My Best Bud

By Shane S.

Published on Feb 15, 2018



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It was one-twenty-two on my cell when I woke up. The house was silent, except for the heavy breathing coming from T in bed beside me. I had to piss. That must have been what woke me up. I was quiet making my way to the bathroom. I stood at the toilet looking down at my hand holding my dick. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. It was thick, and it felt good holding on to it.

As my stream broke the water in the toilet bowl, I tried to aim it a bit out of the water so I wasn't making too much noise. It seemed so loud in the quiet house. My left hand went to the nice patch of hair above my right hand holding myself. My fingers combed through the hair pressing into my skin a little. That felt good. As my morning stream slowed, my dick was getting harder. My left hand moved down under my swelling cock and found my sack hanging low. I grabbed it gently, tugging a little and feeling each ball inside moving around in my hand.

My right hand, still wrapped around my now very hard shaft, started a slow squeeze and tug making pale yellow drops of my morning piss drip into the toilet. This was feeling good now, and I knew it was more than just "finishing up." Did I just hear "mmm" coming softly through the walls?

Then there was an "oh yeah," and another, "mmm."

I didn't flush the toilet but made my way quietly to the door where my brother and Nate were.

"Yeah, suck it," I heard. I think it was Gregg.

My brother was getting his dick sucked, nice. I leaned against the doorframe to listen, trying to slow my breathing so I could hear better.

"Yeah man, that feels good." It was my brother. Gregg was moaning very softly, his mouth and throat humming. There were very faint sounds of sucking, sounds from a mouth doing what it does to a hard, wet cock.

I thought of TJ wanting to catch this action. "Should I go get him?" I thought. He would like this, I know. My feet moved across the hall into our bedroom and I went to the other side of the bed to wake him.

"What? Hey. Good morning," T said. "What time is it?"

"It's like one-thirty," I told him.

"Huh?" he sat up on his elbows. "In the morning?"

"Yeah. I had to piss, but I thought you might want to hear this. Comere." I tugged on his arm and he slowly moved out of bed and stood beside me. He was hard. My hand reached for it and grabbed hold of it. I used his hard-on to pull him with me out into the hall, giving it a squeeze a few times on the way. He didn't protest. It throbbed with every squeeze.

At the door now, I let go of his dick and my index finger went to my lips telling him to be quiet. We could hear my brother. He was moaning even more now, being more vocal too. We heard his, "oh yeses," his, "yeah mans," his, "oh, that feels good." Even an occasional, "yeah, suck it," came from Gregg as he was moaning.

T was grinning looking at me and stroking his hard-on. I had gone soft, but was boning up again listening in on my brother and Nate and watching T. My hand went to my own dick and started stroking too.

"Let's take a peek," T whispered in my ear.

I wanted to. I don't know why, but I did. My mind was picturing Nate's young but jock-ish face with his lips around my brother's hard cock. I could see his skinny body and his bubble-butt and picture his nice toned legs stretched out on the bed, maybe lying between my brother's legs.

"I don't want them to see us," I whispered back. Spying on Gregg was one thing, but I don't know how Nate would react. He wasn't too happy about us knowing that anything was going on with them.

The rooms had almost an entryway because of a small walk-in closet in each of them. The door would open up against a wall from the closet. From the beds in every room, you can't even see the door or doorway. I nodded my okay.

T reached out taking the doorknob gently. He looked at me with a face. "It's locked," he said.

Then he grinned and reached above the door. On top of the molding was a key. He took it and slowly slid it into the hole in the middle of the doorknob. He stopped. There were no sounds from the bedroom now. Shit. We looked at each other. I shrugged an, "I don't know," answering his silent question.

Now we heard movement.

I heard Gregg's voice. "Where's the lube?"

Move movement. T had the key in and was turning it slowly.

A grunt. Then, "mmm. Oh yes." It was Nate.

My brother let a couple of, "uhs." Then, "oh fuck. Oh yeah. Feels so good."

T pulled the key out slowly and put it back above the door.

More grunts from Nate and noises of movement and from the bed. We even heard a couple of slapping sounds from Gregg coming down harder a couple of times. Nate responded to those with a louder grunt.

T had the doorknob turned now and was slowly opening the door. A glow from the silent TV was lighting up the room. We took a couple of steps into the room and leaned a bit. I was crouching down, my head under T's, peering around the corner. I saw my brother. His tight ass muscles flexing each time his long dick bottomed out into Nate's hole. It was like he was doing push-ups. Nate's legs spread, his balls tight right below his boy-hole being drilled by my brother's big cock. I was watching my brother's big, hard cock sliding in and out of Nate's hole. Holy shit, this was hot. My own dick was leaking. It was hard and throbbing. I had to grab it and stroke it.

