My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jul 6, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 25

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 25. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 25 - York

Bob woke up and didn't feel like working out. It was his birthday. He knew it was but he didn't really care. Now that he was getting older he didn't care that much about birthdays. He was going to eat some breakfast, shower and then he thought he would drive up to the cementery and see Drake. This was something he wanted to do for a long time and never seemed to have the time. He missed Drake and still thought about him.

He dragged his lazy self out of bed and decided to shower first and then eat breakfast. He had played with buddy for awhile last night and buddy was still plugging his hole. It felt good and he left the dildo in his hole when he climbed into the shower. He thought he heard his cell phone ringing. He could check for missed calls when he finished his shower. He was horny and put the suction cup on the dildo on the shower seat. He soaped his hole and started moving up and down on the dildo while he jerked off. Happy Birthday Bob, he said to himself. The dildo was eight inches and thick and really filled his hole. Not as good as the real thing, but the next best thing. He finished his shower and dried off. He cleaned off buddy and put him away in his hiding place in the closet.

He walked over to the nightstand and checked his cell phone. He had two missed calls from Sam. He wondered what that was about. He would call Sam while he was cooking breakfast. Bob walked downstairs naked and barefoot and started his breakfast. While it was cooking he thought this was a good time to call Sam. He picked up his cell phone and called Sam. "Hi Bob, I'm glad you called me back. I thought I might have missed you?"

"No, I was in the shower when I heard my cell phone. What's up?"

"Well, I have a couple of things I wanted to go over with the coowners of the hotel. The jeweler isn't able to make it. But he told me to go ahead with you and you could fill him in after we finish."

"When would you like me to come over?"

How about as soon as your ready?"

"I'm cooking some breakfast right now. Once I finish breakfast I'll be over. Probably in about thirty minutes."

"That's perfect Bob. I'll look for you in about thirty minutes."

Sam was glad that would give him time to make a couple of calls to Preston and Shirley, Bob's receptionist at the clinic. Sam made his calls while he waited for Bob. So everything could be done while Bob was at the hotel talking with Sam. Sam could drag this out and make it last all morning. Giving them plenty of time to decorate and get the things moved in. And the guests start arriving at noon. The chef at the hotel was making the appetizers and the dinner would be catered.

Preston had called Graham so he would be ready at noon.

Graham called the airport so they knew what time to fly over Bob's house. Graham was taking care of the birthday cake and that would be delivered while Bob was still out. Actually two birthday cakes. Making Graham smile. He was hoping his plan would work. He hoped so. He was moving all his things into Bob's house and hoping he would be living with Bob again.

Preston had put a lot of time into Bob's birthday party. After all, how many of the people that were invited had Bob helped? And look at what Bob had down for this town. Graham had been a big help. Preston was hoping Bob and Graham would get back together again. That would make the birthday party a success.

Quinton and Reeve were now all unpacked. They enjoyed their first night in their new house. They initiated their oversized king size bed. They had sex until they were so exhausted they couldn't keep their eyes open. Now they needed to get ready for Bob's birthday party.

Bob finished his breakfast and put everything away. He went upstairs and got dressed. He still had a few minutes. He was hoping the meeting with Sam wouldn't take too long. It was a long drive to the cementery and he wanted to spend some time with Drake. Bob checked the time and thought he probably better drive over to the hotel.

When Bob left he didn't see a couple of cars waiting down a couple blocks from his house. It was the ladies that would do the decorating waiting for him to leave. Also a large delivery truck that would unload the big screen tv and the related equipment. The cars drove in and the ladies got out. Followed by the delivery truck. Margaret was in the first car so she knew how to open the gate and unarm the security system. The delivery men helped the ladies carry in the decorations while they unloaded the truck and hauled in the large screen tv and it's equipment.

The ladies got busy right away decorating. Margaret knew where she wanted everything. Since she was in the house the most, the other ladies went along with what she wanted. The men quickly set up the projection screen and tested it and it was ready to go.

The DJ arrived and started getting set up on part of the covered part of the patio. He had plenty of room and he would be close to one of the bars. A perfect location.

The appetizers arrived and Margaret took care of them. Mark had hired some special waiters that wouldn't mind the later in the day entertainment and men getting naked and half dressed.

Graham was getting nervous. He hoped his plan worked. The two large cakes would be delivered soon. Hopefully after he got to Bob's house. He drove over with his car loaded with all his things. He pulled in and carried his things up to the second master bedroom. Margaret was glad to see Graham and they hugged and kissed and she told him not to worry. Everything would work out. He told her he hoped so.

Just after Graham arrived another delivery truck arrived with the small and a very large artificial cake. Graham was pleased with the birthday cake. The cake read, "Happy Birthday Bob from all your friends." It was perfect thought Graham. It was three layers and very elegantly decorated. It should be big enough for everyone. The large artificial cake he moved way down in the back yard behind the large projection screen. So it was out of sight, but still easy to get to. When he was ready to use it.

Bob pulled up in front of the hotel and had one of the valets park his car. He walked into the hotel and it was busy. The hustle and bustle of people coming and going and waiting for one of the shuttles. He looked around trying to spot Sam. He didn't see him so he walked up to the reception desk and saw Sam back in his office. He walked around the reception desk and into Sam's office. "Hi Bob, didn't see you. Come on in and take a seat."

"I hope this won't take too long. I want to drive up and be with Drake on my birthday. I've wanted to visit his grave for a long time and just never seemed to have the time."

"First happy birthday Bob. I didn't know it was your birthday today, until I got a call. Second, I'm afraid this will take all morning to go over."

"Well, let's get started then and maybe it won't take as long as you thought."

Sam handed Bob two folders. One was for Bob and the other was for the jeweler. Sam told Bob that maybe he could go over the information in the jewelers folder when he took the folder to him. Bob said that wouldn't be a problem.

Bob's folder was full of reports. Quarterly reports and reviews on employees. And projections for the hotel. Bob groaned to himself when he saw all the papers. He knew this would take quite awhile. But it was something they needed to do and always appreciated how thorough Sam was and how well organized he was. Bob appreciated Sam sharing this information with him and the jeweler and thought they should get started.

Sam started with the employee reviews. They would go fast. In Sam's projections he noted that they would need to hire two more housekeepers. A head housekeeper, since the present one was going to be retiring. Also, the hotel needed four more waiters for banquets and meetings. They would also work in the dining too, so they could start running two shifts. Another shuttle bus driver was needed since one of the driver's would be retiring. Two of the valets would be returning to college so two new valets needed to be hired. Also, another gardener and spa worker was needed. That seemed to finish the information on employees. Bob asked Sam financially if the hotel could afford these employee changes.

Sam told Bob that finished the employee information. And he wanted to go over the quarterly statements. First quarter, after expenses that hotel had made just over one million dollars. Second quarter just over one and a half million third quarter over two million and Sam was projecting the last quarter to be over three million and that was including the new employees. The hotel was bringing large amounts of money from the banquet room and the spa and pool area since they had opened it up to the community members. The number of members was controlled so it wouldn't interfer with the hotel guests. Sam had raised the rates on the rooms again. The hotel stayed full and the dining room was starting to get used more and more. They had opened the dining room to the community. The room was huge and could easily hold all the hotel guests, besides reservations and walk ins.

Bob was very impressed with all the work Sam had done getting these reports ready. He looked at his watch and it was already going on noon. Time went by fast when you were having fun. "Well you weren't joking when you said this would take all morning. I always am amazed how well organzied you are Sam."

"Well it would take all day if I wasn't organized. I thank you for taking the time Bob."

"Well, I guess now I'll head home. I might stop somewhere for lunch. I won't be able to visit Drake today. It's too far to drive back and forth."

"Since your here at the hotel. Why don't you eat lunch here in the dining room. I'll tell the chef your having lunch here today, and have him prepare something special for you."

"I like that idea Sam. I think I will have lunch here. It's been a long time since I've eaten here."

Sam was smiling to himself. That would give everyone at Bob's house more time. He would call over to Bob's house and let them know he was eating lunch at the hotel. And he would call back when Bob left.

They were glad to get Sam's call. There had been a couple of delays and now that Bob was eating at the hotel. That would give them the extra time they needed.

Bob walked into the dining room and was shown to a table. He ordered a scotch and water and waited on his lunch.

A new waiter brought out Bob's lunch. It was under a silver cover on a silver tray. The waiter took the cover off and their was a mouth watering prime rib with vegetables. The waiter served it on Bob's plate and left. It smelled delicious and when he took a bite it melted in his his mouth. This prime rib was better than Milo's. He might have to start coming more often to the hotel to eat. Bob took his time he wanted to enjoy every bite of this delicious savory prime rib. It took Bob over an hour to eat his prime rib. He was full when he finished, but satisfied.

The waiter came out and Bob asked for his bill. The waiter told him the lunch was on the house. He thanked the waiter for good service and gave him a tip and told him to thank the chef on a very delicious lunch. Bob walked out and Sam was behind the receptionist desk with a smile on his face. Sam watched Bob leave.

Sam got immediately on the phone and alerted them at Bob's house that Bob was on his way home.

The decorating was done and looked nice. The ladies had down a good job with the decorations. The big screen looked good and the DJ was playing some good music. Guests had started arriving and they knew where they needed to go to surprise Bob when he came into his house. Everyone had parked a couple of blocks away in a vacant lot. So Bob wouldn't see any cars when he drove in and he wouldn't see the full vacant lot because he would be coming from the opposite direction.

Everyone was getting anxious for Bob to arrive. They were ready to surprise him. The DJ was ready with a rock n roll happy birthday.

Bob pulled in and everyone inside got into position. The lights were turned off to make the house look empty. Everyone had been told Bob would enter the house from the garage into the kitchen.

The house looked strangely eerie from the outside. He had wished he would have been able to visit Drake. With Graham gone, he missed Drake even more. He pulled into the garage and got out. He walked up the couple of steps to the door to the kitchen. He unarmed the security system and walked into a dark house.

He walked into the kitchen and put the folders on the kitchen island. He looked in the frig for a beer. Soon he heard some noise and soon people were coming out from the woodwork. The DJ started playing Happy Birthday and everyone was forming a circle around Bob and singing Happy Birthday.

That was Graham's cue to spring into action. Soon a big artificial birthday cake was being pushing up to the covered patio. Everyone moved out to the patio with Bob in the front. The big three layer cake got closer and closer. As he got closer Bob could see it was artificial. The DJ was still playing Happy Birthday and a few people were still singing.

Soon Bob could hear tearing and ripping. And he saw Graham stand up in the middle of the cake. He was singing Happy Birthday and looking directly at Bob. Bob didn't know if Graham was naked or had any clothes on. Their weren't any clothes on his chest. Graham finished climbing out of the cake. He had on some board shorts and walked up to Bob and gave him a long kiss and hug. Both Bob and Graham had tears running down their cheeks.

Everybody was clapping and cheering. Not for Bob's birthday, but because Bob and Graham were back together. Graham told Bob he was going to go upstairs quick and change and be right back. They kissed again and Bob asked Graham if he wanted him to go with him. Graham told him to stay with his guests, they would have plenty of time for themselves later. Bob watched Graham take off and run upstairs.

They all moved out on the patio. Everyone was congratulating Bob on his birthday and for him and Graham getting back together. Bob thanked the ladies for a good job on the decorations. They told him they were going to leave soon. They needed to get back to their significant others.

