My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Nov 19, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 5

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 5. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 5 - Ethan

It was nice to finally be able to relax. Was pretty stressed after Pete passing and helping Drake relocate and sell his house. Everything went well for him, and fast.

Did my workout, warmed my dinner and ate out on the patio. Thought it was time to give my dildo a good workout. Went upstairs and stripped out of my gym clothes. Wiped some of my sweat off. Retrieved my dildo from my hiding place in the closet. It was just as big and hard and veiny, like I like it. Grabbed a towel and some lube and went down to the living room. The dildo made me think of Drake. His cock looked almost exactly like the dildo. Rubbed some lube around my hole and slicked up the dildo. Rubbed the head of the dildo around my hole. Could feel my ass trying to pull it in. I didn't need to use any fingers to stretch my hole. After using the dildo for awhile, my hole could grasp that dildo and pull it in without any pain. Lubed my hard cock. Started easing the head of the dildo in, finding my prostate. Feeling and pulling on the head of my cock. Started picking up my rhythm and was fucking my ass while stroking my cock. Going faster and faster. Panting and moaning as I could feel my orgasm approaching. Soon I was blasting out a big load. Hit my face, chest and abs. The rest was running down the side of my hand. Big load, felt drained. Leaned back, breathing hard. Just sat there for a bit. When my breathing starting returning to normal, I wiped myself off and the dildo.

Looked down at my phone and noticed I had three missed calls. One I recognized as Drake's. The other two were unknown numbers. Thought I would give Drake a call first and then the other two after. Be nice to hear his voice and talk for a bit. Catch up on what has been going on in his life.

I called Drake's number. "Hello this is Drake."

I could listen to his deep voice all day. Reminds me so much of Brock's voice. "Hi, this is Bob. How you doing Drake?"

"Doing great. Was calling to thank you again for all your help. I know things were kind of rushed there at the end and I never really got a chance to thank you properly."

"No problem. Like I told you I was glad I could help you through a difficult time."

"I'm doing well. The house is working out great. Your brother just made me foreman. I couldn't be happier."

"That's good to hear. Any chance of getting down this way for a visit?"

"Wish I could make it down there. But with my new work position and all the construction jobs lined up, I don't see anything in the near future."

"My brother thought you might be seeing someone, any truth to that rumor?"

"I met a nice guy here by chance. He moved in with me. But it just didn't work out. I still miss Pete a lot and he couldn't take Pete's place. He has left as a friend. Still see him once in awhile, but nothing serious."

"It will take time Drake. It hasn't been that long since Pete passed. I agree with my relatives. You will meet Mr. Right when the time is right."

"I agree Bob. Sure miss our times when all three of us were together. Your a great guy and friend. And when I can get away, I will be sure to visit so we can spend some time together."

"Good to hear. Something to look forward too. My social life is nil. Be good to see you. I'll let you go and sure nice hearing your voice and talking with you Drake. Take care and congratulations on your promotion."

"Thanks. Good to hear your voice too. Don't work too hard."

We ended our call. I felt good after talking with Drake. I'll have to thank my brother for making Drake foreman. Let's see. I'll try this next number. I don't know who it is. Hopefully, somebody I know.

I called the next number, unknown number on my phone. The phone rang and rang and finally I heard, "Hello can I help you?"

I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Brock. "Oh my god, is this Brock?"

"It sure is, is this Bob?"

I was speechless for a about a minute.

"Hello, hello, is anybody there?"

"Hi Brock, you just took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting a call from you."

"Thought I'd surprise you and give you a call."

"You sure did surprise me. Give me all the details on what's been happening in your life. I thought you forgot me and left the face of the earth."

"I would never forget about you. I've been so busy, I haven't had any time to myself. Just returned from another runway show in Europe. Have two days now until I do another shoot for magazines. Scheduled for some tv advertising next week."

"You sound very busy. How are Richard and Thomas?"

"Glad you asked. They are both back to work full time. Richard's back managing me. They both look like nothing happened to them. Mentally, I don't know. That will take a lot of time. The last I heard on Zach, he would be in federal prison for many years."

"Good to hear Richard and Thomas are back to work fulltime. Also, nice to hear Zach will be locked up for a long time. He got what he deserved."

"Sure do miss you Bob. It was funny how things worked out. I didn't expect all this to happen to me and so fast. But like I told you, it was a dream of mine. At least now I know, dreams do come true."

"My dream was to be a doctor and that's what I am. Yours was to model and that's what your doing very successfully."

"Your right as always Bob. Save my number on your phone. Give me a call off and on. Like to hear from you. We need to keep in touch. Maybe one of these days I'll surprise you and be knocking at your door."

"Don't tease me Brock. You know how much I miss you. Before we end our call. The couple that's renting your house, have fallen in love with it. It's working out perfect for them."

"Good to hear Bob. Well, I better get going. Have a meeting with Richard soon. Love you and hugs and kisses. Call me soon."

"I'll do that. Love you too. Bye."


I'll try the last number. Called the unknown caller. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Hello, this is Bob. You had called me earlier and I missed your call. Who is this?"

"Let me give you a hint," the caller said. "You gave me a sports physical for college football. You locked the door and we had some hot sex in the exam room. Am I jogging your memory?"

"Cotton, that's you."

"Yeah it's me. Glad to hear from me?"

"Of course. Have been wondering how your doing. If you settled into your job, bought a house, got married, have kids. So tell me everything that's been going on in your life."

"Everything has been going well. Super busy with my job. Have developed a new microchip that is light weight and able to be used in cell phones, computers, etc. Right now it's just a prototype. But working with the lead engineers, we should have a working chip soon to try out. It's pretty exciting. That's about it for me, work, work, work, sleep and eat when I get a chance. No love life for me. Too much work. Just wanted to call and hear your voice and know your doing well."

"Your schedule is pretty much the same as mine. I work, eat and sleep. No love life here either. No one to share things with and enjoy. Do miss you Cotton. Too bad you can't tear yourself away and spend a weekend here or longer."

"That's a good offer. I wish I could get that much time off. I don't see it happening any time soon. Would sure like to get together. Please save my number on your phone. So we can talk off and on."

"I'll do that. Let me know if you get a chance to get away for a few days. I can have my appointments rescheduled and take time off. We could find a remote place to get together. Something to consider anyway."

"For sure Bob. I'll keep that in mind. Better go now, it's getting late for me. Have to be to work early. Sure nice talking to you and I will remember what you said. Bye."

"The same Cotton. What a nice surprise your call. I'll look forward to talking to you again. Good night."

Wow, three great calls. Sure surprised to hear from these guys. Glad they wanted to talk to me and hadn't forgot about me. Just wish things would workout where I could get together with them one on one. Miss having someone to be with. Share and do things together. Don't know if I will ever find Mr. Right. Things just never seem to turn out for me. Who knows what the future holds. Need to keep hoping.

Was already Thursday, thought I'd make a reservation tonight or tomorrow for Milo's. Thursday was a regular day of doing the kid's vaccines. It seemed like this was taking forever, but it was something that needed to be done. Did my reports and left the office.

Got home and said my good bye to Margaret. Went upstairs and stripped down naked. Put on some gym clothes and went down to the gym and put in a good workout. Almost two hours. Was maintaining pretty good now. My regular workouts and eating healthy have been paying off. Still have my beer. But keeping my schedule of working out, I'm not gaining any weight. Workout felt good as always. Wiped off my sweat with a towel. Went up to my bedroom and stripped down. I'll take a shower before I go to bed. I went downstairs and warmed up my dinner and grabbed a beer from the frig. Went in the living room and turned on the tv to catch up on the daily news. Microwave beeped brought my dinner to the living room. Was hungry and it went down fast. Nothing much of importance on the news. Switched over to a college football game. My favorite team would be playing Sunday, I wasn't going to miss that game. Finished my dinner and beer. Put my dishes in the dishwasher and grabbed another beer. Thought I'd give Milo's a call and make my reservation for 8:00pm. Then I'll head over to The In and Out Bar for a little while after.

Picked up my phone and called Milo's. "Hello, this is Milo's, Martin speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hi Martin, Bob here. Would like to make a reservation for myself Saturday night at 8:00pm."

"Very good Bob. I'll have your favorite table reserved. Your all set for Saturday night at 8:00pm. Look forward to seeing you."

"Thanks Martin. Bye."


Good I have that done. Went upstairs and got my dildo and some lube. Already had a towel in the living room. Went back to the living room. Spread out my towel on the couch. Put a little lube on the head of the dildo and played around my hole. Eased part of the head into my hole and then pulled it out. Could feel my hole trying to pull it in. Then started easing more in. Found my prostate and let out a gasp. Lubed up my big straight hardon. Started slow jacking my cock and slowly fucking my ass. Closed my eyes and leaned back with my legs spread. Felt so good. Was trying to make it last. The dildo really turns me on. So I was soon cumming and shooting out a big load all over my chest and abs. Some ran down the side of my hand and I licked it off. Not bad. Just laid there coming down from my post orgasmic bliss. Wiped myself off. Went out to the frig and grabbed a beer and finished watching the football game. Was a good game. The teams were pretty evenly matched. Once the game finished I was tired. So I locked and closed the doors and windows and armed my alarm system. Went upstairs with my toy, lube and towel. Threw the towel in the hamper. Took a short hot steamy shower. My cock got hard again in the shower. It was already recharged and ready for action. Dried off and crawled into bed. Laid on top of the covers. Thinking about the past guys I've been with. My cock was already oozing precum. Wiped some off with a finger and licked it off. Used some spit to lube my cock and stroked out another load, not quite as big as the first one, but still not bad. Reached for my towel on the floor and wiped off. That load made me really tired and I pulled the covers over me. Set the alarm, and I was asleep immediately.

