My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jan 1, 2022


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 8

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 8. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 8 - Holden

While Graham was driving home, it gave him time to think about him and Bob. Bob was everything he was looking for in a lover, companion and soulmate. There first get together after a few years went very well. Bob did mention he had a lover. I think he said his name was Drake. I'm sure Bob has a big enough heart for two lovers. They only get together on weekends. If I was living with Bob, we'd be together every day. Well, I need to work hard on relocating to my hometown and living with Bob.

It was sure nice having my best friend here. We talked about old times and I never realized he liked me when we were kids. Then he told me he loved me and I told him the same. We were both attracted to each other at a young age. I don't know how I'm going to approach Drake about this. I've mentioned Graham to him many times. Hopefully, I can work this out for the best for everybody. I wouldn't mind having two lovers. I hope they agree.

I didn't do much the rest of day. Ate dinner watched tv and went to bed.

Tuesday I worked out. Ate a big breakfast and headed out to work. Went to the Main Street Diner for lunch. It had been a few days since I'd been there. With the ongoing investigation and just getting back to work, I didn't really have a chance to go there. I saw Millie was busy and hadn't noticed me. Finally she spotted me and came over with a big smile on her face. "Your in a good mood today Millie," I said.

"Of course, my favorite customer is here. I've missed you. Where you been hiding yourself?"

"I've been really busy Millie and haven't had time to come here to the diner."

"I'll let you by this time. I have some good news."

Oh brother, I was thinking. I wonder what her good news is this time. "What's your good news Millie?"

"Shirley called me and said there was a cancellation. So I'm scheduled for my gynecology exam this Thursday at 4:00pm. I'm so excited, I can't wait."

I bet her panties are all wet thinking about that exam. "That's good news Millie. I look forward to giving you your examination." I had to flex my fingers a few times. Millie was getting all flustered. "Easy Millie, everything will be ok."

"I'll order the special Millie. You can bring my coffee right away."

"I'll be right back with your coffee."

Millie had quite a spring in her step. She came back right away with my coffee. Shortly, after she brought my lunch. It was pretty good. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn for the vegetable. Ate it all. Paid and left a tip for Millie and walked back to the clinic. The afternoon went quickly and soon I was on my way home.

As soon as I walked into the house, Margaret was right there. "Everything ok Margaret?"

Margaret looked a little flustered, much out of character for her. She's always composed and in control. "Yes, the FBI agents told me to tell you they have finished their investigation. They had a box full of pictures or drawings and they was some kind of a metal button or knob on the top of the papers. They said I could go in the attic and library now."

"Thanks for the information Margaret. I will have to check out the attic and library later." Was thinking, I hope I get a call from Cal, maybe he can give me more information on how the investigation concluded.

Margaret left for the day. She seemed to be more composed when she left. I went upstairs took my clothes off. Felt good to be naked. Walked back downstairs with my dildo towel and lube. Was ready for a good workout before dinner. I was just getting ready and into using my dildo when the phone rang. It was Cal."

"Hey Cal, what's up?"

"I just finished with the FBI agents and have a copy of their completed investigation and some surprising results. Was wondering if I could come over later and tell you the final results. I need to eat first and change and then I'll be over."

"Why don't you just change and come over and eat with me?"

"That's sounds like a good idea. Give me about thirty minutes and I should be there."

"Ok, see you soon." Was thinking this would be a good time to tell Cal about my little party for Graham.

Thought I'd leave my dildo and lube out. However, Cal has a big dildo, damn his cock is big.

Just then my phone rang again. It was Graham.

"Hi Graham, how's it going?"

"Going great. I'm going to he coming Wednesday night. I hope that is ok? Will be finalizing on the one building you had mentioned to me. Corporate is giving me full control and I'm hoping I can stay with you. My parents are gone on vacation and it would be boring to be in their house by myself."

"Of course you can stay here. Be great to have my lover here for a few days."

"Thanks Bob, your the best. Hugs and kisses and can't wait until tomorrow night to be with you. Have to run. I have a finalizing meeting coming up."

"Take care and looking forward to you being here tomorrow."

Just got off the phone and Cal arrived. "Just use the hidden button Cal."

"Ok, will do."

Saw Cal get out of his car and he was carrying some papers. I thought, this should be interesting. He said there was a few surprises in the results of the investigation. He was wearing those same worn jeans. They showed off the outline of his cock nice. And he was wearing a polo shirt, making his muscles bulge in his arms and that broad chest. I'm getting hungry just looking at him.

I opened the door just as he got to it. I was naked and semi hard. "Looks like someone was waiting for me?"

"Go ahead and get comfortable in the living room and I'll bring us a couple of beers."

He slowly stripped down. How he gets everything into a jock, I have no idea. I came back with the beers. He did a slow strip tease with his jock, throwing it at me. His cock was bigger soft than mine was hard. He looks at the coffee table. "Looks like you were getting ready for a workout?"

"I was until I got your call."

"I have a bigger dildo here for you." Squeezing and shaking his cock.

"Can't wait."

"Let's take care of business first and then we can play after."

He picked up the papers. Then starting telling me about the conclusions of the investigation. The papers were a copy of the results of the FBI's investigation. Cal said that the information on the papers was not to be shared with anyone. The FBI gave him the final results in confidence. Cal then began to summarize the results. He told me that agents had found a heavy metal bar in the room off the tunnel. It was hard to spot at first because of the room being dark and the iron bar was black. When the iron bar was investigated they found blood on it. With further forensic investigation, the blood on the bar matched Mrs. Mason's DNA. The metal bar was definitely the murder weapon. With more forensic investigation they found fingerprints on the bar. The fingerprints were a perfect match for Sir Richard Mason. Richard was the killer of Mrs. Mason. The agents sealed off the tunnel and took the knob off the panel in the library. So there is no way to enter the tunnel. They also cleared all the evidence in the attic. Cal told me I was free to go to the attic and use it if I choose to do so. Finally, Joseph and Daniel were charged as accomplices to the murder and for concealing information. They will probably die in prison. All I could say was, "wow. That answers all the quetions."

Cal then moved over close to me and we hugged and kissed. We did a little tongue wrestling. We were both getting hard. We started some hot and heavy making out. We broke apart panting and gasping for air. Then Cal raised my hips and put a cushion underneath. He started licking around my hole and then licking over it. Then started darting his tongue in and out. I had forgot how big Cal's tongue was. He was rubbing his tongue over my prostate. He was driving me crazy and I was leaking like a faucet. He grabbed the lube off the coffee table and lubed up a finger. He pushed the finger in. Then a second and third finger. Now his fingers were working over my prostate. I told him he better stop or I would be covering him with a big orgasm. He pulled his fingers out with a popping sound. Saw him lubed his big cock. He pushed the head in and soon he was balls deep in my ass. Liked feeling those big balls hitting my balls and my ass. He bent down and kissed me while he kept fucking me. Then he went down on my cock, giving me long slow thrusts. Damn Cal is good. Soon I could feel his cock hardening and thickening in my ass and he was filling me way up inside. I squeezed his cock with my ass muscles to get every last drop. After he came, he started bobbing up and down faster and faster and I rewarded him with a big load. He squeezed my cock to get every last drop. We laid back hugging and exhausted. I wiped us off and went to the kitchen and grabbed us a couple of beers.

"I have something to ask you Cal."

"Yeah, ask me."

"My best bud Graham is coming tomorrow on business and staying the weekend. I'd like you to come over Friday after work and stay the weekend. I'm planning a little surprise party for him. I will also be inviting a few other guys. They all like the same things we do. What do you think? Are you interested?"

"Sure I'm interested. My only concern is that we all remain anonymous and. You can use my real name, but as far as work or what I do, I don't want anyone else knowing."

"That won't be a problem Cal. Everyone will be only on a first name basis. What we do for work, won't be an issue. That's not the reason we are all getting together to share personal information. We will just relax and have a good time."

"I can go for that. Sex is a great relaxer for me and stress reliever and naked guys all around, I should be thoroughly relaxed. You can count me in."

"Great. I was hoping you'd agree."

We finished our beer and Cal got dressed. He said he needed to get back to the station and finish some work. We hugged and kissed and gave each other a few good gropes and I watched him leave.

I went back to the living room and turned on some sports. Not my favorite sport was being played. But I was desperate to watch sports so it would have to do. Just starting to get into the game and my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but it seemed familiar. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Been awhile since we've talked. You probably forgot about me."

The voice sounded familiar and that deep voice was very familiar. "Is this Cotton?"

"Bingo Bob, good deduction. I'm coming back for a few days and was wondering if you'd like some company?"

"You took me by surprise Cotton. Of course you can stay here for a few days. I thought you'd be staying with your parents?"

"They won't be here. This is the time of the year they go on vacation. Was hoping you'd agree for me to stay with you."

"When will you be arriving?"

I'll be coming Thursday evening and I'll have to leave Sunday to get back to work for Monday."

"That's perfect. Graham is coming tomorrow, he has some business to take care and will be staying here too. I'm planning a surprise party for him with guys coming for the weekend. They all like the same things we do."

"This is sounding better all the time. Can't wait to meet the guys. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"All the guys are beer drinkers. So if you want to bring beer that would work."

"I'll pick up a case before I come over. You still in that strange Mason house?"

"Yes, I haven't moved. Look forward to seeing you Thursday evening."

"Me too Bob. I need to get back to work. Getting extra things done to be gone from the office for a few days. See you Thursday evening."

"Bye. Looking forward to it."

That was a surprise. I thought Cotton had forgot all about me. I'm sure he is just as hot as ever. That's two coming so far. I need to give Drake a call tomorrow and Travis and Brody. That will make six counting myself, if they can all come. That should be plenty for my first party. If it works out well, I will do it again and maybe see if I can get more guys to come.

Graham said he would be coming later in the evening. I think I'll call Drake and Travis and Brody before he gets here. I want this to be a surprise for him. I hope the guys can make it.

Warmed my dinner and watched some tv. Looked over the newspaper and went to bed. Set the alarm for early. I wanted to get in a good work out before going to work.