Bob sought out Preston and thanked him for a terrific birthday party. Preston told Bob it was the least he could do for everything he does for everybody else. And he told Bob, besides you got an extra birthday present, Graham.

Bob mingled around and saw Stewart. He couldn't believe Stewart came to his birthday party. They talked for a bit and told Bob he wouldn't have missed his birthday party for anything.

Bob walked over and talked with Sam and the jeweler. The jeweler wasn't looking good, something wasn't right. The jeweler talked okay but his skin color and the way he walked weren't right. He asked the jeweler to make an appointment and he wanted to check him out at the clinic. He agreed and told Bob he would make an appointment on Monday. He told Bob he hadn't been feeling right and knew something was wrong.

Millie came over and talked to Bob. She thanked Bob for everything he had done for her father. She told Bob he had most of his strength back and had one chemo treatment and was responding well. She said the doctors told her that they would wait about four weeks before his second treatment. After two weeks they were going to examine him and see what effect the first chemotherapy had. Bob handed Millie a drink from one of the waiters and being typical Millie she chugged the drink down and was ready for another one.

Graham came back and was wearing cargo shorts and dressy pullover and some deck shoes. He looked just as hot as ever. Bob kept staring and finally Graham asked him if everything was ok. He told him he was perfect. I just can't believe how hot you look. I've missed you so much and was just being stubborn not calling you. Graham said he was the same way. He was being stubborn too. But he said he was ready for a new start and forget the past. Bob agreed with Graham and they kissed and started mingling with the guests.

Xandro was watching Vinton and Wayde. They looked like a couple of hot guys. He thought he would see if he could get into their conversation. They welcomed Xandro and had a good talk. They found out they were all close to the same age, right around 28 and 29. Wayde told them he was opening the new hardware store. And Xandro told them he had bought the Pet Store and was a veternarian and would be working in the clinic. Vinton told them he was studying Business Administration at the university and would soon be graduating. He was good friends with Mark and Irving and they had a couple of glasses together. Mark had told Vinton when he graduated he could get a job at the investment firm that Graham and Preston run. They liked the party and were glad they were invited. They put each other's numbers in their cell phones and they wanted to stay in touch and start going out and hanging out together.

John walked up to the DJ and took the cordless microphone. He clinked his glass to get everyone's attention. "Some of you may know me, I'm Bob's father and those who don't know me. Now you know who I am." That got a few chuckles from the guests. "I want to say what an honor it is for me and my wife to be here for Bob's birthday. He's always been an exemplary son along with his brother Reggie. Bob has done so much for this town and community that it's wonderful to see such a good turnout for his birthday. I wish you many more happy birthday's son." John and Bob hugged to more clapping and cheers.

Then Reggie walked to the microphone. John handed it to him. Bob hadn't seen Reggie and didn't even know he was here. "Well as you know, I'm Reggie, Bob's brother. Growing up we were the best of friends and Bob was and is the best brother any guy could want. Bob helped me many times with schoolwork and managed to help me so I wouldn't get in trouble with mom and dad when I did some foolish kid things. Bob was the model brother, and I'm honored to be here to celebrate his birthday." They hugged and he told Bob Jarvis was with him and they had already moved into the second master bedroom.

All the ladies lined up and told Bob to enjoy the rest of his birthday and they were glad they had been invited to his party. He thanked them all for everything they had done. They left so it was just the men. He noticed that his dad left with his mom. They would probably go to the Country Club. There was still over twenty guys here.

Bob noticed all the waiters were shirtless and very muscular. Irving saw Bob staring at some of the waiters and told them he was able to get them from the In and Out Bar. They were all good friends of his. Bob thanked him. Then he noticed the big projection screen and asked Irving about that. Irving told him that was for later and some special entertainment.

Graham came over all excited and talking a mile a minute like he does when he's excited, like a little kid. He told Bob to look up in the sky. The plane was just coming over and the banner read, "Happy Birthday Bob". Bob thanked Graham and told him how special he was. He told Bob to wait, that the plane would make another pass over. They watched again as the plane passed over. Some of the guests noticed it and waved to the plane.

Soon Graham took the microphone and told everyone to come up close to the patio table they had something special for Bob. Soon two waiters came out from inside the house carrying Bob's birthday cake. The DJ played happy birthday again. All the guys sang and cheered Bob. Bob cut the cake and started serving everyone.

The cake was delicious. It was a butter vanilla flavor with a special frosting. The cake was so good, many guys were getting a second piece of cake. There was no cake fight or smashing it in their mouths. They enjoyed the cake too much to do that.

The DJ started up with some more good music. Some of the guys were dancing and had removed their shirts. Of course Mark was the best dancer and Irving had a hard time keeping up with him. The drinks were flowing and everyone was starting to loosen up and enjoy themselves.

Tyrell had decided to stay for awhile. It was ok with Rashona he had worked it out with her. She told him he needed to relax, he had been working hard at the mill and enjoy sometime with his male friends. He couldn't believe how understanding Rashona was. He felt he fit right in with these guys. Nothing was ever mentioned about his skin color and no rascist remarks had ever been made. He planned on enjoying himself and see how the rest of day played out.

Everyone was getting pretty loosened up. The liquor was flowing freely and the DJ kept playing great music that everyone seemed to like. The appetizers were almost gone and Preston called the caterers and they were on their way. Preston thought they could eat and then start playing some of the tapes of the strippers performing. He thought that should be interesting when they see the strippers on the large screen tv. They will be bigger than real life. Preston talked to the waiters and had them get the patio table ready for a buffet.

They had just finished getting the large table ready when the catering truck arrived. All the main dishes were in silver warmers and there were many side dishes to go along with it. The caterers finished getting the table ready. They had a push cart loaded with plates and silverware. Preston got the cordless microphone and told everyone that the food was ready when they were. It didn't take long until a line formed and everyone was starting to fill their plates. Everyone was either paired with someone or there were small groups of three or four men sitting together while they ate. Their was chicken roast beef ham and turkey. Their was an ice sculpture of a doctor and it said, Happy Birthday Bob. Bob had never seen anything like it. The shrimp was in a bowl that he had never seen the size of before. The shrimp were layered on ice. There was a large bowl of cocktail sauce for the shrimp. The guys were really digging into the shrimp and said everything was delicious.

The liquor was still flowing freely. Bob noticed Graham go back three times to buffet table. He definitely hadn't lost his appetite. He was looking really good. He seemed to be fully recovered from his accident. He just needed to start working out again and he would firm and be tight like before. He still looked good and Bob couldn't stop staring at Graham.

The guys were really enjoying the music the DJ was playing and some of them were really good dancers. A few guests had lost their pants and were dancing in just their underwear.

Sam and the jeweler had left earlier. It was getting late for them and Sam wanted to check on the hotel before going to his house. He had dropped the jeweler off at his place.

Preston announced that the entertainment was going to start. Everyone was free to watch as they wanted.

Graham and Bob were glad to see Wayde Vinton and Xandro getting along well. That was a relief off their mind. They wanted to be back together without any interference.

Everyone was taking a seat while Mark got the first tape going. This was a strip show they had done at the In and Out Bar. They were dressed like policemen and they danced and stripped to the music. The show was making the guys really horny. Many now were naked. Some were getting sucked while other's were fucking anyone they could get their hands on. I saw Tyrell and Preston naked with their big cocks swinging back and forth. They were busy fucking anyone that was ready.

I thought I saw Brock walking around. I asked Graham and he said it sure looked like him. We both got up and walked over to where he was standing. He was just in some designer underwear looking as hot as ever. I was surprised to see him by himself. "Hi Brock, glad you made it to my birthday party."

"Bob, there you are. I've been looking all over for you. I got here after the party had already started."

"I hope you have some time to spend with us?"

"Actually, I have to leave tomorrow for another photo shoot. But I have the rest of today and tonight to spend with you guys, if that works?"

"Sure does." Graham and I almost said in unison.

They were glad to see Brock. It had been a long time. And they were looking forward to seeing more of Brock tonight when they went to bed.

Bob and Graham were inseparable. It was like they were joined at the hip. They couldn't get enough of each other. They were definitely making up for lost time.

Once Mark started playing the tapes of the strippers, that really got the guys going. Some were trying to dance like the strippers. Others formed a line and were trying to mimic their moves. It was fun to watch everybody having a good time. That's what a party is all about. Most of the guys now were down to their underware or naked. Lot's of eye candy for Graham and me.

Bob saw Travis Brody Cal and Dave head upstairs to one of the bedrooms. He knew they would have a good time.

Wayde and Zane were getting chummy. Graham was glad to see Wayde getting it on with Zane. They would make a good couple. That made Vinton and Xandro happy. Without Wayde now they good get to be better friends. Bob saw Tyrell and Brock getting pretty friendly. That would probably work out pretty well. Since Brock was gone so much with his work and Tyrell liked to be with his wife. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Stewart and Owen seemed to be getting pretty friendly. It looked like they were sharing phone numbers. Preston and Holden were together as were Mark and Irving. It looked like everyone was matched up with someone else.

Bob leaned over to Graham and gave him a big long passionate kiss. "I love you. This is the best birthday present ever. Your my special birthday present."

"To be honest Bob, I wasn't sure how this would work out. I was hoping for the best, but since we were both so stubborn, I had my doubts."

"Nothing to be doubting now. How about if we watch a little more of the strippers and then head to bed?"

"That sounds good to me. You want anything to drink or eat?"

"Maybe just a little snack plate for the two of us and I'll take a cold beer."

Bob watched Graham. God he looked good and he sure did miss him. He couldn't wait until they went to bed and made hot steamy love together. He was ready and he knew Graham was too.

Graham came back with a dinner plate heaped with different food. Even some shrimp was on the plate. Bob thought that had been eaten a long time ago. They each had a cold beer to wash down their food. Bob kind of picked at the food. It was good, but he didn't want to overdo it. He knew they would need to work out Monday morning. Graham was gobbling down the food. You would never had known that he ate earlier. Bob told Graham he was finished eating and the rest was his. Graham didn't need to be told twice. He cleaned the rest of the plate in record time and was eyeing the table and smacking his lips. Bob couldn't believe when Graham got up and filled the plate again. It was soon empty and Graham told Bob he thought he had eaten enough. He felt full. All Bob could do was smile and shake his head.

They looked around at the guys watching the strippers. Most of them were naked and getting blown or were fucking someone sitting on their lap. The strippers were hot. The waiters had stripped down and were just wearing aprons and naked underneath. The DJ got Preston's attention and told him he was going to pack up and leave, it was getting late. Preston thanked him and paid him for a job well done. He told Preston he was available anytime he needed him. They shook hands and the DJ left.

Bob was thinking, He hadn't seen any cars in the front yard. He asked Graham where everyone's cars were. He told him they had parked in the vacant parking lot. Bob asked Graham how safe that was at night and maybe everyone should drive their cars back to the house and park inside. Graham told Bob that Preston had hired a security guard to watch the parking lot, so their wouldn't be any problems.

Bob saw some of the guys getting dressed and getting ready to leave. They walked over to him and Graham. They hugged and kissed and wished Bob a happy birthday and thanked him for a great party. Bob didn't give the special thank you. He thought they had all had enough sex at his place, they could finish somewhere else.

Soon everyone had left and it was just Reggie and Jarvis, Brock Bob and Graham.

