My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Published on Apr 29, 2024


My Alphabet Friends Chapter 19

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you or is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

This is a revised version of the original Chapter 19. I hope you like it and will leave me a comment. You will find my email address at the end of the chapter.

My Alphabet Friends

By Francis Scott

Chapter 19 - Stewart

Prestons hands were shaking when he picked up his cell phone. In fact, his whole body was shaking. He had never made a call like this and wasn't sure how he would handle it when he told Bob about Graham. But he had to do it and get it over with.

He speed dialed Bob's cell phone. The phone rang and rang, but no answer. Finally the phone went to Bob's answering machine. Preston looked up the number for the clinic. He knew he had it saved somewhere on his phone. After a minute or two he found it and called the clinic. Shirley answered. "Hello Preston, is that you?"

"Yes it is Shirley, would it be possible to talk to Bob. There's been an emergency and it's very important I speak to Bob.

"Ok, holdon and I'll get Janice's attention."

"Hello Preston, how can I help you?"

Preston was almost out of breath he was talking so fast. "Slow down Preston you talking so fast I can't understand what your saying."

Finally he said, "I need to speak to Bob. It's urgent. There's been a bad accident."

"I think Bob is with a patient. I'll see if Quinton or Reeve can take over for a few minutes so you can talk with Bob. Go ahead and hang up and I'll have Bob call you back."

Preston waited and waited. I seemed like hours while he was waiting. Janice knocked on his exam room door and Bob excused himself for a moment with his patient. He walked out into the hallway. And Janice said, "Preston just called and said there's been a bad accident and it was urgent for you to call him."

"Do you think you can finish this patient for me? He's here with a sprained hip after falling on the ice. Then I can call Preston and find out what's going on?"

"Sure Bob, be glad to, If I have any questions I'll have Quinton help me. And maybe have Reeve take over and see how he does. Thanks Janice. Let me tell the patient a little of what's going on and then you can take over."

Bob walked into the exam room and told the patient that he would have Janice and Reeve take over. There was some emergency call and he needed to find out the details.

Janice walked into the exam room and finished with the patient with a little help from Reeve.

Preston was a nervous wreck. He was wondering what was taking Bob so long to call. Finally his personal phone rang and he practically jumped out of his chair. "Hi Bob, thanks for calling me back as soon as you could."

"So what's the emergency that's so urgent?"

"This is going to be hard to say and I've been rehearsing what I was going to tell you. But I think I just better get it out and over with. Graham was hit by a delivery truck this morning going to work. His car was totalled and he's in very critical condition in the ICU unit at the hospital. He's in a coma. That's all the information the nurse would give me. I told her you were the next of kin and they would have a form for you to sign, stating your the next of kin. Hello Bob, you there?"

"Yes, I'm here. I'm just in shock. I can't believe the love of my life is in the hospital in critical condition. I'm going there right away to see him." And Bob disconnected.

Bob was in a daze. He finally got his thoughts together and wiped the tears out of his eyes. Luckily Quinton Janice and Reeve were available. He told them Graham was in critial condition in ICU at the hospital and he was going their right now to see and talk to his doctors. They all told Bob to go and they could handle the rest of the day.

Bob bolted out of the clinic. He had changed out of his lab coat and had put on a light jacket. It wasn't icy now. It was warm enough the ice had melted and dried. He made the trip to the hospital in record time. Luckily the police weren't around or he would have been arrested for speeding. He pulled into the area reserved for doctors and ran into the emergency room. The nurse at emergency looked at Bob and recognized him.

He told her he was going to ICU to see Graham. Bob knew his way to ICU and was soon there. The nurse at the nurse's station also new Bob and she told him to sign the form the he was Graham's next of kin. He scribbled his name on the form and asked the nurse what room Graham was in. She told him and Bob walked into Graham's room.

Bob couldn't believe what he saw. Graham looked like a mummy. He was bandaged from head to toe. His right leg was and foot were in traction. The left leg had an external fixation. There must have been serious injuries to the inside of his leg to have the external fixation. That must have been the side of his body where there was the impact from the truck. His left arm was in a cast. He was on life support so he had tubes covering his face and. Graham was hardly recognizable from the the scars and cuts and lesions. I checked out his life support monitors and his breathing was shallow. Blood pressure was fluctuating which is common after a major accident. Bob looked over Graham's chart and couldn't believe the amount of broken bones. He was lucky there was no damage to his spinal column. There was massive damage to his ribs on his left side. They had his ribs taped. That could be causing his shallow breathing. Graham looked peaceful in his coma. He looked like he was taking a nap. Bob touched Graham's hand. Then whispered in his ear that he was here for him. And would stay until he was awake and started his recovery.

The head nurse for the ICU floor knew Bob was a doctor and from the information they had received about next of kin. They knew Bob was Graham's partner. So for those two reasons she would let Bob stay in Graham's room for a longer period of time. Many times patients in comas and with severe trauma like Graham, make a faster recovery if their spouse is with them. In this case, his partner. For some reason the patient can sense they are their with them and it seems to help. Bob was hoping he could stay long enough to talk to Graham's doctor. However, that wasn't the case and the nurse told Bob that he needed to leave. He could come back later if he wanted. The head nurse got Bob's cell phone number and posted it at the nurses station with a note for the other nurses. That if their was any change in Graham's condition to be sure to call Bob at any time of the day or night. Bob thanked the nurse for letting him stay longer and told her he would be back later to see Graham.

The head nurse watched Bob leave and felt sorry for him. She had seen many accident victims come in close to Graham's condition and very few made a recovery or survived for very many days. She was always hopeful, but realistic at the same time. If Graham made any kind of recovery, she would be surprised. The longer he stayed in a como, the less likely he would recover. However, since Bob was next of kin. He would be his decision on what should happen with Graham, if the coma lasted for a long period of time.

Bob didn't know what he was going to do. He thought he would head home for a little while and then come back to be with Graham. He called the house and Preston answered. He told Preston he was on his way back home for awhile and if he could warm some dinner. He was a little hungry. Preston told Bob not to worry and he would have everything ready when he got home.

Bob was devastated. He couldn't believe the condition that Graham was in. The prognosis was not good. Bob knew from his own training when a person suffered from severe trauma like Graham, and the body shuts down to repair itself. There is a high risk the patient never comes out of the coma. He could only hope for the best and visit Graham as often as possible. His presence may help Graham recover. Anything that changed for the better, would be a sign that Graham was recovering.

Bob got home and parked in the front. He would go back to the hospital after he ate. He walked in through the front door. Preston could tell Bob had been crying and was stressed out. So he tried to make light conversation. He asked Bob if he wanted him to go with him to the hospital. Bob told him it wasn't necessary, he wouldn't be able to visit Graham and he'd have to wait in the waiting room. He said he didn't care. He would like to go along.

Bob and Preston ate dinner. Bob just picked at his food and ate very little. Preston cleaned everything quickly and told Bob he would drive them to the hospital. Bob went to the bathroom and splashed a little water on his face. He tried to freshen up a little. He went back downstairs.

Bob was glad Preston was driving them to the hospital. Bob was thinking if he would have talked to Graham and they started regaining their relationship, he wouldn't have had the accident. He now needed to find out where Graham was living and have his personal belongings moved to his house. Also, talk to the housing contractor and find out the details of Graham having a house constructed. He thought he'd take Graham's cell phone and call his parents and brother and sister if Graham still had the numbers on his phone.

Bob was glad Preston was driving. The air was still, but no more freezing rain. They arrived at the hospital and Bob told Preston they could park in the reserved area for doctors. He had been approved and had an identifcation card to hang from the rear view mirror.

They got out of Preston's car and walked in to the hospital. They took the elevator to the ICU floor and Bob showed Preston where the waiting area was. Preston told Bob to talk to Graham and give him encouragement, he had read or heard on the television, that many times that helps patients that are in comas. Especially when it's a loved one, or a close family member. Bob thanked Preston for telling him that.

Bob walked over to the nurse's station and asked the nurse on duty if they had any of Graham's personal effects, he was looking for Graham's cell phone. He wanted to call Graham's parents and brother and sister. If the numbers were on his phone. The nurse took me to Graham's room and showed me where they had stored all of Graham's personal effects. His clothes they were not able to save. His clothes were too torn and ripped and bloody to save. The nurse left and Bob looked through what was in the small locker. He found Graham's cell phone and luckily it still had a good charge. He would take it with him and keep it charged in case Graham got any phone calls.

Bob laid Graham's cell phone on a stand by the window. He wanted to talk to Graham first and then make some calls. He pulled a chair to the side of Graham's bed. He started choking up when he looked at Graham. There was no change and the monitors where still recording the same data as earlier. At least Graham looked at peace and looked like he was just sleeping. Bob leaned in close to the ear that wasn't bandaged and told Graham how much he loved and missed him. He wanted Graham to show some sign that he could hear him talking. Bob waited for a minute, but he didn't see any indication from Graham that he had heard Bob. Bob kept on talking and giving encouragement to Graham. He finally moved the chair back and walked out to the waiting room with Graham's cell phone.

Preston was the only one in the waiting room. Bob told Preston there was no change, but he did have Graham's cell phone and was going to call his parents and brother and sister. He didn't care if they shouted at him and called him all kinds of names. He just wanted them to know that Graham was in the hospital in critical condition and on life support.

Bob sat down by Preston. Preston put a hand on Bob's shoulder for support and encouragement. Bob turned on Graham's phone and started checking his contacts. He found a number that said parents. Then he wondered when they saw the call coming from Graham's phone if anyone would answer. Bob thought he had to try. He typed call by the number. The phone rang a couple of times and finally a gruff sounding man, Bob figured it was be Graham's dad said, "why are you calling me. I thought I made it clear your mother and I were through with you and didn't want any more contact with you." Bob thought for sure is was going to disconnect.

"Please don't disconnect. I have important information for you."

"Who's this and why are you using Graham's phone?"

"Graham has been in a bad car accident and is in the hospital, Bob mentioned the name and location of the hospital, Graham is in the ICU unit in critcal condition and on life support. I am only calling you to give you this information."

It was quiet for almost a minute and the man said, "I just mentioned this to Graham's mother, we both agree this was God's will for Graham living in sin. He got what he deserved. And your probably one of those perverted men that prey on young guys like Graham."

Bob was fuming and couldn't believe Graham's parents could be so cold and uncaring. Finally Bob said, "yes I'm one of those perverted men that prey on young boys. If that's the way you stereotype gays, your badly mistaken. I'm gay, a doctor and highly respected in my town and area. I don't prey on young men and neither do any other gay men that I know. I think you should do some reading and find out the facts before you start stereotyping gay men."

Now Graham's dad was fuming and never had anyone talked back to him about gays. Everyone Graham's dad associated with were in the same opinion as him. "Listen hear, Mr. Intelligent Gay Doctor, our pastor clearly preaches about the sins of the flesh and the sins of the flesh with the same gender. And he preaches God word."

Bob was realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere talking to Graham's dad. The only thing Bob said was, "please send me the scriptures to Graham's phone where it specifically states the sins of flesh of the same gender. And Bob disconnected."

Preston looked over, "it sounds like that went well?"

"I can't believe Graham's father, the way he was uncaring and blaming Graham for being gay. At least I was able to give him the information about Graham, but I think we'd have more bad weather if Graham's dad showed up here at the hospital."

Bob said, "since that call went so well. I'll try Graham's sister next. If I can find her number."

Bob checked Graham's contacts again. He scrolled down the list and found one named sis. That had to be Graham's sister. He pressed the dial button. The phone rang and a young lady answered the phone. "Graham, I thought I made it clear I didn't want you calling me anymore."

This isn't Graham calling. This is a friend of Graham and I had some information I thought you should know."

"I'm not sure about this. I know the kind of person Graham is and I know he hangs out with those kind of people. So make it short, before I decide to disconnect."

"Graham was in a bad car accident. He's in the hospital, Bob told her the name and location of the hospital, he's in the ICU unit. He's in critical condition and on life support. He's in a coma and his prognosis isn't good."

Again the call was quiet for a good minute. Finally, she said, "thank you for the call." And disconnected.

Bob was thinking, at least she didn't talk aboout not caring or being concerned. Maybe their was some hope from Graham's sister.

Preston said, "sounded like that call went a little better?'

"A little. I'm going to try Graham's brother and then check on Graham again. If you see a doctor go into Graham's room. Let me know."

I started scanning the contacts again looking for Graham's brothers number. I didn't know his brother's name. Hopefully he had him listed differently. Finally saw, bro. That had to be the number. He pressed the call button and the phone rang a few times. Finally another gruff voice said. "what do you want faggot?"

God how I hated that word to describe gays. "This isn't Graham calling, this is a friend of Graham's and I was calling because I had some important information."

"The only important information for me would be that Graham is dead, like all faggots should be."

There was that word again that I despised. "Well then you may be getting your wish, since you hate your brother that much."

Graham's brothers voice changed and was more mellow. "What do you mean?"

"Graham was in a bad accident, he's at the hospital, I gave him the name and location of the hospital, he's on the ICU floor in critcal condition and on life support. He's in a coma and his prognosis isn't good."

"We've all been very hard on Graham, mainly because it was hard for us to accept that he was gay. We are a very religious family and were more shocked and surprised when Graham told us. Have you contacted my parents and his sister?"

"Yes, but your father was very uncaring about Graham. Your sister seemed a little more concerned."

"I'm going to have a family meeting and we're going to hash this out for the last time. He's still my brother and an important part of this family. It's not going to be easy, I think I can get the family to rally around Graham."

"Thank you and I know Graham would too if he could. Good luck with your family and maybe I'll see you all here at the hosital soon."

Preston said, "his brother sounds like the only sensible one in that family."

I agreed with Preston. Preston told me he hadn't seen a doctor go into Graham's room. I told Graham I was going in and talk to Graham and then we could leave.

Preston told me to take as long as I wanted. I walked in and checked the life support system and their was no change. I checked his respiration and it was still shallow. Broken ribs take a long time to heal and they could have been pressing on the lung on that side, causing a shallow respiration. I talked to Graham again sitting close to him. I laid my hand on his and whispered again in his ear how much I loved him and I knew he was getting better. To be patient and soon we would be talking together. I had to hold the tears back and I had to be strong in my voice to help Graham. I just sat there watching him for a few more minutes. Graham please open your eyes. Say something. Move your hand. Nothing. I moved my chair back and I told Graham I would be back tomorrow to talk to him.

I walked back to the waiting room. And Preston and I left the hospital. I asked Preston if he knew where Graham had been living. Preston thought Graham had said he was renting an apartment above the diner, but wasn't sure. He told Bob he could find out for sure from Graham's secretary and let him know. He also needed go talk to the boss at the housing development site and get he details on the construction of Graham's house. He knew Preston's house was at least half finished. Graham had to start recovering and living with Bob. Bob needed and wanted to take care of Graham.

They arrived home and Preston parked in the garage. Bob was also thinking about Graham's totalled car and his car insurance. He would check Graham's billfold and see if had any insurance information in his wallet a repesentatives card or his own personal insurance card for his car. Once they got inside, Bob collapsed on the couch. He was physically and mentally tired. Preston told Bob they needed to go upstairs to bed. Preston helped Bob upstairs. They undressed and Bob told Preston to get the shower going. He wanted a hot steamy shower to really relax himself and hopefully he would get a good nights rest. He was going to do more reading and research on Graham's condition. He wanted to know all the details about someone being in a coma after a serious trauma.

