My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on May 9, 2023


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 20

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 20. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 20 - Tyrell

While I was gone for the conference, it gave Graham a chance to think more. He appreciated everything Bob was doing for him. But he felt something wasn't right. He thought when his new house was built he would move out for awhile and see how it goes on his own.

Margaret and the nurse also had a good talk while Bob was gone. Margaret explained to the nurse about Bob and Graham being partners. She had figured that out. She also told the nurse about their problems and how Graham felt Bob was controlling and manipulating him. That got the nurse's attention. She said she knew something was bothering Graham and she thought she would have a talk with him. More like a mother than nurse. Margaret said she wanted to talk to Graham too. She also noticed something was wrong and maybe she could find out what it was. They agreed Margaret would talk to Graham first and then the nurse.

Bob was feeling good. He was glad he was on his way home. He missed Graham and was glad they were working out their differences. Mainly, all the problems he had caused. Receiving that award was quite a surprise. But that wasn't important right now. He would hang it in his office. What was important was Graham and he was number one as far as Bob was concerned. His flight was only two hours and he had called Sam before takeoff to confirm a hotel shuttle would be waiting for him. Sam told Bob not to worry and everything was taken care of. Bob was also wondering what Graham found out about his last x-rays. He would ask him as soon as he got home. Hopefully, some of the casts would be coming off soon. That would make Graham happy. He knew that Graham was feeling better when he started getting restless during the day. Graham is an active person and to be bed ridden wasn't easy for him. Bob heard the pilot announce that they were started their descent and would be landing in about thirty minutes.

Margaret had finished her work early and thought this was a perfect time to talk to Graham before Bob got home. She walked in and asked Graham how he was feeling. He told her he was feeling great and just wished the casts were off. "Graham I'm going to be blunt with you. I've been working now for a long time now with you and Bob, and I can tell when something is bothering either one of you. I know your bothered about something Graham. I'm talking to you more like a mother now and not your housekeeper. Do you feel comfortable telling me what's bothering you? I promise I won't say anything to Bob?"

"Margaret your very observant and I do trust you. I appreciate everything Bob has done for me. Getting me comfortable in his new library/study room. Hiring a 24/7 nurse to take watch over me. Having the radiologists come and take my x-rays so I don't have to move. The issue is that I'm living in Bob's house. It's not my house. I know that Bob bought the house before we renewed our friendship. What bother's me the most is that nothing in the house belongs to me. Even though we've been working out our differences, I'm still dependant on him living in his house. I don't feel comfortable going ahead and doing things without checking with him first. If I had my own house, I could come and go as I wanted and do as I wanted and not have to report in."

"You realize your not being fair to Bob. Now you sound like the things you didn't like, was what Bob was doing. The house doesn't control you. Nor does Bob. Your free to come and go as you please. Your both adult men and not the other's servant. I've known Bob longer than you and his family. Bob was pretty much forced to look out for himself at a young age. He got very little support from his parents. They were working professionals, putting in long hours, like they still do and didn't have time to spend with their two boys. I'm not making excuses for Bob. But I thought that was something you needed to know. Bob learned to be independent and do things on his own from an early age. I'm sure you were a little aware of that. You practically lived at Bob's parents house when you two were growing up. How often did you see Bob's parents. I'm sure not very much. I think you need to think about what your giving up, if you do decide to move out. Bob loves you very much and your number one in his life. The purchase of this house was the first thing he did on his own. I'm sure he was excited when he could offer his home to you. If you think about it Graham, he's like when a couple gets married. Many times the man has already purchased a house and he wants his new wife to live with him. He assumes his wife will like the house as much as he does. He's not being manipulative, he feels he's giving you a part of himself, and wants his wife to feel safe and secure and not worry about the expense of purchasing a house. I think Bob might be doing the same thing. Not that your married, but he felt it was the right thing to do. If you think about it Graham, how many people has Bob helped? Look what he is doing for Preston, how many other people do you know would do that. I hope you think about what I told you and you make the right decision for the right reason."

Graham did think about what Margaret said. He remembered them being by themselves most of the time in Bob's parents house. They were best of friends and they didn't pay much attention to it. Graham knew his father was glad he was spending so much time with Bob. He didn't really want him in his house. He already had his suspicions about those two boys. Graham would need to think about what he wanted to do some more. Margaret was right with about everything she said. He was wondering where the nurse was. She was probably getting their dinner ready. He really liked the nurse she had spent more time with him than his own mother.

Soon the nurse came in with their dinner and coffee for both of them. Graham was able to eat pretty much on his own with very little help. They were eating their dinner when the nurse asked Graham, "what's bothering you Graham. I've been around you long enough to know that something isn't right. I'm talking to you now as a mother and not as nurse."

Graham was smiling to himself. He hardly had a mother growing up, that was controlled by her husband. Now he had two mother's in less than an hour. "I will share some information with you, as long as it doesn't get back to Bob." Graham told the nurse the same things he had told Margaret and felt he was being manipulated and controlled by Bob. He felt he had no freedom and needed to report to Bob anything he wanted to do. The nurse sat their and listened to Graham.

Finally she told Graham. "Graham I think your acting like a little kid. I think your overreacting. From what I've seen and heard if you didn't have your casts and were working, you could come and go as much as you wanted without having to say anything to Bob. After becoming acquainted with Bob, I don't think he's being controlling or manipulative. I think he was happy that you two were living together. Sure he had some changes made to the house. From what I understand he did ask you for your opinions. Bob may have already knew what he wanted, but he did consult you. I understand he had the sunroom built as a special surprise for you. He also had a surprise party for you. Look what he's doing for Preston. I don't know many people that would open their home and try to make a friend feel comfortable and welcome. I'm sure he's done that to other people. Also, he convinced your brother and sister to come and see you, after how many years of no contact with your family? Something that you don't know that I overheard, was that Bob received a special award at the Medical Conference. An award that is rarely given, in fact, it's only been the second time. The award is for someone that gives back more than he wants for himself. Bob had made some major changes in this community and town and to the medical community and he was recognized for that. All the voting members voted unamimously for him to receive the award. They wouldn't give that award to someone that was manipulative and controlling. One other thing you need to think about Graham, now I'm talking to you like a nurse. Remember Bob is a doctor. Doctors think different than we do. They reason and analyze everything. They don't say anything without giving it a lot of thought. With Bob's work, he is in control and needs to make many quick and accurate decisions every day. A doctor's day is very stressful and demanding. Be glad he loves you and cares for you and only wants the best for you. Now I'm taking our dinner dishes to the kitchen and give you some time to think."

Wow, two lectures in an hour. Graham thought about what they both said. They both made some good points. He had a lot to think about. It would still be a few weeks before all his casts came off and then there would be physical therapy on his legs. So he had a lot of time to think and decide exactly what he wanted to do. Right now he wanted to watch some tv and wait for Bob to get home. Graham knew a decision would come to him. He just hoped it was the right one.

Margaret was on her way out when the hotel shuttle came into the front. She saw Bob sitting towards the front. There were some other people in the shuttle. She thought they must be going to the hotel. Bob got out of the shuttle and the driver handed Bob his overnight bag. Bob tipped the driver and he took off to take some new guests to the hotel. Bob walked up to the open door. Margaret was standing there. He gave Margaret a peck on the cheek and asked her how Graham was. She said Graham was doing well. The nurse is with him right now. Margaret left once Bob was inside. He walked directly to where Graham was. The nurse greeted Bob and left so they could have some private time together. Bob saw tears in Graham's eyes. "Graham I'm so happy to be home and be with you. I missed you so much."

Bob wiped Graham's tears away. "Bob, I've missed you too. I'm so happy your home and could cut your convention short."

Bob noticed something was bothering Graham. They had been together long enough to know when the other one was upset or bothered about something. Bob thought it was probably still some repercussions from the accident and wouldn't ask Graham what was wrong. Bob asked Graham, "what did the radiologist say about removing your casts?"

"The cast on my arm will come off this coming Monday. The cast on my right leg should be coming off in two weeks and the cast on the left leg one week after the cast on my right leg comes off. I can't wait to get rid of them and start therapy and get back to work."

"You've made a fast recovery, considering the seriousness of your accident. I already have an excellent physical therapist that will be coming when the casts on your legs are removed. I hope that is ok with you, that I went ahead and did that?"

"That's fine Bob. You know better than I do, for a good physical therapist. I'm feeling a little sleepy and I'm going to sleep for awhile."

Bob thought Graham didn't look tired. He still knew something was bothering him. He thought he'd talk to the nurse and see if she knew what was going on with Graham.

Bob took his overnight bag upstairs and unpacked his things. He took a quick shower and dressed in something casual. He wasn't going to do anything special. He wanted to be with Graham as much as possible.

He walked downstairs and saw the nurse in the kitchen. She asked Bob, "how was your convention and trip home?"

"The convention was ok, just a typical convention. Workshops, speeches, at least I was able to leave early. I was glad about that. I was just talking to Graham and he seems upset about something. And said he was tired and wanted to sleep for awhile. But he didn't look tired. Do you know what's going on?"

"I do know what's bothering Graham. Both Margaret and I had a long talk with Graham. He still feels he's being controlled and manipulated and he doesn't feel comfortable in your house. Both Margaret and I had a serious talk with Graham, and really laid into him. We both gave him a lot of information for him to think about. I wouldn't worry too much about Graham. He just has a lot of thinking to do and just give him some space for a couple of days and I think he will have come around."

"Thanks for telling me. I won't mention anything to Graham about you talking to me. And I'll give him space and let him sort things out in his mind. I'm going to go out on the patio and relax after my flight."

Graham's brother and sister had quite an animated conversation on their way home. They were glad to see Graham. It was just like old times when they were kids at home. They shared so much information. They were grateful to Bob for convincing them to see Graham. Bob was a wonderful man and they thought Graham was lucky to have him in his life. Nobody would have thought Bob was gay. He wasn't anything like what they thought a gay man would look like and act. They had all the stereotypical images in their minds. They knew they now had a big job ahead of themselves convincing their father to see Graham. Graham's brother had a couple of videos that he wanted his father to see. One was just kind of general showing where Graham was, a little of the house and the nurse and Margaret. The second video was just Graham talking to his father. They hoped if their father would look at the videos he would reconsider his ideas about Graham and want to see him. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but it was something they needed to do.

