My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jan 10, 2022


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 9

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 9. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 9 - Irving

I got the sleepies out of my eyes and picked up the phone. It was Cal calling. I wonder why he's calling so early. "Hi Cal, what's up?"

"Hope I didn't wake you?"

"No. I was just getting ready to get up."

"I have to go to work early and was wondering if you were still inviting me to your party for Graham?"

"Oh my god Cal. I'm so sorry. I forgot all about calling you back. I've had the party, but come over anytime after work and we can have our own party. Maybe that will be a good payback."

"No problem Bob. But I will take you up on your offer to come over after work. I better get ready for work here. Will call before I come over."

"Ok cal. I apologize again for not calling you. Don't work too hard and maybe I'll see you soon?"

"Might give you a call later and be over today after work."

"Sounds good. Look forward to getting together."

I thought I better get out of bed and downstairs to work out. Holden is probably already here or on his way.

I went downstairs to the locker room. Holden wasn't there yet. I'm sure it wouldn't be long before he arrived. I heard some noise upstairs and then I saw Holden walking down the stairs. He had a small gym bag with him. He was wearing jeans and a tshirt. I told him to pick a locker and he could store his gym bag and clothes there. He took a locker close to me. We both stripped our clothes off and put on gym shorts. Nothing else. Holden said he would follow my routine and then would say if I should make any changes. We warmed up on the treadmills and then went to the free weights. Holden started first and I spotted for him. Wanted him to see my semi hardon. Then we switched and Holden spotted for me. Could see he had a nice chubby started. We finished working out and used the shower in the locker room. The shower was big and would easily fit the two of us. We washed each other and then gave each other blow jobs. We hadn't done any fucking yet. I was curious to find out how good Holden was. But I wasn't going to push it. I would let him initiate the fucking when he was ready. We dried off and changed into our work clothes. I had brought clothes down to change into. I was sure Margaret would be here getting breakfast ready. I had left Margaret a post it note, to make breakfast for two. We finished getting dressed and went upstairs. Just like I thought, Margaret was busy getting breakfast finished. I introduced Margaret to Holden and told her we would be working out every morning. Holden works at the fitness center and is also a sports physical therapist. Margaret seemed impressed. We ate our breakfast and it was time to get to work. Holden thanked Margaret and we left. Holden told me he enjoyed working out with me and would see me tomorrow morning. We left for work.

The day went pretty smooth. Just routine health care all day. Ate lunch at the diner and Millie was being a big flirt as always. I was getting ready to leave when my phone rang. I was in my office. It was Graham calling. "Hi Graham, what's up?"

"Are you still at work?"

"Yeah, but I was getting ready to leave."

"I'm calling to let you know I won't be able to make it until Friday evening. I had a couple of snags here finalizing the purchase of the building and it's taking me an extra day to get everything back on track."

"No problem love. I will look forward to seeing you on Friday."

"Ok, great. See you early Friday evening. Love you. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses too. Until Friday."

I got home and Margaret left a note that she left a little early. She had an appointment that she couldn't miss. I've told her many times she doesn't have to explain to me when she leaves early. I went upstairs and stripped down. Always feels good to get out of my work clothes. I wasn't going to workout. I wasn't sure how soon Cal would be here. Still no call from Drake. I thought I'd give him a quick call before Cal gets here. I speed dialed Drake's number. But it didn't ring. It didn't look like his phone was turned off. It must have been a low battery. Strange. I thought I'd wait awhile and maybe I would get a call from him.

I heard Cal pull in. He knew where the secret button was for the gate. He came up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I answered the door in all my naked glory. "Very nice Bob." Cal looked serious and had his work face on. We hugged and kissed and went into the living room. I asked him if he wanted me to undress him. He said to hold on a minute he had a couple of questions for me.

He asked me, "have you talked to Drake recently?"

I told Cal, "Drake left Sunday and never called when he got home. I tried calling him Monday and Tuesday and I just tried again before you got here and no answer."

"Well I don't know how to say this any other way. But I received a missing person's report on Drake. They contact all the counties in case he shows up in another county. We then can notify the authorities from the county he's from."

"What exactly does that mean Cal?"

"Your brother tried caling him and didn't get an answer. He went to Drake's house and nobody was home and his car was gone. Reggie went to the sheriff's and filed a missing person's report. The deputies were going to check out the county and see if they could locate him. That's all the information I have so far."

"That's very strange. It's not like Drake to just take off and not call me."

"That's what I thought too. But like I said. This is all the information I have."

"How about if you undress me and we have some fun to make up for that party I never went to?"

Cal stood up and I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Then slid his undershirt off. Rubbed his pecs and nips. Licking and biting on his nips. They got immediately hard. Could see Cal bulging his pants. I then undid the belt and top button. Slid his zipper down and slowly lowered his pants. Took his shoes and socks off so I could finish removing his pants. His boxers were tented and looked like they were ready to rip apart. Slowly slid his boxers down and moved his hardon so I could take them off. There was a big drop of precum on the head. I licked it off and that made Cal moan and shudder. He sat back down on the sofa leaning back with his legs spread. I got down between his legs. I lifted his cock and sucked on his big balls. He was squirming around. Then went to the head and devoured his cock to the root. I love deep throating Cal's big cock and he was enjoying it too. He held the back of my head and helped me to take all of his cock down my throat. I worked his cock good with my throat muscles. He soon was panting and gasping and shot out a huge load down my throat. He tasted great when I swallowed his load. He said, "wow, that was fantastic."

I told him, "we aren't done yet. That was just the warmup."

He liked that idea. I told him I was going to get us a couple of beers. I went to the kitchen and came back with two cold beers for us. We sat close together. We did a lot of feeling and touching. I didn't think Cal was really into making out but he was surprising me. I leaned over and we kissed. Cal was a pretty good kisser. He told me that he wasn't too much into the lovey dovey stuff but he liked it with me. I told to do just what he was comfortable with. We finished our beer and decided to head to the bedroom and get into some serious love making. I fucked Cal slowly and took my time. Cal wasn't big on being fucked, but he liked it when I fucked him and was slow and gentle. Cal was recharged and he fucked me with his big, almost ten inch fat cock. Damn he was good at fucking. He always gives my prostate a good workout which makes me cum quick. Cal sucked me while he fucked me. One more rub on my prostate and I was filling his mouth with a big load. That caused me to squeeze his cock and he filled my ass with a big load. We lay back exhausted. Once we regained our normal breathing we went downstairs and I grabbed us a couple more beers. We watched a bit of tv and Cal told me he should be leaving he wanted to stop by the station and see if there was anymore news about Drake. We sipped on our beer hugging and kissing and when we finished our beer. I told Cal I would dress him. He liked that idea. Gave his cock a couple of good sucks and then I had him dressed. We kissed and hugged some more before he left. He told me he would let me know as soon as he had more information about Drake. I watched Cal leave.

Wow that was quite a time with Cal. He sure surprised me with the hugging and kissing and letting me fuck him. I watched a movie until I got tired and went to bed. Set the alarm so I would be up and ready to work out with Holden. With my work out with Cal, I went right to sleep.

It was Thursday morning at the new constuction site. Reggie checked and all the guys were there except for Drake. He noticed that Butch was being more unruly than normal. He seemed agitated and very nervous. Reggie thought he would talk to him after he finished roll call and made the job assignments. Normally, he would have Drake do this. But since Drake wasn't here he had to do it. One of the workers asked Reggie where Drake was. He told the worker that he didn't know. He had tried calling him but there was no answer. He may show up soon. Reggie noticed Butch sweating and bouncing from one foot to the other liked need to take a leak. Reggie finished his meeting with his workers and they dispersed to their jobs.

Reggie was just about to start walking over to Butch when Butch walked up to Reggie. "What's going on with you Butch. You look like a deer in the headlights."

"Is there somewhere we can go and talk privately?"

"Let's go to my truck and talk there."

They walked over to Reggie's truck which was away from the other workers. "So what do you need to tell me Butch?"

"I don't know any other way to tell you this. But I know where Drake is."

Reggie was getting frustrated with Butch and he rarely swore but he said, "what in the hell do you mean you know where Drake is?"

"Let me show you." Reggie followed Butch to the unlocked storage shed. Reggie wasn't liking this. Reggie followed Butch in and they walked to a dark back corner. Butch removed the tarp and Reggie saw Drake slumped down behind some barrels. "What happened here Butch and tell me right now and don't leave anything out."