Friday was just another day at work. Nothing special. Spent all day vaccinating the young school kids. The parents were glad I was doing the exams and Janice was giving the vaccines. Most of them wanted to start coming regularly to my clinic. My patient base has grown over eighty percent since we've started doing all these vaccines. Shirley keeps telling me that pretty soon she might have to start turning down new patients. I told her that won't happen. If I need to change my hours and stay open later and start working Saturdays, I will. She was thinking about that, but didn't say anything. She knew if I had my mind made up, she wouldn't be able to change it. Friday finished. Did my reports so I wouldn't get behind. Emailed the school like I do everyday to tell them who was vaccinated. The school appreciated that. That way they could control who was vaccinated and who wasn't. I worked later than usual to finish. I closed and locked the clinic and drove home.

Got home checked my mail. Junk mail as usual. Wanting me to make donations here and there and everywhere. If I donated to every place that contacted me, I would be broke. Tore that mail and put it in the fireplace. Said good bye to Margaret, she was on her way out. "Have a good weekend Margaret."

"You too Bob." And she left.

Glad it was Friday after work. Don't have to get up early in the morning. Like being able to make my own schedule on the weekend. Went upstairs and stripped down. Brought my workout clothes with a towel. I sweat like a stuffed pig when I work out. Went in the living room naked, and skimmed through the daily paper. No major news stories. Checked the sports page to find the time my team played on Sunday. Set the recording machine, in case something happened and I missed the game. Put the paper down on the coffee table. Put on my gym clothes, took the towel and walked down to the gym. Got in a good two hour workout. Felt the burn and was sweating profusely. Wiped my sweat off and went upstairs. Put my dinner in the microwave and ran upstairs for a quick shower. Was sporting a good size boner when I finished my quick shower. Dried off and dinner was ready. Had my lube and towel. Laid the towel on the couch. Fixed a plate, grabbed a beer and walked out to the patio. Ate my dinner outside. It was a nice warm evening. Weather has been staying unusuably warm. Was still in the mid seventies at 6:30pm. Dinner was good as always. Tasted better with a cold beer. Took my dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Grabbed another beer and watched tv for a little while. Thought I would go downstairs to the home theater and flip through the movies on my pay site. Found a good spy mystery I hadn't seen. It was just over three hours. Put the movie on pause. Went upstairs and fixed some popcorn. Popcorn and beer sounded good to me. Started the movie, it was pretty good. Kept my attention to the end. Turned off the tv. Took the rest of popcorn and beer upstairs and turned on a late night talk show. Don't usually watch them. But I wasn't tired and nothing else on tv interested me. Watched the talk show until I felt tired. Took the lube and towel with me upstairs. Still sporting my boner. Crawled into bed and lubed up my big thick seven inches. One hand was fondling my big balls while I rubbed the head and started slow stroking. Cupped my balls and fingered my hole. My cock got harder and I started stroking faster. I was breathing hard and sweating. I started gasping as my orgasm approached. Fingered my prostate and shot out all over my face and chest. Tasted some of my cum. Didn't taste too bad. Wiped off. Put the lube away in the nightstand. Pulled the covers over and fell asleep.

Woke up to sunshine coming in through the curtains and could hear the birds chirping and singing outside. Checked my clock. It was already 10:00am. Guess I was more tired last night than I thought. Rolled over on the bed. Ouch, big morning woody. Jumped out of bed. Got my dildo out of the closet and walked into the shower. Attached the dildo to the shower seat. Got the water hot and steamy. Washed and lathered my body. Got all squeaky clean. Put some shower gel on the dildo and sat down on that. Filled my ass nicely. Felt the veins rubbing on my prostate. Put some shower gel on my hands and worked it over my balls and big stiffy. Worked my balls good and stroked my cock while I started bouncing up and down on my dildo. Before I knew it I was gasping and panting and shooting out all over the shower wall. Leaned back with the dildo still impaled in me. Stayed there until my cock softened then eased off the dildo. Cleaned the dildo off in the shower and my ass. Got out and dried off. Put my dildo away. And went downstairs naked to fix some breakfast/brunch. Had some hashbrowns, a couple of eggs, breakfast sausage, toast, juice and coffee. Carried my breakfast out to the patio table. Felt like another nice warm day. Chowed down on my breakfast. Was hungry after my workout in the shower. Finished my breakfast took my dishes into the kitchen and filled the dishwasher, turned it on. Thought about what I was going to do today. Didn't need to be to Milo's until 8:00 tonight. Checked around the house. But it looked like Margaret had everything done. Checked the frig and panty and made a grocery list. Thought I'd pick up the few things I needed and maybe wander around the mall for a bit.

Went upstairs in just some casual clothes. Actually put on some jeans and a polo pull over and some deck shoes. Splashed on some cologne and headed out to the supermarket. Walked around the aisles. Had a handful of items on my list. When I was ready to check out. My shopping cart was full. Put the groceries in the back of the suv and drove over to the mall. It was getting close to lunch time. My stomach was growling, I don't know why after that big breakfast. The food was smelling good in the mall. Walked around not really interested in buying anything. Just liked looking around. A new Italian Restaurant had opened in the mall, so I thought I would have lunch there. Walked in and the smells made my mouth water. Ordered spinach ravioli with a fresh salad and Italian salad dressing, of course. Ordered a half carafe of their house white wine. The meal was delicious. Have to remember this restaurant. They serve evening meals. On days I don't want to drive Milo's, I can eat here. The price was very resonable with large servings. Paid and left. Wanted to get my groceries home. I bought some meat and didn't want it to spoil. Got home, put the groceries away. Went to the living room, Kicked off my shoes and looked over the menu at the Italian Restaurant. They do home delivery. But I would prefer to eat there. They had a large menu. Didn't know there were so many different Italian dishes. Grabbed a beer and turned on the tv. It was just after 2:30pm. I had plenty of time before I needed to get ready to go to Milo's. Watched a college football game that was just starting. Laid down on the couch, propped myself up with pillows so I could watch the game. Game was good. When it was half time, I got myself another beer. The game went into overtime. When it finished it was going on 6:30.

Went upstairs, took a quick shower to freshen up. Took out some black dress slacks and dark blue silk shirt. The shirt kind of shined and glistened in the light. Put on a nice dress belt and black shoes and socks. Thought I looked good when I checked myself out in the mirror. Threw on my cologne. Adjusted my basket so it looked good and full. My big balls help to make me look big. Guess Millie is right about what they say about doctors. Big hands, big feet and a big basket. Laughing to myself about Millie. Need to see her this next week at the diner. See what mischief she will get herself into. Double checked myself. Everything looked good and in place. Grabbed my keys, made sure the alarm system was armed and left for Milo's.

Going to Milo's, you have to get on county highway 6 which runs north and south. You take the north route out of town until it connects to county highway 8 which runs east and west. County road 6 actually ends when it meets county road 8. Highway 6 winds around a bit and there are a couple of turns that are easy to miss. there aren't any highway signs, and if your not familiar with the highway, it's easy to get lost and get on the wrong road. I remember Drake and Pete watching me close so they would know how to get to Milo's. Unfortunately, they never got the chance. Was going north on highway 6, getting close to highway 8. Noticed some vehicles at the junction of highway 6 and 8. As I got closer I could see it was a bad accident. A semi had hit an suv broadside on the driver's side. The suv must of been turning onto highway 8 when it was hit. I pulled over on the side of the road. I didn't see any highway patrol, sheriff, or ambulances. The accident must have just happened. Walked over to where the front of the semi was wedged into the drivers door of the suv. The suv was pushed on it's side from the impact of the semi. I couldn't see anybody moving in the suv. It looked like a family, husband, wife and two small kids in the back. They all had their seatbelts on. Hopefully, that helped them. I walked over to the semi. The driver was slumped down on the steering wheel. He looked like he was crying and in shock. I knocked on his drivers door. It startled him. He opened the door and told him I was a doctor. Was he able to move and come out of the semi. In the meantime, I had called 911 to report the accident. The 911 agent said she would call the highway patrol and county sheriff and send two ambulances. I thanked her and told her they needed to get here as soon as possible. They would also need to bring the jaws of life. I checked over the driver of the semi. He seemed to be okay. No broken bones, respiration was good. Still a little in shock. I asked him if he remembered what happened. He told me he was driving east on highway 8. He had a delivery in the next town over. He didn't see the suv until he was right on top of it. He had no time to break. That sounded strange to me. There's a big stop sign with a yellow flashing light on top where highway 6 meets highway 8. I had got close to smell his breath. I didn't smell any liquor on his breath or any signs of drug use. I told him to get back inside his cab, until the highway patrol and sheriff arrive. He will need to go to Regional Hospital to be checked since this was an accident. He complied. I thought I better call Milo's before the police and ambulance arrived. I talked to Martin and told him what was happening. He assured me there would be no problem with my reservation. He would hold it for me, at whatever time I was able to make it. Just as I finished that call to Milo's, I saw flashing lights approaching. A highway patrol was first to arrive. I told him what I knew which wasn't much. I wasn't able to check the people in the suv, with the semi stuck in the door. The patrolman told the semi truck driver to back up slowly. You could hear metal squeaking as he backed up. There was a big impression in the door of the suv. identical to the front of the semi. Saw more flashing lights. A sheriff's deputy arrived with the two ambulances. The police used the jaws of life and got the drivers door open. I told the paramedics I was a doctor and I would check the people in the suv and give them instructions to pass on to the emergency room at Regional Hospital. The driver looked to be in his late 20's or early 30's. He was covered in blood. Checked for a pulse. He had a weak pulse. His left arm and leg were broken. Checked his respiration and it was shallow. Probably some broken ribs. Told the paramedics what do with the driver and what to tell the emergency doctors. We all then managed to right side the suv. It was a total, hopefully they had good insurance. Went over to the wife. She looked to be about the same age as her husband. She was breathing, but again a broken arm and leg on her right side. Also, I believed she had a concussion. She tried to talk, but I told her just to be still and she would be transported to the hospital. The husband and wife were loaded into an ambulance and rushed off to Regional Hospital. Next was to check on the two young kids. They both looked like they were around 8 or 9 years old. They were breathing. Respiration was shallow. I didn't detect any broken bones. They were both moving around and were talking to each other. I told them I was a doctor and they were in an accident. Their parents were going to Regional Hospital. They started crying. I told them they were okay and alive. The paramedics then loaded the two kids into the second ambulance. The paramedics called emergency with the instructions I told them to tell the emergency doctor. The police thanked me for my help. I asked them about the semi driver. They said they would be questioning him along with the parents to a get a full accident report and find out who the responsible parties were. At this time. They told me there wasn't much else they could do. They would get insurance information from them at the hospital and have them fill out accident reports. They moved the suv to the side so traffic could start flowing normally. The wrecker came and took the suv to a police holding area. The deputy and patrolman left for the hospital. I was a little shaken, but doing ok. I turned right onto highway 8 going east to Milo's. Arrived at Milo's after nine thirty. Milo's was busy. Martin was his regular cheerful self, which helped me after that accident. I told Martin what had happened. He said there have been many bad accidents at that intersection with highway 8 and 6. That's why they put up the stop sign with the flashing light on top. I told Martin I would like a scotch and water on the rocks.