Preston was on his way home. He and Holden had a great weekend together. They both had busy Mondays coming up so they wanted a little time to themselves. Preston also needed to ask Bob if it would be ok for Mark to stay until his house was finished. He was disappoined with the delay. But those things happened. It was giving him and Holden more time together and they were getting closer and closer. Then he would need to help Mark find someone. As hot as Mark was, he knew it wouldn't be hard to find someone for him.

Preston arrived at the house and parked in the garage. He walked into the kitchen and could see Bob out on the patio. He went out to the patio and they hugged and kissed. Bob was glad to see Preston. "Didn't expect to see you home early?"

"Holden and I have busy Monday's coming up and we needed sometime by ourselves. How was your convention and flight home?"

"The convention was ok and the flight seemed to drag. I was anxious to get back home and see Graham."

"I'm glad your back. I need to ask you something?"

"Since their is this delay in the construction of my house. Mark is finishing his tour and I thought he would be living with me in my new house. I was wondering if he could stay here with me until my house is finished?"

"Of course Preston. You didn't even need to ask. Mark is like another member of the family. He's more than welcome to stay. Your guys can stay here forever if you want."

"Thanks Bob, that's a big burden lifted off my shoulders. We'll be sure to do something special for you and Graham once I have moved into my new house."

Preston grabbed them a beer and they didn't really talk much. Just relaxed and each was reflecting on their partners.

It was hard for Bob to give Graham time and space. He wanted to spend all his time with him. He was hoping Graham would talk to him soon. They had been separated for too long and now the accident. He was hoping they would have been together like they used to be.

Graham just stared at the ceiling after Bob left. Part of him wanted to take Bob back and make their relationship work. The other was telling him it would be better to be on his own in his own house and away from someone that manipulates and controls. He knew eventually he would come up with a decision. Many times he had dreams that solved his problems. He was hoping that would happen again.

Bob was getting hungry and he asked Preston if he wanted something to eat. He said sure. Bob knew that was the wrong thing to saw. Preston could always eat and always seemed hungry. Bob walked into the kitchen and got something ready for them. The nurse came into the kithen and told Bob she would finish getting their dinner ready and bring it out to the patio. Bob thanked her and Preston asked Bob where dinner was. He told him that the nurse was finishing it and would bring it out to the patio soon.

The nurse brought dinner out and they ate a delicious dinner. Of roast chicken with stuffing. Mashed potatoes and corn. It was very good and filling. Preston ate again like it was his last meal. Bob told Preston he was going to his room and watch tv. He just wanted some time to himself. Preston understood and he turned on a game in the living room. And that finished Preston for the rest of the evening.

Bob got to his room and put a jock on and stretched out on top of the covers and watched the same game Preston was watching. He was more concerned about Graham. He tried to think what had him upset and not want to talk. He didn't know what he had done and he thought they were working out their differences.

The game finished and Bob fell asleep with the tv going and his nightstand light on.

Bob woke up early. He wasn't going to work out, even though he knew he should. He would rest a little longer and then eat breakfast and go to work. He wasn't sure if he would look in on Graham or not. Graham might just close his eyes when he came into his room or pretend to be sleeping. He thought he'd check on Graham when he came home from work.

It was time to get up. Bob crawled out of bed. Took a quick shower and dressed. He smelled breakfast as he walked downstairs to the kitchen. Margaret was busy getting the little table ready in the breakfast nook. Soon Preston and Holden came upstairs to join him for breakfast. They looked like they had got in a good work out. Probably more than one work out, knowing those two horndogs. Bob longed for the day when he and Graham would be working out together and having some hot sex. He could wait on Graham, however long it took. Preston and Holden had been talking to Bob. He asked them what they said. They asked him how Graham was this morning? He told them he would check in on Graham when he got home from work. Graham was busy eating breakfast and didn't want to interrupt. They thought that was a strange reply but didn't persue it.

They finished their breakfast and they headed out to work. Bob arrived at the clinic later than everyone else. His staff was already there. He checked his watch and wasn't running late. He walked in and everyone was busy in their own areas. He had his staff meeting and told them he would be working a full schedule all week. The morning went well and it was getting to the time of the year that Bob liked. This was the time workers at the paper mill retired and hired new workers and they would need physicals. Then in a couple of weeks the high school and college athletics would be coming in for their sports physicals. Definitely something to look forward to. The morning went well and Bob was going to go to the Mall. He wanted to buy a frame for his award and he would eat at the food court for a change.

He went to a store in the Mall that made awards and trophies for sports and other related activities. They also had a large selection of frames. Bob found one he liked and it was the size he needed. He paid the clerk for the frame and walked to the food court. He remembered that there was a chinese place with good food. He thought he would eat there. He got in the buffet line. Loaded his plate and finished it off with coffee. He found a place to sit and the food was good. He finished. Cleaned his tray off and stacked it with the other trays and drove back to work. He got his award into the frame and hung it by his certificates in his office.

Graham asked the nurse if Bob had left for work. She told Graham he had left over forty minutes ago. Graham thought it was strange that Bob didn't come in to see him and give him a good morning kiss. Then he remembered he was pretty cold to Bob yesterday and told him he was tired and was sleepy, which wasn't true. Maybe Bob would see him when he got home from work. He hoped so.

Bob's afternoon was busy and soon finished. He was glad. He wanted to get home and see if Graham would talk to him. He was getting frusrated with Graham. He didn't talk to him and another time he walked in he had his eyes closed and Bob knew he was pretending to sleep. Bob knew soon he was going to explode at Graham. He could feel it building and he was tired of pussy footing around in his house. If Graham didn't want to talk to him, that's fine. That pretty much settled it as far as Bob was concerned. Graham could stay until his casts came off and he finished his therapy and was able to return to work. Hopefully his house would be done by then and he could move out and live happily ever after. Bob was getting close to being ready to move on and find someone that he was compatible with and see if something would develop.

Bob noticed his award from the the convention. They thought he was good at giving back to the community and helping the medical community. Maybe he had. But he was a disaster in relationships, but he was going to start going out and maybe he'd get lucky.

Bob arrived home and talked to Margaret for a bit. She said the doctor was in and had removed the cast on Graham's arm. They going to take their weekly x-rays of his legs tomorrow and see how the fractures were healing and hopefully those casts would be coming off soon. Bob asked Margaret if Graham had mentioned him or wanted to talk to him. Margaret said she didn't know. It would be better to talk to the nurse. She might know something. I thanked Margaret for all the extra things she had been doing and I told her she would get a raise out of appreciation for everything she does. She told me a raise wasn't necessary. There was no extra work and the nurse helped her a lot since Graham wasn't needing as much attention now.

The nurse had heard me talking to Margaret and came over and told me Graham had the cast removed on his arm. The radiologist were going to take x-rays of his legs tomorrow and check on the progress. They were hoping those casts would be coming off soon. I asked the nurse the same question that I had asked Margaret. The nurse told me that Graham hadn't mentioned me. Bob took the nurse aside and told her how he was feeling about Graham and not wanted to talk and also pretending to be asleep when he entered his room. He told her he soon going to give Graham both barrels and was going to decide Graham's future in his house, since he didn't want to talk to him. The nurse told Bob that she thought it was a good idea. Maybe it would open his eyes and make him realize what he has and what he will be missing.

Bob went upstairs and put on some sweats. He was going downstairs to work out for a little while. Maybe Preston would be home and they could talk and socialize for awhile.

Bob went downstairs and put a jock on. He noticed Graham's work out clothes and jocks in his locker. He was going to clean that out when he finished his work out and start packing his suitcases. Bob got in a good work out and he felt much better. He needed to get back into working out every morning. He showered downstairs and put his gym clothes back on.

Graham had heard Bob come home. He didn't come in to talk and give him a kiss. He also overheard a little of what Bob had told Margaret and the nurse. Graham didn't realize Bob was that upset with him. But he realized he didn't have to have a dream to decide what he was going to do. Bob had already decided for him. If that was the way Bob felt and then maybe it was better if they weren't together anymore and didn't see each other. But the more Graham thought about it, the less he liked that idea. He will think some more about their future and try to decide what he really wanted to do.

Bob hadn't come by his room again. Graham thought he must have really made Bob mad. He thought it was strange Bob never mentioned his award from the convention to him. They used to share everything. Where had everything gone wrong? Bob never kicked him out. He was the one that had left. Bob is not kicking him out again. It was his decision to leave.

Graham thought he saw Bob walk by his room with some gym clothes. It looked like the one's he had downstairs in his locker. He was wondering why Bob had them. Bob found a couple of suitcases and opened them on the bed. He started with the dresser and put everything in one suitcase. That was enough for today. He would start on the closet tomorrow. He was hungry and went downstairs to see what there was to eat. He warmed some dinner and ate out on the patio. Bob had received a message from Preston that he would be home late and not to wait up for home or warm any dinner. Bob was starting to like being by himself again. It was relaxing for him after a busy day at work. He finished his dinner and went up to his bedroom to watch tv. Graham saw Bob walk by and not even glance into his room. It was really starting to bother Graham. He was wondering what he had done wrong. He thought he'd ask the nurse. She was pretty observant and seemed to know what was going on.

Graham thought he saw walk by his room with some gym clothes. It looked like the one's he had downstairs in his locker. He was wondering why Bob had them. Bob found a couple of suitcases and opened them on the bed. He started with the dresser and put everything in one suitcase. That was enough for today. He would start on the closet tomorrow. He was hungry and went downstairs to see what there was to eat. He warmed some dinner and ate out on the patio. Bob had reeived a message from Preston that he would be home late and not to wait up for home or warm any dinner. Bob was starting to like being by himself again. It was relaxing for him after a busy day at work. He finished his dinner and went up to his bedroom to watch tv. Graham saw Bob walk by and not even glance into his room. It was really starting to bother Graham. He was wondering what he had done wrong. He thought he'd ask the nurse. She was pretty observant and seemed to know what was going on.

It felt good to relax on his bed and watch tv. He used to do this all the time when he was in the house by himself. He found a good movie to watch.

Graham was getting restless and was starting to worry about Bob. He needed to talk to the nurse and find out what was going on and why Bob was avoiding him. The nurse came in with their dinner and Graham asked the nurse if they could talk before they ate dinner. She told Graham, "of course. What's on your mind Graham?" The nurse was a little upset with Graham and didn't like the way he was treating Bob.