"Well Butch started stammering. Well it's like this boss. I was jealous of Drake getting the foreman position. I thought I was a good worker and had earned it. I also found out Drake was one of those people. What are they called? Fags queers homos. That really set me off. We don't need those kind of people working construction. So I followed Drake around and found out his schedule during our days off. I followed him out here to the constuction site. Drake was checking it out. I snuck up behind him and hit him behind the head with a rock. I heard a crack and he slumped down. I dragged him to the shed and put him behind the barrels and put the tarp over."

"You know I need to call the sheriff and an investigation will need to be done and you will need to give a statement."

"Whatever you need to do boss."

"Don't fucking call me boss. I'm really pissed and upset. You know you really fucked up. You've done it big time."

Butch had never seen Reggie mad or upset, he was usually pretty easy going. He knew he really screwed up this time in a big way.

Reggie called all the workers together and told them they had the rest of the day off. They looked at each other surprised. That's all I can tell you guys at this time. Of course this means were going to have to work extra to stay on schedule. Butch looked like he was getting ready to leave. "Where the hell do you think you're going Butch?"

"Didn't think you'd need me anymore today."

"That's right you didn't think. You will stay right here where I can see you while I call the sheriff."

The last of the workers left and Reggie called the sheriff and explained what he knew and where he was located. The sheriff told Reggie he would be there with a couple deputies in about ten minutes. Reggie just glared at Butch until the sheriff arrived. He was thinking about his brother, Bob and how he was going to tell him about Drake. He knew Drake was his lover and soulmate and had finally found someone he cared about. This wasn't going to be easy. He might have to take a drive down and spend a couple of days with Bob.

Suddenly he heard the police coming. Lights flashing and sirens going. They screeched to halt in a big cloud of dust. The sheriff told the deputies to stay with Butch. I showed the sheriff where Drake's body was. The sheriff told me he would have to get the county coroner here to write a report on the cause of death and approximate time. In the meantime they would get a statement from Butch and he would be booked and arrested. The deputies hauled Butch off to the station while the sheriff called the county coroner. Sheriff told me the coroner would be here in a few minutes. The sheriff asked me about Butch and what I knew about him as a person. I told him everything I knew. Soon we saw a dark blue SUV pull up. The county coroner got out and we took him to Drake. The coroner pronounced him dead with a blunt object striking the back of the skull causing death. The coroner figured with the condition of the body he had been dead for a couple of days. The coroner had called an ambulance to take the body to the county morgue where the coroner could do more investigation.

The sheriff told me that was all they could do for now. If he had more information later, he would contact me. He asked me how I was. I told him mad, upset and really pissed. The sheriff told me he understood and it would be best if I went home and tried to relax. The sheriff asked me if he should follow me home to make sure I got there ok. I told him no. That wasn't necessary. It was just a shock and that I'd get over it and be ready for work tomorrow. The sheriff told me he was sorry and mentioned again that he would give me any knew information if something came up. I thanked the sheriff and we both left the construction site.

As I drove home I was wondering how I was going to tell Bob. I thought I'd give the county sheriff, in our hometown, a call first and see if I should mention anything to Bob yet.

I heard the alarm going off and thought I better get up right away and be ready to work out when Holden got here. Splashed a little water on my face to finish waking up. Went down to the locker room and Holden scared the crap out of me. I didn't expect to see him yet. Holden started laughing. "You look surprised to see me."

"Yeah I thought I was the only one here. You were really quiet."

"I snuck in through the gate."

"Very funny."

I was naked and Holden was stripping down to get into his work out clothes. I couldn't stop staring at his body. He looked so good. He looked like he was sculpted. He was perfection at it's best. Holden saw me staring at him and just smiled. "Do you like what you see?"

"Very much. I wish I looked half as good as you."

"You look good to me Bob. You've kept yourself in good shape."

We helped each other into our gym clothes. Of course paying special attention to our cocks and balls. We were both hard when we were dressed. We worked out with our hardons and did the same work out as yesterday morning. We finished and used the shower in the locker room. We cleaned each other again and Holden had me lean against the wall. I felt him spread my cheeks and soon his warm tongue was licking and lapping at my hole. I saw him soap a couple of fingers and he eased them into my hole getting it stretched for his thick cock. Then he lathered his cock real good. Eased the head in and then shoved the rest in until his balls were hitting my ass. He wasn't as gentle as I would have liked but I didn't feel any pain and I soon adjusted to his cock in my hole. He reached around and stroked me while he fucked me. He soon had me pushing back on him to drive his cock deeper into me. We didn't last long until we both were shooting big loads. We cleaned each other off. Dried each other and got dressed for work. I mentioned to Holden that he was welcome to spend a weekend whenever he wanted. He liked that idea and said he would check his schedule and get back to me. But at the moment he didn't see any problem since it would be on a weekend. But he wanted to double check to be sure.

We went upstairs and both said good morning to Margaret. She had breakfast ready for me. She motioned for me to follow her to a private area. She must have wanted to ask me something. "Is something wrong Margaret?"

"Oh no Bob. Everything is perfect. I wanted you to tell Graham when you see him or talk to him that I thank him for hiring my niece as his secretary. She was so excited when she gave me the news and I was very happy for her. I know she needs the job."

"It will be my pleasure to tell him. Graham will be coming this weekend and probably live here with me. I will tell him, but I think it would mean more if he heard it from you."

"Ok Bob. I will be sure to tell Graham thank you."

Walked back to where Holden and I were eating breakfast. Holden gave me a funny look and I told him it wasn't anything about him. But a private matter that Margaret didn't want you to hear. Holden was ok with that. We finished our breakfast. Said our good byes to Margaret and said our own private good byes in the garage and left for work.

Cal had just entered his office to start his day when he got a call from the sheriff in the county where Drake resided. The sheriff told Cal about Butch and what had happened to Drake. Cal was silent for a bit and the sheriff asked him if he was still on the phone. He told the sheriff sorry, just that he wasn't expecting that kind of news about Drake. The sheriff asked Cal if he could tell Bob. He said Reggie was pretty shaken about the whole thing and wasn't sure how he was going to tell his brother. This way I can tell Reggie that your going to break the news to Bob and he won't have to. That it's police business still under investigation and that's why you're telling Bob. Cal agreed but told him it wouldn't be an easy thing to do. The sheriff understood but thought I'd be the best person to tell Bob.

Bob got to work and his cell phone rang. Luckily it was before he was with his first patient. It was Cal calling. "Hi Cal you have any more information about Drake?"

"That's why I'm calling. I've been receving information from the sheriff where Drake is from. Probably be receiving more on and off all day. Was wondering if it was ok if I came over tonight and tell you everything that the sheriff has told me?"

"Of course. You know about what time I get home from work. And I'll be expecting you with a cold beer."

"Ok. I'll see you after work and hopefully I will have more information by then. I don't want to keep you. Talk to you tonight. Bye."


That's good. I hope Cal has some good news for me. I've been worried sick about Drake. I still have the sick feeling in my stomach and it won't go away until I know what's happened to my lover.

I couldn't wait for the day to finish so I could get home and talk to Cal and find out what's going on with Drake and why I haven't heard from him. Work seemed to drag. I couldn't get Drake out of my mind and at times it was hard to concentrate which wasn't good. I took a couple of breaks, drank a lot of water but nothing was helping. Finally the day finished and I headed home.

Margaret was leaving when I got home. I told her good night. Just got in the house and my phone rang. It was Irving. I had forgot about Irving. He wanted to know if we were still going to get together. I told him why not plan on coming over for the weekend. He liked that idea and told me he would be here after work and he had the weekend off. I stripped down and grabbed a beer. I thought a beer might calm my nerves until I talked with Cal. I hope he gets here soon.

Cal was thinking how he was going to tell Bob about Drake. This was the part of his job he didn't like and it was going to be especially hard when it's a close friend. It's easier to tell someone when they are strangers, but Bob is like family. Cal kept driving slow and taking his time, he wasn't in any hurry to get to Bob's. Cal had packed some extra clothes in case he stayed overnight with Bob. He couldn't delay it any longer and pulled into Bob's. He pressed the hidden button and drove in and parked in front of the big four stall garage.

Bob thought he had heard a car outside. He walked to the window and saw Cal walking up to the front door. Cal was getting ready to press the doorbell when Bob opened the door. Cal walked in. Bob and Cal hugged and gave each other a peck on the cheek. Bob noticed that Cal looked serious, he had his work face on again. Bob and Cal walked into the living and took a seat. Bob asked Cal if he wanted to get comfortable, while he got them a couple of beers. Cal stood up and stripped his clothes off while Bob got the beers. Bob got back and handed Cal his beer. They sat close to each other on the couch. Neither one saying anything. Cal was just looking straight ahead. He was thinking how he was going to start this. Bob was anxious to know what information Cal had about Drake.

