My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Oct 17, 2021


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 2

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 2. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of this chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 2 - Brock

Let me give you a little background about myself. My birth name is Robert, but I prefer to go by Bob. I'm 30 years old, an even six feet tall, 195 lbs, black hair and brown eyes. I'm smooth, with very little body hair. A little patch of hair under each arm. A light dusting on my ass, and a little hair on my arms and legs. I workout 3-4 days per week at the local gym. I just finished my residency and am a full fledged physician, practicing family medicine. Luckily, when I returned back to my home town, Dr. Barnett was retiring, and I was able to buy his clinic.

It was late when I got a call from my mother that there was an emergency. As soon as Alec left I called my mother to find out what was going on. My mother tends to blow things out of proportion, exaggerate, and then have a panic attack over the most trivial of things. But still the urgency in her voice had me concerned.

"Hi mom, what's going on? What's this emergency you had called earlier about?"

"I received a call from your aunt Agnes, and she mentioned it was our turn to have the family reunion."

"Ok. So what's the emergency?"

"Com one Robert. You know the family alwasy notifies the next person to host the reunion, at the last minute."

"I will do my best mom to help, don't worry, everyone will pitch in and help. Dad Reggie and Deb."

"Thanks, honey, I feel better. I'll let you go, I know it's getting late and you have to get up early for work."

"Ok, mom, I will get with you tomorrow and we can start the planning. Good night." I then hung up."

I was tired and stressed thinking about the family reunion. Not so much about the planning and organizing. But seeing my aunts that give those big wet kisses with their bright red lipstick. Leaving lipstick marks all over my face, with saliva running down my cheek, yuck.

I made sure the alarm system was armed, all doors and windows were closed and locked. And then made my way to my bedroom. I picked up my dirty clothes from the past night, and cleaned out the pockets. I left my car keys in my pants pocket one time and Margaret didn't notice them and they went through the washer. I had to get a new remote after that. Didn't find anything in my pants pockets. But I did find a card in my shirt pocket. It was a business card. It said, "The In and Out Bar," on the front. That was the gay bar Alec and I had went to. I turned the business card over and on the back was written Brock, with his phone number.

"What is this about guys giving me business cards?" Alec had done the same thing. I tried to remember who Brock was. Then it finally clicked, he was the bartender that served me at The In and Out Bar. I put the card in my bedside nightstand drawer. I threw my clothes in the hamper. Have a hamper in my big walkin closet.

I finally climbed into bed. Kept replaying the family reunion in my mind. Didn't really have any bad memories from past renions, but couldn't help getting images in my mind of my aunts lined up to kiss me. Hope I don't have any nightmares tonight thinking about that.

I nodded off and didn't wake up until the alarm went off at six. I like getting up early and exercising. I have a gym in the basement, new equipment and left by the past owners. I already canceled my gym membership downtown. The gym downstairs is a pretty good setup. So I found some old gym shorts a tshirt and some tennis shoes. I made my way downstairs to the basement. I turned on the lights in the gym and started my warm up, stretching and then going on the treadmill. I walked and ran a few miles on the treadmill. Then did my reps with the free weights. I was sweating and feeling good. I looked at the time on the treadmill and I had worked out for over an hour. The time went by fast. I wiped off my sweat with a towel I had brought with me.

I walked back upstairs. I heard Margaret in the kitchen, making my breakfast. I poked my head in, how was your weekend Margaret?"

"I was busy cooking. My brother and his wife and kids came over. How was your weekend?"

"I had an interesting and mind opening weekend."

I saw Margaret raise her eyebrows when I said that.

"I'm going to shower and get dressed for work, Margaret." It was about 7:30am and I didn't need to be to work until 9:00am, so I had plenty of time. I wanted to get to work a bit early.

I walked up to my bedroom. I closed the door and stripped down and stepped into the shower. Had the water hot and steamy. I started remembering the last time I was in the shower with Alec. I started getting hard thinking about him. That brought back some good memories. I shampooed and lathered myself, getting harder and squeaky clean. I almost shined after I was through showering. I turned off the water, stepped out and dried myself off. I combed my hair and checked to see if I needed to do any manscaping. I thought I looked ok, no manscaping today. I went to the walkin closet and laid out my clothes. Put on some blue boxers. Blue Polo dress socks. Blue is my favorite color. Picked out some light cream colored dress slacks and a blue dress shirt. I got dressed and looked in the full length mirror. Not bad. With the lab coat, I'll look like a doctor. Put on some dress shoes. A dash of cologne and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had breakfast ready for me in the breakfast nook. "Smells delicious Margaret."

"I made it special, for a special doctor."

"Thanks, Margaret."

Breakfast was just as delicious as it smelled. Margaret is a much better cook than me. I finished breakfast and told Margaret I would be back late.

I gave Margaret a kiss on the cheek and thanked her again for a delicious breakfast. Walked into the garage from the kitchen. Got in my SUV and drove to the clinic. I arrived at 8:30am. I noticed two other cars parked on the side of the clinic.

I walked in and Shirley and Janice were already there. The clinic opens at eight, but Shirley were giving me a break and not starting my first patient until nine. They both greeted me when I walked in. I told Shirley I didn't want any patients after three.

"The vaccines have arrived for children 14 years old and older," said Janice.

"Shirley, please call the schools and the coaches and let them know the vaccines have arrived."

"I'll get right on it Bob. She also told me that she would let patients know we have vaccines for their kids that are 14 and older."

"Shirley, I'm leaving early to help my mother with an upcoming family reunion. My mother was stressed and needs as much help as I can give her."

"If you need any help with the reunion, please let me know, I will be glad to help."

"Thanks Shirley, I'll keep that in mind." I walked back to my office.

When I got back to my office, I noticed that I had two missed messages. The first message was from my mother, telling me not to forget to come to the house after work. The second message was one of the schools inquiring about what age the vaccines were for. I called my mother and told her I should be to her house around three thirty. Then I called the school and told the secretary the vaccines were good for ages 14-20.

My mother was stressing everyone out about the reunion. My dad stayed at his office as long as he could. He was starting to get fed up with mom. Reggie had called me and told me that mom was calling them continually and they were getting stressed. I knew I needed to get my mother calmed down when I got to the house and convince her to stop calling everyone all the time. That everything was under control and the reunion would go fine.

The rest of the day went well. I had my last patient at three and finished with her at three twenty. I went to my office and checked the computer and phone. I didn't have anymore emails or messages. I shut down the computer. Told Janice and Shirley I was leaving for the day. I thanked Shirley again for offering to help me with the reunion.

I walked out of the clinic and got in my car. I took the long way to my mother's house, wasn't looking forward to this reunion business at all. Especially when my mother is stressed. I know she will be hyper nervous and all jittery.

I pulled into the driveway of my parent's house. I saw my mother sitting by the front window looking out. No doubt, looking for me and waiting. Got out of my car and walked up to the front door. Opened the door and walked over to where my mother was sitting. I waited for a scolding like a three year old boy. But to my surprise, my mother was sleeping. Probably all stressed and worn out, fretting about the family reunion. I saw some printed papers lying in her lap. I carefully lifted them off her lap and looked them over. They were printed lists of relatives to contact for the reunion.

I didn't want to disturb my mother. So I walked over to the desk and wrote her a note. I told her in my note that I had arrived and you were sleeping. Didn't want to disturb you. I took the printed lists of relatives. Shirley has volunteered to help. So I will have Shirley start calling relatives on the lists and find out how many are coming and whom. Then I will give you a call and let you know, so you can make hotel arrangements and reserve the community center for "X" amount of relatives. Be sure to rest and don't worry. Everything is working out and falling ito place. I put the note in my mother's lap and quietly left the house and drove home.

It felt good to get home and relax. I was tired from work and the stress my mother had been putting on the family. I decided to workout. That would help me get rid of this stress. I changed into some old gym clothes and walked down to the basement to my gym. I stretched and warmed up on the treadmill. Then went on the bench and did my lifting and then some arm curls after that. The time flew by. Before I knew it I had worked out for almost an hour and a half. Longer than my usual workout. I was sweating and had a good burn. Felt good.

Margaret had left for the day with a note on the kitchen island that dinner was in the frig to warm up. Since Margaret wasn't in the house. I left the gym naked and took my sweaty gym clothes up to my bedroom and threw them in the hamper. I wiped some of my sweat off with my gym clothes.

Margaret had left for the day. She left a note on the kitchen island that dinner was in the frig to warm up. Since Margaret had left, I walked up to my bedroom naked. I used my gym clothes to wipe some of my sweat off and then threw them in the hamper.

I walked into the shower and got the water hot and steamy. Turned the shower head to massage and the hot water pulsing on my shoulders and neck felt good. It was relaxing. I finished showering and turned the water off, got out, dried myself off getting a semi. I put on some baggy gym shorts and a tshirt. Was feeling a little horny after that hot shower, so I got the lube out of my bedside table. Noticed the card laying in the nightstand drawer. The card was from the In and Out Bar, the gay bar Alec had taken me to. The bartender that waited on me had wrote his name, Brock, and his phone number on the back. Interesting, might have to follow up on that this coming weekend. I grabbed a towel and went downstairs to watch some tv before heading to bed.

I grabbed a cold beer from the frig and flopped myself down on the couch. I would warm my dinner a little later, wasn't that hungry. I flicked through the channels and found a good college football game. Spread out the towel, sat down on it. Put the lube on the coffee table. Was getting harder thinking about jerking off. Thought about Alec and our time together. Missed him, but we both decided it was probably better if we both went our separate ways. Alec wanted regular sex, and I wasn't able to do that with my work. Didn't want to be seen with another man coming and going from my house.

Reached up a leg opening in my gym shorts and started rubbing my cock and balls. Had my eyes closed and started fantasizing about when Alec and I were together and all the things we did. Sucking and fucking each other. I really had Alec to thank for taking me out of the closet, and opening up this whole new lifestyle for me. I kept my gay feelings suppressed for years and now I was ready to explore and experience everything I had been missing for a long time. The internet isn't the same as the real thing.

My cock was growing in my gym shorts as I kept rubbing over it. I stood up and took my tshirt off and slid and kicked off my gym shorts. My cock was rock hard and sticking straight out with my big balls hanging underneath. I laid back naked on the couch with the towel under me. I grabbed the lube off the coffee table and slicked up my cock. I was fully erect and standing proud at a thick cut seven inches. Precum was forming on the head as I worked my hand up and down my shaft. I closed my eyes and just went with the flow. It felt good. I hadn't jerked off since Alec and I broke up. I started jerking faster on my cock. I could feel my cum churning in my balls. My shaft throbbed in my hand as I kept working the length. This was going to be a big load. I couldn't stop fantasizing, thinking about Alec and me. I couldn't get enough self pleasure and sex. Since Alec, I've started looking at men differently. Thank god it hasn't affected my work. Glad I wear a lab coat, covers my semi and bulging package. I have really big balls so under normal circumstances I look like I have hardon. Anyhow, I worked my cock faster and faster. My balls started pulling up, my cock hardened and thickened and I started shooting out a big load over my upper chest abs and the rest running down the side of my hand. I licked some of it off my hand. Didn't taste too bad. Alec's cum tasted better. I just laid there getting my breathing back to normal. Didn't notice if the team scored a touchdown at the same time I came. Finally my breathing returned to normal, used the towel to wipe myself off. Came a lot, without even feeling my pucker.

