My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jun 14, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 23

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 23. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 23 - Wayde

Urban got home after a slow routine day at work. He thought he'd make a couple of phone calls first and then maybe they could all meet somewhere for dinner. He called Vinton first. They had exchanged numbers when they had worked out at Bob and Graham's house. "Hi Urban. I was hoping you'd call."

"I was wondering if you didn't have any plans, how about meeting somewhere for dinner?"

"That's a good idea. Do you have any idea where we should eat?"

"I was thinking about the Italian Restaurant in the Mall, at six."

"That sounds perfect. See you there at six."

One call done and another to go. I'll give Zane a call now and I hope he can make it. "Hello Urban. I was wondering if you would call."

"I was wondering if you'd like to eat out at the Italian Restaurant in the Mall at six?"

"That sounds great. I'm not a good cook and eating out is much better than my cooking. I'll meet you at the restaurant at six."

Now I need to call the restaurant and make reservations for three. Urban called the restaurant and everything was set for six in one of the back tables.

Jarvis and Jennifer had made it to Reggie and Deb's house. They all hugged and kissed and Reggie helped Jarvis with a couple of overnight bags. The guys took the bags up to the adjoining bedroom to his and Deb's bedroom.

They went back downstairs and the girls had grabbed towels and were going to in the pool. Jarvis helped Reggie with the grill. They sat by the grill watching the wives and drinking beer.

There were all glad to be together. It had been quite a few days since they had been able to stay over. Reggie and Deb's kids were gone camping with their cousins for the weekend. So that gave them privacy to do whatever they wanted. Which was stripping down and getting naked. The wives had stripped down by the pool and the guys followed their lead and stripped down and sat back in their chairs.

Bob finished the report on Reeve and sent it off to the chief of staff. He was anxious to get home and be with Graham.

Graham had worked out a couple of times in the afternoon. He increased the speed of the treadmill and added a little more weight to when he did his leg lifts. He felt good and was waiting for Bob to get home. He knew Bob would be a little later. He wanted to finish the report on Reeve and get it sent to the hospital.

Graham heard the kitchen door and Bob walked in. Graham walked over and they kissed and hugged. Graham told Bob he had dinner waiting. He already warmed it and it was ready. He just wanted to know where Bob wanted to eat. Let's eat outside babe. It's such a nice evening. Graham told Bob to stay seated and he would bring everything out. Bob was still amazed at Graham's fast recovery. It was nothing short of a miracle. He never knew of anybody recovering that fast from the serious injuries that Graham had. He watched Graham bring out their food and get the table ready. They drank coffee with their dinner and ate in silence. They didn't really need to say anything. They could tell what the other one was thinking without saying anything.

Urban pulled up to the parking lot by the restaurant. He didn't see Vinton or Zane. It was a few minutes before six. He thought he'd wait in his car for them. Soon a nice looking SUV pulled into the parking by the restaurant and Zane got out. Urban got out of his car and walked over to Zane. "Hey Zane you made it?"

"Yeah. I like to be punctual and it's six sharp."

Soon a car pulled up and Vinton got out. They both walked over to Vinton and he was surprised to see Zane. Urban clarified the situation. "I invited you both to dinner. So now you know why your both here. Let's go in and have a good talk and dinner."

The waiter took Urban and the guys back to the table that was reserved. They were in a back corner, dimly lit and a very romantic setting. They ordered beer and would have a bottle of wine with their dinner. They all remembered each other from working out at Bob and Graham's house and thought they all looked pretty hot.

Urban said, "I invited you guys because I was really attracted to both of you when we worked out at Bob and Graham's and I thought inviting you to dinner, we could get to know each other better."

"Vinton and Zane looked at each other and started laughing."

"What's so funny?" Urban was getting a little pissed.

"It's just that we had thought the same thing when we worked out. We thought you were pretty hot and we thought we were pretty hot too and would make a good threesome if it was something we all wanted."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I was hoping we could become a threesome. We are close to the same age and I think we could all get along well together."

The waiter came and they ordered a specialty plate for four people. They were hungry and thought they could easily eat all the food.

The waiter brought their chilled bottle of wine in an ice bucket. He poured them each each a glass of wine. They said cheers and clinked their glasses together and said, "to a long lasting friendship and relationship."

Reggie and Jarvis were having a good time watching their wives getting it on in the pool. They moved their chairs close together and started making out. Their wives were making them horny. They started pinching and sucking each other's hard nipples. That made their cocks start leaking. They turned the grill down and got on a double lounger. They got into a sixty nine and started deep throating each other. They fingered their holes and soon were shooting out and groaning and grunting. They milked out the last drops of their cum of and told each other they planned to do more tonight. They heard their wives groaning and gasping as they came.

Reggie and Jarvis put on aprons they didn't want to get anything burned. They turned up the grill and told their wives that dinner would be ready soon.

The waiter brought the large tray of food for four to their table. It looked and smelled mouth watering. Vinton poured each other another glass of wine. They filled their plates and the food just melted in their mouths. It was the best they had every tasted. They didn't do much talking. They were enjoying their dinner. They finished and they agreed they had no room for dessert.

Urban then asked them if they would like to come over to his house and maybe they would be ready for dessert their. He gave them winks. They agreed and was hoping he would invite them to his house. Urban told them the dinner was his treat. Someone else could pay the next time. He gave Vinton and Zane directions to his house and they left the Italian Restaurant.

Bob and Graham finished their dinner and Bob cleared the patio table and put the left overs away. He told Graham to make himself comfortable.

When Bob finished in the kitchen he stripped down in the living room and saw Graham already stripped down and had moved to a double lounger. Bob walked out to the patio and sat down next to Graham on the double lounger. He asked Graham if he wanted a beer. Graham said sure. Bob got up and got two beers from the patio frig. They were icy cold and tasted great. They talked for awhile. Bob told Graham this was Reeve's last day interning with him and he would be returning back to the hospital to finish his intern training. He told Graham that it was unusual for the chief of staff to be a student advisor. The chief of staff must have something in mind for Reeve. Otherwise, he wouldn't be his advisor. Bob asked Graham if he was ready to return to work on Monday. He said for sure. He would be glad to get out of the house and back to work. He liked the house but not being in it continually hour after hour. They finished their beer and Bob asked Graham what he wanted to do. He said let's go up to our bedroom and relax on the bed watching tv.

They grabbed their clothes from the living and put an arm around each other's shoulders and walked upstairs to the their bedroom. They threw their clothes on the floor and laid down on the bed. Graham found the remote control and flipped through the sports channels and found a college football game. Bob was busy smothering Graham with kisses. He kissed his ears and neck and was feeling his pecs and nips. His nips were getting hard. Bob moved down to those hard nips and kissed and nibbled on them. He then started kissing down Graham's chest and licked and kissed around Graham's naval. Graham was groaning it felt so good. Bob them kissed over Graham's abs and through his pubes. He licked around the base of Graham's hard cock and licked and nibbled on the thick vein up the back side of Graham's cock. Precum was running down the side of Graham's cock. Bob licked it off and licked around Graham's thick flared head. He stuck his tongue into Graham's pee slit and pulled out some more precum. Bob then slowly sucked down Graham's hard shaft until it was going down his throat. He wrapped his throat muscles around Graham's hard thick shaft and started slowly going up down on that shaft. Graham was holding the sheets in his fists and trying not to cry out in pleasure. This was feeling so good. Bob started going faster and faster. He had lubed a couple of fingers and was working them in and out of Graham's hole. He found Graham's prostate and was rubbing his fingers back and forth over it. Feeling it get swollen and enlarged. Graham didn't want to cum right away. This was feeling so good. He was trying to hold back as long as he could. But his orgasm was building and building and he finally couldn't hold back any longer. He let out a loud grunt and his cock hardened and thickened in Bob's throat and he started blasting out a big load down Bob's throat. He was wondering if he was going to stop cumming. Bob had got him so horny that he knew he was going to be drained by the time he stopped cumming. He was panting after such a hard orgasm. He just laid on his back with Bob on his side. He mouthed, I love you, to Bob. They watched the rest of the game. Turned the tv off and the nightstand light and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Reggie and Jarvis and their wives had a good barbeque. They enjoyed eating big pieces of barbequed meat. They watched their wives lick up and down the barbequed ribs and then sucking the ribs in and out of their mouths. The guys were getting hard and horny watching them. The wives told them they were going upstairs. They had finished eating and sucking the meat off the bone. The guys were so worked up they rushed to clean the grill and put everything away. They finished and headed upstairs with a couple of beers.

Reggie and Jarvis went into the master bedroom. They could hear their wives in the adjoining bedroom. They were moaning and groaning and could hear the buzz of a vibrator going.

The guys had taken off their aprons in the kitchen and were naked. They laid down on the bed and started making out. They were feeling each other all over. Especially their cocks and balls. They were leaking like crazy and their cocks were super hard. They moved around into a sixty nine. Something they liked a lot. They eagerly deep throated each other's cocks. They poured beer on their cocks and licked it off along with the precum. They lubed a couple of fingers and were finger fucking each other. Their precum was really flowing now. They were going to try to make this last as long as they could. It felt so good. But soon Jarvis grunted and groaned. His cock hardened and thickened in Reggies throat and he knew he was going to receive a big load from Jarvis. Jarvis started pumping out load after load of hot thick cum. Reggie swallowed and swallowed and managed to get it all. Feeling Jarvis' big cock cum in his throat. Drove him over the edge and he was soon giving Jarvis one of his big loads. Shooting out rope after rope of his thick creamy cum. Jarvis loved the taste of Reggie's cum and hastily swallowed it all. They lay back panting and gasping for air. This was one of the longest and hardest orgasms they had had in a long time.

They spent the rest of the night swapping partners. Having sex with each other's wives and finally finally asleep in heap of tangled arms and legs on the master bed.

Preston Holden and Mark were watching a good football game on the big screen tv in the basement. The beer was flowing freely. Preston had a mini bar in the basement, well stocked, especially with beer.

Preston was really satisfied with Margaret's sister. She was an excellent housekeeper and knew exactly what needed to be done without being told. She told Preston she liked working for him. He was an easy boss to work for. That made Preston happy and gave her a raise. She didn't really need the money. But agreed with her sister, Margaret, that it was good to get out of the house and not be a recluse. She could make her own working hours and if she asked, she took leave early if she needed to for an appointment if relatives were coming to stay at her house.

The guys were all naked watching the game. The housekeeper had left a few hours ago. Preston didn't have theater chairs like Bob, but he did have oversized stuffed chairs, that were big and very comfortable. Preston and Holden were sitting together in one chair while Mark was in another chair. Preston and Holden were busy fondling and playing with each other while they watched the game. Mark would glance over once in awhile and was missing Irving. He couldn't wait until tomorrow to help Irving move in. Then he would have someone to be with and watch games. It was approaching half time and Mark told Preston and Holden he would get them all another beer and asked if they wanted some snacks while they watched the second half of the game. The guys told Mark they needed another beer, and if he wanted to make a plate of snacks that would go good with the beer.

Mark brought them all another beer and went upstairs to see what they had for snacks. He a container of salted peanuts, some pretzels and some kind of spicy chips. He made a small tray of each other different snack and brought it back downstairs. He set it on a little table that was in front of the chairs. The snacks tasted good with the beer. They thanked Mark and the second half of the game started.

Preston and Holden were getting it on hot and heavy in their chair. It was making Mark a little uncomfortable. He thought he'd leave them to themselves and go to his bedroom and call Irving.

Mark took off without even Preston or Holden noticing.

Preston's big hardon was sticking up between Holden's legs. It was wedged between Holden's balls making him super horny. The game finished and they couldn't get back to Preston's bedroom fast enough. Their big cocks were bouncing up and down and their balls were swinging back and forth as they ran upstairs to his Preston's bedroom. They closed the door and quickly got on the bed facing each other. They looked into each other's eyes and could see the yearning for each other. They kissed and hugged and their hardons were hitting and rubbing together. Leaking more and more. Holden wanted to be fucked by Preston. He loved Preston's cock way up his ass. And his ass seemed to be a perfect fit for his big cock. Preston knew what Holden was thinking and kissed Holden all over and them lifted his legs and started giving him a good rim job. Preston couldn't thank Bob and Graham enough for teaching him all the different things about gay sex and what felt good. Preston's big tongue was poking in and out of Holden's hole. Preston lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into Holden's hole. He wanted to find Holden's prostate and get him really hot and horny for his cock. Preston's cock was leaking like a faucet and it didn't need any lube. He rubbed his wet head over Holden's hole getting it wet and slick. He then eased the head into Holden's hole. His hole was just as hot and tight as the first time he fucked him. He kept easing his cock into Holden's hole until his pubes were pushed tight to Holden's ass. He left his cock in there. Not moving and letting Holden adjust. Holden loved how gentle and slow Preston was for being such a big man. Soon Holden started pushing back on Preston's cock and Preston knew he was ready to be fucked. He started a slow in and out, then picked up his pace. Holden's cock was big enough that Preston could bend down and almost take it all in his mouth and throat. Preston was thrusting in and out now. You could hear squishing sounds from all the precum Preston was making while he fucked Holden's hole. Holden was on fire. He was pushing hard back against Preston, he was begging Preston to fill his hole and fuck him harder. Preston obliged and soon blasted a load way up Holden's hole. Preston felt Holden's cock thicken and heard him grunt and soon Holden shot one of his big loads up Preston's throat. They laid back on the bed and relaxed for a bit. Preston told Holden he was going to check on Mark and make sure everything was ok.

Preston knocked on Mark's bedroom door. "Everything ok cuz?"

He didn't hear anything and asked Mark again, "everything ok cuz?"

Soon the door opened and Preston could tell Mark had been crying. "What's the matter Mark?"

Preston walked in and closed Mark's bedroom door and sat by him on the bed, putting an arm around Mark.

"I'm sure he's ok. Why don't you call him again and leave a message to call you as soon as he can."

