My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Dec 30, 2017



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"Now we really need a shower," TJ said, looking at the mess we had made on each other.

"Uh, yeah, I guess we do," and I reached down to pick up the towel at my feet. "I'm heading that way now."

TJ walked over and grabbed his towel wrapping it around his waist. He turned to me, "Should I wait, or..."

"It would almost look more strange if we weren't in the bathroom together. No, you don't have to wait," I said from his trailing question. He smiled.

We were talking about I don't even remember now, as we made our way to the bathroom. The door was closed, but we were talking and my mind was elsewhere – I didn't even hear the shower, until I opened the door. I looked and saw Marc standing under the water through the glass wall of the shower. There he was, all of him. His young, tight body and that thing he has between his legs, under the water. Anyone would have looked, no, stared, at it. Damn, sixteen. How? I've asked the same about my brother too.

"I'm almost finished," Marc said, breaking my stare.

"Yeah, oh, sorry," I called out to him as I was turning around to leave.

"No worries. Just rinsing off then it's all yours," he said. "Or both of yours?" T had stepped in behind me. I'm sure he just wanted another look too. Marc had shut the water off now. He pulled the towel down he had flung over the glass, and was drying off.

"We're just gonna rinse off real quick and probably head out to the beach," I insisted.

"Yeah, okay," Marc had total sarcasm in his voice. He wrapped the towel around his waist and I couldn't help but to look at the bulge he had. What was it with me and looking at guys' bulges now?

TJ grabbed a couple of fresh towels from the closet in the bathroom. We both moved toward the shower, letting Marc pass by to the door. T had dropped the towel around his waist already, hung the towels over the glass, stepped into the oversized shower, and turned on the water.

As Marc shut the door, "Enjoy your shower, guys." Total sarcasm, again.

I dropped my towel, stepped in, and shut the glass door.

As soon as Marc had shut the bathroom door, I heard, "Damn that boy. Must be something in the water."

"I think it's in the genes, not the water," I said.

"Yeah, damn right it's in his jeans. Hell, now I see it no matter what he's wearing," T said.

I laughed. "Yeah, he's a big boy, that's for sure."

"Hey, why don't you see if Gregg wants to come over," I heard T say as I stepped under the water. "Your brother hasn't been here since he was a little squirt."

"My brother hasn't been here since he had to come with my parents," I said. "And should I tell him the reason his presence is requested is that my best friend would like to see his dick?" I smarted off.

"It is my birthday," he retorted.

"What is it with you and dick lately. Was Tania that bad?" I asked.

"I don't see you looking away, at least not this weekend." Well, I guess he got me there.

His words were true, and I had thought about it myself. I stared at Marc in the hot tub last night, just now in the shower too. But damn, the kid has a big dick. Why have I been looking at T's though, and looking at the bulge he has no matter what's been covering it. After watching him jerk it and get off last night, right beside me doing the same, there's just something about it. It actually turns me on.

"Yeah, well, there's just been a lot of dick showing last night, then more today too. Just a horny weekend, man. And, okay, what we've done is hot too, exciting to me, I guess. That's not gay is it?" I said what was in my head. "I mean, I'm not gay. You're not gay. Right?" I'm questioning this?

"What is gay' to you?" T asked, taking my place under the water as I soaped up. "I don't know if I really know what gay' is."

"Huh?" I grunted. "You told me your brother was gay just over a year ago. To me, that means he likes guys."

"Well, yeah. I like guys. I like you a whole lot." T said, and looked right at me. "Is that gay?"

"Come on," I said, shoving him out of the way to rinse. "You know what I mean. Like – really like them, love them. Want to date other guys and have sex with them. Gay is when a guy is attracted to other guys."

He looked at me for a few seconds, then finally said, "Well, I'm attracted to you. You're attracted to me too. It was over three years ago now. We saw each other at school. We started talking like we had known each other forever. We started hanging out all the time. We became best of friends, hardly ever apart." He was right. "Hell, even our parents became close friends. So, think about it. We have an attraction for each other."

"Okay," I said, "yeah, there's some kind of attraction there. But gay is like I wanna have sex with you attraction. Not like a physical attraction though."

"Well, I'll even admit that I've had some physical attractions to you come and go. You've got a nice body, man."

"You do too," I told him.

"And that's a physical attraction. What you just said there," he interrupted. "Thinking someone has a nice body, looking at it and saying he or she looks good, that's physical attraction."

Okay, I can buy that too, "but it's not necessarily sexual. That physical attraction doesn't mean I wanna suck his dick, I just appreciate his body."

"Maybe you haven't seen the right dick yet?" he laughed and pushed me out of the way to rinse off.

I laughed but gave him a slap to the back of his head. "Seriously though, I've never thought about sex with another guy. I've never looked at a guy's dick and even thought about touching it, let alone wanting to get it in my mouth. And you have?"

"No," T answered. "Not ever have I thought about it either." He just looked at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Does that make a guy NOT gay. I mean, I don't actually look at all women and think about fucking them. I don't think that's not straight." T said it almost as a question. "What about when what you are attracted to changes. Like, I used to be attracted to big tits. Shit, it was a physical attraction and a sexual one. They turned me on. Now, not so much. Almost a turn off if they are too big," he told me. "Like JT too, maybe. Maybe what he was attracted to before changed. He's had girl crushes. We used to talk about them, and even had a girlfriend. I'm sure he's had some physical attractions to guys for a long time too. Shit, you and I both have when we were younger. My brother's became not only a physical attraction to other guys, but a sexual one too. Then enters Marc last year. An attraction between the two. I'm sure it was physical and partly sexual at first, cause, come on, their guys. Then there was this other attraction too that made them say, `we're boyfriends.'"

