My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 26, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 3

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 3. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 3 - Cotton

Cotton got home Sunday morning. He had spent Friday and Saturday with Alec. His parents didn't say anything. Cotton had told them he was staying at one of teammates house. His parents were used to Cotton being out with his friends over the weekend. Cotton was a good student, star athlete, and never caused problems. So his parents didn't worry about him. He had just graduated from high school and would be starting his first semester of university this fall. He was majoring in electrical engineering.

Little did his parents know that Cotton was really doing when he was out on the weekends. Cotton liked men. He knew he was attracted to men from a very early age. He went out with a few girls in high school to keep up the straight act. But deep down, he was as gay as they came.

Cotton remembered seeing the doctor, Bob, if his memory served him correctly, at Milo's Friday night when he was with Alec. He remembered the doctor. He had been to his clinic for a sports injury. He tried flirting and putting some moves on the doctor, but he didn't seem to have any effect on him. He started thinking how he could get back to the clinic and have an appointment to see the doctor. If he gave it some time he would come up with an idea. He thought he would check the doctor's routine and see where he went for lunch and if he went out on the weekends. A little spying wouldn't hurt and it would give him an opportunity to hook up with Bob.

Alec was ok, but not what he expected. Alec was more of a player than Cotton was. It was an ok two days, but Cotton was hoping for more. They fucked and sucked and did just about anything else they could think of. But for Cotton there was no connection. Just pure sex. He wanted more when he was with a man. He wasn't sure what. But he knew what it would be when it happened.

Bob was pretty sullen and gloomy. After Brock left, his life felt empty. He missed Brock so much. Brock was the first man he ever had a romantic time with. Brock was everything to him. Bob hadn't heard from Brock for over a month. He continually checked his cell phone for messages or missed calls. A few times every day. He was sure he had forgotten all about him, once he was busy with his modeling and photo shoots.

I took a shower, dressed, ate breakfast and left for work. Margaret was watching Bob the whole time. She knew something was wrong. She had worked for Bob long enough to know when something was bothering him.

I noticed a car parked down a few blocks from house. I thought it was a little strange. All the homes in this area have big parking areas in their front yards. Oh well, time to get to work. I took off for work and I noticed that same parked car following me. I pulled into the clinic and parked. Got out and saw the same car parked across the street from the clinic. Bob couldn't make out who was in the car. The sun was shining on the window and the reflection was blocking his view. He was the first to arrive at the clinic. I liked getting to work a bit early. I looked out between the blinds, out of curiosity, and the car was gone.

Bob noticed a GQ left on the table in the waiting room, that hadn't been put away in the magazine rack. He picked it up and took it back to his office. He liked reading over the men's health articles. Liked to see how factual, medically, the articles were. He laid the magazine on his desk. Booted up his computer. Checked for any emails, nothing. He had a few minutes so he thought he would skim through the magazine. He liked looking at the handsome men, especially in their underwear. As he was flicking through the magazine, one pic caught his attention. He flipped back to look at the picture again. There was a pic of Brock in designer underwear. Damn he looked good. It didn't look like they had done any computer modifying to the picture. All my memories of Brock came back, flooding my mind. Realizing how much I really missed him and wished he would call. I laid the magazine down with a groan. Collected myself when I heard Shirley and Janice arrive. Put on my lab coat and was ready for the day to begin.

Cotton got his first bit of information about Bob's schedule. He had followed him when he left his house. He left early and arrived early to the clinic. Now I needed to find out what he does for lunch and when he finishes work. This will be easy. I'm sure he didn't suspect anything.

My morning went smoothly. It was approaching lunchtime. Shirley always schedules my patients so I can take a lunch break. I decided to go to the Main Street Diner. It had been a few days since I had lunch there. Millie probably thought I was sick or forgot about her, since I hadn't been to the diner for awhile. Thought I'd give her a treat and eat lunch at the diner. Took off my lab coat, picked up the magazine and left for lunch. Put the magazine in my car. Wanted to check that out when I got home. Walked over to the diner. Noticed the car that had been following me parked by the diner. Interesting. Maybe I'll find out who was following me.

I walked into the diner and found a table looking out to the parking lot. Thought I'd be able to see who got into that car that had been following me. Looked around the restaurant. Didn't see anybody I knew. Then noticed Cotton sitting way in the back corner. I don't think he saw me. I wouldn't care if he did. Millie gave me a wink. I like Millie, Like the way she flirts. If she only knew that I was interested in men and not women. But I like playing along with her. She walked over to my table and asked me what I would like to have? I asked her what the special was and ordered the special. It was vegetable soup with ham and cheese sandwich. Thought I might see Alec here when I was looking around. I knew he came to the diner regularly for lunch. Maybe he and Cotton had a falling out. Alec is such a player. I'm sure he's already moved on to his next target after Cotton.

Millie brought my special. Making sure to lean over so I got a good view of her big tits. They looked perky with big nipples. Almost started getting a stiffy looking at her bosom. She asked if everything was ok. I said yes. Just had something caught in my throat. Drank some coffee and regained my composure. Lunch was delicious. Finished eating, paid and left a tip for Millie and left the diner. Never did see anyone go to that car that was following me.

When I got back to the clinic. I took a look out the window in the waiting room, and didn't see the car parked across the street.

I watched Bob in the restaurant. I wasn't going to leave while he was there. I didn't want him to know that I was the one following him. I was starting to get all the information I needed to make my move on Bob. Just waiting for the right opportunity.

Checked my patient schedule for the afternoon. They were all high school sports physicals. It seemed early to be doing physicals. I'll ask Shirley about that. The physicals went well. All the young men were in good health and there was nothing for them to be concerned about.

Finished my last physical. Went out to ask Shirley about sports physicals starting early. She told me that this is about the time of the year they start. Then the university physicals will begin soon. They start their physicals a few months before school starts. They start their training early. Then they are ready for the season to begin.

I told Shirley and Janice bye.

I left the clinic and drove home. Remembered the GQ magazine and brought it into the house to look at later. Threw it on the coffee table in the living room. Margaret was getting ready to leave. Told Margaret bye. Went to my bedroom and changed down to my beat up gym clothes. Needed a good workout before I ate dinner. And then maybe another good workout on my aching hardon after I ate dinner.

When I got downstairs, Margaret was just getting ready to open the door and leave.

"Bye Margaret, have a good rest of the day."

"Thanks Bob, you too."

Margaret left. I went downstairs to workout. I needed a good workout. Hadn't worked out for a few days, and was feeling a little sluggish. I knew the workout would perk me up and get the blood flowing. Worked out for over an hour. Stretching and warming up on the treadmill, and then doing my reps with the free weights. Was sweating and felt a little burn.

Headed upstairs to the shower. Took a long hot steamy shower. Felt good on my sore muscles. Then the memories of Brock hit me like a sledgehammer. I remembered when we would wash each other. Make love in the shower, dry each other off, and continue our love making on the bed. Damn, I still really miss Brock. I dried off, put on some loose gym shorts and tshirt. Picked up a towel and the lube and went downstairs to the living room.

Turned on the tv and watched the news. Looking through the GQ magazine. This one advertisement for men's underwear caught my eye. It sure looked like Brock. I stared at the picture some more, it was him. My heart started pounding and my breathing became ragged. There was my lover. I skimmed through the magazine and there were a series of pictures of Brock. Wearing swimsuits and underwear from a different designer. He sure looked good. Didn't look like they did any touchup on his pictures. Looking at his pictures gave me a big hardon. Reached into my shorts feeling my balls and rubbing my shaft as I kept looking at his pictures. Wishing he was here doing this to me right now. And me, taking care of him.

Sure wished he would call or leave me a message. I'm sure he has moved on and found someone else. That put me back into my gloomy mood, but didn't make my hardon go down. Laid the magazine down. Closed my eyes and started working more on my hard cock and balls. Pulled my tshirt off and then my gym shorts. My boner was sticking straight up and leaking. Rubbed my precum over the head of my shaft and started stroking faster. My other hand was playing with my balls. Reached down and stuck a finger in my hole. Found my prostate, and started rubbing it. It sent a jolt of electricity through me. Kept going faster and faster. My balls were churning, my cum was starting to make it's way up my shaft. My cock hardened, I groaned and shot out a big load. It hit my face, chest and abs. The rest was running down the side of my hand. I licked my cum off my hand. Then scooped some up with my fingers and licked them off. I used a towel to clean off the rest of my cum. Laid back panting and sweating. Looked down at Brock's pictures and started tearing up. I still missed him and needed him. He was so kind, passionate and loving. I could go on and on describing him.

I got up off the couch and checked out the frig to see what Margaret had fixed for me. I warmed up the food in the microwave. Made a plate, grabbed a cold beer and went to the living room. Didn't see my cell phone. Must have left it upstairs in the bedroom. Went up to my bedroom and saw it laying on the bed. Picked it up and noticed I had one missed call.