Mark liked that idea and did what Preston said. He called Irving again and left him a message. He was hoping he would hear soon from Irving.

"What's this cuz stuff you were saying? I thought we were bro's?"

"I know I thought about that after I said it. We grew up like brothers. You practically lived at our house. We took care of each other like brothers would do and shared everything like brothers. Sorry, it was just a slip of the tongue. It won't happen again. You want to join Holden and me for a little while?"

"No. I want to stay here and be here when Irving calls."

"Ok. Let me know when he calls even if it's really late."

"Thanks bro. I'll do that."

Preston left Irving's bedroom and went back to his own. Holden had the tv on and patted the bed next to him. Preston crawled in and they hugged each other and watched tv for a little while. They finally got tired and turned off the tv and night light and fell asleep.

Mark didn't leave his phone. He kept it right next to him. He wished Irving would call soon. He wanted to hear his voice and know everything was ok. He turned his tv on and laid on his bed watching tv and looking at his cell phone.

It was getting later and later and still no call from Irving. Finally Mark was getting tired and thought about going to bed when his phone rang. It was Irving calling. "Hey Mark, I see you left me a message."

"I was worried about you and was hoping you were ok."

"I'm fine. Some of my buddies from work invited me out. It was a surprise party. I didn't know anything about it. I had my phone turned off and when I turned it on, I just saw your message."

"I'm glad your ok. I was just worried when you didn't answer your phone. What time are we starting tomorrow?"

"I have to work in the morning. But I was thinking just after lunch we could do the move. I have everything already loaded in the small trailer."

"Ok. I'll be to your place right around one in the afternoon."

"That sounds perfect. I'll be waiting for you."

Mark felt much and better. He went right to sleep knowing that Irving was ok.

Urban just arrived at his house when Vinton and Zane pulled up. He let them in and closed the gate. They thought Urban's house looked pretty big. At least from the outside. "Follow me guys and let's get inside."

They followed Urban into the house. The house looked bigger on the inside than the outside. Probably because it had an open floor plan. They noticed the big patio and swimming pool.

"You guys ready for a dip in the pool?"

"It looks mighty inviting. However I didn't bring a swimsuit," said Zane."

"I didn't either," said Vinton.

"Then I guess we will have to swim in the nude, unless someone is bashful?"

They soon all stripped and liked looking at Zane's uncut cock. They took the steps and walked into the pool. The water was a perfect temperature and they soon dove under the water coming up on the deep end of the pool.

They started horsing around in the pool. Splashing each other and trying to dunk each other. Their cocks were hitting together, but nobdoy was paying any attention. They enjoyed being young kids and playing in the pool.

Finally Urban said how about if we shower off outside and just lounge for awhile by the pool. I'll grab us some beers from the patio frig. Vinton and Zane watched Urban. He had a hot body, well muscled and a nice sized cock. They got out of the pool and rinsed off under the outside shower and they moved a couple of double loungers together.

Vinton and Zane got on a double lounger and watched Urban bring their beer. His cock and balls were swinging back and forth and he looked very sexy and hot. "Where am I going to lounge."

"Right here between us." As they moved to make room for Urban. He handed them their beers, they clinked their bottles and laid back on the lounger.

"You have a really nice place here," said Zane.

"I was lucky and at the right time to buy it. It's a little more house than I need, but having good friends over like your guys makes the big house more comfortable for everybody."

They finished their beer and Vinton volunteered to grab another round of beer. The beer was going down pretty fast and easy. And drinking fast they were all started to get a little buzzed. When Zane got buzzed he got horny. And he started feeling up Urban, who didn't seem to mind.

Vinton seeing them getting it on, wanted in on some of the action too. So started feeling Urban up on the right side. Urban was well muscled and they liked feeling his muscles all over. They poured some beer over him and licked it off. Urban liked the senation of cold beer on his body and hot tongues licking it off. He was getting harder and harder with all the attention. He was hoping something like this would happen. Now he just needed to get them to agree to spend the night and it would be perfect.

They laid back on their loungers they were all sporting boners now. They finished their beer. Zane said it was his turn to get everyone a beer. He got up and they admired his hot sexy body. Zane was really ripped from his work and well tanned. They just stared while he walked up to the patio and got their beer and walked back down. "What?" Zane said.

"We were just admiring your hot ripped body. And noticed you didn't have any tan lines."

"My work keeps me in shape and I usually lounge nude in the sun when I get home from work. So that's why there's no tan lines. Working out at Bob and Graham's gym will help to keep me fit and toned."

They all agreed with Zane. And they wanted to continue working out at Bob and Graham's. It seemed like it was ok with them and it wasn't that far for any of them to drive.

They all put an arm around each other's shoulders and started moving their feet up and down their legs. Brushing over each others cock and balls. They were getting horny all over again. And their cocks were sticking straight up, ready for action.

They finished their beer and Urban asked them if they wanted to go inside where there was more room and it would be more comfortable. They agreed and got up from the lounger and followed Urban. He grabbed another round of beer from the kitchen frig and they followed him to his bedroom. He had a big king sized bed with a jacuzzi tub in his bedroom.

He asked them if they wanted to get on the bed or go in the jacuzzi. They said the jacuzzi looked mighty inviting. Urban started filling the jacuzzi and then got the jets going. They climbed into the jacuzzi and laid back with their bodies touching and sipping on their beer. They had their eyes closed and was enjoying that hot swirling water around their bodies.

They finished their beer and sat their bottles on the outside floor. And laid back enjoying the jacuzzi. Urban had Zane on his right and Vinton on his left. He reached over with both his hands and started fondling Zane and Vinton's cocks. They were hard and their cocks throbbed when he held them. They couldn't believe how good Urban's hands felt on their cocks. His hands were warm and grasped their cocks just right. Urban felt them getting close and he didn't want them to cum yet. So he took his hands off. They all started making out together. They had a good buzz going and that stripped away all their inhibitions. They didn't care. They were hoping something like this would happen.

Urban turned the jets off and they climbed out of the jacuzzi. Urban had some large bath towels ready. And they stood on a bath mat and dried each other off. Or as good as they could in their buzzed state. They wrapped the towels around themselves and walked back out to the patio. Zane told them he wanted to fuck them while they sucked him off at the same time. They were so buzzed and horny they were spreading their cheeks and showing him their cute red rosebuds. That made Zane even harder and hornier. He laid back on the lounger with his big hardon sticking straight up. Urban got over him and started riding his big cock. Vinton got over Zane's face and Zane started sucking on his cock while Vinton and Zane kissed. It didn't take Zane long to cum. He was so turned being with these two hot men. Then they switched with Vinton riding Zane's big cock. Zane was in heaven. He loved fucking and he didn't care if the hole he was fucking was a man or woman. Urban got over Zane's face and Zane sucked Urban's cock. While Urban and Vinton kissed again. It took Zane a little longer to cum the second time. But Vinton wasn't complaining. He had wanted Zane from the first time he saw him and now with Urban, that was an added bonus. He hoped they could become good friends and do this more often. Finally Zane started thrusting hard and he erupted with another good sized load in Vinton. They all collapsed back on the bed and talked for awhile. They all said how they were so turned on when they met at Bob and Graham's they thought they were the hottest of all the men there and they were glad they got together. They told Urban they hoped they could do this again. They could take turns at being at each other's houses. Urban agreed with them and told them he agreed.

He told them he was hoping they would want to spend the night. They told him they didn't plan on going anywhere. They decided to go back outside. They weren't tired and maybe in a little bit they would be ready for round two.

They walked back out on the patio. And stretched out on the loungers. Zane walked over to the patio frig and got them another beer. There buzz had left after their hot sex. They didn't feel they needed the beer anymore to get them hard and horny. Just looking at each other was enough.

They laid there some more, sipping on their beer and enjoying each other's company. They made out in a threesome. It was working out good. They were satisfied with each other and didn't need anybody else. They agreed they would keep working out at Bob and Graham's during the week, and then get together at somebodies house on the weekend.

Just feeling each others bodies touching and their kissing and hugging was enough to get them hard. They were really attracted to each other and would have to thank Bob and Graham for getting them all together.

They soon got into a threeway suck fest. With two double loungers together, it gave them plenty of room. And they were trying to hold back, so they could all cum at the same time. They managed to get close with Zane shooting first, followed by Vinton and Urban.

They all agreed they were getting tired and went back to Urban's bedroom and then crawled into bed, with Urban in the middle. Since he had brought them all together, they thought he should be in the middle and get most of the attention. He didn't disagree with that at all. Soon they were kissing and hugging and feeling each other all over. They were so hungry for each other. They were all getting something they missed, but desired.

They got into one last circle and suck jerk. It took them all awhile to cum. But they managed another load and were sated and drained. They collapsed back on the bed with arms and legs intertwined. That was the way they fell asleep.

Bob woke up before Graham. He needed to relieve his bladder and carefully crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He didn't want to wake Graham. He took a long piss and felt much better. However, his morning woody hadn't went down. He walked back to the bed and Graham was stirring. "Good morning babe. Did you get a good sleep?"

"I slept like a baby. This bed is more comfortable than that hospital bed. Especially with you here sleeping with me."

"Do you want breakfast first and then work out, or work out first and then breakfast?"

"Let's workout first and then have breakfast."

Bob was glad to hear that Graham was anxious to work out. They crawled out of bed and made their way slowly down to the lockerroom. They were still waking up and rubbing the sleepies out of their eyes.

They put on their jocks and walked over to the treadmills. Graham set his a little faster and had no problem keeping up with the pace. He set the treadmill this time for four miles. Bob had his treadmill set for a light run which helped him warm up fast. He was warmed up before Graham and started his work out with the free weights. Graham finished his four miles and walked over to the other weight bench and strapped on more weight on his legs. He started doing his leg lifts while Bob kept lifting. Soon Graham finished his legs lifts or as many as he was going to do and did a little work out with the weights. He could feel himself getting stronger and Bob noticed it too. His abs were starting to get defined again and his arms were almost back to their muscular self. They finished working out, or as much as they were doing to do. They were sweating and walked into the shower. They washed each other and then took turns fucking each other. They rinsed off their sex and dried each other off. They put their jocks back in their lockers and walked upstairs to get breakfast ready.

Graham helped Bob so breakfast didn't take very long to be ready. They ate at the breakfast nook where they could look outside. It looked like another nice day. They didn't see much from the window. The garage and parking area and that was about it. They talked again about Graham starting work on Monday. Bob asked Graham what he wanted to do today. Graham said he wanted to get out and maybe they could go for a drive and then end up at the mall for lunch. Bob understood what Graham was saying. If he had been cooped up as long in the house as Graham, he would want to get out too.

They finished their breakfast, just taking their time and talked some more. Bob asked Graham when he wanted to start looking for a new car. Graham told him probably by the end of the coming week. He wanted to get back into his routine at work and meet the new employees and have a regular Monday staff meeting. What he didn't know was that Preston had a welcome back party planned for Graham. The ladies were taking care of everything. The decorating, snacks and cake. Preston wanted to surprise Graham.

They made their way upstairs and decided to just wear some dressy shorts and a nice pull over with deck shoes. They laid their clothes out on the bed. Soon they were kissing and hugging each other. They were making up for lost time. They started making out, and soon ended up on the bed. They were kissing and feeling each other all over. They were panting and enjoying the touch of their partner. They soon found themselves in a sixty nine and deep throated each other to mind blowing orgasms. They didn't leave a mess and milked out the last drops of cum from each other's cocks. They just laid there for a little while fondling and playing with each other's balls and rubbing and squeezing their nips.

They decided they had relaxed long enough and got dressed. They walked into the garage and got into Bob's SUV. He used the remote to open the garage door and had his visor programmed to the gate and pressed the button on the visor and the gate opened. He closed the garage door with the remote and soon as they cleared the gate he pressed the button and the gate closed.

Bob had no idea where to drive. He ended up on highway six that connected to highway eight that went to Milo's, The Bigger One and the In and Out Bar. There were many side roads off of highway eight and he thought he would check some of them out and see what they could find.

Bob told Graham about checking some of the side roads that were paved and Graham liked that. He said he had no idea what was down any of those side roads.

They felt like a couple of young kids exploring and seeing what they would find. Bob didn't have to drive far until he found a side road that was paved. He drove down it, but it came to a dead end. There was just woods on each side of the road and nothing interesting to see. He drove about a mile found another paved side road and drove down. This one went for awhile winding around and ended up at a little lake with a clearing and it looked like someone had made a fire pit. They got out and walked around. The lake wasn't big but it was private. Something they would have to remember. They walked around part of the lake and there was a nice sandy beach area. That was where the fire pit was located. Bob felt the water and it wasn't really cold. Most of the lakes in the area were spring feed, so the water was usually cold. They wished they would have brought a couple of towels, they would have tried out the water. They would the next time and would keep this place in the back of their mind.

They walked back to the SUV and got in and Bob drove them to the Mall. They both had taken pictures of the lake and the area on their cell phones so they wouldn't forget about it and remember where it was located.

They arrived at the Mall and it looked busy. The parking lot was pretty full of cars. They walked in through the main entrance. And it was busy. "Nobody must be working today as busy as the Mall is," Bob told Graham. Graham agreed with Bob. The Mall had three floors. Graham wanted to get the walking exercise so they started on the first floor and walked around and then took the stairs to the second floor and did the same. The food court was on the third floor and they went up the stairs to the third floor. They decided to walk around the third floor and then end at the food court and get something to eat. They both liked the Chinese place and thought they would order from the buffet. They walked around the third floor and ended at the food court. They had to wait in line to serve themselves from the buffet. Soon they made it to the buffet. Bob couldn't believe how Graham managed to get so much food on his plate. Bob ate modestly, but Graham went back for seconds and then they stopped at an ice cream shop and Graham ordered an extra large chocolate sundae. Bob just shook his head.

They finished their food and Graham asked Bob if they could go by the housing site. He wanted to see how their were doing on his house and if it was close to being finished.