Mark had disconnected the large screen tv and projector. He had taken the tapes with him and told Bob they would haul out the big screen and all it's related parts tomorrow and take the chairs and the caterers would be back tomorrow to pick up their things.

The guys grabbed another beer and sat on the loungers. Reggie and Jarvis were on one double lounger snuggled together. While Bob Graham and Brock squeezed together on another double lounger. Everyone was naked and were glad to have the freedom of being naked and outside.

Reggie and Jarvis were hard and leaking. They were kissing and making out. That got us horny and we got into a three way hug and kiss. Our cocks were growing and we stopped. We told each other let's finish our beer and then head to bed. If they want to stay out here all night that's ok.

We finished our beer and told Reggie and Jarvis we were going to bed. They could stay out here as long as they wanted.

We got up and walked upstairs to my master bedroom. Actually Graham and my bedroom. We had Brock in the middle with us on each side of him. Brock looked so hot and sexy laying there. We couldn't keep our hands and mouths off of him. Graham was kissing Brock while I started sucking on his big balls. Brock was already moaning and couldn't believe how much pleasure he was feeling. He had missed these guys and needed to get back here more often. He pulled his legs back exposing his pink rosebud to Bob. Bob couldn't resist and was licking around his hole and sticking his tongue in and out. Bob's cock was rock hard and leaking in anticipation. Graham moved around and was sitting on Brock's face. Brock was eating Graham out like a champ. Graham and Bob were kissing. Bob grabbed the lube off the nightstand and lubed a couple of fingers. He eased a finger into Brock's hole. Brock was pretty tight so he thought he better loosen and stretch his hole. So he wouldn't hurt as much when he fucked Brock. Bob lubed a second finger and slowly eased it in with his first finger. Brock was grimacing a bit so Bob took it easy. He started moving his fingers around, stretching Brock's tight hole. Bob managed to find Brock's prostate and that seemed to really get Brock going. Bob pulled his fingers out and eased the head of his cock in. Brock told him it hurt and Bob asked if he wanted him to pull out. He told him no to keep going, but go slow and easy. Bob eased the head back in again and held it there. When he felt Brock relaxing he eased in a couple of inches and waited. He kept doing that until his balls were pressed against Brock's ass. Brock told him to wait a bit. Bob just held it there. He really wanted to fuck this tight ass, but he wanted Brock to enjoy the fucking too. Finally, Brock told Bob to go ahead and Bob started a slow in and out rhythm. Brock was moving with Bob's thrusts. As tight as Brock's hole was, Bob's cock was able to rub back and forth on Brock's prostate sending waves of pleasure through Brock, like nothing he had every experienced before. Brock was really starting to enjoy this. And was pushing back harder on Bob. Bob started picking up his pace and was giving Brock long hard thrusts. Brock was busy eating Grahams's hot hole. Graham was jerking off while Brock ate him out. Brock was so busy eating Graham's hole that he didn't feel Bob cum in his hole. Bob shot out a big load. As hot and tight as Brock's hole was, it really got Bob horny. Bob pulled out and Brock lowered his legs back on the bed. Bob leaned down and took Graham's cock in his mouth and gave him a blowjob. With Brock eating his ass and Bob sucking his cock he soon shot out down Bob's throat. Bob swallowed all of Graham's load. The only one that hadn't gotten off was Brock. So Graham and Bob went back to sucking his balls and his cock. They soon had Brock gasping and grunting and shooting out a nice sized load. They were all satisfied and tired after their sexual exercise and fell asleep all curled up together.

Reggie and Jarvis were having a good time in the other master bedroom. They could hear moaning and groaning coming from Bob's bedroom. The doors to the adjoining bedrooms were closed so the sounds were muffled and hard to hear. The doors blocked the sounds coming from the bedrooms pretty good. They were busy making out and getting hot and horny. They were kissing and feeling each other's naked bodies all over. Soon they were jerking each other off and precum was flying all over. The sheets were starting to get wet. Precum was all over them as well. They started licking the precum off each other and that just seemed to make them produce more. Precum was running down the sides of their cocks and they started licking it off each other. Sucking and licking the hard flared heads. Dipping the tip of their tongues into each other's pee slits and pulling out the sticky sweet precum. They couldn't take it any longer and were in a hot sixty nine deep throating each other and fingering each other's holes. Reggie had three fingers in Jarvis' hole and Jarvis was moaning and slurping on Reggie's cock. They knew they were going to cum soon. They had been edging all evening watching the strippers performing. Reggie and Jarvis knew they would have big loads. Soon Jarvis grunted and jerked and his cock erupted into Reggie's mouth and throat. Reggie was swallowing fast to take it all. He just finished licking off Jarvis' cock when he blasting out in Jarvis' throat. It had swelled in girth when he came and Jarvis was gagging a little bit. They fell back together on the bed gasping for air and panting. Their strong orgasms really wore them out. They were going to curl up together and relax and then they wanted to have a fuck fest.

After Preston Holden Mark and Irving got home. They were still hyped up from the party and couldn't sleep. So they went out on the patio and sipped on beer and talked about the party. They all agreed that was party was a success. They couldn't believe how many guys showed up. And Bob's coworkers Margaret and Millie and the gals from the clinic. Bob was definitely a well liked man. That was no surprise the way he helped people and put them first. He tried to do his best to be nice to everyone. You rarely heard Bob swear or say a bad word about anybody. Even when Graham and Bob had their disagreement. That's all Bob would say. They had a misunderstanding and never put the blame on anyone else. He truly was one of a kind person. They all agreed with Preston. Their beer was going down pretty fast and soon they were on their second beer. Preston saw Holden nodding off and told Mark and Irving they were going to bed. Mark told Preston they were going to stay out on the patio a little longer. They weren't that tired yet.

Zane was glad to be able to hook up with Wayde. They went back to Zane's house after the birthday party. Wayde had told him about Graham having a new house built and how he was helping with half the house. Then when Graham went back to Bob and was living with him, Wayde bought the other half of the house from Graham, so now he would be a new homeowner soon and a hardware store owner and manager.

Wayde really liked Zane's house. It wasn't too small or too big. He got a quick look outside and could get an idea of what kind of work Zane did. Zane's back yard was a tropical paradise. Zane had went all out on his yard, doing some of his best work.

Zane was glad to make a friendship with Wayde. He had had a long dry spell. And Wayde was a perfect match for him. It was still fairly early so they went out on the back patio and drank a beer. Wayde complemented Zane on his back yard. He told Zane this is something he would like at his new house. Zane told Wayde that could be arranged. He would put Wayde down on his list with his ideas for his yard.

They were each sitting on double loungers. Zane told Wayde to move over with him. Wayde gave Zane a big smile. They clinked their beer bottles together and sipped on their beer. Zane being more forward than Wayde leaned over and gave Wayde a kiss on the cheek. Wayde set his beer down and leaned over and gave Zane a long hot kiss on the lips. The kiss sent electricity through Zane's body. He had never been kissed like that. They soon started making out on the double lounger. They gulped down the rest of their beer, set the bottles down and started undoing each other's shirts. Zane was very muscular and ripped, probably from his work. Wayde was no slouch, but didn't compare to Zane. Wayde liked working out, but just to stay in shape and keep his muscles firm. They were feeling each other's chest pecs and abs. Their bulges were clearly visible in their pants. Zane again took the lead and undid Wayde's pants and pulled the zipper down. Zane could see a nice sized bulge in Wayde's boxers. He rubbed over the bulge and Wayde moaned. Wayde then took Zane's hand off and undid Zane's pants and pulled his zipper down. He saw a big bulge in Zane's tighty whities. He rubbed over Zane's bulge and Zane let out a moan. Zane reached over and slid Wayde's pants down and off. He could see the thick head of Wayde's cock trying to peek out of his boxers. He squeezed and rubbed his bulge some more and saw a wet spot forming. Wayde then reached over and slid down Zane's pants. Zane lifted his hips to make it easier for Wayde. Wayde saw a big wet spot and it outlined the head of Zane's cock. Wayde squeezed Zane's cock and could see more precum oozing out. He rubbed a finger over the wet spot and Zane's cock twitched and throbbed. Then on three they pulled their underwear down and off and threw their underwear with their clothes. Their cocks were hard and sticking straight up. They both looked to be close to the same size and both were thick. Their reached over and took each other's cocks in their hands and started slow stroking. Wayde was so ready he told Zane he was going to cum. Zane leaned over fast and took the head of Wayde's cock in his mouth just as he started cumming. Zane swallowed a big load and licked off the last drops of cum. "Sorry for cumming so fast."

"No problem. I've been horny for you too. Ever since I saw you when we worked out and then at Bob's birthday party. I'll be cumming soon too."

Just as Zane said that he told Wayde he was going to cum. Wayde leaned over and took about half of Zane's cock in his mouth while he shot out a big load. Zane had been horny every since they got together at Bob's birthday party. He had a permanent hardon and he had to continually adjust at the party so it wasn't so evident. Wayde took his big load like a champ. Sucking out the last of Zane's cum. Licking his head and shaft to make sure it was clean.

That was satisfying, they both said together. Wayde got up and got them another beer from the patio frig. He sat back down right next to Zane. They put an arm around each other's shoulders and enjoyed their beer. Zane told Wayde they should head to bed after they finished their beer. Their was more he wanted to do. Wayde couldn't wait and chugged down the rest of his beer. Zane did the same. They picked up their clothes and Wayde followed Zane to his bedroom.

Zane had a huge master bedroom. There was a large jacuzzi in one corner of his bedroom. It looked like it could hold eight people. They threw their clothes on a couple of chairs and flopped on the bed. Zane again taking the lead told Wayde to pull his legs back to his chest. This exposed his nice pink pucker. Zane put a pillow under Wayde's ass to elevate him to the right level. Zane got down and started rimming Wayde out. Zane loved eating ass, as almost as much as fucking a hot ass. He was munching and sticking his tongue in and out of Wayde's hole. Wayde had never had a rim job like this before. Zane really knew what he was doing. Zane took some lube out of the nightstand drawer and lubed up a finger and eased it into Wayde's hole. Wayde's hole pulled his finger in. Zane lubed a second finger and eased it in. Wayde's ass pulled in the second finger. Zane moved them around stretching Wayde's hole. He was trying to find Wayde's prostate, but didn't have any luck. Zane lubed his cock and get it really slick. He pulled his fingers out and he could see Wayde's pucker opening and closing. Zane eased his big flared head into the hole. Wayde's hole pulled on his cock head and soon he was balls deep in Wayde's hole. Wayde was loving it and telling Zane to fuck him. Obviously, Wayde had been fucked before. He didn't have any pain or discomfort. Zane started a slow fuck and must have rubbed over Wayde's prostate. He saw Wayde's cock oozing out a continuous stream of precum. Zane bent down while he slowed fucked Wayde and licked his copious amount of precum off. His cock still kept oozing out precum. Zane started sucking on his knob and sucking out his precum. He started picking up his pace and was fucking Wayde a little faster. Wayde was matching Zane's thrusts by pushing back on his cock to take as deep as possible. Zane could feel himself getting close. He hoped Wayde was getting close too. Soon Zane yelled out he was cumming and shot up Wayde's hole. Zane sucked Wayde faster and soon Wayde shot a load flowing down his throat. They were sated and fell back and kissed and hugged and fell asleep.

