My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jul 15, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 26

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 26. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 26 - Zane

Xandro was very happy while he waited on his new employees at the diner. Everything was coming together fast and he liked that. The hiring process was a breeze and also went much faster than he thought it would. Having lunch together, would give him a chance to get to know his employees better. Then after lunch Owen would come over and they could discuss the expansion to the Pet Store and clinic.

Bob was ready to leave for lunch. He thought he would check his computer for any emails and then leave. He had one email from his doctor friend that was treating Millie's father. The email stated that Millie's father was responding well to chemotherapy. They had been able to help him regain enough strength to have chemo. He had had two treatments his advanced stage cancer was dissipating. The doctor said it was like a miracle. He had never seen anyone with this advanced stage of cancer respond so well to chemotherapy.

That was good news and he wanted to share it with Millie, if that doctor hadn't already informed her. He took off his lab coat, closed his office door and was walking to the diner. Bob noticed the sign was down in the Pet Store for hiring. He had seen Xandro's and Wayde's ads in the daily paper, for hiring employees.

Bob walked in to the diner and saw Xandro and nodded to him. He had a group of people with him and didn't want to interrupt them. Thankfully they hadn't taken his favorite table. Bob was hoping Graham would come for lunch. He knew Monday's were a busy day for him, but maybe he could get away.

Millie came over to the table, looking more like the old Millie that Bob remembered. "Hello, Mr. Doctor. What can I get you for lunch?"

"Well Millie, I have some good news for you. Why don't you bring me a cup of black coffee and then we can talk if you have time."

"I always have time for my favorite doctor. I'll be right back with your coffee."

It was good to see Millie back to her old self. Bob was wondering if the doctor had called her.

Millie came back with Bob's coffee and took a seat across from him. "So what's this good news you have for me?"

"Well, I received an email from my good doctor friend that works at the hospital where your father is. In fact, he's your father's principle doctor. His email stated that your father is responding well to chemotherapy and his cancer is dissipating. He says it's a miracle. He's never seen anyone respond like your father is to chemotherapy. They have given your father two treatments and now he needs to come back next month for his next treatment."

"Oh Bob, that's wonderful news. Millie was tearing up. Bob handed her his hankerchief so she could wipe her eyes. I need to go see my father. I think I'll go this weekend and spend some time with him. I'm so happy. This is the best news I could have received. Thank you Bob, for sharing it with me and tell your doctor friend I'll be coming this weekend to see my father and maybe I can have a short talk with him?"

"I'll send him an email when I get back to the clinic. I'm sure he can make time to meet with you."

Millie heard the bell, signaling a meal was ready. She left and soon came back with my lunch. It was very good, but Millie needed to wait on other customers. I was glad I could give her that news. I hope she can go this weekend to see her father.

Bob finished his lunch. Paid and left a good tip for Millie on the table. He waved to Millie when he left and walked back to the clinic.

If his first afternoon patient hadn't arrived, he would send an email off to his doctor friend. Telling him about Millie coming and wanting to talk to him.

Zane was up early and about. He wanted to get an early start on Tyrell and Rashona's yard. He had told the men he had called where to meet him. He was going to divide the men he talked into the three crews. He didn't want all the new guys together as one crew. He wanted to mix it up. So they could see what kind of work they would be doing and have his regular crew working with them and help them as a guide, so they could see what they needed to do.

Zane drove up to Tyrell and Rashonas house. It looked like they had left for work. That wasn't a problem he had the plans with him and memorized as to what the back yard should look like when it was finished. He had also brought Quinton and Reeve's plans so the other two crews could get started on their yard.

It didn't take long until Zane's crews started arriving. He got all the men organzied the way he wanted. The new guys had arrived at the time they were told. Zane liked that. Hopefully, they would work out ok. His regular crew would tell him if their was any problems. He gave Quinton and Reeve's plans to his foreman that would be working at their yard. The two crews took off with the plans. Zane showed the plans for Tyrell and Rashona's house to his other foreman and they got the men busy on what they needed to start on.

Wayde's morning was busy with interviews. The interviews took time, he wanted to be sure he was hiring the best people possible. He was glad he could hire local people. The franchise wanted to bring in their own workers, but since Wayde had bought the franchise he could do his own hiring. So far he had interviewed six people and the morning hadn't finished. He had had more walkins so he was working them in with his scheduled interviews. He had all the floor staff hired and the cashiers. He still needed a store manager, a personal secretary, the more he thought about it the more he knew he would need his own secretary and an accountant, to take care of the financial part of the running the hardware store. Wayde was very knowledgeable about running a store, but the less office work he had to do, the better.

His interviewee had arrived and Wayde was hoping this person could fill an office job.

Wayde had good luck. His afternoon interviews went well and he was able to fill the office positions and hire a store manager. He would have a staff meeting tomorrow and he was going to have his Grand Opening on Saturday. He thought with less people working on the weekend, he would have a good turnout and hopefully make a lot of sales.

Bob was still waiting on his first afternoon patient. The patient was running late. He remembered he should call the bank. Knowing Graham, he would want to get the accounts taken care of a soon as possible. He looked up the bank president and gave him a call on his private number. "Hello Bob, what a nice surprise. What can I do for you?"

"Just calling to give you a heads up. Graham will be calling you to change back to a joint account with me and he wants to be a co-owner of the hotel again. Both transactions are fine with me. Just let me know when you have the paperwork ready for me to sign. It's a green light for Graham. Just wanted to let you know before Graham calls you or comes directly to the bank."

"Thanks Bob for letting me know. It won't take long to get the accounts changed. You will both need to sign and date the forms, this will make the changes to the accounts legal and will signify your approval. I will let you know as soon as Graham comes in and signs the forms. Then you can come in and sign and the change will be official."

"Thanks for taking care of this for me. Will look forward to your call and I'll be in as soon as I hear from you."

Just then Janice poked her head into Bob's office and told him his first afternoon patient was waiting for him in exam room number one.

Xandro and his new employees had a pleasant lunch. They had a good conversation and the more they explained their working backgrounds, the more Xandro was impressed with them. I knew he had made the right choice.

Millie brought their lunch. She liked that knew guy. She would have to get better acquainted with him the next time he came to the diner. They enjoyed their lunch and Xandro paid the bill and left a tip for Millie. He asked them if they could work a few hours today. They told him sure. He told them he had a contractor coming, he wanted to expand the size of the Pet Store and clinic. He wanted to have an animal shelter.

They thought a shelter was a wonderful idea. Especially the lady he hired that had run her own shelter. They arrived at the store and it was just before two. Owen was supposed to come at two.

They went in and Xandro explained his ideas on the expansion and they liked his ideas and thought he had enough space. Just then the door opened and Owen walked in. "Hello, you must be Xandro? I'm Owen."

"Nice to meet you Owen." They shook hands and Xandro introduced Owen to his employees. Xandro walked to the back and asked Owen to follow him. He laid out his plans and ideas he had sketched down on his desk in the clinic. Owen looked them over and then did some measuring. Owen suggested the animal shelter be close to the clinic. That way Xandro could treat the animals easier and it would be easier for their feeding. He told Xandro that the shelter could also be run up to the front of the Pet Store, so it would be easy for potential buyers of pets and to get a good look at the animals. Xandro liked Owen's ideas and asked him how soon they could start. Owen told him he would need to order the materials and they would be delivered on Wednesday and then they could start. He told Xandro, if everything went well and their wasn't any problems, they should be finished on the weekend. Xandro told him that was perfect and to keep in touch, in case their was any changes.

Owen and Xandro shook hands again and Owen left the Pet Store. Xandro was pleased. He remembered Bob telling him that Owen worked fast and efficiently. If the expansion could be finished in four or five days, that would work out perfect. A few customers had come in while Xandro and Owen were talking. It gave the new Pet Store clerk a little experience waiting on customers and ringing up sales.

Zane's crews were working well. The new guys were fitting in well and he hadn't received any complaints. The forms had been laid for the pools at both Tyrell and Quinton's houses and they were pouring cement. His supplies had been delivered and he was one happy camper.

Wayde had a very productive day. He had the rest of his staff hired. He was going to have a full staff meeting tomorrow morning before they opened at nine. The floor staff were getting familiar with the different sections of the store. The cashiers were getting acquainted with the new sophiscated registers which were more like computers. All they had to do was scan the items being purchased and it would ring up automatically on their registers. They knew how credit cards and gift cards worked. One lady had experience with these registers and she would be the head of the cashiers and help with any problems they might have. She would be working primarily at customer service. The floor staff liked their break room. It was spacious with many chairs and tables. There was a microwave refrigerator vending machines and a telephone for them to use. Also their bathrooms were located in the breakroom. Customers had their own bathrooms. The office staff was getting organized and familar with their offices. The store manager had been working with Wayde, getting familiar with the alarm system. The cameras were also wired to his computer. Wayde was the only one with the 24/7 recording devices. He was holding off on showing the store manager about the recording devices until he felt the time was right.

Wayde wrapped the day up early. He wanted to see how his new house was coming along. He watched the store manager arm the alarm system and he did it like an expert. They took off and would be back tomorrow morning at eight sharp.

Wayde drove over to the housing site to check on the progress. He was anxious to get moved into his own house. He liked staying with Zane, but sometimes he liked his own space. Zane and Wayde had already talked about that. And agreed they would trade off staying at each other's house and then try to spend a week alone at their own houses if they could manage being away from each other that long.

He pulled up front of his house. The house looked big and he was glad to have the second floor. He walked in and the builders were busy putting up walls. The outside was finished and with windows and doors. The roof had been put on. The fireplace was being built. The rooms were going to be big. He went upstairs and looked around. The bedrooms were starting to take shape. There was still a lot of work to be done. But it was coming along nicely. He was satisfied. He noticed the other houses being constructed for the mill. There would be seven more houses in the complex. The houses the mill was having constructed would pretty much all look the same. They were going to put in a community pool for all the houses to share rather than putting in a pool at each house. Cost wise, it was more cost effective this way. Wayde left and he was satisfied with the progress on his house.

Tyrell got home from work before his wife. Rashona usually got home late on Mondays. He thought he would fix them dinner. He wasn't good in the kitchen, but he was a good griller. He thought he'd fix something on the grill. What he didn't know. He had better check the frig and freezer and see what they had that could be grilled. He decided on chicken with corn on the cob. He could grill that without much problem. He would try his hand at making a salad. There was no guarantees there. But he would try. All he had to do was wash the lettuce and break it up into small pieces and then cut the vegetables and throw them in with the lettuce. That sounded easy enough. He got out the salad bowl and soon he had a fresh tossed salad ready.

He went out on the patio to start the grill. He saw that Zane and his crew had started on their backyard. It was going to be a big pool, which is what they wanted. Some of the crew was still working and he left them alone to do their work. Tyrell had the chicken marinating and would grill that with the corn when Rashona got home. That would grill fast. They could have some wine or a drink before they ate dinner. He found some candles and got them ready on the dining room table. They had dimmers on their lights so he dimmed down the lights in the dining room. Trying to give a more romantic atmosphere.

Graham and Preston were busy with their Monday morning staff meeting. All the investment projects were on schedule and more to start soon. Graham and Preston had their own meeting after they finished the staff meeting. They had their meeting in Graham's office. Graham heard a ding on his computer that he had received an email. He excused himself and checked the email. Preston watched Graham reading his email. The expression on Graham's face was worth it's weight in gold. "What's the email Graham?"

"I can't believe it. I'm sure you have the same email on your computer. The email was from our corporate office. Specifically from the company president and CEO. We have received a substantial raise for our outstanding work and the millions of dollars we are bringing into the investment firm. Our knew salary will put us into the high six figure range."

"Your joking right?"

"Nope, it's right here in black and white. Read it if you want too."

Preston walked over and read the email. He couldn't believe it. "This calls for a celebration. I'm going to make reservations for us at the Italian Restaurant for lunch."

"That's a good idea. I think we better get back to work before we leave for lunch."

Preston went back to his office. And he had received the same email. He still couldn't believe it. This was fantastic. All their hard work was paying off.

After Preston left his office. Graham remembered about calling the bank and getting his accounts changed. He used his office phone and called the bank president. "Hello, this is the president of the bank. How may I help you?"

"Hello this is Graham. I would like to make some changes to my account and Bob's. I would like to go back on a joint account with Bob, and be a co-owner again of the hotel."

"Bob had called me to confirm you would be calling. He gave me the ok to go ahead and draw up the new account documents. I have them ready for you and Bob to sign. Once you both have signed the documents, they will be official and the account changes will become effective."

"That's perfect. Could I come over after work to sign the documents. It would be around five or just after?"

"That will work Graham. If I'm out of my office, my secretary will have the documents for you to sign and date. Just so you know Bob is coming over at lunch time to sign the documents. So once you sign them this afternoon, the changes will be effective."

"Ok. I'll see you later this afternoon."

Graham wanted to call Bob and give him the good news about his raise and see if he wanted to go out for dinner to celebrate.

Graham called Bob. "Graham what a surprise. I only have a couple of minutes, can you make it quick?"

"Sure. I got a big raise and want to invite you out to dinner to celebrate and I'm going to the bank after work to sign the new account documents."

"I'm going to make reservations at Milo's. Will give you more details about the raise later. Love you and see you later after work."

"Bye love. Love you too. Later."

Graham got back to work, he was having a hard time concentrating. He kept thinking about the raise. He thought he would check with Preston to see if they wanted to check on their ongoing investment projects and then go to lunch.

He called Preston on their intercom system. "Preston you want to check out the ongoing investment projects and then leave for lunch when we finish?"

"I like that idea. I'm just wrapping up some things in the office. Having a hard time concentrating after our email. I'll come to your office when I'm ready to leave."

"I know I'm having a hard time concentrating too. I have a few things I'm working on, just come by when your ready to leave."

