My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Nov 7, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 4

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 4. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 4 - Drake

I got home from work. Margaret had left early, some of her relatives were coming for a few days to visit. I kicked off my shoes in the living room and just relaxed. It gave me time to reflect and comtemplate on my relationships. I was wondering what I was doing wrong. Alec was a no go from the being. Brock and I had really something going. Then his work called him away, and now he's gone permanently. Cotton was fun, intelligent, but too young. All these relationships were like a roller coaster. We would reach a plateau were everything was going great, and then it came crashing down. In this small town it's hard to find someone to be with, let alone have a relationship. Will keep my eyes open and if the opportunity arises, I will give it another shot.

Relaxed on the sofa, stripped my clothes off and got naked. Was horny all day. Didn't jerk off in the shower this morning. Had a towel laying in the living room. Picked it up and brought it over. Spit down on my hardon and gave it a couple of slow strokes. It repsonded right away to my touch. Throbbing and leaking. Put some precum on a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole. Working over my prostate. Started getting a tingling feeling all over. Every time I rub my prostate I get that feeling. Picked up the speed on my jerking. Felt good. But feels better when someone else is doing it. Worked my fingers faster in my ass, and jerked at rapid speed. Laid my head back, closed my eyes and just enjoyed all the feelings that were going through me. My cock hardened in my hand and I started shooting out a big load. Felt my balls draining. Wow, what a rush. Just laid there sweating and breathing hard. Pulled my fingers out of my ass. Once my breathing returned to normal. I wiped myself off. I had cum all over my chest and abs. Didn't hit my face this time.

Walked into the kitchen and warmed my dinner. While my food was warming I took my towel and clothes upstairs and threw them in the hamper. Walked downstairs and dinner was ready. Fixed my plate. Grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the the living to watch the news and check on a good football game after.

Finished eating. The local news was over. National news was just playing the same news over and over. Found a good game on. Took my dishes out to the kitchen and that filled the dishwasher. Set the cycle for cleaning and drying. Grabbed a beer and went back to the living room to watch the game. It was just starting. It was a good game, but couldn't really focus on it. My mind kept wandering back to my past friends. Thinking, what did I do wrong. It was a strange set of circumstances, that as soon as I got close to someone, something happened and they were gone. I must be a jinx. I told myself, Bob, it's time to get out of this slump. Start exercising again. Go to the diner for lunch. Go all out and make a reservation at Milo's for a good dinner and then go to The In and Out Bar. You haven't done anything wrong. The more I thought about it. The more I thought about it, the more that sounded like the right thing to do. I needed to get out of this rut I put myself in. I'm going to eat lunch tomorrow at the diner. Have a good workout before work. Make a reservation at Milo's for a good Saturday night dinner. Then go to the In and Out Bar. I felt better once I cleared that up with myself. Enjoyed the last two quarters of the game.

Was tired when the game finished. Not working out makes me feel sluggish and not have the energy I usually do. Also, putting the extra stress on myself wasn't helping either. Turned off the tv. Got up, armed my alarm system. Went upstairs. Took a shower before I turned in. Was already naked, so I walked into the shower and got the water to my preferred temperature. Set the shower to massage and let it massage my shoulders and neck. That helped me relax, but made me horny. I let the water hit my balls. Oh my god, what a rush that was. Thought I was going to cum instantly. Eased off that. Stuck a couple of fingers in my hole and worked my prostate good. Using the soap to rub my cock. Got hard immediately. Got a good rhythm going, working my prostate and jerking. Soon I was moaning and grunting and shooting out all over my chest, almost hitting my face. Rinsed myself off. Turned off the water, walked out and dried off. Set my alarm for 6:00am. That would give me an hour to get a good workout in before getting ready for work. Then I crawled into bed. I went right to sleep. After my couple of good jerk off sessions, I was relaxed and sleepy.

Woke up to the alarm going off. Felt rested. Threw on some old gym clothes and hauled my ass downstairs to workout. This should be interesting since I haven't worked out for a few days. Did some stretching and then a quick warm up on the treadmill. Went through my reps with the weights. Actually, my workout went better than I thought it would. Felt some burn and knew I would have some sore muscles. It was just after 7:00am. Margaret was busy in the kitchen. Told Margaret good morning and went upstairs to shower and dress for work. Was really tenting my gym shorts. Take care of that in the shower. For some reason, the hot water is a big turn on for me.

Rubbed out a big load in the shower. I was wobbly and had to steady myself. Turned off the shower, walked out and got dressed. Walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Smells good Margaret."

"Hope you like it, Bob?"

"If it is as delicious as it smells, I know I will."

Finished breakfast. Told Margaret good bye and have a good day.

I left for work. I was the first to arrive. Like getting to work early. Was reading over information on the vaccines for kids. Heard Shirley and Janice arrive.

The school wanted to send over the kids by busloads. I told them I didn't think that was a good idea. With social distancing and a small waiting room, it wasn't feasible. Besides the kids like being with a parent when they are vaccinated. They don't like needles. Janice is very good administering the vaccines. We give all our patients a card with the date and name of the their vaccine. We also put the date for the second vaccine. Usually four weeks after their first vaccine.

Told Shirley I was going to take about an hour lunch. Wanted some time to relax. I hadn't been to the diner in a few days. Millie probably thought I was sick or didn't want to eat at the diner anymore.

Millie was busy primping in front of the mirror. Fixing her hair, adjusting her uniform so her boobs projected nicely. Put on her signature bright red lipstick. Millie was hoping Bob was coming for lunch today. She missed that hot hunky doctor. She would give anything for one night with the doctor. She wondered if it was true what they say about doctors. She would have to check the size of Bob's hands and feet. Millie would like to feel those muscular arms. She knew if she touched him, she'd probably have an orgasm right there and then. She needed to think about work. Bob might not even come for lunch today.

Lunch time was approaching. The morning went quick. Told Shirley and Janice I was leaving for lunch. Going to the diner. Would be back just after 1:00pm.

Walked down to the diner. Felt good to finally change my routine and get out of my rut. Had a spring in my step as I walked to the diner. Was hoping Millie was working. Like her flirting and I like giving it back to her.

Walked in and took a table by a front window. Didn't see that car parked in the parking lot, that had been following me. That brought back memories of Cotton. What a likeable young man. Wish I would hear from him. I know he's very busy and just starting his job, probably doesn't get much free time. Looked around the diner, saw Alec sitting at a table on the side. Looked like he was finishing. Alec doesn't bother me, we've never been together again. I will just feel a bit more comfortable when he leaves.

I saw Millie. She looked a little different. Have to take a closer look when she comes to the table, see if I can figure out what she has changed.

Oh god, there's Bob. Was hoping he'd come for lunch. He gets me so flustered. I better go in the bathroom and put a sanitary napkin in my panties. If I start leaking or having an orgasm, don't want my panties soaked. I'm going to touch his arm. I know we aren't supposed to have contact with the customers. Especially with the Covid virus still running rampant. But I'll make it look like an accident.

Millie walked over to my table. Noticed she was kind of flushed in the face. She had a new hairdo. That's what was different. "Millie your looking prettier and sweeter every day."

"Bob, bet you say that to all your female friends?"

"Nope, just my special Millie."

I hope Bob doesn't notice. I can feel my juices starting to flow. I handed Bob the menu and brushed my hand against his arm. That's all it took and I have a waterfall between my legs."Sorry Bob, didn't mean to brush your arm."

"No problem Millie. Don't worry about it." Could see Millie a little unsteady on her feet. I had her take a seat at my table. "You ok Millie?"

"You looked like you were going to faint." I put some of my cold water on a napkin and put it on Millie's forehead. That seemed to help her a lot.

"I feel better Bob, thank you. Glad we have a doctor here."

"Just sit for a minute or two. And when you get up, get up slowly."

Millie got up slowly.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel much better. Just a little wet." Oh god, why did I say that. "I mean the water on my forehead."

I looked at Millie a little funny.

"Would you like to order Bob?"

"Yes, I'll have the special. Soup and sandwich with a cup of black coffee."

"I'll be right back with your order."

Watched Millie leave my table. She seemed ok. Saw Alec pay his tab and leave. We nodded to each other and then he left. I felt better that he was gone.

Millie brought my lunch. "You feeling ok now, Millie?"

"Yes Bob." Giving me a big smile and a peek at her big tits when she leaned over.

Millie thought to herself. I need to get to the employee's bathroom quick. She went in the bathroom. Her sanitary pad was soaked, but luckily none of her orgasm went into her panties. She wiped herself off and threw the pad in the sanitary pad disposal.

I finished my lunch. Paid my bill and left a good tip for Millie. And left for work.

Got back just after 1:00pm like I planned. Shirley told me my first afternoon appointment was waiting. Finished my patients for the day. Nothing major. Still give a lot of Covid vaccines to the young kids. Finished my reports on the computer. Checked for any email and missed cell phone calls. Nothing. So I closed my office, said my goodbyes to Shirley and Janice and left for the day.

The rest of the week went about the same. Ate lunch at the diner every day. Still administered vaccines to the young kids. We have a long ways to go to get them all vaccinated. Left an order for medical supplies for Shirley to call in and to check if they had more vaccines available.

Every day when I got home, I worked out. And every morning before breakfast I worked out. Was feeling much better and getting out of my rut. Looked more trim and fit. Lost my panch. Managed to jerk off in the shower before work, in the living room watching tv and sometimes when I went to bed. I was jerking off almost as much as when I was a teenager. But I sighed, I need to find someone for companionship. Someone that would be a good friend and like a lot of the some things that I do.

Friday finally came. Got home stripped off my work clothes, but on some gym shorts, tshirt and sneakers and went downstairs to workout. Said good bye to Margaret and she left for the day. Worked out longer and was using more weights. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had already passed. Wiped off my sweat. Put the weights back and cleaned everything off. Went back up to my bedroom. Took a a quick shower. Was sporting a hardon. Always get hard when I workout. Dried off and walked back downstairs naked, took some shorts with me in case I had a surprise guest and a towel and lube. Warmed up my dinner. Ate in the living room watching tv. Rubbing my balls in between bites of food. My cock was already sticking straight up and leaking. Used my precum as dip and put some of my food in my precum and then ate it. Not bad. Might have do that more often. Finished eating, took my dishes out to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. I remembered I wanted to go out tomorrow night, Saturday, to Milo's and treat myself to a good dinner. Went back to the living room and speed dialed Milo's.

"Hello this is Milo's Supper Club. How may I help you?

Sounded like Martin's voice, but wasn't sure. "This is Bob and I like to make a reservation tomorrow night at 7:00pm for one."

"Ok Bob, your reservation is made. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening?"

"Thank you." Ended the call. Then thought about going to the In and Out Bar after. I think I'll do that. I need to start going out more. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.