"What's wrong with Bob, that he's avoiding me?"

"It's you Graham. Your the reason he's avoiding you."

"I don't understand."

"It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Your a smart man."

"I really don't know what I did."

"Sure you do Graham. Who pretended to be asleep and not talk, at least two times, maybe more?"

"You are slowly kicking yourself out of this house. Bob already is making plans for you to move out when your house is finished. He will help you till your casts come off and you finish physical therapy. But when your ready to return to work he doesn't want you in the house anymore."

"Why, because I didn't talk to him a couple of times?"

"Partially, but there's a bigger reason Graham."

"And what's that? It's you. You never appreciated anything Bob did for you. You saw it as manipulation and controlling. Bob saw it as love and caring. He never felt he was pressuring you to do anything. He was devastated when you left and thought his world was over. Now it's happening to him again, and he's dealing with it the only way he knows how. And he's accepting the fact that you two won't be together anymore. He's already starting to think about finding someone to be with. He plans to talk to you and tell you how he feels and he's about ready to explode Graham."

Graham had tears running down his cheeks. "It sounds like his mind is pretty well made up. I don't think there is anything I could say now that would change him."

"There's plenty you could say Graham if you wanted to. You could start by telling him you love him and couldn't live without him. That you appreciate everything he has done for you. I think that would be good for starters."

"I don't know. I think it's too late. I'm sure he thinks that I want to leave."

"Graham, don't make excuses. It's not too late. Bob has been waiting to hear from you. He really wants to know what you think and how you feel. You haven't left him any alternatives. Do you think he would listen to me right now?"

"I don't know. I can ask him. I can't make any promises Graham. Everything depends on you and what you tell Bob."

"Would you ask him if he wants to come down. I'd like to talk to him."

"Like I said, I will ask him. I don't know what his answer to me will be."

The nurse walked upstairs and knocked on Bob's bedroom door. "Yes."

"It's the nurse Bob. Graham was wondering if you would come downstairs. He would like to talk to you. Let me think about it and I might come down in a few minutes."

"Actually Bob was glad Graham wanted to talk. But he was going to make Graham wait for a bit and let him sweat it out.

The nurse went back downstairs and told Graham that Bob would think about it and he might come downstairs to listen to him.

The minutes seemed to drag by. Finally Graham thought Bob wasn't going to come downstairs so he could talk to him. He was about ready to call it a night when Bob walked into Graham's room.

"The nurse said you wanted to talk to me." Bob sounded a little miffed. And like I was bothering him by wanting to talk to him. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. "Yes, I know your mad at me and you every right to be. "I really screwed up this time. I know you want me to move out once I finish rehab and my house is ready to move in. But I don't want to do that. I want to live and be with you. I have realized how much I need you and miss you. I hope you can reconsider and we can become partners again."

"I'm going to give you one of your replies you gave me. I need time to think this over. You have hurt me bad Graham and right now I don't know about us anymore. I need to give this some serious thought and I will let you know what I decide. I'm tired now. I had a very busy day at work. I might be ready to give you an answer tomorrow. Right now, I don't know."

Bob left, no goodnight, no goodnight kiss. I could tell he was not happy. I just hoped I hadn't really made us drift apart and not be able to come back together again.

This was Bob wanted to hear from Graham. He knew he would tell him he would forgive and they could start working on mending their relationship. He wanted to give it a couple of days and make Graham fret and stew like he had done. He could sweat it out for a couple of days, wating for me to give him an answer.

Bob was tired, the stress of work and the stress of dealing with Graham had worn him out. He stripped down and crawled into bed and went right to sleep.

Bob woke up a little later than usual. He had promised himself he was going to start working out again in the morning. He just didn't feel like it. Besides he woke up later and wouldn't have time. He crawled out of bed and got buddy out of the closet. He had been neglecting buddy and it was time he gave his dildo a good work out. He showered and then fastened buddy to the shower seat. Bob soaped his hole and started bouncing up and down on the dildo. That felt wonderful while he stroked his big morning woody. He had buddy in his hole so it rubbed back and forth over his prostate. Bob was panting and groaning and soon shot out a big morning load hearing it splatter against the shower wall. He hadn't cum that much and that hard in a long time. Maybe he needed to start using buddy more often. He rinsed and dried off. He got dressed for work and went downstairs for breakfast. He walked past Graham's room and didn't say anthing to Graham. Preston and Holden were already in the breakfast nook. They asked me where I was and I told them I slept late and didn't have time to work out. We finished a good breakfast and we left for work.

I knew I was scheduled for a couple of physicals. Two new mill workers were scheduled for the their new hire physicals. Both were men and I was looking forward to that. I would have Reeve help with part of the physical and then I would do the rest privately. He could work with Quinton when I did my part of the physical. The morning was moving a long nicely and I thought I'd check my emails before I went for lunch at the diner. The radiologists had been keeping me up to date on Graham's progress. I didn't mention anything to Graham about that. I didn't know if I would. I was still pissed at him and hadn't talked to him. Maybe I would be calmed down enough to have a talk with Graham tomorrow.

I thought I'd walk to the diner for lunch. I hadn't been there for a few days and Millie was probably wondering what happened to me. I saw Preston's car parked by the entrance. He was sitting at my favorite table. He looked like he was alone. I walked in and Preston was sitting by himself. I asked him if I could join him and he said of course. He seemed to be in a good mood and I asked him what was up. He said the housing boss had called him and their supplies had arrived and they would be able to get back to work tomorrow. I congratulated Preston and that gave me an ulterior motive. I thought I'd mention that to Graham, that they would be starting construction on his new house. I wouldn't say anything else to Graham. It would give him something to think about. Then tomorrow I thought I'd have a good talk with Graham. Millie wasn't working, I was a little disappointed. We ate our lunch and it was time to get back to work. Preston told me he would be late. He was going over Holden's after work. I walked back to the clinic and started getting ready for my first afternoon physical.

Graham's brother had received a call from his mother inviting him and his girlfriend to dinner tomorrow night. He accepted and asked her if his sister and her husband would be coming for dinner also. She told they were invited and were coming. I thought that would give me a good chance to show dad the videos. That should be interesting. I hoped he would at least look at them.

The first physical went ok, not what I was expecting. It was a slightly overweight middle aged man. He would be one of the new managers at the paper mill. I had Reeve do almost all of his physical while I supervised. Reeve did another fantastic job. He didn't leave out anything. Of course, he didn't do the few extras that I do, but all the necessary exams were completed. Once Reeve finished, I told the man that I would send over his physical exam results to the HR person at the mill. He thanked us and I thought he was glad it was over.

It was a few minutes before the next physical, that one went faster since I hadn't done my extra exams. Janice told me and Reeve that the next physical was ready in exam room 2. We both walked in and I was stunned at this perfect looking black man. He said his name was Tyrell. I asked him if he played football. He said he played in both high school and college. He wasn't good enough to get drafted to a pro team, which had been his dream. But he was glad to be hired at the mill. He said he and his wife had only been here for three days. The mill was helping them find housing and so far the town people had been ok. I noticed Janice had had him put on an examination gown. Damn he was hot. He reminded me of a black Preston. He was perfectly built. Not too muscular but you could tell he worked out regularly. He was tall, I would say around six feet three inches and 260lbs. I would find that out when Reeve did the first part of his physical. The only drawback was the tattoos on his arms. I'm not in favor of tattoos, but that's my personal hangup. Otherwise, I couldn't stop staring at him. Soon Reeve finished his part of the exam and I told Tyrell I would take over.

Reeve left and did his part of the paperwork on the physical. Then he would work with Quinton for the rest of the afternoon.

I told Tyrell to get up on the examination table. I was going to check for hernia. I lifted up the bottom part of his gown. Oh my god, what a perfect pair of balls and a cock to die for. He asked me if everything was ok. I said yeah, I was just getting ready. I cupped one ball which was warm and my hand brushed against the side of his cock. I told him to cough. So far so good. I then moved to the other side and cupped his ball and made sure my hand was against his shaft. He coughed and I told him he didn't have any hernias. He was glad about that. He didn't seem to mind me touching his privates. I'm sure after many years in locker rooms and going around naked. He didn't think anything of it. I then told him I was going to feel his scrotum and balls to make sure their wasn't any lumps or irregularities. He just kept lying back on the examination table. While I felt one ball and was rolling it around in my hand I thought I heard him give out a moan. I then felt his other ball, rolling it around in my hand. I noticed his cock was bigger than when we had started. I now told him I needed to do a prostate check. If he could get up and bend over. He asked me if it was ok if he took his gown off. I told him sure. I didn't mind looking at him at all. I didn't tell him that. He moved around to the front of the exam table. I noticed he was taking his time and his big cock and balls were swinging back and forth. I got out the tube of KY cream, put on my rubber gloves and greased his hole. Shoving the cream in. I then stuck in my middle finger until I couldn't go any further. I moved my finger around and found his prostate. I rubbed it back and forth, feeling it get bigger. Tyrell was moaning now. He said that felt really good and I didn't have to stop to keep going. He asked me if I had some tissues. He was jacking off while I worked his prostate. I told him to let me know when he was close and he could cum down my throat. I think I might have bit off more than I could chew. Seeing how big his cock was when he was hard. I kept fingering his prostate and I saw him jacking faster and faster. He told me he was ready. He turned around and as soon as his big thick cock was in my mouth he started cumming. He wasn't loud which I was glad about. I didn't want the other staff thinking they should check in on us. He finished cumming and I milked out the last thick gobs of his cum. I gave him some more tissues and he wiped off his ass and a couple more drops of cum. He said, wow, that was the best physical he ever had. He went on to explain that his wife, Rashona was still at their old house getting everything ready to move and he hadn't had sex in a few days. He thanked me for my help in getting him off. I told him it was my pleasure. I told him if liked working out, I have a home gym. I told him usually a couple three other guys join us and we work out in jocks or sometimes in the nude. He said that wasn't a problem for him. He was used to it from playing sports. I told him we work out at six in the morning and my housekeeper makes breakfast for us. He said that would work for him. Since his shift didn't start until eight. I gave him my directions and we shared phone numbers. He thanked me again before he left and I watched him leave the exam room. Wow, what a hot guy Tyrell is. He seems like a really nice guy and I hope the town is kind to him and his wife. They are only the second black couple we've had in town.