Finally Cal spoke, "I received information today about Drake from the sheriff in the other county. They found Drake at the new construction site."

"How is he," asked Bob? Why hasn't he called me?"

Cal gave a big sigh. "They found Drake's body in an unlocked storage shed. He had trauma to the back of his skull and had bleed to death."

There I finally got it out. All Bob did was just stare straight ahead. Not saying anything and started shaking uncontrollably. Cal brought Bob to him and held him tight. Bob still didn't say anything. Cal thought he was probably in shock. Finally Cal say tears running down Bob's cheeks.

Bob started sobbing and gasping for air. Cal let up a bit on the hugging. Bob put his arms around Cal and held him close. "Cal I've lost my lover and soulmate."

Cal had to fight back the tears. "Just try to remember all the good times you two had together."

"Do they know who is responsible for Drake's death and have they found any murder weapon?"

"The report stated that one of your brother's workers killed Drake with a large rock. It was a hate crime. The rock cracked the back of the skull and Drake bleed to death."

"Has the worker been arrested and charged?"

"Yes. He's been booked and is in the county jail. He confessed to the killing."

"Do you know when the funeral will be and if Drake had any family. He never mentioned his relatives to me."

"I don't have that information yet Bob. But as soon as I do, I will pass it on to you."

"I brought a change of clothes if you would like me to spend the night."

"I'd like that a lot. I will still go to work tomorrow until I know when and where the funeral will be."

Bob asked Cal if he would get them a couple more beers from the kitchen frig. Cal got up and got a couple more beers. While Cal wss gone Bob was thinking about Drake. He already missed him and was wondering how he was going to get by without feeling Drake next to him, their phone calls and weekend get togethers. Cal came back and handed Bob a beer. Cal sat next to Bob and they hugged some more.

Cal wasn't good at helping Bob the way he needed, but he was trying his best. All this hugging wasn't really his ball game. Cal finally convinced Bob it would be good to go to bed and try to get some sleep. Bob was really out of it and just walked with Cal up to his bedroom. They crawled into bed and Cal snuggled up to him. Cal heard Bob breathing deeply and knew he was asleep. He was hoping Bob would sleep all night. Finally Cal nodded off.

Cal was an early riser. He liked to get to the office early and check if had received any reports. He was especially interested to see if he would receive more information from Drake's county sheriff. Cal tried to be quiet not to wake Bob. He took a quick shower and got dressed. He would head home quick and put on his uniform and go to the office. Bob was stirring in bed. Bob said, "Drake are you up already?" Bob was still half awake and half asleep. It wasn't even 6:00am yet.

"No Bob. I'm Cal and stayed with you last night."

Bob was rubbing his eyes and then he remembered everything and flood gates opened again. Cal sat down next to Bob on the bed and tried to comfort him and told Bob that Holden would be coming soon to work out and he should get up and go downstairs and get ready for a good work out. Bob composed himself and told Cal that he could handle it if he needed to leave. Cal asked him if he was sure and Bob told him he would be ok.

Bob followed Cal downstairs and they kissed good bye. Cal told Bob if that he received more information he would let him know and come over again after work. Bob watched Cal leave to his car. Bob thought he saw Cal talking to someone. It was Holden. Cal told Holden a little of what had happened and was glad he was here so Bob wouldn't be by himself.

Bob saw Cal leave and Holden walk up to the front door. It surprised Holden when Bob opened the door for him and let him in. They talked for a bit and then went downstairs to the locker room. Holden could tell Bob had been crying. His eyes were red and there were tear stains down his cheeks. Holden pulled Bob in for a long hug and gave him a long passionate kiss. Bob seemed to regain himself. They both got dressed. Did their warmup and reps and put in about an hour and a half work out. Bob felt much better after the work out and having Holden with him.

After a good nights rest. I was starting to come to terms with Drake's death. It was hard, but I was coping. I was glad the construction worker admitted to killing Drake. I hoped he wouldn't get a reduced sentence for admitting to the murder. Life in prison would be a good sentence. I was hoping Cal would receive information on Drake's funeral. I wanted to see my lover my one last time and tell him I much I missed him and I hope he's with his first love Pete. Holden was talking to me. "Bob, you ok. You look like your miles away."

"Sorry Holden. I was lost in thought about Drake."

"Was wondering if you were ready to shower?"

"Yeah. I need a shower.

We took a shower together. Washed each other. And jerked each other off. We dried off and dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret was glad to see Holden. She was looking at me funny. Holden mentioned to Margaret that he wanted to talk to her in private. I knew what they were going to talk about. But I was glad Holden was telling Margaret about Drake and not me. That would still be hard to do. They came back and Margaret seemed ok. We ate breakfast and we left for work. We kissed and hugged in the garage and then took off for work.

Work went well. I was able to concentrate on work and not forget, but not let Drake's death get me down. Every hour and every day made it a bit easier for me. Went for lunch at the diner. Millie was being your regular flirtatious self. Which helped to get me in a better mood. Millie told me she had her appointment this afternoon for the lab results. I ate my lunch and left. Walked back to the clinic feeling much better. I had a few minutes before my first afternoon patient. That gave me a little time to look over Millie's lab results on her gynecology exam. Everything was normal and tested negative. I was glad for Millie.

Afternoon was zipping by and Janice told me Millie was in the exam room waiting for me. I picked up her lab results and walked into the exam room. Millie was sitting on the exam table and told her to take a seat here by the desk. I opened the envelope and took out her lab results. Read them over one more time and told Millie that everything checked out normal and her results were negative. I asked Millie if she had any questions. "Just one Dr. Bob. When should I schedule my next exam?"

I smiled to myself. "With your negative test results and age, you wouldn't need another exam for a couple of years. But if you want to schedule an exam for next year, that's your decision." I handed Millie the envelope with her test results. She seemed pleased and left the exam room. What a lady that Millie. Most women don't look forward to gynecology exams and I think Millie would have one every day if she could.

Finished my last patient. Told Janice and Shirley goodbye and went home. Margaret was still working and asked me how my day went. I knew she was concerned about me. I told her my day went well and I was feeling much better. She seemed pleased with that. She finished whatever she was doing and told me bye and left.

I went upstairs and stripped down. Wasn't going to work out. Wanted to stay close to the phone in case Cal called with more information. Grabbed a beer out of the frig and went to the living room and watched the news. Soon my phone started ringing. It was Holden. "Hi Holden, what's happening?"

"Wanted to give you a call and see how you were doing. Was wondering if you still wanted me to spend the weekend?"

"I told him thanks for calling and thinking about me." I told him sure, come over for the weekend. He said he would be over Friday after work. I told him perfect and looked forward to having him here.

Went back to watching the news and then I got a call from Graham. "Hi Graham, how you doing?"

"Doing great lover. I will still be coming Friday to start work and start living with you."

"Thanks babe for calling. I have a lot to tell you when you get here. I can't wait to feel you holding me and kissing."

"Is everything ok. You sounded like you were going to start crying. I'm ok. Like I said. I have a lot to tell you when you get here."

"You have me worried Bob. You sure your ok? I wish I was there right now."

"I'm ok and doing much better. Can't wait for you be here. Love you so much."

"Love you too. I have a meeting in a couple of minutes and will see you tomorrow evening. Bye love."

"Bye lover. See you soon."

Just finished talking with Graham and Irving called. "Hi Irving."

"Hey Bob, was wondering if this weekend was still on. Looking forward to spending some time with you."

"For sure Irving. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. When can you make it here?"

"I was thinking I would come Friday after work. I will get done early and could be to your place around six or six thirty."

"That's perfect Irving. Look forward to you being here. Remember I invited a few other guys and we usually go around naked. Hope that won't be a problem for you?"

"No problem at all. Makes me more anxious to be there. I just took a break from work and need to get back to work. See you tomorrow."

"Looking forward to tomorrow and the weekend. Bye."

I'm going to have a few guys spending the weekend. That's great. It will be good to be surrounded by close friends. I still haven't heard from Cal. Was hoping he would give me a call. The news ended and I was getting hungry.

Went to the kitchen and warmed my dinner. Took my dinner and a cup of coffee to the living room and finished watching the news. Flipped through the sports channels but nothing on I wanted to watch. Checked out the movie channels and found a good movie that had already started. Was finishing my dinner when the phone rang. It was Cal. "Hi Cal, was wondering if you would call."

"Just received some more information and wanted to pass it on to you. I won't be able to come over. I'm having a very busy day and will be in the office until late in the evening.

"No problem Cal. Just glad you called. So what information do you have for me?"

