My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Dec 26, 2017



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AN AWKWARD BREAKFAST "Yeah, be out in a sec," TJ yelled out to Thom, his dad.

Okay, now I was freaking out a bit. T's brother and Marc hearing us, well, that was one thing. We're just best buds jerking off. We could tell them anything. We were horny. We thought, why hide it. We both watched some porn on our phones. Whatever. But his dad? Yeah, his parents are cool and all, but I couldn't have that same conversation with his dad! I know we were loud. Maybe he didn't hear anything. Just be cool.

T wasn't saying anything. What was running through his mind? We finished mopping up the mess we made on ourselves and I dug through my gym bag for a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. T did the same. I gave him a look and he just looked back at me. I couldn't really read him. Then we headed out to the kitchen.

JT and Marc were sitting at the counter with Thom. Jan, T and JT's mom, was cooking. JT and Marc just stared at us, grinning.

"Morning," T said to the room. "How long have you two been up?" T asked his brother as he sat down on the last empty stool at the counter. I said a barely audible good morning to everyone too and stood behind T.

"We heard mom and dad come in about a half-hour ago and came out," he answered. Marc was looking at me and still grinning. Yeah, I was freaking.

"We thought you guys would be hungry after a night of partying," Jan spoke as she was plating eggs, sausage, and pancakes for us. "Happy birthday, hon."

Marc got up and went around the counter for some coffee and gave his mom a peck on the cheek. "Thanks mom." He lifted the pot of coffee in the air towards me. I nodded, and he poured us both a cup. "We didn't really do all that much partying," he said. "It was an early night, really."

His dad spoke, "Well, today is your birthday, so she had to come and make you breakfast. Shane, your parents will be here in a few hours. You guys can do whatever you want today, but just be here later. I'll throw some things on the grill."

T looked at me and smiled as he came up to me and handed the cup of coffee over. "No plans today that I know of," T said. "Just hanging here at the beach with Shane." I put on a fake-ish smile. "Yeah, we'll just hang around here today. I wanna go for a jog on the beach after breakfast."

That sounded good to me. I really wanted to get away from everyone. I felt so weird right now. I was being quiet because I really didn't know what to say. It was noticed.

"A jog sounds good, I didn't get one in this morning," Thom said, thumbing to Jan. "She had me at the grocery early." Then he looked at me. "You okay Shane? You are unusually quiet this morning."

Oh great, he wants to go for a jog too. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I think I had a few too many of Jan's brownies last night. Not quite with it yet, I guess." I stammered out. "This will help though," I smiled and made my way to the table where Jan was setting down breakfast for everyone. "And a jog will too."

"It sounded like you guys were fine earlier," JT mouthed off, making his way to the table with the rest of us. Thom elbowed his young son and gave him a glare.

Fuuuck, I thought. I just stared at my plate while I ate with the rest of the group. They were just chatting away, even T. How could he not be freaking out too, right now? They made me part of the conversations, and I spoke up when I had to. I still couldn't help thinking that TJ and I were both getting looks and grins from his brother.

We all finished eating and all did something to help clean up. T gave his mom another peck on the cheek in the kitchen and I thanked her for a good breakfast, saying it was just what I needed, trying to act more normal.

"How about that jog now?" Thom asked us all.

JT said Marc and he would skip it. They were going to play some Xbox. Jan said she had some things to get ready for this afternoon. T told his dad we would go change, and he nodded for me to follow him back to his room.

"Man, what's up?" he questioned me closing the door behind us.

"You know they heard us in here, man. I'm a little freaked out. Sorry," I told him.

"Well, don't make a deal out of it..." he started talking.

"Hey, if it was just JT and Marc we had to do some explaining to, that would be one thing. But, dude your parents," I interrupted.

"You are making too big a deal outta this, man. Relax," he tried to calm me. He put his hand on my shoulder. My dad is cool with guy things. I know he isn't thinking anything about it. Shit, he asked me a couple of years ago if we were, like, doing anything..."

"Us? You and me?" I interrupted again.

"Yeah. It was when he was giving me a talk about guy things. You know, jerking off, needing privacy, sex," he said. We were taking off our boxers. "You want your board-shorts or gym shorts?"

"Uh, I didn't bring any gym shorts," I said. He threw me a pair of his from his bag. "So he asked if we were doing stuff? You never told me that." I put on the shorts T threw at me and watched him do the same. He had to push on his limp dick to slide the waistband of his shorts over it. He had a nice bulge I never noticed before. Shit, what am I doing here? I looked down at the floor.

I looked up to his face when he said, "Guess there was nothing to tell. I told him we weren't cause we weren't - then," and he just grinned at me, emphasizing the `then.'

"Well, we aren't doing anything now," I glared at him, emphasizing both the doing' and the now.'

"No, we aren't, so calm the fuck down," he said, glaring back.

"Alright, alright," I did need to get over this. We hadn't done anything. Jesus, what was my problem.

"What is my problem?" I said, looking down and shaking my head.

"Hey," T said, walking over to me and lifting up my head with a finger under my chin. "I know you are feeling weirded out, but dude, don't get all worried about it. Nobody cares. It was totally normal out there. My parents are cool and and I know they don't think we are gay or anything." He laughed.

"Yeah, okay. I'm cool," I said back, looking back at him. Then I looked down to the floor.

There was too much silence, and I was still just staring at the floor.

"You sure you're okay man?" T asked me, putting his hand on the back of my neck.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," and I turned around, more to get his hand off me, I think. "I gotta go take a piss," and I left the room.