Went to bed early Friday night. Wanted a good rest for going out Saturday night. Saturday was pretty uneventful. Worked out, ate breakfast, showered and dressed in some old sweats. Didn't jerk off Friday night or Saturday morning. Was saving up, for what, I had no idea. Went to the outdoor patio. Had my laptop with me. Wanted to read some more of my information I had received on the Covid-19 vaccines. Must of it has been boring. I fell asleep and woke up at 5:45pm. I needed to get ready to go out tonight. Takes a good 45-50 minutes to get to Milo's and if traffic is heavy, it can take longer.

Ran upstairs and picked out the clothes I wanted to wear. Nothing real fancy. Just more of a sporty casual look. Looked at myself in the mirror. Definitely working out more is showing. Could see the outline of my muscles through my clothes. Not bad, I thought. Checked the house, grabbed my car keys and left for Milo's.

Arrived at Milos' at 6:55pm. Just in time. Traffic was moderately heavy. But Milo's, being kind of an out of the way place, traffic wasn't too bad. Walked up and Martin opened the door for me. "Hello, Martin."

"You remember me. Nice to see you here Bob. Let me show you to your table. Would you like to order right away, or have a drink before your meal?"

"I'll have a scotch and water on the rocks."

"Very good. I'll be right back with your drink."

Martin came back with my drink. "I see your here by yourself Bob. I might be a bit forward. If you looking to have some fun there is a porn shop about a half mile past the In and Out Bar. No strings attached, everything is anonymous."

I gave Martin a stare. It took him back a bit. I didn't know if I should be mad, thank him, or just ignore his information. I said, "thank you for the information Martin, not sure I'm interested, I'm not desparate to be with someone."

"Sorry Bob. I know I was too forward. Forget I said anything."

"No problem Martin. I'll keep the information in the back of my mind. Come back in a few minutes and I'll be ready to order." I looked around Milo's. Saw a few people that have been to the clinic. The supper club was very busy. Didn't see Alec, which was kind of a relief. Didn't feel like seeing him. Wanted to enjoy myself being out for a change.

Martin came back to the table and asked me if I was ready to order. I asked him what the special was, he said blackened rib eye steak. I declined the special. Too much fat on a rib eye steak. They are delicious, but I need to pass. I ordered a lobster prepared with butter and garlic. I told Martin to tell the chef to be light on the butter.

Martin brought my dinner. It was delicious as always. Ordered an after dinner drink. Sipped on that and thought about what Martin had said about the porn shop, just past the In and Out Bar. I remembered in college when a bunch of us guys went to a porn shop. Mainly out of curiosity. We looked at some of the magazines. Joked about the sex toys. Noticed there was a theater in the back and viewing rooms on each side of the hallway. We didn't stay long and left. I was thinking about buying a dildo. Be nice to use on my ass. I'm not getting any action and I like my ass played with. I finished my drink. Paid Martin and left a good tip. Told Martin bye and he gave me a wink.

Got in the car and drove over to the In and Out Bar.

It only took about 15 minutes to get to the bar. The parking had a few cars. It was early for the In and Out Bar. I remember Brock telling me the bar started getting busy around nine or nine thirty. It was just five minutes before eight now. Got out of the car and walked up to the bar. Didn't hear any music. Walked in and there were a few guys milling around. A few at tables and a couple of guys at the bar. Walked up to the bar and bought a scotch and water on the rocks. Went back to a table and looked around. The bar seemed strange to me now, that Brock wasn't working here anymore. Got a few stares from the guys and winks. But I wasn't interested in hooking up with anyone. Finished my drink. Pondered if I should order another drink and then head to the porn shop. I thought what the heck, it's the weekend, I'll have another drink. Walked up to the bar, ordered another drink and went back to the table. The way the bartender was looking at me, I thought I was going to get another card with a name and phone number. Remember that from Brock and Alec. Didn't see anyone I knew. Was glad Alec wasn't at the bar. He probably came later. Was thinking if I wanted to go to the porn shop or not. I thought, it's early, I'll check it out when I finish this drink. Finish my drink, tipped the bartender and left the gay bar.

I remember Martin saying the porn shop was just a short distance past the In and Out Bar. I headed in that direction, going slow. I saw a neon sign by the highway, "The Big One." Figured that must be the porn shop. Just a couple of cars parked in front. Good, I thought to myself. Won't be busy. Make my purchase and leave. Walked in. Typical porn shop. Aisles of magazines, books, videos. Back wall had an assortment of toys. I found what I was looking for. A big eight inch dildo with a suction base. I wanted to put on the wall in the shower and then I could back into it. I thought I heard a voice I recognized in the back. Must be where the booths and movie theater are. I thought for a couple of minutes. That's Alec's voice. Picked up the dildo, went to the counter and paid for it. Didn't want Alec to see me. Was wondering why he was in the porn shop. Left the porn shop quickly. Was excited and nervous about my purchase. The excitement of being in the porn shop and my purchase made me hard. Rubbed and squeezed my bulge in the car. Have to try out my purchase when I get home.

Didn't take long to get home. Wonder why when your going home, it seems like it doesn't take as long as when you go to your appointment or destination? Pushed the button, the gate opened and went in. Opened the garage door and parked inside. Thought I better check my mail. So I walked out to the front gate. I have a unique mailbox. The mailman can open the front to put my mail. I can open the back to remove my mail. From the front, it looks like it is nestled in the stone around the gate. It works well for me. Opened up my side of the mailbox. No mail, but an envelope. All it said on the front was, For Bob. Interesting. I took that envelope and walked back to the house.

When I got inside, I went to the living room. Turned on a sports channel. Settled down on the couch. Opened the envelope. There was a note inside the envelope. All it said was, This is Drake, My family and I would like to invite you to a barbeque next Saturday at 1:00pm. We are your new neighbors. We want to get acquainted with our neighbors. Will be just a few people. Friends of my family and my neighbors. Dress is casual. Looking forward to seeing you next Saturday. Please call at the following number to confirm your coming or not coming. Drake.

Looked over the note a couple of times. Made me think of doing an open house. I wanted to have my renovations done and the pool operating first. That's still a ways down the road. Thought I'd call Drake this coming week. Around the middle of the week. Wednesday after work, would be a good day to call. Like to meet him and his family.

Thought about my new toy. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. Had to try it out. I have a seat in my shower. So I will put it on the seat using the suction cup. Then I can sit down over it. I stripped down and took the dildo into the shower with me. I was rock hard in anticipation. Fixed the dildo to the seat. Put some soap on my hole and eased some in with a couple of fingers. Soaped the dildo and positioned myself above it. Slowly lowered my ass down on the dildo. Oh my god, what a sensation. Not as great as the real thing. But still felt damn good. I soon had all eight inches up my hole. Started moving up and down on the dildo, stroking my cock at the same time. Could tell this wouldn't take long. Went faster and faster. I was shaking and hollering. Soon my cum blasted out, hitting the shower wall. Eased off the dildo. Wow, that really works. Cleaned off the dildo and myself. Dried off and found a secure place to hide my dildo. Didn't want Margaret finding that.

The days went by fast and Wednesday was fast approaching. Used my dildo every other day at night in bed. Didn't want to overdo it. I didn't want to wear out the dildo and get calluses in my ass. The dildo did feel good rubbing over my prostate. I found a good place to hide my dildo, so Margaret wouldn't find it. Put it in a box behind some clothes on the top shelf in my walk in closet. Ate lunch every day at the diner. Millie seemed to be better. Not as flustered and flushed like that one day. We were busy administering vaccines to the young kids. We were whittling down our lists of kids. But still had a long way to go.

Had my daily workout in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. Was looking good. Back in good shape again. Had some good definition going on. Not body builder muscles, but well defined. Had my washboard abs back and lost my panch. Should turn a few heads when I go to the barbeque Saturday. Also, my daily workouts on my cock. Had some good jerk off sessions in the shower and on the couch after working out. Had sort of stopped jerking off at night before bed. Twice a day seemed to be enough relief for me.

Wednesday finally arrived. Went for lunch at my usual time. Had called in my order so it would be ready when I got to the diner. Millie was back in form. Flirting and hanging around my table as much as she could. Paid for my lunch, tipped Millie and walked back to the clinic. The afternoon went fast. Had Janice doing the vaccines. I did a couple of physicals for two guy's work. Do a lot of physicals. Haven't had anything major happen. Knock on wood. I'm sure the day is coming. It's in the numbers.

The day ended. I was kind of tired. Left the office and drove home. Parked in the garage. Told Margaret good night. She was on her way out when I got home. Arrived home a little later than usual. Went upstairs and put on some gym clothes. Took the envelope with the note out of the drawer in the night stand. Took it downstairs and laid it on the coffee table. Will call Drake after I workout. That should be a good time to call. Went downstairs and worked out. Working out now, almost an hour and a half. Felt good as usual after a good workout. Wiped off my sweat with a towel and went upstairs and showered. Flopped down on the couch and took the note out of the envelope. Will call Drake.

Put the number into my phone and pressed call. "Hello, this is Drake speaking."

Nice deep voice. Makes me think of Brock's voice. "Hello Drake, this is Bob calling. You had put a note in my mailbox about a barbeque on Saturday, for neighbors and friends."

"Thanks for giving me a call. You live a couple of houses down from us."

"Yes, that's me."

"Are you planning to come to the barbeque?"

"Yes, that is why I'm calling. Would like to come to the barbeque and meet your family. Do I need to bring anything?"

"No, just yourself. We are well supplied and ready for Saturday."

"Ok, look forward to meeting you on Saturday and your family. I will bring one thing. My appetite."

Heard Drake laughing. "Ok, sounds good Bob. Look forward to meeting you Saturday. Thanks again for the call."

"See you Saturday. Good bye."


That went well. Very pleasant sounding man. I wonder if he is as hot as his voice. I will find out Saturday. But he has a family. Will have to play it cool and see what transpires. Thinking, where are these thoughts coming from?

After Drake hangs up the phone, he's thinking. Bob sure was pleasant on the phone. Like his deep voice. I hear my partner Pete ask me, "who was that on the phone, love?"

"It was Bob calling to confirm coming on Saturday for the barbeque."

"Who's Bob?"

"Bob is the new doctor that lives a couple houses down from us. He's in that two story Victorian house with the security gate and stone wall around the property."

"I remember the place. Glad he's coming. Like to meet him. And get in good graces with a doctor."