I had to calm myself down after that physical. I just sat and relaxed for a couple of minutes in the exam room, then I walked back to my office. I saw Reeve had put his part of the paperwork on the first physical on my desk. I checked it over and like everything he does. It was perfect. I finished the rest of that physical. Then I filled out the form I use for the paper mill on Tyrell. Once I had both physicals finished, I emailed them to HR at the mill. Tyrell's physical ended my day.

I left and drove home. Thinking about what I was going to tell Graham about the housing construction starting again. I was feeling pretty good. Doing Tyrell's physical was a nice way to end the day. And now he wanted to start working out with us. That was perfect. He'll like the other guys, they are all friendly like him and since he doesn't mind working out in a jock or nude he'll be getting a lot of stares and action.

I parked in the garage and I saw Margaret getting ready to leave. She noticed I looked chipper. She was wondering what that was all about. She was hoping I'd have a talk with Graham and we would settle our differences. But she didn't know I wasn't quite ready for that yet. Probably have a good talk with Graham tomorrow. The nurse saw me talking to Margaret and asked me if I was ready to talk to Graham. I told her no and that I would talk to him when I was ready. However, I did have one thing I wanted to say to him. I stuck my head in his room. And I told Graham that the housing construction had started and they should be starting on his house soon. I told him that should make him happy and then I left his room.

When Graham saw me stick my head in his room, he was hoping I was going to have a talk with him. I wanted to let him think and stew for another day. I would talk to him tomorrow and tell him what I thought and what my decision was.

The nurse told me she was getting dinner ready and if I wanted to eat now or later. I told her I was going to change clothes and then I'd be back down and eat out on the patio. It didn't take long to change into some sweats and soon I was back downstairs and eating out on the patio. I wanted to enjoy these nice days we've been having. I was eating and reading the paper when my cell phone rang. It was Tyrell. I was hoping he wasn't cancelling his work out tomorrow morning. "Hi Tyrell, what's up?"

"Hi Bob. I hope I'm not a pest. I just wanted to confirm that we would be working out tomorrow?"

"Your not bothering me Tyrell. I'm glad you called. Everything is a go for tomorrow morning at six. I had forgot to mention to you at the clinic. I have my own locker room connected to the gym. So if you want to start working out regularly with us. Bring some extra gym clothes and you can store them in a locker."

"I definitely like getting a good work out and would like very much to be able to do this regularly, even when the wife gets back."

"Good. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning."

I started thinking and I knew why Tyrell called. He probably thought I was just another whitie leading him on. By calling he would know that I was serious and not playing games with him. I hope he and his wife have an easy adjustment settling in. I will have to check with him every once in awhile and make sure everything is going ok for him and wife.

I finished my dinner and was reading the paper. I just took my things in to the kitchen when Preston walked in. He was back later, I thought he was probably with Holden. He told me he just finished a late meeting. I told him I'd warm him some dinner. He said he wanted to change first and then eat outside on the patio. I told him I'd have it ready when he was. I set the patio table for Preston and he came in with just some gym shorts and tshirt. It didn't leave much to the imagination. While he was eating, I told him about Tyrell. Preston was anxious to meet him and have another work out buddy. Then Preston told me Mark was coming Friday. I told him that was fine we had plenty of room. Preston said his house was coming along fine. And the yard was looking beautiful. Zane and his company were doing a great job. He said the housing workers were doing some of the fine detail work inside the house. It was turning out better than he expected.

After Preston finished eating, he and I went up to my bedroom and watched tv. Or least what we saw of the movie we were watching. It felt good being cuddled with Preston. I missed having body contact with Graham. Preston filled the gap. He could wrap me up in his big arms and I just melted into him. We laid on top of the sheets in just our jocks. I could tell Preston was getting horny. I could feel his big bulge pressing against me. I slid my jock off and soon Preston did the same. We started making out, just taking our time. I told him how much I missed him and he told me he had missed me too. Soon our kissing and touching turned into oral sex in a hot sixty nine. Preston was quite good at giving me a blowjob. He must be gettiing a lot of practice with Holden. We started fingering each other's holes. Preston's big fingers felt like another cock in my hole. His big fingers easily found my prostate and he was giving it a good work out. I started sucking Preston harder and faster as he kept working my prostate. I soon had him shooting a big load down my throat. It didn't take me much longer to cum and soon we were sated. We just collapsed together regaining our normal breathing. We finished watching the movie. Preston asked me if he should return to his bedroom or if I wanted him to sleep with me. I told him not to move, I wanted him right here all night.

The movie soon finished and I turned off the tv. Then I turned off the lamp on the nightstand. We snuggled and cuddled and drifted off to sleep.

We woke up early with the alarm blaring out it's annoying sound. I knew Preston was anxious to work out and meet Tyrell. We through our sweats on and went downstairs to work out. I didn't say anything to Graham on my way downstairs. I was already planning what I was going to tell him when I got home from work today. We got downstairs and Tyrell Holden and Dave were there in their jocks and talking. "It looks like you all got acquainted?"

"We did, Tyrell is quite a guy."

I introduced Tyrell to Preston and I could tell immediately Preston was impressed with Tyrell. I was glad all the guys were accepting Tyrell. It looked liked Tyrell filled out his jock a little more than Preston. But hey, who was complaining. We all got in a good work out. We watched in amazement when Tyrell was doing bench presses. It was a good thing I had extra weights. I had never seen anybody lift that much weight. Preston had spotted for Tyrell. Soon we were hot and sweaty and stripped off our jocks and headed into the shower. With two big men and three a little smaller it was a tight fight in the shower, but nobody was complaining. We bumped and were continually having body contact. We somehow managed to wash each other. I asked Dave, "how's Cal?"

He said, "Cal is working on a big case so all his free time right now is occupied. That was why I came over to get in a good work out."

"I'm glad you did, I've missed you and Cal visiting."

Somebody must have talked to Tyrell earlier. Soon he was sitting down on the shower seat with his big hardon sticking straight up. I volunteered to go first. Damn that cock was big. It really stretched my hole. Even more than Preston's cock. He hit places inside me that Preston wasn't able to reach. His massive shaft was rubbing over my prostate driving me crazy with desire. I was soon bouncing up and down on his big cock. Dave was in front sucking me off. Soon Tyrell shot a big load up my hole as I filled Dave's mouth and throat with my load. I got off Tyrell and my ass lips were red and puffy and my hole was still dilated from his big cock. Holden went next and soon he was filled with another big load. Damn, Tyrell must recharge fast. Dave went next and it took Tyrell a little longer to cum. Finally, Preston went last and it took a good twenty minutes before Tyrell was moaning and grunting and filling Preston's hole. We rinsed off, dried each other off. Got dressed, was glad Tyrell had brought his work clothes. I would have to ask him if he met Brody. We went upstairs for breakfast. We were a few minutes later than usual. So we had to eat quick to be to work on time. "So Tyrell, have you met Brody at the mill?"

"Funny you should ask. We both work in the same area, just different shifts. Do you know him?"

"Yes, both Brody and Travis are good friends of mine. I miss them coming over. When they don't come to the house I know they are busy with projects on the weekend and busy at their regular work during the week. It's been a long time since they have been over to visit."

"Brody and I worked together my first couple of days. He was a big help and I picked up my responsibiities quick and now work my own shift alone."

We finished breakfast and all headed to the garage. We kissed and hugged and we all took off for work.

I got into my office and was getting set up for another day. My cell phone started ringing. I looked at the number and it was Stewart. I remembered we had shared numbers. I should have deleted him from my phone. I was wondering what he wanted. "Hello Stewart, I'm at work, how can I help you?"

"Hi Bob, sorry, about calling early, I just realized the time change. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior and leaving your room like I did. If you're ever back in the area, give me a call and I will make it up to you."

"Thanks Stewart for the call. However, you leaving the way you did really bothered me. I have no idea when I'll be in that area again. If I am, I'll give you a call and maybe we can meet for lunch. I have to leave now and get ready for my first patient."

My morning went well. Was scheduled again for two physicals in the afternoon and that would finish the physicals for the mill. I walked to the diner for lunch. Millie only worked a half day. It felt strange to be in the diner by myself. But it was ok. I noticed Quinton and Reeve heading out somewhere together. I was glad they were getting along well. Hopefully something would happen there. The waitress came over and I forgot what I was thinking about. I ate lunch and walked back to the clinic.

My afternoon physicals weren't anything special. So I supervised Reeve. I wouldn't have even needed to be in the exam room with him. He did everything by the book and didn't leave anything out. Reeve did a hernia exam, but not like I do them. He did them the way we were trained. Also, he did the prostate exam by he book. Which was different than the way I did it. He finished and I told him to write up his exams on the form and then email them to me.

Graham's brother called his sister and wanted to get her ideas about dinner tomorrow at their parents. He had a plan of action he wanted to pass by her and get her input. He told her they would talk about Graham and his horrific accident first and then mention he had taken a couple of videos for his mother to see. He knew if he could get his mother to look at the videos she would show them to their dad, whether he looked at them would be another story. His sister thought that was a good plan and hopefully something would come of their visit and their parents looking at the videos.

Bob opened the attachments on his computer of the two physical forms. He looked them over and everything looked in order. He auto signed the forms and emailed them to the HR department at the mill. That finished his day and he was ready to leave. He had finished formulating in his mind what he was going to tell Graham. He thought he'd let Graham sweat it out a little longer and talk to him after he ate dinner by himself or with Preston if he was home.

Bob took off for home. He took his time and he thought he might make a quick visit to the housing site and see how the progress was going. He drove over and noticed a lot of men working. They were still pretty much concentrated on Preston's house. He walked up and he was curious to see how the inside of Preston's house looked. He couldn't believe how nice it was. Nothing really elaborate or frilly, but very handsomely done. It would truly be a bachelor pad. It looked like Preston. Bob saw the housing boss and walked over and they talked for a bit. Bob asked him, "it looks like your close to finishing Preston's house?"

"We are putting the finishing touches on now to Preston's specifications. Zane's work is taking longer, but that doesn't affect us. It looks like tomorrow we should be able to start on Graham's house. We also, sold the last lot, but it looks like their might be some problems in the financing of the house. He's a young new doctor and he still has a major bill to pay off. He saved money for a down payment, but he's not sure about being able to finance the construction of the house. I feel sorry for him, but we have to go by what our bosses tell us. I asked him, "I know this is highly irregular, but could you tell me the name of the young doctor that bought the last lot."

