My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Dec 1, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 6

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 6. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 6 - Fletcher

It was an easy adjustment not having Ethan around anymore. I noticed Margaret was back to her regular self, not nervous and short with her replies. That was good to see. I've never heard from Ethan and I hope I never do. Since my contact with the hospital is by phone, and have Janice take care of all the hospital needs, I should never see Ethan or Mark.

I got a call from my mother. They were having a birthday party for Bryan next Saturday and wanted me to be sure to attend. Bryan would be turning 10 on Thursday, but with everybody's work, Saturday seemed to work the best for everybody. My brother and his family would drive down to mom and dads Friday after work, and stay with them. I thanked mom for the information and told her I wouldn't miss Bryan's birthday for anything. I thought I better call Deb and see what would be a good birthday present for Bryan. I know Bryan likes all things sports , so I'll buy something along those lines. I don't want Julie to feel left out. I'll ask Deb what her favorite music group is and buy her a couple of CD's.

I'll speed dial Deb. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you." "Hi Deb. Just got off the phone with mom and she told me about Bryan's birthday party next Saturday." "Yeah, just family. Maybe a couple of Bryan's friends will be able to attend."

"The reason I'm calling Deb. I know that Bryan likes all sports. What's his favorite sport?"

"If I had to pick a favorite, I would say baseball."

"Do you know what position he plays?"

"Generally first base or shortstop. Do you know his size? I might buy him a practice uniform."

"He wears a boys size 12. He's big for his age."

"While we're still talking, what's Julies favorite music group? I don't want her to feel left out."

"I don't know, but I will text you the information. Thanks for thinking about Julie."

"No problem. Look forward to seeing you all next Saturday. Text me the information as soon as you have it."

"Will do Bob. We look forward to seeing you too. Bye."


Hopefully Deb can text me the information soon. I will head to the mall later when I have the information. They have two good sports stores and a huge music store.

I was still in my bedroom when I got the call from mom and talked with Deb. Had a big morning woody I needed to take care of. Took my good friend, Buddy from the closet. I had been neglecting my dildo. Thought I'd have to clean the dust off. Spread out on the bed. Put a little lube on the dildo and started playing around my ass. Felt good. Closed my eyes and just enjoyed all the sensations going through my body. Inserted the head and then pulled it out. My ass was ready for the dildo. It was pulling on it everytime I stuck the head in. Left the head in my ass and lubed my cock. Standing tall and proud. Just like the dildo. Started slow stroking my cock and working the dildo in my ass. Found my prostate with the dildo and kept rubbing over it again and again. My cock was oozing precum like crazy. Picked up my stroking speed. I was moaning gasping and grunting as I felt my orgasm get closer and closer. I was fucking my ass hard and fast with the dildo. I was stroking so fast my hand was a blur going up and down on my cock. Finally my toes curled, I straightened out stiff, my cock hardened and I shot out about four or five thick ropes of cum, hitting my pecs and stomach. The rest was drooling down the side of my hand. I picked up my towel on the bed and wiped myself off. I just laid there for a few minutes, catching my breath. Maybe I don't need anybody. My dildo satisfies me pretty good. But you can't talk to a dildo, well you can, but you don't get any answers. I still need a companion, someone to share everything with, that loves me and I love him. Got out of day dreaming.

Went downstairs and made my breakfast. No workout this morning. That hard orgasm was enough workout. Maybe I will tonight. Ate out on the patio table. It wasn't hot yet. But you could feel it starting to get warm. While I was eating breakfast, I received a text from Deb. She sent me the information on the music group that Julie liked, and thanked me again for thinking about her. Finished breakfast. Took my dishes in and that filled the dishwasher. Turned that on, would be done later. Thought I'd take a quick shower, dress and go to the mall. Take my time at the mall and eat lunch at that new Italian restaurant. Already felt something stirring in my crotch. Looked down and my cock was already semi hard. I couldn't believe it. Felt my balls and they were full and ready to go.

Went upstairs. Took my dildo off the bed and used the suction cup to adhere it to the shower seat. Got the water running. Lathered myself and then the dildo. Rinsed off. Lowered myself on the dildo. Damn that dildo fills me up good. Started bouncing up and down on the dildo. My cock got instantly hard. Stroked my cock in rhythm with my bouncing on the dildo. Soon I was blasting out a big load all over the shower wall. I couldn't believe it. Two big loads in about an hour and a half. I felt drained after that big load. My cock softened a little and my big balls were hanging down. I dried off and got dressed. I would head out to the mall. I already knew what I wanted to buy Bryan and Julie.

When I got to the mall. It was very busy. Lots of people out today. I headed to one of the sports stores. Started looking around. One of the clerks came and asked me if I would like some help. I told him I was looking for a practice baseball uniform in a boys size 12. He took me to the back and showed me what they had. I found a grey uniform with white stripes. They had that in Bryan's size. I told the clerk I'd take one of those. "Do you have aluminum bats?" "This way sir." I followed the clerk and they had many aluminum bats. I picked out the one I liked. "Do you have first base gloves that will fit a boys hand?" "Right this way sir." Again, I picked out the mitt I liked. Walked up to the check out counter. Paid for my purchases. They put everything in a big bag for me. Thanked the clerk for his help and left.

Next was to find the music store and see if they had what Julie liked. I got kind of lost. The mall is big with three floors. I finally found a mall map. I realized the music store was on the opposite side of the mall where I was. The walk would do me good. Since I hadn't worked out. Made it to the music store and a clerk greeted me at the door. "How may I help you today sir?" "I'm here to buy a CD or more of this group and showed him the name of the group." "The clerk looked at me kind of funny." "I'm buying this for my niece, it's her favorite group." "They are quite popular at the moment," said the clerk. He showed me what they had in a special display. I bought a CD of their current songs and then another CD of their greatest hits. The clerk mentioned that they had just received their newest poster. I told him to show me. The poster seemed ok so I added that with the CD's. The clerk said they also had an older poster they had just reduced in price. So I ended up buying that poster too. A good clerk, he knew how to get me to make purchases. Paid for the CD's and posters. It was about a quarter to twelve. I decided to take my purchases to the suv and then come back for lunch. That would take me at least twenty minutes or longer.

Loaded my purchases into the back of the suv. Walked back into the mall and finally got to the restaurant. It looked busy from what I could see. Walked up to the door and one of the waiters opened the door for me. "Would you like a table or a booth?" I told him a booth would be fine. I noticed they had booths on both side of the restaurant. The tables were arranged around in the center. The bar was towards the back right corner. There was small hallway in the back in the middle. That's where the bathrooms were located. In the middle of the back wall were the doors that went into the kitchen. I noticed they had a lighted number sign above the doors. It would ring and a number would flash when an order was ready. Each waiter must have been assigned a number. My waiter was a nice looking young man. Probably a college student working to make some bucks.

The waiter came to my booth. "Would you like something to drink before you order?" "What is the special?" "The special is a shrimp and lobster fettuccine with a fresh garden salad." "That sounds delicious. "I'll have a half carafe of your house white wine. You can bring the wine before the lunch."

The waiter brought my wine. It had a nice flavor. Soon he came back to my table with this big platter. It was the fettuccine and on a separate plate was my salad. He put some Italian dressing on my table. I thanked him and just stared for a moment at this big platter in front of me. Was looking around to see if anyone was staring. This platter looked like it was for two people at least. Might have to have some of this packaged to take home. Would make a good dinner. I managed to eat about half the food on the platter. Finished my wine and motioned to the waiter. I asked him if he could package the rest of my lunch and put another garden salad with it. He said that wouldn't be any problem. Also asked him to bring my tab. Just relaxed and sipped on my wine. Looked around but didn't see anybody that I knew. The waiter came back with the rest of my lunch packaged with a salad. He handed me the bill. I couldn't believe the price. I would have paid at least two to three times more at Milo's. Going to start coming here more often. This will be the perfect restaurant to invite Shirley and Janice. Paid the tab and left a generous tip for the waiter. I left my payment on the table. When I got to the door my waiter opened it for me. I told him the payment was on the table. I thanked him for a very delicious lunch and left.

After a couple of wrong turns, I eventually found my suv. The parking lot is divided into the four directions, north, south, east and wast concourses. Made me think of the airport. They use concourse also. Put my lunch up front with me where the AC would blow on it. With our warm weather this good food would spoil fast.

Got home and unpacked everything. Put the rest of my lunch into the refrigerator. I would have Margaret wrap my presents. She is good at doing that. I'm all thumbs when it comes to wrapping presents. She knows where all the wrapping supplies are. I'll mention that to Margaret Monday.

What am I going to do the rest of the day? Went upstairs and stripped out of my clothes. Felt good to be naked. There was a room downstairs with a door by the gym area. Thought I'd check that out. It had always aroused my curiosity, but never took the time to check it out. Put some flip flops on. Wasn't sure how the floor was. Made my way downstairs and found the door to the room. The door was old and squeaked when I opened it. I didn't see a light switch around anywhere. Saw a light hanging down from the ceiling. When I flicked the switch nothing happened. The bulb was probably burned out. Went upstairs and brought a light bulb and flashlight with me. Managed to change the light bulb. I had to strain to reach it. Changed the bulb and the light worked. It was obvious this room hadn't been used for a long time. There was cobwebs and dust all over. There were shelves on the walls and a table in the center. It looked like it might of been a cellar for storing preservatives. The room was good size. As I looked around I saw the potential of using the room as changing room for working out. Put in some lockers on one of the walls. A bench for changing down the center and shower at the far end. Put a rubber floor in. Fluorescent lighting and a new door. Interesting. I turned the light off and went back upstairs. Got a notepad and went outside to the patio. Sat on a lounger and started sketching down some ideas for that room. Liked my ideas and saw in my mind all the possibilities it had. I tried my best to put all those ideas down in my notebook. I would give that guy a call that Drake had mentioned to me, when they had their shower system installed. The guy sounded like he was quite a handyman. Would look up the number in my phone. I know his name started with "T". Started flipping through the T's. Finally I found it. Travis was his name and there was his number saved. I'll wait until this coming week to give him a call. Have him check out my ideas and see if they are feasible. An estimate on how much it would cost and how long it would take to complete.

I stretched out on the couch and watched some college football. Cold beer in hand. The game had just started. It was early and I would eat after the game. I must have nodded off for awhile. When I woke up it was already in the third quarter. The score was close and the teams were pretty evenly matched. It was a good game. Watched it to the end. Put the dinner in the microwave and warmed it. While it was heating I got my salad out and put some salad dressing on that. Microwave beeped and took my dinner and salad out to the patio table. It was starting to cool down, after another hot day. After I finished eating. I took my notepad and walked back down to the room by the gym.

Turned the light on and compared my drawings with the room. The room was a good size and it looked like everything would fit with room to spare. I'll have a better idea after I talk with Travis. I think I'll call him on Thursday and see if he can check out the room and my ideas Friday after work. I know he works construction so I don't know what his work hours are. The room was really dirty. It hadn't been used in a long time. It will need a good cleaning first. I remember Drake telling me that Travis liked to fool around. In fact, he installed their shower system for free. Since they had some fun after he finished. I don't expect the same thing. This is a bigger project and I expect to pay him well. Maybe something will happen and maybe it won't. Wait and see.

Went upstairs and warmed up my dinner and got the salad out. While I was waiting on the microwave, I thought I'd give Drake a call and tell him about my idea for the room by the gym, and that I was going to call Travis to see if he could do this project for me. I speed dialed Drake's number. "Hello Bob, glad you called."

"Good to hear your voice buddy, how's everything going?"

"Everything is great. Loving my house, just the right size for me and when I invite a few friends over. With Reggie making me foreman, I'm able to save money and do extra things that I wasn't able to do before. I still miss Pete a lot and wish I would feel his warm body next to me at night when I go to bed. It's getting better, but I still have my moments when I start crying and miss him terribly."

"That's understandable Drake, it hasn't been that long since his passing. I'm sure glad that Reggie made you foreman. I'm calling for a reason. Do you remember that unused room by the gym?"

"I sort of vaguely remember seeing a door. What's your idea?"

"I checked the room out. It hasn't been used in years. But I thought it would be the perfect space to make a changing room before working out. Would need a good cleaning. New door and lighting. Put a rubber mat or rubber floor. Bench down the center and some lockers on each side. That would still leave room for a large shower."

"The sounds like a great idea Bob. You have anybody in find that could do the job for you?"

"I do. I remember when I was at your house and that great shower arrangement you had. You told me Travis had done it and you gave me his name and phone number. I was thinking of giving him a call and look at the room and see if he could do the project for me."

"That's a great idea Bob. Travis is always looking for odd jobs and I'm sure he would do your project. He also likes to have fun too. If you know what I mean? Since his wife passed away, he tries to get as many odd jobs to do on the weekends that he can get. He works full time in construction, but he always has his weekends off.

"Thanks for the information Drake. Once my schedule eases up here. Would like to visit you for a weekend."

"I would like that Bob. You've been a good friend. A friend with benefits. Just give me a call when you plan to come, and I'll be ready and waiting for you."