Quinton got home before Reeve. Reeve was putting in long hours now that he had just started his residency. Quinton didn't know what he wanted to do for dinner. He thought maybe he would see what they had in the frig for grilling. He didn't really want to cook a big dinner. Grilling would go faster. He went to their master bedroom and stripped down to a jock. He noticed workers in the yard. Zane and his workers were starting on their backyard. The pool was already started. He liked the shape of the pool and how it kind of curved to meet the rest of the cement work that was being done. He thought he better put some shorts on over his jock.

He went back to the kitchen to see what he could find for grilling. Some hamburgers would be good with a salad. They had plenty of vegetables he could chop and fix in aluminum foil on the grill. That would be plenty.

Quinton got the salad fixed and put in the frig to chill for dinner. He got the vegetables chopped and ready in the aluminum foil for the grill. He grabbed a beer from the frig and walked out onto the covered patio.

The workers busy working. There was a lot of men working. But then their yard was bigger than the other houses and there was more things the workers were going to do to make it complete and designed the way they wanted. He didn't walk down to talk to the workers. He wanted to leave them alone and let them do their work. He relaxed on a lounger drinking a cold beer. He would wait for Reeve to get home before he started dinner.

Rashona came home. Not physically tired. But mentally tired. Mondays were always demanding days. She wouldn't trade her work for anything. She loved her job and Preston was a pleasure to work with. She had received a raise and this was the most she had ever made in any of her jobs. Everything was sure working out well for her and Tyrell. Moving to this town was the best decision they had ever made.

She looked around for Tyrell. "Ty where are you?" She knew he was home. His car was in the garage. "I'm outside Ras, I'm getting the grill going. How was your day?"

"A regular Monday. Lots of paper work and phone calls. And I received a raise today."

"That's fantastic babe. With our combined incomes we could easily pay for this house. But since the mill has bought the house we don't have to make house payments. The workers have started on the yard. Take a look."

"Wow, look at the size of that pool. It's just what we wanted Ty. I can't wait to see the finished product. This backyard is going to be something else."

"Your something else baby. I'm the luckiest man in the world."

"No Ty, I'm the luckiest girl in the world."

"I'm fixing dinner for us. Would you like a drink or a glass of wine before we eat?"

"How about if we share that bottle of champagne we bought? To celebrate my raise?"

"That's a great idea Ras. Why don't you get changed and into something comfortable while I get our champagne ready for us."

Tyrell had the grill started and the vegetables started. The marinated chicken would grill fast, so he could wait on that.

Rashona came back downstairs in just some lounging wear.

"Damn babe, you look so hot." Tyrell walked over to her and gave her a hug and kiss, here's your champagne babe. Here's to the most gorgeous and sexiest woman in the world."

They kissed again and shared their champagne. They walked out to the patio and Rashona was amazed at how much they had accomplished. Zane really had good workers and they knew exactly what to do.

They talked about the joint Open House while Ty was grilling. They put their ideas together and still had until Wednesday till they met with Quinton and Reeve to share their ideas and put the final touches on the Open House.

Tyrell checked the vegetables they were close to being done. He told Rashona he would be right back. Tyrell set the table and lit the candles. He brought the chicken out to be grilled. He turned the temp up a bit on the grill and laid the chicken pieces on the grill. He then sat down by Rashona, she poured them another glass of champagne.

They laid close together on a double lounger looking out to their backyard. They could envision how it would look once it was finished. Tyrell got up and checked the chicken. He needed to turn the pieces of chicken and then went to the kitchen and put the salad on the table. Then he rejoined his wife.

"Ty, you know you are amazing?"

Why babe?"

"You work hard all day and come home and make me dinner for me."

I only do this for the most special girl in my life."

Tyrell got up again to check the chicken and vegetables. Everything was ready. He told Ras to go into the dining room and he would bring the food in.

He turned the grill off and put the chicken and vegetables on platters and brought them into the dining room. Rashona had already started on her salad. Tyrell poured them another glass of champagne to drink with their dinner.

Rashona told Tyrell everything was perfect and delicious. She really appreciated all the little extra things he had done. Dimmed the lights, lighted candles and had soft background music playing. It was perfect as far as Rashona thought.

The food was good and Rashona complimented Tyrell on his grilling skills. Then she told Tyrell about her raise and how much more she would be making. Tyrell told Rashona he would be getting a raise soon too. He just needed to complete his ninety days and then he would be on payroll and a permanent employee. He told her there was nothing to worry about. Everything was fine at work and he had been praised a few times by his boss on doing a good job.

They cleared the dining room table off and Tyrell helped Rashona put everything away. He grabbed a beer and Rashona finished the champagne and they went back out on the patio to relax and see what that crew had finished today.

Bob went to the bank at lunch time to sign the account papers. The secretary greeted him and told him he could go right in to the president's office. Bob walked in the office and they shook hands and the president told Bob to take a seat. He handed the document over to Bob to look over and then sign and date. Everything looked in order, pretty much like what they had originally signed. Bob asked the bank president when Graham would start getting the perks from being a co-owner of the hotel. The president told Bob he had already taken care of that. All Graham had to do now, was sign the documents after work today. Bob thanked the president, they shook hands again and Bob left.

He drove over to the diner. He wanted to see if Millie had any more information on her father.

Bob walked into the diner and sat at his favorite table. Millie came sauntering over, more like her old self. She leaned down so Bob could get a good view of her tits. "Well handsome, what can I get you?"

"I'll have the special and black coffee. And then I'd like to talk to you."

"I'll always have time for you. I'll be back with your coffee and we can talk."

Millie brought Bob's coffee. "So what would you like to talk about? You going to invite me to dinner?"

"No, nothing like that. I was wondering if you heard anymore from the doctor about your father's condition?"

"No. No new information. Just the same that he's responding well to chemotherapy and his cancer is disappearing. I still plan to visit him this coming weekend. The doctor told me he would call me if there was any changes in my father's condition."

"That's pretty much the same information I had received from the doctor. The prognosis sounds good Millie. I think your father will soon be cancer free, the ways he's responding to therapy."

"Do you really think so Bob? That would be wonderful to have my father back to normal and cancer free."

"We will have to celebrate when he's cancer free. We can have a date and go somewhere."

"For sure Millie. I would be proud to take my favorite girl on a date."

"Bob your wonderful and I really appreciate everything you've done. I better get back to my other customers."

"Your very welcome Millie and if I receive any more information from the doctor, I'll be sure to pass it on to you."

Millie got up and started waiting on her other customers. It was good to see Millie back to her old self. I finished my lunch and paid the bill and gave Millie a good sized tip. I waved to her when I left. What a lady that Millie is.

Bob's afternoon went fast and soon he was on his way home. He got back to his house, but Graham hadn't arrived yet. Many times Graham comes home late on Mondays. Then Bob remembered Graham was going go to the bank after work and sign the documents. Bob was wondering where they were going for dinner.

Margaret had already left for the day. So Bob went upstairs and changed out of his work clothes and put a jock on. He grabbed a cold beer from the patio frig and took a look around the yard. He couldn't wait until Zane had his backyard finished. That would really set the house off and look complete.

Graham and Preston checked out their ongoing projects. They went to the housing site and saw that Wayde's house was close to being finished. The mill had bought and paid for the other seven houses. They would all be pretty similiar in design. Three bedrooms all on one level. There would be a community pool situated in the center for the seven houses to use and a playground for the kids. It looked good and a couple of the houses were started.

They then drove over to the new school. The school was coming along. It was going to be big. It was an elementary school. It was going to have a large gymnasium that the high school would share with the elementary school. Also a large stage and theater room, also shared with the high school. The forms for the floor had been laid and cement was being poured. The outside wall supports were going into place and it was easy to see how big this school was really going to be. It was needed and a definite plus to the town and community.

Then they drove to the strip mall. The strip mall was almost completed. It would have all high end stores, mainly catering to the hotel guests. The shuttle would take them to the strip mall once it was completed. Their were twelve stores in the strip mall. It looked to be almost finished. Some stores were starting to get stocked and would be open for business soon. The stores were in the final stages of being ready to open. There would be a Grand Opening for the strip mall and a ribbon cutting ceremony with the mayor and local television station. The local newspaper would also be in attendance to take pictures and put a photo spread in the daily paper along with an editorial about the strip mall.

They checked the time and it was time for lunch. Graham drove them over to the Italian Restaurant. They walked in and the waiter recognized them and they were taken to a private dining room. They didn't know these dining rooms even existed. They asked that waiter if he had made a mistake. He told them no that the owner of the restaurant told him to seat us in a private dining room. That a special lunch was being made for us and the meal was on the house.

They ordered a glass of wine and waited for their lunch. While they were waiting the owner came in and introduced himself. He told them it was his pleasure to have them eating at his restaurant. And for all they were doing for the town and community, it was bringing in more and more business. Anytime they wanted to eat at the restaurant it would be on the house and if they brought friends with them, also. They thanked the owner and were surprised.

Soon the waiter came in carrying a large covered silver platter. He set it down in the center of the table. He placed some dinner plates for Graham and Preston along with some very elegant silverware. He then took the cover off and the platter held a variety of seafood. It looked and smelled delicious. The waiter told them to enjoy their lunch and he would be back in a couple of minutes to see if they needed anything else.

They had never seen an assortment of seafood like this. The size and variety had to be a few hundred dollars. They had melted butter for the lobster and shrimp, along with tartar sauce. Both Graham and Preston were big eaters and they managed to eat almost all of the seafood. Only a few scallops and a little cod was left on the platter.

The lunch was very enjoyable and delicious. The waiter came in and asked them if they were ready for dessert. They actually passed on dessert, but ordered another glass of wine. They had talked during their lunch and they agreed how fortunate they were to be located in this town and working together. Now they had received a very large raise. They immediately gave their private secretaries raises. The other staff worked on a salary with commissions as they made investment sales. That gave them incentive to work hard. The more sales they made, the more they earned in commissions.

The waiter brought their wine and they sipped on it. Again reflecting on Bob. It was funny how Bob had indirectly made this all happen for them. They started talking about Bob and all he has done for the town and community. They decided something special needed to be done for Bob and they were sure they could get most of the store owners and community to support their idea. They just needed to do some planning and get something organized.

They finished their lunch and had stayed longer than they had planned at the restaurant. The food was so good they didn't want to rush eating it. They left the waiter a sizeable tip and left. They thanked the owner and the chef.

When they got back to the their office's, it was like they had never been gone. The afternoon went quickly for them. They had a lot of calls to make and they did all their own accounting and reports. Soon it was time for them to leave and Graham drove over to the bank.

He parked by the main entrance and walked in. The bank was still open. He had arrived a few minutes before five when they close. He walked directly to the bank president's office. The secretary was pleased to see Graham before the president left. She told Graham he could go right into his office.

Graham walked in and they shook hands and the bank president told Graham to take a seat. He handed the forms to Graham to look over and sign and date. Graham took his time reading over the forms. Everything was in order just like he remembered from before. He saw Bob's signature and date on the forms. Graham took a pen out of his shirt pocket and signed and dated the forms. The bank president told Graham that now the documents were official and the accounts had already been changed and set up. He had called the businesses that gave them free service for being co-owners of the hotel. That concluded Graham's bank business. He received copies of the signed documents. They shook hands and Graham left the bank for home.

Zane was dragging. He hadn't put in long hours like this since he had first started his business. But he wanted to get back on schedule. Hiring the other guys for a third crew was the best decision he could have made. They made a lot of progress on their first day back to work. Stone work and plumbing would be installed tomorrow at both houses. The materials were just what Zane had ordered. It would like pretty nice once they were finished.

York had called Reggie and told him that he was staying with his parents. He hoped he could move out. His parents were driving him crazy. He didn't know why he had been called. His parents were fine and in good health. York thought they probably missed him and just wanted to see him.

Reggie had told York that he just started a new project in town with another construction company. He needed to call Bob and see about them staying at his brother's house.

Reggie was tired, but he needed to talk to Bob. He called Bob. "Hi Reggie, good to hear your voice. How's your new project coming along?"

"Today was our first day on the job with another construction company. It's a big project. The reason I'm calling is for a favor. I was wondering if I could stay at your house and then go home on the weekends?"

"Of course you can stay here. That's a no brainer."

"I have another favor to ask. York is back in town visiting his parents and wanted to know if it was okay if he stayed here. His parents were driving him crazy and he needed time away from them."

"York is welcome to stay. We have plenty of room in the house for two guests. How soon will you two be staying?"

"I thought we'd move in tomorrow. I will bring some things from home to stay the rest of the week. I'll call York and let him know tomorrow is a go. I'll bring him over. He doesn't know where you live."

Tyrell and Rashona were enjoying a relaxing evening. Rashona felt like the luckiest woman in the world being married to Tyrell. He was perfect, kind, loving and a big romantic. And besides he made her dinner after working a long day. Tyrell felt the same way about Rashona. Rashona was the perfect wife in every way. She was beautiful, smart, very dedicated, loving and an excellent cook. Rashona finished the champagne and Tyrell finished his beer. They were tired and went to bed. They made love until they couldn't stay awake any longer and fell fast asleep.

Zane was really tired when he got home. The first day on a new construction site was always hectic. And working with another construction company was stressful. However, the two companies worked well together and they had made a lot of progress on the first day.

Wayde was already at his house. Wayde was tired too after doing interviews and working with his new store manager. He had ordered out and didn't feel like cooking. He knew Zane wouldn't want to cook. He would be hot and tired.

He heard Wayde come in. "Hi babe, how was your day?"

"Long, hot and tiring. How about you?"

"About the same for me. I have all my employees hired, including the office staff and a store manager."

"Sounds like you accomplished a lot today. My third crew is working out great. We got a lot accomplished today. And I think in about two or three days we will be back on schedule. With my supplies arriving, it's making everything go fast.

"I ordered delivery. I hope that is ok with you. I didn't feel like cooking and I was sure you wouldn't want to cook?"

"Thanks Wayde."

They hugged and kissed and stripped down to their underwear. They both liked wearing boxers. They went out to Zane's huge backyard. And sat on a couple of loungers. Wayde got them a couple of beers and they just relaxed. Wayde kept some shorts handy, so he would be ready when the deliver guy came with their dinner.