Reeve really liked interning at Bob's clinic. He liked even more starting a friendship with Quinton. Reeve had been so busy studying and working on his medical education, he literally dropped out of the dating or friendship scene. He thought now he might have the chance with Quinton. Their first time together was really nice. They both had enjoyed themselves. They exchanged phone numbers and planned on seeing more of each other.

Graham's brother called his sister and then his parents and he and his wife invited them Saturday for a barbeque. Even with the cold weather, he could barbeque outside and then they could eat inside. They all agreed to come on Saturday. His brother planned on having a family meeting and try to convince his parents and sister they needed to see Graham and give Graham all the support they could. He was hoping the meeting would go well. He wasn't looking foward to it, but it was something he needed to do. His brother was still part of the family. And now he needed them.

Bob was relaxing under the hot steamy water in the shower. It was just what he needed. He let Preston wash him and he closed his eyes. But as soon as he closed his eyes, he saw Graham lying in his hospital bed, barely hanging on to life. Graham had to recover, he just had do. I need to spend more time with him. I can't even imagine if he died. I don't even want to think about that. He will recover. I know he will. He can't die with us being at odds, it would kill me. Preston knew Bob was thinking about Graham. He pulled him into a hug. Bob started crying and laid his head on Preston's shoulder. They stayed like that in the shower for a few minutes. Finally Preston kissed Bob and told him he needed to be positive. And he needed to give Graham all the positive energy that he could. It had only been two days since the accident and Graham was going to need time to heal and come out of his coma. Bob just nodded his head. He washed his tears off. Preston dried Bob off and then himself. They went downstairs and watched a good college football game. The game distracted Bob for awhile, until he got tired. He told Preston he was going to bed. He was exhausted. He told Preston to stay up as late as he wanted. He didn't have to go bed this early.

Preston told Bob he was going watch the start of the next football game. And if it looked like it was going to be a wipe out, he would be up shortly.

Sam was enjoying his new house. It was designed just the way he wanted and all the changes he wanted were done to perfection. Zane and his crew had done an excellent job on his pool waterfall with stone work, and jacuzzi. The way they finished off the landscaping the yard looked like a tropical paradise, almost like a lagoon. His friends and club members had stayed the weekend. His new playroom had worked out perfect. As far as sleeping arrangements. He had four roll away beds brought in from the hotel. His four bedrooms and the bedroom in the basement and everyone had a place to sleep and someone to sleep with or more likely, someones to sleep with. Sunday some of the members starting leaving and the rest had left Monday morning. Sam had seen Graham and was surprised he came, since he wasn't a co-owner of the hotel anymore. But he liked Graham and was glad he came to the Open House. Sam noticed that Graham and Bob didn't talk or greet each other. He wondered if their was some friction between them. Anyhow, he thought his Open House was a success and was glad the majority of the club members could come.

Preston couldn't really concentrate on the second football game. He was more concerned about Bob and Graham and especially Graham. He had seen some serious sports injuries during his pro career. Some of the players were taken off the field to a waiting ambulance with serious brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken legs and arms and the list went on and on. Even saw a few injured players that were in a coma. They eventually came out of the coma, some with a complete recovery, others that were paralyzed and couldn't walk, and others that didn't remember anything and had to have 24/7 help. Preston knew that Graham's spinal column hadn't been damaged. Only a very small fracture to one vertabrae, but it didn't damage the spinal cord. He knew Graham would come out of his coma eventually. It was just a waiting game.

Preston went upstairs to sleep with Bob. He knew Bob needed all the support and comfort he could give. He walked into the bedroom and heard Bob crying. The lights were off and Bob was laying on top of the blankets. Preston crawled in next to Bob. "I know it's hard Bob. I saw a lot of serious sports injuries during my pro career and some players were taken off the field in comas. Everyone of them came out of their comas. Graham will too. It's just a matter of time. It could happen tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month, but he will come out of his coma. We just have to hope he makes a complete recovery when he wakes up.

Bob listened to Preston and knew Preston was right. It was just so hard seeing Graham on life support and in a coma. He hoped everyday he would get a call from the hospital that Graham had come out of his coma. Bob stopped crying and Preston hugged Bob and kissed his neck and ears. He could feel Bob relaxing against him. Preston, fuck me. I need your big cock up my hole. Preston said, "are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Just go slow and easy and take your time. I want to this to last."

Preston lubed Bob's hole and then his engorged cock. Preston eased the head in and felt the lips of Bob's hole open and soon Bob's hole was grabbed his cock and pulling it in. Preston liked that and wondered how Bob was able to do that. Nobody else could do that. Graham could for a bit, but then it stopped. Bob told Preston it felt wonderful and to just keep going slow. Preston's long thick cock was continually rubbing over Bob's prostate. Bob was in heaven. The slow penetrating fuck felt so good. Preston was being gentle and taking his time. Soon he felt Preston's cock throb and expand and he felt a warm liquid shooting way up his hole. Bob turned and kissed Preston. "Thanks Preston, I needed that. Thanks for going slow and taking your time."

After Bob's fuck, they fell asleep. Bob slept well after a good fuck from Preston.

They woke up to the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. Bob woke first and then he felt Preston stirring. Bob thought he needed to thank Preston for that great fuck last night. Bob got down between Preston's legs and gave Preston the best blow job he could. Within a couple of minutes he had Preston shooting down his throat. Preston looked at Bob, "I could get used to waking up like this every morning."

"My pleasure Preston. I appreciate you being here. I wouldn't manage well by myself with Graham in the hospital."

They took a quick shower, got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Margaret had everything ready in the breakfast nook. Bob looked at the newspaper while he ate his breakfast. The second page had photos of the accident and details of the accident. No names were mentioned because the accident was still under investigation. The article went on to say that the early evening news would have more information about the accident. Bob showed Preston the article. Bob wanted to be home to watch the early news and see what they mentioned in their coverage of the accident.

They finished breakfast and went to the garage. Kissed and hugged and left for work. Bob got to his office. He needed to work with Reeve and wouldn't be able to go to the hospital until lunch time. Reeve was a very smart young man and was doing very well in his internship. Bob was quite impressed with him. On his recommendations, he would mention that Reeve would be a good addition to the hospital staff and he would personally mention that to the chief of staff.

Quinton had adjusted fast to the routine of the clinic and it was like he had always been working there. Bob continued to get compliments on Quinton and that made him happy. He wanted his clinic to be successful and the only way that would happen was if their patients were satisfied.

It was approaching lunch time and Bob told Shirley and Janice and Reeve he was going to the hospital. They all wished him the best and hoped that Graham was showing some signs of recovering.

Bob left and made a quick trip to the hospital. He would eat at the hospital cafeteria. Not his favorite place to eat, but he wanted to be close to Graham.

After Bob left the clinic, the staff started talking about Bob and Graham. Both Shirley and Janice had their suspicions of Bob being gay, but they didn't care. Bob was easy to work with, not demanding and was very flexible with their hours. Especially working half day on Friday. Reeve and Shirley were picking Janice's mind aboout Graham's condition. All Janice could tell them, with limited experience, was that generally when the body shuts down to repair itself and goes into a coma, it's usually a long time before the patient wakes up. However, Graham being younger and in good condition. His recovery should go faster. All the doctors can do is give him medicine to fight infection, IV food and monitor him and wait. It was not very reassuring to Reeve and Shirley, but those were the facts.

They all hoped Bob could handle his work and the stress of Graham's condition. So far they thought he was doing quite well, considering the circumstances. They tried to give him encouragement and kept telling him that Graham would be ok soon.

Bob arrived and parked in the doctor's reserved parking space. He walked in and made his way to the ICU floor. He didn't see any nurses at their station. He walked into Graham's room. Right away he noticed something was different. Then he realized they had disconnected the life support and Graham was breathing on his own. Also, the external fixation had been removed from Graham's left leg. That was a sign he was healing. But he was still in a coma. Bob checked Graham's chart. The chart showed the time they removed life support and removed the external fixation and the reason. Graham was being given antibiotics. It's possible to get an infection after the external fixation is removed in the areas where the rods were screwed in through the skin. His breathing was normal and not shallow like it had been the last couple of days.

Bob pulled a chair up to Graham. "Graham your doing great. Your strong and healthy. Your breathing is back to normal. I know you can hear me. Just move a finger to let me know. Bob had his hand on Graham's again. Bob waited for a bit, but their was no response. I love you babe. I know your doing better and are healing. Your healing fast and will soon be with us."

Bob moved his chair back by the window. He sat and just stared at Graham, trying to find anything that would show that he was doing better. It was still hard to tell with him being bandaged from head to toe. Finally, he thought he better leave and get some lunch and go back to the clinic. I walked over one more time to Graham's bed and told him how much I loved him and he was doing much better.

I left and decided to buy something on my way back to the clinic for lunch. I was only going to work an hour or two this afternoon. I wanted to check on Graham's apartment and get his belongings moved to my house. Also, I wanted to talk to the housing contractor and find out how much longer they would be working on Preston's house and how soon they would be starting on Graham's house.

I got back to the clinic. Ate my lunch quick in my office and then I had Reeve working with me for a couple of hours. I had things worked out with Quinton and Janice and what I wanted them to do for Reeve's internship when I wasn't in the clinic. They understood and complied completely.

I left and drove directly to the diner. I thought the office for the apartments was in the back of the diner. So I walked around to the back and sure enough there was a private stair case with an office to one side. I walked into the office and a middle aged man came out. I identified myself and he said Graham was renting from him. But Graham hadn't been back to his apartment for a few days. I briefly explained why I was there and the landlord was stunned. He said he didn't read the daily paper and he didn't like watching the news. So he had no idea. He gave me a copy of the key to Graham's apartment. I paid the landlord an extra months rent and he liked that. I told him I would be having a moving company coming in to move out Graham's things and bring them to my house. He agreed and told me whatever I wanted to do.

I left the landlord and knew who I'd call for the move of Graham's things, but that could be done later. I wanted to talk to the construction boss at the housing site. I drove over there and they were busy working on Preston's house. I walked up and talked to the boss. He said probably another week or week and and a half and they would be done with Preston's house. I saw Zane's company already working on the yard. They were doing another fantastic job. I asked when he thought they would start on Graham's house. He told me as soon as they finished Preston's house. Also, they were starting the security to the entrance and they needed to finish that before they started on Graham's house. I thanked him for the information. Walked back to my SUV and my cell phone rang. I was hoping it was the hospital with good news. It was someone calling to give me their condolences on Graham. I thanked them, but decided I wouldn't answer my phone unless I knew who the caller was and then I still may not answer.

I left the house site and drove to the hospital. I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with Graham. Go home and have dinner and then come back again.

I parked and walked into the hospital and took the elevator up to the ICU floor. I was able to catch the doctor just coming out of Graham's room. He was a neurologist. He told they had done a series of CT scans earlier in the morning and everything as far as his central nervous system was ok. The fractured vertabrae was healing. The orthopedic surgeon put a cast on his Graham's leg that had had the external fixation and the leg was healing. The neurologist said, "this is highly irregular to say and unprofessional, but I think Graham can hear everything that is being said around him. I know that probably sounds strange. But I've been a neurologist for many years and have been working with many patients in comas, and it's just a feeling I have when I'm around Graham. I think he will soon be coming out of his coma, as fast as his body is healing. He's a very strong and healthy young man. I think I might have said too much."

"No, not at all. I appreciate your insight. You have more experience than me. I'm not a neurologist and you can tell you me anything and it will be kept in strict confidence. I just hope Graham comes out of his coma soon. The longer it goes, the worse the outcome could be."

"I wouldn't be overly concerned Bob. Like I said, as fast as Graham is healing. If he stays in a coma for a couple of weeks, I think he will have a full recovery. He's had the best doctors working on him and in reality, he's doing pretty good for the severity of his condition. I think he will probably be moved to a private room soon and taken out of ICU. He's not in critical condition anymore. The main concern now is the coma and how long it will last. That doesn't require him to be in ICU, as well as you know. I need to finish my rounds. Good talking to you Bob."

I thanked the doctor and walked into Graham's room. I was thinking about what the doctor said and that sounded encouraging. I hoped he was right. I need Graham and Graham is going to need me too. I'm going to do everything I can to nurse him back to good health. Graham was still all bandaged and hard to believe what the doctor told me. I looked over Graham's chart. It mentioned the healing that had taken place and the healing that was still ongoing. It also, mentioned some bandages would be removed, either later today or early tomorrow morning. There was an order to move Graham to a private room later today, after the doctor did his late afternoon rounds.

I pulled a chair up close to the side of Graham's bed. I looked at Graham, or the little I could see of him with the bandages. He always looks so peaceful and like he's taking a nap. I had noticed that they were still giving him strong pain medication, but I thought that would probable be decreased in mg soon. The only concern now was how long Graham would stay in a coma. It looked better seeing him out of the external fixtation and his other leg was out of traction. The skin color on his feet was a good healthy color. That was encouraging. You can tell a lot about a patient by the color of their skin. I talked to Graham like he was awake and looking at me. I tried to keep my voice steady, which was hard to do at times. I always tell him how much I love him and to give any kind of a signal if he hears me. But still their was no reaction from Graham. I stayed there watching him. I could tell his breathing was getting more steady all the time. I looked at the monitor and his vitals were slowly getting to a normal level. I was wishing there was something I could do to get Graham out of his coma. But that depends on Graham. He will come out of the coma when his body feels he has recovered sufficiently.

I decided to walk down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. So far I hadn't seen Ethan or Mark and I was glad about that. I couldn't deal with them right now. My concern was Graham and I didn't need their sarcasm and rude remarks. I bought some soup and sandwich and a black coffee. The food was typical hospital food. Not much flavor, but it filled me. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I had still been getting calls from friends and relatives asking me how Graham was doing and wishing me well and that I needed to be strong for Graham. Things I already knew, but was polite and thanked them for the encouragement and advice. I finished my quick lunch and went back to Graham's room.

I sat by the window, which was high up. Usually they don't have any windows in ICU, but these were small windows high up. Nothing that would shine directly on the patient. I called the clinic and talked with Shirley for a little while. She told me not to be concerned. Janice Quinton and Reeve were taking care of all the patients. She told me, you would think Reeve is a licensed doctor the way he had been taking care of patients. She said she had received many favorable compliments about Reeve and were glad he was filling in for me. I thanked Shirley for sharing that with me and we hung up.

I must have dozed off for a bit. I felt a little disoriented when I woke up. One of the doctors had been in while I was dozing and had removed some of Graham's bandages, from his face. It looked just like Graham. There was very little scaring and no facial damage to the bones or his facial features. Graham was healing quickly. Like the doctor earlier had told me. I now was feeling more positive and I knew Graham would come out of his coma soon. I was just hoping I'd be with him when he did wake up.

It was getting later and I was hungry. I was going home for awhile and then come back after I ate a bit of dinner. I walked over to Graham's bed. Put my hand on his and told him I loved him. "If you can hear me please give me sign." I waited and waited and nothing. "I'm leaving for a little while and I'll be back to check on you."

I left not feeling very well. I wished Graham and I were talking and he was out of his coma. I was anxious to see how he would look with with more bandages removed. I took my time driving. I did a lot of thinking and how if we hadn't had our argument and Graham was still living with me. He wouldn't have had his accident. His accident is really my fault. I just hope I get the chance to make it up to him.

