My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Jun 4, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 22

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 22. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 22 - Vinton

Graham heard his parents and brother and sister as they got closer to his room. They all walked in and his brother and sister were surprised to see Graham without his casts. "When did they take your casts off?"

"They came off Monday and I've already had three days of physical therapy. Let me show you want I can do."

Graham easily sat up on the bed and slid around so his legs were hanging off the side of the bed. He grabbed his crutches and got them into position and stood up. He walked a few steps and then turned and walked back and took a seat in his wheelchair. Graham's dad had tears in his eyes watching his son. "Graham your doing great for only three days of therapy. Your already walking," said Graham's brother. "Should we all go out to the patio and enjoy the weather?"

Graham's dad told the other's to go out on the patio. The nurse showed them the way. His dad said he wanted to stay back and talk to Graham.

Graham was dreading this, but he wanted to get it over with. "So what do you want to say to me dad?"

Graham's dad closed the doors to the library/study room. Graham was in his wheelchair and his dad was sitting in a chair next to him. They looked at each other. Graham's dad could see the dread in Graham's eyes. Finally Graham's dad spoke. "Graham I've realized how wrong I've been about you after seeing the video you made. I didn't realize what a fine son I had. I believed everything the minister was preaching. Your mother and I have changed churches and have a religion we can believe in. I hope you'll accept my apology for all the hurtful thing's I said to you and the way I treated you."

"Dad you don't have to say anything more. I accept your apology and am glad to have you back in my life. You don't know how much this means to me."

They both had tears running down their cheeks. Graham's dad gave Graham a hug and kissed him on the forehead. "Ready to join your mother brother and sister?"

They wiped their tears off before they went to the patio.

"Yes. Let's join them out on the patio."

Graham's mother and sister were drinking coffee. Graham's brother was drinking a beer. When he saw Graham and his dad come out he knew immediately by the looks on their faces, everything was ok. "You guys want a beer?"

"Sure they both said, almost at the same time.", laughing.

Graham's dad sat on a recliner and Graham wheeled himself and sat at the patio table. It was more comfortable for him. He wasn't sure if he would be able to get up from a recliner. They were pretty low to the ground.

Everyone was having a pleasant conversation. This was the first time Graham had seen his father like this. He was always grouchy and grumpy and never seemed happy. He was completely different now. He was smiling and joking. They talked about when they were kids at home. Some of the mischief they got into and the good times they had growing up, in spite of their father.

Graham's dad asked Graham if it was ok if he looked around the house. He said this was quite a house. Graham told him to go ahead. Graham's mom brother and sister went with her dad and they started walking around the house. Margaret took them around to show them all the different areas of the house. They went downstairs first and saw the game room, the nurse's room. The home theater room and the gym and locker room. They went back upstairs and Margaret showed them the kitchen and formal dining room, that she was getting ready for lunch. They went upstairs and looked in at the bedrooms. Then they went upstairs to the sunroom. They couldn't believe that Bob would do something like this for Graham. They really liked the sunroom. Tropical bird chirping and sounds of the rain forest was playing. Graham's dad asked Margaret if there was beer in the tiki bar. Margaret got Graham's dad a beer. They went back downstairs and to the patio to join Graham and his brother.

"What did you think of our house?"

"You have quite a place here son. Your lucky to have such a fine person as Bob to live with."

Graham couldn't believe what he was hearing from his dad. All his dad had done before was criticize his lifestyle and living in sin. "Yes, I'm very fortunate to have Bob in my life. We do have quite a house here. The last thing we're having done is the yard. Landscaping and getting the pool and jacuzzi working. But that is still aways down the road."

Graham asked his brother if he would help him with his therapy. The therapist had told him to do his leg exercises a few times this afternoon. Graham got up from his chair with no problem. Was able to stand without his crutches and maneuver himself into his wheelchair without any help. They all went to Graham's room. They wanted to see what his therapy was like to strengthen his legs.

Graham got up on his bed on his back. He told his brother he would bring a leg back to his chest and the push his foot as hard as he could into his brother's hand. Then do the same with the other leg. They would do this for about ten minutes and then rest.

Graham's brother was having a hard time resisting Graham's foot as it pressed against his hand. It seemed Graham already had a lot of strength in his legs. They continued for the ten minutes and then took a break.

Margaret stuck her head in Graham's room and told everyone lunch was ready in the dining room.

Graham got down off his bed and walked to his wheelchair without his crutches. He said he didn't have any pain and he was already feeling stronger on his feet. They all walked into the dining room and got seated. Margaret brought in their meal. A standing rib roast with all the extras.

Holden had taken the day off. He wanted to have plenty of time to get moved into their new house. He got up later than usual. It felt good to sleep in and not have to rush around and get ready for work. He had a couple of more boxes to put in his rental truck and then he would be ready to go. Preston told him his housekeeper would have breakfast or brunch ready for him. He showered and dressed and loaded the last two boxes into the truck.

It didn't take him long to arrive at Preston's house. The house was really impressive from the outside and he knew from a couple of previous trips, the inside was just as impresssive. The guard at the gate was expecting Holden and let him in. Holden backed up to the garage so he could start unloading the truck. The housekeeper had seen Holden pull up and had the doors open for him. He was moving everything into a guest bedroom, per Preston's instructions. He brought in a couple of boxes he had stacked and greeted the housekeeper and took them up to a guest bedroom. He had arrived at Preston's house just after nine and he knew it would take him all morning to get everything unloaded. He couldn't believe how much stuff he had accumulated. Holden was glad they had moved his furniture earlier. This was just household stuff and his clothes and a few keepsakes.

Holden kept plugging away. And soon he was unloading the last two boxes. It was after eleven and it went a little fast than he thought it would. He told the housekeeper he was going to take the rental truck back and then be back with his car and eat lunch.

He took off and parked the rental truck. Paid for the usage of the truck and drove his car back to Preston's and parked in the garage. He came in through the kitchen and the housekeeper told him she had lunch ready. And asked him where he would like to eat. He told her out on the patio. He was going to freshen up a bit and then be right back to eat.

Holden came back and walked out on the patio and sat down at the table. The housekeeper had finishing setting the table and then brought his lunch out. Lunch was delicious. She must take after her sister Margaret and be a good cook.

Holden finished his lunch and told the housekeeper he was going to be busy unpacking. He was hoping to be done or close to done before Preston got home.

Mark's first day at university was a busy hectic day for him. His classes were going well, mainly receiving the syllabus for each class any very little homework. He had met Irving in one of his business classes and they had a good conversation. The only problem he had had was the distance between a couple of classes, he would have to run to get to the next class on time. They were located on opposite ends of the university. He thought he might get a bicycle and then he could make those two classes on time. He had lunch at the student center on campus. It was ok. But he thought he might try one of the restaurants next time on campus.

Rashona arrived at her and Tyrell's apartment. Tyrell had called her everyday and she knew where he hid an extra key. She walked in and it looked typical Tyrell. Clothes all over and dishes stacked up in the sink. Empty beer bottles and fast food containers laying around. She had a trailer full of their things attached to her SUV. She'd have Tyrell take care of the trailer when he got home. He had told her his work schedule for this week. She couldn't wait to see her hunky husband. Rashona started putting things away and filled the dishwasher and got that going. She found the laundry area in their apartment and started washing Tyrell's clothes. She had a few dirty clothes she would mix in with Tyrell's. Rashona was anxious to see their new home. Tyrell promised to take her their when he got home from work.

Graham couldn't believe how good the visit was going. It sure made him feel good. They all went back into Graham's room. He was having his brother help him again with his therapy. Graham could feel stronger in his legs and was surprised when he could walk without his crutches. Not a long distance, but still he was getting stronger and able to walk on his own. Graham's brother could feel the strength in his Graham's legs when he pressed against his hand. He had to work to keep from giving in to the pressure Graham was applying. He was surprised how fast Graham was recovering.

Bob's morning was going fast. He was going to miss Reeve when his part of the internship training finished. He left and walked over to the diner. He didn't see anybody he knew and his favorite table was available. He walked in took a seat at his table.

He looked around when he got inside and still didn't see anybody he knew. I thought maybe Preston would show up for lunch. It would give him somebody to talk to. He didn't see Millie which was ok with him. She might be in the kitchen.

He waited and finally walked up to the counter to order some coffee and he liked what the lunch special was. The cook came out and took Bob's order and told him he would have his coffee and lunch for him in just a minute.

Graham and his parents went back outside. Graham wanted to rest for a bit. Graham walked out to the patio without crutches and his wheelchair. He was feeling much stronger and didn't feel wobbly or like he was going to fall. He took a seat at the patio table. He was still having a hard time believing how his dad had changed. His brother had told him. But he didn't believe it until he heard it straight from his dad. He wanted to exercise one more time while his brother was here, before they left. He knew they would probably be leaving soon, they had a long drive home.

The men drank another beer while the women drank coffee. Graham's dad again told Graham in front of everybody how proud he was of him. And he wanted to be a part of his life again. He wanted Graham to call and give him reports on his progress.

Graham asked his brother if he could help him one more time with his therapy. They all went back to Graham's room and watched while his brother helped him with his therapy. Graham felt much stronger in his legs and he believed his therapy was really helping. He would try walking a little more and further after they left. They finished the therapy and Graham got up with no problem and walked over to a chair and sat down. He was steady on his feet and he felt sure of himself.

They talked a little more and finally Graham's dad said they probably should get going. They had a long drive ahead of them. Graham's dad hugged Graham and whispered in his ear again how proud he was to have him as a son. And to be sure to call and let them know how he was doing. The rest of the family hugged Graham. He got up from his chair walked out to the front door with them. That was longest distance he had walked. He waved and watched them leave.

He walked back into his room and sat on a chair and cried like a baby. He was so happy that his dad accepted him and was proud of him. It was something he thought he would never hear.

The nurse consoled Graham and told him how happy he was for him. She told him that his strength was returning fast and he might be able to start tackling the stairs soon.

The cook brought out Bob's lunch. Bob asked him about Millie. He said she wasn't working today until after lunch. He also said she had been acting indifferent with him and the customers. He asked Bob if he knew what was going on. Bob told the cook she had been the same with him. He had no idea what was going on.

Finally Preston came in and took a seat with Bob. Bob was glad to have some company for lunch. They talked a little about Millie and Preston said she had been the same way with him. He didn't know what her problem was. Preston asked Bob how Graham was doing. He told Preston that he was getting stronger every day. His relatives were visiting and he wondered how Graham and his dad would get along. Preston told Bob that Rashona, Tyrell's wife, would be starting work as his private secretary tomorrow.

Preston and Bobhad ordered the lunch special. They finished their lunch, told each other they better get back to work. Bob asked Preston how he liked his new house. Preston told him it was perfect. The yard was like a tropical paradise. Holden had moved in and Mark had started his classes. Everyone was liking the house very much. Preston told Bob they would be over one of these mornings to work out together, giving Bob a wink.