Wayde heard the doorbell. He put his shorts on quick. Hopefully his hardon wouldn't be too noticeable. He let the delivery guy in. He was an older man and not very attractive. He got the money and paid him and thanked him for the delivery. Wayde had ordered from the Italian Restaurant and the food smelled out of this world. He put everything on a tray and brought it out for him and Zane to indulge in.

Wayde got them another beer while they filled their plates with the food. They ate everything and it was as good as it smelled.

Zane told Wayde the he was going to take a shower and rinse off the sweat and grime from work. Wayde said he would put everything away while he showered.

Actually Wayde was going to do this fast and join Zane in the shower. He couldn't get enough of Zane's hot ripped body. He was hot and hunky and lucky to have him as his partner.

It only took Wayde a couple of minutes to put everything away and get the dishwasher going. He didn't want to miss out on this chance with Zane in the shower. He went quick to their bedroom and stripped out of his clothes. He saw Zane showering. God he looked good. He could watch him all day. He opened the shower door and walked in. Zane got a big smile on his face. They hugged and kissed and washed each other. They were both soon sporting hardons. Their hardons were hitting and rubbing together making them horny for each other. They said they would finish this on the bed. They dried each other off and flopped down on the bed. Hugging and kissing some more. The shower helped to relax them and get rid of some of the aches and pains from work. They laid on their sides facing each other. They kissed and hugged and let their cocks nestle between each other's legs. They started feeling each other all over. Exploring each other's bodies with their fingers. Wayde liked tracing Zane's muscles with his fingers. Zane did the same to Wayde. Wayde was muscular, but nothing like Zane. Zane was ripped. They started making out. Kissing and sucking and licking each other all over. Their hardons were leaking and they tried to keep up with the flow of precum coming out. Wayde laid on his back and pulled his legs back to his chest, exposing his rosebud to Zane. Zane loved fucking Wayde's tight hot hole. He put a pillow under Wayde's hips. He wasn't big on rimming. But he liked to do it to Wayde. Anything for his lover. He started licking around his hole and nibbling on his ass cheeks. Lapping over his hole and then sticking his tongue in and out. Wayde was groaning and enjoying the rim job he was getting. Zane was getting better at it every time. Zane then lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into Wayde's hole. He found Waydes prostate and started working it over. This caused Wayde to leak more. Zane stretched Wayde's hole with his two big fingers. He pulled them out and could see Wayde's ass lips swollen and ready for his cock. Zane gave his cock a good lube and eased the head in. Wayde grunted as Zane kept pushing more and more in until he was all the way in. Wayde was moaning and groaning louder. Zane's cock felt so good in his hole. He started pushing back on Zane. Zane got the hint and started long slow thrusts in and out of Wayde's hole. He didn't want to hurt Wayde, he wanted to make love to him and have him enjoy getting fucked as much as he liked fucking him. Zane leaned down and kissed Wayde while he slow fucked him, going slow and gentle. Then Zane took Wayde's big fat flared mushroom head in his mouth and sucked and licked his precum off. He could feel himself getting close, but the didn't want to pull out and wait. He just kept going at a slow pace. Zane took more of Wayde's cock in his mouth and sucked him faster as he kept getting closer and closer to cumming. Soon Zane coudn't hold back any longer and gave a loud grunt and started squirting up Wayde's hole. Still sucking fast on Wayde's cock. He soon felt Wayde's cock harden in his mouth and heard him grunt. Soon he was shooting out load after load of cum into his mouth. Zane had to swallow a couple of times to take it all. Zane pulled out the pillow and they laid back on the bed holding each other and enjoying their post orgasmic bliss. They stayed holding each other as they slowly fell asleep.

Graham made it home after signing the documents. He wasn't really tired like he usually was on Monday's. He was glad to see Bob and be home. They kissed and hugged and Graham went upstairs and changed into a jock and came back to join Bob. Graham had made dinner reservations for seven. So they had time before they needed to get dressed and leave for dinner.

"So where did you make dinner reservations and congratulation on your raise."

"Thanks babe. Reservations are for seven at Milo's and now I'm making $850,000 per year. Preston got the same raise. We gave both our personal secretaries raises for their hard work and their unrelenting help."

"That's quite a raise from what you were making. You make more than me per year. I only manage around $700,000 per year."

"Graham laughed about that."

"What's so funny?"

I was just thinking about when we were in college. Who would have thought at our young age we would be making this kind of money."

"That's very true. Especially in a small town. But this small town is getting bigger almost weekly. Hold on babe, I'll be right back."

Bob ran upstairs with his cell phone and called Milos'. Martin answered and he told Martin he and Graham were coming to celebrate Graham's raise. He would appreciate if he could have a bottle of their best champange on ice for them when they arrived at seven. Martin told him not to worry about it, consider it done.

Bob ran back downstairs. He was only gone a couple of minutes. They drank a beer out on the patio and just relaxed before they needed to get ready for dinner.

They finished their beer and Graham looked at his watch. "I think we better get ready for dinner. It takes about forty to fortyfive minutes to get to Milo's."

They got up off the loungers and walked upstairs. They decided not to shower. One thing would lead to another and they would be late for their dinner date. They took turns in the bathroom, primped and getting themselves ready. They dressed in sporty business clothes. Not suits, but well dressed, No jeans or tshirts. They admired each other in the floor length mirror. Bob noticed Graham's bulge in his pants and couldn't resist rubbing his hand over it. Graham gave out a gasp and told Bob let's go.

They got into Graham's Porsche. This was the first time Bob had ridden in it and it was the perfect kind of car for Graham. Graham liked sports cars and this Porsche fit the bill.

It didn't take them long to arrive at Milo's. The Porsche just purred along at a fine clip. It was a smooth ride and Bob really liked Graham's car. Milo's wasn't very busy. They got out of the car and walked up to the steps to Milo's. Martin was right at the door opening it for them. He led them to a private dining room. It was decorated and said, "Congratulations Graham."

Both Graham and Bob were surprised. Bob didn't think mentioning the champagne would also make them decorate for Graham. But it was a nice surprise. The waiter came in with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne in it. Also two slender champagne flutes. "Congratulations babe. The champagne was my idea."

"I like your ideas. I can't wait for dessert."

"We'll have dessert when we get home."

I filled Graham and my wine flute and I toasted Graham on a job well done and his success at the investment firm.

Since we were in a private dining room. We kissed and hugged and then waited for our dinner.

The waiter came in with a large silver soup tureen and ladle. Also, with a variety of side dishes. He took the cover off and the chef had fixed braised beef. The dinner looked and smelled delicious. I hadn't eaten braised beef since my mother fixed it. She fixed a good braised beef. I wonder how this braised beef will compare. They dished up a plate full with a few of the side dishes. The beef was just as good as it looked. The chef's braised beef rivaled my mother's. But I wouldn't tell her that. Her's was still very good.

I ate more than I usually do. It was so good, I couldn't resist having seconds. Graham ate like it was his last meal. He managed to eat the rest of the braised beef and the remaining side dishes. Graham ate homemade strawberry short cake for dessert. I finished the champagne while I watched Graham eat. It was like magic. The food was there on the table, and then suddenly it was gone. Graham finished his dessert and we thought we should leave. We wanted to have more dessert when we got home. I gave the waiter a good tip and thanked him for his excellent service and told him to thank the chef for a wonderful meal.

We left the private dining room and Martin was at the door to let us out. We thanked Martin for everything and told him to thank the owner for us.

We got into Graham's Porsche and left for home. No In and Out Club or the Bigger One during the week. Maybe this coming weekend. We haven't been to those places in a long time.

While Graham was driving, I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I had a hand on his inner thigh brushing against his balls. He kept squirming while he was driving. "If you don't stop Bob, I'm going to cum in my pants and probably drive off the road."

I laughed to myself. "I was just trying to get you ready for some more dessert when we get home."

"I'm definitely ready for some more dessert when we get home. You don't have to worry about that. How about you? Are you ready for dessert?" He reached over started rubbing over my bulge.

I moved closer to Graham, which was hard to do with the center console. I undid my pants and pulled the zipper down. That gave Graham better access to my growing cock. He was rubbing and squeezing my cock. God it felt good. He reached in with his free hand in my boxers and started rubbing the length. I was growing to maximum proportions. My cock was sticking out of my boxers and Graham started a slow stroke. I had my eyes closed and was enjoying his hand on my cock. I finally said, "You better stop babe or I'll be covering your hand with a big creamy load."

Graham took his hand off. "I want you to save that for later."

I refastened my pants and pulled the zipper up. We had already turned off on highway six back to our hometown.

Another thirty minutes and we were pulling into the garage and walking into the kitchen. As soon as we were in the kitchen we started stripping each other. Leaving a clothing trail all the way to the bedroom. By the time we got to the bedroom we were just in our boxers. We pulled each other's boxers off and laid down on the bed.

We laid facing each other. Kissing and making out. Feeling each other all over and making our hardons drip and leak all over the sheets. We didn't care. We were hungry for each other. We had both got worked up in the car and ready for a long making out and love making session. We were kissing each other all over and soon found ourselves in a sixty nine. I was licking around Graham's big flared head. Licking and sucking off his precum. Graham was licking the sides of my shaft and then over my balls. Graham and I were getting hotter and hornier for each other. We couldn't hold off any longer and started deep throating each other. We matched each other suck for suck. I was cupping and fondling Graham's big balls. Graham was playing with my balls as we started bobbing up and down faster and faster. Soon Graham's cock thickened and throbbed in my mouth and throat and I felt him start shooting out load after load of his delicious thick creamy cum. I swallowed it all and licked my lips. I milked out the last drops of his cum. Graham picked up his pace on my cock going faster and faster. I couldn't hold back any longer and rewarded my lover with a big load squirting down his throat. I saw Graham swallow my big load and he milked out the last thick drops of cum from my cock. We laid back exhausted and gasping for air.

Finally I told Graham I was going downstairs and pick up our clothes. I didn't want Margaret seeing them tomorrow morning. And would bring a couple of cold beers up to the bedroom for us.

I rounded up all our clothes. Of course I had to smell Graham's boxers. Being the perv that I was. I couldn't help myself. I love everything about Graham and especially his smells. I managed to get all our clothes on one arm and get two beers from the frig.

I got back to the bedroom and put our clothes in the laundry basket. And crawled into bed and handed Graham a beer. He looked so sexy laying on the bed spread out naked. He got the remote off the nightstand and turned the tv on. He found a movie we hadn't seen and we watched the movie laying next to each other with an arm around us. We sipped our beer and watched the movie. I finished my beer before Graham, and laid over on him. His warm body felt so good. I slowly rubbed and massaged his cock and balls. Graham started giving out a low moan. I felt his cock growing in my hand and his balls felt big and full already. I licked down his chest and nibbled on his hard nips. Licked around his navel and over his abs. I licked through his trimmed pubes which I had trimmed in the shower yesterday morning. Around the base of his cock and then up his thick hard shaft to the head. I licked and nibbled on the back part of his head on that sensitive area. That caused Graham to start leaking. I could suck and lick out his cum all day. It tastes so good. I looked at Graham. His eyes were closed and his hands were behind his head. He looked so content. I thought I saw a smile on his face. I licked the sides of his hard shaft. It was getting harder and harder. I licked a couple of fingers and shoved them up my hole. Getting my hole wet and ready for Graham's cock. I slowly lowered my hole down on Graham's cock. My hole was pulling on Graham's shaft as I lowered myself to his pubes. Graham opened his eyes and gave me a big smile. I started moving up and down on his cock. My hole kept squeezing his cock like I was giving him a blowjob. I felt his cock twitching and throbbing in my hole. My own cock was rock hard again and sticking straight out. Graham grabbed ahold of my cock and started stroking me in rhythm with my bouncing up and down on his cock. I told Graham I was getting close and he bent up and took the head of my cock in his mouth. As soon as his lips touched my cock, I was shooting and shooting. I didn't think I'd have that big of a load so soon. This got Graham really excited and I felt him blasting up my hole. He had another good sized load. I got off his cock and we licked and sucked and cleaned each other off. We were really exhausted and tired now.

Graham turned the tv off and we cuddled up together and told each other, I love you's. And we went to sleep.

Many other couples were having a long night of making out and love making. Irving and Mark. Preston and Holden. Tyrell and Rashona. Xandro and Vinton. Cal and Dave. Zane and Wayde. Reggie and Jarvis. Deb and Jennifer. with all this sex going on. It was funny the town didn't have a smell of sex lingering over it.

I woke up before Graham. And turned on my cell phone. I had a message from Sam. It seemed strange to have a message so early from him. In the his message he told me to read the morning paper and pay special attention to the obituaries. I started breathing fast and was wondering who had died. It was still early and Graham was sleeping. I quickly called the guys and told them we wouldn't be working out. I put some boxers on and went downstairs to retrieve the paper.

I walked out to the gate in just my boxers. I didn't care. Nobody could really see in that good. I took the paper out of his mail slot and walked back into the house and sat on a couch in the living room. I opened the paper and went directly to the obituaries. Their was a big article with a picture of the jeweler. I couldn't believe he had died. The death was under investigation, but I knew the county coroner well and I could get the details of his death. According to the article, a customer of the jewelers was staying at the hotel. The jeweler had notified the hotel guest that her piece of jewelry was finished and she could come by the jewelry store at her convenience and pick up her finished piece. It seems she had her driver take her to the jewelry store and when she went in. She didn't see anybody. She called and called for the jeweler with no response. She walked back into his working area and saw the jeweler slumped down on his working table. She immediately called 911 and he was reported dead when they arrived. His body has been taken to the county coroner for determination of death.

Bob was stunned. But he remembered the last time he had seen the jeweler, his skin tone wasn't a healthy color and he didn't look healthy. The jeweler had left early and told everyone that he wasn't feeling well.

Bob had been given strict orders from the jeweler some time ago, that when he died he had an envelope in his desk that he wanted Bob to open and read. Bob thought he better call Cal first and get his input. He didn't want to go the jewelry store by himself, especially if it was under investigation and he could tell Cal about the envelope the jeweler wanted him to read. Bob thought it would be good to have a witness with him when he opened and read the contents of the envelope.