Rashona and Tyrell woke up. Tyrell had a big morning hardon he needed to get rid of and he knew how he was going to do that. He pulled Rashona up tight to him with her back to him. He was kissing her neck and ears. Something he knew she liked and it always got her horny. He pressed his big hardon up tight to the crease in her panties where her ass cheeks came together. She pressed back against him and he knew that was his cue to pull her panties down, which he easily did. His cock was so wet and ready for her hot tight pussy. He entered her from the back side. His big cock easily found her pussy and he started thrusting in. Rashona gave out a moan and pushed back on Tyrell taking all of his big cock. Tyrell kept holding her tight to him as he kept thrusting in and out. He felt his big balls tightening and he soon was flooding her pussy with a big morning load. She turned and gave Tyrell a kiss and told him how much she loved him. Tyrell smiled at his wife and told her how hot and sexy she was.

They eventually got out of bed and Rashona told Tyrell to shower while she got breakfast ready. Tyrell was hoping they would shower together like they usually did, but it wasn't happening this morning. He moved his lazy ass into the shower and took a long hot steamy shower. The water felt good running down his big body. He helped to finish waking him up. He finished his shower and dried off, walking out to the kitchen with just a towel wrapped around him. You could easily see the outline of his big cock through the towel.

They ate breakfast together and Rashona asked Tyrell if they could go to the housing site this morning and see if their house ready to move into. The housing boss had told them the house would probably be ready today. If not, for sure tomorrow.

They were anxious to get out of the small apartment and move into a big house. A really big house with a pool and jacuzzi and a tropical backyard.

They finished eating breakfast together. They couldn't stop smiling and touching each other. They were truly in love. Rashona asked Tyrell if he would clean off the table and clean the kithen while she showered. He told her to go ahead and take her shower while he took care of the kitchen and table.

Rashona gave Tyrell a long hot kiss and walked into the bedroom and stripped down to take her shower. She also took a long hot steamy shower. The water felt good running down her body. However she missed Tyrell showering with her. She would make that up to him later. She was thinking about the new house while she showered. She knew they would need a housekeeper with both of them working and many times coming home tired after long days of work and not feeling like cooking. She remembered Tyrell mentioning something about Preston having connections for a housekeeper if they were interested.

One of the benefits of their move to this small town, was that she got a sizeable raise and was making almost twice the amount she had been making before. And Tyrell's job was providing them a new house rent free and he also was making more money than his previous job. They were doing quite well and would need to have an Open House once they moved into their new house and got settled in.

Rashona finished her shower and dried off. She checked her part of the closet and found something suitable to wear. She was going to wear a full length jumper. It showed off her sexy body to a "t." She knew Tyrell would like it. He always liked when she wore something sexy. Tyrell was always sexy to her. It didn't matter what he wore. She finished getting dressed when Tyrell walked into their tiny bedroom.

"Baby, your looking more sexy than ever."

"Ty, you always give me compliments."

"I'm just telling the truth." Tyrell started getting dressed too. He was wearing some new jeans and a nice pull over that had to stretch over his broad muscular chest and put some loafers on and no socks.

Rashona finished with her hair and makeup and asked Tyrell if he was ready to leave. He told her, "let's go and see if our new house is ready."

They left their apartment and Tyrell drove them over to the housing site.

As they got close to the house they noticed a big SUV parked in the front of the house. They didn't know who owned that SUV. They got out of their car and walked up to the house. They could hear talking inside and workers. They walked inside and Tyrell saw Bob and Graham walking around. He took Rashona over to introduce her to Bob and especially Graham. Bob and Graham were busy talking with the housing boss and didn't notice Tyrell and Rashona approach. Bob turned and saw Tyrell with his wife. "Hello Tyrell and Rashona. I didn't hear you. We were so busy talking with the housing boss you kind of snuck up on us." Bob got Graham's attention and introduced him to Tyrell and Rashona.

He just stared and Tyrell and Rashona were getting a little self-conscious. "Is everything ok Graham," asked Tyrell.

"Yes, sorry for staring but your wife is beautiful Tyrell. You two look like you should be on covers of magazines."

"Thank you," said Rashona blushing a little. "We've been told that before."

"Bob and I were talking to the housing boss. He told us they should finish late today. And you'll be able to move in tomorrow. I hope you like the house and was glad I could rent it out to the mill. Your going to be great first tenants of the house and I hope you live here a long time."

Both Tyrell and Rashona thanked Graham and told him they had no plans of moving. This house was magnificient and more than they expected. It was like a dream come true. Everything fell into place so fast, and they couldn't be happier.

They all walked around and Graham pointed out the last things the housing crew was finishing. They walked out onto the patio and saw Zane and his crew working. Graham told them that Zane was behind in his work. He had had delays in receiving his supplies and it set him back. Zane and his crew were working long hours trying to get back on schedule. But at this time he wasn't sure when the backyard lanscaping, pool waterfall ponds firepit would be finished. They told Graham that wasn't a problem. They could live with them working in the yard. They were just glad to be able to move in tomorrow.

They all saw what they wanted to see and Bob and Graham asked Tyrell and Rashona if they had any plans for lunch. They said no. Let me make a call and I'll see if we can get into one of my favorite restaurants. Bob called Milo's and they told Bob they always had room for him and his guests. It would be on the house as they had promised and Bob told them their would be four people in total and they would be their in about thirty to forty minutes, depending on traffic.

Bob told them everything was set and if Tyrell and Rashona wanted to follow him they would drive to the restaurant.

Preston and Holden woke up almost at the same time. They had slept well after many hours of sex last night. They were ready to go at it again. They kissed and hugged and told each other good morning and how much they loved each other. They were both sporting morning hardons and they were rubbing and grinding them together. While they rolled around on the bed kissing and feeling each other all over. They were both getting really worked up and horny for each other. Holden got down between Preston's legs and sucked and licked on Preston's big balls. He could only suck on one at a time. They felt big and full in his mouth. He then started deep throating Preston, he was getting close to taking all of Preston's cock down his throat. A little more practice and he would soon have it all down his throat. Preston managed to reach back with his long arms and long thick fingers and finger Holden's hole getting him stretched and ready for his cock. He lifted Holden up and guided his ass over the top of his cock. He let Holden take over. Holden slowly slid his ass down on Preston's cock until he felt Preston's balls pressed against his ass cheeks. Holden was facing Preston as he started riding his big cock. Preston's cock was so big and thick that it easily rubbed against Holden's prostate as he rode Preston's cock. Holden's big cock was sticking straight out and Preston took it all in his mouth and throat and played with Holden's balls. Holden was going crazy on Preston's cock. And with Preston sucking him and playing with his balls he could feel his cum building and he was getting closer and closer to cumming. Preston could tell Holden was getting close and he started helping Holden go faster up and down on his cock. Holden gasped and grunted and shot down Preston's throat. When Holden came he constricted his ass muscles and that was all Preston needed to cum. And he soon was filling Holden's hot hole with his big morning load. They collapsed back on the bed on top of each other until their breathing returned to normal.

They got out of bed and walked into the bathroom together to take a shower. They got under the water and washed each other. By the time they finished showering they were both semi hard again. But they were going to hold off on any more sex for a little while. They were hungry and needed some nourishment.

They walked out of their bedroom naked. Which they could do when the housekeeper wasn't working. Preston told Holden to go ahead to the kitchen, he wanted to check on Mark and see if Irving was moving in today.

Holden walked down to the kitchen. Preston knocked on Mark's bedroom door. "Hey bro are you up?"

Soon the door opened and he saw Mark naked and he looked like he had been awake for awhile. "What's up bro?"

"Was just checking to see if Irving was moving in today?"

"Yeah he is this afternoon. We've already been talking on the phone and have everyting arranged. I'm going to drive over to his place and help him finish loading his trailer. Then he'll follow me back to the house and we will start unloading the trailer."

"If you need any help, let me know. Holden and I would be glad to help with the move and unloading. With four of us, it should go fast."

"Right now I don't know how much stuff Irving has to move. But if it looks like it's a lot, I might give you a call. You and Holden planning to stay here in the house today?"

"As far as I know. We haven't made any plans. If we do, it's a last minute thing. If your not back and we decide to go somewhere, I'll let you know. And be sure to let me know as soon as you can if you want our help with the move."

"Ok. Thanks bro and thank Holden. I need to get ready now to go over to Irvings and I'll be sure to let you know if we need more help."

Preston walked downstairs to the kitchen and he could smell breakfast being prepared. The coffee was a welcome smell. He walked into the kitchen and put his arms around Holden and kissed him on the neck and whispered how much he loved him. Holden told him that breakfast was almost ready and where did he want to eat. Preston told Holden he'd like to eat out on the patio.

They worked together and soon had the patio table ready for breakfast. They dug in and Preston told Holden about his talk with Mark. Holden told Preston that he didn't think they had anything planned for today. So maybe it would be good to stay at the house in case they needed help moving. Preston agreed with Holden and told them him they could find plenty of things to do to occupy their time. They smiled at each other when Preston said that.

They finished breakfast and had left some extra breakfast in the kitchen for Mark if he was hungry.

They went out on the patio and lounged down by the pool. Preston decided to keep his cell phone handy in case Mark called and they needed some extra help with moving Irving.

Mark finished getting ready to go to help Irving. He could smell breakfast and his stomach was growling. He better eat something quick and then go over to Irving's place. He went downstairs and saw some breakfast staying warm on the stove. He fixed himself a plate and woofed it down. He was hungrier than he thought he was. The breakfast hit the spot. He drank a quick cup of coffee with breakfast. Put his dishes in the dishwasher and put the food away. He saw Preston and Holden down by the pool. He hollered out the glass doors to the patio that he was leaving and thanks for the breakfast. They waved to him.

Mark walked into the garage and was soon on his way to Irving's place. He was hoping there wasn't a whole lot to do to finish packing. He parked in one of the visitor spots and walked up to Irving's apartment. He knocked on the door and Irving answered and pulled Mark into his apartment. They kissed and hugged. Mark said they would have plenty of time to make out once he got moved. He asked Irving what was left to be packed. Irving showed Mark and where he had the shipping boxes. They finished packing the rest of things in about an hour. But Mark thought it would be nice to have Preston and Holden help them unload the trailer. That would save a lot of time. It was a small trailer, but it sure could hold a lot of stuff. He wondered how Irving managed to get so many boxes into that trailer and still have room for more.

We finished loading the trailer and Irving had squared away everything with his landlord. It looked like we were finally ready for the move. I drove behind Irving, just in case he had any problems with the trailer. We went slow and then I took the lead so that the guard would let us in when we reached the house. We arrived at the gate and the guard recognized me and opened the gate and let us in. I drove ahead so Irving could back in to the garage. Once he was situated I drove back and parked in front of the garage.

We opened the trailer and I went inside to see if Preston and Holden still wanted to help us. I got Preston's attention and told him we had just arrived, and that we would appreciate help unloading the trailer. Preston told me they would be out in just a minute. They needed to put some shorts and shoes on.

Irving and I opened the back of the trailer and a couple of boxes were ready to fall out. We took them out first. I saw Preston and Holden come out of the house and they walked over. We told them we were putting everything in Irving's bedroom. So we started unloaded the trailer. We were able to stack two boxes and with four of us doing the move. It went pretty fast. In less than an hour we had all the boxes in Irving's bedroom. Now the big job of unpacking. We thanked Preston and Holden for their help. I told Preston I was going with Irving to take the trailer back.

We closed the trailer and took off for the place to return it. We talked as we took the trailer back and decided to buy a couple of cases of beer for Preston and Holden's help. We dropped off the trailer and Irving paid the fee, which didn't seem like much, but I guess using he trailer in town and not a long distance they didn't charge much. We stopped by one of the liquor stores on our way back to the house and bought a couple of cases of beer.

We pulled into the gate and I told the guard that Irving would be living at our house. The guard took down the information he needed and said now that Irving was registered, they would know his vehicle and to open the gate for him. We pulled up in front of the garage and we each took a case of beer into the house. Preston and Holden were naked again and we filled the frig and then walked out to the patio frig and filled that. We still had half a case of beer left. Preston told us to leave the half case in the patio kitchen area and he would fill a cooler later with the remainder. Both Preston and Holden thanked us for buying the beer, but told us it wasn't necessary.

Now we had the awesome task of unpacking. We both stripped down and put jocks on. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed us a couple of cold beers. I was glad Irving had all the boxes labeled so we knew what was inside of each one. Irving wanted to start with his clothes first and get them all put away. That was about half the boxes. He sure had a lot of clothes. I helped hanging clothes in the closet while he put other clothes in the dresser drawers. We kept on and it was already getting close to lunch time.

We walked out and put our empties away and grabbed a couple more and joined Preston and Holden out by the pool. They were naked and we were in our jocks. They were drinking beer and they were glad that we joined them. They asked us how the unpacking was going and we told them we were about half done and were ready for a break.

They asked us what we wanted to do for lunch. We told them we wanted to stay here at the house and try to finish the unpacking this afternoon. Preston said how about a barbeque. We can grill some hamburgers and hot dogs. There is still some left over salad in the frig potato salad and baked beans. That should be enough for all of us. Preston and Holden told us to relax and they would get lunch ready.

While Preston and Holden were busy getting lunch ready. Preston started talking to Holden about having an Open House next weekend. They talked about who they wanted to invite, but weren't sure yet about any entertainment. Maybe hire a DJ and have music. They told each other they would think about it more and see what they could come up with for entertainment, a DJ sounded pretty good to both of them.