"Good hearing your voice buddy. I hear the microwave beeping. My dinner is ready and better leave and eat. Good talking to you."

"Good talking to you too. Enjoy your dinner. Maybe the next we talk you will be planning to come here for the weekend. Talk to you soon."

Ended the call. Reflected a little on the conversation. You could feel the lonliness and depression in Drake's voice when he talked. He tried to talk upbeat. But I think he is still having a hard time adjusting to not having Pete. I need to get up there to see him soon.

My continually beeping microwave was driving me crazy. Took the dinner out. Moved the dinner onto a plate, put some Italian dressing on my salad and went to the patio table to eat my dinner. It still tasted good. The salad was crisp and fresh. Drank a little wine with my dinner. Thinking about what I was going to do this evening. I think I'll watch tv. No movie tonight or workout.

All the football games were over. I found a good movie to watch. Made some popcorn, grabbed a beer and watched the movie. I nodded off a couple of times during the movie. Don't know why I was tired. Played with my balls while watching the movie. That gave me an instant hardon. Went upstairs and brought down some lube and a towel. Lubed up my boner. Cupped my balls and played around my hole. Played with my pecs and nips. Soon I was leaking like crazy. Put some pre on a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole. My hole pulled on my fingers. Rubbing over my prostate. Started stroking faster and faster. Was moaning and panting. Leaned back with my legs spread. Gave me better access to my hole. My fingers were going fast in and out and over my prostate. My cock was stiffening and throbbing. Felt my balls pull up and shot out five long thick ropes of cum. Some hit my face. The rest was on my chest and abs. Wow, another powerful orgasm. Just laid there for a couple of fingers. Used the towel to wipe the cum off. Must have used this towel before. It was kind of crusty with cum. The movie was just finishing. Thought I'd call it a night. Went upstairs. Took a quick shower. Set my alarm for early. Thought I'd be a good boy and go to church tomorrow morning. Go to the early service. I didn't really have anything planned for Sunday. Maybe check out that room downstairs again tomorrow.

Woke up to the alarm going. Was wondering why I it set for so early. Then I remembered I was going to the early church service. Woke up with a big morning woody. Wouldn't have time to take care of that right now. Took a shower. Got dressed for church. Would fix myself some brunch when I got home from church. Grabbed my keys and headed to the church. Early service was at 8:00am, then a ten o'clock service and a twelve o'clock service. Arrived and parked on the side part of the parking lot. Father Lorenzo was at the front doors greeting the parishioners as they entered the church. Father Lorenzo greeting me and told me it was nice seeing me attend service. Service was the same as always. Didn't see mom and dad. They must attend a later service. However his homily was interesting. He was preaching on the sins of same sex marriage and the sins of being with the same flesh. He quoted scriptures of passage that he interrupted to emphasize his homily. I thought good for you Father. It's time to get with the modern age. Father Lorenzo was older. I'm sure his theology classes taught exactly what he was preaching. Hopefully, their will a more modern thinking group of seminarians being ordained soon. The mass finished and again Father Lorenzo was at the door thanking all the parishioners for attending service.

Got home. Stipped naked out of my clothes. Doing it in front of the mirror and giving myself a show. Put my clothes away and posed naked a couple of times in front of the mirror. Liked how my boner was sticking straight out. Wish I was fucking a hot mouth or ass right now. Was feeling horny. I went downstairs and fixed myself a good brunch. I like hashbrowns. So made myself a hashbrown omelette. Damn I'm getting almost as good as Margaret. Finished my brunch and remembered I wanted Margaret to wrap the gifts for Bryan and Julie. So I ran upstairs and brought them down, and put them in a place where I wouldn't forget them tomorrow morning.

Checked the sports schedule on tv. Games wouldn't be starting for about an hour. Should give me enough time to recheck that room by the gym. Put some flip flops on and grabbed my notebook and a pen and walked down to the room. Flicked on the light. The room was dirtier than I thought. It's going to take a long time to just get it cleaned and remove the table and shelving. Had measured the room earlier and had the dimensions in my notebook. Starting looking around and comparing my drawings with the room. Looked perfect for me. Everything should fit and work out well. I turned the light off and went back upstairs. First game would be starting soon. Laid my notebook on the couch and turned the tv on to the channel for the first game. Grabbed a beer. Looked at my drawings one more time before the game started. Sure looked good. Hope Travis can do the work and my drawings or least my ideas will help him. Relaxed on the couch and started watching the game. The first game was a good game. It was already later afternoon. Thought I'd order a pizza to eat during the second game. Don't eat pizza often. Don't like eating that much fat. But I do splurge once in awhile. I called the Pizza Factory and had them do a delivery.

Found the number in my contacts. I called the Pizza Factory and told them what I wanted and the size. Told them where I lived and asked how long it would be. They told about 30-40 minutes. I told them to press the button on the speaker when they arrived. Asked what the price would be and if the price included the delivery. Wow, $22.50 for a medium, including delivery. Maybe I'm in the wrong work. I remember when I could get a pizza for ten or twelve dollars. Will taste good with a cold beer.

The second game just started. I heard the speaker. "I'm here with the pizza." Pressed the button, "I'll be right there." I put on some shorts and a tshirt with my flip flops. Was really bulging my gym shorts. I didn't care. Maybe give the kid a treat seeing my bulge. I paid the delivery kid and took my pizza in. Not a bad looking boy. Must play sports. He had an athletic body. Too bad he's not older. Set the pizza on the island in the kitchen. Would warm some up later. Wasn't hungry yet. Flopped down on the couch and started watching the second game. It was approaching half time. I decided this was a good time to warm some pizza. Warmed a couple of pieces in the microwave. Was really good. Grabbed a cold beer. Went back in and finished watching the half time show and then the third period started. Those two pieces of pizza disappeared fast. Hit the spot. Might have a couple more pieces after the game. The game finished, just as I finished my beer. Warmed a couple more pieces and put the rest in the refrigerator. Grabbed another beer and watched a good Agatha Christie movie on one of the movie channels.

Movie finished. I was getting tired. So I went upstairs jumped into bed. Set the alarm early so I could get a good workout in. And fell asleep immediately.

Woke up to the alarm going off. Felt rested. Put on some gym clothes over my morning woody. Went down to the gym. Margaret hadn't arrived yet. Got in a good two hour workout. Was sweating like crazy and could feel the burn. Wiped the sweat off and checked out the room again. This is going to workout perfect as a changing room. My own personal lockerroom.

Went upstairs, heard Margaret making breakfast. Stuck my head in the kitchen. "Good morning Margaret." "Good morning Bob. Did you get a good workout in?" "Sure did Margaret. Will be down in a few minutes for breakfast."

Stripped down. Threw my sweaty clothes in the hamper. That's something I will need in the changing room. One of those roll carts that they use for dirty clothes. Stepped into the shower. My hardon leading the way. Took a quick shower and jerked off to relieve my full balls. Felt good. Dried off, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Brought the presents for my brother's kids into the kitchen. Margaret asked, "what's that?" "Bryan's birthday is Thursday and mom and dad are having a birthday party for him. Picked up a few things for Julie too, didn't want her to feel left out. Was wondering if you could gift wrap everything for me? I have all the things divided for Bryan and Julie. I'm sure you'll know what presents go to whom." "I'll be glad to gift wrap everything for you Bob. We know what kind of a job you do gift wrapping." That got a chuckle out of me. "Thanks Margaret, I knew I could count on you." I finished breakfast and went to work.

Monday was a regular day. Had finally finished the majority of the vaccines. Still get a few kids now and then. Back setting broken bones, checking kids out for colds, sick parents, expecting mothers and the list goes on and on. But nice to have the variety of different things to do. Ate at the diner. Millie was strutting her stuff around. Trying to get my attention. Not hard to miss the way she walks to make her tits bounce up and down. Walked back to the clinic and finished the day.

When I got home Margaret had left for the day. Saw the presents all neatly wrapped. Don't know how Margaret does it, but everything looked perfect. Got in a good workout, ate my dinner. Watched a little tv and went to bed.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. It was already Thursday after work. I was stripped down and laying on the couch. Thought I'd give Travis a call and see if he was available Friday after work to check out my ideas for the changing room. Scanned through the T's on my phone and found Travis. Gave him a call. This deep bass voice answered, "Hello this is Travis." God I could listen to that voice all day. I remember Drake and Pete telling me he was hung like a horse. "Hello Travis, this is Bob. You were referred to me by Drake." "How may I help you, and how is Drake?" "First off Drake is doing fine, he's working as a foreman for my brother's construction company. Second, I have a room in the basement that I would like to convert into a changing room/lockerrom and was wondering if you would be interested in checking it out?" "That's a different kind of request. Sure I could check it out and see what possibilities it has. How soon were you thinking?" "I know you work construction. I was wondering if you could come by tomorrow after work?" "Yeah, could do that. I could be at your place around six." "Six is perfect and here are the directions to my place. Just press the button on the speaker when you arrive and I'll open the gate for you." "Ok, see you tomorrow Bob." "Thanks Travis looking forward to tomorrow." Damn that voice. I've got one of the biggest hardons I've every had. Jerked out a big load. Wiped that off. Did my workout, ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed.

Friday morning arrived quickly. Worked out, ate breakfast and headed to work. Brody should be coming in today to get his cast removed. His hand was all healed and x-rays showed the breaks I had to do were healed. He would need some physical therapy to get his strength back in his hand. Janice would help him with that. Got to work, the morning went fast. Ate lunch at the diner. Alec was there, we just nodded our acknowledgements to each other. Millie was in rare form. She was giving me all this special attention. Of course flaunting those big tits around when she bent over. She must rehearse or practice before I get to the diner. Need to have her make an appointment for a gynecology exam. Maybe working over her vagina and taking my time, would get her off and she would calm down. When she came to the table I asked Millie to make a gynecology exam appointment with Shirley. I told Millie I would be glad to give her an exam. Flexing my long thick fingers for her. Millie looked like she was starting to sweat. "I'll do that today Bob. I know you mentioned that before." "It's good to have the exam and make sure everything is healthy and working fine," giving Millie a big smile. She was sweating now. "I'll bring your tab Bob." Paid my bill and left Millie a good tip. Walked back to the clinic.

Shirley told me my first afternoon appointment was in the exam room. That should be Brody. I don't see the foreman. Maybe he's in the exam room with Brody. Went into my office and put on my lab coat. Knocked on the door and walked in to see Brody by himself. "I don't see the foreman Brody."

"He told me I was a big boy and he didn't need to hold my hand."

"How does your hand feel?"

"It feels good doc. I can move me fingers. Just be glad to get this cast off."

I could see that Brody has a big basket. It might be hiding a semi in those tight jeans. "I'll be right back Brody. I need to get the saw to remove your cast."

Brody's eyes got as big as saucers. "You use a saw to remove the cast?"

"Yes just a small little saw. You'll see when I bring it in."

"I hope you've done this before doc? I don't want to have any cuts."

"I've removed many casts Brody, nothing to worry about." Giving him a pat on the shoulder. Giving me a chance to see that nice big basket. Sure looked like a hardon was hiding in there.

While I left to get the saw. Brody was thinking to himself how hot Dr. Bob was. The only other guy he has messed around with was his foreman. They didn't live together, but got together as much as they could. I wouldn't mind getting with the doc. His deep voice. He must be as hung as me.

I came back to the exam room and with the little saw. Brody looked relieved and it looked like his bulge had grown since I left. I told Brody how to position his hand so I cut the cast off. Make the first cut, then the second and finally the third cut and was able to remove the cast from his hand. "That should feel better Brody." I was on a chair close to Brody. He put his hand on mine and said, "thanks doc that went smooth." He then moved my hand down so I could rub over his bulge. I looked him in the eyes and I could see the desire. I got up and put the pieces of the cast in a garbage bin. I moved back by Brody and asked him if there was anything else he needed. He kind of hemmed and hawed around and finally said, "doc I really like you. I'm not good at this, but would you like to visit me sometime or I visit you?"

"You mean you would like to have a date with me?" "Yeah, something like that doc. Your really hot and I'd like to get to know you better." He took my hand again and was rubbing it over his bulge. "You like what you feel?" "I told him yes, and I think we could get together sometime." "He gave me his phone number and I told him I would call him when the time was right." He seemed relieved. Brody was a very nice looking young man. Probably in his middle to late twenties. Definitely in good shape from his mill work. I put his number into my phone and told him I would be calling him soon. I then told him I would have Janice come in so they could work out a schedule for him to get some physical therapy at the hospital for his hand. He thanked me and told me he would look forward to my phone call. I called Janice in and told her what needed to be done. I thanked Brody for coming in and left back to my office. The rest of the day went smoothly and went home.