The need to fuck came over me. It had been a few months now since I had my dick in someone, not counting my best friend's mouth a few times the past couple of days.

Gregg was grunting. Nate was groaning. Between his groans, with every thrust from my brother, he let out a "yes."

Grunts, groans, and "yes... yes... yes." A, "Oh fuck, yeah," from my brother too after several thrusts.

"Yeah, take it," he said a couple of times.

T had his free hand, the one that wasn't jerking on his own cock, rubbing my back and my ass. His touch felt good as I stroked my rod.

We heard Nate, "Oh-fuck-yeah," each word being pushed out with every thrust from Gregg. "Fuck yeah. Oh-fuck-me." Then, "I'm-gonna-fuck-ing-cum-dude."

My brother's thrusting quickened and he started coming down harder into Nate, pushing his long cock deeper in his best friend. Slapping noises and my brother's grunts were coming faster.

"Fuuuck," from Gregg, slamming into Nate hard. His ass was tight and his legs were quivering. His balls were really tight and I even thought I could see his dick pulsing as his cum was shooting out into Nate's ass.

Damn, I squeezed my dick hard without causing too much pain. I was so close to cumming myself, but I wasn't going to shoot my load here. T was there too, I could tell when we stepped back and looked at each other. He was squeezing his when I looked down. I grinned.

T pulled the door as we snuck backwards into the hallway. He got it closed again without making a sound. He didn't lock it though, and we quickly got into our room and he closed the door without any sound. T was on me when he turned around, his hands all over my body and his lips on my neck. His kissing went to my chest then his lips covered my left nipple. He sucked on it a little. His teeth nipped at it softly. I let out a moan. His hands were on my ass now, pulling my lower half into his. Our hard cocks got in the way and he moved up and down to get them to cooperate as he pulled on me some more. Now with our hard-ons sticking straight up and smashed between our bodies, his lips came back to my neck and he started grinding into me. I started humping back.

There was so much heat between us. It was making my dick swell even more. He turned us around, not letting any space between us, and pulled me down on top of him landing on the bed.

Our lips came together and our tongues started a battle. I was grinding into him, our hard cocks rubbing each other and our skin as I moved on top of him. I lifted my head a bit and looked into his eyes. He smiled.

"I love you," he whispered.

I smiled. "I love you too," I whispered back.

My grinding started again as we smiled, looking at each other.

He moved his legs, spreading them out a bit, and moved up a little beneath me. My cock was now poking into his sack and just below as I humped him.

His hands were grabbing at my back and pulling me into him. We kissed some more. Then he moved out from under me.

He rolled over and moved across the bed, reaching to the nightstand on the other side. T got something from the drawer and moved back towards me a little. Still on his stomach, he reach back and held a small black bottle out. It was lube.

T spread his legs apart and turned his head a little to see me. "Fuck me," he said.

I took the bottle from his hand, lubed up my dick, and I rubbed some around his hole. I dribbled a little more in my hand and stroked my cock with it. Damn, I wanted this. I was so horny and my need to fuck was there anyway. Then there was the need to go to the next step with what we had been doing. There was also this need to be inside the one I knew I loved, the one who just told me that he loved me. A switch flipped in my mind. I was no longer just lusting to fuck, to stick my dick in something, pound away, and shoot my load. I slowed down everything. My thoughts slowed and centered around us and what "us" meant, what TJ meant to me. My breathing slowed. I took a few long, deep breaths and looked down at this beautiful body laying out for me to take. It wasn't just a beautiful body, it was a wonderful man here with me. This man had changed my life when we met such a short time ago, but the best three years I can remember. Now, he was changing my life again, introducing me to thoughts and feelings that I had never imagined for me.

I lowered my body onto his. He was so warm and this felt so good already, just being on top of him like this. I planted kisses on his back and made him shiver as I worked my way up to his neck. I kissed there and went to his shoulder. Pecking at his shoulder, I moved to the side of his neck and licked and kissed him there.

I whispered in his ear, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," he said. "I need you inside me."

My hard cock was nestled between the two mounds of his sexy bubble-butt. I started to move so that it was sliding in between them. I moaned, it felt so good.

"Please," he said, panting a little. "Put it inside me."

I lifted a little and my hand went to my cock. TJ lifted up just a little too. With the help of my hand, the head of my cock had found the right spot. I knew somehow by the way it felt, and when I pushed a little, T clenched his butt cheeks a little. I kept moving my body so that I was barely pushing at his entrance and then pulling back. I pushed a little harder each time, and each time I could feel him clenching, resisting my entry. My thoughts were almost all about T now, how this was going to feel for him, has he played with anything before, does he know what this is going to feel like? I couldn't imagine it myself. I've only touched myself there a few times. This would hurt him, and I didn't want to hurt him.