Watched a good football game on tv. Ran upstairs and got my dildo, a towel and some lube, and ran back downstairs. Lubed the dildo and my ass. Started rubbing the dildo over my hole. My cock was instantly hard. Put some lube on my cock. Pushed the head of the dildo into my hole. Gave out a grunt. It felt good going in. Started slow stroking my cock. Then slowly pushed the dildo all the way in. I was groaning and panting. Picked up my speed jerking off. Got a rhythm going, with the dildo in my ass and my jerking off. Found my prostate with the dildo and worked it over good. That got me really close to cumming. Jerked faster and faster and soon was covering my chest with a big thick rich creamy load. Wiped myself and the dildo off with the towel. The game was close to finishing. Finished watching the game. Then took my toy and towel with me and went up to my bedroom. Stored my dildo away in my secret spot in my walk in closet. Crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Thursday and Friday were uneventful at work. Still plugging away on the vaccines. Checked out a couple of kids with a cold and cough. Prescribed medication for the mother's to pick up from the drug store. Told them to come back in a week. So I could check on their kids.

Here it was Saturday already. Worked out for almost two hours. Made some breakfast. Ate, showered and took my laptop out to the covered patio. Sat down on a lounger and checked my email and read over some new information on the Coronavirus. The morning passed. Won't make any lunch, since I'm going to the barbeque. Will get there at 1:00pm sharp. They only live a couple of houses from me. I'll walk over there. Need to decide what to wear. Drake said casual attire on the phone. I'm not wearing jeans. Picked out some tan slacks and light yellow button down shirt. Nothing too fancy, yet casual.

Took a shower, wanted to be squeaky clean going to their place. Had a big semi flopping back and forth. Hope that goes down before I go over there. Found the envelope with the invitation. Thought I better take that with me. They don't know me and I can use it to get in to the barbeque. Got dressed and was ready to go. Grabbed the envelope. Armed my security system and walked to Drake's house. My bulge was still showing in the front of my pants. Oh well, just have to live with it.

Walked to the front of Drake's house. Could see a few cars parked around. It was 1:01pm. Walked up to the front door and pushed the doorbell. Had my envelope in my hand. Waited and was just ready to push the doorbell again when the door opened. "Hi," the guy said that answered the door.

"Hello, I'm Bob. Here's my invitation to the barbeque."

"Hi Bob, come on in. I'm Drake, nice to meet you."

We shook hands. Now I could put that deep voice with the person. Drake looked to be just under six feet tall. A little pudgy, brown hair. Would guess close to my age 30.

"Nice place you have here. Open floor plan. Your family must like it here?"

"My partner, Pete and I like the house a lot. Pete come over and you can meet Bob."

Pete looked to be in good shape. About the same height as Drake. Black hair and not as deep a voice as Drake. "Hello Bob, welcome to our home. Glad you could make it."

"Thanks for the invitation. Most of my weekends are pretty boring. Live in my big house by myself."

"The party has already started." They said almost in unison. "We had some guests come a bit early. Just follow us and we will introduce you to the people that are here."

As we were walking out to the patio, Drake pulled me aside. "Bob you are a doctor, right?"

"Yes I am." Giving Drake kind of a funny look.

"Sorry don't mean to be so forward after just meeting. I'm concerned about Pete. He has been acting different, not like his usual self. Just like you to watch him every once in awhile and see if you notice anything medically wrong with him."

"I don't know how much help I can be, without doing an examination, but will try to get a close look and see if I notice anything that doesn't look medically correct."

"Thanks Bob, I knew I could count on you. Pete is my soulmate and if anything happened to him, I would be lost."

"Don't worry, if I don't notice anything, make an appointment for him at my clinic. Then I can give him a physical and maybe determine if there is anything wrong. My receptionist is Shirley, she schedules all my appointments. Tell her you talked to me so that Pete doesn't have to wait a long time for an appointment."

"Thanks again Bob, that's a big relief for me. Let's head out to the patio and I'll introduce you around to everybody."

We walked out to the patio. They had a large covered patio. A big barbeque island. Swimming pool, not as big as mine. But there's was working. A nice manicured lawn with a couple of flower beds. The back yard was enclosed in a high wall. Gave a lot of privacy. There were a few people. Not as many as I thought. With all the talking going on, I thought there were more guests here. Drake introduced me to his brother. His other brother and sister couldn't come. Their work didn't allow them the time off. Met Pete's brother. Asked about their parents. Drake took a sigh and said that both sets of parents weren't accepting of their relationship. There were about six neighbors and with me, seven. So, in total there were ten people. Twelve counting Drake and Pete. Drake said they had sent out fifteen invitations. So a few more people may show up. Looked like they were barbequeing hamburgers, hot dogs and polish sausage. There were different salads on a long banquet table. Tables and chairs had been set up in the yard. Drake left me. I did some mulling around. Talking with everybody that was there. Tried to get over closer to where Pete was. Was going to try to see if I could recognize any health concerns. Skin color, his breathing, eyes, his walk. Anything that might give a clue to a health problem. From what I could observe. He looked ok and seemed to handle himself without any problems.

Caught up to Drake and told him I didn't observe anything abnormal with Pete. But I would recommend him coming in for a physical exam so I could see if there were any medical concerns.

Drake told he would do that. He told me that if I didn't have to leave early. They would have a private party after the guests had left, winking at me.

I was wondering what the private party was. It did arouse my curiosity. Maybe I will hang around after the guests leave and see what this party is all about.

I grabbed another cold beer from one of the coolers. Tasted good. We have been having unseasonable warm weather for this time of the year. It never gets really cold. We might have a few days in the thirties and then it warms right up again. We've been having weather in the mid seventies. I hope it lasts a long time. Noticed most of the guests had left. There was just a couple of neighbors talking with Drake and Pete and they looked liked there were getting ready to leave.

Drake and Pete saw me walking around the pool area. "How's the water look Bob?" asked Drake.

"Looks inviting," I told Drake.

"Good that's where our private party will take place. The water is heated and kept at a comfortable temperature."

"I didn't bring any swim trunks."

"No problem Pete and I never wear any swim suits. You will fit right in."

I was smiling to myself. I hope I fit right in both of them, and they fit in me. Thought I'd wait and see what happens.

The last two guests left.

Both Drake and Pete walked over to me. "Well Bob, it's just us. You ready for a private party?"

"You bet. What do I need to do?"

"Strip down with us and we'll jump in the pool."

We all stripped down and put our clothes on a couple of poolside loungers. Drake was a little pudgy, but some working out his muscles would get firm. Pete was in pretty good shape. I learned from talking with some of the guests, they both worked construction. Drake was about five inches soft and low hanging balls. Pete I would guess was about three inches soft, but his cock was very thick and he also had low hanging balls. Neither had balls as big as me. Something I'm proud of. I hoped they liked their balls played with, and hoped they would play with mine.

After we stripped down, we ran to the pool and jumped in like little kids. Splashing and dunking each other.

Had given Pete a few good looks. When he wasn't noticing. I didn't see anything to be concerned about. His skin color wasn't healthy. It had a yellow cast to it. Will remember that when I do his physical.

Noticed that Drake and Pete had hair on their pecs and around their nips. Both had a little patch of hair in the center of their chests. Drake was a little hairier than Pete. They had a nice treasure trail to their pubes. Both had thick hairy pubes. Maybe do some manscaping on them later. A little hair under their arms. No hair on their backs. Don't know about their butts. I'm sure I'll get a chance to check that out later. They were both uncut. First time being with guys that are uncut. Will be a new experience for me.

As we were splashing and fooling around. We all started chubbing up. Our dicks hitting together. Finally we all get into a three way hug. Felt good to have another guys arms around me. We leaned in and kissed each other. Damn, they are good kissers. We just stayed on the shallow end of the pool, in the warm water, hugging. Didn't seem like we wanted to break apart.

We moved to the side of the pool. Drake and Pete had me sit up on the edge of the pool. My dick was already getting hard. They got on each side of me. One started licking and sucking my balls, while the other was sucking out my precum and licking around the head of my cock. I was moaning and grunting. It felt great having two guys giving me pleasure. Then they switched positions. They must of known I was getting close to cumming. They backed off. They said let's towel off and go to the master bedroom. We dried off. Arms over each other's shoulders and we made our way to the master bedroom.

Their master bedroom was big with an ensuite bathroom and looked like a large walk in closet. The furnishings were more modern than in my house. But tastefully decorated. Pete pulled the covers back on the bed. They had me lay down and got down on both sides of me again. Both their dicks were hard now too. Drake looked to be a good thick eight inches. Pete looked like an enormous thick six inches. They went back to sucking my cock and balls. I was leaking like crazy. Pete was able to keep up with my leaking. Soon they moved me around so I was sideways on the bed. Was wondering what they had in mind for me now. Drake put my legs way back, almost like I was doubled over. He started licking around my hole. Sticking his tongue in. Pete got over me so I knew he wanted me to suck on his big fat cock. I had to really stretch my mouth to get his thick cock in. Managed to get the head in, making him give a groan. Felt Drake ease a couple of fingers in my hole. Getting me stretched. He eased a third finger in. He moved his fingers around in my hole finding my prostate. He give it a couple of rubs, making me leak more. Pete was leaking in my mouth and it was running down my throat. Managed to work about half of his cock in my mouth. Drake removed his fingers. I felt him working some lube into my hole and saw him lubing his big erect cock, about the same size as my dildo. Felt him rub the head over my hole. Then he eased the head in. It felt good, didn't hurt. Guess my workout with the dildo has paid off. He then slowly filled my hole with his entire shaft. Felt his hairy pubes pressed against my ass. He left it there so I could get used to it. Then started slowly fucking, in and out. He grabbed my hardon and started stroking me in rhythm with his fucking. I slowly worked all of Petes thick cock in my mouth and throat. He started face fucking me. Here I was getting fucking at both ends. This was a first for me. I really liked it. I could tell these guys had done this before. They were gentle and slow and then slowly built up their pace. I wasn't worried about any diseases. They had told me, when we were in the pool, they had been tested and were safe. We all started getting close. Drake was stroking me faster. I was about ready to cum. Could feel Pete getting super hard in my mouth and he was about ready to shoot. Oooooooh, aaaaaaaaaah, here I cum and shot out all over my chest. That made my hole constrict and brought Drake over the edge and I could feel him bathing my ass with his load. Seeing both of us cum, brought Pete to cumming. He shot a big load down my throat. They both collapsed on both sides of me. We were breathing heavy and sweating. Wow, I said. That was fantastic guys. That's the first time I've been fucked on both ends. They both smiled and said they really enjoyed it with me. And there was more if I was a willing participant. I told them sure. I just need to get relaxed a bit first and let my breathing get back to normal.

After we got back to normal after our hot sex, we headed to the shower to get cleaned off. I had never seen a shower like there's. It would easily fit six people. The shower heads ran from the right wall all the way to the ceiling, over the ceiling and down the right wall. "This is quite a shower set up you have."

"Yeah, it was something we wanted. It has multiple settings and feels good after a long day working construction."

"This would be good after a long workout with sore muscles. How does it work?"