Woke up to the alarm going off. Went down to the locker room and changed. Got in a good two hour workout. Told Margaret good morning on my way to take a shower and dress. I would tell her about Graham coming tonight so she could be prepared for another person in the house. Took a long shower. Jerked off feeling my balls and hole. Shot out a big load. Rinsed my cum down the drain. Dried off, dressed and went down for the breakfast. My favorite hashbrown omelette. Told Margaret about Graham coming and that he would be staying in the second master bedroom through the rest of the week. She told me she would freshen up the bedroom and it would be ready for Graham. Finished my coffee and left for work.

Work went quick. Was a busy day so I didn't go to the diner for lunch. Before I knew it, it was time to leave. Got home and Margaret was on her way out. "Good night Margaret."

"Good night Bob. I have the other master bedroom all ready for Graham."

"Thanks Margaret, see you tomorrow morning."

Margaret left and I went in the house and upstairs to get out of my work clothes. Always feels good to go around the house naked. Went downstairs. Wasn't going to work out. Was hoping I would get a good work out when Graham got here. Turned on the tv and watched the news. Suddenly my phone was ringing. It was Graham. "Hey bud, where you at?"

"I'm at rest stop for a bit. I'm about an hour from your place."

"Have you ate dinner?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"I'll wait until you get here and then we can eat dinner together."

"Good idea Bob. That way I can keep driving and not have to stop somewhere to eat. I'm going to end our talk. I want to get back on the road and get to your place."

"Ok. I'll hold dinner here for us. Looking forward to seeing you. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses back to you. Can't wait to feel that hot body of yours. See you soon."

That was nice that Graham called. So he wants to feel my hot body. I don't think my body is anything special. I work out and stay fit, other than that nothing else going on with my body.

I thought I better give Travis a call, then Brody. I'll call Drake last. We haven't been able to have our daily calls. They are finishing a construction job so he's been putting in long hours to meet the contract deadline". They should be about done with the job now. I hope. Picked up the phone and found Travis' number and called him. "Hi Bob. Long time since we've talked."

"Yeah. My best buddy is coming down for a few days. I'm planning a little surprise party for him, starting Friday night through the weekend. I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming over for the weekend?"

"It sounds very tempting. Brody and I don't have any jobs this weekend. Let me ask Brody what he thinks. I'll put the phone on speaker, you do the same and then we can all talk together."

Interesting. I wonder if Travis and Brody are living together. I switched my phone over to speaker. "Hello Brody, can you hear me? Did you hear what I mentioned to Travis?"

"I heard everything," said Brody. "That sounds like a good offer. We don't have anything planned for this weekend. When would you like us to come over?"

"How about Friday after work?"

They both said that would work for them. "Do you want us to bring anything?"

I mentioned they could bring beer if they wanted. "Everyone that's going to be here drinks beer. I forgot to mention. All the guys that will be here are all into the same things we are. If everyone shows, there should be six of us including myself."

"That sounds perfect Bob. We will see you Friday night."

"Ok guys. Look forward to seeing you. Bye."

"Bye. Hugs and kisses."

Good that makes five. Now if Drake is free and can make it, that will make six. Speed dialed Drake after finishing my call with Travis and Brody. "Hello lover. Glad you called. I've missed our daily calls."

"I took a chance on you being home. Wasn't sure if you were still putting in long hours."

"We are wrapping up this job. Actually, we are finishing a day early."

"You don't sound tired. When will you finish the job?"

"Tomorrow will be the finishing day. What's up? You sound like you want to ask me something."

"I do want to ask you something. I was wondering if you wanted to come down for the weekend? I've missed you."

"I can make it down to you place, Friday after work."

"That's perfect baby. I'm having a surprise party for Graham. He's coming for a few days to finalize his new building with offices."

"Sounds like fun. Can't wait to meet him. They way you talk about Graham, he must be someone pretty special. How many guys are you inviting?"

"There will six of us including myself. I've invited Travis and Brody. Cotton is coming down to get away from work for a few days. You will like Cotton. He's a bit younger than us. A real spitfire and lots of fun. All the guys are into having fun, and like all the same things. If you know what I mean?"

""This sounds great Bob. Wish I was there right now. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"Yes. I want that hot body of yours here. All the guys like beer. So if you want to bring some beer. That would be great."

I put my phone on video. Can you see me Drake?"

"Oh my god Bob. Now I know I wish I was there." I was showing Drake my big hardon and balls."

"He switched his phone over to video and I saw his big erection and balls."

We had some video sex, making each other cum. Our hot sex talk pushed us over the edge and we both blasted out big loads. Once we finished, we agreed to hold off until Friday.

Got off the phone and wiped myself off. I thought I heard the speaker but wasn't sure. Walked closer and I heard Graham. I told him where the hidden button was located and to park inside the garage. I opened a garage door for him and saw him pull in and park inside the garage.

Graham used the door from the garage to come into the kitchen. He had a large suitcase and garment bag with him. He looked just as good as always. Dress slacks, a nice polo pullover and dress oxfords. He sat his suitcase and garment bag down. Walked over and gave me a big kiss and hug. "I've missed you Bob."

"I've missed you to Graham. Glad you made it safe and sound. Why don't you take youf suitcase and garment bag up to the adjoining master bedroom and get comfortable. I'll have dinner waiting for us."

I got myself busy in the kitchen. Warming dinner and setting the dining room table. I was starting to get an erection from seeing Graham. I heard Graham coming down the stairs. He was naked and semi hard. He looked just as good, no he looked better than his college days. I told Graham to take a seat and I would bring dinner in. We ate and talked. He told me the one office building I had mentioned to him, was ideal for him starting his branch office here. He would get it finalized this week. Report back to the central office and then return. He would hire two or three other workers and a personal secretary. Then he would be back permanently. He said he would have to return to the central office in a couple of months to give a progress report. We finished our dinner and I loaded the dishwasher and got it running. I grabbed a couple of beers and we went into the living room. Turned on the tv to a sports channel. As soon as we got on the couch we started making out. We decided to head to the bed.

We walked up the stairs to the bedroom with our arms around each other. We laid down on the bed facing each other. Kissing and hugging and our erections rubbing and grinding together. As we got hotter and hornier we moved into a sixty nine position. I started sucking on Graham's balls, I thought he was going to pass out. He was loving it. He worked on my big thick mushroom head. Licking and sucking out my precum. I licked the sides of Graham's cock. He slowly sucked me down to my pubes. I did the same to him. We started bobbing up and down on each other's cocks. We were getting close and decided to back off. We didn't want to cum yet. I had Graham lie flat on his back. I started kissing him then moved to his ears and neck. Slowly worked my way down his chest, kissing and nibbling on his nips. Working my way around his navel and over those rock hard abs. Licked through his pubes and around the base of his cock. Licking the sides and swirling my tongue around his thick head. I could feel him getting close again so I backed off. I had him pull his feet back to his chest. I put a pillow under his ass and started rimming his hot little pucker. Licking all around it then back and forth over his hole. Stuck my tongue in a couple of times. I reached over to the night stand and lubed a finger. I eased it into his hole. His hole was really tight and it was hard to get my finger in. Graham told me this was his first time and to please go slow but he wanted me to fuck him and be his first. He must not have remembered the last time I fucked him and took my time. I kept working the first finger in and moving it around. Could feel his sphincter relax a little and stretch. I lubed a second finger and slowly worked it in with the first one. He grimaced a little and, "I asked him if he wanted me to stop?" "He said hell no, this feels good. Just keep going slow." I slowly worked the two fingers around and found his prostate. It was like an electric shock going through him. He immediately relaxed and was pulling on my fingers. He said, "what was that? It felt terrific and like I was going to cum?" I told him, "that was your prostate." I lubed a third finger and worked it in with the other two fingers and was able to get him stretched more. Told him to keep breathing and relax. I then gave my cock a lot of lube and positioned the head at his entrance. "Keep breathing Graham and push out like your taking a dump." "Ok." I saw him relax and that's when I eased the head in. There was a little resistance and I told Graham the pain would soon go away. He told me to keep going, he could handle it. I started easing in, inch by inch. My head started rubbing his prostate and I could see his face change to pleasure. He told me this felt fantastic, and start fucking him. I finished easing in until my balls were pressed against his ass. I just held it there for a minute or two. Then I started a slow in and out movement, making sure each time I rubbed over his prostate. Soon Graham was pushing back against me and I knew he was ready for a slow fuck. I wanted this to be good for Graham and something he would want to do again. I wasn't fucking him. I was making love to him. He was really enjoying it now. I bent down and started sucking his cock. I think all his senses and nerves were in overdrive. He started bucking on my cock and I went faster. I told him I was ready to cum, "do you want me to cum inside you?" "Yes, yes, yes, do it. I want to feel you inside me." My cock hardened and throbbed and I shot a big load up Graham's ass. Felt his ass muscles squeezing my cock. What a sensation. Soon Graham's cock thickened in my mouth and he shot out a big load hitting the back of my throat. I collapsed on top of Graham and he put his arms around me and we kissed. "Thanks lover," said Graham. "That was perfect. Thanks for taking your time and being so gentle." "I wanted you to enjoy being fucked and make it pleasurable for you." We laid like that with Graham hugging me and kissing me and we fell asleep with my cock still in his ass.

We woke early Thursday morning. I felt strange like I was dreaming or something. It felt like someone was bouncing on me. I opened my eyes and Graham was busy riding my cock. "Damn your cock is a perfect fit for my ass. It feels so good." I couldn't disagree with that. It sure did feel good. I just let Graham keep going. I knew I would come soon. I could feel my cum churning in my balls. "Won't be long baby until I'm filling your ass." That made Graham go faster and faster. Soon I exploded in his ass. Giving him a good full feeling. "You want to work out in the gym?"

"I don't know, I'm kind of exhausted right now."

"I guess we can put it off for a day."

"I want to get an early start on the building. Would like to have everthing finalized by tomorrow and start hiring a couple of assistants and a secretary."

"Sounds like a plan. Remember Cotton will be coming tonight. We can get into another good work out then.

Graham gave me one of his smirky smiles. I could see the wheels were turning in his head. "I'm looking forward to meeting Cotton."

"You guys will get along fine. Cotton is an easy person to like. He always does the same kind of work that you do. So you two will have something in common. How about we take a shower, dress and see if Margaret is here getting breakfast ready?"

