My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jun 26, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 24

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 24. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 24 - Xandro

Bob pulled up to the securitygate and the guard recognized him and his SUV, he had a guest list and could cross Bob's name off the list. Preston knew Bob was bringing some guests with him and that was fine. Bob drove drove down the street and had to park aways back. There were a lot of cars. When they got out of the SUV you could hear the music.

Preston had hired a DJ and he already had Preston's house rocking. They walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Holden happened to be close to the front door and opened it. He greeted Bob and Bob introduced Holden to Kendrick Anthony and Roland.

Holden told them where the bar was located but there were waiters going around. They saw many people they knew. Sam was there so Anthony and Roland walked over and started talking with Sam. Bob didn't see Preston. He was looking for him. He wanted to introduce Kendrick to Preston. He saw Tyrell and his beautiful wife. They talked for a bit and asked them if they knew where Tyrell was. They told him and Kendrick, they thought, were out on the patio.

The DJ was set up out on the covered part of the patio. He had some really good background music playing, not too loud and not too soft. Just right so you could talk and not be drowned out by music. Bob saw Preston down by the pool. They walked down and Preston saw Bob and another man with him that was very handsome. They shook hands and Bob introduced him to Kendrick.

Kendrick and Preston struck up a conversation immediately. Kendrick was a big fan of the team that Preston had played for. So they could share a lot of information. Preston was impressed about how much Kendrick knew of the team he had played for.

Bob told them he was going to walk around and mingle. As he turned he saw Graham with the same guy he had seen him with at the diner. They were way over by the waterfall and pergola. They were seated on loungers with some other people and were talking.

Little did Bob know, but someone was busy watching him and waiting for a chance to get close to him and talk. The person watching Bob was Vinton. He liked Bob alot since they had got acquainted when he had worked out at Bob's in the mornings. He was glad to see Bob by himself and not with anyone. He started making his way over to where Bob was standing. Bob had walked over to the bar to get a refill on his drink. Soon he heard someone say, "your Bob right?"

Bob turned and saw Vinton, he had remembered Vinton from when he had come over to workout. "That's me. And your Vinton?"

"Yup, that's me. I'm glad you remembered me."

They both got their drinks refilled and wandered down by the pool and found a couple of empty chairs. They sat and talked for awhile. Bob found out that Vinton was a few years younger than him. He was studying Business Administration at the local university. He had some classes with Mark and Irving. He asked Bob if it was okay if he continued coming over to work out. He really liked his gym and it was free which was even better. Bob laughed and he told Vinton, sure your welcome to come over and work out with us. Bob noticed that Vinton kept moving closer and closer to him. "Vinton, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"I have a feeling you want to work out in the mornings with me and that you were seeking me out here at Preston's Open House?"

"Your right. I was looking for you here. Can I be honest with you?"

Bob was wondering where this was going. "Of course, be as honest as you want."

"This is a little difficult for me. I'm not usually this open with someone I've only met a few times. But here goes. From the first time I saw you and we were working out, I had an attraction to you. I know I'm younger than you, but I'd like to get to know you better. Maybe we can go for lunch or dinner sometime and have a more serious conversation."

"Well, now I'm the one that doesn't know what to say. I had no idea you had feelings for me. I'm flattered. As far as having lunch or dinner together. That would be fine. We will just need to organize a time and place." They clinked their drinks together and said here's to a new friendship."

Bob saw some more of the guys that he knew. He saw Cal and Dave and Travis and Brody. He wanted to talk with them. He told Vinton he needed to mingle and talk to some good friends that he's known a long time. Vinton understood. They got up and walked in different directions.

Graham had seen Bob down by the pool talking with a younger guy. They looked like they were quite chummy. He wondered who the young guy was. He was also wondered why he cared. He had Wayde and they were getting along fine.

Bob walked up and started talking with Cal and Dave. Travis and Brody saw them and walked over and soon they were all talking together. Cal Travis and Brody were talking about how busy they've been. But they promised Bob they would be over to visit and work out in the mornings when they had time.

Rashona was glad they were invited to Preston's Open House and they could walk to the party. Tyrell and Rashona talked with Brody. Rashona knew Brody and he worked at the mill. She wondered about Brody always hanging out with Travis. Neither were married and they were always together. Rashona was glad Preston had invited some of the other workers at the investment firm and their wives. It gave her someone to talk to. She also noticed their weren't very many women invited to the Open House. Mainly men. She saw Tyrell talking with Preston and another group of men. She thought they must be the guys he worked out with. Rashona wasn't concerned about Tyrell. He was all man and he knew how to satisfy her. She remembered the hard pounding she got this morning before they came to the Open House. She thought Tyrell was trying to push her through the bed. She liked it when he fucked her hard. He made her feel needed and that she was satisfying her man. She was getting tired and she got Tyrell's attention. They talked and she told Tyrell that the ladies were going over to their house to talk and let the men do their thing her at Preston's.

Tyrell kissed Rashona and watched her leave with the other women. Tyrell went back and talked some more with his work out buddies.

Vinton hooked up with Bob again and they talked some more and made plans for getting together. Of course Graham happened to notice Bob and Vinton talking again and they seemed to be getting pretty friendly. He just moved his chair closer to Wayde and they kissed and hugged. They were in a private corner away from everyone.

With the wives gone the party really started getting going. After a few drinks eveyone was starting to loosen up. Some of the men that worked with Preston left to be with their wives, they didn't like the way the party was going.

Soon some of the guys were naked and swimming in the pool. Others were in the the jacuzzi and a few huddled under the waterfall and swam into the grotto.

It was already late afternoon and the waiters were kept busy serving drinks.

Preston didn't see Mark or Irivng. He knew they were up to something. Every since they told him they would take care of entertainment. They soon saw some men hauling down some curtains and a frame. Some sound equipment and Preston soon got a smile on his face and he knew what was going on. This was a portable stage and Mark and his buddies were going to do a strip show.

Preston thought he and Holden should go around and start telling people about the entertainment and if anyone was squirmish they should leave now.

Preston saw only a couple more men leave that worked with him. They were cool with the entertainment, but bringing their wives they were obligated to them and left for Tyrell's house.

With the strippers and the movers, it didn't take long for the stage to be set up. The lighting and sound equipment installed. Mark tested out the sound equipment and announced the entertainment would be starting in about an hour. Vinton and Wayde didn't know what to expect. Bob filled Vinton in on what the entertainment would be. Graham did the same with Wayde.

Everyone was mingling around except for those in the water. Appetizers were good and filling. Bob was drinking more than he usually did. But he didn't care. He was here to have a good time and he planned to.

Graham and Wayde were starting to make out. The drinks had really broke down any resistance they might have had. They kept their clothes on, but their shirts were unbuttoned along with their pants and their zippers were down. They were busy feeling each other up. Rubbing over their hardons and feeling their chests and squeezing their nips.

Bob and Vinton were already finding a spot to sit to watch the show. They didn't want to be right in the front. But they were in the middle center where they could get a good view of the show.

Other men were starting to get seated. He saw Kendrick with someone he didn't know. Good for him. Anthony and Roland sat next to Bob and Vinton. Bob saw Travis and Brody and Cal and Dave sitting together. Most of the others he had seen around town and a few looked like past patients at the clinic. Soon the sitting area was getting full. The waiters were still busy serving drinks along with appetizers.

Finally Bob saw Preston and Holden take a seat, front center.

It was starting to get dusk out. It's funny how time flies when your having fun. Mark had been taking quick peeks out of the side of the curtain to see if everyone was seated. It looked full and he thought they could get started.

He went back stage and finished getting dressed for the show. They were going to be performing as cowboys and they were finishing some body makeup. They needed to look tan so when the bright lights were turned on they wouldn't look like a sack of white flour.

Soon the background music stopped and spotlight came on to the center of the stage. Mark walked out to hoots and cheers. He looked pretty hot as a cowboy. But then Mark looked hot, period. He walked up to the spotlight and started talking into the cordless microphone. "Gentlemen it's my pleasure with a little help from my friends as they walked out behind Mark to give my brother, Preston a special show for inviting us all to his Open House."

That brought cheers and whistles from the audience. "So without further ado let's get this show on the road."

The lights went black on the stage and soon you could hear a tom tom being played. The lights slowly started coming up. You could see the strippers dancing in a circle to the beat of the drums. Soon the music changed to more drums. They moved into a line and were stomping and dancing to the drums. Then the music changed more to a stronger beat and the strippers were really getting into it now. They pulled each other's tear away cowboy shirts off. Revealing their muscled chests and abs. They were just as ripped as ever. Then they turned facing back to the audience and then they stripped off their chaps. Now they were only wearing a leather posing strap cowboy hat and cowboy boots. They were really moving to the music and every move was in sync. They really had their act together. They were taking their time and not rushing. They wanted to give the audience and especially Preston a good show. They started gyrating and moving sexually to the music. They would dance pretend they were humping each other. They would move together and it looked like they were rubbing and grinding together. Finally the music was getting to a feverish beat and they started taking each other's posing straps off with their teeth.

You could see different audience members rubbing their bulges. Kissing their partner if they were with one. Some had their pants unzipped and were getting stroked or sucked while the show was going on.

Finally the music started dying down and the lights were slowly dimming. That brought the show to an end. The audience was on their feet giving them a standing ovation. The performers were back stage wiping off sweat and putting more body tanning lotion on. Once they finished they walked out to the audience and started flirting and mingling with the audience memebers. They started with Preston first. Each one giving him lap dances. By the time they finished he thought his pants were ready to burst open. Holden helped Preston and opened his pants and gave him a mind blowing blowjob. Preston needed that, he couldn't hold back much longer.

Mark was mingling in the audience, searching out men he knew. He saw Bob and gave him some special attention as well as Graham. He saw Brody and Travis, he vaguely remembered them and gave them each a very erotic lap dance. He then went over to Cal and Dave and did the same to them. Urban and Zane saw Vinton spending a lot of time with Bob. They were happy for Vinton. They liked Vinton like a brother but weren't sexually attracted to him. They hoped Vinton and Bob would work out. They knew about Bob and Graham's falling out.

