My American Dick

By kumar lingam

Published on Apr 9, 2013


My American Dick Chapter 3 By Kumaralingam

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My American Dick Chapter 3 By Kumaralingam

The dealings with the clients were complicated but went well. I had done my homework and could satisfy all their queries and doubts regarding our newly designed software. I could sense Dick was pleased. He was beaming at me a lot again. After we had finished meeting with the clients, we checked into the Coimbatore Holiday Inn. Our company held a corporate account there so the receptionist asked if we would like to share a suite with two bedrooms, which had a nice view of the lake.

"I always take that lake view suite," said Dick, who had come to Coimbatore a few times before on his own before.

So we were led to the suite. In the tiny hotel elevator we were a bit crushed. We stood front (me) to back (him) with our overnight bags and the bell boy. I could feel his body heat distinctly. Inside the large suite, each of us took a bedroom. We had a large sitting room with a bar and a wide balcony outside to share.

Dick tipped the bell boy who had showed us to our suite and locked the door. I stood silently looking out of the large French doors at the other end of the sitting room. The view of the lake beyond the balcony was fantastic. He went to the bar and took out a can of beer.

"Would you like one too?" he asked.

"Well as long as you don't let me get too drunk," I joked.

He brought me a can and stood beside me.

He said, "You have been so good at work all these months, Kumar, that I might even let you get drunk to let off some steam. I certainly need to."

He put an arm over my shoulder as he said this. I shivered slightly.

After the day spent in travel and meetings, I had opened the top buttons of my shirt and my smooth plump brown chest showed from the slit. I could smell him and I am sure he could smell me too. His body heat was searing one side of my body. He opened the doors, and we stepped out side by side to walk to the edge of the balcony to view the lake.

Sun was setting over the lake. The sky was red, its reflection on the water glimmered. He took a gulp and tightened his arm around me. He was a big hairy man and in the setting sun his blond curly hair and his day old stubble glowed in a copper hue. His hand went around my waist. We stood close together drinking in silence again. It was Communion.

As the sun went down, we finished our beers at the same time.

"Isn't that fucking Beau-Ti-ful..." he murmured in my ear.

"Nirwana," I mumbled.

He placed his empty can on the parapet and took mine and placed it beside it. Our eyes locked in the semi-dark. His hand exerted just the right pressure on my waist to make me turn towards him slightly. Our eyes never broke contact and he was kissing me. Our passion grew as he took my fleshy lower lip between his and sucked. His arms tightened around me as he bit and sucked on it. We both moaned in desire set free by the tropical darkness of that Coimbatore night.

"Oh shit!" he gasped and broke the kiss.

He had drawn my blood and tasted it.

"Gosh I am sorry!" he apologized.

"It's Ok," I said, placing my right hand on his chest.

We were breathing deeply: trying to take in as much of each other's smell as our nostrils could. Our mouths were open. He started raining small kisses on my face. My hair. My forehead. My eyes. My nose. My cheeks. My ears. He put his tongue in my ear and licked it. His hand slipped into my shirt. He spread his large hand on my left breast and squeezed it. I moaned again, my hand groping his hairy nipple under his T-shirt. Our hips pressed against each other.

He fucked my ear sensuously and whispered "Baby you are so hot."

His fingers were now rubbing my achingly erect teat. He pulled his face from mine and croaked,

"Let's take this inside".

I was in high haze as he led me back into the sitting room and closed the French doors shut. The air-conditioning hit my heated body in a shocking blast that brought me to ground a bit. I noticed he had opened all my buttons and my shirt was hanging open from my shoulders, my dark firm tits were erect and pumped up.

"I have wanted this for so long," he said looking deep into my eyes, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

My hands tugged at his T-shirt, "Please show me your hairy chest," I begged.

"You take it off, Baby," he urged. But he was taller than me; he was at least 6'3". So I slipped both my palms under his shirt on his sides and swept them across his torso, greedily feeling the luxurious hairy expanse of his hot flesh. He pulled me into a kiss, this time carefully taking into account my cut lip. His tongue teased mine with our mouths open. Both of us stood feeling and exploring our chests and nipples. Our eyes locked into each other.

"Please pull this off," I urged again, tugging at his t-shirt.

We parted a bit as he pulled his shirt off over his head. He revealed his magnificent blond hairy torso to me. My first white man. My boss, to boot. The intoxicating sight over-powered me.

"You like it?" he asked.

"I love your golden hair," I said, reaching out to feel his pecs again.

My fingers found and rubbed his hard erect nipples under the golden forest of hair. He pulled my shirt off my shoulders and rubbed his hands on my shoulders and back, drawing me to him again.

"I love your smooth brown skin, Baby," he said lowering his face to kiss my neck.

He sucked and licked his way to my shoulder and then inhaled to smell my closed armpit for a second. He continued to lick and kiss my fleshy brown boobs with their large dark-chocolate nipples. My nipples were big and hot, I felt they were burning. He sucked on my left nipple like a calf, taking a large portion of the surrounding boob in his hot wet mouth. I clasped his head of curly hair and moaned. I leaned against the wall, my legs spread, offering my boobs to my hungry white blond god. He kissed and licked and nipped them all over - alternating using his hand on one and his mouth on the other. Then he kissed along my bicep and dipped his tongue into my closed arm pit again.