Another new couple was also getting quite friendly. Vinton followed Xandro in his car to Xandro's apartment. They parked in the back and took the stairs up to the apartment. Xandro unlocked his apartment. Vinton couldn't believe it was an apartment. It was large enough to be a small house. Their was one master bedroom and two guest bedrooms. A large kitchen and living room. The living room had a balcony large enough for a barbeque table and chairs. There was a dining room off the kitchen. Xandro had it tastefully furnished. Everything looked like it had been here for a long time. Xandro was an antique furniture collector so he had enough room for all his pieces of furniture. With the other decor, the furniture seemed like it belonged here. Xandro asked Vinton if he wanted a beer and he said sure. They walked out on the balcony and sat on a couple of chairs. They soon moved to a couple of recliners. They moved the recliners close together, clinked their glasses together and gave each other a quick peck on the lips.

They had got acquainted at Bob's birthday party. They noticed each other and kept looking and glancing at each other. When the strippers started on the big screen they walked over and took chairs next to each other. They kept moving their chairs closer and closer together until their legs were touching. They had been drinking hard liquor, but switched to beer, they didn't want to get drunk and then have to drive home. They kissed and started feeling each other up over their clothes. They didn't want to get naked. They weren't really exhibitionists. Most of the guys were naked, but they told each other they could do that in the privacy of their houses. They watched the strippers until the tape finished. They were really good and it was easy to tell that Mark was one of the strippers. They finished their beer and stood up with big bulges in their shorts. They walked over to Bob and Graham and thanked Bob for being invited, but they needed to leave and get home. Bob and Graham thanked them for coming.

Vinton got them a couple more beers. From where he was sitting it was easier for him to get up and get the beer rather than Xandro. Xandro watched Vinton get up and walk out to the kitchen. Damn, Vinton was hot. He was just the kind of guy he was looking for. He hoped this would work out. He wasn't going to make Vinton do anything he didn't want to do. He didn't want to lose him and would go at his own pace. While Vinton was in the kitchen, Xandro unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt showing a light dusting of chest hair. He also undid the button on his shorts and pulled the zipper down about half way. Just giving a glimpse of his boxers.

Soon Vinton came back and handed Xandro a beer. Vinton said, "looks like someone is getting a little more comfortable?"

"I was a little warm and thought I'd open my shirt and shorts a bit to cool down."

Vinton smiled to himself. He knew exactly what Xandro was doing, but he didn't mind. Vinton said, "it is a little warm out here." And slid his pullover off. And then undid the top button on his shorts and pulled his zipper all the way down. Revealing his bulge in his boxers.

They had their recliners tight together. They leaned together and kissed. It made the beer taste better. They soon were removing each other's clothes. They thought the other one looked hot. They were feeling each other all over and exploring their bodies. This was the first they had seen each other naked and they were not disappointed. Xandro said, "let's go to the bedroom. There's more room and it's more comfortable."

They got up off their recliners, picked up their clothes and Vinton followed Xandro into his bedroom. His master bedroom was good size. It even had a sofa and a couple of chairs. There was desk off to one side. It had a large walkin closet and the bathroom looked good sized from what Vinton could see from the bedroom.

They laid down on the bed facing each other. They started kissing and feeling each other all over. Their cocks were hitting and rubbing together. Vinton had his cock between Xandro's balls and was rubbing it back and forth. Xandro couldn't believe how good that felt. He had never experienced that before. Soon they laid back on their backs and started jerking each other off. They were getting close and decided to back off. Vinton leaned over and took the head of Xandro's cock in his mouth. His cock twitched and throbbed in Vinton's mouth. He licked all around the head and pulled out precum with his tongue. He was feeling Xandro's big full balls with his other hand. Vinton then started licking the sides of Xandro's cock, sucking nibbling on the that big thick vein running down the back side of Xandro's cock. Xandro was moaning and groaning it felt so good. Vinton worked his licking and kissing of Xandro's cock to his balls. Then he took one ball in his mouth at a time. Swirling his tongue all around it and rolling it around in his mouth. Then he did the same to the other ball. When he finished they were wet and covered with saliva. Vinton then licked back up the back side of Xandro's cock to the head. And slowly lowered his mouth down the length of Xandro's cock. Opening his throat and taking it all. Xandro was gasping now. Vinton worked his throat muscles like a glove around Xandro's cock and somehow he could work Xandro's cock up and down in his throat with his throat muscles. Xandro felt like his cock was being sucked by a million little mouths. It was a fantastic feeling. Another feeling he had never experienced before. Vinton was a master cock sucker. Xandro told Vinton he was going to cum and should pull off. Vinton shook his head no. He wanted to taste Xandro's load and take it all. Vinton felt Xandro's cock swell and thicken in his throat and knew he was ready to cum. He worked his cock faster and soon felt Xandro's hot lava shooting and coating his throat. He swallowed down the big load. Then moved to the head and sucked out the last few drops of cum. Xandro couldn't take it any longer. His cock was always sensitive after he came and he told Vinton to pull off for a couple of minutes. His was cock was really sensitive.

They laid back on the bed. Xandro was still trying to catch his breath. "Vinton that was a fantastic blowjob. You did things I've never experienced before. You made me cum like a teenager."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I see a little cum on the head. You want me to lick it off?"

"Yes, please. Clean me off."

Vinton leaned down and licked the last few drops of cum off. He sucked on the head and got any residual cum.

He laid back next to Xandro with the sides of the their bodies touching.

Xandro looked over to Vinton and told him now it was his turn to give him a blowjob. "It wouldn't be as good as he had done. But he would try his best."

Vinton told Xandro, "any blowjob you give me will be good. I can hardly wait. Look how hard and leaking my cock is in anticipation."

"I'll try my best. But I don't do as good as you."

"Don't worry about it. Just do it. With you doing it, I know it will be good."

Xandro leaned over and took the head of Vinton's cock in his mouth and licked all around the head. He stuck the tip of his tongue into Vinton's pee slit and pulled out more of his precum. He tried to remember everything Vinton had done and how great it felt. He was going to try to duplicate as much as he could. But he knew it wouldn't be the same. Xandro licked up and down the sides of Vinton's shaft hearing Vinton give out some moans. So far so good. He nibbled and licked on the back side of the head on the sensitive spot. That really got Vinton going. He started leaking like crazy. Xandro went back to the head and suck Vinton's head in and out swallowing his delicious precum. He had one hand playing with Vinton's balls. Like Vinton had done to him. Vinton's balls were big and full and he liked fondling them around in his hand. Vinton seemed to like it too. His cock kept leaking copious amounts of precum. Soon Xandro took the whole head in and slowly lowered his mouth down on Vinton's big hard shaft. He hadn't done much deep throating, but it was something he wanted to do to Vinton. As Vinton's cock hit the back of his mouth and throat, he wanted to start gagging, but he remembered to breath through his nose and take it slow. He sucked back up to the head and started over again. This time his throat opened and he was able to take Vinton down to his balls. Vinton was panting and gasping for air. Xandro was doing a great job and making him super horny. Xandro wasn't able to work his throat muscles like Vinton had done. He just used a strong sucking action on his shaft. That seemed to work and Vinton told Xandro he was going to cum. That made Xandro suck harder and faster. He felt Vinton's cock harden and thicken in his throat almost making him gag again. And then his throat was flooded with a massive load from Vinton. Xandro had to swallow fast or he would have started choking. He swallowed a couple more times. He was wondering when Vinton would stop cumming. Finally, the last squirts went down his throat. He pulled off Vinton's cock and licked off the last few drops leaking out.

They laid back on the bed. "That was great Xandro. You made me shoot a big load. I haven't cum that hard and so much in a long time."

"I guess I passed."

"You more than passed. You did great. I could tell you've given blowjobs before. Your technique was good and very effective."

They just laid on the bed stretched out and with legs overlapping and their sides rubbing together. "Do you want a beer, Vinton?"

"I think I'll pass. I've had enough to drink. Grab one for yourself if you would like a beer."

"I'll pass too. I'd rather be here in bed with you."

They snuggled up tight together and fell asleep.

As soon as Reggie and Jarvis hit the bed they were out like a light. There wouldn't be any fuck fest tonight.

Reggie woke up and felt Jarvis stirring. Reggie didn't sleep well. He had dreams all night. Something he hadn't done since he was kid living at home. He used to have dreams all the time when he was growing up. This wasn't a bad dream or a nightmare. It was just kind of strange. He had a dream about their good buddy York. Reggie hadn't heard from York in a couple of years. They had kept in touch after they graduated from college. They would call and email, but soon that tapered down and then stopped all together. They were inseparable. The three of them were always hanging out together and doing everything together and sharing all their experiences. Reggie wondered what happened to York. He would ask Jarvis when he was awake. He might know where York is and how to get in touch with him.

Reggie heard Jarvis stirring and saw him open his yes. "Good morning sexy."

"Good morning to you too. Did you get a good sleep?"

"I slept like a log. How about you?"

"I had a restless nights sleep. I started having dreams again."

"I hope not nightmares like you used to have?"

"No nightmares thank God. But just a strange dream."

"Want to tell me about it?"

"I'll tell you what I remember. I was dreaming about York and how we were an inseparable group through grade school, middle school and high school. I kept in touch with York during college and for awhile after we graduated. Then the calls and emails started tapering off, and soon they stopped. I was just wondering whatever happened to York. We were all such good friends. Have you had any contact with York?"

"No, about the same as you. I had talked a little with him while we were in college and then a little after we graduated. And then like you the calls and emails tapered off and then stopped."

"I wonder if my dream is a premonition and I'll hear from York. Remember how when I had dreams as kid, how they things I dreamt usually happened? Maybe I'll hear from York. I hope so. He was a good friend.

"Maybe you will hear from him. It would be nice to know what he's doing. Where he's at. If he's married and has kids and what kind of work he's doing.

"Oh well, all the matters is that I have you." And then Reggie turned and gave Jarvis a good morning kiss.

Jarvis returned the kiss and soon they were rolling around on the bed. They were getting hard and horny for each other. Their big morning woodies would hit and rub together while they rolled around on the bed.