Soon the party was starting to wind down. The crew was taking down the stage and putting the folding chairs away. They had dismantled the lighting and sound system. The DJ was back playing some great dance music with a good beat. A few of the guys were dancing by the pool and on the patio. The crew with the help of strippers soon had everything stowed away in the truck. The crew took off for the In and Out Bar to put everything away there in storage.

Almost everyone was without a shirt and some of the guests were completely naked. The booze was flowing freely again. A few guests had left but their was still a sizeable group. Bob had one more drink and that was his limit. He still had to drive Kendrick Anthony Roland and himself home. Bob did indulge on the appetizers they were quite good. And after a few drinks it had really revved up his appetite. Vinton was hanging with Bob like a puppy dog. Bob wasn't sure what he was going do about Vinton when they decided to leave.

Bob pulled Vinton to the side and asked him if he had driven to the party. He said his car was parked out on the street. Bob asked Vinton if he remembered they were going to meet for lunch tomorrow and then see where it went from there. He said he remembered. Bob told him that he was getting ready to leave and was going to round up his house guests and see if they were ready to go.

Tyrell and Rashona had a small group of Rashona's co-workers at their new house. Rashona liked being a hostess and was always prepared if someone dropped in unexpected. She got a couple of snack plates ready while Tyrell poured drinks for everyone. The men had drinks while the ladies drank wine. The men were enjoying looking and watching Rashona. Rashona was definitely a head turner. She was beautiful and sophisticated. The wives were shooting daggers at their husbands when they watched her. They had a nice little get together and said they needed to do this more often. Tyrell and Rashona had shown everyone around their new house. They were proud to show it off. Everyone was having a good time. They really enjoyed Tyrell and Rashona. They were very welcoming, friendly and very hospitable. Besides they had good snacks and great booze.

Everyone was getting a little tired from drinking and eating a lot. They all agreed they would get together again. This was a start of a great friendship. Tyrell and Rashona were pleased and thanked their guests for coming and were looking forward to getting together again.

Tyrell and Rashona were surprised after their guests left. They were so friendly and welcoming. Being black didn't seem to be an issue at all. This was the first time since they had been married that they had felt welcomed.

Preston's Open House was winding down and almost everyone had left. Bob had taken Kendrick Anthony and Roland back to his house. Graham and Wayde had left for Graham's apartment. And the rest were slowly trickling out and thanking Preston and Holden for a great party and entertainment. Those that Preston and Holden knew well agreed they should start doing this once a month at a different house each time. They all agreed and thought that was a great idea.

The DJ finally wrapped up his last set of music. Preston paid him and he packed up his things and left. It just left Preston Holden Mark and Irving. Preston took Mark into a big hug and thanked him for the entertainment. "It was the least I could do for my bro."

"Call your friends and tell them the show was great and everyone really enjoyed it.

Mark told Preston he would. They looked around the yard and pool area and it looked pretty clean. It looked like everyone was respectful and had used the many trash containers scattered around the yard and patio. There was only a couple of plates to pick up and a couple of plastic glasses to toss out and it looked good. Preston knew he wouldn't get scolded by his housekeeper for leaving her a big mess to clean up.

Bob Kendrick Anthony and Roland went into Bob's bedroom. They all stripped down and get into bed. Anthony and Roland were horny for Bob and when they saw Kendrick naked they almost started drooling. Kendrick kept himself in good shape and they thought he looked like a Greek God. He was well muscled in all the right places. They crawled into bed and started making out together. Kissing and feeling and touching each other all over. It was like they were exploring each other's bodies for the first time. They all liked what they saw and it didn't take long for them to get hard. They were soon feeling each other's hardon and big full balls. They all had big balls which Bob really liked. He got down between Kendricks legs and started sucking on his balls. Kendrick liked his balls sucked and played with and Bob had him moaning. Anthony got over Kendrick's face and had his big long cock in Kendrick's mouth. Kendrick was sucking and slurping on Anthony's cock. Roland got behind Bob and was kissing and licking over his rosebud. Bob was going crazy the way Roland was playing with his hole. You never knew that Anthony was older. He acting just like these younger guys. He had good stamina and could keep up with them. The only problem was that Anthony came fast. He was soon pumping a big load down Kendrick's throat. Bob had started fucking Kendrick and his hot hole was wrapped around Bob's cock driving him crazy. Bob felt Kendricks hole pulling and constricting on his cock and he couldn't take it any longer and shot way up Kendrick's hole. When Bob came his hole tightened on Roland's cock and he was pumping a big load into Bob's hole. They all collapsed back on the bed in a heap of tangled bodies. They were satisfied and tired and they soon were snoring.

Preston wanted to thank Holden Mark and Irving so he told them he wanted them all to sleep in his bedroom. Preston had an oversized king sized bed and they easily all fit on the bed with room to spare. They were hard before they even got into bed. They stripped down and told Preston to lie down. He laid down with his big hard thick cock sticking straight up. They all wanted to be fucked by Preston and they knew he liked fucking. Holden went first being Preston's lover and soulmate. Holden knew just what to do to make Preston moan and grunt and gasp for air. He licked Preston's cock getting him wet and rock hard. Then he spit on a couple of fingers and worked them in his hole getting it wet and stretched for his lover's big cock. He eased his hole down and over Preston's waiting cock. And slowly slid down. Preston was already moaning and grunting. As Holden moved down Preston's big cock he squeezed and worked his ass muscles on Preston's cock. Preston couldn't take it and immediately shot way up Holden's hole bathing his prostate with his thick creamy load. Irving went next and had watched Holden and tried his best to repeat what Holden had down. It took Irving a little longer to take Preston's big cock. It had been awhile since he had a cock that big up inside him. He finally managed to take it all and was soon bouncing up and down on Preston's cock. It took Preston a bit longer to cum, but soon gave Irving a good sized load. Irving climbed off and it was Mark's turn. He hadn't been fucked that many times by his cousin/bro so it took him awhile to adjust to his big thick cock. He did manage to take it all and felt his ass on Preston's big balls and hairy pubes. He did like Irving and soon was bouncing up and down on that big cock filling his hole. It worked around so that Preston's cock was continually rubbing over his prostate. Mark shot out a big load covering Preston's chest and hitting him in the face. Preston used his big tongue to lick off as much cum as he could. He was thrusting into Mark's hole, but it was taking him longer to cum. Mark was meeting Preston's thrusts and could feel his cum building and moving up his cock. Soon he grunted loud and shot and pumped another big load into Mark's hole. After they came they did pretty much the same as Bob's group. They collapsed on top of each other in tangled mess. That was the way they fell asleep.

Quinton and Reeve got home. They couldn't believe they had been invited to Preston's Open House, they barely knew him. But were glad for the invitation. They really liked the entertainment and got it on while watching the show. They were rubbing each other's bulges and soon were jerking and sucking each other off during the show. The music was great from the DJ. They liked the food and drinks were over the top. Everyone was friendly and they met many new people that they added to their cell phones to keep in touch with. They told them they had the new house being built at the end of the street and when it was finished they would have their Open House and be sure to invite them. As soon as they arrived at Reeve's apartment they shut and locked the door and stripped down naked. They were hot and ready for each other. They put the tv on but didn't even watch what was on. They were more concerned about pleasing each other. Their cocks were hard and leaking and they moving around into a sixty nine fuck position and were able to fuck each other at the same time. What a rush of feelings were going through them. As hot as they were for their partner, it didn't take long until they were cumming and cumming and cumming. They had the biggest loads they could ever remember. They watched the rest of the movie that was on. And told each other they were going to do the same thing when they got to bed.

With Reggie working in his hometown and driving back and forth, he was tired when he got home. He ate dinner watched a little tv and sometimes fell asleep watching tv. He didn't have time for Deb or Jarvis. And they were both getting a feeling of being left out. They understood his long drive each day and that was tiring. So they would let it slide until the construction project was finished.

The hardware store was coming along nicely. The crews were working together well and they were now starting the inside work. This was where most of the work would take place. The different departments needed to be sectioned off. Second floor offices need edto be built and constructed. Bathrooms for customers and a break room for the employees and their own private bathroom. A time clock would need to be installed along with a sophisticated security system. Wayde came by every day to check on the progress. Reggie liked talking with Wayde, he knew his stuff and understood the time it took for constuction. Wayde was glad they were staying on schedule. He was going to have a large lighted outdoor sign with a waterfall that Zane would be in charge of constructing.

Bob and the tangled mess of bodies started waking up. They were sore and stiff with the ridiculous position they had slept in. Bob and Kendrick were going to go downstairs and work out. Anthony and Roland said they would check the kitchen and see what they could find for breakfast. They would have breakfast ready by the time they finished working out.

Bob and Kendrick stretched and warmed up on the treadmills. They worked out on the machines and did a a few reps with the free weights. They felt they had done enough. Kendrick was glad Anthony and Roland didn't work out with them. He had some bad news for Bob. Kendrick had received a text message on his phone and he had a new assignment and he would have to leave later in the morning. He was hoping to be able to spend another day with Bob. They were hot and sweaty after working out. They took a hot steamy shower in the lockerroom. Kendrick thought he needed to get this over with so he told Bob about his text message when he had checked his phone. Bob told him he was disappointed he would have to leave. But he understood with the kind of work that Kendrick did. They kissed and hugged in the shower. They jerked and sucked each other off. They dried each other off and went back upstairs in just their jocks.

When they got upstairs they could smell breakfast and they were both hungry. They saw Anthony and Roland dressed and their bags in the foyer. They said they were going to have to leave earlier than they planned. Anthony had received a call and their next assignment was going to take more work and time than they had planned on.

They all ate in the breakfast nook. They heard the limousine pull in and they all kissed and hugged in the foyer and told Bob they would get in touch with him soon. He watched them through the window and waved when they left. Bob and Kendrick finished their breakfast and Kendrick helped Bob clean the kitchen and put everything away. He told Bob he better get packed. Bob told him we would call Sam and see if he could send one of the hotel shuttles over for Kendrick. He told Kendrick he would get right on it and see how soon did the shuttle could be here. Bob was old not for an hour.

Bob walked upstairs with Kendrick and watched him get dressed and pack his bag. Kendrick sat on the bed and they hugged and kissed for a long time. Bob was really realizing how much he missed Graham and how good it felt to have Kendrick here and Anthony and Roland. He needed somebody with him. But at this time he didn't know who.