Got home and saw my brother with another person by the front gate. Opened my window and told him to follow me in. Reggie parked next to me. "Who do you have there with you?" The passenger door opened and Drake walked out. "Drake what are you doing here?" Your brother mentioned the birthday party and invited me to tag along." "It's sure nice seeing you. Was wondering if I would be able to stay here with you. "That way Reggie and his family can spend some family time with your mom and dad?" I said, "sure, do you need any help with bags?" He said, "no, I just have this small sports bag with everything I need." "I thanked Reggie and he wanted to get back to mom and dad's to spend some quality time with them before the party tomorrow. Once Reggie left. Drake and I gave each other a long hug and kiss. We went inside and put his things in my bedroom. "I have a surprise for you Drake?" "What's that?" "Travis will be coming over soon to check out that room in the basement. Maybe that will give us time to change into something to get his attention." Drake gave me a sly grin. "You devil, you had this all planned." "Nope, I had no idea Reggie was bringing you and it's just a coincidence that your here when Travis will be." "Well, the more the merrier." I agree.

"Drake said, "you'll be surprised when you see Travis."

"Why is that?"

"Travis doesn't fit the stereotype construction worker."

"What do you mean?"

"He looks more like a lawyer working for your dad. He's very sophistcated looking. You'll be surprised when you see him."

"I hope pleasantly surprised."

"You won't be disappointed."

We both put on gym shorts and a cut off sweatshirt. No jock or underwear. I heard the speaker. "Hello Bob, this is Travis."

"I'll press the button and come on in."

I saw him walk up to the house. He's tall, very good looking and he does look sophisticated. I pressed the button so the gate would close. I heard the doorbell.

Opened the door and there was Travis. God he looked good. Come on in. I was just getting ready for a workout. "Let's get right to it," Travis said. "Where is this room you want me to look at?" "I have a surprise for you first." "Come on over here guy." "Drake walked around the corner and I thought Travis was going to faint." "Damn, Drake it's so good to see you man. How you been?" "I've been hanging in there." "Sure glad I happened to be down here at the same time you were coming over to Bob's." "Me too." "Would you like a beer Travis," I asked him. "Sure." I got us all beers and we walked downstairs to look at the room. I had my drawings with me. I turned on the light and Travis took a look at the room first. "It sure is dirty. Must not have been used for a long time. The structure looks good and sound." Travis then proceeded to look at my drawings and ideas and then did some measuring. "Everything you want Bob, will easily fit in this room." "Do you think you'd be able to this for me?" "This is the first time I would be doing a locker room, but I'm up for the challenge. I would be glad to do this for you Bob. Any friend of Drake's is a friend of mine. I know many suppliers, so getting the things to make this a super locker room with a shower shouldn't be that hard." "How much do you think this will cost?" I asked Travis. Roughly, he gave me a quote. He said it could be a bit more or a bit less. I always like to estimate on the high side. "How soon would you like me to start?" "As soon as possible. Well, your prices seem pretty fair. I would pay you half up front, and the rest when the job is finished." "That sounds good. I'll write up a contract and bring that over next Friday, and if you agree on everything. I will have the suppliers start bringing things to get started." "That sounds great Travis." "Should we all head upstairs and enjoy our beer on the patio?" Everyone agreed.

We headed upstairs. I noticed Travis checking me out. I thought I saw a big dick down the left side of of his tight jeans. I know Drake said he was hung like a horse. We all sat on loungers. Drake and I sat so that it was easy to look up a leg opening in our gym shorts. I noticed Travis glancing at us a few times. "Looks like everyone is ready for a refill," I asked. Everyone agreed. I went out to the frig to get us another round of beers.

While I was in the kitchen. I saw Drake and Travis talking. Travis asked Drake if he wanted to fool around, he was really horny. He asked Drake if I liked to mess around and Drake told him yes. I saw Travis move closer to Drake. They started kissing and I didn't see their hands. Drake was rubbing Travis' big bulge through his jeans. Travis's hand was up a leg opening rubbing and squeezing on Drake's cock, making him hard.

I walked back with the beers. It was like I didn't exist. Drake and Travis kept feeling each other and making out. Oh Bob your back they both said. Ready to get in on some of this action. "You bet I said, let's strip and get more comfortable."

We left a trail of clothes to my bedroom. Our hard dicks leading the way. Once we got in the bedroom Drake and I laid down on each side of Travis. His dick was big. Reminded me of Brock. I think Travis' dick is a little thicker than Brock's. Drake and I took turns sucking and licking his balls. Travis had his hands behind his head and was thoroughly enjoying the pleasure we were giving him. We were enjoying it too. Travis said, "who wants to ride this big hardon?" Drake and I looked at each other. I said, "I'll ride that big cock of yours." I took the lube out of the night stand. Lubed my hole good and Travis' big cock. Travis had moved himself down on the bed so Drake could fuck his mouth while I rode him. Lowered myself down and slowly worked my way down inch by inch. Using my dildo helped to make this easier. Soon I felt his pubes tickling my ass. He let out a big moan. Drake was fucking his mouth like crazy. I started bouncing up and down on Travis' cock. His cock hit places I didn't know I had. Damn, it felt good. I saw Drake shooting in Travis' mouth and that brought Travis over the edge. Soon he was filling my ass with a big load. Some was leaking out around the sides of his cock. We all collapsed down on the bed. Enjoying our post orgasmic bliss. We looked at each and other and smiled.

We got up and decided to shower. I got the water to a good temperature. We all walked into the shower. Lathering and cleaning each other. Paying special attention to our cocks and balls. As we were cleaning each other we all started sporting boners again. We did a three way jerk off. And we all blasted out another big load. It was still fairly early. So we walked downstairs naked and I grilled some steaks for us and we made a salad. Ate out on the patio. Tasted really good. I like a big thick cut of beef. Smiling to myself. "What should we do now?" I asked the guys. They both said, "let's see if there's any good sports on." I flicked through the sports channels and we agreed on an NFL game that was at half time.

As we were sitting naked on the couch, if one of us starting leaking, someone was right there to lick it up. We couldn't help but fondle and play with each other's balls and cocks. Don't really know how much of the game we actually watched. I know the beer was going down good. I had to make another beer run.

The game finished and so did our beer. The game wasn't very exciting. It was pretty much a run away by one team. We decided to call it a night and headed up to my bedroom. The lube was still on the nightstand. I wanted Travis to fuck me on my back. Once I said that, his dick was immediately hard. I slid down on the bed so Drake could fuck my mouth while Travis fucked my ass. I felt something warm around my hole. Looked back and Travis was rimming me. He said, "we won't need any lube." It looked like he was leaking like crazy. Damn, he gave a good rim job. My hole was all wet. He pressed his wet head to my hole and it popped right in. Drake was positioning himself to fuck my mouth. Soon I felt all of Travis' cock inside me. It sure filled me up. Then he did something unexpected. He bent down and started sucking my cock while he was fucking me. That was a first for me. It sure sent waves of pleasure through me. Drake started going faster. His hard cock was down my throat. I was getting fucked and sucked at both ends. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Soon I felt Drake's cock harden and start splashing his big load down my throat. That set me off and I filled Travis' mouth with my big load. Travis couldn't hold back any longer and his big cock was shooting way up my ass. I was full of cum and loving it. We all collapsed after our big orgasms. "Doesn't look like we need a shower", I said. We were clean. No drips or drops of cum anywhere, except inside me.

It didn't take us long to fall asleep. After a good sexual workout we were tired. We needed to get up early. Bryan's birthday party was going to start early around 10:00am and finish no later than 2:00pm. It was a four hour drive home for Reggie and being Sunday, they wanted to get home a little early and relax before work the next day.

We woke up to the alarm going off. We all had morning hardons. We moved around so we could suck each other off. We had big loads again. What a way to wake up. We went downstairs and we all worked together making breakfast. We ate outside at the patio table. Why does breakfast taste better when someone else fixes it. We chowed down all our food. Went inside and put all the dishes into the dishwasher. Kitchen looked good. No messes anywhere. It was going on eight thirty. We decided to take a shower. We all walked into the shower. Cleaned each other and soon we were all rock hard again. Drake sat on the seat in the shower and I sat down my Drake's cock. Travis moved into me and I sucked his big cock down my throat. We all got a good rhythm going and were soon shooting our big loads. We felt satisfied and drained. We got out and dried each other off. Drake and I got out our clothes we were going to wear to the birthday party. Travis put his tight jeans on and tshirt. That big bulge in his tight jeans was sure hot. I got my presents to load into the suv. Drake had also picked up something for Bryan that was gift wrapped. We said our good byes to Travis. We hugged and kissed. I whispered in Travis' ear, "see you tonight around seven." He looked surprised. He gave me wink and a thumbs up. He took off for his house. Drake gave me a look and asked, "what was that all about?" "I invited Travis over tonight around seven." Drake started laughing. "What's so damn funny?" Drake said, "you must want a big discount on the job your going to have him do in that room downstairs." I started laughing too, "didn't even think about that. I just like Travis and would like to spend some more time with him." Drake just smiled at me. We got our presents loaded into the suv. I pulled Drake into me and gave him a big hug and kiss. What a nice surprise, you coming down here with Reggie. You have to do this more often. We took off in the suv to my parent's house. Didn't take long to arrive at their place.

Saw my brothers suv parked there and two other cars. I parked next to my brother's suv and Drake and I unloaded the presents. We walked up to the front door and mom was there to let me in. "Who's this with you?" "He's a hitchhiker I saw and thought I'd give him a ride." My mom knew Drake and was just playing along with me. "Drake it's good to see you," said my mom. "You guys got here just in time. the party is just starting." "Where should we put the presents?" Mom said, "put them over there with the other presents." My parents had the party on the patio. It was decorated nicely. I saw Bryan swimming in the pool with a couple of other young boys. Drake went off and was wandering around. I walked over to Reggie and we gave each other bro hugs. Greeted Deb. Walked over and greeted dad. Walked back and sat with Reggie and Deb. "Who's that swimming with Bryan?" Reggie said, "a couple of his friends came down for his birthday." I had beer with them. Reggie clinked his glass and told Bryan it was time to unwrap presents. Bryan and his friends dried off. Reggie and I brought out his presents. Drake walked over to watch him unwrap his presents. Julie was sitting on her mom's lap. Bryan was very excited. He liked all his presents. All were sports related. I had kept Julie's presents with me. I gave Julie a wink. "Why are you winking at me Uncle Bob?" "Look over here by the side of my chair." "It looks like you forgot to give those presents to Byran." "Nope, these are for you." "Are you sure uncle Bob?" "I'm positive." Julie unwrapped the presents and I think she was just as excited as Bryan. She loved the CD's and posters. She gave me a big hug and thank you. Deb mouthed, "thank you," to me. The party was starting to wind down. The boys got changed and everyone said their good byes. I told Drake to give me a call. I headed out with everybody else. The party seemed to be a big hit for Bryan.

I got home and relaxed. Was tired. Guess all that sex wore me out. But I was ready for more when Travis comes over around seven. I thought I might give Brody a call and see if he wants to join us. Travis is pretty laid back and I don't think Brody would feel uncomfortable. I need to get out of these clothes. Went up to the bedroom and stripped down and put my clothes away. Grabbed an old pair of gym shorts and put them on, no shirt. Went back downstairs and grabbed a cold beer from the frig. Went out on the patio and thought I'd give Brody a call and see if he wanted to come over. I was just going to call Brody when my phone rang. It was Drake. "Hi Drake, did you just get home?"

"I've been home about thirty minutes. Just wanted to let you know I had a good time. And hope we can get together again soon."

"You surprised the heck out of me. I didn't expect to see you. My brother didn't say anything. Was sure nice being with you. Travis was like the icing on the cake."

"Travis is quite a guy. Don't you think?"

"He sure is. He was a big surprise in more than one way."

"Well thanks for calling, and I definitely want to get together soon."

"You have my number. Just give me a call and I'll be ready and waiting. Talk to you soon."

"Love you. Hugs and kisses. Bye."

That was uplifting. Good to hear from Drake and that he enjoyed his time here. Just wish it could have lated longer. I'll give Brody a call and see if he wants to come over.

Called Brody. "Hello this is Brody."

"Hello Brody, this is your favorite dcotor calling. Told you I'd give you a call."

"Hi Bob. You caught me by surprise. Thanks for calling me. What's up?"

"Thought you might like to come over and we could get better acquainted?"

"I could hear the excitement in Brody's voice. Sure. I'll take a quick shower and change. I'll be right over."

"Press the button on the speaker when you arrive and I'll open the gate. Just so you know. There might someone else joining us. I hope that's not a problem?"

"No problem, as long as he doesn't interfere with us having a little fun together."

"Not at all. He likes to fool around too." Then explained about Travis to Brody.

Brody sounded like a kid on Christmas morning. He was hyped and ready.

"This sounds like a fun time. I'll be right there Bob."

"Ok, look forward to seeing you. All of you."

It sounded like Brody was hyperventilating, he sounded so excited. "Will hurry here Bob, and be right there."

"Look forward to it. Bye."


This is getting better by the minute. Now if Drake was here. We could have a foursome. Travis is going to like Brody. Brody is very friendly and easy to talk to. Just like Travis. This should be quite a time.

Heard the speaker. "Hi, Brody here. Can you let me in?"

"Hold on I'll press the button for the gate to open. Park in front of one of the garage stalls. Come on in when you get parked."