Martin came back with my drink. "You ready to order Bob, or would you like a little time?"

"Give me a little time to relax Martin and then I'll be ready to order."

"Very good Bob. Hopefully your drink will relax you. I will be back in a few minutes."

Looked around Milo's. Didn't see anybody I knew. Milo's draws people from a large area and many outlaying communities. Was kind of glad I didn't know anybody. I just needed to relax and get myself together. Was wondering how the family was doing and hoping they were recovering and going to be ok. Thought I'd give the hospital a call tomorrow. My name would be on the report as a doctor investigating the accident.

I motioned for Martin. I was ready to order my dinner. Martin came over to the table. "What's the special Martin?"

"We have prime rib and surf and turf. What kind of steak in the surf and turf?"

"It's a blackened rib eye, 8oz with an 8oz lobster."

"The surf and turf sounds good Martin. I will order that. As always, tell the chef I would like as lean as possible the rib eye steak. And a half carafe of the house red wine."

"Would you like your wine with the meal or before?"

"You can bring it now."

"Ok Bob. Will bring your wine right away. And your dinner will be ready shortly."

Martin brought over my half carafe of wine. I sipped it, it was perfect.

About ten minutes later Martin came with this big platter. "I didn't know I ordered that much food, Martin?"

"You didn't. This was made special for you and it's compliments of Milo's. There is a card on the side of the platter."

I thanked Martin. Opened the little envelope with the card. It read: We thank you very much for everything you do for the community. In repect of your work. This dinner has been prepared especially for you. Compliments of Milo's. I saw Martin over on the side, he was looking at me as I read the card. I nodded to him and he was beaming from ear to ear.

The dinner was superb. The steak was lean and just melted in my mouth. The lobster was fresh and tender and had a wonderful buttery flavor. The wine was a good compliment to the meal. I somehow managed to eat this big platter of food. No dessert for this doctor. Finished sipping on my wine. When I finished, I motioned Martin to come over. I told him thank you and the extra effort was very thoughtful and appreciated. Martin told me when he talked to the manager and about the accident and many good reports they were receiving about me. This special dinner was long overdue. I gave Martin a big tip and told him to thank everyone for this very kind gesture.

I then left Milo's. Very happy and very full. And drove over to The In and Out Bar. The parking lot was filling up. Found a parking spot quite aways back from the front doors. I could hear the music going when I got out of my suv. Walked up to the front doors and walked in. The bar was crowded and many people were dancing. Didn't know there was this many guys in the area. Walked around and found a small table for two. Motioned for one of the waiters. The waiters are always shirtless and muscular. Don't know where they find these guys, but it sure is nice looking at them. My waiter sure gave me the stares and I felt my cock starting to chub up. Told him I'd have a scotch and water on the rocks. He told me in a nice deep voice, he would be right back with my drink. Looked around, but as crowded as it was, I couldn't really make anybody out or recognize anyone.

The waiter brought my drink. Looked like he might have a semi in his tight black leather pants.

The In and Out was really rocking and rolling. There was some really good dancers, and some hot looking guys. I motioned for the waiter to come over. "I asked him if something special was going on. I hadn't seen so many good dancers and hot guys." "He said no just a regular Saturday night." "I asked him if he would watch my drink if I got asked to dance. I had heard people were putting in drugs in the drinks." Made me think of Zach and Brock. "He said sure doctor, no problem."

I was taken by surprise. "How do you know that I'm a doctor?"

"I Was working here when Brock was. I remember him telling me you were a doctor. Have you heard anything from Brock?"

"We talked a few days ago. He's very busy with his modeling. At the moment, he's their top model."

"That's understandable. With his good looks and muscles, I'm sure he's blowing them away. Good to hear he's doing good. Yes I'll be sure to check your drink for you."

"Thanks I said." He went back to bartending. Saw a pretty hot guy walking over to me. "You like to dance?" he asked me.

"Sure I said. But I'm not in the same league as a lot of those guys out there dancing. They are really good."

"Don't worry about them. That group comes here almost every weekend. All the regulars are used to them."

I gave the bartender a nod. He saw me and gave me a nod back. This guy was a really good dancer. We had a good time. He liked rubbing up against me and got some feels in when he could. Rubbed back against him a few times too. "He asked me if I would like to go somewhere away from here."

"I said no. Sorry. Just going to hang out a little longer and then go home."

"Too bad he said. Sure like you and we could have a lot of fun together." Then he got up from the table and started talking to someone else.

Finished my drink. Walked up to the bar to pay the bartender. Told him thanks and maybe I'd see him around here the next time I come. He said that would be nice. Maybe it would be a night he got done early and we could hang out together. I told him I would keep that in mind. I left the In and Out Bar. I was starting to feel tired. The stress of the accident was catching up with me.

Drove back home. When I arrived at the junction of highway 8 and 6, I could see the highway was cleaned after the accident and traffic was flowing normally.

Got home, it was going on eleven thirty. Checked my mail. Bills and advertising. Grabbed a beer and flopped down on the couch. Turned on the tv and watched a late night talk show. Was pretty boring. But planned to go to bed soon. Would call the hospital tomorrow and find out how the family from the accident were doing. Finished my beer. Called it night. Went upstairs stripped down. Put my clothes away in the closet. Crawled into bed and went right to sleep.

Woke up Sunday morning a bit tired. Would workout, have a big breakfast, shower, and then call the hospital.

Went in the bathroom for my morning piss. Cock was hard, so I had to strain to make the piss come out. Eventually I got a nice stream going and relieved my bladder. Splashed a little water on my face. Put on my oldest gym clothes, that I like the best. Went down to the gym and worked out for almost a hour and a half. A little less than usual, but still got a good burn going. Wiped my sweat off. Was breathing hard, like when I jerk off. Walked upstairs and made myself some breakfast. Ate at the patio table. Enjoying being outside. Finished eating. Loaded the dishwasher and turned it on. Went upstairs to shower. Walked into the shower and my cock immediately became stiff. Washed my hair and body, rinsed off. Then lubed my cock with some shower gel. The precum was already flowing pretty heavy. Used some of that as lube also. Sat on the shower seat and spread my legs wide. Fondled my balls while I jerked my cock. Soon I was shooting out a big load. My balls felt drained when I finished. Rinsed off and then dried off. Took my cell phone with me and went to an outside lounger. I was going to call the hospital and find out about the people in the accident last night.

Picked up my phone and called the hospital. Told the nurse who I was and why I was calling. She said she would check and see if Doctor Ho was working. While I waited for the nurse, I got a good chuckle about Dr. Ho. Bet he was teased a lot when he was in school with that name. The nurse came back on and said the doctor was in his office and she would connect me. I thanked her and then I heard, "This is Dr. Ho, how may I help you?"

Had to fight back the chuckles. "This is Dr. Bob and I am the doctor you talked with last evening about the accident victims. I was calling to check on their condition."

"Thanks for calling Dr. Bob. Thank you for all the information you gave the paramedics, it made my job a lot easier. As far as the people in the accident, they are all talking and alert. Both the mother and father have casts on an arm and leg. The father had two broken ribs that we have taped. The children only suffered a broken arm and some shock and both are doing fine. We have moved the kids in with their parents. They should be able to go home in the coming week. Then they will need to come in for regular x-rays until the casts come off. Then they will need some physical therapy. They have relatives not too far away that have been coming in to see them. The relatives told me they will be able to stay with them and they will be able to bring them in for regular check ups. That's about all the information I have. I'm going to need to do rounds now."

I thanked Dr. Ho and ended the call. I started laughing again about Dr. Ho. Noticed I had a missed call from my mother.

Must be something important. I'm the one that usually calls on the weekend. Called my mom. "Hello Robert, thanks for calling me back."

"What's up, you sound kind of hyper and out of breath?"

"I'm ok. Just happy for you."

"What did I do now?"

"Nothing. Wanted you to know your friend Ethan is back staying with his parents. I have his phone number if you want to enter it in your phone."

"Text me the number mom, then I will add him to my contacts. He's anxious to meet you. Found out he was back when we hooked up with his parents at the country club. They are sure nice people, just like I remember Ethan."