Bob's afternoon went quick. He was glad. He did some paperwork on Reeve and emailed it off to the chief of staff. He was the last one to leave the clinic. He checked it and then locked the clinic and left for home.

Mark's day was going fast. He was getting bogged down with information and papers and books. He had about an hour before his next class. He wouldn't finish today until seven when his last class finished. With three majors he knew he was going to be having a very busy schedule. He walked over to the student union to get something to snack on and drink. He walked in and the union was pretty quiet. Most everyone must have left for the day or were in classes. Mark got a soda from the vending machine and a sandwich from a different machine. He looked over all the information he had received for today. Not much homework. Some reading and mainly to review the syllabus so he had his assignments ready to be turned in. He finished his snack and thought he better walk to his next class.

Mark got to his next class a few minutes before it was scheduled to start. It was in one of the major lecture halls. So it must be a big class. The lecture hall was slowly filling and soon it looked like everyone was in attendance and waiting on the professor to arrive.

Rashona was anxiously waiting for Tyrell to get home from work. According to the schedule he had given her, he should be arriving soon. She missed her husband. He was kind, loving and very romantic. And she loved his muscles, feeling all of them.

Deb and Jennifer had been calling each other, just like old times. Everything was getting back in order. They resolved their differences and now were waiting for Friday and the weekend to be together. They were getting everything planned how they wanted the weekend to play out.

Bob got home. Graham wanted Margaret to tell him when Bob pulled in. She came into Graham's room and told Graham that Bob had just pulled into the garage. Graham got up from the chair and walked slowly to the kitchen waiting for Bob. Finally Graham heard the kitchen door and Bob walked in. Bob couldn't believe the site in front of him. Their was Graham standing in the kitchen with no crutches or wheelchair. Af first he thought he might be hallucinating. Then realized he was seeing correctly. "Babe, where's your crutches and wheelchair?"

"I don't need them. I wanted to surprise you."

"You definitely surprised me. Let's go into your room and talk. I want to find out how your day went."

"Let's go out on the patio and talk there."

Bob followed Graham in case he started to wobble or looked like he was going to fall.

They sat at the patio table. And Graham told Bob what a great day he had. How his dad apologized and told him how proud he was of him. His brother helped him with his therapy and Margaret had made a wonderful lunch. They liked the house very much. Margaret had given them a tour. Then he told Bob how he was able to walk on his own, no crutches or wheelchair and felt steady and strong.

Bob also told Graham how proud he was of him and leaned over and gave Graham a kiss. "I know you were nervous about today and how it would play out. I'm so happy that everything worked out for the best. And look at you. Your already walking."

"I know isn't that great? Maybe you can help me later with my therapy and then I want to see how I do on the stairs?"

"Of course babe. I'll help you all that I can. You sure your ready to tackle the stairs?"

"Yes. I want to see how I do. If I'm able to do a couple of steps I'll be happy."

Mark's class was almost full when Irving took an empty seat next to him. "Looks like we have another class together."

"Yeah, it looks like it. What are you studying?"

Irving said, "business administration."

"Me too."

The class came to a close with another reading assignment. Irving looked at Mark and asked him, "I need to ask you something. Is this your last class for today?"

"Yeah it is. We can go to the student union and talk there."

They walked over to the student union and found a table that was kind of out of the way where they could talk. "So what's up Irving?"

"This is kind of hard to say. We've known each other from the In and Out Bar. But the apartment I'm living in is going to be demolished and a new housing project is going in. I was wondering if you knew of any places where I could stay?"

"I just moved into my brother's new house. Preston, you might have met him?"

"Oh my god, is your brother Preston, the former pro football player?"

"That's Preston. Why don't you follow me to our new house and you and Preston can talk. Maybe he will offer you one of our guest bedrooms for a place to stay."

"That would be awesome Mark. You think he will agree and let me live in his house?"

"I don't know. That's why you need to talk to him. Let's go back to the house. You follow me and he should be getting home from work soon."

They got up from the table and went to one of the parking lots. Luckily they were both parked in the some parking lot. Mark took off in his car with Irving following him.

They arrived at the house and Irving couldn't believe what he saw. This house looked liked a mansion. He hoped Preston would let him live there. He could help with bills and pay rent and buy food. He had a lot of money saved from working at the bar. He had planned on returning to the university to get his degree. He just needed a place to stay.

They walked in and Irving just stood their with his mouth open. "You ok Irving?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I've never seen a house like this."

"Why don't you go out on the patio and get us a couple of beers and I'll join you in a minute. I want to put my school things away."

Irving couldn't believe the house and this yard was something else. It looked like something you'd see in a magazine. He found the frig in the patio island and grabbed a couple of beers.

Mark came back out and they clinked their bottles together and relaxed on loungers talking about the male strippers and Irving's working at the bar.

"How long till you think Preston will be home?"

"It shouldn't be long. I'm sure he'll remember you from Bob and Graham's. Just be cool and he'll let you stay here. Mention his pro career and you'll be sure to have a place to stay."

"Thanks for the advice. I'll do that."

They drank their beer and talked a bit. Waiting for Preston to get home.

Suddenly Preston came in through the kitchen door. He didn't recognize the car parked by the garage. He greeted the housekeeper and saw Mark sitting out on the patio with another man. The other man looked vaguely familiar. Preston went to his room and got changed into something more comfortable. He put a tshirt and sweat bottoms on and walked out to the patio. "Hey Mark, who do we have here? Has Holden made it home yet?"

"First, this is Irving. He has a couple of classes with me at the university and I invited him over, he also wants to talk to you. And second, I haven't seen Holden since we got to the house."

Irving couldn't get over how big Preston was. He knew he was a large man from when he watched him play football on tv. But in person, he was huge. "Mark said you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah. First I really enjoyed watching you play pro ball. You were a great football player. I was surprised when you retired after only five years playing."

"Things happen and times change. I thought it was the right decision at the right time. You sound like you have more you want to ask me?"

"Your right. I don't remember if you remember me when we met at Bob and Graham's house? But Mark and I were talking after our last class at the university. I was explaining my situation to him and he recommended I talk to you."

"Ok. So what's your situation?"

"I rent an apartment and he gave Preston the name and details. They are going to be tearing down the apartment complex and putting in a new housing project. I have two weeks to get relocated and moved out before they start the demolition. Mark told me I should talk to you and maybe I could rent out a bedroom here. I would help you with the utilties and groceries and pay rent on the room. Mark and I could also study together on the two classes we have together."

"Wow, that's a lot of information in one breath. How did you manage that? I give a lot of presentations and talks at work and with clients and I'm not able to say that much in one breath."

"I tend to do that when I'm nervous."

"I wouldn't rent out a bedroom. However, if you want to help with utilities and groceries I could go along with that. I'm aware of the demolition and the new housing project. Our investment firm is responsible for the new housing project. I don't see any problem with you moving in."

"You look like you work out?"

"In hs, I liked working out. I work out almost every day at the university. All I have to do is show my student ID and I can use all the facilities at the gym."

"I have a home gym here. Mark Holden Tyrell and myself work out almost every morning early. Before we go to work or school. One thing you should know, it's a habit we picked up from staying at Bob and Graham's house, we go around most of the time in a jock underwear or naked. Just depends on how we feel."

"The home gym sounds perfect and as far as going around in underwear or naked, that's not a problem for me. I do that all the time in my apartment."

"Why don't Mark and I give you tour of the house and then you can make your decision if you want to start living here." They got up and grabbed another beer and walked downstairs. Irving couldn't believe the gym. It had everything you could think of, it was perfect. There was a large family room with a big screen tv. And a game room. With pool, pinball machines and foosball. They then walked back upstairs."

The housekeeper had left for the day. So they all stripped down to their underwear. Preston was wearing boxers as well as Irving, Mark was wearing a jock. They went upstairs to see the bedrooms. Preston showed him the bedroom that adjoined Mark's bedroom and told him if he decided to stay that would be his bedroom. Irving couldn't believe the size of the bedroom. It was almost the size of his whole apartment. It had an en suite bathroom, large walkin closet, king sized bed with a sitting area that he was thinking maybe could be converted into a study area.

They went back downstairs and out on the patio and Preston and Mark showed Irving the pool jacuzzi grotto and firepit with a pergola. Irving was thinking how he could refuse staying here. He asked Preston and Mark, "when would I be able to use all the things in the house and yard, is their a schedule or certain times."

Preston and Mark looked at each other and laughed. "If you decide you want to move in everything is available for you to use whenever you want. Just remember the housekeeper works Monday through Friday, from seven in the morning until four or five in the afternoon, depending on when she has her work done. So you won't want to be running around naked when she's here working.

"So what do you think Irving. You think you'd like living here?"

"How can I refuse living here rent free. Like I said, I will help with utilities and groceries."

"Perfect we would be glad to have you living here. I forgot to ask you what your studying?"

"I'm studying Business Administration.

"That's good to know. I'll keep that in the back of my head and I may have an opening for you at the investment firm. I'll run it by Graham when he gets back to work and see what he thinks, I'm sure he'll remember you."

"As far as paying for utitlies and groceries, I will get something worked out and run it by you and see if it's an amount you can handle. How soon do you think you'd be able to move in?"

"I wouldn't be able to get my things together and a rental until Saturday, if that works for you."

"The weekend would be good. Mark and I would be able to help you."

Bob and Graham went back to Graham's room. The nurse said she was going to get dinner ready for them. Graham wanted Bob to help him with his leg strength exercises. Bob couldn't believe how strong Graham's legs were. He could hardly stop the pushing on his hand.

The nurse popped her head in and asked them where they would like to eat. Bob looked at Graham and Graham looked at Bob. They both agreed at the breakfast nook. It would give Graham more exercise walking. That would be the longest distance he had walked yet. Bob walked behind Graham again in case there was any problem with his walking. Graham was almost walking normal. Slow, but with no limp or wobbles.

Graham told Bob when they finished dinner he wanted to try going up a couple stairs and see if he could do it. Bob told Graham he would be right beside him in case he had problems. They finished their dinner and Graham was ready to tackle the stairs that went up to the bedrooms.

They got up from the breakfast nook and Graham walked to the foot of the stairs. He had the hand railing to use for support. He put his right foot up on the stairs and then his left foot. Not too bad he thought. He tried another step and it went ok. He thought he'd try a third step and try walking back down to the landing. The third step went ok too. He turned and slowly walked back down the three steps. He didn't feel any pain and thought he'd try more steps tomorrow when the therapist came.

Bob again was impressed with Graham and told him so. He told Graham he could carry him upstairs to their bed if he wanted to sleep their tonight. Graham told him he would think about it. He thought with the nurse still here, it might be better if he slept downstairs in the same room. He would think about it some more and then give Bob an answer.

