My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on May 24, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 21

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 21. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 21 - Urban

Graham and Tyrell enjoyed looking at the two videos I had made. Graham was pointing out things to Tyrell and explaing what would be going into the empty areas.

Holden was keeping very busy at work and had a balancing act going on between work and getting ready to move into Preston's house. He already had a couple that wanted to buy his house, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to sell or rent. He knew if he rented the house, he'd be responsible for any maintenance that the house needed. However, if he sold the house, then that would be the new owners responsibility. Holden thought he needed to give that some more thought. Maybe run it by Preston and see what he thought.

Preston was getting pretty antsy. He wanted to get moved and settled into his new house. He had everything ready for Mark. Mark was already accepted at the university. Mark would have a big bedroom in the new house. He would have his own study area, complete with desk and computer. Preston had already paid Mark's tuition for the first year. He didn't want Mark working and studying. He wanted Mark to concentrate on his studies and not have to worry about how he was going to pay for his education. Preston knew Mark was smart and a good student. He thought he would probably qualify for a scholarship after his first year that would pay for the rest of his education. Time would tell on that.

Quinton and Reeve were still in shock. They couldn't believe that an anonymous person would help with the financing of their house and they would be able to make a house payment that was easily within their budget and still gave them extra money left over each month.

Reeve didn't have to worry about paying for his medical education. He had a scholarship that paid for everything. If not, his parents had told him they would pay for his education if his scholarship fell through. He was just anxious now to finish his internship and then his residency. The chief of staff at the hospital, who is also Reeve's advisor, told Reeve he would finish his internship and his residency at the hospital.

What Reeve didn't know, the chief of staff wanted Reeve to work at the hospital when he finished his residency. In fact, when Reeve started his residency, he was going to have an office made for Reeve that would become his permanent office when he finished his residency. He wanted Reeve very bad at the hospital. Reeve was one of the brightness and best new doctors he had seen in a long time and he was going to do everything he could to keep Reeve at the hospital.

While Tyrell and Graham were looking at the video. Preston received a call. It's Holden, I'm going to talk to him outside. I smiled to myself. I had a good idea why Holden was calling. Preston walked out to the patio. "Hey Holden, what's up?"

"Since you have the house keys, I was wondering if you would help me load up the truck with some of my stuff to move into the house and maybe we could check out the house some more?"

Preston knew what Holden's husky voice meant. As soon as he heard Holden's voice his pants were starting to bulge. "I like that idea Holden. I've missed you and it would give us a little time to be together, just the two of us."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"I'll tell the guys here that I'm going to be gone for awhile helping you move some of your things in the house. I'll be there in about ten minutes."

"Perfect. Can't wait till you get here."

Preston walked in with a big smile on his face.

"What's got you so happy?"

"That was Holden, he wants me to help him move a few of his things into the house. He thought it would help so we wouldn't have so much to move next week."

Mark asked, "you want some help bro?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks for asking. It shouldn't take us that long. I'll take a look at your house Graham, while I'm over there. See if they finished any more today."

We all kissed and hugged Preston, and he left to Holden's.

Preston pulled up to Holden's house and saw a big truck backed up to the front door. He walked in and Holden was waiting for him. Holden had on tight jeans that didn't leave anything to the imagination and a muscle shirt. Preston couldn't believe how hot Holden looked. "What should we do first?" asked Preston.

"Follow me. I have a few ideas."

Preston knew where they were going. Straight to the bedroom. They soon were stripped naked and making out on the bed. They were feeling and touching each other all over. Preston's big cock was rock hard, as was Holden's. Their cocks kept hitting and rubbing together. They moved around into a sixty nine. Soon they were sucking on each other's hard swollen leaking cock heads. They couldn't get enough of each other. Holden thought everything about Preston was perfect, as did Preston about Holden. Preston loved Holden's perfect thick straight eight inches. It filled him up just right. And he knew Holden loved his big cock way up his tight hot hole. They sucked each other to completion. Savoring every moment. They fingered each other's holes as they sucked with vigor. Soon they were shooting out big loads. They knew this was just the preliminary to when they would be living together.

Mark told Tyrell maybe they should head out for awhile and let Bob and Graham have some time together. Tyrell thought that was a good idea. He really liked Mark. He just wasn't sure how to deal with all these mixed feelings when his wife came home next week. He loved his wife very much. But all these hot guys were really bringing out a side of him he didn't know existed. He thought it was just a phase he was going through without his wife. He knew as soon as she returned, everything would return to normal. At least he hoped so.

Mark and Tyrell told Bob and Graham they were leaving for awhile. Mark told Bob that if Preston asked where he was, he would be back a little later.

"Well it's just you and me." Bob gave Graham a kiss and hug.

"I like that it's just us."

"Me too. How are you feeling Graham? Any headaches, aches or pains?"

"I'm feeling much better. Just tired of being in bed. No aches or pains or headaches. Just anxiously waiting for these leg casts to come off."

"The radiologists said your right leg cast would come off Monday and they thought the left leg cast would come off the following Monday. So that's something to look forward to."

"I have a question for you Bob?"

"Sure Graham, you know you can ask me anything."

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing with my house. Renting it out to the mill?"

"Did you see the look on Tyrell's face when you told him he and his wife would be moving in your new house? I think that answers your question. Remember I told you it was your decision, it's your house. I did enough meddling in your decisions."

"I know Bob. I guess your right. The look on Tyrell's face told me I did the right thing. Tyrell seems like a really nice man."

"He is and I'm glad you were able to help him and wife. Tyrell has been working out with us every weekday morning. Are you having a gym in your new house?"

"No, I decided not to have a gym put in. The basement will be a large recreation/family room. Since I am living here and you have a gym, I didn't see any reason to have one in the new house."

"Remember it's OUR house. Not just mine."

"I know Bob. I'm still having a hard time adjusting to the idea of our house.

"Hopefully, each day will get a little easier for you." Bob bent down and gave Graham a kiss."

Bob and Graham kept talking and talking. About when they were kids. How fast they became friends. It was nice to reminisce and talk about old times and what the future held for them.

Preston and Holden just laid their enjoying their sexual tryst. Finally they thought they had laid together long enough and got dressed and started loading the truck that Holden had rented. The truck held quite a bit. They were going to haul some of Holden's furniture. Holden had just purchased some new furniture for his house and it would look good in their new house.

They had the truck loaded and Holden drove slowly over to the housing site. Preston being the horndog that he was. Was rubbing over Holden's bulge while Holden drove. Holden was having a hard time driving and was squirming around. "If you don't stop I'm going to cum in my pants."

"Sorry, your just so irresistible I can't keep my hands off."

"Once we unload the truck, maybe we can initiate a piece of my furniture in the new house?"

"I like that idea. I can't wait until we initiate all your furniture."

Holden pulled in and the guard opened the gate to let them in. Holden backed up to the garage. Preston walked up to the front of the house and unlocked it and opened the big front double doors. With both of them working together. It didn't take them long to unload the truck and get the furniture moved in. They arranged the furniture where Preston wanted it.

They walked out onto the patio to check on Zane and his crew. "Hey Zane, how's it going?"

"Going good. Once I got my supplies we got back on schedule. Looks like we will be finished on Monday. What do you think?"

"This is awesome. You sure do good work. It looks so much better than on the computer."

"I'm glad you satisfied. If your satisfied, I'm satisfied. I already called the pool company and they will take care of filling the pool and jacuzzi and will have both cleaned and operating as soon as we finish. The waterfall will be going as well as the fire pits. I also contacted the company that will be putting in the plants, which will start tomorrow and they will have a gardener assigned to your house."

"That's fantastic Zane. Looks like you have everything under control. We're going to be up in the house for awhile so if you see movement in the house, you will know it's us."

"Ok Preston. I don't foresee any questions. Enjoy your new house and your new yard Monday after work."

Holden and I walked back inside and closed the patio doors and locked them. Without any curtains the house looked pretty open. The interior decorator would be working all day Monday getting the house ready for us to move in. Holden and I had already went over room by room with her and she knew exactly what we wanted. I told her what furniture we would be moving and what else we would need. Holden and I were anxious to see the house Monday after work and hopefully this was the last of our moving and get settled in. Mark was already on board with our plans and he had kept his things packed and loaded in a moving trailer.

We decided to take a walk over to Graham's house and see how it was coming along and then we needed to initiate some furniture after.

We walked up to Graham's house. The housing boss was inside and we talked to him for a bit. He told us Graham's house was coming along fine. Now that they had received their supplies, it was going fast. He thought by the end of next week they should be finished or close to finishing. I took a couple of videos to show Graham the progress. We thanked the housing boss and walked back to my house.

We walked into the house and went to one of the bedrooms where we had put Holden's bed. We couldn't keep our hands off each other while we kissed. Soon we had each other stripped down. With no curtains on the windows, we thought we better be careful. But we were so carried away with each other that we couldn't stop making out. We laid down on the bed facing each other. Kissing with our cocks banging and rubbing together. I started kissing and flicking my tongue over Holden's nips. He was moaning and holding the back of my head. I worked my way down over his muscular chest and abs. My tongue tracing the grooves and valleys of his ripped abs. Then I licked through his trimmed pubes and around the base of his cock. I started fondling and playing with his balls. While I licked up the back side of his cock to the big fat flared head. I licked and sucked out his precum. Holden was moaning louder. I slowly sucked down his big thick eight inches until my nose was buried in his pubes. Holden was thrashing around and squirming while I deep throating his cock. I pulled off his cock and had him pull his legs back to his chest. I put a pillow under his hips and he was lined up perfect. I started licking over his hole and all around it. I then spit on a finger since we didn't have any lube and worked it into Holden's tight hot hole. I could feel his hole clamp on my finger. I wet a second finger and worked it in. I could feel his hole starting to stretch. I then worked a third finger in. I was able to find his prostate and gave it a good workout. I could feel it swelling and getting bigger. I pulled my fingers out and spit on my cock. I rubbed the head up and down over his hole. Holden was begging me to fuck him. I eased my big head in and saw him grimace. "Am I hurting you?" "No, just go slow and easy. I've never had a cock as big as yours." I slowly eased a couple of inches in and waited for him to relax and then shoved in a bit more taking my time which was hard to do. Finally I was all the way in and just held my cock there not moving. Soon Holden started relaxing and started a slow in and out movement. His big cock was sticking straight up and leaking. I couldn't resist sucking on it while I fucked him. I wasn't really fucking Holden, I was making love to him. I felt Holden pushing back on me when I thrust in and we soon had a good rhythm going. I was able to bend down enough to take all of Holden's cock in my mouth and throat. Soon I heard him grunt and I know he was going to give me one of his big loads. His balls tightened and he started shooting out his thick creamy load down my throat. I still can't believe how good Holden's cum tastes. I felt his hole constrict and start working on my cock when he came. That soon had me grunting and I shot way up Holden's hole. I could feel my shaft rubbing his prostate. Finally I stopped cumming and pulled out. Holden turned and faced me with a big smile on his face. We kissed and laid together regaining our breathing. During our love making I thought I saw a shadow by one of the bedroom windows and somebody walk by. But I didn't care, I made love to my partner and that was all that mattered.