Both Drake and Pete showed me the controls. It had more settings than I knew existed. They set the shower heads to massage. "This feels great. Must of set you back a lot?"

"Not really said Pete. All we had to do was buy the supplies and one of our work buddies did the installation free of charge. Of course we paid him with a special workout session." They both gave me a big smile. I knew exactly what they meant. The massaging shower felt good. We lathered each other and paid special attention to each other's cocks, balls and ass. We were hard again, by the time we finished our shower.

I noticed it was getting late and told the guys I probably should be getting home. They asked me if I wanted to spend the night. Tomorrow was Sunday and nobody had to work. I told them sure, if I wasn't imposing. They said no, would be glad to have me stay. We dried off and went around the house naked. I told them I go around my house naked all the time. They told me they did too, when it was just them, or a special guest was staying. They asked if I wanted anything to drink. I asked them if they were having anything. They said they were going to have a beer. I told them a beer would be fine for me. We walked around the patio for a bit. Then settled down on loungers we moved together, so it looked like one big lounger. I was in the middle again. We were drinking our beer and just bull shitting for awhile. Found out the guys had been looking for construction work in this area and were fortunate to both get hired by a large local construction company.

We finished our beer and had one more. They still had beer in a cooler from their barbeque. They told me how they had become acquainted and became life partners. Explained more about their parents not accepting their relationship. Their siblings were very supportive so that helped to fill the void made by their parents. They wanted to adopt a couple of kids. But the adoption agencies said they wouldn't qualify since they weren't married. Our state doesn't recognize same sex marriage. If they were married in a different state, they still wouldn't qualify. They had to be married in the state they were living in order to adopt. I told them that really stinks. Hopefully, this backward state will change there marriage policies and recognize same sex marriage. They hoped so. There has been many petitions to the state government to allow same sex marriage. They told me there were plans to petition the state supreme court to make a ruling to allow same sex marriage, but so far it hasn't been discussed.

While laying there in bed with Drake and Pete, after our post orgasmic bliss, it gave me some time to reflect on what they had told me. I felt bad they couldn't get married and adopt kids. Our state really sucks on gay and lesbian rights. Wish there was something I could do. The guys knew my hands were tied in their situation. Was thinking about if I was ever in the same situation like they were. But I'd have to find my soulmate first. That doesn't seem very likely. Drake and Pete are sure likeable men. I'm glad they invited me to their barbeque. This would have been a big mistake on my part, not coming. I'm glad I agreed to spend the night. Didn't really notice anything else about Pete, medically. He seemed awfully tired after our tryst, but it could have been from having a big orgasm.

We finally came down from our orgasmic high. Drake said, "Now it's my time for you guys to take care of me. I want Bob to fuck my ass and Pete to fuck my mouth. Then once we're recharged. I will fuck Pete and Bob can fuck Pete's mouth. Then we should be ready for a good nights sleep. We did each other again. God, it felt good. Found out both Drake and Pete recharge fast like I do. We felt satisfied when we finished, but were tired. I moved back between the two guys. We snuggled together and went to sleep.

I awoke Sunday morning, with a hardon between my ass cheeks. It was Drake's. And Pete and I were having a sword fight. What a nice way to wake up. Drake said, "good morning."

I told him good morning back. Felt Pete stirring and we said our good mornings. We moved around and had a circle suck, not a circle jerk. We all came at almost the same time. I really like these guys. Just good old laid back guys. We decided to take a shower. Pete seemed pretty tired. Something I will have to keep in mind when I do his physical. Could be another warning sign. We all crawled out of bed. Our hardons leading the way to the shower. I told the guys I would like to do a little manscaping if it was ok. They said sure. Trim away. We got the water to a nice hot temperature. They showed me where the disposable razors were in the shower. I lathered Pete's pubes first. Did a good trim job. He liked the results. Then I lathered Drake's pubes. Gave him a big trim job. He pubes where very bushy and scraggily. He liked the finished product. They were posing in the shower. I found it funny. My pubes were still good. I didn't need any trimming. We dried off and walked naked to the kitchen. We all worked together in their big kitchen. We soon had a big breakfast ready for all three of us. We chowed down. The food tasted good. I think it always tastes better after sex. We talked for a bit. They asked me if I was enjoying the weekend with them. I told them this is one of the best weekends I've ever had. I said it's too bad it will be over soon and we have to go back to work. They told me it's doesn't have to be over. We could do this every weekend if I wanted. So we all agreed to continue and we would alternate one weekend with Drake and Pete and then the next weekend with me. Everyone agreed on that. I wanted to take them on my weekend to Milo's and the In and Out Bar. I thought they would like both places. It was getting later in the day, and I told the guys I'd better be heading home. And get myself in my mindset for work tomorrow. They agreed with me, they needed to do the same. We kissed and hugged and I walked back home.

When I got home, checked my mail. Nothing much. Bills and a bunch of junk mail. It doesn't take long for companies and advertises to find out I'm a doctor. Tore up the junk mail and threw it in the fireplace. Would make good starting material for a fire. Went upstairs and put my clothes in the hamper. Walked back downstairs naked and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Walked out to the back patio and stretched out on a lounger. Gave me time to think and reflect on what happened over the weekend. The more I thought about the weekend, the more I realized how much I liked Drake and Pete. Really nice guys, friendly, down to earth and just enjoyable to be with. Was the best decision I had made to go to their barbeque. I hope they enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed them. I was a little concerned about Pete. I didn't like his skin color and he seemed to too tired for someone his age. Will check this coming week with Shirley, and see if Drake has made an appointment for Pete to be examined.

Felt good to relax on a lounger in the patio. I definitely need to get this backyard lanscaped and the pool working. The beer was going down fast and I got myself another beer. Thought I should go downstairs and workout. I will after I finish my beer.

I went back upstairs and put on my oldest gym clohes. The ones with the tears and holes. Went downstairs and worked out for over an hour. Not my usual hour and a half. But I felt good after. I had had some good workouts with Drake and Pete. Sex with them was really good. Was already missing not being with them. Went back up to my bedroom, showered. Remembered their unique shower set up. Something for me to consider. Might ask them for the name and number of the guy that installed their shower heads. Put the shower on massage and let it work on my shoulders and neck. Felt really relaxed after my shower. Dried off and went downstairs to watch some sports. It was getting late. So I might be able to catch the end of a game. Flipped through the sports channels and found a good college football game in the last quarter. Watched the rest of the game. Set the alarm. Crawled into bed and went right to sleep.

Drake and Pete were talking after I left. Bob is sure a nice guy. Glad we invited him to the barbeque. He's smart, good looking, friendly, muscular and likes sex as much as we do. Can't wait until the next weekend to be with him at his place. Luckily we are on schedule with our current contruction job and don't have to work any weekends. Drake thought to himself, I need to make an appointment this week for Pete. I want him to have a physical with Bob. I need to know what's going on. I know something isn't right. He's just not like his usual self. I know he will never say anything to worry me. But by not saying anything, he is worrying me.

I woke up Monday morning tired. I guess all the sex over the weekend tired me out. I got up and put on some gym clothes. It was just 6:00am. My usual workout time. Went down to the gym. Warmed up and did my reps. Worked out for about an hour and a half. Felt better after working out. Went upstairs and Margaret was getting breakfast ready. "Good morning Margaret,"

"Oh, you startled me. Your so quiet. Good morning Bob. How was your workout?"

"Was great, just what I needed to get my day started. I'll be down in a few minutes for breakfast." I went upstairs to shower and dress.

Took a long hot steamy shower. Put the shower head on massage and let it run over my sore muscles. Mainly my shoulders and neck. Was thinking about Drake's and Pete's shower. I do need to have mine upgraded like theirs. Will have it done when I have the house renovated. Forgot my dildo. So I did a quick jerk off in the shower. Squeezed my nips and then fingered my ass, rubbing my prostate, while I jerked out a big load. Damn, I didn't think I had any cum left in me after being with Drake and Pete. I really am a fast recharger. I cleaned myself off, dried off and got dressed for work. It was already 8:00am. Went downstairs and ate breakfast. Just as delicious as ever. I started having the daily paper delivered. Margaret had it laying on the table. When I finished my breakfast I took the paper into the living room and skimmed through it. Nothing really grabbed my attention. I left it on the coffee table. Would check it out more when I got home from work.

It was a regular day at work. The usual, vaccines for the kids. Finished the last patient. Closed my office. Told Shirley and Janice bye and went home.

When I got home, Margaret had left for the day. She must have something going on. She usually does when she leaves a little early. Went upstairs put on my workout clothes. Saw one missed call on my cell. I'll check that out later. Went downstairs and got a good workout in. Used a towel in the gym to wipe off my sweat. Went upstairs and took a quick shower to get rid of the stink and sweat. Dried off and went downstairs naked to warm up my dinner. Heard the microwave beep and knew my food was ready. Fixed my plate and took it with a cup of coffee to the living room. Turned on the news, to catch up on the days events. Finished my dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Went back to the living room to check on my missed call. I thought the number was Drake's. But wasn't sure. I had forgot to save his number in my phone. If this was him calling, I'd save it now. Called the number on my phone. "Hello, this is Drake."

"Hi Drake, sorry I missed your call."

"Just calling to tell you how much Pete and I enjoyed your company over the weekend."

"Thanks Drake. I really enjoyed myself too. I'm looking forward to this coming weekend. I hope we are still on for the weekend?"

"We wish it was already Friday after work and we were walking over to your place."

"Me too. I'm glad you called, I'm planning to make reservation at Milo's for a Saturday night dinner. So you and Pete bring some semi formal casual clothes to wear for dinner."

"Ok, I'll tell Pete. He will be excited for us to go out for dinner. We stay in most of the time. So that will be a big treat for us."

"Good. If there are any changes of plans, be sure to let me know. And I'll do the same if there are any changes here. Thanks for calling and see you guys Friday night. Good night."

"Good night. We both love you," and he ended the call.

Was expecting, "I love you." I know I like the guys a lot. Not sure if I love them. The sex is good but not sure I feel anything more for them. I like their companionship and friendship, but I'm not sure if it goes any further than that.

Tuesday went by fast and it was already Wednesday. Had just finished my breakfast and headed out to work. Was going to ask Shirley if Drake had called and made an appointment for Pete. Arrived at the clinic before Shirley and Janice. Booted my computer and read over a couple of emails. One thanking me for my great service as a doctor and helping her family. The other was a notice of a new surgeon at the hospital. His speciality was the heart. He was a cardiologist. He could also do other surgeries and the hospital was inviting me to a party for the new surgeon. That was nice, but I think I will decline the offer.