Walked downstairs to the living room. Scanned through my phone. Laid it down on the couch, and listened to the missed call while I finished my dinner. It said in a muffled voice, "we will soon be together. I can't wait. You'll be surprised to find out who this is." Needless to say, it aroused my suspicion. I assumed it was the same person that had been following me. It was too dark out now to see if that car was parked a few blocks from my house. Will check tomorrow to get a good description of that car, the color, make, model and license plate number. Just in case I need to have some investigation done. I know if I call my father's law firm they will have someone that can do some investigating for me.

Finished my dinner. It was delicious as always. Finished my beer and got myself another one. The news had finished so I flicked through the sports channels and found a NFL game on. It wasn't my first choice, prefer college football games. But this would have to do. When it got to half time, I cleaned up my mess in the living room. Put my dishes in the dishwasher. It was full, so I started it on the cleaning and drying cycle. Picked up my clothes and put them in the clothes hamper. Went back down to the living room naked. Had started going around the house naked ever since Brock had been here with me. Just seemed right and felt good. The half time show finished and the game resumed. And I watched the game to the end. I was tired when the game finished. Game didn't finish until a little after eleven.

Turned off the tv and made sure the security system was armed. Went upstairs to my bedroom. Set my alarm for early. Wanted to get in a good workout and turned off the light on the nightstand. Crawled into bed and was out like a light.

Woke up to my annoying alarm blaring. Turned the alarm off, felt rested, despite thinking of Brock when I went to sleep. Even though I had set my alarm to wake up early, I didn't feel like working out. Had a big morning woody. Would take care of that in the shower. Crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Got the shower to the temperature I liked. Walked in and took a long shower. Felt good. Rubbed out a big load, splattering cum all over the shower wall. Cleaned that off. Walked out, dried off, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Forgot my cell phone. Went back upstairs to get it. Noticed one missed message. I'll check that later. Went back downstairs. Ate my breakfst. Told Margaret goodbye, and left for work.

Got to work early. Didn't notice anybody following me. But then, I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention. Arrived to the clinic early, before Shirley and Janice. Saw the car parked across from the clinic. Got a notepad and wrote down the color, make and model. I couldn't see the license plate from my vantage point. Would get that later. Will go to lunch at the diner and maybe the car will be there again. Will ask Millie if she knows who owns and drives the car. That will give me the chance to write down the license plate number.

Opened my office and kept the clinic locked. Booted up my computer. Laid my cell phone on my desk. Remembered I had one missed message. Looked at it. It was kind of strange. It said unknown number. The message didn't leave a name, just to call back at my convenience. I don't usually open messages I don't know. I'm afraid of getting a virus in my phone. But something told me, I should check this out. What the heck. I can always get a new phone if I need to. I had time before my first patient. I walked out to the waiting room and found a spot where I could look out to the car. I wanted to see if the driver of the car answered his phone when I called. I called the number and waited and waited and didn't think anybody was going to answer. I saw the driver in the car with a cell phone to his ear. Finally, I heard, "hello." A nice deep voice. "This is Bob calling. You had left a message on my phone to call you at my convenience. I had time now and was returning the call."

"Bob, do you recognize my voice?"

"No, must be a bad connection. You sound far away."

The person I called was giving me hints as to whom he was. "I worked at The In and Out Bar, we went to dinner at Milo's, you stayed at my house and then I stayed at yours."

It finally clicked. "Oh my god Brock. I didn't recognize your voice." I was talking fast, nervous and almost crying. I was so happy to hear Brock's voice. "I thought you forgot about me. It's been a long time since we talked. I saw some pictures of your work in GQ, you look just as hot and sexy as I remember you."

"I wasn't sure if you would call. I left a very vague message on your phone. If you noticed I have a different number. Be sure to save it on your phone."

"Say Brock, I'm at work. Can I call you at lunch time? Or this afternoon when I get home from work?"

"I have a two day vacation from work, so any of those times will work for me."

"Ok, I'll try calling you at lunch time. You made my day for me. It's so hard hearing from you and being physically with you."

"I'm at work and my first patient is here. I need to go. Will call you at lunch time. So good hearing from you. Love you."

"Ok Bob, have a good day and I'll look forward to talking to you at lunch time. Love you too."

"Bye, lover." I said.

"Bye, lover." said Brock.

Wow, I wasn't expecting the message to be from Brock. It was sure nice hearing his voice. Of course, it would be much better if he was here with me. Glad he contacted me. Thought he had forgot about me. Then I remembered, I left the magazine open on the coffee table of Brock modeling men's briefs. Margaret will be sure to see that.

While I was cleaning and straigtening Bob's house. I saw a magazine open to a man posing in men's briefs. A very handsome man. Wish I was a younger women, would put my best moves on him. Then I remembered finding a card from The In and Out Bar in Bob's nightstand with a big tube of lube in there. Before that, I found a business card from Alec, that owns the medical supply store in town. I wonder if all of this is related and how? And how Bob is involved in all of this? Well, it's really none of my business. Bob is nice and easy to work for and I need the work. I'll let it slide and forget all about all of this.

I kept checking my watch to see if it was lunch time. I was making Janice nervous. "Bob, what's the matter? You keep checking your watch and driving me crazy."

"Sorry Janice, I have an important call to make during lunch time."

Lunch time finally arrived and told the gals I was leaving for lunch. Be back at one.

Walked down to the diner. I saw the same car parked towards the back of the parking lot. Looked around and didn't see anybody. I pulled out my cell phone and took a few pictures. Making sure I had the license plate number. Good, I said to myself. This might come in handy. Walked into the diner. Picked a table where I could see out to that car. Took a look around and saw Cotton again in his usual spot. Got me thinking, but I didn't think he would be following me. We hardly even know each other, and what would be his motive?

I had Shirley call in my medical supply order early, so it would be ready when I went to the diner. That would give me a few more minutes to talk to Brock. I had called ahead to have my lunch ready, and I saw Millie bringing my lunch. "Hi Millie. Looks like your having a busy day?"

"Never too busy for you Bob," giving me a wink.

"Millie do you know who drives that car over there?" Pointing out to the car that had been following me.

"No, can't say I do. Must not be a regular customer. I know most of the cars of my regulars. Why you asking?"

"Whoever drives it, has been following me around. In the morning going to work. The driver parks the car across the street from the clinic. Has been here at the diner, everytime I've been here for lunch."

"How long has this been going on, Bob?"

"Only a couple of days, but its kind of unnerving."

"If I find out who's driving that car, I'll give you a call, or let you know the next time your here."

"Ok Millie, I appreciate it."

"You know I'd do anything for you." Smiling as she walks back to the counter.

Thought I'd trying giving Brock a call and see what he's doing. Sure do miss him. Even more after talking to him on the phone. Wish he was having lunch with me right now. I wouldn't care who saw us. Punched in his number and pressed the call button. It rang a couple of times. Then I heard his deep voice. "Hi lover, glad you called me."

"I'm taking my lunch break right now. Told you I would call." I started chubbing up as soon as I heard Brock's voice. He's so damn sexy. I hope Millie doesn't notice. "I just have a few minutes and then I need to head back to work. Will have more time to talk tonight if we are still on?"

"You bet Bob, I can't wait to be able to talk longer, and catch up on everything that's been going on."

"I better head out now and get back to work. Looking forward to our chat tonight. We can video chat tonight."

"Sounds good baby, will be waiting for your call. Have a good day."

"Thanks Brock. Will call close to six my time. Good bye."


Brock sure sounded good on the phone. He must be doing quite well. Sounded like someone else was there. Thought I heard talking in the background. Will casually ask him about that when we talk tonight. Better pay for my lunch and tip Millie. Laid my money and tip on the table with the tab and left for work. Saw that car in the parking lot was gone.

Walked back to the clinic. My first afternoon patient was waiting for me. Both Shirley and Janice told me. I hope she hasn't been waiting long? Finished with her and then had three sports physicals for high school football players.

I kept repeating the phone call with Brock in my mind. He sounded good and everything. But I felt something wasn't right. That background noise had me concerned. Probably over thinking the call for nothing. Will find out what's going on when I call him after work.

I like giving sports physicals to the players. They like to act so macho. I get a little turned on by some of them. But, they are 17 and 18 years old. Too young for me. But I like to pay special attention when I do hernia exams and have them cough. Gives me a chance to get a good feel of their balls. They cough and don't think anything about it. My lab coat hides my hardon when I do these exams. Then have them turn around and bend over on the exam table for a prostate exam. Usually take my time and give their prostate a good rub. They usually try to stifle a moan. I just smile to myself. Thinking, what a dirty doctor I am. Oh well, it's part of the job. When they turn around they are usually sporting hardons they try to hide with their hands. Some are even leaking precum after my prostate exam. I tell them. That's all. They can get dressed and I'll send their results to the coach. They always thank me for the exam. If they only knew how much I liked giving them a physical exam. Finished the last physical and was time to leave.

Went back to my office. Finished putting my exam results in the computer. Would print them out tomorrow and have Shirley mail them out to the high school coach for me. Checked my phone, no missed calls or messages. Took off my lab coat, still sporting a boner after the last physical. Had some papers with me when I left to cover my crotch. Told Shirley good night and left the clinic.