"Thanks mom and text me his phone number. I need to run now. Tell dad hi for me." I ended the call.

Hmmmmm. Interesting. Ethan that prick. We were friends through grade school and middle school. When we got to high school he started hanging out with the most popular clique. I hung out with the honor students and some of the football teammates. He was a total jerk in high school. It was like he never knew me. We did room together one year in med school. But I always felt uncomfortable around him. Screw him, he wants to talk to me, I'm sure my mother gave him my phone number. Graham was my very best friend in school and have never heard from him. And Fletcher was right behind Graham."

Received the text message, Ethan's cell number, from my mother. Added him to my contacts. Will wait a few days and see if he calls. If he doesn't, I'll give him a call around the middle of the week.

Just lounged and relaxed the rest of the day. Did some reading. Watched tv until it was game time. Watched my favorite college football team. The game was a squeaker, but my team snuck out a win. It was a good game. Was getting tired so I closed and locked everything and went to bed. No jerking off tonight. Set my alarm to get up early to workout.

Monday arrived. Woke up to the alarm going off. Scared the daylights out of me. I've been watching too many mystery spy movies. Got out of bed with a nice chub started, but wasn't in the mood for rubbing one out. Maybe tonight when I get home from work. Went down to the gym for a workout. Just worked out a little over an hour. Felt like enough. Went upstairs and showered no messing around in the shower this morning. Was still thinking about Ethan being back in town. I'm sure my mom is plotting how she can get us together while he's here. Got dried off, dressed and went down to breakfast. Margaret didn't see me right away. "Good morning Bob. You look like you had a good workout."

"Yeah I did Margaret and I'm starving."

"Good. Glad I fixed a big breakfast. I ate it all and was ready to get to work." Told Margaret good bye and left for work. Shirley and Jancie were already at the clinic. I was glad, I wanted to talk to Shirley for a couple of minutes. I asked her how we were doing on the lists of grade school kids. She said the end was in sight. But still two more pages singled spaced to finish. She went on to explain that she had worked in some physicals and other patients to check out their aches and pains. I thanked her and went back to the office. The whole day was booked full of vaccines for the young kids. I needed to go for lunch today and get out of the office and look at something different. Lunch time approached and I walked over to the diner. I thought I saw Millie in the window looking for me. I sat at the table in front that looked out to the parking lot. I didn't see Millie.

"Oh god Bob is here. He still gets me flustered." I'll straighten my uniform and unbotton a couple of the top buttons. That should give him a good view. Stuck some perfume in my purse this morning. I'll find that and put some on. I've been practicing my walk, to his table. My new walk makes my big tits bounce up and down. I hope he notices. Well, here goes nothing. And I walked out into the dining room, making my way to Bob's table. "Well look who's here?"

I pretended to look around. "I don't see anybody Millie?"

"Oh Bob, you crack me up. You look more handsome every time your here."

"Just like you look prettier every time I see you Millie. How about if I order my soup and sandwich?"

"Ok Bob. Be right back with your order. Watched her leave the table. I don't know what was bouncing more, her ass or her tits.

Millie came back with her practiced walk. With the two top buttons undone, you could get yourself a big eyeful. She always managed to hand me the menu so I would notice those two big jugs hanging down. Damn, if she was younger I might be interested. She somehow managed to juggle my order and not spill anything with the way she was walking. "Here's your order Bob."

"Thanks Millie. Good thing she didn't lean over any more on the table or she might have fallen over and probably bounced right back up again with the size of those tits."

Thanks Millie, could you bag half of this so I an take it back to the clinic."

"Sure thing Bob. She came right back with the rest of the soup in a small closed container and the sandwich in it's own sealed container. Thanks Millie, running a little late and better walk back to the clinic."

She handed me the bag with the rest of my lunch giving her the opportunity to lean down again as I took the bag from here. She looked up giving me a big smile. You look like a very healthy women Millie. I paid her for the food and left a tip and knew she was looking at my ass as I left the diner.

Got back to the clinic and finished my lunch between patients. Afternoon went fast and I was soon on my way home. Went through my regular ritual of working out, esting, watching tv and shower before bed. No dildo and no jerking tonight. Sleep came fast and I was dead to the world.

Tuesday morning. Nice bright sun coming in through the curtains. Looks like another nice day. Will be another full day of young kid's vaccines. Be glad when we're through with the vaccines. Gets a little monotonous day after day. Did a quick workout, showered, ate breakfast, told my good byes to Margaret. And went to work. Shirley and Janice were already there. I checked with Shirley to see how we were doing on the kid's vaccines. She said there was still two full printed pages, single spaced. Probably at least a good month left. I didn't say anything and walked to my office. Morning was going smoothly. I was giving a quick check over before the next vaccine. I heard a loud noise coming from the waiting room. Janice came in and said a man was injured at the mill. And he needed immediate attention. Told Janice to give the vaccine and I would see the man in the second exam room. Went to my office quick. Then knocked on the door of the exam room 2. I went in and saw two mill workers. One man had the other man's hand wrapped in a towel and it looked like there was ice in the towel.

The mill is a paper mill. It covers about half of the town. It's huge. I remember having a tour through the mill when I was in school, you couldn't see from one end to the other. They took us through the whole paper making process. From the pulp wood to a paste of wood with chemicals that is dried and rolled out into thin layers of paper. The mill runs six lines at full capacity. Producing paper for magazines, books, newsprint, poster board, etc. They ship their paper all over the world. The mill started by a private family that lived in town. None of the families children wanted to manage the mill. The mill was then sold to a scandinavian company that buys there wood from a Japanese logging company. The mill also owns many acres of land where they keep a good stock of trees planted and replanted. It's quite an impressive plant from the outside. Huge and like I said covers many city blocks. About half the town is employed at the mill. It's very good for business. Not just for me, but other city businesses.

I walked over to the men. "Would you take the towel off. I'd like to look at his hand."

The worker removed the towel. "What do you think doc?"

"Preliminary check doesn't look like any broken bones, just displaced. I will need to do a couple of x-rays and will have Janice give the man a shot for pain, and inflammation."

I left for a minute to tell Janice to give the man a shot for pain. And two shots in his hand for inflammation. Janice took care of that while I rolled in a portable x-ray machine. I adjusted the x-ray machine so I could take the x-rays of his hand. I told Janice to tell Shirley to cancel and reschedule todays appointments. Jancie left. I took two x-rays. "How are you feeling? Has the pain went away?"

"The pain is gone doc, thanks. What about my hand?"

"I will have a better idea when I look at the x-rays. At least there's no discoloration signifing broken bones. Your hand is red from whatever happened to it. Can you tell me what happened to your hand. The more information I have, the easier it will be for me to decide on the next steps."

"As you can tell I work at the mill. This is the foreman on my crew, pointing to the other man that had wrapped his workers hand in the towel. I work in the loading room. The pulp logs come in on a conveyor and are dropped into a vat of hot water to soften the wood. Once the softening process is finished they are cut into small chunks and go through hydraulic augers to start breaking down the wood fiber. That is where I work. One of the pieces of wood got jammed in one of the augers and it wasn't working. So I called the foreman for a lockout. He came over, got the auger turned off and did a lockout. I reached in to unjam the piece of wood and for some unknown reason the auger restarted and pulled my hand in. Luckily the foreman was able to get the auger turned off quickly before my whole arm would have been fed into it. It's just my hand that was caught in the auger."

"Sounds very painful. I need to go to another room to review your x-rays, and I'll be right back. You still feeling ok, or do you need another another pain shot?"

"I'm ok doc. Just want to get this over with."

"I understand. I'll be as quick as possible. Be right back."

I was thinking poor guy. That must have really hurt. Walked into the room so I could review the x-rays. Called Janice in so we could look at them together. Surprisingly, no broken bones, or fractures. Just really dislocated and odd postions of the fingers. I knew it would be another painful process to get his fingers into the correct position. A lot of bones in the hand and fingers. This will be a long slow process. Might have to break a couple of bones to get them into the correct position. Janice agreed with me. I took the two x-rays with me and went back to the exam room.

Janice walked into the exam room with me. I told the worker that he didn't have any broken bones. But that his fingers and part of his hand were disoriented and I might have to break a couple of bones to get everything into the correct position.

The foreman told me, "do whatever you need to do doc. Brody is one of our best workers. He has good medical coverage, provided by the mill."

"I told Brody it would be good if we gave him some anesthesia so he doesn't feel any pain." Asked him if he was allergic to anesthesia.

No doc, not as far as I know. I had him remove his shirt. Nice big muscular chest and arms. Lay back on the exam table. Janice will administer a local anesthesia. I asked the foreman to leave and he could wait in the waiting room. This could take quite awhile. He could go back to work and we could call him when we finish. He said he would prefer to wait. Fine. We will tell you when we've finished.

Brody must be a good worker for the foreman to wait on him. Put the x-rays on the viewing screen so I had them handy and a guide to reposition part of his hand and fingers. I did the part of his hand first. Actually went back into position fairly easy. The big job would be going from finger to finger, realigning them correctly. That's where the x-rays would help. Started with his thumb and would work my way down. The thumb I had to fracture a bit to get it into the right position, along with his index finger and middle finger. His ring finger and little finger, went easier. His hand was swollen like a balloon. Gave him another shot to ease the inflammation. The shot helped. His hand looked pretty good when I was done. Looked like a normal hand. Put the cast on. Brody was just starting to stir. That was good timing. "How do you feel Brody?"

"Just finished the cast. All bones in your hand are reset. I will write you a prescription for pain medication. Take the pills as you need them. No more than five in one day. I will prescribe enough for four days. Want to see you each Friday to do x-rays. Check the healing process. I told Janice to call in the foreman. Went through everything with the foreman. About Brody's medication and to come every Friday for the next few weeks for x-rays to check his healing. Do I need to contact any relatives Brody?"