Rashona was anxiously waiting for her man to get home. She missed him and wanted to feel his arms holding her and his kiss. Tyrell was the best kisser. She was hoping their new house would be bigger than the apartment. The second bedroom was like the size of a closet. A twin bed barely fit in the room. She had all her things stacked in the that small bedroom. She had managed to haul all her things in by herself. She had the apartment looking pretty good. I lot better than when she first had arrived. Now she just needed Tyrell.

Rashona poured herself a cup of coffee and watched a soap opera waiting on Tyrell.

Soon the door opened and hot and sweaty Tyrell came in. Rashona was right there in a heart beat. "Baby you look so fine. I've missed you so much."

"Me too Tyrell. These have been the longest days for me without you. You want to shower and dress and then we can look at the new house and go out for our dinner date."

"That sounds good to me Ras. Would you grab me a cold beer from the frig, I'm going to drink a beer while I get ready."

"How was work Ty?"

"Hot and tiring. But not too tired for you. I'll feel much better after a shower."

Rashona went back to watching her soap opera. She heard the shower come on. She had laid out clothes for Tyrell to wear. Tyrell wasn't the best at selecting good clothes choices.

She heard the shower stop and asked Tyrell if he wanted her to dry him off.

"Of course babe. I like how you dry me off."

"Grab another beer and the towel and I'll be ready for you."

Drying each other off was something they had started when they were living together and carried it through their marriage. Many times they would shower together.

Rashona came in with a cold beer for Tyrell and a large fluffy towel. Tyrell had just stepped out of the shower. He looked just as hot as ever. Tyrell was her dream man and she felt lucky to have him as her husband. She started with Tyrell's head drying it off. Then his arms shoulders and chest. She did his back and his glutes. Then she went back to the front dried Tyrell's abs. She was getting hot feeling Tyrell's muscles. She then dried his legs and feet. Then went back to his cock and balls giving them special attention. She felt Tyrell's cock getting hard in her hand. She stopped and finished with his balls. His hard cock could wait till later when they got back home. "I have your clothes laid out for you Ty."

Tyrell walked into the bedroom and started getting dressed. Rashona had picked out some weird clothes. Nothing that he would have worn together. But he knew from experience you didn't argue with the wife. She was always right. He put some cologne on and walked out to Rashona. "Wow, look at this hot black stud."

Rashona looked pretty hot too, thought Tyrell. They were quite an attractive couple and could easily grace any clothing magazine. They always got stares when they were out shopping, eating or just hanging out.

"You ready Ras?"

"You know it Ty. I'm anxious to see the new house and then have a nice romantic dinner."

Bob and Graham walked to the living room. Graham was getting stronger all the time and he easily walked from the breakfast nook to the living room. They sat together and watched a movie.

Their movie ended and they were both tired. Graham told Bob he thought he should sleep downstairs in his room while the nurse was still here. Bob was a little disappointed but understood what Graham was saying. The nurse had left for awhile to give them some privacy. Then I guess we will have to have sex here in your room. That brought a smile to Graham's face. Bob walked over to Graham and they kissed and hugged and started making out. Soon they were both stripped of their clothes. Bob sucked Graham's hard cock, getting it wet and slick for his hole. Bob spit on a couple of fingers and stretched his hole for Graham's cock. He eased down over Graham facing him. He started bouncing up and down on Graham's cock. Graham was moaning and grunting and took Bob's cock in his mouth. They got a good rhythm going sucking and fucking. Graham started moaning and grunting louder and felt his balls pull up and his cock harden. He soon filled Bob's hole with load after load of hot creamy cum. Bob couldn't hold back any longer and soon shot in Graham's mouth and throat almost making Graham gag. Graham had to swallow a couple of times to take the big load.

They both got dressed. Bob gave Graham another kiss and they said their I love you's to each other.

Bob left to his bedroom. He stripped down and got into bed and slept like a baby after having wonderful sex with his partner.

Tyrell drove them to the housing site. Rashona couldn't believe the size the houses. She had never seen houses this big before. Only on the tv and in magazines. The guard opened the gate so Tyrell could drive in. They drove past Preston's house and Tyrell told Rashona that's where her boss lived. They parked in front of Graham's house and they could hear the workers inside.

Tyrell being the gentleman that he was, opened the door for Rashona and they walked up to the house and then went inside. The walls were up inside and the wiring had been done. They were installing kitchen cabinets and bathroom fixtures. Another part of the crew was doing some finishing touches on the fireplace and woodwork. The grand staircase had been finished going upstairs to the bedrooms.

Tyrell saw the housing boss and he introduced his wife to him. He said everything was on track. They should be finished this weekend and they would be able to move in this coming week. They both liked hearing that. They couldn't wait to get out of that small apartment and into a new house. They looked around a little more and then left.

Tyrell told Rashona he had an appointment with a personal decorator that would take care of the curtains, home furnishings and furniture. They would meet with her at the Italian Restaurant in the Mall at six tomorrow evening.

Tyrell told Rashona that the mill was paying all expenses for the interior decorator a gardener and having the pool maintained on a regular basis. They would have to pay for a housekeeper if they chose to have one.

Rashona told Tyrell she loved him and couldn't be more anxious than ever to get moved.

Urban liked the new neighbors and especially Bob and Graham. He was hoping he could start working out regularly with Bob and Tyrell Holden Preston and Mark. They were a cool group of guys. He thought he'd go over early tomorrow morning and see if he could get in a work out.

Quinton and Reeve were going every day to the housing site. They thought they were probably being a pest to the housing boss, but they didn't care. They were anxious to see when they would start on their house.

Deb and Jennifer were calling each other every day. They had everything planned for the weekend and the barbeque. They were glad they were speaking again and not arguing. Their husbands seemed to be in better moods now too, since they were getting along.

Preston was wondering where Holden was. He saw he had moved in things in a guest bedroom. Preston thought he would be home by now. He asked Mark. But Mark didn't know anything about Holden's whereabouts. Preston was wondering if he should give him a call and make sure everything was ok. He thought he'd wait a little longer and Holden would probably show up.

Rashona told Tyrell the new house would be like living in a palace. She couldn't believe how big it was. She was a little concerned about living so close to her boss. She didn't really know Preston, and didn't know Graham at all. She told Tyrell about her concerns and he told her there was nothing to worry about. He worked out at Preston's house early in the morning before work, and Preston was a pretty cool guy. As for Graham. He told his wife that Graham was pretty laid back and easy to get along with like Preston. That seemed to ease her worries a bit. She thought it was just the first day jitters.

They watched a movie on tv sitting close together on the couch. The movie ended and they went to bed.

Tyrell stripped down naked. Rashona liked Tyrell's hot naked body next to her. Rashona wore an oversized tshirt and panties. They crawled into bed together. They made out for hours or at least it seemed like it to Rashona. Tyrell was so sexy romantic passionate and knew everything she liked. Tyrell removed Rashona's tshirt and sucked on her tits and nipples. Rashona was getting hot and wet. Tyrell stuck a couple of fingers into her vagina rubbing over her clit. She was moaning and gasping for air. Tyrell was rock hard and didn't know how much longer he could hold out. He liked when Rashona rode his big cock. She knew that and moved up on Tyrell and eased her wet hot tight pussy down on his cock taking it all. Tyrell was so horny and hot for his wife he soon started shooting way up her pussy. He was fondling and playing with her tits as she rode him and milked out the last thick gobs of cum. They lay back exhausted and panting. They collapsed on each other and that was how they fell asleep.

Here it was already early Thursday morning. A lot was happening today for a lot of people.

Bob was awake early and ready for a good work out. He crawled out of bed and put some old sweats on. He walked downstairs and checked in on Graham. Graham was still sleeping so he didn't want to disturb him. He told the nurse he would be back after working out.

Bob got downstairs to a nice surprise. Dave Cal and Urban were already changing into their jocks. Bob hadn't seen Cal in a long time and they had a good chat while Bob finished getting ready and put his jock on. They warmed up and got into a good hour and a half work out. They were sweating profusely and stripped off their jocks and walked into the shower. They jerked each other off for starters and then Cal sat down on the shower seat and they all took turns getting fucked by Cal's big cock.

Urban was really liking these early morning workouts. These guys were really hot and were giving him just what he needed. Urban went first and sat down on Cal's big hardon riding it and making Cal moan and cum. Then Dave went next and knew just what Cal liked and had him cumming quick. I went last to enjoy a long fuck by Cal. It took Cal about ten minutes before he came. And I loved every minute of it. We rinsed off and changed and went upstairs for breakfast.

I checked in again on Graham and he was awake. We hugged and kissed and I told him I would eat breakfast with him. All the guys wanted to eat with Graham so we decided to go out on the patio and eat there. Graham easily got up from his bed and walked out to the patio. I was so impressed with my lover. He was doing so good. I was wondering how his therapy would go today and what they would be doing. I would find out later when I got home.

We all ate out on the patio. Graham had a good conversation with Urban and Cal. Graham really liked Urban. But he had Bob and that was all he needed. They finished breakfast and told each other they needed to get to work. Bob lagged behind and kissed Graham and told him he hoped his therapy went well, and was anxious when he got home to see what they had done today for his therapy.

Tyrell was awake early. He told Rashona this was time he went over to Preston's to work out. They kissed and Rashona gave Tyrell a good morning blow job while Tyrell fingered her clit and Rashona had multiple orgasms. He told Rashona he would be back for breakfast and then they could leave for work together.

Tyrell put some old sweats on and walked over to Prestons. He walked in and the housekeeper greeted him and told him they were all downstairs working out. Tyrell went downstairs and Holden Irving Mark and Preston were downstairs in their jocks getting warmed up. "We were wondering if you were going to make this morning, with your wife getting back?"

"I wouldn't miss working out. Rashona is nervous about meeting her boss today."

"Tell her there is nothing to be nervous about. She comes with a good background and references and I'm looking forward to working with her."

"I'll tell her when I get home."

Holden had gotten home late and slept in the guest bedroom. It was crowded with all his things in their, but he thought he could start unpacking tonight after work. Preston didn't seem to mind so it looked like everything was cool between them.

Tyrell joined the guys getting warmed up. They then moved to the weights and they all got in a good work out. They went in the shower and sucked each other off in circle suck. With the big cocks hard, it was easy sucking each other. They dried each other off, dressed for work and went upstairs for breakfast. Tyrell told the guys he needed to get home. Rashona was making them breakfast and then they needed to say their goodbyes to each other. The guys gave Tyrell a thumbs up and the ok sign and he left for his house.

Tyrell looked pumped and ready for work when he got back to the apartment. Rashona had a fantastic breakfast ready for both of them. They were running a tad late, so they ate quickly.

They kissed and hugged and each went their separate ways to work.