I pulled in and parked in the front of the garage. Our weather was still cold and but the nip to the wind wasn't there. Maybe our cold front was finally moving out. I'd watch a little of the news and weather while I ate my dinner. And then go back to the hospital.

I walked in and Preston was busy in the kitchen. He told me he was getting dinner ready. He asked me how Graham was and if their was any change. I told him no change. But did tell Preston what the doctor had told me. Preston said, "I knew it. Graham will be coming out of his coma soon. If he's healing that fast. It's just a matter of a couple of days. I was wondering how Preston figured that. Preston also told me Holden was coming over for massages. I told Preston I was going to eat dinner. Watch the news and weather and then head back to the hospital. If Holden came while I was still here he could give me a quick massage. Otherwise tell him I'm sorry I missed him and will get a massage the next time. Do you want us to come to the hospital or go with you if Holden comes soon? I told him no. There was no change in Graham and they wouldn't be able to see him. So I told Preston to enjoy his time with Holden without a doctor in the house. That got a smile out of Preston.

The daily paper was still printing articles about Graham's accident. The articles were getting smaller and briefer. No names were mentioned and I was glad about that. Anybody that knew Graham's car would recognize it in the photo. We ate our dinner and watched the news together. The weather came on and the weatherman said the cold front was slowly moving out of the area and warm weather was right behind it. He predicted a nice warm weekend coming up. That was something to look forward to.

Holden hadn't arrived and I told Preston I was going to take a quick shower, change clothes and go back to the hospital. He asked me if I wanted any help. I said no. I wanted to get back to the hospital right away. Preston said he understood and they would be thinking about Graham.

I ran up the stairs stripped out of my clothes I had worn to work. Took a quick shower, dressed and was ready to leave. I kissed and hugged Preston and told him again, to enjoy his time with Holden and I would see him or both of them later.

It was a quick trip to the hospital. I wanted to see Graham. Even though he was still in a coma. I missed him a lot. And just being able to be with him was a blessing to me. And I wanted to be their when he came out of his coma. I wanted him to see me and I wanted to kiss him and tell him how much I missed him. And their would be major changes in my behavior from now on.

I parked and talked to the receiptionist and asked her what room Graham was in. She told me go to the third floor and sign in at the nurse's station and they would give me Graham's room number. I walked the stairs up to the third floor and went to the nurse's station. I identified myself to the nurse on duty and I was told Graham's room. I walked into his room. He had a nice large private room. I noticed the bandages off his face and head. There was hardly a trace of scars, he was healing well. They had left the bandages on his chest and the cloth bandage around his ribs. His casts were still on his left arm and both legs. I checked his chart and they had reduced his antibiotics. I was glad about that. His vitals didn't show any sign of a fever. So he didn't have any infection. I pulled a chair up again and talked to Graham. I wished he could give a sign and or open his eyes or an indication he heard me. But nothing. The chart said he was continually healing. His broken bones and fratures were healing nicely. The external fixation had worked and his badly damaged left leg was healing perfectly. Almost like a new leg. I stayed with Graham for almost two hours. I was getting tired and thought I should leave. I told him I loved him and I new he was healing and feeling better. I also told him, I wanted him to talk to me tomorrow.

I drove home and didn't see Holden's car. Maybe he and Preston went somewhere. I was glad they were getting along so well. I hoped it would work out as well when Mark moved into the new house. Mark seemed like a pretty cool guy and easy to get along with. I parked in the garage and Preston's car was there. I walked into the kitchen and heard the living room tv going. I walked in and saw Preston stretched out on the couch sleeping. I went upstairs and stripped down and put a jock on. I went up to the sunroom. I hadn't been up there for a few days. With Graham's accident I didn't really like coming up here at first and then between Reeve and going to the hospital, I didn't have much time when I got home. I was tired now, but thought I'd relax with a beer and just listen to the background sounds. Right now it was playing the songs and chirps of tropical birds. Then it would change to the surf after. Then the sounds of the rain forest. It was a great collection and I enjoyed it a lot. I grabbed a cold beer from the tiki bar and stretched out on a lounger. Soon I dozed off.

I don't know what time it was when I woke up. I know it was dark out and the stars were out. I could see that through the glass roof. I walked downstairs and Preston was snoring now on the couch. I looked at the clock and it was just after eleven. I grabbed a blanket and put it over Preston and then went up my bedroom and went to sleep.

The next couple of days I spent more time at the clinic working with Reeve and filling out his paperwork. I hadn't been working out. I just didn't have the desire, but knew I needed to get back into my morning work out routine. Graham's condition hadn't changed. He was continually healing and his broken and fractured bones were healing. The doctor had stopped his antibiotics, but they were still giving him strong pain medication, mainly because of his fractured ribs, which would be quite painful when he came out of his coma. He was still in a coma and their was no response or any kind of recognition that he heard me.

Preston was quite busy, taking over Graham's clients. Also, he didn't have Graham's feedback or input when he met with the investment contractors. Two of the buildings were under construction. His house was getting close to completion. There was still a lot of yard work yet to be done. Then he would need to order furniture and everything for the kitchen. That could wait. He was hoping he would hear from Mark, and that their tour was ending. It would be nice to have Mark around to help get the house setup when he was ready to order his furniture and other necessities. He was thinking he might contact an interior decorator and let them decorator all the rooms in the house. That would make my work load easier for me.

It was Saturday morning and Bob was exhausted. With Graham's accident, working with Reeve it felt good to sleep in. There wasn't going to be any working out this morning. He smelled breakfast and knew Preston was getting breakfast ready. Preston was actually a pretty good cook. That surprised Bob, with Preston being a pro football player jock. It just didn't seem that Preston would be good in the kitchen. But he wasn't complaining.

Graham's brother and his girlfriend were getting things ready for the barbeque. Graham's father didn't like his brother having a girl living with him since they weren't married. It was religiously incorrect. Besides it hadn't been that long since the divorce. But since he had a girl living with him. He would let it slide. At least he wasn't living in flithy ungodly sin like his brother. He was wondering how the family meeting would go about Graham. He knew it would be easy to convince his sister, but his father was going to be the difficult one and wasn't sure how it would turn out.

Bob crawled out of bed. Walked down to the kitchen. He saw Preston wearing an apron and nothing else. The apron looked funny on Preston. It was way too small, and looked like a mini apron on him. How he managed to tie the apron in the back, Bob didn't know. "Breakfast smells good."

"I hope so, I'm starving and you look like you could use a good hearty breakfast."

"I'm hungry too. Where should we eat?"

"How about on the patio and enjoy the warm weather that's been moving in and pushing out the cold front."

Preston said, "what you doing today?"

"I'm going to shower. Finish a couple of reports on Reeve at the clinic. Then plan on spending the rest of the day with Graham. How about you?"

"I want to check on my house and yard. Then I'm meeting Holden and we are hanging out for awhile. We might stop by the hospital and see how Graham is doing. Hopefully he will out of his coma and responsive."

I told Preston, "check on Graham's house when your there. If you and Holden stop by the hospital, you can tell me if they have started construction on his house. By the way, Graham has been moved to a private room on the third floor. Room 305. The waiting room is at the end, with a reading area. Just let the nurse know when you come at the nurse's station and then she will get me so I can talk to you guys."

Graham's sister and her husband arrived. He gave his sister a kiss on the cheek and shook hands with her husband. Graham's brothers girlfriend took his sister and they went into the kitchen. His brother and his sister's husband went out to the patio. Graham's brother wanted to check the grill and turned it down, he didn't want the meat cooking too fast. He had a cooler full of beer. He knew his dad wouldn't approve, but it was his house and if he wanted to drink beer he would. They talked outside on the patio. The weather was warmer and felt good. They were waiting on his parents to arrive. They should be coming any time.

Bob and Preston kissed and Bob left for the clinic. The weather was finally warmer. The weather channel showed the cold front moving out and warm air moving in behind it. It was just after nine in the morning and it was already in the low seventies, which was a more normal temperature. Bob pulled up to the clinic. He went in and booted his computer. He took his forms out on Reeve from the chief of staff. Having the chief of staff as your advisor, meant you had be a superior student, and according to how Reeve was performing, he was acting like he was a certified doctor. He was doing exceptionally well and Bob only had to instruct him a couple of times on certain procedures and had helped him reading a couple of x-rays. Otherwise, he was doing an outstanding job. It was easy to fill out his reports on Reeve and email them to the chief of staff. It only took Bob about an hour to finish the reports he needed to do on Reeve. He checked his email on his computer. Nothing much of interest. A lot of spam and risky emails which he deleted immediately. He shut down his computer and took a walk around his clinic. He really liked the expansion and more room was working out perfect for him Quinton and Janice. They weren't bumping into each other. The changes to the waiting room were welcomed by Shirley and the play area for the kids was working out great.

Graham's brother heard the front door and walked over with his brother in law. He saw his parents walk in. His dad looked as grumpy and sour as always. His mom looked a bit better, but she went along with whatever her husband wanted. She had learned a long time ago, not to aggravate her husband. He was not a pleasant man when he was mad or upset about something. Which to her, seemed to be most of the time. He showed them in. His sister came out of the kitchen and directed her mom to the kitchen to be with the women. Graham's brother showed his dad out to the patio. And they sat on loungers. His dad said, "God finally changed our weather. It's nice to have it warmer, especially for an old man that always has aches and pains."

Graham's brother and his brother in law looked a each other and just shrugged their shoulders. He was thinking that this could be quite a long afternoon and evening. He was debating if he should offer a beer to his dad. His dad didn't seem to be in very good spirits. He was ready for another beer and so was his brother in law. He thought what the hell, "who would like a beer, dad?"

His brother took another beer and his dad was shooting daggers at him with his eyes. "It looks like your not going to be joining us with a beer?"

"I didn't say that. I was just surprised that you had already been drinking. I'll take one beer. But to indulge or drink in excess is against God's will?"

They didn't say anything to his dad's comment. They knew it wouldn't do any good. He was hoping a beer would mellow his dad out and make it easier when he had their family meeting later.

Bob finished walking around his clinic. He locked it and drove over to the hospital. He parked again in the reserved parking for doctors. He went up to the the third floor and into Graham's room. Not much had changed. Everything looked pretty much the same. Bob checked Graham's chart and there wasn't any changes. There were still giving him high doses of pain medication. Not as frequently as before. Otherwise, he was still healing. The broken bones were were slowly healing. His right arm and right leg would probably take six to eight weeks before the casts came off. The left leg would take longer because of the damage. Bob talked to Graham for a little while. There was no response or any kind of reaction from Graham. It was going on lunch time and Bob thought he would go to the cafeteria and get something to eat.

It looked like their was quite a few visitors today at the hospital. The cafeteria was almost full of people. He got in the line for the buffet and picked out what he wanted. He paid and found a place to sit. He ate his lunch. Not the best flavor, but that's hospital food. The coffee was good and he had a second cup. He finished his lunch and went back to Graham's room. He had grabbed a couple of magazines from the waiting room and he was able to get the daily paper from the nurse's station. So he thought he'd look over the magazines and the paper. He was busy reading the sports page when his cell phone rang. He had turned the volume down. He didn't know why. Graham couldn't hear it. It was a call from Zane. "Hi Zane, what'sup?"

"Just thought I'd give you a call and update you on my status. I'm still booked full with jobs. It's looking like it will still be a few months until I can get to your place. Sorry for the delay, but had these jobs already scheduled before you contacted me."

"No problem Zane. There's no rush. I'm patient and can wait. Thanks though, for giving me a call and updating me on your status."

"My pleasure. Have a good day."

"You too."

The barbeque was going full swing. Everyone was enjoying the food. Dad of course said Grace before we ate. He mentioned how proud he was of me and my sister. There was no mention of Graham. We were getting close to finishing our lunch. When I made an announcement that I'd like to have a little meeting with my dad and sister. Everyone looked at me and my dad and sister agreed they'd stay back for a short meeting after the table was cleared and the food was put away.

My dad stayed outside at the table while we waited for my sister. Once she arrived. I got started. The reason I wanted to have this meeting is because we need to unify ourselves and help Graham. I could see my father getting agitated. Red in the face and he looked like he was going to explode. "I suppose this is why you invited us for the barbeque, so you could get me upset and not enjoy a nice afternoon with my family?"

p>"Dad, you know your being unreasonable. Graham couldn't predict being in an accident. He needs our support and love and we need to be with him."

"Isn't that nice. I suppose next your going to tell me your a faggot like your brother."

"I don't allow that word being using in my house. My sister and I are going to see Graham and be with him for a couple of days, with or without you."

"It will be without me. I don't have anything to do with that faggot, faggot, faggot brother of yours." He got up and called for his wife and they left.

My girlfriend and my sister's husband came outside and sat with us. They had heard most of what had transpired. They couldn't believe my dad and why he had so much hatred for his son. We talked some more and made plans when we would visit Graham. They agreed to call Bob and see when a good time would be to come and be with Graham. We all had another beer and hoped that would calm us down.

Bob would glance over at Graham to see if there was any change. He was hoping, that was all he could do. He went back to reading the paper. The nurse came into Graham's room and told me their were two men in the waiting room to see me. I figured it must be Holden and Preston. I walked into the waiting and I was right. There sat Holden and Preston. They stood up when I entered and we all hugged. They asked me how Graham was. I told them there wasn't any change. He just looked like he was sleeping or taking a nap.

Preston told me that his house would soon be done and that they had started the prefab work on Graham's house. Mark had called and told Preston they were on the last leg of their tour and would be finishing soon and he would be coming back. Preston asked me if it would be ok if Mark stayed at the house. His house would soon be finished and then they would move into the new house and be out of my hair. I told Preston they were welcome to stay as long as they wanted. It's nice having the company. I'm not sure how I'll manage in my house by myself with out Graham. They told me not to worry about it. They would visit me every day. They told me they had some errands to run and needed to leave. Preston just wanted to give me an update on what was happening. I appreciated that. We hugged and they told me to be strong for Graham and he would be coming out of his coma soon. I told them I hoped so. And I watched them leave out of the waiting room. I walked back into Graham's room. Finished reading the newspaper and skimmed through the magazines. It was getting later and I thought I'd treat myself and eat at the Italian Restaurant. I called and made an early reservation. I walked over to Graham and put my hand on his and told him how much I loved him. There was no reaction. I started choking up, but I had to stay strong for Graham. I told him I knew he was getting better and it was just a matter of time until we would be back together again. I wiped the tears from my eyes and left for the restaurant.

Quinton and Reeve were getting more and more acquainted and started realizing how much they had in common. They thought once Quinton soon had his debt paid off and Reeve finished his internship, they would look for a place to live together. Maybe their would be some lots left in the new housing development and they could have their own home built. Quinton was making good money at the clinic. He was able to save money and still pay off his debt. He only had one more payment to make and then he was school debt free. Then like they had agreed, he would talk to the boss at the housing development and see about having a new home built. He had heard there might be another housing development starting soon. He could check on that also. Reeve had started staying over once in awhile at his apartment and they had quickly changed from just kissing and hugging to more romantic things. They were both nervous and new to the male to male romance. They both thought they would get married to a cute young girl, have a family and live happily ever after. But once they met at the clinic, they just clicked and now they were close to being boyfriends. At least that's what they both hoped for.