I was in the kitchen when Brody came. He was wearing some baggy jeans and a muscle shirt. Could see a little hair sticking out of the top of his muscle shirt. "Hi Bob." "Hey Brody, your looking just as hot as always." Brody starting blushing. "Would you like a beer?" "Sure, a cold beer would taste great." I saw Brody looking me over. Grabbed us a couple of beers and we went out to the patio loungers. He gave me a hug and kiss. I kissed him back. "What's that for?" "Just want to show my appreciation and glad you called me and wanted to be with me." "My pleasure Brody. I told you I'd give you a call." "If your getting warm, make yourself comfortable. I usually go around the house naked, but wasn't sure if you would like that?" "Like that, I'd love it. Let's both get naked now."

We got up from our loungers walked close to each other and I started sliding Brody's shirt off. Damn he looked good. Nice musculature and a little hair on his chest and around his pecs and nips. A little trail of black hair going into his jeans. I undid his belt and the top button of his jeans. Put my hands on both sides and slid them down. Nice muscular legs with a light dusting of black hair. His boxers were tenting. He kicked his jeans off and I laid them with his shirt on a side chair. Then I put my hands on both sides of his boxers and slid them down. They got stuck on his hardon and I moved his hardon to the side so they would slide to his feet. He kicked them off and I laid them with his jeans and shirt. He was wearing flip flops so he kicked them off. His treasure trail went to his some awesome trimmed pubes. Couldn't wait to lick and sniff those pubes. His cock was a good thick eight inches and his balls hung down nicely. What a hot young man. He looked at me. "Like what you see?" "I love everthing I see Brody." He then proceeded to slide my gym shorts down and off. My thick seven incher was proudly sticking straight out. "Do you like what you see?" He was just staring. Then finally he said, "your perfect Bob. I like everything I see.

"Me too." We moved together and hugged each other tightly. Our dicks rubbing together. Then he gave one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. We still had some time before Travis would come. Brody asked me if he could get a tour of the house. I said sure. I showed him the upstairs. My bedroom where we would all be sleeping. I assumed he would stay overnight. He eagerly agreed. I told him Travis would be spending the night two. Brody had seen the patio. I showed him the kitchen and dining room. We then headed downstairs and I showed him the gym, theater room, game room and then the room I wanted to turn into a locker room. Brody was impressed with the house. He couldn't get over how big it was for one person. He liked my idea of the locker room. I told him Travis was quite the handyman and would be doing the project for me. Brody told me he was quite handy too. He said he learned a lot about repairs and fixing things from his two older brothers. He said he would ask Travis if he would like some help. I thought it was a good idea. Two guys doing the room, it should get done faster.

We made our way upstairs. Our hardons still hadn't gone down. I got us a couple of beers and we were heading out to the patio. I heard Travis on the speaker. I pressed the button and told him to park in front of a garage stall, and come in. I am out on the patio. Brody and I were out on the patio when I heard Travis enter and make his way out. He got a big smile on his face. Looks like we have a couple of guys here glad to see me. He was looking at our hardons. Travis was wearing some tight jeans again and a tshirt. This is Brody over here. He was anxious to meet you. "The pleasure is all mine," said Travis. They shook hands. I noticed Brody looking at Travis' big cock down the side of his jeans. Travis said, "before the fun begins, I have a couple of questions about the room." "Go ahead," I told Travis. "What color would you like the room?" "Since I want it to look like a locker room, I guess military gray would work. That's what I call that color in locker rooms." "Ok, that's perfect. I talked to a couple of friends and they could start delivering some of things this coming week. Would that work?" "Sure, I'll just let Margaret know that there will be some deliveries this week and she will show the men where to move the things." "Great, that will work out perfect. Then I'll be able to start this next weekend."

I asked Travis, "would you like some help, starting next weekend?" He looked at me kind of funny and said, "I usually work alone, but if there was two of us, it would get done faster. He then handed me the contract. The cost of materials and labor was on the contract, also the estimated finishing date. "This is less than the price you quoted." "Well there have been some changes since we first talked about the room." Giving me a big smile. I knew what he was talking about and what Drake had told me. Brody spoke up, "I'm the one that would like to work with you on the locker room." Travis looked at Brody, "you have any experience?" "I have a lot of experience. My two older brothers have taught me how to do repairs and fix things, I'm pretty handy at figuring things out and getting it done." Travis thought for a couple of moments, "I'll give you a shot and see how it works out. I'll be starting next Saturday, but will probably be staying over on Friday night so I can get an early start Saturday. I gave Travis a nod. Brody said, "I could do the same if that is ok with you Bob?" Travis and I looked at each other smiling. We both said, "that would workout perfect." "Good, I'm glad we have that settled.

We went back upstairs and out to the patio. I told Brody, "why don't you help Travis get more comfortable. It will give you guys a chance to get better acquainted. I'll get Travis a beer while you get Travis comfortable." I took my time in the kitchen. I wanted Brody and Travis to have a little time to each other. I kept peeking out to the patio from the kitchen. I saw Brody lift up and slide off Travis' tshirt. I could tell Brody was all excited again. Travis was well muscled. You could tell he did construction work. Not body builder but just trim and perfect. He also had what I call a construction workers tan. He must have his shirt off on the hot days. I couldn't hear what they were saying. I set the beer down to watch them. Brody then undid the top button of Travis' jeans. Travis wasn't wearing a belt. He pulled the zipper down and slid Travis' pants down to his ankles, Travis kicked them off with his flip flops. It looked like Brody's mouth was watering. Travis's dick was sticking outside the leg of his boxers and he wasn't even hard yet. I thought Brody was going to faint. He pulled down Travis' boxers and helped Travis out of them. Then he reached out and felt Travis' monster cock and big balls. Brody looked like he was in heaven and Travis seemed to be enjoying it very much. I could see Brody's cock leaking. He got Travis' cock hard and then both got on a recliner. Saw them start kissing and hugging. Soon they were feeling up each other and making out. I thought that was my cue to bring out a beer for Travis. I cleared my throat and handed Travis his beer. Pulled another recliner over so we had three recliners snug together. We all sipped on our beer. Feeling each other up with our other hand. I said, "what a perfect way to enjoy an evening." They all agreed. Brody said something to Travis. I didn't hear what he said. I saw Travis give Brody a big smile. I saw them set their beers down and Brody slid down on his lounger, holding his ankles. I saw Travis get down and start rimming Brody's cute little pink hole. Brody was moaning and squirming around on the lounger. I know how that tongue of Travis' feels. He has a big tongue and it can reach your prostate. I saw Brody's pucker pulling on Travis' tongue. I saw Travis spit on his cock and ease the head into Brody's hole. Brody grimaced a little so Travis just left it there. I thought I'd get over Brody and let him suck my cock. That would get his mind off any pain he might be feeling. He readily accepted my cock and started giving me a good suck. Travis took that as a hint to ease more of his cock in. He kept going slowly until he was all the way in. Brody's eyes were bugged out, but he didn't look like he was in any pain. I started fucking Brody's mouth and Travis started fucking Brody's ass. Travis and I got a good pace going. Then I saw Travis bend down and start sucking Brody while he was fucking him. I saw Brody's eyes roll back in his head. I knew he was thoroughly enjoying this. Soon I felt Brody tighten and jerk and I knew he was filling Travis' mouth with a load. That seemed to make Travis rigid and I knew he was filling Brody's ass. Knowing they both had cum, brought me to the brink and I was filling Brody's mouth and throat with a big load. We got off each other and laid back on our loungers. Took our beer and drained our bottles. I saw Travis give Brody a big smile. I knew something was going on there and I was curious to find out. I went back in and grabbed three more beers. Went out and handed Brody and Travis their beers. We just laid there looking out at the yard. Not saying anything. Just enjoying each others company.

We all agreed maybe one more beer and then it was time for bed. I got us another round. We sat close so our bodies were touching. Brody and I were busy giving Travis' balls and cock attention. We would switch off. First one sucking him and other playing with his balls and then we would switch. We finished our beer and headed to bed.

We made our way to the bedroom. We sucked and fucked each other. The three ways turned out good. Everyone was satisfied and exhausted. We snuggled up into a ball. How we managed that I don't know. All I know was that I was tired. We pulled the covers over us and fell asleep.

We woke up still all curled up in a ball. Our morning woodies were sticking out. We untangled ourselves and went to the bathroom for our morning piss. It was hard to pee with a big hardon. We took ahold of each other's dicks and that seemed to make the peeing easier. Soon there were three good streams of pee hitting the toilet bowl. We want back to bed and moved around so we could suck each other off. We were soon blasting out big loads down each other's throats. What a way to wake up. We went downstairs to make breakfast. It was almost ten. So we decided to make stuffed hashbrowns, like an omelette. Brody said he would watch us make breakfast. His cooking skills weren't very good. His breakfast usually consisted of something you could put in the toaster or in the microwave. Making breakfast went fast with Travis helping me. We soon had our hashbrown omelletes finished. We took our juice and coffee and our omelettes out to the patio table to eat. We sat there naked and whoofed down our food. We ate like it was our last meal. We sat there and sipped on our coffee. Talking about the weekend and how good of a time we've had. Travis said he would have to leave early. He wanted to double check with his friends on the delivery of supplies for the locker room and he had a few errands to run and somethings to do to get ready for work. Brody said he would hang around for awhile. But he would probably leave a bit early too. He also had some errands to run and a few things to do around his house.

We went upstairs and took a shower. Brody said it was my turn to sit on the shower seat. I sat down and Brody lowered himself down over my hardon. Damn his ass felt good. His ass gripped my cock and he was squeezing it. Travis moved in so Brody could deep throat him. Travis soon had his cock all the way down Brody's throat. You could see Brody's throat bulging from the size of Travis' cock. Brody started bouncing up and down on me. What a feeling. Saw Travis fucking Brody's throat faster and he was jerking Brody off. Soon we couldn't hold back any longer. We filled each other up with another mind blowing orgasm. These guys are sure hot, I was thinking to myself. And we will be doing this every weekend, while they work on the locker room. We finished cleaning each other in the shower and dried each other off. Travis started getting dressed. Brody and I watched him. I asked him if he would be coming over Friday night. He said he wouldn't miss it. I told Travis again that I would tell Margaret tomorrow about the delivery men coming and will show her where they should put the supplies.

It was hard to see Travis leave. Both Brody and I kissed him and we had a group hug. We both gave him a couple of squeezes and rubs. You could see the outline of his hardon down his pants leg. We watched him leave and waved good bye. Brody and I went back out to the patio with another cup of coffee. We still had the loungers moved together. So we sat close to each other. Brody told me that he really had a good time. And his real first experience with men was great. He thanked me over and over again for inviting him. I told him we will be able to do this all over again next weekend. Asked him if he was coming over Friday night. He said he'd be the first one here. We sat there drinking our coffee and did a little fondling and foreplay. Soon we were both hard again. I knew I could cum, but wasn't sure about Brody. We sat our coffee cups down and I pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. Brody was turning into a good kisser. We soon were slowly stroking each other. We moved around into a sixty nine and were sucking each other. I was felling Brody's balls while I sucked him. I could hear him moan. Soon his big cock hardened and he shot a delicious load down my throat. He soon brought me over the edge and I was bathing his throat with another big load. We kissed after and could taste each others cum. We looked at each other and smiled. Brody told me I was the best and wished he could stay longer. We went upstairs and I helped Brody get dressed. He really liked that. I stayed naked. We kissed and hugged as we made our way downstairs. Walked out to his car with him. Nobody could see in with the high security wall. Brody told me for sure he would be here Friday night. Watched him leave and gave him wave good bye. Walked in the house. The house was really quiet now with the guys gone. I felt drained, but good. It sure was nice having both of them here. Wish it was already Friday.

This gave me some time to reflect. It seemed Brody and Travis were getting on pretty good. That was good to see. They were both nice guys. But all we did was have sex and more sex. There was no attachment, no feelings. That was something I was missing. I liked both guys a lot and looked forward to next Friday, but being realistic, I knew it would just be sex. I watched some football on tv and sipped on some beer. The game wasn't all that good and I couldn't really get into it. I flipped through the movie channels. Found a Twilight Zone movie I hadn't seen. It was pretty good. When that finished, I went downstairs and worked out. Checked out the soon to be locker room. Couldn't wait to see how it would turn out. Went upstairs and heated up some dinner that had been left from Margaret. Flopped down on the couch and ate my dinner and watched the evening news.

When the news finished. I flipped through the channels again. Found a good NFL game just starting. College football was done for the day. Watched the whole game. At half time I made myself some popcorn. Finished watching the game. Was tired after all our sexual escapades. Took a quick shower, set my alarm early and went to bed.

The alarm woke me up. Was sporting a big morning woody. Jerked off shooting out all over my face chest and abs. Wiped that off. Would shower after my workout. Found some gym clothes in the drawer. Put them on and put in almost a two hour workout. I was sweating like crazy when I finished. Said hi to Margaret and I would be down in a few minutes for breakfast. Took a hot shower, set to massage. Needed some massaging water on my neck and shoulders. Muscles were a little sore from the workout. Damn if I didn't get another hardon. Jerked off in the shower fingering my ass. Blew out all over the shower wall. Watched the water rinse it down the drain. Dried off. Got dressed and went down for breakfast. Breakfast as good as always. Told Margaret about moving guys coming this week. When I finished breakfast. I took Margaret downstairs to show her where I wanted the supplies. She told me, no problem and she would take care of everything. I thanked Margaret and headed out to work.