Preston and the guys went upstairs to eat breakfast. So far the housekeeper was working out. They all ate in the breakfast nook. They were stuffed by the time they finished eating breakfast. Mark said he had an easy day today and would be home early. He told Preston he would talk with Irving some more. They all went to the garage to go to work and school for Mark. Preston and Holden hugged and they all left for work.

Bob got to work and was busy in his office when his cell phone rang. It was his dad. "Hi dad, what a nice surprise. What's up?"

"Your mom and I wanted to invite you to the Country Club for lunch if you can get away?"

"I can get away and will meet you and mom at the Country Club at noon."

"Ok we look forward to seeing you and getting an update on Graham."

Quinton and Reggie were already at the clinic. Bob could hear them talking about their new house. That brought a smile to his face. He was glad he was able to help them out, without them knowing.

Graham was waiting on his therapist. The nurse told him to stop fidgeting and the therapist would be here soon.

The nurse had just said that when Margaret brought the therapist into Graham's room. "Hello Graham. How you feeling this morning?"

"I'm feeling great and anxious to get on with this therapy."

"That's good to hear. We are going to work with the weights a little more first. Then have you do some walking. And then will try some stairs and see how that goes."

"It sounds like a busy morning?"

"It is and if everything goes well. This may be your last few days of therapy."

They started with Graham's leg exercises pulling his legs back to his chest and pushing as hard as he could on the therapists hands. The therapist had a hard time holding back Graham's feet. They then did a few minutes with the weights. The therapist let Graham rest for a couple of minutes and then he had Graham stand and walk around the room. He couldn't believe how steady Graham was when he walked. No crutches and he didn't need his wheelchair. "Ok Graham, you ready to tackle the stairs?"

"I sure am. I tried three stairs yesterday with Bob and didn't have any problem as long as I went slow. I'm hoping I'll be able to do more stairs today."

"I'm sure you will be doing more stairs. Your strength is returning quickly."

They walked out to the stairs that went up to the bedrooms. If Graham remembered correctly, he thought there was forty steps. The staircase was wide and quite a showpiece on it's on with the magahony balustrades topped with bronze finials.

They were at the bottom of the stairs. It looked quite intimadating, but Graham knew he could do it. The therapasit told Graham to use the railing and he would walk up the stairs with him on the other side, in case he needed support or help. Graham started and he felt quite comfortable. He felt stronger and more sure of himself. He didn't go fast, but he kept an even pace and soon was half way up the stairs. "Graham, your doing terrific. Are you tired?"

"No, I feel fine. Let's go up a few more steps."

Graham continued up and soon was at the top of the stairs. He was pleased with his accomplishment as well as his therapist. The therapist told Graham, that it was usually easier going down the stairs than going up. It didn't require as much strength in the legs going down. Graham sat on a side chair in the hallway by the bedrooms for a few minutes. "Ok, let's get this done."

Graham easily made his way down the stairs without hardly any effort. You would never have known Graham was in a serious accident with both legs in casts and traction. He got to the bottom of the stairs and they walked outside to the patio.

The therapist was surprised that Graham wasn't tired. Graham asked the therapist if he wanted a beer with him. The therapist told him he shouldn't since he was working, but since Graham had done such a great job on the stairs, he told Graham only one and then he should probably leave. But he told Graham to do the stairs a couple more times in the afternoon and have the nurse walk with him. They drank their beer and the therapist told Graham he needed to leave and would be back early tomorrow morning for a full morning of exercise.

Margaret showed the therapist out and Graham sat outside finishing his beer. He was pleased with his progress. He couldn't wait to show Bob how he could go up all the stairs and then back down without any problem. They would be able to sleep together tonight. Something that Graham missed a lot.

Zane was doing some last minute work at Preston's house. There were a couple of places that needed a little stone work done to make it look finished. While he was working he was thinking about seeing Preston and another guy having sex. He was wondering if he could get into some of that action. They all looked in good shape and maybe that would be an avenue he could take. Find out where they worked out and maybe he could join them. His sexuality had really taken a turn for men after his divorce. He had married his high school sweetheart, but the problems started as soon as they were married. She was very demanding and didn't want sex anymore. Only on her terms and he was lucky if that was once a month. He liked having sex with his wife, but their marriage was spiraling downhill fast. After only six months of marriage they were divorced and Zane couldn't be happier. Now he just needed to find a good group of guys to hang out with and explore more of his desires for men. He would talk to Preston the next chance he got and maybe start working out with them.

Zane heard a car pull in to Preston's house. He was hoping it was Preston. He looked around the side of the house and it was Mark. Maybe he could take a chance and get some information from Mark. He walked around the side of the house? Mark was just getting out of his car. "Hi Mark, do you have a couple of minutes?"

"Sure Zane, what's up?"

"You and your brother are in such good shape. I was wondering what gym you guys go to?"

"We don't go to a gym downtown. We have our own home gym where we work out early in the morning before work for Preston and school for me. Why are you asking?"

"I would like to get back into working out. I get a lot of exercise with my work. But my work doesn't give me exercise on all my muscle groups. Do you think I could start working out with guys. Do you think Preston would mind?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't care. We usually work out at six in the morning. Something you should know right up front. We usually just wear jocks when we work out or sometimes naked."

"That's not a problem with me. Working out in a jock would be more liberating. Would it be ok if I started working out with you guys tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, bring a change of clothes for your work. Our housekeeper makes breakfast for us and I'll tell her to expect one more person. We will look forward to having you work out with us.

"Thanks Mark. I'm looking forward to it to. I better get back to work. Thanks again."

Zane couldn't believe how easy that was. Mark was really muscular, you could tell he worked out regularly. Just looking at Mark had made Zane hard in his work pants. He hoped that Mark hadn't noticed the bulge in his pants. He better finish up and check on his crew over at Graham's house.

Bob was having a good day. He couldn't believe this was Reeve's last week of internship. It seemed like it went quickly. He would miss Reeve. He made his job pretty easy. Bob had one more report to send the chief of staff at the hospital tomorrow and that would finish Reeve's internship with him. It was already approaching lunch time. He thought he better get ready to go to the Country Club and have lunch with his parents.

He closed his office and get in his SUV and took off for the Country Club. It would be nice to have lunch with his parents and tell them about Graham. He was surprised when his dad called and invited him to lunch. They were usually so busy that they never had time for their two boys. He was wondering if something was up and that was why he was invited for lunch.

Bob pulled into the main parking lot at the Country Club. He saw his dad's car parked up close to the entrance. He got out and walked into the Country Club. One of the waiters took him to his parent's table. They greeted him and he took a seat. Everything seemed normal. Nothing seemed different with them. He ordered an ice tea while his parents had a mixed drink. They had already ordered the lunch special for three. Finally his mother asked him, "how's Graham doing?"

"Graham is doing great. He's already walking on his own. And he tried a few stairs yesterday. I will find out how his therapy went today when I get home after work."

"That's good to hear," his parents said almost in unison. "Sounds like he might be able to return to work soon?"

"I'm not sure about that. But I think once he gets a little stronger, he will be able to return to work."

The waiter brought their lunch. It was very good. Roast beef tips in some kind of sauce. Bob ate dessert. It was one of his favorites. Strawberry short cake with real whipped cream. That was a splurge for him. But since he was working out regularly again, he didn't mind one splurge now and then and it wouldn't hurt anything.

They finished their lunch and told each other they should get back to work. Bob gave his mom a kiss on the cheek and shook hands with his dad and thanked them for lunch. They all took off for their work.

Bob arrived at his office and was just getting ready to put his lab coat on when he felt something in his right shirt pocket. He pulled a little card out of his pocket. It looked like a business card. He didn't remember how he got this card. It was a card from the Country Club. He turned the card over and it said "Vinton, please call me. I was your server at the Country Club today." He also had his phone number under his name. Bob still didn't remember how he received this card. He seemed like a nice enough young man. He would call him when he drove home after work.

Quinton and Reeve were going to make their daily visit to the housing site to see if they had started on their house yet.

The housing boss was expecting Quinton and Reeve any minute. He knew they were anxious to have their new house built. But they could only work so fast and had to do the housing orders in order. He wished everyone was as excited about a new house as these two young men.

Quinton and Reeve drove into the housing complex and parked in front where their house would be constructed. Still nothing yet. They walked over to Graham's house and walked in. They were coming along well with Graham's house. They looked for the housing boss and found him in one of the back rooms. They talked for a bit and he told them that they were running behind schedule with the delay in supplies. In fact, Zane was just finishing a few last minute details at Preston's house. He thought they would be starting on their house the beginning of next week, if there wasn't any more delays.

Graham ate lunch at the breakfast nook. He was ready to tackle the stairs again. He got the nurse's attention and told her he was ready to go up and down the stairs again. Graham walked on the left side of the stairs. He thought if any leg would be the weakest, it would be his left leg. He started up the stairs and didn't feel any pain. It went quite well. Soon he was at the top. He took a seat and rested for a bit and then easily walked down the stairs putting more pressure on his left leg. Everything seemed and felt ok. The nurse told him he did a good job. He told her he wanted to try going downstairs to the gym. That wasn't as many stairs, Graham thought maybe twenty steps at the most. These stairs were a little steeper than the stairs going up to the bedroom. He got himself in position and slowly went downstairs. It wasn't too bad as long as he went slow. He then got lined up again and went back upstairs. He walked out to the patio and took a seat. He told the nurse he was going to relax a bit and then in hour or so he would do the stairs again. Graham grabbed a beer from the patio frig and it tasted good. He had worked up a little sweat going up and down the stairs.

The nurse was very impressed with Graham's progress. She had never seen anybody recover as fast as Graham from an accident as serious as Graham's. She knew Graham was in good shape and that was helping his recovery.

Preston got home and saw Mark's car in the garage. Then he remembered that Mark would get done early today. He was wishing Holden was home he was horny and ready for some fun. Holden would probably be getting home later. Preston peeked into Mark's room. "How'd your day go bro?"

"Not too bad. It was nice to get done early today. Tomorrow will be another long day with two evening classes. I'm just finishing some homework and a couple of papers I need to get ready."

"Ok, do whatever you need to do. I'm going out on the patio and have a cold beer."

"When I finish I'll join you. I have something to tell you."

Preston went to his room and changed into some gym shorts and tshirt. The housekeeper told Preston she was done for the day and their dinner was in containers to be warmed in the frig. Preston thanked her and he went to the patio.

Bob couldn't believe how fast the day went. It was nice having lunch with his parents. Tomorrow was Reeve's last day. They were planning a little party for him at the clinic. Shirley and Janice were getting everything organized and would have the clinic decorated before Reeve came to work. It was a pleasure working with Reeve. Reeve would be a very good doctor. He already had all the qualities and training to make a good doctor.

Bob told everyone bye and he got in his SUV, connected his phone to his radio and took off for home. He remembered the card from Vinton and could use voice recognition to dial the number. The phone rang a couple of times and finally a voice said, "This is Vinton, how may I help you?"