My love for this man kept me from pushing too hard just to get inside him. A part of me wanted in there so bad. I wanted to bury my pole deep inside this hole so bad. A bigger part of me, though, wanted this to be amazing for T too. I wanted him to feel passion, not pain. Keeping up with the light jabs and pokes was feeling good to him too.

"Yes," he would say. "Oh yeah, that feels so good." And he was moaning too.

His tight clenching wasn't so tight now. He started to move with me a little. He slowly started pushing back on me as I pushed into him each time. I started to feel him opening up a little. As I pushed in and he pushed back, I could feel just the tip of the head of my cock going in. Then he would pull away and I would pull back. Then again, with just a little more going in. I moved with him this time. I kept pushing a little. He pushed back again and my swollen head pushed into him. We both froze. A few seconds, maybe, had gone by. It seemed like a long time. I lowered my chest onto his back.

"Breath," I said to him. He took a breath.

Pushing just a little more in, a loud groan escaped us both.

I felt his tightness. It was responding in little spasms. I didn't move.

I heard him sucking air through his teeth. He was tense. His whole body stiff. In a few breaths, he began to relax. His body wasn't like a board now. I kissed his neck. He shivered and pushed his hips up to take more of me. I shivered.

"Mmm," I hummed in his ear. "You feel so good."

He turned his head to the side and we kissed.

He broke the kiss and said, "Fuck me."

I lifted up just a little and then came back down pushing into him all the way this time. My body was flat on his now. I wrapped my hands under his armpits and grabbed his shoulders. I was pulling myself into him now. Pushing and pulling with my arms, my body slid down and back up on his, my hard cock moving out then deep back inside his body. I kissed his neck.

We were making noise now, lots of noise. I was grunting, TJ was moaning.

"Oh-fuck-yes-give-it-to-me," came from T in grunts.

I picked up some speed. I lifted my body off his. I started thrusting harder and faster.

"Oh fuck, T," I moaned out.

"Yes, babe," he called out. "Oh, yes. You feel so good."

We were moaning loud. Loud grunts came from me. I think we started yelling even, saying how good it was.

He was matching my moves now, pushing back meeting every thrust I gave him. Maybe a minute or two was spent like this. Then, he moved. He pulled himself forward, leaving my cock in the air. I lifted up higher as he rolled over onto his back under me. He lifted his knees in the air. I didn't wait for anything. With the help of my hand again, I was pushing back into him. I entered him fast and deep. He groaned and grunted, saying, "yes, yes, yes," with each thrust I gave him. I leaned in for some kissing, muffling our noise only slightly.

After some kissing and our tongues going at it, I lifted up again with my arms, looking down into his eyes. He smiled. I smiled. My hips were still thrusting hard, driving my hot, hard, throbbing cock in and out of him. Skin slapping skin, and the sound echoing in the room. Our, "ohs," "yeses," moaning and groaning continuing louder and louder.

"Oh yes, Shane," T yelled out. "Give me your cock! Fuck, me! Oh shit, it feels so good." "Fuck yes," I yelled. "It's so fucking hot inside you!"

It was. There was a heat between us. My throbbing cock thrusting in and pulling half way out, again and again, like a piston in a machine generating heat with the sparks flying off deep inside this man. It was our connection, a part of me inside of him, making us one. This is it. This is what I want. This, with this man, my best friend, my lover.

"I'm gonna cum," T called out.

He hadn't touched his dick. Neither had I. I wanted his seed. I wanted to taste him. I stopped my thrusts long enough to bend over and get him in my mouth and I sucked. Using all the muscles I had, I kept him in my mouth and thrust into him again, one more time, then pulled back and thrust deep and hard.

He let out a cry, "I'm cumming! Oh fuck, I'm cumming!"

I kept up the suction on the head of his cock and felt him shooting his juice in my mouth. I swallowed it all and gave a couple of thrusts more. Each time, another shot fired hard in my mouth. When I was satisfied that I had taken all he had, it was my turn to share my liquid of life with him.

Rising back up, I let his legs fall flat on the bed. I pushed up with my arms, arching my back. Then moving opposite, then arching again, lifting my head up, all to keep my throbbing cock moving in and out. Just a few more strokes.

"Yes, oh fuck yes!" I cried out. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming!"

I thrust in as deep and as hard as I could. Each thrust sending an explosion of my cream inside him. I finally collapsed onto T. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I thought I could cry. I thought he was crying. I looked at him smiling at me. I smiled back and we kissed.

"That was the best ever," I said to him, breaking the kiss.

"Oh yes, yes it was," he said, before putting his lips back to mine.

To keep up with what is going on with me and my stories, read my blog:

If you're new to my story, send your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. They are very much welcomed. Send an email to – I would love to hear from you!

-Shane S.

Next: Chapter 11

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