Everyone was having a quiet Sunday and staying in. After drinking a lot at Preston's Open House and staying late they were glad they had Sunday to relax and rest. Everyone ordered delivery food, watched tv and napped. Wasn't a very exciting day but they all wanted to be rested and ready for work Monday morning.

Bob woke up to his alarm blaring. It seemed like the alarm got louder every time. He didn't have a hangover thank God. He didn't really feel too bad. Bob hoped some of the guys would show up to work out. It would be nice to have some company for a little while. He ran downstairs naked to the lockerroom and Preston Holden Mark and Irving were there. He heard some noise on the stairs and Urban Zane and Vinton came down. He was glad their was a big group of guys. They all hugged and kissed and started stretching and warming up. Bob stayed on a treadmill he wanted to get a few miles in at a medium running pace. Other guys were on the various machines and Preston and Mark were lifting. Soon everyone thought they had enough. They all walked over to the shower and managed to maneuver and squirm and bump together and finally they all fit in the shower. They wasn't much space to move, but they didn't care. They got the two shower heads going and managed to wash each other. Preston sat down on the shower seat and the guys made a line to get fucked by Preston. Preston was in heaven. He was ready for fucking. His cock was super hard and leaking copious amounts of precum. Nobody would have to lube their holes. By the time he got to the last guy he was getting pretty drained and it took a good ten fifteen minutes before he came. His last load didn't really shoot out. It kind of dribbled out of his cock. He was drained and satisfied. They dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret heard a lot of noise from downstairs so she figured their must a be a big group of guys. She made a large breakfast. When she saw all the guys coming upstairs she was glad she cooked as much food as she did. They all agreed to eat outside on the patio since their was a large group.

It was a nice Monday morning. Not a cloud in the sky. The sky was the bluest Bob had every seen. There was no wind and it was just enjoyable to be outside with the guys.

Margaret started bringing out breakfast. Bob had forgotten something in his bedroom and told the guys he would be right back. Margaret saw Bob leave for upstairs so when she brought out the last of the food she told the guys she had something to tell them. "Bob's birthday is at the end of the month in just two weeks. I was hoping you all would want to do something special for Bob's birthday. I just wanted to mention it, I thought you'd like to know."

"Thanks Margaret," said Preston. "We will definitely plan something special for Bob and try to make it a surprise for him."

"One other thing," said Margaret. "Please be sure to invite Graham. I know Bob misses him very much, but he's so stubborn he won't call Graham and try to patch things up. Maybe if he comes to Bob's birthday party it will get them back together."

"I'll work on Graham at work and I'm sure I can get him to agree to come."

Margaret thanked the guys just as Bob came back out to the patio.

They finished their breakfast and were full. They all thanked Margaret for a great breakfast and went into the garage. They all kissed and hugged and soon everyone was leaving for work.

Preston was anxious to get to work and have their regular Monday staff meeting. He planned on talking to Graham privately and see if he knew that Bob's birthday was coming and if he would be interested in a surprise party for Bob.

Graham woke up with Wayde curled around him. He slowly and gently moved out of bed. He needed to eat some breakfast and get ready for work. He didn't want to be late. He showered and finished his bathroom duties when Wayde walked in. "Your up early."

"No, regular time for me Wayde. I don't want to be late for work. Monday we always have a staff meeting and I like to get there a few minutes early to have everything ready for my staff."

"I like that. You look like a very organized person. I'm going to head over to the construction site later and see how my knew hardware store is coming along."

Wayde helped Graham finish getting breakfast ready. Wayde told Graham he would clean up if he wanted to leave right away.

They kissed and hugged and Graham was on his way to work in his new Porsche. He knew he would turn a few heads when he pulled into his reserved parking spot. He got out of his car and walked into his shared office building with Preston. He didn't see Preston's big SUV. Graham was glad he had arrived early. It gave him time to get himself organized and make copies for his staff of what he wanted to cover. Then he and Preston had their own meeting after.

Graham was busy in his office and didn't hear Preston walk in. "Pretty nice car you have out there."

"Oh, you noticed."

"You don't miss something like that. When did you purchase it?"

"When Wayde arrived. He convinced to buy it. Actually, he bought it for me as a present of being good friends and being the investment company for his new hardware store."

"Very interesting. He must a very good friend to buy you an expensive sports car?"

"You could say that. I need to finish getting ready for the staff meeting."

"Me too, I'll talk to you later when we have our own meeting."

Graham saw Preston walk across the hall to his office. He finished getting everything ready and was getting everything ready in their board room. Preston walked in and got his part organized also.

Soon the staff started arriving and were taking their places in the board room. Graham and Preston went through everything they wanted to cover with their staff for the week. Expectations, delivery dates, etc.

The meeting broke up and the staff went to their respective work sites. Preston followed Graham to his office. Both offices were about the same size. So they switched off using each other's office each Monday.

They sat down facing each other. Preston started, "I have something to ask you that is not work related."

Graham was a little hesitant, "go ahead."

When I worked out at Bob's this morning, Margaret talked to us while Bob had to get something in his bedroom. She told us that Bob's birthday was the end of the month, only two weeks away. "I'm planning a surprise birthday party for Bob and was wondering if you wanted to help?"

"I'm not sure. We haven't talked or got together since we had a major disagreement. I'm not sure if it's something I want to do. And I'm not sure if Bob would like me attending his birthday party."

"That's a bunch of rubbish Graham. I hear you mentioning Bob all the time. And Bob is always mentioning you when I work out at his house. Why don't you plan on helping me with his surprise birthday party?"

Graham was thinking and finally said, "I'll help you. I do miss Bob a lot and maybe it will bring us back together. I would like that."

"That's what I wanted to hear. Why don't you make a guest list and some things that Bob likes a lot. Then we can put our two heads together and start finalizing the plans for the party."

"Sounds like a good idea Preston. And I'll start working on my end."

Preston left Graham's office happy and hoping the birthday party would bring them back together. He had a lot of work today and he wanted Graham to go with him when they checked on a few of their investment projects. The hardware store, the strip mall and the second housing project.

Reeve and Quinton woke up about the same time. Reeve was nervous and excited to start his practical part of his internship in the emergency room. After observing the doctors last week, he knew he could do it. It's everything that he knows just done in a fast and accurate way.

Quinton could tell Reeve was nervous and he held him and they kissed. They showered each other with Quinton giving his lover a very special cleaning. Quinton sucked and jerking off Reeve and that seemed to calm him down a bit. They both got dressed, fixed a quick breakfast and were out the door going to work. They were going to try to have lunch together if it was possible for Reeve. And after work they were going to check on their house and see how close they were to finishing their work. Zane was just getting started on their yard after finishing at Preston's house.

What Reeve didn't know was that before he started his internship in emergency, the chief of staff had a special meeting with the emergency doctors. He told them he expected them to help Reeve as much as they could. Reeve was an exceptional medical student and he expected big things from Reeve. The chief of staff told the head emergency doctor that he would be Reeve's supervising doctor and expecting great things from Reeve. He wanted Reeve to be an emergency doctor at their hospital when he finished his internship and residency. That concluded his meeting with the emergency doctors and all he could do now was wait and read over the reports he received from Reeve's supervising doctor.

Reeve pulled into the parking lot for doctors, it seemed strange since he wasn't a licensed doctor yet. But the chief of staff told him their would be no problems with him parking there. He walked into the emergency wing and the head doctor was already there waiting for Reeve. He liked that Reeve arrived a few minutes early. He was anxious to see how Reeve would perform in emergency just being supervised.

Reeve walked into the emergency area and the head doctor told him to follow him. They walked into his office and he told him he would be his supervising doctor. And asked Reeve if he was ready to get started with hands on experience. He told the doctor he was ready and he knew he could do it. The doctor liked Reeve's attitude and desire to get started. He told Reeve he had a lab coat ready for him with his name on it. Reeve put that on and they walked around the emergency area once more.

Graham had some time to think about what Preston had told him about Bob's birthday and surprise party. Graham was feeling pretty good about it. He really missed Bob alot and he hoped he could think of something for Bob's birthday party that would bring them back together. He had to think more about it. As far as contacting people for the party, that would be easy he still had all their numbers saved on his cell phone. He thought he better get back to work and get organized when he and Preston went to to check on the investment projects a little later.

Then Graham started thinking about Wayde and thought he better have a serious talk with Wayde before they got too serious and tell him about his feelings for Bob and how he wanted to get back together with Bob again.

Bob was having a difficult day at work. He didn't like waking up in an empty bed. He missed Graham more with each passing day. But he wasn't sure how he could get Graham back. He didn't want to call him, so he wasn't sure how they could meet and maybe talk. Maybe he would see him at the diner today and they could talk then. But then Bob remembered he was going to meet with Vinton today for lunch at the diner.

Reggie was getting pretty tired with his long drive back and forth to work every day. He thought he might check with Bob and see if could stay at his house during the week and then drive home and be with Deb and Jarvis on the weekend. He would talk to Deb about it and see what she thought and call his brother and see about staying at his house. He could bring some clothes tomorrow for the rest of the week.

The hardward store was coming along nicely. It was really taking shape. The pavers had been in and had the parking all done. They had all the departments sectioned off and they were working on the small second floor offices and getting them finished with a private bathroom and a meeting room. The downstairs bathroom for employees was almost finished and their break room was coming along. The customer bathrooms were started and would soon be finished. Wayde was anxious when they could start shipping merchandise and filling shelves in the different departments. And start interviewing workers and managers. He wanted to hire as many local people as possible, even though the owners wanted to send their own people to work at the store. Since Wayde had bought the franchise, it was his decision as to who would at the store. That was still a few days down the road. Once the electrical and plumbing was finished then they could start shipping merchandise.

It was getting close to lunch time and Bob thought he better walk over to the diner and get this overwith with Vinton. He was going to try to let Vinton down easy. He knew that Vinton was attracted to him and wanted to be more than just a friend. But Bob didn't want that. Vinton was too young for him and he missed Graham terribly.

While he walked to the diner he noticed a for sale sign on the pet store. He vaguely knew the owner. He was an older man and his wife helped him in the store. The owner was also a veterinarian and had his office in the back of the store where he took care of animals. Bob thought he must have retired and wanted to move away.