Got home and Margaret was just finishing her duties. She was putting my dinner in some microwave containers to warm later. "How was your day Margaret?"

"The same, just a different day."

"Nothing exciting happening in your life?"

"No Bob, my exciting days are way in the past."

"Well, you have a good rest of the day. I know I say this all the time. But I really appreciate everything you do."

"Thanks Bob, that means a lot to me."

With that Margaret left. I went upstairs, took off my clothes, and put on some gym shorts and a cutoff sweat shirt. Needed to workout and get rid of this little panch I'm getting. Don't know where that came from. Probably too much beer. Which reminds me. I went to the kitchen and put a beer in the freezer. Wanted it icy cold for later.

Flopped down on the couch. I wanted to call Brock and then workout after I talk to him. Looked at my cell phone, no missed calls. Speed dialed Brock and waited and waited for him to answer. Finally a voice said, "hello." It wasn't Brock on the phone.

"Hi, I'd like to speak to Brock."

I didn't recognize this person on the phone.

He said, "Brock isn't available right now. Who is this?"

I said, "this is Bob, a good friend of Brock, and I told him I would be calling him when I got home from work."

"Well this is his fiance."

"What, he never mentioned any fiance to me. He wouldn't keep that information from me."

"Obviously, he did." Then he disconnected.

I'm thinking to myself. Something is not right here. Brock wouldn't keep that kind of information from me. He would know I wouldn't like it. But I would appreciate him being honest and telling me. Definitely something wasn't right here. I was wondering if this was the person I heard when I called Brock at lunch time. I had a very bad feeling about this. Something was going on and it wasn't right. I thought about calling my dad. He runs a very large law firm with many friends and contacts. He probably has a few enemies as well. But I won't mention this to him. How could I explain Brock to my father? I thought I would give this a couple of days. If I didn't hear anything from Brock or couldn't talk to him, then I would talk to my father and see if anything could be done to investigate what was going on.

I went to the frig and grabbed my icy cold beer. Needless to say, my beer went down fast. Was replaying the conversation with Brock at lunch. And now this conversation I had with his so called fiance. Deep down in my stomach, I knew something wasn't right. Why was somebody else using Brock's phone? Where was Brock? Was he alright?

I made my way downstairs and managed to get a good hours worth of workout in. Was sweating, and my muscles were sore. Went upstairs to my shower. Took a hot steamy shower and put the shower head on massage. That felt really good on my sore neck and shoulder muscles. However, the muscle between my legs had never went down. Those high school boys, sure got me worked up. Was going to rub one out in the shower, but thought I'd do that later. Wanted to be by my phone as much as possible. In case Brock gave me a call. I dried off and put on another pair of gym shorts and a tshirt. Walked barefoot to the kitchen and warmed my dinner. Tasted good, but lost my appetite after that weird phone call. Put the rest of my dinner back into the refrigerator.

Went back to the living room. Watched some news. Had saved the conversation about Brock's fiance on my cell phone. Kept listening to the person over and over again. I knew something was wrong. I just had no idea how wrong it was.

Zach was satisfied with his curt conversation with Bob. I walked back into Brock's bedroom. I had Brock handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged. Zach was an aspiring male model. And the agency had him stay with Brock until his trial period ended. Then if he passed his trial period, the agency would set him up with his own apartment. Zach always liked big, tall muscular men. This was the only way he could get the man he wanted. He had put drugs into Brock's drink. He had drugged Brock. They had been bullshitting in the living room. When Brock went to take a leak, Zach had put the sex drugs and tranquilizers in Brock's drink. Brock was already half way drunk. So he never noticed his drink had a funny taste to it. Once Brock was out, Zach helped Brock into his bedroom. Stripped all his clothes off and handcuffed him to the bed. Brock never knew what happened to him. When he finally woke up, he was handcuffed and couldn't move, had a blindfold on and a gag in his mouth. He knew he was restrained to the bed. He tried to shout or holler but the gag stopped him. When he tried to talk, just some garbled sounds came out of his mouth.

"In case your wondering who was on the phone, that was Bob. I told him I was your fiance, that should get him off our backs. And end his calling." Brock tried to free himself and just more garbled sounds came out of his mouth.

Zach was feeling pretty good, He had Brock just where he wanted him. He kept staring at Brock's big hardon and balls. The sex drugs would keep Brock hard. Now he could have sex with Brock anytime he wanted. And there was nobody around to hassle him. Little did Zach know that he was in a world of hurt, very soon. And it was going to happen sooner than he expected. Or hadn't expected.

Richard is Brock's manager at the modeling agency. He liked Brock a lot. Nothing sexual. Brock was just a real nice all around guy and so easy to work with. Brock was just what the agency needed. He was extremely handsome. Well put together. Had a great portfolio. He was just a natural at what he did. In just over a few short weeks, Brock was already making big bucks, not just for the agency, but for himself. All the money didn't change Brock. He was still the same as the first day he arrived at the agency. It was easy booking jobs for Brock.

Richard was concerned about Brock. Brock usually called him early to check his modeling schedule and just to chat and let him know how he was doing. It was over an hour since Brock should have called and checked in. Richard had tried calling Brock, but his phone was shut off. That was very strange. Brock never turned his phone off. He thought he'd wait a little longer and if Brock didn't call, he would take a drive over and see how he was doing.

Time went bye and still no call from Brock. Richard told the other managers and CEO he was going over to Brock's. He suspected something might be wrong. He hadn't heard from Brock at the time he usually called. The agency had extra keys for all the models that they represented. Richard told Thomas that he was going over to Brock's. If he didn't hear from him within ten minutes, to call the police, that something was very wrong. He left the extra key with Thomas. He didn't think he would need it.

Thomas and Richard worked together a lot on each other's models. They had both started working at the agency at about the same time. Became good friends, working together seemed to work out for them and the agency.

Richard arrived at Brock's apartment. Brock was now living in the penthouse. He had earned it. Brock was paying half of the expenses. Something he had insisted on doing. He could easily afford it. This pleased the agency very much. Richard pressed the doorbell and waited and waited. He pressed the doorbell again. Zach looked through the peephole to see who was at the door. He didn't know Richard. He hadn't been working for the agency very long and was still getting familiar with the managers. Zach cracked the door open and asked Richard who he was. Richard said he was Brock's manager and needed to talk to him. Zach let Richard in, but unknown to Richard, Zach had a large marble bust in his hand. Before Richard could ask where Brock was, Zach knocked Richard hard on the back of the head with the bust. You could hear a crack and blood was running down the back of Richard's head. Richard fell to the floor. He was out cold. Zach pulled Richard into a guest bedroom, put a towel behind his head and laid him on the bed. Zach was no little guy. He was almost as tall as Brock. Not quite as muscular as Brock. More lean and trim. But he was strong. He went back and closed and locked the door. He didn't see any blood on the floor. Luckily the only way to the penthouse was by it's private elevator. He went to check on Brock. He could see Brock's wrists and ankles were red, trying to get out of the restraints.

Thomas hadn't heard back from Richard. He had waited longer than the ten minutes. Depending on traffic it could take longer to get to the penthouse. He felt he waited long enough. He grabbed the key for the penthouse off his desk. Put it in his pants pocket. Called the police like Richard had told him. He told the CEO and the other managers what was happening. He gave the police the details and where to meet him. They all met outside the apartment building. Richard showed the police the private elevator to the penthouse and they went up the elevator. When the elevator stopped, they got out. Everything around the door to the penthouse looked normal. Richard told the police to stay over on the side, so they couldn't be seen through the peephole. Richard pressed the doorbell. He heard it ring inside the penthouse. He waited and waited. He pressed the doorbell again.

Zach was pissed. He was wondering what was going on now and who was at the door. He thought he was through with disturbances. He was getting horny and was ready to have sex with Brock again.

He pulled up his pants and fastened them. Zach walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. He recognized Thomas from the agency. He had helped Zach when he first started at the agency, until Zach was assigned to his permanent manager. Zach opened the door and greeted Thomas. "Hi Thomas, how can I help you?"

"We haven't heard from Brock at the time he usually calls the agency. I really need to talk to him."

The police were listening and were ready at the door. If they heard anything strange, any violence, they would be in the penthouse in a heartbeat.

"Would you like a drink, before I see where Brock is?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm still on the clock and need to get back to the agency after I talk to Brock."

"Ok, just follow me, he's in there," pointing to the bedroom.

That gave Zach enough time to pick up the same heavy marble bust he had cleaned off and knocked Thomas hard over the back of his head.