Preston and Holden thought they should get ready to go. Preston wanted to double check with Mark and make sure he had everything ready for the move Monday after work.

Zane had peeked in the window trying to stay out of view of Preston and Holden. He couldn't believe what he saw. He didn't know that Preston and Holden were partners or lovers or whatever you call them. He couldn't believe how aroused he got watching them. He had a big bulge in the front of his jeans that he didn't even realize he had been rubbing. He had walked up close to the house to check on the last of the stone work and see if they had left any supplies laying around. Zane couldn't believe how big Preston was. He had never seen a hard cock that big. He had seen some big cocks in the locker room when he played sports, but nothing the size of Preston. Holden was no slouch either. He had a formidable size cock too. Zane didn't know why he was so aroused. He liked women and fucking them. But something about seeing these guys making love, I guess, was making Zane hard. He thought he better leave quick. He had a full crew working and didn't want them seeing him spying on Preston and Holden. He thought that maybe one of them had spotted him. So he crouched down low and walked back to where his crew was working. He would definitely have to check this out some more.

Graham looked over at Bob. "Bob do you love me?"

"With all my heart Graham. Why are you asking?"

"Because you never use any words of endearment anymore."

Bob started laughing. "I'm sorry Graham, I'm not laughing at you. But I had been thinking the same thing. You never use any words of endearment to me."

Bob walked over to Graham and gave him a big kiss and hug. "Hopefully, that won't leave any doubt in your mind how much I love you."

"Would you do something else to show me how much you love me?"

"Anything, babe, just name it."

Graham smiled, he liked when Bob called him babe. "Would you give me one of your fantastic blowjobs?"

"Of course." Bob walked over to Graham and fished his cock out through the opening in his boxers. He could feel Graham's cock getting hard as soon as he touched it. "Looks like someone is horny?"

"Horny for you." While Bob was leaned over sucking on the head of Graham's cock. Graham reached over and slid Bob's shorts down. Bob's cock sprang to life immediately. Graham leaned his head to the side and started sucking on Bob's cock. They were able to do a pretty good job, considering that Graham was laying in a hospital bed. Graham came first shooting down Bob's throat. Bob soon came after Graham filling his mouth and throat. Bob milked out the last drops of cum from Graham's cock and gently moved it back inside his boxers. Bob slid his shorts up. "You ready for a cold beer babe?"

"A cold beer would taste good after our little tryst."

"Be right back with a couple of cold beers."

Bob came back and handed a cold beer to Graham. "I love you babe."

"I love you too."

Just as Preston and Holden left his house a car passed them. It was Quinton and Reeve and they were there checking on their new house. Seeing if anything was started yet. It looked like everyone was working at Graham's house. They parked in front of where their house would be and walked over to Graham's house. They walked around and then went inside. Graham's house looked like something Graham would like according to Bob. They walked around a bit and spotted the housing boss and walked over to him. "Hi, looks like your getting close to finishing Graham's house?"

"Hello gentlemen. Yes, we should be done close to the end of next week and then we'll be able to start on your house. Zane still has some more finishing work to do. His supplies took longer to arrive than ours, so it has pushed him back a few days."

"That's good to hear. Can't wait until you start on our house."

They left and walked back to the car. "It sounds like they will be starting soon on our house. Are you excited?"

"I'm very excited for both of us," Reeve said. "Can't wait to see how our house and yard turn out."

They looked around and nobody was looking. They gave each other a quick kiss and got back into Quinton's car. Quinton drove over to Reeve's apartment. Reeve kept rubbing the inside of Quinton's thigh making his cock bulge his jeans. He was having a hard time driving and was getting more uncomfortable by the minute. "Reeve can't you stop until we get to your apartment?"

"Why, don't you like the attention?"

"Of course I do, but I can't drive with you rubbing my cock and making me rock hard."

"Ok, I'll behave and wait until we get to my apartment."

They arrived shortly to Reeve's apartment. They were both horny for each other and couldn't wait to get inside and strip each other naked and devour each other with kisses all over their bodies. They stripped down in record time and soon were making out on the bed. They were so hot and horny for each other they had to take their time or they would cum right away. They moved around in a sixty nine, something they both liked very much. They were able to deep throat each other. They fondled and played with each other's balls and fingered each other's holes. It didn't take them long to cum and shoot out big loads into each other's mouths and throats. They both recharged fast. And laid on the bed holding each other and kissing and hugging. Their cocks didn't get soft. They knew they needed to wait a few minutes before they could go at it again.

After Mark arrived back to town he had been spending some of his time getting acquainted with the town and where different stores were located. On one of his driving adventures, he had went out on a side road and followed it to the end. It ended at a little river with some big trees overhanging the river. Mark liked this spot. It gave him a place to think and relax and be by himself. He decided to take Tyrell to his favorite spot. They had kissed and hugged in his car when they left. Tyrell was starting to have mixed feelings. Not that he didn't like Mark. That was the problem. He thought he maybe liked Mark too much. He was attracted to Mark like he was to his wife. And he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue being with Mark. He thought he'd see how the day played out and how he felt by the end of the day.

Mark kept driving. It took a few minutes to get to his favorite spot. Tyrell kept asking Mark where they were going. He told Tyrell to just wait and be patient. It was a favorite spot he liked to go to.

They finally arrived by the river and Mark parked under one of the big trees for some shade. "What do you think Tyrell?"

"This place is amazing. How did you find it?"

"I was out driving around one day and came upon this spot. I've been here a few times since. I've never seen anybody here. It's quiet, relaxing and I really like it here."

They got out of Mark's truck and walked around. Mark took his shirt off. Tyrell couldn't stop looking at Mark's muscles. That was one thing he liked about Mark. How good of shape he was in. Tyrell took Mark's lead and took his shirt off. Mark was wearing some loose gym shorts and Tyrell had jeans on. Mark looked over at Tyrell. "Want to go for a swim? The water here is really nice. Not too warm or too cold."

Tyrell thought about it. He was really attracted to Mark, but didn't know if wanted to keep acting on it. His wife was due back the beginning of this coming week. What the heck. "Sure, the water looks really inviting." He was thinking how inviting Mark looked.

Mark finished stripping down and dove into the river. "The waters great Tyrell. What you waiting for?"

Tyrell quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothes and dove in next to Mark. "You weren't lying, the water feels good and feels great." Not as great as Mark looks. I need to get these thoughts out of my head.

Soon they were splashing each other and dunking each other like two little kids. They were having a blast. Mark couldn't keep his hands off Tyrell and all those muscles. Tyrell was doing the same to Mark. They felt their cocks getting hard and sometimes they hit together. The more they horsed around the more aroused they were getting. Finally Mark laid back on the river bank with his big cock sticking straight out. Tyrell couldn't resist and walked over to Mark and kissed him. Tyrell pulled Mark into him. Their bodies tight together. Tyrell had Mark lean against a tree. Tyrell pulled Mark's ass cheeks apart and started tonguing his hole. Mark was moaning and pushing back on Tyrell's tongue trying to get it to go further in his hole. Tyrell spit on a couple of fingers and eased them into Mark's hole. His big fingers easily found Mark's prostate and he used it like a punching bag. Mark was leaking like a faucet. He was so turned on. Tyrell was just the kind of man he wanted, and he was going to do anything and everything to keep their relationship going. Tyrell spit on his cock and he mixed his spit and precum together getting his big cock slick. He eased it into Mark's hole. Mark was getting used to the size of Tyrell's cock and it got easier every time he fucked him. Mark was jerking his cock as Tyrell slowly fucked him. Tyrell wanted to bite and mark Mark's neck, but he thought against it. He didn't want to leave any marks on Mark's neck. Tyrell loved Mark but didn't know how he was going to juggle time with his wife and Mark. He would have to give it some thought. He started picking up his thrusts and going faster. Mark's hole was tighter and hotter than his wife's pussy. He could fuck Mark all day. Soon he felt his balls tighten and his cock harden. He grunted and soon was shooting his cum way up Mark's hole. He pulled out and Mark turned around and told Tyrell he was going to cum. Tyrell got down on his knees and sucked out Mark's big load. Mark shot hard down Tyrell's throat. Tyrell had to swallow a couple of times to take it all, he came so hard. They laid down together on the grass by the river. They looked at each other and wanted to say something, but they didn't. Mark was hoping Tyrell would say he loved him. They got dried off and thought they probably should head back to Bob and Graham.

Bob and Graham were enjoying their alone time. They were getting closer and closer, almost like before the accident. Graham asked Bob again about the casts on his legs and Bob reassured Graham that this coming Monday his right leg cast would come off. They would x-ray his left leg and they thought that cast would come off the next Monday and then Graham could start therapy. Graham said, "come here."

He kissed Bob. "I love you so much and everything you've done for me."

"I never stopped loving you Graham. I never gave up on you."

"I know. I realize that now. Only a true lover would do the things you've done for me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"Just being with me is payment enough. Your the only one that matters in my life."

They kissed and hugged again. Wiping tears from their eyes.

Bob heard a noise and walked to the kitchen. Preston and Holden came in. "How's the patient doing?" Asked Holden.

"Why don't you walk in and see."

Both Preston and Holden walked in to see Graham. They both said, "your looking good Graham. You even look happy."

"I am happy and I'm feeling great. My leg casts will soon be coming off and then I can get back to work."

"I bet you can't wait until those casts come off?"

"You know it. It's been a long haul. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now and with Bob's help, I know I'll be up and walking soon."

"Then you'll be able to start working out with us again."

"I hope soon. I miss working out with you guys."

"We miss you too Graham and everyone at work is anxious for you to get back."

Bob asked, "everyone getting hungry?"