The heap of bodies woke up. Their arms and legs were entangled and it was hard to tell who was who. Finally they tried getting apart. Reggie was able to move an arm and leg. Jennifer was also able to free an arm and leg and soon Jarvis and Deb were getting a little untangled. Finally they were all separated. Surprisingly they felt like they got a good sleep. They got up from the bed. The girls said they were going to shower together in the other bathroom. They guys got up and they wandered into the shower in the master bedroom. They heard the water running in the shower in the other bathroom. Reggie and Jarvis walked into the shower and got the water to a comfortable temperature. They started washing each other while they kissed under the water. It didn't take long washing and feeling each other's bodies for them to get hard. Their cocks were swinging and hitting back and forth. They were going to take their horniness back to the bed when they finished their shower. They dried each other off and laid their towels on the bed and started getting into some hot foreplay. They couldn't stop feeling each other's cocks and balls. They were getting so hot for each other they moved around into a sixty nine. They could deep throat each other's cocks and they were positioned so it was easy to finger their holes. They found each other's prostates and that made them even hornier. They were sucking each other like it was their last meal. They could feel themselves getting closer and closer. They heard their wives moaning and hollering in the other shower and that was all they needed to drive them over the edge. They were soon pumping out big loads. They both had to swallow a couple of times to take their big loads. The sucked and worked their throat muscles to milk out the last drops of cum. They kissed when they finished and laid facing each other.

Their wives came out of the other bedroom and joined them on the bed. They were all sexually satisfied. The king sized bed easily fit all of them. Their wives were busy rubbing their pussies together and sucking on each other's nipples. The guys liked watching them having sex. It was a real turn on for them. Reggie and Jarvis hugged each other and kissed while they watched their wives.

Quinton and Reeve woke up late. They were tired after having sex almost all night. They were going to eat some breakfast first and then drive over to the housing site and see if the crew had started on their house yet. They were at Quinton's apartment which was a little bigger than Reeve's. They worked together and soon had their breakfast ready. They gobbled their breakfast down. They were hungry after all their sex. They cleaned the kichen and put everything away. They walked into the shower and started washing each other. The feel of the other person's hands on their body gave them instant erections. They kissed and hugged under the shower, letting their hardons hit and rub and grind together. They couldn't control themselves and soon were jerking each other off under the water. They cupped each other's balls so they wouldn't bounce around and hurt. It only took them a couple of minutes until they were shooting out hitting the shower wall and watching their cum run down the drain. They kissed again and sucked off the last drops of cum on their cocks. Dried off and got dressed. Reeve said it was his turn to drive today to the housing site. They left Quinton's apartment, got into Reeve's car and off they went to the housing site.

Quinton didn't live too far from the housing site. So it didn't take Reeve long to get their. The guard recognized Reeve's car and let them in. They drove to the end of the street and were greeted by a pleasant sight. The outside walls were up. They were putting siding on the outside. Another crew was putting on the roof. They parked and got out. This house was going to be big. The walked into the house and another crew was busy inside. Putting up walls that would divide rooms. Also a mason was busy installing a double fireplace. The fireplace would be a divider between the dining room and the living room. It looked like it was going to be huge. They saw the housing boss and they talked for a bit. He told them they already had a good start on the house. He told them this house was a bit bigger than the other ones so it would take them a little longer to finish. Also, there were many extras in this house that weren't included in the other houses and that would also take time. They told him they were happy that they had started on the house and would be back everyday to check on the progress. They shook hands and left the housing site.

They got in the car and were shaking. They were so happy. Quinton asked Reeve what he wanted to do for lunch. He said, let's go to the diner. We haven't eaten their in a long time. So Reeve drove back and parked in front of the diner. It didn't look like it was too busy. They walked in and sat at Bob's favorite table. They didn't know it was his favorite table, but the big window let them look out and see what was going on.

While Bob was driving him and Graham to the restaurant. Graham received a call on his cell phone. The call was from his father. "Hi dad, what a surprise. I wasn't expecting you to call."

"I needed to hear my son's voice and make sure everything is ok and that your therapy and recovery is coming along fine."

"My therapy finished last Friday. Monday I'll be returning to work. When will you and mom have a chance to visit?"

"We're hoping soon. Your mom is getting over a cold. So once she's feeling better, I'll give you a call let you know when we will be coming. I'm glad to hear your finished with therapy. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great. And better now that you called."

"Thanks. I appreciate hearing that. After the way I treated you. I wasn't sure if you would want to talk."

"We got that all worked out when you were hear. That's water under the bridge now. I'm just glad that your a part of my life again."

"Your mom and is coughing and needs to take some medicine. I better attend to her. Sure good to hear your voice Graham. And I'm so happy your doing well."

"Thanks dad. Good to hear from you too. Tell mom to get well soon so that you two can visit."

"That sounded like a pleasant call," said Bob.

"It was. Dad and mom want to come down and visit again. Mom has a cold she trying to get rid of. Once she's felling better they will be visiting."

They were close to Milo's and they could see the lit sign by the highway. They pulled into the parking lot and Tyrell pulled in next to them.

They all walked in and Martin had the door open for them and took them back to a private dining room. Tyrell and Rashona were impressed. This was the first time they had been to Milo's Supper Club. The private dining room was very elegantly decorated and their waiter came and asked them if they would like something to drink before dinner. The guys all ordered scotch and water on the rocks. Rashona ordered a glass of red house wine, chilled.

The waiter brought out a large tray filled with a variety of different seafood. Some small plates for serving ourselves. Dipping butter and tartar sauce. We ordered another scotch and water and Rashona had another glass of wine. The food was superb. It tasted better every time I was here. Both Tyrell and Rashona enjoyed dinner very much. We finished our meal. Of course Graham and Tyrell loaded their little plate at least three times until the large tray was empty. Rashona and I just smiled at each other watching them put away the food. Both Graham and Tyrell had dessert.

The waiter came out and asked us how dinner was. We told him it was excellent and our compliments to the chef. I told the waiter that Tyrell and Rashona were good friends of mine and anytime they came to eat, I expected them to get the same treatment that I do. The waiter said he would make a note and be sure they got excellent service. We got up to leave and Tyrell stopped me. He told me he would help with the bill. I told know there was no bill. All my meals here are on the house. And then I explained to Tyrell and Rashona about the hotel. Graham looked a little miffed, but it was his decision not to be a co-owner anymore.

We then left the restaurant and Tyrell went to their apartment while Graham and I went back to the house.

Bob and Graham got in the house and Bob told Graham he wanted to talk to him in the living room. He grabbed them each a beer from the kitchen frig and walked to the living room. Bob didn't sit close to Graham. He sat in a side chair that faced the couch. "Graham I saw your look when I told Tyrell that the meals were on the house for me at Milo's. Remember it was your decision not to be a co-owner anymore."

"I know Bob. It just bothers me that they would drop me like I didn't even exist."

"I know. But again, it was your decision and their is no reason why they should pay for your meals when you have no connection to the hotel."

"I guess your right. It will still bother me for awhile and then I'll get over it."

"Good. I don't want Tyrell and Rashona feeling uncomfortable around you."

"Do you think they do? I didn't even think about that."

"I don't know. But Tyrell gave me and you kind of a funny look."

"Let's drink our beer and talk about something else and forget about it."

They drank their beer in silence. Graham was feeling bad about his reaction at the restaurant. He told Bob he was going up to the sunroom and would like to be their by himself. He needed to do some thinking alone.

Bob said, "fine. If you want to talk or be with me. I'll be out on the patio."

They each went their separate ways. Graham stripped off all his clothes and then walked up to the sunroom. He liked being naked in the sunroom. It felt like he was naked outside. He really did need to think about a few things. Graham was wondering if he had made the right decisions about a private bank account. Dropping being a co-owner of the hotel and the benefits. He still had tomorrow to do some more thinking about what he wanted to do. He was wondering if he should see if he could be a co-owner again of the hotel with Bob. And change back to a joint account with Bob.

Bob was upset with Graham. But knew he needed his own space and some time to think. Bob had stripped off his clothes in the living room and was sitting out on a lounger drinking another beer. For some reason he felt a little tired and dozed off.

Finally Graham got up and walked downstairs. He saw Bob sitting outside on a lounger and he walked out and sat by him. He put his hand on Bob's and Bob stirred and was a little startled. "Did you have time to do some thinking?"

"Yes I did. I realized how stupid I acted and was thinking if I made the right decisions about my own private bank account and not be a co-owner of the hotel and not having a joint bank account with you."

"Those were your decisions Graham. I didn't force you to do anything. You did all that on your own."

"However, if you change your mind and want to change some of your accounts. We need to have a long serious talk before you do anything."

Graham agreed and told Bob he wouldn't do anything until they talked first. Right now he was still undecided.

Bob was really pissed at Graham. He thought they had put all that behind them. Now Graham was spilling it out again. Bob told Graham it would be better if they slept in different bedrooms until Graham could sort out what he wanted to do. Bob was fuming, but he controlled himself enough to be polite to Graham. He wasn't sure were this was going to go.

Mark and Irving were finally on the last box. It had taken them most of the afternoon and four beers each to get finished. The last boxes were keepsakes and memorabilia. Some trophies and awards when Irving played sports. A lot of photos and photo albums. Some toys from when he was growing up. Mark thought it was just a collection of junk, but he didn't tell Irving that. Obviously, these things meant a lot to Irving.

They stripped off their jocks and kissed and hugged and Irving thanked Mark for all his help. They thought they needed a dip in the pool to get cooled off and relax after unpacking all afternoon.

They walked down to the pool and Preston and Holden were busy together in a double recliner. Mark coughed and got their attention. They separated for a bit and Preston asked, "did you guys get finished unpacking?'

"Everything is done and, we were ready for a dip in the pool, if we aren't interrupting something?"

"Your not interrupting anything. Holden and me were just enjoying each other. Like I'm sure you guys are ready to do."

That brought a blush to Irving and Mark's face, but they couldn't deny what Preston said and told him, they were going to swim for a bit and then enjoy each other.

Preston said, "the more the merrier."

Mark and Irving dove into the pool and started horsing around like young kids. They were splashing each other and dunking each other. They finally had enough of the pool and told Preston and Holden they were going to over to the waterfall and firepit and relax. They asked Preston and Holden if they wanted a beer before they walked over there. They said sure and Irving ran up to the patio frig and brought four beers down. He handed a beer to Holden and Preston and they took the other two with them and walked over to the waterfall and firepit area. There was a pergola there so they sat on a double lounger under the pergola.

Tyrell and Rashona really enjoyed their meal at Milo's and were definitely going to be back for another superb meal. Tyrell wondered if he had opened a can of worms when he mentioned to Bob that he would help pay for the meal. Graham seemed to be shooting daggers at Bob. Rashona told Tyrell that it was probably nothing and it was something they needed to work out. Tyrell agreed with his wife and they started going through their things and packing more to be ready to move tomorrow. They had a rental truck parked outside and Tyrell managed to have it half full of their things. Tyrell moved all the boxes and furniture from Rashonas trailer into the truck and now it it over half full. It was a lot of work doing it by himself. But he didn't want to bother anybody and didn't really know anybody well enough to bother them to help move. He went back inside and Rashona had a couple more boxes packed. They didn't have much left now to pack. The interior decorator was already busy in the house. She would take care of the furniture curtains and other household necessities that she and Rashona had discussed. The mill was paying for all this, since it would become permanent features of the house. They still couldn't believe they were moving into a new house tomorrow. They were excited. They cuddled up on the couch and watched tv. Tyrell was drinking a beer and Rashona had a glass of wine. They were still full after their big dinner.

Rashona always felt good when she was cuddled up to Tyrell. He was so big and strong. He was her protector. She felt safe in his arms and knew nothing could happen when they were together. She felt good in this town. It was very welcoming and they hadn't heard any racial comments or anything negative against them. Bob and Graham had been very hospitable, especially Graham, renting his house to the mill. They couldn't thank Graham enough. They were very excited about moving in tomorrow.

They watched their movie to the end and were physically tired but not mentally tired. All they could think about was their new house. It would be a restless sleep tonight. Tyrell turned off the tv. He picked his wife up and carried her to the bedroom. They both stripped down naked and crawled into bed for the last time in the apartment. Tyrell cuddled up against her and it felt so good. She loved everything about Tyrell. They soon fell asleep.

Irving told Mark he thought he heard Preston and Holden talking about an Open House and were wondering what kind of entertainment they could have. Irving and Marked looked at each other and started smiling. I have a good idea for entertainment. I'll call my stripper buddies and see if we can get something together for next Saturday. Irving said he had their phone numbers too. They talked for awhile and decided to call the guys when they went inside.

They started making out on their double lounger. After watching Preston and Holden they were pretty worked up. They were kissing and hugging and touching each other all over. Their big boners were sticking straight up. Irving got between Mark's legs and sucked on his balls lifting his legs and licking around his hot hole. They hadn't done a lot of fucking, but when they did they really got into it. Irving was licking over Mark's hole. Then nibbling on his ass cheeks. Mark was thrashing his head back and forth it felt so good. They had come a long way from just jerking each other off. Irving spit on his cock and slicked it up. Then eased into Mark's waiting hole. His hole easily took Irving's cock. You could hear sucking sounds as Mark's hole pulled on Irving's cock. Irving got a good rhythm going and was thrusting in and out of Mark's hole and started sucking on his cock and pulling out his precum. Mark felt his balls pull up tight and knew he would shoot soon. He started sucking Marks's cock faster trying to have Mark cum with him. Irving soon grunted and moaned and filled Mark's hole with a nice sized load. Mark rewarded Irving with a big load of his own. They both felt satisfied and relaxed for awhile enjoying the backyard.

They eventually got up and walked into the house. They didn't see Preston and Holden so they figured they were in the house too. They went to Mark's bedroom and Mark called his stripper buddies. "Hey Mark, good to hear from you. What's up buddy?"

"I need a big favor. My cousin/brother Preston is having an Open House and he was wondering what he could do for entertainment. I thought maybe we could give him a show to whoever he invites."

"That's a good idea. Let me get ahold of the other guys and I'll get back to you. When is this Open House scheduled?"

"It's next Saturday, starting at noon until whenever."

"That should give me plenty of time to get ahold of the other guys and see if we can all get together next Saturday. Like I said, I'll get back to you as soon as I know something."