"I'm ready for a hot steamy shower with you."

I gave Graham one of his smirky smiles and get the water ready in the shower. I walked in and Graham followed me. Graham was already horned up again. My morning woody hadn't went down. We got busy washing each other. Then Graham got down on his knees and gave me a fantastic blow job. He had me moaning and fucking his mouth fast. I soon shot a big load bathing his tonsils. Then I got down on my knees and gave Graham a mind blowing blow job. Stuck a couple of fingers in his hole. He came almost immediately. Not quite as big a load as his first one, but it was still a mouthful. We finished in the shower. Dried each other off and went back to our bedrooms to get dressed. We gave each other a show as we put our clothes on. I told Graham I would go downstairs first and then he could come down in a couple of minutes. Also mentioned to him to mess up the bed, so it looked like he had slept in it.

"Good morning Margaret. Breakfast smells delicious."

"Good morning Bob. Will Graham be coming for breakfast?"

"I heard the shower running in the other bedroom. I'm sure he will be here soon. I think we'll eat out on the patio. It looks like a nice morning."

"It's in the mid 70's and not a cloud in the sky. Here's your newpaper Bob, if you want to look it over."

"Thanks Margaret. I think I'll go out on the patio and look at the newspaper."

I was reading over the sports section when I heard Graham coming down the stairs. He greeted Margaret and she told him I was out on the patio. Graham came out and wished me a good morning with that smirky look on his face.

"Good morning." Giving him the same look back. Margaret brought our breakfast out. We ate breakfast like it was our last meal on Earth. I guess all our sexual activity gave us an appetite. "Your looking all business and professional." I told Graham. Graham said, "so do you."

We finished our breakfast. Wished Margaret a good day and went our separate ways to work.

My morning at work was going pretty smooth. I was between patients and I thought I'd give Graham a call and meet for the lunch at the Main Street Diner. I gave Graham a call. "Hi Bob, what's up?"

"Was wondering if you wanted to meet for lunch at the Main Street Diner?"

"Sure. What time were you thinking?"

"How about we meet there at noon?"

"That will work. I will need a break by then. I can fill you in on everything that's been happening so far.

"Ok. See you at noon for lunch. Need to leave and get ready for my next patient."

"See you at noon. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses too. Bye."

I finished my next couple of patients. It was time to leave for lunch. Told Shirley I'd be back at 1:00pm. I walked down to the diner. Went to my favorite table. I didn't see Graham. I did see Alec sitting towards the back. I don't think he noticed me. I didn't see Millie anywhere. The crabby waitress came over and asked what I'd like for lunch. I told her I was waiting for someone and then we'd order. I asked her where Millie was. She told me she worked a half day. Something about having a gynecology exam and she needed to get ready. Just then the door opened and I saw Graham walk in. I waved him over. I saw Alec watching him as he walked over to my table.

He sat down and looked tired. "How's your day going Graham?"

"Busy, but making a lot of progress. Should have the purchase of the building finalized today and then I can start hiring staff. This is going much faster than I thought. Mainly, because of your help>"

"Glad I could help out."

The waitress came over and asked us if we were ready to order. We both ordered the special. She brought our coffee while we were waiting for lunch. Graham said, "looking forward to meeting Cotton. I have a few questions for him and maybe he can help me out a bit while he's here."

"Cotton is a very easy going likeable guy. I'm sure you two can work something out."

The waitress brought our lunch. We ate like a couple of pigs. I saw Alec pay his tab and leave. He took a long glance over at our table and then left. I told Graham about Alec and to be careful, he's a player. Graham told me not to worry. I was the only guy in his life and I would always be the only one. I thanked Graham. We decided we better leave and get back to work. I paid the tab and Graham left a sizeable tip for the waitress. Once we got outside, Graham told me he would see me later. I told him the same. We both went back to work.

My afternoon was going pretty fast and before I knew it, it was time for Millie's gynecology exam. Janice told me that she had Millie ready for me in the exam room. All the instruments were ready on a sterile tray. I told Janics that she didn't need in the exam room during the exam. Millie just wanted me there to do the exam. Janice gave me a smile and a wink. Your terrible Janice, I know what your thinking. Once I have the cells collected in the vial, I'll have you take it over to the hospital.

Put on my lab coat and walked into the exam room. Millie already had a examination gown on and she laying back on the exam table with her feet in the stirrups. She saw me walk in. "Oh Bob, I'm so excited. I'm glad your doing my exam."

I put on some rubber gloves and told Millie I was going to start the exam. She said, "take your time, I have all day."

"This won't take that long Millie. Just a little checking to make sure everything is healthy, take a few cell samples to be examined and then we're finished. I'm going to insert the speculum, it might feel a little cold at first. Janice had the light attached to it so I could easily see into the vagina and cervix. As I was slowly inserting the speculum and opening it to expand the vagina, I kept one finger rubbing Millie's clitoris. I could hear her moaning and gasping. Once I had the vagina expanded I noticed a couple of polyps that I removed with a small plastic spatula, I put the polyps in the vial and then took a couple of cell samples and put them in another vial. Continually rubbing Millie's clitoris. "Well Millie, I have your exam finished. I will remove the speculum and then you can get dressed. I will have Janice come in and she will tell me when you are ready." "Ok Bob, I really enjoyed this exam. Wish I could get an exam once a week." "That not necessary Millie. I'll send in Janice."

I told Janice I had finished the exam and asked her to look after Millie and let me know when she was dressed and I could reenter the exam room. Janice went in and I heard her and Millie talking. Soon Janice came out and told me I could go back into the exam room. Millie was sitting on chair by the little desk in the exam room. She looked kind of flushed. I smiled to myself. "Everything looks good Millie, I did find a couple of polyps that I will have the hospital laboratory examine, along with a couple of cell samples. I would like you to make an appointment with Shirley to come back in a week for the results of the lab work. Millie told me thanks and left. Millie was my last patient of the day and I was ready to get home. Janice told me she would take the vials of Millie's samples to the hospital lab. She had some work to do anyway at the hospital. I told Shirley and Janice bye and I left for home.

Got home and Margaret had left for the day. I checked the frig and she had a lot of food there to warm for dinner. Should be plenty for Graham Cotton and myself. Went upstairs and stripped down. Hadn't seen Graham around. He must be putting in a long day. Went down and flopped on the couch. Turned on the tv and watched a little news. Wasn't going to work out. Was hoping to get a good work out from Graham and Cotton. Noticed a missed call on my phone from Graham. I speed dialed Graham. "Hey Bob, thanks for calling me back."

"You must of called when I was driving home from the clinic. What's happening?"

"I'm just finishing up. Already did a couple of interviews. Everything is going well. I should be to your place in just a few minutes. I have something to tell you."

"Ok. Can't wait for you to get here. I'm not going to get dinner ready until Cotton gets here."

"I'll see you in a bit."

"I'm in the living room stretched out on the couch. Naked and waiting for you."

"Now I know it won't take me long to get here. Bye."

Just got off the phone with Graham and I get a call from Cotton. "Hey Cotton, where are you?"

"I'm about forty minutes from your place. Can't wait to get there and see you and Graham."

"I'll get dinner ready when you get here. I'm sure your hungry. Graham and I will be in the living room naked and waiting for you."

"Don't tell me that Bob. I don't want to get a ticket for speeding. Got a big hardon now, imagining you two naked on the couch."

"Take your time. We have all weekend to have fun. Want you here safe and sound."

"I'll take it easy Bob. Hugs and kisses and see you soon. Bye."


In about five minutes I heard Graham pull into the garage. I had a stall open for him. I opened another stall for Cotton. The fourth stall I'll open tomorrow for Drake. Travis and Brody can park in front of the garage. I heard the kitchen door and Graham walked in. He looked tired. "You look tired baby."

"I'm beat. Got a lot accomplished though. I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'll be down."

"I'll have a couple of cold beers waiting for us."

Graham ran up the stairs and in a few minutes I thought I heard the shower going. I went back to the living room and continued watching the news. Soon Graham came downstairs naked with an erection pointing the way. I went to the kitchen to get us a couple of beers. I felt Graham behind me. He hugged me and kissed the back of my neck. I turned and hugged him back and gave him a long passionate kiss. Grabbed our beers and we went to the living room. Arms around each other. Then I mentioned to Graham he had something he wanted to tell me. He told me that after we had lunch and he went back to the office building, he heard the door open and Alec walked in. Graham said that Alec introduced himself and told him he was the owner of a medical supply company. He told Graham that he was a good looking guy and if he wanted to go for dinner sometime to just give him a call. He then gave Graham a business card with his name and cell phone number. I told Graham that was exactly what Alec had done to me. Graham said he told him thanks, but that he wasn't interested, but would hold onto his business card.

Just then I thought I heard a car enter and park in the garage. I walked over to the window to look and it was Cotton. I told Graham that Cotton just got here. Cotton looked just as good as ever. His muscles were bulging through his clothes. He looked even better if that was possible. I closed the garage door and heard him walk up to the door to the kitchen. Soon the door opened and in walked Cotton with a large overnight bag and some dress clothes to hang.

Graham and I walked over to him. I gave him a big kiss and hug. And introduced Graham to Cotton. Telling Cotton, "Graham is my best friend since childhood. "They both kissed and hugged. I could tell Cotton liked Graham's hot muscular body. I told Cotton to put his things in the second master bedroom and make himself comfortable and I'll get dinner ready. Cotton said he needed to take a quick shower. He felt grimy and sweaty after his long drive. I told him where the towels were. He said he'd be down in a bit. I also told him there was closet and dresser space for his clothes. Cotton took off upstairs with his large overnight bag. We heard the shower running. Graham told me Cotton was pretty hot. He was going to talk to him about work once he came back downstairs.

Graham helped me in the kitchen getting dinner ready. We thought eating outside on the patio table would be a good idea. The weather has been so comfortable the last few days. Margaret had fixed beef stroganoff over homemade egg noodles. I tried a sample and it was delicious. Graham got a green salad ready. We were just finishing when Cotton came down. He was naked and wearing some flip flops. His big dick was semi erect. I told Cotton I thought we'd eat out on the patio table. It's a nice evening to enjoy the weather. Cotton helped us with plates and soon we had everything ready on the table. "What does everyone want to drink?" We all agreed on beer. I told them we should drink vodka, since beef stroganoff originated in Russia. They didn't like that idea so we drank beer with the dinner.