"Hello Vinton, this is Doctor Bob. You were our waiter yesterday at the Country Club and somehow you managed to put a business card in my shirt pocket without me even knowing."

"I'm glad you found the card and called me. I'm wondering if you can help me out?"

"I'll help you if I can."

"I noticed how good of shape your in. I was wondering if you go to the local gym to work out. I go to the local university. I work at the Country Club to help pay for my education. I use the gym at the university, but many times it's full with the sports players and not any machines available for anybody else."

Bob was thinking that Vinton was being quite forward without really knowing him. But since he was just asking for information. He would offer his home gym if he was interested.

"I don't go to the local gym Vinton. I have my own home gym that I use. You are welcome to use it. I usually work out early before I go to work around six in the morning. Something you need to know. Sometimes friends come over to work out with me. We usually just wear jocks when we work out and then shower downstairs in the my locker room. They all bring a change of clothes. So they are ready for work when we finish. My housekeeper makes us all breakfast."

"That sounds perfect. I have no problem working out in a jock. We are all men. We all have the same things. How soon would I be able to start working out with you guys?"

"You can start tomorrow if that works for you." I gave Vinton my address and told him about the speaker at the gate.

While Preston was drinking his beer his cell phone rang. It was Irving. "Hi Irving, getting all ready for your move?"

"Yes. I can't wait. I'm getting everything organized. I didn't realize how much stuff I've accumulated. I'm going to get a trailer hitch put on my car and use a small trailer to haul my things. Is Mark available?"

"He's busy studying right now. He told me he would join me out on the patio when he finished. When he comes out I'll tell him you called and have him call you back."

"Ok. Thanks Preston again for everything and letting me move into your house. I'll look forward to talking to Mark later."

Vinton was pretty happy. He really liked Bob when he saw him at the Country Club and this would give him a change to get closer to him. He was wondering who the other guys were that worked out with Bob. Maybe he would know one of them. He doubted it. He was either working at the Country Club or attending classes at the university. He was studying business administration and economics. He had noticed a couple of really hunky guys in a couple of his classes. They were always hanging out together. Oh well, tomorrow morning will come fast and I can't wait to work out in just a jock with Bob.

Rashona's first day of work went very well. Everyone was very friendly. And it looked like Preston would be an easy boss to work for. She had quite a stack of papers to go through, but managed to complete everything by five in the afternoon.

Preston had a meeting with her. Telling her what he expected and exactly what her job would entail. It was nothing she hadn't already done previously. Preston was very impressed with Rashona, she was intelligent, very attractive and efficient. Everything he wanted in his private secretary.

The only thing bothering Preston were the questions everyday when Graham would be returning back to work. All he could tell them was that he was recuperating at home and having therapy every day. He had heard through the grapevine that Graham was recovering very fast, but he had no proof of that.

Bob decided to make a stop at the hotel and see how everything was going. He hadn't talked to Sam in a long time and he wanted to keep in touch in case their was something he needed to help Sam with. He pulled into the covered parking lot in the back. Walked around to the front and went in. The doorman recognized Bob and opened the hotel door for him. Bob walked into the lobby and it was busy like usual. Guests arriving and departing. He didn't see Sam so he walked over to the reception desk and asked the lady working if Sam was at the hotel. She said he was doing something in the banquet room. Bob walked into the banquet room and saw Sam talking with some designer. It looked like they were getting it set up for a reception or party. Sam saw Bob and walked over to him. They talked for a bit and Sam told him they were having a large wedding reception tomorrow and were starting to get it set up now. The hotel chef and his staff would be making the appetizers and dinner for the reception. Sam told Bob the hotel was staying very busy. But the staff worked together well and could easily take care of everything. Bob was glad to hear that. He asked Sam if the jeweler had been by the hotel. He said not for quite awhile. He stays busy with consignment orders which he seems to like very much. Bob told Sam he was just checking in and was going to head home. Sam asked Bob how Graham was. He told him that he was recovering very fast. He was walking and able to go up and down the stairs. Sam told Bob to give Graham his best wishes for a fast recovery. Bob told Sam he would pass the message on to Graham. Bob left and drove home.

Bob got home and walked into the kitchen. Graham was standing by the kitchen island when he heard Bob. Bob walked over and they hugged and kissed. Bob asked Graham how his therapy went.

Bob told Graham he was going upstairs to change. How about if I go with you and show you how my therapy went today. Bob gave Graham a funny look. Graham followed Bob and they walked upstairs together to the bedroom. Bob was amazed that Graham could climb all the stairs and still be able to walk to the bedroom. They got in the bedroom and they both stripped and got on the bed. Bob had missed Graham and now was his opportunity to show his partner how much he missed him.

They made out on the bed. They were immediately hard. Their big hardons hitting together while they kissed and hugged. They moved around into a sixty nine so they could rim each other. It had been a long time since they were able to do this. Bob was sticking his tongue in and out of Graham's hole making Graham moan while he munched on Bob's hole. They stuck a couple of fingers in each other to stretch their holes and play with their prostates. Soon they couldn't take it any longer and Bob got on top of Graham's cock and slowly slid down his cock until his ass cheeks were nestled on top of Graham's pubes. Bob squeezed Graham's cock and pulled on it with his ass muscles. Graham was so horny for Bob that he soon was blasting load after load up Bob's ass. They collapsed back on the bed for a couple of minutes and then Graham got on top of Bob's cock and did the same as Bob. He slowly slid his hole down Bob's cock. Bob was horny for Graham, he had missed his lover and shot a big load way up Graham's hole. They collapsed back again on each other and just rested before eating dinner.

Rashona got home. She was reflecting on her first day of work. Preston was going to be an easy boss to work for. Preston reminded her of her Tyrell. Preston was tall, muscular, good looking had tattoos on his arms. He was like a white version of Tyrell.

Rashona changed out of her work clothes into something more casual. She was a good cook and was going to make one of Tyrell's favorite dinners. She couldn't believe they were moving into a new house. The house was massive and it had a dream kitchen for her. She couldn't wait till they moved in to show off their house to relatives and friends.

There was a knock on their bedroom door that startled Bob and Graham. "Yes?"

"This is the nurse. I was wondering if you wanted me to get dinner ready for you two?"

"Yes. Go ahead and get it ready. We'll be down in a few minutes and will eat out on the patio table."

Preston's days went longer without Graham. He would be glad when Graham could return to work. Having Rashona now would help a lot and give him more time to work with Graham's staff. He wrapped up his day and drove home. He was hoping Holden was home.

He parked in the garage. Mark's car was their, but not Holdens. He walked in and the housekeeper was busy in the kitchen getting dinner ready. He greeted her and she told him Mark was busy in his room studying. She said Holden hadn't made it home yet.

Preston went to his room and put on some boardshorts and grabbed an oversized towel. He was going for a swim. He checked in on Mark. Mark told him he was working on a couple of papers that were due next week. He would come out in a bit and join him in the pool. Preston told Mark the housekeeper was still here so to be sure to wear a swimsuit.

Preston was pleased on how his new house had turned out. He was going to walk around the yard first before taking a swim. He hadn't really checked out everything that Zane and his crew had done. He opened the sliding doors to the patio and walked down to the pool and jacuzzi. There were cement paths going all over. One took him to the waterfall and the fish ponds. Another path went to the pergola and seating area with a large firepit. The last path just meandered around the rest of the yard, by flower beds and another large fish pond, with a little stream that connected it to the other fish ponds. It was really quite spectacular and the yard really complimented his dream house.

Mark finished his work. He remembered he needed to mention Zane to Preston. He was sure Preston wouldn't mind having another guy work out with them. Mark finished everything he wanted to do for school. He checked his dresser drawers and found a speedo. It was an old one that he hadn't worn for a long time. He was wondering if it would even fit. He tried it on and it was tight. He had a hard time squeezing everything into the tight speedo. It almost looked like something they would wear when they did their strip shows. Oh well, it was just him and Preston. He knew Preston wouldn't care.

He grabbed a towel and walked out to where Preston was. Preston had just put his towel on a pool lounger and was getting ready to dive into the pool when he saw Mark coming down in a super tight swimsuit. "You better be careful there bro."

"Why's that?"

"You look like you could burst out of that swim suit at any minute. You better not get a hardon or you'll be bouncing and swinging around."

"Guess I better dive in then and get cooled off."

They both dove into the pool. The water was refreshing. The pool was heated and the water was at a comfortable temperature. They both laid against the side of the pool, stretched out and relaxing.

"I have something to tell you Preston."

"What's that?"

"Zane was finishing some stone work and we were talking for a bit. He asked me how we stayed in such good shape. I told him we work out almost every morning. He asked me if we went to the local gym. I told him no that we have a gym here in the house. He asked me if he could start joining us working out early in the morning. I told him sure. That we work out at around six in the morning. To bring a jock and a change of clothes for work. I didn't think you'd mind?"

"Not at all. I think Zane will be a good addition to our work out group. He doesn't look like he needs to work out. His work keeps him in good shape. Maybe he has some other ideas for working out. I guess we'll find out tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of going over to Bob and Graham's tomorrow morning to work out. I want to surprise them."

"That's a great idea. They will be surprised when we all show up to work out."

They heard a noise and they saw Holden walking down the path to the pool. He was naked and semi hard. "You guys want some company?"

"You be we do," said Preston with a big smile on his face. "How did you manage to avoid the housekeeper?"

"She had already left for the day when I got home."

"Well then, lets get comfortable bro." They shucked their swim suits and tossed them on the side of the pool. "Dive in, the water's great."

Holden dived in and came up right next to Preston. They kissed and hugged and then Holden and Mark kissed and hugged. Holden was between Preston and Mark.

Preston was missing Holden all day and now he was home and they could have some fun. Mark told them he was going to his room. He wanted to talk to Irving.

He wanted to give his bro and Holden some privacy. He was going to call Irving. Since they have a couple of classes together, they had become closer and good friends. Mark was working on Irving being a good friend with benefits. They had a few sexual conversations and found out they both liked pretty much the same things. Mark was anxious for Irving to move in. Hopefully it would happen this coming weekend. He walked into his room and closed the door and called Irving.

Mark picked up his phone and called Irving. "Hey bro, what's up? I'm glad you called."

"I was horny for you and thought I'd give you a call. I can't wait until you move in. You think it will happen this weekend?"

"Horny for you too. The way everything is looking. I should be able to move in Saturday afternoon. I have everything organized and still have some more packing to do. I'm using a small trailer that will fit all my stuff."

"That sounds terrific. I can't wait until your here and wrap my arms around you and kiss you."

"I want to feel you all over. Rub that big bulge in your pants until you can't take it any longer and then strip your pants off and suck your big cock to make you cum."

"I want to finger your hole and suck you till you shoot a big load down my throat."