I heard Shirley and Janice come in. I was due for my first patient. The morning went by fast. Before I went for lunch, I asked Shirley if Drake had called to make an appointment for Pete. She said Drake had called but she didn't have any openings in the near future, unless someone cancelled. Then she gave me a strange look, like my mother used to do when I was a kid. I told Shirley I was invited to a neighborhood barbeque and both Drake and Pete were there. Pete didn't look right to me so I told Drake to make an appointment for him so I could give him a physical and see if I could detect what was wrong. That seemed to satisfy Shirley, but I knew she was still looking at me when I left for lunch.

I got to the diner and didn't see Millie any where. That was strange. She is always working. A different waitress came over to give me a menu and asked me if I would like coffee or something else. I told her coffee would be fine, and asked her where Millie was. She said Millie had an accident. She fell on the wet floor and sprained her ankle and bruised her hip. She was going to be out for at least a week and she was Millie's replacement until she returned to work. I missed Millie's flirting. This waitress wasn't all that friendly. She didn't seem to like working as a waitress. I thought, hopefully, Millie will be back soon. I ordered my lunch and ate and left. Wasn't the same in the diner without Millie.

Got back to the clinic and Shirley told me my first patient was waiting for me. I went to my office, put on my lab coat and entered the examination room. A mother was there with her daughter for a Covid vaccine. Gave the little girl a quick check over and Janice administered the vaccine. The rest of the day went fast. Closed my office and headed home. No more stares from Shirley when I left.

Thursday went quick and Friday did also. I was home from work relaxing. I had told Drake at the barbeque what time I get home from work and they were welcome to come anytime after I was home. Didn't workout. Figured we would be getting a good workout after they arrived. I had called Milo's and made reservations for three for tomorrow night at 7:30pm. I thought that would give us plenty of time for a good meal and some good conversation. Then go to the In and Out Bar after. I think Drake and Pete will like the gay bar. Should be an interesting evening. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the doorbell. I was wearing some loose gym shorts, freeballing and a cut off sweatshirt and flip flops. Went to the door and saw Drake through the peephole. I had told him how to get in through the security gate. Opened the door and greeted Drake and Pete. "Good to see you guys. I've been waiting for our get together this weekend."

"Good to see you too Bob." They both shook my hand as I led them inside. They had brought some dress clothes. So we went upstairs and they put there clothes in my walk in closet. I gave them the big tour of the house. They really liked the house. Especially all the magohany throughout the house. The gym, home theater and game room got their attention.

"Ready for a beer guys?"

"We thought you'd never ask." They were both wearing shorts and I could tell they were freeballing too, and tshirts and flip flops. I grabbed us all a beer and we walked out to the patio. I turned the outside lights on. It was starting to get dark. They liked the big barbeque island with a built in frig. Also, they mentioned how big my backyard was. They both said it's too bad the pool and jacuzzi weren't working. I told them about my plans for having the house renovated and the backyard relandscaped and the pool fixed and working. They liked my ideas and couldn't wait to see the final product. I also mentioned that I'd like to get the name and phone number of the guy that installed their shower system. Drake said he would look it up when they get home and would text message it to me.

We just lounged around on loungers. Shooting the breeze. Talking about our work and I told him about my plans for tomorrow night. I only mentioned Milo's. I didn't say anything about the gay bar. I wanted that to be a surprise. They said they had heard of Milo's but the directions they received were confusing so they hadn't been there. While we were lounging, our balls had a tendency to fall out of our shorts and we were starting to get chubbies. We moved our loungers together and that gave us a chance to fondle each other's balls. I was in heaven. Loved my balls fondled and played with. We started to get more and more aroused. I broke the moment by asking if they were ready for another beer. They said they never turn down free beer. So we had another beer and went back to our balls, playing and fondling. I was tenting my shorts and I saw Drake was getting hard. Pete didn't look to be to far behind.

We were getting tired after working all day. The beer relaxed us and gave us a bit of buzz. We decided to head upstairs to my bedroom. I have a king size bed. Plenty of room for us. We stripped off our clohes and they were scattered all over the bedroom. We crawled into bed. We got into a three way suck fest. I was sucking Drake, Pete was sucking me and Drake was sucking Pete. Didn't take us long to cum. We had big loads again. We cleaned each other to the last drop. We were almost asleep by the time I pulled the covers over us. Drake was snuggled up behind me. His nice sized dick between my ass cheeks. Pete was snuggled up to me on the front. Our dicks were rubbing together. What a great way to fall asleep and sleep came quickly to us.

I woke up first with a morning pisser hardon. Snuggled between the two guys was going to take some crafty manuevering on my part to get out of bed. I felt Drakes big hardon wedged between my ass cheeks. Pete was starting to stir and could feel his thick hardon rubbing against me. "Good morning," he said. "Good morning to you too." We both climbed out of bed to relieve our bladders. We pissed together in the toilet. Was hard to piss with our hardons. But we managed to get rid of it. "Why don't you crawl back into bed with Drake and I'll go downstairs and get some breakfast started." Pete thought that was a good idea. I saw him crawling into bed and snuggling against Drake as I went downstairs.

I went downstairs naked. Had splashed a little water on my face in the bathroom. I felt rested and ready for tonight. Got a big lumberjack breakfast ready for us. Thought they would be hungry. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and toast. Orange juice and coffee to wash it down. I heard the guys coming down the stairs. They had a post sex glow about them. "Ok guys, what was going on upstairs while I wss slaving away in the kitchen?"

"I'll confess", said Drake. Our big morning woodies just wouldn't go down. So we had to do something about it. We sucked each other off in a hot sixty nine until we were bathing each other's throats with a big load."

"And you left me out?" I sat down on a kitchen island chair and spread my legs. My big boner was sticking straight up. They both walked over to me. Drake started sucking my big balls hanging down, while Pete sucked me down in one gulp to my pubes. I was already shaking and panting. They got me off in record time. "That was the first time I was sucked off in the kitchen, thanks guys."

"Our pleasure. They said in unison with a big smile on their faces.

We ate our breakfast. They ate everything. It was a good idea to make a big breakfast. They helped me load the dishwasher and I turned it on. We went upstairs to take a shower and do our bathroom duties. I got the water to a good temperature and we all walked in. My shower is fairly big, so we weren't cramped. I have two shower heads on each end. We lathered each other and soon were sticking straight out. Drake bent me over and I put my hands on the wall. He gave me a long slow fuck. Kissing my neck and back. More like making love than just raw fucking. When he came in me, grunting and panting he pulled out. Then I had Drake bend over and I returned the favor. Fucking him with long slow thrusts. Kissing his neck and shoulders, making love to him. Deposited a good size load in him. Pete was just standing there looking at us. "How about me guys?" We both laughed, "didn't forget about you Pete." Drake was ready to go again so he bent Pete over and fucked him hard and fast. I got down on my knees and sucked Pete while Drake was fucking him. He was moaning and soon shot a big load in my mouth. I felt Drake filling Pete's ass. We rinsed off, dried off and went downstairs to the patio. We were walking around naked. I sure liked the scenery looking at the guys naked.

We just lounged around for the rest of the day. We had a three way fucking each other in the mouth and ass. That was really hot with these guys. We ate a light lunch. We wanted to enjoy our dinner. I told the guys it took about 45-50 minutes to get to Milo's. I thought we should probably start getting ready.

It was already just after six and our reservation was for seven thirty. We hauled our asses upstairs and helped each other get dressed. I don't know if that was a good idea. We were all sporting hard ons. We managed to get our boxers on over our erections, of course, with the extra hands helping, I wasn't sure how much of a help that was. We finished dressing. Thought the guys looked pretty sharp. Much better than wearing jeans. I don't think Milo's will let anyone in wearing jeans. We finished our grooming in the bathroom, threw on some cologne and we all get into my SUV. Drake sat in front with me and Pete in the back. We agreed when we returned, Pete would sit in the front with me and Drake in the back.

The guys were checking the directions as I drove to Milo's. Not many turns to get there, but it's kind of tricky getting on the right highway. They seemed to know the way. We arrived at Milo's, it was seven twenty five. Just right, I thought to myself. We got out of the SUV. Walked up to the door. There was Martin opening the door for us. "Good evening, Bob, nice to see you. I see you've brought a couple of friends to enjoy a delicious meal at Milo's."

"Good evening to you too, Martin." I introduced Drake and Pete to Martin, and he took us to our table. We were seated a little to the back, where it's darker. They only use candle light on the back tables. Drake and Pete were impressed with Milo's. I told them since this was my invitation, I would pay for everybody. They both thanked me and told me they would order the most expensive thing, since they weren't paying. We all got a chuckle out of that.

Martin came to the table and asked us if we would like a cocktail before we ordered our meal. The guys stayed with beer and I ordered a scotch and water on the rocks. Drake and Pete told me they are not much for hard liquor. Mostly stick with beer. I told them that's fine. You drink what you like. I might order a bottle of wine with our dinner. They looked at each other and both said, "we really don't like wine."

"That's ok. Stick with your beer and I'll order a half carafe of wine for me.

Martin brought our drinks. He asked us if we wanted to order, or wait for a bit. We told him we would order a little later. We said cheers to each other. The guys enjoyed their beer, as I enjoyed my drink. We chatted for awhile. They told me they liked it here at Milo's. They would be sure to come again. Next time it would be their treat. They finished their beer and ordered another one. I declined on a second drink since I was driving. They finished their second beer and we ordered prime rib. Martin said he would tell the chef to make mine as a lean a prime rib as possible. I thanked him for remembering. I told Martin I would like a half carafe of the house red wine. Drake and Pete ordered another beer with their meal.

Our food arrived. It was delicious. The guys said this was the best prime rib they had ever had. I of course still had some fat on my prime rib. I cut that off. The au jus was delicious for dipping the prime rib. We finished our meal and I paid Martin with a generous tip. I told the guys that I had a surprise for them. I'm going to take you to The In and Out Bar. You probably haven't been there either. They both said no, and they had not heard of the In and Out Bar. I'll wait till we get there and tell you about the bar. It was just going on nine so we would be able to get a good place to sit.

We got in the SUV and the guys watched where I went to get to the bar. We arrived and the parking lot was about half full. I didn't hear any music. We walked in and found a table to the left of the dance floor. I saw the DJ upstairs getting ready to start music. The guys looked around. Pete said, "I only see guys in here. Is this a gay bar?"

I said, "bingo, your right. This is a gay bar. It will really get swinging soon. Once the DJ gets started. Thought you guys would like it here."

They both agreed. They just didn't think there was a gay bar in the area. I like it here I told them. It's far enough away from town that I'm not recognized here. I like to stay anonymous about being gay. I'm not out to any family, I don't want to jeopardize my work. They both nodded their approval. They liked that it was kind of an out of the way place. Drake up and said he would buy us drinks. I told him I would have a scotch and water on the rocks. I was sure the guys would drink beer.