I arrived at the restaurant and was escorted to a private dining room. It looked like they had four private dining rooms. Two on each side of the hallway from the kitchen. My waiter brought me a drink before my meal came. He told me the chef had fixed another specialty just for me. I was just finishing my drink when my waiter brought out a prime rib. I don't know how many pounds it was, but it looked like a small roast. I knew I would never eat the whole thing. Especially with the sides of potatoes and vegetable. The prime rib was lean and very good. Hardly a trace of fat which I appreciated. I managed to eat the whole prime rib and just a few of the potatoes and all the vegetables. I told the waiter I didn't want any dessert or an after dinner drink. I would need to leave. I had an appointment coming up. I didn't want to mention Graham to the waiter and that I was going to the hospital. I told the waiter to give my thanks to the chef and I gave him a good tip and left.

Graham's brother and sister talked after their parents left. They both agreed they would go together to see Graham. They just needed to get a couple of days off from work and find a place to stay. He told his sister he would call the person that had used Graham's phone and let him know they would be coming and if he knew of any good places they could stay. His sister agreed with him and just to let her know when he had everything finalized. He told her he would and hoped they could go this coming week.

Bob drove back to the hospital. The visitors's parking lot didn't look very full. Maybe their weren't that many patients right now. He went up to Graham's room. Bob checked the monitors and his chart. No changes. Graham was still in a coma and unresponsive. Bob was tired and decided he wouldn't stay aa long as usually did. He talked to Graham for almost thirty minutes. There was no response from Graham. Bob was starting to get depressed and worried about Graham. Next Tuesday would be one week since the accident. He thought Graham would be out of his coma by now. But that wasn't happening. Bob said his goodbyes to Graham and how he missed him and loved and left for home.

Bob got home and found a note from Preston that he would be back later. He and Holden had decided to eat out and then he was going to crash at Holden's for a little while before coming home.

Bob checked the frig and warmed up a little dinner. He wasn't very hungry but knew he needed to eat. He ate outside on the patio. He was enjoying the warmer, more normal weather. The cold weather lasted too long and with devastating results. Graham's accident and many patients that had fallen and had fractures or bad sprains. Bob finished his dinner and thought he should go to the landlord's and see if Graham had any mail. He had forgotten to pick up his mail, the last time he was there.

The delivery company had brought all of Graham's things. He had them in the second master bedroom. He hadn't touched anything or looked through any of Graham's things. The only thing he noticed was Graham's smell on his clothes and that made Bob miss Graham so much.

Bob went upstairs and got dressed. He left a note for Preston that he had went to the hospital to be with Graham. He parked in the back of the diner and walked in to where the stairs went up to the apartments. He walked into the landlord's office and asked him if their was any mail for Graham. He had forgot to pick it up, the last time he was here. The landlord looked at the slots and the one for the apartment that Graham had. He pulled out his mail and handed it to Bob. Bob asked the landlord if he received any more mail for Graham if he could call him and he would come by to pick it up. The landlord said no problem and he would give me a call.

Bob left and drove over to the hospital. He went into Graham's room and everything looked the same. He checked Graham's chart like he always did. No change. All his vitals were at a normal level. He was healing. He just wondered how long it would be before he came out of his coma. He sat in the chair by the window and looked over at Graham. Trying to find any sign that he could hear or recognize when someone was in his room. He didn't notice anything. He thought he'd stay for about an hour and then leave. He had brought Graham's mail with him. It would give him something to do while he was with Graham. He looked through his mail and most of it was junk mail. There was a letter from Graham's car insurance. He thought he better open it. It stated that his car insurance was paying for the accident one hundred percent. Also, this coming week he would receive a check from his insurance company for the value of his car. It didn't state how much the check would be for. He didn't know how he could get his check deposited in his bank account since he had a private accound and not the joint account they had originally. There was also a couple of work related letters and Bob thought he'd give them to Preston and let him take care of that.

Bob drove home. He was tired again. Staying with Graham and not doing anything was tiring him out. He thought he would go to the early church service tomorrow morning and then go see Graham. Preston wasn't home. Bob didn't really expect Preston till later. He thought he would get up early tomorrow morning and get in a short work out. Something he hadn't done since Graham's accident. His body needed a good work out and he knew he would feel better. Bob watched the late news and went to bed. He had no idea when Preston got home of if he made it home.

Sunday morning came around and Bob went downstairs early to get in a quick work out. He didn't know if Preston was home or not. He warmed up on the treadmill and then did a few reps with the free weights. He went back to his bedroom to shower. Then went downstairs and made himself some breakfast. He didn't think Preston made it home last night. Bob finished his breakfast, put everything away and went upstairs to dress for church and visit Graham after.

Graham thought he heard talking, but wasn't sure. Everything was cloudy and dark and he didn't even know where he was. He couldn't move and everything was black. He thought he was probably dreaming or having a bad dream. He couldn't open his eyes, no matter how hard he tried. He thought he could move his fingers or toes, but he didn't know for sure. He felt weird, like something was very wrong. Maybe he if he slept, he would feel better later.

Bob arrived at the church. He found a parking place. He saw his parents car. Good, he would sit with them. He walked in and the church was starting to fill up fast. He saw his parents and took a seat with them. They were glad to see Robert and was were wondering how he was doing. His mother asked, "has there been any change with Graham?"

"No, nothing. He's still in a coma and unresponsive. This coming Tuesday will be one week he's been in a coma. He's healing and his vital signs have stabilized. It's just a waiting game now until he comes out of his coma."

The service started and was a regular church service. Once it finished his parents invited Robert to the the country club for lunch, but he declined. He told them he wanted to get to the hospital and be with Graham. They understood and told him to be strong for Graham. And he would come out of his coma soon.

Bob arrived at the hospital and walked up to Graham's room. He checked his chart and vitals, and everything was normal. He was still in a coma. He sat down by the window and watched Graham. His cell phone rang, startling him. he didn't recognize the number and was wondering if it was another hate call. He had been getting a lot of them lately and if they continued he was going to notify his cell phone provider and have the calls traced and take legal action. He answered his phone. "This is Bob, how may I help you."

"Hello, this is Graham's brother. My sister and I were planning on coming this coming week for a couple three days to see Graham and spend some time with him."

"That's wonderful. Graham needs all the support he can get."

"Do you know of any hotels or an apartment we could rent for two or three days?"

"Don't worry about housing. You can stay at my house. I have a large house with many bedrooms. Just let me know when you plan to come. I can then give you directions and let my housekeeper know that you'll be coming and having a couple of guest bedrooms ready for you."

"That would be wonderful. However, we don't want to impose on you."

"You won't be imposing, it would be my pleasure to meet some of Graham's relatives and you would be able to give me some insight about Graham."

"Ok, I'll let my sister know and will get back to you as soon as I know what days we will be there."

"Thanks and I'm glad some of Graham's relatives are coming to see him."

Bob went home for lunch. Spending so much time with Graham was wearing him out. It was something he had to do, but he needed some time away. He got home and saw Preston busy in the kitchen. They kissed and hugged and Preston asked Bob how Graham was. He told Preston there wasn't any change. His vitals were stablizing and maybe that was a sign he would be coming out of his coma. He told Preston he just needed to leave Graham for a bit he was drained emotionally and physically and just wanted to relax for a little while.

Preston asked Bob if wanted a beer. Bob said sure and Preston handed him one from the frig. He told Bob he was getting lunch ready and told Bob he was going over to Holden's after lunch. They were going to go to the housing site and check on the progress of his house.

Bob could hear Preston in the kitchen. The beer tasted good and relaxed him. He soon dozed off.

Preston had lunch ready and was taking lunch outside to the patio table. He saw Bob sleeping and didn't want to disturb him so he went back inside and ate his lunch at the kitchen island. He finished eating and went upstairs to get dressed and go over to Holden's. Preston left a note on the kitchen island that he had left for Holden's and lunch was in the frig and ready to be warmed.

Bob woke up and walked back into the kitchen. He saw Preston's note and checked the frig. There were sandwiches and soup. Bob warmed a little of the soup and ate a couple of sandwiches. He went upstairs and freshened up a bit. Then he left for the hospital.

Preston and Holden were getting on pretty well. They had went from friends to lovers and partners. Preston arrived at Holden's house. It was a small house but perfect for one person. They had agreed he would sell his house or rent it when he moved in with Preston. Holden greeted Preston at the door in a just a jock they kissed and hugged. Just looking at Holden was giving Preston a hardon. Holden was so sexy and everything he was looking for. He was funny, kind, friendly and a great lover. As soon as Preston walked in Holden slowly stripped him down to his underwear. Preston was wearing boxers, but he had left a couple of jocks at Holden's. He stripped out of his boxers and Holden noticed Preston was already semi hard. His big ten incher with big low hanging balls had Holden tenting his jock. Holden put one of Preston's jocks on him, taking his time and making sure everything was tucked in. Holden grabbed them a couple of beers and went out to his small covered patio. Holden had s security fence that went around his property, no neighbors could look in. They pushed a couple of lounge chairs together and relaxed sitting close to each other. They sipped on their beer and talked about Bob and Graham for a little while. They felt bad for Bob and was hoping Graham would come out of his coma. However, they couldn't stop staring at each other. They set their beer down and started making out. Holden loved Preston's big muscular body. He liked feeling all his muscles especially the big one between his legs. Preston was the same with Holden. He liked Holden's muscular body, in fact, he liked everything about Holden. Holden's fat eight inch cock was perfect for Preston. Not too big and not too small. It was just right. They both liked anal sex, but it wasn't something they indulged in. They liked making out and sucking each other. Especially a sixty nine. Rimming was ok, but again it wasn't the main course. Soon both men were rock hard. Holden got over Preston and they were sucking each others cocks. They did some fingering of their holes when they were sucking. Holden was able to take all of Preston's cock down his throat. Preston loved being deep throated. Preston was able to start taking all of Holden's down his throat. They always tried to cum at the same time. They were usually so turned on that it didn't take long until they were cumming. Preston came first and then Holden about a minute later. They milked the last drops of cum off the tip of their cocks, kissed and then Holden got them a couple more beers. Preston told Holden he wanted to drive by the housing site later and see the progress on his house. They finished their beer, got dressed in some shorts and tshirt and Preston drove them over to the housing site.

Their was another relationshp that was growing. This was between Quinton and Reeve. They were starting from good friends to lovers. They were spending more and more time together, staying overnight at each other's apartments and doing more things together all the time. They were already making plans for when Quinton had his debt paid off which was very soon. He had been able to pay his debt and save money. He wanted Reeve to go with him when he went to the housing site to see if any lots were available and having his house built. They were planning on driving over their later. Quinton had fixed a special lunch for Reeve and was waiting on him. Quinton heard the door and saw Reeve come in. Damn Reeve looked hot in his cargo shorts and a nice pull over with deck shoes. He looked like he was going commando but he wasn't sure. He would find that out later. Quinton was dressed almost the same and Reeve liked what he saw. Quinton told Reeve lunch was almost ready. Go take a seat in the living room and he would be right in with a couple of cold beers for them. Reeve turned on the tv and checked the sports channels. There was a good pro football game on. One of the teams playing was one team that Preston had played for. Quinton came in with a couple of icy cold beers. Quinton sat next to Reeve and they leaned in and kissed each other. They both had bulges growing in their shorts. They put an arm around each other, smiled at each other and watched the game. Quinton said lunch would be ready in just a few minutes. They soon were kissing again and making out. Being with another man was a new experience for both of them. But since the first day Reeve was at the clinic. They just seemed to click and they knew they had found the person for them. They didn't expect it to be a man. They had both dated girls and had wonderful sex with them. But the bond between them was much stronger than with any girl they had been with. They both had been checking web sites to see what they should be doing. They needed all the help they could get. They both knew what they liked sexually, so that had been their starting place. They both loved oral sex, but weren't sure about anal sex. They thought there was no rush and when they were ready they would do some exploring. Quinton heard the timer buzz and told Reeve lunch was ready. They took their beers to the kitchen and Reeve helped Quinton get his small table ready for lunch. Lunch was delicious and they washed the dishes together and put the left overs away. Quinton mentioned to Reeve he wanted to drive by the housing site today and see about any available lots and get some ideas on their new house. They went back into the living room and finished watching the game. They couldn't keep their hands off each other and soon both were stripped down naked. Quinton's big cock, close to eight inches was sticking up straight and drooling. Reeve's fat seven and a half inch cock was rock hard and precum was running down the side. They both licked and sucked out each other's precum. They kissed sharing the taste. Then Quinton went down on Reeve giving him one of his great blowjobs. It didn't take Reeve long before he was shooting out a big load in Quinton's mouth. Then Reeve took over and sucked as much of Quinton's cock as he could. They hadn't mastered the art of deep throating yet. Reeve was soon rewarded with a big load from Quinton. They kissed and tasted each other's cum. They both agreed they had never cum that hard or as much when they were with girls. They got dressed and Quinton drove them to the housiing site.

Bob arrived at the hospital. He went up to Graham's room. Checked his chart and vitals. His vitals were stabilized and holding steady. He had brought some medical reading material. Bob wanted to know if their was any correlation between stabilized vitals and coming out of a coma. Usually if the vitals are stabilized their isn't any brain damage. But the neurological report showed no spinal damage and no concussion or brain injury. It was perplexing as to why Graham was still in a coma. I started my reading, and would glance over at Graham once in while.

Everything he was reading he aleady knew. He thought he saw Graham move a finger. But Bob wasn't sure. He walked over to the bedside and talked to Graham and asked him to move a finger or a toe if he heard him. He waited and waited but no response. It must have been a nerve reaction. Or he was wishing so hard for Graham to move a finger or toe that he thought he saw it happen. Bob kept reading through the two books he had brought with him. He wanted to stay a bit longer and see if the doctor would show doing his rounds. He wanted to ask him about what he was thinking. He walked out and talked to the head nurse. She told Bob that the doctor's rounds varied in the late afternoon. Sometimes he has surgery or an emergency and does his rounds later. I asked the nurse if she knew if he was in surgery. She checked his schedule and said he had just finished surgery, so it would be at least a half hour, possibly longer before he started his rounds on this floor.

Bob thanked the nurse for checking and said he was going to get something to eat in the cafeteria and then he would be back later and maybe get a chance to talk to the doctor. Bob left his two books in Graham's room and walked down to the cafeteria.

Graham thought he heard sounds but wasn't sure. It could have just been his dreams. He was having a lot of dreams lately. He couldn't open his eyes and that bothered him. He couldn't move his legs or arms and that was disturbing. He really didn't know what was going on. As hard as he tried, his eyes wouldn't open. He knew he was dreaming and that was why his eyes weren't open. He thought he'd try to concentrate more and see if he heard any more sounds.

Bob walked into the cafeteria. They had just finished getting the dinner buffet ready. The food looked good, but he knew how it would taste. Just as bland as always. He was hungry and tried selecting things that looked the most flavorful. He made it to the checkout and poured himself some coffee. He found a spot towards the back by one of the windows to eat his dinner. He didn't recognize anyone in the cafeteria. He didn't really expect to. This was the most time he had spent in the hospital. He and Quinton had Janice do all their running back and forth from the hospital. With Quinton now working at the clinic, that freed up more time for her to help at the hospital. He finished his dinner. Was a little better than the last time. He cleaned his tray off and stacked it with the others. He took his coffee with him and walked back up to Graham's room. He saw the doctor doing rounds. Good, he timed it just right. He should be in Graham's room soon. And then he could ask the doctor a few questions.