I was hungry now after my workout. Thought I'd check and see what Margaret had for me to warm up. I walked to the kitchen and opened the frig. I saw some beef something and vegetables. Took the containers out and zapped them in the microwave. Once the microwave beeped, I took the containers to the living room and ate dinner while I watched the rest of the game. The food was pretty good. I'll have to ask Margaret what it was.

I took my leftovers back to the kitchen and put them in the frig.

I thought I better shower again before I went to bed. The game finished and I could feel my cum drying on my chest and it was getting itchy. I took my clothes with me and walked upstairs naked. Threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and walked into the shower. I got the water hot and steamy again. Washed off the cum and the sweat. Turned the water off. Got out and dried off. Decided to go to bed and do some reading, I wasn't feeling tired yet. I had received some information on the new juvenile vaccines. I wanted to have all the latest information for my patients. Had been reading for awhile when my cell phone rang. It kind of startled me. I was concentrating on what I was reading. Noticed the call was from my mother. I wondered what she wanted now.

"Hello mom, what's up?"

"Wanted to thank you for not waking me. I needed the rest. Woke up now, read your note, and wanted to call you. Thank Shirley for me tomorrow for her help."

"Your welcome mom. I will tell Shirley what you said tomorrow. I will call you after work and let you know what information I have."

"You sound out of breath Robert? Are you ok?"

"Yes, I was working out longer than I usually do." I wasn't going to tell her I was jerking off and had one of my best orgasms ever.

"Ok, you get a good rest. I'll let you get to bed. Thanks again Robert for all your help."

"Good night mom. Tell dad hi from me and good night. Will call you tomorrow after work."

My mom and dad are the only ones I let call me Robert. I prefer Bob. But, being my parents, what can I say?

I made my way upstairs to my bedroom. I was tired and horny. Thought about my jacking off earlier and thought that would suffice my sexual urges, but I guessed wrong.

I had put my boxers on. That's the way I like to sleep or sometimes naked. I pulled back the covers. Opened the drawer on the nightstand and took out the tube of lube. Laid the tube on top of the nightstand. I liked feeling my big balls. So I reached up a leg opening in my boxers and then cupped my balls. Damn that felt good. I started fondling them and rolling them around in my hands, getting more aroused by the minute. Pretty soon my fat seven incher was sticking out the front opening of my boxers. I slid my boxers off and rubbed over my hardon back to my balls. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. Lubed up a couple of fingers and eased them into my hole. Moved my fingers in and out and all around stretching my hole. Found my prostate and rubbed over it, making me shudder and super horny. I didn't want to cum yet, so I stopped feeling and rubbing my prostate. Lubed my cock and started slow stroking. Rubbing a finger over my hole. Played with my balls off and on. Then would go back to stroking my cock. Could feel myself getting closer and closer. Shoved a couple of lubed fingers in my hole and rubbed my prostate, making me moan. Stroked faster and faster. Was almost there. I let out a loud moan and shot out up to my neck, chest and pubes. Just laid there letting myself enjoy my post orgasm. Pulled a little cum off my chest with and finger and licked it off. I set my alarm for six and slid under the covers naked, still covered with my big load. Liked the feeling of sleeping nude. Would get up early and get a good workout in.

Woke up to the alarm blaring. I shut that noisy thing off. Hadn't slept that well in a long time. I guess jerking off helps to sleep better. I saw the sheets tented and saw I had a big morning woody. I will take care of that when I shower. I need a good workout right now. I thought working out would make my cock go down. I walked down to the gym naked. Margaret didn't start work until around seven or seven thirty. My cock was still sticking out like a flagstaff. I stretched and warmed up on the treadmill. Worked out on some of the other machines. Looked at the time and it was going on seven. I wanted to spend some time in the shower so I wiped my sweat off and threw my gym shorts on and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I didn't see Margaret in the kitchen, so she probably hadn't arrived yet. I threw my gym shorts in the hamper and walked into the shower. Got the water hot and steamy. My cock had never went down. Was glad Margaret wasn't here yet to see me tenting my gym shorts. I washed off and cleaned my cock balls and hole real good.

I started stroking my cock and eased a couple of fingers in my hole. I was humping back and forth on my hand and the fingers in my ass. I started moaning, it felt so good. Started going faster and faster. One of my fingers found my prostate and that brought me over the edge. I started shooting out and hitting the opposite shower wall. Wow, what a load. Watched my cum run down the shower wall and finally into the floor drain. I rinsed myself off and cleaned the rest of the cum off the shower wall.

I turned off the shower and walked out and dried myself off. I walked into my walkin closet and took out the clothes I was going to wear to work today. Picked out a nice dress shirt and dress pants. Put some boxers on and socks. I saw the lube on the nightstand. I better put that away. I don't want Margaret seeing that. I put the lube in the nightstand drawer. Sometimes Margaret is like my mother, nagging and telling me what to do and asking a million questions. Sometimes I think Margaret and my mom are sisters. Noticed the card from The In and Out Bar and thought I would give the bartender, Brock, a call tomorrow or Thursday and see what he is doing on the weekend.

I finished dressing and walked downstairs for breakfast. I could smell breakfast. Margaret is a good cook. Something else she has in common with my mother. "Smells good, Margaret."

"Thanks Bob. I made you a veggie omelette."

"I'll eat out on the patio table, Margaret."

"Ok Bob. I'll bring your juice and coffee. The omelette is almost done."

I drank my juice and then sipped on my coffee while I waited for breakfast. The omelette smelled delicious.

I heard Margaret coming outside. "Here you go Bob. All fresh vegetables and eggs." Margaret sat the omelette down in front of me.

The omelette was just as good as it smelled. I washed it down with my coffee. I checked the time and saw it was time to get to work. I told Margaret bye and thanked her again for the omelette and left for work.

I arrived at work and greeted Shirley. I asked her how my appointments looked. Shirley told me I was booked for the day. I told her I had a couple pages of lists of relatives my mother had printed. I asked her if she would have time to start calling the people on the lists. She said as long as I stayed booked and no cancellations, she would be able to start calling all day. I told Shirley I would be going for lunch today.

I walked back to my office. Checked my computer and phone. No emails or messages. I hadn't seen Janice yet. Put on my lab coat, and was ready for my first patient.

The morning went quickly and it was soon approaching lunchtime. Attended five patients in the morning. Which was pretty good. Nothing major so the morning went well. Physicals I usually do in the afternoon and I was scheduled for three. That would keep me busy till about five. I was getting ready to leave for lunch. I walked out to Shirley's office. "How's the rest of the day looking Shirley?"

Shirley said, "no cancellations and you have three physicals sheduled for the afternoon."

"Have you had time to do any calling on the two lists of relatives?"

"Yes, I have finished one list and about a third of the way on the second list. I've put a check mark by those that are coming."

I told Shirley I was leaving for lunch and should be back around twelve thirty to one. I left the clinic and walked to the Main Street Diner. It's only about three blocks from the clinic. It will give me a little exercise. I like to help out the local businesses. That reminds me I need to get another order ready for Alec's Medical Supply Store. I was thinking, it should be interesting when I go there to pick up my next order.

I approached the diner and walked in. The diner was busier than when Alec and I had been here. Guess a lot of workers and business people eat lunch here. I found a booth on the side wall facing the side parking lot. I saw Millie, primping and using a mirror in her compact. Fixing her hair and putting on more bright red lipstick. Like my aunts wear. Then she comes walking over to me. Noticed she had undone the top two buttons of her waitress uniform.

Millie saunters over to my table. "Hello there stranger."

"Hi Millie, how are you?"

"Good, now that my favorite customer is here."

"I bet you say that to all your customers?"

"No, only a select few."

Millie leans over. Like the last time I was here at the diner. I could get a good view of her big tits. Of course she wasn't wearing a bra. I thought I would give Millie a little of her own medicine. "So Millie, how long has it been since you've had a gynecology exam?"

She thinks for a minute, "I really don't know, I know it's been a long time."

"Your probably due for an exam. Make an appointment with Shirley and I'll give you a thorough exam. I've been told my long thick fingers do a good exam."

I thought I could see Millie sweating and smiling to herself. "I'll do that Bob. I'll call Shirley today and make an appointment. Thanks for thinking about my health."

"My pleasure Millie," giving her a big smile. "What's your lunch special Millie? I better order and eat and get back to work."

"Our special is meatloaf, mashed potatotes and gravy, corn and a dinner roll."

"I'll take the special Millie, however, light on the gravy."

"Ok, I'll be right back with your special." Giving me a wink and a big smile.

While I was waiting for my lunch special, I took a look around the diner. I was in a good vantage point to see all of the inside of the diner. Was looking to see if Alec was here for lunch. I didn't see him and I didn't know if I should be relieved or disappointed he wasn't here. I guess a little of both. Mr. Punctual was probably here right at noon. It was already 12:30. I saw Millie coming with my lunch. I thought about asking Millie about Alec, but I didn't want to arouse any suspicions on Millie's part.

"Here's your lunch Bob. I had the cook hold the gravy."

"Thanks Millie," giving her a big smile.

Lunch was delicious. Ate rather quickly. I needed to get back to the clinic. Finished my lunch. Left money for the meal and a good sized tip for Millie. I like Millie, she's funny. I like how she flirts. Left the diner and walked back to the clinic.

When I got back to the clinic, Shirley told me that my first patient for a physical was here. She also told me that she had almost finished calling all the relatives on the printouts.

Walked back to my office. Put on my lab coat. Told Janice I was back and she did all the preliminaries for the physical. Walked into the examination room and an older lady was there. We talked for a bit and she told me she needed the physical for her work. I finished her physical and told her everything looked good and healthy. I asked her where I should send the results of her physical. She told me. I thanked her for coming for the physical. I finished my other two physicals. A younger man and another middle aged lady. Both their physicals were for work as well. Got their information where they worked. Then I would know where to send their physical examination results. It was just after five. Time flies when your having fun. Physicals always take time, but I enjoy my work, so it didn't seem like a chore.

I closed my office after checking my emails and messages and walked out to Shirley's reception office. Shirley handed me the printouts. She told me she had finished and the relatives coming had a check mark by their name. I thanked Shirley and told her my mother would be happy to get this information. We all left the clinic at the same time. Each of us going our separate ways.

Before I left the clinic parking lot, I called my mother and asked her if she was going to be home. I had the information she needed on the printouts. She said her and dad were getting ready to eat out, but they would wait for me.

I pulled up to the front gate of their house and rang the buzzer. The electric gate opened for me. Drove up to the front of the house. Damn this house looked big. I thought my house was big. It is vertical. But my parents house is spread out and big all on one level horizontal. They have this high brick wall that goes around all the property. Security lights strategically placed, and a hi-tech alarm system, like I have in my house. I remember when I was young moving into this house. Both Reggie and I were scared as big as the house was. We had bedrooms on opposite sides of the house. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. My mother opened the door, very elegantly dressed for dinner.

"Hi mom, you sure look nice."

"Thanks honey, I'm glad you made it." I handed my mother the printouts. "The names with checks next to them, have agreed to come to the reunion."

"This is a big relief. This was my biggest concern."

"I'm glad Shirley was able to finish calling so fast. She had everything finished before we finished work for the day."

"Please thank Shirley for me. Especially for getting this calling done so fast. This will give me plenty of time to make hotel arrangements and get the Community Center rented for the day."