Tyrell came home for lunch. He loved his wife's cooking and she was able to get away for lunch. They talked about the group of friends they had over during Preston's Open House. Tyrell told Rashona about Bob's birthday in a couple of weeks and thought they should postpone their Open House. After all, Preston just had his and with Bob's birthday coming soon they both agreed they could wait on their Open House. Tyrell was glad they could be home for lunch. They now needed to find a housekeeper and Rashona was going to talk to Preston about that. Preston told them he thought he might be able to find a good housekeeper for them.

Tyrell moved behind Rashona and wrapped his big arms around his wife while she finished lunch. "If you keep that up Ty, I won't be getting lunch finished."

Tyrell let up so she could finish lunch. They ate quickly as they needed to get back to work. Rashona told Ty that she would talk to Preston before she left work today about him finding a housekeeper for them. Rashona loaded the dishwasher and put the left overs in the frig. They hugged and kissed and soon were on their way back to work.

Xandro was busy at the bank finalizing his purchase of the pet store/veterinary clinic. He had the keys and was going to go to the store/clinic. The bulding served two purposes. It was a pet store in the front and a veterinary clinic in the back. There was a back entrance and parking for the clinic as well as parking and a front door for the pet store. Xandro was already having a sign made that read pet store and veterinary clinic. The local residents that had been there knew it served two functions. When he finished at the bank he drove over to his new store. He took down the "For Sale" sign and walked in. He turned the lights on in the store. It was pretty well supplied with different necessities for pets. He walked into the back and the clinic was excellent. It was in good condition and seemed to have all the instruments and equipment he would need. He would do a complete inventory tomorrow. He wanted to get to the newspaper office and put in an add that he was looking for a pet store worker and a veterinary assistant. He was hoping he would get some interested people and be able to open by next Monday. He thought that would give him enough time to get some pets. And hire his helpers and order and receive any supplies that he might need.

He saw Vinton pull in and walk into the diner.

Bob walked into the the diner. He didn't see Vinton. Graham and that other guy were not at the diner, nor was Preston. He was kind of glad. He wanted to have this talk with Vinton and the less people around that he knew the better.

Vinton walked over to Bob's table and took a seat. "Have you been waiting long?"

"No. I just got here. How are classes today?"

"Nothing interesting. Just a lot of work. Reading, reports and exams."

"I remember those days."

Millie came over and asked them what they would like. They both ordered coffee and the special. Millie still wasn't her regular self. He needed to have a talk with her and find out what was going on. Maybe their was something he could do to help her.

While they were waiting for their lunch. Bob told Vinton, "I have something I want to say. Please don't say anything until I finish. I don't want you to take this wrong way, but it's something you need to know."

Vinton was thinking to himself and didn't like sound of this.

Bob started. "Vinton I think your a really nice guy. You friendly and fun to be with, but I miss Graham very much. We were together for a long time and have experienced many things together. I need to get Graham back in my life. Your younger than me and I would like someone closer to my own age. I hope we can still be friends, but I don't want this to go any further than a friendship."

Vinton was taken back and wasn't sure how he was going to respond. "I'm sorry to hear that Bob. I was hoping we could get to be really good friends and start going out and getting better acquainted. I can understand you wanting to get back with Graham. As far as staying friends, I would like that. Like I said, I hope we can still go out sometimes for dinner or lunch."

"Thank you Vinton for taking this so well. I appreciate that. And I definitely want to stay friends. As far as going out for dinner or lunch. I have no problem with that. I like you and I think we have a lot of things we can share. Without jeopardizing our friendship."

Millie brought their lunch and she walked back right away to the kitchen. Vinton gave Bob a strange look. "What's the matter Bob?"

"Sorry Vinton. It's Millie. There's something going on with her. She's not like her regular self. I need to have a talk with her and find out what's going on and if there's something I can do to help. Not today, but soon."

They finished their lunch and had a good talk while they were eating. Vinton said he was glad to have met Irving and Mark. They shared a couple of classes together and have been studying together. Bob told him they were good guys and they should get along fine. Bob paid the bill and left Millie a tip with a note on the back that he was going to be back to the diner soon and they needed to have a talk.

They walked out of the diner. Shook hands and Vinton took off for the university while Bob walked back to his clinic.

Preston and Graham were ready to go check on some of the investment sites. Preston said he wanted Graham to drive. He really wanted to be in a Porsche. He had always wanted one but never got around to puchasing one. It was very comfortable and you could feel the power when Graham shifted. They soon pulled up to the hardware store.

They got out and talked to Reggie, he told them everything was on schedule and coming along nicely. Wayde was pleased with the progress and anxious to start moving in merchandise. I told him it would be awhile before he could do that.

Then Graham and Preston walked across the street to see how the strip mall was coming. They had started construction. There would be ten different stores in the strip mall and all the stores had been purchased.

Graham drove them to the new housing project. And showed Preston where his house would be built. He told Preston it would be a big house, two floors and Wayde was helping. Once this site was finished, their would be six houses as compared to four where Preston was located.

Graham and Preston left and went back to their office building and had a short meeting about the progress of the different projects. They were pleased with the progress. Once these projects were finished then the two major constuction companies would work together on the new school. And a professional building, that would have a new optician, dentist and chiropractor. There would have an operating room downstairs for the optician and dentist.

Graham knew he needed to talk to Wayde when he got home. He was hoping Wayde would understand and not be too upset with him. He also needed to call Bob's parents and tell them about the surprise birthday party for Bob. He didn't think they would be planning anything, but he wanted them to know.

The day finished and Graham made his way back to the apartment. Wayde wasn't there and he was glad. He would give him time to call Bob's parents and plan his strategy when he talked to Wayde.

Graham changed into shorts and a tshirt. It felt good to get out of his suit. Wayde hadn't arrived so he thought he'd try calling Bob's dad. He picked up his cell phone and called Bob's dad. "Hello Graham, how can I help you?"

"I was calling to tell you that me and some of Bob's friends are planning a surprise birthday party for Bob. I didn't know if you and Bev were planning anything for Bob's birthday, that's why I was calling you early."

"I didn't hear Bev mention anything. So I don't think she was planning anything. I will tell her that you are planning a party for Bob in two Saturdays. Do you know what time the party will start?"

"I don't have any information yet for the time. We are just in the initial planning stages. As soon as I have more information, I'll pass it on to you."

"Thanks Graham for the call. And one other thing. I'm glad your doing this for Bob, I hope it brings you two back together. Your good for each other."

"Thank you John for saying that. I hope it does bring us close together. I miss Bob a lot and being away from him has been the hardest days of my life."

By looking at Graham, you would never know that he was in a serious accident. He was walking and getting around like nothing had ever happened. He had just finished his call when Wayde came in.

Wayde came over and they hugged and kissed.

"Can we sit in the living room. I have some very important news for you."

"Sure Graham, you have me worried, I hope everything is ok."

"I hope everything is ok too, after I tell you what I need to say."

"Go ahead Graham, I'm all ears."

"Preston and I were talking at work and he told me Bob's birthday is in two Saturdays. I miss Bob alot and want to do something special for his birthday. I'm hoping with what I can figure out for his birthday, will bring us back together. I like you alot Wayde, but my feelings for Bob are much different than my feelings for you. I like you like a good friend. But Bob I love and we have been through so much I can't just up and leave him."

"I understand perfectly Graham. I knew you had strong feelings for Bob. Many times we would be talking and you looked like you were miles away. Everytime Bob's name came up, you would get a big smile on your face. Sure it bothers me a little. But I want you to be happy. And if your happy returning to Bob. Then that's what should happen. I hope we can still be friends and go out for lunch or dinner sometimes. I would like that."

"Thanks Wayde for being so understanding. I'm glad this is going so well. I wasn't sure how you would take the news. I think I should pay you for the Porsche."

"Nonsense Graham, your not paying me for anything. However, I'm going to pay for my part of the house. I have some ideas of more things I want included and I think it's only fair I pay for the other half of the house. When is Bob's party being planned?"

"His birthday is in two Saturdays. I hope you will want to attend?"

"Of course I'll attend and besides we have almost two weeks to still be together. And if you need any help planning and organizing his party let me know."

"Thanks Wayde, it's a big relief off my mind. You don't need to pay me back on the house. It was something we had agreed on together. We have already paid for the house. If, like you said you want to add some things. Then I guess that will be your expense. What do you say we go out for dinner?"

"That's a great idea. Where should we go?"

"How about the Italian Restaurant in the Mall?"

"Why don't you make reservations for us while I get showered and changed."

Graham called the restaurant and made reservations for six. He thought that would give them plenty of time to get ready.

Graham was happy Wayde took the news so well. He still wanted to remain friends with Wayde, but not anything sexual.

Reeve was having a good day in emergency. There hadn't been anything real severe that he couldn't handle. Two guys were brought in from the papermill. They had got a hand caught in one of the conveyor belts and their hands were pretty swollen and they were in a lot of pain. Reeve had one of the nurses inject medication in their hands that would reduce the swelling and help relief some of the pain. He had their hands x-rayed and there were some broken bones. Setting bones in the hands and feet is pretty tricky with the large number of bones. But with a good set of x-rays he was able to get the bones in their hands reset and casts put on. He wrote out presciptions for pain medication and told the men they should see their regular physician next week to start getting their hands x-rayed and checked on the healing process. Reeve's supervising doctor was very impressed on how thorough Reeve had been with x-rays and the precision he used for setting the multiple broken bones in their hands. The casts were put on exactly like they should have been. The doctor knew that the chief of staff was correct with his assessment of Reeve. Reeve was going to be a great doctor. If he was this precise and efficient with every emergency patient, he would become their best doctor on staff.

That finished Reeve's day and he told the emergency room doctors he was leaving. And would see them early tomorrow morning.

Once Reeve left, the head doctor of emergency called the rest of his doctor's into their small meeting room, to assess Reeve's performance and progress. Every doctor that had worked with Reeve had nothing negative to say. They couldn't stop praising Reeve on how professional efficient and precise he was.

Graham heard the water running while Wayde took a shower. Graham walked into the little bathroom and watched Wayde for a couple of minutes. He was really good looking. Graham stripped off his shorts and tshirt and opened the shower door and joined Wayde in the shower. The kissed and hugged and let the warm water run over their bodies. They turned the shower off and started jerking and sucking each other. Graham told Wayde, "there's nothing wrong with friends with benefits."