"I'm not supposed to give out that information, but since you've been a big part of getting these lots sold and houses built I feel safe disclosing the information to you. His name is Quinton and I think he might have a boyfriend or a partner. There's always this other young guy with him."

"Is the other guys name Reeve?"

"Yes, how do you know that?"

"Quinton, I hired on as a new doctor in my clinic. Reeve is doing part of his internship at the clinic while I supervise him. Go ahead and start on Quinton's house. I will talk to the bank tomorrow and will help him out so he can get his dream home built. Just don't say anything to Quinton. Just tell him an anonymous person is helping fund the construction of the house. And he will find out more later."

"That's very generous of you Bob. I know that is going to make two young men very happy and my lips are sealed. I won't tell them anything, only what you told me to say."

"Quinton is a fine young man and he's already doing a great job at the clinic. And Reeve is going to make a fine doctor. I just want to see them make a go of it. I will work out a contract with bank where they will pay back a small amount each month to the bank, so that they think they are making housing payments. Then, when they are both debt free and making money. Then I will talk to them and we can make a different arrangement at the time."

"Again, that's a mighty fine thing your doing. I don't know of anybody that is that generous and helpful. You obviously think very highly of both of them and want to see them succeed. I take my hat off to you Bob."

I walked back to my car and called the bank. Luckily the person that had been taking care of the housing project and the selling of lots and construction of houses was working late. I asked him if it was too late to stop by and have a talk. He knew who I was and said the bank always had time to talk to me. I told him I would be their in about ten minutes.

I pulled into the bank parking lot. It looked like they were getting ready to close. The guard opened the door for me and I saw him lock it after. I told him who I wanted to see and he directed me to the person's office. The bank looked strange with almost all the lights off and not the hustle and bustle of people. I knocked on the office door and a young man opened the door. "Hi Bob, come on in and take a seat." We shook hands and I sat down. "What brings you to the bank?"

"I know this is going to be a little irregular, but it's something I want to do. I know the last lot at the housing site has been sold. However, there seems to be a problem with the person being able to finance a new house. I also, know he could make the down payment, but the monthly payments are going to be too steep for him to pay."

The young sat their attentive and listened to everything I said. "You are correct Bob. However, that information is usually kept confidential and I'm curious how you came by it."

"Like I said this was going to be irregular. The housing boss and I had a long talk. I went to see how Preston's house was coming along. Preston has been living at my house until his is finished. Which looks like it will be soon. Then they will be starting on Graham's house. The housing boss told me they had the last lot sold, but there was a problem with the funding for the construction of the house. I wormed the name out of him, which he was very reluctant to give. But he knew I had helped getting the lots sold and houses constructed so he said he felt safe giving me the name. When he told me Quinton, I wasn't surprised. I hired Quinton at my clinic and he's been a wonderful addition. I know with taking to him he his a major debt to pay off, but has been saving money for a down payment on the house. The other young man with Quinton is Reeve. Reeve is doing part of his internship at my clinic and I'm his supervising doctor. I told the housing boss I was going to talk to the bank about helping Quinton pay for his house."

"You weren't kidding when you said this was irregular. I'm curious to know how you want to help Quinton?"

"What I would like to do is have small monthly payments set up so that Quinton thinks he's paying for the house. I will put up the difference. In one lump some. Then once Quinton is debt free and Reeve is working as a doctor and they are making money. Then I will have a new agreement set up, where they continue the small payment or more if they can afford to pay me back the amount I paid for the house, interest free. Like I told the housing boss, at this time I want to be anonymous when we set up the new agreement, then they will find out I was the anonymous person later."

"That's very generous of you Bob. Are you sure it's something you want to do?"

"That's exactly what the housing boss asked me. It's definitely something I want to do. I want to see these two fine young doctors succeed. And I want them to be able to have their dream house without financial worries."

"I can get everything set up tomorrow. They will not know anything about you. It will be kept anonymous. Quinton will have a payment form to agree to and sign, which I'm sure he will. Then I will have a form for you to sign on the amount your transferring to the total housing cost. I will have copies for you to keep in your records as will the bank. Then at the time you're ready for a new payment plan, we can use the copy and total amount they have paid to generate the difference owed to you and set up a new payment plan. Do you have any questions?"

"Just one. Can you be sure that when we come to the bank to sign the forms, that we arrive at different times?"

"I already thought of that. What time would be good for you?"

"We work a half day on Friday's. How about if you have Quinton come at one and then I can come at two."

"That will work fine. It won't time me long to have the paperwork done. I would like to say one thing Bob?"

"What's that?"

"Your a remarkable person. Like you said, you are responsible for having the lots and houses built. You are a very generous person and I can see why the town respects you and supports you. I've never seen anybody do what you are doing."

"It just seemed like the right thing to do. And since I have the means to help them. I couldn't think of any reason not too."

We both stood up. Shook hands and I told him I would see him tomorrow at two.

Now I needed to get home and have an interesting talk to Graham. It was already after six and they were probably wondering where I was.

I pulled into the garage. Preston was home. I walked into the kitchen and Preston was at the breakfast nook eating dinner. The nurse had warmed some dinner for him and Graham. Preston asked me if I wanted some dinner. I said I was hungry and I'd be back down to eat after I changed clothes. He told me he would have it ready in the breakfast nook. I quickly changed into some old sweats and went back downstairs to eat dinner. Preston finished eating dinner with me. I told Preston I had been to the housing site to check on the progress. I told him his house looked awesome and they were doing the finishing touches. Zane and his crew were still busy in the yard. I then told him they would be starting Graham's house, maybe as soon as tomorrow. I told Preston I was going to talk to Graham. I had put it off long enough and knew exactly what I was going to tell him. Preston told me he would clean off the table.

We both got up and Preston took the dishes while I walked into Graham's room. I nodded to the nurse and she knew that I was there to talk to Graham. She left and I heard her and Preston talking in the kitchen. Graham had seen me come into the room. He didn't say anything. I took a chair aways away from him. I sat in the chair for a couple of minutes not saying anything and just staring at Graham. I could see Graham was nervous and he looked like he was sweating and his eyes were red like he had been crying. I finally started. "Well Graham, I put off talking to you as long as I could. I have a lot to say and then you can talk when I finish. I was very upset with you when you left, then made your own private bank account and now have a new house being constructed. It made me realize you didn't really like me and wanted to get away and out of this house and live on your own and do your own thing. I can accept that." I could hear Graham crying. I continued, "the more I thought about all those things I mentioned, the more I realized how I was responsible for you making all those decisions. I was manipulative without even realizing it. I was controlling without realizing it. I just thought everything I had done to the house and owning the hotel, you would like as much as I did without taking into account your feelings. I am sorry about that. I really do apologize for making you feel so uncomfortable in this house and being with me. I really don't want you to leave, but I understand if you want to. I have been miserable these past few days not talking to you and avoiding you. You really did hurt me by doing all those things. But again, the final decision is yours. I'm not going to force you to do something you don't want to do. I still love you and miss you very much.

Finally I heard Graham. He had been crying and he wiped his eyes with his free hand. "Bob you are right in what you said. I felt like I was being suffocated here in the house. But the more I thought about what I was doing and what you had done for me, I realized it was done out of love and not controlling and manipulative. I really don't want to leave if you will take me back. I have missed you too. And I love you very much." I heard him start crying again and it was breaking my heart. I walked over to him and brushed his tears away and gave him a long passionate kiss. I then realized how much I had missed my partner. He tried to hug me and I told him to take it easy he needed to get a little stronger before he did that. I told him that was the doctor talking. He smiled when I said that. We talked for quite awhile. He thanked me for convincing his brother and sister to come. He said I would have only done that because I still cared for him. I told Graham he was correct. Graham was getting tired and I was too. This had been quite a strain on me. I told him I was going to bed and he said he was about ready to nod off. He told me we could talk more tomorrow about his house and his apartment. I realized I hadn't mentioned to Graham about his apartment and personal belongings. That could wait. It was just great having my partner back. We told each other we loved each other and kissed one more time and I told Graham good night.

Preston and I slept in our own bedrooms. I knew Preston was excited and anxious with Mark coming tomorrow. I just felt good after talking to Graham and we started reconciling our differences. We still had a few minor things to work out, but the major issues had been resolved. I crawled into bed and fell right to sleep.

I felt much better after Bob talked to me. I knew he was really mad at me. Maybe more disappointed than mad. I was glad we were able to settle our differences. I now needed to decide what I wanted to do with my new house. I would mention it to Bob and see if had any suggestions. This was going to be a good nights sleep. I felt much better already having my partner back.

Preston knew he was going to have a restless nights sleep. He was hoping his house would be finished when Mark came so they could move in together and not have to bother Bob anymore. He was also thinking about Mark. He had already contacted the university and had everything set up for Mark to start his courses. He would be studying Business Administration, Marketing and Economics. Mark was going to be studying for three majors. Preston knew Mark could do it. Mark had been a good student and knew how to apply himself. Besides, Preston had told him he would keep a job opening for him in his division, his assistant would be leaving and once Mark graduated he would be perfect for that position. Preston finally fell asleep with his mind working a hundred miles an hour.

Bob was the first to wake up. He had set his alarm so he wouldn't miss out on the morning work out. He felt good. He had slept well. He put some sweats on and went downstairs to see Graham before working out. When I walked in the nurse gave me a wink and walked out to the kitchen. I walked over to Graham and I could see he was waking up. "Good morning lover, how did you sleep?"

"I had the best sleep. He tried to get up to hug me, but I told him to take it easy he wasn't quite ready for that yet. I leaned down and we kissed and he was able to put his arms around me. It felt so good to have Graham's arms around me. I almost teared up. I told him, "I should get a radiology report today at work. I'll let you know the results when I get home. I'm sure it's going to be good news. I love you. I'm going downstairs to work out and then I'll eat breakfast with you." We kissed once more and went downstairs to work out.