"You look so nice mom. Where are you and dad going for dinner?"

"Your dad heard about this place called Milo's Supper Club & Fine Dining. It's kind of an out of the way place. But he heard they have very good food. Have you heard of the restaurant? Have you been there?"

I kind of gulped. It was the restaurant Alec had taken me too. "No mom, I haven't heard of Milo's. Let me know how the food is and how to get there if you and dad enjoy your dinner. Then I will try it out." I hated lying to my mother, but I knew I would get a hundred questions about I knew about the restaurant, etc. etc.

"I'm going to go mom. Don't want to keep you two from your dinner. Tell dad hi for me and let me know how the food was."

"I will Robert. Again, thank Shirley for me. For completing the calls so quickly."

"Ok mom, enjoy your dinner." Kissed mom on the cheek and left.

when I got home, Margaret was just getting ready to leave for the day.

"Hi Bob, have your dinner ready to warm. It's in microwave containers in the refrigerator. I have everything finished. Did your laundry and it's folded and lying on your bed."

"Thanks Margaret, have a good rest of the day and thank you for your hard work and everything you do."

"My pleasure Bob, your easy to work for."

Margaret left and I locked the front door and armed the security system. Maybe I should consider having all yard walled in, like my parents have with security lights. Something to think about when I have the house renovated.

I walked up to my bedroom. Kicked off my shoes, put my clothes away. And got comfortable in the some gym shorts and tshirt. Felt good after wearing dress clothes all day. Walked downstairs and grabbed a cold beer from the frig and walked into the living room. Turned on the tv to catch up on the news and weather. I'll check out the sports channels after I eat dinner.

It felt good to change clothes and relax. For some reason I felt stressed. It was a busy day, but nothing out of the ordinary. Felt myself getting a semi. Damn, I need to find someone to be with. After Alec helped to get me out of the closet and enjoy myself and not be uptight. I was ready to spread my wings and have some more gay experiences. Like playing with my big balls. I reached into my gym shorts and fondled my balls, while I watched the news. It was the regular news, repeating itself. Congress not backing the president. Both parties not agreeing on anything. I don't need to watch this, so I changed the channel to see what was on the sports channels. I started watching college football. My favorite team was playing. My stomach started growling.

I got up off the couch, tenting my gym shorts and walked into the kitchen. Checked the frig to see what Margaret left me for dinner. There was roast beef with vegetables and a fresh vegetable salad. The beef smelled good. I warmed some beef with the vegetables. While it was warming I set the table for myself. Made some coffee. Put a mug of coffee on the table. Fixed my plate with the roast beef and vegetables. Put some salad in a separate bowl. Just right. The food hit the spot. Tasted great. Margaret is a good cook. I can cook breakfast and do some grilling. That's the extent of my cooking skills. Finished eating. Loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Went back to watching my football game. My boner had not gone down. Ran upstairs and get a towel and my lube. Saw the card again from Brock, the bartender at The In and Out Bar. Laid it on the nightstand. I'm going to call him tomorrow and see what he has going on this coming weekend.

Went back to the living room. Stripped down naked and spread out on the couch on top of the towel. Closed my eyes, rubbing my pecs and hard nips. Then I squeezed my nips. My other hand was cupping my balls. Really getting my blood flowing. My cock was as hard as it's ever been. Rubbed over my abs and through my trimmed pubes. My pubes are my only manscaping. Otherwise, just a little fuzz on my ass and under my arms. My chest is smooth. Rubbed up the back of my shaft to the tip. Pulled a gob of precum off with a finger and licked it off. Reached for the lube on the coffee table and lubed around my hole and eased a couple of fingers in. Worked my fingers in, and moved them around, stretching my hole. Feeling and rubbing over my prostate. That made me moan with pleasure. My cock started oozing more precum and was jerking and twitching. Used my precum as lube to slowly stroke my cock. Kept stroking and rubbing over my prostate. Fantasizing about being with Brock, the bartender from the gay bar. He sure is good looking, muscular, a patch of hair in the middle of his chest. That's all I could see. The bar blocked his lower half. Felt my balls churning and my cum working it's way up. All of a sudden my cock spasmed and got super hard. I started shooting out all over my chest and abs. Thought I would never stop cumming. My balls were sure full. I was panting, breathing hard and shaking such a powerful orgasm. It sure felt good. Just laid there in post orgasmic bliss. My breathing started getting regular but my cock stayed hard.

I got up slowly off the couch. Was still a little unsteady on my feet. Wow, what an orgasm. I felt my balls and they felt empty. I knew that wouldn't last long. I found out I recharge fast. Picked up the towel off the couch and wiped off my hands dick ass and sweat. Didn't want any stains on the couch. That would be hard to explain to Margaret. I could already hear her on the phone. "Bev, I don't know what Bob was doing, but there's white crusty stains all over the couch." I would be able to count the seconds before my mother called me. No, I don't want to have to deal with that. Everything looked good. The couch didn't look shiny from lube anymore. I think I got it all. I'll check it again later to be sure.

Went back to the kitchen to fix myself a snack and grab a beer. Flopped down on the couch and flipped through the sports channels. Some college football was on, my favorite sport to watch. I was watching for about a half hour and the phone rang. It was my mother calling. I'm glad I had a beer to relax myself before I talked to her on the phone. I was wondering what happened now.

"Hi mom, how was your dinner?"

"That's why I'm calling Robert. You have to go to Milo's Supper Club. The food is out of this world. Your father and I agree it was the best dinner we've ever had. The service was excellent. A fine young man, Martin I think his name was, was our waiter."

Was thinking, I'm glad I didn't go with them for dinner. Martin was our waiter when Alec and I were there. I'm sure he would have recognized me. "Glad you and dad enjoyed your dinner. Email me the directions to Milo's when you have time. And I'll try to go there this coming weekend."

"Ok Robert, good night."

"Good night mom, tell dad good night for me too."

Whew. Glad I didn't go to dinner with them. I went and laid down on the couch naked. It felt good, almost liberating. Since I had come out of the closet. I haven't told anybody yet about my sexuality, and I don't have any plans to in the near future. Don't want to jeopardize my profession and losing friends and family.

Finished watching the game. I was getting tired. I went upstairs. I crawled into bed. Was tired after a busy day of work. Didn't jack off. When I got in bed, I went right to sleep.

I woke up with sunlight shining in my eyes. Looked at the clock. Shit, already 7:55. Forgot to set my alarm last night. I needed to shower dress eat breakfast and head to work. Doesn't give me much time. Don't like to be rushed. That teaches me to be sure to set my alarm.

Took a quick shower, finished my other bathroom duties. Got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Margaret had breakfast ready and was just waiting on me. "Good morning Margaret."

"Good morning Bob. Your running a little late this morning."

"I forgot to set my alarm clock and now I'm paying the penalty."

"Breakfast is ready. Where would you like to eat?"

"I'll eat out on the patio table."

Margaret moved everything out to the patio table. She had my coffee and juice poured. Drank down my juice. And ate another one of Margaret's great omelettes. Tasted even better than the last one. "This is delicious Margaret."

"Thanks Bob. You better finish and get to work."

Finished my breakfast quick. "Yes mother, I'm finished and going to work."

I saw Margaret smile to herself. "Have a good day Bob."

"I hope so." Then I left for work.

Was thinking to myself driving to work. This is Wednesday. I hope the day goes fast. I'm going to call Brock tonight and see about getting together this weekend. Kept rehearsing in my mind what I was going to say to him. Hoping I would get a positive response.

I pulled up to work. Saw Shirley and Janice's cars. So I knew I was running a bit late. I'm usualy here before them. I rushed into the office. Was greeted by both Shirley and Janice. Shirley told me she had me booked for the whole day. That sounded good to me. I knew my day would go by faster. Walked into my office. Turned on the computer. Checked for any messages. None. Put on my lab coat and was ready for my first patient.

I had woke up with a morning woody and could feel it rubbing in my pants. Running late I wasn't able to take care of it. I was glad my lab coat did a good job of covering my bulge.

My day was going along smoothly. Had some time before my next patient. My stomach was rumbling. I called Shirley on the intercom and had her order a club sandwich from the Main Street Diner, and have it delivered at lunch time. I knew Millie would be disappointed, but hey, you can't please everybody all of the time. She was probably fixing her hair, putting on makeup and adjusting her uniform before I arrived for lunch. Shirley brought my lunch to me in my office. I went to the coffee maker and poured myself a cup of coffee. The sandwich was good. Fresh ingredients. When I finished, Janice told me my next patient was in the examination room.

The rest of the day flew by. Been very busy. Dr. Barnett had a good practice and I seem to be fitting in well. Have had many compliments and everyone seems pleased I'm the new doctor. I think it helps that I'm from this town and grew up here. I was tired as the day came to an end and I finished my last patient.

We have a portable ultrasound machine and a room for x-rays. I used the ultrasound a lot for expecting mother's and other symptoms that require it's use. X-rays for the chest and for checking for broken and fractured bones. I'm able to set broken bones and put on casts. As far as expecting mother's, they are referred to the hospital as they get close to their due date. Janice is an RN specializing in surgery, so she is a big help to me. We confer on many treatments for patients and she takes care of the hospital referrals.

I had finished my patients for the day. Put the last of my reports into the computer. Shut everything down, locked the clinic and went home.

When I got home the door was locked. Which was strange. Margaret usually left around 6 and it was just after five thirty. I let myself in and disarmed the security system. Saw a note on the table in the foyer. It said, "I'm sorry Bob, I got a call and had to leave a little early, Margaret. Your dinner is in the refrigerator to warm."

I was tired after work so I thought I'd take a shower to relax and clean off the days sweat and grime.

I went up to my bedroom and stripped down. Putting my clothes in the hamper. Got the water to the temperature I liked in the shower and just let the water run down over me. That felt good and relaxing. Walked out and dried off. Put on my oldest rattiest gym shorts. It's funny how the old clothes feel more comfortable than new ones. And a sweatshirt with cut off sleeves. Grabbed a towel and the lube out of the nightstand. Saw the card from Brock. Took the card and lube with me. I would call Brock in a little while.

Walked back downstairs. Checked to see what Margaret had prepared. Was roast chicken with stuffing and a vegetable salad. It smelled delicious. I cut some of the chicken off and put some stuffing with it in a microwave container. I got a plate silverware and a cup of coffee. Filled my cup. Heard the microwave beeping and took my food out. Got my plate fixed. And took it with my cup of coffee to the living room. Wanted to catch up on the news. Food was as good as ever. Watched the news while I ate my meal. Glancing at the card from Brock, off and on. I had put the card on the coffee table while I ate.

Finished my meal and took the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. The dishwasher was full so I set the cycle for washing and drying. Grabbed a beer from the frig and went back to the living room.

Picked up the card and looked it over. Noticed my hands were shaking. Why was I so nervous? This brought back memories when I had called Alec. I was feeling the same way. Here goes nothing. I picked up my phone and punched in Brock's number and hit the call button.

The phone rang and rang and rang. I thought he wasn't home or busy at work. Finally I heard, "Hello, this is Brock."

"Hello Brock, this is Bob."


"Yes, you were the bartender when you waited on me. You wrote your name and phone number on the back of a bar business card."

"You were with Alec?"

"Yes, that's me."

"I remember you now. You seemed nervous and out of place. I thought you were going to bolt at any minute."