Drake came back with my drink and a beer for Pete. I was just going to go slow sip on my drink. Certainly didn't want to get a DUI going home. More peoole were started to come in now. It was filling up fast. The DJ got some really good dance music going. Drake asked me if I liked to dance. I said sure. We were the only ones on the dance floor. Soon other people joined us. I saw a good looking muscular guy walk over to Pete and asked him if he wanted to dance. They joined us on the dance floor. We had a good time and the guys thanked me for bringing them to The In and Out Bar. It was after eleven and we decided to call it a night and head home. Just like they said earlier. Pete sat with me in the front and Drake in the seat behind us.

The guys couldn't stop talking about Milo's and the In and Out Bar. I was glad the evening went so well. They must have thanked me a hundred times or more. They were both a little buzzed. I stayed to my one drink at the bar.

We got home safe and sound. Pete seemed really tired again. That concerned me. It could be a sign of something serious. Will know better when I give him a physical. The gate opened and I parked in one of the garage stalls connected to the house. We walked into the kitchen. Anybody hungry. They both said yes. We raided the frig and fixed some sandwiches, shed our clothes in the living room. And took our sandwiches and beer to the patio. Pulled our loungers together and devoured our sandwiches. The beer was going down good. I let myself indulge. I didn't have work tomorrow. We cleaned up our paper plates and just sipped on our beer. It felt good to relax and have a couple of good friends here. I get tired of being alone all the time. I saw Pete nodding off now and then. I think Pete's ready for bed. We took our beer and went upstairs to the bedroom. Took our clothes with us. We all flopped down on the bed. Just laying there on our backs. Looking at each other. I could feel my cock starting to chub up. Looked like the other guys were too. We finished our beer and got into a three way suck fest. It didn't take long before we were filling each other's mouths and throats with a big load. We kissed tasting each other's cum. Hugged and snuggled up in our favorite position. I pulled the covers over us and we drifted off to sleep.

Woke up to a wonderful sensation between my legs. My cock was being sucked and my balls were being fondled and played with. There was also a couple of fingers in my ass. Opened my eyes and saw Pete sucking my cock. Damn he was good. Drake started sucking my balls while fingering my prostate. They had me moaning and trembling with all the sensations going through me. "We wanted to give you a thank you present for last night."

"You guys are doing a great job. Don't stop, Just go faster." Before I knew it I was shooting out all over my chest and abs. They got off me. They liked the satisfied look on my face. We went into the bathroom and showered. Fucking each other again. It felt so good in the shower with the warm water.

We went downstairs and we all chipped in making breakfast. It was more like brunch. We slept in late. We ate at the island in the kitchen. We ate all of the big breakfast we had fixed.

The guys told me they would have to leave early today. They needed to check in with their boss about the job their working on. They also needed to run some errands and do a few things around the house after the barbeque. I said I really enjoyed them being here. Next week end at your place. They agreed. We went upstairs, They put their shorts and tshirts back on. I stayed naked. They had their bag packed. We said our good byes with hugs and kisses and they walked back to their house.

We got together every weekend at each other's places. I liked the guys very much. But it was nice just getting together on the weekends. I felt like I was intruding. They were friendly and all. But they are life partners, soulmates. Just a feeling I had when I was with them. When they finished their current construction job. They had a break before the next job started. They told me they were planning on going on vacation for a couple of weeks and they would like me go with them. I asked them how soon they needed a reply. They told me within the next two or three days. I told them I would have to check with Shirley and see how my schedule looked and see how far along we are with vaccinating the kids. They understood and hoped I would be able to go with them.

I thought about their invitation to go on a vacation. It was very appealing. Like I promised them I would check my schedule and see how far along we were with vaccinating the kids. I asked Shirley how far ahead I was booked. She said almost two months. I checked over our lists of kids vaccines. We haven't even reached the half way mark. I knew what my decision would have to be. When I finish and get home, I'll give Drake a call with my decision. I didn't have Pete's number. I should get that from Drake when I talk to him.

When I got home, I worked out and ate my dinner. Flopped down on the couch and turned on the news. Also, wanted to look at the daily paper. Kept debating in my mind what I should tell Drake. Finally picked up my phone and speed dialed Drake. After two rings he picks up. "This is Drake Bob, we've been waiting on your decision. We have been hoping you can tear yourself away from work for a couple of weeks."

"Hi Drake. I wish it was that easy. Talking with Shirley, I am booked solid for the next two months. We aren't even half way through the vaccines for the kids. I guess you know what my decision is?"

"That's very disappointing. We were hoping our best bud would be going on vacation with us."

"I'm disappointed too. It wasn't an easy decision. But my work made up my mind. Also, I was thinking about Pete. If we get any openings. I'd want to talk to you and see if you could cut your vacation short so I could give him a complete physical and see if I can figure out whats wrong."

"I understand Bob. I know Pete but will be disappointed like I am. But we understand your reasoning. And thanks for thinking about Pete. We would need a two to three day advance notice, to give us time to change our tickets and get back for Pete's exam."

"I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your two weeks without any call from me."

"Pete's already in bed. He's been getting more tired. But I thought the vacation might be good for him. We had put in some long hours finishing this last construction job. It really wore him out. You have a good evening Bob and maybe you will be able to go with us the next time."

"Me too. You and Pete have a good evening and I'll think about you two on vacation." I ended the call.

Thought to myself. Pete's not that old to be so tired. I know they work hard in construction. But something just isn't right. Hope I will be able to figure it out when I do his exam.

Drake and Pete had already been gone over a week on their vacation. I took them to the airport and told them I would pick them up when they returned. We hugged and kissed and said our good byes and have a safe trip. We got a few stares when we kissed, But I didn't care. They were good friends.

The next day at work Shirley told me she had an opening and would keep it open for Pete. I thanked her. During lunch at the diner, I called Drake and told him I had an opening for Pete. He thanked me and told me they could be back in two days. They were nearing the end of their vacation. I saw Millie hobbling around in the diner. It was nice to see her back at work. She was wearing a boot cast to protect her fractured ankle. She walked over to the table. "How's my favorite waitress?"

She looked kind of tired. "I could be better. Be glad when this boot cast comes off. Still have three more weeks to go. But it's healing."

"I was hoping you would have come to the clinic, Millie. I could do the x-rays and fit you with a boot cast."

"I wanted to come to your clinic Bob and have you feel my legs, but the boss is paying and I'd to go to a doctor in the hospital."

"I understand, sorry I missed out on feeling your legs," giving Millie a big smile.

"You ready to order Bob?"

"I'll have my regular soup and sandwich with a cup of coffee."

Millie said she'd be right back with my order. Looked around the diner, saw a few past patients. Nobody else. Millie brought over my lunch. Ate my lunch, paid Millie and left a tip and walked back to the clinic. Saw Alec walking on the other side of the street. I pretended like I didn't see him. Don't know if he noticed me.

Got back to the clinic and finished my day. Still doing the vaccines for the young kids. This will be going on for at least another month or two. Didn't realize there was this many kids in town and the surrounding area. I'll ask Shirley about that when I leave. Finished my reports on the computer. Checked email, nothing. Closed the office walked out to the waiting room and asked Shirley why there was so many young kids to be vaccinated. She told some of the other school districts received good recommendations from the clinic so they had their parents bring them in for vaccines. I told Shirley to be sure to thank the other school districts. Being as efficient as Shirley is, she had already thanked them. Told her how much I appreciated her and she was beaming when I left the clinic.

Got home and went upstairs and changed into some workout clothes. Went down and saw a note from Margaret that she needed to leave early. I've told her she doesn't need to leave me a note. She always has everything done. Checked the frig and she had my dinner in microwave containers, ready to be warmed. Did a long workout it helped my big hard stiff muscles. Worked out on my rubber stiff muscle too. Noticed a missed call on my cell phone from Drake. Sat down on the couch and gave him a call. He gave me the details when they would arrive, the time and date. Told him I'd be there to pick them up. And tomorrow I would have Shirley put Pete in the open appointment slot. He thanked me for being able to work Pete in.

The next day at work I told Shirley to put Pete in the open slot. She said she had already put him in the slot and he was scheduled for 4:00pm on Friday of this week. Drake and Pete were arriving Thursday and I thought that would give Pete a chance to get rested before his exam.

Here it was Thursday already. Will pick Drake and Pete up early at the airport. Will work just a half day. Janice can still administer vaccines without me their. She's a RN and highly qualified. Morning went quick. Said my good byes to Shirley and Janice and still had time for a quick lunch at the diner before I had to be to the airport. Grabbed a quick lunch. Had Millie put some coffee in my travel mug and left for the airport.

Arrived at the airport with about twenty minutes before their flight was scheduled to arrive. I saw their plane touch down and heard on the speaker that their flight had arrived. I went to the carousel for their flight and waited for them. Pretty soon I saw Drake's head and Pete right behind him. Waved over to them. They saw me and waved back. We hugged once they made it to the carousel. Waited on their two small bags. Pete looked very tired. We walked out to the short time parking lot and loaded their bags into the suv. I asked them how their vacation was. They both said it was great, just what they needed. They needed to get away and just relax and have some fun. I took them back to their place. We relaxed with a beer. Told Pete I'd see him tomorrow at 4:00pm. They thanked me for picking them up at the airport. Told Pete to get a good rest. A physical can be kind of demanding and I left.

I had a restless night sleeping. Kept thinking over different reasons for Pete's tiredness. Came up with a couple of possibilities. I'm sure I can figure out what's going on when I do his physical today. Woke up before my alarm went off. Was tired. Turned the alarm off. Crawled out of bed and put on some gym clothes. Went downstairs and worked out for almost two hours. Felt a little better after working out. Margaret had just arrived and was getting my breakfast started. I saw that she put the daily paper on the dining room table. I went upstairs stripped down, grabbed my dildo out of the closet and walked into the shower. Attached the dildo to the seat in the shower. Lathered and rinsed off. Put some shower gel on the dildo and in my ass. Eased myself down over the dildo. Felt good. Started bouncing up and down on the dildo while stroking my cock. I could feel my load building. This wouldn't take long. Pretty soon I was gasping and panting and shooting out my load. It hit the other side of the shower wall. Watched my cum run down the wall and dissolve into the drain. That felt good. Not as good as Drake and Pete, but it's a good substitute. Walked out, dried off and got dressed for work. Walked downstairs and ate my breakfast. I had a little time before I had to leave for work. So I took the newspaper out to the patio and started looking through it. Not much of anything new was happening. Checked the sports page and saw my favorite college football team was in second place. Walked back into the living room and put my paper on the coffee table. Finish reading that when I get home. Told Margaret good bye and left for work.