"The info I received from the sheriff said that Drake's funeral would be at 4:00pm on Saturday at the Lakeside Funeral Chapel. It seems Drake had a sister and she took care of all the funeral arrangements. As far as you attending the funeral. I don't see any problem. As far as I know, no other relatives have come forward. I know your brother and some of the construction workers will be attending the funeral. That's all the information I have."

"That's so much for sharing the information with me. I will be sure to attend. Was wondering if you wanted to spend the weekend. It would be nice to have you here. There will be a few other guys here and maybe that would help to make up for the party I forgot to tell you about."

"A little party sounds good. I can come tomorrow after work. I will be finishing early. Get to your place after you get home from work."

"That sounds perfect Cal. Look forward to you being here. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses to you too. You know your the only one that gets away with the hugs and kisses?"

"I know and I appreciate that you share those hugs and kisses with me."

"Well Bob. I'm having a very busy evening and better get back to work. See you tomorrow evening. Bye."


Great. I heard from Cal. I definitely will be attending the funeral. I hope Graham will go with me. The rest of the guys can stay here in the house. We will return after the funeral. It will be late, but it's the weekend and we will be able to sleep in. I know the guys won't destroy the house while I'm gone. They can get better acquainted and have some fun together. I will order some more appetizers tomorrow at work and maybe have some food catered. Will have to give that some thought. I could have it delivered before I get home from work. I would just give Margaret a heads up about the caterers coming.

It was still early enough and thought I'd make a couple of calls. Call the caterers for the appetizers and see what they offered for delivery. I looked up their number on my cell phone. Called Express Caterers. "Hello, this is Express Caterers, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Dr. Bob and I've ordered from you in the past."

"Hi Bob, I remember you. I took and placed your order the last time. Be glad to help you anyway I can."

"I would like to order four of your large trays of assorted appetizers. And do you have any specials on dinners or assorted dinner plates?"

"Four large assorted appetizer trays. Ok good. We have two specials right now. One is a seafood variety plate. The other is what we call our meat lovers tray. That has roast beef, pork loin, chicken, turkey, pork and beef ribs. They both sound good. I think I will order two each of the specials. I would like to have this delivered around three or four tomorrow afternoon."

"Ok Bob, let me confirm your order. You want four large trays of appetizers, two trays of the seafood variety and two trays of the meat lovers. To be delivered around three or four tomorrow afternoon. Is that correct?"

"Yes. That will be perfect. Have the delivery person push the speaker and my housekeeper will let them in."

"Ok Bob. Thank you for ordering from Express Caterers and we will get right on your order."

"Thank you and my housekeeper will pay the delivery person."



Good that's done. I will tell Margaret tomorrow at breakfast about the caterers coming and leave the money with her to pay them.

The rest of my cold dinner didn't look very appetizing. Took it out to the kitchen and checked the frig to see what else I could make for myself. I found a few things for a sandwich. Made a sandwich and went back to the movie. The movie was finishing. Found a good game and started watching that. Chowing down on my sandwich and killing another beer. This was first time I was by myself since Cal told me about Drake's murder. I was doing pretty good here on my own. Having Graham living here will help a lot. He will fill in some of the gaps left by Drake. I will always miss Drake. He was very special and will always feel the loss. But I know with my friends, it will help me to regain part of my old self.

The game went to half time and I was getting tired. Was hoping I could get a good sleep again tonight by myself. Turned off the tv and took my plate and empty bottle to the kitchen. Set my alarm for early. I knew Holden would be here for a good work out. Was tossing and turning for awhile and then nodded off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 6:00am and I felt rested. Went to the bathroom to splash a little water on my face. Then ran down the stairs to the locker room. Didn't see Holden. "Holden are you here?"

"Yeah, I'm in the bathroom. Be right out."

Holden was naked and sure looked good. I could stare at his muscular body all day and never get tired. I stripped down and we walked to each other. Kissing and hugging and making us get big erections. Holden told me to lie on the bench. I walked over and laid down on the bench. My big erection sticking straight up. Holden get down between my legs and started sucking my balls. I love having my balls sucked and fondled and played with. He was doing all the right things. I started leaking. He must have noticed and soon felt his warm tongue licking off my precum. Then in one quick movement he was deep throating me. He gagged a little. Didn't think I was that big. But maybe the thickness was making him gag. He tried again and soon his nose was in my pubes. Holden was really good. He started fingering my hole while he kept sucking me. I knew I was going to cum soon. Soon I was filling his mouth and throat with a big load. He swallowed it all and now told me it was my turn to do him. We had plenty of time since we weren't working out. This workout was much better. We traded places and soon I was sucking on Holden's balls. He has big low hangers and it was hard just getting one ball in my mouth. He liked having his balls sucked. Once I had his balls lathered with saliva I licked between them up to the head of his cock. Holden was rock hard. I licked around his head pulling off his precum. It tasted pretty good. Licked a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. Could feel his hole pulling on my fingers. I licked the sides of his cock and then slowly eased his hard shaft down my throat. I didn't gag like Holden did. Holden's cock is thick and a little longer than me. But it wasn't hard to deep throat him. He was moaning and grunting. I knew I was pushing all the right buttons. I started speeding up and soon I knew he was going to cum. His cock hardened and thickened in my throat and I soon felt one big spurt and then more. He kept cumming and cumming. He must have been saving up. I swallowed all of his load. I laid down by Holden. Once we were breathing normal. I walked over and got the water going in the shower. We walked into the shower and just let the massaging warm water relax us. We then started washing each other. Holden had me bend over and he shoved his wet slick cock up my hole. My hungry hole easily took his cock. He reached around and stroked me while he fucked me. This is what I needed and had been missing. Holden was good at fucking and soon he had me cumming with his hand job. Feeling me cum put him over the edge and I felt him filling my hole. We rinsed off again and then I had Holden lean against the shower wall. I lathered my cock with some shower gel and eased it into his hole. His hole grabbed my cock and pulled it in. The head of my cock found his prostate and I started giving it a good workout. Holden was grunting and panting and I knew he was going to cum soon. I reached around and stroked his cock while I kept fucking him. Soon he was shooting out another big load splattering the shower wall. I reached my orgasm and filled up his hole with another good sized load. We hugged each other in the shower and let the water run down over us. Finally we got out and dried each other off. We hugged and kissed some more, but decided we better get dressed before we got another hardon. We dressed each other and we both looked pretty good for work.

We went upstairs and Margaret was finishing breakfast. "Did you guys get a good work out in?"

We almost starting laughing. "We sure did Margaret and now we're hungry."

"Good. I made a big breakfast for the two of you."

I told Margaret the caterers would be coming this afternoon and the money was in the usual place to pay them. I told Margaret to just leave the food they bring on the kitchen island and I would take care of it when I got home. We both told Margaret bye and left for work. We hugged and kissed one last time before leaving. Holden told me he couldn't wait for tonight and staying the weekend. I told him it would be a good time.

I got to the clinic and greeted Shirley and Janice. Went to my office and checked my email and any missed messages. Nothing. I knew I had another full day of patients. With my reduced rates and accepting all the different insurance companies I've increased my patient count by over ninety percent, much to the chagrin of Shirley, who keeps reminding me that she's overworked. I'd rather have a full day everyday, than have to wait for patients to call and make appointments and only work half days. My morning went fast being busy and I walked over to the Main Street Diner. I had called ahead so my lunch would be ready when I got there. Walked in and it was busy. Didn't see anybody I knew. Probably some past patients here, but it's hard to remember all of them. Millie sauntered over, It didn't look like she was wearing a bra. Her big tits were bouncing back and forth. "Here's your lunch, tall dark and handsome."

"Thanks Millie you seem quite chipper today."

"I'm in a very good mood. My boss gave me a raise and I wasn't expecting that."

"That's good news Millie. You going to invite me out to dinner now that your bringing in the big bucks?"

"I'd love to invite you to dinner. However, your the one bringing in the big bucks, not me."

"I'm not so sure about that Millie. But maybe we could work something out for dinner one of these evenings."

"I'd like that Bob. Some place romantic with candle light." As she bats her eyelids at me and leans down.

I was thinking you'd better be careful Millie. You might have an accident and one of your tits might flop out. "I'm busy this weekend Millie, but maybe we can make dinner reservations this coming week."

"Ok. Just let me know and I'll be ready for a romantic dinner with you." She walked back to wait on other customers.

Finished my lunch and walked back to the clinic. The afternoon went fast. I called Margaret between patients to see if the caterers had arrived. Margaret told me they had come and the food was on the kitchen island. She told me it smelled delicious and was tempted to try a little of everything. I told her to go ahead and package some to take home if she wanted to. She thanked me and said she might prepare a small little package of food for her dinner. Finished my last patients. Shirley and Janice had left early since it was Friday. I checked around the clinic. Locked it and went home.