"I wish we were doing it together right now."

"Me too. I can't wait till Saturday when you move in."

"I'm jerking off right now."

"Me too. Let's try to cum together at the same time."

"Just let me know. I'm ready."

"I am too. Let' do it."

"Oh god I'm shooting a big load. Glad I have a towel handy."

"I just shot. You make me so horny and I always have big loads."

"Just wait till Saturday when we can actually do it together."

"I know. I can't wait."

"I better leave now. I still have more school work to do."

"I have some I should finish too. Love you and will call again tomorrow."

"Love you too. Will look forward to your call."

Mark knew he would sleep good tonight after having a good jerk off with Irving.

Preston and Holden were getting pretty hot and heavy in the pool. They were making out. Kissing and touching each other all over. Their big cocks were sticking straight up. They grabbed each other's cocks and starting stroking them. Soon they were sucking each other. Preston raised Holden's legs and eased his wet dripping cock into Holden's hole. Holden loved Preston's big cock. It filled him and reached places nobody else ever had. Holden pushed back on Preston's cock when Preston pushed in. Preston couldn't hold back any longer and grunted loud and filled Holden's hole with one of his massive loads. They switched and Preston was riding Holden's's cock. Holden's cock was perfect for Preston's hole. It was a perfect fit. He couldn't get enough of Holden. Soon Holden was moaning and gasping for air as he shot way up Preston's hole. They were both satisfied for the moment. They kissed and went back into the pool for a little more swimming and exercise.

Bob and Graham got dressed and walked downstairs for dinner. They walked out on the patio and the nurse had everything almost ready for them.

Bob watched Graham when he walked down the stairs. There was no limp or hesitation. He was walking down the stairs like nothing had happened.

The nurse brought out the rest of the dinner and they had an enjoyable conversation and Graham was hoping he could return to work next week. I told him it would depend on what the therapist said tomorrow. However, if tomorrow was his last day, to be sure to have the therapist take the crutches and wheelchair. He told Graham he should probably wait awhile before buying a new car. Make sure his reflexes were ok and no problems getting in and out of the car. Graham agreed with Bob and thought that was probably the best idea. Graham said he would give Preston a call and he could probably get a ride to work with him. But first wait to see what the therapist said tomororw. It could also be the nurses last day tomorrow.

Bob suggested they go downstairs and watch a movie. He wanted Graham to get more exercise on the stairs and he wanted to see about Graham starting to work out. He knew he could do free weights, that wouldn't be a problem. He could do arm curls. But he wanted to see if Graham could do leg curls and the treadmill. The treadmill would give him good leg exercise if he didn't try to overdo it.

They finished their dinner and told the nurse they were going downstairs. Graham had no problem going down the stairs. Bob asked Graham if he wanted to go to the gym for a few minutes. Bob told Graham what he had been thinking about. Graham thought he would try what Bob suggested. Like Bob thought, Graham had no problem with the free weights and lifting. He could do his arm curls. They then walked over to one of the treadmills. Graham started it very slow. Like a slow walking pace. That was no problem for Graham and he said he liked the way it felt on his legs. Graham stopped the treadmill and got off and Bob asked Graham if he would try some leg curls. They strapped the lightest weights on each leg. Graham sat on the weight bench and tried lifting one leg. It wasn't too bad. It hurt a little at first and but after a couple of leg lifts the pain had went away. He tried the other leg and it was the same. Graham told Bob he would mention this to the therapist tomorrow.

They walked out of the gym and over to the home theater room. Bob told Graham to find a movie and he was going to make some popcorn. He still needed to get a popcorn machine downstairs, it would be much easier and faster than going up and downstairs. Graham found a movie and put it on pause while he waited for Bob. God how he loved Bob. He was so thoughtful and caring. Graham was thinking how Bob was getting him to try different things to exercise his legs and get his full strength back. He really appreciated everything Bob was doing for him. The nurse, the therapist, the crutches and wheelchair. He started to tear up thinking about it. He heard Bob coming down the stairs and wiped the tears away. They sat together on one of the oversized theater chairs. The cushions were soft and very comfortable. Graham got the movie started and they watched the moved eating popcorn.

Rashona was busy in the kitchen making dinner for her and Tyrell. She heard the door of their apartment and Tyrell walked in. He was hot and sweaty after work. He walked over and gave Rashona a kiss. "He asked her what smelled so good."

"Oh something I'm making for a very sexy man. Something he likes very much."

"That sounds like you. You know your irrestible to me."

"Your such a sweet talker. Why don't you shower and change while I finish dinner?"

"Ok baby. Whatever your cooking smells delicious. I know what I want for dessert." He gave Rashona a wink as he walked to the bedroom.

Rahsona heard the water running in the shower. She couldn't believe how much she loved Tyrell. He was the perfect husband. Making one of his favorite dinners was the least she could do for her man. He was so sexy. Just looking at him got her juices boiling. She got the table ready while she the heard the water turn off.

Just looking at Rashona gave Tyrell a hardon. She was so beautiful. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have Rashona as his wife. He dried off and put on some gym shorts and tshirt. He didn't wear any underwear. He wanted his privates bouncing around for Rashona to see. He walked out to the their little dining area.

The dinner looked wonderful and the smells were mouth watering. She put a small flower arrangement on the table. Tyrell took a seat and couldn't wait to see what Rashona had made for dinner. She came out with a couple of big pots of food and set it on the table. "You start first babe. I made this special for you."

It was homemade spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast. Rashona made the best spaghetti, better than his mama. Of course he couldn't tell his mama that, or she would smack him across the side of the head. He loaded his plate with noodles and then heaped on the spaghetti sauce with meatballs. He waited for Rashona to serve herself. Of course she ate like a bird. A tablespoon of this and a tablespoon of that. Tyrell sprinkled some parmesan cheese on his spaghetti and took a mouthful. It was so good. "You really outdid yourself Rashona. This spaghetti gets better every time."

"Anything for my hard working man. Your deserve the best Ty. It will taste even better once we get moved into our new house."

"I don't know how it can get any better. You make the best spaghetti. I could eat the whole pot of spaghetti it's so good."

"I love you Ty. You always make me feel so special."

"You are special Ras. Your the most important person in my life."

Rashona walked over and gave Tyrell a kiss. Their spaghetti mingling together.

"What do you want to do after dinner Ty?"

"I just want to relax with my hot sexy wife and watch some sports."

"That sounds perfect Ty. You go get yourself comfortable and I'll join you once I get everything put away and the dishes cleaned."

Tyrell went to the little living room and turned on the tv. He flipped through the sports channels and found a good pro football game. He stretched out on the couch and watched the game. Waiting for his wife.

Rashona finished in the kitchen. She would be glad to have the dishwasher in the new house. Tyrell pretty much took up the whole couch, but she didn't care. He would wrap his big arms around her and pull her in close to him while they watched the game. She couldn't wait to feel his warm body pressed up tight to hers.

She finished and the kitchen looked pretty good. At least she thought so. She walked to the living room and laid down next to Ty. Just like she knew he would do. He wrapped his big arms around her and pulled her in tight to him. This was one of her favorite things she liked about Ty. He knew how to make her feel relaxed and safe. She knew nothing would happen to her when she was in Tyrell's arms.

The game was ok. It wasn't her favorite thing to watch on tv. She liked the soap operas which Tyrell despised. So she could bear watching sports with him. She knew it was something he liked and he worked a lot harder than she did. His work was very physical and hers was more mental and office related. In their new house they had many tv's so if he wanted to watch sports with his of guy friends that was ok. She could go to a different room and watch her soap operas.

Vinton couldn't believe his good luck. He was going to work out with Dr. Bob. Bob was so sexy and seeing him in a jock would probably make him cum right away. He was wondering who his friends were that came over to work out with him. That should be interesting. He would find out tomorrow morning.

Irving couldn't wait until Saturday to move into Preston and Mark's house. He couldn't believe how fast he and Mark got along. He remembered Mark from when he worked at the In and Out Bar. They put on some pretty sexy strip shows. And now they were both studying at the university and had a couple of classes together. Things couldn't be more perfect. Everything was falling into place for him. Now the next big step would be finding work after he graduated.

Thursday evening was turning into being quite a sex filled evening for many people. Our first couple Quinton and Reeve felt like they needed to renew their friendship. They switched off staying at each other's apartments. They still went every day to the housing site to see when they would be starting on their house. They kept marking the days off on the calendar. This evening and night Quinton would be staying at Reeve's apartment. They stripped down and locked the door as soon as they entered the apartment. They were hungry for each other. They went straight to the master bedroom. Reeve turned on the tv for some background noise. They were in a sixty nine eating out each other's holes and giving great rim jobs. Making them moan and yearn for more. Reeve kept lube in his nightstand, but the way they were rimming each other and how wet they were he didn't think they'd need any lube. Quinton was sticking his tongue in and out of Reeve's hole. It felt like a small cock going in and out. Quinton replaced his tongue with a couple of fingers and was rubbing back and forth over Reeve's prostate. Reeve was begging Quinton to fuck him. Quinton placed a couple of pillows under Reeve's hips and slid his cock easily into Reeve's waiting hole. He worked his cock in and out rubbing over Reeve's prostate and driving him crazy. Reeve's hole was the perfect fit for his cock. He slid it in and out with his balls slapping Reeve's ass. He soon felt his cum building and knew he was going to shoot out soon. His cock hardened and thickened in Reeve's hole and he grunted loud and shot load after load of cum in Reeve's hole. Reeve's hole was all red and puffy by the time he was through cumming. Quinton got on top of Reeve's cock. Letting his ass slowly slide down the length of his hard thick shaft. Reeve's cock had been leaking profusely so it was easy for Quinton to slide on it. He wiggled around so that Reeve's cock was rubbing his prostate. Damn his cock felt good. He was so horny for his lover. He couldn't control himself and soon was bouncing up and down on Reeve's cock. His own cock would slap his stomach as he bounced up and down. Quinton wanted Reeve's load and he wanted it fast and deep. He kept going faster and faster until he heard Reeve grunt and gasp and he felt his warm hot cream filling him up. They both collapsed back on the bed on top of each other and that was the way they fell asleep with the tv still going.

Tyrell and Rashona almost feel asleep on the couch. But Tyrell stayed interested in the game. He felt Rashona stirring and pressing her tight cute ass up hard on his cock. His cock immediately responded and was hard. He reached around into Rashona's blouse and fondled her tits. Her nipples got hard right away. He slowly moved his hand down and into her panties. He used one of his big fingers to rub over her clit. He could hear her giving out low moans. He whispered in her ear. "let's go to bed."