"Brody said no. The foreman interrupted and said he would take care of that for Brody. If you don't have any question men, Brody you can leave and I'll see you next week for your first x-ray. Brody tapped me on the shoulder and the foreman shook my hand. Watched them leave the exam room.

Couple of hot guys. I wonder if there is more going on that what they were saying. Kind of strange about the relatives. And the way they were looking at each other. It may be more than just foreman and worker. Oh well, I might be reading too much into that. Will look forward to seeing Brody next week. He's a pretty hot dude.

Checked the clock and it was already after 5:30. Funny how time flies when your having fun. Shirley and Janice were still here. So I did my report quick for the insurance company. Shirley, Janice and I left and went our different ways. I need to invite them out for lunch sometime, maybe on the weekend. I know Janice is married and Shirley is divorced. Will have to check into that.

Got in my suv and went home. When I got home I went upstairs and stripped down and put on some old workout clothes. Didn't think Margaret would like me running around naked. But then on the other hand she might. Margaret was finishing and I told her good night and was going down to the gym to workout. She said bye and was gone for the day. Worked out almost my full two hours. Was sweating and panting. Felt the burn. Would take a hot steamy massage shower and that would relax my neck and shoulder muscles. Went upstairs stripped off my gym clothes and put them in the hamper. Walked into the shower and got it hot and steamy. Set the shower head to massage. That felt good. Very relaxing, could fall asleep. My rumbling stomach was telling me something else. Went downstairs. Ate my dinner at the kitchen island. Grabbed a beer and went into the living room to check the news. Nothing interesting. I think this is movie night. Made some popcorn and went down to the theater room and watched a good Agatha Christie movie. The movie was very good. Ate my popcorn and played with my balls. They were telling me I was neglecting them. We couldn't have that. Gave them a good fondle and felt how full they were. I was getting tired after working most of the day on Brody. Went upstairs, set the alarm and drifted off to sleep.

Woke up Wednesday morning. Put on my gym clothes and went down to the gym. Worked out for two hours. Went upstairs and told Margaret good morning. Told her I needed to shower after working out. I'd get dressed and then be down for breakfast. Took a long shower, Slowly stroking and feeling my balls. Sat on the shower seat. Spread my legs and cupped my balls and fingered my hole. Stroking faster and faster and faster. Soon I was panting and gasping. Shot out all over my chest. Got up on shaky legs rinsed my load off. Dried off, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was delicious as always. Told Margaret good bye and left for work.

Ethan was just getting out of bed. He had a few weeks before he started working emergency at the Regional Hospital. He needed to start house hunting. He couldn't stay with his parents. I had talked with Bev, Bob's mother. Gave her my cell phone number to pass on to Bob. Not sure if Bob will call me. After our falling out in high school, and me being a real jerk to him. I don't if he will call. I might have to make the first move. We roomed together, in our first year at university. It was very awkward. We didn't say much and we each had our own study group

I decided I wasn't going to make it easy for Ethan. He had my number from my mother. If he wanted to call so be it. If he didn't call that was ok too. I took off for the clinic. Wednesday, Thursday Friday went by fast. Starting to see the end of the vaccines. Brody came in on Friday to be x-rayed. Told him there wasn't much change. It will take a couple three weeks before you notice any change. The swelling had went down in his hand and he said he could move his fingertips. That was a good sign. I told him not to move them yet. Give his hand a couple of weeks. Went upstairs. Stripped down, no workout tonight. I deserve a day off from exercising. Laid my cell phone on the coffee table and grabbed myself a beer. Turned on the tv and started watching the news. Heard my cell phone ring. Looked to see who was calling. It was none other than my worst friend Ethan.

Still not budging. "Who is this?"

A rather quiet voice said, "Ethan."

"I don't know any Ethan." I said."

"holdon. Don't disconnect. "This is Ethan we lived close to your parents. We were good friends in grade school and middle school. Then we roomed together for the first year in university."

"Oh yeah I vaguely remember. What did you want?"

"Was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow night at Milo's?"

"I'll have think about that. Will let you know my decision tomorrow morning." Then I ended the call. That should give Ethan something to think about.

Bob didn't seem very friendly on the phone. This won't be as easy as I thought it would. Wonder if I should go to his house tomorrow and have a good talk and clear the air. I'll have to think this over. Maybe it would be better to wait for his call and see what his decision is. I don't want to be pushy.

Woke up Saturday morning. Took care of my morning woody. Felt good to stroke out a big load. Had my trusty towel handy and wiped off. Put on some gym clothes, went downstairs and worked out for just over an hour. Couldn't really get into it. Was thinking about what I was going to tell Ethan. Wiped the sweat off and went upstairs to shower and then make some breakfast. Had a bagel with jelly and juice and coffee. Just taking my time, no rush. Was still contemplating what I would tell Ethan. Breakfast was ok. Something quick and filled a hole in my stomach. Didn't want a big breakfast. Putsed around the house for awhile. Just wasting time and make Ethan sweat before I call him. I guess I had put this call off for long enough. Hopefully, making him sweat.

Called Ethan. "Hello Bob, hope you have some good news for me.?"

"I thought it over. I'm not one to pass up a free meal. I'll go, but don't expect a lot."

"Ok, fair enough. I'll make reservations for two at 7:00pm. I'll swing by your place and take you to Milo's. No reason for both of us to drive."

"Ok, see you around 6:00 or just after." I ended the call. I wasn't sure if I was making the right decision. Time will tell. He seemed pleasant enough on the phone. But he could just be putting up a front. Made a grocery list and picked up a few things I needed. Went by the hardware store and picked up some pruners, a rake and some fertilizer. Thought it was time I started doing something with the backyard. That occupied my time and it was soon approaching the time to get ready to go out for dinner.

Put the tools in the shed. Went in the house and took a quick shower. I was sweating after working outside. Picked out some sporty casual clothes to wear. Splashed on some colgone, checked myself in the mirror. Looked as good as I was going to and went downstairs to wait for Ethan.

Heard the speaker at the front gate. "Is that you Ethan?"

"Yes, hold on and I'll press the button so you can enter."


I heard Ethan pull up. Still driving a BMW convertible. I walked out. Got in his car. We shook hands. When we left I pressed a hidden button that closes the gate. I didn't say anything. I wanted him to talk first.

"It's been a long time Bob. The last time I saw you, we were in medical school."

"What brings you back here?"

"I'm going to be one of the emergency doctors here at Regional Hospital. I wanted to come back here and help the community."

That sounds very noble, I thought to myself. "Congratulation on your new job." He can now take care of all his arrogant friends.

"Where are you staying?"

"With my mom and dad, hopefully not for very long. My mom is always nagging and treating me like I'm still three years old."

That is probably the way he is acting. I remember he was spoiled rotten and got everything he wanted. "Are you looking for a house?"

"I am, but the housing market is slow right now, and not many options on houses."

We arrived at Milo's and walked in. Martin showed us to our table, in the back with candlelight. This is very romantic I thought. I was wondering what alterior motives Ethan had in mind. I didn't trust him.

Martin asked us if we would like a drink before we ordered. I told Martin, "a scotch and water on the rocks." And what will you have Ethan. "I will have the same as Bob."

"I'm going to be honest with you Ethan and I hope you will be with me. I have a feeling you have this evening planned and your going to ask me something. We were friends for a time and then you decided your rich, arrogant friends were better than me."

"Your a hundred percent correct Bob. I did plan this evening to ask you something. I know I was a snob and arrogant. I thought that was what I needed to do to be popular. I apolize for the way I treated you in high school. I've had some time to reflect and have realized how much I've missed out by us not staying friends. I'm hoping this evening is a start at getting my friend back."

"That sounds real nice Ethan, but I'm not sure I can trust you." Martin brought our drinks, "thanks Martin", we both said.

"Cheers. Like I said I am hoping this can be a start at regaining my friendship with you."

"Time will tell Ethan." We finished our drinks and I motioned for Martin to come to the table. "I think we're ready to order Martin. What is the special?" Martin told us roast duck. "I asked Martin if the duck had a lot of fat." He said no, these were wild duck and not domesticated. They tend to more lean with less fat. I told Martin I would have the special. Ethan ordered a blackened rib eye steak.

Our meal came and it smelled delicious. The duck was fixed with a bread stuffing and glazed with orange marmalade. We ordered a carafe of the house red wine. While we were eating. I think Ethan was building up his courage to ask me his question. "You look like you want to ask me something Ethan?"

"I guess I can't put this off any longer. I told you the housing market is slow and not much available." I hope he's not going to ask me what I think he is. "I know this is a lot to ask, but I was wondering if I could move into your house until I can find something permanent. You know how our parents are. I love my parents very much, but need my own space. We could split expenses fifty fifty. There I've said it." He sits there and stares at me, waiting for my answer.

I just sit there and stare back at Ethan. Finally he says, "you going to say anything?"

I thought for a couple of minutes. "Ethan you know that is a lot to ask. If we were close friends it would be a no brainer, but since there has been a lot of time between us, this is what I will tell you. I will make a compromise. I expect you to be your old self when we were good friends. I don't want any of your old, so called friends, coming to my house. If you want to do something special at the house, you need to clear it with me first. If you can agree to that, then I will let you move in conditionally."

"Thank you Bob, this was better than I hoped it would be. Your conditions won't be any problem. With my work, I will be gone a lot, and I will be working ememergency on call. How soon can I start moving my things?"

"I will leave that up to you. Your welcome to move in as soon as you want."

"This is Saturday, how about I move some things in tomorrow and start staying tomorrow night?"

"That will work. Bring a cooler of beer."