Got home and could smell the food as soon as I entered the kitchen. Margaret had left for the weekend. She left a note that she had fixed a little package of food to take home. Checked the trays and I couldn't even tell Margaret had taken anything. I went upstairs and put my dress clothes away. I was feeling pretty good. Couldn't wait for the guys to start arriving. Especially Graham. He was my one and only lover now. I hope he will go with me to the funeral. I'm going to have Cal talk to all the guys about Drake. I don't think I could do that yet. It would be too difficult.

I heard a car pull in. I looked out the window and it was Cal. Good. I'm glad he's here before the other guys. I want to tell him about talking to them about Drake. I know he won't mind. I saw him park on the side parking lot away from the garage. He walked up to the front door and I opened it just as he got there. "Looking good Bob." Big smile on Cal's face.

"You always look good."

Cal surprised me and pulled me in for a hug and kiss. Cal had brought a case of beer. I told him we could take care of that in a little while. We walked into the living room and I slowly undressed Cal. Enjoying his hot body as I removed each article of clothing. When I got to his boxers, his big hardon was sticking out the opening. I pulled the boxers off and sucked his cock. It took me a couple of tries before I could deep throat him. His cock is so big and thick. He sat and leaned back on the couch so I could easily get between his legs. I worked his cock with my throat muscles. He was moaning and panting and I knew he was getting close. I speeded up my sucking and he soon bathed my throat with a nice hot load of cum. He got up and we kissed and hugged again. I told him we could put his beer in the patio island frig. We carried the case out and we worked together filling the frig. There were still a few bottles left from the last party. So Cal's case filled the frig completely. I told Cal about talking to all the guys when they got here. He told me he wouldn't mind at all. And thought it was a good idea. I told him about Graham driving me to the funeral tomorrow and that the guys could stay here. Cal told me he would keep them in check and would be ready for us when we got back.

Just then I heard another car pull in. It was Holden. I recognized his car. There was another car behind him. That car I didn't recognize. It must have been Irving, because I knew Graham's car. They both parked by Cal's car. It looked like they were carrying beer and overnight bags. They walked up to the front door and I let them in. Irving was a little surprised to see me naked, but then remembered I told him we would all be naked all weekend. Holden gave me a kiss and hug and then Irving followed his lead. I showed them in and introduced them to Cal. They were impressed with Cal. Cal has a lot to be impressed about. I took the guys upstairs to the second master bedroom so they could put their clothes away and get comfortable. Irving was really built. I could tell he worked out regularly. Nice muscles and a big soft cock with big balls. He would definitely be a good addition to our little weekend group. We went downstairs and I told the guys to stock the garage frig with the beer. I didn't think Holden drank much. He was always very fitness oriented. But will have to wait and see. The only one left to come is Graham. I knew he would be later. He had the longest drive. I showed Holden and Irving around the house. Cal tagged along. They both liked the house. Especially the locker room and gym. We decided to lounge outside while we waited on Graham. It was just after six thirty. I didn't expect Graham till seven or eight. We all drank a beer and talked and got better acquainted. Irving was sitting close to me, so we had a good chance to talk and find out if he was my college roommate. It turned out he was. But he was tired of being bullied and decided to join a gym and work with a personal trainer. That's what turned him around to eating healthy and working out. That's why he looked so good. We talked about what we studied and did after college graduation. Irving had a degree in psychology. But like he said there's not much you can do with a masters in psychology. He had an offer to teach at the college and he thought he would apply for the position and start working at the college this fall. I saw Cal and Holden getting very friendly. Glad they were getting along well. Irving and I kept on talking. Soon our beer was gone and Holden volunteered to get us all another beer from the patio frig.

I thought I heard something outside. Walked into the kitchen and looked out the window and Graham was pulling into the garage. I walked into the garage from the kitchen. He got out and ran over to me. Giving me a big hug and kiss. Graham really didn't know how much I needed that. He opened the trunk and I helped with his two large suitcases. He told me he had a moving company moving the rest of his things. We each grabbed a suitcase and walked into the kitchen. All the guys were there waiting for us. I introduced Graham to the guys, he already knew Cal. They all hugged and kissed. I told the guys I was going to help Graham with the suitcases and we would be back in a few minutes. We went to my bedroom. Graham was sleeping with me tonight in my bedroom. The other three guys could stay in the other master bedroom. I helped Graham strip out of his clothes. He looks better every time I saw him naked. Was kissing him all over as I removed each piece of clothing. Soon he was naked. I couldn't resist taking his big hardon in my mouth and sucking him to an amazing orgasm. Swallowed his load and we walked downstairs. The guys were out on the patio. We went out and joined them. I told Cal I was going to go in and get more beer for everybody. He knew that was his cue to tell the guys about Drake.

Cal got up and told the guys he had something important to tell them. He told them what had happened to Drake and how Drake was Bob's lover and soulmate as well as Graham. Graham couldn't believe what Cal was saying and how calm Bob appeared. He knew Bob had to be hurting really bad. He promised himself he would make tonight very special for Bob and know how much he loved him. The guys all agreed to act normal and not make Bob feel uncomfortable.

Graham got up and went to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Bob. He knew Bob was crying. "I'm so sorry babe. Cal just told us everything."

"I know. I wanted him to tell you guys. It would be too hard for me to do." Graham hugged Bob tight to him and kissed him and wiped his tears off. "I'm here lover and I'm not going anywhere." And just kept hugging Bob until he regained his composure. "The funeral is tomorrow at 3:00pm. I was hoping you would go with me and maybe drive us there in my SUV?"

"Babe you know I'd do anything for you. We will have to leave early in the morning to get there in time."

"I know. We will have to make a short evening of this. Let's take some beer out for the guys. They probably wondered what happened to us."

We rejoined the guys. We told them we would be turning in early. We had a long drive tomorrow to go to the funeral. But I told them to stay up as late as they wanted. There was beer in the patio frig kitchen frig and in the garage frig. Graham and I stayed outside with the guys for another hour before calling it a night. We had some good conversations.

Graham and I told the guys to enjoy themselves and stay up as late as they wanted. I had appetizers and some dinner trays on the kitchen island if they got hungry. I knew the guys wanted to say more to me. I'm sure they wanted to tell me how sorry they were, but I'm glad they didn't. I wouldn't have handled that well. Graham and I told them goodnight. We had to get up early for the long drive. They all hugged and kissed us. They went back to their fun.

Graham told me he liked the guys a lot as we walked into the bedroom. Graham surprised me and asked me blankly how I was doing. I told him I was coping and that each day got a little better. I told Graham I have this empty filling and I think it will take a long time for me to recover if I ever do. Graham told me he was here for me always and I didn't have to say anything. He would try his best to help me feel better and give me whatever I needed. I told Graham all I need is your love companionship and support and I know I'll do fine. Graham said that's easy and would be at my side always. Graham made love to me like he never had before. I don't know if it was out of sympathy or real love, but I wasn't complaining. We finally were so tired, me from stress, Graham from his long drive and hours of love making. We nodded off and went right to sleep.

After we left to go to bed. Irving was talking to the guys. He mentioned that every month or two months they have a male review strip show. There are six bartenders that work at the In and Out Bar that perform. Four of them are former bartenders. I'd like to give them a call and see if they could perform here tomorrow after Bob and Graham get back. The guys thought that was a good idea. Irving told the guys he would call tomorrow morning and see if they were available and did private shows. The guys were getting along well. They got into some threesomes and soon everyone was sated. Irving and Cal were the two biggest guys in the cock department. Cal was close to ten inches and Irving told the guys he was ten and a half inches. I don't know if the guys were size queens, but they sure were enjoying themselves. They were starting to get tired and took the rest of their beer and went to the bedroom. The oversized king sized bed gave them plenty of room. However, they wanted to snuggle and have some more sex before sleeping. They got into a circle jerk and then a suck fest. Finally they were so tired they just collapsed on each other and fell asleep.

I woke up to the alarm going off. I had set it early. I wanted to make sure we had plenty of time and didn't have to rush around and drive fast to make it to the funeral in time. I felt Graham stirring. "Good morning sleepy head." I told Graham. He kind of mumbled and then said,"good morning sexy."

We both decided to take care of our morning woodies before we did anything else. We moved around into a sixty nine and sucked each other with a vengeance. It was like we were trying to prove something to each other. We blasted out big loads and we swallowed each other's loads. We crawled out of bed and showered each other. When we washed each other we got hard again. We still had time so we took turns fucking each other. We seemed pretty satisfied after that. We dried each other off and got dressed. I could smell breakfast. I wonder who's up early making breakfast.