The police heard the thud and barged into the penthouse. Seeing Thomas laying on the floor, with the bust still in Zach's hand. Your under arrest for assault. The other officers handcuffed Zach and moved him to the couch and stayed there watching him. Another officer thought he saw a couple of drops of blood on the floor. He checked Thomas first, he had a pulse, but his breathing was shallow. He called dispatch to send an ambulance. The blood spots were close to a door. He opened the door and saw Richard, laying on the bed. He checked Richard for a pulse, didn't detect any pulse. Called dispatch and told them there might be a possible fatality and to send another ambulance. The officer then opened another door and couldn't believe what he saw. There was Brock spread eagle, naked on the bed. Handcuffed to the bed by his wrists and ankles. He was blindfolded gagged and had a big hardon. Brock was trying to say something. The officer took the blindfold off and removed the gag. "Thank god this is over," said Brock. Then Brock started crying. The officer found a sheet to cover Brock. "It's over buddy, that guy won't be doing anything else to you, I promise."

Brock felt relieved and mad. The officer retrieved the key from Zach for the handcuffs. "Your in a heap of trouble, that one guy on the bed could be dead. You assaulted the one that's on the floor. You've raped, assaulted and violated the guy in the other bedroom sexually. You have anything to say for yourself?"

"I have plenty to say, they all got what they deserved. They treated that guy like a king," pointing to Brock's bedroom.

Finally, the ambulances arrived and they gurneyed Thomas and Richard and took them out of the penthouse.

Brock was able to find some clothes fast to put on. He was shaken and in shock. The effects of the drugs hadn't completely worn off. The officer had him stay in the bedroom, while another officer booked Zach.

The officer asked Brock if he remembered what happened. "Your a big guy, he couldn't have taken advantage of you easily?" Brock explained how they had some drinks. He suspected that his drinks were drugged and that was how Zach had managed to get control of him. When he came to, he was naked, handcuffed to the bed, gagged and blindfolded. He knew he had been sexually assaulted. His ass hurt and he could feel dried cum on his chest and pubes. The officer recommended to Brock to be sure to go to a doctor and be checked for STD's. He agreed with the officer. The paramedics did a quick check of Brock and said he checked out fine and was lucky nothing more serious had happened to him.

The officers left with Zach in handcuffs. They took him to the station and finished booking him there. They fingerprinted him and ran his fingerprints through the national database. They found many matches of his fingerprints. Seemed he was well known in other counties and a couple of neighboring states. He used many different alias'. Anthony, Hogan, Alexander, Steven, John, Mark and Rich, and that was just a few names he had used. He had previous charges for assault and sexual assault many times. He had a rap sheet a mile long. It seems different officials were looking for Zach, which wasn't his real name. They were going to do a search to find out his real name.

Brock finally could relax, but he couldn't stop thinking about what had transpired the last couple of days. It seemed like it was weeks. What was going to happen now with his career. Both Richard and Thomas were hospitalized. Richard was in critical condition and Thomas would be discharged in a couple of days. Brock needed rest, he was tired after his ordeal. And he was wondering about Bob. Especially after Zach had told him he was his fiance. He'd try calling Bob tomorrow and explain everything that happened and hopefully they could both get back on the same page again. He also needed to contact his agency tomorrow and find out his status with them and if he still had a job.

Bob was tossing and turning all night. He couldn't get to sleep. He was concerned about Brock. He was sure that the person that answered the phone was not Brock's fiance. But then maybe he was. Damn, I need to sleep. Bob finally nodded off. It was already after two thirty in the morning and he got up around six to exercise.

The alarm went off waking Bob. He felt tired and slept like shit. He needed to exercise. Maybe that would help him get some energy and not feel so tired. He crawled out of bed. Found some gym clothes and went to the basement to exercise. Went through his regular workout. Felt much better after working out. Went upstairs, said his good morning to Margaret. Then showered. He got a big hardon working out. So he took care of that in the shower. Imagining him and Brock washing each other, kissing and sucking each other off to mind blowing orgasms. He shot a big load that ran down the tile. He watched the water rinse his cum down the drain. He definitely felt much better now. He dried off, dressed and went down for breakfast.

Brock woke up. Tired and still a little sore after his sexual abuse from Zach. He was going to call the agency first and see what his status was. Then go to the hospital to check on Richard and Thomas. Then he might try giving Bob a call. When he got in the shower he remembered his and Bob's good times. Kissing, hugging and cleaning each other. Sucking and fucking. Damn he was sporting a big woody. He rubbed it out in the shower. Shooting out a massive load all over the tile and himself. He rinsed off. Got out of the shower and dried off, put on some old beat up sweats and fixed himself some breakfast. He would start his business after breakfast. Get dressed in some nice clothes and would take care of the things he wanted to do today.

Bob ate his breakfast and was a little more quiet than usual.

Margaret asked Bob, "your awfully quiet this morning."

"Sorry Margaret, I didn't sleep well. Have a lot of things on my mind."

"I hope you have a good day at work."

"Thanks Margaret, I'm sure I'll feel better as the day wears on and I get busy at work."

I finished my breakfast, told Margaret good bye. And left for work.

Cotton also had a restless night of sleep. He thought he wasn't being careful enough. He thought he saw Bob taking cell phone pictures of his car. He knew he had all the information he needed on Bob. He just needed the right opportunity for him to hook up with Bob. He didn't need to follow him anymore. And he was going to stop going to the diner. That might be a big give away as to who was following Bob. He sure needed to have sex with a man. It had been a few days since he was with Alec. He was getting a hardon all the time. And at the worst possible times. He'd take care of his morning woody in the shower. But he missed having a sex partner.

Bob arrived at the clinic. He went to his office. Greeted Shirley and Janice. Shirley told Bob she had him booked full for the day, all sports physicals. She also told Bob the university was starting to send some of their athletes over for physicals as well.

Bob booted his computer. Had a couple of messages to read. Mainly more information about the Covid vaccines and a possible new vaccine coming for young children. Under the age of 14. "Interesting," he thought. Hope that vaccine is ready soon for the young kids. They are most vulnerable now to contract the Covid virus. Checked his cell phone, no missed calls or messages. Was thinking he might try calling Brock during his lunch break.

Brock was feeling a little better. Was still a little sore in his ass. He called the doctor the agency used and set up an appointment to be checked out. Then building his courage, he called the modeling agency. Melissa Morgan received Brock's call. "Hello this is Melissa Morgan of the Morgan & Morgan Modeling Agency, how may I help you?"

"Hello Melissa, this is Brock."

"Hello Brock, so good to hear from you." Melissa really liked Brock. Not because he was their best model. But he was just so nice and an all round nice guy. He was the best asset the agency had had in a long time.

Bob's morning went fast. He liked doing sports physicals. Except it usually left him with a big hardon and hornier than hell. He was going to eat at the clinic. He could eat lunch between physicals. He would be ready for his first afternoon physical. Bob had Shirley call the diner and order a club sandwich with a house salad.

"Melissa, this hard for me to say. But I was wondering if I still had a job after everything that has happened?"

"Brock, what are you talking about? Of course you still have a job. The agency received the police report of what happened. You were never a suspect. You were a victim. We are just glad you didn't receive any serious injuries, your well and hopefully ready to get back to work."

"That's a relief to hear Melissa. I've been procrastinating all day about calling you."

"Again, nothing to worry about. We've heard from the doctor's at the hospital. Thomas will be released tomorrow and Richard is starting to respond, but will have a long recovery period. We have assigned a different manager to you, Lance, until Richard is able to return to work. Lance is our longest working manager and does a lot of our management training. He's looking forward to working with you. Lance is already working on your next runway show. This show will be in France. With your favorite designer. We had to move the date back, because of everything that has happened. We would like you to come in as soon as possible to meet Lance. Then you guys can work together and work out the logistics for your next runway show. Thank you for calling Brock. We have all been very concerned about you."

"Thanks Mellisa. This is a big lift to my spirits. I thought I might be out of a job. I'm going to visit Thomas and Richard soon. Then I will come to the agency after my hospital visit. Maybe I will have some new information to share about Richard's condition."

Bob's day was going smoothly. Sports physicals don't take very long. But he liked to pay special attention to hernias and any prostate problems. He liked the young guys and rubbing a finger over their prostates. He got a few moans and erections with his exam. That made his day.

Brock got his car keys and left for the hospital. He was really concerned about Richard. He was hoping he could speak with Richard's doctor. Richard didn't seem to be doing very well. And his recover time sounded like it would be a long time. Thomas was to be discharged soon and would be back to his regular self. At least that's what he had been told. Brock wanted to find out for himself. That was one reason why he was going to the hospital. Another reason was that Richard was his manager and he felt closer to him than to Thomas. He wanted to give Richard as much encouragement and support as possible.

When he arrived at the hospital, he asked the nurse what room Richard and Thomas were in and if they could have visitors. The nurse gave Brock the room numbers. She said that both men could receive visitors. She told me a little about Richard. That he had memory lapses, and he might not recognize me. I asked the nurse, if he recognizes me and starts asking questions, how much should I tell him about what happened. She said, "use your own judgement, and if he seems to be getting agitated or upset. To stop and talk about something else. His parents just left and he didn't recognize them. They left quite upset."

Brock went to Richard's room first. Everything looked normal when he went in. Richard was in a private room. He saw Richard propped up on his bed and he was looking out the window. He didn't hear Brock walk in. Brock didn't want to startle Richard. So Brock said quietly, "hello Richard, how are you feeling today?"

