My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Dec 13, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chaprter 7

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 7. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 7 - Graham

A couple of days had passed by since Fletcher left. I was kind of glad he was gone. I received a call from him. He apologized profusely for leaving. I told him it wasn't a problem. He went on to tell me that he's been working with a very important client. If lands this client, it would move him from a junior partner to a senior partner. He also asked me if I had called Graham. I told him I hadn't. And he also asked me if I did any research on the creepy Mason house. I told him I was going to start doing some talking around and investigating in the house this coming weekend. I told him good luck and I'm sure he would get the client.

I didn't really miss Fletcher that much. He seemed to have changed a bit. And not as friendly as when we were in school. It was nice to see him. But in a way, I was glad he was gone.

I thought about what Fletcher said after we ended our call. I would call Graham a little later. Be good to talk to him. It's been a long time since we've talked. And tomorrow morning while I'm eating breakfast, I'll ask Margaret if she knows anything about this house and the Mason family. I'll go for lunch at the diner and see if Millie can give me any information about the Mason's. She might also know some old timers I could talk to to get more information. And then there's the public library. They might have old newspapers or archives where I could get some information, or microfilm with the history of the town. Then I'll gave Drake a call on Thursday and see if he can make it down. I sure hope so. I miss him a lot.

It was getting close to dinner time. My stomach was rumbling. I warmed up my dinner and took a cup of coffee and went out to the covered patio to eat. The food was good as always. Cleaned off the table. Went to the living room and turned on the news. Thought I'd give Graham a call and see how he's doing and when he will be in town. I had put his number in my phone from the post it Fletcher had left on my refrigerator. I found his number and pressed call. It rang and rang and rang and was ready to disconnect when I heard, "hello, this is Graham, can I help you?"

His voice sounded the same as I remembered. He had a nice baritone voice. "Hey Graham, it's Bob. Thought I'd give you a call and see when your going to be in town."

"Bob, you surprised the shit out of me. So glad you called. Did Fletcher give you my number?"

"Yeah, he did." Then I proceeded to tell Graham about Fletcher when he was here.

"I agree. Fletcher has changed. Anyhow, to answer your question. I'll be down in a couple of weeks. We are finalizing everything here. I will be searched for a building or office space that will work for setting up a branch office there. I will be running the branch office."

"That's good hear. Can't wait to see you. It's been along time. We have a lot to talk about and catch up on."

"For sure Bob. Can't wait to see you too. At first, I will be going back and forth a lot between corporate and the branch, until it's up and running. Then I will be relocating there once everything is running efficiently."

"That sounds terrific. I'll do a little checking around and see what's available."

"Appreciate that Bob. That would save me some time. I have a meeting to start soon, so I better run. Sure good talking to you and I'll call you when I have more time and more information."

"Ok Graham. Take care and look forward to seeing you soon."

I remember that sexy voice. Hearing Graham brought back memories of when we were growing up. Graham's family lived on the left side of my mom and dads house. Prick head Ethan's family lived on the right side of my parents house. Graham and I became good friends before we started school. Something just clicked between us. We both loved sports and would practice throwing the football or baseball. We did everything together. We were pretty much inseparable. If you saw Graham I wasn't too far behind and vice versa. It was like we were joined at the hip. Our friendship grew and we were almost like brothers. Graham was at my parents house, more than I was at his. His parents were working professionals, like my parents and they were gone all the time and never returned home until late in the evening. My parents always said Graham was another son. In middle school and high school we played football. We were both good students in high school. We both earned academic and football scholarships. Of course, we both used our academic scholarships and went to different colleges. Once we graduated and went to college we went our separate ways. We stayed in contact for a while, but eventually the contacts slowly stopped. This was the first I had talked to Graham since we graduated from college.

Graham is your typical boy next door. He's polite and courteous. He's bigger than me, at least from what I remember. He's about six foot two. Over two hundred pounds of solid muscle. Very good looking and with a great and funny personality. Even on my bad days, Graham could always get me smiling and laughing. We both dated in high school, mainly for appearance. We had fooled around a lot when we were kids. We learned how to masturbate from my older brother. Then we took it from there and started some oral. We never did any fucking. For all I know now, he could be married and have kids.

I finished watching the news. Thought I'd work out for a bit. Went down to the locker room and changed into some gym clothes. Worked out for only about an hour. I had a lot on my mind. Was thinking about Graham and this "creepy house", as Fletcher called it. I wanted to start doing some investigating and find out more about this house and the Mason family. I finished working out. Went upstairs and took a long hot shower. Had my good buddy with me. Mr. Dildo and he gave me a good workout. He had me bouncing up and down on him and stroking my cock like crazy. Mr. Dildo was rubbing my prostate and getting me hotter and hotter. Soon my load blasted out splattering the shower wall. I got up a little dizzy from that orgasm. Rinsed the cum down the drain. Dried off and went downstairs to watch tv. I flipped through the channels and found a good movie that had already started. Watched it to the end. Went to bed. Set my alarm early and went to sleep.

Woke up to the alarm beeping. Turned the annoying alarm off. Went downstairs naked and put on some gym clothes. Worked out for my regular two hours. Wiped the sweat off and went upstairs to shower and dress for work. Didn't jerk off in the shower. Thought I'd wait until I got home from work and then have a long foreplay and sex work out. Went downstairs and Margaret had my breakfast ready. I asked Margaret if she could take a seat. I had something I wanted to ask her. She looked at me kind of funny. "You haven't done anything wrong Margaret."

She looked relieved. "What would you like to ask me?"

"Since I've been living here in the Mason house. I've been curious to know what the Mason family was like. And if you knew anything about them."

Margaret sighed and said, "I don't really know a lot about the Masons. They kept pretty much to themselves. They rarely left the house. How they made money, I have no idea. I heard from friends that they were millionaires, but that was hearsay and rumors. Other than that, I really don't know anything else."

"Do you know if Mr. Mason was married and did they have children?"

"Again rumors, I heard that Mr. Mason was married, as far as having children, I don't know. There was always a lot of mystery about the family, which caused many rumors to be spread."

"What were some of the rumors, Margaret."

"I heard that Mr. Mason murdered his wife. She came from a wealthy family and that's how he got all his money. There was also rumors that he had gravediggers and they robbed corpses for jewelry and gold fillings. Supposedly their was a tunnel from the cemetery to his house. Also, there was supposed to be a secret room in the house that went down some stairs that connected to the tunnel. It sounded pretty far fetched to me. I never paid much attention to all those rumors. Of course the kids exaggerated everything. Saying the house was haunted and the ghost of Mr. Mason was a stalker in the cemetery killing and robbing people."

"Those rumors do sound pretty far fetched. But thanks for the information."

"Your welcome Bob, if I think of anything else, I'll let you know. When I meet with my bridge club. I'll ask around and see if anybody knows anything about the Mason's."

"Thanks Margaret for the information. I better get to work. Don't want to be late."

I left for work. Got to work a couple minutes later than usual. No big deal. Morning went by quickly and it was approaching lunch time. Thought I'd go to the diner. Hopefully, Millie would be back to work after her time off. Walked over to the diner and could see Millie waiting on a table. Went in and took a seat by the front window. I saw Millie walking over all bubbly and excited. "Good to see you back to work Millie."

"I couldn't wait to get back to see my favorite doctor."

"Millie your just too good to me."

"I have some good news that I'm all excited about."

"Tell me Millie all about your good news. Don't leave out any details."

"Well, I called your receptionist, I think her name is Shirley and made my gynecology appointment. It won't be for a few weeks. Seems your booked ahead a couple of months. Shirley told me she would let me know if someone cancels, then I can get in sooner. Isn't that great. I'm so excited."

I thought to myself, she's probably already had an orgasm thinking about it. Took a look at the floor, but didn't see any wet spots. "That's great news Millie. Glad your concerned about your health." I then proceeded to flex my fingers and pretend I was stretching them. I thought Millie was going to faint. She was sweating and hyperventilating. "Take a seat Millie. You need to relax."

After she seemed to control herself. I ordered the special and asked her if she could sit for a few minutes while I eat. I had something I wanted to ask her. She told me sure, she always had time for me.

Millie brought my lunch and took a seat across from me.

"What would you like to ask me Bob?" Leaning over close so I get see those big tits.

Cleared my throat. "You know I'm living in the Mason house. I was wondering if you knew anything about the Masons?"

I could see Millie thinking for a couple of minutes. "Well, I don't know a lot about the Masons. They stayed in their house all the time. If they needed anything, they would have one of their staff do the errands. Most of what I know is hearsay and rumors. I heard that Mr. Mason was a distant relative of the British royal family. His name was, Sir Richard Mason. Supposedly, he was a millionaire. Maybe he got money from the royal family. I don't really know. There was also rumors that he killed his wife. She was supposed to have come from a wealthy family. Also, I heard a farfetched rumor that he had gravediggers rob graves and take anything of value. That's about all I know."

"Thanks Millie you've been very helpful. Do you know any oldtimers that I could talk to. That might know something about the Masons?"

"Joseph and Daniel are always sitting outfront the diner on the bench. I've heard them mention the Masons. They are outfront every Thursday at lunch time. Rain or shine. You might want to talk to them. They are friendly old men.

"Thanks Millie for all the information. Look forward to doing your gynecology exam. I better get back to work."

I paid Millie, gave her a good tip as always and was thinking about what she told me as I walked back to the clinic.

Most of what Millie said was the same as what Margaret had told me. Two with the same information. Some of it must be legitimate. Interesting. It's like one of my spy mystery movies I like watching. I have a lot of pieces to the puzzle. But right now, nothing is fitting together. I need more substantial information. Will talk to Joseph and Daniel tomorrow. See if they can shed more light on this mystery.

Finished my last patient. Said my good byes to Shirley and Janice and went home. Got home, Margaret was just leaving. Told her bye and she told me to have a good evening. Went upstairs and stripped down naked. Took my laptop with me and went to the living room. Thought I'd see if I could find any information about a Sir Richard Mason on the internet. Turned on the the news and booted my laptop. Typed in Sir Richard Mason. Didn't realize there was so many. I scrolled through the list and found what I was looking for. The Sir Richard Mason that lived here in this town. Started reading through the information. It gave his birthdate, the name of his wife, which I wrote down and would check out later. Mentioned his distant ties to the British royal family. Also, he was a millionaire. It went on to mention that there was many strange things that had happened in the house. Richard had been under investigation for murdering his wife. No charges were ever filed. It then when on to mention, it was a mystery how he made his money. It said he did get a small stipend from the royal family, but that wouldn't make him a millionaire. There was a lot of speculation that he did many secretive and clandestine things to make money. But the article didn't give any details. That finished the article. After reading that. I felt I didn't really know anything new. It just made it more mysterious.