"Everything was new for me. First time I had been with a man. And Alec helped me to get out of the closet and start enjoying myself."

"I didn't think I would hear back from you. It's been a few days since you were at the bar."

"I was calling to see if you had any plans for the weekend? I would like to invite you to dinner Friday night if that works for you?"

"Strange, was wondering what I would be doing this weekend. First weekend I've had off from work in a long time. Friday sounds good."

"What time and where should we meet?"

"What were you thinking?" asked Brock.

"I was thinking 7:00pm at Milo's, we could meet at Milo's or I could pick you up at the bar. I don't know where you live."

"Let's meet at Milo's at 7:00pm."

"Ok Brock, meet you Friday at Milo's. Looking forward to it. I'll call and make reservations for us."

"Me too, thanks for the call."

"My pleasure, good night."

"Good night."

Wow, that went well. Like Brock's deep voice. His voice is just as sexy and masculine as he is. Just two days and we will meet at Milo's.

Got myself another beer after talking with Brock. Went back to the living room. Should be a good sports game on. Hopefully, college football. Ran upstairs and got a towel, and some lube. Ran back downstairs. Laid the towel out and laid down on the couch. After talking with Brock and his deep sexy voice, I was hard and horny. The game was pretty good. But I couldn't stop thinking about Brock and our brief telephone conversation. He seemed pleased I invited him to dinner Friday night. I was surprised he accepted. As handsome and hot as he is, he could be with anybody. I'm sure he had guys and gals lined up to be with him. Picturing him naked in my mind. His black hair, styled and well cut. Tall, brown eyes and if I remember correctly, muscular, but not body builder type. Just fit and in good shape. Deep voice, which really turned me on. Damn, not sure if I'll sleep tonight. Looked down and had a big hardon and a wet spot on the front of my worn gym shorts. This was just from thinking about Brock. I wonder how I'll be when we are together for our dinner date. I hope our dinner goes well and he invites me to his house or I invite him here. Have to wait and see. After he sees me again, he might decide to run away.

I started getting into the football game. It was turning out to be a good game. I was fondling and rubbing my big balls while I watched the game. Closed my eyes and I pictured Brock sucking my balls and rock hard cock. We moved around into a 69 so I could return the favor.

Leaking like crazy. I didn't need the lube. Used my precum to lube my hole and fingers. Stuck a couple of fingers in my ass and moved them around finding my prostate. Imagining Brock doing this to me with his fingers and big cock. I'm sure with his deep voice and large hands, he's well endowed. Starting calling out his name as I got closer to cumming. "Oh yes Brock, faster, harder, faster, harder. Yeah, just like that." Shot a big load hitting my face, chest and abs. The rest running down my hand like hot lava. Opened my eyes. Shit, he sure has me obsessed with him. Hope my fantasties come true when we meet. Wiped myself off. Finished watching the game. Was starting to get tired so I finished watching the game and then retreated to my bedroom. Took a hot steamy shower and crawled into bed naked. Was looking for Brock waiting for for me in bed naked. Just in my dreams. Will have to wait until Friday and see how the evening plays out.

Set my alarm and was out like a light. Dreaming of what Brock and I would be doing to each other.

Woke up with the alarm going off. Turned it off. Got out some gym clothes. Splashed a little water on my face. And headed to the basement gym to workout. Worked out for just over an hour. Felt good. Thoughts of Brock kept coming back to me. Remembering what he looked like at the bar and how fast he agreed to go out for dinner tomorrow night. Tomorrow won't come fast enough. Can't get him out of my mind and I hope everything goes well tomorrow night.

Made my way upstairs. Heard Margaret in the kitchen getting my breakfast ready. Stuck my head in the kitchen. "Good morning Margaret, sure smells good. I need to shower and dress, then I'll be down for breakfast."

"Ok Bob, no need to rush, you have plenty of time. I can keep your breakfast warm for you."

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. Could feel my cock and balls bouncing around in my gym shorts. Stripped out of my gym clothes. Threw my gym clothes in the hamper and took a long hot shower. Turned the shower head on massage. The warm pulsating water relaxed my sore neck and shoulder muscles after working out. Got dressed in some dress clothes. Something I thought was proper for a doctor. Finished grooming and splashed on some cologne and walked downstairs for breakfast.

Breakfast was delicious as always. Margaret should open her own restaurant or do a catering business. Everything she cooks tastes like she has put everything into it. "Margaret, you outdid yourself again. Your cooking is something else."

"Thanks Bob. I enjoy cooking."

"It tastes like it."

Finished my coffee and the rest of my breakfast. Grabbed a light coat. Has started getting a little nippy in the mornings. Weather is changing. Said my good bye to Margaret and went to work.

Greeted Shirley, and she told me I had patients for the whole day. Business is sure going good. A lot of new patients according to Shirley. Maybe they just want to meet the new doctor. Anyhow, I'm not complaining. Will soon have worked a month and have my two major debts paid off. Buying a house and the clinic. Everything is going well. I hope it goes as well with Brock. I need to focus on work and my patients for today.

The day went smoothly. Nothing major, but I know that could change fast. Finished my last patient. Went to my office to do reports and had them all done in record time. Janice came into my office and told me that the patients are really satisfied with me and really like how I am fitting back into the community. That was nice to hear. A good way to end the day. Said my good byes to Shirley and Janice and left for home.

When I got home, I told Margaret hi. Margaret asked me how my day was. Told her it went well and was very busy. Checked my phone, had one message. Didn't recognize the number at first and then realized it was Brock's number. Was hoping he wasn't cancelling dinner Friday night. "Are we still on for Friday night?"

"We sure are. You had we worried that you might be cancelling?"

"No, nothing like that. I'm looking forward to Friday night. Was just confirming that dinner was a go."

"Nothing has changed. I'm glad you called to confirm our dinner date."

I could tell by the tone of Brock's voice he was glad and relieved that nothing had changed and we were still on for dinner Friday night. I am hoping to make a new friend and a possible relationship.

Since it didn't work with Alec, I was ready to see how it would go with Brock. Maybe get a companion and a lasting relationship with Brock. I knew I was wishing for too much. We haven't even really met and I'm thinking about a relationship. Oh well, Friday will be here soon and I will try my best to impress Brock and make things happen.

I changed clothes into my sweats and watched some tv before eating dinner.

Margaret said her goodbyes and left for the day. I armed the security system from my phone. Everything was ok, no alerts from with an open window or an unlocked door. Nothing interesting on tv. So I warmed dinner in the microwave. The stir fry was good. Had it over some brown rice with Chinese noodles sprinkled over the top. It was filling and delicious as always. Thinking, when I have my house warming party, I'm going to ask Margaret if she would do the cooking. I'll pay her extra.

I finished my dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher after rinsing them off. Went back to the living room and checked the sports channels. A good football game was on. So I got absorbed in the game. Forgetting about Friday and enjoying the game. Let my meal settle and digest a bit before I got myself a cold beer. A cold beer tasted good. Went down fast. But was limiting myself to just one. Game finished just after ten. Checked the nightly news. But they were repeating what they had shown earlier. So I put some music on, went out to the back patio and relaxed on a chaise lounger. Looking at the back yard. It was big, the house is on two acres. Definitely need to work on this back yard soon. Got the pool fixed and working, and have some landscaping done. That is still aways down the road. Started getting tired so I headed up to my bedroom. Stripped down naked. Like sleeping naked since I did that with Alec. Rather than wearing boxer briefs. Just felt natural to sleep this way. These days full of patients had been making me tired. Set my alarm and drifted off to sleep.

Woke up with the alarm going off. Felt rested. Unfortunately no dreams. Was hoping for a good sex filled dream with Brock doing everything to me that I wished for.

Here it was Friday. Going to be a busy day at work. Shirley is keeping me booked full every day. Just hope I'm not too tired by the end of the day. My big boner was getting in the way as I put on my old gym clothes. Hurried down to the gym in the basement, didn't want Margaret seeing me tenting my gym shorts. Got in a good workout. My boner finally went down a little. Finished my workout and went back upstairs. Told Margaret I was going to shower and get dressed, then I'd be down for breakfast. Ran back upstairs to my bedroom. Showered, took care of all of my bathroom duties, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Margaret made one of my favorite omelettes. Not too filling, just right. Drank my juice and coffee. Finished my omelette.

Margaret seemed glad it was Friday. She didn't work Saturday or Sunday. She was glad when I had told her she would have her weekends for herself. I kissed Margaret on the cheek and told her I was off to work.

Got to work just on time. Shirley told me my first patient was here and was waiting for me. I told Janice, when I walked back to my office that the first patient was here and could she take the patient into the examination room.

I went into my office. Booted up my computer. Checked for messages, nothing. Put on my lab coat. Walked to the examination room and my day had begun. The rest of the day went well. Had Shirley order lunch for me. Managed to eat between patients. Finally finished the last patient just after five. Good time to finish the day. Didn't feel too tired, but wouldn't be able to rest or relax when I got home.

Told Shirley and Janice bye and have a good weekend. They wished me the same.

Made a quick trip home. Left my car out, since I would be driving to Milo's later. The drive is a good 45-50 minutes from my house. My cock started to harden thinking about Brock. Took a shower with cool water. Hoping for my boner to go down. The cool water helped a little. Took out some black dress pants. And a dark burgundy silk shirt. Put on some fresh boxers, had been leaking on and off all day. Got dressed, looked at myself in my floor length mirror. Not bad. "I think I would take this guy out," laughing to myself. Checked the time. Was just after six. So I finished getting ready. Put on my Dolce Gabbana cologne. My favorite. Did a quick tour of the house, making sure all the windows and doors were closed and locked. Armed the security system. Locked the door and left for Milo's.

While I was driving to Milo's, I thought I might receive a call from Brock, but it didn't happen. He probably didn't want to sound too pushy and anxious. Pulled into Milo's parking lot. It looked pretty full. Glad I had made reservations. Thought I saw a car that looked like Alec's. But forgot about it. A lot of cars look like Alec's. Got out and walked up to the Supper Club. A waiter opened the door for me. It was Martin. He gave me a big smile. "Let me take you to your table, Bob."

I was surprised Martin remembered my name, since this was only my second time to Milo's. "Yes Martin." I was the only one at the table. Brock hadn't arrived yet. "Martin, I'm expecting another person."

"If you don't mind my asking, who is your guest, so I can bring this person to your table?"

"I'm expecting Brock."

"Very good. When he arrives I will bring him here to your table."

"Thanks Martin. While I'm waiting, I'll have a scotch and water on the rocks."

"Yes sir. Be right back with your drink."

In just a couple of minutes, Martin came back with my drink. "Thanks Martin."

"No problem, sir. My pleasure." Giving me a big smile."

Martin left. Brock hadn't arrived yet. It was just seven. Probably running a bit late. I didn't think he would stand me up. Especially after he had called me to confirm our dinner date tonight. This gave me a little time to look around the restaurant. Didn't see anybody I knew, which was good. Didn't want to be recognized with another man. One reason why I like Milo's, it's a kind of an out of the way place. Saw a young man, that looked familiar, leave the bathroom. Couldn't recall where I knew him from. He was either a senior in high school, or in his first year of college. Watched him walk over to his table. I saw the reflection from the candle light of the man that sitting at his table. It was Alec. Oh well, nothing to worry about. Alec and I separated as friends. I wasn't ready for a lasting relationship, especially with someone that lived in town. That would shoot my anonimity. I'm sure he had seen me.