Richard turned and just stared at Brock. Brock thought he didn't recognize him. Then Richard said, "I know you. We've worked together. I think we worked at a modeling agency?"

"That's right Richard. Do you remember my name?"

Brock could see Richard trying to remember. Then Richard finally said, "Brook, Brian, Brock. That's it Brock. You are Brock."

"That's right Richard. I'm glad you remember me. Do you remember anything else?"

"I still get confused and lose focus on what I'm saying. But it's getting less frequent. I feel better every day."

"That's good to hear Richard, hopefully, you'll be able to return to work soon, and get back into your routine."

"I hope so. You think that would be the best therapy for me?"

"I'm stopping by the agency when I leave the hospital. I'm going to tell Melissa what you told me. And see about getting you back to work soon. We all miss you."

"Thanks Brock. I'll look forward to hearing back from you, or the agency."

I told Richard bye and that I'd be back soon. He was starting to look a little tired and stressed and I didn't want to aggravate him, and set his recovery back.

I walked down to Thomas' room. He was in bed reading and waiting to be discharged. "Hi Thomas, your looking good."

"Hi Brock. I'm feeling great and was told I was going to be discharged soon. Can't wait to leave and get back to work."

"That's great Thomas, we all miss you at work. I just left Richard's room. He seemed like he was coming around pretty fast. He told me he thought getting back to work, would be the best therapy for him. I'm going to tell Melissa when I leave here and go to the agency. I'm going to leave Thomas, just wanted to see how you were doing."

"Thanks for checking in on me. You should see me at work soon."

"Bye Thomas, good to see you well and raring to get back to work."

I left the hospital. I felt pretty good after visiting Richard and Thomas. I think they both will be returning to work soon.

Drove to the agency and talked to Melissa. She liked what I told her about Richard and Thomas. She agreed with me that maybe it would be good therapy for Richard to be back to work. She said she would talk to Richard's doctors and see what they thought. Melissa thanked me again for coming to talk to her. She had almost forgot. Then she told me that Zach or whatever his name is, is booked on five felony charges and is going to court next week. Looks like he will be spending most of his life in jail. I told Melissa, "thank you," for the information. She she said she'd be sure to pass it on to Richard and Thomas when they return to work. She promised that she would.

I left the agency. I wanted to get home and talk to Bob. He needed to know what had happened. And that I don't have a fiance. I hope that call goes well. I don't want to lose him.

Bob had finished his last physical with a moaning high school student. Giving him a slow and careful hernia and prostate exam. He thought he saw the young guy smiling to himself as he got dressed. You can tell the other guys that I will be mailing your exam results to the high school coach. He thanked me and left.

Finished my paperwork and entries in the computer. Checked for any emails or any missed calls on the cell phone. Nothing. Took off my lab coat. Damn, that last kid gave me a big boner. He was pretty hot, but too young for me. He had big balls and a good eight inch cock. He was leaking a little by the time I was finished with his exam. I closed my office and told Shirley and Janice good night. They did the same to me.

I left the clinic. Wanted to call Brock and find out about his fiance business. Also, if he was ok. I had a feeling deep in my gut that something was terribly wrong. Hope he answers his phone, and not somebody else.

Cotton had a busy day. He got some unexpected news that would put his plan in action to see Bob, and try to get something going with him. He was called into the locker room at the university for a team meeting. He was attending the university on both a football and academic scholarships. Cotton was a smart young man. The coach told the team he was getting them scheduled for their physicals, as practice would be starting soon and he wanted all his players in good health. He said the schedule for physicals was posted on the bulletin board next to his office. Once the meeting ended, the team made a dash to check out the schedule. Cotton noticed right away that the physicals were being done at Dr. Bob's clinic. He couldn't be happier, and he was scheduled for next Thursday, less than a week away. He left the university, happy and smiling to himself. His plan was working out fine. Now he needed to plan his strategy when he met with Bob. He was going to give him his best moves and get Bob to give in to meeting somewhere together.

Bob got home. Parked his car in the garage and walked into the kitchen. "Hi Margaret, how's your day been?"

"Good as always, Bob. Your so easy to work for and I thank myself having you as my boss and this job."

"Margaret, I don't know what I'd do without you. Your the best."

"Thanks Bob, that's nice to hear. I have everything finished and was going to leave a few minutes early. If that is ok with you?"

"Of course, you know better than me, what needs to be done in the house. If you say your finished, your finished. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Margaret left. I went up to my bedroom. Took off my work clothes and put on my old ragged sweats that are my favorite. It's funny how the older the clothes are, the more comfortable they are. Need to rest and relax a bit. Went downstairs, grabbed a cold beer. Forgot my cell phone. Ran back upstairs and grabbed my phone off the bed. Noticed I had one missed message. The message was only about five minutes old. Recognized the number right away. It was Brock calling and leaving me a message. My heart started beating faster. My pulse quickened. Ran downstairs to the living room. Flopped down on the couch and called Brock.

The phone rang a few times and finally I heard Brock's deep voice. "Hello, Brock speaking."

"Hi Brock, this is Bob. How are you doing? Is everything ok?"

Brock started explaing everything to me about Zach. The assaults on Robert and Thomas. How they both ended in the hospital. That Zach was never his fiance. Zach wasn't even his real name. He was assigned a substitute manager until Robert was back working full time. He told Bob the he had another runway show coming up soon in France, for his favorite designer. Brock asked Bob to come with him to France. He would pay for Bob's flight and he could stay with him. Brock avoided telling Bob about his sexual abuse from Zach.

Bob was relieved to hear from Brock. "I knew something was wrong." Glad that Brock was ok. Glad that his work was going well for him. I told him I would not be able to go to his runway show. I was very busy, and booked with patients for over a month and a half. But promised to call Brock often.

They both talked for almost two hours. Catching up on what the other had been doing. It sure was great to hear Brock's voice. Wish something would happen where he could visit and spend some time with me. They both knew it wouldn't happen. They expressed their love to each other and how much they missed each other. It was a good thought. They finally said their good nights and best wishes to each other and ended their call.

Bob was tired, but relieved. He warmed his dinner. Watched a little tv. Had a hardon the whole time he was talking to Brock. Might rub one out later before going to sleep. Finished his dinner. Grabbed another beer. Finished watching the movie he had started watching earlier. Stripped down, crawled into bed, and was out like a light. He didn't even jerk off. Went to sleep with his hardon.

Bob and Brock talked a couple of times before Brock was going to be leaving for France. He was looking forward to his runway show. They did a video call and had phone sex, but it was frustrating and not like the real thing. They stopped that quick. They said their tearful goodbyes. Brock said he would call as soon as he was back from France. They both ended the call choking up.

Bob gave a big sigh after talking with Brock. He recalled all the good times they had had together. Thinking how much he really missed Brock. But being realistic, knew they would probably never see each other again.

The next few days flew by. Booked full with sports physicals for both the high school and university athletes. He started now with the university students. Fine looking young men and women. Of course Bob preferred the physicals for the men more than the women. Some of those guys were pretty well endowed. He gave them special attention. They didn't seem to mind, he tried to make it part of the physical. Some of them seemed to like the extra attention. Making Bob smile to himself.

Cotton kept marking off the days on his calendar, till he had his physical with Bob. He could hardly wait. He was going to play it cool and just go with the flow and see what happened. Thursday couldn't get here fast enough. He was so horny and anxious. He hadn't jerked off in anticipation of what might happen during his physical.

Thursday finally arrived. Cotton had all day to plan. He didn't have to be to the clinic until four. He was hoping he would be Bob's last physical. That would work to his advantage. He putsed around the house. His parents were working professionals and they were gone to work. He barely saw his parents. When he did, they were usually going to a cocktail party, dinner or some business dinner meeting. Cotton was actually a very lonely young man. He was an only child and lived in this big house, pretty much by himself. For some reason he always seemed to click better with older people than his peers. His peers were boring and not exciting like older people. He thought he might spill his guts to Bob. He needed someone to talk to. He wasn't interested in just sex, but wanted someone he could confide in and share experiences with. It was approaching three. Cotton took a shower. Laid out some casual clothes, nothing too dressy. Some jeans and a nice pull over shirt. Put on some sneakers. Threw a little cologne on and thought he looked pretty good. At five feet eleven inches, 185lbs of solid muscle, he did look pretty good.

Cotton left the house. He wanted to be to the clinic a little early. Saw his muscles bulging through his shirt. Brought a smile to himself. He was used to working out regularly. Playing sports, it was a requirement. He wondered if Bob worked out. He looked like it. Maybe they could become gym buddies. He was thinking, it would give him a chance to get closer to Bob. Anyhow, I need to get through this physical and see what happens. Sure would like to hook up with Bob. He's the kind of guy I like, laid back, very handsome, muscular and friendly.

Bob's day was going well. He was hoping he would have have heard something from Brock. A call from Brock would have made his day perfect. He missed Brock, and thought about him all the time. Bob knew he needed to move on and try to find someone to take Brock's place. But in this small town, that was almost impossible. He finished a physical just after four and was ready now for his last one. He told Janice, to send in his last university student for his physical.