As planned, Ethan brought over a small pickup truck loaded with clothes and boxes and only the Lord knows what else. He said this was about half of his things. He would bring the rest over little by little this coming week. I showed Ethan were the hidden button was for the gate. With all the stuff he was bringing, I would have him use the other master bedroom. That should give him plenty of space.

I helped him unload all his stuff and we hauled it up to the other master bedroom. He was quite impressed with the bedroom. He said it was bigger than his when he lived at home. We emptied most of the boxes and got his things put away. I then showed him around the house. My master bedroom, which was identical to his. They are adjoining bedrooms. The kitchen dining room. We moved the cooler of beer out to the patio, by the barbque island. Then took him downstairs and showed him the game room, gym and home theater. He was very impressed with everything. I told Ethan I had a cleaning lady, Margaret. Told him I much I paid her per month and told him it would be good to double her salary. He agreed to that. I told him I would send a text message to Margaret telling her I had someone staying in the second master bedroom and that he had the run of the house. As we were working together, it started feeling like old times when Ethan and I would hang out together. We would sleep over at each other's houses, play sports together, go to the movies and just have fun together. Of course we did a few things that curious boys like to do. We compared to see who was the biggest. We touched each other a few times. When we started to cum, we would jerk each other off. That was as far as it went.

We went out to the patio and handed Ethan a beer. We sat on loungers looking out at the yard. "So you going to be able to start work soon, since you have a place to live?"

"I plan to call the chief of staff Monday and let him know I'm ready to start work, whenever he wants me to begin.

"Sounds good." I'm going to text Margaret and let her know you will be living here, and that her salary will be doubled. I had just finished texting. Was drinking my beer. And received a message from Margaret. "Bob, your a God send. I can really use the extra money right now. Look forward to meeting your room mate Monday." I told Ethan what she said. He seemed happy about that. He better, since I have to put up with his sorry ass.

Helping Ethan unpack and organize his bedroom, gave me a chance to check him out. He has grown into quite a handsome man. I would guess he's about six one or six two. Muscular. Stays in good shape. I'm sure being a doctor he eats healthy. He was really surprised about the home gym. I told him I usually get up early and exercise before showering and eating breakfast. He told me he would like to workout with me. He still has his black beard. He started growing that in high school. He had it in med school. And looks like he's kept it. It fits him well.

We were sipping on our beer, it was getting later. I told Ethan this would be my last beer. He agreed. We were both tired from unloading the truck. He said he might be able to get the rest of his things over here tomorrow. We finished our beer. I showed Ethan how to arm and disarm the alarm system, from inside and outside. I had earlier showed him the hidden button for the electric gate.

We shook hands and hugged. He was strong. He thanked me again for letting him live her. We each went to our bedrooms and closed the door. As soon as I got in my bedroom, I stripped down and put my clothes in the hamper. Wonder if Ethan would like my habit of going around the house naked? Will try to work into that. I jumped in the shower and got the dirt and grime rinsed off from our earlier work. Shut off my bedroom light and crawled into bed naked, as always. Looking around my bedroom in the dark, somthing didn't seem right. Then I noticed the door between the two bedrooms was open. I wasn't in the habit of closing it. Living here by myself I had no reason. I could see a light on in the other bedroom. I rolled over on my side and fell asleep.

Ethan was enjoying his large bedroom. He never had this much space. He noticed the open door between the two bedrooms, but didn't think anything of it. He figured Bob never closed it. He wouldn't have any reason too. I could see the lights were out in his bedroom. Bob was sure good looking. He was the stereotype looking doctor. Didn't notice if he had a big basket. I wonder if he remembered what we used to do as kids. Feeling each other, jerking and skinny dipping. I remember those times like it was yesterday. I wonder if I can start leaving some hints and see if he's interested. Sure like to sneak in his bedroom and check him out. I don't want to take a chance of waking him. I'll wait awhile, and then sneak in and see if I can take a peek.

Ethan couldn't sleep. He was hyped up with the move and the excitement of sneaking into Bob's bedroom. He thought he had waited long enough. He tip toed to the door and peeked in. He could barely see Bob. There was a ray of moonlight shining on the bed. He walked into the bedroom. He could hear Bob sleeping. He walked closer and was at the edge of the bed. He got down on his knees and slowly pulled the blanket and sheet down. Bob started moving on the bed. Ethan laid flat on the floor by the bed. He heard Bob sleeping. He looked up and he spread out on the bed on his back, part of his knee was sticking out of the sheet. That would be the perfect spot to take a look. Ethan slowly moved the sheet back and saw Bob's flaccid cock and big balls hanging down. Damn, Bob is big. He must be a good fat seven inches and look at those big balls. They would sure be a mouthful. I would like to feel that cock and big balls. I don't know if I dare do that. He's sleeping, he will never know what happened. Ethan reached over and felt Bob's cock. It was warm to the touch. Fit perfect in Ethan's hand. Now for those big balls. He cupped those balls in his hand. They filled his hand completely. Big and full. I should take a lick. See how he tastes. I can smell his musk coming off his cock and balls. Very manly and sexy. Ethan leaned over and licked the head of Bob's cock. He moved a little and Ethan backed off fast. He waited a bit. Then sucked on those big balls, yummy. Ethan couldn't get them both in his mouth at the same time, they were too big. I think that's enough for tonight. Ethan moved the sheet back over Bob. I'll wear some loose gym shorts tomorrow, no underwear and a cut off sweatshirt when we workout. Maybe he will notice. Ethan went back to his bedroom. He left the door open between the two bedrooms. He slowly nodded off.

Bob heard Ethan come into his bedroom. Bob was a light sleeper and any noise and he was awake. He pretended to be asleep. He moved on his back and spread out. He wanted to see what Ethan was up to. It suprised the heck out of Bob that Ethan would be so bold and touch and suck on him. It wasn't bad. There might be some possibilities there. I think I will wear my oldest gym shorts with holes and a cut off sweatshirt. Maybe Ethan will take a notice. Should be an interesting time working out. Maybe more than one kind of workout. Bob finally went to sleep.

Bob woke up. Looked at the clock it was just after 9:00am. Crawled out of bed. His morning woody was leading the way to the bathroom. He took a good long piss. Splashed a little water on his face. Dug out his old gym clothes from the dresser drawer, put on his sneakers and walked downstairs. Ethan was in the kitchen having a glass of orange juice. He had on some gym shorts and a cut off sweatshirt too. "How did you sleep your first night in a different bed?" I asked Ethan.

"Slept like a log. Went right to sleep." I was smiling to myself. Must have slept good after touching and sucking me. "You ready for a good morning workout?" "Sure am, let's do it."

We went down to the gym. "I usually warm up on the treadmill before doing my reps with the free weights." "That sounds like a good plan." We both started out a slow walking pace and then slowly built up the speed until we were jogging. I could see Ethan's cock and balls bouncing back and forth. I'm sure he saw me too. We were both sweating and eased the treadmill back down and then finally turned it off. Wiped some sweat off. Ethan did the same. "We going to spot for each other?" I asked Ethan. "Sure, who's going first?" "Why don't you set the bar with the weight you use and I'll spot for you." Ethan got the bar set with the weight he used, pretty close to what I use too. He laid down on the bench. I got over his face so he could get a good look up my old ragged gym shorts. He took a good look and then focused on doing his reps. I watched him as he was doing his reps. He looked like he was started to bulge his gym shorts. As he got to his last few reps he was started to struggle so I helped him with the bar. A couple of times, putting my hand on his. He didn't flinch or pull back so maybe something would happen. He rested for a couple of minutes on the bench while I got the bar ready for my reps. I used a bit more weight than Ethan. We switched positions. I laid down and got into position. Ethan made sure to get over my face. Looked up and saw he had a chubby started and it looked like a drop of precum was on his piss slit. Started my reps and felt my dick starting to plump up. Got close to finishing and really struggled with my last two reps. Ethan helped me putting his hands on mine like I had done with him. I was breathing hard and sweating when I finished. I just sat on the bench to regain my normal breathing. "That was a good workout Ethan, something I usually do in the morning and in the evening before dinner." "That sounds good to me. I really need to get back into working out. Being in med school and then my residency, I didn't have much free time to do anything."

"I think it's time for a shower and make us some breakfast." I told Ethan. "I need a shower, I'm pretty ripe after that workout." We cleaned off the bench and bar. As we got ready to walk upstairs. Ethan put an arm over my shoulder. We used to do that when we were kids. "What's that about Ethan?" "I just want to thank you for letting me live here with you. I wasn't sure you would agree to my being here." "Don't worry about it Ethan. When you first mentioned moving in, it was more of a surprise than anything. It looks like it's going to work out fine." "Glad you feel that way Bob. I wasn't sure." "Should we shower together like we used to do when we were kids?" Ethan asked me. "I think that would work. Let's give it a shot and see what comes up." Both of us laughing over that.