Ate my dinner and then I thought I would check on Sir Richards wife on the internet.

Finished dinner quick. Was anxious to see what information I could find on Richards wife. Typed in her name and bingo. There was the listing I was looking for. She did come from a very wealthy family. They were into shipping and oil and had made millions from good investments and good business sense. The article mentioned when she married Sir Richard Mason. He swept her off her feet according to the information. She was infatuated with Richard. It want on to explain that she died under mysterious circumstances. Her husband was the prime suspect, but nothing was ever confirmed, so her death went to a cold case file. Also it mentioned that Richard became even more of a recluse and never left the house after her death. Another interesting bit of information. I definitely have to talk to Joseph and Daniel tomorrow. Maybe they can shed more light on what happened to Mrs. Mason, and the mysterious Sir Richard Mason.

I watched some more tv. My mind was reeling with the all the information I had. I was trying to piece things together, but nothing fit. Finally I called it a night and went to bed. I had a very restless nights sleep. I woke up many times still thinking about this house and Sir Richard Mason. My alarm went off and I got up. Was pretty sluggish. I had better workout and get some motiviation. Did a good workout and felt a little better. After a shower and breakfast, I should be back to my regular self. Put the shower on massage and just soaked under the water. It was relaxing and felt wonderful. Dried off, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. I heard Margaret humming in the kitchen. I knew she was in a good mood. She only hums when she's content. "Good morning Margaret." "Good morning Bob. I have your breakfast ready for you. Where do you want to eat?"

"I'll eat right here at the kitchen island." She set down my breakfast. Had my juice and coffee. "Very good Margaret."

"Thanks Bob."

We said our good byes and I went to work. The morning flew by. Had a good variety of ailments to treat which I like. It was lunch time and I wanted to talk to Joseph and Daniel. I walked over to the diner and saw two older men sitting on the bench. I said good morning to them and they returned the greeting. I walked in and Millie came over right away. She asked me, "did you see Joseph and Daniel outside on the bench?"

I told her I did and had wished them a good morning. Ate my lunch quick so I would have some time to talk to the men. Paid Millie and told her I was going outside to talk to Joseph and Daniel.

"Millie told me they came here every Thursday to talk and sit on the bench."

I walked out. "Joseph and Daniel?"

"That's right young man," they both said. "Did you want to talk with us?"

I took a seat next to Joseph on the their bench.

I told them, "yes. I had some questions I wanted to ask, if they didn't mind?"

"Your the new doctor aren't you?"

"Yes I am. My name's Bob."

"Good to meet you Bob," they said. "I'm Daniel and this is Joseph."

"Nice to meet both of you."

"What would you like to ask us Bob," asked Daniel.

"I'm living in the Mason house and I was wondering if you had any information about Mr. Mason."

They both looked at each other before saying anything. Finally Joseph spoke. "Was there anything specific you wanted to know about."

"I've only heard rumors and hearsay. I wanted to get some concrete information. Was hoping you could help me with that."

"What have you heard," asked Daniel.

"I heard he was married to a very wealthy lady. She was murdered in the house and Mr. Mason was the prime suspect. Also, I was told he might have a secret room in the house that went down some stairs and was connected to a tunnel to the cemetery. I heard he was also very mysterious and never left the house. Nobody seemed to know what he did all day and how he made money. Some people thought he had gravediggers that robbed graves of valuables. And he was supposedly a distant relative of the British Royal family. That's all I know and have heard."

"That pretty much covers the rumors," said Joseph. We can give you a lot more information. But I don't think sitting out here in public is the best place. How about if we come over to your house this evening and we can have a good talk?"

"That pretty much covers the rumors," said Joseph. We can give you a lot more information. But I don't think sitting out here in public is the best place. How about if we come over to your house this evening and we can have a good talk?"

"I said that would be perfect. How about around seven?"

"They agreed on seven."

"Good. I'll see you then. I need to get back to work now. Just press the speaker and I'll open the gate when you arrive."

I took off walking back to the clinic. Thinking about Joseph and Daniel. Wondering what information they had for me. Hopefully, they can fill in a lot of the gaps in my information.

The rest of the day went by without a hitch. I was anxious to get home, I'll call Drake and tell him about Joseph and Daniel. Margaret was just finishing when I got home. We said our goodbyes. I went upstairs and stripped down naked. I was really horny and hard. Thought I'd jerk off when I talked with Drake, do a video call and he can see me jerking off. That got me even harder, thinking about doing that. I was leaking like crazy. Went down to the locker room and changed into some workout clothes. Got in a good workout. Still had my hardon after working out. Went upstairs and took a quick shower, dried off and went downstairs to warm my dinner. Dinner was delicious as always. Turned on the news. Finished my dinner and speed dialed Drake. "Hi Bob, glad you called."

"I needed to hear your voice. Miss you terribly." Had my phone on video chat.

"Miss you too lover. Wish I was there with you right now. Jerking and sucking that big cock of yours. You make me so hard every time I think about you."

"I'm hoping you can come down and spend the weekend?"

"You bet. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Just wished we lived closer."

"I know. Me too. Have something big and hard here waiting for you." Moved my phone so Drake could see my big leaking hardon.

"Stop teasing me Bob. You know how much I want you."

"Just want you to know how much I miss you." Then I told Drake about the Mason house and Sir Richard Mason. And that Joseph and Daniel were coming over in a little while, hopefully to shed more information on this mysterious house and Sir Richard Mason.

"Wow Bob. I didn't realize you were living in a haunted house. Can't wait until tomorrow evening for you to give me all the details."

"Hopefully I will have a lot of information to share with you. Want to see me cum, I'm ready to shoot."

"Do it baby. Shoot that big load for me. I want to hear you moan and gasp."

"Oh god Drake, here I cum. Ooooooooooooooh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, feels good. Would feel better if it was in your mouth or ass."

"God Bob, just popped off here too. You get me so hot and horny."

"I better get cleaned here and dressed before Joseph and Daniel arrive. Can't wait until your here tomorrow evening. Love you."

"Love you too. Looking forward to being with you tomorrow evening. Hugs and kisses."

I needed to rush around and take a quick shower. The men will be arriving soon. Took a shower and put on some casual clothes. Just finished when I heard Joseph. Ran down the stairs and told Joseph I would open the gate. "Just park in front of the garage and come to the front door."

I heard the doorbell and opened the and greeting Joseph and Daniel. "Where would you like to sit to talk and chat." "They both said in the den. That's where we used to meet with Richard."

I never go in the den much. It's closed off and not open. It kind of gives me the creeps when I'm in there. I asked the men if they would like anything to drink. They said coffee would be fine. I told them I would be right back with the coffee. I found a tray and put the coffee pot and cups on the tray with sugar and cream. Went back to the den. And poured coffee for us. "You said you used to meet Richard here in the den."

"Yes," said Daniel. He use to invite about four or five of us men over to play cards. Richard loved playing poker and was quite good at it. He could beat the shit out of us every game. I don't know how he did it. His wife would have snacks and drinks ready for us. She was a beautiful women and very devoted to Richard. She would wait on Richard hand and foot. I don't know if he really appreciated his wife. He always seemed a little aloof around her. He never showed any feelings or emotion for her. I thought it was kind of strange. Anyhow, we would play cards for a couple of hours. Chat a bit and then leave. We would talk about things in general. Richard never went into any details about his work or daily routine. Someimes in the the middle of a card game he would leave and go to the library. We could hear strange noises when he was in the library. He would be gone as long as twenty to thirty minutes at at time. We thought it was quite strange. When he would come back, he looked exhausted and wouldn't talk about what he did in the library. We would try to get information out of him, but the old fart would just get mad, so we would drop it. When Richard's wife died. We still went over for cards on Thursday, but Richard was like a completely different person. He was very impersonal and short with his responses. Eventually the card games stopped and he stopped having contact with anyone. We always wondered what he did in the library."

"That's very interesting. Did you ever learn how Richars's wife died?"

"There was a lot of mystery about her death. Richard was invesigated and interrogated extensively. He was never charged with his wife's murder. But the police always thought he was responsible. It was filed away as a cold case." They both asked me, "have you ever been in the attic?"

"I told them no. That was one place I hadn't been and I wasn't sure where it was."

"We can show you if you like. It may have some of the answers your looking for."

"I said sure." We got up and I followed Joseph and Daniel. We went upstairs where the bedrooms are. Walked to the end of the hallway. Just past the second master bedroom. Was a little staircase. It was kind of dark there and easy to miss. They told me this staircase goes to the attic. We walked up the stairs. The stairs turned once and then they went up to a door. The door was nailed shut. We all looked at each other. They told me if I was able to get this door open, many of my questions would be answered in the attic. They wouldn't give me any other details. I noticed a couple of wall lights on the side of the staircase. They needed new lightbulbs. We went back to the den and had another cup of coffee. Joseph and Daniel told me it was strange that attic door was nailed shut. Obviously, somebody didn't want anybody going in there. I agreed with them. I told them I would investigate the library and see if I could find anything there. I then asked them if there was anybody else I could talk to that may be able to help me. They told me the library should have some old archives and I might find some information there. I asked them if I should talk to the police. They advised me not to at this time. Until I had some solid evidence that would justify reopening the cold case. I agreed with them. We finished our coffee. The men said it was getting late for them. I thanked them for taking the time to talk. And if they thought of anything else to be sure to let me know. They said they would. We said our good byes. I thanked them again. Then they left.

They gave me a lot more food for thought. I wasn't going to do any more investigating until Drake came tomorrow. I had an uneasy feeling about opening that door to the attic and what might be inside. Also, investigating the library. Just felt more comfortable when Drake was with me. I tried to relax. Had a beer and went downstairs and watched a movie. Of course a spy mystery movie. Thought the movie might give me some ideas on how to move ahead. The movie didn't really help. But it was a good movie. The movie finished and I was tired but didn't know how well I would sleep. I keep replaying over and over again everything, Daniel and Joseph told me in my mind. I was restless when I went to bed. I finally was able to doze off.