"Don't worry about food. I've got something special ordered. Unless Graham is cooking for us," said Preston.

"Hahaha, very funny Preston."

"I have food coming a little later. I wanted to see if Mark and Tyrell make it back in time to eat."

"You didn't have to do this Preston," said Bob.

"Yes I did, everything you and Graham do for us and letting me and Mark stay here, it's the least I can do."

"You don't have to twist my arm. I know I'm not that great of a cook and whatever you have ordered, I know would taste better than what I would fix."

They all had chairs in Graham's room, so he would feel he was part of the conversation. They talked about everything. How they first met and how fast they got settled into a job and now a new place to live. Preston said, "Holden and I took a couple of videos of your house. Talking with the housing boss, he thought it should be done by the end of next week. My house and yard will be done on Monday and me and Mark will be moving in after I get done with work."

Preston showed Graham the two videos he took of his house. Graham was smiling from ear to ear. He couldn't believe, like everyone else how fast they built houses and what good work they did. Everything he had asked for was being incorporated into his house with even a few more extras he didn't even think of. "These are great videos, Preston, thanks for taking them."

"My pleasure Graham, I'm glad you liked them. I wanted you to see the progress they've made on your house. However, your yard will take longer to be finished. Zane was delayed waiting on supplies and it's pushed him back a few days."

"Be sure to show Tyrell the videos when they come back to the house."

Preston heard the front door and walked over. Mark and Tyrell came in. "Glad you guys made it back. I have food ordered and it should be arriving soon. I thought with everything Graham and Bob have done for us. It was least I could do to show our appreciation."

Mark and Tyrell grabbed a couple of chairs and joined everyone in Graham's room. Graham was happy to have the company. Since he was felling ok, it broke up the boredom of lying in bed all day.

Preston proceeded to show Tyrell the videos of Graham's house. Tyrell said, "you sure Graham you want mill workers living in your house. This house is pretty spectacular. You should be living in it."

"No Tyrell, I know I've made the right decision. And I know you and your wife are going to good first tenants of the house and will really enjoy it."

"I still can't believe how generous your being to me and my wife. This is the most welcome we've felt anywhere we've lived."

"Good, I want you and your wife to feel welcome, not with just being with us. But from the town and the community and I think this will be a good start. Be sure to keep in touch with Brody. He's a good guy and can help you feel welcome too."

They all sat around in Graham's room talking and waiting for the food. Preston had ordered the food from the hotel and the hotel would deliver it. Sam was very helpful when Preston called and told him not to worry about anything, he/Sam would take care of everything.

They heard the doorbell and Preston walked out to receive the food. He told the delivery men to put the food on the kitchen island and he would take care of it. He asked them how much he owed and they and they told him that Sam had taken care of everything so their was no charge.

The food was arranged on some disposable trays. Preston brought two trays into Graham's room. He set one on one of the tables and the other tray on Graham's hospital rolling bed tray. Preston went back to the kitchen and brought the other two trays and set them on tables in Graham's room. Holden had went out to the kitchen to help Preston and Holden came back with beer for everybody. The food was very good and everyone wanted to know where Preston had ordered the food.

Preston told them it was a secret and where he ordered it and he wasn't telling.

We finished eating the delicious food and Preston and Holden cleaned everything and took the leftovers back to the kitchen and put things away.

Preston and Holden came back in and said they thought it was time for everyone to get comfortable. We liked that idea and soon were helping each other out of their clothes. I heard the front doorbell and walked out to see to who it was. I just had some gym shorts on.

I opened the door and Dave walked in. He said, "I think I got here just in time."

"You sure did, the fun is just starting. How come your not with Cal?"

"He's working another big case and it's eating up all his free time. So I thought I'd take a chance and see you if guys were home."

Obviously, he hadn't heard about Graham and his accident. So I filled Dave in on everything that had happened and how Graham is recovering fast.

"Where's Graham I want to see him."

"We're all in the library/study room. Follow me and I'll introduce you to Tyrell. He's one of our newest members."

We walked into Graham's room and the guys had just finished stripping down. I introduced Dave to Tyrell, who like everyone else, couldn't keep his eyes off of Tyrell's hot body. Dave said he had a short announcement before the fun began. He said he was getting a new neighbor. Logan was moving out and he saw Logan talking to a real estate agent and the agent put a sold sign on the front yard. Right now he didn't know who was moving in. He didn't have any names or more information.

I was surprised to hear Logan moving. He seemed to like the quiet and solitude for his writing. He was such a recluse and a loner. I was surprised even had that one party. Any how, I hope we get a better neighbor moving in.

I helped Dave out of his clothes as he slid my gym shorts down and off. We agreed to would all give a Graham a special treat. He could suck each one of us off. Then Tyrell said he would volunteer to fuck each one of us. Who could resist that big cock of Tyrell. We formed a line by Graham's bed as he started sucking each off us off. He started with Tyrell first. Tyrell could recharge fast and would be ready to fuck the next person Graham sucked off. Mark and Preston were next, followed by Holden and Dave. I went last. I wanted my lover all to myself. Preston sat down on Tyrell's big cock and bounced up and down on him. You could hear Preston's big cock slapping Tyrell's chest. Soon Tyrell gave out a grunt and filled Preston's hole. Preston couldn't believe he took Tyrell's big cock. He felt full of cock. Tyrell pulled out with a popping sound. Mark was next and squeezed and grabbed Tyrell's cock into his hole. He had Tyrell shooting in no time. He was really working his hole on Tyrell's cock. Almost like he was dancing. Holden was next and took his time. He wasn't sure about having that big cock up his hole. He managed in a couple of minutes to take it all. It was an awesome feeling. Tyrell's was definitely the biggest cock he had ever seen. It didn't take Tyrell long and he was filling Holden's hole with a sizeable load. Dave went next and sat with his back to Tyrell. Dave stroked his cock while Dave jerked himself off. They both came at the same time. I went last and managed to take all of Tyrell's cock. I knew it would take him a bit longer to cum. After about twenty minutes of heavy fucking he shot out a load in my hole.

We all felt good after that. Preston and Mark went out to the patio and grabbed us all some beers. The beer tasted good after a good suck and fuck.

Graham said, "great show guys. I have it all recorded here on my phone. It will give me something to jerk off too. I like home movies."

We all got a good laugh out of that.

Another couple was having a good weekend. Reggie and Jarvis had the whole weekend to themselves. Their wives had decided to go shopping all weekend. They were probably having sex all weekend, but they didn't care as long as they could be together. Jarvis was spending the weekend at Reggie's house. They went around naked and had sex whenever they wanted. They both liked oral sex the best. Fucking was ok, but a big hard cock down their throat was the best. They couldn't count how many times they had been in a sixty nine so far this weekend. And they still had all day Sunday to go. Just feeling each others hot bodies together was enough to get them going all over again. They would start by making out and then soon they were in a sixty nine again. Deep throating each other and fingering their holes. They had only fucked a couple of times. They had to relax now and catch their breath. They cuddled up together on the couch and watched some sports.

The guys decided to go out on the patio and relax and drink beer. I told them I was staying with Graham and might join them a little later. "Babe, your fantastic."


"I don't know of anybody who would let five guys hang out in their house and do whatever they wanted."

"They're all our friends. I wouldn't turn my back on my friends. Besides they are friends with benefits."

Graham chuckled when I said that. "You are so special. No wonder I love you."

"Love you to and I gave my lover a big kiss. Then I fondled his cock and balls, feeling his cock hardening in my hand. I bent down and sucked Graham off. He tried to hump up into my mouth, but with his leg casts, they held him back. "I'll be glad when these casts come off."

"They'll be off soon babe. Then we can start sleeping together. I miss you at night. I miss you all the time when we're not together."

I just sat back down in a chair close to Graham when my phone rang. "I don't know who this is." "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob, you sound surprised?"

"I didn't recognize the number. What's happening Zane?"

"Just wanted to give you an update. It's still going to be quite awhile before I get to your yard and pool. My supplies were late coming with the embargo, so it set me back quite a few days. I'm finishing Preston's pool and yard. Then I'll be starting on Graham's. Then the last house that's being built, I'll be doing their yard and pool. The housing site was part of my contract. Then I'm scheduled for two more house in the other new housing development. Once I'm through with all those house I mentioned, your next."

"Don't worry about it Zane. Like I told you before, there's no rush. You'll get to when you can."

"Thanks Bob, I didn't want you to think I'd forgot about you."

"Appreciate the call Zane and the update. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and don't work too hard."

"Thanks, I'm not working tomorrow, my crew knows what needs to be done."

"Did you get all of that Graham?"

"Sound like it will be quite awhile before Zane gets to my house."

"Yeah, he's on a contract at the housing site and then he has two more houses to do at the new development. I didn't ask him if he had a contract with the new housing development."

"Like I told Zane, there's no rush and he'll get to us sooner or later."

"You want a beer babe?"

"I'll have one if you are."

"I'll be right back with our beer."

I went to the kitchen and saw it was restocked. Someone must have bought or brought beer. I grabbed a couple of cold ones for Graham and me. I walked back into Graham's room and handed him his beer. "Thanks babe for the beer."

We drank our beer not really saying much. Just looking at each other. We could almost tell what the other was thinking. Graham finished his beer and told me he was a little sleepy and was going to take a nap. And for me to join the the guys out on the patio. I gave Graham a kiss, took his empty bottle and told him sweet dreams.

I put the empties away and joined the guys out on the patio. I told the guys Graham was taking a nap after drinking a beer. Everyone was paired off except for Dave. So I had Dave join me in a double lounger. The guys really liked the double loungers. Holden and Dave asked me if it was okay if they spent the night. I told them the more the merrier. I didn't feel like cooking. Preston said he thought there was enough left overs for everybody. He and Holden could get something together a little later unless everyone was getting hungry. They just said they were thirsty and Tyrell with his big hands easily got us another round of beer from the frig in the patio island.

It was getting later and the guys thought they would head up to the bedrooms. I invited Dave to spend the night with me. Tyrell and Mark were in one bedroom. Preston and Holden in the adjoining bedroom to Tyrell and Mark. All the bedrooms had tv's, however, I wasn't sure how much tv watching they would be doing.

I checked on Graham and he had the tv on. "How you doing babe?"

"I'm doing fine Bob."

"I told Graham about some of the guys staying overnight and that Dave was going to sleep with me."