Soon when Jarvis was on his back, Reggie got down between Jarvis' legs and started sucking on his balls. Jarvis had big balls and Reggie loved sucking on them. Jarvis really liked it too. Reggie was sucking in one big ball and rolling it around in his mouth with his tongue. Then he did the other ball. Jarvis was moaning and his cock was twitching. Reggie licked down between Jarvis' balls and his hole on that sensitive spot. Jarvis was moaning and grunting loud. Reggie then started giving Jarvis a rim job. Licking around his hole and then lapping over it. Sticking his tongue in and out. Reggie really liked Jarvis' manly smell and muskiness. It made him horny. Reggie found some lube on the nightstand and lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into Jarvis' hole. Jarvis had some good suction in his hole and he pulled Reggie's big fat fingers in with no problem. Reggie knew where Jarvis' prostate was located and started giving it a good work out. He saw Jarvis' cock leaking precum like a river. Reggie put a couple of pillows under Jarvis' ass and got him ready for a good morning love fuck. He didn't want to hurt Jarvis, he wanted to give him pleasure and make love to him. Reggie pulled his fingers out and lubed his cock, getting it all wet and slick with the lube. He eased his cock in slowly until he felt his balls pressed against Jarvis' ass. He leaned down and gave Jarvis a kiss. Jarvis wrapped his legs around Reggie and his feet pressed on Reggie's ass pushing Reggie in deeper. Reggie was so turned on he had to control himself not to pound Jarvis' hole. Reggie started a slow in and out motion. Jarvis liked how Reggie fucked him. He always went slow and easy. Not trying to hurt Jarvis. Jarvis appreciated that and it made him love Reggie even more. They kept kissing while Reggie kept a slow fuck going. Taking his time and making it last. Reggie then took Jarvis' head into his mouth sucking off all his precum. And sucking it out as it kept running out of his pee slit. Reggie wasn't able to take too much of Jarvis' cock because of the position they were in. But he managed about four inches, enough to make Jarvis thrust into his mouth. Reggie wanted to get Jarvis close sucking his cock. When he felt Jarvis getting close, he was going to speed up his fucking a bit and try to cum with Jarvis. He liked it when they came together. It didn't happen often, but when it did the sensations for both of them were mind blowing. Reggie kept sucking on Jarvis' cock and slow fucking him. Jarvis told Reggie he was getting close in breathy gasps. Reggie started picking up his pace. Reggie felt Jarvis' cock harden and thicken in his mouth. He knew Jarvis was ready to cum. He started fucking Jarvis faster and faster. He was now getting close. It was perfect timing. Just as Jarvis started shooting in Reggie's mouth, Reggie shot a big morning load up Jarvis's hot hole. They both pumped out big loads satisfying their partner. Finally Reggie pulled out of Jarvis' hole and then off his cock. He laid back on the bed panting next to Jarvis who was gasping for air. Reggie moved around so they were in a sixty nine and then cleaned each other off. They laid back down together and kissed, tasting each other's cum and nodded off for a bit. Their hot love making tired them out.

Bob and Graham woke up and wondered who was in bed with them. Then realized it was Brock. He looked so hot between them. They didn't move. They didn't want to wake up Brock. They just laid their looking at each other. And mouthing "I love you", to each other. They would wait until Brock woke up. There was no rush to get up.

Graham felt lucky and fortunate. He couldn't believe how accepting Bob was to take him back. He was hoping it would work out like it did, but he wasn't sure. Thankfully it was Bob's birthday and gave him the perfect opportunity to try to get back with Bob.

Bob was also doing some reflecting. He still could picture Graham coming out of that cake. And then the plane with the Happy Birthday banner. Bob felt like the happiest man in the world. His birthday was a perfect party. He had to do something special for Preston for arranging his party and getting him and Graham back to together. Bob would talk to Graham and see what they could come up with as a surprise for Preston.

Brock starting stirring between them and opened his eyes. Good morning sunshine they almost said together. Brock got a smile on his face, "good morning to both of you too."

Bob and Graham couldn't get enough of Brock's hot body. They were soon all over Brock. Brock was loving all the attention, especially with two hot guys. They were nibbling Brock's pecs and nips. Brock had a hand behind each of their heads. Graham started licking down Brock's chest and around his naval and through his pubes. Graham licked around the back of Brock's hard shaft and then started on Brock's big balls. He could only take one ball at a time. They were big and full. Graham licked between Brock's balls and hole and had Brock squirming around. He put a pillow under Brock's ass and started giving him a rim job. Graham was getting better at rimming but still needed a few pointers. Whatever Graham was doing, it must be working. Brock was leaking big time. Graham spit on a couple of fingers and eased them into Brock's hole. His hole easily took his fingers. Graham tried to find Brock's prostate, but didn't have any luck. He pulled his fingers out and used Brock's precum as lube on his cock. He slid his cock into Brock's hole and Brock was soon pushing back on Graham. They got a good rhythm going and Bob went down and started sucking on Brock's cock. His precum was kind of salty and sticky, but tasted good. Graham was really going to town on Brock's hole. Bob saw Brock's balls pull up and knew he was going to shoot soon. Bob started bobbing up and down faster on Brock's cock. Bob was soon rewarded with a big load. When Brock came it caused his hole to constrict on Graham's cock, bringing Graham over the edge and depositing a load in Brock's hole. I was the only one that didn't get off and the guys reminded me of that. Graham started sucking my balls while Brock deep throated my cock. With the action I was receiving, it didn't take me long to cum. We collapsed back on the bed and regained our normal breathing.

We decided to take a quick shower and make some breakfast. Brock told Bob that he would have to leave early. He had an early flight out. They took a quick shower and no fooling around. Bob and Graham said they were going to fix breakfast and told Brock to go ahead and pack and get ready for leaving. When he was done, come on downstairs and breakfast should be ready.

Bob and Graham left their bedroom and Brock stayed behind. He finished in the bathroom, laid out the clothes he was going to wear and packed his travel bag. He dressed, checked himself in the mirror and walked downstairs with his travel bag. He was greeted by some great smells coming from the kitchen.

Brock left his travel bag in the foyer. And walked over to the kitchen. He saw Bob and Graham wearing aprons over their naked bodies. It caused his cock to stir in his pants, but he didn't want a hardon now.

Reggie woke up after their short nap to breakfast smells permeating the bedroom. He nudged Jarvis and Jarvis stirred and opened his eyes. It smells like breakfast is ready. Let's take a quick shower and then head downstairs. They both jumped into the shower and washed each other. They managed to get only semi hard. They dried each other off and walked downstairs with towels wrapped around them.

They saw Brock sitting at the kitchen island. They kissed and hugged. And Reggie and Jarvis kissed and hugged Bob and Graham. Bob and Graham told the guys that breakfast was almost ready. If they would set the patio table they could eat outside. Brock helped Reggie and Jarvis and soon the table was set and Bob and Graham brought out breakfast. They had cooked a large breakfast, they figured the guys would be hungry. Bob was correct. The food was disappearing so fast it was almost like magic. Soon everyone was finished and Reggie and Jarvis told Bob and Graham they needed to get ready for their long drive home.

Bob and Graham told them to go ahead they could take care of the kitchen. Soon a hotel shuttle parked in the front for Brock. They kissed and hugged one more time and promised each other to stay in touch more often. Since Bob and Graham were facing the door with aprons on, you couldn't tell they were naked. Graham had undone Bob's tie string on his apron. But it didn't come open until the shuttle had left. They waved to Brock as he left and went back to the kitchen to finish putting everything away and cleaning it. They didn't want to get scolded by Margaret tomorrow morning.

Reggie and Jarvis came down with their overnight bags and told Bob and Graham they should probably be leaving. They could trade off driving, but it was still a long ways to go. They kissed and hugged and watched Reggie and Jarvis leave.

Bob and Graham told each other they better put something on. Since the caterers and the movers for the large screen tv would be coming to take their things.

They both ran upstairs and put on some gym shorts and a tshirt. They looked like they were ready for the gym. They went barefoot and walked back out to the patio and relaxed on a double lounger. They didn't have anything planned for the day. And just wanted to spend it together, just the two of them. Maybe go somewhere for dinner or order delivery food.

It was nice to have some time to themselves. They talked for a long time. Catching up on everything that had happened while they were separated. In the end they were just glad to be back together. They just drank some water, they didn't want any beer or anything else till after everything was moved out of the patio and yard.

Bob with his keen hearing, heard a truck and soon the speaker sounded and Bob pushed the button so they could come in. It was the truck for the large screen tv and projector and sound equipment. Their was two delivery men and they were having trouble with the large screen. Bob and Graham helped them and soon it was loaded into the back of the truck. They then put in the projector and sound equipment and were on their way. Now just the caterers are left to pick up the tables chairs and they chafing dishes.

They went back on the double recliner and were just dozing off when the speaker went off again. Bob got up and pushed the button and the caterers truck came in. Again their was two men and they easily got the tables stowed in the truck along with the chairs that could be stacked. Their were special shelves in the truck for the silver chafing dishes. Soon they were packed and on their way. They finally had the house to themselves.

Bob told Graham he had a couple of special things to show him in the his sunroom. They got up off the recliner, but an arm around each other BS walked up to the sunroom. They walked in and Graham didn't notice anything different. Bob told Graham to look over by the palm trees. When looked over there he saw two large rings hanging from the ceiling with a scarlet macaw on each ring. "Are they real Bob?"

"Walk over and find out."

Graham cautiously walked over to the parrots. They were real. "Do they have names?"

"They do. I hope you won't think I'm weird or be mad at me when I tell you their names. The one closest to you is Drake and the other one is Pete. Even though they are a mated pair. I wanted something to remember Drake and Pete by."

"I don't think that's weird at all. I think it's a great idea. I know how much you still miss Drake and if this helps you. Then I'm fine with it."

"Come here."

Graham walked over to Bob and Bob hugged and kissed him. "Thanks for being so understanding. I'm glad it doesn't bother you."

"Not at all babe. If it makes you happy naming the birds Drake and Pete, then I'm happy."

The birds were busy whistling and squaking to the tropical sounds that were playing on the recording. They seemed very content. And they were easy to take care of. Xandro had told Bob that the macaws like a lot of attention. But he said if I kept the recording going that would help when nobody is in the sunroom. Also keeping the retractable windows on automatic so they open and close keeping a constant temperature in the sunroom.

Graham liked the birds and thought they were a nice addition to the sunroom. Graham got up from their double lounger and brought over a couple of beers. They just planned to relax today and not do anything special. They talked about what they wanted to do for lunch and decided to order chinese food for lunch, but they could do that later. They just laid together enjoying the feel of each other's bodies close together. They sipped on their beer and relaxed listening to the recording.

Quinton and Reeve woke up early. They didn't plan on working out. They both had a bit of a hangover from Bob's birthday party. They had really enjoyed themselves and the party was great. Showing the strippers was a good idea for entertainment. When they watched Mark dance to the DJ music, it was easy to tell he was one of the strippers. He could really move to the music. It was funny watching Irving try to keep up to Mark.

They were talking in bed and thought maybe they would invite Tyrell and Rashona over for lunch. They wanted to ask them about doing a joint Open House. Since they were neighbors, why do two separate Open Houses, just combine it into one big one. Even though Zane hadn't started on their yards, their houses were big enough for a lot of people.

Their big morning woodies were tenting the sheets and they thought they needed to do something about that. Reeve threw the sheets back exposing their naked bodies. Quinton got over Reeve and shoved his cock in Reeve's mouth. Quinton bent down and took Reeve's big morning hardon into his mouth. They were sucking on the heads and tasting some delicious precum. They slowly moved their mouths down and were deep throating each other. Reeve was humping up into Quinton's mouth and getting close. Quinton could feel his cum moving up to his cock. They were both ready to cum soon. Quinton shot first. Reeve was giving him an outstanding blowjob and he just couldn't hold back any longer. He shot a big load down Reeve's throat and saw Reeve swallowing. Soon Reeve felt his cock get hard and throb in Quinton's hot mouth and throat and he blasted out thick ropes of cum, coating Quinton's throat with his thick creamy load. They were panting and gasping for air and laid back on the bed. They kissed and hugged and decided to take a quick shower and then fix breakfast.

They crawled out of bed. Their cocks were still semi hard and were starting to leak. They took turns licking and sucking out the last drops of cum. Reeve got the water going in the shower and they washed each other and dried each other off. They had all day for more play time. They were thinking if Tyrell and Rashona came over, maybe Rashona would leave before Tyrell and they could have some fun with Tyrell. Have to wait and see.