Cotton heard his name called. He walked into the examination room and waited for Bob. There was a knock on the door, and Bob walked in. They were both surprised to see each other. "Cotton, I didn't know you were my last physical for today?"

"Yeah, I was scheduled for my physical today at four. The coach has a schedule posted outside his door for our physicals. The day and time."

Wow, Cotton looked pretty good there in his tight jeans, showing off his big bulge and his ripped body. His shirt accented his muscular arms and chest. He must workout almost every day. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

I saw Cotton looking at me. He must have seen me staring at him. "You like what you see Bob?"

"Huh, what'?" I came out of my daze. You look very healthy Cotton and in good shape. I handed Cotton an examination gown to put on. Told him I would be back in a couple of minutes.

Cotton stripped down. Neatly folding his clothes and putting them on the chair. He sat back down on the end of the examination table and waited for Bob to come back. As soon as Bob came into the examination room, I sprung a boner. It was tenting my gown. God, how am I going to get this big thing down? He tried thinking of the most awful things he could. But nothing helped. Bob prepared everything and turned around to begin Cotton's examination.

Looks like your ready for your examination, Bob thought to himself. He couldn't help but notice Cotton tenting the front of the gown. Luckily, his lab coat covered his hardon. Sprung a big boner as soon as he saw Cotton. "Looks like your ready for your examination?"

"Yup, I can't wait."

That took Bob back a bit. Nobody says they can't wait for a physical. Bob was anxious to get this physical over with. He knew that Cotton liked him. But he wasn't sure about Cotton's motives.

Bob proceeded with the general part of the exam. Checked Cotton's eyes, ears, blood pressure, height, weight, etc. They were talking while Bob was examining him. During the exam, Bob found out Cotton was five feet eleven inches tall. Weighed 185lbs. He was in excellent health and physical condition. They started talking about exercising. Cotton told Bob it was a requirement for all the athletes to workout regularly. For some reason, Bob told Cotton he had a home gym and maybe he would like to workout with him. Cotton agreed immediately. Maybe he sounded a little too anxious. "When could we start our first workout?", asked Cotton.

"This is Thursday, how about tomorrow? Late afternoon, or early evening. I get home from work around 5:30pm. Like to workout as soon as I get home. How about six?"

"That works perfect for me Bob." Cotton went on to explain his home situation, and being an only child.

Bob was glad he invited Cotton over. Margaret would be gone for the day when Cotton arrived. Bob didn't want to have to do any explaining to Margaret. He felt a little sorry for Cotton, after his explanation about his parents and his home life. Cotton went on to explain how he was the one following him, and parking at the diner and across the street from the clinic, and a couple of blocks down from his house. Bob thanked Cotton for being honest and telling him. Bob was getting more and more impressed with Cotton. He was easy to talk to. Very intelligent and just a nice all around boy next door type. Bob continued on with the physical. It was time for the hernia and prostate exam. He had Cotton stand up facing him. He told Cotton to lift his gown. He needed to check for hernia. He was surprised to see Cotton's big boner sticking out and big balls hanging down. His balls weren't as big as Bob's, but still a nice size. His cock looked to be just a bit bigger than his.

Cotton enjoyed this part of the exam. He was taken with Bob. Bob was easy to talk to. And everything he was looking for in a man. This had been going much better than he thought it would. Bob even invited him over Friday late afternoon for their first workout. He heard Bob tell him to cough, as Bob felt his balls. He then heard Bob tell him to turn around and bend over, and put his hands on the examination table. He was going to check his prostate. Cotton eagerly turned around and got into position. He wasn't expecting this, but it was a nice surprise.

He turned around and spread his cheeks for Bob. Bob was smiling to himself. He put his rubber gloves on and lubed his finger. He slowly worked his finger into Cotton's hole, until his finger was all the way in. He then started moving his finger around until he felt Cotton's prostate. Cotton's prostate was enlarging and Bob spent more time than usual rubbing over it. He heard Cotton give a moan. He knew he was rubbing it good. He pulled his finger out. Cotton was rock hard and leaking. His cock was definitely bigger than his, probably close to eight inches and thick. Cotton was cut. A perfect looking cock, Bob thought.

"That finishes the exam Cotton, you can get dressed. I will finish entering this information in the computer and send it off to your coach. Everything checked out ok. Nothing to be concerned about. Was just thinking, these physicals seem to start earlier every year." Bob was watching Cotton get dressed. He had some difficulty stuffing his hardon into his jeans. Once inside his jeans, it made a nice outline.

"Our practice starts new week, and the coach wants us all to have our physicals done before practice starts."

"Looking forward to our first workout tomorrow."

"Me too," said Cotton. "Should I bring anything?"

"Nope, just yourself."

Cotton finished dressing, and just before left the examination room, he gave Bob a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"What's that all about?"

"I wanted to thank you for listening to me. Your the only one I've told all this stuff to."

"Thanks for confiding in me. I appreciate that, and I hope it made you feel better?" Bob gave Cotton his cell phone number and Cotton gave Bob his. Bob told Cotton to be sure to use the speaker at the gate when he arrived. Then I can open the gate for you.

Cotton thanked Bob again, and left the exam room and the clinic.

Bob was thinking to himself. Cotton is really a nice young man. A little young for me at nineteen, turning twenty in the fall. But he acts and talks like someone much older. He's very bright. I'll have to wait and see what happens.

Friday finally came. Bob looked forward to Fridays. He had the weekend to relax and forget about work. He told Margaret she could leave early and enjoy her weekend. Margaret always cooks extra for the weekend.

Bob was busy all day. Finished the sports physicals. He finished his last physical. Put the information into the computer and sent it off to the coach. All the young men and women were in very good physical condition. He closed his office. Told Shirley and Janice to have a good weekend, he was leaving. They told Bob the same.

Bob got home a little earlier than usual. The physicals had went smoothly and quickly. He got home just after five. Cotton wouldn't be arriving till around six for their first workout together. Bob was glad to have a little extra time to relax and change into some loose gym shorts, no underwear, and a tshirt. He was barefoot, but would put on some sneakers when he worked out. He went to the back patio and relaxed in a lounger. The lounger brought back memories of him and Brock. Thinking of Brock, it's been a long time since he's called. Maybe Sunday I'll try giving him a call and see how his runway show went. Bob heard the speaker at the front gate. It was Cotton asking to get in. Bob pressed the button and the gate opened. Cotton pulled up in front of one of the garage stalls.

Cotton had brought a small gym bag with him. It had a change of clothes and some gym clothes to change into. He walked up to the front door with his gym bag. Pressed the doorbell. He could hear it ringing inside. He heard footsteps and Bob opened the door. Bob and Cotton shook hands and Bob let Cotton in. "Nice place you have here Bob."

"Thanks, it's older and big. But I like it. You ready for a good workout?"

"You bet, lead the way."

Bob noticed Cotton wearing some tight jeans. His bulge was showing. He was wondering if Cotton was wearing any underwear. It didn't look like it. Cotton had a tshirt on that was stretched over his muscular chest. Bob put on his sneakers. Cotton could see that Bob wasn't wearing any underwear. Interesting he thought to himself. Bob led the way as they went downstairs to the gym. Cotton was quite impressed with the gym. That made Bob happy. "What's in your sports bag Cotton?"

"A change of clothes and my gym clothes."

"Why don't you get changed. I'm going to stretch and get warmed up on the treadmill. Bob walked over to one of the treadmills. Stretched a little and then got the treadmill set at a slow walking pace that he would increase gradually. Bob was trying not to be obvious glancing over at Cotton and watching him get changed.

Cotton saw Bob glance over a few times checking him out. Cotton took his time changing so Bob could get a good look. He already was semi hard and naked since he didn't wear any underwear. He bent over so Bob could see his ass and balls hanging down. He slowly pulled up some gym shorts and put on a cut off sweatshirt and sneakers. He joined Bob at the other treadmill. He stretched first and did a little warm up. They both started slow and then began increasing the pace until they were jogging on the treadmills. They both thought they had enough warming up. And walked over to the free weights. Bob set up the bar to the weights he usually used. Cotton would spot for him. Bob could see up a leg opening of Cotton's shorts. He wasn't wearing any underwear and he was getting a chubby. Damn, that made it hard to concentrate on his lifting. Bob managed to struggle through his reps. Cotton helped him with the bar on his last lift. Then they traded positions and Bob spotted for Cotton. Cotton said he would try the weight that Bob had on the bar. Cotton could see that Bob wasn't wearing any underwear either. Looked like Bob was getting hard. Cotton also had trouble with his concentration but managed to get in his usual amount of reps. Bob helped him with the bar. Cotton felt Bob's hands on his. It sent a jolt of electricity through his body, like he never felt with anyone before. Damn, what's going on he thought to himself. Bob is a friend and nothing else. Why am I feeling like this?

They agreed that they had enough workout for today. They were hot and sweaty with sore muscles. "I have a shower over there in the corner if you want to use that, Cotton?"