It was now 7:15pm and no Brock. Was starting to get concerned. Hoping nothing had happened to him. Car accident or some other calamity. Thought I'd give him a few more minutes, before I gave him a call. Finished my scotch and water. That went down fast. Motioned for Martin. Asked him to bring me another scotch and water on the rocks.

It was now going on 7:30pm and no Brock or phone call. I was worried now. Should I call him or not?

Just then I saw Martin bring my drink and Brock was following him. I got up from my chair to greet Brock.

Martin set my drink down and I told him to bring Brock whatever he wanted. He told Martin he would have a scotch and water, no ice.

We shook hands and gave each other a bro hug. He sure looked good. Black leather pants, hugging his glutes and package perfectly. Broad shoulders. A dark blue silk shirt. Damn his body looked good. I wish it would have lasted longer, but we both sat back down. He looked like a model when he was standing here.

"I'm sorry for being late. Was ready to leave and had a dead battery. I guess the battery being over five years old, had served it's purpose."

I agreed with Brock. "Five years is usually the limit on a battery."

Martin brought Brock's drink. "Thanks Martin."

I couldn't keep my eyes off Brock. Finally he asks me, "is something wrong? your staring and making me a little self conscious."

"Sorry, you look so good, I couldn't help myself."

"You look good too."

We hardly drank our drinks. We talked and talked and talked. I found out Brock's parents divorced when he was young. It was a bitter divorce and neither parent wanted custody of their son. How can parents be that cruel to their only child. Brock lived and was raised by his grandmother. He graduated from high school, but didn't go to college. He picked up odd jobs where he could. He had been good looking from a young age. His grandmother urged him to try out for a modeling agency that was passing through his home town. He had a portfolio done quickly. The agency was very receptive to Brock and he did some modeling for them. Making some good money at a young age. However, it didn't last. The agency found another handsome young man to take Brock's place. Brock moved to his home where he is now. He lives just a few miles west of the In and Out Bar. He owns his own house and is content with his life. He has done more portfolios and has sent them to two major modeling agencies in New York City. He's waiting to hear something from them. I told him about going to medical school. I'm a family practitioner. However, I can't take care of life threatening emergencies, they go directly to the hospital. Only general ailments, broken bones, colds, pregnant mothers and so on.

Martin came back to the table to check on us. He asked us if we wanted a refill on our drinks and if we wanted to order our meal. We both agreed to have another drink. And told Martin to bring our drinks and we would order in a little while, we were in no hurry.

I could listen to Brock talk all day. I like his deep voice. When we hugged and shook hands a jolt of electricity went through my body. I think Brock experienced the same thing. I was immediately attracted to him. But I didn't want to be too anxious or overreact. But I couldn't forget that feeling I experienced when we touched.

I told Brock more about myself and more than I've told anybody in a long time. I was completely honest, that I was looking for a companion. I was tired of living alone all the time. Not necessarily live together, but be together as much as possible. I told Brock he must have a line of men and women that want to date him. He laughed and said, "no. I'm very selective and careful and only dated about a handful of people." He didn't emphasize men or women. He just said people.

"I'm not like Alec." That aroused my curiosity.

"Can you be more specific Brock?"

"Alec is a player. Every time he comes into The In and Out Bar he is with someone different. I think he has a thing about conquests and puts another notch on his belt. He tried hooking up with me, but I saw right through him and nothing happened."

"That answers some questions I had about Alec. I said that I always felt he was holding something back. Now I know, and all the pieces fit together. He is here with a young kid. There are sitting in the back right corner."

It came back to me where I remembered that young man with Alec. He had a different kind of name. Cotter, Colton, no Cotton. That's it Cotton. His dad had brought him to the clinic for a sports injury to be checked when he was a high school quarterback. I checked him as he checked me out. He was a big flirt. Tyring to put the moves on me.

"Hello Bob. You look distant."

"Sorry Brock. I just remembered the young man that is with Alec. His dad brought him to the clinic for a sports injury. He must be starting college this fall."

Martin came back to our table. Brock ordered another scotch and water and I had a glass of red wine to be brought with my meal. Brock said he wasn't much of a wine drinker. Martin asked us if we were ready to order. We asked him what the special was. He said prime rib. We both ordered the king size prime rib. I asked Martin to tell the chef that I wanted mine as lean as possible with very little fat. Martin said he would tell the chef. We both ordered the prime rib medium.

In a short time Martin brought our meal. We had a salad and vegetables with our prime rib. Everything was excellent. Especially being here at Milo's with Brock. We finished our meal in record time. It was so good.

Brock asked me, "you want to come to my place now that we have finished our meal? I don't live far from here."

I was hoping he would ask me to go to his place. "Sure, it's the weekend and I don't have to be back to work until Monday."

"Perfect," said Brock. "Let's finish here, pay the bill, and head to my place."

I told Brock I had invited him to dinner, so this was my treat and I paid for everything.

Giving me a sexy smile, Brock said, "I'll have to think of some way to pay you back."

I was thinking to myself. I could think of a lot of ways you could pay me back. Sex all night would work for me.

We walked out to the parking lot. Brock showed me where he was parked. Got in my car and followed him to his house. It was just a few miles from Milo's Supper Club. His house looked nice from the outside. Not real big, but not too small either. Probably perfect for one person.

We walked up to the house. Brock unlocked the door and we walked in together. I took a quick look around. "Looks nice Brock."

"Thanks, the house was a steal. It was a bank foreclosure. The previous owners lost their jobs and couldn't keep up the payments."

"Take a look around while I fix us a couple of drinks."

I started walking around Brock's house while he got our drinks ready. Three bedrooms and good size. The master bedroom is big with an in suite bathroom and walk-in closet. There's a bathroom between the two bedrooms. Nice size living room with a big flat screen tv. The kitchen is good sized. A large dining room. Glass doors that slide open to a patio. The outside patio is covered with a table and chaise loungers. A barbeque island with a frig. "Looks like you have everything you need here, Brock?"

"I do now," looking at me and giving me a big smile. "I also have a full basement with a laundry room. There's a big rec room with a big screen tv. I use the rec room for watching sports. The previous owners had kids, so they had the basement remodeled for them."

We walked into the living room with our drinks and sat down together on the couch. Noticed Brock moved closer to me. I found he was 27 years old, soon going to be 28. Six feet four inches. He has four inches of height on me. I wonder if he has four more inches on me somewhere else. His basket was clearly outlined in his black leather pants. He looked pretty awesome. He caught me staring and smiling, but didn't say anything.

"Would you like to see my portfolio that I sent to the two modeling agencies?"

"Sure. I bet their awesome pics."

"Hold on, I'll be right back with my laptop."

He came back in just a couple of minutes and sat his laptop down on the coffee table and moved the coffee table close to us. Brock started his slideshow. The first set of pics, he was modeling a famous brand of men's underwear. Boxers, briefs, low rise briefs and bikini briefs. You couldn't help noticing the outline of his big cock. Next set of pics he was modeling the same designers line of male swim suits. The outline of his cock and big low hanging balls was quite visible. The last set of pics he was modeling men's dress clothes. Suits, tuxes, dress slacks and dress shirt combinations. "Very impressive Brock. I would hire you after seeing the first pic."

He turned to me, moved in close and give me the hottest kiss I've ever had. Not a fast peck. But a long sensual passionate kiss. "I'm thanking you for the compliments on my portfolio."

I got that same feeling again when Brock kissed me. It sent a jolt of electricity through my body. I knew it was attraction at first sight. Brock asked me, "did you feel that?"

"I sure did. I thought maybe I was the only one."

"I've never felt that with anyone. You must be the one Bob."

"The same for me too Brock. I've never felt this with anyone before. You are definitely the one for me."

"You can compliment me as long as you want." I had to come up for air. "Your a great kisser."

"Your not bad yourself. You look like your ready for another drink?"

"I would like to, but I better not. It takes awhile for me to get home from here."

"Your leaving? I thought you'd be spending the night with me. No work until Monday."

"Since your twisting my arm," smiling. "I'd be glad to spend the night. You have two guest bedrooms, so I have my choice of where to sleep."

"That's right, you'll be sleeping with me."

How could I refuse the sexiest guy I have ever seen. The type of man that I like. Good looking, deep voice, nice assets and just a real nice all around person.

"In that case, I'll take another drink."

"Make yourself comfortable while I fix our drinks."

I was wondering what he meant by more comfortable. Or how comfortable should I make myself. I kicked off my shoes. Undid some buttons on my shirt. I felt much better and more relaxed.

Brock came back in. Handed me my drink. "Thanks."

Brock sat down next to me with his drink. "I have another set of pics that are private and not part of my portfolio. Would you like to see them?"

"I told him sure, like to see all your pics."

He kicked off his shoes. Undid the buttons on his shirt. Damn he has a nice chest. Like to feel it all over. Can tell he works out. He got the pic file opened and started the slideshow. These pics were all nudes of him in different poses, some of the poses were erotic. Brock was in different states of arousal. He sure looked hot and appetizing. I could just gobble him up. He put a big muscular arm around me while I watched his pics. I knew he was looking at me for a reaction to his pics. If he would have looked at my crotch, he would have known how much I was enjoying his pics. He must have noticed. He said, "it looks like you are enjoying my pics?" Looking at my crotch.

I kind of coughed, "yeah these pics are fantastic, just like you."

He stood up and asked me if I would like to see the real thing. I told him I was a captive audience. "Go for it."

He started doing a slow strip tease in front of me. Throwing his shirt at me. I pulled it to my nose and it smelt musky and manly, just like Brock. Then he turned his back to me while he undid his belt and slowly slid his pants down till they fell to his ankles. He kicked them off. He was wearing a jock. The straps framed his tight muscular ass perfectly. He slowly turned facing me. Oh my god, what a site. He was starting to chub in his jock and the head of his cock was sticking out the side. I could see his big balls making the pouch of his jock sag down. I like big balls, they really turn me on. Could feel myself getting rock hard in my boxers and starting to leak. He walked up close to me and slowly slid his jock off. His cock sprung out almost hitting me in the face. It was bigger than Alec's. Alec was a perfect straight cut eight inches. Brock looked bigger, more like eight and a half or nine inches. He took his socks off and was completely naked in front of me. He moved in even closer, rubbing his leaking cock head over my lips. I stuck out my tongue and licked it off. It tasted kind of how I remember Alec's, kind of sweet and salty. Then Brock backed up. He told me to stand up. He started slowly stripping my clothes off. Damn, he was making me so hot and horny. I was hoping for something like this to happen, but deep down I didn't think it would. His hands felt good against my body and he removed my clothes. He soon had me naked. He said, "I knew there was a hot body under those clothes."

"I'm nothing compared to you, Brock."

"You look like one of those Greek gods. Perfectly shaped and modeled."

"So do you, I was hoping we would be able to hit it off and enjoy each other. I remembered you from the time you were at The In and Out Bar, and didn't forget. When you called me, you sure made my day and I got instantly hard. I couldn't wait until today for us to be together. Your everything I want Bob, I've been looking for a long time for Mr. Right and now I've found him."

"Are you joking Brock, you've taken the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about you and was hoping for something to happen tonight. I couldn't be happier. You sure made my day so far and you are definitely everything I've been looking for in a man."