The day was going fast. I confirmed with Shirley that Pete was scheduled for a physical at 4:00pm. She told me he was confirmed for his physical. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Walked over to the diner. Wanted to see how Millie was doing. She looked much better and was in better spirits. She was hoping the boot cast would come off next week. She was supposed to have her last x-ray today to confirm her ankle was healed. I wished her well. Ate my lunch and walked back to the clinic.

The afternoon went quick and before I knew it, it was time for Pete's physical. I heard Janice call Pete into the examination room. Then Janice told me my patient was in the exam room, waiting on his physcial. I knocked on the door and walked into the exam room. Pete was sitting on a chair by the desk. "Hello Pete. Glad to see you here for your physical."

"Thought I was due for a physical and Drake has been putting a lot of pressure on me to get one done."

"That's good. It's good to have a routine physical done once a year, especially with your construction work. Make sure your staying in good physical health for your work."

"I would like you to put on this gown." While Pete was putting on the gown I got some instruments and other things I would need for his exam. I turned back and saw that Pete had the gown on. "How about if you sit on the exam table." Pete moved up to the table. I did my routine check. Weight, which was quite low for his size, eyes, ears, reflexes, blood pressure, etc. "How you been feeling Pete?"

"Been really tired, and I eat like a horse and don't put any weight on."

I had my clipboard with me was taking notes as we went along. I didn't want to miss anything. "You had a cough or any shortness of breath?"

"Cough a lot after I eat. After working all day, I'm gasping for breath."

"Do you ever wake up at night sweating?

"Sometimes, usually after Drake and I have made love for over an hour."

"That's understandable. Ever wake up other times sweating?


"I noticed your running a fever. Have you had that long?"

"Yeah, it comes and goes. Probably had it for at least a month, maybe a little longer."

"What about itching. You ever have an itching attack?"

"It's funny you mention that. I have this uncontrollable itching. Started about the same time as the fever."

"Ok Pete. Thanks for the information. You've been very helpful."

Pete asked me, "are these symptoms related, do you know what's going on with me?"

"I want to do a couple more tests and I will have a better idea."

I felt Pete's lymph nodes on his neck, armpits and did a hernia check. Then I could check his lymph nodes in his groin. His lymph nodes were very swollen. That pretty much confirmed what I thought the problem was. Pete told me I could take as much time as I wanted checking out his groin. I gave him a smile and told him this was going to be a very professional physical. No messing around. That made me think for a moment about Cotton. How the big flirt really got me excited in the exam room and the sex we had. Like you to bend over the exam table Pete and I will check your prostate. He thought I had checked it enough before when we were all together. I said just for safe guards. I put on some plastic gloves. Put a big dollop of K-Y on a finger and shoved it in. Found his prostate and it seemed to be swollen. He moaned when I rubbed. "Does this hurt Pete?"

"It does feel a bit sore and tender."

"You can get dressed Pete. That concludes your physical."

Pete got dressed. Pete asked me, "you have any idea what's happening to me?"

I told Pete, "I have a good idea what's going on, but without a laboratory and being able to run more tests I can't be one hundred percentage sure. I'm going to send my information to a colleague at the hospital that specializes in what I suspect is happening to you. I will call Drake when I have a time for your appointment and the name of the doctor. That's about all I can tell you Pete. Just try to rest as much as possible. Eat healthy and don't drink too much beer.

Pete was my last patient for the day. I told Janice to send in Drake. Drake came in, we shook hands and I repeated the same information to Drake that I had told Pete. Also, I was hoping I would be able to call him after I got home with an appointment time and date, and the name of the doctor.

I walked with them out to the waiting room. Told them I would call later. Went back to my office to review my notes on Pete's physical. I was almost positive I knew what was happening to Pete. I was almost positive he had some stage of lymphoma. I typed out my report and sent it to my colleague at the hospital. Within two minutes I had a reply from him. He told me to have his secretary make an appointment for Pete tomorrow. He appreciated all my information and how thorough I was with Pete's physical. He thought everything pointed to lymphoma also. I thanked him for his quick reply. I had Janice call the doctor's sectretary. She knew most of the hospital staff. She helps out with surgery when they need it. She works between my clinic and the hospital. In about five minutes Janice came back with the information on a piece of paper for me. Finished my last bit of office work. Closed the office. Said my good byes to Shirley and Janice and went home.

Got home and Margaret had left early. I was glad she wasn't home. She had relatives visiting and she wanted to spend time with them. I was exhausted after Pete's physical. I'm glad I'm not the one that has to tell them the prognosis of Pete's condition. I went to the living room and flopped down on the couch. I called Drake and gave him the information about Pete's appointment tomorrow. The time and date and name of the doctor. He thanked me and I told him I was tired and going to end the call.

I went upstairs and stipped down naked. Walked back downstairs and got a cold beer from the fridge. Replaying all the information I had about Pete in my mind. I felt he was probably in an advanced stage of lymphoma. His lymphocytes are changing and growing out of control, that was why his lymph nodes were so swollen. I just hope the doctor is able to do treatment and his cancer isn't too far advanced. The beer went down fast. Went to the kitchen to warm my dinner and grabbed another beer while I was waiting for it to warm. Turned on the tv and watched the news. Microwave beeped and I fixed my plate and ate my dinner in the living room. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to get up for work. Ate my dinner and watched the news. That was pretty depressing. Sure didn't help me feel any better. Took my plate out to the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher. Walked back, finished my beer. Skimmed through the newspaper. Pretty much the same news I saw on the tv. Walked out to the patio. Just to relax and enjoy the scenery. Wondering what would happen tomorrow when Pete had his appointment. I decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. I hadn't done that in a long time. Put on a good spy mystery movie and watched it to the end. I was getting tired so I walked upstairs, crawled into bed and was out like a light.

Woke up well rested. Felt good to get a good nights sleep. Was wondering what today had in store for Pete and Drake. I was sure I would hear from Drake later in the day. I took a long hot shower. No working out. I had a couple of errands to run. So I took care of that. Checked my mail when I got home. Nothing interesting. Bills and junk mail. Made myself some lunch. Ate out on the patio. Enjoy this big patio a lot. Went back to the living room and turned on a good college football game. Watched that to the end. The game finished around 6:00pm. Was deciding what I was going to have for dinner. I heard my cell phone ringing. Walked over and picked it up, it was Drake calling.

"Hello Drake, do you have any information on Pete?"

"Drake was sobbing."

"What's wrong Drake, how's Pete?"

He was finally able to tell me that Pete has stage IV lymphoma. They found out when his test results came back. The cancer is spreading rampantly through his body. They have him in ICU. Could I come over to the hospital?"

"I told Drake, I'd get some clothes on and be right there." That sure surprised me. I didn't think he had that far of an advanced stage of lymphoma.

I got dressed quickly and rushed over to the hospital. Checked with the nurse to find out what room Pete was in. I thanked her and almost ran to the room. What a sight when I entered the room. You could hardly see Pete with all the tubes and life support machines around his bed. I saw Drake leaning on the bed, crying and holding one of Pete's hands. That was one of the most sad sights I had ever seen. I walked over to Drake and gave him a hug. "Drake I'm so sorry."

We hugged for a long time. "Look at my lover Bob, I'm losing him. The doctor said he might have three to four more days. The cancer was spreading so fast, there was no treatment they could perform to get rid of the cancer. They give him pain pills and food in an IV. That's the best they can do for my Pete."

"I'm so sorry Drake. I didn't want to say anything when Pete had his physical. I had suspicions, but without the proper equipment to exam him properly, I didn't want to make any assumptions without the medical proof."

"I understand Bob. It's just so hard dealing with this so suddenly. Look at Pete, he looks like a skeleton." Then Drake started crying again."

"Did you call any of Pete's family, so they know what's happening?"

"I called Pete's parents. They said God was punishing us for living in sin, and that Pete was getting what he deserved. How can parents be so cruel to their child?"

"Easy buddy. Maybe they will come around. At least Pete has you. Somebody that loves him and treats him well."

"Why don't we go to the cafeteria and get something to eat, you need to take a break Drake. We'll come back here after we eat. You'll feel a little better with something in your stomach."

After a lot of encouragment, Drake finally agreed. We had some soup and crackers. It was ok. Typical hospital food. Rather bland, but at least it was filling. Drake was just staring into space, barely touched his soup. Here Drake, eat some soup. I moved the bowl closer to him. He was like a robot spooning soup into his mouth. He didn't say anything. Finally he said he didn't want anymore. We went back to Pete's room. I checked the machines and Pete. No change in his condition. I asked Drake if he wanted to come home with me. There was nothing he could do for Pete. We could come back early tomorrow and spend the day. He actually agreed, which surprised me. We told the nurse at ICU we were leaving and if there was any change to be sure to call me and I left her my number.

Drake was quiet all the way home. "How you feeling Drake?"

He spoke very quietly, "I just feel numb. I can't believe Pete's parents. When I called his brother, he was too busy with work to see his brother. What a screwed up family Pete has. I grabbed us a couple of beers. We sat on the couch. I pulled him close and hugged him tight to me. Drake started crying again. "I wish it was Pete hugging me."

"I know Drake, so do I. Try to rid your mind of those negative thoughts and try to think of the good times you and Pete have had."

"I'm trying Bob, I really am. But I can't get those cruel words out of mind when I called Pete's parents."

"It's getting late buddy. Let's try to get some shut eye. And we will leave early tomorrow to see Pete."

I was wondering if Drake would get any sleep. We both stripped down naked and I snuggled up to him. I thought that might give him some comfort and maybe he could fall asleep. I felt Drake crying so I wasn't sure how much sleep he would get. I tried rubbing his shoulders and neck. But nothing seemed to work. Reached down and he was rock hard. Decided to stroke him and make him cum. Maybe that would relax him. Pretty soon I heard his crying turn to moaning and he stiffened out and shot a big load. "Thanks Bob, I needed that."

"Trying to think of all the different ways I could relax you. I guess I found the right one."

He faced me and was actually smiling. "Thanks Bob for being here for me. There's nobody else to confide in. My parents and siblings are worse than Pete's. Your the only one that cares and is concerned.

"It was an easy decision. Friends help friends. Just glad I'm here to be with both of you."

Finally, I heard Drake sleeping. And I soon nodded off after him.

We woke up, with Drake pressed back against me tighter. Felt good to feel his warm body snuggled up to me. I felt him stir. "Did you get some sleep?"

"I did Bob, thanks. I feel a little better today. I'm sure that was quite a shock yesterday. Everything happening so fast with Pete."

"That's for sure. What you say we take a shower together, have some breakfast and go see Pete?"

"Sounds like a good plan."