We went downstairs and saw Holden in the kitchen with a big smile on his face making breakfast. "I thought you guys might appreciate if someone made breakfast for you, so you wouldn't have to."

"This is a pleasant surprise, thanks Holden."

He walked over and gave us a good kiss and a long hug. "I'm used to getting up early and thought I'd do you a favor for inviting me here for the weekend."

"That wasn't necessary Holden, but I'm not refusing breakfast. This way we can get an early start and not have to rush around. We both really appreciate you doing this for us."

We gobbled down our breakfast like two starving men. We told Holden we were going to get going. Tell the other guys we have left and thank them again for coming for the weekend from us. We kissed and hugged one more time and then walked into the garage. Graham wanted us to use his car. I told him I felt better going in the SUV, nothing against your car. We got in and took off for the funeral.

I'm glad we got an early start. Graham didn't mind driving and it gave me a chance to nap. I told Graham, depending on how I felt after the funeral. I would drive back and he could rest. Traffic was light leaving early. But as it got later in the morning the traffic was getting heavy. We stopped at a restaurant off the freeway and had a quick lunch. We had the GPS on for the directions to the funeral home. We still had a couple of hours left. If everything went as it was, we should arrive around 2:30pm. That would give me time to see Drake one last time and talk to my brother for a bit. Traffic stayed heavy and we arrived at the funeral home just after 2:30pm. It was a large place and there were many cars in the parking lot.

In the meantime. It was going on 2:30pm and Irving thought he better make some phone calls and see if the All Male Review could perform this evening at Bob's place. He had the phone numbers of the two bartenders at the In and Out Bar. He gave one of the guys a call and he said they would both be working. But he gave me the phone number for the other four guys that perform. I called one of the guys and he answered and I told him what my plans were about a private show. He told me they don't usually do private shows but in this case they could make an exception. He told me the four of them could come and how much it would cost. I told him perfect. Gave him the address and time to start performing. He told me they had a portable stage with sound and lighting and that would take at least an hour or longer to set up. I told him there were three of us here to help with the setup. He said perfect and told me they would be here at Bob's around six thirty to seven to get setup before Graham and Bob returned. They had a truck they used for moving the portable stage and equipment.

I told Holden and Cal about my phone call and how much it would cost. They thought the price was reasonable and would be glad to help with the setup and cost.

Graham and Bob walked into the funeral home. There was a room for viewing Drake and a large room where the funeral service would be held. I didn't really know anybody there and that made me a little nervous. Graham and I walked into the viewing room and signed the guest book. I walked up to the casket and thought I was going to lose it when I looked at Drake. He looked so peaceful and I was hoping he was with Pete. I said a few things to Drake and how much I missed him. I started to tear up and Graham led me away. Graham walked up to the casket and I could see him saying a few things. We then walked into the room where the service would be held. I saw my brother and walked over to him. We bro hugged and comforted each other. My brother was really sad about losing Drake and finding out what Butch had done. I told him. It's over and let's just remember all the good things about Drake. Reggie told me Drake's sister was here and would like to talk to me before the service. I was worried about what she would say to me.

Reggie introduced me to Barbara, Drake's sister. "Barbara this is Bob."

"Bob, I'm so glad you came to the funeral. Drake only had nice things to say about you. I know you two were close. Closer than just friends. It made Drake happy, so that made me happy. Drake went through a rough time when Pete died. You filled that gap for Drake and I'm forever grateful to you for that."

"Drake was a wonderful man. He meant a lot to me. We were more than just close friends, like you said. We were complete when we were together. I will forever miss Drake and have this empty felling.

"Would you sit with me during the service?"

"It would be my pleasure. I introduced Graham to Barbara and told her Graham was staying with me and that we were childhood friends."

"Of course Graham is welcome to sit with us. I'm glad you have Graham during this time. It will make it easier for you."

Just then a priest and a pastor came in. We all stood up and the casket was rolled into the front. Both clergymen told us to be seated. The priest started first and the service proceeded when the priest finished. The pastor took over and did another service. Eulogies were given by my brother, which surprised me Barbara and much to everyone's surprise, Drake's half brother which nobody seemed to know about. Thankfully, I was wasn't mentioned in any of the eulogies or Pete. Many nice things were said about Drake from all three speakers. Some humorous moments and some tearful moments were mentioned. The two services took close to two hours, including the eulogies. Barbara thanked me again for coming and told me there would be a reception at the social hall. I told her I would have to decline, I wanted to return back home and had a long drive. She understood and wished us well. I walked over to Reggie and thanked him for his eulogoy and his kind words about Drake. I told him Graham and I were leaving. I wanted to get home and had a long drive facing us. He pulled me aside and told me that Butch was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole. I gave a big sigh of relief. I thanked Reggie for telling me and that was a big burden lifted off me. We bro hugged and Graham and I left the funeral home to make our drive back home.

As we walked to the the SUV Graham asked me, "how you doing Bob? You sure you want to drive back?"

"Actually I'm feeling much better than I thought I would. Drake looked so peaceful. I knew he was with Pete. And Drake's sister being so nice and not even knowing me. Made everything a whole lot easier. And having you here with me, made everything perfect. And to answer your question, yes,I want to drive."

I called the house and Cal answered the phone. I told him we were just leaving the funeral home now. It was just after 5:00pm. He asked me if we planned on driving back or if we were going to stay over somewhere. I told him we were in the SUV and already on the highway heading home. He told me to be careful and take my time. I told him not to worry, that everything was ok.

When I got onto the freeway. Traffic was very light. If it stayed like this we would make good time and be able to cut the driving time in half.

It was going on six thirty and I could hear Graham's stomach growling. "I think someone is hungry. As soon as I see a sign for food or restaurant I'll pull off and we can get something to eat. We're making good time and if the traffic stays like it is. In a about three hours we should be pulling into our garage."

Bob said our garage. I liked the tone of that. "Sorry babe, You must have heard my stomach. I am getting hungry. So your driving and you know if we should stop or keep going."

"I'm hungry too lover. I'll check these signs coming up and see if there is a restaurant on the next off ramp." Luckily there was two different restaurants on the sign. They were both fast food places. Not my favorite, but to save time it was our best bet. I pulled off on the exit ramp and saw a big sign for one of the restaurants and pulled in. It felt good to get out of the SUV and stretch and walk. We walked into the fast food place. It wasn't busy and we were waited on right away. We placed our order and took our coffee to a table. It gave us a chance to talk.

"I asked Graham what he thought about the funeral service."

Graham said, "funerals aren't my favorite thing, but I would support you anyway I could. Drake did look peaceful and it was nice his sister was so welcoming and friendly. I especially liked the eulogies. It gave me a better perspective of the kind of person that Drake was. I know now why he was so special to you. I hope I can be half as special to you as Drake was.

"Graham, your very special to me and you've already given me a lot of help and support. And having you living with me is going to be great. It will help me a lot knowing that your with me every day."

"I wouldn't want it any other way. Living with my childhood best bud is a dream come true for me."

"Exactly. That's how I feel too." Our number was called and took the slip up to the counter and brought our food back.

We devoured the food like it was our last meal. It didn't taste too bad. Maybe because I was hungrier than I thought. Graham finished his meal before me. I asked him if wanted to order something to go, for a snack on the way back. He thought that was a good idea and he ordered a couple more meals and beverages to go. We waited a couple of minutes until our order was ready. We finished our coffee, picked up the order to go and got back onto the freeway.

Traffic was staying light and before I knew it we were only about an hour from the house. We snacked on the food Graham ordered and sipped on our beverages. That was a good idea of Graham's. I knew the In and Our Bar should be coming up soon, then Milo's and our final turn to get on the highway that would take us to our town and finally our house.

The guys were having a good time at the house. They were enjoying the food that I had catered and the appetizers. They were drinking beer and relaxing on the loungers. Of course, someone would get horny and they would get into a threesome. They all seemed to get horny a lot. But hey, that's what this weekend and get together was all about. Holden thought he heard some noise by the gate.

Holden walked inside and heard someone using the speaker. "Hello, is anyone there?"?

"Yes, how may I help you. This is one of the guys talking for the show tonight. Would you open the gate so we can drive the truck in and start getting set up?"

"Sure. Holden pressed the button for the gate to open. He saw a truck pull in. He was naked and he didn't care. These were strippers he was sure they wouldn't mind. He saw the guys get out. Damn they looked mighty fine. Muscular, tall and very good looking. He opened the door and walked out wearing some flip flops. The guys gave Holden a good look and he told them where to bring the stage and equipment.

