My American Dick

By kumar lingam

Published on May 2, 2013



My American Dick Chapter By Kumaralingam

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My American Dick Chapter 13

By Kumaralingam

We kissed and said sweet things to each other for a while. He told me that he had not had sex in a very long time. His wife had cut him off sex even before she left for America. In any case, he said when he got sex he seemed to need a lot of it. He told me in his experience he got much better sex with bottom guys than any women he had fucked. I told him I had never had such intense sex ever. And that I had never been with a woman.

Then he went for his bath and I straightened out the bed, thanking Dick for having brought the large towel to absorb the liquid and aromatic evidence of our love making. After Dick was done with his bath, I went for mine and got ready. We went down to the main cottage for a late breakfast around 9 AM. The fat Englishman was sitting in the veranda having coffee and smoking a cigarette. He waved Good Morning to us as we went past to the dining room.

Raghu brought us glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice and asked our choice of breakfast. Dick asked for scrambled eggs on toast and I opted for the South Indian Idli -- Saambar, a South Indian favourite made of steamed rice and lentils. Both of us had that well-fucked-feeling and in-love-look in our eyes. We kept smiling at each other for no reason. I could still feel the heat of his cock in my ass.

Raghu brought us a big pot of Nilgiri Coffee and suggested we might like to meet the Englishman who owned the property in the veranda. We took our cups of coffee outside and were introduced to Percy. He was a jolly, roly-poly man with a florid complexion from the county of Wessex in England. I noticed he could be a little younger than I had taken him to be the night before when I spied him in his room. He told us he was studying the flora and fauna of the Western Ghats in India and was trying to get the Western Ghats declared a World Heritage Zone by the UNESCO. He was quite camp in his manner, exaggerating his gestures and facial expressions. He wore a pale blue cotton shirt with floral patterns in pink. His golf pants were white and he wore pink loafers on his feet. His balding head was now protected by a straw hat that sported a pink hibiscus flower in its band. A very stylish queen indeed.

Dick told him we were friends and colleagues from Coimbatore working on a software project. He said he had brought me here to be able to work with concentration and peace over the weekend.

"Oh Darlings! We can't distract you from work then, can we now ..." said Percy, adding, "But I was going with Raghu to the market this morning and thought you might like to come along to sight see."

I could sense Dick's unease at the thought of going to the market with this flaming Brit queen. He looked at me and then said, "A stroll would do us some good, but not to the market thanks. Besides, we have some work to finish."

"Oh, in that case you young men can go and view the Elm's Rock!" pouted Percy,

"Raghu's taking his truck as he needs to shop for meat and veggies. I think I'll be better off keeping him company."

We asked him where we would find the Elm's Rock. He said it was close by, a little downhill as one followed the stream by the cottage. Raghu nodded in quiet agreement and then said, "Whatever you do, be careful, this is a wild forest."

They set off in Raghu's Tata Sumo SUV towards town and we started on our trek through the forest. The winding track took us through the beautiful rain forest. It was lush and green; freshly washed from yesterday's rain. Exotic birds cooed and Lion-tailed Macaques chattered in the trees. We walked briskly for a while, till we turned a corner and came upon the mountain stream again. We left the path and descended along the edge of the stream. A little further down the hill, we saw a very large rock pool—almost a small lake about 300 metres in circumference. On its edge was a huge rock balanced against another rock the same size; and beside this natural rock shelter was a most beautiful large old elm tree.

"This must be the Elm's Rock," said Dick freezing at the spot.

It was a most wondrous sight. The green rain forest surrounded the large placid pool of water and all sorts of ferns, mosses and orchids grew out of crannies in rocks and barks. The surface of the pool reflected the blue of the sky dotted with white wisps of cloud. We stood in awe and silence for several minutes, taking in the sheer beauty of nature. Then a small missile hit the surface of water with a splash. And an aquamarine kingfisher emerged with a fish in its beak and flew off to its perch on a tree.

We both let out a breath in unison and looked at each other. Dick put an arm around me and drew me to his side. By unspoken agreement we walked up to Elm's Rock with his arm around my hips and my arm around his shoulder. The two huge granite rocks made a kind of a deep tent open on two sides, although the farther opening -- close to the trunk of the elm tree -- was much smaller. Towards the bank of the water the shaded ground was carpeted with a most fascinating moss with star shaped leaves and delicate pink flowers. Dick bent down to pick one and placed it behind my ear and took my hands in his and looked at me intensely. I thought he was about to say something when he shook his head and led me to the natural rock shelter.

It was about six feet at its widest and tapered off to gap of about two feet at its far end. The depth of the rocks was about four feet. As we entered it we saw that the upright rock had painted figures of men and animals in burnt umber and white. On closer inspection we saw a depiction of a pre-historical hunting scene and men dancing around a feast fire. And tucked away on one side, were two male figures unmistakeably copulating. One had his enormous upwardly curved penis inserted between the other's backside. The penis of the one bent forward getting fucked was dripping drops of what could only be semen on the ground. Dick took in a sharp breath and his hand slipped from my waist gripping my ass. I stood transfixed.

We stood silent for a minute and then Dick burst out, "Awsome! I feel we were destined to ..." he paused, and added "... come here."

He turned and lifted my face to draw me into a kiss that lasted till eternity. When we broke for breath, we continued to stare into each other's eyes, his hands gripping my ass and my arms around his neck.

"Do you feel it baby?" He asked, squeezing my ass. "Do you feel that this ass was made for me?"

I nodded silently and then murmured a confession, "I feel your cock was made for my ass ... I can still feel its heat and girth in my ass."

"Oh baby! You do? I do too!" he said, hugging me tight.

We kissed again sealing our love. And then we sat down under the shade of the rock shelter deeply moved – even a bit shaken -- by the primeval magic of Elm's Rock.

Then we heard a clatter of hoofs on rocks near the water's edge. A herd of Nilgiri tahir had wandered to the pool for a mid-day drink. They were a group of eight, comprising a big male saddleback and his four cows and three kids. We watched silently for a while till they had their fill of water and disappeared back into the forest.

The sky was beginning to get overcast again. Dick got up suddenly and said, "Come let's go back, it is getting to be lunchtime."

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