Bob first called Shirley and Janice and told them what was going on. And that he probably wouldn't be to work until after lunch. Janice told Bob she could take care of his morning patients and if she had questions she would get Quinton's help. Then Bob called Cal. Cal told Bob to meet him at the jewelry store. He was already their with a deputy and they were doing some investigating. He said he would have more information about the cause of his death when I arrived.

I ran upstairs with the newspaper and Graham was stirring in the bed. "I was looking and feeling for you."

"Sorry babe. I've already had a busy morning." Bob then showed Graham the paper and told him what he knew about the jeweler. The phone calls he had made and that he wasn't working until after lunch.

Graham asked Bob, "do you want me to go with you. Is their anything I can do to help?"

"No babe, I can handle this by myself. You go ahead and go to work. I'll keep you informed as I get more and more information. I called the guys and they know we aren't working out this morning. You know what this means babe?"

"No what Graham?"

"We are now the sole owners of the hotel?"

"That's right, but that doesn't seem very important right now."

We went to the shower and washed each other. We kissed and hugged, but Graham could tell I was concerned and worried about what had happened to the jeweler. He told me not to worry, that everything would work out. I told him I hoped so. But I knew it was going to be a busy morning. And maybe a busy day.

We dressed. Graham dressed for work and I put on some casual clothes. We went downstairs and Margaret knew right away about the jeweler and asked us if we knew about the jeweler passing. We told her we had read the article. I didn't want to go into details about the jeweler with Margaret.

She told us breakfast was ready and she had everything prepared in the breakfast nook. Graham and I ate our breakfast, not really saying much, just doing a lot of thinking. I noticed Margaret glancing over at us every once in awhile. We finished eating and thanked Margaret for a good breakfast, but we needed to leave right away. We had a lot of things to do. We got in the garage and hugged and kissed and I promised Graham again, that I would keep him informed as I got more information. We left and I noticed Margaret watching us from a kitchen window.

I drove rather quickly to the jewelry store. Probably faster than I should have. When I arrived I saw Cal's police car and the county coroner's car. I was surprised to see his car at the jewelry store.

Graham took off reluctantly to his office building. He thought he should have stayed behind and went with Bob. But when he thought about it, he didn't know what he could have done. Bob seemed to know what he needed to do and he told me he would call as soon as he had information.

Bob walked into the jewelry store and walked to the back workroom where everybody was. The jeweler hadn't been removed yet and the coroner was finished his work.

Bob talked to the coroner and the cause of death was a diabetic coma that went to a diabetic stroke. Bob had no idea the jeweler was a diabetic. The coroner surmised that the jeweler was probably not taking his insulin like he should or checking his blood sugar level. Bob thought what an awful and needless way to die. Probably the jeweler would get so busy with his work that he would forget to check his blood sugar level and take his insulin. The ambulance arrived and the body was taken to the county morgue. The coroner left in his car with the ambulance. That left Bob and Cal and a deputy.

Bob told Cal about the envelope that the jeweler wanted him to open when he died. Bob thought he needed a witness when he opened the envelope and Cal agreed with him. Bob knew where the envelope was located and took it out of the desk. Bob noticed right away that the two type written pages in the envelope were signed and notorized. Bob told Cal the two papers were signed and notorized. Bob started reading the first page out loud. It stated that Bob was the executor of his will and these two pages were his will. It stated that on his death, Bob and Graham would take over the complete ownership of the hotel. All of the jewelers money in his account would be divided between Bob and Graham's bank accounts. However, in this case, to their joint account. The jeweler stated the person that he wanted to run his jewelry store. It was someone he had worked with and knew very well and did fine one of kind jewelry pieces, just like the jeweler. He had the name and phone of this person on the paper. The jeweler did not want a formal funeral. He had no surviving relatives and wanted to be creamated. His car could be sold at public auction and the money could be used towards his creamation, otherwise to withdraw from his account whatever was needed for his creamation. That was the jist of the will.

Bob asked Cal what he should do with the jewelers will? He told Bob to keep the papers in a safe place and in case any issues arose in the future. Cal mentioned that I should go to the bank with the jewelers will and have the jewelers account closed and transferred to him and Graham. Cal said he could take care of the auction of his car. Bob asked if he should talk to the coroner and explain what the jeweler wanted done. Cal said it would be better if he did. If the coroner needed proof, Bob could always bring the will over for him to read and verify. Cal didn't suspect any problems with the coroner. Bob did ask Cal that he would like a copy of the death certificate. Bob told Cal he would call the jewelers friend and tell him what happened and what the jeweler requested.

They left the jewelry store and Cal gave Bob the keys to the store. He told Bob that their investigation was over. There really wasn't much of an investigation.

Bob knew exactly what he was going to. First, go to the bank and take care of the accounts. And second, he would go to the hotel and tell Sam about an idea that he had.

Bob got in his car and called the bank president. He was able to talk to the president on the first ring. Bob explained to the bank president what had happened and that he would be to the bank in about ten minutes. The president told him he would be waiting for him.

The bank president was surprised to hear about the jewelry store owner. He knew he was an older man and did fine jewelry. That was about all he knew about him. He also knew the jeweler was very wealthy. He looked up his account on his computer and he had over $100,000,000 in his account. Since Bob and Graham had a joint account in the same bank. The transfer from one account to another was a fairly simply task. He would have his secretary get the paper ready for the transfer and signature of Bob. Since it was a joint account, he only needed one signature. He rang his secretary and told her what he needed done. Within five minutes she had the document on the bank president's desk. What a secreatary. He didn't know what he would do without her. He would just wait now for Bob to arrive.

Bob pulled into the front of the bank. Got out and walked in. He went straight to the bank president's office. The secretary showed him into the bank president's office. "Well, Bob, we meet again in just a few days."

"Yes. I am here under different circumstances."

"I understand. Here is the document for you to sign." And handed it over to Bob.

When Bob saw the amount he was stunned for a minute. "Are you sure this amount is correct?"

"I'm very sure Bob. The jeweler was making a lot of money on his high quality jewelry and the hotel is continually making more and more money."

Bob signed and dated the original copy. And the bank president gave Bob a second copy for his files. The exact amount that was transferred to their joint account was, $100,005,263.00. Bob was shaking when he stood up and they shook hands and Bob left the bank president's office. He took his time walking out of the bank. He was still shaking and trembling.

Bob got into his SUV and just sat there for a couple of minutes. He called Graham while he was in his SUV and told Graham everything that happened and about signing the document for the transfer of the money. Graham was just as flabbergasted as Bob. Bob then went on to explain his idea when he went to the hotel and Graham agreed with Bob that it was a good idea. Graham told Bob he had a meeting coming up and would have to cut their call short. He thanked Bob for calling and told him how much he loved him. Bob felt better after talking to Graham.

Bob then took the papers out of the envelope and called the man the jeweler recommended taking over his jewelry store. There was no answer so Bob left a message to call him as soon as he could.

Bob started his SUV and drove over to the hotel. He took his time. His shaking was subsiding but he was still trying to grasp everything that had happened in a short period of time. He parked in the front and had a valet park his SUV.

Bob walked into a very busy lobby as usual. He saw Sam behind the counter and walked over to him. He asked Sam if he had some time to talk privately. Sam directed Bob into his office. Bob gave Sam a quick summary of what had happened so far. He left out the part of the bank accounts. He told Sam he had an idea of how the jeweler could be remembered. Since he didn't have any family or relatives. He asked Sam what he thought about putting a small glass case in the lobby with a photo of the jeweler, some history about the jeweler. The jeweler being the original owner of the hotel and an expensive urn with his ashes. Sam thought that was a wonderful idea and he didn't see any problems with having the display. And having the urn in the display case, it would give people a chance to give their respects to the jeweler. Bob told Sam he could get a color photo made and write up the history of the jeweler and the hotel. Sam told Bob he could get a nice looking locking display case to be mounted on the wall. He would wait until Bob had his things ready so he would have an idea of the size they would need. Bob told Sam he was going to leave for a bit and go home and relax. He would be back later with an 8 x 10" color photo of the jeweler. He had a lot of information on his computer saved about the jeweler. He could edit and print out that information. The only other thing would be the urn. Bob told Sam he would be back later for lunch, maybe with Graham.

Bob got home and parked in front of the garage. Bob walked in through the front door and surprised Margaret. Margaret could tell Bob was thinking about something, so she held her tongue. She saw Bob holding an envelope and walking into the study/library room. Bob set the envelope on the desk. Bob poked his head out of the room and asked Margaret if she would bring him a beer and a chilled glass. Margaret came in and saw Bob busy at his desk. "Here's your beer Bob."

"Thanks Margaret. Sorry I wasn't very friendly. I have a lot of things on my mind and a lot of things I need to get done."

"No problem Bob. I'll make sure your not disturbed."

Bob just sat at the desk and reviewed in his mind everything that had happened. While he was thinking his cell phone rang. Bob didn't recognize the number and then he remembered it was the number of the jeweler's friend. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello, Bob, you had left a message on my cell phone. I'm sorry I missed your call. How can I help you?"

Bob filled the jeweler's friend in and what had happened. He was sorry to hear of his good friend passing away. He said he wasn't surprised about his diabetic stroke. He said the jeweler abused himself terribly with his work. He would get on work binges and go continually until he had a piece of jewelry finished. Not eating or drinking or taking his insulin. Bob then told him what the jeweler's wishes were with his store and his clients. The jeweler said he would be happy to fulfill the jeweler's wishes. It would take him a few days to wrap everything up and then get moved. He told Bob probably not until the end of the week. He would call Bob when he was ready to move. Bob thanked him for the information and for wanting to run the jeweler's store.

Bob got off the phone and took a sip of his beer. The beer tasted good. His cell phone rang again. It was Cal. "Hello Cal, you have some information for me?"

"I have your copy of the death certificate and the coroner is going to have the jeweler's body creamated tomorrow. You might want to go by one of the two funeral parlors and pick out an urn."

"Thanks Cal for getting back to me. I feel really exhausted right now. I'll check out the two funeral parlors later and get something that I think the jeweler would like."

Bob went back to working on his computer. He got his information that he wanted on the jeweler edited and printing it out. He reread it and he thought it sounded good and to the point. He found a photo on his phone that he wanted to print. He moved to his cloud on his phone and then he could download it on his computer. He found the the photo on his computer cloud and printed it out on printer photo paper. It came out good. It looked almost better than the photo on his phone.

That was all he wanted to do on his computer. He shut down his computer and walked out to the patio and lounged and drank his beer. He decided to give Graham a call and see if could meet him for lunch at the hotel. He picked up his phone and called Graham. He was surprised when Graham answered right away. "Hi my sexy doctor. What's on your mind?"

"You as always. You want to meet me for lunch at the hotel? I have a lot of information to share with you?"

"I should be able to get away for lunch with you."

"Great. I'm just relaxing at the house right now. I feel like I've put in a full day of work and it's not even lunch time yet. I'm having a cold beer and trying to give my mind a rest. I've been going over and over everything that has happened this morning."

"Good idea. Have a beer for me too and I'll meet you at the hotel at lunch time."

Bob felt better after talking to Graham. He called the clinic and told Shirley and Janice he was taking the rest of the day off. He would be dragging if he came to work. And not concentrating like he should. They told him not to worry, they could hold down the clinic. Janice told Bob that everything was going ok and Quinton had been a big help on a couple of patients.

The cold beer tasted good and was actually relaxing him a bit. He grabbed another out of the patio frig. He checked the time and he had enough time for a quick shower and change his clothes. He took his beer and went upstairs and took a quick hot steamy shower. The shower did wonders to make him feel better. He threw his clothes in the hamper and got out something else to wear. He dressed casually formal for lunch at the hotel. He felt much better. He finished his beer and told Margaret he would be gone for awhile. He wasn't working today and having lunch with Graham at the hotel. She told Bob to take his time and relax. He looked like he was wound up tighter than a clock spring. He told her he would and left for the hotel. He had the envelope with the will and he put the copies of the documents from the bank in the envelope. He had the photo and the history of the jeweler and the hotel in the envelope.

He parked in front of the hotel and had a different valet park his SUV for him. He walked in and saw Sam. They went into Sam's office and Bob took out the photo and his printout. Sam looked it over and thought it was perfect. Bob told Sam the jeweler was being creamated tomorrow and he would pick up an urn this afternoon and take it to the creamatorium. He told Sam he needed to get to the dining room, Graham was meeting him for lunch.

Bob walked over to the dining room, just as Graham was coming into the hotel. Bob saw Graham and waved him over. They walked into the dining room together and the waiter showed them to a reserved table.

They took a seat and Graham thought Bob looked a little tired. What Bob didn't know was that Graham had been busy all morning planning a town and community surprise party for Bob. The sports stadium was close to being finished and when Bob did the ribbon cutting, he thought that would be the perfect time for the big party. Graham had talked to Preston about his idea and Preston thought it was perfect. They had already started putting their heads together and coming up with different ideas for the big party. They knew who to contact. Starting with the mayor, the president of the college, the university president and bank president and some other very influential people that could help with their idea. Everyone they had called was behind them one hundred percent and thought their idea was something that was overdue.

The waiter came and took their orders. Graham just had coffee while Bob had a scotch and water on the rocks. Soon a cake came out and all the waiters and chef came out and made a circle around Bob and Graham. Congratulating them on being the new owners of the hotel. All the guests in the dining room stood up and applauded Bob and Graham and then went back to their duties. Sam came in and told everyone that Bob and Graham were formerly co-owners of the hotel. But after some recent developments, they were the new owners of the hotel. Again applause. Sam cut the cake and the waiters distributed it around to all the tables.