Holden told the guys to wait and he would go inside and get the others guys to help. It should go faster with three more men helping. When the other guys came out of the house naked, the strippers just stared. They hadn't seen such hot men. They were glad they agreed to performing and maybe there would be some fun once they finished.

With seven men. It didn't take long to get the truck unloaded. The strippers showed the guys where things went and in less than an hour the stage was set up. The strippers worked another half an hour getting the lighting and sound equipment ready. It looked good once they were finished. The strippers had taken their shirts off, you could tell they had worked at the In and Out Bar. They were muscular and in really good shape. They looked like they were packing too. They asked Holden where they could change and maybe clean up before they started the show. Holden wasn't that familiar with Bob's house so he asked Cal. Cal took the men upstairs to one of the smaller bedrooms. He told them they could use this bedroom and bathroom.

The little, the strippers had seen of Bob's house. They were quite impressed. It was an older house but in great condition. If everything worked out ok. Maybe they could stay overnight and use this bedroom.

We passed by the In and Out Bar. Didn't look very busy. But I don't think customers stay too long. Just buy what they want talk a little and leave. Milo's was quite busy. Some cars were parked on the edge of the highway. Graham and I will need to go here one of these weekends. Finally got to the turn off and took highway six to our town. Had a few flashbacks to the accident that had happened here at this intersection with highway eight.

Traffic was a little heavy heading back to our town. Would take at least forty minutes. We made good time and it was just after eight. Hope my house is still in one piece. Hope the guys didn't destroy too much. I was just laughing to myself. I know Cal would keep them in line.

Holden was starting to get antsy. He thought Graham and Bob would be back by now. But he knew it was a long drive and it all depended on how the traffic was. The strippers came downstairs they had showered and changed into some casual clothes. Holden asked them if they would like a beer before the show started. They agreed on one beer and then maybe more after the show. They pulled up some patio stools from the island and all the guys were talking away. They were friendly and easy to talk to. They were impressed about the three guys. They were in good shape and Cal was quite good size even soft. They explained how they started their stripping show and really enjoyed it. They made some good money doing it. They said they brought in big crowds for the In and Out Bar when they did their show.

Bob and Graham finally made it into town. It would only be a few minutes before they would be pulling into the garage and be home. Graham asked Bob if he was really tired from driving back. Bob told Graham he felt fine. A change out of these clothes and a cold beer and I'll be ready for a long evening with the guys. Graham told Bob the same thing.

When they pulled in to go into the garage. They saw a large delivery style truck. Bob asked Graham if this was the delivery company bringing the rest of his things. He told Bob no. The truck would have advertising on it with the name of the delivery company. Bob thought this was strange. Maybe the guys were moving out all of his things. He chuckled to himself. They parked in the garage and walked into the kitchen. They could hear the guys out on the patio talking. Holden came in to grab some beer. And was surprised to see Bob and Graham. "When did you guys get here?"

"We just got here and walked in from the garage. How's everyone doing?"

"Everyone is fine and we were waiting for you guys to get back. We kept everything put away and kept the house clean for you."

"I appreciate that. Graham and I are going to go upstairs and take a quick shower and then we'll be down."

"Ok. I'll let the guys know your back and will be joining us soon."

Bob thought Holden was a little more jumpy than usual. He was wondering if everything was ok. They went upstairs and stripped out of their clohes and walked into the shower.

Holden couldn't get back to the patio fast enough. He told everyone that Bob and Graham were back and were going to take a quick shower.

The strippers got up quick. Ran upstairs and changed into they outfits for the show. Ran back downstairs and went behind the stage so they wouldn't be seen.

Bob and Graham had no idea the stippers had been upstairs in the one of the bedrooms on the other side of the hall. They didn't do any fooling around in the shower but did get hardons. They would take care of those later. They dried each other off and went downstairs to the patio. All the guys got up and they had a group hug and kiss.

Bob noticed a stage set up and asked the guys about that. This is a little surprise we arranged for you and Graham while you guys were gone. We think you might like the show that is ready to start soon.

That was the strippers cue to dim the lights and start the music. The loungers were arranged in front of the stage. Bob was in the center with Graham on one side and Cal on the other. Holden and Irving were on the end loungers. The lights went down and the music started. It was a nice balmy evening. Not too warm and not too cold. No wind and just perfect conditions for the show.

Soon the curtain opened but the stage was still dark. A spotlight came on and out stepped a hot looking guy dressed in a suit and tie. Soon he was followed by three more hot guys dressed the same. The music kept picking up and a good beat was going. The guys started dancing to the music. They had all the right moves down and were really into the music. You could tell they had been dancing for some time. They were quite good. The guys were whistling and cat calling. Soon they stripped off their shirts and ties. These guys were well built, sexy and very good looking. Bob was really enjoying this. They turned with their backs to the guys. They bent over and pulled their pants off. They were just in jocks. Wow, how they hold everything in their jocks was amazing. Not only were these guys muscular and good looking, but they were really packing too. The guys cheered and whistled even louder. The strippers continued their show. They had a good routine. Soon the lights dimmed again while they kept dancing. You couldn't see them for a minute or two. When the lights came back up they were all stripped out of their jocks. Bob couldn't keep his eyes off their big soft cocks. These guys would give Cal some competition in the cock department.

While the show was going on. Bob's neighbor a couple of houses down was outside with his wife by the pool. The couple had bought Drake and Pete's house and they were relaxing by the pool. The kids were asleep and it gave them some time to be together. They were enjoying the wonderful weather and were talking and joking. Soon they heard this loud noise. They thought at first there was an accident out on the street. Then they heard this loud beat and realized it was music. Dave the husband, was getting upset with the loud music. He didn't want the kids to wake up and they couldn't even hear themselves talking. He told his wife he was going to check around and see if he could find out where the loud music was coming from. He got up and left and walked out on the street. It was hard to tell exactly where the music was coming from. There were echoes all over. He tried walking up the street and the music seemed to be getting louder. Hw got by Bob's house and was sure the music was coming from here. He thought a doctor lived here, but wasn't sure. He couldn't see anything with the high wall. He started walking around the wall found a spot where he could climb up and see what was going on. He managed to work his way up far enough that he could peek over the wall. When he looked in the back yard, he couldn't believe his eyes. He say five guys on loungers naked and with hardons they were feeling. There was a stage set up with four naked guys dancing. Dave was tranfixed watched everything that was going on. He had suppressed his gay feelings when he got married. But watching all of these hot guys he was getting a stirring feeling in his groin. He wasn't in a comfortable position to watch and soon had to drop back down to the ground. He whipped his hard boner out of his pants and jerked off faster than he ever had. Soon he was shooting out a big load. A bigger load than when he had sex with wife. He would have to remember this and maybe he could become friends with the doctor that lived here. His wife was gone a lot with her work and that would give him ample opportunities to meet the doctor and maybe have some fun together. He tucked everything back in. Zipped up and walked back to his house. He told his wife there was a party going on at the doctor's house, hut it looked like they were close to finishing. They went in the house. Went to bed. Dave kept replaying everything he had seen in his mind. They didn't have sex, but they cuddled up together and went to sleep.

The strippers then got into mimicking having sex. They weren't actually having sex but were going through the motions as they moved to the music. This got the guys really turned on and soon they started making out. The strippers were getting close to the end of their routine and the lights went out and the music slowly faded out. Bob and his friends were cheering and whistling. They really enjoyed the show and were anxious to see what direction it would go now.

The strippers came out front. They were sweating and naked. Bob asked them if they would like a cold beer. They all agreed. Bob got up and Graham helped him and got beer for everyone. We moved the loungers back and pulled up some more for the strippers. I had only eight loungers with nine men. Someone would have to double up. That didn't seem to be a problem. We were soon getting it on and having a good time. The strippers told Bob they had used one of the small bedrooms for changing and was wondering if they would be able to spend the night. Bob told them that that wasn't a problem. He would be glad to have them spend the night. The stripper without a chair moved in with Bob. They started making out and soon were in a hot sixty nine. Bob had to struggle to take the strippers big cock down his throat. He was bigger than Cal and thick. They soon were moaning and grunting and shooting down each other's throats. They swallowed each other's loads and kissed and hugged before Graham said it was his turn. All the guys were getting into threesomes or pairing off. The strippers were a hit with the show and were hit after the show.

It was fun talking with the strippers and finding out more about them. They were all studying at the college and stripping was an easy way of making good money. They were already training more guys to take their place once they graduated from college and were working in their professions. We had another round of beer and a little more sexual fun. Soon we decided to call it a night. I told the guys that Graham and I were going to be together for awhile. Once we opened our bedroom door anyone was welcome to come in. Cal Holden and Irving went to the second master bedroom. The strippers went to the small bedroom. It was still good size with two double beds and it's own bathroom.