Preston and Holden arrived at the housing site. It looked pretty quiet around the development. There were a lot of cars parked around Sam's house. Maybe he was having another club meeting. Preston and Holden got out and walked up to Preston's house. They only saw a couple of workers wandering around. Preston was surprised. He thought since they were getting close to finishing the whole crew would be working. Once he started looking around the house. He noticed not much more had been completed. He walked over to one of the workers and asked him where the other workers were. He said that he heard the boss talking and there was a problem with one of the major suppliers. It seemed the embargo the government had imposed had slowed up shipments of supplies to their suppliers and it was delaying construction. Preston thanked the worker for the information. He wasn't happy. He was hoping to move in soon. Mark would be finishing his tour and he didn't want to keep imposing on Bob. Bob had enough on his mind with Graham in the hospital and working with an intern. Holden could tell Preston wasn't happy. He told Preston not to worry. Everything would work out and soon they would all be moving into a new house. They decided to splurge and go to Milo's for dinner and then maybe stop by the In and Out Bar after.

Preston and Holden were just getting ready to leave when they saw Quinton with another guy pull up. They thought the guy with Quinton was probably the intern, but they weren't sure. They had never met the intern. They took off slowly and saw them walk up to the housing site and talk to one of the workers. The worker told Quinton the boss wasn't working today. He told Quinton his name and phone number and told him to call him. He thought there might be one lot left, but he wasn't sure. Quinton asked the worker if it would be a a problem if he called the boss today and the worker told him he didn't think so. They got back into Quinton's car and he drove them back to his apartment. He wanted to call the housing boss as soon as they got back.

Preston and Holden took off faster when they saw Quinton and the other man get into his car. Preston was going back to Holden's to call Milo's and make reservations. Then he would drive back to Bob's, shower and get dressed for dinner and a fun night at the In and Out Bar.

Bob just got settled back in the chair and was doing some more reading when the doctor walked in. They greeted each other and the doctor checked Graham's vitals and did a few checks on Graham. Then Bob asked the doctor if he had time to talk for a few minutes. He asked the doctor if he knew if their was a correlation between Graham's vitals stabilizing and how soon he would come out of his coma. The doctor said he didn't know of any studies that confirmed that. But his own experience he knew that usually when the vitals started stabilizing and stayed stable, the patient usually slowly came out of his coma. He was hopeful that Graham would wake soon and make a full recovery. There was no brain trauma, so there was no reason for him not to make a complete recovery. He may be a little fuzzy about the accident, but he should remember everything else. They would still be x-raying his fractured bones once a week until they were healed. But once he woke up and they had a chance to observe him and run some tests he would probably be able to leave in a couple of days. It was just a waiting game right now. Everything depended on Graham. Bob thanked the doctor for the information.

There was no change in Graham and Bob was tired and stressed. He was hoping he would come in and Graham would be talking to a nurse and eating and everything would be getting back to normal. But he didn't see that happening any time soon. He walked over to Graham and told him how much he loved him. He knew he was getting better and stronger every day. He waited for some sign of recognition, but nothing. Bob left Graham's room, sad and disappointed. Disappointed with himself for making Graham move out and having the accident. He knew he would make it up to Graham when he came out of his coma.

Bob left the hospital and went home. He got home to an empty house. He was starting to get used to it. He stripped down and put a jock on. He thought he would get in a quick work out and then fix something to eat. There was no note from Preston, but Bob figured he was with Holden. Bob walked downstairs and warmed up on the treadmill and then did about a half hour of reps with the free weights. he showered downstairs. He happened to notice Graham's locker, it was right next to his. He opened Graham's locker and took out a jock. He smelled it. It was pure Graham. He missed Graham so much, Graham had to come out of his coma. He just had to. There was so much Bob wanted to tell Graham and he wanted to nurse him back to health and do whatever it took so he made a complete recovery. He knew Graham was a fighter and wouldn't give up. He would want to get back to his old self as soon as possible. Bob sighed and put the jock back into Graham's locker and went upstairs to fix some dinner. He was going to start putting Graham's things away in his bedroom.

Bob warmed up some left overs and just picked at them. He ate a few bites and then threw the rest of the food in the trash. He had a cup of coffee and took it with him upstairs to start putting Graham's clothes away. His big tv would work in the new study/library room. But he would wait and see what Graham wanted to do with his big tv. He had made enought decisions for both of them. It was time to give Graham a voice in everything from now on. Bob was tearing up the whole time he was putting Graham's clothes away. He was worried about Graham. He was in a coma now for almost a week. When would his lover wake up?

Bob finished putting away Graham's clothes. He didn't know what to do with all the things in boxes. That could wait and Graham could decide what he wanted to do with those things.

He went downstairs and turned on the tv. He checked the end of the news and the weather. He flipped through the channels and found a college football game starting the third quarter. He watched the game and read over the newsapaper. Preston wasn't back. He figured he would probably get home late. He didn't think Preston would stay over at Holden's since tomorrow was Monday it would be a busy day for him. Bob knew his Monday would be busy. He had a staff meeting. To organize the week with him going all the time to the hospital and trying to work with Reeve as much as possible on his intern training. Janice and Quinton had been a big help in helping Reeve, but since Bob was the supervising doctor, there were certain things he had to do. He also, wanted to talk to the housing boss tomorrow and check some more on when they would be starting on Graham's house.

Holden and Preston were taking a long time saying goodbye. They were still naked and cuddled together on the couch watching tv. How much they were watching tv was anybody's guess. They were busy with each other. Kissing and hugging and feeling each other up. Soon they couldn't take it any longer and got into a hot sixty nine on the couch. They were sucking each other furiously, like they would never have the chance to have sex again. They were panting and gasping for breath once they came. They both had powerful orgasms, it showed them how much they were meant for each other. Preston got dressed and they kissed and hugged again. Preston promised Holden he would call him tomorrow and maybe they could have lunch together and then plan the rest of their day after work. Preston got up from the couch and walked to the door. One more long kiss and hug and he was gone for home.

On his drive home, or to Bob's house, he knew he had to talk to the housing boss tomorrow. He wanted to find out how long the delay in construction would be.

Quinton and Reeve were having a hot romp in Quinton's bed. They had went from feeling each other all over and getting hot and horny to taking turns sucking each other's throbbing hardons. They were starting to get pretty good at blowjobs. They just did to each other what the other liked and it was working. They were getting better and soon they would be able to deep throat each other. They came with powerful orgasms. It left them panting and gasping for air. They looked at each other after cumming and hugged and kissed. Since they both worked at the clinic Reeve wasn't going back to his apartment. He had moved a few of his clothes to Quinton's apartment and they could leave from Quinton's apartment for work tomorrow. They just wanted to spend the rest of their evening in bed together only got get up to pee or have a quick bite of food. They talked a little more about the housing site. They wanted to talk to the housing boss. They could do that tomorrow at lunch time.

It was getting later in the hospital and the nurse had just finished checking the patients on the third floor. Giving medication were needed and checking vital signs. Graham didn't show any changes. His vitals were normal and stablizized. She felt sorry for Bob. He looked so sad when he came to visit Graham. She wished there was something she could do to make Graham wake up. But she knew that wouldn't happen until he was ready, or more when his body was ready. Graham had heard someone come into his room. He was finally able to open his eyes. But everything was blurry and cloudy. He tried talking, but everything was jumbled and garbled. The longer he left his eyes open the more clear everything was becoming. Their was a lamp on a table by the window that left a low beam of light in his room. As the room became more clear to Graham, he knew he wasn't in his apartment. Then he saw the monitors and knew he was in the hospital. But why was he in the hospital. He felt fine. Then he tried to move and realized the whole left side of his body was in a cast along with his right leg. He tried to remember why he was in the hospital, but he couldn't remember anything. He tried talking some more and it was getting a little easier. It seemed his muscles had relaxed so much while he was in the coma that they needed exercise to regain their strength. He starting to be able to form words that were understandable. He felt really tired and soon he dozed off, but not in a coma any more.

Sam was enjoying his new house. He had club members staying all the time. That was what he was hoping for, he didn't like living alone and having his special friends staying off and on gave him just enough companionship and sexual release. Even though they were all older men, that didn't mean their sex drive had slowed down. In fact, with some of them it seemed like it increased, once they knew they didn't have to hide and sneak around and could be open with their sexuality. Sam with his big cock was always the favorite with the club members. A few were close to Sam's size, but he was still the biggest and always in demand.

Since Holden and Preston were together more and more. That gave Dave more time to be with Cal. Since Dave's divorce had been final now for quite awhile, it gave him and Cal more time to get better acquainted and become very good friends. With Cal's work, it was hard for them to get together as often as they would like. But they managed to get together pretty often. Usually at Dave's house. Cal really liked fucking, it was his favorite thing to do with a partner. Dave loved being a bottom and getting fucked. So their relationship worked out perfect. They both liked sucking and rimming so they did have some versatility in their relationship. Dave was looking forward to Cal coming over tomorrow after work. They spent hours talking on the phone and every time they were together, they were getting closer and closer to becoming partners. Right now, they were boyfriends, but they both knew they were meant for each other and couldn't be happier.

Bob woke up and felt Preston curled up around him. It felt good, but he wished it was Graham. He felt Preston's big morning woody pressed against his hole. He wiggled around so the head was lining up with his hole and slowly eased back onto Preston. He heard Preston moan and felt him instinctively start moving his big cock into his hole. It felt good and filling. Bob started a back and forth movement on Preston's cock and soon Preston was grunting and thrusting harder filling Bob's hole with a big morning load. Bob turned and looked at Preston. They had a good morning kiss and decided they both needed a work out.

It was early and Margaret hadn't arrived yet, so they went downstairs naked to the locker room. They both put on jocks and worked out for almost two hours. Bob knew he was going to be sore later. He hadn't worked out that long in a long time. They showered in the locker room setting the shower head to pulse and that helped his muscles relax. They dried each other off. Bob gave Preston a quick blowjob. He loved Preston's big cock, but knew Preston and Holden were becoming partners so he didn't do anything else. They dressed and went upstairs for breakfast. Margaret had a big breakfast ready and it was set in the breakfast nook. Margaret knew that Preston was a big eater and would easily eat everything. Margaret was concerned with Bob. He wasn't eating like he normally did. She knew he was concerned about Graham and that was occupying his time, and as a result he had no appetite. They finished breakfast and each gave Margaret a peck on the cheek. Margaret stopped Bob before he went to the garage. She wanted to thank Bob for getting her sister hired as a private housekeeper for Sam. Bob looked at her with surprise, and told her he nothing to do with that. The only thing he had said to Sam was that you had a sister that might be interested in being a housekeeper. Again, Margaret thanked Bob and told her she needed work after her husband died. She didn't need the money, but she needed to be out of the house and not be a recluse.

Preston had already left and got to work. It was going to be another busy week with out Graham. He was doing double duty. But he didn't mind. Graham and him got along great. They had a good working relationship and now that their two companies had merged they had more clients than they could deal with. Actually, that wasn't true, they had enough staff that they could deal with all the clients. Preston had his Monday morning staff meetiing. Updating everyone on Graham's condition and that they would be doing double duty until Graham was back to work. Preston days went fast without Graham. Soon he was calling Holden to see if they could have lunch together at the diner.

Bob arrived at the clinic and had his morning staff meeting. Giving an update on Graham's condition. He told Reeve he would be working with him all morning until lunch. At lunch time and the rest of the afternoon he would be spending with Graham. Janice and Quinton would work with Reeve in the afternoon. That schedule was working out good for all of them. Janice and Quinton liked working with Reeve. He was easy to work with and an excellent learner. Sometimes he even had a few suggestions on what they were doing and were impressed with his knowledge and how fast he learned.

Quinton liked when it was just him and Reeve working together. They even thought of opening their own clinic once Reeve finished his internship and then his residency. However, the more they thought about it the more they decided it wouldn't be fair to Bob. He had accepted Quinton to work with him without any qualms and maybe he and Bob could get Reeve hired at the hospital when he finished his training. Anyhow, nothing had to be decided right now. He and Reeve would need to talk about that.

It was approaching lunchtime. Quinton and Reeve took off for the diner. Bob left for the hospital. Janice and Shirley ordered take out from the diner.

Bob arrived at the hospital and up to the third floor. The head nurse on duty for the third floor asked Bob to stop by her nurse's station. Bob was concerned, he thought maybe something happened to Graham. The nurse saw the concern on Bob's face. Bob nothing to be concerned about. I just wanted to pass on some information the nurse on duty last night had mentioned in her notes for the day nurses. She said she saw Graham's eyelids fluttering and she was sure she saw him moving his fingers on both hands. I thought you'd like to know that. The doctor is running late. He had an emergency he needed to attend to. Bob thanked the nurse and walked into Graham's room.

He put his book on the little table by the window and then thought he heard gurgling or mumbling. He wasn't sure. He walked over to Graham's bedside. "Graham if you hear me move your fingers." Bob waited and waited and he couldn't believe it. He saw Graham's fingers move on his right hand. "Can you speak?" Again Graham moved his fingers. "Can you open your eyes?" Graham moved his fingers again. "Do you know who is talking to you?" Graham moved his fingers. Then Graham opened his eyes and he teared up. "Graham everything is ok. How do you feel? Do you have any pain or discomfort?"

"No. I just feel all alone. I woke up last night and was so disoriented. Then realized I was in the hospital. I still don't know why. I can't remember why I'm here. I don't have any pain. But know I can't move."

Bob was speechless. Graham was talking like everything was ok. He seemed normal and didn't have any speech defects. "Do you remember anything about the accident?"

"No, what accident?"

"We had had icey roads and a delivery truck broadsided you and that's why your in the hospital. Your car was totalled and we wondered if you were alive."

"I remember leaving for work. But after that, everything is a blur and I don't remember anything."

"You don't know how happy I am, you are back with us. I have missed you so much and I hope you will want to live with me again."

"Since I woke up last night and started remembering everyhing, except about the accident. I realized how stupid I was to move out. We do have some issues to work out. But I think those are minor things. The most important is for us to be together again."

Now I had tears in my eyes. "Graham, saying that, you have no idea how happy you've made me. Can I give you a kiss?"

"I was wondering what was taking so long. I carefully bent down and gave Graham a kiss. I didn't want to put any pressure where his casts were." It felt wonderful kissing Graham.

I heard someone cough and looked over to the open door and the doctor was standing there. "I'm sorry I interrupted something, but I need to check this awake patient."

The doctor talked to Graham for a few minutes. Did some tests to check reflexes and his responses. His ablility to talk and his movement in his fingers and toes, all a good sign there was no nerve damage and everything was working normally. The doctor concluded his examination and then he wanted to talk to Graham and myself. He told us there was no reason for Graham to stay any longer in the hospital. They would want to him to stay one more day for the neurologist to have time to examine Graham, once he finished he have Graham's discharge papers ready. He asked us if there was place for Graham to stay. I told him I had a big house and I would have a hospital bed moved in. The doctor said he should have a nurse to attend to him 24/7. I told the doctor I could arrange that. I then asked the doctor of they had a portable x-ray machine they could bring to the house when Graham was ready for his next x-rays, the doctor said they did and he would write out the work orders to have that taken care of. The doctor told Graham he was glad to see him awake and in good condition considered what he had went through. The doctor then left.