Cotton looked a little bewildered. "Thought we might take a shower together to save on water?"

Bob thought about it. He wasn't sure if he could trust Cotton showering with him. He liked the idea. Brought back memories of him and Brock showering together. The more he thought about it. The more he liked the idea. "Ok, Cotton, follow me. But no fooling around in the shower."

"I promise Bob," snickering.

Bob thought, oh boy. What am I getting myself into?

Cotton followed Bob to his bedroom and then into the bathroom. Bob stripped down first and got the water adjusted to the right temperature. He was glad he had a big shower so they wouldn't be bumping against each other. Bob heard Cotton come in. He opened the shower door and walked in. Cotton was sporting a big semi hardon. Bob noticed, but turned his back and let the water run down over his hair and back. The hot water felt good on his sore neck and shoulders from lifting. Cotton asked Bob if he wanted him to wash his back. Bob said the shower gel is over there, pointing to it. Cotton put some of the gel on his hands and lathered Bob's shoulders and back and then over Bob's ass. Bob didn't move away, so Cotton got a little braver and ran the side of hand between Bob's ass cheeks. He thought he heard Bob moan. Bob couldn't turn around. He had a big hardon and he didn't want Cotton to see it. Cotton then lathered Bob's legs. Paying special attention to his upper inside thighs, brushing against Bob's balls. Cotton noticed how big Bob's balls were. They were bigger than his. Then he asked Bob if he was ready for him to lather the front. He managed to say he was good. He would wash his front side. He peeked around and saw Cotton facing the opposite wall letting the water run down over him from the other shower head. Bob asked Cotton if he wanted him to wash his back. Cotton said sure and to be sure to get all those hard to reach places. That made Bob chuckle to himself. He lathered Cotton's shoulders and back. His back was broad from working out. He then lathered Cotton's ass and between his cheeks. Cotton didn't move away so Bob kept going. Matching everything Cotton had done to him. Going between Cotton's legs and then the upper thigh inside of his legs, brushing against those balls he remembered from doing his physical. Cotton then surprised Bob and turned around with a big hardon. Just like Bob had. There hardons hit together and they both moved close together and kissed softly and tenderly. They didn't say anything as they lathered each others cocks and balls. Using the liquid soap to slowly stroke each other. They started panting and gasping and their breathing became harder as their orgasms were approaching. Bob shot first covering Cotton's stomach, pubes, cock and balls with a big load. Feeling Bob's load hitting him, sent Cotton over the edge. He was moaning and spasming, shooting out a big load that splattered all over Bob's chest, abs, pubes, cock and balls. They both started laughing. Rinsing off the cum. "That's the biggest load I've ever shot Bob."

"Same for me to Cotton. Hope your not upset about what just happened. I let myself go which I shouldn't have."

"No problem Bob. To be honest, I was hoping something like this would happen. I really like you Bob."

"I'm very impressed with you Cotton. After talking during your physical, it was like I was talking to another older man. I really like you to Cotton."

They kissed and hugged in the shower. They finally turned the shower off. Dried off. Walked downstairs naked. Their cocks swinging back and forth. "You hungry Cotton?"

"I'm starving after our two workouts."

That made Bob laugh. "Let me see what Margaret left to warm up. There's spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread."

"Perfect, my favorite," said Cotton.

Bob warmed the food. They fixed their plates and went to the outside patio to eat. Moved a couple of loungers together.

"You have a big yard Bob. Really quiet and peaceful here."

"Yeah, it's a big yard. Plan to get the pool working soon. Have some other things to take care of in the house first."

"Skinny dipping in the pool would be fun."

"My thoughts exactly," said Bob.

They finished their dinner. Bob was actually enjoying himself being with Cotton. The age difference didn't matter. He liked Cotton and liked talking with him. They took their empty plates to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. "Suppose you need to be getting home, Cotton?" asked Bob.

"No my parents are used to me being gone on the weekends. I think they like it when I'm not at the house."

"I hope that's not the case Cotton, your a very likeable young man. Friendly, with a good personality."

"Thanks Bob. Appreciate you saying that. Was hoping you wouldn't mind me here for the weekend?"

"As long as your sure it's ok with your parents, I would like that."

"How about you call your parents and tell them your going to be gone for the weekend. I would really like them to know your not going to be home."

"Ok Bob, if you insist. Let me find my cell phone. Cotton found his phone and called his parents. Nobody answered and Cotton left a message that he was staying with a teammate over the weekend and would be back Sunday, sometime."

"Thanks for doing that Cotton. How about if we watch a movie? I have a home theater downstairs. I don't know if you noticed it when we were downstairs working out?"

"No, didn't see that. We were busy working out."

"Let me show you."

They both walked downstairs, barefoot and naked. They didn't think anything about it. "What kind of movies do you like?"

"What's this room over here Bob?"

"That's a game room?" Bob turned on the lights so Cotton could see the game room.

"Are you kidding me Bob, this game room is awesome. I could spend hours in here."

Bob smiled to himself. The young Cotton was really coming through now. The game room was nice. But it wasn't awesome. Bob turned the lights off and they walked back to the home theater room.

Cotton thought about Bob's question for a couple of minutes. "I like action adventure movies. Mysteries and spy movies."

"Cool, those are all good choices. Why don't you look through my pay site and pick out a movie that looks good and get it started. I'll make us some popcorn. What do you want with your popcorn?"

"I'll take a coke if you have one."

"Will bring it with the popcorn."

Cotton found a good suspense mystery movie. He kept it on pause until Bob got back. This gave Cotton some time to think. He really liked Bob. Bob was everything he was looking for in a friend, companion and maybe lover. Time would tell. They enjoyed the same things. Bob was very intelligent, masculine and a nice all around guy. He heard Bob coming down the stairs with a big bowl of popcorn and a large glass of coke with ice.

We squirmed and struggled and jiggled around to sit together in one of the oversized theater chairs. Finally, by putting a leg over each other we were able to squeeze together. Which felt pretty good. Cotton started the movie and we started watching. After a while he laid his head against my shoulder and chest. I knew what he was doing. He felt alone and needed someone to be with. His parents were never home and gave him the time he needed. I liked that he felt that comfortable with me. He looked up at me. "Bob can I ask you something?"

"Of course Cotton, you can ask me anything."

"Would you mind being my older brother when I'm here with you?"

It kind of took me back for a moment. Then I replied, "sure Cotton, I'd like that."

Cotton then gave me a big hug. Liked his big muscular body hugging me. And gave me a long sweet kiss. Was thinking, haven't been kissed like that since Brock and I were together. We finished our popcorn. Cotton started feeling my cock and it started getting hard. I reached down and felt Cotton's hard cock. We started moaning and breathing heavy as our making out got hotter and hotter. The movie finished and I told Cotton, "let's go to the bedroom." We got up and took the bowl upstairs to the kitchen. Hugging each other and kissing as we made our way slowly to the bedroom. Our hardons were sticking straight out and leading the way. Almost like in anticipation of more to come. When we got to the bedroom, we flopped down on the bed next to each other. We just laid there looking at each other and not saying anything. Finally, I said, "Cotton, thank you for wanting me to be your big brother."

"I'm glad you accepted. I've always wanted a big brother. Someone I could confide in, tell my secrets to, and just be myself."

"I'll do my best to be everything you want."

We turned on our sides facing each other. We hugged and kissed some more. Rubbing and grinding our big boners together. I liked feeling Cotton all over. He has a tight ripped body. Feeling all thos muscles was a big turn on for me. Finally Cotton said, "I'm getting close. I don't want to cum yet."

I got over Cotton and kissed him. Then kissed his neck and ears working my way down to his nips and pecs. His nips got hard as soon as I kissed and nibbled on them. He liked what I was doing. He was moaning and holding the back of my head. I worked my way down, kissing over his abs and through his pubes. We need to trim those pubes, I was thinking. Then licked and kissed around the base of his hard erect cock. Starting licking the sides of his shaft. He was leaking like crazy. Licked and sucked out his precum and sucked out more from his piss slit. Then licked down the back side of his cock to his balls. Sucking one big orb in and then the other. He was moaning louder. "Bro, that feels great. Please don't stop."

"I'm not stopping little bro. I want to taste and swallow your big load."

I licked back up to the head of his cock and deep throated him to his balls. He was holding the back of my head harder. I could tell he was getting close to cumming. Started going up and down faster and faster. Feeling his cock thicken and his balls pull up. He let out a loud moan and started shooting into my mouth and hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed fast to keep up with his big load. He kept shooting and shooting. Must have been close to a minute. I managed to swallow his big delicious load. He laid there panting and sweating. "Wow, that was the biggest load I've ever shot. Of course I was letting it build up the last couple of days in anticipation of something like this happening. Now it's your turn."