"Great buddy. Look forward to hearing from you."

Irving asked Mark how the call went. "My buddy said he would get ahold of the other guys and then get back to me."

Since they were in Mark's room. Irving thought he'd spend the night with Mark. They laid on the bed with their head's propped up so they could watch tv. Irving went out and came back with a couple of beers for them. They watched a good sports game until it finished. They were getting tired, but not too tired for each other. Irving soon found himself getting fucked my Mark. He loved how Mark could fill his hole and hit all the right spots. His big nine incher was thick and it stretched Irving's hole. Irving didn't mind at all. He loved Mark and would do anything for him. Irving was pushing back on Mark and felt Mark going faster and faster as he got closer. Soon Mark was filling his hole with a big load. When Mark pulled out he could see cum leaking out of his hole. Soon he felt a nice warm sensation and saw Mark licking his cum off his ass and around his hole where it had leaked out. They kissed and Irving tasted Mark's cum. They cuddled up together and fell asleep.

Bob went to his master bedroom and heard Graham in the adjoining master bedroom. Graham had the tv on and was watching a good college football game. He wasn't interested in the game like he usually was. He was trying to decide what he wanted to do. He didn't know if he should pack his things and move out. Or try talking to Bob and see what their relationship was like. He knew he shouldn't have said what he did at the restaurant, but at the same time, he thought Bob overreacted. The more he thought about it the more he decided he should move out. He knew Tyrell and Rashona were movingtomorrow into his new house. So that would make the apartment available. He still had the landlords phone number on his phone. It was getting late now. He could call him tomorrow morning and see if the apartment was available for him. Then he would call Preston and see if he could help him move, since he didn't have any transportation. The more he thought about it, the better that sounded to him. He couldn't take Bob's overreaction anymore. His game finished and he checked the bedroom. His suitcases were there. That's all he needed. The apartment was furnished so he didn't need to buy furniture. Maybe he could get Preston to drive him to the supermarket so he could stock up on food. That was definitely what he wanted to do.

Bob was also watching the same game that Graham was watching. He was wondering what Graham was going to do. This was already their second argument in a short period of time. Maybe they weren't really meant to be together. He didn't believe that, but he couldn't think of any other reason for their arguments. He would have a good talk with Graham tomorrow after he got home from church and see where they stood. The game finished and he went to sleep.

Reggie Jarvis Deb and Jennifer were having a good weekend. The sex was flowing freely. Once Jarvis and Jennifer had arrived last night, they had all stayed naked. It was one big free for all. If you decided you wanted to have sex with someone you did. If you wanted a threeway you did. If you wanted to be by yourself you could. The weekend couldn't be any better. There had been so much sex they were getting tired and Deb and Jennifer went off to the adjoining bedroom, while Reggie and Jarvis stayed in the master bedroom. Their wasn't anymore sex. They were all sexed out till tomorrow. They all went to sleep as soon as they hit the bed.

Sunday morning arrived for Bob with his alarm going off. He wanted to go to the early service and get back home early to talk to Graham. He showered dressed and fixed himself a quick breakfast of toast and juice. He got in his SUV and took off for church. He didn't leave a note for Graham. He still didn't like what had happened yesterday and he thought going to church would help him calm down.

Graham woke up and walked into the bathroom to take a good morning piss. His bladder must have been full. He pissed for a good two minutes. He splashed a little water on his face and went downstairs to see if breakfast was ready. He noticed Bob's bedroom door was open. But Bob wasn't in his bedroom. Oh well, he's probably downstairs making breakfast. He walked downstairs and saw that Bob had already eaten breakfast. He opened the kitchen door to the garage and saw that Bob's SUV was gone. He must have went to church. That's good, that will give me time to eat some breakfast, and call the landlord and Preston. And still give me time to get everything packed, which is only clothes and won't take that long.

Graham fixed himself a good breakfast. Cleaned and put everything away. Walked back upstairs to the other master bedroom. Laid on the bed and called the landlord. "Hello, how may I help you."

"Hello, this is Graham. I had rented your two bedroom apartment awhile back and I was wondering if it was available?"

"I remember you Graham. It's your lucky day. The tenants are already moving out and it's available."

"Great. Can you hold it for me. I'll be by later this morning to pay rent and move in."

"Sure Graham. You were a good tenant. I can do that for you."

That went well. Now to call Preston and see if he can help me. He then called Preston. "Hi Graham, how you doing? Still doing your therapy and getting back into shape?"

"Yes and no. I need to see if I can ask a big favor."

"Sure Graham. Ask away?"

"I'm moving out of Bob's house and going back to the apartment that I had rented before. I was wondering if you could help me move and maybe take me grocery shopping?"

"Sure Graham. What happened that your moving out?"

"I'll tell you later. I just want to get packed and out of here. Could you be here in about thirty minutes. I should be packed and ready to go."

"I can do that. I'll probably bring Holden along if that's ok. He's going to want to know what's going on to."

"Sure that's fine. Bring Holden along. I'm going to hang up and start getting packed. See you in about thirty minutes."

Preston looked at Holden. "What's wrong Preston?"

"That was Graham and he's moving out of the house and back to the apartment he was in before. He told me he would tell me what happened after we helped him move. He asked if I could be there in thirty minutes and I told I could and that you would be coming with me."

"We better use your SUV. You have more room than I do in my car."

Graham took a quick shower. Pulled out his suitcases and overnight bag. He got dressed and then started packing. It didn't take him long to clean out the dressers and his walkin closet. He checked everything once more and it looked like he had everything. He went into Bob's bedroom to see if he had anything of his in his bedroom. He checked Bob's bedroom over and it didn't look like anything of his was in Bob's bedroom. He started carrying his suitcases downstairs and then his overnight bag. He wasn't going leave a note or anything for Bob. He was mad at Bob for his overreaction and he didn't want to have anymore contact with him.

Graham sat on a chair in the foyer waiting for Preston.

Soon he heard the gate and saw Preston drive in with his big SUV. He was glad he brought that. Preston and Holden walked in and they hugged and kissed and Graham showed them the suitcases and the overnight bag. Everything fit easily into the back of Preston's SUV and soon they were on the way to the apartment.

They arrived at the apartment and took Graham's suitcases and overnight bag into the apartment. Graham told them about the disagreement he and Bob had. Preston and Holden didn't say anything. They took Graham grocery shopping and then left for their house.

Tyrell and Rashona had already arrived at their new house. Tyrell had backed the truck up to the front door and Rashona had parked her car in front of the garage. They couldn't wait to go inside and look at the final product. The housing boss had told them where the keys to the house would be located and Tyrell had no problem finding them.

Preston happened to be looking outside when he saw a large delivery truck pull up in front of Graham's house. He watched a little longer and saw Tyrell get out of the truck and his wife got out of her car. He thought they must be moving in. Preston hollered over at Holden to come over and take a look. They agreed they'd walk over and see if Tyrell wanted some help getting everything moved in. They went to the bedroom and put some clothes on. Preston knocked on Mark's door and told him and Holden were going over to Graham's house and help Tyrell and his wife get moved in.

They walked over and greeted Tyrell and his wife. Both Preston and Holden asked Tyrell if he would like some help getting moved in. He said sure. He would appreciate the help. They opened the back of the truck while Rashona opened the front doors for them.

Rashona couldn't believe how magnificent everything looked now that it was finished and furnished. It was perfect and just what the interior decorator and her had agreed on. The guys started bringing in boxes and a little furniture and Rashona told them where to put everything. With three big guys unloading the truck, it went pretty fast. In about three hours they were moving in the last boxes. It was going on lunch time and Tyrell said he would order pizza and they could drink beer with that. Rashona said she was going to fix something else for herself. She wasn't a big fan of pizza. The guys went out on the patio with their beer and Tyrell thanked them again for their help. They talked and waited for the pizza to arrive.

Bob arrived at the church and walked in. He didn't see his parents. He was glad. He didn't want to have to explain why Graham wasn't with him. The church was quiet and serene and it gave Bob some time to think. Maybe he did overreact. He and Graham could have a good talk when he got back and get everything worked out.

The service started. Little did Bob know that Graham had packed up and left his house while he was at church. The service was the usual. Nothing that interesting. It finished and the priest thanked Bob for coming to church.

Bob was anxious to get home and talk to Graham and talk to Graham. He knew exactly what he was going to tell Graham and then everything would be ok.

Graham was glad he was able to move out before Bob got home. He thought Bob probably had went to church. So that gave him over an hour to get moved. He was already unpacking and getting his things put away. Tyrell and Rashona had left the apartment clean and neat so he didn't have to do any cleaning. Being busy unpacking took his mind off Bob.

Bob pulled into the garage and walked into the house through the kitchen door. As soon as he entered the house he had a feeling something wasn't right. He wanted to talk to Graham and then he could try to figure out what didn't feel right.

He didn't see Graham in the living and he walked to the sliding doors to the patio and didn't see Graham in the patio. He walked upstairs and stripped down and put a jock on. He went into the adjoining master bedroom and didn't see Graham. That was strange. Graham didn't have a car so how could he have left the house. Something in the bedroom didn't seem right. He checked the dresser drawers and they were empty. He opened the doors to the walkin closet and Graham's clothes were gone as well as his suitcases. It looked like he had moved out while he was gone to church. That answered a lot of questions for Bob.

Bob wasn't upset that Graham moved out. If that was what he wanted to do, fine. However, Graham would never step foot in this house again. If I had overreacted to his comments at the restaurant, how about him moving out and overreacting. Bob looked around the house to see if Graham had left a note. He didn't find anything. So be it.

Bob was wondering how he got transportation to move out. And where he moved to. If he wanted Bob to know he could call him, Bob had no intentions of calling Graham. He might have changed his phone number again anyhow.

Bob grabbed a beer and went out to the patio and relaxed on a lounger. The house was quiet without Graham, but he didn't care. He had lived here by himself for a long time and it would be an easy adjustment.

While he was sipping on his beer his cell phone rang. He was wondering if it ws Graham. It wasn't Graham but I number he vaguely remembered but couldn't put his finger on it. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob, do you remember me?"

The voice sounded familiar, but he still didn't recognize the person. "Your voice sounds familiar, but I can't place you."

"Hey buddy, it's Kendrick, how you doing?"

"I'm fine. How you doing? Have you been back to the Bahamas?"

"I'm doing great and I haven't had time to get back to the Bahamas, would sure like to. I'm going to be in your area and was wondering if it would be ok if I came by your place?"

"Of course Kendrick. Your welcome to stay here if you want to. If you come during the week, I'll be working but I can let the housekeeper know your coming."

"Your a saint Bob. That sounds perfect. I'm going to be in your area on Wednesday through the weekend if that works for you."

"That's great. I've missed you. When did do you think you'd be arriving on Wednesday?"

"I should be landing at the airport around four in the afternoon."

"Ok. I'll talk to Sam and I'll have a hotel shuttle pick you up and bring you to the house. I'll let Margaret know to get a guest bedroom ready for you and to expect you, probably around four thirty or five at the house."

"Thanks Bob for letting me stay at your house. It was good hearing your voice. I have to meet with a client soon, so I better run. Will see you this coming Wednesday."

Wow, Kendrick. I thought he had forgotten about me. I will have some explaining to do why Graham isn't here. But that won't be any problem. It will be nice to have his company.

Bob was thinking about Kendrick and how they at met in the Bahamas when his cell phone rang again. He thought this time it was probably Graham. He looked at his phone and it was Anthony. "Hi Anthony, what a nice surprise. Glad to hear from you."

"Good to hear your voice too. Roland and I are going to be staying at the hotel over the weekend. Actually we are arrving Friday. Late afternoon and then leaving early Monday morning for New York City. I was hoping we could get together for a nice dinner and maybe some special dessert after."

"That's the best offer I've had in a long time. Why don't you and Roland plan on staying here at the house. Kendrick is going to be here and it will give you guys a chance to get reacquainted."

"We don't want to impose on you Bob. But that is a great offer."

"Good, then just plan on staying here at the house. It will give us more time to catch up on what's been happening in your life and Kendrick likes the same things we do, so it would work out perfect."

"Roland was listening in and they both told me they would be glad to stay at the house. They will have their driver bring them to the house when they land at the airport."

"Good, that's settled I can't wait to see you guys."

That would be some more explaing why Graham wasn't here. Oh well, I could handle that. Having the guys here will make it easier for me to adjust being without Graham.

Preston and Holden had left Tyrell and Rashona in their new house after unloading the delivery truck. Tyrell told Rashona he should drive the truck back to the rental place so he didn't have to pay for another day. Rashona said she would follow him in her car and then she could bring them home.

Rashona had the house keys and she locked the house when they left. She followed Tyrell to the rental company. He paid for the time he used the truck and gas. They left and Rashona drove them back to their new house.

Rashona parked in the garage and they walked into the mud room. And then into their house. They wanted to take everything in before they started the big job of unpacking. The covered patio was finished along with a large grilling island with a frig and storage areas. There was a nice sized table with matching chairs that would seat eight people. They had double and single loungers on the patio. The landscaping and pool and related areas were still being working on. They new that Zane was way behind schedule but what they had finished in the yard looked better than they could have imagined. They couldn't wait to see the final product. They walked back into the house. They had a large living room. The kitchen was gourmet with two islands. A double oven and an extra large refrigerator. They didn't know they made refrigerators that size. They had a den and library downstairs. They walked upstairs to the bedrooms. Their master bedroom was huge. It had a sitting area, large screen tv on the wall facing the bed. The bathroom had a jacuzzi tub. The shower area was huge, could easily hold six people. They had double sinks which would be nice in the morning getting ready for work. They checked the other four bedrooms and they were all good size. They walked downstairs to the basement. Rashona had a huge laundry area which she liked a lot. There was a man cave with another large screen tv. A small built in bar. Pool table and pinball machines and foosball. There was another good sized bedroom downstairs with a small kitchen. And a large family room. They couldn't believe all this house was their's. They walked back upstairs and looked at the boxes stacked up and furniture.