Wayde liked that and told Graham, "he was a good benefit. Too bad it would all come to end in less than two weeks."

"It doesn't have too. Bob has a fantastic gym in his house and a group of guys come over early before work to work out in his gym. So you could join us and I think you'd like it. We usually just work out in jocks. There is a large shower in the lockerroom and we all crowd into it and have a hot steamy shower in more ways than one."

"I'll have to remember that. Sounds interesting. I like to give all my muscles a good work out."

"Let's get dry and dressed and head to the mall."

They got out of the shower. Dried each other off and dressed in something casual sporty for eating dinner. They would have plenty of time before their dinner reservation so he thought they could just walk around the mall and kill time.

A lot was happening over the next few days. Graham and Preston were working on Bob's birthday party. Preston was going to hire the same DJ he had for his Open House. Unfortunatly, Mark and his group wouldn't be able to perform. Mark was going into finals and the other guy's had different obligations. Reeve and Quinton were getting close to moving into their new house. They finalized everything with the interior decorator. It would be awhile before Zane would be able to work on their yard. Reeve was doing a terrific job and kept amazing the emergency doctors. He was a natural and could take over and go on his own. All the guys were still coming over to Bob's to work out in the morning. Graham hadn't shown himself. Graham was waiting for the birthday party to surprise Bob and get him back.

The weekend was fast approaching and Bob was glad to work a half day. Quinton was staying late as Shirley was keeping him booked full and he didn't want to get behind with his patients. He was happy for Reeve, they talked a lot and Quinton knew Reeve was capable and very smart. He told Quinton that he actually liked working in emergency and so far everything was going well.

Zane was about ready to pull his hair out. He had another dely with supplies which was going to set him back even further. He had just started on Tyrell and Rashona's yard when the delay started. He apologized to them, but told them their was nothing he could do until his supplies arrived. They understood and were just glad to have their new house to live in.

Every day when they got home from work, Tyrell and Rashona walked around their house. They couldn't believe they were living in this big house. This was the nicest and biggest house they had every lived in. They couldn't thank Graham and the mill enough. They were going to do something special for Graham when they had their Open House, they just hadn't figured out what that would be.

Reggie had talked to Deb and she told him she thought it was probably a good idea if stayed with Bob during the week and then came home on the weekends. Reggie had called Bob and he told of course he could stay. After all they were brothers and brothers help brothers. Reggie had already moved in some clothes and Margaret had a guest bedroom ready for him. They had talked and Margaret told Reggie about the problem with Graham and Bob. She told Reggie she hoped they could patch things up when Preston had a surprise birthday party for Bob next Saturday. Reggie told Margaret he would talk with Preston the next time he saw him and see if he Preston could somehow get his brother and Graham back together.

Bob walked over to the diner and saw the For Sale sign down in the front window of the pet shop. Someone must have bought it. He thought he'd eat a quick lunch and then meet the new owner of the pet shop and veterinary clinic.

He walked into the diner and sat at his favorite table. He didn't see Preston Graham or anybody he knew. Millie came over and asked him what he would like. He told her a black coffee and the special. He noticed Millie was still kind of blunt and not her regular self. He was going to see if he could have a talk with her and find out what's been going on.

Millie brought his coffee and he asked her if she had a couple of minutes so they could talk. She said, "I suppose so. It better be important."

"Millie whats going on. You haven't been your regular self for quite a few days. Is their anything I can do to help?"

Millie took a big sigh. "Your right Bob, I haven't been my regular self. I received some family news that was very unexpected and disturbing."

"Do you want to share the information with me. Maybe if you tell me you will feel better. The information will be just between the two of us. Nobody else will know?"

"Ok, your right Bob. Maybe if I tell you I'll feel better. My brother called me. He lives next door to our parents. He told me my dad was diagnosed with advanced stages of prostate and colon cancer. Because of his age, they don't think he could survive chemotherapy or surgery. They are going to do a complete physical and see if he could withstand surgery and chemotherapy. If not they predict he might live another six months."

"Do have the name of the hospital and doctor or doctors that are examining your dad?"

"Yes, let me go get the information. I have the phone numbers and the doctors names wrote down."

No wonder Millie hasn't been herself. I would be acting the same way or probably worse if it was my dad.

Millie came back and handed me a paper with the names of the doctors, their phone numbers and the name of the hospital. One of the doctor's I knew, we had studied together. I copied down the information and told her I would talk to the doctors and see if I could get more information for her. I asked Millie if her dad was in the hospital. She thought he was admitted yesterday for tests and some more examinations.

Millie left the table and brought my lunch. "As soon as I have some information I'll call you Millie. Everything is going to be ok. Don't worry, I'll make sure your dad gets the best care possible."

"Thanks Bob. I'm sorry I've been rude and not my regular self. But I've had a lot on my mind."

"No problem Millie. It's understandable. I hope you feel a little better after talking to me?"

"I feel much better Bob and thank you for listening to me and your help."

"I will call the hospital this afternoon and as soon as I finish talking with the doctor's, I'll give you a call. How long do you work today?"

"I work until five."

"Good. That gives me plenty of time to talk with them."

Bob finished his lunch and paid the bill and gave Millie a good tip. He gave her a hug and told her everything would be ok and he would be calling her this afternoon.

Bob left the diner and still had a few minutes before he needed to be back to the clinic. He decided to walk into the Pet Shop and meet the new owner.

He walked in and saw a nice looking man busy behind one of the counters. "Hello you must be the new owner."

"Yes, I'm Xandro, nice to meet you."

"I'm Bob." They shook hands and Bob told him he was a doctor and was the owner of the clinic."

They talked for a bit. He told Bob he was a veterinarian and was looking for an assistant and someone who could run the pet store for him. Bob told Xandro he would check around and told Xandro to put an announcement in the daily paper and put a sign on the front window and he was sure he would get some interested people. Bob did have something he wanted to ask Xandro. "Can you get macaws. I have a sunroom in my house that is very tropical and a couple of macaws would make the room more authentic."

"Yes I can get macaws. They are very expensive and have to be in quarantine for two weeks. Their are no guarantees they will survive quarantine, but that's the risk of wanting them. Customs quarantines them and would notify me when they are ready to be picked up."

"About how much are we looking at for a pair of macaws? I like the ones that are red and blue and yellow."

"Those are quite popular. Let me check on the computer and see what is available and if any are any in quarantine while we speak."

I waited a couple of minutes for Xandro. "You must be a very lucky man Bob. There are a pair of macaws in the color you like in quarantine. It says they have one more week left in quarantine and so far they have been doing well. Let me check the prices, that will also include the cost of quarantine."

Bob waited a couple more minutes while Xandro was checking on his computer. "Sorry for the delay Bob. The pair that are in quarantine are two years old. They are in excellent condition and have been tested treated for diseases and any infections they might be carrying. This pair sells for $15,000. And with the cost of quarantine added on, the total would be an even $20,000."

"I don't know anything about macaws. Can you recommend a couple of web sites for me to get informed about raising and caring for macaws?"

"Sure." Xandro wrote down a couple of websites for me and gave me a brochure he had about caring for tropical birds. He told me with good care and regular treatment, macaws can live to be fifty or sixty years old. "Are you interested in purchasing these macaws?"

"Yes, I think I am. I will be by tomorrow with a check for two new birds. And I'm sure I'll have more questions for you."

"I will pick up your birds for you when they are ready to leave quarantine. I know how they should be transported and then I can check them again to be sure they are in excellent condition. Customs has a good facility with expert animal caretakers. I should have more information for you tomorrow."

"Thanks Xandro." Bob checked his watch and realized he was going to late getting back to the clinic. "I need to get back to work. Talk to you tomorrow Xandro, and nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too Bob."

Bob left and he liked Xandro. He was very helpful. He noticed Xandro had left a business card in the printouts for Bob along with the websites. Bob thought he might give Xandro a call and invite him over for a couple of drinks and Xandro could see the sunroom and what he thought about that for the birds.

Bob got back to the clinic and finished up. Since it was Friday he normal worked a half day. He closed his office and checked on Quinton and then left for home.

When he got home, Margaret had left and Reggie hadn't come back yet. He thought Reggie would be late. He changed into just a jock and went up to the sunroom to look around. Two colorful macaws would look pretty nice in this room. He would see what Xandro thought. That reminded him to call Xandro and see what he was doing. Maybe he hadn't eaten dinner yet and could eat with him. He went back to his bedroom and found the papers and the card with his name and phone number. He walked back up to the sunroom and got on a lounger and called Xandro. "Hello, this is Xandro, how may I help you?"

"Hello Xandro, this is Bob. I was wondering if you didn't have any plans if you would like to come over to my house for dinner. I could show you the sunroom and see what you think of it for the macaws. That will give me a little time to check the web sites you gave me and see if I have some questions for you. I know I'm being a bit forward after we just met. But it would be nice to have some company for dinner."

"I don't have any plans for dinner and I would be honored to eat dinner at your house with you. What time would you like me to come? And where do you live?"

Bob gave Xandro directions to his house and told him six would be a good time for dinner. Xandro agreed and told Bob he would see him at six.

Bob found the papers from Millie and the names of the doctors and the phone numbers. He thought he would call the doctor that he knew and find out how Millie's father was doing. Bob called the doctor that he knew. "Hello this is Dr. Richard, how may I help you?"

"Hello Richard, Bob here. You sound like your busy?"

"Never a dull moment Bob. We stay very busy. How can I help you?"

"I'm calling for a friend of mine, Millie. She works at the diner here in town and her father is in your hospital and she said you were one of his attending physician."

"That's correct. Her father is in one of our private rooms. We are trying to build up his strength so we can do some chemotherapy. Because of his age, we are taking it very carefully. We can't do surgery, he wouldn't survive. So in a couple of days we are going to try chemotherapy. His cancer is in advanced stages so it will just be a touch and go. Once we feel he is strong enough we will try to do chemotherapy and see how he responds. That's about all I can tell you at this time. Call by the middle of next week and I should have more information."

"Thanks Richard for the information, I'll pass it on to Millie. I know she's very worried about her father."

Bob called Millie and told her what Richard had told him. She said she was going to try to go this weekend to see her father, it's just that she needed to work, she needed the money. Bob told her not to worry and he would drive over to the diner and help her out. She thanked Bob for the information.