"Ohhhh, Dick!" I whispered.

He looked up into my eyes and lifted my arm up exposing my arm pit and inhaling its smell. He closed his eyes and put his face with its open wet mouth to my pit and licked it voraciously. After satisfying himself, he stood up and brought those wet hot lips to mine to let me taste my own smell in his mouth.

Our chests now rubbed against each other. My smooth fleshy brown boobs against his hairy blond pecs. We looked at each other breathing heavily. He cupped both my tits in has large hands and pulled them to rub them on his hairy chest and nipples. I gasped and slipped my hands up his sides to shyly explore his blond moist armpits. He squeezed my boobs harder in appreciation and opened his arms a bit to give me more access. I dipped into his deep arm pits with my small brown fingers and then brought them up to my nose to smell and taste. The smell made me mad. In a second I was burying my face on his blond hairy armpit wildly licking it to drink in his sweat. My cut lip stung when the salt in his perspiration touched the cut. I stepped back panting, licking my own lips. Now he was wantonly flaunting his half naked body to me. My hairy, blond Adonis. His narrow hips contained an unbelievably large and lewd basket that was radiating a heat of its own. He pulled my face to his again. He kissed me gently, and pulled my right hand and placed it on his palpitating hot crotch.

"Do Want me Kumar? Do you want my big white cock, baby?" he asked pressing my hand on his steel hard organ.

"It is so Huge!" I said in awe.

"I want to see you naked, baby," he murmured, cupping my hard six plus inches in my pants.

I was leaking precum like a faucet and I could feel the wetness in my briefs. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him squeezing his crotch.

"Take me Dick, make me yours, please," I moaned.

He pulled me into his bedroom and opened my belt and pants. I wiggled my hips and legs out of them. I bent down and took off my shoes and stood up to face him in my briefs with my dripping rock hard cock straining inside them. He had taken off his pants and shoes and his boxers were tented grotesquely. H e pushed me on to the bed and lay down beside me. We just lay panting gazing at each other's almost naked bodies. Then he very deliberately took my hand in his and brought it to his face to smell and kiss and lick it with broad strokes of his tongue. Then he took it down his hairy torso slowly, my fingers raking his blond fur. With his other hand he pulled on the elastic of his boxers and put my hand inside it. I opened my fingers to grasp and feel his humongous cockhead, hot and pulsing and wet with precum. The sweet and musky smell of his precum assailed my senses.

"Ohhhh, Dick ......" I gasped as I groped his slick blunt cockhead with one hand.

With the other I cupped his hairy balls and then looked up at him.

He now lay still, his eyes closed, offering me his body to feel and enjoy. His cock was at least nine inches, and very thick. It curved slightly upwards. His cock was cut and its head was blunt with a pronouncedly flaring corona. His crotch had a nice bush of golden hair that trailed to his navel, where his precum was pooling. His balls were bunched tightly in his scrota. I bent down to smell his cockhead. It smelt like heaven. I started to lick. His cock pulsed as my tongue tentatively tasted it. I loved the taste and opened my mouth wide to swallow the leaking cockhead. He opened his legs wide and groaned loudly.

"Fuck! Take it Baby!!!!"

His hands clasped my head and he bucked his hips to drive in his cock a bit more deep into my sucking licking mouth. His cock pulsed and throbbed in my mouth as I tried to accommodate more of it but could barely take a third of it in my mouth. All I could do was cup his balls in my palm and suck on his cock as hard as I could.

"Oh man. Oh man... Oh bay-by!"

He was muttering writhing and heaving his large, white muscular body. Then I went down to suck on his hairy balls. I licked under them and that set him off on another groaning spree. He pulled my mouth back on his cock and I tried to deep throat as much as I could. But I don't think I could take in even half of it. Just as my mouth was tiring of the stretch, he pulled me up from his cock and kissed me, his tongue tasting his own precum in my mouth.

"Oh Kumar, baby, you are so sexy... I have wanted this for so long," he told me.

I kissed him back licking and tasting his face and his ears. He pulled me over his body and now I lay upon him looking deeply into his eyes. He slipped his hands into the waist band of my briefs and grasped both my big round ass cheeks in each of his hands. I bent my mouth to his in a kiss. I rubbed my smooth brown body on his pale hairy one. His hands squeezed my ass and a finger explored my crack. That was enough to set me over the edge.

I clutched him hard and shuddered violently crying out loudly, "Aaaaaa...aaaaaah...".

I had cum a gallon on his crotch and tummy!!!

I was panting.


The air was laden with the smell of my cum. I was embarrassed and confused by my sudden ejaculation. I lay limp on him till he gently turned me on my back in the bed. He then gathered my cum from his tummy and pubic area in his fingers and rubbed it on his throbbing nine inch cock. He lowered himself to my waist and pulled off my briefs. My cock was still hard against my belly.

The sight seemed to drive him crazy.

He went about kissing and licking my cockhead and crotch till he had licked and eaten every drop of my cream. Then he lay back beside me and gathered me in his arms and kissed me giving me a taste of my own cum. Then his hands went to his cock and he quickly masturbated himself furiously, while kissing me. I reached down and gripped his balls, gently squeezing them.

"OH BABY! BABY TAKE MY CUM!" he cried, drenching me neck downwards in thick ropes of white American cream.

Next: Chapter 4

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