We got out of bed. Will need to change the bedding. Don't want Margaret to see cum stains on the sheets. We took a shower together. Getting each other off. Damn, Drake sucks good. I could learn a lot from him. We dried off and walked downstairs naked and we worked together getting breakfast ready. We carried our breakfast out to the patio and ate like two little pigs. It was like we were starving or something. I was glad to see Drake more relaxed. Guess it finally sank into him, about Pete's condition. I took our plates and glasses and put them in the dishwasher. I asked Drake if he wanted to go to his house for a change of clothes. He said no, he would wear the same ones. We got dressed and went to the hospital.

When we arrived at Pete's room. I checked the monitors. Everything looked the same. There wasn't any change in Pete's condition. I was glad. If there was any change it would be for the worst. I wasn't going to tell Drake that. We ate lunch at the hospital. When we went back to Pete's room, the doctor came in and said there wasn't any change in Pete's condition. The doctor wanted to talk to me privately. We went out in the hallway. He thanked me for all the information I had sent. He said it made his job easier. He was just sorry that Pete was in such an advanced stage of cancer. There wasn't any treatment that would help Pete's condition. It was just a waiting game now until he passed. I thanked the doctor and he went about his rounds. Went back in and Drake asked me what we talked about. I told him pretty much the same thing. There was no change in Pete's condition. We ate lunch and dinner at the hospital. I was getting tired from being so inactive. But I wanted to be there to support Drake. It was getting later and we agreed to leave. Drake wanted to go back to his place. I asked him if he thought that was a good idea. He said he could handle it and needed to do some things around their house. I told him I would pick him up early and take him to the hospital. If he changed his mind, call me, and I would pick him up and he could stay with me. He thanked me and I dropped him off at his house. Made it back to my place.

When I got inside I was exhausted. It felt like I had worked a full day. I guess the stress and trying to be as positive with Drake had drained me. Grabbed a beer and went to the patio. Relaxed for awhile on the lounger and started nodding off. Went upstairs stripped and went to bed. Set my alarm. I went to sleep immediately.

Already Monday morning. I didn't workout. I wanted to get to Drake's early and take him to the hospital and then I could get to the clinic early. I ate a quick breakfast. Left a brief note for Margaret. Told her a little about Pete being in the hospital and taking Drake to be with him. I left it at that. She could fill in the lines. Called Drake and he was ready to go and waiting for me. Pulled up in front of the house and Drake came out. He was looking refreshed and ready for a full day at the hopsital. I parked and we walked up to Pete's room. The doctor had just left and one of the nurses was in Pete's room. She said there was no change in Pete's condition. The doctor had just been in to check on Pete and the monitors. I told Drake I needed to go to work. He understood. I told him to call me if he needed me and if there was any change in Pete. He said he would. We hugged and kissed and I left for work.

Got to work a little early. That was ok. Gave me a chance to catch up on reports and check my email. I had two emails from Pete's doctor. The first one was the same thing he had told me about Pete, no change in his condition. The second email was a little strange coming from a doctor. He said, from his experience, he didn't think Pete would make it through today, Monday. Doctor's don't usually mention someone passing away. He went on to explain. The reason he was doing something so unorthodox, was because he knew I was a good friend of Drake's and thought it would be good for me to know first and maybe make Drake's loss a little easier. That made more sense. But I thought to myself, just have to wait and see how the day plays out. I heard Shirley and Janice coming in. So I knew the day was ready to begin. Walked out and talked to the gals for a few minutes, waiting for my first patient. They both asked me how Pete was doing, and I told them there was no change in his condition. The day was going pretty smooth. Went for lunch. Millie wasn't dragging her boot cast around. Millie was pretty happy about that. Was getting a little physical therapy to strengthen her ankle and calf muscle. She said she felt a lot better without the boot cast. Was glad to be rid of that. I paid for lunch, and walked back to the clinic.

Went in my office and checked for any emails. Nothing. So far so good. My first afternoon appointment arrived. Did an exam and Janice administered the vaccine. Was scheduled for vaccines all afternoon. I was between patients, around 3:00pm when my cell phone rang. Looked at the number and it was Drake. Went back to my office. Wasn't sure what to expect. Drake was crying uncontrollably. All he said was, "Pete just passed away."

My heart went out to him. "I'll be there in a few minutes Drake."

I told Shirley and Janice what happened and to cancel the rest of my appointments for today. I was leaving to the hospital.

I got to the hospital and ran to Pete's room. Drake was collapsed on Pete's bed, sobbing. "He's gone Bob, my life is gone."

"Let's go to a private area so we can talk."

We found a place where we could talk privately. Drake listen to me. "You knew this was going to happen. I know it's a shock when it actually does. But you know Pete couldn't be going on the way he was."

He nodded his agreement with me. He then said, "that's not what is bothering so much. I called Pete's parents to let them know. They told me they would have Pete's body transported to his hometown and would be laid to rest there. They didn't want me around, or any of his so called friends."

I grabbed Drake and gave him a big hug. "The family has the right do decide on Pete's resting place. Did you have a chance to say your good byes to Pete, before the people arrive to transport his body?"

"He said no. Let's go back to his room so you can say your good byes to your soulmate before they transport him."

Drake agreed with me. I helped him back to Pete's room. "I'm going to leave you alone with Pete. Let me know when you are ready to leave."

Drake just nodded at me. I left the room and closed the door. I could hear Drake crying way out in the hallway where I was sitting. I saw a gurney and two men bringing it to Pete's room. I asked them if they could wait a couple of minutes. Drake was in the room saying his good byes to Pete. They agreed they could wait a couple of minutes. But they needed to get the body transported as soon as possible. I heard the door open and Drake walked out. As soon as he was out of the room the men went in and took Pete's body out on the gurney. Drake followed them until Pete was in the hearse and being transported back to where he was from. A couple of times I thought Drake was going to collapse. But I was right by his side to help him. Once the hearse was out of sight, he said, let's get out of here. I don't want so see another hospital as long as I live."

We went back to my house. Drake was silent the whole time. I could tell he was deep in thought. When we got to my house. We walked in, grabbed us a couple of beers and we walked out to the patio. "How you feeling Drake?"

"Kind of relieved. That might sound strange to say. But this has been quite a strain on me. Now I have a lot of things to consider."

"What do you mean Drake?"

"I don't want to stay here in this area any more. The house will be too expensive for me with one income and it's much bigger than I need. As far as work, I don't know what will happen. I know I will quit, but don't know where I'll go or get another job."

"If this is any relief, I can help you with the house. My brother runs his own construction company and he's about 200 miles from here. So, you would be out of this area."

"Would you do that for me Bob? That would be a big burden off my shoulders."

"Of course. I have a patient that comes in for regular check ups. She runs a major real estate business in this area. And I know she would help and give you a good deal. I can call my brother and see if he's interested in somebody with years of construction experience."

We relaxed for awhile on the patio. Drake said he wanted to go home and start looking through all their things. His parents didn't mention that they wanted anything of his. Probably not, it would be contaminated with sin and only the Lord knows what else they were thinking. I took Drake home and told him I would start doing some calling when I got back home. It was actually a good time. They both should be through with work for the day. We hugged and kissed and told Drake if he needed anything to give me call any time of the day or night. I left and drove home.

When I got home I gave Phyllis a call. She's the lady that runs a big real estate business. She said she would do a walk through, through the house tomorrow. Then she and Drake could come up with a fair listing price. I thanked her, and please help Drake as much as you can. He just lost his partner. She understood and said she would do her best. Then I called my brother and told him about Drake's situation and not wanting to stay here in the area and that he had many years working construction. My brother told me he had a guy that just left. He found out his girlfriend was pregnant and would have to move to be with her. I gave Reggie, my brother, Drake's phone number and he told me he would give him a call.

I had another beer. Ate my dinner. Was exhausted, so I went to my room and watched tv and read the newspaper. I started nodding off. So I turned the tv off, set the alarm, and went right to sleep.

Woke up with the alarm going off. Felt rested. Still did my morning workout, shower and got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Margaret told me she knew about Pete, she had heard from one of her friends. I told her it was pretty sad, When I did his physical, I knew there was something seriously wrong. Had a colleague at the hospital do the necessary exams and he gave Drake the diagnosis. Margaret said that is really sad. Cancer is such a terrible disease. I agreed with her. I finished my hreakfast and left for work.

Was extra busy because of the cancellations from the day before. Knew I would be working late to get caught up. I ate lunch at the clinic so I wouldn't lose a lot of time. Finished my last patient almost at six sharp. Not bad. No missed calls or messages. So I locked the clinic. Both Shirley and Janice had left. Drove home. After I got home, had a glass of juice and went upstairs and stripped down naked. Walked back downstairs with my juice and relaxed out on the patio. Just sat down when my cell phone rang. It was Drake. He actually sounded relieved and relaxed in his voice. He told he met with Phyllis. They agreed on a listing price of just over one million dollars. That would be more than what Drake and Pete paid for the house. She also went on to say, she had two couples that would be ready to see the house tomorrow. Then he told me he had talked to my brother and that Reggie had an opening for him. And he could start work in a couple of weeks, if that was ok. He said he would probably need to time to get everything finished around here. I told him that was perfect, and he might be able to start sooner. Just depends on selling the house. I told him congratulations and it sounded like everything was falling into place. Drake thanked me over and over again for my help. "It's my pleasure Drake, glad I could help you under some very difficult times, make your transition easier."

Over the next couple of days. Drake and I talked after I got home from work. Phyllis was a shrewd real estate agent and told the couples that were interested in Drake's house, that there was a price war going on. That two other couples were bidding hack and forth. Drake was overjoyed. The final selling price was almost one millon three hundred thousand dollars. After the sell and closing costs and agent fee. Drake made just over one million on the sell. I didn't realize houses in our area were worth that much money. Drake was overjoyed. He said he was going to drive up to see my brother and sign a contract. Then do some house shopping. Nothing big, but enough room for friends. He said he definitely wanted a pool. I told him to let me know how the rest of his business goes.

He told me would invite me to his new house once he was settled in.

My brother called and said he was very impressed with Drake. He thought he would be a great addition to his crew. They signed a contract, and Drake would start work in the coming week.

Drake found a nice three bedroom home with a small backyard and pool. Plenty of room for him and for entertaining and friends. He liked the area very much. The couple that ended up buying his and Pete's house, were overjoyed. It was everything they were looking for.

I visited Drake a couple of times. He had a bureau lined up with photos of him and Pete. In their patio and photos of places they had vacationed. But the long distance and our busy work schedules made it difficult. We talked on the phone once or twice a week. Soon that changed to once a week. Then a couple times a month and finally the calls stopped. I talked to my brother and he told me Drake was working out well. He said Drake was a pretty private person, but thought he might have found someone to be with, but wasn't sure. I told my brother to give him my best and was glad he was settled in, in his new work and house.

End of Chapter 4 - Drake

Chapter 5 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete

End of Chapter 4 - Drake

Chapter 5 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writing it. Please email me at:

Other stories by this author:"

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 5

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