Bob changed clothes and drove over to the diner. He had a cup of coffee and Millie sat down with him. He gave Millie a check for $2,000. "Bob I can't accept this. First it's too much and second I have enough money saved to drive home and see my dad."

"Nonsense Millie, I want you to take this check and I hope it will help with gas and other expenses you might have while your gone. It makes me happy to be able to help you."

Bob saw a tear in Millie's eye. "Millie everything is going to be okay. Your father is getting the best care possible. You need to see your father and I expect you to use this money to pay for your expenses."

"Bob your a wonderful man. Thank you so much. I won't have to worry now about expenses and driving to see my dad. I get done soon, so I'm going to leave later this afternoon. I should arrive their around eight or nine. Thanks again Bob, I better get back to work."

They hugged and Bob gave Millie a kiss on the cheek.

Bob got back home. It was quiet in his big house. He was glad Xandro was coming over for dinner and hang out for awhile. He didn't expect Reggie till later. Reggie was putting in long hours working on the new hardware store. He would be hot and tired when he got home. He would shower, eat and probably go to bed.

Graham and Preston were working on Bob's surprise birthday party when they had time. They had called everybody on their guest lists and it looked like their would be a lot of guys attending. Graham had contacted the local municipal airport. He wanted to have a Happy Birthday banner flying behind a plane. He had called the airport and had everything worked out. The airport knew the day and time. Now he was still thinking how he was going to surprise Bob. He had a couple of ideas but he needed to give that more thought.

Preston had called the DJ he had at his Open House and he would be available next Saturday for Bob's party. He was still wondering what he could do for entertainment. Mark told him they wouldn't be able to perform. Maybe a big screen and play some of the strippers performances. Mark had told Preston they record some of their shows for the owner of The In and Out Bar. He plays them sometimes in the bar. Mark told Preston he would talk to the owner and see if he could borrow a few of his tapes. Preston liked that idea and would see about getting a big projection screen.

Wayde was busy at the hardware store. Reggie and his crew were working fast and were starting to do some of the final touches. Everything was coming together well. It really looked like a hardware store inside and outside. All departments had hanging labels from the ceiling and the shelving had been put in place. The lumber had arrived for the outdoor side lumberyard. Plants were arriving for the greenhouse. Semi's would start arriving tomorrow and the franchise crew would get everything organized in the correct departments. Wayde now had a big job of hiring. The people from the franchise told Wayde they would help him if he wanted it. He told them he would try to do this on his own. Once the office help was hired, that would help him. He thought he could handle the hiring process. He had already alerted the local newspaper to run ads for hiring employees at the hardware store. He wanted to hire twenty five people. And one, maybe two managers. He needed a couple of good workers for the lumberyard and the greenhouse. Also, someone that could take care of the seasonal department. He already had a cleaning company that would come every night to clean the floors and bathrooms. His hi-tech security system was in place and connected to the computer in his office with tapes recording twenty four hours every day. He planned to be open every day. Run a small group of workers on holidays and pay them extra for working holidays. He thought he had everything planned. He rechecked his computer and made sure he had plenty of application forms printed and ready. He wanted to take another walk around the store. He couldn't believe he owned this and would be the owner and general manager.

Reggie was getting tired and thought he was going to call it a day. He talked to his foreman and told him he was leaving and asked him if he needed anything. The foreman told him no that everything was under control. They would work late and try to finish. So the franchise crews would have clear sailing tomorrow when the semi's started arriving.

The housing project had started. Graham and Wayde's house would be the first house to be built. It was closet to the street and would be a nice showpiece of their work. Even though the other houses would be smaller, it would still give the new homeowners an idea of what their house would look like.

Zane was thoroughly frustrated. He couldn't believe another delay in supplies. He was halfway through Tyrell and Rashona's yard when the supply of materials stopped. He still had Quinton and Reeve's house to do. And then a sign for the new hardware store. Then he would be working at the next housing project. And then finally he would be able to get to Bob's house. He had a lot of work ahead of him. He and his crew could work fast once his supplies arrived. He knew the designs by heart for all these projects.

Bob thought he better get some clothes on before Xandro came over for dinner. He ran upstairs and took a quick shower. He played with his cock and balls for a couple of minutes. He wanted his cock plumped up. He didn't know why. But it was just something he wanted to do. He dried off and put on some tight jeans with no underwear and a tshirt. Through on some deck shoes and thought that was good enough.

It was already after five thirty and he thought he better see what Margaret had fixed for dinner. She had some of that beef stuff again that you put over noodles. It was pretty good. But a heavy meal. He would eat some but not a lot. Probably eat a big salad with his dinner. He got a salad ready and pulled the food out of the frig. He got everything into pots and pans and started warming it on the stove. The salad looked pretty good for a doctor turned chef for the evening.

Bob grabbed a cold beer out of the frig and went into the living room while the food was warming. He looked over the daily paper and watched the news. He soon heard the speaker and told Xandro he would open the gate for him.

Bob pressed the button and the gate came open and then once the car had passed the gate closed automatically. It had a sensor that could detect when the car had cleared the gate with a timer and then would close. Xandro was impressed with the size of Bob's house. The house must be big on the inside. He walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Bob came to the door and they greeted each other and shook hands. Xandro had brought a bottle of wine.

Bob showed Xandro in and asked him if he would like something to drink. He told Bob whatever he was having. Bob told him he was drinking beer and they could have this wine with dinner. Bob put the wine in the wine chiller so it would be ready when they ate dinner. Bob grabbed a beer for Xandro and they went into the living room. "Quite a house you have here Bob. I hope I can get a tour, before or after dinner?"

"I like my house. Sometimes I think it's too big. But I like coming home to this house. I'll give you a tour after we eat. Dinner will soon be ready. I'll give you some options of where we can eat. In the breakfast nook, the kitchen island, the outside patio table, the sunroom or the formal dining room."

"Let's eat outside. The weather has been so nice. It would be nice to enjoy the weather."

Bob told Xandro he would get the patio table ready. And dinner should be ready. Xandro asked Bob if he wanted some help. Bob agreed and with the two of them they soon were ready to eat outside on the patio. "This is a big patio."

"Yeah, I like it. I'm soon going to have the yard redone and get the pool working. I've already talked to a landscaper and outside designer. So when I'm next on his list, the backyard is going to be completely different."

Bob poured them a glass of wine and kept the bottle in a wine bucket chilled. Xandro liked the meal and told Bob he was a good cook. "Thanks Xandro, actually my housekeeper is a good cook. I just warmed this for us."

"My compliments to your housekeeper. This meal is excellent. The salad is perfect and the wine I brought compliments the meal."

"Let's get all this put away and I'll show you around the house."

Bob liked showing off his house. He was proud of it and the inside changes he had made.

"Let me show around my house."

They went downstairs and Bob showed Xandro the game room the home theater room the spare bedroom the lockerroom and the gym. Xandro really liked the gym and told Bob he had a really good gym. He needed to start working out now that he was relocating to this town. They went back upstairs and Bob showed him the state of the art kitchen. They went down the hall and showed him the study/library combination. He told Xandro that these used to be two separate rooms but he had the two rooms renovated to one large room. They went upstairs and Bob showed Xandro the bedrooms. Xandro couldn't believe how big the rooms were. Usually in old houses there were many rooms, but they were small. Then they went up to the sunroom. Xandro followed Bob in and thought he was on a small tropical island. "This room is fantastic Bob, I've never seen anything like it. It's just like being in the tropics."

"This is where I want to put the macaws. What do you think?"

"This room is perfect for the macaws. They will think they are in a tropical oasis."

"Where do you think I should put the birds?"

"They like a lot of attention. So some place where they will be noticed and talked to. By the tiki bar would be good. Or in some of the tropical plants. Really anywhere would work."

"Would you like to relax up here and have another beer?"

"Sure, I could live in this room."

Bob got them another beer from the tiki bar and they both got on loungers. Bob thought Xandro's pants were bulging, but it could have been his imagination or wishful thinking. Xandro had worn jeans and a pull over. Bob knew he was horny. He hadn't had sex with anyone since Graham had left. Sure they fooled around in the shower after working out, but it was just that, fooling around, nothing serious. So he couldn't help himself that Xandro was looking good.

Bob heard a noise downstairs and thought Reggie had probably made it home. He told Xandro he needed to go downstairs, he thought his brother just got home. He explained to Xandro that he was staying with him until they finished their construction job. Then he wouldn't have to drive a long distance every day back and forth work.

Xandro told Bob he would go with him and meet his brother. They both walked downstairs and Bob introduced Xandro to Reggie and they talked in the living room. Bob told Reggie he would warm up some dinner for him. He brought them a couple of beers and told them to go outside on the patio or the sunroom. They choose the patio. Bob brought their beers and warmed some of the same dinner for Reggie. Reggie was a big eater and never gained a pound. He had good metabolism and burns his food quickly.

I finished warming Reggie's dinner and made a small snack plate for Xandro and me. I took everything out and Reggie started devouring the food. I grabbed myself a beer from the patio frig and joined them. Reggie told us about the hardware store and that it was almost finished.

I told Reggie that Xandro bought the pet store. He's a veternarian and I've ordered a pair of scarlet macaws from him. I should receive them next week. I'm going to put them in the sunroom. They will enjoy the room and with the live birds it will seem even more tropical.

Reggie finished eating and excused himself. He said he was really tired and was going to shower and head to bed. Call his wife and talk to his kids. Reggie looked tired. Xandro helped me clear the patio table and take everything out to the kitchen. I put the left overs away and asked Xandro if he needed to leave right away. He said he had nothing planned. I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie downstairs in the theater room. We would be away from Reggie and he could have his privacy and go to sleep.

We went downstairs and I showed Xandro the controls and told him to find a movie, I would make some popcorn for us, and be right back.

I ran up the stairs and make a quick batch of popcorn and went back downstairs. I didn't see Xandro in the theater room. I looked around and saw him in the gym. "I can't believe the gym you have here Bob. This is better than most private gyms you have to join."

"I like it. It meets my needs and I like I said, I have a good group of guys that like to come over early before work during the week to work out."

"Maybe I could get into that group and start working out here?"