"Where do we start baby," asked Tyrell."

"Let's start right here in the kitchen and get that done. And then we can decide where we are going to unpack next."

Tyrell and Rashona took a break for lunch. They went to a famous fast food place that made great sandwiches. They had soup and sandwich with coffee. They finished their lunch and drove home and started unpacking more boxes. Rashona was working in their master bedroom while Tyrell was placing the few furniture pieces they had brought where Rashona had told him she wanted the furniture. They kept busy and soon were getting close to finishing. They could see the end in sight. They thought they could get dressed up and eat dinner at the Italian Restaurant. Tyrell called and made reservations for them. The same waiter they had with Bob and Graham answered the phone and remembered them. He told them he would have a special table ready for them at seven.

Quinton and Reeve had made their daily trip to check on their house. It was coming along. Since it was a bigger house. The progress looked slower even though the crews were getting alot done. They drove back to Reeve's apartment and they fixed dinner together in the kitchen.

Graham got unpacked. It didn't really take him that long. He looked around the apartment to see where he could do some working out. He had a lot of books and could use them for weights. He had some bungee cords and thought he could strap some books to his legs to do leg lifts. He tried that with a few books and it seemed to work out good. He would add more books the next time. As far as his arms and chest. He could lift the books in each hand then bring them together to work his chest and then lift them up to do arm curls. That was working out good. He thought since he lived above the diner. He would eat lunch at the diner.

Bob was still relaxing outside on the patio. He was actually enjoying the quiet. He liked the calls from Kendrick and Anthony. It would be nice to see the guys. He was getting hungry so he walked out to the kitchen and found some leftovers for a sandwich and he made a pot of coffee. He took his sandwiches and coffee out to the patio and relaxed. In a way he was glad Graham was gone. They had been arguing and not getting along for a few days and it was nice to not have to deal with that. Maybe something would happen when the guys came to visit. Something more serious, like a relationship.

The weekend group were having a good time. They had sex whenever they wanted and with whomever they wanted. They spent most of their time by the pool or in the bedrooms. The girls headed out to the kitchen and told the guys there were going to make some lunch. It took them awhile to get lunch ready with all their touching and kissing. But they managed and soon brought everything out to the patio and told the guys lunch was ready. They were having cold cuts and cheese with different breads and crackers. The platter looked really nice. Almost too nice to eat. They guys drank beer with their lunch and the girls sipped on their wine.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for everyone. Tyrell and Rashona had a great meal and excellent service at the Italian Restaurant. They went home and unpacked a couple more boxes and went to bed tired.

Bob had fixed himself dinner and watched tv until he got tired and then went to bed and fell right to sleep.

Graham ate dinner downstairs in the diner. He watched tv on his bigger tv until he got tired and went to bed. He fell right to sleep. He was wondering how his first day back to work would go. Preston told him he would be by to pick him up and take him to work.

Quinton and Reeve had a quiet evening at Reeve's apartment. Reeve was wondering how his day would go tomorrow being back at the hospital and continuing his internship. Quinton kept encourgaging Reeve and told him their was nothing to worry about. He had the chief of staff as his advisor, and not everybody had him as an advisor. So he must have something special planned for him. They watched some sports until they got tired and then went to bed. It took Reeve awhile to fall asleep he was still wondering how tomorrow would go.

Irving and Mark had gotten everything unpacked. They went out to the pool to relax and take a quick dip to cool off. Preston and Holden weren't there. They must be up in their bedroom. Mark and Irving dried each other off and went back to Mark's bedroom. They watched tv in Mark's room snuggled up together and fell asleep with the tv going and a nightlight on.

Their wasn't much sex Sunday night. Everyone was tired from moving and helping people move. The only ones having any sex were Reggie and Jarvis and Deb and Jennifer. They all were really getting it on since Jarvis and Jennifer had to leave early Monday morning for work. And Reggie needed to be back in his hometown to start construction on a new hardware store. It was one of Graham and Preston's investment projects and he was glad to have the best bid on the construction of the hardware store. They had just finished a large project and it was good to have another starting. Reggie's construction company would be working with other constuction companies on many new investment projects in his hometown. Reggie planned to drive home everyday. He left early he could get to work in three hours. Early, the traffic was light before people started going to work.

Bob woke up early. He got a good nights sleep. He hadn't even thought about Graham. He was wondering if anyone would show up for working out this morning. He went downstairs naked. He had a jock in his locker downstairs. He walked down and he was the only one in the lockerroom. He glanced over at Graham's locker and saw his jock hanging inside. He was wondering if he would show up this morning to work out. If he did he wasn't welcome and Bob would make sure he knew that.

Bob walked into the gym and started working out on the treadmill when he heard voices and someone or someones coming down the stairs. He looked over and saw Preston Holden Mark and Irving. Behind them coming down the stairs was Urban Vinton and Zane. He was glad to have a large group working out. They all asked him were Graham was and he told them Graham had left and he didn't know where he was.

They could tell by Bob's tone of voice, they shouldn't pressure him for more information. They just left it like that. They all got in a good work out and it was another tight squeeze to get into the shower. They all managed, with alot of shuffled and jostling around. Nobody seemed to mind feeling another hot body rubbing against them. The water felt good and they had put the two shower heads on massage. They were getting horny feeling all those hot muscular bodies. They started jerking each other off and then took some big loads in their mouths when they got ready to cum.

They all finished their shower and dried each other off. They were getting semi hard but didn't have time for anymore fooling around. They got dressed for work and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret was planning on a large group of men and made another big breakfast. The guys were hungry, even Bob and they ate everything Margaret had made. She told them if they cleaned everything up, they had to kiss the cook. They liked that idea. When they finished they got in line and each one gave Margaret a kiss on the cheek. She was wishing she was about twenty years younger. She really liked the guys and was glad they came to work out. She noticed Graham was missing and she was going to ask Bob about that when they had some privacy.

The guys took off for work and it was just Margaret and Bob. Margaret gave Bob that look that he needed to explain what was going on. He told Margaret he didn't have a lot of time so he was going to give her the short version. He told Margaret they had a disagreement and when he/Bob went to church. Graham packed up all his things and moved out. When he got home Graham was gone. He doesn't now where Graham is. Graham didn't leave a note or call and Bob didn't persue the issue.

Margaret had some questions for Bob. But she knew he needed to get to work. She would wait until he got home from work and they could have a good talk.

Bob arrived at his clinic. Janice Shirley and Quinton were already there. As soon as he walked in they knew something was wrong by the look on his face. But when they saw that look, they knew not to ask questions. Bob had a short staff meeting and they all got busy.

Graham was waiting for Preston. He was hoping that he would show up soon. He was anxious to get to work. He had managed to do his work out with the books and bungee cords. He had showered, ate breakfast and was ready to go. He heard someone walking up the steps to the apartment. Soon Preston poked his head in and asked Graham if he was ready to go to work.

He told Preston he was more than ready. He asked Preston if he worked out at Bob's. He told him he did. But didn't mention anything about knowing where he was living or helping him move to the apartment. Graham locked his apartment and followed Preston down to his big SUV. They got in and Preston drove them to work.

Graham was ready for the staff meeting. He had time to plan what he wanted to discuss with the staff. Preston parked in one of their reserved parking spots and they walking into the office building. Graham saw staff waving at him and they seemed glad to see him. He went into his office and got settled in before he and Preston would have the staff meeting. It felt good to be back at work.

Graham had copies ready for his staff meeting to hand out to everyone in attendance. He walked over to the meeting room and walked in. It was dark in the room which was strange. And where was everybody. He walked to the door and flipped the light switch and there was everybody welcoming him back to work. The meeting room was decorated and they had a cake. Graham was overwhelmed. This took him completely by surprise. He thanked everyone and they all shared a piece of cake. They sat down and ate their cake while Graham and Preston conducted the staff meeting. Everything seemed to be in order, Preston had done a good job while he was not at work. Preston and him were going to have their own private meeting and discuss the investment developments and the progress. The new hardware store was starting construction today and would be located close to the new strip mall that would also be started to be constructed today.

Preston and Graham had their meeting and everything seemed to be in order and on schedule. They would drive out to the hardware construction site later and see how it was going and if their was any problems.

Reggie had woken early. He wanted to get an early start on his long drive to his hometown and get his crews started working on the hardware store. The store was going to be quite large and would be in a good location, close to the new strip mall that was starting construction today. He showered and dressed and was on his way before anyone else had woken up. Reggie grabbed a quick breakfast at a fast food restaurant on his way to his hometown. It wasn't great, but it was filling.

He arrived at the construction site and saw all his men there waiting for him. That pleased him and was glad they had all shown. He talked to his construction foreman and soon they were already pouring forms for the new store. Everything was right on schedule.

Preston and Graham finished their meeting and told their secretaries they were going to the construction site to check on the new hardware store.

They pulled up to the construction site and saw Reggie and his crew busy working on the forms and filling them with cement. They also saw a black Navigator parked in front of the construction site. And a group of men talking with Reggie.

They walked up to the construction site and joined the men. The men from the Navigator were from the hardware store chain. They were introduced themselves around. Wayde that was with the group of men had bought the franchise for the new store. The other men were representives of the hardware chain. The architect for the new hardware store and a couple of construction supervisors that had their own blueprints for the store.

Comparing notes, Reggie had the same blueprints as the construction workers from the hardware store chain. They were going over some details. Wayde told Preston and Graham and he had decided to stay and supervise the contruction with Reggie. The other representatives wanted to make sure everybody was on the same page and that the constuction would stay on schedule. The hardware store was going to be a megastore in their chain and Wayde wanted to make sure everything was done to the his specifications according to the blueprints.

Everyone was in agreement and Graham took Wayde aside and asked him where he was staying. Graham was really attracted to Wayde and wouldn't mind him staying with him at his little apartment. Graham had already signed a contract to have another house built for him at the new housing site. The houses were going to be a bit smaller, three to four bedroom and the purchasers could choose different packages of extras, plus anything else they might want included in their new home. The same housing construction company that had built his house was doing the smaller houses in another construction site. This was another development project from Graham and Prston's investment firm.

As Graham and Wayde talked. Wayde told Graham that he had just arrived and was not familiar with the town. But he said that sounded like a good idea and Graham gave Wayde directions to his apartment and he was going to stay with Graham. They were going to head back to the central office.

Wayde told Graham he would get his things together and would be back later. Probably early evening with his car. Graham thought Wayde smelled of money. But he seemed down to earth and a likeable person. He thought they could have a good conversation when he returned and find out more about each other.

Quinton and Reeve stirred and started waking up. It was going to be a big day for Reeve. He was wondering how his meeting with the chief of staff would go. Quinton was going to miss Reeve at the clinic. But he knew once Reeve finished his internship and he finished at the clinic they would be getting together at Quinton's apartment and then they could check on their new house.

They had woke up late so they had to have a quickie before they left. They jerked and sucked each other off in the shower. They wished they had more time so they do more. But they were running late. They fixed a quick breakfast, ate dressed and left.

Quinton arrived at the clinc just as Janice and Shirley were pulling in. They talked as they walked into the clinic. Bob hadn't arrived yet. They went to their offices and got ready for another work day.

Reeve arrived at the hospital. He was nervous and didn't know what to expect with his meeting with the chief of staff, who was his advisor. He circled around a couple of times and finally found a parking spot. He was still a little early so he took his time walking into the building and going to the fourth floor where the chief of staff office was located. It was on the surgery floor of this wing of the hospital. He walked down the long hallway and entered the office to the chief of staff. The receptionist greeted Graham and told him the chief of staff would see him in a couple of minutes. He was talking with some doctors in his office.

Reeve looked at a magazine while he waited. Soon he saw a group of four doctors leave the chief of staff's office. The chief of staff saw Reeve seated and told him to come in to his office. He was all smiles so Reeve thought that was a good sign. He walked into a spacious office. There was a long table on the right side for meetings. The chief of staff told Reeve to take a seat in front of his desk. He told Reeve that this was one of the best parts of his job. He told Reeve he was probably wondering why he was called in for a meeting and why he was his advisor. Reeve told him it had crossed his mind.

The chief of staff pulled a folder out of his desk. He told Reeve the folder contained all of Bob's reviews and final assessment of his performance and his internship at Bob's clinic. Reeve was getting nervous and his hands were sweating. "Nothing to be nervous about," said the chief of staff. "Bob only had the best things to say about you. How exemplary you peformed, how professional you were and how knowledgeable you were. All Bob had to do was observe you and rarely had to give any suggestions or help. I wanted you to know that."

"Is that why you called me to your office, sir?"

"Partially Reeve. The main reason I wanted you here was to tell you that the rest of your internship will be geared toward working in the emergency room. I want you to be an emergency doctor for us. One of our doctors is leaving and going to a different town and hospital. I want you to take his place when he leaves. Your residency will also be in the emergency room. You have proved yourself the kind of person/doctor that could handle the stress and make accurate and good decisions. Your quick wit is what we need in the emergency room. Your young and can handle the stress of working there. What do think? I've been doing all the talking?"

"I really don't know what to say. I'm kind of at a loss for words. To be honest, it's not what I expected. But if you feel I have the ability and could perform well as an emergency doctor, then I'll do it. I appreciate all you've done for me and I won't let you down."

"I know you won't Reeve. I've been impressed with you for a long time. And I'm going to do everything I can to make you the best doctor this hospital has ever had. You have the ability and desire and that's what I'm looking for. Your an outstanding young man. Your very smart and have the ability."

"I'm really blown away sir. I really am at a loss for words. How soon will the rest of my internship start?"

"You will be starting the rest of your internship tomorrow. You will be working with the emergency doctors. You will only have to work the day shift. No night shifts or on call work at this time. That will happen soon enough when you start your residency. Also, I'm already getting an office ready for you. There's no name yet. I want to make sure you have a good office space and with your own receptionist."