"He said that was fine. It would be awhile before he could sleep with me."

"I told him I couldn't wait." I gave my lover a kiss and sucked him off so he would sleep like a baby. I told him I was going to bed and to behave himself. "He said like I'm really going to get into trouble."

All the guys were in the bedrooms when I went upstairs. Dave had the covers pulled back and patted the bed next to him. Dave asked me, "how is Graham doing?"

"Graham is doing well. He will have his right leg cast taken off this coming Monday and the left leg cast the following Monday and then he can start therapy and get up and try walking and moving around a bit."

"I'm sure he's looking forward to the casts coming off. They are very uncomfortable."

"We'll find out on Monday."

I crawled in next to Dave. His warm body reminded me of Graham. We just laid in bed holding each other and some light kissing. We soon got more into making out and our hardons were rubbing together. We soon were feeling each other all over. Slowly moving into a sixty nine and deep throating each other. We both came at almost the same time. We weren't finished and Dave started rimming me and eating me out. His fat cock easily slid up my hole while he pumped another big load inside my hole. We then switched and I filled Dave's hole with a nice sized load. We were exhausted and panting. We finally just hugged each other and fell to sleep.

Tyrell and Mark kept switching back and forth with Preston and Holden. They didn't sleep very much, but did get in a lot of sex. They did everything imaginable. Tyrell was starting to question his marriage. He really liked these guys, but he still missed his wife. He thought he'd wait until she returned Monday or Tuesday and get their life back together again.

Finally the house got quiet. Everyone must be sleeping. Dave was snoring and I soon nodded off.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I heard Dave start stirring and we kissed. We both had big hard morning woodies. It take didn't us long to move into a sixty nine and suck each other off. We dragged ourselves out of bed and took a shower together. Dave had me bend over and soon he was plowing my ass and giving me a great morning fuck. It felt good. His cock was hitting all right places in my hole. He soon was filling me up with a big morning load. Then we switched and I fucked Dave. I had him gasping and panting as I shot way up his hole. I was horny and it didn't take me long to cum. We rinsed off in the shower.

We got out of the shower and dried each other off and made our way downstairs. I wanted to see Graham before I went to the kitchen. I walked into his room and he was awake. I walked over and we kissed and hugged. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept ok. It would have been better with you."

"Hopefully it won't be much longer and we can be sleeping together."

"Find out tomorrow babe. You hungry?"

"I'm starving. Me too. I'll bring us in some breakfast."

I walked into the kitchen and all the guys had a nice morning glow. I knew what that meant. Everything was spread out on the kitchen island. So I fixed two plates for Graham and me. I took them in to Graham and told him I'd be right back with our coffee. I came back with our coffee and we ate together.

"Tomorrow's the big day Graham. One of your leg casts should be coming off."

"I can't wait. I wish they were taking them both off."

"I know babe. But it won't be long till they are both off. Then the therapist will be here to get you up and walking and exercising to get your strength back in your legs."

We finished our breakfast and I took our dishes out to the kitchen. Preston and Holden were putting everything away and cleaning the kitchen. Mark and Tyrell had went back to their bedroom. I told Preston and Holden I was going to wheel Graham out on the patio and we'd be out their when they were ready.

Soon Tyrell and Mark came out to the patio and told us they were heading out for awhile and would see us later. We told them to have fun and would look forward to them coming back later.

Preston and Holden came out to the patio and sat with us for a bit. Then told us they were going out for awhile. They wanted to check on the house and make sure it was ready to be moved into after work tomorrow.

Soon it was just Graham and me. Which was kind of nice. I liked the guys a lot, but I liked my time with Graham too. Just the two of us.

We talked for a bit and then just relaxed. I saw Graham tenting his boxers and I knew he was horny. "Looks like someone is happy to see me?"

"Junior is always happy to see you."

Junior I was thinking to myself. Where did that come from? I walked over and kissed Graham while I starting feeling his big hardon through his boxers. I saw a wet spot where the head was. I slowly and carefully slid his boxers down. His cock sprang out and his big balls were hanging down. I bent over and took his big swollen head between my lips and sucked out his sweet precum. I reached down and cupped his balls. Fondling and rolling them around in my fingers. I then slowly sucked Graham's cock down to his pubes. His cock was a perfect fit for me. I started bobbing up and down on his cock. He had his hand behind my head and was urging me to go deeper and deeper. I soon had Graham gasping and grunting. I felt his balls move up and tighten. His cock got rock hard in my throat and swelled a little as he started shooting out a nice thick creamy load. His precum and cum always taste so good. I squeezed out his last drops of cum. Kissed him so he could get a taste of his cum. He said, "that's just what I needed."

I grabbed us a couple of beers from the patio frig and the beer tasted good after a little sexual exercise. We talked a bit more and took a nap.

Another couple was stirring and waking up. Reggie and Jarvis woke up tired. They made out and had sex almost all night. They both woke up with big morning hardons. They didn't think that was possible after all the sex they had. They kissed and hugged and started devouring each other. They were romping around on the bed like it was the first time they had ever been together. They just couldn't get enough of each other. Even though they were married, having an open relationship was working out great. Both Deb and Jennifer had time for their fun as well as Reggie and Jarvis. Jarvis straddled Reggie's chest and fed him his cock. Reggie took his cock down his throat like he was starved. He sucked Jarvis' cock with earnest and had Jarvis moaning and gasping for air when he shot down Reggie's throat. Then Reggie returned the favor to Jarvis and straddled his chest and fed him his cock. Jarvis sucked it and deep throated it like it was his last meal. He had Reggie yelling and moaning in just a couple of minutes until he couldn't hold it any longer and shot down Jarvis' throat. They collapsed back on the bed. They didn't think they would leave the bedroom. Just to pee and have something to eat, other than each other.

Quinton and Reeve had already been up for awhile. They wanted to head over to the housing site and see if the housing boss and his crew had started on their house. They liked what they saw at Preston and Sam's houses. They new their house would have a few surprises, but liked the workmanship and especially how Zane and his crew did landscaping and pools and jacuzzis. They already had their morning sexual exercise and night filled with everything they could think of. They were satisfied for awhile until they returned back and would start all over again.

It was getting later and I was feeling hungry. "You ready to eat Graham? I'm going to get something ready for us."

"Yeah, some dinner sounds good."

After I asked Graham, I knew that was a dumb question to ask. He's always hungry. "I'm heading to the kitchen and see what I can find in the frig for dinner.

"Ok. I'm going to check the sports channels and see if a good game is on."

In a way I was glad the guys weren't back yet. It was nice having some quiet time to ourselves.

I found a lot of different left overs in the frig to warm. I could make a variety plate for the two of us. I called out to Graham, "what do you want to drink?"

"Coffee is good for me."

Coffee sounded good to me too. I finished warming our dinner and got everything arranged on a big plate. We could help ourselves and make our own plates from the big one. I set the big plate on Graham's hospital tray and the smaller plates on a little table. I brought in our coffee and Graham was already loading his plate. I was wondering if he was going to leave anything for me to eat.

We finished eating and talked for a bit while we finished our coffee. Graham was starting to get excited in having one of his leg casts removed. I couldn't blame him. I know they must be really uncomfortable. And when your feeling ok and no pain then it's even worse.

I got everything cleaned and put away when Preston and Mark came in through the kitchen door. They told us they had dropped Tyrell and Holden off at their places. I reminded the guys that the nurse would be coming soon and to keep some clothes on. I had pulled up Graham's boxers and he had a tshirt on. I wore some loose gym shorts and a tshirt. The brothers/cousins said they were going upstairs and change into something more comfortable and then they would tell us about the houses.

Quinton and Reeve got good news when they went to the housing site. The housing boss told them he would start having a partial crew start on their house tomorrow, Monday. Once they finished Preston's house early Monday, he would send more men over to work on their house. He already had a full crew working on Graham's house. Zane's work would take longer, but they already knew that.

Reggie and Jarvis put a game on the tv. They were still naked and cuddled together on the couch watching the game. They knew they would need to put some clothes on soon. Their wives would be returning, not that it really mattered. But they never knew what kind of a mood their wives would be in when they returned and Jarvis and Jennifer might be returning to their house right away. Anyhow, they were enjoying the last few minutes they had to be together.

The nurse arrived and greeted the guys. She took her small suitcase downstairs and told them she would be back in a few minutes to check on Graham.

That was a close call. Preston and Mark had just come downstairs and were watching the game with Bob and Graham when the nurse arrived.

Soon the nurse walked into Graham's room and asked him how he was feeling and if he had any pain. Graham told the nurse he was feeling great and anxious to get one of his casts removed tomorrow. The nurse said she was going to fix herself something to eat and let us be alone with Graham. I don't think she really liked sports and that gave her an excuse to leave Graham's room.

The game finished and it was getting late, so we all decided to call it a night. Monday was going to be a busy day for everyone. I kissed and hugged Graham goodnight and we said our, I love you's.

The nurse would spend the night with Graham, in case anything unexpected should happen.

Deb and Jennifer made it back. It sounded like they had been arguing and Jennifer told Jarvis that she wanted to leave.

I asked Deb, "what was that all about."

She just scowled at me and said, "I'm going to bed."

Jarvis got pretty much the same answer when he asked Jennifer the same thing.

Reeve was staying with Quinton and they would leave from Quinton's to go to work tomorrow morning. They both stripped each other and crawled into bed. They got into a sixty nine and after they came they fell right to sleep.

As soon as Bob got into bed he was out like a light. He didn't think he was that tired.

Preston and Mark slept in adjoining bedrooms and they too went right to sleep.

Here it was Monday morning already and another work week starting. Bob checked his bedside clock and it was already a quarter after seven. He showered and dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. The nurse and Margaret were talking while Margaret waited on the guys to come down for breakfast. Bob told Margaret he would eat breakfast with Graham.

Preston and Mark came down. Preston said he needed to eat and run. He needed to get his morning briefing ready. Mark said he was going to have Preston drop him off at the unversity. He wanted to walk around get more acquainted where his classes would be held. He said he also had a mid morning meeting with his advisor. They both ate and left. It was getting time for me leave for work too. I kissed and hugged Graham and told him I would see him after work and good luck with his cast being removed.

Quuinton and Reeve had woke up early. They were glad. It gave them some time to fool around before they had to leave for work. They jerked off in bed and sucked out each other's morning loads. They showered and fucked each other. They felt they were ready for the day now. Quinton fixed a quick breakfast. They ate and left for work.