We were drying off now. I asked, "So are you saying that what you are attracted to has changed? What, now you are attracted to guys?"

"No. No, I'm not saying that. What I am thinking, what I am trying to say, well, what's happened with us between last night and now, well fuck dude, there is some attraction there. It was hot. It turned me on. Now thinking about it turns me on. Hell, so many things turn me on. I'm freakin eighteen."

"So where does this put us then?" I asked. "Dude, I'm attracted to women, not guys. Isn't that the kinda the meaning of `not gay'?"

"So there's no attraction at all looking at me?" he asked. "It kinda seemed like you liked looking at my cock. You liked me jerking you off. You didn't protest to jerking me off. You didn't complain when I came all over you. That was all pretty hot. You even said it was and you liked it."

Hell yeah, I did like it. It was different. It was exciting. I looked over when he paused and he was getting hard. Damn, so was I.

"I know you like women. I know you are attracted to some. Me too," he said. "But I'm attracted to you too, a bit more than I was before last night."

Damn, again. Did he just say it? I knew it was there. I just didn't think he would say it. I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"Can you say there isn't some sexual attraction between us?" he asked me point blank, looking right at me.

How do I respond to this? "Honestly man? Yeah, you are my best friend. I love you. I'm glad we're both going off to college together. I'm attracted to your attitude, your mind, how you treat everyone, so yeah, I'm attracted to you. You have a great body, like me," I grinned. "so, yeah, I'm attracted to that too. Helps me keep my body looking great too. Now, about the sexual part. That's where I lose it a bit I guess. It was really hot what we did last night. All kinds of me wanted it not to be a onetime thing too. But I didn't know what that even meant. Then we did it again this morning. I liked it." I paused and he just looked at me. "Then, just now in the bedroom, that was more than just us jerking off together. We jerked each other off. Now was that just more, we're so freakin horny' and shit, this just feels good' two friends giving a helping hand, or what?" He didn't say anything. "Yeah, I really liked it. I really liked giving you the same pleasure you were giving me. It only increased my pleasure. It was just fucking exciting too, man. Just so different. And yeah, we're both eighteen. Just about anything gets us hard."

"Like you are now," he said, looking down at my full-on sticking straight out.

"Like always, we start talking about jerking it or sex and the little head takes over. Like yours," and I nodded my head to his looking down at it. "You want me to do this?" and I grabbed his dick.

"You know I do, but only do it if you want to," he told me.

"And if I want to? That's what I wanna know. What does this mean now?" There was some concern in my voice.

"Doesn't have to mean anything. Or, whatever you want it to mean. As long as we are happy and enjoying what we are doing, and being honest with each other always, it comes back to the attractions and feelings. So I can't decide or tell you what this all means to you." T told me. "I will tell you I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying sharing this and having this part in our relationship. Kinda wish it started a few years ago, but I was really never thinking about it."

"Yeah, I'm liking it all too," I said to him, with my fist around his dick, pulling it now, stroking him the best I could standing in front of him. "Can't you tell?"

He grabbed mine and started pulling, "If this is an indication, then yeah, I see you like it too."

"You do have a hot body, ya know," I told him. My other hand dropped the towel and went exploring.

I rubbed all over his chest, down to his stomach, back up to his chest, and then up to his neck. I put my hand around the side of his neck and rubbed it, then down to his shoulder, and back down to his chest. Then, one of my fingers found that line of hair just below his navel. His treasure trail. My finger followed it down, and all of my fingers played in his patch of hair above his dick. They eventually made it down to his balls and played there. Grabbing lightly, pulling slightly, and rubbing, my fingers were doing something to him there.

He moaned, "Oh shit, no one has ever played with my nuts, and it feels way better than me doing it." He grabbed mine and started playing. It did feel good.

My middle finger, as if it had a mind of its own, went exploring a bit further down under. I was lightly tracing a line back and forth between his ball sack and hole. I did know a little about pleasure down there. He moaned, leaning into me now. His tongue went to my neck. With all of this stimulation, I wasn't going to last much longer. This was all too new and so raw to me.

He stopped his tongue, "This is driving me there fast, Shane, real fast," he said.

"I'm close," I said in his ear.

My tongue came out and explored his ear now, my middle finger at his hole, touching and rubbing, pushing just a little.

He grunted as his first few shots fired at my stomach and in my pubes. The last of his load was flowing out onto my dick. He pulled a bit on my balls, and in just a couple of strokes more he had me shooting too.

"Yeah, attractions," he said, grabbing the towels off the floor and handing me one.

"Or pure horny-ness and urges," I laughed.

"Yeah, there's that too," he said, as we wiped the cum off our body parts for the third time today.

As he turned to head back to the bedroom, I said, "Wait." I grabbed his arm and turned him around and looked into his eyes. I couldn't help it, this feeling like I had to. I leaned in, closed my eyes, tilted my head, and brought my lips to his.

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-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 5

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