I heard the guys in the other master bedroom and talking. How they really enjoyed the strippers and was glad I liked them too, that it was a special surprise for me. I would have to be sure to thank them tomorrow for hiring the strippers. I will have to get their number and I might hire them again when I have a big party. I'm sure they would agree.

Soon I felt Graham snuggling up to me. "How you doing babe.? Hope your not too exhausted?"

"I'm doing fine and feel good. I'm never too exhausted for you." Giving Graham a big smile.

Graham moved down between my legs and started sucking on my balls. He knew that would really get me going. And he knew how to do it perfectly. He lubed a finger and eased it into my hole while he kept working on my balls. Then he eased a second and third finger in. He had me stretched good. He lubed his cock and eased the head in. It went in easily. My hole was grabbing his cock and soon his pubes were tickling my ass. I reached down and started jerking my cock while he was making love to me. He brushed my hand away and bent down and starting sucking me while keeping a continual in and out slow fuck. It felt so good. Graham was becoming a real good lover. I just laid back with my hands behind my head, eyes closed and enjoying all the different sensations running through my body. Graham's great sucking skills soon had me filling his mouth. He swallowed it down in one gulp. He then started picking up his speed and I felt his cock harden and thicken in my hole and soon he was bathing my hole with a big load. We laid back exhausted and panting. We weren't ready to open the door yet. We just wanted to enjoy feeling other's warm body. Our breathing finally returned to normal. I got up and opened the door. I heard all kinds of movement in the hallway. Sounded like guys coming and going from the bedrooms.

I asked Graham if he minded if I thanked each of the guys individually. He told me no problem. He was glad that the evening had taken my mind off Drake and I was enjoying myself. I asked Graham if he could start with the strippers and then Holden Irving and Cal. He said he would find the strippers and see who wanted to come in first.

One of the strippers came in. God these guys were hot. He looked like a Greek god. He was perfect in every sense of the word. Bob had him lay down on the bed. Bob started kissing and making out with him. The strippers cock got instantly hard. Had to be over ten inches. All those guys were well hung and cut. The only uncut cock was Drakes. Bob moved down the strippers chest. Licking and nibbling over those chiseled muscles. Over those washboard abs and through his pubes. Bob started sucking on the head and licking and sucking out his precum. The stripper was moaning and really enjoying this. Bob wet a finger and eased it into the strippers hole. The stripper gave a grunt. Bob started to take his cock down his throat. It took Bob a few attempts before he could deep throat that big thick cock. Bob finally managed. The stripper was groaning and grunting as Bob started working his cock good with his throat muscles. He soon had the stripper panting and gasping for air. He had stuck a couple more fingers up the strippers hole. And with his deep throating he soon had the stripper blasting out a big orgasm. Damn, this guy must have been saving it up. Bob had to swallow a couple of times to take it all. Once they finished they kissed and hugged until the stripper's breathing came back down to normal. He kissed Bob before he got up and told him he would send in another stripper.

When the stripper was in the hallway. He had a big smile on his face. Damn the doctor sure knew what he was doing. He called to one of his buddies and told him the doctor was ready for his next patient. He told his buddy that he would really like his examination.

Bob did the same to the last three stippers. Bob found out that all the strippers were in their early twenties and still had two more years of college left. They all thanked him for a good time. They gave Bob their number and they would always be available for a private show any time he wanted. They went back to their bedroom.

I told Graham to send in Cal Holden and Irving. The guys came in with big smiles on their faces. I told them I wanted them to make love to me all at the same time. I knew Cal would want to fuck me. He loved fucking and he was really good at it. He surprised me by raising my ass and giving me a fantastic rimming and stretching for his big cock. Irving got over my chest and fed me his cock. His was cock was really thick and stretched my mouth. Holden got on the side and started giving me a fantastic blow job. I just laid there enjoying myself while these guys took control. I don't know how they managed, but soon they were all in sync. I brought Irving off making him pant and moan. Cal was grunting and I knew he was filling my hole. Holden was smacking his lips after I shot down his throat. We then kept moving around until everyone had a chance to fuck me. We rested for a bit and then Cal Holden and Irving went hack to the other master bedroom.

Graham came back in and asked me if I had anything left for him. I told him, "baby I always have a lot for you."

He got a big smile on his face and crawled in next to me. We kissed and hugged and started making out. We got each other off at the same time and told each other, "let's finish in the shower."

He got a big smile on face and crawled in next to me. We kissed and hugged and started making out. We got each other off at the same time and told each other, "let's finish in shower."

We washed each other first and then Graham had me bend over. He rimmed for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes. He then fucked me like only a lover would. He was so slow and gentle and made me beg to have him fuck me harder and faster. Soon he filled me with a big load. I then had Graham bend over and rimmed him good. I started a slow gentle fuck. Rubbing back and forth over his prostate driving him crazy. He begged me to fuck him hard. I picked up the pace and soon gave him a load. Not as big as usual, but hey I had cum a few times already. We dried off and went to bed. We snuggled together and soon were fast asleep.

We both woke about the same time. We went to the bathroom and emptied our bladders having a piss fight in the toilet bowl. I splashed a little water on my face and we walked downstairs.

Holden and Irving were cooking breakfast and the smells were terrific. It looked like all the guys were up. They had already disassembled the stage and it was packed away in the truck. They were just finishing with the sound and lighting equipment. Cal was helping them. The strippers thanked me again for having them perform and I promised them I would have them here again. I asked them if they were staying for breakfast. They told us they weren't sure if it was ok. I told them of course. They said they needed to get back early. In case the stage and equipment was needed somewhere else soon. We all ate at the kitchen island, some of us sitting and some of us standing. We all thanked Holden and Irving for a great breakfast. The strippers told me they should get going. They didn't like eating and running. I told them I would follow them out.

I told the strippers it was a custom here that I give my guests a going away present. I told them to drop their drawers and underwear. They immediately did. They were all semi hard. I told them I would give each one of them a blow job as a special thank you present. That brought a smile to their faces. They moved in around as I got on my knees and started going from one then to another sucking and playing with their balls. Soon a couple of them told me they were getting close. I told them to stick both their cocks in my mouth and shoot at the same time. I managed to manipulate two big cocks in my mouth and soon they were shooting down my throat. They were panting and gasping for air. I licked and cleaned the last of their cum off. I then went to the other two guys and got them close. They to stuck both their cocks in my mouth and shot down my throat. They seemed weak in the knees and they helped each other to stay standing. They pulled their underwear and pants back up. They gave me a big group kiss and hug and they left. I waved as they left.

I went back inside and Holden and Irving were finished in the kitchen. It didn't look like any cooking had taken place. They it the kitchen sparkling. I found the guys out on the patio. I thanked them again for having the strippers. They told me it was Irvings idea and all they did was help pay for the show. They told me they would have to leave after lunch. They all had things they needed to do before going to work tomorrow. We decided to barbeque and finish the meat trays and appetizers. That would be plenty for us. We relaxed on the loungers talking about the weekend. Cal broke the ice and asked me how I was doing. I told all of them I was doing ok. I was glad they were all here. It made it a lot easier for me. Then I looked at Graham and we kissed. And if I didn't have Graham right here by me. I would probably be a basket case. But thanks for asking and I'm coping well.

It was already approaching lunch time. I fired up the barbeque and we did hamburgers and hot dogs. Holden got us all beer. We lounged while we waited on the hamburgers and hot dogs. Irving and Holden set the patio table and finished the barbequeing. They brought out the trays that they had warmed. We chowed down on the food and soon we were full. Holden and Irving made up some packages of leftovers for the guys that would be leaving. There was enough left for Graham and my dinner.

We had one more beer after lunch relaxing on the loungers. Finally Cal got up and said he should be leaving. Then Irving did the same and finally Holden. Holden walked over to me and asked if we would be working out tomorrow morning. I told him sure and to have his ass here early. The guys walked out and they knew the ritual. They dropped their pants and underwear. They moved in close and I gave them each a mind blowing orgasm. I licked and cleaned each of them off. They thanked me for a great weekend and was glad they could help me with a difficult time I was going through. I watched them leave and walked back to my Graham.

Graham was sipping on a beer. I moved my lounger close to him. We started making out. Graham was really starting to realize how much he meant to me and he was pleased. Bob was everything he was looking for.

We soon feel asleep holding each other.

I thought I heard the speaker and walked into the living room. "Hello, is anybody there?"

End of Chapter 9 - Irving

Chapter 10 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at: Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 10

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