Graham looked at me. "Bob, you would do that for me? Have a hospital bed moved in and a 24/7 nurse to attend to me?"

"Of course. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back. You have no idea what a wreck I've been and it was all my fault that you had that horrific accident." Then I broke down crying. "I couldn't lose you Graham, your my world, your my life, and I was responsible for your accident?"

Graham, didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. "Bob, listen to me. Your not responsible for my accident, those icy conditions were responsible for the accident. Since I woke up last night, I realized how much I missed you and that we needed to work out our differences and get back together. Like I said, we have some issues to deal with. But right now, I just want to be with you and if your willing to take me back into your house. I accept."

"There's nothing I want more. I love you and will always love you."

Graham was looking tired. "I'm getting tired Bob, why don't you go back to work and then come and see me this evening if you have time."

"I always have time for you." I walked over to Graham and gave him a kiss and he kissed me back and I saw his heavy eyelids and soon he was sleeping.

Actually, I was kind of glad he went to sleep. This would give me a chance to get a hospital bed moved into the house. I was thinking the library/study room would be a good place. It was spacious and the windows let in a lot of light. It was on the ground floor, so Graham wouldn't have to be moved upstairs to the bedrooms. The less movement for him the better. One of the sofas in the room made into a sofa bed, so that would work for the nurse.

I walked back out to my car. I called the clinic and gave them an update on Graham and that I wouldn't be back to work until tomorrow morning. I had a lot of things to get done to make Graham's transition from the hospital to our house as easy as possible. It only took a couple of phone calls and I had everything organized. I called Margaret to let her know about Graham. I told her a hospital bed would be delivered and to have it set up in the library/study room. The nurse would arrive as soon as Graham was released and brought by ambulance to the house.

I finally had some time to relax and I went to the diner to get a late lunch. Millie came over and I told her about Graham. She gave me one of her special hugs. I thought maybe it was a little longer than necessary, but that was Millie. While I was waiting on my lunch. My cell phone rang. The number looked familiar, but I couldn't remember it. It was Graham's brother calling and he told me, he and his sister would be coming Wednesday and leaving Thursday evening. They both had busy work days on Fridays and were lucky to get two days off from work. I told his brother about Graham and I could hear him give a sigh of relief. I told him probably Graham would be moved to the house tomorrow. If he didn't hear back from me, to plan to come to the house. I told him my housekeeper would have their rooms ready for them and I would let her know ahead of time.

Preston and Holden had a quick lunch at the diner. They wanted to hold hands or have some kind of physical contact, but knew better in a public place. They were anxious to get to the housing site and talk to the boss. They ate their lunch fast and soon were parked at the housing site. Their were just a handful of workers walking around. They got out and walked over to Preston's house. They spotted the boss and he walked over to them. "Well Preston, I have some bad news for you. My two major suppliers are having trouble getting deliveries with the embargo. They told me it would be at least two weeks before they received their supplies and it could possible be longer. I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do until the supplies arrive. This won't cost you more in waiting time. It's our problem, not yours. I know your probably disappointed that the construction has stopped, but we will get back to work as soon as we receive the supplies. In case your wondering, Zane is affected too. He uses one of the same suppliers and a different one and they are both affected by the embargo also. I wish I had better news for you."

"At least we know where we stand. Thanks for the information. You have my phone number. Give me call when you start working again."

"I will for sure Preston. Thanks for being patient and I wish I had better news for you."

Preston and Holden left the site. They both needed to get back to work. "Looks like it's going to be awhile before our house is ready," said Preston. Holden said, "it's not a problem for me, at least we are still together. We have my apartment to use as much as we want."

Preston gave Holden a squeeze on Holden's thigh. They kissed and Preston drove Holden back to work. Then Preston drove to his office building.

Quinton and Reeve bolted out of the clinic at lunchtime. They were going to pick up some fast food on their way to the housing site. They stopped at a famous fast food chain and ordered from the drive in window. In a couple of minutes they had their double cheeseburger with fries and soda. They ate in the parking lot at the fast food restaurant. It didn't take them long to chow down on their food. They were hungry and it hit the spot. Soon they were on their way to the housing site. Reeve of course couldn't keep his hands off Quinton that was driving. Reeve kept rubbing over Quinton's crotch causing him to get a big boner in his pants. It was quite noticeable and Reeve started squeezing it. Quinton was wiggling around while he was driving and moaning. He told Reeve he better stop or he would cum in his pants. Reeve let up, they were almost at the housing site. Quinton adjusted himself the best he could before they got out of his car. Reeve was chuckling to himself. The bulge was still noticeable. They walked up to Preston's house. They didn't see many workers around. They thought they might be on lunch break. They saw the boss walking around and walked over to them. Quinton and Reeve identified themselves and told the boss why they were there. He told them their was one lot left. At the end of the street. He went on to explain the problem they were having getting supplies and the delay they could expect. The boss had Quinton sign the initial paperwork for the lot and his bank information. He told Quinton to check back with him in a couple of days and then he would have a better idea on when construction would be starting and he could email the slideshow on home and yard designs to choose from. They both thanked the construction boss and took off for work.

It was getting later in the afternoon and I thought I'd drive home and relax for a bit and then go to the hospital to see Graham. I pulled in and noticed a rather large delivery truck leaving from my house. I pulled up in front of the garage and walked in. Margaret told me they had delivered the hospital bed and it was in the library/study room. I walked into the room and changed the location of the bed and plugged it in and it worked perfect. I then checked the location of the sofa that made into a bed and the recliner. I thought I'd leave them where they were until the nurse arrived and then I could move them for her, if she wanted them in a different location. The room was good size and nobody would be cramped in there. All the light coming in would be a bonus.

I grabbed a beer from the frig and took the daily paper out to the patio. I had told Margaret I would eat out on the patio when dinner was ready. There was no rush on dinner, it was early. I told her more about Graham and she looked very happy. I felt much better and Graham seemed not to have any after effects of the accident, other than his casts. He didn't remember the accident, but maybe in time it would come back to him. Hopefully, he wouldn't start having dreams or nightmares about the accident. That happens sometimes.

I read through the paper and the names had been released on Graham's accident. It went on to say, no charges were brought against the driver of the delivery truck or the company he drove for. However, it did say the driver was on a leave of absence while the delivery company did their own investigation. I was hoping the driver didn't lose his job. But he could have been more careful on those icy streets.

I was still reading the paper when my cell phone rang. It was one of our friends congratulating me on Graham's recovery. That was followed by a succession of calls from our friends, saying they were glad Graham was out of his coma and doing well. I thanked them all and went back to reading the paper and sipping on my beer.

Margaret opened one of the sliding doors to the patio and brought out my dinner and set up the patio table for me. I ate a good sized portion. I was feeling better now that Graham was getting back to his old self and had woke from his coma. I finished my dinner and beer and told Margaret I was going back to the hospital. I thought I'd swing by the clinic and grab my laptop and work on some reports on Reeve for the chief of staff when I got home.

I left and stopped at the clinic. I grabbed my laptop and put it in a carry bag and drove over to the hospital. I needed to get a laptop for the library/study room.

I wasn't going to tell Graham about his brother and sister coming. I wanted that to be a surprise, and I was sure it would be after the way they had talked to him when we had the Open House. I put my laptop on the front seat and drove the short distance to the hospital. I put my laptop under the seat. I didn't want anyone seeing it and breaking into my car. Even though there was security cameras in the parking areas, I didn't want to take a chance.

I walked up to Graham's room and he was eating dinner. One of the nurses was helping him eat. He looked good. There had been one scar on his left cheek and that was almost completely healed. He gave me a smile when he saw me walk in. I sat in the chair by the window while he ate. He finished his dinner and the nurse cleaned Graham and took the tray out. As soon as she was gone I walked over and gave Graham a kiss. I told him the hospital bed had been moved in and a nurse would be with him 24/7 as soon as he was moved into our house. I asked him how he was feeling. He said he felt ok, but would feel better once the casts came off. It was itchy under the casts and they were heavy on his legs. I asked Graham if any of the doctors had been in to see him. He said no. That the neurologist would meet with him early tomorrow morning and that would determine if he would be discharged or not. I told him not to worry about it. I'm sure he would check out fine and soon be in our house. I asked Graham if he was still being given pain medication. He wasn't sure. I checked his chart and he had slowly been weaned off the pain medication. I was glad to see that. The way his fractured bones were healing and his ribs, he shouldn't need pain medication any more. I told Graham they had stopped his pain medication. I noticed Graham was getting tired and it was getting later. I asked him if he was tired and would like me to leave. He said he was tired and would probably sleep all night. I told him I was going to leave and would see him tomorrow morning to find out about his discharge. I kissed Graham and he kissed me back and I left his room.

I drove home and the house was quiet. In a way, I was glad. I turned on my laptop in the living room while I turned on a movie. I noticed I had one email from the National Medical Association Conference. I had forgotten all about that with Graham's accident. I opened the email and it gave the days, and a schedule of speakers and the different workshops. I had forgot that I was to be one of the keynote speakers. There was no way I could get out of the conference. I had already paid and agreed to be a keynote speaker at the end of the last conference. We had the conference every two years. It was scheduled in two weekends. I would need to get tickets and hopefully I could leave after I gave my speech when I told the chairman about my circumstances. I would have to wait and see on that. I looked for an email address or a way to contact the Medical Association. I found a phone number and put it into my cell phone. I would call the Association tomorrow and see about being able to leave after I gave my speech.

I was feeling better now that Graham was better and out of his coma. I decided to warm some dinner and was just placing it in the microwave when Preston came in. I was surprised to see him. I walked over and gave him a kiss. I told him I was just warming dinner and asked him where he would like to eat. He said how about out on the patio and enjoy a nice warm evening. I asked him about being home early and he said Holden was going to have a very busy day tomorrow and he needed to get a good rest. I was thinking, having some hot sex is always relaxing for me and I sleep like a baby after. Maybe that didn't work for Preston and Holden. Anyhow it was nice to have Preston here. While I finished warming dinner, Preston came back downstairs naked. No jock. Nothing. He looked just as good as ever. I dropped my jock in the kitchen and Preston helped me get the patio table ready. We ate outside and it was a nice evening. I filled Preston in on what was happening with Graham and I told him we would have to wear clothes once he arrived here at the house. I was having a 24/7 nurse to take care of Graham. Preston then told me about the delay in the construction and I told him not to worry. He was welcome to stay here as long as he wanted and if he wanted to have Holden over, there was nothing wrong with that. He leaned over and gave me big kiss when I told him that. He said, "Bob your the best." I then told him about Graham's brother and sister coming Wednesday and Thursday. We finished our dinner and Preston grabbed us a couple of beers and we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie.

The movie ended and we had both been nodding off during the movie. We went up to my bedroom. We crawled into bed and Preston snuggled up behind me with his big cock nestled between my ass cheeks. He was making me horny and I knew he was by the way he kept rubbing it up and down over my hole. Finally I had him lay on his bed. I sucked his cock until he was rock hard and wet. Then I stuck a couple of wet fingers up my hole. I slowly sat down over Preston's big hardon. I felt the shaft rubbing back and forth over my prostate driving me crazy. I couldn't stop myself and started going faster and faster on his big cock until I heard him grunt and I knew he was ready to cum in my hole. I squeezed my hole on his thick shaft and he shot way up inside me. My hole must have drained him. He lay back panting. We kissed and he hugged me tight to him and we fell asleep.

Holden was missing Preston. This was the first time they hadn't been together at night for five days. He would survive. He knew he was going to have a very busy day tomorrow and he needed a good nights rest.

Quinton and Reeve were having a good time in bed. Making out for over two hours until they were so tired. They fell asleep on each other. They were too disappointed with the slow construction process. It would give Quinton more time to save more money for their new house. Quinton had been approved and the housing boss had sent him an email with the slideshow of houses and yards to review. He told Quinton there was no hurry to get back to him. Since they were waiting on building materials.

Cal was able to get over to Dave's. He couldn't stay over night like he wanted to. But they had some good sex and he was finding out that Dave was a pretty good cook. With Holden and Preston together, it made it easier for them to get together as much as they could. Mainly Cal's work held them up from getting together as much as they wanted.

Bob woke up and didn't feel Preston snuggled up behind him. He heard the shower going and looked at the clock on the night stand and it was already seven thirty. He had never slept that late before. He jumped out of bed and into the shower. Preston was finishing his shower but when he saw Bob come in he changed his mind. Preston cleaned Bob, they had a quick blowjob in the shower, dried off and got dressed for work. Bob came down first for breakfast and sat at the breakfast nook. Soon Preston came down and joined Bob. Margaret brought them their breakfast and ate fast. Neither one wanted to be late for work.

Bob was hoping Graham would be discharged today. He was going to work only an hour in the morning and then head over to the hospital to find out what the neurologist would say.

Preston had left already for work, with out Graham at the office he had extra work and he didn't want to be late. Bob took off for the clinic. He pulled in and had a short meeting with everyone. He told them he thought Graham would be discharged today. So he would be busy helping Graham getting settled in the house and he would have a 24/7 nurse helping Graham. So he thought he would be gone the rest of the day. Bob worked for an hour with Reeve who was very professional and working like he was a certified doctor. It made it easier for all of them that Reeve was so well educated. Bob finished with Reeve and told him he needed to go to the hospital. Quinton took over for Bob and then Janice would work with Reeve for a few hours in the afternoon.

Bob made a fast trip to the hospital. He wanted to be with Graham when the neurologist examined Graham. He made a fast trip to Graham's room. Graham was just finishing breakfast with the help of a nurse. He finished and she took his breakfast things away. That gave Bob a chance to give Graham a good morning kiss. Bob asked Graham how he was feeling. He told Bob that he was feeling ok and was hoping he would be discharged today. They talked a little more and soon the doctor came in. "How you feeling Graham?"

"I'm feeling great. No pain. I'm able to move my fingers and toes and I'm ready to be discharged."

"Sounds like your feeling good. I'm glad you don't have any pain. I want to do a couple of easy tests and then we'll see about getting you discharged." The doctor did a couple of tests to check Graham's reflexes and some of his motor skills related to the nervous system. The doctor seemed pleased with Graham's responses to his tests. "Graham you check out perfect. I don't see any reason for you to stay any longer in the hospital. I'm going to sign your discharge papers and you will be able to leave at eleven this morning."

"Thank you doctor and I'm ready to leave."

Bob followed the doctor out and wanted to find out about Graham having his x-rays done at the house. The doctor said that wouldn't be a problem. They had portable x-ray equipment, also they could provide transport when Graham is released to the house. The doctor made a note so those two things would be taken care of. Bob thanked the doctor and walked back into Graham's room.

"What was that all about," asked Graham."

"I just wanted to check on you having your x-rays done in the house so you wouldn't have to be moved. Also, the doctor said they would provide transporation when you are dicharged to the house."

"Thanks Bob. The less I have to move or be moved the better right now, until these casts come off."

We talked some more, but didn't start anything about repairing our relationship. Graham wanted to wait until he was settled into the house and then we could start having some serious conversations. Soon a nurse came in with two orderlies. She had Graham's discharge papers that he needed to sign. She pulled the tray over to Graham so he could sign the form. Once he signed it and dated it. The orderlies put Graham onto a gurney. The two orderlies looked like football linebackers and they easily were able to put Graham on the gurney. The nurse left the signed discharge papers and I followed the orderlies as they took Graham to waiting ambulance. There were two big ambulance drivers that assisted the orderlies and soon Graham was secure in the ambulance. I told the ambulance drivers to follow me to the house.