Bob went directly to his office. He wanted to check his emails. He was anxious to see what the radiologist and orthopedic doctors said about Graham. There was one email and it was from the doctors. It said after both the radiology team met with orthopedic team they had agreed they would be taking both casts off this morning and they would have the physical therapist that I wanted to come with them to start on Graham's therapy. I had to read the email a second time to be sure I was reading it correctly. I knew Graham would be surprised and happy, I wasn't going to call him. I wanted that to a surprise for him.

Soon my day was starting and Reeve was working with me. Time goes by fast. Reeve only had two more weeks left in the clinic before he returns to the hospital to finish his internship. Our morning went quick with nothing major to attend to.

Graham was anxiously waiting for the doctor to arrive to take his cast off. He seemed like he was waiting hours for the doctor when actually it had only been five minutes since the last time he looked at the clock. His cell phone rang and it startled him. It was his brother calling. "Hey bro, nice surprise to hear from you."

"I have some good news for you Graham."

"What's the good news?"

"You remember those two videos you made when sis and I visited?"


"Well when we were invited over to mom and dad's for dinner. Mom looked at your videos and left the living room to the kitchen. I could hear her crying. She told dad to come out to the kitchen. Mom came back into the living room. Sis Mom and I heard dad crying when he watched the video you made for him. Your video turned him around completely Graham."

"We all would like to come this Wednesday to visit if that works for you. Dad is the one that mentioned it. He wants to have a talk with you. Mom and dad have changed churches and dad is a completely different person. He's actually smiling again and cracking jokes. And I know he misses you very much Graham."

Graham was quiet for a couple of minutes.

"You there Graham?"

"Huh, yeah, sorry. That was a lot to take in. Certainly Wednesday will be fine. I won't be going anywhere. I'll let Margaret know you will be coming so she has a nice lunch ready for you all."

"Nothing to worry about Graham. Everything is cool. And you'll get a big surprise when you see mom and dad. I'll call mom and tell her everything is a go for Wednesday. I know we'll leave early and should get to your house around ten or eleven at the latest."

"Great bro, can't want to see you and sis again. And mom and dad. I'll be looking forward to Wednesday."

Wow. Wow. Wow. The nurse came in. "Is everything ok Graham?"

"Everything is perfect. My parents brother and sister are coming this Wednesday to see me."

"That's good Graham. I'm so happy for you."

Just then the doorbell rang and Margaret ushered in a couple of doctors and another man that was with them. "How you feeling today Graham?"

"I'm feeling fantastic. I can't wait to get the right leg cast off."

The three men smiled to themselves. "Well Graham we have good news for you. The other doctor with me is your orthopedic surgeon. I will be taking off your right leg cast and he will be taking off your left leg cast. After a team meeting we had and reviewing your last x-rays. We agreed there was no need for the casts anymore. The other man with us, will be your physical therapist and he will be working with you as soon as we remove the casts."

Graham looked like he was in shock. "Are you sure about both casts coming off. I thought the left leg cast was coming off next Monday?"

"We're positive Graham. Like I said we had a team meeting and both casts are coming off. We'll have the nurse do some cleaning when the casts come off."

The nurse left and came back with a small basin of water and I noticed she added something to the water and she had a cotton wash cloth.

The doctor that had done all the talking, opened a case he had brought with him. The case contained the small little saw they would use to remove the casts. Graham's eyes got as big around as saucers.

"I thought you were going to remove my casts, not amputate my legs?"

"Easy Graham. We're not amputating your legs. This little saw is what we use to remove casts."

The doctor got the saw connected and soon had the right leg cast removed in just a couple of big pieces. Then the other doctor had the other doctor help him while he cut off the left leg cast. The left leg cast took a bit longer, but soon it was removed. It felt strange not having the casts on my legs. But it also felt good.

There was a bad smell coming from my legs. The doctors told me the smell was normal and nurse would clean my legs off. She walked over and gently cleaned my legs. The doctors told me they were leaving and needed to get back to work. I was now in the hands of the therapist.

The therapist told me we wouldn't be doing that much today. But starting tomorrow he would try to get me up and see how strong I was on my feet. He first checked my reflexes to make sure I had feeling in both legs. Everything checked out. He said what we're going to do first is see if you can sit up with your legs over the side of the bed. "Can you move Graham, or would you like me to help you?"

"Let me see. I've been laying here so long I don't know if I can move." I tried moving my legs and if I went really slow I could move them with very little pain. The therapist was impressed and said I was doing fine. I managed to get myself into a sitting position with the legs over the side of the bed. "Does that hurt much Graham?"

"Just at first. But when I went slow at my own pace. The pain was bearable."

The therapist said, "the more I move the less pain I will have." He then asked me if I could get back to the lying down position. Again, I went slow at my own pace and was able to lay back down on my own.

"Your doing remarkable Graham, for just having your casts removed. The nurse will be here and I would like you to do this a couple of more times before you go to sleep. That's all I'm going to do for today. Tomorrow I'll be here early and I'll be working with you all morning to try to get you standing if it's possible."

"I'm looking forward to working with you Graham. And soon you will be walking like nothing ever happened to you."

"Thank you and I'm anxious to get out of this bed and be able to walk around."

"It won't be long Graham. I think you'll be walking soon. You have a good day and remember to try to get into a sitting position a couple more times before you to go sleep. The nurse will help you if you need it."

The therapist left and the nurse came back into the room. "Do you need any pain medication Graham?"

"No, actually I don't feel any pain. Only the first time I tried to get into the sitting position, but when I went slow and at my own pace. There was no pain."

"That's good to hear Graham. Generally, there is a lot of pain when you try to move right after the casts come off."

"The only thing is, I feel a little tired. I think the strain of moving the first time tired me a bit."

"Do you want the tv on?"

"No, I think I'll see if I can nap for a bit."

Preston's morning was dragging. He couldn't wait for the day to finish so he could move into his new house. He thought he'd give Bob a call and see if he wanted to meet for lunch. Preston called Bob and they agreed to meet at the diner for lunch.

Lunch time came around and Bob walked over to the diner. He hadn't been to the diner in a long time. Not since before Graham's accident. He thought Millie wouldn't even recognize him. Preston hadn't arrived yet and Bob sat at his favorite table. Millie came over to the table. "What can I get you stranger?"

"A black coffee will be fine."

Millie left in a huff. Preston walked in and took a seat at the table. "Made a quick swing by the housing site. They will have the house and yard finished by three. So it looks like I'll be able to move in after work. I called Mark to let him know."

"That's good and bad news."

"What do you mean?"

"Good news that your house is ready to move into. Bad news that you guys won't be around anymore. Graham and I will miss you guys. Don't be strangers. You know your always welcome."

"We know Bob. But it's good for you guys to have your privacy. We will come by once in awhile."

Millie came back with my coffee and Preston and I ordered the lunch special. Millie seemed a little put off. But I didn't feel like playing along. I was still concerned about Graham and I knew he would have a long therapy time. That was a slow process.

Preston said, "I'm not going to have our Open House until Graham is able to come. I think it's only fair to him."

"You might be waiting a long time before you have your Open House. Therapy can take a long time."

"No problem. We aren't in any rush for the Open House."

Millie brought our lunch and we ate like it was our last meal. I didn't realize how hungry I was. Preston could eat like Graham, so there was no surprise about the way he ate.

We were quiet while we ate. Finally we finished our lunch and said our goodbyes and left for work.

Afternoon went quickly. I enjoyed watching Reeve treat patients. I knew he would make a great doctor. I was wondering what the chief of staff had in store for Reeve. He didn't usually advise medical students. Reeve must be a special case. Soon we finished with our last patient and it was time to leave.

I was anxious to get home and see how Graham was doing without his leg casts.

I got home and I saw Mark's trailer gone. He must have already moved to the new house. I walked in and greeted Margaret. She told me that Mark and Preston had already moved everything out to their new house. They wanted me to tell you they would be by later.

I walked into Graham's room. And Graham was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging down. "Look Bob, no casts. I'm so happy. I can already sit up and move myself around and hang my legs down without any pain."

"That's great Graham. Your doing great. Where's your therapist?"

"He left early and said he would be back early tomorrow morning for a full morning of therapy. He just wanted me to get into a sitting position and move my legs off the edge of the bed for today."

"It looks like it's easy for you to do. And no pain?"

"There's was a little pain the first time I moved into a sitting position and moved my legs. But after the first time, if I went slow there was no pain."

I looked at the nurse and she nodded her head. "Graham is doing a good job. And I can't believe how easily he can move without any pain. I think his therapy will go fast and he will soon be walking."

I agreed with the nurse. I gave Graham a kiss and told him I'd be right back. I was doing to change clothes.

I got upstairs to my bedroom and my cell phone rang. It was Dave. "Hi Dave, what's up?"

"You want some company this evening?"

"Sure. You know your always welcome."

"My new neighbor moved in and I wanted to share some information with you and Graham."

"Have you eaten dinner?"


"Why don't you get yourself ready and come over and have dinner with us. Margaret always cooks for a small army, so there will be plenty of food."

"Thanks for the invitattion. I'll get changed and be over in a few minutes."I went upstairs and changed into some sweats and came back down.

I told Graham about Dave's call and he was going to come over and have dinner with us. He also had news about his new neighbor.

Margaret was getting ready to leave and she told me she had everything on the stove, ready to be warmed up when we were ready to eat. I thanked her and she left for the day.

The nurse came out of Graham's room and told me not to worry. She would get everything ready for us to eat when we were ready. Graham didn't need that much attention and she would be glad to get our dinner for us. I told her I appreciated that and it would give me more time to spend with Graham.

I went back into Graham's room and he was laying back on his bed. He looked excited about something. "What's going on Graham, you look like your ready to burst. You have something to tell me?"

"You bet. I got a call from my brother and my parents and brother and sister are coming Wednesday to see me. It seems my video I made for my parents, had the effect that I wanted. My brother said it had changed my father completely. And he really wanted to see me and have a talk with me."

"That's great news Graham. I'm so happy for you. It sounds like it's going to be a good visit. I'll let Margaret know tomorrow morning to be sure to fix something special for you and your family."

"Thanks babe. No wonder I love you so much."

"Love you too. You know I'd do anything for you."

We kissed and hugged and talked for a little while until our stomachs started to rumble. The nurse told us to sit still and she would get our dinner ready for us. I asked Graham, "you want to eat in here, or outside on the patio?"