Janice and Shirley were already at the clinic when I arrived. I said my hellos to them and went to my office. Checked for email, Nothing. Put on my lab coat, and went into the exam room to start my day with my first patient. Morning went fast and I went to the diner for lunch. I didn't see Millie around. Was kind of disappointed about that. I asked one of the other waitresses where Millie was. She told me Millie had the week off. I asked her if Millie was ok. She assured Millie was fine and the boss put pressure on her to take a week off. Lunch was good, but not the same without Millie's flirting. Walked back to the clinic and finished my day.

When I got home. Margaret was gone. She left a note that the delivery men came and left some things downstairs. I went upstairs and stripped down. Put on some flip flops and walked down to the future locker room. I saw some cans of paint. Just like the color I remember from locker rooms. Military gray. There was a rubber mat rolled up. A long wooden bench for changing and some lockers. The lockers were also in that military gray color. I was impressed that that much had already been delivered and this was only Monday. I thought about calling Travis to thank him for the fast delivery, but I passed on that idea. I knew he would be tired after a long day working construction. I would wait until everything was delivered, and then give him a call. Ate my dinner. Worked out for a little while. Watched some tv. Took a shower and went to bed.

The rest of the week was just regular work at the clinic. Tuesday they delivered the walk in shower. It was big and looked like it could easily fit four people. I noticed it had two openings on each end for two shower heads. Wednesday, I saw a power washer and plstic tubing and shower heads. Thursday when I got home, I checked to see if anything else had been delivered. There were fluorescent lights, a new door some shelving and a rolling laundry cart. It looked like everything was here. I went upstairs and warmed my dinner. Had a cup of coffee with my dinner and watched the news. After eating I decided to give Travis a call and thank him for the fast delivery of everything. I picked up my cell phone and called him. He picked up right away. "Hi Bob, how you doing?"

"Doing great thanks. Was calling to thank you for the fast delivery of everything. It looks like everything is here for the room."

"Good to hear. I hope everything meets your satisfaction?"

"Better than I expected. Everything is just as I imagined. Looking forward to tomorrow evening."

"Me too. I will give Brody a call when we finish talking, to double check on him."

"Don't need to Bob. Brody and I talk every night after work. He's anxious for Friday evening. He's all excited."

"Ok. Good. Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow evening. Bye."


That was interesting. So Travis and Brody talk every night after work. I wonder if that's all they do. I didn't feel like working out. So I watched some tv. Sipped on a beer. Started nodding off. Went upstairs and went to bed. No shower, no jerking off. When I hit the bed I was out like a light.

Here it was Friday already. I was kind of excited with Travis and Brody coming over after work. Should be another fun weekend. I know they will be working on the room. But they will need to take a break now and then. I hope we have a lot of sex. Can't get enough of Travis' big cock and I love how willing and passionate Brody is. They're a great pair of guys. The day kind of dragged along. Guess I was hoping it would end soon. Kept looking at the clock. Finally finished my last patient. Finished my reports and headed home. Margaret was gone for the weekend. Went upstairs and stripped down. No need for clothes. They would get naked as soon as they got here. Went down to see if anything else had been delivered. I didn't see anything else. It looked like everything was here they would need. Ate my dinner and watched the news, waiting for the guys to arrive.

I heard Travis on the speaker. I told him I would open it and to come right in. I thought I saw Brody with him, but I wasn't sure. Travis came in followed by Brody. They were both carrying overnight bags. They must have brought a change of clothes. They were both dressed in work clothes. "Hey guys, good to see you?" They both said, "good to see me too." We wore our work clothes. We want to power wash the room tonight. Then it should be dry enough to paint the walls tomorrow. The paint isn't oil base, so if the walls are still a bit damp it won't make any difference. We kissed and hugged and we went downstairs. Travis looked over everything that was delivered. "This looks like everything," he said. They both had brought some hand tools with them. They put their tool belts on. Travis started getting the power washer ready. Brody pulled out the old shelving and took the small table out. The walls were bare and ready for the power washing. Travis went in the room and started on one wall. It didn't take long to finish a wall. Soon he was on the last wall to wash. Brody was using some rags and a mop to clean off the walls. They had the walls washed and cleaned in less than an hour. We went up to my shower and I cleaned the guys. They enjoyed that. We all got hard showering. I dried them off. We got on the bed and got into a three way suck. We shot our loads and went downstairs to fix something to eat. Travis and I ended up making some soup and sandwiches. Brody watched. He didn't seem very impressed. Cooking wasn't his thing. We ate out on the patio. Cleaned off the table. I grabbed us some beers and we all snuggled together on the couch watching a football game. They both like football as much as I do. Once the game ended we decided to go to bed. The guys were tired after working in the room downstairs, and probably after a full week of work. We fooled around a little. Travis fucked my ass while Brody fed me his cock. We all had another big orgasm. We collapsed on top of each other and fell asleep.

We woke early. The guys wanted to get started right away on the locker room. They got dressed in their work clothes. And headed down to the room. I told them I would fix breakfast. They got the power paint sprayer hooked up and filled with paint and they traded off painting the walls. The paint is fast drying. They told me the walls didn't feel damp, so the paint would dry faster. You could see where the paint was drying. It had a darker color to it. The color was perfect. It was the military gray. I had breakfast ready and warming. I went down to see how they were doing. They said they were almost finished painting and then would be upstairs for breakfast. I got the table set on the patio. Poured juice and coffee and set that on the table. Heard the guys coming upstairs. I told them I had everything ready on the patio table. We all sat down and enjoyed our breakfast. The guys were hungry. Glad I had fixed extra. They said they wanted to lay the rubber flooring and install the changing bench. Then it would be play time. They seemed to work together well. I went down and watched them for awhile. Liked seeing their muscles working under their work clothes. These were two hot guys. They got the rubber floor laid. Then cut out places for installing the changing bench. It would be screwed into the floor. They were both good at screwing, so I new it should go pretty fast. They finished installing the bench. It looked perfect. It's looking more and more like a locker room. They told me after they showered and our play time. They would install the new lighting and door. Put in the shelves for towels and other related items, and the laundry cart. Then they would call it a day. They told me with both of them working on the room. It was going twice as fast. They said tomorrow they would install the shower and then the room should be done.

They came upstairs and I grabbed us a round of beers and we headed to the patio. We sat down on the loungers, enjoying our beer. First Brody got in front of me. I knew what that meant. I stripped him down. Being sure to get some good feels in. We kissed and hugged. He then sat back down on his lounger. Then Travis stood up in front of me. I slowly stripped him. Kissing his body all over. Gave his cock a few strokes to get it hard. And fondled his big balls. He then sat back down. We moved our loungers together. Travis told me he wanted me to fuck him. I wasn't going to pass up that opportunity. He pulled his ankles back, he was almost split in half. I spread his cheeks and gave him a good rimming. My cock was leaking. So I knew I wouldn't need any lube. I saw Brody get more and more turned on watching us. I then eased the head of my cock in and just then Travis pushed back on me and I was balls deep in his tight hot hole. Brody moved over Travis and fed him his cock. I bent down and sucked Travis' big cock as I fucked him. We were all moaning and grunting and panting as we got closer and closer to cumming. Brody was the first to shoot. I saw him get rigid and tense I knew he was filling Travis' mouth and throat with a big thick load. That made Travis squeeze my cock and I started cumming up his hole. Then I felt his cock thicken and throb and he was flooding my mouth and throat with a big load. We finished our beer and got us another. They said they would go back to work after this beer. Working together, the job was going fast. They said they would shower when they finished everything, then have something to eat.

They put on their work clothes and went back to the room. I went to the kitchen to see what I could whip out for a late lunch or dinner. I took out some hamburgers. I would grill them. I made a salad and got out hamburger buns to warm on the grill. I kept everything in the frig and wouldn't start anything until they finished. I brought them a beer. They appreciated that. The room was warm. There were windows high up, but they couldn't be opened. They were opaque so just let in light. Travis had the lighting installed and Brody was finishing the shelves. They would work together on the door. The room was looking great. I complimented them on how good it looked. I took their empties and told them I had everything ready for a late lunch or early dinner. They said after they finished the door, that would be it for today. Tomorrow they would install the shower and vent for steam and it should be finished.

I went back upstairs and watched some sports while they were finishing for today in the locker room.

I heard the guys coming up the stairs. When they came to the living room, they said they were famished. We took everything out to the patio table. I got the grill going and grilled hamburgers and warmed the buns. Brody brought some beers and we ate our early dinner and washed it down with beer. We cleared the table. The guys said they would take a shower later. They stripped out of their clothes in the living room and we all snuggled together on the couch watching football. There was a lot of kissing hugging feeling and foreplay while we watched the game. The game finished and we went upstairs to shower. Travis sat down on the shower seat and told me it was my turn. I sat down over his big hardon. Brody fed me his cock, holding the back of my head while he fucked my mouth and throat. I felt Travis humping up into my hole. Felt my ass pulling on his cock. He could sure find places in my ass that I didn't know existed. His head found my prostate and I kept the head rubbing back and forth over it. It was driving me crazy. Soon I shot out a big load hitting Brody's chest and stomach. Brody started shooting out a big load down my throat. That brought Travis over the edge and he was filling my ass with another one of his big loads. I managed to hold all his load in. We just stayed there for a couple of minutes letting the water relax us and bring us back down from our orgasms. We dried each other off. The guys said they were tired after all the work they did today. The room was warm so I'm sure it was exhausting for them. We just laid on the bed for awhile. Fondling each other. When we got hard we got into a three way suck fest. We were gobbling down each others cocks until we shot another load. That finished us. We were exhausted. We snuggled up under the covers and fell asleep.

We woke up with big morning woodies. We sucked and fucked until we were all drained. Travis and Brody put on their work clothes and we went downstairs for breakfast. It was early and they wanted to get started early. They weren't sure how long it would take to install the shower and the two shower heads and the exhaust fan. Travis and I made breakfast. Brody watched as usual. We finished breakfast. The guys told me not to come downstairs until they said it was ok.

I heard them working downstairs. I putsed around the house. I didn't really have a whole lot to do. Margaret keeps everything in ship shape. I went out and sat on a lounger drinking a cup of coffee. I was impressed how fast Travis and Brody got everything done. They worked good together. I was wondering if they would work together more often now when Travis had odd jobs to do for people. I sat there enjoying my coffee. I must have dozed off for a bit. I heard Brody upstairs calling my name. I told him I was out on the patio. He told me I could come downstairs. I looked at the clock and it was almost eleven thirty. I followed Brody downstairs. Nice view looking at his strong broad shoulders and a nice tight ass. The shower stall looked great. There was even towels on the shelves next to the shower. I peeked inside and I saw there were dispensers for shower gel and shampoo. It looked like they were full. They both asked me what I thought. I told them it was better than I expected. I sat on the bench. Looking at the shower. Soon they both walked over close to me. I knew right away what they wanted. I slowly stripped down Brody. He was already hard when I pulled his boxers down. They caught on his cock, so of course I had to move his cock to finish sliding them down. Then Travis moved in and I slowly stripped him down. His big cock was sticking out a leg opening of his boxers. So with a lot of fondling and finagaling I was able to slide his boxers off. I told them. I think we need to initiate the new shower. We walked in and had plenty of room. I noticed a shower seat built in on one side. I turned on both shower heads and I heard the exhaust fan come on. That was cool. As soon as you turn on the shower the exhaust fan comes on. I lathered and cleaned the guys. Brody sat down on the shower seat. I lowered myself down on him. Damn his cock felt good. It was the perfect size for my ass. He found my prostate right away. And was giving it a good workout. Travis moved in and I deep throated him to his balls. I thought he was going to pass out. His eyes rolled back in his head, but he finally came back and started fucking my throat hard. I held his ass so I could get all of his big cock. I felt Brody start twitching and jerking and knew he was going to shoot soon. I sped up my sucking on Travis' cock. I heard Brody grunt and moan and felt my ass being bathed with a nice hot load. Travis then unloaded in my throat. I was jerking like crazy and blasted out covering Travis' legs with my cum. We rinsed off and I grabbed towels from the shelves from the shower. I dried them off and they dried me off. What a great way to initiate the new shower. I thanked the guys again for doing such a great job. It was better than I invisioned.