I woke up tired. I might have got two maybe three hours of sleep. I went down and worked out but couldn't really get into it. I quit after a half hour. Went upstairs and took a long shower. Thinking of Drake's arms holding me and kissing me passionately. My dick got rock hard with those thoughts racing through my mind. I jerked out a big load. Played with my balls and hole and that really got me off. Dried off and got dressed. It was still early and Margaret hadn't arrived yet. I went out and got the paper. Thought I would look at that till breakfast was ready. Was scanning through the paper but didn't see anything of interest. Looked over the sports and saw my favorite college football team was in first place. Was glad to see that. Drake and I can watch their next game this weekend.

I heard Margaret come in. "Good morning Margaret." She looked a little surprised. "Good morning Bob, you are up early." "I didn't sleep well last night and woke up early." "I hope your day goes well for you." "Thanks Margaret, I'm sure it will."

It wasn't long till breakfast was ready. I ate like it was my last meal. The food and coffee seemed to give me a bit of an energy boost, and I felt a little better. Told Margaret bye and headed out to work. Was hoping the day went by quick. Was anxious to be with Drake and share all my information with him about Sir Richard Mason and the house. And be with him.

The day did go by quick. I ate lunch in my offic. I didn't feel like getting out and walking to the diner. Soon I was examining my last patient and it was time to leave. I told Janice and Shirley to have a good weekend. They both wished me a good weekend too. And we all left together. Heading in different directions.

I got home and was tired. Margaret had left for the day. I was kind of glad she wasn't there. I went upstairs and put my clothes away and went down to workout. I worked out for my regular two hours. Felt much better after a good workout. Went upstairs and took a long shower. I felt refreshed after my shower. Went downstairs. Was hungry, so I warmed up my dinner. Grabbed a cup of coffee and ate in the living room watching the news. Started thinking about Joseph and Daniel. I had a feeling they knew a lot more than they were telling. They told me just enough to spark my interest. Why did they say the attic would have a lot of my answers. I wonder if they were really at Sir Richard's house to play cards or if something else was going on. And what about him going to the library. There's something in the library and definitely something in the attic. Looked down and I saw I had one missed call and message. It was from Drake. He must have called when I was working out or showering. I read his message. He said he had to work a little later and would be late getting to my place. He was on his way and said the traffic wasn't too had and was making good time. God, what a thoughtful guy. I love him more and more.

Finished eating dinner. Put my dishes away in the dishwasher. Went back and finished watching the news. Flipped through the movie channels and starting watching a movie. I must have dozed off. I heard Drake pulling in. He knew where the hidden button was. I opened a garage stall, so he could park inside. Never know about our unpredictable weather. Rain can come up in an instant. Heard him come into the kitchen. Walked over to him naked and gave him a long hot kiss and a big hug. "I'm so glad to see you Drake. You don't know how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you to baby. You have a cold beer for me?"

I grabbed him a beer and helped him with his things to my bedroom. Helped him put his things away and told him I wanted him to make love to me all night. That brought a big smile to his face. "Nothing better I'd like to do." We went and laid on the bed.

Drake was looking at me. "You look like you have something you want to tell me."

"I do Drake." I then proceeded to tell him about Fletcher arousing my curiosity about the house and Mr. Mason. Told him what Margaret and Millie told me. And then told him about having Joseph and Daniel over and the information they shared. He just laid there and listened till I finished. He then asked me, "what do you want to do next?"

"I want to open the door to the attic. Then search around in the library and see what's so mysterious about it."

Again Drake just laid there and listened. He asked me, "do you think it's a good idea opening the attic door. Maybe you should talk to the police first and see what you should do. I don't think looking around in the library would be a problem, but we should probably wear gloves so we don't leave any fingerprint around."

"That's why I love you so much Drake. You always put everything into a good perspective. I agree tomorrow I will go to the sheriff's office and tell him about the attic and the library. Also I'm going to mention Joseph and Daniel to him. I'm sure they know more than they were telling me. Maybe if the sheriff puts a little pressure on them, he can get more information."

"Drake leaned over on his side and gave me a big kiss and hug.

His big arms around me felt so good and comforting. Love his hairy body.

"Do you think that's a good idea lover?"

"I do agree with you love. I will stay here and do some looking around in the library while you talk to the sheriff. I don't think it would be a good idea if we both went. It might raise some eyebrows and I don't want us to look too suspicious in front of the sheriff. He might start getting some ideas about us."

"Thanks Drake. Wasn't sure if you wanted to go with me tomorrow or not." I gave him a big long passionate kiss. We were both getting really turned on. We started getting into some heavy foreplay and then we made sweet love to each other until we were so tired we just fell asleep."

I woke up with Drake snuggled to me, spooning me. I could feel his big hardon between my legs, rubbing between my balls. I knew he was awake. I turned and said, "good morning." "Good morning to you too." "Have you been awake long?" "Just long enough to see you sleeping and how peaceful you looked." "This is the best sleep I've had in a long time." We both had morning woodies. I turned and faced him. Our hardons hitting together. We moved around into a sixty nine and slowly sucked each other to orgasm. Feeling each other's pecs and nips. Then running a finger into each other's holes. We shot out with big loads. Filling each other's mouths. We kissed and swapped cum. We got out of bed and got the shower going. We were still hard. We lathered and cleaned each other. Then we took turns fucking and stroking each other. We both came again. That was two quick orgasms. We dried off and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I told Drake I wasn't going to work out. After breakfast I wanted to get over to the sheriff's office to talk to him. Maybe they could come by and open the attic door. I was curious what they would find inside. Drake said while I was gone, he would check around in the library and see if he could find anything of interest. We finished our breakfast. We went upstairs, so I could get dressed and leave for the sheriffs.

Drake helped me get dressed so it took longer than it normally would. But hey, who's complaining. He can touch and dress me as much as he wants. Wore some jeans and a pull over, sockless with oxfords. Kissed Drake on the head of his hard cock. His hardon hadn't went down. We kissed and hugged. I told him I would call when I was coming home. If the sheriff was coming over I would call him so he could get dressed.

We hugged and kissed again. We told each other good luck. And I would try to get back as soon as possible. I took off for the sheriff's office. Wondering how that would go.

I arrived at the police station. Parked in the visitor's parking place. Walked in and a deputy sheriff asked me how he could help me. I told him I needed to talk to the sheriff. He asked what it was about. I only told him it was something urgent that I could only discuss with the sheriff. The deputy left and I saw him enter the sheriff's office and was talking to him and pointing to me. Finally the deputy came back to the front desk and told me to follow him. He led me to sheriff's office and told me to take a seat. He closed the door and left. I was sitting there in front of the sheriff.

The sheriff said, "the deputy told me you had something urgent to talk to me about."

I told him yes. Then I explained why I needed to talk to him. Told him about my conversations with Margaret and Millie. And more importantly when I talked with Joseph and Daniel. He said that I had some interesting information and they would definitely follow up on it. He asked me if my friend was looking around and investigating the library. I told him yes. He told me to call him and tell him to stop. That he could be damaging important evidence. I took out my cell phone and called Drake. When Drake answered, I told him what the sheriff said and he told me he would stop immediately and wait for me to return home. The sheriff told me he wanted to look over the cold case and then he and a deputy would come to the house. Open the door to the attic and search and investigate the library. He said I could leave and they would be arriving within the hour. I told the sheriff to use the speaker and I would open the gate when they arrived.

I got home and was exhausted. I guess all this was stressing me out. I told Drake, the sheriff and a deputy would he coming. Would probably be a good idea if we closed all the bedroom doors and didn't have anything laying around that would show we were more than just friends. Drake agreed and we tidied the house and made sure the bedroom doors were closed. I asked Drake if he found anything interesting in the library. He said he thought he found a concealed panel behind some books. But that was when I called so he moved everything back the way it was. He had worn gloves so there wouldn't be any fingerprints traced back to him.

I told Drake I would make some coffee. The sheriff and deputy might like that when they finished whatever they were going to do. I had just finished the coffee when I heard the speaker. It was the sheriff. I opened the gate and saw them drive in in separate cars. I thought that was kind of strange, but maybe that's the way they do things.

They walked to the front door and I let them in. I saw they had some tools with them. A crowbar and hammer. The sheriff was all business and asked me to show him where the attic was. Both Drake and I walked them to the staircase that went to the attic. I had replaced the lightbulbs. So I flipped the switch and it was easier to climb the stairs. They told us to wait downstairs while they were going to open the attic door. We could hear them prying the nails and they squeaked. The nails must have been in the door for a long time. Finally I heard them say. This is the the last one. I heard it budge and it sounded liked the door was open. I heard walking around in the attic. They didn't stay long in the attic. I heard them close the door and it sounded like they were putting tape across the door. The sheriff and deputy came back downstairs from the attic. The sheriff looked like he had seen a ghost. All the sheriff said was that the door was taped with police tape. And no one was to enter the attic. It was under investigation. The sheriff asked us where the library was located. We showed him. Drake told the sheriff that he had found, what looked like, a secret panel. He had put everything back when he received the call from the Bob. Drake showed the sheriff where the panel was located. The sheriff pulled out the books and a panel was there with a black button. The sheriff pressed the button and part of the bookcase slid to the left and there were stairs going down. The sheriff told us to stay up here while they went down the stairs. They had their flashlights on and it looked like there were a lot of stairs. We couldn't hear them. They were down there for about twenty minutes before we heard them talking and coming back up. The sheriff didn't say anything. He pressed the button again and the bookcase moved back into position. He put the books back and then put tape across the books. Also signifying it was under investigation.

I asked the sheriff and deputy if they would like some coffee. The sheriff told the deputy he could leave and that he was staying for a bit. He needed to talk to us. After the deputy left. The sheriff said he would take a cup of coffee. Drake went to the kitchen and the sheriff and I went into the living room. I noticed the sheriff looking me over while we waited for the coffee. The sheriff then started telling us what they found. The sheriff said, "once they had their flashlights on in the attic, there was a casket to the side with candles all around it. There were some dried flowers on the top of the casket. We didn't open the casket. That would need to be done by the FBI." The sheriff then said, "one whole wall was covered with a bulletin board. There were newspaper clippings on the board and different drawings, showing the staircase from the library and a tunnel. Some of the drawing and clippings were faded so some things were hard to make out. That's all I can tell you. The rest of the what's there and downstairs will be up to the FBI to tell you. You will need to stay here. The FBI will want to question both of you. It is just routine. Both of you will be considered suspects, but not to worry about that. It is just the FBI doing their job.