The stroganoff was so good over the egg noodles we all had seconds. I was stuffed especially drinking beer with a heavy dinner. I started picking up plates and food. I told Graham and Cotton to go ahead and stay out here and get better acquainted while I clear the table. I saw Graham and Cotton talking and looking like they enjoyed talking to each other. I knew Graham wanted to ask Cotton some things about work, since they both do the same kind of work.

While the guys were busy talking. I thought about giving Margaret a call, to let her know that Cotton was here. I decided against it. I would tell her in the morning when she fixes hreakfast. I got all the food put away in the frig and the dishwasher loaded and running. Saw Graham and Cotton had moved to a couple of loungers that were snug together. They looked like they were doing more than talking. I walked out to the patio and cleared my throat. I asked them if they wanted another beer. We agreed on one more and that would be our limit tonight. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed us three more beers. I had stocked the case of beer that Cotton had brought in the patio frig. Walked back out and Cotton and Graham were busy kissing and making out. I asked them if we should take this up to the bedroom where there's more room. They got up and we walked up to the bedroom. They both were sporting big erections.

We carried our beers with us as we walked into the bedroom. Graham and Cotton told me to lie down. I wondered what they had in mind. Soon Graham crawled in next to me one side, then Cotton did the same on the other side. "What's this all about?" I asked the guys.

"We are going to give you a thank you present for inviting us for the weekend and letting us stay with you."

"Ah come on guys, you know I would never refuse you staying here. But I do like the idea of a thank you present."

Soon Cotton moved down betwen my legs and started sucking on my balls. Graham took my soft cock into his mouth and I was soon growing with the expert blow job he was giving me. Cotton told me to pull my legs back. I felt his warm tongue lapping at my hole and licking all around it. He was giving me a great rim job. I started groaning and moaning it felt so good. I told Cotton there was lube in the night stand. He opened the drawer and took out the lube. He lubed up a finger and eased it into my hole. It felt good as he moved it around. Soon he lubed a second and third finger and was working my hole and prostate good. After a few minutes of working my hole. I saw him lube his big cock. He eased the head in and my ass muscles pulled him in. His cock filled me good. Almost as good as Drake, but Drake was my lover and he knew just what I liked. Graham was busy sucking my cock and licking out my precum. Cotton started a slow fuck. I felt his veiny shaft rub back and forth over my prostate. Graham started going faster sucking me. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. This fantastic sex with these two hot studs was really turning me on. I soon hardened in Graham's mouth. He knew I was going to cum and sucked me faster and harder. I blasted out a big load down his throat. Saw him swallow a couple of times. When I came it made my sphincter squeeze Cotton's cock and that drove him over the edge. He was moaning and grunting and filling my hole with a nice hot load of cum. It felt like he was saving it for this moment. It was a huge load. Cotton pulled out with a popping sound and Graham got off my cock which was going soft. They both bent down and we kissed and hugged. We collapsed back on the bed. Cotton and I realized that Graham hadn't cum yet. So we both worked over Graham's balls taking turns and sucking his cock. We soon had Graham moaning and gasping as we brought him to a mind blowing orgasm. He told us that was terrific and was the first time to have sex with two guys at the same time.

We agreed we needed a shower to clean off. I got the water running and we all walked in. We cleaned each other off. Soon we had big erections. We jerked each other off having a second big orgasm. We were all wobbly and helped each other to stand up. We dried each other off and crawled into bed. Cotton snuggled up behind me with his flaccid soft wedged between my ass cheeks. Graham faced me and snuggled up with our cocks rubbing together. We all hugged and fell asleep.

We woke up early. I knew Graham wanted to get an early start and hopefully finish his interviews. I think Cotton was going to help him so it should go faster. As we woke up we kissed and hugged and crawled out of bed to take a shower. The shower finished waking us up. We were all sporting erections and we somehow managed to suck each other off in the shower. We dried each other off. Graham and Cotton said they were going to head out and eat breakfast at the diner and then start a full day of interviews. They got dressed and we hugged and kissed before they left. We said we should meet at the diner for lunch at noon. We all agreed. I watched them leave. Margaret hadn't arrived yet. I crawled back in bed. I wasn't used to so much good sex. I set my alarm for an hour. I fell asleep right away. I woke up with the alarm going off. I looked around for Cotton and Graham. Then I rememhered they left early for work. I splashed a little water on my face. Got dressed and went down for breakfast. Margaret was busy getting breakfast ready. I told her to just fix enough for me. Graham had left early for work. I told her about his work and doing interviews. Margaret told me she might have a niece that would be interested in the secretary position. I gave Margaret the direction of the office building if she wanted to contact her niece. She thanked me and said she would give her a call shortly. I finished my breakfast and headed to work.

While driving to work I was thinking about Travis and Brody coming and then my Drake. I sure missed him. Glad he could make it for the weekend.

Parked and went to my office. The morning went fast and I told Shirley I was going to the diner for lunch and would be back at 1:00pm. I walked to the diner and sat at my favorite table. Graham and Cotton hadn't arrived yet. Millie came over and told me again how much she enjoyed her gynecology exam. I told her my pleasure with a wink. She asked me if I wanted to order. I told her I had two friends joining me and I would order when they arrived. She brought me a cup of black coffee while I was waiting. I looked around the diner but didn't see anybody I knew. I didn't see Alec here today.

I saw Graham and Cotton enter the dinner. I waved them over to the table. They both looked tired. "Looks like you've had a busy morning?" "Yeah, been busy with interviews, but with Cotton's help, it's going faster than if I was doing it by myself. We have two staff members hired and have two interviews for a secretary this afternoon. We interviewed one person this morning interested in the secretarial position." "Sounds like it moving along nicely?" "Yeah, we'll be glad when we're finished."

Millie walked over and asked if we wanted to order. We all ordered soup and sandwich with coffee. Millie brought our coffee while we waited on our lunch. We didn't really say much. I guess we were hungry. Millie brought our lunch and we wolfed it down. Graham and Cotton paid for lunch and I left Millie a tip. We said our good byes and headed back to work.

My afternoon went by quickly. I was glad. I was ready for the weekend and the party for Graham. I hope he likes Travis Brody and especially Drake. This will be a first for me. The most guys I have been with at one time is three. This will be a small orgy. I finished my reports in my office. Shirley and Janice had left early. It was Friday and I told them if they were caught up on their work by Friday. They only had to work a half day. I locked the office and drove home.


I got home a little later. Margaret had left and Graham and Cotton weren't back yet. I went upstairs and stripped out of my work clothes. Always feels good to get naked. I had just finished stripping when my phone rang. It was Drake. "Hi baby, what's happening?"

"Hi, my hot sexy doctor. Wanted you to know I'm about forty to forty five minutes from your place. Finished work a little early. I was already packed. Took a quick shower and left for your place. The traffic isn't too bad so I've been making good time. Can't wait to see you and the other guys. I'm really looking forward to this weekend."

"I can't wait to see you. To feel you all over, kiss and hug and make out."

"Stop it Bob, your giving me hardon and I can't do anything about it when I'm driving."

"Sorry babe. Keep the hardon till you get here and then I'll take care of it for you. Be careful and I'll have dinner waiting for you."

"See you soon. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses back to you."

I wonder when Travis and Brody will get here. It should be soon. Hopefully, Graham and Cotton won't be too much longer.

I grabbed a beer and turned the tv on. In a few minutes I heard a car pull in and park in the garage. It was Graham and Cotton. They came into the kitchen. I walked over and gave them both hugs and kisses. They said they were going to take a quick shower and be right down. In just a few minutes they came downstairs. Naked and looking mighty fine. I told them I would warm dinner after Drake got here. He had called and said he was about forty to forty five minutes away. He should be arriving soon. Just then I heard another car pull in. It was Travis and Brody. I had told them earlier to park on the end. I had one stall left open for Drake. They walked up to the front door. Just as they got to the door I opened it for them and invited them in. They both looked just as hot as ever. Graham and Cotton walked over and I introduced them to Graham and Cotton. We got into a group hug and kissed each other. I told Travis and Brody to make themselves comfortable. I would grab us some beers. I saw the guys go out to the patio. They were talking and joking and seemed to be getting on fine. I saw Graham and Cotton help Travis and Brody get out of their clothes. Damn, they stay in fine shape. I think Travis' cock has grown since the last time I saw him. I put the beers on a tray and carried it out to the patio. "Looks like you guys are well acquainted?" "We sure are. It's great meeting a couple of new guys."

We lined up the loungers close together and get into some good feeling and fondling. Pretty soon we were all sporting hardons. We decided to wait for Drake until we got too carried away. It was nice to enjoy the scenery. Five guys with nicely toned bodies and big hardons.

I heard my phone ring. I went into the living and answered the phone. It was Drake. "Hi baby, guess where I am?"

"I haven't got a clue. Tell me."

"I just parked in the garage and getting my overnight bag out."

The guys saw me run to the garage. They told each other that Drake must have arrived.

Drake didn't even have a chance to get his bag out of the trunk before I was hugging and kissing him. "I've missed you so much baby."

"Me too. See, I still have my hardon thinking about you."

"Let's get inside and get you comfortable. And you can meet the other guys."

We walked to the door that went into the kitchen. We got inside and all the guys were they there waiting for us. I introduced Drake to the guys. We got into another group hug and kiss. The guys went back to the patio. I went with Drake upstairs and helped him unpack. He would be staying with me in my bedroom. I slowly stripped Drake. He was looking good. He had lost his paunch and was more toned. Once he was naked we kissed and hugged like only two lovers do. I sucked and licked his precum. We then hugged each other and walked back downstairs. I got Drake a beer and we joined the guys on the patio.

Before I sat down in my lounger. I told the guys that I brought this group together to honor my best friend since childhood, Graham. I sat down on my lounger. I was lucky enough to be between Graham and Drake. Cotton was between Travis and Brody. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. There wasn't a soft cock in the group.