Bob and Graham held off eating their cake until after their lunch. Their waiter soon came out with two of biggest lobsters they had ever seen. The waiter set their plates down in front of them. He also had a vegetable side and dipping butter for the lobster. Bob's was fixed thermador, just how he liked it. Graham would use the dipping butter for his lobster. The lobster was very good and they each ordered a glass of white wine. Bob started out good eating his lobster, but after about half way he was getting full and was slowing down. Graham almost had all of his lobster gone. Bob couldn't eat any more. It wasn't that it wasn't good, it was just too much food for Bob. They switched plates and Graham ate the rest of Bob's lobster. Bob waited for Graham to finish and then they ate their cake. It was Bob's favorite, vanilla cream.

After they finished, they just talked for a bit. Bob answered all of Graham's questions and Graham liked the idea of a small memorial to the jeweler here in the lobby. He thought it was fitting and would give the guests a chance to see the original owner of the hotel. Graham had to look at the bank document again. He couldn't believe how much money the jeweler had and now it was in their joint account. Graham asked Bob if they should invest some of the money. Bob told Graham they could talk about this more when he got home from work.

Graham told Bob he needed to get back to his office. He had a full afternoon of meetings. Bob told Graham he was going to the two funeral homes and buy a nice urn for the jeweler and then take it to the crematorium. Bob got their waiter's attention and told him to bring the bill. The waiter started laughing. You two are the owners of the hotel. We can't charge you for something you own. Sam told us all about you two and we appreciate everything you've done to get this hotel running and giving us jobs. Please consider this our gift to you two.

Bob and Graham got up and left the dining room. They saw Sam and he was checking out a wall for the display case. He said he had a case being built and it would be ready tomorrow. Bob told Sam again that he was buying the urn this afternoon and then would bring it tomorrow so they could get the display case put up on the wall and then organized.

Graham and Bob left the hotel and the valets brought their vehicles to them. Of course Graham's valet asked Graham if he needed a driver and Graham just smiled and told him he was quite capable of doing his own driving. Much to the dismay of the valet. They waved to each other and Graham drove back to his office building while Bob went to the funeral home that was close to the hotel.

Bob pulled up in front and walked in. He saw many different caskets and lighting displays. He didn't see any urns. Soon the funeral director came out and asked Bob how he could help him. Bob told him he wanted to look at his urns. The funeral director said he didn't have many to choose from. Most people still had the funeral service and burial. He took Bob back to a small room and Bob saw three urns. None of them really seemed to be what he was looking for. He wasn't sure what he wanted, but he would know when he saw it. He thanked the funeral director and told him he might be back.

The other funeral home was on the other side of the town so it took Bob a few minutes to get there. He pulled up in front and walked in. Again the front was loaded with different kinds of caskets and he didn't see any urns. Soon an assistant to the funeral director came out and asked Bob how he could help him. Bob told him he was looking for an urn. The assistant told Bob to follow him and again they went to a small room which had quite a large selection of urns. He told Bob to call him if he found an urn he liked. Bob took his time and looked the urns over carefully. Finally, on one self he saw a blue colored urn that caught his eye. He moved the urns around so he could get a better look at it. The urn was Wedgewood and beautiful. It was in the typical Wedgewood blue, but instead of the traditional white decorating this urn had gold leaf decorations and it really was quite stunning. Bob called for the assistant and he came out. Bob told him which urn he liked and the assitant was pleased with Bob's choice. The assitant told Bob that this urn was one of a kind and a rare Wedgewood piece. Bob asked him how much it would be. The assistant kind of stammered and hemmed and hawed. I'm not sure you want to spend this much. The assistant had looked at the bottom of the urn where the price sticker was. He told Bob the urn was $15,000 plus tax. Bob told the assistant not to worry. This was the urn he wanted and wrote a check on the spot for the urn. The assistant told Bob he would have to wait until he called the bank and his check was cleared. Bob smiled to himself but went along with the assistant. When the assistant showed the check to the funeral director. He looked at the signature and told his assistant that he didn't need to call the bank. This check was good and to special wrap the urn for Bob. The assistant came back out all flustered and told Bob he would wrap the urn for him in a special box so it wouldn't get damaged. Bob waited for him to finish. Finally he had the urn wrapped and was ready to leave. The funeral director came out and shook hands with Bob and thanked him for his purchase.

Bob thought he was going to be all day in the funeral home. He wanted to take the urn to the crematorium before they closed for the day. He arrived at the crematorium and took the box with the urn out carefully and walked in. The creamatorium was small in the front. But it was big in the back where the ovens were. Bob sat the box with the urn on the counter and a gentleman came out from the back. How can I help. Bob identified himself and told him he had an urn in the box for the jeweler. The man told Bob he could back tomorrow morning and they would have the urn ready for him. Bob asked him if lunchtime would be ok. The man told Bob he worked all day tomorrow so anytime would work. Bob left the urn rather reluctantly and left the crematorium. The place kind of gave him the creeps and so did that guy he talked to. He was glad to get out of there. He would came back tomorrow to pick up the urn and take it to the hotel.

Bob drove home, he was exhausted from all the running around and getting everything done according to the will. He just wanted to relax at home and wait for Graham to arrive.

Zane was happy with their progress. They had accomplished alot with the three crews and now having the supplies. They could start with the stone work, which was something Zane really liked helping with. They had beautiful Italian stones for Quinton and Reeve's yard and a beautiful marble stone for Tyrell and Rashona's yard. It was really going to look nice when they were finished. The plumbing had been completed and the cement work was finished giving the layout of the two yards. Since Quinton and Reeve's yard was huge. There would be a river with many ponds and small cascading waterfalls. One wall would be a huge waterfall cascading over rocks. And once the plants were in, it would be spectacular. Tyrell and Rashona wanted a huge pool and that was what they were getting. They would have a waterfall cascading down one side into a small river and ponds. They also wanted a large firepit. That was already being installed with a pergola on the side where they could relax. A mini bar would be in the pergola. Their yard would also look pretty special once it was finished. The plants and trees always made a nice finishing touch. Zane had two men that were good at selecting the right plants and trees to really finish off the yards. Once they had more completed in the yards, he would get with them to get their ideas and get the plants and trees ordered.

Xandro had a quick staff meeting. He had everyone working even though the expansion wouldn't start until Wednesday. It seemed the town was waiting for the Pet Store and clinic to open. He had already been busy and was told they were glad the store and clinic was open again.

Wayde also had a full staff meeting and then an office staff meeting after. The floor workers still needed to get acquainted where everything was located and staff needed more briefing on their responsibilities. Wayde had his meeting right at eight. Once he finished it would give his floor staff a few minutes to get more acquainted where everything was located. They were opening at nine sharp. Ready or not. He felt confident that everyone he had hired would do their best and he knew the first day being open would be a little rough, but soon everyone would get more and more comfortable. His office staff were pretty well settled in and knew their responsibilities and they seemed to be adjusting faster than the floor workers. Soon it was time to open and Wayde and his store manager opened the main doors. There was already a few cars in the parking lot. The lumberyard was open and the greenhouse was stocked and ready to go.

Quinton and Janice were having a busy day with Bob not working. They managed to take care of all the patients between the two of them. They knew Bob had a lot of things to take care of with the passing of the jeweler. It was too bad. Maybe when Bob returned back to work, hopefully tomorrow, he would give them some details about what caused his death and what would happen with the jewelry store. They couldn't dwell on that. They had plenty of work to do.

Margaret was concerned for Bob. She knew he was having a stressful day. But he always appeared so calm and collected from the outside. But she knew Bob well enough that he was feeling a lot of turmoil and stress. She was going to fix something special for them for dinner. She wasn't sure what yet, but she would find the perfect ingredients in the the frig and big freezer in the garage.

Vinton Mark and Irving were having a busy day at the university. They liked having a couple of classes together and becoming good friends. Many times after classes they would study together at Mark's house. And sometimes they would all fool around together. They usually studied in just their underwear so it would be easier to fondle and do other things together. They liked having three ways and taking turns being fucked and sucked.

Xandro always wondered why Vinton was so tired when he came to his house after studying. But sometimes their was a sex smell coming off Vinton so he knew they had had sex. Xandro didn't mind. They had their own special bond and he if wanted to have sex with them once in awhile that was fine. He knew their sex was special and loving and caring. They were becoming partners, but were taking it slowly, nothing they wanted to rush into.

Margaret found what she was looking for. There were some beef tips she was going to prepare in special sauce like her mother used make when she was a girl at home. It always tasted so good and she begged her mother for the receipe. Her mother finally gave in and told her how she prepared the beef and the sauce. Margaret had just had fresh vegetables delivered form the supermarket. She thought a salad would be could with the dinner. Also, she had made some homemade dinner rolls and she would warm them. This would make a good dinner for Bob and Graham.

The smells coming from the kitchen were out of this world. Bob was surprised that Margaret wasn't a cook somewhere. He was very fortunate to have her as his housekeeper. He just lounged out on the patio, thinking about how his backyard will look when Zane and his crew works on it. He had made some plans a long time ago, and then had Graham look them over for any changes or suggestions. They made a few changes and they drew up new designs. They made a copy for Zane so that he would know their ideas when he started on their yard.

Margaret was finishing her last minute things she did every day. She told Bob that dinner was on the stove to be warmed. Dinner rolls were on the kitchen counter to be warmed with their dinnner. Bob thanked Margaret and told her to have a good day.

Once Margaret left, Bob went upstairs and changed into a jock. He wanted to be ready for Graham when he got home. He should be coming home soon. He didn't think Graham had any errands or things to do after work.

Bob was right. He heard the kitchen door open and a voice said, "where's my lover?"

Bob got up from the lounger, sporting a semi in his jock, making it bulge nicely. He walked over to Graham and they kissed and hugged and Bob made sure to rub his bulge on Graham's thigh. Graham reached down and rubbed and squeezed Bob's bulge.

"I think somebodies horny?"

"You got that right. Go upstairs and get changed while I get us a couple of beers and be quick."

"Yes master. Your wish is my command."

Graham ran upstairs and got changed into a jock. After seeing Bob he was getting hard in his jock.

Graham came running back downstairs and to the patio. Bob patted the spot next to him on the double lounger, and handed Graham a cold beer. "Bob your so sexy and hot in that jock."

"Just like you babe. Your got me leaking already."

They drank their beer with an arm around each other's shoulders. Bob poured some beer on the front of Graham's jock and sucked it off. Graham got instantly hard in his jock. And the wet jock showed off the outline of his hard cock. Then Graham did the same to Bob. And sucked the beer off and Bob's cock also got instantly hard. They finished their beer and helped each other out of their jocks. Their hardons sprung out and stuck straight up. What a lovely sight.

They grabbed each other's cocks and started jerking each other off. They wanted to get off quick and then after dinner make it a night of making out and love making. They jerked each other fast making their balls bounce up and down. Bob used his thumb to keep rubbed the head and the precum running down while he jerked Graham. Graham was doing some kind of twisting motion on his cock and driving him crazy. They both started grunted and moaning and got into a sixty nine quick to take each other's loads. They came almost at the same time. Shooting in their mouths and throats and swallowing each other's loads.

They rested for a bit and Bob said he was hungry and was going to warm dinner. Graham told Bob he would help him. They went to the kitchen naked. Their cocks flopping back and forth.

Bob followed Margaret's instructions and warmed their dinner. Graham took care of the dinner rolls and set the dining room table. Bob served the dinner in a large soup tureen with the vegetables. The dinner was just as delicious as ever. These beef tips were tender and just melted in your mouth. The vegetables complimented the beef and the sauce was out of this world. Bob ate more than he usually did. And Graham had three helpings. They didn't eat any dessert. They would have dessert soon when they went to bed. They worked together clearing the table and putting everything away. The beef tips would make a good snack tomorrow night.

They picked up their jocks from outside and Bob closed and locked the sliding glass doors to the patio. He armed the alarm system and they went upstairs to their bedroom.

They put their jocks away and crawled into bed. Graham turned the tv on and found a good movie for them to watch. They snuggled together and started watching the movie. Soon they started feeling each other all over. Graham knew Bob's ticklish spots and started tickling Bob. Bob did the same to Graham and soon they were rolling around the bed laughing and tickling each other. They stopped when they couldn't take it any longer. They snuggled together again and watched more of the movie.

Graham started kissing Bob on the neck and feeling him all over. Bob started feeling Graham and they were soon making out. Touching kissing and feeling each other all over. They started breathing hard and Bob laid back on the bed. Graham went down on Bob, sucking and licking his hard cock. Licking off Bob's thick sweet sticky precum. He knew Bob had a stressful day taking care of everything in the will and he wanted to make slow romantic love to his partner. Bob was always giving and thinking of other people and never himself. Graham was going to show him how special he was.

Graham knew all of Bob's spots to really get him going. He was paying special attention to Bob's hard nips. He knew they were sensitive and Bob loved having his nips licked sucked and nibbled on. It was like his nips were directly wired to his cock. Everytime Graham flicked his tongue over a nip, Bob's cock would twitch and leak. Graham then went slowly down Bob's chest and licked around his navel. Bob was ticklish their and started squirming. Graham then licked and felt Bob's abs. They had a little definition from their working out. Graham then licked around the base of Bob's shaft and then went down on his balls. Graham knew Bob liked his balls licked and sucked and played with. Graham gave them both a lot of attention and Bob was leaking a lot again. Graham then went back to licking Bob's hard shaft. He licked and sucked off all the precum and put just his lips on his pee slit and slowly sucked out more precum. Bob was moaning and grunting. Then Graham slowly slid his mouth down Bob's hard shaft. Until he felt it going down his throat. Graham tried to wrap his throat muscles around Bob's cock like Bob did to him. He couldn't do it as good as Bob. Graham started bobbing up and down slowly on Bob's cock. Bob was trying to hold off as long as he could. This was feeling so good. Graham was really making him feel good. But all good things must come to an end and soon Bob grunted loud and give a gasp and starting pumping his load down Graham's throat. Graham swallowed it all and then laid back with Bob. Kissing and sharing his cum. They laid like that for a long time, watching tv. Finally the movie ended and they cuddled up with arms and legs intertwined and fell asleep.