It didn't take long to get to the house. One of the advantages of living in a small town. I opened the gate and I parked to the side of the garage, giving them plenty of room for the ambulance to pull up to the front door. I went quick to the front door and told Margaret we were here. She opened the doors in the library/study room and the ambulance drivers moved Graham onto the hospital bed in the library/study room. I thanked them and Margaret had a refreshment for the drivers. They drank down their beverage quick and needed to get back to the hospital. I thanked them and they left. I asked Graham if he liked where he was located. He said it was perfect and he liked all the light coming in. I told Graham I was going to call the nurse and let her know that you arrived and she could start today.

I took my cell phone and called the nurse. I asked her if she needed a ride. She said she had her own car and would be here in about ten to fifteen minutes.

I told Graham what the nurse said. I asked Graham if wanted anything. Water, juice, coffee. He said no, he was a little tired after being moved and wanted to rest for awhile. I left the doors open to the library/study room and went out to the living room to wait on the nurse. Soon I heard the speaker and I opened the gate. A new Toyota pulled in and parked by my car on the side of the garage. A middle aged woman got out with an overnight bag. She walked up to the front door and I opened it for her. We greeted each other. I took her overnight bag, introduced her to Margaret. I told the nurse that Graham was resting right now. He was tired after the move. We walked into the room where Graham was. I set her overnight bag down and she took a look at Graham. She told me she was a DNP, but liked working with patients that were bedridden. I showed her the sofa bed and the recliners that were in the room. She said she would prefer a recliner and asked me if one could be moved, so she was closer to Graham. I told her of course and asked her where she would like the recliner. I moved one of the recliners where she wanted it. I told her that she could come and go as much as she wanted. I had Margaret here and I usually get home from work just after five and I'll start having my lunch here with Graham.

She told me that would work for her. But she planned on spending most of her time here with Graham. I was glad I had a bedroom downstairs with it's own bathroom. I thought that would work perfect for the nurse. I told her about that and we went downstairs. She told me this was perfect and she had plenty of room. She told me she was going to get settled into the bedroom and then would be upstairs shortly.

I walked in to check on Graham. He was waking up. "Do you feel better now and not tired?"

"I feel much better. And I'm glad to be out of the hospital. Where's the nurse?"

"She's going to be using the downstairs bedroom and is getting settled in and will be up here soon."

Graham told me to come close to him. "Give me a kiss Bob. I've missed you."

We kissed and it felt so good having Graham's lips on mine. I asked him if he was hungry. He said no, maybe later. We talked some more. Graham still couldn't remember anything about the accident. Only that he remembered being late for work and how icy it was outside and that he had to catch his balance a couple of time so he didn't fall. I told Graham I was very busy at the clinic for a couple of days, treating sprains fractures and broken bones. I heard the nurse walk in. And I introduced her to Graham. She told Graham not to move and that she was pleased to meet him and work and attend to him. She told Graham she was a DNP and had been working with assisted living patients for over six years and loved doing this kind of work. Graham thanked her and told her how glad he was to have her here.

Margaret told us lunch was ready. The nurse asked Graham if he would like something to eat and he said a little, not too much. The nurse and I walked to the kitchen. She got a plate ready for Graham and I made a plate for myself. I asked the nurse if she needed any help and she said she had everything covered. We walked back into Graham's room. the nurse pulled the hospital tray on wheels over to Graham. Adjusted him and his bed so it would be easier for him to eat. Graham was able to eat pretty much on his own. He had a cup of coffee with lunch. I ate my lunch with Graham. The nurse said she would eat later when Graham was resting.

With the nurse being with Graham, there wasn't a whole lot for me to do. So I told Graham and the nurse I was going back to the clinic until closing time and then I'd be back. I couldn't kiss Graham with the nurse there, but Graham nodded his head at me. On my way out, I reminded Margaret that Graham's brother and sister would be coming tomorrow and leaving Thursday. She told me she already had two guest rooms ready for them.

I left and went back to the clinic. The staff was surprised to see me. I told them about the nurse being with Graham and told them I would work until closing time or after the last patient. Reeve and I worked together the rest of the afternoon until we finished the last patient. I was very impressed with Reeve, he's going to make a wonderful doctor. He already has all the skills necessary for being a great doctor.

Quinton was working out perfectly. He had adjusted well and I was continually getting compliments on how professional he was and knowledgeable. Janice also liked her role working more now in her DNP capacity and splitting her time with the hospital. We made a good team and I couldn't be happier.

Sam kept me udated on the hotel and everything was running smooth. They stayed booked. The banquet room and meeting room were being using now on a regular basis. Sam also, told me his new house was perfect for him. I asked him if had any more club meetings. He said no, but members were always stopping by and staying over and he couldn't be happier.

Our day finished and I was anxious to get home to check on Graham and see how it was working out with the nurse. I got home and parked in the garage. I was going to tell the nurse she could use one of the garage stalls if she wanted to. I walked in and Margaret told me she had everything ready for Graham's brother and sister. I told her they would be arriving while I was at work. I wanted them to be a surprise for Graham. I hadn't mentioned anything to Graham about them coming. Margaret said she was ready to leave and I told her goodbye and thanks for everything. She just mumbled to herself as she left.

I could hear talking and laughing coming from Graham's room. I walked in and they were playing cards. It sounded like Graham was winning. I was glad to see them getting along so well. And I was happy to see Graham laughing. I told them hello. I asked Graham how he was feeling. He said he felt a hundred percent better now that he was home. I was glad to hear him say home. I knew we needed to have some serious talks and get things worked out. Mainly I needed to get my act together and make a lot of changes in my habits and start sharing and being a good partner to Graham and stop pushing my ideas on him and get his input and find out what he would like.

The nurse said she was going to go downstairs for a bit. She knew I wanted to talk to Graham and Graham wanted to talk to me. So once she was gone downstairs, I asked Graham if he felt up to having a talk. He said he was and was anxious to get this over with and see where we stood as partners and soulmates. I first told Graham that I had all things from his apartment moved into the house in the other master bedroom. I had paid his landlord an extra months rent. I had put his clothes away, but his other items were in boxes and when he was ready. He could take care of those things. I asked Graham if he would like his big tv down here in the library/study room. He said he would like that.

I told Graham that I had picked up his mail and had his mailing address changed here to our house. He said that was fine. I told him I had opened one of his pieces of mail on his car insurance. They had isssued a check for the full value of his car. He would need to sign the check and then have it deposited in his bank account. He said that could be done later, it wasn't anything that had to be done immediately. I asked Graham if he had thought about us having our joint account again. He said he had given it some thought, but didn't want to have a joint account anymore. He felt it was something he was pushed into without his input and at least right now he wanted to have his own private account. Graham then went on to explain how he felt manipulated and was being used. He knew I had good intentions, but he never had a chance to give his opinions or express his ideas and he felt shut out. He said in order for this work now, we need to discuss everyhing we plan to do or would like to do. We need to share our ideas and opinions not force them on the other person. I agreed with Graham and told him I had a lot of time to think also. And I realized how I wasn't sharing with you. Because I thought I had a good idea, I knew you'd like it to, without your input. I'm so sorry Graham, that I drove you out. I hope we can repair our relationship and get back to what we had.

"I would like that Bob. I guess all we can do right now is see how it goes. And how much we are willing to share everything and talk about everything before we make any final decisions."

"I agree with you Graham. It's going to be an ongoing job. I do have something I want to ask you?"

"Go ahead Bob. You can ask me anything?"

"What are your plans for your new house?"

"Well, at the time I just wanted to be out of this house and have my own home. I still want to have the house constructed. When it's finished. I will see how we are doing with our relationship. If I feel we are getting closer and are working out our differences, I will rent the house. After more time, and I see that we are working together as a couple and our relationship is getting stronger. I would consider selling the house. Right now, I don't know. At least that's what I plan to do with the house. Do you know if they have started the construction?"

"I think so, I haven't been by the housing site for a few days. I know they were finishing Preston's house. We can ask Preston when he comes home. By the way, Preston and Holden are an official couple. Holden will be living with Preston and Mark once Preston's house is finished."

"Good for them. It will be good to see Preston and maybe he will have some information on my house."

"After all this talking, I'm getting tired and I need to nap for a bit. Can you lower the bed a little for me?"

I lowered the bed. The nurse walked in and I told her Graham wanted to rest for a little while and I walked out.

I went upstairs and changed into some sweats. It felt strange to be wearing clothes. I laid down on my bed. I was tired too. I was thinking, at least Graham and I cleared the air. I was glad Graham could tell me how he really felt and what changes I needed to make. I new I could do whatever Graham wanted. I didn't want to lose him again. He was home with me and I had to make this work.

I fell asleep. When I woke up. It was already later. I went downstairs to check on Graham. They were playing cards again and I saw Graham's tv on. I asked them if they had dinner. They both had ate. I told them I was going to warm something for myself. I was busy in the kitchen getting something ready to eat, when Preston walked into the kitchen. He looked tired and I told him I was just warming some dinner if he wanted some. He told me sure. He walked over and we kissed. I told him Graham was discharged and was in the library/study room with his nurse. Preston told me he was wondering why I had clothes on. Now he knew. He said he was going to see Graham for a couple of minutes, change and then be back down for dinner.

Preston walked in to see Graham. Graham was glad to see Preston. He introduced himself to the nurse. The nurse thought Preston looked familiar. She asked him if he played professional football. He said he played for five years and then retired. She told him she remembered him playing football. Preston asked Graham how he was feeling. He told Preston he was feeling much better now that he was out of the hospital. He felt stronger and couldn't wait for the casts to removed. Graham asked Preston how the housing construction was coming along. If they had finsihed his house and if they were starting on his. Preston told Graham about the problems with supplies and how it had delayed constuction. Preston told them he was going upstairs to change.

Graham told the nurse that Preston was a good friend of his and Bobs and they were letting him stay here in the house until his new home was built.

Graham asked the nurse why he was still so tired. She told him after a major accident like I had it takes the body a long time to recover and it's normal to feel tired. Also, you had been taking some very strong pain medication which makes a person tired. The doctors stopped your pain medication two days ago, so there is still some left in your body. Just rest when you need to. Your body will tell you when it's tired.

Preston went upstairs and changed. It felt strange wearing clothes, but he could put up with that for awhile longer. Hopefully the housing boss would get his supplies soon and then he could finish his house. He came back down and went into the kitchen.

Bob had everything ready for dinner and they ate in the breakfast nook. Bob asked Preston how his house was coming along. He told Bob about the delay with the shortage of materials. Bob asked Preston if he had told Graham. Graham was wondering if they had started construction on his house. He said he told Graham about the delay. They finished dinner and joined Graham and the nurse. Graham was still resting, so Bob and Preston decided to go out on the patio. Preston asked Bob how he thought Graham was doing. Since Bob is a doctor he thought he might have some good insight on Graham's condition. Bob told Preston that he thought Graham was much stronger and doing better now that he was home. He said Graham stayed tired, but that was understandable after his accident and being on strong pain medication. But he said that should subside soon. And Graham will do much better once his casts are removed and he can start physical therapy.

They went back in and Preston said he was going back out on the patio and call Holden. Bob went into Graham's room he was awake and hungry. The nurse said she was going to get Graham's food ready for him. Bob walked over to Graham and gave him kiss. Graham kissed back the best he could. He told Bob that he felt better once he was able to tell Bob how he felt about their relationship. He said they both had work to do to repair their relationship, but was hopeful they could work everything out. Graham told me about the housing site and the delay. He said the delay was good for him. Maybe, by the time his house and yard were finished he would be able to drive their and check it out. I told Graham it would depend on how strong he was after the casts came off and physical therapy. He said he was dreading physical therapy. He knew it would hurt but he had to do it. He wanted to get back to walking and moving like he always had.

The nurse came in with Graham's dinner and stayed while he ate. Once he finished he was tired again and it was getting later. He told me he was going to probably sleep the rest of the night. I told him I was going to go to bed. The nurse taken his dishes out to the kitchen so I was able to give Graham a good night kiss and I left for my bedroom.

I took off my sweats crawled into bed and fell asleep right away.

Preston had finished talking with Holden and that made him super horny. It looked like Graham was sleeping and he didn't see Bob. He walked into Bob's bedroom and heard Bob sleeping. He stripped off his sweats and crawled in next to Bob. Preston got into his favorite position behind Bob with his big hardon nestled between his ass cheeks. Preston didn't know if Bob woke up or if it was instinct but Bob's hole was pulling his hardon. He had been leaking and using his precum as lube and eased the head into Bob's hot tight hole. Bob's hole pulled on his cock and soon his big balls were pressed against Bob's ass. He went slow and easy in and out of Bob's hole. Soon he felt himself getting close and had to speed things up. He tired to be quiet, but that was difficult when he was close to cumming. Soon his cock hardened and thickened and he was blasting way up Bob's hole. He liked how Bob's hole pulled on his cock. That really made him hot and horny. He left his big cock in Bob and wrapped his big arms around Bob and fell asleep.

They woke up around the same time. Bob felt Preston's big cock inside his hole. Preston had a big morning woody. Bob pulled the covers back and sat down on Preston and started riding him. Bob leaned down as Preston leaned up and Preston was able to suck on Bob's cock. They both came at almost the same time. Preston told me he was going downstairs to workout. Holden was supposed to show and they would workout together. I told Preston to put something on with the nurse being with Graham. I told him I was going to pass on working out, I wanted to be with Graham before I went to work.

Holden was already downstairs waiting on Preston. He was wearing a jock that Preston had bought him. Preston was practically drooling when he saw Holden in the jock. Preston got his jock on and they got in a good work out. They were hot and sweaty once they finished working out. They showered together in the locker room. Soon their hands were all over each other and they were rubbing and grinding their hardons together. Soon Preston sat down on the shower seat and Holden rode Preston like there was no tomorrow. He had Preston moaning loud. Preston was jerking Holden while he was fucking Holden. Preston came first, shooting another big load up Holden's hole. Holden told Preston he was close to cumming. Preston turned Holden around and took his big cock in his mouth sucking out a big load. Holden was panting after a good blowjob. They rinsed off, dried each other off, got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Bob was eating breakfast with Graham. Graham said he got a good nights sleep and felt more rested then he had in a long time. The nurse said the recliner worked perfect for her and she was able to rest and sleep and still be close to Graham. I told Graham I was going to put in a full days work. He told me he wasn't going anywhere and to go ahead and he'd be here waiting when I got home from work. Luckily the nurse had taken Graham's plate and cup to the kitchen so I could give Graham a good morning kiss and a goodbye kiss. He told me he missed my kisses and couldn't wait until they could start hugging and doing a few more things. I gave him a smile and told him I would see him after work. I didn't want to be in the house when his brother and sister arrived. I wanted it to be a total surprise for Graham.

Preston and Holden ate breakfast in the breakfast nook. We all finished about the same time. We went out to the garage to leave for work. We got into a group hug and kiss. Of course Prestons and Holdens kiss and hug lasted longer. We all left for work.