Graham told me to move my lounger out in the center. I did as he said. He told me to pull my ankles back. He had a pillow in his hands that he put under my ass. He said all the guys were talking when I was in the kitchen and had agreed on giving me a thank you present for bringing us all together. All the guys got up and formed a line in front of my ass. First was Graham, followed by Drake. Then Brody Travis and last was Cotton. I saw that Graham had a tube of lube in his hands. He lubed a couple of his fat fingers and eased them into my hole. His two fingers felt almost as thick as his cock. He stroked me while he fingered my ass. I was wiggling and squirming on the lounger, it felt so good. Then he lubed his thick cock and thrust it in. The head rubbing back and forth over my prostate. The rest of the guys in line were busy stroking their cocks while they watched. Soon I felt Graham's cock harden and heard him grunt and moan. He was soon filling my hole with his big hot load. Graham pulled out and sat over my face so I could rim him. Then he moved back so I could clean his cock off. I saw Drake getting his cock ready at my entrance. The cum from Graham made good lube and soon he had a good pace going. So far the first two guys have been gentle and not fucking hard, just a nice easy steady pace. Drake leaned down and kissed my cock while he fucked me. I finished cleaning Graham off and he walked over to the side watching us. Soon my lover was panting and moaning and I knew he was ready to shoot. He leaned down and kissed me while his load shot up my hole. He pulled out with a popping noise. He walked around and sat down on my face so I could rim him. I saw Brody stroking his big fat cock. He lined it up with my hole and eased it in. Drake must have talked to the guys to take it easy on me. That I liked to be fucked slow and easy. Brody then eased his big cock into my hole. The two previous loads made it easy for him to penetrate me. These guys sure knew how to find my prostate. It was getting a good work out. I was leaking like crazy and Brody leaned down and cleaned my precum off while he kept fucking me. I gave Drake a good rim job. Then he moved so I could clean his cock off. The mixed cum tasted pretty good. I felt Brody harden in my ass and soon was moaning and grunting and shouting out when he came. He pulled out and walked around and sat down on my face. I proceeded to give him a good rim job. Travis had his big cock rock hard. It looked ready to fuck my ass. He was leaking. He eased his big cock into my hole. My eyes bugged out. I forgot how big Travis was. He's the only one that could hit places that nobody else could. He also kept up a good workout on my prostate. I heard him grunt and moan and I thought his load was going to shoot out of my mouth, he was so far inside me. He pulled out with a loud popping sound and moved around so I could give him a rim job. Finally it was Cotton's turn. He looked excited and ready to go. He surprised me by easing his cock in and taking his time. Travis was enjoying my rim job. He kept pushing his ass down hard on my tongue. I soon cleaned him off and he walked over to side with the other guys, watching. Cotton kept a good workout on my prostate. I knew I was going to cum. I told him. He leaned down and started sucking me while he kept a nice fucking pace. I soon shot in his mouth making my ass squeeze his cock. That brought Cotton over the edge and we were both cumming at the same time. What a feeling. He pulled out and walked over so I could rim him and clean his cock off. Once we were all done. Graham provided towels for everyone and we wiped ourselves off. I got up off the lounger and told the guys, that that was the best thank you I had ever had. I then asked if anybody was hungry, They looked at me like I was crazy. Drake and Brody came with me to the kitchen. I started warming the food. Drake got an appetizer tray ready. I had special ordered some appetizers for this weekend. Soon we had the patio table set and everyone was devouring the food, washing it down with beer. I had the garage frig stocked with beer. One cooler full of beer on ice. And the patio frig full of beer. That should last us for the weekend. Once we finished eating, Drake and Brody helped me with the dishes and we got all the leftovers put away.

We decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. I made a couple big bowls of popcorn. We sat three in a theater chair. I was in the middle with Drake and Graham on each arm of the chair. Travis was in the middle of another chair with Brody and Cotton on each arm. Cotton checked the channels and he found a good movie to watch. I looked over at the other guys and they were all hard, just like us. We enjoyed the movie and ate all the popcorn. These guys can really put away the food. I'm glad I stocked up and ordered six big trays of appetizers. We can always have food delivered too for variety. The movie ended and we all grabbed a beer from the patio frig and sat back down on the loungers. I have eight loungers, so maybe next time I can invite two more guys. Drake was starting to get tired. He had had a long drive today and that's tiring. We soon decided to call it a night. Drake Graham and I went to my bedroom. Cotton Travis and Brody went to the other master bedroom.

We crawled into bed. Drake on one side and Graham on the other side. I looked at one guy and then the other. "I have to ask you guys something?"

"Go ahead Bob," they said in unison."

"I love both you guys a lot. I would like you both to be my lovers."

Both Graham and Drake looked at each other and started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"We already talked about that and we were going to ask you if you wanted two lovers?"

"Are you guys serious. Or are you just playing with me?"

"We are serious. All of us get along so well. We would love to be your lovers."

"This is great. I wasn't sure how you guys would react if I asked you?"

We then got into a three way kiss and hug. Drake got down between my legs and started sucking my balls. Lifting them up and licking under them. Graham went down on my cock. Taking me to my pubes. Graham then moved up so I could suck him. Drake moved into position to fuck me and suck me at the same time. I couldn't ask for more. My two lovers making love to me. We came at the same time. It was such a terrific feeling. We then moved around until we all had been fucked and sucked. We were drained by the time we finished. We could hear the guys in the other bedroom moaning and grunting and we knew what they were doing. We were well sated and fell asleep in each other's arms.

We woke up poking each other with our morning woodies. We got down to business right away sucking each other off. I got out of bed first and got the water running in the shower. I told the guys the shower was ready. We all walked in. Semi hard already. We washed each other getting every nook and cranny. Graham had me lean against the wall as he slid his cock into my ass. It felt good. He knew how to fuck pretty well. Drake got down between my legs and started sucking me. Soon I was shooting into Drake's mouth as Graham was filling my ass. We then took turns. I told Drake to be easy on Graham. He hasn't been fucked much. Graham appreciated that. We took turns slowly fucking Graham and he was loving it. Once we had serviced each other. We rinsed off. Dried each other off. We didn't hear the guys in the other bedroom. We peeked in and nobody was in the the bedroom.

We walked downstairs hugging each other. As we got close to the bottom of the stairs we could smell breakfast. We walked into the kitchen and Travis was busy getting breakfast ready. Brody and Cotton were intently watching him but not helping at all. "Good morning guys," we said. "Good morning to you too."

Everyone got together for a good morning hug and kiss. We decided to eat out on the patio table. Brody Travis and Cotton told us to go to the patio and they would bring out the plates silverware and breakfast. Breakfast was good. Especially when someone else makes it. We chowed down on all the food. There wasn't a speck of food left once we finished.

The guys took the dishes out to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. The kitchen was clean and everything was put away. We decided to relax out on the patio. The weather was still a comfortable temperature. If it got hot later we would come in and enjoy the air conditioning. Just as we were getting ready to sit on loungers, I pulled Graham's lounger out in the middle. All the guys knew what that meant. I told the guys to be easy on Graham. He hasn't been fucked much. We got in line, I was first, followed by Drake Brody Cotton and Travis was last. We did the same to Graham as the guys had done to me. When we came in Graham's ass we would walk around so he could rim us and clean our cock off. Everyone was really into it. Drake and I stood next to each other kissing and hugging watching Graham getting fucked. Graham had a peaceful look on his face. He was thoroughly enjoying himself. Even though it was cool out. We were still sweating and panting after fucking Graham. When Travis finished, towels appeared and we wiped each other off. We moved our loungers together and just relaxed for awhile. The guys telling me again how much they were enjoying this weekend.

I was thinking to myself. Since this is our last full day today. I think I'll take them to the In and Out Bar tonight. I haven't been there in a long time and I think the guys would like it. It was going on mid morning. I went to the kitchen and warmed some appetizers. I think I ordered too many. I brought out a couple of trays and put them on the table. Told the guys there was cold beer in the cooler and in the patio island frig. The guys got up from their loungers and dug in to the appetizers and washed them down with beer. We all just kept talking. We'd make out for awhile and have some hot and heavy sex. It was great. We were really enjoying each other. I'm glad this was going as well as it was.

It was starting to get really hot outside so we decided to head in. We grabbed the appetizers and more beer and we all flopped down on the couch in the living room. Brody and Cotton were flipping through the channels and found a good college football game. With all our making out we didn't watch much of the game. It was getting close to lunch time and I told the guys I would get some food warmed up.

Drake came out to the kitchen with me. I felt him press himself up behind me. He started kissing my neck and ears. My cock was growing with all this attention. I felt his big boner pressing into my ass. I turned and we kissed and hugged like only lovers do. Our hardons were rubbing and hitting together. Soon I was on my knees taking Drake's big hard cock down my throat. I reached around and pushed a couple of fingers in his hole. He leaned back against the kitchen island. I heard him moaning and grunting. I picked up my speed and was sucking his length down my throat. Pulled my fingers out of his ass and started pulling and fondling his balls. That's all it took and he was shooting down my throat. He was gasping and panting when I finished. I stood back up and we kissed, tasting his cum on my tongue. Mmmmmmm, yummy. Then Drake told me to back up into him. Damn, he was still hard and his cock was wet with saliva and cum and he eased it into my hole. He reached around and started stroking me. I leaned my head back on his shoulder. This felt so good and it was something I needed from my lover. Soon he had me pushing back on his cock, driving it deeper and deeper into my hole. I felt my cum churning in my balls and told Drake I was going to cum. He pulled out of my ass and got on his knees fast and sucked me to my balls, just as I started shooting. He took all my load and swallowed it. He then stood up and we kissed and hugged. We then heard some clapping. All the guys had been watching us and were really turned on. They were wondering where lunch was when they found Drake and I having sex in the kitchen.

I told the guys to head back into the living room. Lunch was almost ready. We saw the guys go back and sit down on the sofa. They got into a circle suck. It was really hot watching them. Drake and I set the table in the living room and brought lunch in. It looked like the guys had just had a satisfying orgasm. We told them lunch was ready and they all made a mad dash to the living room. A lot of hands were under the table. I don't know what that was all about. We finished lunch and Drake and I cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen. The guys went back to the game. Half time had finished and they were starting the third quarter. Drake and I joined the guys and enjoyed the game. Beer was flowing freely.