"Let's eat out on the patio. I get tired of being in this room every day. It will be nice to see something different."

"I wheeled Graham outside on the patio. And I pulled a recliner up close to him."

Graham told me that Preston and Mark had everything moved to their new house, but said they would be back later to see us. I didn't tell Graham that I already new that.

Soon the front door opened and Dave came in. "Hey Dave, Graham and I are out on the patio. Come on out and we can have a beer before dinner. While we wait for dinner you can give us all the low down on your new neighbor."

"Well, I saw him by himself trying to move in furniture so I went out to help him. His name is Urban, kind of an unusal name. Anyhow he is relocated here and got a transfer from his past fire department. He's a paramedic/first responder and will work for our local fire department and emergency/rescue units. He's very good looking. Muscular and very friendly. I helped him with his furniture and he said he could take care of the boxes."

"Sounds like you have a nice new neighbor. Somebody that will be more friendly than Logan."

"As far as I know, Urban is single. He likes to work out and I mentioned to him that some of us work out here at you and Graham's house. He liked that idea and hopefully make some new friends fast. I told him what we wore or didn't wear anything when we worked out and he said that wasn't any problem for him. I hope I wasn't too forward inviting him here to work out early in the morning."

Both Graham and I said almost at the same time, "not at all. Of course he's welcome to come over and work out with us. Since he knows about our workouts and is ok with it. Bring him along the next time you come over to work out. I'm not sure about Preston Mark Tyrell and Holden. I think Preston has a gym in his new house and they will probably start working out there. I can ask him when he comes over."

We were sitting outside enjoying a beer. Soon Preston and Mark came outside on the patio. "Hi guys, all moved in."

"Almost, we have all the heavy stuff inside and now it's boxes and suitcases to unpack."

"Dave was telling us about his new neighbor and how he wants to start coming over and working out. Will you guys still be joining us?"

"I don't think so Bob. I have my own gym in the new house and I won't have to drive all the way over here and then drive back for work. Mark Holden and Tyrell will be working out at our new house. Sorry, about that. But we may surprise you off and on and show up for a good work out."

"That's what I thought, but I wanted to ask to be sure."

Tyrell had received a call from his wife, Rashona. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to arrive until Wednesday. Finishing up at her work was taking longer than planned, but she was glad to be able to work at Grahams and Prestons office building. She was going to be Preston's private secretary.

Tyrell couldn't believe how nice everyone in town had been. He had met some really nice guys. Mark was really special and he was still wondering how he was going to work that out. Now that Mark would be starting university.

The nurse told the guys she would get dinner warmed and then bring it out to the patio for them.

We sat around and drank beer waiting for dinner. Soon the nurse brought out our food. It looked and smelled delicious. Graham and I had coffee while the guys continued drinking beer. There was plenty of food for everyone. Graham and Preston of course had seconds and thirds. How they could eat so much, still amazed me. Mark and Preston said they needed to get going. They had more unpacking they wanted to get done before they turned in for the night.

We thanked them for coming over and told them not to be strangers. I hugged and kissed them when they left.

The house suddenly got quiet with Preston and Mark gone. At least Dave was still here and we had a good conversation with him. And then he said he should get going to. He wanted to talk to Cal and then turn in early. He expected a very busy day at work.

Reggie and Jarvis still couldn't find out what was wrong with their wives. Why they had come back arguing. They usually got along fine. They just scowled at their husbands and told them it was none of their business. And to just leave them alone.

Quinton was staying at Reeve's apartment. They had started marking days off on the calendar to see how long it would be until they moved into their new house. They were stripped down on Reeve's bed. It was a tight fit, but that suited them fine. They laid facing each other. Their hard cocks hitting together while they kissed and hugged. They started rubbing and grinding their cocks together. They were getting so worked up that Quinton had Reeve get flat on his back. He wanted to deep throat Reeve's hardon that was sticking straight up and leaking. Quinton lubed a couple of fingers and eased them into Reeve's hole and working them around finding his prostate and making Reeve pant and gasp for air. Soon Quinton was deep throating Reeve while he kept working his fingers in and out. He could tell Reeve was getting close to cumming. So he backed off and slowed down. He got off Reeve's big hardon and put a pillow under his ass. Lubed his cock and eased it into Reeve's hole. Reeve was right at the right position where he could suck him and fuck him at the same time. Quinton knew Reeve liked that. He felt his cock harden and thicken and he started blasting a big load up Reeve's hole. Reeve couldn't hold back any longer and shot a big load down Quinton's throat. They both laid back on the bed. Gasping for air. They looked at each other and smiled.

Holden was helping Preston and Mark get moved in. They had bought a good supply of beer and it was tasting mighty fine. They had a lot of boxes to haul into the house. They had stripped their shirts off and their muscles were pumped from the lifting. The beer was going down pretty fast. They could finally see the end of the boxes. They had unloaded Mark's rental trailer and then used the trailer to get all of Preston's things out of storage. They would soon be done with the boxes. Then they were going to take a break on the patio and drink a couple more beers.

They finished the boxes and the trailer was empty for the second time. The boxes were put in their respective places to be unpacked a little at a time. All the furniture had arrived along with the curtains and other accessories Preston had went over with the interior decorator. The inside of the house was looking good. The yard was fantastic. It looked like a tropical paradise with all the plants and ponds and waterfalls. Everything blended together perfectly.

Mark liked his bedroom. It was large and gave him plenty of room. He had a big walk in closet for all his clothes and shoes. He had his own study area in his room, with a desk and computer that he had already set up and was ready to go. He had an in suite bathroom with a jacuzzi tub. A shower with a multiple shower system and steam. He thought he was all set up perfect. Classes would start on Wednesday so that still gave him one more day to finish his unpacking and get his bedroom organized the way he wanted.

Preston really liked the new house. It was everything he had hoped for. In a couple of days Holden would have everything finalized in the selling of his house and then he would be able to move in. Then he would feel complete. Preston wasn't sure about Mark and Tyrell's relationship. He knew he wasn't comfortable about that arrangement. Not that he didn't like Tyrell. Tyrell was a great guy, but he was married. Preston wasn't sure if a married man was right for Mark. He could foresee problems down the road. Preston thought once things calmed down a bit and they got into their routines, he would have a talk with Mark.

Bob moved Graham back into his room. They thought they had been outside long enough. Bob moved a recliner over close to Graham so they would be close together. "You ready for some heavy duty therapy tomorrow?"

"You bet, I'm going to do whatever I need to, to be up and walking around soon."

"I would recommend having your pain pills handy. It's going to hurt a lot at first until you get the strength back in your legs to be able to walk on your own. Don't push yourself too hard tomorrow. You need to ease back into getting your strength back. It will come, but it's going to take time. Follow the instructions the therapist gives you."

"Yes mother. I'll follow directions."

"I'm being serious Graham. I don't want you damaging your legs by over exerting yourself too soon. I'm talking to you like a doctor now."

"Aye, aye, doctor. I'll follow the therapists instructions. I'm thirsty for a cold beer."

"That sounds good. I'll grab one for me too. Why don't you see if there is a good game on the tv."

I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed us a couple of cold beers. I could hear Graham flipping through the sports channels. It sounded like he found a game.

I walked back in and Graham said he found a good college football game. I sat in my recliner next to Graham and we watched the rest of the game. The nurse had went downstairs to give us some privacy.

Deb was thoroughly pissed at Jennifer. While they were gone, "shopping", they had actually rented a room for a few hours to be together. That's when Jennifer gave Deb the news. Deb, "yeah." "I have some important news for you."

"What's so important?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Your what, bitch?"

"I'm pregnant. I just found out from the doctor yesterday."

"You fucking whore. I should dump you and find someone else."

"Why are you mad at me?"

"Because we won't be able to get together and have sex. All your time will be spent with your pregnancy and then your new kid. There won't be anytime for me. I thought I meant something to you."

"You mean everything to me. This pregnancy was totally unexpected. You have two kids and I never said anything to you when you were pregnant. We just got together around it and figured out times when we could be together. Why can't we do that now with my pregnancy?"

"I'll think about it. But I'm still totally pissed at you."

"Let's leave and go home. I'm in no mood to see you right now or be around you."

So when they got back. They were both pissed at each other and lashed out at their husbands. Jennifer hadn't told Jarvis about being pregnant yet. She was still trying to adjust to Deb's flare up.

The game finished and we were both tired. Graham told me to go to our bedroom. It would be more comfortable for sleeping. The nurse had come back. She knew about me and Graham. I gave Graham a kiss and hug and I told the nurse I was going to bed.

I was looking forward to working out early. I hoped Dave and his new neighbor Urban would come over to work out with me. I wasn't sure about Preston Tyrell and Mark. Would have to wait and see if they came also.

Preston and Mark couldn't believe how much they got done today. All the boxes had been moved in. Almost all the unpacking was done, at least the most important things. They were pumped after lifting boxes all day. Preston hoped Holden would come over early to work out. Mark was hoping the same thing with Tyrell. Everytime he mentioned Tyrell, Preston changed the subject. He didn't know what that was all about. But he was going to ask his brother about that. They decided to take a dip in the pool and get cooled off. They stripped down and dove into the pool. The water felt great over their bodies. They swam a few laps and then walked out. Their big cocks and balls swinging back and forth. They each took a recliner and were going to dry off while reclining. Preston was really enjoying his house in the short time he had been in it. Mark really liked his big bedroom with the office area. It was going to workout perfect for his studying.

Bob was tired when he went to bed. But he couldn't sleep. He kept tossing and turning. It wasn't the same in bed without Graham. He missed him terribly. He hoped Graham's therapy went fast and he recovered quickly.

Graham was thinking the same. He missed sleeping with Bob. He also hoped his therapy went quick and he recovered fast.

Both Deb and Jennifer slept with their backs to their husbands. The husbands were still in the dark about what they were arguing about.

Preston and Mark also missed their partners and didn't like sleeping by themselves. Preston knew it was just a couple of days until Holden would be here with him. Mark wasn't sure about Tyrell. They got along well while his wife was gone. But he wondered what would happen when Tyrell's wife returned.

Quinton and Reeve slept all intertwined together. How they managed to get to sleep was anybodys guess.

Bob woke up early to the alarm going off. He had finally went to sleep and it seemed like it was just an hour ago. He had actually slept for many hours. He was wondering if Dave and Urban would be downstairs to work out. He got up and put some sweats on. And went downstairs. He gave Graham a good morning kiss and hug and told him he was going downstairs to work out.

