My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Mar 15, 2018



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It was almost nine when JT came in and woke us up. His hand was rubbing my shoulder and I was greeted by his nakedness and his half-hard poker at eye-level when I rolled over.

"Breakfast is ready," he said. "Nobody bothered with clothes this morning either."

"We see," T said, rolling over and wrapping me in his arms and pulling me into him.

"Come get some food. You can fuck `again' later." He stressed the, "again," and turned around showing his nice bubble butt off and walked out.

I knew we were loud, very loud. I also knew that everyone heard us. I knew too that I didn't care.

It was a nice sight when we joined them. Four naked teenagers setting the table, laying out the food, and rubbing and grabbing each other as they passed each other back and forth from the kitchen to the dining area. Even Nate was comfortable and acting right at home with all of this. Eyes turned to us as we stood by the counter.

"There's the porn stars now," Marc smarted off.

My brother and Nate gave each other a look and both were wearing big evil grins.

My brother was the next to speak. "Guess you two were really turned on watching us, huh?"

I looked at my brother.

"Yeah, our door was unlocked this morning. I locked it, I know. J and Marc don't know a thing about it. Besides, all was quiet in their room when we went to the bathroom. You two were making all the noise. And yeah, we listened. I wanted to watch. Only fair, right? But Nate said no."

"Yeah," I said, looking at my brother. "I heard a little when I got up to take a piss. T and I were listening and we decided to take a peek. Sorry guys."

"Oh, it's fine," Nate spoke up. "But now we want a show too. Only fair."

I just gave my brother and Nate a grin. Marc and JT were just laughing putting glasses of OJ around the table.

"Let's eat," Marc said. "Then they can put on a show for us."

I gave T a look as the guys all laughed. He just shrugged and smiled.

There wasn't any talk of sex while we ate. There wasn't much talking at all, really. Some joking around and talking about just having a lazy day. That was about it. When we were cleaning up though, that's a different story.

My brother slapped my ass walking by me. "So yeah, we're all horny, ready for a show too. Yeah?"

The other guys all gave a, "hell yeah," to that. JT and Mark already had a hand wrapped around the other's dick. I looked over at T and just got the shrug, again.

"Why the hell not," I thought to myself. We all had our fun in the hot tub together before Nate got here, and yeah, it's only fair. Still looking at the now evil grin on T's face, I glanced down. He was getting excited by it, for sure. I looked over to my brother, Nate now beside him, and faked a reluctant look. He and Nate were boned up now too. Marc and JT were just standing there, JT's fist wrapped around Marc's big one, and Marc's fist swallowing JT's.

I took the few steps over to T and grabbed him by his prong and started to pull him over in front of the couch. We had a trail of hard-ons attached to skinny sixteen-year-olds following us. Hands on hard-ons, my lips on T's, and all eyes on us, it would have been quite a scene if someone walked in.

"Hold up," JT said, all of a sudden right beside us, pulling us a part. He was holding up a ruler.

"Really?" T let out, giving his brother a look.

"I wanna know," he almost whined.

In a flash, he had the ruler on top of my dick.

"Call it eight inches," JT called out. "Damn. You know, if you shaved more hair there, the thing would look even bigger." He laughed a little and shook his head.

I'm not eight inches, somewhere between seven-and-a-half and eight, but not eight. I like how he measures though. He was right though about shaving. I usually kept the patch of hair above my dick really short. I think all of us who wrestled in high school did. I keep my balls shaved, that's for sure. I don't like the feel of things down there all hairy and sweaty.

"You're cut too, just like us."

I looked down at T. I hadn't thought about it for a long time, but he was cut like me. I remember wondering about it when I first saw him. I always wondered why my brother and I were cut. Almost everyone I knew was uncut seeing them in the locker rooms and showers. It sure isn't a religious thing.

"Seven inches for my brother," he grinned.

His hard-on was just a little thinner than mine. I looked at his body as I took hold of his seven inches. He looks good, really cute. He has that "boy-next-door" look, if I even know what that means. He's just sexy. T's about an inch shorter than I am, and he has a really nice build from a couple of years of wrestling in high school. I talked him into that since I was on the team the year before we met. His skin is really tan like mine, all from being out on the beach most of the summer. His light brown hair had turned more of a dirty blond this summer in the Sun and was always pretty short in school, like mine too. This summer he had let it grow out a bit. He has more of a square face and jaw line, like his dad, whereas his brother takes after their mom and has a more rounded face. I looked into his light brown eyes and he smiled.