We napped off and on on the couch. Travis Brody and Cotton went upstairs to the second master bedroom. Graham Drake and I laid on the couch. I was the filling between Drake and Graham. What a great way to nap. Drake's cock was positioned between my balls and Graham's cock was nestled on my stomach. We kissed and hugged and nodded off for awhile. When we woke we sucked and jerked each other off. Licking our cum off each other. No drips runs or errors. It was getting later and I decided to get dinner ready. I thought we'd leave a little early, around 8:00pm. I wiggled my way out between Graham and Drake and warmed up some dinner. I asked Graham and Drake if they wanted to get the guys downstairs for dinner. They both ran up the stairs. I heard more grunting and moaning when they got to the bedroom. I just smiled to myself. I set the dining room table ready and put the dinner out with some more appetizers. Had another round of beer by each plate. I heard the guys coming down the stairs. They all looked flushed and out of breath. I didn't say anything. We ate our dinner and more of the appetizers. I cleaned off the table and turned the dishwasher on. Straightened up the kitchen and joined the guys outside on the patio. It was still warm out but not as hot as earlier. I told the guys we would head out around 8:00pm. It takes about forty five to fifty minutes to get to the In and Out Bar.

They kept asking me about the bar. But all I told them was, "you'll enjoy it." That just got a frown from the guys. About seven we can get ready to go. They said, "you mean we have to put clothes on?" "That's right and you better look sharp too." The guys looked at each other. "He's getting kind of bossy. But we should look good when we go to the bar."

We lounged around for awhile. Napped off and on. Got into a circle jerk. Travis wanted everyone to sit on his cock. He loved fucking. We all obliged him. Before we knew it, it was time to get to ready to go to the bar. Drake Graham and me went to the bedroom to get changed. Travis Brody and Cotton went to the second master bedroom and got ready to go. It took us awhile to get ready. It was fun dressing each other. I heard the guys in the other bedroom say they were ready to go. We walked out into the hallway and the guys came out of the other bedroom. Damn, everyone really looked good and ready for a night at the bar.

I set the security system once everyone was out of the house. It was going on seven thirty so we would get to the bar at a good time. We all piled into my SUV. I had three rows of seats. So six big guys fit in pretty good. Drake and I were in the front. Graham and Cotton were hehind us. And Travis and Brody were behind Graham and Cotton. It looked like everyone was settled in. And off we went to the bar.

I took my time going to the bar. There wasn't much traffic. Milo's looked like it was busy. Have to get there, it's been awhile. Maybe when it's just Drake and me. Saw the lights to the bar just ahead. Pulled into a half full parking lot. Didn't hear any music. I don't think the music starts until nine. The guys got out of the SUV. I locked it and we walked into the bar. The guys looked around and said, "I only see guys in here." I told them, "that's all you will see in this gay bar." They looked at me and then gave me a big smile. We looked around for a big table. One of the bartenders came over and helped us put two tables together. He looked like a new bartender. The more I looked at him the more he looked familiar. I didn't see the bartender that knew Brock. The bartender asked us what we'd liked to drink. We gave him our order and he said he would be back with our drinks. We were all drinking beer. I kept looking at the bartender. Drake asked me if I knew the bartender. I told him I wasn't sure, but that he looked vaguely familiar. The bartender brought our beer and we told him to make a tab for us. He went back to the bar and got busy.

I saw the DJ upstairs getting set up. I told the guys they had great music here if they like dancing. I noticed some of the other guys milling around looking at us. Some of them were really hot. I like big muscular guys and there seemed to be quite a few here tonight. The DJ did a practice tune and then started his first set. Most everyone was still staying at the bar or a table. It takes a few drinks for the guys to loosen up and get on the dance floor. Pretty soon Drake tapped my arm and asked me if I was ready to dance. I told him he didn't have to ask me twice. We got up and headed to the dance floor. Drake is a real good dancer. Pretty soon a few other guys were joining us on the dance floor. Soon I saw Graham and Cotton on the dance floor, followed by Travis and Brody. There was a lot of gropping and touching by other guys on the dance floor, but that's part of being in a gay bar. Nobody seemed to be bothered by it. The DJ played a slow piece and Drake and I were kissing and grinding together while we danced. Graham is nice, but Drake is more passionate and loving, like a teddy bear, and I could just melt in his arms. We decided to take a brake and walked back to our table. The other guys were still on the dance floor.

Drake looked at me and told me he was glad that I had Graham to be with. But was gladder that he was my first love. I told him that nothing had changed between us. I love him. Graham is my best friend and is a lover in a different way. Graham seemed satisfied with that. Soon the other guys came back to the table and we rested and drank our beer. They told me they really liked it here and the scenery was pretty good. I was a lucky guy to have Drake in my life. He's so perfect in every way. We looked around again and the bar was now pretty full.

The DJ came back from his break and started his second set of music. It wasn't long until we were all out on the dance floor. I told Drake I needed to go to the bathroom. When I finished I told Drake I was going to order us a beer. Drake went back to the table to wait for me. I thought this would give me a chance to talk to the new bartender who I thought looked vaguely familiar. I walked over and he was busy. I waited until he had some time. He said he was really busy and didn't have time to talk right now. He wrote his name and phone number on the back of a In and Out business card and handed it to me and told me to give him a call. I told him I'd take a couple of beers and add it to our tab. I stuck the card in my shirt pocket and brought the beers back for Drake and me.

Drake asked me what that was all about. I took the card out of my shirt pocket. Irving was written on it. Irving was a college roommate. But this guy didn't look anything like Irving. The Irving I remember was tall lanky and wiry. This guy was a real hunk. He was well muscled, tall and very friendly and outgoing. Just the opposite of the Irving I remember. I told Drake all about him being Irving and how I had a roommate in college named Irving, but didn't look anything like the Irving working here. I told Drake that was a long time ago and Irving was as straight as an arrow. That he, (Drake) was the only man in my life. We finished our beer and joined the guys on the dance floor.

We all needed a break and made our way back to our table. When we arrived there was a round of beer sitting on our table. I saw Irving walk over and he said the round was courtesy of the house. We thanked him and told him to tell the owner thanks. I thought I saw him give me a wink when he left. But I didn't pay any attention to that. We all talked for awhile. It was going on eleven and some of the guys had to leave early. They had a long drive to look forward to. We decided to take our time drinking our beer and then leave. All the eye candy was nice. Most everyone, including the bartenders had their shirts off. We all got a lot of propositions, but we declined. We were getting along well and didn't need anyone else in our little group. We had agreed to freeball when we came here to show off our assets and that got us all the attention we needed, especially Travis.

We danced a little more and had one more beer and called it a night. We piled into the SUV and we headed home. The guys said they really enjoyed the bar and had a good time. I was happy. I thought they would like it.

It didn't take long to get home. The guys were all horned up making out on our way back. I knew they wanted a few hours of sex, since this would be our last time all of us would be together. I parked in the garage. We all got out. I turned the alarm off and we walked into the kitchen. We decided to head to the patio. Drake and Brody moved the loungers together. We had a few trails of clothes all over the kitchen and living room to the patio. We couldn't wait to get naked. We took turns getting into three ways. Finally, we were all sated and exhausted and headed to the bedrooms. We picked up our clothes as we made our way upstairs. I set the alarm for early. I knew Cotton and Graham were leaving early. They both had the longest drives. It was Graham Cotton and myself first. We had a great three way getting each other off. Then we traded off until everyone had been in a three way, either fucked or sucked. Drake Graham and I nodded off to sleep. We had gotten much closer this weekend. Travis and Brody had told me they were living together and I was happy for them. Cotton slept with them. They liked Cotton a lot and I think it took them longer to get to sleep, They are such horndogs. Finally everyone was sleeping all curled up together.

Alarm went off early waking us up. I gave Graham and Drake good morning blowjobs. They woke up with big smiles on their faces. I told them I was going down to the kitchen and make everyone some breakfast. Pretty soon I heard all the guys coming downstairs. It was good timing. I was just finishing breakfast. It was going on 7:00am. I knew Cotton and Graham wanted to leave by 8:00am. They both had long drives. We ate at the kitchen island. We were kind of crowded together, but that felt pretty good. We finished breakfast and we all decided to shower. Both Drake and Graham gave me a good morning fuck in the shower. We cleaned off and we watched Graham getting dressed.

Travis Brody and Cotton got into a circle suck before showering. Once they were in the shower they gave Cotton a good bye fuck. They watched Cotton get dressed. Soon we were all downstairs. Saying our good byes to Cotton and Graham hugging and kissing and their was a few wet eyes. I followed Graham and Cotton out to the garage. It was hard seeing them leave. I gave them each a good bye blow job. They promised to call me when they got home. I watched them leave.

I made my way back into the house. Kind of sad but happy that Drake Travis and Brody were still here. Drake had told me he would have to leave after lunch. We went out to the patio and talked for awhile and just relaxed. We were still pretty horny and I knew what Travis wanted to do. I went over to him and started sucking his big cock. Getting him wet and rock hard. I grabbed the lube off the patio table and lubed a couple of fingers to loosen my hole. I covered his big cock with lube and slowly slid my ass down on it. Damn that big cock felt good. I started bouncing up and down on him. Travis was holding my sides and helping me. Drake got down between my legs and was giving me one of his fantastic blowjobs. Brody was sucking Drake. Soon Travis and I were cumming. It was really hot to cum at the same time. Travis filled my ass with another big load. I shot way down Drake's throat and he managed to swallow all of my load. Brody took all of Drake's load. We laid back with a satisfied look on our faces.

We were just lazy asses. We talked a lot and reminisced about the weekend. Everybody thought this was a good idea and wanted to do it again. I agreed with them. I told them I would try to have two more guys to make eight in total the next time. We napped for awhile and I told the guys I would get some lunch ready. They could stay put and talk and have fun. There was still some left overs to warm up and a few appetizers were left so I warmed them. I took dishes out to the patio table and got it set. Brought the food out and we licked the platter clean. I told them when you eat everything you have to kiss the cook. We got up and we all kissed and hugged. I cleaned off the table and Drake said he needed to get dressed and ready to go. Hearing that brought tears to my eyes but he didn't see me. I heard him go upstairs to get ready to go. I finished quickly in the kitchen and followed him up to the bedroom. We hugged and kissed and we cried a little together. Drake thanked me for a wonderful weekend and he really enjoyed himself. He told me he thought Graham was a really super nice guy and glad he was another lover. Drake finished getting dressed and I we walked downstairs. Drake said good bye to Travis and Brody. They hugged and kissed. I walked with Drake out to the garage and we jerked and sucked each other to climax. I cleaned Drake off so he wouldn't need to wipe himself off. I told him to call me when he got home. And was looking forward to our daily phone calls. He said he promised to call me every day. They hadn't started their next job yet. He said he was going to check out the construction site. I watched him leave and had to wipe my eyes.