"Sure, your welcome to work out here. We usually start at six in the morning and work out for about a hour to a hour and a half. You know how to get here, so your welcome to start this coming Monday. My housekeeper makes breakfast for all of us. The guys bring a change of clothes and get dressed for work. We usually workout in a just a jock. There are plenty of lockers available, so you can pick out the one you want to use and keep gym clothes and jocks in their."

"That's perfect. I wish tomorrow was Monday."

"Let's go back to the theater room and watch a movie you selected."

The theater chairs were arranged in three rows of four and were butted together with no space between the chairs in each row. I set the bowl of popcorn on an arm of a chair between us. The movie was about half way finished when Xandro looked over at me and said, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

I was a little surprised. "Sure go ahead and ask me?"

"Are you married Bob, or dating a girlfriend?"

"No to both questions. I dated a few girls in high school and college. How about you?"

"I just broke up with a girlfriend of over three years. That was why I was glad I could relocate here and get away."

"What happened that you broke up after being together for so long?"

"She found out I liked playing poker with my buddies. Actually strip poker. And sometimes we liked to play other games when we were all naked. How she found out I don't know. But anyhow the shit hit the fan when she confronted me and told me it was over and she never wanted to see me again. We were sharing an apartment and the rent. She could easily afford the apartment on her own with her work. When I got back to the apartment she had all my things packed and waiting by the door. I walked in and she told me to take my bags and get my sorry ass out of the apartment. Luckily I had checked the local paper that day at work and noticed the ad here for the pet store with a veterinary clinic. It was just what I was looking for and I called the number and they gave me a good offer and I bought the clinic. Thankfully it had a full sized apartment that covers the whole floor above the pet store. So that's how I made it to this town. And am the proprietor of the clinic and store."

"Interesting to hear. I'm still kind of confused why your mentioning all this to me?"

"Well, since you don't date, haven't been married and live alone. I thought maybe you might like messing around with guys. You mentioned a group of guys come over to work out. And you called and invited me to dinner when we had just met."

"Ok, let me tell you something. I explained to Xandro about some of the guys I met. How my best buddy had come back, was working here in my hometown. How we had lived together and our disagreement where he left and that is where I'm at now."

"I see. I thought so. You are attracted to men. Since my split from the girlfriend I've been able to explore my other side and am finding out I'm more attracted to men than women." He was putting his hand on mine and rubbing up and down my arm.

"Maybe you'd be more comfortable if we were sitting together watching the rest of the movie?"

Xandro quickly got up and sat next to me on my theater chair. I noticed a good sized bulge in his jeans. I don't know if he had noticed mine. Soon we were kissing and hugging. Xandro was a good kisser. We started feeling each other's bulges. Rubbing over them and squeezing them. Soon we were sweating and moaning. We unbuttoned and unzipped each other pants. Xandro's cock sprang out he wasn't wearing any underwear. He wasn't long but he was thick. Probably about six inches. His cock would be hard to suck as big around as it was. He reached in my boxers and pulled my hard cock out. He got between my legs and started sucking me. His mouth felt good, he gave a pretty good blowjob. He played around the head of my cock with his tongue. Pulling out my pre and then sticking the tip of his tongue in my pee slit. He really knew what he was doing. His other hand was playing with my balls. His hot action was getting me close. And I told him I was going to cum soon. That seemed to make him suck me harder and faster. I couldn't hold back any longer and soon shot into his mouth and down his throat. Then I returned the favor and got between his legs. I had to struggle to get his fat head into my mouth. My mouth was really stretched. I managed to take a couple of inches and I played with his big balls. Xandro told me he was ready to cum. It didn't take him long. He came in my mouth just as the movie was finishing. What a coincidence that was. He told me he really enjoyed himself. And he probably should be going. He had a couple of interviews tomorrow morning and he wanted to be ready for them. He also told me before he left that he would personally bring over my macaws when they arrived and would let me know ahead of time. Maybe we could watch another movie. I watched Xandro leave.

It was getting later. That was fun. But I don't think I would want to get serious with Xandro. He seems nice enough, but I still want to try to get Graham back. I just need to figure out how I'm going to do that.

Xandro had a good time with Bob. But he felt Bob wasn't really in it. Something was on his mind. He would deliver the birds when they came and maybe have another chance with Bob and get closer to him.

Quinton and Reeve were pretty excited. They were going to move into their new house tomorrow, Sunday. Quinton had rented a larger storage unit so they could keep their things together. Both their parents had bought furniture for them and many other household items. Quinton had a moving truck already rented and ready for tomorrow. They were busy getting their clothes and personal items packed. They had already paid their last rent. And next month they would start house payments. They still were wondering who had helped them with their house payments. Their house payment was less than what they were paying for rent. Anyhow, their packing went fast and they were soon ready for leaving early tomorrow morning. Quinton would drive the delivery truck and Reeve would take their bags in his car. Then drive Quinton back so he could drive his car to their new house. They couldn't wait to see their finished house and how the interior decorator had arranged the furniture and the other household items. They knew the patio wasn't ready. They knew Zane had another set back. But they were ready to move into their house and start enjoying it. They were going to delay their Open House like Tyrell and Rashona until after Bob's birthday party. They were thinking since their house was close to Tyrell and Rashona maybe they could have a joint Open House. they hadn't mentioned it to them, but they planned to and see if they liked that idea.

Sunday morning and Bob thought he would go to early church. He got up, showered, fixed and ate some breakfast. He went back upstairs and got dressed for church. His parents were there and invited him for lunch, he would probably go.

Quinton and Reeve woke up with big morning hardons. They had to pee urgently but it was hard to do with their big hardons. Eventually they relieved their bladders and went back to bed. There was no rush, but they wanted to get an early start moving everything to their new house. Everything was ready to go.

Quinton started sucking on Reeve's hardon. Reeve had his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. He was enjoying all the sensations going through his body. Quinton was a great cock sucker and knew just what he liked. He was already leaking and Quinton was lapping it out and sucking it out. Quinton then started deep throating and Reeve thought he had gone to heaven, it felt so good. He was cupping Reeve's balls with one of his hand while he started bobbing up and down on his hard thick shaft. Quinton liked how Reeve's cock throbbed in his throat. He heard Reeve moaning and knew he was enjoying his morning blowjob. Quinton sucked that big flared swollen head in and out and then went down fast to Reeve's balls. Reeve let out a loud groan and started flooding Quinton's mouth and throat with a big delicious load. He licked all the cum off and milked out the last couple of drops. And then laid back on the bed. "That was fantastic babe. Now it's my turn to return the pleasure."

Quinton laid back like Reeve had done with his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He liked how Reeve worshipped his cock. Reeve took his time licking the shaft all over and swirling his tongue around the head. Then down the back side nibbling and sucking on that thick vein. Reeve really knew how to get Quinton's juices flowing. Reeve was licking up his precum and sticking the tip of his tongue in his pee slit and pulling out more. Then in one quick motion he engulfed Quinton's cock to his balls. Reeve was busy playing with Quinton's balls while he sucked his cock. He had Quinton moaning and grunting. He was going to try to make this last as long as possible. When he felt Quinton getting close he would pull off and just play with his balls and suck on them. Then when Quinton was cooled down he would go back to deep throating his cock. Working his throat muscles like a glove on his cock wrapping them around the hard shaft. Working those muscles up and down and driving Quinton crazy. Quinton started begging Reeve to go faster. He needed to cum. Reeve thought he had edged Quinton enough and worked his cock hard and fast. Quinton grunted loud and gasped and shot rope after rope of hot thick cum down Reeve's throat. Reeve had to swallow a couple of times to keep up with the flow of cum. Quinton's cock was always a little sensitive after he came, so Reeve knew to get off his cock for a couple of minutes. Then he would suck out those last delicious drops of cum.

They checked the time and thought they better get their lazy asses out of bed and get busy. They made breakfast and put all the dishes away. The dishes belonged to the apartment. Quinton as well as Reeve had rented furnished apartments. They both jumped into the shower and washed each other. Cleaning each other's cock balls and holes sparkling clean. They wanted to fuck. Something they liked doing in the shower under the hot steamy water, but they thought they would wait until they had everything moved into their new house and then initiate their master bedroom with a good fuck fest.

They finished their shower and dried each other off. The towels belonged to Quinton so he would take the wet towels with him. They helped each other dress and soon were semihard in their boxers. They did one more check of the apartment and everything looked in order. They had already paid and cleaned out Reeve's apartment. Quinton turned in his apartment keys to the landlord. He was sorry to see Quinton leave he had been a good tenant. Always paid his rent on time. No loud parties and seemed like a nice respectible young man. The landlord watched Quinton and Reeve leave. Quinton driving the delivery truck and Reeve taking his car. They would drive back later and pick up Quinton's car.

Quinton didn't drive fast. With a few furniture pieces in the truck, he didn't want them bouncing around and getting damaged. And their was a few boxes that had some glass items that he didn't want breaking. Reeve followed behind Quinton in case he had problems with the truck.