Our attention to each other was diverted and drawn back to his brother, now on to the next victim with the ruler in hand. He stepped over to Nate. The lips on the white boyish figure turned up in an evil grin and he gave his stick a few quick pumps.

"We have six here, my twin," JT laughed.

"Not quite," Gregg spoke up.

My brother grabbed Nate's pole and tugged on it. Nate's foreskin pulled up over the pointy head, not covering it completely. When Gregg let go, the skin peeled back quickly again.

They could be twins really. Same looks, around the same height, and same dick, except for Nate being uncut, but you could barely tell that right now. Nate's hair was also jet black, unlike JT's stylish dark blond hair. Put Nate in the right clothes and you would call him an Emo. Both Nate and JT have the tightest bubble-butts you've ever seen, both complete with dimples.

"Well, besides that. Mine's a six incher too." JT held the ruler to his to show it.

He moved a few steps to Mark now and motioned for my brother.

"Gregg, get over here. Put these things together and I bet they are the same size."

Mark and my brother stepped up to each other and put their rods together, side-by-side.

"Yup, I told ya Marc. Same size," JT said. Then he measured both. "Both just under the seven inch mark."

Mark was super thick though, probably almost double what I was. The way his tight curls bunch up close shows him off even more. I thought he was a little bigger than my brother.

"I figured you were longer," Marc said, looking at Gregg. "And I was just bigger around."

I watched as Marc tried to wrap one of his hands around both my brother's meat and his. He couldn't. My brother added his hand and they were squeezing themselves.

Marc was a sexy guy, really. Everyone would say that, even other guys. He has the look and should have gotten into modeling. He's already as tall as TJ. He looks Mediterranean with a nice Italian face. His skin is a deep olive tan color, and it holds some color even through winter. His chest and stomach are tight with a nice swimmer's build, and he keeps his black hair pretty short. It has some natural curl to it too. Marc can stare right through you with his deep, dark brown eyes.

This is the second time now I've really looked at brother's body. He is a good looking kid. He has the same jock-like features I do. We get that from dad. He's about an inch or so shorter than me yet, and will probably be taller than me when he stops growing. He hasn't gotten as much Sun this summer, so his skin is a little lighter than mine right now. Gregg keeps his body pretty lean too, and looks like he would be on the swim team, but he doesn't play any sports. His hair is a dusty blond color, like mine, but he keeps a little more length to his than I do and styles it every day. My hair is tapered and cut pretty short on the top. I can style it up if I need to, but I don't really have to do anything to it. I've always liked my brother's eyes and wished mine were like his. They change colors all the time, somewhere between green and blue. Mine are dark blue though, and I always get comments.

Now both my brother and Marc had their other hands in on the action and were damn near fist fucking their cocks together. It was pretty hot to watch. When they saw us watching, they stopped and stepped away. I almost laughed.

All eyes came back to T and me now. We both looked at everyone standing there, then at each other. We started with a nice kiss. That quickly turned into a tongue battle. Our hands were all over too. My lips escaped his and traveled along his jaw to his ear where I spent a little time and then continued down. My lips, teeth, and tongue were now working all over his neck and he started moaning. Next was his chest and teasing his nips a bit. My tongue whirling around his hard little nubs, going from one to the other, made him make some noise too. When my teeth came in to play on them too, he started moaning again. My tongue made its way further south, and I sank to my knees in front of him.

It was time to really take the teasing up a notch. My tongue just barely touched the tip of his cock and it lurched up. Now a nice drop of pre was right at the tip. I lapped it up. Darting my tongue in and out of my mouth, I went all over his shaft. After not a minute of that, it was time to give his throbbing manhood a rest.

My left hand came up under his balls and lifted them a bit. My tongue and mouth went to work there for a minute. When I could, I would glance over at our audience. JT had his hand on Marc's cock stroking, Marc was on JT's, and Nate and my brother were at it solo.