We went upstairs and told the guys I would get some lunch started. I was going to grill steaks. I had taken them out the night before so they were ready for the grill. They said they were going to change and then be right down. I got the grill going and put the steaks on. I prepared a salad while the steaks were grilling. I made the salad on the barbeque island. The island is big with a lot of space for preparing food. I had the little frig stocked with beer. I heard the guys and told them I was at the patio. I saw they had their bags with them. Lunch will be ready soon. I grabbed us each a beer. We hugged and walked around the patio and down by the pool. We got a few kisses in too. I was thinking. I wish these guys were living with me. We made our way back up to the patio. The steaks were ready. We fixed our plates and sat down at the patio table. They asked me why steaks? I told them it was another way of showing my appreciation for a job well done. They smiled and were glad I was satisfied with their work. I'm more than satisfied, I told them. This has been great having you guys here. Wish we could get together every weekend. They looked at each other and told me. They had some jobs lined up for the next few weekends. They could see I looked a little disappointed. They told me not to worry about it. We would still get together. Just not every weekend. We finished our meal. They helped me clear the table and load the dishwasher. It was full so I turned that on. We went back to have another beer. Sat on the loungers. We didn't say much. I think we were all reflecting on the weekend and the project. We finished our beer.

Travis and Brody told me they needed to leave and thanked me for the work. They both had errands to run and things to do at their houses to get ready for work tomorrow. I had the rest of Travis' money in the kitchen. I handed him the balance and asked him again if he thought I was charged correctly. He told me that it was plenty and covered all the expenses for supplies and labor. He looked satisfied. So I was satisfied. We kissed and hugged and said our good byes. I watched them leave. Waving as they left through the gate.

I went downstairs to look at the locker room. All I could say was, wow. They sure did a fantastic job. Everything was just as I had imagined and more. Travis really knew his stuff. I had to touch and check everything one more time. I was like a little kid on Christmas morning. Would tell Margaret tomorrow about the locker room and there might be towels down there that needed washing. And the shower that would need cleaning, off and on. I went upstairs and laid down on the couch and watched some college football. Would have a light dinner after a big lunch and workout. Have to use my changing room. Will bring down some gym clothes and store them in one of the lockers. The game was good and it was going on dinner time. It was about an hour before the next game would start. That would give me time to get something together to eat. Still had some food left over to warm in the microwave. So I warmed that and poured myself some coffee. Went back to the living room. The second game hadn't started yet. Finished my dinner and cleaned off the coffee table. I still had some time before the game started. I went upstairs and pulled out some gym clothes from a dresser drawer. Took them down to the locker room and hung them in one of the lockers. I have two rows of four lockers on opposite walls with the bench in the middle between them.

Went upstairs and flopped down on the couch. The second game was starting. It was kick off time. The second game wasn't very good. One of the teams was running away with the game. They were way out playing the other team. I watched the game to half time. Turned off the tv and went downstairs to workout. Took out some gym clothes from the locker and put them on. Got in almost two hours. I was sweating and grabbed a towel to wipe off the sweat. Then remembered the shower and would use that. Stripped out of my gym clothes, threw them in the laundry cart. Put a fresh towel on the bench. Walked into the shower. Turned it on and the exhaust fan was going. Set the shower head to massage. The warm massaging water relaxed my neck and shoulder muscles. Thought I saw a gob of my cum on the shower wall. I washed it down the drain. I was drained from all our sexual activity over the weekend. Turned off the shower and walked out. Dried off with the towel I had on the bench. Just like being in a school locker room. Tossed my towel in the laundry cart. Took one last look around. This is going to work out perfect. Turned the lights off and went upstairs.

Sprawled out on the couch and flipped through the movie channels. Started watching a Twilight Zone marathon on one of the movie channels. I fell asleep watching an episode. Woke up it was after eleven. Turned the tv off and went upstairs to bed. I guess all the sexual activity over the weekend had made me tired. Set the alarm for an early wake up. I went right to sleep.

Woke up to the alarm going off. I didn't need to change into any workout clothes. Since I started keeping them in one of the lockers. I made my way downstairs, rubbing my eyes and still waking up. Took some workout clothes from one of the lockers. Sat on the bench and got dressed. Did an almost two hour workout. Wiped the sweat off and walked back up to my bedroom. Took a quick shower. Had a good wank in the shower. Dried off and got dressed. Walked downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning Margaret." "Oh, good morning Bob." "My locker room is finished downstairs. I have dirty clothes in the laundry basket and check the shower off and on to see if it needs cleaning." "No problem Bob, be glad to do that for you." I ate my breakfast and left for work. Work went fast. Was busy so ate lunch in my office. The day had ended and I went home.

When I got home, Margaret had left for the day. Went upstairs and stripped down and put my clothes away. Grapped a beer from the frig and sat outside on a patio chair. Was thinking. I was already missing Travis and Brody. I thought I'd give Drake a call Thursday after work and drive up and spend the weekend with him. The more I thought about it. The better that sounded to me. Walked downstairs to look at my locker room. Margaret had emptied the laundry basket and it smelled like she had cleaned the shower. I hope I'm not making too much extra work for her. I might start taking my dirty clothes up to the hamper in my bedroom. I can use a towel to wipe down the shower when I use it. Went back upstairs and watched the news. News finished and I warmed my dinner. Fixed my dinner on a plate and grabbed a cup of coffee and ate outside. Our weather has been staying unseasonable warm. Which is ok with me. If he gets cold, it only lasts a few days and then it's warming up again already. Was in the mid seventies, just a nice comfortable temperature to be outside. Finished my dinner. Went downstairs to find a good movie on my pay site. Found another Agatha Christie I hadn't seen. Put the movie on pause. Fixed myself some popcorn and watched the movie to the end. Was fondling my balls and feeling my cock during the movie. Wishing it was Travis or Brody doing that. Went upstairs to bed once the movie finished.

The week was going by fast. I keep booked with patients for at least two months ahead. Many new patients, according to Shirley. She seems to have mixed feelings about that. But hey, the patients pay the bills and my staff. So I think we should be thankful my practice is doing so well. Got home and thought I'd give Drake a call after I ate dinner.

Went downstairs and worked out for just over an hour. Take my gym clothes with me. Went up to my bedroom and took a shower. Had my buddy with me. Mr. Dildo. Attached it to the shower seat. Was imagining it was Brody. The dildo was exactly the same size as him. Closed my eyes and lowered my self down on it. Could almost feel Travis moving in for me to deep throat his cock. Started bouncing up and down on the dildo. The head working my prostate real good. I started moaning and panting and soon was shooting out a big load. That will be it for that. Want to save my next big loads for Drake. Dried off and went downstairs and warmed my dinner. When the microwave beeped I fixed my plate and grabbed a beer. Ate my dinner and watched the news. Whoofed down my dinner in record time. It sure was good. Cleaned up my mess on the coffee table. Went back in and picked up my cell phone. Speed dialed Drake. "Hello Bob."

"Hi Drake. How you doing?"

"Much better now that you called."

"Why is something wrong?"

"No. Been having some difficult days lately. Still miss Pete so much."

"That's why I called. I was wondering if you wanted some company this weekend. I can leave early tomorrow from work and spend the weekend with you."

"Are you joking. If you are, that's not a funny joke."

"No joke. I'm serious. I need the company as much as you do."

"Of course you can come. I'll be naked and ready for you."

"Wish I was there right now. I'll give you a call when I leave. Will take about four hours to get there, depending on the traffic."

"Ok, I look forward to seeing you. Actually, look forward to seeing all of you."

"Ok Drake, will see you tomorrow evening. Bye."

"Bye. Hugs and kisses."

Good, I wasn't ready to be here by myself over the weekend. I was missing Travis and Brody, as much as Drake was missing Pete. I think I'll get a few things packed and then I can load that into my SUV when I leave for work. I'll leave from work directly to Drake's. Didn't do much after my talk with Drake. Watched some Thursday night football until I got tired.

Went upstairs and went to bed. I was out like a light. Had set my alarm early. Wanted to get a good workout in before breakfast tomorrow.

Woke up and the alarm was doing it's annoying beeping. Shut it off. Put on some gym clohes and worked out for two hours. Came upstairs and said good morning to Margaret. Went upstairs and took a nice hot steamy shower. Dried off and got dressed. Went downstairs and ate my breakfast. It was another of Margaret's famous omelettes. I could really pig out on them. But one is enough. Finished my coffee. Margaret saw I had an overnight bag. I told her I would be gone over the weekend. To be sure to arm the alarm system when she left for the day. I was leaving directly from work to my destination. She wished me a safe trip. I thanked her and left for work.

Work went smoothly. Ate lunch again in my office. Told Shirley I was finishing at four today. I was going to be gone for the weekend and had a long drive to get to my destination. She said she could reschedule my last appointment for today. The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, it was time to leave. I told Shirley and Janice bye and have a good weekend. They both wished me a safe trip and to enjoy my weekend. I told them I planned to and left.

I called Drake as soon as I got in my SUV, and told him I just getting ready to leave the clinic. And hopefully be at his place around six or six thirty. Friday's can be busy days. Lots of traffic. I took off. When I got to the junction of county 6 and 8, it made me think of that accident. I turned to the right on county 8. That would take me to the freeway. And then it would be a straight shot to Drake's. Drove past Milo's and the In and Out Bar. Saw the turnoff to the porn shop and kept on going. Saw the sign telling me I had four more miles before I would be to the freeway. Made the loop onto the freeway and was about an hour from Drake's. The traffic wasn't too heavy and made good time. Soon I was pulling into the town where Drake lives. Put his directions into my GPS and soon was pulling into his driveway. It was just after seven thirty. I had made good time. I opened up my SUV and took out my overnight bag. Closed and locked the SUV and rang the doorbell. I heard a voice say come on in.

I walked in and saw Drake standing there naked with his hardon sticking straight out. "Looks like someone is glad to see me. Looking at his cock."

"You bet. I've been hard all day thinking about you coming."

"I set my bag down on the floor. Walked over to Drake and gave him a big hug and kiss. I've missed you."

"Missed you too." He was almost tearing up. I hugged him tight to me. He put his head on my shoulder and held me tight too.

We just stayed like that for a few minutes. Could feel my cock getting hard, feeling Drakes pushing against me. "Where should I put my overnight bag?"

"Follow me," Drake said. Followed him into the master bedroom and sat my bag down. Drake came up to me and started slowly stripping me. He undid my shirt buttons, sliding my shirt off and placing it on the bed. Kissing my pecs and nips and biting on them. My nips got rock hard. He kissed down my chest and over my abs. Then he undid my belt and the top button of my dress slacks. Pulled the zipper down and slid my pants and shoes off at the same time. He laid my pants with my shirt. My boner was tenting my boxers. He took my socks off and then reached into the sides of my boxers and slid them down in one sweep. I kicked them off. Then he moved in tight to me. We kissed and hugged and rubbed our hardons together. When we couldn't take it anymore. We laid down on the bed in a sixty nine and started sucking each other to our pubes. Fondling our balls and feeling around the other persons hole. We soon were blasting out big loads. It felt like Drake was holding back too. Some of his cum was leaking out the sides of my mouth. He moved around and licked it off and kissed. We could taste each other's cum.

Drake asked me if I was hungry. They had a good restaurant not too far from the house. I said I was hungry, but we didn't have to go to the restaurant if he didn't want too. He said he didn't like going to the restaurant by himself. I said sure, let's do it. I asked him if we needed to make reservations. He said no, the restaurant was big, it has three floors. A steak house on the lowest level. A two floor restaurant with a bar on the next two floors. I said it sounded like quite the place. I took out the things in my overnight bag and put them away. Put on the same clothes I had worn to work. They weren't wrinkled or smelly, so I thought that would work. I told Drake that he had a lot of room in his closet and dresser drawers. He told me, he had just recently packed all of Petes things and took them to Goodwill. He said it was hard to do, but something that needed to be done. I hugged him again and told him everything will be ok. Drake finished dressing and he said he would drive. He knew where the restaurant was located and that I could put my SUV in the garage. Drake has a big two stall garage. So I made sure I had my car keys. Drake went to the garage and opened the big two stall garage door. I pulled my SUV in and walked out and got into Drake's big double cab pickup truck. He used the the remote on his visor to close the garage door.

I remembered a little of the town as we drove to the restaurant. My brother lived for a short time in town while they were having their house built. He now lives a few miles out of town up in the hills. It's quite the house. We pulled into the restaurant parking lot. It looked pretty full. Drake told me not to be alarmed with a lot of cars. We walked in and I followed Drake downstairs to the steak house. It was impressive. It was big. It was made out of knotty pine. With a big fireplace on one wall. It looked like it could fit at least a hundred people, maybe more. Our hostess greeting us and asked us if we would like a booth or a table. We both agreed on a booth. Once we were seated our waitress came over and asked if we would like something to drink. I told her a scotch and water on the rocks. Drake ordered a beer. She left to get our drinks. We talked for awhile about work. Drake really liked being foreman and said he got along well with all the workers. I told him my practice is growing and I'm booked ahead for at least two months. The waitress came with our drinks and left us menus. Cheers as we clinked our glasses together. Drake had asked for a chilled glass for his beer. We looked at the menu. They had a big selection of steaks. I didn't know there were that many differents cuts. I ended up ordering a blackened rib eye. Drake ordered the large prime rib. I told the waitress to tell the chef I would like as lean as possible rib eye. She smiled and said she would tell him. We ordered another round. I wasn't driving so I thought I'd splurge a little. In a few minutes the waitress came with a folding table and a large tray. She set the tray down on the table and served us our steaks. Mine was huge and Drake's looked like a small roast. No wonder he still had a bit of a pouch. My steak was delicious. I didn't see an ounce of fat on it. Drake of course didn't care if his prime rib had fat. He ate it all, and then had apple pie with ice cream for dessert. I passed on the dessert and had a cup of coffee.