Once they were dried off they went downstairs naked and barefoot and started making their breakfast. With the two of them making breakfast, it went pretty fast. They decided to eat out on the patio. They wanted to envision what their back yard would look like when Zane was finished. They had the plans and layout. They might look at them again today. They finished their breakfast and carried everything back into the kitchen. Quinton told Reeve he was going to call Tyrell and Rashona and see if they wanted to come over for lunch and then they could present their idea of a joint Open House.

Reeve was busy in the kitchen putting everything away and cleaning it. Quinton picked up his phone and speed dialed Tyrell. "Hello Quinton," Tyrell said in his deep baritone voice.

"Hi Tyrell, Reeve and I were wondering if you and Rashona would like to come over for lunch, we have something we'd like to ask the two of you?"

"Hold on and let me ask Rashona. Ras, Quinton is on the phone and they want to invite us over for lunch and have something they want to ask us. Do you want to go to their place for lunch?"

"Tell them sure, if I can get out of cooking, I gladly accept their invitation.

"Quinton, Rashona said yes, what time would you like us for lunch? And do you want us to bring anything?"

"Thanks for accepting our invitation. You don't need to bring anything. What does Rashona like to drink?"

"She likes wine and again, what time would you like us to arrive?"

"We were thinking one, if that works for you two?"

"One is perfect and we'll see you soon. Again, thanks for the invitation."

"One o'clock Ras. That was nice of them to invite us for lunch. I wonder what they want to ask us?"

Quinton and Reeve were glad they had accepted their invitation for lunch. Now they needed to look and see what they had to fix for lunch. They looked in the frig first. And then the big freezer in the garage. They decided to fix steak with grilled vegetables and warmed bread. They would also fix a salad. Then what for dessert. They found a frozen key lime cheesecake in the freezer and took that out. That would be good for dessert. They took the steaks out so they would defrost and the key lime pie they put in the frig. It would be ready by the time they were ready to eat dessert. If the steaks weren't quick defrosted, they cold zap them in the microwave and finish defrosting them.

They decided to get the salad ready so it was chilled and ready when they ate. They worked together and had a nice tossed salad ready. Quinton and Reeve checked their wine frig. Since they were having steak they knew the perfect wine for Rashona. Quinton and Reeve would drink beer and they thought Tyrell would probably drink beer with them too. They were hoping to get Tyrell to drink a lot so that he would stay and they could have some fun if Rashona left.

Bob looked at his watch and noticed it was getting close to lunch time. He was getting hungry. He asked Graham, "you getting hungry babe? It is lunch time." As soon as he asked Graham, he knew that was the wrong thing to say. Graham was always hungry and could eat anytime.

"Yeah, I am getting hungry. How about you?"

"Me too. Should I go ahead and order Chinese?"

"Order chicken chow mein for me with pork fried rice and a couple of egg rolls."

Bob picked up his phone and found the Chinese restaurant in his contact and called them. He called in their order and asked them how long it would take and how much the total bill would.

Bob told Graham, "our food should be here in about thirty to forty minutes. Do you think you can wait that long?"

"I'll manage. How about if I get us another beer while we're waiting?"

"Good idea. I think we should put some clothes on and wait downstairs where it's easier to hear the speaker."

They got up from their lounger and walked down to their bedroom. They just decided on something comfortable. They both put on gym shorts and a cut off sweatshirt. Good enough they thought. They didn't wear any underwear and liked the freedom of their cocks and balls jiggling around in their shorts. They stayed barefoot. Maybe they would get lucky and a young hot guy would deliver their Chinese food and they would be his last delivery for the day and want to stay awhile. Oh well, wishful thinking.

They went out on the patio on a double lounger. They left the sliding doors open to the patio and they would easily hear the speaker. They sipped on their beer with an arm around each other's shoulders. They were back to normal and no mention of their disagreement was ever made again. They were going ahead and not looking back.

Then Graham turned to Bob. Bob knew Graham had something he wanted to tell him. "Go ahead babe, it's written all over your face you want to tell me something or ask me something."

"You know me so well. I've been thinking. Would you be upset if I went to the bank this week and we signed to have a joint account again. And I redo the paperwork to be a co-owner of the hotel?"

"Of course not Graham. I was leaving that up to you. I wanted it to be your decision. When you go to the bank, tell them to have the paperwork ready for me to sign and call me. I will call them ahead of time to alert them that your coming and what you want to do. That way, they will have the papers ready for signatures. They would need my approval anyhow. So if I call first that will speed up the process"

Graham leaned into Bob and gave him a long passionate kiss. "God I love you. Nothing is coming between us again."

"The same babe. I couldn't survive without you. Your my life and soul."

Just then they heard the speaker. Bob got up and answered the speaker and pressed the button to open the gate. And saw a delivery truck enter with the name of the Chinese restaurant on the side. Seeing the truck, Bob thought that wasn't a good sign. And the truck would need to be taken back right after the delivery. Bob saw a young man get out. Probably a senior in high school or first year college. Everything was in those white Chinese containers and he saw the delivery guy put everything into a couple of paper bags and walked up to the front door. He rang the doorbell and Bob answered. He told the delivery guy to put the bags on the kitchen island and he would go get the money. The delivery man was looking around. He thought this guy must be rich. Having a big house like this and an electric gate. The delivery guy thought Bob looked pretty hot and had to control himself so he wouldn't get hard.

Bob came back with the money and handed it to the delivery guy. Their hands touched and it was like a bolt of electricity went through them. Bob asked the delivery guy if he had time for a beer, or maybe he needed to get the truck back right away. The delivery guy couldn't believe this hot guy was asking him to stay for a beer. "Ah, ah, sure. I guess I could have one beer. You are my last delivery and I don't have to have the truck back till tonight or tomorrow morning."

"Good. Follow me and you can meet me partner while I get you a beer."

Oh my God, this hot guy has a partner. "Wow, look at the size of this patio. It looks like something you see on tv or in magazines."

"This is Graham. He's my partner, lover and soulmate."

Graham said, "nice to meet you." They shook hands and the delivery guy took a seat on a lounger. Bob handed him a beer.

The delivery guy couldn't believe his luck. Two hot guys and he was drinking beer with them. He couldn't control himself any longer and could feel his cock growing in his jeans. He noticed that Bob and Graham weren't wearing any underwear and it looked like they were free balling. Damn that was hot he thought to himself.

"We are hungry", Bob said. "You want to eat with us? We have plenty of food."

"Sure if it's alright."

"Why don't you talk to Graham and I'll get the patio table fixed for us to eat." Bob took off to the kitchen and brought back some paper plates and the Chinese food on a big platter. He laid out the Chinese food with regular silverware. He told them everything was ready and to dig in. Of course Graham was the first one to the table. The food smelled good and they devoured the food. Bob wasn't sure how it tasted drinking beer, but it was ok.

Bob cleared off the table and put everything on the platter and took it out to the kitchen. The delivery guy excused himself and asked Bob where the bathroom was. Bob showed where the guest bathroom was located. He thought he saw a nice bulge in the delivery guy's jeans, but wasn't sure.

He thought he'd take his time in the kitchen and see if he could get another look at the guy's jeans when he came out of the bathroom.

The delivery guy needed to pee. But his cock was getting harder and harder, making it hard for him to pee. Finally he managed a little stream of pee and finished. Washed his hands. And redid his jeans. His hardon hadn't went down and he didn't know how he was going to hide that. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Bob in the kitchen. "I'm heading back out to the patio."

"Ok, make yourself comfortable." Bob smiled to himself. He could see that big bulge in the guy's jeans.

The guy got red in the face when he walked out to the patio. Graham had noticed his bulge too and had raised a leg up so you could see that he wasn't wearing any underwear. His cock and balls were hanging out on the open leg opening.

Damn, the delivery guy thought to himself. Graham is coming on to him. Look at the size of those balls and his cock looks like it's about four inches soft and thick.

Just then Bob came out and saw Graham and knew what he was doing. He noticed the delivery guy staring at Graham. That was a good sign. Bob sat down next to Graham and they kissed and hugged. Bob stretched out on his side of the lounger. Making the outline of his cock and balls visible through his gym shorts. The delivery was getting nervous and sweating.

Bob asked him if everything was ok as he adjusted himself, making sure the guy saw him do it. He kind of stammered and hemmed and hawed around and finally said he was warm. Bob told him to get comfortable and take off whatever he wanted and maybe he would feel better.

Bob didn't really think the young guy would take anything off. But you never knew.

The delivery guy stood up and pulled his shirt off. He had a nice muscular torso. He obviously worked out. He kicked his sneakers off undid his jeans and pulled them down and off. You could see the outline of his hard cock in his tighty whities. He then sat back down, trying to adjust his hardon, but it didn't do any good.

Bob and Graham then took off their cut off sweatshirts and revealed some nice muscled chests and abs.

It looked like the delivery kid's cock was getting hard and bigger. He couldn't stop staring at Bob and Graham. They told the delivery guy to join them on the recliner. He got up and they had him squeeze in between them. Their hot bodies touching and rubbing together gave them all raging hardons. Bob and Graham slid off their gym shorts and their hardons sprung straight up. They helped the delivery guy out of his briefs. And his cock was a little smaller than Bob and Graham's. But still a nice size and was thick.

Bob and Graham started feeling up the delivery kid. He thought he was going to cum right away. He couldn't believe these two hot men were feeling him all over. All his senses were on overdrive and he didn't know how long he could hold out.

He had a couple of good buddies he messed around with. But they didn't do that much. Some oral sex and jerking off and that was about it. These guys seemed to be experienced and he knew he was going to experience some new things.

The delivery kid grabbed Bob and Graham's cocks and started stroking them. They thought it felt pretty good. This kid had jerked cocks before. But they wanted more and they wanted him to experience more.

Bob started licking down the kids chest. His nips got hard right away and Bob flicked his tongue over his hard nips and nibbled on them. That got the kid moaning. Bob worked his way down around his navel and through his pubes to his cock. Bob licked the sides of his shaft and sucked and licked off the precum forming on the head.

This kid was ready and ripe for sex. His head was red and flared out, ready for action. Bob started sucking down his shaft until it was down his throat. He wasn't as big as him or Graham. Probably around six maybe six and a half inches, but it was fat. It still made a good mouthful and stretched Bob's throat.

Bob could tell the kid was getting close to cumming. Graham was feeling his balls and had a finger in his hole. Bob and Graham moved around on the kid. Bob got over his face so the kid could suck his cock. Graham got between the kid's legs and had his hard cock lined up to start fucking him. Bob leaned back down and continued deep throating the kid's cock. The kid tried to match what Bob was doing while he sucked on Bob's cock. One of his buddies was bigger than Bob and Graham, so he had no trouble taking Bob's cock down his throat. He hadn't been fucked much, but Graham had stretched his hole and was taking his time so he managed to take Graham's cock without too much pain. Graham had rubbed something in his hole and it sent waves of pleasure through his body. They all got a good rhythm going and soon the kid shot first in Bob's mouth. He shot hard and Bob could feel it hitting the back of his throat and running down. Graham started grunting and was filling the kid's hole with one of his big loads. Bob couldn't hold back any longer and shot down the kid's throat. He saw the kid swallow to take his load.

They laid back on the lounger gasping and panting for air. They all had had some intense orgasms. The kid thanked them for some new experiences that he would remember to share with his buddies. They laid for awhile on the lounger and then decided to take a shower. The kid said he should probably leave after they showered. He would like to stay longer. But they were going to try to get enough guys together today for some touch football.