I gave Cotton a big smile and laid down with my hands behind my head, letting him take over. My big boner sticking straight up, waiting for him. My little bro, Cotton, got over me kissing my neck and ears while he kept one hand playing and fondling with my balls. He had picked up the pace fast, I liked my balls played with. I felt like I was continually being edged when he played with my balls. I liked the idea of me being Cotton's big bro, and he my little bro. He wasn't that little physically, but only age wise, he was my little bro. Cotton worked me over good, getting me close to cumming many times. He knew when to back off and start again. He was busy sucking on my balls and jacking me at the same time. Damn, I thought I was in heaven. Moved a hand behind his head. My little bro got the message and started sucking me like a champ. He was really good at sucking my cock. I could tell it wasn't his first time sucking cock. I didn't say anything. Just enjoyed all the sensations that were shooting through my body. Finally, he felt my cock stiffen and my body become erect and I started blasting out in his mouth and down his throat. Must have shot a good four or five thick ropes of cum. He swallowed and licked the rest of my cum leaking out of my sensitive head.

We laid back after our intense orgasms. Once we were breathing normal. We looked at each other and smiled. We said almost simultaneously, "ready for round two?" We knew both what round two would be. I wanted to be fucked by my little bro and feel his big cock inside me. I could tell Cotton wanted to be fucked by me too. I told Cotton there was lube in the nightstand on his side of the bed in the drawer. He got the lube out. "Who's going first?" he asked.

"You go first little bro." Calling each other brothers, brought back memories when my brother and I were kids living at home. How we would razz each other and joke around like only brothers do. Before I knew what happened, Cotton had a pillow under my hips, my ass raised, and he was giving me the best rim job I've ever had. Brock had rimmed me, but I thought Cotton was better. Cotton had me moaning and squirming on the bed, his tongue felt so good. It was like he was doing magic tricks on my hole with his tongue. "Work my hole for me and get me stretched for that monster of yours."

"How does that feel, big bro?"

"Fantastic. I want you to fuck me."

Cotton lubed his big fat cock. Pressed it against my hole and it popped in. "Just go slow bro. I need to get used to your size and inside me."

Cotton went slow. Letting me adjust to his size. When he felt I had relaxed, he started slowly working his cock in and out. Gradually he picked up his pace until he was giving me a good fuck. I was holding the sheets and moaning. It felt so good. Cotton sure knew what he was doing. "Go faster, faster, harder, harder." I pushed back on Cotton to get as much of him in me as possible. I felt Cotton's cock throb and swell in my hole. I heard Cotton grunt and then felt his warm cum coating my insides. It felt wonderful. Cotton collapsed on top of me. We kissed and then he rolled over on his side. We just laid there sweating and enjoying the post orgasmic bliss. Finally we agreed we needed to get some sleep. I pulled Cotton into me and snuggled up behind him. My cock was nestled between Cotton's ass cheeks. I had an arm around Cotton. Cotton smiled to himself. It felt good to have his big bro snuggled up to him. Cotton felt fulfilled, content and loved. Something he never received from his parents and just what he was looking for. We slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up first. Still snuggled up to Cotton. Could feel my morning woody in the crack of Cotton's ass. Felt Cotton stirring. He turned around and faced me. "Good morning bro."

"Good morning little bro." We kissed and grinded our morning woodies together. We then sucked each other off in a hot sixty nine to big orgasms. His cum tasted so good. Kind of sweet and salty. Cotton said he liked mine too. We climbed out of bed. Our hardons hadn't went down. We walked into the shower. We took a long hot steamy shower. Washing each other. Fucked each other in the shower. Something about the shower, seems to make fucking better. Dried each other off. Walked downstairs naked, and made some breakfast.

We didn't do much the whole day. Cotton liked college football, like me. So we watched a couple of games. Cotton helped me barbeque a couple of steaks for a late dinner. It was almost dinner time anyway. We just snacked at lunchtime. The steaks turned out good. We both chowed down on our dinner. We had salad and dinner rolls with our steak. Cleaned the kitchen and barbeque and went downstairs and watched another movie. We wiggled our way into a theater chair. Being tight together felt good. Cotton told me a lot more about himself. How lonely he was. His parents never seemed to have time for him. He told me, he felt the best right here with me. He said this was the most attention he had ever received. I gave him more attention and love than his parents ever had.

Our weekend together was going fast. Too fast. It was already Sunday and Cotton thought he should be leaving and get home. Just in case, he had a chore list of things to do around his parent's house. We kissed and hugged. Said our goodbyes and promised to call each other. Cotton left for home.

Just did some reflecting the rest of the day, watching another football game. Cotton was a really special young man. Liked how he called me his, "big bro."

We started getting together on weekends. That seemed to work the best for Cotton and me. His practice had started. He told me the coach was impressed with him. But being just a freshman in college, he couldn't put Cotton in as starting quarterback. He would be a substitute quarterback when needed. The coach promised Cotton he would get some game time, and if anything happened to Casey, the starting quarterback, he would take his place as starting quarterback.

Classes started for Cotton. So between classes, football practice and games, his time was pretty occupied. He had a lot of studying to do, even though he was doing his electives. He had to move and live on campus his first year. He wasn't happy about that. I helped him move. I have a big SUV with lots of room. We hauled everything to his dorm room. His roommate hadn't arrived yet. So we made out and initiated his bed. Sex with Cotton was fantastic. I needed to leave and get back home. We said our tearful goodbyes. Hugged and kissed, and I left for home.

Our weekend times together were getting less and less. It was hard for Cotton to leave campus. And his studies and practice and games were taking up all his time. He was tired after practice and games. And tired from studying many late nights. We managed a few times to get together over the weekends.

I got a call from Cotton. Something in his voice didn't sound right. He said he wanted to come over and talk to me. It was during the week, so I knew he must have something important to tell me. I waited for Cotton to use the speaker at the front gate, so I could let him in. The time seemed to drag. Finally, I heard him, "Hey big bro, it's Cotton."

I pushed the button in the house and the gate opened. Saw Cotton pull up in front of the house. He got out and came running up to the front door. I opened the door as he was ready to ring the doorbell. He ran into my arms. He was clearly very upset about something. I closed the door and we went to the living room. We sat together, hugging and kissing. Cotton looked like he had been crying. "You ready to tell me what's going on?"

He was trying to keep back his tears. "Bro, I have to leave the university and transfer to the main campus, when this semester ends."

"How come little bro?"

"Talking with my advisor, the branch of the U I'm attending, doesn't offer all the classes I need for my electrical engineering degree."

"What about your academic and football scholarships?"

"The advisor told me that my scholarships wouldn't be a problem, because the scholarshps are to attend the university of my choice.

"How about playing football at the main U?"

"My advisor told me the coach had talked to his buddy the coach at the main U, and everything was worked out for me to play on the team. And there was a possibility I might be the starting quarterback. Seems the starting quarterback had an injury during practice and might be out the whole season. So if I workout, I could be the starting quarterback."


The scholarships, stipulate a branch of the U or the main campus."

"It looks like everything is taken care of bro. So why the long face?"

"It's just that I'm going to miss you bro, and being so far away, I don't know when we can get together." Then the dam burst, and Cotton was sobbing.

"Listen to me bro, and listen well. This is your big bro talking now. I love you very much, yes it's going to be difficult to get together. But, look on the bright side. You have the best opportunity for a good education at the main U. You can't pass that up. You might be the starting quarterback. Your scholarships are good at the main U. I will attend all your games, even if I have to cut my work day short to see you, and see you play."

Cotton seem relieved and looked better. He said, "I never really thought about it like that. That's why your the best big bro any guy could have. I'm lucky to have you as my big bro."

We hugged and kissed. Cotton was back to his regular self. "It looks like next week you will be moving to the main campus?"


"Yes," he said.

"You going to need any help moving?"

"No, but thanks for offering. The university is taking care of everything for me. I will even have a private room at the U with my own bathroom. That should workout well for us." Giving me one of his trademark smiles.

I looked back at him. "Looks like everything is working out well for you bro? I couldn't be happier for you."

With the big announcement cleared up, Cotton said he needed to leave. Believe or not, his parents were actually giving him a party, and had invited most of the team and some of his professors. Maybe things were looking up for Cotton with his parents.

Like I promised Cotton. I made it to his games. He was the starting quarterback. Quite an accomplishment for a freshman. But I knew Cotton was quite a special young man. And he could accomplish anything. I spent some time with him on the weekends, since he had a private room, it wasn't a problem. But he was always tired after his games, and I had a long drive back to my place. So our times together became less and less. I still went to all his games. We talked some on the phone.

Cotton graduated with honors. Earning his degree in electrical engineering. He had many sports recruiters wanted to sign him to play professional football. He graciously declined the offers. He had been offered a job at a major company. The company was located a couple of states over. The last I heard from Cotton, he was working hard at his new job. But the calls soon started getting less and less and we never saw each other again.

I had tried calling Brock a couple of times, no answer. Left him messages on his cell phone, no reply. Was thinking I was a jinx. It didn't work out with Alec. Now I've lost Brock and Cotton. Will I ever find Mr. Right for me? Three down. How many more to go?

End of Chapter 3 - Cotton

Chapter 4 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays.

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writing it. Please email me at:

Other stories by this author:"

Bobs Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (Mar. 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 4

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