My tongue lapped at his sack and I sucked in his balls one at a time. He likes that a lot and his moans told the whole room. It was time to move back to some cock. My tongue moved along the underside from his balls to his swollen head. Precum was flowing some too, and I got a taste before my tongue even reach the tip. I licked at the hole trying to get more. Then, I grabbed his cock, put my mouth over the head, and I sucked on him hard. He moaned so loud. I kept up the sucking now and used my tongue on him inside my mouth, twirling it around and around him. I started jacking him with my hand at the same time. His hips started some movement now. He was really feeling good.

He pulled me up and kissed me hard. Then his lips went to my ear and he whispered to me he was about to cum if he hadn't stopped me. We went down on the couch from there and he went for my cock. The blowjob felt really good, and his hands, whatever they were doing, I couldn't keep track of it, felt really good too. Our audience had all taken a seat on the floor. Nate was now jacking my brother and he was returning the favor. I think having them watch was making things even hotter.

I moved so we could both do some sucking.

"Yeah, 69 is our favorite number," Marc said.

After T's cock spent some time in my mouth, I let it pop out and it hit his stomach with a slap. My tongue went to his sack again, playing with skin and balls. I managed to move my head a bit so my tongue could travel just a bit more. I licked under his balls and stretched my tongue as far as I could. The tip of my tongue was shoving in between his tight cheeks and as I pulled it back it made a slick trail from his tight hole to his ball sack. He shivered. I went for it again. He moaned around my hard cock in his mouth and his body shook.

Something took over me. There's no way any thought process was happening here. I wanted my tongue to find his hole and go inside. It stretched out again, this time covering his hole. I jabbed at it with the tip of my tongue and I could feel it spasm, opening and closing, again and again. He was moaning louder. He came off my cock.

"Oh, fuck. What are you doing to me?" he almost cried out.

"Holy shit, my brother is licking his hole," I heard Gregg say.

"Yeah, damn, my brother is getting rimmed," was from JT.

It hit me then. I actually had my tongue there. Yet there was still this urge to keep going even though I now actually knew what I was doing and thought about it. There wasn't anything sick about it like I had thought about it before. And, it was giving him so much pleasure.

I moved. My hands came up to play too, and my head moved down. I could rest my head on the inside of his thigh. I pulled at his ass grabbing a cheek with one hand giving some separation and I went in. My tongue found its mark. I stabbed at it some more. He was moaning. I went a little deeper. It was getting wet with my saliva. I kept licking and jabbing there and he kept moaning. I put a finger there and went in as my tongue moved all around.

I felt his tongue and mouth on my throbbing cock. Then, I heard, "fuck me."

T had my dick wet with his spit mixing with my pre. I moved and he rolled onto his stomach and spread his legs as much as the couch would allow. In a second, I was on top of him. My cock was sliding in the slippery wetness between the mounds of his hot ass.

T lifted up just a little as I came in with a thrust and my cock hit the target. He groaned as the head of my rod entered him. I let out a moan. He was so tight and hot, and it felt so good. It was all I could do not to shove my pole all the way in.

I wanted to last a little with them, the voyeurs, in the room. I felt it though. I wasn't going to last long.

Slowly, I went deeper. Noise was coming from everywhere now. When I was all the way, all my weight on my lover's ass, I looked over. They were watching and fists were pounding cocks.

I started slowly long-dicking TJ. Pulling almost all the way out and slowly pushing back in him. I know I was going deep. His breath sounds made it clear he was feeling it. I did this for maybe a minute, if it was that long. Sounds from the room hit me again. It was obvious they were ready to pop. I picked up the pace.

"Yeah, give it to me. Oh yes, you feel so good."

"You're so tight," I said back. "Yeah, it feels so good."

"I'm going to cum. Fuck, I'm cumming," T yelled.

I pounded in him hard now, my dick like a piston, moving in and out as fast as I could. I was grunting with each slap of our bodies as mine slammed into him.

"I'm cumming," I cried out, and I shoved in deep and hard.

My cock pulsed deep inside T. I couldn't move my body. It felt too heavy. I wondered how he could hold my weight. I turned my head to see our watchers, still watching, cum dripping down their chests and stomachs.

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 12

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