Brock shut down his computer. We got up, arms around each other, and did a walkthrough of his house. Making sure everything was closed and locked. We then walked to his bedroom. We laid down on the bed on our sides facing each other, our cocks almost hitting together. And just looked at each other. It was almost like we knew what the other person was thinking. Everything seemed so right and perfect. Soon we were smiling and laughing. Brock moved me on my back and started kissing me. Moving to my ears and neck. I closed my eyes, enjoying all these sensations going through my body. Kissing and nibbling over my nips and pecs. Working his way down over my washboard abs. He was making me tingle and super hard. Licked around my navel and through my trimmed pubes. Then around the base of my cock. I was so hard and leaking so much my precum was running down the side over my swollen vein to my balls. He then went down on my balls. Sucking in one then the other. He wasn't able to take both of them at the same time. My balls are big and I like them played with. He got my balls all wet with his saliva. My balls are naturally smooth and it felt so good, better than when I play with my balls. Then he sucked in my head slowly, pulling out all my precum with his tongue. He had me squirming on the bed, it felt so good. Then he slowly sucked me right down to my pubes. I could tell he had done this before. I didn't care. I was with him and that was all that mattered. He was doing it to me and that was all I cared about. He started bobbing up and down on my cock. Could feel my cum churning in my balls. I told him I didn't want to cum yet, I was getting close. He pulled off me and I had him lay on his back. So I could attempt to give him as much pleasure as he had given me. I tried mimicking everything he had done to me. Adding a few extras. Like blowing air on his cock which seemed to drive him crazy and nibbling on his cock and balls. He had nice sized balls, just a tad bigger than mine. I liked sucking on them and rolling them around with my tongue. I had him moaning and squirming on the bed. So I knew I was doing something right. He told me he was close to cumming so I backed off. We moved into a sixty nine on our sides. Sucking and playing with each other's balls. I stuck a finger in Brock's hole which drove him over the edge and he was soon bathing my throat with his hot nectar. He tasted real good. Feeling him shoot, did the same to me, and soon I was filling Brock's mouth and throat with my hot lava. He swallowed it down as I did him. We lay back exhausted. Till our breathing returned to normal.

Then Brock asked me, "you ready for round two?"

"What's round two?" I asked.

"Round two is ass play. Think you're up for that?"

"I'm definitely up, let's give it a shot. Your pretty big and this will only be my second time."

"I'll take my time and go slowly. Any time you want me to stop, just say so, and I will."

"Thanks Brock. I want to give it my best shot. I want you to go first."

Brock reached into the nightstand, on his side of the bed, and took out some lube. "Don't think we need condoms? I'm safe and I'm sure you are?"

"Yup, I'm safe, nothing to worry about."

Brock put a pillow under my hips to raise my ass. He bent down and started licking around my hole and got me wet and hard. Actually my cock hadn't went down since our mutual blowjobs. He spread my cheeks, exposing my hole and started licking over my pucker. He had me moaning, it felt so good. Then he stuck in his tongue and worked it around inside my hole stretching and opening my ring. Damn, his tongue felt like a small prick. "How big is that tongue?" Guess everything is big about Brock. I saw him lube a finger and felt him ease it into my hole. It felt a little strange at first. Not sure of the sensations I was feeling. Then he lubed a second finger and moved it around with the first finger. It didn't feel bad, just kind of strange. Then he eased in a third finger. I knew his cock was big so all the stretching he wanted to do was ok with me. One of his fingers found my prostate and he kept rubbing over it. That sent waves of pleasure through me. He told me to straddle him and sit down on his cock. I saw that his cock was shiny and slick with lube. He said this way I would be in control and if it got uncomfortable I could back off and try again. Just go slow and what's comfortable for you. I eased my hole down and felt his thick flaring head at my hole. It felt like a damn battering ram. I eased down more feeling my sphincter opening and stretching to accommodate the intruder. I went slow and did some deep breathing, there was hardly any discomfort. I eased down a little more and a little more. Holding steady to get used to his size. My hole felt full. Finally I was able to get all of him in me. I could feel his pubes tickling my ass. Brock was definitely bigger than Alec. "How big is this monster Brock?"

"Nine inches," he replied.

"It feels more like ten or eleven inches."

I felt his trimmed pubes tickling my ass. Liked that he manscaped. A personal hangup of mine about hygiene. I slowly started moving up and down on him. His shaft was rubbing my prostate, driving me crazy with desire. I started building up my speed, going faster and faster until I heard him groan, his cock swelled in my ass and long thick ropes of cum filling my hole. He must of cum close to a minute. A huge load I was holding in my hole. He collapsed on me kissing me with his cock still imbedded in my hole. Finally he softened enough that it plopped out. I leaned over and licked him off. He held my head while I licked the last of his cum off his cock.

Brock looked at me intensely, "now your turn to fuck me, or make love to me."

"I prefer to make love to you. Your everything I've ever wanted and I want you to feel how much I love you."

Brock smiled at me as I put a pillow under his ass to raise him to a comfortable level for penetration. I copied everything that Brock had done. I licked around his hole. Then over his pink pucker. He moaned and squirmed around. So I figured I must be doing something right. I was using Brock's precum as lube. When his hole was real wet, I stuck my tongue in. I saw his hard cock twitch jerk and drool out large gobs of precum. He was oozing out of his pee slit. I lubed over his hole. Then lubed a finger and stuck it in. My finger went in pretty easy. Then I eased in a second and third finger. I moved my fingers around stretching his hole. I found his prostate and started rubbing over it, driving him crazy. He was begging me to fuck him. I lubed my cock, not as big as Brock's. I'm a fat seven inches. Pushed the head in and then slowly pushed in up to my pubes. Brock was pushing back on me for maximum penetration. His hole felt warm and smooth and it didn't take me long to cum. Filling him up with a big load I had been saving for this moment. I collapsed down on Brock's chest. He kissed and wrapped his arms around me, with my cock still in his hole. I finally softened and my cock slowly slid out of his hole. We were both exhausted from our love making.

Brock turned off the light and pulled the covers over us. He snuggled up to my back. I could feel his big cock in my ass crack. He put an arm around me which felt so good and natural and we both fell asleep almost at the same time.

I woke up with sunlight shining in my eyes. Looked over to see Brock. He wasn't in bed. I figured he must be in the bathroom. I turned over, ouch, big morning woody and I need to pee. Wasn't going to be easy to pee with a big hardon. Got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. No Brock. Relieved my bladder. Walked back into the bedroom to see if he left a note on the nightstand. Nothing. I went to the bathroom. Got the water running in the shower and took a quick shower. Found a towel in a drawer and used it to dry off. Threw on my boxers and walked out to the kitchen. I could hear singing and music playing, and some great smells coming from the kitchen. "Good morning handsome," Brock said.

"Good morning to you too. Breakfast smells great."

"Sausage bacon eggs and toast. Juice and coffee."

"Perfect, I'm starving after last nights exercise."

"Take a seat here at the island and I'll serve our breakfast."

Breakfast hit the spot. Brock is a good cook, among other talents.

Brock asked, "so what's our plans for today?"

"Thought we'd leave early and go to my house. I can drive us both. No sense using two cars."

Brock said he'd need to drive his car to my house. In case something happened at the bar and he needed to work. He didn't think so, but you can't forecast the future. I agreed with him. We finished our breakfast, loaded the dishwasher, and headed back to his bedroom. He gave me a big kiss, hugging me tight to him. "This is the perfect way to wake up in the morning. A sexy handsome man making me breakfast and giving me a good morning kiss."

"We'll do more when we get back to your place. Let's take a shower and then get ready to go."

I didn't tell Brock I had already taken a shower, I didn't want to pass up this opportunity to be with him in the shower naked.

We stripped down in the bedroom. Arms around each other as we walked into the shower. We cleaned each other, which was really fun. Feeling each other's cock balls and holes. Brock bent me over and fucked me gently and passionately, like a true lover. I returned the favor to Brock. Giving him also a passionate fuck like only a lover could do. We both agreed we needed to do some manscaping. He reached for a disposible razor and shampooed my pubes. Carefully trimming them to perfection. I then did Brock, admiring his hardon and keeping it out of the way while I trimmed his pubes. We looked pretty good after our trim job. We rinsed the hair off. Walked out and dried each other off and flopped down on the bed. We were both hard and horny after our hot steamy shower. We got into a sixty nine and sucked each to fulfillment. Swallowing each other's loads and wallowing in bliss. After our breathing got normal and our cocks were somewhat soft, we got dressed. Checked his house. And Brock followed me in his car to my house.

I had just recently had my electric gate fixed and wired to the alarm system. I pulled in and pressed the remote on my visor and the gate opened. My remote sent a signal to the security system to disarm. I opened the garage doors with a different button on my visor and we got out of our vehicles. I pushed the button inside the garage to close the garage doors. We walked into the kitchen from the side door in the garage.

I saw Brock looking around. "Quite a place you have here Bob."

"I like it. It was a good buy. Bigger house than what I really need. But I'm settled in and getting used to living in a big house."

"Big four stall garage. I've only seen that in the movies."

"It will fill up fast, when I start buying my toys. Boat, four wheeler motorcycle and bicycle."

Brock was carrying a small overnight bag. I like your large gourmet kitchen. "Where's your help?"

"My housekeeper, Margaret has the weekends off."

Brock followed me up to my master bedroom, so he could drop off his overnight bag. Then gave him a tour of the house. He liked all the mahogany wood. "It makes the house look dark, but I like the wood," I told Brock. I showed him the second adjoining master bedroom. Then then the three smaller adjoining bedrooms on the other side of the hall.

We then walked downstairs. I opened the the sliding doors to the outdoor patio. He was again impressed with the size of the back yard, the swimming pool and the large covered patio with a barbeque island, small frig and the large cooking area. We went back inside. I then showed him the library and study where I had my office. We then went downstairs. Brock liked the game room and the home theater. We can watch a movie later if you want to. I showed him the gym which he really liked. The large laundry room and a guest bedroom downstairs.

It was already going on noon. I asked Brock if he was hungry and he said he was getting there. "How about if I grill a couple of steaks and make a tossed salad?"

Brock said, "anything you fix would be fine with me."

We walked back upstairs to the kitchen. And I laid out a couple of rib eye steaks on a plate to get them to room temperature. Brock helped me cut vegetables and we had our salad ready. We put the salad in the frig and I grabbed a couple of beers and we went out to the patio.

We sat down on a couple of chaise loungers. Brock said, "sure is peaceful here, your in town but it's like living in the country."

"It's nice to get home after a busy day of work. I like it here a lot. It was the best purchase I made."

"How about we get comfortable? It's just the two of us. High security wall all around so we won't be seen."

We shucked our clothes right on the back patio. Pulled our loungers together and snuggled up close naked.

My stomach started rumbling. Thought I'd throw out an endearing term and see how Brock would react. "Hey lover boy, I'm going to fire up the grill. My stomach is rumbling and growling."

"Was just going to mention that, lover. We were on the same page."

Damn, he called me lover. "I'm going to put an apron on. Don't want to burn anything."

I agree said Brock, "I want everything intact, and not scorched or seared."

I walked back to the kitchen. Got an apron out of the drawer. Felt some hands and arms hug me from behind and start kissing my neck. "I love you Bob. Didn't think I'd ever say that to anyone. We've only known each other a couple of days, but I feel like I've known you my whole life."