The sheriff told us that when he got back to the station, he would be calling the FBI and they might still come today or tomorrow to start their investigation and question us." He also told us, "it might be a good idea to take a couple days off from work. The FBI might want us staying here in the house until they finish their investigation." We told the sheriff that wouldn't be any problem. We would stay here in the house as long as they wanted us to. The sheriff said, "the FBI will tell you when you can leave and go back to work. I'm just guessing on a couple of days. It could be less or it could be more days."

Again we told the sheriff, "we would comply with whatever the FBI wanted."

The sheriff then took us by surprise and said. I'm off duty now and off the record. "Are you two more than friends?"

"We looked at each other," deciding what we should tell the sheriff. We felt we needed to be honest. "Yes sheriff, we are more than friends. We just recently told each other that we were in love and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together."

The sheriff thanked us for our honesty. He said he had been divorced for many years. He had two children were grown up and had moved away during the divorce. He said he hadn't heard from his children in years. He asked us, "would I be imposing if I wanted to hang out here sometimes with you guys. It would be nice to be around other like minded people. I thought you two were in love, I could see the way you looked at each other."

The sheriff told us, that he had had some one night stands. But being a sheriff it was hard to get with anyone and he didn't want to jeopardize his position and be exposed for what he was doing at night."

We told him we understood completely. He told him that we were very discrete and we also need to be careful with our jobs.

He than stood up and asked if we could have a group hug. We said sure. We both got around the sheriff and we hugged tight for a long time. I could feel the sheriff's hardon poking my thigh. While we were hugging he gave us each a peck on the cheek. He said, "sorry, it just been a long time for me. I think it's time for me to leave."

We told him he didn't need to run off. He said he needed to get back to the station and call the FBI to get the ball rolling on this cold case investigation.

We told him, "when you finish at the station, why don't you come back and we can talk some more. Any see where it goes from there."

He thought that was a good idea. He said, after I finish at the station I'll go home and change and then come over in my car. Not the squad car. Maybe bring a change of clothes. That was the first we saw him smile. He gave us a wink when he left. I told him about the secret button to get in. He thanked us for being so honest with him and that he was looking forward to coming back later.

We watched the sheriff leave. We grabbed a beer from the frig and collapsed on the couch. We were both a little stressed while the sheriff and deputy were here. We talked about what they had discovered. We also wondered what the FBI would find and could tell us. We weren't concerned about being questioned, we had nothing to hide and we hadn't done anything wrong. The beer tasted good. I told Drake come here, I need to feel you close to me. We hugged and kissed. We didn't do anything else. We fixed some lunch and went back to the living room and watched some football. Of course we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

We sat next to each other on the couch. Got into some serious foreplay when we heard the sheriff saying he was back and on his way in. We straightened our clothes and tried to act as nonchalant as possible. The sheriff came on in. He could tell we had been doing something. The sheriff looked pretty hot. He was wearing tight jeans that showed off his assets nicely. A pull over shirt that showed off his muscles. For an older man he sure looked good. He kept himself fit and looked younger than his age. Could see a little tuft of hair peeking out the top of his shirt. He walked over to us and we hugged and kissed. I said, "since your off duty would you like something to drink?" He said, "whatever you guys are having." I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed us a round of beer. We sat in the living room watching the football game. We kept moving closer and closer together.

I asked the sheriff if he had contacted the FBI. He said he did and they were interested in what he and the deputy had found. They told the sheriff that maybe they could solve this cold case with the new information. The sheriff told us they would be coming by tomorrow afternoon. They needed time to review the case and get a couple of agents ready and a forensic specialist that worked for the FBI. I said good, that gives us time to get to know each other better. The sheriff smiled and said that was exactly what he was thinking.

We continued watching the game but we started to get each other more comfortable. The sheriff watched as Drake and I stripped each other. We could see a big bulge in the sheriff's jeans. The sheriff told us we had great bodies. We told him to stand up and Drake and I slowly started removing his clothes. He had a nice hairy chest, just like Drake's. I was feeling his chest hair and pecs and nips while Drake undid his jeans. He didn't have a belt on so it was easy for Drake to slide his jeans down. Drake took off his shoes and socks and finished pulling his jeans down and off. The bulge in the sheriff's jock was almost obscene. It was huge. I started kissing the sheriff's pecs and nibbled on his nips. Drake pulled the jock down and off. Oh my god, that was the biggest cock I had ever seen and it was starting to leak. Drake licked the precum off and started tonguing the pee slit. I got down and sucked on the sheriff's balls. They were big which fit him perfect with that big cock. I sucked one in and swirled it around in mouth then the other one. We sat back down on the couch. Drake started sucking on the head. You could see Drake struggling to fit it into his mouth. I ran upstairs quick and grabbed a towel and lube. Got back and Drake was already rimming the sheriffs ass. The sheriff had a little hair in his crack but not a gross amount. Drake said he tasted delicious. The sheriff was moaning. He said this was great and was hoping something like this would happen. Drake then lubed a finger and stuck into the sheriff's ass. The sheriff moaned louder. Then Drake stuck in a second and third finger stretching that tight hole. Drake then lubed his cock and eased the head in. The sheriff said, "go slow, I haven't been fucked in a long time." Drake was patient and took his time. Soon he was all the way in. And just held it there, giving the sheriff time to adjust. Soon he got a slow rhythm going and the sheriff looked like he was in heaven. I got behind Drake and started feeling his chest and pecs and nips. I started giving Drake a good rim job, which made him fuck the sheriff harder. I lubed his ass and my cock and I started fucking Drake. When I pushed in Drake, it made Drake push in harder to the sheriff. The sheriff was yelling and I soon had Drake moaning. We kept this up for a good ten minutes before I felt Drake cumming in the sheriff. With Drake's hole squeezing my cock, it didn't take me long to fill his hot ass with a big load. The only one not getting off was the sheriff. So we got on each side of him, we each put a hand on his massive cock. With our two hands on his cock, there was still a couple of inches exposed. We jacked him off furiously and when he was ready to shoot, Drake got over his cock and deep throated that big beast. How Drake took it all, I don't know. The sheriff erupted with the biggest load I had ever seen. Drake tried to keep swallowing it all, but some leaked out the corners of his mouth. I licked that off for him. The sheriff's cum didn't taste too bad. A little bitter but with a nice tang to it.

We cleaned off with the towel. We agreed to take a shower. The sheriff grabbed his overnight bag and followed us to the bedroom. I got the shower started and we walked in.

I told the sheriff I was tired of calling him sheriff. "What's your name?" He said his name was, "Cal." "Well, Cal I'm Bob and this is Drake."

Once the name calling was done, we had a hot steamy shower. We jerked and sucked in the shower. Cal said, "this is the most sex I've had in a couple of years." "I'm glad everything worked out for us."

We agreed with Cal. We dried off and decided to go out on the patio and lounge around. I grabbed us some more beer. Cal was naked like us. We told him we go around the house naked all the time. He said he did too, when he was by himself. We sipped on our beer and talked some more about the house and the upcoming FBI investigation. He reassured us again that there was nothing for us to be worried about. It would be just routine questions for us to answer. However, he mentioned he wasn't sure how long we'd have to stay at the house. I told Cal I'd wait until tomorrow before I did any phone calling. Wanted to know for sure how long we'd have to stay in the house.

We were getting horny again. I asked Cal, "how big is that monster of yours?" He said, "it's close to ten and half inches and this was the first time somebody was able to deep throat him and take it all the way up the ass." He told us we were amazing, and hoped we could get together off and on. I assured him we'd like that. But be sure to call first before coming over.

We liked having Cal around. I could tell he was longing for attention and companionship. It had been a long time for him to have a relationship. However, Cal was interrupting my time with Drake. I was kind of glad he would have to leave tomorrow morning. It would give me some time with Drake. Cal had a terrific body and a cock to die for. I knew some of my male patients I gave physicals were big, and some of those college and high school athletes were big too. But everything about Cal was perfect. His big cock and balls fit him perfect for his size. I was sure we would be getting more of it tonight.

We decided to go and watch a movie downstairs. We went down to the home theater. Cal was looking around. He said, "I didn't know you had your own gym and locker room. That's really cool." I told him I like it. He was welcome to work out with me if he wanted. He said he would keep that in mind. I was trying to figure out how we could all fit in a theater chair. Even though they were oversize. There weren't made for three big men. We finally had Cal sit down and we each sat on an arm on each side of him. I got a movie going. Cal reached over and started stroking both Drake and me. We saw his big log sticking straight up. Drake and I looked at each other and I gave Drake a wink. I saw Drake spit on a couple of fingers and stick them in his ass. Then he got down between Cal's legs and spit on his cock and used his precum to slide his ass down over Cal's super sized hardon. I saw Drake's eyes roll back as he took all of Cal's cock. I don't know how Drake managed to get down on all of it. But soon he was bouncing up and down. Cal leaned to the side and started giving me an amazing blow job. Soon we couldn't hold back any longer and were shooting out our loads. Not as big as earlier, but nothing to be ashamed about either. We just lay back exhausted and breathing hard. We did actually watch a little of the movie. When the movie ended we decided it was time to go to bed.

We went up to the bedroom. I set the alarm to go off early. Cal wanted to be gone and in his office before the FBI arrived. He didn't know if he would be coming with the FBI to the house. We climbed into bed, Cal in the middle and Drake and me on each side of him. We didn't make love. But we had a long makeout and three way session. By the time we finished taking care of each other, we just fell asleep all curled up together. What a great way to fall asleep.

The alarm went off and Cal wasn't in bed. I heard the shower going and knew he was taking a shower. He came out and dried off. His big morning woody was sticking out and his balls were flopping back and forth. I rolled over to the side of the and he walked over. I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. I couldn't take it all and sucked him till he was bathing my throat with a big morning load. Licked the last drop of cum off the head of his cock. He told us we didn't need to get up. He would let himself out and maybe see us later with the FBI, but he wasn't sure. We said our good byes and I heard him leaving. Drake rolled over and said, "good morning lover." "Good morning to you too, sexy."