The waitress asked us if we would like anything else. We told her no, just bring the tab. She came back with a black folder with our bill inside. Drake said it was his treat, but I convinced him we should go dutch. So he finally agreed and we each paid for our own meal. We left the waitress a good tip and went back to Drake's house. He parked in the garage and we walked into the house from the garage.

As soon as we were inside the house. We hugged and kissed and made our way to Drake's bedroom. We stripped each other and put our clothes away. Drake said he would be right back. He locked the doors and windows and turned the lights off. His security lights were solar and on a timer. He came back to the bedroom, we climbed into bed together naked. He turned the tv on and we watched a movie. We put an arm around each other and a leg over each other. Using the leg to rub our cocks and balls. Soon we were hard. Drake turned the tv off and he got over me kissing my mouth ears and neck. Then down my chest. Around my pecs and over my nips. Licking around my navel and over my abs. He licked around the head of my cock and sucked each ball in, one at a time. He told me to hold my ankles. He put a pillow under my hips and started rimming me. His tongue licking around my hole and then back and forth over it. Soon he was munching on my hole. Almost like he was desperate. He reached into a nightstand and took out some lube. He lubed a finger and eased it into my hole. Working it around and stretching me. Soon a second and third finger joined the first one. He was working my hole good with his fingers. He was almost reaching my prostate. Then I saw him lube his big fat eight incher. He eased the head in. My ass pulled on his cock with my ass muscles. He liked that and soon shoved the whole fat cock in. His veiny shaft was rubbing my prostate and driving me crazy. He soon got a good fucking rhythm going. He bent down and sucked my cock while he was fucking me. Damn he was good. He had me gasping and panting in a short time. I told him I was going to cum. He just sucked me harder and faster. I started shooting out. Rope after thick rope filling his mouth and throat. I saw him swallow. When I came my ass started squeezing his cock and I felt his load shooting up way inside me, he kept it inside me rubbing back and forth over my prostate. I was getting hard again. I felt Drake's cock swelling in my ass. I squeezed it a couple of times and he was hard again. He told me it would take longer to cum the second time. I said I hope so. Drake was a good fucker. He was patient and took his time. After about twenty minutes he started panting and sweating and I felt his cock harden in my ass and soon he was flooding my ass with another big load. It took me a bit longer before I shot a second load down his throat. We fell back on the bed exhausted. A double orgasm. That was something else Drake. Drake turned his bedside light off. Pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep hugging each other and our cocks rubbing together.

We woke about the same time. Still hugging each other tight. Our morning woodies were rubbing together. We kissed and jerked each other off. When we got close to cumming we swallowed each other's loads. We just lay there. It felt good to be holding each other. We both were filling a void. Drake losing Pete. And me, looking for a lasting relationship. We finally got up. Went to the kitchen and made some breakfast. We sat out on Drake's patio and ate breakfast. I forgot about his pool and hot tub. Would have to try that out today. We went back in and took a shower together. Washing each other. Drake had me lean against the wall while he rimmed my hole. Then shoved his big hard cock up my ass. It didn't take him long to cum. He had reached around and was jerking me off. We came almost at the same time. We rinsed off. Dried each other off. And decided to lounge around the pool. Drake got some sunscreen and we rubbed it on each other. Maybe I would get a no tan line tan. We just laid their on pool loungers. Not really saying anything. Just enjoying being together and having the companionship of being with someone else.

I felt like I was getting toasted. So I turned over. Drake asked me if I would like some more sunscreen rubbed on. I said sure. I had my eyes closed. I heard him walk over and soon I felt his warm mouth sucking me. I didn't realize I had a hardon. It felt wonderful. He licked around the head. Sticking his tongue into my pee slit and pulling out my precum. Then licked the sides of my shaft. He was really worshipping my cock and I was loving it. He slowly sucked the head in, swirling his tongue all around. I was moaning it felt so good. Then he sucked me down inch by inch until his nose was buried in my pubes. I felt him fondling my balls while he was sucking me. I told him he was getting me close with this great blow job. He told me to shoot when I was ready. He started speeding up. Sucking me harder and faster. Still playing and fondling with my balls. I could feel my cum churning in my balls. Soon my cock hardened and was throbbing and shooting out long thick ropes into Drake's mouth and throat. He swallowed it all down. No drips, no runs, no errors. He asked me how that was. I told him that was the best blow job I've ever had. He asked me if we should take a dip in the pool to cool down a bit. I agreed and I dove in the pool. Drake was right behind me. We swam together to the swallow end. The water felt good. Drake swam up to me. We kissed and hugged and I felt his hardon poking me. I told him to sit up on the edge of the pool and lean back. I got between his legs. And gave him the best blow job I knew how. He said wow, that was fantastic. How about we dry off and have some lunch. We climbed out of the pool, dried each other off. Went to the kitchen and made ourselves some sandwiches. We each grabbed a beer and went back out to the patio to eat our lunch.

We finished our lunch and went into the living to watch some football. Drake found a good college football game. We watched the game to the end. Then he flipped through the movie channels and found a movie we both wanted to see. We watched the movie to the end. It was time to get dinner ready. We had a good dinner. We ate in the living room watching tv. Finished our dinner and snuggled on the couch, kissing and lots of forplay while we were watching tv. I was started to nod off. Drake asked me if I was ready for bed. I told him I was tired. We went to his bedroom and snuggled and kissed and hugged some more. We fucked and sucked each other until we were both drained. That really tired us out. We fell asleep right away in each other's arms.

Woke up with this great feeling between my legs. Pulled the covers down and there was Drake giving me one of his fantastic blow jobs. I put my hands behind my head and just enjoyed all the great sensations he was giving me. I shot out a big load. Then I returned the favor to Drake and gave him a mind blowing blow job. We crawled out of bed and took a shower together. We jerked each other off in the shower. I hadn't cum so much and so fast ever. We dried off and went to the kitchen and fixed some breakfast. I told Drake I would need to leave after lunch. It was a long drive. Sundays tend to have a lot of traffic. I guess people returning back to town after being away for the weekend. Drake got quiet. I asked him if everything was ok. Yeah, everything is cool. It's just that I wishing you were living here with me. I told Drake I wished I was living with him too. We really enjoy each other. We like the same things. It's just the distance the stops us from living together. He agreed with me. I said let's start talking more on the phone. We can skype and video chat so we can see each other. Drake thought that was a good idea. We shared our skype information. Breakfast was good. We ate out on the patio. Finished by sipping on our coffee.

We went back in and Drake said let's go to the bedroom. I followed Drake. I liked looking at his broad shoulders. Muscular arms and beefy ass. We got in bed and we just snuggled and held each other. Something we both needed. Just feeling the other person close was relaxing and soothing. Our cocks were soft and rubbing together. We must have dozed off for awhile. It was already lunch time. We just laid there holding each other a while longer. Neither one of us wanting to move. Drake got down and started sucking my soft cock. It grew in his mouth. When he had me hard and wet. He got over me and slid his ass down my cock. I stroked his big cock while he was riding me. We soon came almost at the same time. He laid down on top of me. I put my arms around him and we kissed for a long time. We finally got up and took a quick shower to get cleaned off.

We went to the kitchen and fixed a good lunch. We grabbed a beer and ate our lunch on the patio table. We couldn't stop smiling. It was good to see Drake smiling and relaxed. We went back inside and watched some football until it was time for me to leave. We cuddling on the couch watching the game. I finally told Drake, I better get my things together and head home. He said the time sure went by fast. I agreed with him. He didn't look so sad or disappointed. He told me this weekend was good for him. It was something he needed. I told him the next time, it's his turn to spend a weekend with me. We went to the bedroom and I got dressed and put my things in my overnight bag. We hugged and kissed and promised each other to stay in touch. And he told me he would be spending a weekend with me soon.

It was a slow walk to the door. We hugged and kissed one last time. I told him I would call when I got home. I walked outside. Drake had opened the garage door. Put my bag in my SUV and waved good bye to Drake. He waved back to me as I left.

Driving home gave me time to reflect on my weekend with Drake. I couldn't believe how good it was to be with him. We are sure compatible. We like the same things and living together would be great. Drake could be someone I could love. He has a personality that's irrestible and charming. The only thing holding us back is the distance.

Drake started thinking about Bob after he left. Bob is such a terrific guy. We sure like the same things. It was nice having him here. I just wish it was more often and we lived closer. Having Bob here was the best therapy I could have. He sure filled the gap left by Pete. It was hard to see him leave. But I felt good and not depressed. I can't wait for Bob to call me when he gets home.

Traffic was heavy and took me almost four and a half hours to get home. Parked inside the gate and got my mail. Then parked the SUV in the garage conneted to the house. Took out my overnight back and went inside. Put all my mail on the kitchen island. Took my bag up to my bedroom and put my dirty clohes in the hamper and hung up the rest. Went back downstairs and put my mail on the coffee table. Sure had a ton of mail. I wanted to call Drake first and then check my mail. Speed dialed Drake on a video chat. He answered, "hi Drake, just get home?"

I could see Drake on my video chat. "Just got back. Traffic was pretty heavy. Just relaxing on the couch." Moving my phone so he could see me naked on the couch.

"Mmmmmm. Looks delicious, wish I was there with you."

Drake showed me his naked body with a big hardon. "Wish I was there too. Looks like someone is happy to see me."

"Someone already misses you."

"Miss you too. Just wanted to let you know I made it home ok. The weekend sure went by fast."

"Went too fast. Your being here Bob was the best medicine and therapy for me. I feel so much better and it's a little easier dealing with Pete not being here."

"That's good to hear Drake. I hope we can get together soon. I got to tell you, that I love you and your the best."

"I like that Bob. I know I love you. You're someone I could spend my life with."

"The same for me too Drake. Well I have a ton of mail here to go through and a little tired from the stress of driving back. Love you and will call you tomorrow after work. What time do you usually get home?"

"That's hard to answer Bob. Your brother is a slave driver. I would say probably call after seven. If I'm not here just leave a message and I'll call you back when I get home."

"Ok. Bye lover, talk to you tomorrow."

"Bye lover boy. Can't for to talk to you tomorrow."

Wow. He actually told me he loved me. I went to the kitchen and got a beer. Went back and started going through my mail. Separated the junk msil and the bills. That left an envelope with my name on the front. Another envelope looked like an invitation. I opened the envelope first with just my name on the front. It was a note from Travis and Brody. They thanked me for a great weekend and was glad I liked how the locker room turned out. They said they were disappointed that they couldn't spend the weekend with me but they had some projects lined up for the next few weekends. That was nice of them. I will have to give them a call thanking them. I opened the other envelope and it was an invitation. It was an invitation to an all class renunion. The reunion was scheduled for next Saturday at the community center. There was information on how to pay to cover the food and liquor and to send the card back with my check if I was planning to attend. It was signed by our class secretary. I thought what the hell. I'll go and maybe see my old friends, Graham and Fletcher. I haven't heard from either one of them since we graduated from high school and left for college. I suppose prick Ethan will be there. I don't care, if my good buddies from school are there. That's all that matters.

I got my check book and wrote out a check to the high school in care of the all class renunion. Put that in the return stamped envelope and with card. I checked off on the card that I would attend. I'll have Shirley mail that for me tomorrow at work.

Thought I'd give Travis a call first and then Brody. Found Travis in my contacts and pressed call. "Hi Bob. Glad you called."

"Was gone for the weekend, just got home a little while ago and was going through my mail when I came across your note from you and Brody."

"We thought we'd let you know how much we appreciated spending the weekend with you and doing your project."

"That was very thoughtful. I'm glad it worked out for you and Brody working together."

"It was our pleasure in more ways than one. Brody is here if you would like to talk to him."

"Sure, put him on."

"Hey Bob, glad you liked the note we left for you. We really had a good time doing your project and staying the weekend."

"The pleasure was all mine. We are finishing a project today. In fact, we are still working now.

"Well, I won't keep you and let you get back to work. Just wanted to thank you for a great weekend. Tell Travis thanks for me again. And hopefully, we can get together sometime on a weekend."

"We'd like that. I'll tell Travis what you said. Better get back to work. Thanks for calling Bob."

It was nice hearing their voices. Be nicer if they were here. I have no regrets being with Drake. Drake is a terrifice guy. I had some dinner, watched a little tv and went to bed.

Got up early Monday morning. Needed a long workout. Worked out for my two hours. Heard Margaret in the kitchen and popped in and told her good morning. Went upstairs, showered and dressed and went down for breakfast. Laid my card on the table in the foyer. Ate my breakfast outside. Margaret saw the card and asked me if it was an invitation to the all class reunion. I told her it was. She said she was mailing hers in today. I asked her if she could mail mine with hers and she said sure. I gave Margaret my card. Told her bye and left for work. I didn't know Margaret was a graduate from our high school.