When I got downstairs, Dave and his neighbor, I think his name is Urban were already in their jocks waiting on me. Dave introduced me to Urban. Urban was a nice looking young man. He was 29 going on 30. But he looked much younger than that. He was muscular, a little tuft of hair on his chest otherwise he looked pretty smooth. His jock was filled out nicely. We warmed up and worked out for just over an hour. After not working out for a few days. One hour seemed like three hours. I was sweating and huffing and puffing, I definitely needed to get back to working out every morning. The guys didn't seemed phased at all with our hour work out. We showered downstairs and I told Urban that he was welcome to use a locker and keep his work out clothes here. He thanked me and said he would do that. He liked the gym set up that I had.

We were soon showering each other and sporting some very fine hardons. Urban looked to be close to eight inches. He was a little longer than Dave and me and a little thicker. I was thinking how good that would feel up my hole. We got into a circle jerk and were shooting out all over one of the shower walls. We rinsed it off. Got out and dried each other off. We changed clothes downstairs and Urban left his jock in one of the lockers. Urban looked pretty hot in his uniform and I told him he was welcome anytime. Just to be sure to call first.

We went upstairs and I introduced Urban to Margaret. And then we went into Graham's room and I introduced Urban to Graham. Graham had already finished his breakfast and was waiting on the therapist.

We went back out to the breakfast nook and ate our breakfast. Urban thanked me for a good work out and breakfast. I told him he should thank Margaret. She's the one that did the cooking. He thanked Margaret and they left for work. I went to see Graham and told him I needed to leave for work. We kissed and hugged. And I told him I wanted all the details about his therapy today when I get home.

I had already talked to the nurse to have Graham's pain pills handy, just in case. I knew Graham was a fighter and he could put up with a lot of pain. I just didn't want him overdoing it and trying to endure the pain without taking his pills.

Preston Holden Tyrell and Mark got in a good work out. It was the first time they had used the gym in their new house. Everyone liked it a lot. They wore jocks out of habit, working out at Bob and Graham's house. They worked out for about an hour and used the basement shower. Preston had a shower installed just for these workout times. They all managed to fit into the shower. It was a little tight. But nobody was complaining. They were able to get into a group suck and blast out their morning loads in their buddies mouths. It was a pretty hot scene. They walked out of the shower, dried off and went upstairs to change.

Preston was supposed to have an interview with a prospective housekeeper at lunch time. They were going to meet at the diner. Preston thought that would be a good place to have the meeting. The lady he was interviewing was a sister of Margaret's. Margaret was hoping Preston would hire her sister. She was widowed and needed to be out of her house. She didn't need the money, but she had started isolating herself once her husband had passed away.

Bob's morning was going quick supervising Reeve. He was wondering how Graham was doing with his first day of intensive therapy. He would call the nurse at lunch time.

Graham was anxiously waiting for the therapist. He had finished breakfast and remembered the therapist saying he would be coming early. Finally he heard the front door and the nurse usered the therapist into Graham's room. "How you doing this morning Graham?"

"I'm doing fine. I was just anxiously waiting for you. So we could get started."

"I'm glad your enthusiastic to get started. I hope you feel that way a little later. This could be quite painful for you today. If it is, I want you to tell me so the nurse can give you a pain pill. There's nothing wrong with taking pain medication. It's quite common the first couple of days. We'll see how it goes and maybe you won't need any pain medication."

The therapist moved over to Graham and helped Graham pull his left leg back to his chest. He saw Graham grimacing. "If the pain is too much Graham, I want you to say so."

"No, I can take it. It was like the first time I sat up and moved my legs to the side of the bed. I think the more times I do it. The pain will subside."

Then the therapist helped Graham with his right leg. "How do you feel Graham?"

"It's painful but I can do it."

"I'm going to let you rest for just a bit and then we'll do it again."

"Ok Graham. You ready?"

"Let's do it."

The second time the pain wasn't as bad on either leg. They waited for a couple of minutes and then did it again. The third time their was hardly any pain.

"Ok Graham. I want you to sit up and slide around to the side of the bed with your legs hanging down over the edge of the bed."

Graham moved around without any problem and pain. Then the therapist and the nurse got on each side of Graham and helped him down to see if he could stand on his feet. Graham told them he had a lot of pain. They had him sit down again for a couple of minutes and then tried it again. This time Graham was able to stand with very little pain. They helped him to take a couple of steps. Graham said the pain was minimal but he needed their help to stay steady and not fall.

The therapist had brought crutches and a wheelchair. Now that Graham had a chance to rest for a bit. He wanted to try the crutches. He worked Graham's legs back and forth and had Graham push as hard as he could against his hands. Graham seemed to have a lot of strength in his legs. Surprisingly for someone with casts for eight weeks.

He asked Graham to move to the side of the bed with his legs hanging down over the edge. Graham did it quickly and with no pain. The nurse walked over to help the therapist and they helped Graham up and then put the crutches under each arm to see if Graham could steady himself and try taking a couple of steps using the crutches. Graham was determined and there was no way he wasn't going to do this. He steadied himself with the crutches. The therapist and nurse were close in case it looked like he might fall. He tried moving his right foot. It wouldn't budge. He tried again harder and it moved a little. Then he tried his left foot and with a lot of effort he was able to move it a little without any help. "Graham your doing great. Can you walk any more?"

The pain wasn't as bad as Graham thought it would be. He knew he could do this on his own. If he went slow he could take some more steps. He started again with his right foot. It seemed the longer he stood the stronger he got. He was able to move his right foot further than the first time. That also happened with his left foot. He wasn't really walking. More like shuffling. But he thought the more he did this and the stronger he got, he would soon be able to lift his feet and take normal steps. But for the time being, his shuffling was working without any help.

The therapist asked Graham if he could make his way to the wheelchair. Graham took his time and soon he was seated in the wheelchair. Thankfully, when the house was built. They had put in large doors and open arch ways so it made easy access with the wheelchair. Graham was able to hang his crutches on one side of the wheelchair. He was really happy and this was going much better than he had thought possible.

It was going on lunch time and Graham said he would like to eat out at the patio table. He wheeled his wheelchair to the sliding glass doors that went out to the patio. He was able to open the doors. He locked his wheelchair and took his crutches. He was able to stand and get his crutches situated under his arms on his own. He still shuffled along, but made his way to a patio chair and sat down while Margaret brought out lunch for him the therapist and the nurse. They all ate together. They were praising Graham on doing such a great job on the first day. The therapist told Graham, when he left to keep pulling his legs back to his chest and then push as hard as he could against the nurses hands with his feet. He told Graham tomorrow they would start using some weights on his legs to get his strength back quicker.

They finished their lunch and the therapist told Graham he needed to leave and had another patient to attend. He praised Graham again on doing such a good job. Just go slow and at your own pace and everything will soon be falling into place.

Graham thanked the therapist and told him he was looking forward to tomorrow. Margaret showed the therapist out and he left.

The nurse told Graham that it was really remarkable how well he did today. Graham wanted to rest for a bit before they did some more exercising on his legs.

It was going on lunch time and Bob walked over to the diner. He would call the nurse and see how Graham was doing. He saw Preston's car and saw him talking to an older lady at his favorite table. He didn't want to interrupt Preston so he took a different table. Glancing over at them once in awhile.

Millie came over and asked him what he would like for lunch. She was still being aloof. He didn't know what her problem was, but he wasn't in the mood to be bothered with her. While he waited for his lunch, he called the nurse. "Hello, it's Bob. How did Graham's physical therapy go today?"

"I couldn't believe it. Graham was able to move his feet. More like shuffling than walking, but he was able to do it on his own. The therapist brought crutches and a wheelchair. Graham is able to use the crutches on his own. He's slow, but that's understandable and able to lock his wheelchair and sit in and wheel himself around. He's very happy and he's already had me help him with his leg exercises to start getting more strength. The therapist said he would be bringing weights tomorrow to help get the strength back faster in Graham's legs."

"That's wonderful. I'm sure Graham is glad he can start getting around slowly on his own?"

"It seems Grahams on a mission to recover as fast as he can.

I kept looking over at Preston. It was an older lady he was talking to. Maybe a relative or someone that works at the office building.

Preston's luncheon went well. Margaret's sister agreed to work for him. She would start early at seven and work until four or five in the afternoon. Depending on how much their was to do. Tomorrow she would come by Preston's house after he got home from work. Preston would show her around the house. Where things were located and she would start work on Wednesday. They finished their lunch and Preston drove Margaret's sister to her house and he drove back to work.

Bob finished his lunch and left the tab with his money on the table. He didn't leave a tip. He wasn't in the mood for Millie's attitude.

Reggie kept bugging and asking Deb what was going on with her and Jennifer, they were best friends. Finally Deb was getting tired of Reggie's questions and he wouldn't let up. So she finally said, "the bitch is pregnant."

"That is what your mad about. I would think you'd be happy for Jennifer and Jarvis. You could plan a baby shower. How about when you were pregnant? I don't remember Jennifer getting mad at you?"

"I know. It just surprised me and now we won't be able to get together and do our own thing."

"Why not. Just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean you two still can't get together. Why don't you invite them over for a dinner or a barbeque and settle the air?"

"Your always so level headed. No wonder I love you. Your right. I've been the one acting like a bitch, not Jennifer. I'll call Jennifer later and see if we can patch things up."

Bob got back to work and the afternoon went fast. Bob wanted to get home and hear all about Graham's day with the therapist. Even though he knew almost everything after talking with the nurse. He still wanted to hear it from Graham and see how excited he was.

The day ended and Bob said his goodbyes to everyone and was gone like a flash home. Graham wanted the nurse to tell him Bob drove in. He wanted to surprise him, standing up and waiting for him.

Graham got situated with his crutches and pulled himself up to a standing position. It was getting a little easier with the crutches, but it was still hard to walk normally and not shuffle along. Graham heard the kitchen door and Bob walked in. He saw Graham standing and almost fainted. He wasn't expecting to see that. He walked over to Graham and he kissed Graham. Graham told him easy. He still wasn't all the steady on his feet.

Bob was so proud of Graham. "Graham your doing fantastic."

"Thanks babe. This is going better than I could have hoped. Tomorrow I'm going to start using weights to build up the strength in my legs and soon I will be walking normal. I can't wait."