Everyone was already there. Preston, Tyrell, Holden and Dave came again. They had their jocks on and looked so hot. I wish I had my camera so I could take a picture to show Graham. Graham hasn't met Tyrell yet, I will have to introduce him when we eat breakfast. I told them to go ahead and start working out. I joined them as I soon put my jock on. It didn't take me long to get into my jock and join the guys. We got in a good work out, almost two hours. So we were pushing it a bit for starting work today. We took a shower and got into a circle jerk. How we managed that being cramped in the shower was almost like a circus act. We dried each other off, dressed and went upstairs to eat breakfast.

I told Margaret I was going to eat with Graham. I asked Tyrell to come with me and I introduced him to Graham. Graham looked a little surprised at first, I think he thought he was looking at the Hulk. I explained to Graham who Tyrell was and we got acquainted. I didn't go into all the details on how we got acquainted, I'd tell Graham later. I told Graham that Tyrell was working out with us. Tyrell went back to the patio and ate his breakfast with Preston, Holden and Dave. I ate breakfast with Graham. Graham did a good job eating. I told Graham I was running a bit late and needed to hurry off to work. I gave him a kiss and told him I loved him and would see him soon. I would come home for lunch so I could spend more time with him. He liked that idea.

I noticed Margaret and the nurse were in better spirits. I think they were glad that Graham and I had settled our differences and were working things out.

We met quickly in the garage after eating a quick breakfast. Kissed and hugged and said our goodbyes and made a quick trip to work. Preston told me he was working a half day to help Mark get settled in. He also wanted to check on his house and see how soon it would be finished and Zane with the yard work and pool. He told me he had already mentioned to Margaret to have another guest room ready for Mark. I told Preston I was glad he went ahead and had done that. I had been occupied with Graham and hadn't given much thought to Mark moving in.

I arrived at work and my first patient hadn't arrived yet. I was glad, it gave me a few minutes to get ready for the day and check my email. I wanted to see if there was a new radiology report on Graham. There it was. I opened it and the report stated that Graham's right leg was healed and they would take the cast off on Monday. They would also x-ray his left leg and they thought the next Monday they would be able to take that cast off and then he could start physical therapy. I already had someone that would be doing the therapy. With my connections with the chief of staff at the hospital, it was easy to get a good physical therapist for Graham.

The morning went fast working with Reeve. Actually, more accurately, observing Reeve. This young man really impressed me. I knew he was going to be a good, probably a great doctor. It was easy writing up Reeve's reports for his advisor, the chief of staff. That finished our day. Since we started working half days on Fridays. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and ready for the weekend.

We all left. I saw Reeve get into Quinton's car. I was anxious to hear from the bank person how it would go when they would be able to have their house constructed and they could make small payments that they could easily afford. They would do their signing at one, and then I would do my signing at two.

I got home and went right in to see Graham. He was looking much better. I gave him a kiss and the nurse just smiled. I asked him if he had eaten lunch yet. He told me know that he was waiting for me. The nurse said she would go get our lunch for us and bring it in. I told Graham about the radiology report and he was glad to get one of his leg casts off. I told him about Mark moving in until Preston's house was finished. He said whatever I wanted to do since it was my h....... I knew what Graham was going to say and I put a finger over his mouth and finished his statement for him. "Since it is OUR house." He smiled at me. The nurse brought in our lunch and left to eat with Margaret and leave us alone.

While we were eating lunch, "I asked Graham if he had thought any more about his house and what he wanted to do with it." "He said he wasn't sure and he wanted to ask me if I had any suggestions." "I could think of one option that would a couple of people very happy." Graham looked at me kind of funny. "Let me explain. Tyrell and hia wife Rashona have just relocated here. Tyrell was hired at the paper mill and the mill has been trying to find them housing. Right now I think they are living in an apartment until the mill can find a house for them. I was thinking why don't I contact the mill and see if the mill will want to pay you rent on your house and it could become a rental for the mill. Tyrell and Rashona would move into a new house and they wouldn't have to keep waiting and waiting." "That's a wonderful idea Bob. How do you keep coming up with these ideas?"

"I don't know, it just popped into my head. I'll call the mill and have the HR person come over to talk to you. Since it's your house. It's your decision. Oh, by the way, they are living in your apartment. Since you were hospitalized, I had all your things moved into the second master bedroom. I paid your landload an extra months rent and he was satisfied with that and actually help the movers."

"Graham was dumbfounded. I don't know what to say."

"I'm going to call the mill right now and see if I can talk to the HR person." I picked up my phone and found the general number for the mill. I called the number. The phone rang and pleasant woman answered the phone, "this is the paper mill, how may I help you?"

I identified myself and told her why I was calling. She told me she would connect me to the HR Department.

Soon another woman came on, she sounded a little gruff. "Hello this is the HR department, how may I help you?"

I explained why I was calling and what my idea was. She was very receptive and her mood changed instantly. "She said that's a wonderful idea. I could be to your house in about fifteen minutes." I thanked her and gave her directions. Graham had been listening and I told him the HR person would be here in fifteen minutes to talk to him and liked the idea very much.

I told Graham I needed to leave I had a 2:00pm appointment at the bank and I should be leaving. I will tell Margaret to open the gate for the HR person and direct her to you. I kissed Graham and told him I better get going so I wouldn't be late. I told him I would give him the details when I got back.

Quinton had received a call from the bank just as he was getting ready to leave the clinic. Quinton had his own set of keys for the clinic. He told Reeve to hold up he had an important phone call. The person at the bank identified himself and Quinton remembered him. I have some good news for you about the financing of your new house. I would like you to come by the bank at one so I can go over the details and I have a form for you to sign. You can bring Reeve too, since it also affects him.

Quinton told Reeve about the call when he got into his car. They still had time for a quick lunch and make it to the bank on time. They both were bewildered and wondered what information the bank person had to share with them about the new house.

There was a fast food restaurant close to the bank. They would park at the bank and then go eat at the fast food place. They still had plenty of time. While they ordered and waiting for their lunch they kept talking about Quinton's call from the bank. They had no clue as to the details, everything would be explained at one. They finished their lunch and walked over to the bank. It was still a few minutes before one, but they were antsy and wanted to know what was going on about the financing of the new house.

They walked into the bank and told the receptionist why they were there. She directed them to the man they had met before that was in charge of the new housing development. She knocked on his door and told him, "these two gentlemen are here to see you."

She left and the man said, "come in gentlemen and take a seat I have some very good news for you. As you know you were having some difficulties on the financing and monthly payments of your new home. It seems someone got wind of that and is helping you out with the financing. This person would like to remain anonymous and will make their presence known when the time is right. But for now, with the changes this is what your monthly payment would be."

He slid the payment chart over to Quinton. Quinton couldn't believe what he saw. The monthly payment was less than a third of what he was originally quoted. "Are you sure this is correct?"

"Absolutely. The anonymous person wanted you to be able to live comfortably in your new home and not have to be worrying about the next months payment."

"This amount is very comfortable. I can, I mean we can live quite comfortable in the new house. However, there is one other concern I have?"

"What is that Quinton?"

"The house is big and will need to be furnished, also we will need a gardener and regular cleaners for the pool."

"That was all taken care by your anonymous friend. I have a check here for the new furniture and accessories you will need for you new home. Once you have a gardener and pool cleaners, give me a call and I will pass the information on to your anonymous friend and it will be taken care of for you, free of charge."

"This is a lot to take in. I wish I could personally thank this anonymous person. The only other information I can pass on is that this person wanted you to succeed and live comfortably with your friend and not have to worry about financing your new home. The person also went on to say that when your friend is a working doctor and your both making money. Then your anonymous friend will make a new contract so you can pay this person the amount that had been transferred to your account. Also, this will all be interest free. I would now like you to look at your new financial payment agreement. Read it over and then sign and date it with today's date if you agree to the terms. Reeve their is also a place for you to sign under Quinton, since your both living together and sharing the house together.

Quinton and Reeve read over the agreement. They looked at each other and nodded. They signed and dated the agreement form and were given a copy by the bank person. The person had one more thing to say, "gentlemen your very fortunate to have your anonymous friend. I wish I would have had a friend like that when I was starting out. I'm still making hefty house payments for the next twenty years. I congratulate you and wish you both well with your new house."

They thanked the bank person, shook hands, took the agreement and two very happy young men left the bank. They got outside and hugged and got into Quinton's car. They were going to drive to the housing site and give the housing boss the good news and show him the agreement. Then they were going to make dinner reservations at a very nice restaurant to celebrate their good fortune.

It was getting close to two. Bob thought he should freshen up a bit before he drove to the bank. He changed his shirt and kept the same dress pants on. Went to the garage and drove over to the bank.

He pulled in a few minutes before two and easily found a parking spot. The bank wasn't very busy. He knew where he needed to go and walked directly to the person in charge of the housing site. He knocked on the door and the man came to the door and invited Bob in. They shook hands and they sat down.

"I have a couple of things I want to say before I show you the agreement form. First, I know I told you the last time you were here. Your quite an extraordinary man Bob. I don't know of anybody that would have done what you have for these two fine young men. Second, when they came in at one and I explained the new financing on their house, they were flabbergasted. They couldn't believe someone would help them like you have. Now here's the form showing the agreement that Quinton and Reeve signed, you will get a copy of this. Here is the form on the amount you agreed to transfer to Quinton's account. This also includes the fees for a gardener and pool cleaners. Take your time and look over the forms. On the last one you will see a place for you sign and put today's date."

The bank man passed the forms to Bob. Bob read them over carefully and it looked like everything that they had agreed on. "Everything looks in place." Bob signed and dated the form and was given copies of all the forms for his records.

"One question before I leave. How soon will it take for this to take place?"

"All I have to do is call bookkeeping and it will be in done in less than five minutes."

"Good, as fast as they construct houses, the money should be transferred as soon as possible."

They both got up and shook hands and Bob left the bank. The bank person still couldn't believe what he had witnessed and been a part of. This was something he would never forget.

The HR person made it Bob and Graham's house. Margaret showed her in to Graham's room and asked her if she would like a cup of coffee and a cookie. She told Margaret a cup of coffee would be nice, but no cookie. She pulled a chair up to Graham so they were close and could see each other when they talked. The HR lady started, "Graham I'm so sorry about your accident. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling much better than I did. I'll feel much better when these casts come off."

"I'm sure. Well let's get down to business. I understand you are having a new house built at the housing site and would like to rent it to the paper mill for when we hire new employees. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is. I live here and having a new house built was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I know they should be starting construction of the house. Or they may have already started. Here's a small copy of what the house and yard will look like when it's completed."