The representatives from the hardware chain were impressed with Reggie and his construction company and were glad he was doing the construction. Especially Wayde. He though Graham was pretty hot and he couldn't wait to get back and meet Graham more personally. He felt an attraction as soon as he saw Graham. Wayde needed to leave and get ready for his move back.

Reggie took off early. The trailers had already been moved in for his crew. One trailer was for housing another for the cook and third trailer was an office for Reggie and the foreman.

Preston and Graham had another talk after they got back to their office building. They liked the representatives from the hardware store. Wayde seemed like he would be a good owner and he knew exactly what he wanted in the store. The different departments and how the layout should be. They knew that would make it easy for Reggie and his workers.

Preston got home and Holden was already there. They talked about their day at work and started making a list of who they wanted to invite to their Open House and they would divide the list between them and start calling and see who could come and who couldn't.

Mark was having a busy day at college. He and Irving had arrived a little early before their first class. They didn't have any classes together today until in the afternoon. Mark would finish earlier with no evening classes. They left for their respective classes. Their day went well, the afternoon class they had together, also had Vinton. They saw Vinton and waved him over and he sat with the guys. They talked for a few minutes before the professor arrived.

The rest of the day went well and Mark and Irving were soon on their way home.

Preston had dropped Graham off at his apartment. His apartment was a small two bedroom. The second bedroom he used as a storage room. There was closet space and a small dresser. He was hoping that would be good enough for Wayde. Wayde didn't seem to mind at all when Graham told him he had a small apartment. Graham checked his bedroom and to see if could make some closet and dresser space if Wayde needed it. Graham knew his house would be the first one constructed at the new housing site. And that would give them plenty of room if Wayde decided to stay with him. Graham was hoping so. He really liked Wayde from when he first saw him. He looked to be a bit younger. But he was very intelligent. Tall and good looking and muscular. Everything that Graham liked. He knew it was time to move on and forget about Bob. And Wayde would give him that opportunity. Bob hadn't bothered to call or try to get in contact with him. So as far as he was concerned, Bob was history.

Bob's day had finished and he took his time driving home. He knew he was going to have a good talking to by Margaret. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that. But Margaret was like a second mother to him and she knew he would listen to her.

Bob drove into the garage. Walked into the kitchen and he saw Margaret sitting at the breakfast nook. She told Bob, "as soon as you get changed or whatever you want to do, we need to talk. I'll be waiting here for you."

Bob wanted to get this over with so he just freshened up a little in his bathroom and went back to downstairs to talk to Margaret. Margaret started, "first I want to know why Graham moved out?"

"Graham moved out because we had a disagreement at the restaurant about paying for the bill. We had invited Tyrell and Rashona with us and Tyrell mentioned he would help pay for the bill. Graham spoke up and said the food is on the house for Bob."

"That really rubbed me the wrong way. And I told Graham so when we got home. I told him it was his decision not to be a co-owner of the hotel. To have a private bank account, etc."

"I went to the early church service Sunday. Graham wasn't up yet. He had slept in the other master bedroom. When I got back from church he had moved out."

"This sounds like two little boys not getting along. Two little boys that overreacted and are stubborn. Did you call Graham and try to patch things up?"

"No, actually I was kind of glad he was gone. We had been disagreeting lately about everything and it was nice to have some peace and quiet in the house."

"If you two plan to get back together, one of you is going to have to make the first move. Did Graham call you?"

"No, there has been no contact and I don't know where he is."

"Well I'm sorry for both of you that you can't work out a little disagreement and work things out."

"I'm leaving for the day and will see you tomorrow morning. I hope I gave you something to think about and consider?"

"You have and I thank you Margaret."

"Whew, I'm glad that's over. As far as conctacting Graham, that's the furtherest thing from my mind."

Bob stripped down and went to the sunroom to relax. He grabbed a beer from the tiki bar and relaxed on a lounger.

Graham straightened up his apartment and had it as ready as it could be for when Wayde arrived. He was hoping he would be coming soon. Graham had talked to the landlord and the landlord told Graham the rent would stay the same and he would have a parking spot for Wayde.

Finally he heard footsteps coming to his apartment. A knock on the door and Graham opened and their stood Wayde with a couple of suitcases. Graham was glad to see him and he walked in. Wayde was surprised at how small the apartment was. But he wasn't going to say anything. He was glad to have a place to stay for awhile.

Graham helped Wayde with his suitcases and showed him the closet and dresser in the second bedroom. He asked Wayde if he needed any help carrying anymore luggage in. He said no, he had one more piece that he would get. Graham told Wayde he had dinner ready for both of them. Wayde said he could grab his other bag and then he would be ready for some dinner.

Graham got the rest of the dinner ready and set the table while Wayde brought in his other bag. He took a seat at the little table. Graham apologized to Wayde on how small the apartment was. He told Wayde he would soon have a new house built and then their would be plenty of room if he decided he wanted to stay with Graham. Wayde told Graham not to worry about it. He appreciated the offer to be able to stay here with him.

They talked while they ate dinner. Graham had fixed homemade spaghetti with his own homemade sauce and meatballs. Wayde told Graham that it was very good. Graham found out that Wayde was an only child. He never got along well with his parents and spent a lot of time with his grandparents. When his grandparents passed away he inherited their house and their money. His grandfather was chief surgeon at that their local hospital and his grandmother was head nurse on the surgical floor. His grandfather and grandmother had made a lot of money over the years and had made some good investments. Wayde had inherited quite a fortune. Wayde sold his grandparents house, he didn't want to live their and be that far away. Graham told Wayde about his investment company and the projects they had started and the future projects. Wayde was quite impressed. He asked Graham that maybe they could check out the housing site and see what the new house would look like and maybe he could help out financially if they decided they wanted to make more changes to the house and add on a lot of extras. Graham told him sure, but he asked Wayde a personal question. "Wayde, would you really want to live with me?"

"Graham, from the moment I met you and we talked I was attracted to you and liked you. I would like to give it a go and see how compatible we are."

Graham was very happy. He cleaned off the table and asked Wayde if he would like a beer. Wayde said sure. He was going to the living room and turn on the tv.

Graham joined Wayde in the living room after he finished in the kitchen. He sat down close to Wayde. Wayde leaned over and gave Graham a kiss on the cheek. "I hope that answers your questions that I could see in your eyes."

"That answered a lot of questions and your very observant Wayde."

They moved even closer together and soon were cuddling. Graham had missed a warm body next to him and glad Wayde was here to fill the gap. Bob was becoming a distant memory fast. Their tv show ended and Wayde was tired after his long drive back and forth. They agreed to head to bed. They stripped down to their boxers and climbed into bed. Before they knew it they were cuddled together kissing and hugging each other. Graham could feel Wayde's hardon hitting him through his boxers. It was making him horny. Graham reached down and slid his boxers off and threw them on the floor. Wayde had seen Graham do that and he did the same. Soon their was two hot naked bodies were making out. Wayde was perfect. He had just the right amount of muscles. He was good looking and he liked him. Soon they were in a sixty nine. They didn't want to do anything else yet. Wayde's cock looked to be about six and a half inches and thick. Graham had no trouble sucking him down to his balls. Wayde's balls were big and Graham liked that. They were so horned up and horny that they came almost as soon as their mouths were on each other's cocks. They both shot big loads and lay back exhausted. They snuggled up together and went to sleep.

Preston and Holden started calling people on their guest lists and were getting a good response. They were able to get ahold of everyone. With the exception of two people everyone was going to be coming. They told them they didn't need to bring anything. That they would be supplying everything. Irving and Mark had told them not to worry about entertainment, they had everything worked out. Preston and Holden looked at each other and wondered what they had planned.

Tuesday was turning out to be another regular day for everyone. Wayde and Graham went to the new housing site and they were lucky that the housing boss was their. Graham's house would be he first house constructed. The lots were good size but nothing like his other house. Probably about half the size. They looked over the plans that Graham had decided on. Everything was on one floor. Wayde asked about having a second floor and the housing boss said whatever modifications they wanted could be incorparated in the house. Wayde asked Graham about a security fence or wall going around the property. Graham liked that idea. Wayde mentioned a pool and outdoor jacuzzi/hot tub would be nice with some nice landscaping. They agreed on that and Wayde told Graham not to worry about the extra costs, he would take care of that. Graham knew Wayde was wealthy, driving a new Jaguar was a good sign of that. They asked the housing boss how soon they would be starting construction. The housing boss said that they were finishing a house at the other site and should be starting construction on their house in the coming week. He didn't know exactly what day they would be starting. They drove back to the apartment and were happy with what they had heard.

While Wayde was driving them back, he asked Graham if he wanted to go by a dealership and start looking for cars. Graham had not even thought about it. He said sure let's see what's available. "What kind of car do you like?"

"I've always liked sports cars, but I'm not sure if anything is available in this small town."

"Wayde had remembered a dealership he had seen when he came into town. He drove to the dealership and all they handled were different models of sports cars."

Graham didn't know this dealership existed. He was like a little kid in a candy store looking at all the different sports cars on display. He really liked the different Porsche's they had. But he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend that much money. He could afford it, but he was undecided. Finally, Wayde broke the ice, "it looks like you like the Porsche's they have?"

"I really like what they have. I've always wanted to have a Porsche but never wanted to spend that much money."

"Why don't you pick out the one you like and I will pay for it. It was be a thank you present for being so nice to me and accepting me and letting me live with you."

Graham was speechless. "I don't know Wayde. We don't know each other that well yet. A Porsche would be nice, but I think I should pay for it."

"Nonsense Graham. Pick out the one you want. You can test drive it and if you like it. It will be my present to you for being such a nice person and a good friend."

Graham found a Porsche Cayenne that he liked and took it out for short test drive. The car was loaded with all the extras and was a dream car for Graham. Graham drove back into the lot and the salesman asked him what he thought about the car. Graham told him it was a dream car. And it was perfect. That was all that Wayde needed to hear. Wayde and the salesman went back to his office, leaving Graham alone looking at the car. Soon they came out of the office and Wayde handed the keys to Graham. Graham wanted to kiss Wayde right there on the lot, but held back and thanked him and the salesman. Graham told Wayde he was going to drive back to the apartment and Wayde said he would follow him.

They got back to the apartment and Graham and Wayde had sex all afternoon. They were hungry and Graham told Wayde he was making reservations at a nice supper club to celebrate his new car and to thank Wayde. Graham called Milo's and they would go there for a nice dinner at six.

Reeve was still flying high. He couldn't believe his meeting with the chief of staff. Working emergency. Wow, that was the furtherest thing from his mind. But if the chief of staff knew he could do it, he would. He didn't want to let him down.

He walked into the hospital and would be starting the next phase of his internship. He was to report to the chief of staffs office first. He arrived a few minutes early and the receptionispt told him she would tell the chief of staff that he was here. The chief of staff came out of his office. Reeve stood up and they shook hands. "Reeve I want you to follow me. I'm going to personally take you to where you will be starting your next internship."

They went down to the lowest level and walked to the side where ambulances arrived and walkin emergency patients. The chief of staff brought Graham over to the emergency nurses station and told her that this was Reeve and the emergency doctor's were expecting Reeve. He would be doing the next phase of his internship with them.

Reeve couldn't believe it. Here he was in emergency and going to be getting first hand experience from some very qualified doctors. He was nervous, but anxious to get started. The chief of staff introduced Graham to the doctor's he would be working with. They welcomed Reeve and were glad to have him as part of their team. They told the chief of staff that they would give him the best training they could. The chief of staff thanked the doctor's and he left for his office.

What Reeve didn't know, that chief of staff had talked to the emergency doctor's earlier about Reeve. His exceptional ability, quick thinking and making accurate decisions and knew he would be an excellent emergency doctor. The doctor's had assured the chief of staff that Reeve would get the best training and experience that they could offer. The chief of staff was satisfied with that and expected nothing less.

Reeve was shown around the emergency area and the emergency rooms. They had four. Everything that was needed was there. The doctor told Reeve he would just observe for the rest of the week. Then next week he would be working with the emergency doctors as part of his internship training.

Reeve's day went fast and his head was spinning. By the time he got back to his apartment he was in control of himself. Working emergency. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't wait to tell Quinton when he came over.

Bob was surprised to get a call from Preston inviting him to his Open House. He thought since Graham wasn't here anymore he wouldn't call him. He had a suspicion that Preston knew more about Graham than he had mentioned. They had all still been working out in the mornings. But something about Preston was a little different. Since he and Graham worked together, Bob wasn't surprised if Preston hadn't helped him move somewhere. Oh well, that's water under the bridge now. He hasn't bothered to call me and I'm not calling him.

Bob knew Margaret was right. She was always right. He knew one of them would have to make the first move if they had plans of getting back together. Bob wasn't sure if he wanted to get back together. The solitude was nice after busy days at work. If he was to meet somebody else, he would leave that to chance. Then maybe it would work out if wasn't expecting to meet someone.

Quinton arrived at Reeve's apartment. He could tell Reeve was excited about something. "Reeve calmn down and tell me about your day." Reeve told Quinton everything starting with his meeting with the chief of staff to being shown the emergency area in the hospital and doing his internship their and becoming an emergency room doctor. Quinton was surprised and happy for Reeve. He told Reeve that was great news.

Reeve got calmed down after telling Quinton about his day. They decided to go to the housing site and see how their house was coming along. They went in Quinton's car and asked each other of they had received a call from Preston about his Open House. They had and were anxious to go to his Open House on Saturday.

Quinton pulled up in front of their house on the street. The outside and roof were finished. The chimney for the large double fireplace was also finished. They walked in and all the inside walls were up. The last of the windows were being installed and along with doors on the inside. Some painting was taking place and the kitchen cabinets had been installed and the crew was waiting on the appliances to get them into place and installed. Everything was started to come together nicely. They were impressed. They walked upstairs and the bedrooms were almost finished. The downstairs library and study were already finished. The large dining room was being finished. These guys really had their act together and worked good together as a team. They were fast efficient and did good work. They didn't see the housing boss, but had seen enough for today. They left and drove back to Reeve's apartment.