We snuggled together kissing and holding each other tight. "We finally have some time to ourselves," I told Drake. He said, "Cal was ok and was glad we could help him. But we needed our time together." I agreed with Drake one hundred percent. It was just going on 7:00am, so we had time before the FBI would here. I expected them around mid to late morning. Drake and I started making out and getting all hot for each other. I told Drake, "make love to me." Drake got a big smile on his face. He was so gentle and caring and loving. I didn't even feel him enter me. He did long slow thrusts. It felt so good. As he was thrusting in he would give me a couple of sucks. I liked feeling Drake's balls hitting my ass. That is a big turnon for me. I heard him start grunting and moaning. Sweat was dripping off him. Then I felt his cock harden in me and I felt his cum shooting out way up my ass. I came in his mouth almost at the same time. He collapsed on top of me. Love the feel of that hairy chest on me. We got up. We didn't want to be stuck together.

We needed to take a shower. I told Drake, "I'm going to make you feel good in the shower." I got the water running and Drake walked into the shower after me. I lathered and cleaned him all over. Paying special attention to his cock balls and ass. I wanted him squeaky clean when I fucked him. Drake then lathered and cleaned me all over. We were both hard again. I had Drake bend over and put his hands on the wall. Then I started giving him the best rim job I knew how. He was moaning and begging me to fuck him. I put some shower gel on my cock and got it all lathered. I slowly entered Drake's hole. His hole swallowed my cock right up to my pubes. I was gentle and gave him slow long strokes. He started pushing back against to make me go deeper. I reached around and stroked him while I was fucking him. He loved the way I was being gentle and slow fucking him. It took us a little longer this time to cum. But I love the feel of Drake's hole around my cock. It's a perfect fit. I started to feel my cum churning. And I started shooting a big load way up Drake's hole. Damn, didn't think I'd have that big of a load. Felt Drake squeezing my cock with his ass muscles, getting every last drop. His cock hardened in my hand and he was blasting a load against the shower wall. We rinsed off. Dried off and decided not to workout. We'd just go downstairs and make some breakfast and then get dressed.

We fixed breakfast together. I could just sit and watch Drake all day. Love his body and I love him. His great personality. How loving and caring he is. Wish we were living together and not so far away. We ate our breakfast outside. We just took our time. We talked a little about Cal, but agreed that it wasn't anything permanent. Just helping him out. We finished breakfast, took our dishes in and loaded the dishwasher. Went upstairs and dressed each other. Just something casual. It took quite awhile to get dressed. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. The hugging and kissing went on and on. Finally we finished dressing. Went back downstairs and just lounged around in the living room. We were wondering what would happen once the FBI arrived.

We were sitting next to each other on the couch. Not saying anything. We had spent enough time together to almost know what the other was thinking without saying anything. My phone rang. I looked and it was Cal calling. "Hello Cal, what's up?"

"Just letting you know the FBI arrived here at my office. They wanted some prelimnary information from me. I will be coming with them."

"I'm glad your coming with them."

"Remember what I said, they will only ask routine questions. Nothing to be worried about."

"How long till you get here?"

"Looks like we will be leaving in a few minutes. Should be at your place around 10:30am."

"Thanks for the call. Let me know when you arrive and I'll open the gate. Might look a little strange if you knew how to open the gate with the hidden button,"

Cal agreed with me. "See you in a bit."

I filled Drake in on the information. He agreed with me. He was glad Cal was coming. He was nervous about being questioned, like I was.

Shortly after we ended our call, I heard Cal at the speaker. I told him I would open the gate. I saw him pull in with his squad car and a van marked FBI. I saw three agents get out of the van. Cal led the agents to the front door. I opened the door and invited them in. Like they would need an invitation. They all looked serious, which didn't help calm my nerves. One of the agents said he would like to talk with me in the den, and then he mentioned to Drake, when I finish with him and he comes out of the den, I want you to come in next. No emotion, more like an order. I saw Cal take the other two agents to the staircase to the attic. Drake kept watched tv while I showed the agent into the den. I asked him if he would like coffee. He said, no, maybe after they finished. We each took a seat on chairs facing each other. The agent asked me, "tell me how you came to purchase this house and who you talked to, to learn more about this house and Sir Richard Mason."

I told the agent every thing I knew. He asked me if it was ok for him to record our conversation. I told him of course. I have nothing to hide. I told him how I purchased the house on a bank foreclosure. I then told the agent about everyone I talked to and how I received bits and pieces of information. I finished by telling him my conversation with Joseph and Daniel. When I finished telling him everything I knew. He told me I could leave and to send in the other man. Drake saw me leave the den and I mentioned to him that it was his turn. I gave Drake a smile and a wink.

Drake walked into the den and the agent told him to take a seat in the chair in front of him. He then told Drake that he would be recording their conversation. The agent asked Drake what he knew about the house and Sir Richard Mason. Drake explained to the agent that he only knew what I had told him. He also said he was a friend of mine and was spending the weekend. That's when I had told him everything that he knew about the house and Sir Richard Mason. The agent told Drake he could leave. I saw Drake come out and he sat over by me and we watched football. The agent came out of the den. Asked me where the attic was located. I showed him how to get to the attic. He told me I could go back downstairs and watch tv.

Drake and I looked at each other. I asked Drake, "how do you feel?"

He said, "he still felt nervous, but was glad the questioning was over."

I agreed with Drake and told him, "I felt the same way too. Hopefully there won't be any more questioning. I don't think the agents will tell us much. We might be able to get some information from Cal."

We kept watching the game. It was hard to concentrate and enjoy the game. I kept looking over my shoulder, expecting the agent to be there and wanting to ask more questions.

Up in the attic. The agents got a couple of lights working. They did an extensive dusting for fingerprints. Cal thought it looked like they got some good prints they could run later on the National Fingerprint database. One of the agents was a forensic doctor and was doing preliminary tests on the corpse in the casket. Cal heard the doctor mention to another agent they would need to move the body to headquarters where he could do a more thorough examination and determine cause of death. He told the agent, that according to the bone struction and size. It was probably a woman. The other two agents were examining the bulletin board and were taking numerous photos. They told Cal that this was about all they were going to do today. They would be sending over a special van that could transport the body. When they left the attic, they retaped the door. They told Cal they would investigate the library tomorrow.

Drake and I heard the agents coming downstairs. The agents looked just as serious as when they arrived. I asked them if they were finished. They said they did as much as they were going to do today. I asked them if they had time for a cup of coffee. They agreed and Drake helped me in the kitchen to get cups sugar and cream. We walked back into the living room and set everything on the coffee table. The agents thanked us for the coffee. One of the agents told us the door to the attic was police taped and no one was to enter the attic. He then proceeded to tell us they would be back tomorrow to investigate the library. I asked the agent when we could return to work. He told us Tuesday. They finished their coffee and thanked us for answering their questions and sorry for invading our privacy. Drake and I told them in unison, that we were glad to answer their questions and if we thought of anything else we would be sure to tell them. They told us it was time for them to leave. We shook hands and they told us they would be back to tomorrow about the same time. Cal left with the agents. We thought he might stay behind. But he probably had instructions from the agents to leave. They might be thinking he would share too much information with us.

I told Drake I better make a few phone calls. I told Drake I would talk to my brother and explain to him why you wouldn't be back to work until Tuesday. Then I would call Shirley and Margaret. We went out on the patio to relax. We were still pretty stressed. Drake went in quick to the kitchen and came back with a couple of beers. "I thought this might help to get rid of our nerves and stress."

I told Drake, "that's a good start to calm us down, but I had a better idea later, on how to relax us." We just smirked at each other. Knowing full well what I meant and I took a big swig of beer. Then I picked up my cell phone and speed dialed my brother. "Hi little bro, how you doing?"

"Could be better." I then told him in general terms of what was happening here with the FBI. I didn't go into much detail. Wasn't sure if the FBI had my phone tapped or not. I wasn't going to take a chance. "I wanted you to know that Drake is here for the weekend. The FBI told us we couldn't go back to work until Tuesday when they finished their investigation." My brother appreciated that I called to tell him and told me to tell Drake not to worry, and if he had to stay more days that was ok. I talked with my brother a little longer. He told me Bryan was really enjoying the presents I had bought him. I told him to tell Bryan that I was glad he was enjoying his presents. I told Reggie I had a couple more calls to make and we ended our call.

I then called Shirley and told her in general terms I wouldn't be to work until Tuesday. Then called Margaret that I would be home until Tuesday and the FBI was doing an investigation. I didn't tell Margaret about Drake, she could figure that out for herself. I have suspicions about Margaret that she knows something about what goes on here on the weekends. It's just a hunch, but I'm sure she knows something. I finished my calls and Drake and I went out to the patio. Just to relax for a bit.

It was nice to finally have some time to ourselves. Sometimes it was nice to just sit and be next to each other without having sex. We talked about the ongoing investigation. We tried to speculate on what the FBI had found. We also talked about them investigating the library. I was wondering what they would find at the bottom of the stairs. Cal said there was a tunnel, but he had come back up right away. Maybe we will receive more information tomorrow. We just wanted to have our own time. We stripped down on the patio, moved our chairs together. We hugged and kissed. God, Drake felt so good. We decided to barbeque a little later for dinner. Just having Drake next to me and feeling his hot body next to mine was enough to give me a hardon. Saw Drake chubbing up to. I went to the patio frig and got us a couple of beers.

We sipped on our beer. All cuddled up together. I heard Drake's stomach growling. Sounds like someone is getting hungry. I kissed Drake and got up and got the grill started. I told him to stay there on the lounger, I'd get everything ready. Grabbed the plate of hamburgers from the frig. And a vegetable medley we had ready in aluminum foil to grill. Put a couple of hamburger buns on the top rack to warm while I grilled the hamburgers. Drake was watching me. I had put on an apron to barbeque. Didn't want anything to get burned. Drake said he wished he had a camera. I said don't you have a camera on your phone, he said he did, but left his phone in the bedroom. I told him he could take all the pictures he wanted when we went to bed. I told Drake the food was ready. The hamburgers tasted good when they're grilled. The vegetables were perfect and a nice compliment to the hamburger. Drake ate two hamburgers and I ate just one with a large helping of vegetables. I cleaned the grill, while Drake took care of the dishes.