The rest of the week went quickly. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just routine exams. Got home and told Margaret bye and have a good weekend. Maybe I would see her at the reunion. Went upstairs and stripped down. Liked my weekends when I can go naked around the house. Warmed my dinner. Ate dinner and watched tv. Nothing much of interest on tv. Went downstairs and watched a movie. Fell asleep during the movie. Went to bed and fell right to sleep.

Here it was Saturday morning. Registration started at eleven. I worked out for a little while. Used the shower in my locker room. Thinking about when Travis and Brody were in the shower with me. Got an instant erection. Rubbed out a good load. Dried off. Wiped down the shower and took my towel with me and my gym clothes and threw them in the hamper. Looked through my closet, deciding on what to wear to the reunion. Decided on something sporty and casual. The invitation didn't specify what to wear. Looked myself over in my full length mirror. Thought I looked pretty good for thirty years old. No belly. Not going bald. Muscular, tall with dark hair. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky. Found my other card to show at registration, so they would know I was invited.

Got to the community center. There were already cars in the parking lot. Found a good parking spot in the shade. Picked up my card off the seat and walked up to the community center. I could hear people inside. Walked in and the reception table was right at the door. Showed my card and told them my name. They said I was confirmed and go ahead. They welcomed me to the all class reunion. I didn't recognize them. But people change as they get older. Walked in and saw a long buffet table being set up. The bar was adjacent to the buffet table. Saw groups of people talking. Walked over to the bar. Ordered a scotch and water and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and the person said, "remember me?"

I recognized that voice immedately, even though the person looked different. "Oh my god Fletcher. Is that you?"

"Yeah. It sure is." We gave each other bro hugs. Maybe making the hug last longer than it should have. Though I felt Fletcher's boner rubbing my thigh when we hugged.

"Didn't expect to see you here. We never stayed in contact after we graduated."

"At least we are both here for the reunion."

We found an area where we could talk privately. We told each other what we did after high school. What we studied in college. Fletcher was a marketing business manager. He was back for a couple of weeks to visit old friends and see his hometown. I told him about buying Mr. Barnett's clinic and living in the old Mason house. When I mentioned the Mason house he raised his eyebrows. "You mean you are living in creepy old Mason's house?" "Yup, sure am. It's a big house, but I'm really liking it." "Glad you like it." "You'll have to give me a tour since I have a couple of weeks here in town." "Where are you staying," I asked Fletcher. "Staying with mom and dad." "Why don't you stay with me, I have plenty of room and we could talk about old times." "That's a great offer. Mom and dad are nice, but they like to control me and think I'm still living at home." "When we leave here, why don't you gather up your things and come to my place." "That's the best offer I've had since I came back." "Good that's settled." "Have you seen anybody here you remember?" "I saw Graham's sister. Thought I'd talk to her and find out if Graham will be here or if she knows where he's at." "You two were pretty hot and heavy in high school." "We dated for a bit. She's close to my age."

We wandered around, but didn't see anyone we knew. They were older or younger than us. I saw them finishing the buffet table and it looked scrumptious. Fletcher took off and I saw him walking over to Graham's sister. They pecked each other on the cheek. I filled my plate at the buffet table and walked over to a small table. Was eating my lunch when Fletcher came back with a plate of food. We ate and talked some more. He said that Graham had wanted to come to the reunion but couldn't get the time off from work. His sister said that he planned on coming in a few weeks to visit for a few days. "Too bad he's not here," I said. Fletcher agreed. "It would round out threesome." We were really good friends growing up. We talked for a while longer. Finished our lunch and decided to leave. Fletcher said he would head to his parents, get his stuff together and be over. I told him about the speaker and I would open the gate for him.

I heard Fletcher at the gate and let him in. I asked him if he wanted to park in the garage. He said he'd like that. I opened a stall and he parked his car inside. He walked to the door that went into the kitchen. I was wearing gym shorts, freeballing and a cut off sweatshirt. Fletcher looked as hot as ever. He was wearing a beard. It fit him well. He was muscular, obviously he worked out. And it looked like he had a big basket, but I didn't want to be obvious checking him out. He had a couple of bags. I took one and told him to follow me. We went upstairs to the second master bedroom and told him that he put his things here. He was impressed how big the bedroom was. I told him it was the same size as mine. The door over there adjoins our two bedrooms. I thought I saw him smiling to himself. He was impressed how big the house was. I took him around. Showed him my new locker room. He thought it was cool to have your own locker room and gym. He liked the game room and the home theater room. We went back upstairs. He was wearing jeans and a pull over and sneakers. I told him he could get more comfortable if he wanted. He went upstairs and I heard him putting things away. Soon he came downstairs wearing gym shorts tshirt and flip flops. This feels much better. He told me thanks for letting me stay here. Everything was ok with his parents. They knew we were good friends. I asked Fletcher if he would like a cold beer. He said sure. I grabbed us a couple of beers and we went out to the covered patio and sat on loungers. We talked some more. I found out after he graduated from college, he got married. The marriage didn't work out and after one year they were divorced. Luckily no kids. He said he has dated a few times. But he's enjoying being single. I told him I haven't been married. I also like being single. My work keeps me very busy and it would be hard to have a wife with my work.

I propped my leg up so he could see up my gym shorts. I saw him glance over a couple of times. He was stretched out on the lounger. And I could see a ball hanging down on one side. He was freeballing too. He looked over at me and said remember when we were kids how we would go skinny dipping and fool around. I said I remembered and how Graham was always the instigator to get us to do things together. We laughed about that.

Fletcher was a couple of grades ahead of me in school. He was quite popular and good at any sport he choose to play. He had girls flocking around him all the time. He was very good looking and a personality to die for. Graham and I pretty much stayed to ourselves when Fletcher was busy with the girls. I knew he liked Graham's sister and I think they dated for awhile. I don't remember if they were in the same grade. But I knew she was older than us and not interested in under classmen.

Fletcher was talking to me. I got out of daydreaming. He told me too bad the pool isn't working. We could go skinny dipping. Giving me a big smile. I asked him, "you would actually go skinny dipping here if the pool was working?" He said, "sure, it's not like we are strangers to each other."

"I know, but it's been many years since we did any of that kid stuff."

"Don't you go naked in your house? Now that I'm single I go naked all the time."

I looked at him a little surprised. "I go naked here all the time when I'm by myself."

"Are you shy, because I'm here?" And then he stripped his tshirt and shorts off.

"No, I'm not shy." And then I pulled my sweatshirt off and gym shorts.

We looked at each other. Fletcher was hairy. Not grossly hairy. Hairy like Drake. He looked good with the hair. His pubes were a little bushy. He had a long thick cock soft. It had to be about six inches soft. It was laying soft over his big balls that were laying on the lounger. He looked over at me and said very impressive Bob. He liked my big balls and the way my cock hung down and separated them. He then said this feels much better. I agreed with him. I asked him if he was ready for a refill. He said sure. I took our empties out to the kitchen and grabbed us a couple more. Got close and handed him his beer. He reached out and felt my balls. I thought I was going to drop the beer bottles. His touch was warm and firm. He rolled my balls around and cupped them in his hand. Very nice Bob. Will have to see if I can get them both into my mouth tonight. I looked at him in surprise. He said, "don't be shocked Bob. That was the main reason for the divorce. My wife caught me kissing a guy at an outdoor cafe and the shit hit the fan. Within a month we were divorced. I just played the straight dude in school. Mainly for image and reputation. You know how school kids can be"" "Wow, I never knew Fletcher. You've really surprised me. But I'm glad you could open up and tell me. Do your parents know?" "God no, if they found out they would disown me and I'd never be welcome in their house again. That's why I was glad you let me stay here. I knew I could be myself and be comfortable." I then proceeded to tell Fletcher about some of the guys I had become acquainted with and how when things seemed to be going well, I was left high and dry. He was sorry to hear that. We moved our loungers together and gave each other a consoling hug and kiss. Damn he was a good kisser.

We went in to the kitchen and fixed some dinner. Ate at the kitchen island. Fletcher liked pretty much the same things I did for food. We it was easy cooking for us. After we finished, I asked what he wanted to do. "How about watching a movie in that great theater room you have?" "That's a great idea. I fixed some popcorn and we walked down to the theater room. We struggled and shifted around we were able to fit together in one oversized theater chair. They are thickly cushioned and quite comfortable. I flipped through the pay site movies and we found one we wanted to watch. I sat the popcorn between. We would turn and kiss. Then we started fondling each other and got into some hot foreplay. Luckily the movie was close to finishing. Turned it off and we went upstairs to my bedroom. Fletcher said, "you know this house is big and kind of creepy. Doesn't it freak you out at times?" I said, "no, I never thought about it. It just seemed like a good fit when I bought it." "You know Mr. Mason was creepy?" "Nope, I never met him. He was old when we were in school and he stayed to himself here in the house." Fletcher said, "there was weird stories about him. Probably because nobody ever saw him, so it was easy to make up stuff." "Probably. I've been thinking about going to the library and see if they have any old archives and maybe I can find out more about Mr. Mason." "Good luck," said Fletcher.

We laid on the bed facing each other. Our dick heads were touching and it was really turning me on. As we were kissing, Fletcher started kissing my ears and neck and worked down over my pecs and nips. I was trembling it felt so good. He licked and kissed around my navel and over my abs. He licked through my pubes and around the base of my cock. It was hard. I saw his big cock flopping around. He licked around the head of my cock and into my pee slit. Then he licked down the back side of my cock and over my balls. I just shuddered when he did that. He tried to suck them both in, but finally gave up when he realized they were too big. He sucked on one and then the other. Then moved down and pushed my legs back. He started rimming my hole. Damn he was good. He had me moaning and panting. He spread my hole and stuck his tongue in. I could see his cock was wet with precum. He repositioned himself and eased his thick head in. It went right in. Then he slowly eased his cock in. I found out his cock was nine and a half inches. It sure filled me up. He found my prostate and was working it over good. He bent down and sucked me while he was fucking me. I reached down and put a hand on the back of his head while I fucked his mouth and he fucked my hole. We soon had a mind blowing orgasm. He was good and I could tell he had done this before. He told me tomorrow morning, it was my turn to fuck and suck him. That kept me hard all night. He collapsed on top of me. And I hugged him tight to me and that's the way we fell asleep.

I woke up with Fletcher still on top of me. It was nice having Fletcher at the house. But again, it was just sex. Fletcher was friendly and all. But without Graham, cracking his jokes. The atmosphere wasn't the same. Fletcher woke up and rolled off me. I took care of him and he shot a big load in my mouth while I fucked him. We took a shower and jerked off some more. We didn't do much. Just hung out around the house. Watched some football and a movie. Fletcher told me this was the longest he has been away from work. He was expecting his boss to call him. That he was needed back at work. He told me if I came home and he wasn't there. That is probably what had happened. I gave Margaret a text message telling her about Fletcher being here for a couple of weeks. He had come for the reunion and had a little time off from work. We had sex while we watched the movie. The movie ended late and we went to bed.

Monday I introduced Margaret to Fletcher. I had told Fletcher about the secret place for opening and closing the gate. Told Margaret that Fletcher would be coming and going. He knew how to arm and disarm the alarm system. She seemed to like Fletcher. Fletcher is an easy person to like. I said my good byes to them and went to work.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same. We had sex in the shower and sex at night before going to sleep. Fletcher was looking for people he knew and was checking to see if they were still living in town. He got a little more information from Graham's sister about Graham. He had Graham's phone number and talked to him a couple of times. He said he would be returning for a few weeks. But it wouldn't be happending immediately. He still had a lot of work to do before he could take the time off.

The following Tuesday when I got home. Fletcher wasn't there. That was no big deal. He wasn't always at the house when I got home from work. I went upstairs and stripped down. Looked in the other bedroom and everything was cleared out and I didn't see Fletcher's two bags. I went downstairs to the living room. Happened to glance in the kitchen and saw a post it note on the frig. Went over and took it off. "Hey buddy, got a call from work and had to leave. Thanks for everything. The number on the note is Graham's. You have my phone number saved on your phone. I will try to give you a call. If I don't call in a couple of days. Give me a call and I will give you the rest of the details. Sorry for having to leave this way. But I was needed at work.

He had warned me this might happen. It was nice having him here while it lasted. But he really just wanted sex. I think he was trying to make up for lost time. There was no feeling or attachment. Just pure raw sex. Oh well, I didn't really feel that close to Fletcher when he was here. We were good friends, but that was many years ago. People change and the times change. Do hope he calls so we can talk.

Thurday after work, I gave Drake a call and asked him if he wanted some company over the weekend. I really needed to be with Drake. He's the one person that I can really relate too and feel like he really does love me and respects me. He told me he would be waiting for me. Couldn't wait for Friday and being with Drake.

End of Chapter 6 - Fletcher

Chapter 7 Coming Soon

A special thank you to, Ryan, Geoff, Sommele and Matt. I appreciate your comments and suggestions. You keep me inspired to keep writing.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writing it. Please email me at:

Other stories by this author:"

Gay/Adult Friends

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 7

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