Brody and Travis were waiting for me. They knew it was hard for me to see Drake leave. They hugged me tight. It felt good to be hugged. They told they knew how I felt. Since they had started living together and became lovers it was hard to see one of them leave for a long period of time, and they always kept in touch.

I grabbed us some beers out of the patio frig and we relaxed on loungers. It was starting to get warm. But being naked, it wasn't too bad. These horndogs were ready to go at it again. We got into a three way and kept switching around until all of us had experienced fucking, being fuck, sucking and being sucked. It was terrific. These guys really knew what they were doing.

It was already the middle of the afternoon and they told me they needed to get ready to go. They had things to do before work tomorrow. That's right, work tomorrow. I went with them up to the second bedroom. The bedroom had been straightened and organized and you never knew three guys had been in there. I helped Travis and Brody get dressed. We headed downstairs. We hugged and kissed and said our good byes. They thanked me again for a great weekend and a good time. I told them it was my pleasure. And I was definitely going to do it again. I waved and watched them leave.

I walked back into a quiet house. Took a look around, but everything was well organized and clean. So it should make it easy for Margaret tomorrow. I went to the living room and watched a football game, sipping on some beer. Thinking how fast the weekend went. It was like it never happened with nobody here. Couldn't wait to hear Drake's voice when he got home. And it would be nice to hear Graham's and Cotton's voices too.

I relaxed on the couch and watched another football game. Had my phone close. Was waiting for some calls. It was still a little early. I didn't expect them to call yet. The game was pretty good. I snacked on some appetizers that were left with a cold beer. Half time was coming up and thought I'd check the frig to see what I could fix to eat. Found some lunchmeat and fixed myself a sandwich. It wasn't too bad. Half time had just finished and it was kick off time to start the third quarter. The game was close. The teams were pretty evenly matched. It was going on eight and thought I'd be receiving some calls soon. Third quarter was ending when my phone rang. It scared the crap out of me. I was really into the game. Looked at my phone and it was Drake. "Hi baby, just get home?"

"Yeah, traffic was light so I made pretty good time. I miss you already."

"Miss you too." I switched my phone to video so Drake could see my hardon and how much I missed him. "See how much I miss you."

Drake switched his phone to video too. I watched him strip out of his clothes. Then he showed me his big leaking hardon. "Do you like this baby?" He was waving his cock at me.

"Just close your eyes and imagine my mouth and throat on your cock."

That put Drake over the edge and I saw him shoot out a big a load. I started stroking faster and I showed him a load shooting out of my cock. "How's that?"

"Damn nice baby. Now I know I was wish I was there making sweet love to you."

"I hope we can get together this coming weekend. I'll drive to your place."

"I wish it was already Friday."

"Me too."

"Well baby, I'm tired after this long drive. I'm going to take a hot shower and then go to bed. I'll call you tomorrow after you get home from work."

"Ok babe. Talk to you tomorrow. Get a good rest."

Little did Drake and Bob know that this would be the last time they heard each other's voices.

Bob just got finished talking to Drake when Cotton called. "Hey Cotton, did you just get home?"

"Yeah, just stripped down and relaxing on the couch."

"Sounds like me. That's what I'm doing too. How was your drive?"

"Long and boring. Already miss all the guys. That was sure a great idea. I really enjoyed myself."

"Thanks. Glad you had a good time. I will plan another party, but it will be awhile. Will try to have eight of us together the next time."

"Be sure to count me in. I want to be there."

"I'll make sure your invited and let you know ahead of time so you can make it."

"Thanks Bob. I'm going to watch a little tv and then I'm turning in. My long drive is starting to catch up with me."

"Ok. Thanks for calling Cotton and get a good rest. Bye."

"Good night."

I had a call waiting. It was Graham. "Hi Graham, you just get home?"

"Hi lover. Just stripped down and relaxing on the couch with the tv on."

"That's what I'm doing too. How was your long drive?"

"That's what it was. Long and boring. Was missing all the guys and the fun we had. Especially you and Drake. We make a good threesome."

"That was good with you and Drake. Glad we get along so well. You two are the best lovers a guy could have."

"Me too. I liked all the guys. The party was sure a good idea and thank you for doing that for me."

"I just wanted you to have a good time and meet some of my friends. You fit in well and all the guys really liked you."

"That's good to hear. I would sure want to be at your next party."

"I'll make sure you know about my next party and I know you'll be here. You still planning on being here this coming weekend or sooner?"

"That's my plan. If there's any changes, I'll be sure to let you know. Well love, I'm getting tired and going to bed."

"Ok lover. Get a good rest and look forward to seeing you this coming weekend, hopefully sooner."

"Good night. Hugs and kisses."

"Good night to you too. And a big kiss on the end of your cock."

It was nice hearing from some of the guys. Glad they all enjoyed the party. It was a lot of fun. The guys could sure put away the beer. The garage frig was empty. And I emptied the cooler into the patio frig. I had just a handful of beers in the kitchen frig. The game finished and I was starting to get tired. I think all the festivities and sex had tired me out. Went upstairs, set my alarm early. Needed to get back to working out. Crawled into bed looking for Drake and Graham. Oh well, they will be here soon. Went to sleep dreaming about us making love.

I heard the alarm going off. I shut that irritating thing off. Crawled out of bed. Had a good morning piss with a hardon. Took awhile. Made my way to my locker room. I was really dragging. Changed into some gym clothes and started my work out. It went pretty well and got in about an hour and a half. My muscles were sore. I knew I'd really feel this workout tomorrow. Made my way upstairs. Said good morning to Margaret and took a hot steamy shower. Set the shower head to pulsing. That felt good on my neck and shoulders. Had a good jerk off in the shower. Dried off and got dressed. Noticed that I had Irving's card on my nightstand. I have to give him a call and see if we can get together. I have a lot of questions for him and I think he does for me too.

Went to the kitchen and ate breakfast at the kitchen island. Margaret told me I looked tired. I told her I had a restless sleep. Which was partly true. Finished my breakfast and headed out to work.

I know Bob was up to something. Margaret was thinking to herself. I wonder what he does on the weekends. I never see any girlfriends. Just male friends. Then cleaning his bedroom. I saw a card with the name Irving and a phone number. It was written on a business card from the In and Out Bar. I have heard something about the In and Out Bar. But I don't remember. I'll have to ask the girls the next time we play cards. I'm sure one of them knows something about that bar. Also. the second master bedroom looked like it was used over the weekend. I had to change the bedding and there was some weird smells on the sheets. I'm not going to question Bob. It's not my place. I'm just curious about him and I hope he's being careful. Oh well, I better get busy and stop doing all this thinking.

The morning went quick and it was soon lunch time. Told Shirley I was going to the diner for lunch. While I was walking to the diner I thought I saw Holden. Damn, I didn't think he was even around any more. I hadn't seen him since I was working out at the local gym. When I first got to town I was living with my parents till I purchased the Mason house. I would go to the local gym to workout. Holden was a personal trainer and fitness instructor and also had a degree in sports physical therapy. We became friends at the gym.

I called out his name and he turned around and walked over to me. "Bob, is that you?"

"Sure is man. You surprised me. This is the first I've seen you since I was going to the gym."

"I don't get out much. My work keeps me pretty busy. I was just heading to the diner for lunch.

"That's where I'm headed too. Let's go and we can catch up and talk about what we've been doing."

We walked in and we sat at my favorite table. I saw Millie busy waiting on another table. "You still working at the gym Holden?"

"Not as much as I was. I'm teaching physical therapy at the college and that's occupying most of my time. Still do some personal training and physical therapy on the side."

"Sounds like a pretty busy schedule?"

"It is, But I enjoy my work. So it doesn't seem like work."

"That's good."

Millie came over and took our order. I reminded Millie that she needed to be at the clinic Thursday for her lab results. She told me she wouldn't miss it for anything. Winking and flaunting at me. Holden was trying not to laugh. I told him to shut up. Millie is a big flirt. Millie brought our lunch. We talked a little more and finished eating. I asked Holden if he had time to come over sometime when I get home from work. He said he'd like that. We exchanged phone numbers and he said he would give me a call and be over one of these days. I left Millie a tip and we left. We promised to call each other and went our separate ways back to work.

The rest of day went quickly. Nothing major. Just routine patients. Got home and Margaret was getting ready to leave. I wished her a good evening as she did to me. I went upstairs and stripped out of my work clothes. Went down to the locker room and put on some gym clothes and got in another short work out. Only about and hour. Muscles felt better after working out again. Went upstairs to my shower and rinsed off the sweat and grim from working out. Grabbed my toy and some lube. Noticed the card again from Irving but thought I'd call him around the middle of the week. Went downstairs and turned the news on, and checked out the newspaper. News finished and I warmed up dinner. Ate in the living. No beer. I drank enough the last few days. Had a cup of coffee with my dinner. Was hoping Drake would call soon. Couldn't wait to hear his voice. I miss him so much. Hopefully, Graham can start working here fulltime and live with me. That will help a lot since I only see Drake on the weekends.

It started getting later and later and no call from Drake. I hope everything is ok. I thought about giving my brother a call, but remembered Drake said they were going to be gone for a few days till they started the next construction job. Thought I'd give Holden a call and see how's he doing. I needed to talk to someone. I gave Holden a call. "Hi Bob. Glad you called me."

"I needed to talk to someone. I haven't heard from Drake and he should have called by now."

"Drake is still probably tired after his long drive yesterday."

"Your probably right. I'm sure he'll call me tomorrow. What you up to? Want to come over for awhile?"