"That's going to be quite a house. And that yard is fantastic. Well Graham. After having talked with my superiors. They are in agreement to rent your house from you for new employees. As you know, this is a small town and housing is difficult. I know there will be another new housing project starting soon and we will be scouting it out to maybe purchase more houses and pay the construction company rent on the house. But that's off the track. My superiors gave me different rent amounts depending on the size of the house and the amenities. According to your plans that you showed me, I would go to the max on the amounts they quoted me for rent. The amount would be $3,200 per month if that is acceptable to you, I have a contract with me for you to sign and date if your in agreement."

Graham just laid there for a couple of minutes not saying anything. He was making the HR person nervous. Finally Graham said, "let me look at the agreement." She laid it on Graham's food tray with a pen if he decided to sign and date the agreement. Graham read the agreement carefully and noticed the mill would take care of any maintanence the house would need. They would also pay for a gardener and pool cleaners. The renters would be responsible for a housekeeper if they choose to have one. Graham liked the way it was worded. The contract said it was an indefinite contract for as long as the mill wanted to rent it to employees. Graham liked that maintanence was being included. He picked up the pen and signed and dated the agreement. The HR lady said she had a copy for him to keep in his files and thanked him for his generosity and making Tyrell and his wife very happy. Once Graham heard the first renters would be Tyrell and his wife, that made him very happy.

Then Graham said, "I just thought of something. The house will be unfurnished. Do I need to supply the furniture and decorations for the house?"

"The HR lady assured Graham that the mill would take care of the furnishings. And would probably have an interior decorator take care of everything."

Graham liked that. "Will I be able to see my new house. Right now it's kind of difficult. But once my casts are off and I finish therapy I would really like to see how the house turned out."

"I don't see where that would be a problem Graham. Just me a call. My number is on the agreement that you signed and I can make arrangements with Tyrell and Rashona for you to visit your house. After all, it is still your house. Your just renting it out to the mill. Well Graham, it's been a pleasure meeting you and I hope your casts come off soon. I need to get back to my office and get some more work done."

She got up from your chair and they shook hands. Margaret showed her out and she left back to her office at the mill.

Graham was feeling pretty good. He was thinking this must be how Bob feels after he has done something for somebody. I realize now how stupid I was to blame him. If I can feel this good helping one family. I need to do more to help more people. That's something I need to give more thought on.

While all of this had been going on. Graham's brother and his girlfriend arrived at his parents house ahead of his sister and her husband. They were going to have dinner on the back patio. It was covered so it kept the sun off. It was comfortable in the shade. His dad was sitting out on a lounger and he joined his father. His girlfriend went to the kitchen to help his mother with the dinner. His dad said, "well, you made it. I wasn't sure if you were going to come after visiting your faggot brother. I thought he probably turned you into one of them."

"Dad knock it off. There's nothing wrong with Graham other than being in a horrific accident. Luckily he survived and is getting better."

"That's what you say. What about your sister? Do you know if she's coming over with her husband?"

"They told me they planned to. They should be here soon."

"I suppose her husband will bring a cooler of beer. You know he drinks too much and liquor is bad for the spirit."

"Dad, where do come up with all these ideas?"

"By reading the Bible every day. It has everything a person needs to know about leading a respectable life, not drinking or enjoying pleasures of the flesh. Especially the same sex."

I was thinking, this could turn into a long evening. Dad is really on a roll today.

Graham's sister and her husband arrived and he was carrying a cooler. He came out to the back patio with the cooler and greeted us. His sister stayed in the kitchen with the other women.

"Just what I thought. The drunk brought a cooler of beer."

I gave my brother in a law a look and he knew my father was in one of his religious fits. I accepted a beer and asked my father if he wanted one. He gave me a look like he was shooting daggers at me.

I was hoping dinner would be ready soon so we could talk about something else. Soon the women came out to the patio to join us for a little while, while we waited on some of the food to be done. My girlfriend was sitting with me and my sister was sitting with her husband. My parents were also sitting together. My mother asked my sister and me how Graham was. We told her Graham was recuperating. He still had casts on both legs, but was in good spirits and had a 24/7 nurse to attend to him. I told mom I had a couple of videos if she wanted to look at them. She said sure and I got the first one ready. While she was watched it I thought I saw tears come to her eyes and she left with my telephone to the kitchen. Soon I heard her call my dad out to the kitchen. The second video must have been playing. My mother came back out to the patio and my dad was watching Graham's video he had made special for dad. I thought I heard my dad crying, but I wasn't sure. I heard him call me and my sister to the kitchen. I asked dad if everything was ok. He said no. He said Graham was hurting really bad not just physically but mentally and his boy needed him. I said he didn't know how wrong he was. He told us he and mom were going to see Graham and set things straight. All this religion the minister was preaching was a bunch of hog wash and he knew now that there was nothing wrong with Graham and he needed his parents with him.

I saw part of the second video that Graham had made. It was pretty powerful and heart wrenching. Graham really spilled his guts and told his dad what he really thought and what he needed. I'm glad the video worked and I couldn't be happier that my dad said they were going to visit Graham. The dinner went well and we had an enjoyable time after dinner. Dad actually drank a couple of beers with us guys. It started getting late and we were all getting tired and we left. My sister and I promised to keep in touch, but we wanted our parents visit to Graham to be a surprise, we weren't going to call him.

It was a surprise to me to see how my dad reacted to Graham's video. I wasn't expecting the reaction I got from him. I thought he wouldn't want to see the video or smash the telephone on the floor or against the wall, and tell us all to get out of his house and never come back. I'm glad it worked out the way it did. I called my sister after we got home and she was just as surprised as I was by dad's reaction. We hoped our parents would go soon to see Graham.

Bob got home after finishing at the bank. He walked in to see Graham. Graham looked really happy and chipper. "What you so happy about?"

"The HR lady from the mill just left and they accepted my house as a rental for new employees at the mill. She was nice and here's a copy of the agreement if you want to look it over. I know how you feel now when you help someone. It's a really good feeling and I'm glad I've done this for Tyrell and his wife. I know now how you must feel when you help someone. It's a great feeling. I wish I would have felt this when you had helped me, none of this mess would have ever happened."

"Don't worry about it Graham, we are back together again and I couldn't be happier. I gave Graham a kiss and told him I was going to change clothes and then I had some more information for him.

I quickly changed and went back down to Graham. I moved a chair close and said, "I received an email from radiology and they will be taking off your right leg cast this Monday, and they will also x-ray your left leg. They thought the cast on your left leg would come of the following Monday and then you would be ready to start physical therapy on your legs and get up and walking."

Graham was glad to receive the news and asked me, "do you still have a physical therapist ready to work with me?"

"I do, and he's one of the best in the area. He is waiting for my call to start your therapy."

"That's great, I can't wait to get up from this bed and start walking and then working out again."

"It won't be long. I see a u-haul parked out by the garage. Did Mark get moved in?"

"I think so, I saw them hauling boxes and suitcases upstairs. I think they left to check on the house and go somewhere for lunch."

"I thought of something else I did without your consent while you were in the hospital."

"What's that?".

I told you about the apartment. I also picked up your mail and had your mailing address changed to our house. I glanced through your mail and their was a letter from your car insurance company. They had mailed you a check for the value of your car. At that time, I didn't know how long you'd be in the hospital. So I took the check and had it deposited in your bank account. The check was time sensitive or otherwise I wouldn't have done that. I hope your not mad at me?"

The quiet was deafening. I thought Graham went into shock or something. Finally he said, "that's fine. I won't be purchasing a car for awhile and I can earn interest on the money until I do purchase another car. I'm not mad at you Bob, I probably would have done the same thing if it was you in my situation."

"Graham, I'm going to leave for a bit. It's still fairly early and I want to go to the housing site and see if they have started on your house. Also, there's another house I want to check on there. I'll tell you about that when I get back. Do you want Tyrell's telephone number? I thought you might want to invite him over for dinner and then you can give him the good news about your house. I hope the mill hasn't said anything to him yet."

Graham liked that idea and he put Tyrell's number in his phone and told me he was going to give him a call. I gave Graham a kiss and told him I would be back soon.

I would take a couple of videos of Graham's house to show him the progress. I knew they had started on his house. Also, I could see if Preston and Mark had started moving into Preston's new house. Then finally, I wanted to talk to the housing boss about Quinton and Reeve's house and if the financing had went through so they could start construction.

I pulled up and I saw workers everywhere. It looked like they had finished Preston's house. I walked up to his house and the housing boss happened to be their. He told me they were just finishing. Zane still had more work to do in the yard. The embargo had really slowed him down and Zane had waited longer on materials and supplies than they had. He said Preston had come by earlier, but wasn't going to move in until the yard was finished. You can talk to Zane if you want more information on how long that will take. "How about Graham's house?"

"Why don't you walk over there and take a look, I'll go with you. I want to see how much they accomplished today."

We walked over and the outside walls were up and the roof was on. They used prefab forms so that made it go faster. They were installing windows and the outside siding. The roofing shingles were being put on. I liked the color a lot for the outside of Graham's house. I took a couple of videos with my telephone to show Graham when I got back home. I asked the housing boss, "have you heard anymore about Quinton and Reeve's house. You had told me their was a problem with the financing for the house."

"Funny, you should mention that. I got a call from the bank this afternoon and their financing went through. So it's a go on their house. I'm surprised they haven't been here to talk to me."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad for both of them. Quinton had been pretty quiet at work and not his usual happy caring self. Hopefully, I'll see a change in his attitude on Monday."

"Well Bob, I'm glad you came by. I need to get back to work and keep these guys going."

We shook hands and I left for home.

While I was gone Graham made a call to Tyrell. "Hi Tyrell, this is Graham. You sound tired."

"I just got home from work and I'm always a little tired. I'll be ok in about a half hour after I have a cold beer and a shower. So you have me curious as to why your calling?"

"If you didn't have any plans, I thought maybe you'd like to come over for dinner and eat with me and Bob?"

"That's a great offer. I'm a terrible cook and with my wife, Rashona, not her eyet I didn't know what I was going to do for dinner. I'll take you up on your offer. What time would you like me to come over?"

"How does six sound?"

