anything, well, go get it," Jan said laughing.

"Thanks for today," T said moving to the over side of the tub.

He gave his parents and mine hugs, then they were gone.

"Whoa, I guess they didn't see anything," T said turning around. He plopped back into the water beside me.

"Yeah," came from JT. "That would have been uh..."

"Embarrassing?" I asked.

"More like, horrifying," my brother said.

We all laughed.

"It was a little crazy, I mean, what happened guys?" Gregg said, then he looked at me.

"Yeah, bro," I said. "That was a bit crazy, huh?"

"Crazy hot," in unison from Marc and JT.

"Yeah, it was," added T. "Talk about turning up the heat in the hot tub, damn."

We were all grinning, so I guess all was good. Gregg said he was starving, and the rest of us decided we could nibble some more on the leftovers from lunch. My brother hopped out and I watched his cute ass. What the hell am I doing? I turned away while he dried off and JT and Marc got out to do the same. T and I hopped out too and I grabbed us both a towel. Gregg had his shorts on, but his CK's were still lying on the bench on top of his tank. I threw the towel over to T. We dried off, grabbed our shorts, and pulled them on. JT and Marc headed in and Gregg lingered back, waiting for TJ and me.

I looked at my brother as we headed toward the opened door. "You okay bro?" I asked him.

"Yeah, if you are," he said.

"Very okay," and I smiled at him. He smiled back and we went inside to pig out.


To all that are emailing, thank you for all your kind words. Keep them coming!

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 7

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