They all got up off the recliner and the kid followed Bob and Graham to their bedroom and shower. The delivery guy really liked their cool shower set up. He had never seen anything like it. They showed him how it worked and got all the heads going on massage. They walked in and washed each other. Soon they were all hard again. They got into a circle jerk and were covering the shower wall with their cum. They watched it run down the wall into the floor drain. They rinsed off their cum, dried each other off and went back downstairs naked.

They watched the kid get dressed. The delivery guy hugged and kissed them. He told them to be sure to ask for Bryan when they ordered Chinese food and he would be sure to deliver for them. That brought a smile to Bob and Graham's face. This kid sure did deliver they thought to themselves. They watched him leave and waved to him as he drove out to the street.

Bob and Graham had enjoyed Bryan. That was a nice diversion to their quiet Sunday. They went back up to the sunroom to talk to the parrots and have a beer and relax.

Quinton told Reeve he was going to get the grill started. The steaks would cook fast, but he liked to be ready and not have to rush around at the last minute.

They went to their bedroom and got dressed in some shorts and a nice pullover and some sandals. They looked like they were ready for the beach.

They went back to the kitchen and started taking things out to get the table ready for lunch. They got out a wine glass for Rashona and put her glass with some beer mugs in the cooler. When they finished, the table looked good and they rearranged the chairs so it would be easier for talking and socializing.

They heard the doorbell. And Reeve walked to the door. It was Tyrell and Rashona. Damn did they look nice. They sure made a nice looking couple. Rashona was in some kind of long sleek summer dress. She had sandals on with some attractive jewelry. Her perfume smelled nice. Tyrell was dressed in shorts and pull over that he must have painted on. The shirt was stretched to the max over his broad chest and shoulders. You could easily see his muscles through the shirt. He was also wearing sandals. They were all dressed similarly, except of course, for Rashona.

Reeve led them out to the patio and they greeted Quinton who was busy getting the vegetables ready on part of the grill. The vegetables took longer so he wanted to get them started. "Thanks for coming neighbors", the guys told Tyrell and Rashona.

"Thanks for the invitation."

"Go ahead and take a seat and I'll bring us something to drink and some appetizers. Is beer ok for you Tyrell?"

"Beer is fine."

Reeve left for the kitchen and came back with four chilled glasses. He had filled Rashona's wine glass with some chilled red wine. And the tray had three chilled beer mugs and three beers. He hand Rashona's wine to her first. Then set the beers and mugs around for the rest.

Quinton held up his glass, "here's to good friends and neighbors."

They all clinked their glasses together. Rashona sipped on her wine, while the guys were chugging down their beer.

Quinton got up to check on the grill. The vegetables were coming along nice and soon he would be able to grill the steaks. He asked Tyrell and Rashona how they liked their steak cooked. They told him medium was fine.

Tyrell then asked Quinton and Reeve what they wanted to ask him and his wife.

Reeve and Quinton kind of cleared their throats and then Reeve said, "since we have all moved into new homes and were close neighbors. We wondering what you thought of having a joint Open House? Then we wouldn't have to have two Open Houses in a short period of time."

Tyrell and Rashona looked at each other. Finally Rashona said, "we never considered a double or joint Open House, but since our houses are fairly close to each other. That is something to consider. Tyrell and I will need to talk about it and we will get back to you guys with our decision."

"Fair enough", said Quinton and Reeve. Tyrell and Rashona were hard to read, so they had no idea if they liked the idea of having a joint Open House.

They talked and the guys were already on their second beer. Rashona didn't care. Tyrell is a big man and can hold his liquor. Besides they are close neighbors and didn't have to drive. They will walk home when they're ready to leave. Rashona was still sipping on her first glass of wine. It was very good and was going to ask Quinton and Reeve what the brand was.

Quinton checked the grill again and the vegetables would soon be done. So he moved the vegetables to the top rack and put the steaks on the oiled grill so they wouldn't stick. They were grilling rib eye steak. Something both Quinton and Reeve liked and they were sure Tyrell and Rashona would like the steaks too.

Reeve brought out the salad and told Tyrell and Rashona go ahead and start on their salad. Reeve brought out the dinner rolls to warm on one of the racks in the grill. Reeve joined Tyrell and Rashona and ate his salad with them. Quinton was busy grilling the steaks and wanted to keep an eye on them so they wouldn't be over cooked.

Soon the steaks were done and Reeve placed the steaks by each person. The vegetables were put into a bowl and ready for serving. The dinner rolls were in a basket with a towel to stay warm.

Rashona told Quinton and Reeve this was quite a feast they had prepared for them. They told them it was their pleasure and was glad to have them over for lunch. Rashona told the guys the food was delicious. They took that as a compliment, they knew that Rashona was an excellent cook. Tyrell had mentioned it to them. They told Tyrell and Rashona they were glad they liked everything and to save some room for dessert.

Quinton and Reeve cleared the table. Only a few vegetables were left and a couple of dinner rolls. Everyone looked full. Reeve told Tyrell and Rashona to take a seat in the chairs and they would be right back.

Rashona and Tyrell looked at each other. They started talking about the joint Open House. They thought it was a good idea. They both had big houses and Quinton and Reeve's house was huge. Bigger than theirs, so there would be plenty of room for everyone. They would just have to figure out the logistics for food and music using two houses. But overall, they liked the idea and were going to tell he guys when they came back.

Reeve brought out another glass of wine for Rashona in a chilled glass and the guys had another beer in chilled mugs. They all sat together and Quinton could tell that Tyrell and Rashona had been talking and wanted to say something to them. "Go ahead guys, I know you have something on your mind."

"We talked about your offer of a joint Open House. We like the idea very much. Both of our houses are big and can accommodate many people. We will just need to figure out the logistics of food and music and how we are going to use both houses together at the same time."

"First, we're glad you like the idea and second we do need to figure out the logistics of how we will use our houses at the same time. But I think if we put our ideas down on paper and then compare notes. We will be able to work everything out."

"That's a good idea. We can start the planning this coming week. We can get together after work. And when you get home from your internship."

"Is everyone ready for dessert?"

"Just a small piece for me", said Rashona.

Quinton went out and cut the key lime cheesecake and brought it back on a tray and served it to everyone. They all enjoyed the cheesecake. It was good and didn't taste too bad with beer.

It was already middle afternoon and Rashona said she was going to have to excuse herself. She always talked with her family on Sunday afternoon. She thanked them for a delicious meal and again for the invitation. She also told them she and Tyrell would get with them this coming week to start their planning for the Open House. Tyrell told the guys he would stay for awhile.

Rashona gave Tyrell a kiss and hug. She pecked each of us on the cheek and she walked back to her house.

That just left the guys. Rashona wasn't concerned. Both Quinton and Reeve were good friends of Tyrell, she knew they worked out together and liked hanging out.

"Well it's just us guys", said Reeve. "What we going to do to occupy our time?"

Quinton said, "how about if I lock the front door and we all get comfortable?" They liked that idea.

Tyrell was ready for some male bonding. It had been a few days for him and he missed the guys.

While Quinton went to the lock the front door. Reeve and Tyrell stood up and started stripping each other. Reeve was nervous and his fingers were shaking. He had a hard time pulling Tyrell's shirt over his head. It as so tight to his body. He finally managed. Damn that hot muscular chest of Tyrell. Tyrell didn't like buttons and just pulled Reeve's shirt apart and buttons were flying in every direction and the shirt fell off Reeve's body.

Reeve started undoing Tyrell's shorts and pulled down the zipper. Tyrell's big bulge made it hard to pull down his shorts and underwear. His underwear got caught on his cock and Reeve needed to adjust it so he could finish pulling down the underwear. Tyrell kicked his shorts and underwear off. His big cock was already semi hard. Semi hard was about the size of Reeve's hard cock. Tyrell easily undid Reeve's shorts and pulled them down with his underwear. Reeve did the same and kicked his shorts and underwear off.

Just then Quinton came back to the patio. He said, "I think I'm overdressed", and rapidly took his clothes off. Soon all three men were standing their naked. Quinton and Reeve were always amazed at the size of Tyrell. He was tall, muscular and had a huge cock.

Tyrell liked to fuck and the guys knew that. They told Tyrell why don't they go to their bedroom where there's more room. They all walked to the bedroom with their cocks and balls hanging down and swinging back and forth. Tyrell's big balls swung back and forth, but his semi hard cock hardly moved.

They had Tyrell get in the middle of the bed. Quinton and Reeve got on each side of him and started licking and sucking on his cock and balls. They wanted Tyrell rock hard and slick. They both wanted to get fucked by Tyrell. They had only been fucked by him once before when they all showered together after working out. They kept working on his cock and balls. He was moaning and grunting and telling them to get on his cock he needed to fuck one of them.

Quinton and Reeve looked at each other and Quinton nodded. He sat his hole down on the top of Tyrell's big hard cock. His cock head was wet and slick from the sucking and was leaking precum. Quinton rubbed his hole around on the head to get it wet and then slowly slid down Tyrell's cock, until his ass was nestled in his pubes. Tyrell liked fucking better than being ridden, but a hot hole always felt good on his cock. Quinton was squeezing his cock with his ass muscles. Tyrell really liked how Quinton could squeeze his cock with his ass muscles. He was really getting into it and started to hump up into Quinton's hole. Reeve bent over and took Quinton's cock in his mouth. Tyrell could feel his balls pull up and knew he was about to cum. He told Quinton to go faster and harder. Quinton started bouncing up and down on Tyrell. Tyrell grunted loud and started shooting way up into Quinton's hot tight hole. Reeve sucked Quinton faster and faster and soon Quinton was growling and grunting and shooting a load into Reeve's mouth.

They laid back on the bed and Reeve went down on Tyrell, licking and sucking on his cock. He cleaned Tyrell's cock off and then went down lower and sucked on his big balls. Tyrell could feel himself getting recharged. He recharged pretty fast and his balls were almost full. He told Reeve to get on his back. He was going to fuck Reeve in his favorite fucking position. He gave Reeve a quick rim job. It wasn't something he really liked to do, but he wanted Reeve wet so his cock would slide right in. He put a couple of pillows under Reeve's hips and he was lined up perfect. Tyrell spit on his cock and he started shoving it into Reeve's hole. Quinton wasn't able to suck Reeve like he had done to him in this position. So Quinton laid flat on the bed and wiggled up under Tyrell and started licking his balls and his cock as it slid in and out of Reeve's hole. Quinton was able to lick around part of Reeve's hole and kept it wet. Tyrell really liked his balls being sucking on while he was fucking. That was a real turnon. It didn't take Tyrell long to get close to cumming. He grunted loud and Reeve felt Tyrell getting hard and thicker in his hole and soon felt Tyrell's hot load shooting up inside him. Tyrell had kept a steady rubbing on his prostate and that brought him over the edge and he shot out all over his chest and stomach. Quinton moved over and cleaned off Reeve's chest and stomach and then kissed him. Tyrell pulled out and they laid back on the bed panting and regaining their normal breathing.

They agreed to go back out on the patio and have a cold beer after their sex. They had left their clothes downstairs so they walked downstairs naked and squeezed into a double lounger. As big as Tyrell was, it was a tight fit for all of them in one lounger. They somehow managed and it felt good having their naked bodies rubbing and tight together.