We closed up everything. Picked up our clothes in the living room and went to bed. It was still fairly early. I put the tv on for some background noise. Nothing much of anything on the tv. We rolled together hugging and kissing and making out. I wish Drake lived here with me. I could get use to this real fast. We laid back to catch our breath. Then we moved around into a sixty nine. Drake was already hard like I was. I licked and swirled my tongue all around his big thick head. That made him start to moan. Soon he was doing the same thing to me. Then I licked the sides of his shaft. Spit on a finger and slid it into his hole. Felt his hole squeeze on my finger. Drake was following my lead and doing the same things to me. I then went down lower and sucked on his big balls. I like his hot manly scent. Soon Drake was leaking and I was sucking it as fast as it was drooling out the piss slit. Again Drake was doing the same to me. Our breathing started getting hard and fast. Licked up to the head of Drake's cock and deep throated him to his pubes. I thought he was going to pass out. He got off my cock for a second to tell me that was fantastic. Then he did the same to me. Soon we were both bobbing up and down on each other's cocks. I was hoping we could cum at the same time. I felt Drake stiffen and harden and soon was bathing my throat with his sweet tasting cum. I returned the favor to Drake. We pulled our fingers out of each other's holes. And just collapsed together exhausted. Soon we laid back and propped some pillows up and snuggled together watching tv.

We must have nodded off for awhile. Woke up and the tv was still going. Flipped through the channels and found a good movie that had already started. We watched it to the end. Then Drake got over me and started kissing me all over, getting me super hard. He put a pillow under my hips and started giving me the most wonderful rim job. He pulled the lube out of the drawer in the nightstand. I saw him lube a finger and stick it in. Soon followed by a second and third finger. He knew where my prostate was and was rubbing it back and forth. He had me hot and I knew my hole was pulling on his fingers. I saw Drake lube his cock good and then he eased the head in. It went in easy. It felt so good. He is the perfect size for my hole. Then he slowly eased his cock in, inch by inch until I felt his pubes tickling my ass. He leaned down and kissed me while he started a slow fuck. Then he went down on me while he continued to fuck me. It took a good twenty to twenty five minutes before we came. But the slow fuck felt so good. Drake was a great lover. Our second load wasn't as big, but still enough to fill his throat and my ass. I turned off the tv and set the alarm. Didn't want us sleeping in too late with the FBI agents coming again in the morning. After our second love making bout, we were tired and went right to sleep. Drake was spooning me from behind. I laid my head back against his chest and we fell asleep.

Woke up to the alarm going off. I asked Drake if he had moved his things into the other bedroom. He said he did and he had laid down in the bed for awhile so it would look like he had slept in it. It was just after 8:00am. We crawled out of bed. Our morning woodies pointing the way to the bathroom. We walked into the shower and cleaned each other. I had Drake lean against the shower wall. I got behind and spread his cheeks and started rimming his hot hairy hole. I soon had him moaning. I was getting better at rimming and could get my tongue in a long ways. Lubed a couple of fingers with shower gel and eased them in. I found Drake's prostate and gave it a good workout. He was begging me to fuck him. Lubed my cock and eased the head in and then drove it in right up to my balls. Reached around and started stroking Drake in rhythm with my fucking. I had him humping back and forth. Made it easier to fuck and stroke him. I felt his cock harden in my hand and I knew he was shooting. His ass started squeezing my cock and I was filling his ass with a big morning load. We dried off. Drake went to the other master bedroom, I heard the shower running. Heard him brush his teeth and do a few other morning chores. I finished in the bathroom and put on some casual clothes. I stuck my head in the other bedroom and told Drake I was going down for breakfast and would tell Margaret to make enough for two.

"Good morning Margaret."

"Good morning Bob, looks strange to see you here on a Monday morning after 8:00am."

"Feels strange to me too. I've had a weekend guest staying, so I'd appreciate if you could make enough for two. He should be down soon. I thought I saw Margaret raise her eyebrows and smile to herself. Want to be finished and somewhat relaxed before the FBI agents get here."

"That's understandable," said Margaret. "What time do you expect the agents?"

"They should be here around 10:30am. Nothing to worry about Margaret, if they do want to talk to you. It will be just routine questions. Both me and Drake were questioned by the agents."

Margaret seemed to be ok with that. Then I heard Drake, "did somebody mention my name?"

I introduced Drake to Margaret. They shook hands and Drake gave Margaret a peck on the cheek. Margaret got all red faced. I was telling Margaret that if the FBI agents question her, it would be just routine questions like they did to us. Drake said, "that's right. Nothing to worry about Margaret."

I think Margaret liked Drake's deep voice. We ate at the kitchen island. It gave Drake and Margaret time to talk and get better acquainted. I told Margaret to bring us another cup of coffee out on the patio. Drake and I walked to the patio and started walking around. Drake said, "Margaret is a pretty neat lady. Your lucky to have her as your housekeeper." I agreed with Drake. I told him she came highly recommended. We heard Margaret and thanked her for the coffee. She went about her daily cleaning routine.

I thought I heard the speaker. I went in and it was Cal telling me they had just arrived. I pressed the button to open the gate. I saw Cal pull in first. And then two FBI vans. One van looked larger than the other. I saw everyone get out of their vehicles. I told Drake and Margaret that the agents had just arrived. They walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. The doorbell sounded louder than normal, or maybe it was just my nerves. I let them in and introduced them to Margaret and told them she was my cleaning lady. One of the agents that had questioned Drake and I wanted to talk to Margaret in the den. I gave Margaret a wink and mouthed to her, "everything will be ok, don't be nervous." I don't know if that helped or not. I saw the forensic doctor and he had an assistant with him. They went with Cal and another agent up to the attic. I heard something be rolled and then I heard them lifting something and coming down the stairs from the attic. I saw they had the coffin. They rolled it to the front door, then carried it to the larger van that was fitting out like a hearse inside. The coffin fit perfect in the other van. The forensic doctor and assistant then took off in the van with the coffin. That left Cal with just one agent. They went to the library and closed the door. At the same time Margaret came out of the den and went back to her daily duties. She whispered to me, "thanks, everything went well and just like you said, he asked me some very general questions. I'm still glad the questioning is over." I gave Margaret a wink, the agent was coming out of the den. The agent asked me where the library was located. I showed him. He went in and closed the door. I thought I heard part of the bookcase moving, but I couldn't be sure.

Drake and I went into the living. Not really saying much. Just waiting for the the agents to finish. It had now been over an hour and they still hadn't come out of the library. Drake and I said there must be a lot of evidence downstairs in the library.

Margaret stayed busy doing whatever she does every day. I see she had made a large pot of coffee. She kept glancing towards the library but never said anything.

Fianlly we heard the library door open and the two agents and Cal came out. They looked exhausted. I was wondering what they found downstairs in the library. I asked the agents and Cal if they would like a cup of coffee. They said yes and I told Margaret to bring coffee sugar and cream to the patio. We sat out on the patio. The agents didn't say much about their investigation of the library. Just that it was taped off and still under investigation like the attic. I saw Cal give me a wink. We drank our coffee. The agents and Cal finished and said they would be leaving. We could return to work tomorrow. They still might be back to do further investigating, but Drake and I wouldn't need to be here. I thanked them and they left. Margaret Drake and I we all sighed a big sense of relief.

It was going on lunch time and I saw Margaret had it almost ready. I grabbed a couple of beers and Drake and I went to the patio. I told Margaret to bring lunch out to the patio when it was ready. Drake and I walked down to the pool area and walked around. Drake was looking kind of sad. "What's the matter Drake?"

He said, "I'll have to leave after lunch. Wish my work was here and we were living together."

I told Drake, "maybe my brother will get a construction job in the area and you can stay with me."

Drake said, "I wish that was right now."

I told him, "me too. He has had jobs in the area here in the past, who knows, maybe he will have another one soon."

Margaret opened the patio doors and told us lunch was ready. Asked us what we wanted to drink. We told her we'd finish our beer with lunch.

We ate our lunch. We both agreed it was delicious. When we finished we went upstairs and Drake had already packed his overnight bag. We gave each other a kiss and hug. I told Drake to call me when he got home. So that I knew he arrived safe and sound. We walked downstairs talking. I told him if I heard anymore about the investigation I would call him and let him know.

I walked out to the open garage where Drake was parked. He opened the trunk and put his overnight bag inside. We kissed and hugged and said our goodbyes with hugs and kisses. I waved to Drake as he left.

When I closed the garage door. I saw Margaret by the window that looked out to the entrance and garage doors. I wondered if she saw Drake and I kissing and hugging. I didn't care. She had asked about Ethan and I. So there were no big secrets or surprises.

Walked back in and turned on the tv and skimmed through the newspaper. Nothing much on tv. Soap operas, yuck. And the newspaper was repeating the same news I had seen on tv. Told Margaret I was going downstairs to watch a movie. Flipped through the movies on my pay site and found a good mystery movie. Maybe the movie would give me some good ideas about the investiation that had taken place here.

I liked the movie. Dozed off for awhile. Woke up and the movie was ending. Looked at the clock and it was already after 5:00pm. I thought it was strange that Drake hadn't called. Hope everything is ok. Went upstairs and Margaret was getting ready to leave. "Have a good evening Margaret." "You too Bob." Margaret left.

I was in the frig checking what Margaret had fixed for dinner when I heard my cell phone ringing. I figured it was Drake telling me what took him so long to get home. The call was from Cal. "Hi Cal, what's up?"

"Was wondering if it was ok if I came over for awhile. I just finished with the agents and I have a lot of information for you. I need to go home and shower and eat and then I'll be over."

You can shower and eat dinner with me. Margaret made enough dinner here for a small army. Just bring a change of clothes."

"That sounds good. I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

"Ok. See you in a bit."

Just got off the phone with Cal and the phone rang again. It was Drake. "Drake, is everything ok. Was worried. It never takes you this long to get home."

"I'm fine Bob. Nothing to worry about. There was a bad accident on the interstate with two semi's. Traffic was backed up for over a mile. By the time I was close to home, I was hungry so I stopped somewhere for something to eat. It felt good to relax and get something warm in my stomach. I just got home and wanted you to know everything was ok."

"Thanks for calling. I was really worried about you. Glad your home safe and sound. Love you."

"Love you too, hugs and kisses. I'm going to have a beer and then go to bed. I'm tired after waiting for so long. Want to be rested for work tomorrow. Hugs and kisses."

"Hugs and kisses lover, get a good rest."