I splashed some water on my face when I got in the bathroom, grabbed a hand towel, and wiped my face off and decided I had to stop acting and feeling like this.

"You good now?" T asked, greeting me right outside the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm good," and I smiled up at him.

"Good!" he grinned and slapped my ass as I passed him walking down the hall.

"You guys ready?" Thom asked when we came out of the hallway.

"Yeah," T and I both answered.

We had a good jog. Just us guys chatting it up. We talked about girls, our summer adventures, and about getting ready to start college in a couple of months. We had gone quite a ways when we all stopped. We were walking back when the conversation turned.

"You guys know it's okay, right?" T's dad said to us.

My stomach turned too.

"What is?" T asked.

"You two. That is, if there is something," he answered.

"What are you talking about?" T asked, changing his tone.

"Hey, I'm just saying, okay? It's okay if there is something, that's all," Thom looked over to T.

"Well, there isn't anything," T interrupted his dad. "I don't know why you think there is."

They did hear. They did think something. Awe fuck. Then I just said it, "They heard. I told you they heard." We all stopped walking.

"Guys, it's alright. Seriously." Thom turned and put his hand on T's shoulder.

"Well, all they heard was a couple of guys in the morning jerking off," T said, just looking at the ground. "Nothing else was going on in my room." He emphasized the `my."

"Alright, so that's what we heard. No biggie, guys. It's all okay," Thom tried to reassure us. "I've done my share of the same thing with friends."

Cool. It was cool now, and he would go back and tell Jan too. On the walk back, Thom was actually telling us some of his experiences from when he was really young and through to his college days. Some of his tales were kinda hot too. I think, looking at T's bulge, it was having an effect on him. I know it was for me.

Back at the beach house, we were all greeted by Jan, asking how our jog was. We were ignored by the boys glued to their Xbox game. Thom kissed his wife and said he was going to grab a shower. That sounded good to us too.

We strip down when we got to the bedroom and T picked up his towel. I grabbed my crusty towel too and wrapped it around my waist.

"Can't believe some of the things dad told us, damn," he said, wrapping the towel around his waist. "Some of it was kinda exciting."

"Yeah, no kidding," I looked up at him. "I think it got us both a little excited. I could see you perking up a bit in the shorts."

He laughed, "Yeah, a little. Shit, it doesn't take much of anything, ya know."

"I know," I said, feeling my response again, now under the towel. I gave it a little rub. "It doesn't take anything, we're always horny." Now he was rubbing his through the towel.

"I wanna take care of this now, you want to?" he asked me.

"Uh, yeah," I answered him as if he were stupid for asking. I was rubbing it pretty good at this point.

He dropped his towel and I did the same. We both took hold of our hard-ons and started stroking.

He walked up to be closer in front of me and I looked down. Our dicks were practically touching head-to-head. We were stroking nice and slow. T started long stroking and pulling his dick back into his fist. Then he stopped moving his hips to pull back. On the next stroke, his fist pulled the skin over the head of his dick and he kept moving his fist. It was slowly getting closer and closer to my dick. I just watched and didn't move. My fist stop just for a second, then it happened. I saw the head of my dick disappearing into T's fist. He just went as far as the head then pulled his fist back toward him. We continued our stroking, and there was no more touching. We started speeding up our strokes.

Looking at each other's, then our own, then looking each other in the eye, he moved a little. He put his hand out and asked, "Can I?"

Not saying anything, I let go of my dick and my hand went down to my side. He lifted his hand up and my dick was now laying in it. T made a fist, wrapping his hand around my dick. It pulsed and he started tugging on it slowly.

"Is this okay?" he asked, looking at me, his face only inches from mine.

I moaned just a little and nodded. It felt good. I closed my eyes and moaned a little more. He picked up the pace a bit and was tugging away.

"Do it to me," he said almost as a question.

A part of me wanted to reach out and take his in my hand. I wanted to see what my best friend's hard dick felt like. Another part of me wasn't sure if I wanted to go there. We're eighteen now. This isn't prepubescent discovery and fun. I stopped thinking and reached for it. Wrapping my hand around his, I gave it a little squeeze. It felt like mine. T moaned and his dick throbbed in my hand. I looked down to see my fist wrapped around my best friend's dick. I think it made me harder. I know it was doing something to T.

He moaned again. "Oh yeah, stroke it." So I did.

We were both getting into this, both of us moaning now.

T looked down, then back up to my face, "Yeah man, stroke my cock."

I liked when he said cock. Neither one of us had ever called them anything but a dick.

"Yeah, that feels so good," and he closed his eyes and tilted his head back a little.

"Oh, yeah it does," I moaned and closed my eyes.

The next thing I heard was, "I'm gonna cum," and he did. It shot out all over his fist and my dick. It felt warm and better than my own pre.

"Fuck, man," I said, and opened my eyes. I looked down to watch him tugging fast on me. "I'm cumming," I said, and I leaned into him a little. My hand went to his shoulder, my mouth at his ear, "I'm cumming." I needed to hold onto him. My legs got weak as I was panting in his ear. I sprayed my stuff all over his dick and my fist that was still squeezing on his.

After a few seconds, I looked at him. I let go of his dick and said, "Damn, that was crazy." He let go of mine and just looked at me. "It was great. Uh, I mean, it felt great."

"Yeah, it sure as fuck did feel great," he said back. "Now we really need a shower."

--- Keep the emails coming! I love reading your comments and thoughts.

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-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 4

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