Reeve's residency was going well. He really liked working in emergency and the chief of staff was right guiding him in that direction. He had his own office that the chief had had made ready for him. The only part he didn't like was working on call, but that was a big part of working in the emergency room. He normally worked all day and then would do a couple of days of on call each week. He knew he was getting good reviews and he felt comfortable with his work. He really got all pysched each morning getting ready for work. Quinton could tell Reeve really liked what he was doing and was glad for him.

Zane got home just before Wayde pulled in. They parked in the garage and kissed and hugged before walking into the house. They weren't too much for the lovey dovey stuff, but a kiss and a hug now and then was ok. They liked getting down and dirty and right to the sex without a lot of foreplay and fooling around.

They had both had long tiring days. They decided to take a shower together and then order something to be delivered. They didn't feel like cooking or going to a restaurant.

They went to the bedroom and stripped down. Wayde was always in awe when he saw Zane naked. God he was like a sculpted Greek statue. Everything about him was perfect. He was muscled from his head down to his toenails. Wayde was no slouch, but wasn't muscled like Zane. They walked into the shower looking at each other. Zane got the shower going and the warm steamy water felt good on their neck and shoulders. It was relaxing and they could have spent the rest of the day in the shower. The warm water running down their bodies always made them horny and hard. Wayde leaned over with his ass sticking out. Zane spread his cheeks exposing his hole and shoved his big hardon up Wayde's hole. Wayde wanted a hard fuck from Zane and told him. Zane liked fucking Wayde's tight hot hole. He obliged him and started fucking him hard holding his sides. Wayde thought he was going to be pushed through the shower wall. But a good hard fuck from Zane was just what he needed. It didn't take Zane long to cum and he grunted loud and shot up Wayde's hot hole. When he pulled out some cum was running out of his hole. Then Zane leaned over with his hands on the shower wall and his ass sticking out. Wayde shoved his hard cock, hard and fast up Zane's hole. Zane's eyes were bugging out. He didn't expect to get fucked so hard and fast. Wayde was really getting rid of all of his frustations from the day while fucking Zane. He grunted loud and one big thrust filled Zane's ass with his cum. He pulled out and some of his cum ran out. They both felt satisfied for a little while. Rinsed each other off. Dried each other off and went downstairs naked.

Wayde asked Zane what he wanted for dinner. Zane gave him one of his sexy looks and snears and Wayde knew what he wanted for dinner. Trying to change the train of thought, he said he was going to order Chinese. Zane said to order a large chicken chow mein for him with two egg rolls. Wayde ordered sweet and sour pork and pork fried rice. Wayde knew Zane would eat some of his food so he ordered extra. And Zane's chicken chow mein sounded good so he ordered extra of that also.

Wayde ran to the bedroom and got his wallet and some shorts to put on. He got back to Zane on the patio and told him he had some shorts ready when their dinner was delivered.

They drank a couple of beers on the patio while they waited for their dinner. Wayde liked Zane's backyard and they way it was designed and laid out. He would like something similar at his house. Zane knew what Wayde wanted in his yard. And would be starting his yard when he finished Tyrell and and Quinton's yards.

Wayde heard the doorbell and put his shorts on quick. He picked up his wallet and walked over to the front door. He opened the door and some old Chinese guy had their food in a plastic bag. He was hoping for a young guy they could take advantage of, but that wasn't the case. He told the man to come in and asked him how much he owed him. He paid the man with a generous tip and the man bowed and left the house. Wayde watched him leave. Wayde put all their food on a tray with some paper plates and silverware and brought it out to the patio. He placed it on a small round table in front of their double lounger. They loaded their paper plates and ate. The food was good. they had ordered from the Chinese Restaurant before. It was flavorful and filling. Their beer tasted pretty good with the food. That would probably make Chinese people shudder if they knew they were drinking beer and eating Chinese food.

They finished their dinner and put the leftovers in the fridge.

Cleanup was pretty easy. Paper plates were thrown in the garbage and the silverware went in the dishwasher, that was that. They went back out on the patio and sat on a double lounger. "You want to go for a swim?", asked Wayde.

"Let's finish our beer first and then I'll be ready."

They finished their beer and Wayde ran down to the pool and dove in. He told Zane the water was perfect. "I'm standing with my legs spread wide apart. Can you dive and go between my legs."

"That shouldn't be any problem." Zane ran down and dove and went right between Wayde's spread legs. The only problem was that Zane's heels hit Wayde's balls when he started coming up. Wayde almost doubled over in pain.

"What's the matter with you?"

"You hit my balls with your heels when you came up?"

"Sorry about that. Maybe they need some tender loving care?"

"Maybe they do. What you going to do about it?" He was still holding his balls.

Zane swam over to Wayde and told him to sit on the edge of the pool. Wayde pulled himself up out of the water and sat on the edge. "Lean back a little and let your balls hang down."

Zane got between Wayde's legs and started sucking on one ball and then the other. "How does that feel? Your balls feeling any better?"

"I can't really tell. I think they need more attention." Zane saw Wayde giving him a snearing smile. He thought he'd play along. He didn't mind sucking his partners balls.

Zane went back to sucking on Wayde's balls. He saw Wayde's cock getting hard. "It looks like you like me sucking your balls?"

"I do. It feels great. You could suck them all day."

"I don't think so. Why don't you slide back into the pool with that nice big hardon."

Wayde went back into the pool and Zane backed up onto Wayde's hardon. It slid in his hole pretty easy in the pool. Wayde started fucking Zane's hole hard and fast and reached around and started pinching and rubbing Zane's nips. He knew that would really get Zane going. Soon Zane was pushing back hard on Wayde and Wayde reached down and took Zane's throbbing hardon in his hand and started stroking him. They got a good back and forth ryhythm going and it didn't take Wayde long to fill Zane's hole. Zane told Wayde he was close to cumming and they should switch positions fast and Zane filled Wayde's hole. Any cum that ran out didn't bother Zane. The pool filters could easily take care of it. That was a nice way to get some relief.

They climbed out of the pool. Their cocks still semi hard. They went to the outside shower and rinsed the chlorine off. And flopped back down on the double lounger. Zane got them a couple of beers and they chugged them down. The cold beer tasted good after their sexercise.

"What do you want to do this evening?", asked Wayde.

"I want to stay in and have some more hot sex with you."

"That's a good plan."

They got up and went into the living room and Zane laid behind Wayde while they watched tv. Monday night football was on and it was supposed to be a good game. They thought they'd watch the game and then go to bed.

As the game was coming to an end. So were Zane and Wayde. They were having a hard time keeping their eyes open. They helped each other to bed and as soon as they hit the sheets they were out like a light. No more sex for those two.

Quinton and Reeve relaxed when they got home. Quinton was tired after helping Janice with some of Bob's patients and his own heavy patient load. Reeve had a busy day in emergency. It seemed like the ambulances were making steady trips to emergency. Everything from ingrown toenails to pregnant women, broken bones. Compound factures. You name it, it seemed liked it happened today. But that was life in the emergency room.

Their house was working out perfect and they were really starting to adjust to living in a big house. With their anonymous person's help. They were able to make their monthly house payment and still have money left over to do some extra things. Like eating out tonight.

Neither one felt like cooking and they didn't really want anything delivered. Quinton mentioned to Reeve about making reservations at the hotel and eating in the dining room. They had heard how good the food was and it wasn't out of their price range. Reeve liked that idea. He had heard the same things about the hotel dining room and the food.

Quinton called the hotel and the maitre'd answered the phone. They had reservations for two at seven. That would give them some time to relax and not have to rush around to get ready to go to dinner.

They had stripped down to jocks and were looking out the patio doors. It looked like the workers had finished for the day. They took a chance and walked out onto the patio in their jocks. And they didn't see any workers around. They had started laying the stone work and it looked beautiful. Large stones had been moved in for the big waterfall and smaller rocks for the cascading waterfalls and the river. The pool had been lined with some beautiful blue stonework. It looked like they were installing the firepit and building the large pergola. They worked fast for as big as their backyard was. They grabbed a beer from the patio frig and relaxed together on a double lounger.

They were also going to have a changing room on the end of the pool and a large covered area on the long side of pool for sunbathing and relaxing. Also a tiki bar would be built and installed in the pergola. Stone walkways would be put in so you could meanger around the yard and take in everything it offered.

They sipped on their beer and talked and thought their backyard was coming along just like they had planned with Zane. They finished their beer and thought they should get ready for dinner.

They went to their bedroom. They didn't shower. They were going to shower before they went to bed. They changed in some nice dressy casual clothes. No suit but a dress shirt and dress pants. They helped each other getting their shirts straight and taking a couple of good feels and gropes. Soon bulges were showing on the front of their dress pants.

They were ready and went in Reeve's car. Reeve parked in the front and had the valet park his car. The doorman opened the door for them and they made their way to the dining room. The lobby sure seemed busy. But that was typical for a hotel. People were sitting and talking other's looked like they were getting checked in while others were being checked out. They walked into the dining room and gave the name for the reservation. They were shown to their table. They thought maybe they should have worn suits. Most of the diners were wearing suits and the women were wearing long dresses. But they didn't care. At least they were together and the waiter never mentioned anything to them about their clothes.

The waiter came over and asked them if they would like a drink before they ordered. They gave him their order and asked him quietly if they were dressed ok for the dining room. The waiter said they were dressed fine and not to worry about it. Their was no strict dress code for dinner. Most of the guests were high class and they were used to dressing in suits and long dresses for dinner.

Soon the waiter came back with their drinks and two menus. I'll give you some time to look over the menu. The dinner special is chateaubriand for two with vegetables and fresh baked bread. They told the waiter that sounded good, but to bring their dinner in about twenty minutes. They wanted time to talk and look around.

Their drinks were good and served in Waterford crystal. The restaurant sure went all out in it's service and menu. They knew the hotel had a top French chef. No wonder they had some menu items they had never heard of. But they knew chateaubriand and that would be perfect for dinner.

The waiter came and asked them if they would like another drink. They said sure and that he could bring their dinner when it was ready.

The waiter brought their meal on a large silver platter with a cover and their drinks. With two dinner plates. The waiter asked them if they would like him to serve them. They told him to go ahead. He prepared their plates. They took a bite of their chateaubriand and it was mouth watering. It was the best they had ever had. They took their time eating and enjoying every mouthful. They didn't even touch their drinks. They finished their dinner and then sipped on their drinks. They couldn't stop talking about how good it was. They would definitely come back here again for dinner. They finished their drinks. Quinton and Reeve passed on dessert. They paid the bill and left the waiter a tip and left. They were full and satisfied.

The lobby was just as busy as when they arrived. The valet brought Reeve's car around for them. He paid the valet and Reeve drove them home. Quinton was feeling a little playful and frisky. So he started rubbing over Reeve's bulge while he was driving. Reeve almost swerved off the street. "Careful Quinton, I almost drove off the street."

"Sorry babe, I won't rub as hard."

Reeve soon made it home with a big hardon. He parked in the garage and they walked into their house. They disarmed their security system and decided to watch tv until it was time for bed. They went to their king sized bedroom and stripped down and put on jocks. It was a habit they had picked up from working out at Bob and Graham's. They liked going around in a jock and they thought they both looked pretty hot.

They laid down on the couch with Quinton behind Reeve. Reeve flipped through the channels and found a movie for them to watch. Their wasn't anything on the sports channels they wanted to watch. Quinton had an arm around Reeve and was pressed up tight against him with his chest against Reeve's back. Feeling Quinton pressed up tight to him was making him horny. He felt so good with Quinton's warm body tight to him. Reeve wiggled around a bit rubbing his ass over Quinton's bulge. Quinton pressed in harder to Reeve and reached into Reeve's jock and fondling and played with Reeve's growing cock. Soon Reeve laid down flat on the sofa and Quinton pulled Reeve's jock off. Reeve's cock sprung up straight and hard. Quinton rapidly slid his jock off and pulled some of Reeve's precum off and rubbed it over the head of his cock. He then slid down over Reeve's hardon. Reeve reached up and squeezed and rubbed Quinton's hard nips, making him moan. Quinton kept sliding down Reeve's hard shaft until his ass was settled on Reeve's pubes. Reeve grabbed Quinton's hard cock that was bouncing up and down as he rode him. He started stroking Quinton's cock. He liked how Quinton's cock was so warm and throbbed in his hand. It made him stroke Quinton faster. Quinton started bouncing up and down on Reeve's cock. Quinton had adjusted his hole so that his prostate got a good work out as he moved up and down continually rubbing it. He felt himself getting close and told Reeve he was going to cum. Reeve told him to cover him with his hot load. Soon he moaned loud and shot out rope after rope of cum hitting Reeve's upper chest and abs. The rest running down the side of his hand which he licked off. That brought Reeve over the edge and soon shot way up Quinton's hole. Quinton could feel the big blast filling him up. He pulled off Reeve and some cum ran out that he pulled off with his fingers. They both licked his fingers off. They lay back together panting and gasping for air. They hadn't even watched the movie. But who cared. The movie was showing the credits so they turned the tv off and went to bed.

They crawled into bed and snuggled together. After their hot sex they were tired and slowly feel asleep.

Bob woke up to the alarm going off. He pressed the button and shut it off. He saw Graham stirring. "You ready for a good work out this morning?"

"Good morning to you to. No. But I know I need to."

They crawled out of bed and ran naked downstairs to the lockerroom. They were the only ones working out this morning. They kind of thought that might happen. The other guys were having some busy days and were putting in long hours. They put jocks on and stretched and warmed up on the treadmills. They worked out on some of the machines and ended with the free weights. They had worked out for over an hour. They walked into the shower and washed each other between kisses and hugs. They sucked each other off in the shower, letting the warm water run over them. Graham felt much better after a long work out. But knew he would have some sore muscles tomorrow. They dried each other off. They couldn't keep their hands off each other and looked at each other and nodded. They got into a sixty nine on the changing bench. It wasn't very comfortable. But they were hungry for each other and didn't care. They sucked their hardons which had never went down. It took them longer to cum, but they weren't complaining. They loved each other and the longer it took to cum the better. They played with each othe's balls and that seemed to bring them over the edge. They came almost at the same time. Not as big a loads as the first time, but still a good mouthful. They milked out each other's last gobs of cum and got dressed.