I was stripped down. Went to the frig and got a beer. Was thinking I'd probably go to bed early. Probably after Cal left. He should be coming soon. He won't mind me being naked. He'll probably get naked too. At least, I hope so.

Just then I heard the speaker, it was Cal and he was going to let himself him in. He knew where the hidden button was for the gate. I see he was driving his own car. I opened a garage stall for him, so he could park inside. Heard him close his car door, he opened the kitchen door from the garage and walked over and gave me hug and kiss. He said, "I've missed you."

"Missed you too."

Cal was looking me all over. "Damn Bob, you look hotter every time I see."

"Your looking good too." He was wearing worn jeans that clearly showed the outline of his cock. A sweatshirt and sneakers. I asked him, "you want to eat first or shower first."

"I'm starving. Let's eat first. I didn't even have time for lunch working with the agents all day."

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I warm our dinner."

I saw Cal stripping in the living room. Damn his body looked good. Just the right amount of muscle tone. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his cock was hanging down over his big balls. He looked delicious. I could eat him rather than dinner. Cal saw me smiling. What were you smiling about?"

"You. I was thinking how delicious you look. I could eat you rather than dinner."

"You can eat me all you want when I shower after dinner."

We ate at the kitchen island. Sitting close together, our legs touching. Cal ate like it was his last meal. Never saw anyone put away so much food. "You weren't kidding, you really are hungry."

"Sorry. Without eating lunch. My stomach was rumbling all afternoon. This food is really good."

We finished dinner and I told Cal to go up to my bedroom shower and I would join him shortly, after I cleaned the island.

I finished in the kitchen, went up the stairs and could hear the shower going. I walked into the bathroom and could see Cal in the shower. I could just stand here and watch him all day. He was washing his cock and balls. It looked like he had a semi. His big balls were flopping back and forth. Watching him was giving me a hardon. I walked in and he pulled me into a hug and kiss. Our cocks were hitting together.

I turned the shower off. We dried each other off and laid down on the bed. I started kissing Cal's neck and ears. He put his hands behind his head and had his eyes closed. I kissed over his pecs and nips. Giving his nips little nibbles and bites. They got hard. Then kissed down his chest through that hair. Licked around his navel, he was squirming on the bed. Kissed over his abs and through his thick pubes. My tongue found the base of his cock and I licked around it. Then up the side to the head. I could feel it getting harder and thicker. Sucked on his big thick head, pulling out his precum. Then slowly worked my throat down his cock. Had to start breathing through my nose to take all of him. Finally my nose was buried in his pubes. I could hear Cal moaning. Came up for air. Then took him all the way. Started bobbing up and down on his cock. He was leaking profusely. I felt his cock thicken and throb in my mouth and throat and knew he was ready to shoot. Went faster up and down his cock and was soon rewarded with a big load coating my throat. He kept pumping out rope after rope of cum. I managed to swallow it all.

I laid back next to Cal. Our bodies touching.

Cal opened his eyes and looked over at me. "What I'm going to tell you, can't be mentioned to anyone else. I trust you to keep this information confidential."

I told him. "Ok."

"The attic held a lot of information," Cal said. "There was the coffin that you saw. The body has been identified as Mrs. Mason. Cause of death was a blunt object to the head. Then there was a wall covered with diagrams and photos, newspaper clippings, etc. The drawings outlined the tunnel under the house. Where it started from and where it ended. There was also a room off from the tunnel, but the drawings didn't go into any detail. When the agents talked to Joseph and Daniel, there didn't go to this house to play cards. They were called to the house, becase Sir Richard Mason had work for them to do. Both Joseph and Daniel were expert smelters and goldsmiths. It seemed when Richard got enough pieces of gold, he would have Joseph and Daniel smelt it and turn it into jewelry. Once the jewelry was sold they would share in the profits. Mrs. Mason did come from a very wealthy family. Since Richard was never charged with her murder, he inherited his wife's millions. The library had the secret panel with the button. Once we went down the stairs we were in a tunnel. We followed the tunnel to the end which was in the cemetery. We found the room off the tunnel. It was used for smelting gold and and had a work bench and jewelry making tools. Since Mrs. Mason's death hasn't been identified to anyone yet, the case is still under investigation. That's why the two areas are still police taped off. Agents may still be coming and going to see if they can gather any more evidence or clues. Both Joseph and Daniel are being held for more questioning. The other men that used to meet with Richard have passed away. The only men left, are Joseph and Daniel. We are sure they are still holding back more information. Since this case is still under investigation, everything I told you is confidential information. Under no circumstances don't share any of this information with anyone, not even Drake."

"Wow. That is a lot of information. Do you think you'll find out who killed Mrs. Mason?"

"The agents are postitive they will. It's just going to take more time."

I looked at Cal. He turned and saw me looking at him. "What," he said.

"I want you to fuck me Cal."

Cal got a big smile on his face. I pulled my legs back to my shoulders, he slid a pillow under my hips. Then he got down and started giving me a fantastic rim job. His big tongue was licking over my prostate and getting me hotter and hotter for him. He spit on a finger and shoved it into my hole, working it all around. Then I felt a second and then a third finger working around and stretching my hole. I saw him spit on his cock and felt the head at my entrance. He slowly eased his cock in, inch by inch. Felt his pubes pressed against my ass and those big balls. Soon he started a slow in and out movement. His cock really filled me and it felt great. Soon he was going faster and faster, that big thick head rubbing over my prostate every time he thrust in and pulled out. I started thrashing around on the bed. He bent down and started sucking my cock. Oh my god, a fuck and a suck at the same time. I couldn't hold back much longer. It felt so good. Cal said he was going to cum. He started grunting and gasping and felt him shoot way up my hole. His cum hitting some new spots in my hole. Feeling Cal's cum, sent me over the edge and I filled his mouth and throat with a big load. We laid back gasping and panting. Finally we came down from our post orgasmic bliss. Cal said he needed to get ready to go, in case the agents called him. He wanted to be home to receive their call.

We got off the bed and I watched Cal get dressed. Those worn jeans sure looked good on him. Soon he was dressed and we kissed and hugged and made our way downstairs. I opened the garage door where Cal parked. Saw him pull out and leave. I waved to him and he waved back. Closed the garage door and gate. Grabbed a beer and went to the living room. Flopped down on the couch. I was feeling tired. I think the stress of the last few days had finally caught up to me. Three or four days seemed like three or four weeks. Checked the movie channels and found a good movie to watch. Felt good to be able to relax. Will have to tell Margaret that the agents might still be coming off and on.

I was thinking while watching the movie, I'll have to call Drake Thursday and see if we can get together over the weekend. I need to call Graham Thursday too. He should be coming for a few days. I had found a couple of good possibilities for him to check out. The movie ended I turned the tv off and went to bed. Set the alarm for early. Wanted to work out. I hadn't worked out for a few days and I could feel it. As soon as I crawled into bed. I went right to sleep.

I woke up just as the alarm started going off. Shut the noisy alarm off. Splashed a little water on my face and went down to work out. Put on my work out clothes from a locker. Got in a good two hours. The work out felt good. Just what I needed. Went upstairs and I saw Margaret cooking breakfast. "Good morning Margaret. I'll be down in a few minutes for breakfast."

"Good morning Bob, Breakfast will be ready as soon as you are."

I went upstairs and showered. Morning woody went down a little. I'm sure Margaret noticed it. Dried off and got dressed. Be nice to get to work. Even though I was out only one day. It felt like it was longer. Walked down and ate breakfast at the kitchen island. I told Margaret that the FBI agents hadn't finished their investigation and probably would be coming back, off and on until they're done. She thanked me for telling her. Finished my breakfast and headed to work.


Tuesday was busy. After not working Monday, I had twice the patient load. This was going to be a long day. I didn't get home until after 6:00pm. I wanted to make sure I had finished all my appointments from Monday and Tuesday. Got home tired. Margaret had left for the day. Went upstairs and changed and brought my good buddy, Mr. Dildo, with me. I needed a different kind of work out.

Lubed the dildo and started playing with it around my hole. I was pinching and rubbing my nipples. Then put some lube on my erection and played around the head. Eased the dildo in and kept rubbing it back and forth over my prostate. Damn that felt good. My precum was really flowing now. Started stroking faster and faster. Giving my prostate a good work out. Soon I shot way up on my chest, left the dildo hanging in my ass and rubbed my cum all over my chest and abs. Working it in like massage oil. Pulled out the dildo and wiped it off and the lube around my hole. Went upstairs and took a quick shower to clean off the lube and cum.

Went down to the kitchen and warmed my dinner. I was getting hungry. Poured myself a cup of coffee and ate in the living room. Watched the evening news. The same news, just a different day. News finished and I found a football game just starting. Watching the game to the end. Went upstairs and went to bed. Set the alarm for early. As soon as I crawled into bed I fell asleep.

Wednesday went by quick and it was already Thursday. Remembered I wanted to call Drake and Graham. Thought I'd eat first and then call Drake first. My dinner was really good. Picked up my cell phone and speed dialed Drake. "Hi Bob, how you doing? Been thinking about you."

"Was thinking about you too. Can't tell you much about the investigation. Cal gave me strict orders not to say anything. All I can tell you is the investigation hasn't finished. I can't go into any details, sorry babe."

"I understand. Would be nice to know what they have discovered."

"Sorry about the lack of information. How's this weekend looking? We going to be able to get together?"

"It doesn't look like it. We are close to finished a big job so we are working long hours and this weekend to finish by the contract date."

"That sucks. Was looking forward to being with my hot sexy lover."

"Me too. But after this weekend we should be able to get together every weekend."

"You sound tired Drake?"

"These long hours are killing me. I'm bushed by the time I get home."

"I'll let you go and get some rest. Love you and stay safe. I'll try calling this weekend and see how your doing."

"Hugs and kisses, can't wait to talk to you this weekend. Call a little later around eight or eight thirty. I should be home by then. Love you."

"Love you too. Talk to you soon."

That really sucked. Was hoping to be with Drake this weekend. Miss my big hairy lover. Well, I'll call Graham and see when he's going to be coming to town. Maybe he will be here over the weekend. Like to see him.

Flipped through my contacts and found Graham's number. I hit call on his number. "Hello this is Graham."

"Hey Graham, Bob here. How you doing? You going to be coming to town soon? I have a couple of good prospects for you to check out."