We made our way upstairs. I asked Ethan, "your shower or mine?" "Let's use yours." I got the water running to a good temperature, we stripped off our clothes. "My god Ethan, you look like a greek god. Your perfect." "Your pretty good yourself Bob." "This should make for an interesting shower." I told Ethan. He gave me a smile as we walked into the shower. We were semi hard. Ethan pulled me to him and gave one of the best loving kisses I've ever had. I was out of breath when he finished. Ethan said, "just like old times." Then I pulled Ethan into me, our chests and cocks rubbing together and gave him a long passionate kiss. We then proceeded to wash each other. The minute our hands touched each other we were instantly hard. We decided not to do anything more until we finished our shower, dried and went to the bed. Hugging and kissing each other. Rubbing and grinding our cocks together. Ethan looked to be just a bit bigger than me. Probably about seven and half inches of thick prime beef. His balls were big, close to my size. Those big balls were a big turnon for me. Then Ethan had me lay down as he started kissing my ears and neck. Working his way down and nibbled on my nipples and kissing them. Kissing over my abs and through my trimmed pubes and around the base of my cock. I could tell this wasn't his first time. He swirled his tongue around the head of my cock licking off my precum. He licked the sides of my shaft. He had me moaning and squirming on the bed. Then he slowly sucked me down to my pubes. Opening his throat and taking it all. That felt wonderful. He could tell I was getting close so he backed off. Then moved to my balls. Sucking on one then the other. Then he raised my legs and put a pillow under my ass. He then proceeded to give the most incredible rim job. He must have a big tongue because I could feel it rubbing on my prostate. He was driving me crazy with desire. He then went back to sucking me. I was holding the back of his head and fucking his mouth and throat. "Give it to me Bob, I want to taste your sweet nectar." He was sucking faster and I was fucking his mouth harder. Soon I shot out thick ropes of cum in his mouth and down his throat. He sucked it all out and swallowed it. He kept milking my cock to get all the last drops. Nothing like a good protein shake in the morning. I just laid there panting and breathing hard. Finally my breathing returned to normal. "How was that Bob?" "It was better than your tease last night." Ethan gave me a surprised look. "You knew I was in your bedroom last night?" "Yeah, I'm a light sleeper and I hear everything. I just pretended to be asleep. I wanted to see what you were going to do." "Your not mad at me?" "After what you just did, how could I be mad at you." We both smiled.

Now it's your turn for some pleasure. I could see Ethan's cock was hard and already leaking in anticipation. I started the same way. Kissing licking his ears and neck. Slowly working my way down to his pecs and nips. Biting and nibbling on his nips. Making them hard. Liked his little patch of chest hair. I had to feel that. Then kissed and licked, around his navel and over his abs. Then through his pubes, a little bushy, will need to trim them. Then around the base of his fat cock. Licked up to the tip and sucked out his precum. Ethan was moaning and enjoying my treatment. Then I slowly took him down to his pubes. Opening my throat and letting his precum drool down my throat. His precum tasted good. Was sticky and a bit sweet. When I felt him getting close I backed off. Then went down to those big delicious balls. And sucked on one and then the other. Couldn't take them both in my mouth. Put a pillow under his ass. Told him my tongue wasn't as big as his, so I might use a couple of fingers. Licked around his hole and then over it with my tongue. He was moaning louder and thrashing around on the bed. I spit on a couple of fingers and eased them in. Found his prostate and gave it a good working over. Went back up and took his cock down to his pubes and sucked him hard and fast. He was holding the back of my head and fucking my mouth hard and fast. I felt his cock harden and throb and then he blasted a big load in my mouth and down my throat. Swallowing to keep up with his big load. Damn, he must have been saving that. I managed to take it all. Milking his cock to get every last drop. Good to the last drop. We lay there looking at each other. Then started laughing. This was much hetter than when we were kids. We both agreed. I told Ethan I usually go around the house naked. He said that was fine with him. We were both hungry after our workouts.

We went downstairs and worked together making breakfast. We were done quick and breakfast was good. We ate at the patio table. Weather has been hot, so it was nice to be outside before it got hot. While we were eating Ethan got a call on his cell phone and walked away to talk. He told me the chief of staff called him and wanted him to come in Monday for some orientation, tour of the hospital and meet some of the staff. Tuesday he would meet with the other emergency doctors and he would start work Wednesday. "Sounds good Ethan. Your going to be busy starting Monday." "Yeah faster than I expected, but that's good, I'm ready to start work."

We didn't do much Sunday. Was still a little tired from the move. He ate soup and sandwiches for lunch. Then went out to the back patio and drank a few beers. We didn't workout. We started getting tired so we agreed we'd sleep in my bed. I had Ethan mess his bed so it looked like he slept in it. Didn't want to raise any suspicions with Margaret. We slept together naked. Hugged and kissed and snuggled up tight to each. Before we knew it. We were fast asleep.

Monday morning arrived. We didn't work out. Ethan was hyped about going to the hospital. And I was still dragging my ass around. Will get a workout in tonight. We both showered together. We managed to get a jerk off together. We dried each other. Ethan went to his bedroom to get dressed as did I. We both came downstairs. I wanted to introduce Ethan to Margaret. We all greeted each other. Margaret said it was a pleasure to meet Ethan and glad he was staying here at the house. I told Margaret, that Ethan was in the other master bedroom. "No problem Bob, I just need to make enough food now for two." I told Ethan that Margaret puts our food in containers to warm in the microwave. Margaret made her famous omelette. Ethan really enjoyed his. We thanked Margaret for breakfast and we both headed out our separate ways for work.

It was a regular Monday for me. Still plugging away on the vaccines for the kids. Glad the day went by fast. Wanted to get home and see how Ethan's day went for home. I did my reports. No emails or messages. Closed the office, told the gals good bye, and headed home.

Got home and Margaret had left for the day. Ethan wasn't back yet. Looked like he was having a long day. Checked the frig and Margaret had our meals ready to be warmed. Checked upstairs and noticed everything was as neat as a pin. Thought I'd change into my workout clothes and wait a few minutes for Ethan. I went out to the patio. It was still in the 80's. But with a large part of the patio covered. It didn't feel as hot. Waited and waited, no Ethan. I went inside to go downstairs when the door opened and Ethan walked in. We hugged and kissed and we went back to the patio to talk. Ethan told me he had a tour of the hospital. The emergency area with four large rooms for patients. A large receiving area for the ambulances. All the necessary equipment was there. The two emergency nurses he met had been working at the hospital for over six years. They were very helpful and really knew their job. He had a long meeting with the chief of staff. He told Ethan that he expected great things from him. He came highly recommended and thought he would fit in perfect in their emergency staff. Ethan would round out their emergency team as the fourth doctor. He was told a lot of his time he would be on call. Ethan said he was given a pager, but it wouldn't be activated until Wednesday. Ethan said tomorrow he would have meetings with some of the staff and another meeting with the other three emergency doctors. Overall, he said he was very impressed and felt he made the right decision working at Regional Hospital. "That's great Ethan. You want to change and workout, or skip working out and just eat?" "Let me get changed and we will work out first and then eat." "I asked him if he needed any help?" "You can watch if you want."

We went upstairs and I sat on Ethan's bed and watched him strip all his clothes off. I could watch him over and over again. He was being a bit of a tease and giving me a show while he took his clothes off. He got right in front of me when he took his boxers off. His dick was already chubbing. I gave it a good feel and kiss. He then took some gym clothes out of a dresser drawer and asked me to put them on him. I was there in a flash putting on his shorts. Slowly pulling them up his legs and letting them get stuck on his balls and then his dick. Finally pulled them up all the way. Of course, getting some good feels in along the way. Then put his shirt over his head. Once over his head. I moved in close so our dicks were rubbing together and kissing him as I moved his shirt through his arm openings. Got it in place. Let him put on his sneakers. Didn't want to smell his stinky feet.

We went downstairs and did our warmup. Then did our lifting. The more we worked out the hornier and harder we got. By the time we were done we were both sticking out the sides of our gym shorts. We wiped the sweat off and went upstairs. We passed on dinner till later and went to my bedroom. We stripped of our gym clothes and get into a hot sixty nine sucking each other until we had mind blowing orgasms. We decided that was enough for right now. We needed to eat dinner and then have a shower after working out. We warmed our dinner. Ate out on the patio table. It was a nice evening. The weather had cooled down and was a comfortable temperature. We ate our dinner. We both talked again about our day. We went to Ethan's bedroom and used his shower. We got in and lathered each other. We paid special attention to our cocks, balls and asses. Ethan had me bend over and put my hands on the wall. I felt something warm. Ethan was giving me another great rim job. He had me leaking like crazy. He then slid a lathered finger in my ass and moved it around. Then he inserted a second finger, finding my prostate. Then I felt the hard head of his cock poking at my hole. I reached back and spread my cheeks and the head of his cock slid right in. Soon he was fucking me hard and fast. The head of his cock kept rubbing back and forth on my prostate. I thought I was going to cum. I felt Ethan's cock harden and soon my colon was bathed with a nice warm feeling. He filled my ass good. Then it was my turn. I had him do the same. Bend over and put his hands on the wall. Rimmed his ass good. Sticking my tongue in and out of his hole. Then worked a couple of fingers in his ass. Remembered where his prostate was. He reached back and spread his cheeks and I shoved my cock in right up to my balls. He gave out a moan. I fucked him hard and fast. I soon was climaxing in his hole. Filling him up with a big load. We decided to keep each other's loads in our ass all night. We dried off and relaxed on the bed for a bit. It was still early so we decided to have some beer and watch a movie downstairs.

We made our way downstairs hugging and kissing as we went. I was really enjoying Ethan's companionship. I like him a lot, but I wouldn't say I love him. That I was saving that for that special someone. Ethan was great, but not the person I would want to spend the rest of my life with. We made our way to the movie room. Ethan liked mystery spy movies like I did. I found an Agatha Christie movie that we hadn't seen. We enjoyed the movie to the end. Ate all our popcorn. We agreed it was time for bed.

When we got to the bedroom we crawled into bed, naked of course. We kissed and hugged and rubbed our hardons together. We moved around into a sixty nine. I sucked Ethan to his pubes as he did to me. We fingered each other's holes, rubbing on our prostates. Finding our prostates brought us over the edge, and we were soon filling each other's mouths with a big hot load. I could still fill Ethan's big load sloushing around in my hole. I turned off the light. Set the alarm, pulled the covers up and went to sleep with Ethan cuddling me from behind. Felt his big dick in the crack of my ass. He hugged me tight to him and we fell asleep.