I turned and faced him. "You know Brock, I feel exactly the same way about you. We connected as soon as we met. It felt kind of weird at first, but then I realized it was love. I love you very much."

Brock hugged me tighter and we kissed for a long time. Finally breaking apart for air.

I told Brock, "I better get the grill started."

We walked back out to the patio. He swatted my ass and watched me as I got the grill going. I took off my apron and laid down on the lounger, next to Brock. We faced each other kissing. Our hands found each other's cocks and balls and we fondled and played with each other's balls. God it felt so good. Love my balls played with and it looks like Brock likes it too. I got up, "better check the grill." Put on my apron and told Brock the grill was ready.

We walked back to the kitchen. Brock said, I'll set the table and pour us some coffee unless you want another beer?"

"Coffee sounds good to me."

I took the steaks off the plate, making sure the grill had a good covering of oil so the steaks wouldn't stick. You could hear the steaks sizzling on the grill. Wouldn't take long, about three minutes per side. I turned the steaks. Went back to the kitchen to make sure we had everything. Brock had everything ready on the patio table. I put the steaks on our plates. The steaks came out perfect. Just the way we like our meat, red and warm. We finished our meal in record time. We picked up our dishes and filled the dishwasher and I got it going. I went back out to clean the grill. Easier to clean when it's still warm.

"Brock, would you like a beer or a drink?"

"A drink sounds good." Blowing me a kiss.

"Ok lover, I'll make us a couple of drinks."

Brought our drinks out to the patio. Handed Brock his drink and we sat down on our loungers. We went back to fondling each other, not really saying anything and looking out to the yard. Finally Brock said, "too bad the pool isn't filled, would like to take a nude swim with you."

I told Brock it was next on my to do list. Along with having the backyard landscaped. We kept sipping on our drinks. It felt so good to have Brock here. "Wish it was like this every day. But we both have to return to work on Monday. At least, we still have tomorrow, Sunday, to be together."

Brock asked me, "what were you thinking baby?"

"I wish every day was like this. Just the two of being together and loving each other."

Brock agreed with me. Both our drinks were empty. So I took Brock's glass and refilled our drinks. We snuggled together when I brought our drinks back. Kissing and kissing and kissing. We were feeling each other's cocks and they were getting hard. "I think we need to take care of this." Pointing to my cock. Brock leaned over and took me to my balls in one smooth gulp. Damn that felt good. What a sensation. He cupped my balls and fingered my hole while he was sucking me. I held the back of his head and started thrusting in and out of his mouth. "I'm going to cum baby."

"Do it," said Brock. "Fill my mouth and throat with your big hot load."

That's all the encouragement I needed and I was shooting down Brock's throat and filling his mouth. He swallowed it all down. I laid back panting. Took a sip of my drink to calm me down. "Wow, it gets better every time."

"When you get calmed down, then I want you to do me."

"You don't have to ask, I was planning on it."

I then leaned over and started sucking off the gob of precum on the head of Brock's cock. He was already moaning. I licked down the back side of his shaft to his balls. Then sucked each orb into my mouth. He has nice big balls and he likes when I suck on them. I got his balls all wet with saliva. Then went back to the head and slowly swallowed him down, opening my throat and deep throating him. Brock held the back of my head. I cupped his big wet balls and fingered his ass, like he had done to me. That really got him going. He was thrusting in and out of my mouth and throat. Going till I would get another one of his delicious loads. He hollered out, "I'm cumming. Oh god, here it comes." He blasted out rope after rope of his thick cum down my throat. I felt it hitting the sides of my throat and filling it. I tried to swallow fast to keep up with his shooting. Managed to take it all to the last drop. "That was fantastic," said Brock.

"Only for my lover," I told him."

We got up and walked upstairs to my bedroom. We were hot and sweaty and needed a shower. We walked into the shower. We got the water hot and steamy and it felt good running down our bodies. We cleaned each other. Both of us got hard. We kissed and rubbed and grinded together. We got out, dried each other off and stayed naked. Just seemed like the right thing to do. We were both starting to get hungry. I mentioned having something delivered. Brock suggested raiding the refrigerator and see what we could come up with to eat. We found a lot of left overs to warm up. We had plenty to eat and we still had food left over.

I suggested we go downstairs and watch a movie. It was already seven. We checked the DVD's, the movie channels and a rental movie company I signed up with. We finally agreed on a rental movie we both would like. The movie was three and a half hours long. Brock got the movie started while I made us some popcorn. My theater chairs are big and oversized and we could both fit together in one. Which we both liked, since we could snuggle together and watch the movie. I set the bowl of popcorn between us, and it was soon gone. The movie was good. But I was paying more attention to Brock than the movie. I know he was to me too. The movie ended. I turned off the tv and we walked upstairs to my master bedroom. It took awhile to get there. We were hugging and kissing the whole way to the bedroom. I asked Brock, "did you like the movie?"

He said, "what movie? I was more engrossed with the person that was sitting with me."

I told him, "exactly what I was doing too."

I don't know how many times we expressed our love to each other. I lost count. We were both hard when we went to bed. We threw the covers back and made sweet love for I don't know how long. We both felt satisfied and decided to shower in the morning. We drifted off to dreamland. I had the best dream of Brock making love to me. It was so sweet and tender, I could tell he really loved me.

We woke up to sunlight coming in. We stretched, looked at each other and gave each other a good morning kiss. Brock asked, "did you sleep well lover?"

"I sure did, how about you?"

"Like a rock."

We both noticed our morning woodies and we soon took care of that. We got out of bed and took a long shower together. We got into some good love making in the shower. We sucked and fucked like it was our last day on earth. But I sure loved Brock, and I knew he felt the same way about me. We dried off and went downstairs to fix some breakfast. While we were eating I asked Brock, what does your work schedule look like for next weekend?"

"I have the same schedule as this weekend. I will finish early Friday and have Saturday and Sunday off."

"You want to drive here after work on Friday?"

"Sure. I was hoping you would ask."

Sunday went too fast. Time flies when your having fun. Brock finally said he needed to pack his few things and head home. I knew he had put this off for as long as he could. He said he had a couple of things he needed to finish before work tomorrow. I gave him my sad puppy dog look. We kissed and promised to call each other every day. I opened the gate for Brock and waved goodbye to him, brushing the tears out of my eyes. I was hoping he would call when he got home. Was hoping I would see him again next weekend.

While Brock was driving home. He rehashed everything that had happened over the weekend. He couldn't believe how compatible and enjoyable Bob was. He sure was a good lover and maybe this would work out and he would be my soulmate. Making love with Bob was so easy and felt right. I think I really am in love with Bob. I'll call him when I get home. I already miss him.

After Brock left. The house seemed pretty quiet and empty. I already missed him. I couldn't believe how well Brock and I clicked. We liked a lot of the same things. He is a great lover. A body to die for, and a great personality to go along with it. I couldn't believe how much I loved him. I realize it now after he left. I hope he feels my love for him. I think I have found my soulmate.

I went out to the patio and relaxed on a chaise lounger. Two loungers were still next to each other. Remembering our good time on the patio. Looked out to the yard and imagined us swimming naked in the pool. Horsing around and splashing each other like two young kids and enjoying each other. I really am infatuated with Brock. He's everything I've been looking and waiting for.

I walked back into the living and starting watching a football game. It was pretty good. Soon my phone rang. I was hoping it was Brock. Saw the number in the display and it was Brock. "Hi lover, I just got home and am putting away my few things. I miss you and wish I was kissing and hugging you right now."

"Thanks for calling Brock. I miss you too. Let's close our eyes and imagine each other in the other persons arms. Stripping each other down and crawling into bed naked. Snuggling and making out."

"That's easy for me to imagine. I need to finish here and do a few things. I just wanted to call and let you know I made it home ok."

"Thanks lover for calling me. Will look forward to talking to you tomorrow after work. I usually get home between five and five thirty."

"I'll give you a call at six. Love you and miss you. Bye."

"Love and miss you too. Bye lover."

I'm so glad Brock called and let me know he made it home ok.

The game finished and it was bedtime. I stripped down naked and jumped into bed looking at the other side of the bed for Brock. Leaned over on the other side of the bed where Brock had slept and got a good whiff of his scent. I sprung a woody immediately. I jerked myself off thinking of Brock doing this to me and sucking me off. Once I came I went right to sleep, not even cleaning myself off.

I woke up with the alarm going off. Did a quick workout, showered, dressed and ate breakfast. "How was your weekend Margaret?"

"I enjoyed having Saturday and Sunday off. It gave me a chance to catch up on things around the house."

"This coming weekend is looking the same. You can finish early on Friday and start taking Saturday and Sunday off."

"Is your family reunion this coming weekend?"

"Yes. It's at the Community Center. There's going to be a lot of relatives. Nothing for you to be concerned about Margaret."

"Thank you letting me leave early on Friday and giving me weekends off."

"My pleasure Margaret. Your a big help here at the house and you deserve to have your weekends."

I finished breakfast and was time for me to leave for work.

Told Margaret goodbye as I left.

I arrived at work and Shirley had me booked all day, which I was thankful for. My day goes by faster and I thought it would help me to concentrate and not be thinking about Brock every minute. It was close to noon. I was between patients when I got a call on my cell phone. I recognized the number immediately. It was Brock. I closed my office door. I didn't want anybody hearing my phone conversation. "I missed you Bob and am looking forward to this coming weekend."

"Me too. I don't have much time right now lover. Thanks for calling. My next patient is waiting for me. I'll call tonight when I get home from work."

We said our goodbyes and how much we loved each other. Made me feel good getting his call.

My day flew by and it was time to leave. Locked my office, said by goodbyes to Shirley and Janice and left for home. When I got to the house, I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt and bade Margaret goodbye. It was the time she normally left for the day.

Here I was by myself in the house. I noticed it was just after five thirty. I thought I would give Brock a call. Hopefully, he wouldn't be too busy and could take my call. I punched in his number and waited while I heard his phone ring. "Hi sexy, how are you?"

"I just got home from work and am hot and sweaty."

"That sounds like when we made love." How hot and sweaty we got.

"I'm busy right now and have customers waiting on me at the bar."

We said our goodbyes and promised each other some good loving this coming weekend.

The rest of the week stayed the same. Shirley had me booked full every day. "My job is getting easier Bob. You have all of Dr. Barnett's patients, plus many new patients that calling every day. Word is getting out how good of a doctor you are. I have you booked solid for at least a good month and a half, maybe even longer."

"That's good to hear Shirley. Keep up the good work."

Brock and I called each other every day. We were anxious for Friday to get here.

Here it was Friday, I was examining my last patient. Janice gave him a Covid vaccine. I finished my reports. Got a call on my cell phone. It was Brock. "Just got to your house. Margaret had left. I remembered how to open the gate and disarm the security system. I'm sitting here in the living room naked with a leaking hardon. Waiting for you. Want me to send you a video? Waiting for my sexy doctor."

He said, "good your ready for me."

I finished my work. Locked my office and clinic. Both Shirley and Janice had left. They like leaving early on Friday and that isn't a problem for me. They are both good workers and I'm very satisfied with them.