They walked upstairs and were welcomed with breakfast smells coming from the kitchen. They told Margaret they would eat outside on the patio table. While they were waiting for breakfast, Bob told Graham he would pick up the urn at lunch time and take it over to the hotel. He was going to stop after work at the hotel and see how the display looked. Graham told Bob he would go by the hotel too after work and look at the display.

Margaret brought out their breakfast and after working out they were hungry. They ate all of their breakfast and washed it down with a couple of cups of coffee and a glass of juice.

They got up and told Margaret thank you for a good breakfast. They kissed and hugged in the garage and left for work.

Bob's morning went quickly. He was busy with a full booking of patients. Lunch time came and he drove over to the crematorium. He walked up to the counter and the same man as before came out. He told Bob to hold on. He'd be right back. He brought out the urn and told him the ashes were inside. He also had a special lined box to hold the urn for transporting. Bob asked him how much the box was. He told Bob it was included in the cost. Bob thought they should, for what they charged. He thanked the man and left with the urn.

He drove over to the hotel and saw Sam in his office. Sam waved him in. Bob walked in with the urn. He told Sam the urn was in this transporting box. Bob sat it on Sam's desk. Sam opened it up and told Bob what a beautiful urn. Sam said he would have the display put up this afternoon. Bob told him he would come by after work to look at the display.

Bob left and drove back to the clinic. He was eating lunch in his office today. He had Shirley call the diner and have lunch delivered. He arrived back to the clinic and ate his lunch. His afternoon went quickly and he managed to see all his afternoon patients.

He left the clinic and drove over to the hotel, he was anxious to see the display and how the urn looked. He parked in front and had a valet park his SUV. He walked into the lobby and saw the display case down on the far side close to the entrance to the banquet room. He walked over and looked at the display. The case was beautiful in dark walnut. The color set off the items on display perfectly. There was a light above the urn. The history of the jeweler and the hotel was on the left side of the urn. The jeweler's photo was on the right side. It looked perfect and he hoped the jeweler was pleased. He said a little prayer looking at the urn and soon felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and Graham was standing there. "This is beautiful Bob. Everything looks like it belongs there."

They saw Sam walking over. "What do you guys think? Does it meet with your approval?"

"It far exceeds our expectations. It's perfect and we like the light above the urn." Sam told them the light would be on 24/7. A few guests have already looked at the display. Some of them knew the jeweler and had him make pieces of jewelry for them. They were glad his good friend was going to be taking over the jewelry store.

Bob and Graham thanked Sam for a job well done. They then left the hotel.

Wednesday saw Owen with two workers and a delivery truck arrive at Xandro's store and clinic. Xandro was glad to see them and Owen told them they were going to get started right away. Owen laid out the plans so his workers could see what they would be doing. They got started right away and by lunchtime they were putting up new walls and the expansion was done. It was just the finishing work inside that would take time. Xandro was pleased with their work and how fast they worked. He remembered Bob telling him they were fast and efficient and didn't waste time. The price was less than Xandro expected and he knew the expansion would soon pay for itself. The work didn't interrupt his customers or their work very much.

The sports stadium was almost finished. It was quite a sight. It was huge and part of the ceiling was retractable.

Preston and Graham were getting everything in place for Bob's surprise party at the stadium. The businessmen and the town and community were giving a hundred percent to this special surprise party. They all kept coming up with more and more ideas. The way it was going to would be an all afternoon party on Saturday.

Wayde knew of the big party for Bob at the stadium Saturday. So he changed his Grand Opening to Friday, the same day as Xandro. Owen told Xandro they would be finished Thursday and would work until they were done. So that he could have his Grand Opening on Friday.

They had to postpone their joint Open House because of the surprise party for Bob. They definitely wanted to attend his party at the stadium. Actually they were glad to postpone their Open House. Their yards would be finished when they did have the Open House.

One of Zane's crews was starting at Wayde's house. Zane had called Bob and told him they would finally be started on his yard soon. He told Zane to let him know so that he could tell Margaret to let the workers in.

York and Reggie had moved into Bob's house. It was working out good for Reggie with his construction work. Bob and Graham vaguely remembered York. They knew he was one of Reggie and Jarvis' best friends. But they didn't have a lot of contact with him. Bob knew they were having fun in their bedrooms after Reggie got home from work. Bob had put them up in the adjoining bedrooms.

The other houses in Wayde's complex were being constructed by the same construction company as Preston's house. They had started the central pool and large playground for the kids. The houses looked to be nice sized, all three bedrooms with a full basement.

It was nice of the mill to buy the houses and supply houses rent free for their workers.

The way the demand was increasing at the mill. They had added two more production lines, bringing them up to six lines of production. Now about half the town was working at the mill. The other half were working at local businesses and the way the town was expanding and growing. Soon everyone that was looking for work would probably be hired. College kids and high school kids were glad to get summer work. All the major fast food chains were in town and hired the school kids. The hotel hired school kids as well as the hardware store and many of the new stores that had just opened.

Xandro's Pet Store and clinic was finished. Owen and his crew had done a wonderful job. It was better than Xandro expected. They had put in a few extras that Xandro hadn't even thought of. All the cages were ready for the shelter, plus more had been added to the front for pets. His clinic was almost double in size and would make it easier for moving around. His x-ray machine and examing table now had their own areas. His medical supplies were well organized and had easy access. The front had been expanded to be able to better display pet supplies. Now he just needed to get the rest of the pets and he would be ready for his Grand Opening.

The lady Xandro hired that had run her own shelter told Xandro where animals were located. They picked up many of the animals from the county pound and brought them to the clinic to be examined and given vaccines. They were put in cages and feed and watered. The animals for the front had arrived and he helped his workers get the frogs, snakes, lizards, baby dogs and cats in their respective places. The aquariums were up and running with different tropical fish for sale. Both for salt water and fresh water aquariums. The store had really come together fast and Xandro was pleased. He couldn't wait for his Grand Opening.

Wayde also was ready for his Grand Opening. They had been open a few days and they were getting more and more customers. People were glad to have such a well stocked and diversified hardware store in town. It saved them time and gas driving to the next town over to go to their hardware store. Wayde's employees were ready for the Grand Opening and anxious to see what kind of response they would have. They were going to have beverages and snacks for everything as they came into the store. And free mugs with the hardware stores name.

Xandro had beverages and snacks for people coming to his Grand Opening. The shelter animals would be half price on the the Grand Opening day. He hoped he could make many families happy with a shelter animal. The shelter animals were all spaded and neutered and were in good health. All they needed now was a kind and loving family.

Tyrell's and Quinton's yards were finished. Zane was happy to be done. And was glad to be back on schedule. The plants and trees had been planted and the two yards were tropical paradises. Zane was happy how both yards turned out. He was a little concerned about Quinton Reeve's yard being so big. But everything came together nicely and he was satisfied with the results.

Wayde's house was finished and he had moved in. He and Zane took turns staying at each other's houses. Wayde's yard would soon be done.

Bob was happy to see a crew starting on his backyard. Zane had called him to let him know they would e starting. That gave Bob a chance to let Margaret know a crew would be working every day on the yard.

Graham and Preston were going over the last minute plans for Bob's surprise party at the sports stadium. They needed to review their upcoming investment projects and make sure everything was in place. The hardware store was finished along with the strip mall. The school was about half done. The stadium was finished. The new housing development the mill bought was getting close to completion. Now they had two more housing projects in the works along with senior housing. The new professional building. A new apartment complex with eight buildings and four apartments in each building with their own garages. A new credit union would be going in. A party store was going into the only vacant building downtown. They had a lot on their plate, but everything was coming along nicely. Their staff kept making more business and kept busy. They weren't complaining.

Cal had talked to the mayor. He needed to hire a couple more officers. The way the town was expanding it was needed. The store owners wanted their stores patrolled at night. They hadn't been any vandalism, but as the town continues to grow and more people move in. The possibility is always there.

The volunteer fire chief had also contacted the mayor and they needed to have a full time fire crew with the volunteers as backup. The plans were in the works for a new fire station and now it needed to be signed by the mayor to become reality.

The mayor had been meeting with the street commissioner to plan on two new streets which were needed in the industrial park. Also some of the streets were developing holes and needed repairing or resurfacing. The mayor would have a meeting to get the approval. He wanted one of the new streets to be named in Bob's honor. The mayor had just received a key to the city which he had specially made and would be presented to Bob at the ceremony in the stadium.

The new jewelry store owner had arrived and was already working. Some of the guests from the hotel knew him and knew he was recommended by the deceased jeweler. He had moved his things into the apartment upstairs. Everything he needed for making jewelry was already in the back room. So he kept his special tools and equipment in reserve, in case anything became damaged or broke.

Wayde liked how his house and yard looked. Now that the house was finished, it was perfect. He was going to invite Bob and Graham over. He wanted Graham to see how the house looked finished and his fantastic yard. Zane had went over the top on his yard. It was more than he could have hoped for.

The Grand Opening went well. Xandro sold about half of the shelter animals and he stayed busy in the clinic with people bringing in their pets. Now that he had his employees, he could schedule time to start visiting some of the ranches and farms and take care of their animals. Overall, he thought his Grand Opening was successful.

Wayde was also pleased with his high turn out for his Grand Opening. It seemed the whole town was waiting on this Grand Opening. Their was a steady stream of customers going in and out. The customers liked their free mugs they received when they checked out. Sales were great and he made a lot of money on his Grand Opening. The comments he heard were all positive and he expected great things from his hardware store.

Bob had received a call from the mayor and the athletic director telling him he was invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new sports stadium, Saturday at noon. That was nice. He had forgotten all about the stadium with everything else that had been going on.

Graham and Preston had headaches from all the planning for Bob's surprise party Saturday. Graham knew about the ribbon cutting ceremony and he needed to be their for that also. Then he would turn the ceremony back to the mayor and the athletic director. Graham and Preston went over everything one more time to make sure they hadn't left out anything.

Bob got home early on Friday. He kept the half day schedule at the clinic. Sometimes Quinton would stay later to finish patients. But he usually worked only a half day.

He was tired after a long week with many things going on besides his work. Sam had called him and told him the guests really liked the display and memorial to the jeweler. Most of the guest knew the jeweler and thought the display was appropriate. Bob was glad to hear that. The jeweler was a quiet man, but had a big circle of friends, and anyone that had ordered pieces for him to make were always pleased with his high quality work. The new jeweler was doing just as good a job. At least that was what Bob was hearing.

Margaret was gone when Bob got home. He wanted Margaret to work a half day on Fridays and enjoy a long weekend. Bob had stripped down and then remembered they were still working on his yard. So he put some shorts and tshirt on and thought he would check their progress.

He walked out to the backyard and it looked like they were getting close to finishing. A new pool had been put in. A waterfall cascaded down to the pool. He had one large pond for koi and a couple of smaller ponds that had a little river connecting them to the large pond. He had a jacuzzi/hot tub connected to the pool. A large fire pit with a pergola to the side of it. He had a tiki bar in the pergola so you wouldn't have to walk all the way to patio for drinks. He walked down and talked to a couple of the workers and they told him they would finish the stone work today and the stone walkways. Tomorrow the trees and plants would be put in and the pool jacuzzi and waterfall would be filled and working. Then they would be finished.

Bob was pleased with how it looked. He couldn't wait for Graham to see it. Everything they had planned and talked to Zane about was incorporated in their yard.

Bob relaxed on a lounger with a cold beer. It felt good to relax and forget about work and everything else that had happened this week. The ribbon cutting would be a nice diversion tomorrow with Graham. Then they could go somewhere to eat after the short ceremony.

Zane had put his finishing touches on the sign for the stadium and the sign for the hardware store. He had personally done the signs. They had mini waterfalls with solar powered spotlights to illuminate the signs at night. The lights would reflect off the waterfall and make the signs sparkle. It was quite a sight. He was going home early. Wayde would be joining him. He wanted to get a good rest before Bob's party tomorrow at the stadium. He had his crews working tomorrow, but his foreman could keep his workers on track. He wouldn't need to be their to oversee their work.

Graham came home looking tired. Bob heard him come in and walked over and gave him a passionate hug and kiss. Bob didn't know that Graham was tired from all the planning and last minute details they did for his surprise party tomorrow. Bob asked Graham if he wanted to relax first and then eat dinner or if he wanted to eat dinner right away. He told Bob he wanted to relax a bit first and then eat dinner. Bob went with Graham upstairs to change into a jock. Bob helped Graham out of his clothes and put them in the hamper. Bob then gave Graham's cock a little kiss and pulled his jock on for him. They went downstairs and the workers in the yard had left. Bob told Graham to take a look around. The backyard was just what they had planned. It was perfect and looked like a tropical lagoon. All that was left was the trees and plants and to turn the water on. They relaxed together on a double lounger with a beer. Graham told Bob about their future investment projects and how everything was coming along nice. Then they talked about the display in the hotel and how nice it looked and how people would stop and read the information and it looked like some even said a short prayer.

Graham said he was getting hungry if Bob didn't mind warming their dinner. Bob told Graham it was his pleasure to get dinner ready for the two of them. Bob went to the kitchen and got everything out and started warming it. He got him and Graham another beer while he waited for the dinner to warm. Bob heard the beeper and knew their dinner was ready. He brought everything out and they ate on the patio. Dinner was good and filling. They finished and Bob brought everything back to kitchen and then joined Graham on the double lounger. They had an arm around each other and just stared at their backyard.

Finally Graham asked Bob if he would give him one of his great massages. His muscles were tense and he needed to get relaxed. Bob told him of course. They decided to do it upstairs in their bedroom. There was more room and they could spread towels out on the bed.

They went upstairs and Graham got the bed ready and laid on his stomach naked. Bob found the massage oil and warmed the bottle under some warm water in the bathroom sink. Once the oil was warmed enough, Bob walked into the the bedroom. What a sight. Graham all stretched out naked on his stomach. He looked so hot he would like to fuck him right now. Bob took his jock off and was already semi hard looking at Graham.