We woke up to the alarm going off. I set it for later, thought we needed a good nights sleep. We wouldn't have time to workout, but we could workout tonight. We showered, finishing by sucking off each other's morning woodies. That was pretty hot. Ethan gives a great blowjob. We dried off and he went to his bedroom to get dressed. I went downstairs for breakfast. Talked to Margaret for a bit until Ethan arrived. We ate our breakfast. Said our good byes to Margaret and headed out to work. Work for me and meetings today for Ethan.

My day was typical. Still doing the vaccines. Shirley said we were getting close to finishing. Thank God. I don't want to see another Covid vaccine for a long time. It will be nice to be doing physicals and fixing broken bones and helping expecting mother's, to name a few things. It was already time to close up shop. Said good bye to Janice and Shirley and went straight home. Didn't have any errands or places to go.

Ethan was already home. He said his meetings went well and finished early. He said the chief of staff had made some changes in the work schedule for the emergency doctors. They would work during the day in groups of two. Work four days and then have two days off, while the other team of two doctors worked. They would be on a rotating schedule for on call emergency work. Ethan seemed to like that. He said he would work the next four days with another emergency doctor. Margaret left and we said our good byes. We decided not to work out and take a day off. We stripped down naked and warmed up our dinner. We ate dinner and then relaxed on the patio with a cold beer. We drank a few beers, talked more about our work and how great we were getting along. I agreed with everything Ethan said. It was getting late and we were started to nod off. We went upstairs to Ethan's bedroom and went to bed. We had great sex. He set the alarm early. He said we're working out tomorrow morning early. We were soon asleep.

Ethan's work was going well. He had already received a lot of praise from the other emergency doctors and the chief of staff. He liked the schedule he was working. He worked hard and some days he put in long hours. Over time he started getting home later and later. I asked him if everything was ok. He said, "just been a lot of work lately." I agreed with him, but in the back of my mind I was a little suspicious. Our sex had slackened and he didn't seem to have the interest that he used to.

One night Ethan came home really late. I was already in bed. It sounded like someone else was with him. I waited awhile and listened at the adjoining room door. There was definitely somebody else with him. It was a man. I could tell by the deep voice. I could make out a little of their conversation. "You're a much better lover than Bob. Bob is so boring and it's the same thing over and over again." "Glad I can fill in the gap," the other guy said. "You sure fill my gap," said Ethan. I heard them kissing and they must have went to Ethan's bed. I heard Ethan, "oh yeah, fuck me harder, deeper, you feel so good. So much better than Bob." "I heard the guy moan and grunt and I knew he was filling Ethan's ass with his load." That was all I needed to hear and I was going to be sure to be up early, before they got up. It would give me time to find out what exactly is going on. And get this settled.

I had a restless nights sleep. Thankfully, today was a workday and not the weekend. I took a quick shower and get dressed for work. I knew Ethan and his friend hadn't gotten up yet. I went downstairs. It was early and Margaret hadn't arrived yet. I went outside and got my newspaper from the mailbox. Went back and started looking through it in the living room. Not much of interest in the paper. Checked the sports section and my favorite team was still in second place. Checked the health section, liked to read what other doctors had to say about our personal health. I heard Margaret come in. "Good morng Margaret." I took Margaret by surprise. "Good morning Bob. Didn't expect to see you up and dressed this early." "I didn't sleep well and thought I'd get up early." "Where's Ethan?" "He's not up yet." "Go ahead and start breakfast Margaret, just make enough for me." Margaret gave me a strange look, "what about Ethan?" "I'll tell you tonight when I get home from work." "All I'll say right now is that Ethan had a guest stay with him and he will be leaving and moving in with his guest." "I'm sorry to hear that Bob, I thought everything was working out great for you two." "Like I said Margaret, I will give you all the details tonight when I get home from work."

Just then I saw Ethan coming downstairs. "Good morning Margaret and Bob." I just glared at him. Margaret said, "good morning." "Is something wrong Bob?" "You could say that. Let's go out to the patio and have a little talk." "Margaret, hold my breakfast for me." We walked out to the patio and I closed the doors. "What's the matter Bob, you look upset?" "Was wondering where your friend was?" Ethan's face turned white as a sheet. "How did you know about my friend?" "You guys weren't exactly quiet last night, especially when you were having sex." "Listen Bob, I can explain everything." "There's nothing to explain. I expect you to pack up your things and be out of my house in two days at the latest. You can move in with your lover. As you called him last night." "But Bob, he was just an acquaintance." "Not according to your conversation before you had sex." "Margaret is fixing breakfast just for me. You two can go to a restaurant for breakfast. Like I said, I want you out of my house in two days or less and I expect you to pay Margaret for this month. It was an experience. I see you can't change old habits. Your back to your old snobby, arrogant self. I thought you had changed. That was a big mistake on my part. This is all I have to say. I going to eat my breakfast and go to work. I don't want to see you when I get home. You can move your things when I'm not here."

I went back into the kitchen and ate my breakfast. Leaving Ethan out on the patio. Ethan and his guest will be eating breakfast at the Main Street Diner. "Talk to you more when I get home. If there are any problems with Ethan and his guest. Give me a call on my cell phone and I'll take care of it. I told Ethan I didn't want to see him when I get home." I thanked Margaret for a good breakfast, gave her a peck on the cheek and left for work.

Ethan drug his sorry ass back in from the patio. I was thinking about what Bob had said. He was wondering how he could have messed up so bad. He had it going good at Bob's house. Bob had him pegged correctly, but he wasn't going to admit it. He didn't say anything to Margaret, went up to his bedroom and told his lover what had happened. He told Ethan it was probably for the best and he could move into his house. He has a friend that runs a moving company and they can come over and box everything and move to his house. Let me know when they will be here so I can be here too and show them what needs to be boxed and moved. Ethan's lover was none other than the new cardiologist at the Regional Hospital. They met at work and hit it off right away. Ethan's late night coming back to Bob's house he was spending with Mark, the cardiologist. They showered and dressed. Went downstairs together. Margaret didn't look at them. Ethan told Margaret they were leaving for work and would eat at the Main Street Diner. There would be a moving company coming today and he would be back to show them what to pack and move. And Ethan said, "don't worry Margaret, I will pay for the whole month." They left for breakfast and work.

After Ethan and his guest left. Margaret sat down in the kitchen, thinking about all she had heard. Poor Bob was all that she could think. I never liked Ethan from the beginning. There was something about him that I felt, and it wasn't right. I think it's good that Ethan will be out of Bob's life. I won't touch anything in the other bedroom. Ethan said they would start moving things today.

Bob's day was going fast and busy. He was glad. It kept his mind off of everything that had transpired with Ethan. He was hoping that he would have everything moved when he got home today and not have to see him anymore.

Ethan received a call from Mark, that the moving company was waiting out on the street in front of Bob's house. They knew at work that Ethan would have to leave for awhile. He told his superior he had received the call on moving his things. He would try to get back as soon as possible. Ethan arrived at Bob's house. He pressed the hidden button so the gate would open. They all drove in. Margaret heard them and looked out the window. She would pretend she was busy in the kitchen. Ethan opened the door and told Margaret he was back with the moving company. Margaret didn't say anything. They went up to the other bedroom and Ethan showed the movers what was to be packed and moved. They knew where Mark lived. They told Ethan they would have this done in a couple of hours. It would take the longest boxing everything and loading it into the truck. Ethan thanked them and told them to call him when they finished. He paid the moving company. "I need to get back to work. Thanks for doing this so quick." "No problem. It's our job." Ethan left them to their work. He went downstairs and paid Margaret for the whole month. "Thank you Margaret for everything." Margaret just looked at him. Ethan left and went back to work. In about three hours he received a call from the moving company, that they had finished. Ethan called Mark to let him know the movers were finished.

Bob finished his day. Wasn't sure what to expect when he got home. He didn't receive a call from Margaret, so the move must have went ok with no problems. He drove straight home. When he got in the house, he didn't see Ethan. He asked Margaret, "is he gone?" "Margaret said yes and all his things. The movers were able to move everything." "That's good to hear. Glad he's gone." "Take a seat Margaret and I'll fill you in on everything I know." Margaret pulled up chair and let Bob tell her everything. Finally, she told Bob, "I never liked Ethan from when I first met him. I got this strange feeling everytime I was around him. To be truthful, I'm glad he's gone. Can I ask you a personal question?" "Of course Margaret." "Were you in love with Ethan?" "No, Margaret, why would you think that?" "I saw the way you too looked at each other, it was like two lovers." "No Margaret, I didn't love Ethan, we had been good friends off and on, I thought he had changed, boy was I wrong. He went back to his snobby, arrogant self. That's why I'm glad he's gone." "Sorry Bob, didn't mean to pry into your private life." "Don't worry about it Margaret, I hope he can find happiness, but I doubt it. He has a lot to learn about relationships and loving. Let's leave it at that Margaret and let's be glad he's not here anymore."

After that I never heard from Ethan anymore. I never saw him. I was glad he worked at the hospital. Because I never go there. If I need to refer a patient, I do all the referrals by phone. Over time, I heard the person he moved in with was the new cardiologist at the hospital. How convenient. I was wondering how long the cardiologist could put up with Ethan. I think I should contact Alec. We talk off and on. When we stopped being together, we separated as friends. Alec is a pure classic player. I would like to talk to Alec about Ethan. Be nice to for Ethan to get played like how he likes to play people. I think I'll give Alec a call right now.

End of Chapter 5 - Ethan

Chapter 6 Coming Soon

A special thank you to, Ryan, Geoff, Justin and Matt. I appreciate your comments and suggestions. They have been incorporated in this chapter.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 6

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