"Your doing great. Do you want me to have chair lifts put on the stairs?"

"No. As soon as I can start walking. I will be working on going up and down the stairs. I don't want any chair lifts."

"Ok babe. I was checking to see if it was something you wanted."

Graham shuffled over to his wheelchair and sat down. "How about if we go out to the patio for a little while?"

Bob watched Graham get into the wheelchair without any problem. He opened the patio doors for them and they went out to the patio. Graham stayed in his wheelchair while Bob relaxed on a lounger. They talked for awhile. "You ready for your parents and brother and sister tomorrow?"

"I sure am. I want to hear what my dad has to say to me. My brother told me everything was cool and not to worry and that it was dad's idea to come and see me tomorrow."

"Sounds like it's going to be a good day for you. I'm anxious for you to tell me how your day went when I get home from work."

The nurse poked her head out on the patio and asked us if we were ready for dinner. We told her sure. We would eat out here on the patio.

Deb held her cell phone in her hand. Wondering how the call would go to Jennifer. Jennifer was still fuming at what Deb had said, but if Deb apologized she would go along with it. Finally Deb called Jennifer. "Hello, what do you want?"

"Jennifer, I'm so sorry, I'm the one that's being a bitch about this. Would you and Jarvis want to come over for a barbeque Friday and stay for the weekend?"

"Thanks for the apology Deb. That's what I wanted to hear. I'll have to ask Jarvis about coming over for a barbeque Friday and staying over. I'll get back to you as soon as I talk to Jarvis."

The nurse got the patio table ready for Bob and Graham. Graham moved over to a patio chair and was able to get into the chair without any help. Bob was still amazed at how well Graham was doing. The nurse brought out their food and they ate another one of Margaret's delicious dinners.

They finished eating and the nurse cleared the table and put all the left overs away. The accident hadn't changed Graham's eating habits. He was still eating like a horse. He could sure pack the food away.

They went back inside to the living room and Graham flipped through the channels and found a good movie for them to watch. Nothing they wanted to see on the sports channels. They watched their movie till it ended and then decided to call it a night. Graham got back into his hospital bed. Bob gave Graham a hug and kiss and they told each other, I love you.

Bob went upstairs and stripped down and went to bed. He didn't jerk off. He was saving himself for Graham. He soon fell asleep.

Graham was having a difficult time falling to sleep. He was thinking about tomorrow when his parents came. He was still concerned about what his father was going to tell him. After a few hours, he finally nodded off to sleep.

Preston and Mark were really enjoying the new house. Mark had finished getting all his things put away and his bedroom looked pretty good. He had his study area ready. He was wondering how his first day of classed would go tomorrow. Preston was anxious for Graham to get recovered and back to work. The extra work load was taking it's toll and he was getting more tired than normal. Preston was looking forward to Holden moving in tomorrow. He had told the housekeeper about Holden moving in so the security guard at the gate would let him in. Mark was wondering how tomorrow would go for Tyrell when his wife got back. He hoped it wouldn't cut into their time together. He really liked Tyrell and they got along well.

Preston and Mark ate dinner at the kitchen island. Everything was so new and shiny. They decided to take a swim after they cleaned the kitchen and put the left overs away. They usually went around the house in just a jock or naked. A habit they had picked up from staying at Bob and Graham's house. They walked out on the patio and then down to the pool. They threw their jocks on a lounger and dove into the pool. They stayed on the shallow end of the pool. They put an arm around each other and just looked all around the yard. Zane and his crew had done such a remarkable job. It was truly a tropical paradise here. Feeling their naked bodies touching was arousing for both them. They moved over to the steps in the pool and laid back. Their big hardons were sticking out of the water. They soon started stroking each other off. Something they used to do when they were kids living at home. It didn't take long until they were shooting out long thick streams of cum. Their cum was making globs in the pool. The pool filters would take care of that. They climbed back out and rinsed off in the outside shower. Dried off and went in to see if their was a good game on the tv.

Mark checked the sports channels and found a pro football game. Preston came back with a couple of beers for them. They sipped on their beer and watched the game. Preston was like a commentator while he watched the game. Things the teams should have done and mistakes they were making. At half time they got a refill on their beer. The game ended late and they each went to their bedrooms. It didn't take Preston and Mark long to fall asleep.

Quinton and Reeve had been to the housing site to check on their home. They hadn't started on it yet. The housing boss told them, they would probably start on their house by this weekend. They still had more things to do in Graham's house before it was finished and Zane was way behind in his work. They told the housing boss they would be back on Saturday to see if they had started on their house. They walked over to Graham's house and couldn't believe how nice it was. The inside sure looked like Graham. This house would fit him to a tee. They were wondering what would happen when he moved in, with his relationship with Bob. Oh well, that's their problem and something they would have to work out.

Quinton and Reeve went back to Quinton's apartment. They grabbed a couple of beers and turned on the tv. They stripped each other out of their clothes. They wanted to snuggle together naked and drink beer and watch tv. Reeve found a good movie and they watched the movie while they were making out. Soon the movie ended and they made their way to Quinton's bedroom. They finished their beer and got into a hot sixy nine. Deep throating each other until they were shooting out big loads. They milked the last drops out of each other's cocks. Snuggled up and fell asleep.

Bob woke up early and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. He put on some old sweats. He was hoping Dave and Urban would be here to work out. He walked downstairs. Margaret hadn't arrived yet. The nurse was in with Graham. She said Graham slept well all night. Bob and Graham kissed and hugged. And Bob told Graham he was going downstairs to work out.

Bob got downstairs and Dave and Urban were already getting warmed up on the treadmills. They looked pretty hot in their jocks. I could just sit here on the changing bench and watch them all day. The way they fill out the pouch of their jocks. I got stripped down and put a jock on and joined them warming up. We got in another good hour of working out. We were all sweating and ready for a shower. We got into the shower and washed each other off. Urban sat down on the shower seat. Dave must have told him about that. Dave went first and sat down over Urban's big thick cock. Bouncing up and down. I got down between Dave's legs and took his cock down my throat. Dave was moaning and gasping. Soon I heard Urban give a couple of grunts and I knew he was filling Dave's ass. I started going faster on Dave's cock and he rewarded me with a big morning load. His cum tasted pretty good, but not as good as Graham's. I then sat down on Urban's big hard cock. He held my sides and helped me bounce up and down on his cock. It took him a few minutes longer to cum. I felt his cock harden and thicken in my hole and soon I felt his warm thick cum shooting in my hole. Dave was down between my legs sucking me off and I gave him a pretty good sized second load. We finished our shower. Dried each other off, dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. I told Margaret we were all going to eat with Graham. I introduced Urban to Graham and they seemed to hit it off right away. Graham was an easy person to talk to and like, and so was Urban.

We finished our breakfast. I reminded Margaret, Graham's parents brother and sister were coming, to fix something special for them for lunch. We kissed and hugged and then they left for work. I told Graham I would call at lunch time and see how everything was going.

I could tell Graham was excited. I didn't know if it was his fast recovery or his parents coming. It was probably a combination of both. We kissed and hugged and we told each other our I love you's and I left for work.

Mark was up early as was Preston. They went downstairs to work out. Holden and Tyrell were there. They also worked out for about an hour. Preston had informed Holden and Tyrell he had a housekeeper starting today. So they should bring a change of clothes. They all crowded into the shower. They washed each other until they were all rock hard. They jerked and sucked in the shower until they were drained and couldn't cum anymore. They dried each other off and changed into work clothes. They went upstairs and Preston's housekeeper had breakfast ready for them. They ate in the formal dining room. Mark told the guys he had to leave early. He had an early class and a full schedule today. So they all kissed and hugged and he left for the university. They finished their breakfast and thanked the housekeeper for a very good meal. They went into the garage and kissed and hugged and left for work.

Deb and Jennifer were getting their relationship back to normal. They called and talked to each other a few times each day. The barbeque on Friday was a go and they were going to stay the weekend.

The nurse got Graham cleaned. There was no shower downstairs. Only a half bathroom for guests. The nurse used a basin with warm water soap and a wash cloth and was able to clean Graham all over. She cleaned Graham's privates very carefully. Graham was hoping he wouldn't get hard, but how gentle and soft her hands were, he had to exercise maximum control. She helped Graham get dressed in just a tshirt and boxers for his therapy. She had other clothes for Graham to change into when he finished his therapy.

Bob had just left, when the therapist arrived. He had a bag with him. He had some weights inside. "How you doing this morning Graham?"

"Doing great. I'm still shuffling along. Hopefully that will change soon."

"I brought some weights today so we can start working on your legs and getting them stronger. This might hurt a bit and if it does let me know. I'll have you take a couple of pain pills."

The therapist got the weights adjusted and had Graham start with his right leg. Raising and bending it with the weights. It did feel different and was hard to lift his leg. He managed with minimal pain. Then they switched to the left leg and it was about the same. The went back and forth for about thirty minutes. Graham was starting to get tired.

The therapist took the weights off and asked Graham if he could stand with his crutches. The nurse and therapist were on each side of Graham in case their was a problem or he looked like he was going to fall. Graham said, "I already feel stronger and it's easier to stand."

Graham got his crutches positioned. "Can you try taking a couple of steps," said the therapist. Graham tried moving his feet and he felt stronger. He was able to lift his foot and move it ahead and then the other foot doing the same. Graham was actually walking. Tears were running down his cheeks. "Are you feeling a lot of pain Graham. It looks like your crying?"

"No, no pain at all. I'm crying because I'm happy. I'm actually walking and not shuffling like I did yesterday."

"Try taking a few more steps and see how you do."

Graham was able to take a few more steps. He didn't feel any pain. If he went slow and at his own pace. Everything worked well.

The therapist told Graham they would use the weights for another ten to fifteen minutes. Then see how he did walking again.

The second time walking went more smoothly then the first time. Graham was able to take more steps before he got a little tired.

The therapist was pleased with Graham's progress and told him so. He told Graham after he left to bend his legs back to his chest and press his feet as hard as he could against the nurses hands. Then try walking some more. Do this about three or four times in the afternoon. He told Graham he was leaving and his recovery was awesome.

The therapist left and the nurse cleaned Graham again and changed his clothes into something more respectable when his parents came.

The nurse had just finished with Graham when Graham heard the front door and his parents brother and sister talking to Margaret.

End of Chapter 21 - Urban

Chapter 22 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell Urban

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 22

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