"I'm going to have to put a rain check on coming over. I have to get up early tomorrow for work tomorrow and I'm getting tired. I can make it tomorrow after you get home from work. If that works for you?"

"Sure. That will be fine. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Damn Bob is sure hot. Holden was thinking to himself. I tried to spend as much time with Bob as I could when he came to the gym. Tried to get a few looks at him in the changing room and shower, but I was always busy. I really like him, and I can't wait to see him tomorrow after work. Maybe I can make a move on him. Or he will make a move on me. Have to wait and see.

I went to bed. Still hadn't heard from Drake. Was concerned but maybe Holden was right and he was still tired after his long drive yesterday. Set my alarm early to work out. Crawled into bed and had a restless night of sleep.

Woke up to the alarm going off. Splashed a little water on my face. Remembered I left the dildo and lube in the living room. Went downstairs and picked up the dildo and lube and put the dildo in my hiding spot in the closet and the lube back in the drawer in the night stand. Went back down to the locker room and changed and did my work out. Got in two good hours. Went upstairs and took a shower. Jerked off getting rid of my morning woody. Felt good. Washed my big load down the drain. Dried off and got dressed. Went down for breakfast. Margaret already had it ready for me. We talked for a bit while I ate breakfast in the kitchen. Told her bye and left for work.

Thought about Drake when I drove to work. Was sure I would hear from him tonight. Work went fast. Was really busy. Ate lunch in my office and finally finished my last patient close to five thirty. I finished little later than usual. But I wanted to finish all the appointments for the day. Shirley and Janice had left. I closed and locked the clinic and headed home. Margaret was gone when I arrived.

I didn't workout when I got home. Went upstairs and stripped down. Brought some shorts and tshirt with me. Wanted to have something to wear when Holden came over. Warmed dinner and ate in the living room. Watched the news and looked through the newspaper. Just finished eating when I heard Holden at the speaker. I told him I would open the gate and come up to the front door. I quickly put my gym shorts on and tshirt. I pressed the button inside for the gate to open. I heard him drive in while I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Heard the front door bell. Opened the door and Holden came in. We shook hands and gave each other a bro hug. Holden was looking good. He had some tight jeans on showing off a big bulge. And a wifebeater that really made his muscles pop. He looked more ripped than when he was working at the gym. Holden is tall. I think he's my height six feet. Black hair and beautiful green eyes. Could see a little hair sticking out the top of his wifebeater. We went to the living room and I asked him if he wanted something to drink. He told me whatever I was having. I brought us a couple of beers.

Damn Bob looks good. He looks more toned than when he used to come to the gym. Thought I could see a bulge bouncing around in his gym shorts. His tshirt was tight and showed off his muscles. I was getting horny the more I thought about him.

I handed Holden his beer. We clinked our bottles and said, "cheers." "Your looking more ripped Holden than what I remember at the gym."

"I workout about five days a week."

"I try to workout every day. Sometimes two times in one day. I have my own gym so that's why I don't go to the gym anymore."

Holden asked me if he could see my gym. I told him sure and would give him a tour of the house. Showed him the bedroom, library, den, kitchen and patio. Then we went downstairs and I showed him the game room, locker room, home theater room and gym. He was quite impressed with house. I really liked my gym set up. He asked me if I would like a work out buddy. I told him sure, but that I usually work out early in the morning around 6:00am. Holden told me that was perfect and he would be over tomorrow morning to work out. I told him that's great. Be nice to have a work out buddy. We went back upstairs to the living room. I noticed Holden sat a little closer to me.

I sat with a leg propped up so he could see in my leg opening in my shorts. I was freeballing and I knew it would give him a good view. I wanted to see if he was interested. I noticed him glancing over quick and then looking away. I thought I saw Holden's bulge getting bigger. I noticed him rub it a couple of times and it looked quite impressive. I adjusted myself so my cock was hanging down on the open leg opening side. I wanted to see if he would do anything. I was hoping so. I saw Holden squeeze his bulge. Then he moved over closer to me. Our sides were almost touching. He set his beer down and leaned over and gave me a kiss. This was what I was waiting for and kissed him back. He then proceeded to tell him how he was always attracted to me, but I never seemed interested and he was always really busy at the gym.

I told Holden I thought he was straight and that's why I never made any moves on him. We kissed some more and hugged. His muscular body sure felt good. We then stood up and started undressing each other. We slid each other's shirts off. Kissing and nibbling on each other's pecs and nips. Then I unloosed Holden's jeans. He wasn't wearing a belt. Undid the top button and slid them down. He was free balling like me. He has a nice thick cock. Looked to be about seven and a half inches with big low hanging balls or maybe closer to eight inches. Making my mouth water. He kicked his sneakers off and I finished sliding his pants off. His erection was sticking straight out. Holden then put his thumbs on each side of my gym shorts and slid them down and off. My thick seven incher was sticking out proudly just like Holden's. We hugged each other tight making our erections rub and grind together. We kissed for a long time. Holden was a good kisser. I told Holden let's go to the bedroom where it's more comfortable. We put an arm around each other and walked upstairs to my bedroom. We laid down on our sides and kissed and hugged some more. A nice gentle making out. I could tell Holden had done this before. We then moved around in a sixty nine. I felt Holden's warm tongue and mouth on the head of my cock. He was licking and swirling his tongue all around the head. He was driving me crazy and making me leak. I started doing the same to Holden. We both were leaking and moaning. Soon Holden went down below my cock and started sucking on my big balls. That's a big turnon for me. I returned the favor to Holden. It seem to get him really aroused. I then licked between his balls up to the head and took his length down my throat. Holden did the same to me. We soon were bobbing up and down on each other's cocks. I felt Holden getting close and told him I swallow. He smiled and said he swallowed too. We started going faster using our throat muscles to massage our hard shafts. I came first filling Holden's mouth with a big load. I then felt Holden shooting down my throat and what a big load he had. He laid back on the bed panting and gasping for air. Our breathing finally returned to normal. We looked at each other and said how great this was and hopefully we could continue making up for lost time.

We went back downstairs and I grabbed us a couple more beers. Holden was right behind me holding me when I got the beers. We walked together back to the living room. We were practically sitting in each other's laps. Our cocks had went down. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We sure were getting it on. It felt good with Holden. I really liked him and I think he would be a good addition to our group. I'll mention that to him at a later date. We finished our beer. Kissed some more and hugged and Holden said he thought he should be leaving, but said he would be here early tomorrow morning for a good work out. Maybe two good workouts giving me a smile. I told him I was already looking forward to a couple of good workouts. I helped him get dressed which he liked a lot. I told Holden where the secret button was to open the gate, and to just let himself him and I would probably already be downstairs in the gym. We kissed some more and hugged and not really wanting him to leave. We finally made it to the door and I watched Holden leave and waved good bye to him.

I sat back down in the living room. I realized Drake hadn't called. Now I was starting to get worried. I thought I'd give him a call and see what is going on and that he is ok. I called his phone and it rang and rang and rang, but no answer. That's strange. If his phone is on he always answers right away. I then thought I'd give my brother a call and see if knew anything about what's going on with Drake. I punched in my brother's number and called him. The same thing with his phone. It rang and rang and rang and I got a recording to leave a message at the beep. I was thinking, doesn't anybody answer their phone anymore? My brother must have still been gone and they weren't home yet.

Butch had worked for my brother now for a few years. He was loner. He was rude, self centered and in general just didn't like people. My brother hired him because he had construction experience. And he was dependable and realiable at work. My brother knew most of the other workers didn't like him. But Butch didn't cause any problems at work and what he did in his private time was no concern of my brother's. Butch was extremely jealous of Drake. Here's this new guy coming in and getting his foreman position. Butch thought he was long overdue to be foreman. He resented Drake and knew he had to do something to get Drake out of the way so he could take over the foreman position. Butch thought he would start following Drake around and see what his routine was. He knew where Drake lived and knew he was one of those people. He hated fags queers whatever you wanted to call him. He was a pure homophobe and that was another reason to get Drake out of the way so he could be foreman.

Butch knew that they would be starting a new construction job soon. He started following Drake. He noticed Drake got home late Sunday night. Then he followed Drake Monday. He kept a distance so Drake wouldn't think he was being followed. As Drake kept driving, Butch knew where Drake was going. He was driving to the knew construction site. They would be building a church with an attached school. He figured it had to be a multi million dollar project. But that wasn't his concern right now. He saw Drake park and get out of his car and walk into the new construction site. Butch parked a distance back so he wouldn't be seen. Butch saw Drake walking around and he got out of truck and started walking quietly around on the edge of the site, so he wouldn't be noticed. Butch saw there was some old buildings on the site. It looked like a couple of old storage sheds. Drake was still walking around and he didn't see or hear Butch come up behind him and hit him on the back of the head with a large rock. You could have heard Drake's skull crack and blood started leaking out. Drake collapsed onto the ground when he was struck. He wasn't moving. Butch figured he had knocked him out. Butch wore rubber gloves so there wouldn't be any finger prints. He lifting Drake up and drug him to one of the unlocked storage buildings. There were some old barrels and boards and a tarp over in one corner. He drug Drake to the corner and positioned him behind the barrels and put the tarp over it. Butch was shaking and nervous. Butch didn't realize how much trouble in was in. He wasn't a doctor so he couldn't tell if Drake was breathing or not. He only knew that Drake felt awfully cold and hadn't woken up. Butch left Drake in the storage shed and ran back to his truck and high tailed out of there. Butch didn't realize he left drag marks in the dirt where he dragged Drake and there was a blood trail from where Drake was struck to the storage shed and where Butch had left Drake's body. Butch was thinking, that will teach that fag to take my foreman position away from me.

Bob was getting tired after his workout with Holden. He went upstairs and set his alarm for early. Bob was already looking forward to working out with Holden. Bob was still worried about Drake and starting to get that feeling in his stomach like something was seriously wrong. He had that same feeling when Brock had his problems. Bob finally went to sleep, but it wasn't a very restful sleep.

Bob woke up to the alarm going off and his phone ringing. He groggily answered his phone. He didn't recognize the number. "Hello, this is Bob."

End of Chapter 8 - Holden

Chapter 9 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers. I'm sorry this chapter took so long. The holidays cut into my writing time.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 9

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