Reeve got up and got them a cold beer from the patio frig. They clinked their bottles and said, "to good friends." Quinton and Reeve told Tyrell he was welcome anytime to come over. They would always be ready for him. They saw Tyrell's cock get hard again and sticking straight up. How could that guy be hard again after just coming a couple of times. But they weren't going to let his hardon go to waste. They both started sucking on his cock. Taking turns until he was humping up and groaning and shooting out another load for them to lap up. He told Quinton and Reeve that he thought he was drained for awhile. He said he probably should leave after he finished his beer. He didn't want to get back home late. He would have some explaining to do.

They finished their beer and just like Tyrell had said, he got up and started putting his clothes on. He told them thank you for everything, and he and Rashona would get in touch with them this coming week to start planning their Open House. They kissed and hugged and watched Tyrell walk back to his house.

They walked into the kitchen and checked the frig. There was still some leftovers from lunch they could warm for dinner. There was salad vegetables a couple of dinner rolls and pieces of steak that hadn't been touched. That would be plenty for them. They warmed it and ate at the kitchen island. It tasted pretty good, but was better when it was fresh off the grill. But it was better than cooking something. They ate it all and were full.

They loaded the dishwasher and got it running and went back out to the patio to relax.

Reggie and Jarvis had stopped for lunch on their way home. While they were eating at a Mom and Pop's restaurant, Reggie and Jarvis thought they should call their wives and let them know where they were and that they would be home soon. The wives were glad to hear from them. They had enjoyed their time together but now missed their men and needed something long and hard from them. They finished their lunch and were soon back on the road. They only had about a hour left till they would be home. They had switched off driving so no one would get too tired.

Soon they saw their town approaching and Reggie drove in front of his garage. The wives were at the front door waiting on their husbands. They took their overnight bags out and walked up to the house. They hugged and kissed their wives. Jarvis and Jennifer said they were heading home. They all kissed and hugged one more time and watched them leave.

Reggie carried his overnight bag in and greeted the kids. He hadn't seen them for a few days and missed them. He told them a little about Uncle Bob's birthday party. Nothing was mentioned about the entertainment. The kids soon took off for their rooms. Deb and Reggie went into the living and kissed and hugged like a husband and wife do. Deb asked Reggie if he wanted a beer. He said a cold beer would taste good. While he was waiting for Deb, his cell phone rang. He thought it was probably Jarvis that he forgot something. It wasn't Jarvis and the number looked familiar but he couldn't place it. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hello, Bob. York here."

Talk about deja vu, this was it for sure. "Hi York. Jarvis and I were talking about you over the weekend and have been wondering how your doing?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm taking a couple of weeks off from work. My sister called and told me our parents aren't doing well and have been asking for me. So I'm going to be coming to our hometown for two weeks to spend with my parents. I was hoping I'd be able to see you and Jarvis. Talk about old times and catch up on each other's lives."

"That sounds good. I will be working on another construction project in our hometown so I will probably be staying with Bob. I'll let Jarvis know and he might be able to get some time off from work so we can all get together. Send me the details as soon as you know. When your arriving and depending on the situation with your parents, maybe you can stay with me at Bob's house. Our hometown is small so you wouldn't be that far away from your parents."

"That's a great offer. I'll know more about the situation, once I arrive. I'll be sure to send you the details and you can pass the information on to Jarvis. Be good to see you guys."

"You too. Take care and look forward to hearing from you soon."

Deb had been sitting on the couch after she brought Reggie's beer. "Who was that babe?"

"That was York. I don't know if you remember him, but he was part of our group. Jarvis York and myself were pretty much inseparable from grade school through high school. Until he left and went to a different college."

"I remember the name, but I can't really picture him. I'll get my yearbook and show you his picture and maybe you'll remember."

Reggie found his yearbook and opened it to the pictures of the class. He found York's picture and showed Deb. She sort of remembered him. But not very well.

Deb got Reggie a beer and they cuddled up on the sofa and watched a movie. Once the movie ended they were tired. Reggie was tired after his long drive. They went to their bedroom. They crawled into bed where they cuddled and fell right to sleep.

The coming week was going to have a lot happening in Bob and Graham's hometown.

Bob and Graham woke up almost at the same time. The alarm was blaring and it fell on the floor when Bob tried to turn it off in his half awake and half asleep state. He got out of bed and put the alarm back on the nightstand. Graham pulled Bob back into bed and gave him a good morning kiss. "I love you babe."

"Love you too. We better get up and get in a good work out."

Graham groaned. He knew Bob was right. He needed to get back to working out regularly. They walked downstairs to the gym naked. They heard talking so they knew some of the guys had showed up to work out. "Here comes too lazy asses", said Cal. Cal Dave Travis Brody Xandro Vinton Wayde and Zane were all their getting warmed up and changing into jocks.

Bob and Graham walked over to their lockers and changed into jocks. Everyone was looking pretty hot and ready for a good work out. Some of the guys were already lifting weights. Others were on some of the machines. Bob and Graham stretched and then went on a couple of treadmills to get warmed up. Soon everyone was busy with their work out routines. The sweat was shining on the almost naked bodies. They soon felt they had put in a long enough work out and all walked back to the lockerroom. They took their jocks off and squeezed and wiggled and got into the shower. Hot sweaty bodies rubbing and sliding together. Cal and Brody got the two shower heads going on massage. The water felt good on their backs and shoulders. They somehow managed to wash each other. Cal sat down on the shower seat with his big hardon sticking straight up. The guys got in line and each got fucked and sucked. Cal loved fucking just as much as Tyrell. As one guy was fucked, the next in line sucked him off until all the guys had been sucked and fucked. It was quite a sight. They finally finished and turned the shower off and dried each other off. They got dressed in their work clothes and headed upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had heard a lot of voices downstairs, so she cooked a big breakfast. Since there were so many guys. She got the patio table ready for breakfast. As they came upstairs to eat, Margaret directed them out to the patio. She was so happy for Bob and Graham. It was about time they got back together. The birthday party was a good idea. And she was glad it worked out for Graham. Margaret brought their food out and the guys devoured it after their work out. They were hungry and the breakfast was perfect.

They finished breakfast and walked out to the garage. They could all hug and kiss and say their good byes in the garage, out of the way of curious eyes. Bob and Graham got in their cars as the other guys did in the front yard and soon were all leaving for work.

Xandro and Wayde were going to be busy this Monday with interviews. They were both hoping they could finish today and have their Grand Openings by the end of the week. They had put announcements in the local paper looking for help, but had held off on announcing their Grand Openings.

Xandro was thinking about expanding the store and clinic. He could expand on the west side of the store and in the back. He wanted it to be a pet shelter as well as a Pet Store and Veternary Clinic. But he needed more space if he was going to be taking in animals and having a shelter and he would need more help to run the shelter. Being open only a couple of days, he had had a lot of customers. Buying pet supplies and bringing family pets into the clinic for examinations and shots. Xandro hadn't went to any of the big ranches to vaccinate cows and horses, he needed to have his staff hired first. Then he could leave the clinic and take care of the animals on the ranches and farms. He had four interviews and he hoped they all worked out. Four employees was just what he was looking for.

Wayde was going to be busy with interviews all day. He and the franchise crew had the store all stocked and ready for business. All he needed now was the staff to help the customers. He needed cashiers, and floor staff to wait on customers and help them. He needed a store manager and a business secretary that could take care of orders and placing orders. Paying the staff and other accounting duties as they arose.

Wayde had five interviews in the morning and another five more in the afternoon. Unless he had more walkins. The more the better. He wanted to get his hiring done so he could open and start making money. He had easily paid for the franchise and stocking of the store. With his inheritance, he could easily afford it. Now he just wanted to make money and then maybe do some more investing in this town. This town was ripe for new business and he planned to make his mark here.

Xandro's interviews went better than he could have hoped for. One lady had worked in a pet store before. She would make a perfect clerk for the pet store. One man and lady had experience as veternarian assistants. And they would be perfect. The last lady he interviewed had run a pet shelter, but it became too much work for her by herself and she had to close, but would like to run a shelter again. They were all hired on the spot. Xandro couldn't be happier. He had invited them all out for lunch at the diner. He called the local paper and told them to cancel any more announcements for hiring. He told the editor to announce a Grand Opening on Friday of this week.

Xandro was wondering who he get ahold of to expand his store. He remembered Bob mentioned someone when he had renovating down in his house. He would give Bob a call and see if he remembered who he had do his work and maybe give him the number and name and he could see if could do what he needed at the store. He would call Bob soon and talk to him.

Wayde was also having a successful day. Everyone he had interviewed was hired. He had everyone hired to work the floor and be cashiers. He had two men to work the lumberyard. And two very knowledgeable ladies to work the greenhouse. He still needed a store manager and a secretary/accountant. Maybe two, for the size of the store and the number of employees. Hopefully, his afternoon interviews would produce the employees he was looking for.

Xandro picked up his phone and called Bob. It just happened that Bob was between patients and in his office. "Hello Xandro, what's up?"

"I remember you mentioning someone that did the remodeling in your house and I think at your clinic. Would you remember his name and have a phone number?"

"Sure. Let me look up his number. His name is Owen and this is his number. He does good work and always has good ideas. He and his crew work fast and efficiently. I think you would be pleased with his work."

"Thanks Bob for the information. I'm going to give him a call right away and see if he is available. Have a good day and maybe I'll see you tomorrow morning for another work out."

Xandro then called Owen's number. "Hello this is Owen, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is Xandro and I just bought the Pet Store. I just finished talking to Bob and he referred me to you. I would like to expand the store and was wondering if it was something you would want to undertake?"

"Well, you've caught me at a good time Xandro. I just finished a job and was looking for something else. Would I be able to come by the store today and see what your ideas are?"

"Sure, how about after lunch, say around two this afternoon. Do you know where the store is located?"

"Yes I know where your located, I'm from this town and am very familiar where you are. Two o'clock sounds perfect and I'll see you then."

Zane was pretty happy. He had received the supplies he had been waiting on and was promised, their wouldn't be anymore delays on his supplies. Zane got on his phone right away, to see if former employees, retired employees and referrals he had received would want to work for him. He wanted to get enough men hired to make another crew. He was way behind schedule and needed to get caught up. Now that he had his supplies he could get busy and work long hours with three crews and get back on schedule. All his calls were successful and he had enough men to make his third crew. He knew all of them, except for one guy that was a referral. They would meet him at Tyrell and Rashona's house. He would have one crew working on Tyrell and Rashona's yard, and other two crews working on Quinton and Reeve's yard. Since their yard was so big, it would take two crews to get that big job done.

Reggie was anxious to meet York. He had told Jarvis about his call from York. He would be locating back in his hometown again for his next construction job. His company along with another construction company would be building a new school. It was quite a large project and that was why two crews would be working together. Being back in his hometown would workout perfect to meet with York.

End of Chapter 25 - York

Chapter 26 - Last Chapter Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

I've added pics from, "Bob's Holidays", I hope you read that series and then check out the pics I posted here.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban Vinton Wayde Andy Mabel Cindy John-Houseboy Rick Mark - Stripper Xandro York Brian

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And I have added the following pics from Bobs Holidays, Andy, Mabel, Cindy, John-Houseboy Rick and Mark-Stripper.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 26

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