Graham walked over to the bed and I poured some of the oil on Graham's shoulders and back. Bob could feel some knots in Graham's neck shoulders and worked them out. Graham was giving low moans. "Feels good babe. Your already getting me relaxed."

"We're just getting started. There's lots more to come."

Bob then poured oil on Graham's arms and worked the muscles in his arms and did his fingers. Then oiled his legs and worked on them good. He poured a little on Graham's delicious glutes. He squeezed his glutes and massaged them. Running the side of his hands up and down between Graham's cheeks. Graham moaned again and squeezed his cheeks it felt so good. Bob reached lower and rubbed over Graham's balls that were hanging down between his legs. Graham spread his legs wider and Bob gave Graham's balls a good massage. Then he told Graham to turn over. Graham was already semi hard. He would take care of that later. He poured oil on Graham's chest and worked it in squeezing his pecs and rubbed over his nips. Graham's cock was growing and started to leak. Bob rubbed over Graham's abs and worked the oil in. Then poured oil on his arms and massaged them along with his fingers again. He then oiled Graham's legs and massaged the front of them. Also doing his feet and each toe. Graham was rock hard now. Bob oiled his hands and wrapped his hands around Graham's hard shaft. Massaging it up and down the length. Graham was moaning louder. Finally Bob stuck a couple of oiled fingers up his hole and worked it around. He got up on the bed and slid his hole down Graham's shaft. With all the oil, Bob was able to slide down Graham's cock easily. He kept going until his ass was firmly planted on Graham's pubes. Bob started working up and down on Graham's cock. Squeezing his shaft with his ass muscles. Graham loved the massage Bob was giving his cock. Bob reached back and played with Graham's balls while he started bouncing up and down. Bob's hard cock was hitting Graham's abs while he went up and down. Graham felt his cum churning in his balls and told Bob he was going to cum. Bob started bouncing harder and faster continually squeezing Graham's cock with his ass muscles. Graham grunted loud and blasted a huge load up Bob's hole. Bob raised himself slowly off Graham's cock and licked the cum that was on Graham's cock. Graham told Bob that was the best massage ever.

They got off the bed and headed to the shower. Bob was sweating and Graham was covered with oil. Damn he looked nice with his body all oiled. It made his muscles really stand out. They washed each other and then Graham got behind Bob, pressed up tight to him kissing him on the neck. Graham reached around and started stroking Bob's cock. Continually kissing his ears and neck and rubbing his pecs and nips with his other hand. "Oh my God Graham, that feels so good. I'm going to cum."

Graham spun Bob around quick and got on his knees just as Bob started spurting out. Graham caught all of Bob's load in his mouth and swallowed it down. "Hmmmm, yummy," said Graham.

They dried off and went downstairs. They went back out on the patio and Graham got them a couple of beers. After the great massage from Bob and the shower he felt relaxed and his muscles weren't sore anymore. They lounged together on a double lounger. They were still taking in everything from their vantage point in their backyard.

They were starting to get tired and agreed to go to bed. Maybe watch a little tv first and then go to sleep.

They walked arm in arm up to their bedroom. They laid on the bed close to each other. Graham picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. He found a good movie they wanted to watch. They laid their together with an arm around each other. Graham was going over everything in his mind for tomorrow. The weather was supposed to be nice. And he hoped everything went without a hitch.

Their house would be decorated and set up for a large gathering of people while they were at the stadium. Waiters from the hotel would be working at Bobs and Graham's house. The caterers had been notified and they would be delivering many appetizer trays. A big bar would be set up on part of the enclosed patio. The same DJ would be playing music as at Bob's birthday party. Graham wanted this to be a very special day for his lover and partner until late in the evening.

The businessmen had rallied together and the concession stand would be working at the stadium. Workers would be bringing around coffee and soft drinks. And a variety of snack food during the ceremony. Both the high school and college marching bands would be playing and performing. Graham had the same plane flying over congratulating Bob. Fireworks would be going off after it became dusk. And then their would be all the speeches from the presidents of the bank, college and medical school. Speeches would be given by many of the businessmen. Sam was planning on giving a special speech. Preston and Graham planned on giving speeches. Yes it was going to quite a day for Bob. Thankfully, he only thought he was going to the stadium for a ribbon cutting ceremony and to officially open the stadium. He was in for a big surprise.

They laid their together watching the movie. It was an ok movie. But not that great. They started feeling each other all over. And kissing and making out. They found themselves in a sixty nine and were soon deep throating each other. They played with their partners balls and then fingered their holes, making them hotter and hornier for each other. Their juices were flowing freely and they were sucking and licking out each other's precum. Soon they got down to some serious deep throating and were bringing each other off. They had recharged and deposited some nice sized loads in each other's mouths and throats. They swallowed the big loads and laid back arm in arm and watched the ending of the movie.

They were already getting tired before the movie ended. When the movie finished, Graham turned the tv off and the nightstand light. They pulled the sheet and comforter over them and cuddled together and fell asleep.

Graham woke up early. He had a restless night. He was thinking and rehashing everything for today. He wanted everything to go smoothly and on schedule. So it didn't take all day to complete. He quietly crawled out of bed and put his jock on that had been laying on the floor all night. Bob was still sleeping and he didn't want to wake him. He wanted him to have a good rest for today.

Graham went downstairs and started breakfast. He thought the smells would waken Bob. Bob woke up and patted Graham's side of the bed. But no Graham. He was probably in the bathroom. So he waited for Graham to return. When Graham didn't get back to bed, he got up and walked to the bathroom. But their was no Graham. Then the smells of breakfast filled his nose and he knew Graham was downstairs making breakfast.

Graham would call the mayor at the stadium when they left. So he could alert everyone that they were on their way. And to silence the crowd gathered in the bleachers at the stadium.

Graham heard Bob coming down the stairs. "Good morning sleepy head. Get a good sleep?"

"Yeah, I did. I'm still kind of half awake and half asleep. You have any coffee made?"

Graham poured Bob a cup of coffee and handed it to Bob. The coffee was just what Bob needed to wake up. "Breakfast smells good."

"It will soon be ready. Should we eat right here at the kitchen island?"

"Sounds good. How did you sleep babe?"

"Slept well. Tossed and turned a bit and then fell to sleep."

Graham fixed their plates and handed one to Bob and then put his plate close to himself. They ate breakfast together and it was pretty good. Graham was improving his cooking skills. He was slowly getting better and better. Bob thought he was probably getting help from Margaret.

They finished eating their breakfast and took a cup of coffee out to the patio. They sat at the patio table and drank their coffee. Graham told Bob he needed to pee and would be right back. Actually, it was an excuse to call Preston and make sure everything was ready.

Graham ran upstairs quickly and found his cell phone. He called Preston. Preston told Graham not to worry. Everything was in place and ready for Bob to arrive. Just to be sure to call the mayor when they left so they knew they were on their way.

Graham ran back downstairs. And sat next to Bob while they finished their coffee.

The morning seemed to be dragging and Graham was getting antsy. He tried to control himself so Bob wouldn't suspect anything.

Finally Graham told Bob they should probably start getting ready. They hadn't taken their morning shower. They walked upstairs and stripped out of their jocks and walked into the shower. Graham got all the shower jets going with hot steamy water. They washed each other, but behaved themselves and didn't do any fooling around. They dried each other off and then decided what they were going to wear. Not too formal, but not to casual either. They decided to wear work clothes without a tie or suit jacket. They agreed that would work and thought they looked pretty good once they were dressed. They combed their hair, threw a little cologne on, took one more look in the mirror and told each other how hot and sexy they looked.

Bob told Graham he would drive. Graham told Bob to go ahead and get his SUV out and he would be right there. He had forgot his cell phone and wanted to have it with him. He had his cell phone, but it was an excuse to call Preston and the mayor. Graham made his calls and they knew they were on their way. It would only take them about ten minutes to get to the stadium.

Graham walked out the front door. He had armed the security system and got into Bob's SUV. And they were off to the stadium. Graham's stomach was doing flip flops. He was nervous and everything had to go ok. No problems or mishaps. Just smoothly until it was finished.

They got close to the stadium and the parking lot looked pretty full. Graham told Bob go to the front and their should be a reserved place for him to park. The local tv station was their and a reporter for the local newspaper. The tv reporter was waiting for Bob to enter the stadium, he would be filmed during him during the ceremony.

Bob found his reserved spot and they got out. Bob noticed the sign to the stadium and noticed his and Graham's names on the sign. Also the entrance to the stadium had the stadium name with their names under it.

They walked in and Bob was stunned. The stadium was full and their was a stage set up with many people seated. He recognized some of them and as they got closer to the stage he knew everyone that was standing and applauding. The whole stadium was standing and applauding as Bob and Graham made their way to the stage. Bob was directed to his seat and Graham knew where he would be seated. They mayor was in charge and would be running the ceremony.

The three large screen tv's were going so some of the people in the stands could see easily what was happening and being said. Soon the mayor had everyone calmed down and told them the reason for being here was to honor a person that had made a significant change to this town and community. This person I'm talking about is Dr. Bob.

Bob's parents in the second row of chairs behind the business men. Bob's mother was wiping tears from her eyes. She was so proud of Bob and his contributions to the town and community.

The mayor continued and asked Bob to join him at the podium. Bob I'd like you to follow me. They walked to where a large ribbon with a big bow was stretched across two poles. The mayor handed Bob a pair of oversized scissors and asked Bob to cut the ribbon, this would officially open the stadium. Once cut, everyone clapped and cheered. The mayor asked Bob to follow him back to the podium. Bob it's my honor and privilege to give you the key to the city. This is long overdue and should have been done a long time ago. They shook hands and Bob went back to his chair. The mayor continued. It's now my honor to have the presidents of the their respective businesses give their speeches. The presidents one after another talked about how they knew Bob and how he had helped them and worked with them to make this town a bigger and better place. Once the last president finished his speech. The mayor said the high school marching band is going to perform, followed by the university marching band.

The high school marching band marched out onto the field. They got into position and played a rollicking rendition, "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The people in the stands were standing and applauding and cheering, Bob, Bob, Bob. The high school band finished and marched off the field. Then it was the universities marching band that came out to the field. They played, "The Impossible Dream," and marched into formation spelling Bob's name. They also received a standing ovation with cheers and applauding. They marched off the field.

The mayor walked back to the podium and told everyone that the businessmen and women would like to say a few words. They talked about how they met Bob and or indirectly met Bob. How he he helped them getting their businesses started and how it had impacted their lives. Once the businessmen finished. Sam walked up next to the podium. And gave a very heartfelt and wonderful speech, praising Bob and for how he made opening the hotel possible. And how the hotel had made all these new businesses possible. Next was Bob's father. Bob's father was well known in the town and highly respected. He talked about how Bob was always driven to do more and more and was always helping someone when he was growing up. He always thought about himself last and always put other people first. Then Preston walked up to the podium and explained how he indirectly knew Bob from university and how Bob had helped him get settled into town and with his help was able to work in the investment firm with Graham. Reggie spoke about what it was like having Bob as a brother. How inspirational Bob was and how he helped him to be a better person. Finally, Graham walked up to the podium. He was shaking and almost speechless from hearing everyone talk about his lover partner and soulmate. He regained himself. And told everyone how Bob had helped him and everything he had done for him. He asked Bob to come up to the podium. Bob walked up to Graham and thought he saw a couple of tears running down Graham's face. He mouthed I love you to Graham. Graham got down on a knee and gave Bob a small red velvet box. Bob started shaking now too. He opened the box and saw a man's wedding band. It was inscribed, "Together forever, Graham." There was another ring in their for Graham, inscribed the same only signed Bob. Graham told Bob, will you marry me? Bob got down on one knee and told Graham he would be honored. They put each other's rings on each other. They stood up and kissed in front of everyone. Everyone, including those on the stage were standing and applauding. Graham and Bob went back to their respecitive seats.

The mayor then walked up to the podium and asked Bob to come up and asked Bob to say a few words. Bob was unprepared for this. All he could do was say, thank you for everyone for your kind words. I had no idea what kind of an impact I had on so many of you. And opening the hotel, just seemed like the right thing to do. I'm glad for the impact it's had on our hometown and I feel more honored every day to live and be a member of this town and community.

Everyone stood and applauded Bob as he and Graham left the stadium for home.

The plane had went back and forth over the stadium a few times congratulating Bob.

Bob was still shaking as they walked out to his car. The camera crew was following them to his car. Once inside his car, he gave Graham another passionate kiss and thanked him for being such a wonderful lover partner and soulmate.

Bob pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. He saw many cars parked close to their house. He was able to park in the garage and when they walked in. Everyone said surprise. The house was beautifully decorated. People from the celebration started arriving. Bob's parents and brother. All the business men and women and their spouses. All of Bob's and Graham's good friends were there, including Cotton, Kendrick, Anthony Roland Stewart and Brock. Waiters were bringing around appetizers and asking people what they would like to drink. The DJ had started playing music. Just some nice background music so you could still talk comfortably. Many guests went upstairs in the sunroom and others gathered on the patio. Between the two places there was plenty of room for everyone.

As it got dusk. Cal and a deputy were in charge of the fireworks. They were using the empty parking lot and could shoot the fireworks so they would light up above Bob's backyard. Soon the booming started and people were oohing and aahing as the fireworks went off. The party lasted till almost one in the morning. Finally, everyone had their fill and were getting tired. Bob and Graham thanked them for coming and soon it was just them left.

They kissed and looked at their rings and told each other, forever.

This concludes the revised chapters of, "My Alphabet Friends." I hope you have enjoyed this series.

End of Chapter 26 - Zane (Last Chapter)

I've added pics from, "Bob's Holidays", I hope you read that series and then check out the pics I posted here.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban Vinton Wayde Andy Mabel Cindy John-Houseboy Rick Mark - Stripper Xandro York Brian Zane

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And I have added the following pics from Bobs Holidays, Andy, Mabel, Cindy, John-Houseboy Rick and Mark-Stripper.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many other stories I'm working on. I hope you enjoyed my story as much as I liked writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

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