"Six is perfect, that will give me time to shower and relax with a cold beer, dress and then we over."

"Ok, I'll tell Bob when he gets home and look forward to seeing you at six."

I got home and I didn't see Preston's car in the garage. Maybe they decided to do some shopping for his new house. I walked in and talked to Margaret for a few minutes. She said she was fixing extra for Preston and Mark and she told me Tyrell was coming over for dinner. She had overheard Graham talking to Tyrell.

Margaret was finishing in the kitchen as I walked into Graham's room. I didn't see the hurse. He told she had went downstairs to do something for a few minutes. Graham told me he had called Tyrell and he was coming over at six for dinner with us. I took out my phone and told Graham to look at these two videos. I was going to go upstairs and change out of my work clothes. I gave Graham a kiss and went upstairs and changed into some gym shorts and tshirt. I didn't feel like any more pants or shirts for the rest of the day.

Bob was still concerned. Since he and Graham had reconciled, Graham was not using any terms of endearment. He wasn't going to push Graham, he thought he was still on thin ice with Graham. Everything seemed to be going well, but Bob still had this feeling in his gut that maybe not everything was ok. He could be his imagination, but he wasn't sure.

Funny how things work. Graham was thinking the same thing about Bob. Bob hadn't used any terms of endearment. He wasn't going to push Bob. He knew he had done enough to make Bob mad and upset with him. He didn't feel right taking the first step. Bob seemed ok, but he thought he better give it more time and not press the issue.

Bob made it back downstairs in just some loose gym shorts and a tshirt. Graham thought Bob looked really hot. Bob looked like he had been working out. You could see his muscles through his tshirt and his arms looked bigger than before. Suddenly the doorbell rang startling both of them. Bob went over to the front door and let in Tyrell. Tyrell was looking good in tight jeans and a muscle shirt. The muscle shirt looked like it was stretched to the extreme.

"Come on in Tyrell, we were waiting for you."

"I hope I'm not late?"

"Nope, nothing like that. I was just telling Graham about you. Why don't you walk into Graham's room while I get dinner ready for us."

Tyrell walked into Graham's room. The nurse was downstairs, I don't know what she was doing. But I was glad, it gave us a little privacy.

I heard Graham and Tyrell talking. Damn Tyrell looked good. He was wearing tight jeans again. I don't think he was wearing any underwear. You could make out the outline of his big cock through his jeans and those big balls were pushing out the front of his jeans. I'm sure Graham would notice. "I'm glad you came for dinner Tyrell. It gives me a chance to get to know you better." Graham couldn't stop looking at the big bulge and his big cock outlined down the side of Tyrell's pants leg. Graham gulped a couple of times.

"You ok Graham? You look a little flustered."

"You just took me by surprise. I'm never seen anybody as big as you."

"Yeah, I'm pretty big. And pretty big all over." "Bob said you had something you wanted to tell me while he was getting dinner ready."

Graham coughed and gulped again and regained his composure. "I talked to the HR lady today that works at the mill. She came over to see me. I'm not really able to get around yet. We talked about my new house that's being built at the housing site. I had talked to her earlier about putting my new house up for rent to the mill. And that's what she came over to talk to me about."

"What does that have to do with me Graham?"

"She went on to tell me that the mill had accepted to pay me rent on my house and the house would be used to house new employees. And she told me you and your wife would be the first occupants of my new house. You will be moving into a new house as soon as it's finished. Here are the plans and designs I had agreed on to be included in the house." Graham moved them over to Tyrell so he could look at them.

Tyrell looked stunned and like he was going to faint. "You ok Tyrell?"

"Huh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really stunned and amazed that you would do this for the mill and me and my wife will be the first tenants of a new house. I've never been treated this nice, especially by whitie's. Excuse me for saying that. But I'm just overwhelmed right now.

"I wanted to tell you before the HR lady called you in to tell you the good news. The mill will also provide any maintenance the house might need. They will provide a gardener and pool cleaners. You will need to pay for a housekeeper if you and your wife decide you want one. Margaret that works here for Bob and me is a good person to ask if you decide later you want a housekeeper. Margaret seems to have a lot of contacts."

"If you were a girl Graham, I'd give you a kiss."

"No problem, you can still give me a kiss and hug if it will make you feel better. I know I'll feel better."

Tyrell walked over to Graham's side and gave him a kiss and hug. Tyrell was gentle. He wasn't sure what condition Graham was in yet for hugging.

Just then Bob walked in with a big tray of food and drinks. Bob had brought beer for everyone, including Graham. Graham wasn't on any restrictions so a beer now and then wouldn't be a problem. "Did I miss out on something?"

Both Graham and Tyrell blushed. Graham said, "Tyrell was just thanking me about renting my house to the mill and he and his wife being the first tenants in a new house."

"That's fantasic. I'm really happy for you and your wife, Tyrell. How about if we eat some dinner?"

I moved the table close to Graham so Tyrell and I were close to him so Graham would feel like he was eating dinner with us. I told the nurse she could take some time off. She was glad about that. I told her Tyrell and I would be here to take care of Graham. She said she'd be back later tonight. I told her she didn't need to be back till tomorrow morning. She liked that idea even better. We finished eating and I told Tyrell and Graham I would clear the table and take everything back to the kitchen. Maybe they would like to get better acquainted. I gave Tyrell a quick wink and he knew what I meant.

I loaded the tray and took everything back to the kitchen. Leaving Tyrell and Graham alone for a bit. While I was in the kitchen Tyrell went back over to Graham and gave him another kiss. Tyrell thought Graham was a pretty good kisser. Graham let one of his hands trace around Tyrell's bulge. Graham could feel how warm Tyrell was through his tight jeans. He told Tyrell he should get more comfortable. He looked like he was straining his jeans.

Tyrell gave Graham a smile and slowly stripped off his tshirt. Graham thought it would rip as tight as it was. Tyrell threw the shirt on one of the chairs. He then got close to Graham and undid the top button of his jeans. And slowly slid the zipper down. Tyrell was going commando and his big cock was straining to be free. Tyrell moved closer to Graham, so Graham could grab one side of his jeans and help him pull them down. They got down far enough that his big cock sprang out. Tyrell thought Graham's eyes were going to pop out of his head. "Everything ok Graham?"

"Oh yeah, everything is perfect."

Tyrell laid his big cock on Graham's hand. Graham thought it was going to burn his hand as warm as it was. He couldn't get his hand around Tyrell's cock when it was soft. He wondered how much bigger it get when he was fully erect. Graham started stroking it back and forth. Tyrell reached over and rubbed over Graham's bulge. Graham was almost ashamed with the size of his cock compared to Tyrell. However, he didn't see Tyrell complaining. When Tyrell knew he had Graham hard, he bent down and gave Graham a wonderful blowjob. It didn't take Graham long to cum since he hadn't cum in quite a few days. Graham then guided Tyrell's monster to his lips. He licked around the head feeling Tyrell's cock swelling and expanding. Graham sucked the head in and tried taking as much as he could down his throat. He knew he wouldn't be able to take the whole thing. He must of been doing a good job. He could hear Tyrell moaning. Soon he had almost all of his cock down his throat, only a couple of inches left, but he couldn't take anymore. He started going faster on Tyrell's cock. Tyrell wanted to fuck Graham's face but he knew he hadn't better until Graham was in better shape. Tyrell controlled himself until he couldn't hold back any longer and blasted shot after shot of hot cum down Graham's throat. Graham thought he was going to choke if he didn't keep swallowing. He managed to take all of the load without losing any. Graham even managed to milk out the last drops of cum from Tyrell's cock. Graham and Tyrell heard a cough and Tyrell turned around looking nervous.

"Nothing to be nervous about Tyrell." Bob was naked and had been stroking his cock watching Graham and Tyrell getting off. "I just need someone to help me get off after watching that hot action."

Tyrell and Graham smiled and Bob walked over to Graham's bed with his hard cock sticking straight out. Graham sucked on Bob's balls while Tyrell stroked Bob's cock. Tyrell told Bob to let him know when he got close and he would take his load down his throat. It didn't Bob long after watching them until he shot down Tyrell's throat. Tyrell gave an ok blowjob, but Graham was much better. Once Tyrell finished, Bob asked, "how about another beer?"

They were drinking their beer when they heard the kitchen door. Bob peeked over and it was Preston and Mark. "Come on in guys and Mark can meet Tyrell."

Bob introduced Mark to Preston. Mark had the same reaction as everyone else the first time he saw Tyrell. He couldn't believe how big he was, all over. Mark stayed pretty transfixed on Tyrell's big cock and big balls. Preston broke the ice and said he had an update on his house. It looked by next Monday or Tuesday at the lastest he and Mark would be moving into a new house. Right now Zane was finishing the yard work and I want everything done when we move. They also will have the front security done soon with a guard or guards posted 24/7. Preston also said that he checked on Graham's house and they were already starting inside work. Bob interrupted and told Graham he had a oouple of movies of his house for him to watch. Graham said maybe he could look at them later. Preston went to the frig and grabbed some more beers for all of us. Graham declined, he said two beers right now was his limit. He would take a cold soda from the frig though.

I noticed Tyrell helping Mark out of his clothes. I knew Tyrell would be impressed when he saw how muscled Mark was. Preston in the meantime had shed his clothes in the kitchen and came back naked with the beers. What a hot group of men. Of course for me, Graham was the hottest of all and I told him that. We kissed and watched the guys for a bit. Mark and Tyrell were getting on pretty hot and heavy. Preston came over and joined Graham and I. We soon got into a jerk off session. Graham liked jerking Preston's big cock. Preston jerked me while I jerked Graham. Soon we were cumming and shooting out big loads, making a mess all over Graham, who didn't seem to mind at all. Especially when Preston and I licked all the cum off. I glanced over and saw Mark riding Tyrell's big cock, while Tyrell jerked off Mark. Mark shot out a big load while Tyrell shot way up his ass. I told the guys the nurse was off and wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning.

We decided to wheel Graham out on the patio. He welcomed that. He said he had everything memorized in the library/study room and a change of scenery was very welcome. We put Graham in the middle and our double loungers on each side of him. Graham liked that. We just relaxed and talked and I decided to show Graham and Tyrell the videos of Graham's new house.

End of Chapter 20 - Tyrell

Chapter 21 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart Tyrell

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 21

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