"I'm already here. Got to mom and dad's this morning. Maybe I can come by tomorrow after you get home from work and we can talk about old times and you can share the information you have on the prospects."

"That's a great surprise. Glad your here." I could listen to his deep voice all day. "Your welcome to stay here if you need some time away from the parents."

"That's a great idea. I don't want to impose on you."

"Not imposing at all. Be great to see you and have a good talk. Put your things together and bring over all your clothes, etc. I get home about five or five thirty. So if you get here at six. That would work out perfect."

"Sure sound goods hearing your voice bro. I'll tell the parents I'll be staying at your place. They won't mind. Their gone all day with work and then usually go to the Country Club after. Can't wait to see you."

"Me too. Look forward to seeing you at six tomorrow."

"See you at six tomorrow. Better run now and fix something to eat."

That went well. At least I won't be alone over the weekend. I assume he's staying through the weekend. I wonder how he looks. Probably about the same as when we were in college. Tall, stocky and that great sense of humor.

I got in a good workout before breakfast Friday. Work went fast, ate lunch in my office. Millie was probably wondering what happened to me. I hadn't eaten at the diner all week. Finished my last patient and was ready to leave. Shirley and Janice only work half a day on Fridays, unless I have a patient where I need Janice's help. Then she works until I finish on Friday. I locked the clinic and went home. I was looking forward to Graham coming in a little while. Got home around five thirty. Gave me a chance to change clothes, eat dinner and wait for Graham. I decided to wear jeans and a nice pull over. Wore sneakers without socks. I wonder what Graham will be wearing. He always looked good in anything he wore. Went in the living room and watched the tv while I waited.

Soon I heard Graham. I told him I'd open the gate. I saw him pull in. A nice BMW convertible, opened a garage door so he could park inside. Closed the door and walked out to the garage through the kitchen door. Saw him grabbing a bag from the trunk. Looked like he planned on staying awhile. He was wearing cargo shorts, a pull over and flip flops. Damn he looked good. Even better than he did in college. He saw me walking over and gave me a big smile. We bro hugged. He was just as muscular and strong as in college, maybe even better. "You made it," I asked Graham.

"Yeah, it was nice to get out of the house. Parents were going to be gone until late in the evening. Much rather be with my best bud."

"Glad your here. Let's go inside and I can show you to your bedroom. You may want to put some things away."

We walked in. He was impressed with the size of the house. He told me he had heard weird things about the Mason house. But it was just kids talking. I told him part of the house was under investigation by the FBI. But I told him that was all I could say. We walked upstairs to the bedrooms and showed him to the second master bedroom. "Wow, this bedroom is huge," said Graham.

"Mine is right on the other side. The door adjoins the two bedrooms." He gave me a smile when I said that. "The closet and dresser drawers are empty, so if you want to put things away, go ahead."

He opened his bag and put his things away. "Do I get a tour of this house?"

I told him, "sure." Showed him the dining room, living room, outdoor patio. Then we went downstairs and showed him the locker room. He thought that was really cool. The gym, game room and home theater. "This is really quite the house. It must have cost you a fortune to purchase?"

I told him no, that I bought it on a bank foreclosure. I didn't show him the library or den. The library is still under investigation and I didn't want Graham asking me a lot of questions. The den is small and not that interesting. We went back upstairs and I asked Graham if he wanted a beer. He said sure. I grabbed us a couple of beers and we went out to the patio. Sat on loungers. We started talking about how we met when we were just little kids in primary school and how our friendship continued through high school and then it stopped after we went to college. He said he was glad he could stay here with me. So was I. We drank our beer quick and I went a get us another. Looks like you've kept working out, your more muscular than I remember. He said he tried to get to the gym about four times a week. I told him we could workout together here. He liked that idea. Graham told me that I looked like I was in good shape too. I told him I try to workout at least once a day, sometimes two times in the same day.

I asked Graham if he had ate dinner. He told me ate before he came over here. I asked him if he wanted to get in a short workout now. He said, "let's do it." I told him to go upstairs and grab some workout clothes. We could change in the locker room downstairs. He ran upstairs and in a few minutes he had some gym clothes. We walked down to the locker room. He sat on the bench and started taking his clothes off. I opened my locker, then sat down next to Graham and started stripping down too. We kept giving each other glances as we took off each article of clothing. "You've got great arms and chest," I told Graham. "He asked me if I wanted to feel his muscles." I told him, "sure." We stood up and I reached over and felt his biceps. They were rock hard. His chest was broad and well muscled as well as his abs. We were just in our briefs and I noticed he was tenting his briefs. Then Graham surprised me and pulled me into him and he gave me a kiss and a hug that went on and on. "I've really missed you Bob. I remember all the things we did as kids. Now I'm ready to do those things as man to man." "I never knew Graham. We just fooled around a little as kids. I never thought it was anything serious."

"I liked you a lot when we were kids. I didn't really understand my feelings. Then as we got older, I realized I loved you and was hoping you loved me too. I was too afraid to open up to you, I thought you'd reject me and I'd lose my best friend."

I started laughing. This was pissing Graham off. "What's so damn funny. Here I am spilling my guts out to you about how I feel. And your standing there laughing."

"I'm not laughing about that. I'm laughing because I had exactly the same feelings for you. And like you, I was afraid to say to anything, I thought you'd hate me and I'd lose my best friend."

"I guess we need to make up for lost time." I put my gym clothes into a locker. Graham and did the same, using a locker right next to mine. "Let's shuck the briefs," I told Graham. I told him I go around the house naked all the time when it's just me. He told me he did the same thing in his apartment. Graham looked so good. He had very little hair. A little bit under his arms. A very faint treasure trail. He had thick pubes. Looked like he shaved his balls. Very little hair on his arms and legs. He was erect now. Seeing his erection gave me one too. We looked to be just a bit bigger than me. Probably seven and a half inches thick and cut. He has big balls. They look delicious. I asked him if he wanted to go to the bedroom, living room or patio. He said how about if watch some sports on tv. I grabbed us another beer and told him to flip through the channels and find a good game.

We sat next to each other as the game started. Soon we sat our beers down on the coffee table and started making out. He's a great kisser. We kissed, hugged and felt each other all over. Soon he leaned back and I started kissing his pecs and nips. He liked that and was moaning. Then kissed down his treasure trail and through his pubes. Went down lower and sucked on his balls. Could only fit one in my mouth at a time. Then licked up his shaft to the head. Licking and sucking out his precum. His precum tasted good. Then I started a slow suck on his cock. He told me to stop, he was getting close and didn't want to cum right away. He told me to lean back and he started kissing my neck and ears. Worked his way down to my pecs and nips. Then sucked on my balls. Worked his way up my shaft and licked and sucked out my precum. I told him to stop, I was getting close. I told him I was going to run upstairs quick and grab a towel and lube. He told me to hurry. I was back in record time. I spread the towel out. Set the lube on the coffee table and we got into a sixty nine. I started deep throating his cock. He started panting and moaning loud. Then he went down on me. We got a good rhythm going. Soon we were getting closer and closer. Our breathing was ragged and our panting more intense. I came first and shot down Graham's throat and then he soon was doing the same. He had a big load as I did. We moved around into a sitting position. Graham said, "that was better than I expected." I told him it was great and a good start to making up for lost time."

I asked Graham if he was a fast recharger, he said he was. I told him I was too. After the game we can have round two. He said, "definitely." We watched the game to the end. Finished our beer and went up to my bedroom. Liked watching Graham. His muscles moved so well. Liked seeing his cock and balls flopping back and forth. We went up to my bedroom we laid on top of the sheets. I told Graham to grab his ankles and pull them back. I then put a pillow under his hips. I started licked around his hole. Then over his hole. Graham was moaning loud. Stuck my tongue in and out of his hole. I then lubed a finger and stuck it into his hole. His hole was really tight and I didn't want to hurt him. Graham said this was his first time, and wanted it to be me. I worked my finger around in his hole until he was comfortable, then I lubed a second finger and put it in with the first one. Started worked my fingers in deeper. Then I did a third finger. He seemed to be stretched pretty good. I managed to find his prostate and gave it a couple of good rubs. He jerked and squirmed when I did that. He told me not to stop. that whatever I was doing felt wonderful. I then gave my cock a lot of lube. Slowly the head popped in him. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. "Do you want me to stop?" "No, I'll get used to it. Keep going." I then slowly eased in another inch, waited. Then worked the rest of my cock in until my balls were hitting his ass. My cock found his prostate and I started working it good. Soon Graham was pushing back on me. I knew the pain was gone. Started going faster. Bent down and sucked him at the same time. He was bucking under me. Fucked him harder and harder. Soon I was filling his ass with another big load. I heard him moan loud and he blasted a big load down my throat. Nice thick ropes of cum, hitting the back of my throat.

We laid back panting and regaining our normal breathing. Graham thanked me for going slow and taking my time. I told him I wanted it to be good for him and something to remember. He told me it would be my turn in the morning. We then talked a little about the places I found that he might be interested in. He knew where they were located and would check them out tomorrow.

I set the clock for early. So we could get in a workout.

We woke up to the alarm going off. Graham gave me a good fuck. He had a few things to learn, but he did a good job. We worked out. Ate breakfast and showered. Graham got dressed and said he wanted to check out the two places I had mentioned to him.

I watched Graham leave. When he returned, he said he really liked one of the two places and was going to present it to the central office on Tuesday. He said he would need to leave early Monday. Say his goodbyes to his mom and dad, and then drive back to the central office. He told me, he wanted to stay here if it was ok, when he was back the next time. I told him, of course, I would look forward to it.

Monday morning came around and it was time for Graham to leave. It was early and Margaret hadn't arrived yet. We kissed and hugged. And grabbed each other's cocks for a good squeeze. I watched Graham leave and waved good bye as he did to me.

It was sure nice having Graham here. I still love Drake and want us to work something out. Graham will have to understand that. Or maybe I can have two lovers staying here. I thought maybe the next time Graham is here, I'll have a little party and invite the guys for the weekend. Travis and Brody, Drake of course and Cal. That would make six of us. Since we all like the same things. Should be a great get together.

Then I started thinking about the on going investigation. Was hoping they would be finishing soon. Maybe Cal could give me some more information. Will have to give him a call.

End of Chapter 7 - Graham

Chapter 8 Coming Soon

A special thank you to all my loyal followers. I appreciate your comments and try to incorporate your suggestions.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 8

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