Zane was in bed watching tv. he was thinking more about working out with Preston and Mark and maybe some other guys, than really enjoying the sports he had on tv. He was naked and spread eagle on his bed. He was slowly rubbing his cock and balls thinking about the guys. He was in a long dry spell right now. His last boyfriend had been one of his crew members and it was problems from the start. What they say about having a romance with a coworker is true. It just doesn't work. His boyfriend was hot and hunky, but a real asshole. He tried to sue Zane, but his case didn't hold water and he ended up paying lawyer fees, leaving and relocating somewhere else.

Zane was in good shape, in fact he was just as muscular as Mark. He was more interested in finding another boyfriend. He knew Preston was in a relationship, but he wasn't sure about Mark. Or maybe one of the other guys would be a good possibility. He would find out tomorrow morning. He didn't really like jerking off, but when you have no other options a strong right hand does the job. Zane pulled a tube of lube out of his nightstand drawer and lubed a couple of fingers and his cock. He slicked his big hard cock and eased a couple of fingers in his hole. He found his prostate and started working it good. That always made him cum fast. He started stroking his big uncut cock. He was a good seven inches and thick. he got a good rhythm going with his fingers and jerking. Soon he shot out three big loads of cum, hitting his face and chest. Zane pulled his fingers out and wiped them off. He pulled his cum off with a couple of fingers and licked them off. He didn't mind the taste of his cum. Of course, he liked somebody else's better. That tuckered him out and he finished watching the game and drank a beer. The game ended and he went to sleep.

The game was close to finishing and Tyrell knew who was going to win. He picked up Rashona and carried her to the bedroom. He slowly stripped her out of her clothes and then he stripped down. He carefully laid her down on the and got between her legs, eating her out. Giving her clit a good work out. She was moaning louder and trying to pull Tyrell up on her. Tyrell's huge cock was hard and leaking and ready for action. He moved up on Rashona and slowly slid his cock all the way into her hot wet pussy. Her pussy was tight and grabbed his cock. Something that really got him going. He started fucked her and sucking on her nipples. She was moaning and telling Tyrell how good it felt. Soon Tyrell was grunting loud and filling Rashona's pussy with a big hot load. Tyrell fell back on his side of the bed. Panting gasping for air. Rashona smoothered him with kisses and she hugged him and they fell asleep.

Preston and Holden were laying in bed. Preston told Holden he was going to have an Open House soon. That was why he wanted to go to Bob and Graham's house to work out. He wanted to see how Graham was doing and if he would be able to come to an Open House. But Preston had other things on his mind as did Holden. They embraced each other in bed, kissing and making out. They still couldn't get enough of each other's bodies. They liked feeling their muscles and tracing the outlines with their fingers. They especially liked the big muscle between their legs. They got into a sixty nine. Lubed a couple of fingers and finger fucked each other. They were soon bobbing up and down on each other's cocks. They wanted to try to cum together. When they did that, they always had big loads. They kept going and going fucking their asses faster with their fingers. Soon they both tightened and hardened and shot out at the same time. They had to swallow a couple of times to be able to take each other's loads. They were tired after their hot sex and sex earlier in the pool. They held each other and kissed and slowly nodded off to sleep.

Vinton was pretty happy. He was going to be able to work out with Bob and some of his friends. That was perfect. Hopefully he would find someone to hook up with. He knew Bob and Graham were partners. But maybe someone else in the work out group would be available and a good catch. Vinton laid on his bed naked watching tv and thinking about the early morning work out. It was making him hard and horny. He needed a partner and bad. He had been by himself long enough and having a partner would make him feel complete. He was stroking himself without even realizing he was doing it. Soon his cock was super hard and leaking. He closed his eyes and thought about Bob and shot a big load all over his chest. He luckily kept a towel handy and wiped off his cum. He turned on the tv and watched the late news and then fell asleep.

Bob and Graham's movie finished as well as their popcorn. They had been feeling each other up while they watched the movie. They were tired after the movie and Bob was wondering how Graham would do going up to separate flights of stairs. They went to the kitchen level and Graham had no problem. Then they went up the stairs to the bedroom and again Graham didn't have any trouble. They stripped each other down in the bedroom and both were sporting hardons. They crawled into bed together facing each other. Kissing and hugging and letting their hardons hit and rub together. They got into a sixty nine and deep throated each other. They had lubed a couple of fingers and were fingering their holes. Giving their prostates a good work out. Graham had been waiting for this and saving a big load for Bob. They both shook and trembled when they came. It was two powerful orgasms. Bob had to swallow three times to be able to take all of Graham's load. He saw Graham swallow once. They lay back panting on the bed. They looked at each other and whispered their I love you's to each other. Snuggled up together and went to sleep.

Urban couldn't believe his luck. He had moved into the perfect neighborhood. He was a neighbor of Dave and he had met Cal. They seemed like a nice couple. Urban had already worked out a couple of times at Bob and Graham's house and they were very friendly and he really liked their gym. He was anxious now to see who else would be coming to work out. He was really looking for someone to partner with. Maybe someone would show up when they worked out tomorrow that would catch his attention.

Urban had finished work early for a change. It was nice to get home early. He didn't really like cooking so he ordered some Chinese food to be delivered. He just had on some gym shorts. No shirt or underwear. He was really horny. He hadn't cum in three days. That's the longest he had went without jerking off without being with someone.

He heard the doorbell and went over and opened the door. A tall man had his Chinese order. He paid the man and gave him a good sized tip and the delivery man left. He took the food to the living room and got himself a cold beer. He turned on the tv and flipped through the channels. Nothing much of interest to watch. So he took his food and beer outside on the patio. He thought he might go for a swim after eating. His big soft cock was hanging out the side of his gym shorts along with his balls. He was getting horny again and he thought a swim in the pool would calm down his cock. He finished the food. It was very good. He had ordered from them before. He put the containers in the trash and went to the linen closet and grabbed a towel.

Urban walked down to the pool. Stripped off his gym shorts. Laid the towel on a pool lounger and dove into the water. The water was refreshing but hadn't done anything for his semi hardon and his horniness. If anything, he felt hornier than before. Urban swam a few laps and showered off in the outside shower and then stretched out on a lounger laying on his towel. He needed to get rid of his horniness. He started rubbing his pecs and his nips and got rock hard. He squeezed a nip and his cock immediately stood up tall and proud. He rubbed some precum over a finger and eased it into his hole. He liked fingering himself when he jerked off. He started jerking his cock with his other hand. He was going to bend over so he could shoot in his mouth when he got close. Something he had been able to do for a long time. He felt himself getting closer so he laid down flat on the lounger and was able to double up with his cock aimed right at his open mouth. He was fingering his hole fast and furiously as he got closer and closer. Soon he grunted loud and started shooting into his open waiting mouth. Damn it was a big load. He was able to take it all in his mouth and swallow it down. He didn't mind the taste of his cum. It was a little bitter and salty. He just laid their panting and gasping for air. Once his breathing was back to normal he got up and went to his bedroom. He crawled into bed and slept like a baby.

Deb and Jennifer were on the phone having phone sex. Reggie could hear Deb moaning and groaning while she fingered herself. He was busy talking to Jarvis and they were also having some hot phone sex. They couldn't wait until tomorrow when they would get togethere for the barbeque and stay the weekend. Reggie was busy stroking his cock while he talked to Jarvis. Jarvis was doing the same until he couldn't take it any longer and was shooting his load. Reggie heard Jarvis cumming and he did the same. They told each other their I love you's and hung up. Deb was still talking to Jennifer when he went to bed. Reggie went right to sleep and never heard his wife return to bed after her conversation with Jennifer.

Irving and Mark were having another hot phone conversation. They were both naked and rock hard talking to each other. They were breathing heavy while they talked to each other. They were busy stroking their cocks while they talked. They could hear the slapping sounds of their hands stroking their hard cocks. Their balls were bouncing up and down. They couldn't see that. However, if they were doing a video chat they would see each other. They were getting so hot and horny for each other. Irving came first. Mark could hear him panting and gasping for air. Telling him how much he wished Mark had jerked him off. Then Mark suddenly came with a big load shooting out all over him. Irving heard Mark panting and groaning. They were couldn't wait till Saturday. Mark was going to help Irving's move would go fast. Preston told Mark he might help once they got to the house to unload boxes. They told each other their I love you's and hung up. Mark was drained and he collapsed on top of his bed and fell asleep.

Bob woke up a couple of minutes before Graham. He could smell breakfast permeating the bedroom. He felt Graham starting to stir and they gave each other a good morning kiss.

Margaret had started early. She knew there would be a big group of guys for breakfast. So she thought she better prepare a big breakfast for a small army.

Bob and Graham crawled out of bed and put some shorts on. They walked downstairs and saw Margatet busy in the kitchen. They kept going and were soon downstairs walking to the lockerroom. They could hear talking from the lockerroom. Preston Holden Mark Tyrell and Zane were there. Also, Dave Cal Vinton and Urban had made it. They had quite a crew to work out this morning. They greeted all the guys and were introduced to Zane and Vinton. Vinton couldn't keep his eyes off Urban and I noticed Urban giving Vinton a good look over. We went into the gym and started warming up on the treadmills. Since their were only two treadmills some of the guys had to wait their turn. The first two got warmed up and walked over to the weights and started lifting. Soon everyone had warmed up. Some of the guys went to some of the other machines till the weights were ready. Graham strapped some weights on his legs and did some leg lifts. He was able to use a little more weight this time. He liked the treadmill the best. He went back to the treadmill and set it to a faster walking pace. He managed the new walking pace easily. Soon everyone thought they had got in a good work out and it was time to shower. This was going to be interesting. With eleven big guys cramming into the shower. Somehow we all managed to wiggle and shuffle around until we were all in the shower. Everyone was touching someone else. But nobody was complaining. We managed to wash each other. Soon Tyrell and Cal were sitting on the shower seat. Two lines formed in front of each of the guys and they soon they were fucking to their hearts content. Some were also getting sucked while they were fucked. We all rinsed off again and dried off. Almost everyone was still semi hard. But we didn't have time for anymore action. Vinton and Urban had had time to chat privately and they exchanged phone numbers and promised each other they would call and arrange a time and place where they could get together. Preston also talked to Graham and asked Graham about returning to work. Graham told him he would know today when he finished with the therapist. He was hoping to return to work on Monday. He told Preston he would call him when he had more information. They all got dressed and went upstairs to eat breakfast. Margaret was getting the formal dining room ready. It would easily hold all the guys. She was glad she had fixed a big breakfast. She was hoping she had prepared enough food for everyone. Everyone sat down and enjoyed good conversation and a good breakfast. It was time for everyone to get to work. So we all got up and kissed and hugged and the guys started leaving for work. Soon it was just Graham and I and I gave Graham a big hug and kiss and told him I loved him and I would come at noon for lunch and find out how his therapy went.

Tyrell made it back just in time to kiss his wife goodbye for work. She thought he had a strange taste in his mouth. Must of been the breakfast he ate. If she only knew what kind of a breakfast he did eat. They walked out of the apartment together and left for work.