I got home and put my car in the garage. I saw Brock's car parked on the side parking by the garage. I walked into the kitchen from the garage door. Walked over to the living room. There was my handsome lover, naked and rock hard. Damn, he looked good and delicious. He saw me and I walked over and bent down and gave him a big kiss and hug. I sat down next to Brock, kicked off my shoes and undid my shirt buttons. He stopped me and told me to stand up in front of him. I was already tenting my pants. Brock slowly started stripping me. Kissing my body as he slowly removed my clothes. His hands felt so good on my body. My hardon was straining the front of my pants. He went slow, which was driving me crazy with desire for him. He got me naked and took my fat seven inches in right up to my balls in one big gulp. I almost passed out from the pleasure. Was wobbly on my legs and almost fell down. He helped me lay down on the couch. He got over me in a sixty nine and we slowly sucked each other to mind blowing orgasms. We took our time and it made our loads slowly build and build. It was really erotic and exciting. Making us shoot big loads.

I told Brock I needed to call my mother and see how everything was going for the family reunion tomorrow, Saturday. I called her. "Hi mom, Bob. Was wondering how everything was going for the reunion tomorrow?""Everything is done and ready Robert. Everyone coming has reservations. Reginald and his family will be staying with us. I planned on 100 people. Even though there are 80 people reserved. Just in case more show up at the last minute. Some might want to go back for seconds on the food."

"Sounds like everything is a go. Looking forward to seeing relatives I haven't seen in a long time. See you tomorrow mom."

"Thanks for calling Robert and will look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, mom."

Brock said, "that seemed to go well?"

"Yeah, I didn't hear any stress in my mother's voice. Glad everything went well in the planning. That reminds me, I want you to call me tomorrow around four thirty or five. I think I will be ready to leave by then. Will have had enough reunion. Just call and tell me you are calling with an emergency and I need to go to the clinic to examine you."

Brock said, if that means getting a physical exam from you, you know I will call you."

We kissed and hugged. Grabbed beers from the frig and walked out to our loungers on the patio. The loungers were still close together. I hadn't moved them from our last encounter on the patio. We sipped on our beer and started fondling each other's balls. We both started to get hard, but feeling our big balls and fondling them was all we felt like doing right now. Finally, we lay on our sides and sucked each other. Getting our cocks wet and slick for a good fucking. We flip flopped, and were exhausted after. I grabbed us two more beers and we relaxed after another mind blowing orgasm.

We warmed dinner that Margaret had ready. I fixed us drinks after we finished our dinner. We lounged in the living room. Kissing and hugging and feeling each other all over. Truly two people in love. We made our way upstairs to the the bedroom. We made love again, being slow and passionate. We didn't shower after. we had licked each other off. Had Brock shoot out all over me. Then he bent down and licked it all off. Kissing me after, so I could taste his cum. That was really hot and romantic. We slowly drifted off to sleep, snuggled together.

Here it was, Saturday morning already. The day of the family reunion. Brock and I got up and showered. Of course, we had to fuck each other in the shower. Something erotic about the hot steamy water. However, for me, it was the hot steamy lover that was in the shower with me. We dried each other off and I needed to get dressed and drive over to my parents to see if there was any last minute things I needed to do to help out. Brock helped me get dressed. He liked putting on my boxers and kissing and sucking my cock and balls. Of course I sprung a boner. "Thanks Brock, how am I going to hide this?"

"Maybe I need to suck you off so it goes down."

"Ok, but make it a quickie. I need to get to my parents house soon."

Brock gave me the best blowjob. I think it gets better every time. I finished dressing with Brock's help. Kissed him and remined him to call me.

I left and got to my parents. They were dressed and ready to head to the Community Center.

"Is there anything you want me to do?"

"No Robert. Everything is ready and relatives are probably already arriving at the Center. Do you want to ride with us?"

"No. I better drive myself, in case I get called for an emergency."

They understood and we each drove over to the Center.

When we arrived. There were already some cars in the parking lot, and a few taxis dropping off other relatives. We walked into the Center. It was well decorated and the buffet was setup along the back wall. The bar was against a side wall. Waiters and waitresses were already serving drinks and appetizers. I took off and walked around. We were all wearing name tags. My worst nightmare was about to come true. My aunt Agnes saw me. Oh boy, I was thinking to myself, this will be interesting. I better get this over with. I walked over and she gave me one of her big wet kisses with bright red lipstick. I must of looked like a traffic light after that kiss. Went to the bathroom and cleaned the lipstick off. Whew, one down. I hope I don't see any more of my aunts. Saw many relatives I didn't know, but after talking with them, soon knew how we were related. Talked with my brother Reggie and his wife Deb and their two kids, Bryan and Julie. I hadn't seen my brother and his family for a long time. Walked around some more, ate a couple of appetizers and sipped on a scotch and water. Looked at my watch and it was just after four thirty. Brock should be calling me soon. I did some more mingling and soon I heard my phone ringing. I excused myself and found a spot where I could talk in private to Brock. "Hi lover, thanks for calling. I'm ready to leave here."

The phone was quiet. "Hello Brock. Are you there? A quiet voice said yes."

I knew immediately something was wrong. "You ok, you sound strange and distant?"

"Just get home as soon as you can," said Brock. And he disconnected.

I said my goodbyes and told everyone I just received a call. It was an emergency and I needed to leave.

Left the Community Center quickly and drove home as fast as I dared. Opened the gate, parked the car in the garage. Walked into the house and saw Brock with his head down. He was sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and he looked like he had been crying. He was definitely upset about something. He got up and walked over to me and hugged me hard. "What's wrong Brock? I've never seen you like this."

He took his phone off the coffee table. Opened a message and told me to read it. I picked up his phone, He put an arm around me. I read the message twice. He could see a tear in my eye and he wiped it off me. The message read:

The message was from, Morgan & Morgan Modeling Agency New York City, New York.

Dear Brock, After receiving your portfolio, and our staff reviewing it, we are happy to announce to you that we would very much like you to work at our agency. One of the designers you posed for, we represent. We contacted the designer's company. You were highly recommended. We would like you to start in two weeks if this meets your expectations. We realize you will have things to organize and prepare for moving to New York City. We will pay your flight to New York and provide you a luxury apartment with all expenses paid. If this meets your expectations and like our offer, Please contact us by phone as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Melissa Morgan, CEO Morgan & Morgan Modeling Agency

I set the phone down and looked at Brock. He still wouldn't look at me. "Brock what is wrong? This is your dream. This is what you've wanted and worked for."

He finally looked at me. "I'm so sorry. I never thought this would happen."

"Listen Brock, there is nothing to be sorry about. This has been your dream for a long time. My dream was to become a doctor. Your dream is to be a top of the line model. This is your opportunity and you need to follow your dream."

"I know," said Brock. "I've finally found someone that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with, and now that's all shattered and I have to leave and will be hundreds of miles away."

"Brock, you received this message today. So the agency is open. I want you to call them right now and tell them you accept their offer."

Brock looked at me reluctantly. He took the phone off the coffee table. Saw him punch in the number. The agency answered. "Hello this is Brock and I appreciate your offer and I accept working for your modeling agency."

I felt heartbroken, but I wasn't going to tell Brock that. He had so many feelings going through his body, he needed my support and help with his transition to New York City.

"First thing you need to do is call your boss at the In and Out Bar and give your two week notice. Then I'll help you as much as I can with your house and anything else you need help with."

Brock collapsed on me. "Bob, I love you so much and now it's all gone. I don't know if I will ever see you again."

"Don't worry about that. We can figure something out. We have our phones to call and video chat. You can use Skype to talk. We'll work it out. What's important now is for you to close up shop, all your loose ends and get ready to go to New York."

Over the next few days, I helped Brock as much as I could. He had received his airline tickets from the agency. We found a nice couple that wanted to rent Brock's house. Brock didn't want to sell, which I thought was a wise decision. In case anything happened with his new career, he had his house to come back to. His boss at the In and Out Bar was sorry to see Brock leave. He knew modeling was a dream of his. He had told Brock that he always had a job for him.

Brock slowly started getting back to his old self. I think being busy with organizing and getting ready to leave, kept him occupied enough to relax a bit and keep his mind off me.

It was the last two days before Brock had to leave. He stayed with me. We had wonderful sex as only two lovers can. We promised each other we'd stay in touch, no matter what happened. We cried together and relived all the fun times we had together. We had taken pictures of each other to save and to remember our most special moments.

Here it was. The day Brock had to leave. He had sold his car and I would drive him to the airport. He was packed and ready to go. The agency was paying for a container so he could send some bulky things. It was a long and slow process leaving the house and finally getting into the car and driving to the airport. We laughed and joked on the way to the airport. Tried to keep Brock as upbeat as possible. Not letting on to him how I really felt. We arrived at the airport. I dropped Brock off and helped him with his bags. Told him I would park the car and be right back. Got my car parked, and hurried, almost ran back to the airport. Found Brock in the VIP check in line. Watching him as he moved through the line. Finally he reached the check point. He turned and waved to me. I almost lost it, but regained my composure and waved back to him. He went through security quickly and I watched him walk off to his terminal. I didn't see him after that. I knew his airline. So I went to the window to watch his plane take off. I saw his plane take off, tears were in my eyes and I waved a last time to him. Hopefully, he saw me and was waving back. Slowly walked back to my car. Got in and collapsed in the seat and cried the hardest I've ever cried. Will I ever see Brock again. Will he even contact me?

I managed to start my car. Paid the parking fee and left for my house. Took my time driving home. Rehashing all the time Brock and I had been together. How special and loving he was. Kind, considerate, everything I was looking for. Now it was all gone.

I got home, put the car in the garage. Walked into the house and dropped down on the couch. The house was dark and quiet. Felt my phone buzz. Looked to see who was calling and it was Brock. My face lit up like a Chrismas tree, I was so happy. "Hi baby, where are you?"

"Just arrived in New York. In the VIP security line. Couldn't wait to call you and hear your voice. Your just as sexy sounding as ever."

"Thanks for calling Brock. How was your flight? See any cute stewardesses on the plane?"

"No cute stewardesses for me. Just one hot loving doctor for me. I miss you so much Bob."

"Miss you too. I expect to hear soon, how your their top model."

"I hope so. I have to leave. I'm almost at security. Will call when I'm settled in."

"Bye lover. Think of me." I started choking up.

My heart was breaking saying good bye to Brock and watching him leave out of my life.

That was the last I heard from Brock for about a week. The next time he called he was settled into his apartment, and was going to be doing a runway showing for one of the agencies male designers. He invited me to come if I could get away. I told him I would try. I wasn't able to go to his runway show, too busy at work. After the runway show, Brock called and said he would be traveling to Europe, Bahamas and to the US Virgin Islands for photo shoots. Once he left on his travels, the phone calls got fewer and fewer. I tried calling him a few times, but could never get connected.

Today, I don't know how Brock is. I hope he is well and is enjoying his career and thinks of me sometimes. I will never forget Brock. He was handsome, sexy, lover and a dream man. Maybe I'll be surprised and see a message on my phone from him.

End of Chapter 2 - Brock

Chapter 3 Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And later in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays.

I apologize for the mixup with the pics in Chapter 1. I'm still getting acquainted with this photo site. You don't need to move your mouse over the pics to get the info. The info while be posted with each pic.

Please email me your comments and suggestions. I like to hear from you. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I'm working on the next chapter and revising it. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writing it. Please email me at:

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock

Other stories by this author:"

Bobs Holidays( Nov. 21, 2024)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)

Next: Chapter 3

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