It felt strange to put in a full day of work. I hadn't done that for awhile. Reeve was so easy to work with, it just seemed I was working with another doctor. In a sense, I was. But he needed to finish his internship and then his residency before he was a full fledged doctor. The day went quick. I joined Quinton and Reeve at the diner. Millie asked me if I had forgot where the diner was located. I told her briefly about Graham and she was glad he was out of the hospital. We ate our lunch and talked a bit. I told the guys I would pay for lunch and leave a tip. They seemed kind of relieved about that.

As we walked back to the clinic I was thinking I would drive over to the housing site and see what was happening with construction. I also wanted to call the house and talk to Margaret and see if Graham's brother and sister had arrived.

We got back. I had a few minutes before my first afternoon patient. I called the house. "Hi Bob, everything ok?"

"Yes everything is fine Margaret. I was wondering if Graham's brother and sister had arrived?"

"Yes, they are here. They didn't even make it up to their rooms. When they spotted Graham in the library/study room they went right in. I thought Graham was going to have a heart attack when he saw them. They arrived just after eleven and they have been talking continually. They haven't even eaten lunch. Be sure to check with the nurse and make sure Graham isn't getting too tired and make sure he eats lunch. I will be home a bit later. I want to drive by the housing site and see how the construcion is progressing and then I will be home. You don't need to stay. When your finished for the day, go ahead and leave."

"I might do that Bob, but I would prefer to stay until you get home. I have lunch ready for them and I'm getting dinner started now."

"It's up to you Margaret. But I wanted you to know that you didn't have to stay."

The afternoon finished with us examining a patient that had fallen and broken his arm when we had the ice storm. It gave Reeve a chance to practice x-raying the arm, reading the results and then going over the results with the patient. The bone was healing and in probably another week the cast would come off. Once the patient left that finished our day and I told Reeve he did an excellent job.

We all left at the same time. I drove over to the housing site and didn't see many workers. I thought that was strange and then I remembered Preston saying there was a delay in materials. I got out of my car and walked up to Preston's house and saw the boss. I walked over to him and asked him how it was going. He told me they were still waiting on building maerials. And at this time he didn't know when the materials would arrive. I asked him if they had started on Graham's house. He said no, not until they were almost finished with Preston's house. I thanked him for he informaion and hoped they would receive their supplies soon. He hoped so too.

I walked back to my car and drove home. I saw a big SUV parked next to the nurse's car. I walked in through the garage door that connecte to the kitchen. I saw Margaret and asked why she was still here. She told me she was waiting on me. They had all ate lunch eventually and she had dinner ready. She left and I thanked her for staying later. I could hear talking and laughing coming from the library/study room. I walked in and they all saw me. Graham's brother and I bro hugged and shook hands. His sister gave me a peck on he cheek. Graham was beaming he was so happy. He gave me a thumbs up. I told them to continue I was going to change clothes and I'd be right back. As I walked out the nurse followed me. She stopped me in he hallway. I asked her if everything was ok. She said everything was perfect and inviting Graham's brother and sister were just the thing that Graham needed. He hasn't been tired and they have been talking non stop about when they were growing up. Just a brief mention of Graham's father and then they got back to reminiscing. I just wanted to personally thank you. You've made a big difference in Graham. He may not say much, but being a nurse I can tell how much better he is.

That made my day hearing that from the nurse. I went uptairs and put some jeans on and a nice pull over and went downstairs. I walked into the library/study room and they were talking. I asked everyone if they would like something to drink and they wanted water. Graham's sister went with me to the kitchen to help. I knew she also wanted to talk to me. She thanked me for inviting them and letting them stay in the house. She told me the brother's were catching up on many missed years. They were closer to the same age. She was the youngest. I asked her about her father and her mood changed instantly. He's just being stubborn. I know he wants to see Graham, but he's using his religion as an excuse. My brother has taken some videos of Graham and Graham gave a short talk to his father that my brother is going to show him when we get back. We got water for everybody. I was the only one drinking a beer. Before we want back to Graham, I asked her what her impression was of Graham. She said he was in good spirits and didn't seem tired. He was anxious to get the casts off and get back to work. We took the water in, and Graham's sister passed it around.

I left them with Graham to talk. I went into the living room to watch the weather and see if anything I wanted to watch was on tv. Preston got home later and joined me in the living room. I thought I better see if everyone was ready for dinner. I walked in and asked everyone. Graham's sister and the nurse said they would get dinner ready for all of us. Preston and I ate in the living room. The rest ate with Graham. I told Preston I had went to the housing site and they were still waiting on materials. We finished our dinner and watched tv together. I told everyone I was going to bed and they could say up as long as they wanted. Graham's sister had everything unpacked and ready in the two bedrooms. I told Preston it would probably be better if we each slept in our bedrooms at least for tonight. He agreed and we went to bed.

Inviting Graham's brother and sister was a big success. They told me they were going to try to visit more often and if it was okay his sister would bring her husband and his brother would bring his girlfriend. I told them that was fine to just let me know ahead of time so I could have the bedrooms ready for them.

Once they had left Graham wanted to talk to me. I thought he would probably be mad because I hadn't asked him ahead of time about inviting his brother and sister without his consent. Actually it was just the opposite. Graham told me that he was so happy to see his brother and sister and how well they all got along after a few years with no communication. He said his brother took a couple of videos back to show his father and hopefully it would change his mind about coming to see me. I can only hope. But I doubt if anything will change. I bent down and gave Graham a big kiss and he kissed me back. Now all I need is to get rid of these casts, do my therapy and I'll be back to my noraml self.

The days were going by fast and this coming Thursday I would be leaving for the conference. I had heard from the chairman and my keynote speech was moved up to the first day. I needed to attend one workshop and then I would be able to leave. My speech was scheduled in the morning and I could attend a workshop in the afternoon and then return home the next day. I called the travel agency to make the changes in my ticket. The changes were expensive, but I didn't care, I wanted to be with Graham.

After Graham's brother and sisters visit. We became much closer and were starting to become a couple and partners again. Graham was glad I was a keynote speaker and knew I would do a great job. I could tell he was disappointed with my going to the conference. But I told him I would be gone only one day and be back the next day. I had a hotel shuttle worked out to take me to the airport and then pick me up.

What Bob didn't know was that he was highly respected in the medical community. He was an outstanding medical student and could have worked anywhere. They thought it was quite commendable that he choose to have a clinic in his hometown and in a small town. They knew he had hired on another doctor and was supervising an intern. Also, what Bob didn't know was that he was going to be presented an award for his outstanding contributions to the medical community. The chairman knew of his scholarship fund and how his clinic and hotel were changing the town and community for the better. All these things put together a model doctor that deserved recognition.

They day arrived for Bob to leave. He had an early flight and wanted to get to his hotel room early. To freshen up and get ready for his keynote speech. Both Graham and Bob had tears in their eyes when he told Graham he had to leave for his flight. He told Graham he would call him on his cell phone once he arrived and was settled in his room. Bob heard the shuttle and was soon on his way to the airport.

His flight was on schedule and he soon had arrived and was being taken to the hotel. He checked in and his suitcase was taken to his room. He arrived just at eight in the morning. His keynote speech was scheduled for eleven and he would attend a workshop at two in the afternoon. It was a full day, but at least he could do it all in one day and leave early tomorrow for home.

Bob unpacked and put his things away. He took a quick shower to freshen up. Ordered room service, nothing heavy to eat just a light brunch. He dried off and got dressed for his keynote speech. He was finishing his preparations in the bathroom when he heard room service. He opened the door and a young man brought his food in on a nice cart with a tablecloth. He told me to enjoy my meal and I gave him a tip. I finished in the bathroom and then ate my brunch. It was better than the hospital food. At least it had some flavor. I finished eating and wheeled the cart out in the hallway. I checked my notes and went through my speech a couple of times. I was ready. I checked the time and it was ten thirty. I thought I'd make my way downstairs to the conference room. I walked in. The room was huge. It reminded me of the big lecture halls at the univerity. Their were different groups talking. I just wandered around and not paying particular attention to anyone. The keynote speakers had reserved seating in the front. So we could make our way up to the podium fast.

The room was filling as it got closer to eleven. Everyone was wearing name tags. Finally eleven arrived and the chairman walked up to the podium to get everyone's attention. The chairman welcomed everyone in attendance. He said this was the largest turnout for their conference in the history of the Medical Association. He said that it was time for the first keynote speaker and he asked me to come up to the podium to give my speech. He introduced me to the audience and I got a nice applause. Then the chairman said before Bob gives his speech there is something special the Medical Association has for Bob. The chairman said that it is rare, but they do give awards for doctors that go way beyond the norm and become exemplary role models, and give back more than they give. He said this is the case with Bob. Most of you are familiar with Bob, because I had emailed you information about Bob and asked for your vote. The response was unanimous in favor of Bob receiving this most prestigious award that we rarely give. Bob was one of the best medical students his local university had had. Bob could have worked anywhere he choose to. He choose to return to his small hometown and start his clinic. He has hired another doctor to work with him. He is also supervising an intern. He set up a scholarship found at his university to help medical students pay for their education. He is a co-owner of a very successful hotel. He has managed to give back to his community. Since he returned the community is growing and prospering and he's highly respected. So it gives me great pleasure to give Bob our award for outstanding medical service to the community and being a highly respected member of our Medical Associtation. Bob received the award with the whole audience standing and clapping. He finally got the audience settled down and gave his keynote speech. Once he finished his speech he got another standing ovation.

Bob's was the only scheduled keynote speech. Other speeches were scheduled but they would be happening durng the workshops and not every member needed to attend. The Association had a lunch buffet scheduled to start at noon and until two. And he could see they were setting up the buffet. He thought he'd go to his room and give Graham another call. He had called Graham when he arrived. He wasn't going to mention his award to Graham. Under the circumstances with Graham, he didn't think it would be appropriate. He called Graham's number and on the second ring. He heard, "hello Bob, how's the conference going?"

"It's going well Graham. I finished my keynote speech and it went well. I just hanging out in my room until the lunch buffet is ready. I have my workshop to attend at two. How you feeling?"

"I'm feeling pretty good. The doctor told me he would be removing the cast on my arm next Monday. The x-rays showed that it was healed. I can't wait until the casts come off my legs."

"I'm glad your feeling well. Your leg casts should be coming off soon. I'm going to freshen up and go to lunch and then my workshop at two. Love you and miss you."

"Love you too. Call me again when you have time."

I freshened up in the bathroom and went down to eat lunch. I had doctors swarming around me. Congratulating me on receiving the award and my interesting keynote speech. I thanked them and got in line for the buffet. There was quite a spread of food. I decided on seafood. It was delicious and I think my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I barely managed to eat everything I had heaped on my plate. I finished my lunch just in time to attend my workshop.

I made my way to the room that was being used for the workshop. I walked in. The presenter was there along with five other doctors. We took a seat and the presenter started. He had us give our name and a little history about ourselves. One of the doctors had just finished his residency and was waiting to start at his local hospital. His name was Stewart and he reminded me a lot of Reeve. The workshop wasn't all that interesting and I was glad it only lasted an hour. Once we finished I was done for the day. Steward walked over to me and we talked a bit. He told me this was his only workshop for the day. And if I wanted to go to the bar for a drink. I thought why not. I wasn't going to be doing anything else. Stewart was a couple of years younger than me. He was 28. He was tall dark and handsome. I sounded like Millie. He was friendly and funny and a good conversationalist. The bar had just a hanlful of people. Most were attending the workshops. I had had two drinks in the bar and that was enough for me. I told Stewart I had a suite with a full bar if he wanted to come up for another drink. He said sure.

We got to my room and he couldn't believe how big it was. I told him again it was a two bedroom suite. I asked him what he would like to drink. He was drinking scotch and water on the rocks, just like me. He told me this was his first conference and wasn't a voting member until the next conference. We talked more and he told me about his medical education and where he would be working. I felt like relaxing and unbuttoned a few of the top buttons on my shirt. I thought I saw a nice bulge in Stewart's pants. He asked me where the restroom was and I told him. He went into the restroom to splash some water on is face. He couldn't believe how hot Bob was and that he invited him to his room. He thought he would try a few things and see if Bob was interested. He rubbed the outside of his pants making his cock hard and bulge even more. He unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt, releasing a light fluff of chest hair.

Stewart walked back out and Bob handed him his drink. Stewart took the chair directly in front of Bob and sat with his legs spread way out. His bulge was on display and Bob couldn't help looking at it. Stewart noticed Bob looking but didn't say anything. His plan was working. He rubbed his bulge a couple of times when he caught Bob looking and adjusting himself so the the outline of his cock showed through his stretched pants. Seeing Stewart's big bulge was making Bob's cock grow and he was soon bulging his pants. Bob patted the sofa next to him. Stewart walked over and sat down close to Bob. Almost at the same time they leaned in together and kissed. They started making out and soon their shirts were off. Bob liked the light hair on Stewart's chest. They got up and went into the master bedroom. Soon they had stripped each other naked. Stewart had a nice sized fat cock. Looked to be about the same size as Bob's. A perfect straight seven inches.

They got into a sixty nine and were fingering each other's holes. They were both moaning and grunting and shot their loads at the same time. Stewart's tasted really good. They just laid in bed kissing and holding each other. They got up and went out to the living room. Bob made them another drink. Stewart asked Bob if he wanted him to spend the night. Bob liked the idea, but told Stewart he had an early flight and was leaving early tomorrow morning and thought it would be best if he didn't stay the night. He didn't want to miss his flight and be too tired. Stewart seemed a little peeved at Bob. Bob told him he was sorry and was in a committed relationship. Stewart got dressed, they exchanged phone numbers and Stewart left Bob's room.

Bob felt bad for Stewart, but he didn't want to jeopardize what he had with Graham. Graham was the love of his life and not just a fuck buddy. All Stewart wanted was sex and Bob wasn't really into that. Bob loved his partner and that was that. If Stewart didn't like that, that was too bad and his problem.

Bob called Graham again, before it got too late. They talked for about a half hour and Bob could tell Graham was getting tired. Bob told him he would see him tomorrow and he was going to bed. Actually Bob watched tv for a couple of hours and until he was nodding off and then went to sleep.

Bob was awakened by a wake up call. He was glad they called. He got out of bed and showered and dressed for his trip home. He ordered breakfast and ate it quick. He got his overnight bag packed and went downstairs and waited for the hotel shuttle to take him to the airport. He went through the VIP line which was quick. It cost more, but there was less hassles. He boarded his flight and was soon on his way home.

End of Chapter 19 - Stewart

Chapter 20 - Coming Soon

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses.

Alec Dr. Bob Shirley Janice John Bev Reggie Deb Bryan Julie Margaret Millie Martin Brock Cotton ZachRichard and Thomas Melissa Morgan Lance Drake and Pete Ethan Brody Mark - Doctor Fletcher Travis Graham Cal Holden Irving Caterers Jarvis & Jennifer Dave Bodyguards Kendrick Logan Meyer Jeweler Nash Anthony Roland Owen Sam Preston Mitch Quinton Reeve Stewart

I will be updating the Pic File as the story progresses. And in later chapters, I will be adding some pics from my other story, Bobs Holidays (series).

Please send me your comments and suggestions. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I have many more chapters I'm working on. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Other stories in Gay/Adult Friends by this author:

Bob Holidays (Nov. 21, 2023)
The Big Brothers (Feb. 24, 2024)
Skull Island (March 9, 2024)
The Altar Boy (April 5, 2024)

Next: Chapter 20

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