The security guard was expecting them. Quinton had called ahead and told him they were on their way. The guard saw the delivery truck turn at the corner and make it's way to the gate. He pressed the button and the electric gate opened. He waved to Quinton and Reeve as they made their way in. Reeve held back and let Quinton back the truck into the driveway. Reeve parked on the street. The housing boss had told them where their house keys would be located. They found the keys, looked at each other with big smiles on their faces. Quinton unlocked the door and they walked in. As soon as they walked into the foyer, their mouths just hung open. Their eyes were big trying to take in everything. This big house looked like something you'd see in a magazine for the rich and famous. They couldn't believe this was their house. They hugged each other and started jumping around like two little kids. They saw the master control for the houses security system and they knew how to arm and disarm the system. Right now it was operating, until they did the initial set up. As you walked through the foyer you came to a grand sweeping staircase that went upstairs to the bedrooms. To the right of the staircase was a huge living room with a corner fireplace. Under the stairs was a hallway with an office, library and den. To the left you went into the large gourmet kitchen. It had two islands. And all state of the art appliances. There was a breakfast nook and swinging doors that went into the main dining room. There were two chandeliers and the table sat fourteen people. Six per side and one person at each end of the table. On the left the dining room and sliding glass doors on the side of the living room that opened to the covered patio with a large patio table island and grilling area with it's own refrigerator and ice machine. The steps were in that would go down to the pool and jacuzzi, plus all the other extras they had told Zane about. They knew it would be awhile before he could start on their yard, but they were ok with that. They then went downstairs to their large theater room. They had liked the one in Bob's house and they wanted something similar. There were two guest bedrooms and a small kitchenette. The laundry room was huge and would definitely take care of their needs. They didn't have a gym put in. Preston told them they were always welcome to work out with him in the morning. The space downstairs for a gym had been turned into a game room with two pool tables. A variety of pinball machines. Darts and foosball table. They went back upstairs to the main level and then up the sweeping staircase. There were two huge master bedrooms with their own en suite bathrooms with jacuzzi tubs and spa showers. Both master bedrooms had oversized king sized beds and they had a door to make the bedrooms adjoining. Both bedrooms had a large sitting area with balconies that would look out to the pool area. On the right side of the hallway were four large guest bedroom. Two bedrooms had two double beds and the other two bedrooms had a queen size bed. All the bedrooms had en suite bathrooms. Much smaller than the master bedrooms but still of top quality with marble and bronze fixtures. They had spa showers and a claw foot bathtub in each bedroom. All the bedrooms on the right side were adjoining. There was a staircase at the end of the hall and it took them to the attic. The attic covered the whole top floor area, it was huge. It had many possibilities, but at this time they would use it for storage. They walked back down to the main level. The interior decorator had down a fantastic job. This house looked like a mansion. It was tastefully decorated, not too feminine and not too masculine, just a good balance. They were very pleased.

They looked at each and nodded. They knew they had a big job ahead of them. Moving everything in. They had labeled all the boxes so it would easy to stack them in the respective places. They had picked up a couple cases of beer and loaded the two large kitchen refrigerators with beer. It was only eight thirty so they felt they had plenty of time. They didn't have anything planned. Just moving, that would be enough. Quinton went out and opened the back truck doors. Reeve opened the large front double doors. Quinton noticed a few boxes had shifted during the move, but nothing major. He thought he would haul those boxes in first. They weren't that heavy and he could stack a couple of the boxes. According to the labels he knew where to take the boxes. Reeve came out and started with more boxes. Most of the boxes weren't that heavy. So they could be stacked making their unloading of the truck go faster. Soon they had half the truck unloaded and thought they would take a beer break. There were going to order delivery for lunch. They hadn't bought groceries yet and they definitely didn't feel like cooking. They went out on a lounger on the patio and sat in the shade enjoying their cold beer.

Bob arrived to church just as people were arriving. He saw his dad's car so he would sit with them. He walked into the church and saw them sitting in their usual places. He walked over and sat by his mom. They talked before service began. And Bob told his parents he still hadn't heard anything from Graham. He had heard through the grapevine that he was back in his old apartment. They both told Bob that he hoped they could patch things up and get back together. He told them, at the moment, it didn't look like it. He told them they were both stubborn and wouldn't budge to call each other or try to get together.

His parents then changed the direction of the conversation and asked Bob if he wanted to join them for lunch at the Country Club, he agreed and would follow them to the Club after church. Soon the priest came out and the service got underway.

Preston Holden Mark and Irving were having a birthday party meeting. They had called everyone they could think of. They were still doing some thinking about decorating and organizing the entertainment and getting the big projection screen. Irving told them he would pick up the tapes from the owner of The In and Out Bar this coming week. Preston said he knew where he could rent the equipment of the large projection screen. Mark told them he had talked with Margaret and she could get Bob's secretary and nurse to help with the decorating and probably Millie from the diner. It was now a matter of how they could get Bob out of his house so the decorating could be done. They had some brainstorming to do on that.

Service finished and the priest greeting all the parishoners as they left church. Bob waited for his parents. They always found plenty of people to talk with before they left church. He saw them get into their car. Bob did the same and followed them out to the Country Club.

Bob pulled in and parked next to his parents. It looked like it was busy at the Country Club. Probably a lot of members at the proshop playing golf. The weather was nice for golfing, but it felt like it could get warm in the afternoon.

They walked into the dining room and were shown to a reserved table. Bob didn't know why his parents had made reserations. There was hardly anybody in the dining room. But he thought they liked the formality. He was glad when they didn't mention Graham anymore. They asked Bob how his practice was going and the hotel. He told them the clinic was full everyday of patients for him and Quinton. Sam was taking good care of the hotel and it was running smoothly and staying full. The banquet and meeting room were busy and used on a regular basis. John, Bob's father told him they had eaten a couple of times at the hotel and the food was excellent. They planned to eat there more frequently, besides it was closer to their house than the Country Club. Mentioning the hotel made Bob think about the jeweler and he should stop in and see how he's doing.

The move was going good. Quinton and Reeve were getting close to finishing. Quinton had ordered chinese food for lunch and they were expecting any minute. They had a few boxes left and a few pieces of furniture, then they would be done unloading the truck. Quinton could take the truck back to the rental company and they could go back to their apartment and bring Quinton's car back. Then they would spend the rest of the afternoon and part of the evening unpacking boxes. That was the big job. They had all the boxes separated and in the respective rooms. The furniture had already been placed where they wanted it. They were hoping their lunch would come quick. They were ready for a break and a couple more beers.

Bob and his parents had a nice lunch at the Country Club and some pleasant conversation. Their wasn't really much more to talk about and they had finished their lunch so they all decided to leave. They walked out to the parking lot and Bob hugged and kissed his mom on the cheek. He and his dad shook hands. They got in their cars and took off for home.

Wayde was having a busy weekend getting his hardware store ready. He had done a couple of interviews yesterday and they went quite well. Wayde thought both applicants would make good hardware store employees. He was getting a good response to his ads for hiring. And had quite a few people he would interview, starting on Monday. The crew was getting the different departments stocked. He was still expecting one more semi, but wasn't sure when it would arrive. The lumberyard was finished and looked good. The greenhouse was stocked and ready to go. All he needed now was employees.

Quinton and Reeve's delivery food arrived. A nice young man delivered their Chinese food. He seemed to be interested in them and took his time with the delivery. The guys weren't interested in someone that could be jailbait, he looked pretty young. They paid him and he left. He seemed a little disappointed. They ate out on the patio and drank a couple more beers. They were now ready to tackle more unpacking. Quinton and Reeve hoped they could get most of it done. Since they went back to work tomorrow and wouldn't have that much time.

Bob thought he would stop by the jewelers on his way home. He knew the jeweler would open for him. He gave him a call and told him he should be there in about ten minutes.

Bob pulled up in front of the jewelry store and saw the jeweler by the front window waiting for him.

Bob walked in and the jeweler locked the door. They went to the back and sat down. "How you been doing? It's been awhile since we talked last."

"So, so. My old age is catching up with me. I've really started slowing down. I don't have the energy like I used to."

"Are you taking any vitamins? They can help boost your energy."

"No, I don't like taking pills. I eat good well balanced meals and feel I get my vitamins that way."

"That's good your eating healthy. But as we get older we sometimes need a vitamin supplement to help us. I could recommend some good vitamins for you."

"I suppose, after all you are a doctor. What do you recommend?"

"All of these you can buy over the counter. The brand really isn't important. You want to take a B complex vitatmin and magnesium. In about three or four days, you should notice you have more energy."

"Let me write that down and maybe tomorrow I'll go to the drugstore and buy what you recommended."

"How's business? You keeping busy?"

"Business is good. I have more work than I have time for. But my clients are patient and know that good jewelry takes time. I want my finished pieces to be one of a kind pieces of jewelry, so that takes more time."

"Have you been to the hotel and talked with Sam?"

"No. I haven't been to the hotel in a long time. If these vitamins help me. I might take a walk over and talk to Sam."

"Well, I don't want to take any more of your time. Was good seeing you and I'll check back in a few days and see if the vitamins are helping."

Bob drove back home to a big empty house. He needed to relax out on the patio with a beer and figure out how to get Graham back.

Quinton and Reeve managed to get almost everything unpacked before they called it a day. They were getting tired and just wanted to stop. They walked around their big house and it really looked good now that almost everything was unpacked. They decided to shower and eat dinner somewhere. Buy a few groceries and then head back home.

They jumped in the shower. No sex till later. They rinsed off the sweat and grime from unpacking. Dried each other off. Dressed and took off in Quinton's car since it was bigger and could hold more groceries than Reeve's car.

Preston and the guys were getting tired. They thought they had done enough brainstorming on Bob's birthday party for one day. They still had all of next week to finalize everything. They called called it a day and went to bed and fell asleep without any sex.

Bob was more tired than he thought and he fell asleep drinking his beer. When he woke up it was dark and he walked upstairs and went to bed.

Quinton and Reeve ate at a fast food restaurant. The restaurant was close to a major grocery store. They ate outside since the weather was nice. Quinton drove the short distance to the grocery store and they stocked up. Quinton's car was pretty full once they got all the groceries loaded in. Backseat, the back floor and trunk were full of bags of groceries. They got home unloaded the groceries and went to bed. Once they hit the bed they were out like a light. The moving and unpacking had really tired them out.

The next few days seemed to fly by and Graham had finally figured out how he was going to surprise Bob at his birthday party tomorrow.

Preston had figured out how he would get Bob out of his house so the ladies could decorate and the DJ could get set up as well as the large screen projector. The weather was cooperating and no rain was forecast.

Xandro had brought Bob's parrots with instructions on their care and feeding. Two large rings had been installed from the ceiling on chains. One ring for each bird. Each ring had a place for food and water. A special mat was placed under the rings to catch any food and water that fell down, and bird droppings. The large mat was easy to clean, which Margaret liked. She was hoping the gardener would take care of cleaning and taking care of the birds. It was something she really didn't like.

Xandro had tried to get closer to Bob when he brought the macaws, but it wasn't working. Xandro knew he missed Graham and was hoping they would get together at his birthday party. But it didn't hurt to give it a try.

End of Chapter 24 - Wayde

Chapter 25 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

I've added pics from, "Bob's Holidays", I hope you read that series and then check out the pics I posted here.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban Vinton Wayde Andy Mabel Cindy John-Houseboy Rick Xandro

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And I have added the following pics from Bobs Holidays, Andy, Mabel, Cindy, John-Houseboy and Rick.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 25

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