This was Reeve's last day at the clinic. Bob was wondering if Shirley and Janice had decorated the clinic for Reeve's goodbye party. He walked in and heard music and saw streamers and a big banner wishing Reeve a good future as a doctor. Reeve and Quinton were standing close to each other. Shirley and Janice told us that the cake would be arriving in a little while. And they would share some of the cake with the patients, since it was going to be a large cake.

Reeve thanked everyone and that this was a total surprise. He was sad it was his last day, but happy to know that each day that passed he was that much closer to being a doctor. We all left Shirley's office and got ready to start the day.

The day was going well. I knew I would have a long report to complete since this was Reeve's last day. I noticed that Reeve spent a lot of time with Quinton. I knew they had a relationship going. But I needed to observe him on his last day. So I stepped in and told Quinton and Reeve what the situation was. They understood and Reeve and I worked together through the morning.

Graham was wondering where the the therapist was. He wanted this morning to end and find out what would be happening. He was hoping he could return to work Monday. He was getting around fine and not having any pain or discomfort walking or going up and down the stairs.

Graham was sitting out on the patio when Margaret showed the therapist to where Graham was. Graham and the therapist talked for a couple of minutes and Graham mentioned his going up and down the stairs. Using the treadmill and putting weights on his legs. The therapist told Graham he would like to see the gym. They walked downstairs and the therapist noticed how easy a time Graham was having on the stairs. They walked into the gym and the therapist couldn't believe what he saw. Graham this gym is awesome. Why don't you show me what you have been doing. Graham went to the treadmill first and got it going at a good walking pace. Then went over to one of the weight benches and strapped on his weights and did leg lifts. The therapist liked what he saw. Graham I think my time is finished with you. You are doing everything just right. I would recommend doing the weights two or three times in the morning with the treadmill and then two or three times in the afternon with the treadmill. I don't see any reason you can't return to work on Monday. Keep exercising all weekend. Let's go back upstairs and talk to the nurse. The therapist told the nurse that he didn't see any reason for her to stay any more. Graham was able to exercise and function well on his own. He didn't need any further assistance. The therapist told Graham he would send an email to Bob with his conclusions and recommendations. With that he took the crutches and wheelchair and he and the nurse left. They wished Graham well and were glad of his quick recovery.

Graham couldn't be happier. Margaret congratulated Graham and he told her he was going back downstairs and do some exercises. She asked Graham if he wanted her to go with him. He told her it wasn't necessary. He knew what he needed to do and would be able to exercise on his own.

Preston was wondering how Graham's morning was going. He was hoping he would be returning to work on Monday. Rashona has been a big help now to Preston, but he could get back to his regular routine when Graham returned. He hoped Graham would call him with good news.

Graham walked out to the patio and called Preston. "Hi Graham, hope you have some good news for me?

"I have great news. The therapist and the nurse just left. The therapist told me the exercise I was doing in the gym was perfect to keep building up the strength in my legs. Going up and down the stairs was also good exercise. He felt he couldn't do anymore than what I was already doing. He told me to keep exercising all weekend and I would be able to return to work on Monday."

"That's great Graham. I'm really happy for you. How you going to get to work?"

"I was hoping I could get a ride with you, if that wouldn't be a problem?"

"That's no problem at all. Why I don't I just plan on working out early with you and Bob and then we can leave for work from your house."

"Thanks Preston. That would be a big help."

"It's the least I can do with how you and Bob let me stay in your house until mine was finished"

"If you can get away, why don't you come here to the house for lunch."

"I'll do that Graham. Be glad to share your happiness with you."

That's great. I can get a ride to work with Preston. I will try Bob and see if I can talk to him. I know he said he would come home for lunch. But I'm so happy, I have to share the good news with my lover.

Graham called the clinic. Shirley answered, "Hi Graham, I bet you want to talk to Bob."

"I sure do. I have some good news for him if he's available."

"Can you hold while I check and see where he is?"

"Sure I can wait."

Graham waited and waited and finally he heard Bob's voice. "Hi babe, Shirley said you had some good news."

"I do. The therapist and nurse left and the therapist told me the exercising I was doing was perfect to keep building up the strength in my legs. He told me to keep exercising all weekend and I can return to work on Monday. I talked to Preston and he's going to work out with us and then take me to work. He's coming to the house to have lunch with me. I hope you can make it for lunch. I can't believe how happy I am."

"That's great news babe. For sure I'll be home for lunch. I want to share in your happiness."

"Thanks Bob. I love you and can't wait to see at lunch time."

Zane couldn't believe how stupid he was. He had the perfect opportunity when they all worked out together to get closer to Urban and Vinton. They were two hot guys and maybe they wouldn't mind a third guy getting some of the action with them. Zane knew where Urban worked and where he lived. He thought he would call his station and see if he could talk to him. Zane had a little free time. He had his crew busy working at Graham's house. He dialed the station and hoped Urban would be available. "Hello, this is the fire station. How may I help you?"

The voice sounded kind of gruff and impatient. "I was wondering if Urban was working today and if I could talk to him. It's kind of important."

"What's your name and I'll see if he's available?"

"Tell him it's Zane. We had worked out together at the gym."

Soon a voice came on the phone. It was a nice deep baritone voice. "This is Urban how can I help you Zane?"

"I don't know if you remember me when we all worked out together at Bob and Graham's house?"

"I remember you. I remember how ripped you looked and what fantastic shape your in."

"I was wondering if you would like to get together sometime. I'd like to get to know you better."

"Sure Zane. I had been thinking the same thing after we worked out. Give me your cell phone number and I'll give you mine. I'll give you a call when I get off work and maybe we can hang out together for awhile."

"Thanks Urban. I need to get back to work and will look forward to your call."

Zane was pretty happy about that. He couldn't believe that that hotty Urban had been thinking about him.

Graham thought he better work out some more. He told Margaret he was going downstairs to the gym to work out for a little while. Graham easily went down the stairs and walked to his locker. He put a jock on, walked over to one of the treadmills. He got it started at a little faster walking pace. Graham was able to keep up with it. He had been doing two miles and this time he was going to try for three. He kept going and started sweating a little. His legs felt fine and there was no pain or discomfort of any kind. He finished his three miles and felt pretty good. He sat down on one of the weight benches and rested for a couple of minutes. Then he strapped weights on his legs and started doing leg lifts. He had been doing that for ten minutes. This time he was going to try for fifteen minutes. He set a timer they kept in the gym and did his leg lifts. He was really sweating when the fifteen minutes was up. He showered downstairs and was thinking how all of them had fit into the shower. That was quite a group of hot guys. Of course, Bob was the hottest of them all for Graham. He couldn't believe how much he loved Bob. Bob had always been there for him even when they had their big argument. He never gave up on me. He's the perfect partner and soulmate. I'll never do anything again to upset Bob. Graham finished his shower and dried off and put his gym clothes back on. Loose gym shorts and a tshirt with sneakers.

He went back upstairs and told Margaret, Preston and Bob would be coming for lunch. He was going up to the sunroom and would to eat lunch up their. Margaret told him no problem and she would have everything ready in the sunroom for lunch.

It had been a long time since Graham had been in the sunroom. Now that he could do stairs easily it was no problem walking into the room. Tropical birds were singing and then it changed to sounds of the surf. It was relaxing and the music fit the room perfectly. He walked over to the tiki bar and got himself a cold beer. He relaxed on a lounger and listened to the music and drank his beer.

It was getting close to lunch time and Bob drove home. He couldn't wait to see Graham and tell him congratulations on his progress. He pulled in and parked in front of the garage. He walked into the kitchen and Margaret told Bob that Graham was in the sunroom.

Bob walked up the stairs and into the sunroom. He saw his lover relaxed on a lounger. He looked like he was sleeping. Actually, Graham had his eyes closed and was listening to the music. When he felt a kiss on his lips it kind of startled him and got him out of his day dream. "Hi love, when did you get here?"

"Just now. You looked so peaceful, but I had to give you a kiss."

"Bob. I had time to think and I can't thank you enough for everything. You have always been here for me. Even when we had our big argument. This special room you had constructed for me. Visiting me everyday in the hospital and finding a wonderful therapist and nurse to attend to me. Getting my parents and brother and sister to visit me. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done."

"Graham listen. Your the love of my life and I couldn't live without you. I tried to do everything I could to keep you. And now after what you said. You've made me the happiest person on this earth. Now tell me how your therapy went?"

"Well everything I've been doing is good for me. The therapist told me to keep going up and down the stairs a few times in the morning and in the afternoon. Keep working out on the treadmill and do my leg lifts with weights. And the best news was that I could return to work on Monday."

Bob had to wipe the tears from his eyes. "Graham I'm so happy for you. Being in good shape helped you to recover so quickly. Now going back to work on Monday will be really fulfilling for you."

They hugged and kissed when they heard the door open and in walked Preston. "I hope I was interrupting anything."

"Not at all. I was telling Graham how proud I was of him."

"That's great news Graham. Everyone is anxious for you to get back to work. They all miss you very much.

"Bob why don't you get us all a celebratory beer for us." They knew they shouldn't drink a beer when they were working. But this was a special occasion and one beer would be ok.

Bob walked over to the tiki bar and handing them all a beer. "Cheers to Graham's remarkable recovery." They all clinked their bottles and sat on loungers while they waited for lunch.

Margaret opened the door and had a big tray loaded with food. She set it on the big oval table. "Would you guys like coffee?"

"Yes please Margaret. Bring up three black coffees."

They loaded their plates, of course Graham and Preston's plates were heaped with food. The food was exceptional. They finished their beer. Margaret brought our coffee and we drank that and Graham and Preston had seconds. Margaret had also brought some homemade pie. Graham and Preston ate dessert and then Preston and Bob thought they should leave and get back to work. Graham told them he wanted to give them a special goodbye present. Bob knew what Graham meant and pulled his pants and boxers down. Preston did the same. Graham gave their cocks a kiss and a suck. Then they kissed and hugged and they left for work.

The afternoon went quick for Bob. He was going to be sad to see Reeve leave. At closing time they ate some cake and they all wished Reeve the best. Reeve and Quinton took off and Shirley and Janice left. They had worked a full day. Bob wanted to have Reeve get in one last full day of work. He now needed to do his lengthly report on Reeve and get it sent to the chief of staff. He went to his office. He had started part of the report. It still took him almost an hour to finish and get it sent off. He was a little depressed that Reeve was gone. He was a pleasure to work with and he knew that Reeve was going to be an excellent doctor. Well, he needed to get going and be with his lover.

Zane got home hot and tired. He was hoping Urban would give him a call and maybe they could get together somewhere.

Jarvis and Jennifer had just arrived at Reggie and Deb's house to spend the weekend.

End of Chapter 22 - Vinton

Chapter 23 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban Vinton

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 23

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