Graham and Wayde took a shower together and dried each other off. They were holding back and told each other they would have dessert when they got back to the apartment. They got dressed in some nice dress clothes. More dressy sporty than business dressy. Graham told Wayde he wanted to drive. He still couldn't believe he had a Porsche. They got in and Graham drove them to Milo's.

They arrived at Milo's and Martin greeted them at the door. Martin remembered Graham when he was their with Bob. Martin took them back to a reserved table. They ordered drinks before dinner and talked some more about the new house. Graham liked the changes that Wayde wanted. He was just wondering if this was going too fast and he was doing it on the rebound. He missed Bob. But he had never called so he figured it must be over. Wayde was making it easy to forget about Bob. They ordered their meal which was very good. They both had prime rib. They finished and Graham paid and left a tip for the waiter. Martin opened the door for them and they took off back to the apartment.

Once inside the apartment, Graham locked the door and they soon their clothes scattered all over the apartment. They went directly to the bedroom naked. They started making out and they both said they had the best sex they had ever had. They kissed some more after their love making. Curled up together and went to sleep.

Tuesday was a pretty uneventful day and now it was already Wednesday. Bob was looking forward to Kendrick arriving in the evening. He decided to eat at the diner. He hadn't been their for a few days. And the last few times he had been their, Millie was acting weird. He was hoping she was out of her funk and back to her regular self. He walked up to the diner and saw Graham and another man sitting at his favorite table. He figured the other man must be a client at their investment firm.

Graham noticed Bob walking to the diner and he started getting nervous. Wayde asked Graham if he was ok. He said he was fine. Bob walked in without looking at him and Wayde and took a table to the back. He purposely moved his chair so his back was facing Graham and the other man that was with him.

Millie came over to where Bob was sitting and asked him if he wanted the special. He said he would take the special with a cup of coffee. Millie seemed a little better, but still wasn't like her old self.

She brought Bob his special and coffee. He thanked her. But she didn't reply. He ate his lunch and drank the coffee.

Graham kept looking over at Bob and now was starting to make Wayde nervous. Graham what's going on. "Do you know that man that's sitting over there?"

"Yes, that's Bob. The man I told you about that I had left after we had a major disagreement."

"If you want to talk to him or invite him over her to the table that's fine with me."

"No. I'm content being here just with you. If he wants to talk he can come over here to the table.

Graham and Wayde finished their lunch and paid Millie and gave her a nice tip. She acted about the same way with them as she had with Bob. They left and Graham noticed Bob still sitting at his table. They got in the Porsche and left for the investment firm. Wayde Preston and Graham had a few more details they needed to get ironed out on the hardware store.

Bob finished his lunch and paid Millie and left a tip. When he got up he noticed that Graham and the other man had left.

Bob walked back to the clinic and Quinton asked him if had a couple of minutes. Bob told him sure. Quinton filled Bob in on Reeve. Bob told Quinton to congratulate Reeve when he saw him. "Tell Reeve that I know he has what it takes to be an excellent emergency room doctor."

The day finished and Bob was anxious to get home. He had told Margaret at breakfast to get a guest bedroom freshened up that Kendrick was coming for a few days. Margaret remembered Kendrick, how handsome he was.

Bob got home and Margaret had already left for the day. He checked the bedrooms and found the adjoining master bedroom had been readied for Kendrick. Bob thought perfect. Even though he knew that Kendrick would be sleeping with him.

Bob stripped down and put a jock on. He was really liking wearing a jock, rather than going around naked. It was the next closest thing. He wanted to catch up on the news. He grabbed a beer and turned the tv on in the living room and looked through the newspaper. Not much new was happening in the news. The international news was more interesting than the daily paper. He finished his beer and went upstairs to the sunroom. He put his empty away at the tiki bar and grabbed another beer. He thought he would get dinner ready when Kendrick arrived and they could eat together. Maybe here in the sunroom. Kendrick hadn't seen this room, and he was sure Kendrick would like it. It would remind him of the Bahamas like it did him.

Bob had everything worked out with Sam and a hotel shuttle was picking up Kendrick from the airport. Actually it was working out good, because some new guests were also arriving and staying at the hotel.

Bob started pacing back and forth he was anxious for Kendrick to get to his house. He liked Kendrick a lot and it would be nice to have him staying with him for a few days. Finally Bob heard the gate open and he saw the shuttle come in. It looked like it was just the shuttle driver and Kendrick. They must have dropped off the guests first at the hotel, which was a good idea.

Bob watched as Kendrick got out. The shuttle driver took out two small suitcases and set them down for the Kendrick. He saw Kendrick give the driver a tip and the driver left. Bob was still in just his jock and he knew Kendrick wouldn't mind. Bob opened the door for Kendrick and helped him with one of his small suitcases. They kissed and hugged when they got inside and Bob took Kendrick up to his bedroom. They set the small suitcases down and Bob helped Kendrick strip down to his boxers. Kendrick had a nice bulge in his boxers. Bob told Kendrick he had a surprise room to show him.

They left the bedroom and Kendrick followed Bob and Bob led them up to the sunroom. Kendrick couldn't believe the room. It was a tropical paradise. It reminded him of being in the Bahamas. "Bob this room is fantastic. It's just like being in the Bahamas."

"That was the idea." With the tropical plants and the background music of tropical bird sounds and rainforest sounds and the surf. It was just like a tropical paradise in the Bahamas.

Kendrick noticed he hadn't seen Graham. He asked Bob where Graham was. And Bob gave Kendrick the shortened version of why he had left. Kendrick told Bob he was sorry and hoped they could work things out.

They relaxed in the sunroom and drank a couple of cold beers. Kendrick was getting tired after his long flight. They decided to head to the bedroom. Kendrick unpacked one of his small suitcases that had his basic necessities. Kendrick took off his boxers and his big cock flopped out. He crawled into bed waiting for Bob. He watched Bob take off his jock and his nice sized cock flopped down. Bob crawled into bed next to Kendrick.

They kissed for awhile and their hands were exploring each other's bodies. They were getting hotter and hotter for each other as they kept feeling each other's bodies. Soon Bob told Kendrick he wanted him to fuck him. Kendrick said he wasn't going to fuck him. He was going to make love to him. Kendrick got between Bob's legs and sucked on Bob's big balls. Sucking and pulling on them with his mouth and rolling them around in his mouth. Then he lifted Bob's legs and Bob pulled them back exposing his rosebud. Kendrick started licking over Bob's hole getting it wet and ready. Bob pulled out some lube from the nightstand and laid it on the bed for Kendrick. Kendrick lubed a couple of fingers and started stretching Bob's hole. He found Bob's prostate and was fingering it good. Bob was panting and moaning. Kendrick couldn't hold back any longer and pulled his fingers out and lubed his thick shaft and shoved the head in. Kendrick could feel Bob's hole pulling on his cock. Soon he was balls deep in Bob's hole. Bob was pushing back as Kendrick was pushing in. They got a good rhythm going. And soon Kendrick was moaning loud and filling Bob's hole with a big load. Bob felt satisfied. That was something he needed and had missed with Graham being gone. They kissed and curled up together and fell asleep.

They woke early the next morning. Bob had told the guys he wouldn't be working out this morning. They had agreed they would go to Preston's and work out their. Bob and Kendrick got out of bed and showered and dried each other off. They had a good jerk in the shower blasting out big loads and covering their legs. They got dressed. Bob dressed for work and Kendrick was meeting with an editor for a travel magazine at the hotel. They finished getting ready and walked downstairs for breakfast. Margaret had the breakfast nook ready for both of them. Kendrick greeted Margaret and Margaret remembered Kendrick. She remembered what a hunk he was. She thought he looked even sexier than the last time she had seen him. They ate their breakfast and talked for a bit. Bob dropped Kendrick off at the hotel and then he drove to the clinic.

The rest of the day wasn't anything special. Kendrick had his meeting and then took the editor for a tour around town showing him the sites and how the town was growing. They ended at the Mall and ate lunch at the Italian Restaurant. Once they finished the airport shuttle took the editor to the airport and took Kendrick back to Bob's house.

Bob decided to eat in his office. He had Shirley order him lunch and have it delivered. He ate in his office checking his email. He had a lot of spam and junk email, which he deleted. The rest of the day went fast. Quinton told Bob he was working late. It seemed that Shirley had overbooked Quinton and he wanted to finish all the patients that had patiently waited for him.

Bob got home and Margaret was still there. She told Bob she had fixed something special for dinner since Kendrick was visiting. Bob thanked her and she left for the day. Bob didn't see Kendrick. He thought maybe he hadn't returned yet. Then he noticed Kendrick out on the patio on a lounger. He poked his head out and told Kendrick he just got home and that Margaret had left if he wanted to get comfortable. He told Bob he would join him and they could get comfortable together. Kendrick didn't have any jocks. So Bob lent him one of his. It fit Kendrick pretty good. Showing off his nice sized cock. They moved closed together and started kissing and hugging and rubbing their bulges together.

Bob really liked sex with Kendrick he was passionate and romantic and took his time. However, in the back of his mind, he still missed Graham, but memories of Graham were slowly fading away with each passing day. They laid down on the bed and rubbed and grinded their cocks together. They were really horny for each other. Soon Kendrick pulled Bob's jock off with his teeth. He was licking and sucking on the length of Bob's cock. Bob was so hard it hurt. Kendrick deep throated Bob and and Bob shot almost immediately. He was so turned on he couldn't control himself. He apologized to Kendrick for cumming so fast. Kendrick said their was nothing to apologize for. Then Bob did the same to Kendrick and pulled his jock off with his teeth. He deep throated Kendrick and it took Kendrick awhile to cum. But when he did it was another big load. Bob swallowed it down. They relaxed for a bit on the bed and then went downstairs and had dinner.

They watched tv up in the sunroom and when they got tired they went to bed.

The next couple of days were pretty much routine. Tyrell and Rashona were settled into their new home. It was easy to adjust too. They liked everything about their home. They wanted to wait for a couple of weeks before they had an Open House. They were invited to Preston's Open House and were glad for the invite. Rashona was settled into her work. It was easy working for Preston and she really liked her job.

Reeve was enjoying his internship. The emergency doctor's were very friendly and helpful. He was anxious to when he could start working with them. They had had a couple of emergencies and he was able to see the doctor's in action. The more he observed them, the more he liked the idea of being an emergency room doctor.

Bob had received a call from Anthony and they wouldn't be able to make it until Saturday morning. They had some last minute business they needed to attend to. Bob told them it was no problem. Preston's Open House didn't start until noon and if they arrived a little late that would be okay.

Graham and Wayde were getting closer and closer with each day. Graham still missed Bob and would go back in a heartbeat if he called him. But he knew that wouldn't happen. When he saw him at the restaurant with his back to him, he knew that it was over. Wayde was filling the loss of Bob and they were like Quinton and Reeve checking on their new house every day to see if they had started contruction. The construction of Wayde's new hardware store was coming along. The floor had been poured along with the supports for the outside walls. It was already starting to take shape. It was going to be a big store.

It was Saturday morning already and Bob was up early. He was making breakfast for him and Kendrick when he saw Kendrick walking downstairs naked. God he was beautful. Everything about Kendrick was perfect, too bad he couldn't move in. They got along so well. He watched Kendrick's big cock and balls swinging back and forth as he walked down the stairs.

Bob got himself busy finishing breakfast. Kendrick came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the neck. It sent shivers down Bob. He turned and gave Kendrick a big long passionate kiss. Bob told Kendrick, breakfast was ready and where did he want to eat. He said outside on the patio. Kendrick helped Bob and soon they were eating a hearty breakfast outside on the patio table.

They finished their breakfast and put everything away. Bob told Kendrick he expected Anthony and Roland soon. Should they take a shower and be ready for them? Kendrick put an arm around Bob's shoulders and they walked upstairs to the master bathroom. Kendrick liked Bob's shower system and they soon had all the system operating. They kissed while they washed each other. They got hard in the shower and jerked and sucked each other off. They dried off and put jocks on to greet Anthony and Roland. Kendrick didn't remember if knew them. The names sounded familiar but he would know when he saw them.

They decided to hangout in the living so they would be close when they arrived. Bob heard the gate and saw a big black stretch limousine pull in. He knew right away that it was Anthony and Roland. The driver took their bags out and then he left. Bob opened the door and Anthony and Roland walked up. They kissed and hugged and Bob introduced Anthony and Roland to Kendrick. They didn't recall each other but were glad to meet. They brought their bags in and they went upstairs to the second master bedroom that adjoined Bob's. They unpacked and asked Bob how soon they needed to get ready for the Open House. Bob checked the time and said that they had just a little over an hour before they should start getting ready.

Anthony and Roland stripped down to their boxers and they got into a group hug and kiss feeling each other all over. Kendrick really liked Anthony and Roland. He noticed Anthony's big bulge in his boxers. Soon they helped each other out of their underwear. And they were romping around on the bed. Rolling around and feeling and exploring each other's bodies. They couldn't get enough of each other. They got rock hard and soon paired off into two sixty nines. They sucked and fingered each other's holes. They soon were grunting and moaning and shooting out their loads. They thought they better take a shower and get cleaned off and then it would be time to get ready for the Open House.

They showered and couldn't keep their hands off each other. They were hard again and Anthony fucked everyone of them. He was super horny and even at his age he was able to recharge fast and give these guys a good fuck. They dried each other off. They dressed and admired themselves in Bob's floor length mirror. They looked ready and all got into Bob's SUV and he drove them over to Preston's Open House.

End of Chapter 23 - Wayde

Chapter 24 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

I've started adding pics from, "Bob's Holidays", I hope you read that series and then check out the pics I posted here.

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban Vinton Wayde Andy Mabel Cindy John-Houseboy Rick

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And I have added the following pics from Bobs Holidays, Andy, Mabel, Cindy, John-Houseboy and Rick.

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 24

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